#i just watch people from a distance
blazernot · 1 year
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I have yet to finish the first part of spy x family.
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rhymaes · 6 months
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The Untamed, Ep. 11 // The Untamed, Ep. 48
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apamates · 6 months
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Maybe he found something more important to him than karuta. Is there such a thing? Like what? Nothing comes to mind, give me an example. Like a girlfriend. Arata?! Having a girlfriend? No way! We're already highschoolers, we won't be playing karuta forever. Things are different... compared to then.
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secondscion · 6 months
I have so many thoughts about Joshua and his father and the way his father died but the problem is whenever I try to put them into writing I explode
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I know multiple of these are likely important to people, but I'm asking in terms of like - which of these do you tend to focus on the MOST, enjoy the most, that is most essential for you to actually care about the media, etc.?
(For example: someone finding "Relatability" most important would likely not enjoy a show much if they have trouble empathizing with the characters/relating to it, even if it were good otherwise. Or, someone might be able to overlook bad acting and ugly costumes, as long as the Character Dynamics are fun to them, because they value that more than Aesthetics- while for others, bad costumes would be a dealbreaker.)
Also feel free to reblog and explain your answer or more information in the tags- I've always been curious about people's relationships to media, how they conceptualize it/what they get out of it, how some people value some parts more than others, how that informs their overall taste and genres they may be more inclined towards, etc. :0c
#I was having a conversation with a friend about our favorite type of media and they said the reason they DON'T like historical or fantasy#media or etc. is because they can't imagine themselves being in those situations like it's too detached from anything that they can relate#to personally. they put themselves in the shoes of the characters and apparently like feel emotions while watching stuff and actually#get into the way the characters are feeling so they kind of judge how 'good' or 'bad' a show's writing/setting/etc. are by how it makes#them feel and if they think the characters reacted realistically based on what they were feeling in the moment/what in their head they#would be feeling if they were in the postion of the character. SO apparently the distance of it being in an unrelatable setting or too#detached from our reality makes it harder for them to relate to and less able to really engage with it on that level. WHEREAS I watch#things exclusively in a very like.. detached way?? I'm INTERESTED.. it's like im intellectually analyzing everyhting that's happening and#can be intrigued by events but it's not in an emotional way? More of like a distant 'intellectual curiosity'. Maybe the premise or the#aesthetics or something about it has piqued an interest for me to observe it. to see what it's like or how it plays out. how the idea#is executed or etc. But like.. I cannot remember EVER really relating to any character or situation or projecting onto a character#or having those sorts of feelings or investment in it. That is just not a central part of why/how I watch things or what I care about#BUT after this I was thinking maybe this is my disconnect? I do not seem to conceptualize media the way some other people do and I often#walk away with an entirely different take on things. etc. So I wonder if maybe it's part of how everyone values different things probably?#maybe I literally just watch stuff and percieve it from a different frame of mind that others. More of a like detached curiosity#vaguely bemused analysis mode. Instead of a 'I am deeply emotionally invested in this and am feeling for all the characters' mode#And also I bet people who care more about plot/story are also the people who mind spoilers. Whereas for me I literally seek out spoilers#intentionally because that element of 'suprise ooh what will happen next!' is not central at all to my enjoyment. I could know literally#everything that will happen and still can find it interesting to observe - since for me#that's not the point. I'd rather know the ending so I can determine whether I want to invest the time in it in the first place. etc.#ANYWAY!! If I had to choose - I would say I'm usually heavily focused on world details and aesthetics. With only a slight preference#towards characters individually being interesting. Group dynamics can sometimes be okay but I get tired of everything being about relations#hips and romance - especially when sometimes it seems to be like. people who could not stand on their own as a character/are fundamentally#boring otherwise lol. I would watch a series of just one guy locked in a closet talking to himself as long as he was interesting and saying#things that were amusing or notable for some reason lol. I actually tend to dislike plot because most 'plot heavy' things like action focus#ed shows ALWAYS feel to me like they're moving so fast just to get from one thing to another that I'm not getting enough details. Part of#why I tend to not like movies. the time limit makes them too quick. I need a 95 hour expostion dump of the history of the entire world#and a series of 17 episodes straight where a guy is trapped in a room & the audience is just psychoanalyzing him. hghj.. Maybe I find all#characters annoying/unrelatable bc people w my personality type make bad characters/are not often represented (or are done BADLY). so then#I'm just picking 'who is the LEAST insufferable? who could i study like a lab rat?' whilst my main focus is the worldbuilding&costumes lol
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ahollowgrave · 7 days
What sorts of things do you think Odette has stolen from Yein? Does she change what she steals or does she consistently prefer certain items?
From strangers, Odette tends to steal things that are clearly lover’s tokens -- cufflinks, rings, bracelets and necklaces, handkerchiefs, watches - pocket and wrist. Anything with sentimental value that a lover touched just sort of… calls to her.
From friends, it’s different. She likes to take things they’ve handled a lot but won’t miss. At least not right away. She has pocketed many a roe-sized handkerchief from her friend, Yellow Rose, for instance, and she takes special delight in pulling one out when someone needs one.
From Yein specifically? Their spoons. The wooden ones they have brought to their lips time and time again, the ones oiled and worn by their fingers, the ones they have gestured with as they sit with Odette at the table in their home; talking and laughing and enjoying the silence together. Certainly, Yein will run out of spoons and when they do I’m not sure what she’ll switch to. Not more cutlery, that would be rude.
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yellowloid · 2 months
only way i'm accepting the apology video that's no doubt going to come from watcher in the next few days is if ryan and shane decide to throw steven out altogether
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itspileofgoodthings · 10 months
all the lyrics across Taylor’s past 5 albums about how she hopes she doesn’t lose him (hopes he doesn’t leave, hopes it never ends) only to arrive at her saying “you’re losing me.”
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cookiecomics · 5 months
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amethystina · 4 months
Hellooo, I have a question! it's not related to TDJ, I was just curious if you are from any fandom (a singer/band/group fandom). You don't need to answer if you do not want!
I guess that depends on how you define "being from a fandom"? I'm a fan of a lot of singers/bands/groups, but I don't engage with the fandoms. Well, aside from the occasional reblogs from MVs and such, I guess? Nor do I take part in or consume the usual fandom content. I don't even watch interviews unless I have a really good reason to xD
So, based on that, I don't think I am from any fandoms?
Which I know sounds weird to some, but it's what works best for me. I prefer to just focus on the music itself because I have very little interest in getting to know the performers as people. Which some might argue limits my understanding of the music — since there might be deep, personal reasons for it — but it's just how I feel the most comfortable. I prefer to keep a certain distance between me and singers/idols/actors/authors etc. because I, personally, don't feel a need to know what goes on in the lives of these very real people. I just like the stuff they make :)
The only fandoms I'm in are those related to fictional media like movies, dramas, books etc., because that feels safer for me. I can obsess about a fictional character like it's my job, but I feel no such desire when it comes to real people. That's not to say I think it's wrong or weird for other people to do so — knock yourself out! I hope you have a lovely time! :D It's just not something I enjoy.
(Tbh, I'm often told that I'm the weird one? Like, a lot of people have questioned why I don't like to know more about the talented people whose content I consume because that seems to be the norm. But I guess I'm the exception that proves the rule ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
But, as mentioned, I'm a fan of a lot of things! Especially music! I've got a pretty hefty K-pop album collection at this point and have around 30 GB of music on my computer. But, even then, my focus is on the actual media itself and I rarely venture outside of that.
... well, this was a rather disappointing answer, wasn't it? Sorry about that x'D
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earlgreybocchan · 3 months
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prinprime · 8 months
I am very tired
The moon is very full,
I think I will sit in the light for a while.
The night is very quiet
I am very far away,
Everything seems to make me cry today.
I took a picture
I said my peace
No reply comes from the night.
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lyriumsings · 1 year
idk why everyone acts like lifeweaver is such a bad team pick like idk maybe you’re just bad at supporting DJSJSJ
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maybebi47 · 7 months
sometime i sit there and think, will anyone ever love this body of mine? will anyone touch this body of mine before it rots away? will anyone ever look at it with love? desire? and see what i do not see in it? will i never be this lucky?
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wilsons-journey · 1 year
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Little Sketch I made during work (and thinking how to fix that damn bug on the website,...)
Sadly it was created on this quad paper. But I sill liked the sketch a lot! Maybe I’ll draw it clean - maybe don’t. Not sure yet, but still I wanted to share ;v;
(The Face in the smoke was just another doodle I started... and this CCC lang, was a note for myself... something work related)
Do you know that feeling? You start drawing in your sketch book with your fine clean paper... and it turnes like crap. But then you start sketching on ugly paper and TADA pretty sketch?! I hate it!It happens all the time! But I’ll put this sketch in my sketch book... 
(The Face in the smoke was just another doodle I started... and this CCC lang, was a note for myself... something work related)
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sylvaridreams · 1 year
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Editing screenshots trying to get enough good ones to make a mains/alts list in my pinned. -_- I had to edit his bow string a buuunch because it clips through his gloves but... He does look good.
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