#i know he wouldn't actually do this tho cause he's too in love and too proud to feel like he's being “used” by a feral will
jovieinramshackle · 2 days
"I'm supposed to help the Princes? Alright, then I'll make sure they stay in line."
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•Groovification: Sheesh, I'm not even a host, yet it feels like I'm doing double the work of one.
•Set Home Screen: The glitter isn’t half bad.
•Home Idle 1: *chuckles* Yes Grim, you look as wonderful as the starry sky with your new ribbon.
•Home Idle 2: What? W-Wait, Neige is coming towards us?? *blushes* Oh no, I'm not mentally prepared to see him- H-Hey, come on, don't laugh at me!
•Home Idle 3: I would love to dance more during the ball, but it seems like helping out the Princes will drain more energy out of me than I'd like …
•Home, after login: I don't usually have my hair in a ponytail, but I believe it goes better with the outfit.
•Home Idle Groovification: I hope there won't be any fights between the two schools…and by that I mean, I hope the NRC students don't cause any trouble. 
•Home Tap 1: Deuce? As a Prince? …oh dear that's- Wait no, no, that's mean of me, I'm sure he'll do great, we should have faith in him.
•Home Tap 2: Jovie’s all over Azul, again. I suppose I should have expected it, but seriously, have some class…
•Home Tap 3: One thing I can rely on Kalim for is hospitality. With that quality alone, I know he'll be a good host for the ball.
•Home Tap 4: Hornton looks as magnificent as ever. But I suppose that's to be expected from an actual Prince like him, I just hope he enjoys the night.
•Home Tap 5: I'm expecting appropriate payment for all the work we're doing here. What, tuna? …Fine, I'll make sure to ask for tuna as well.
•Home Tap Groovification: The Belle of the Ball you say…*sigh* No, I've left these things behind me, they're not good for me at all.
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The Glimmering Soiree event is created by @starry-night-rose! Make sure to check it and the other people's works out here <3
Ahhhh finally done with Jess! I actually had a lot of fun making this, but the outfit caused some frustrations, so I kept it simple so I wouldn't lose my mind lmao
(Also if it wasn't obvious yes, in the voice lines Jess is talking to Grim)
Also!! I'm planning on drawing a groovy version too, and possibly writing the vignette of the card! Nothing's set in stone yet but it is something I wanna try (only for Jess tho, mainly because I have no idea what Jovie's vignette would be about lmao, but who knows maybe I'll change my mind)
Here's the full thing!
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tagging: @ramshacklerumble @thehollowwriter @summerspook @scint1llat3 @skriblee-ksk
@cyanide-latte @twistedwonderlandshenanigans (lmk if you wanna be added)
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suchawrathfullamb · 7 months
Prompt: Will Graham’s Broken Mind.
Season 4 Will being so out of his mind that Hannibal refuses to engage romantically with him. Prompted by what Bryan Fuller said about Season 4 Hannigram (ages ago, he has since changed his mind).
Will's body seems weightless, seconds stretched to feel like hours as he soars through the air, lost in a vast emptiness. The gentle caress of the breeze and the distant sound of waves envelop him, a sensation heard but never fully felt against his body. Is he dead? Did they die? Are they still together, wherever they are now? Instant regret fills his entire body as he considers the possibility of an afterlife without Hannibal. The jolt of realization electrifies him, wrenching him from the airborne void... back into the secure embrace of Hannibal's arms. They never plummeted. They are safe. Battered, bruised, but alive, still entwined. He feels divinely enchanted, empowered, fortunate, firmly grounded in the present, in life. Gazing up at Hannibal, relief floods him like a miraculous rewind of time. Closing the distance, he seeks the kiss he had avoided moments ago, knowing in his heart that if he got a taste of that, he wouldn’t have the strength to pull them over the edge. Now it’s all gone, he doesn’t care. Any trace of hesitation fades. The altered reality grants him insight, infusing him with newfound confidence. Hannibal carefully tilts his head, waiting for Will, so unsure, so scared of being rejected, again. So Will grabs him by the neck and merges their lips together.
It’s a surreal sensation of experiencing something entirely new, yet utterly familiar, like a reconnection of what has never truly parted. They kiss for what feels like an entire life, at the same time that he knows it’s only been a few seconds. Hannibal breaks the kiss, cupping his face with both hands. “We have to leave, now.” 
Reality intrudes, the urgency of the present snapping back into focus. They do have to leave. They have to leave immediately. And that’s exactly what they do.
That night went by so fast, yet torturously slow, like it would never end and they just wanted to make it to the next day. To see the sunrising as if it meant they prevailed and all was well. All wasn’t well. At all, but the illusion was comforting.
Memory fragments linger vividly: the wind on his bruised face, the metallic scent of blood, the stickiness staining their clothes. Wine stains the floor, shattered glass, their intertwined hands clinging fiercely, so afraid that letting go meant dissipating forever, like they were both made of dust. Even when rinsing blood from his mouth at the sink, Will clings to Hannibal.
He remembers wanting to stop everything and kiss him again, kiss him forever, make up for lost time. Amidst Hannibal's frantic search for a key or something Will can't recall, he leans in, showering kisses upon Hannibal's lips, his face, his neck. Hannibal smiles softly, gently pushing Will away.
Cool night air brushes against him as they sail across the ocean. Amidst the chaos, Chiyoh appears, aiding their escape. Will recalls no specifics of Chiyoh, only them, the water, the night sky.
Though time has passed since that night, he sometimes feels suspended on that cliff's edge, held by the only arms he's ever longed for. Yet it's not been too long. They've not settled, not rested. Shadows linger, trapping and pursuing him.
Yet that doesn’t stop them. In fact, Will feels like he got high and can’t come down. In the whirlwind of events, it feels like a fevered dream—a dizzying rush entangled with slow-motion haziness. Will finds himself in a lavish dining room, enveloped in Bedelia's overpowering amber scent, almost suffocating in its intensity. It mingles uncomfortably with the metallic tang of blood, unsettling his stomach. Blood droplets dance in the air, vivid and crimson, painting a surreal scene, the chilling touch of the blade the only sensation he registers. His heart thunders in his ears, the lights blinding, an inferno simmering within. This creation is unlike any other—planned, chillingly perfect. Their design.
As the color leaves her complexion, Will drops the knife and closes the distance, pushing Hannibal against the big dinning table, getting their clothes all stained, running his bloody hands through his neck and hair. Lust, desire, and an inexplicable love overwhelm him. Brief relief floods his heart before he's gently pushed away. Eyes shut, he reaches for Hannibal, met with silence. When he opens them, he stands alone. Hannibal swiftly orchestrates their exit, preparing to leave.
“Come on, we have to go,” Hannibal calls from the door. Will stands, numb and hollow, before snapping back to reality and approaching him.
Assigned the role of driver, Will obeys. The night feels crisp and vivid, the breeze a welcome caress on his skin. He glances to his right, spotting a lone figure on a bench. His rearview mirror reflects darkness, emptiness. He slows the car, stopping it further ahead. Hannibal, puzzled, steps out after Will.
“Will?” Hannibal's voice barely registers. Will's mind fixates on the man on the bench. He stands, a safe distance away, fixated. Hannibal follows his gaze, then looks back, questioning. “Will?” he gently touches his hand, but there's no response. Will's gaze burns with intensity, a fire simmering within. He strides toward the man, eyes locked, a predator's intent in his gaze.
At closer inspection, the man is no pushover; he's robust, exuding an air of authority as he lounges, puffing on a cigar. Upon noticing Will's approach, he frowns, unimpressed. Before he knows what is actually happening, Will is seeing red, splashing drops everywhere, as he pushes the man, throwing him backwards from the bench to the ground behind him, his head hitting the concrete, and he’s on to him in no time. Mounted on the man he attacks his throat, teeth slashing, like a vicious animal. Bloodlust consumes him, barely registering the taste. Hannibal's shadow looms closer, intervening by closing the man's mouth, locking eyes with Will.
From that brutal and beautiful spectacle, Will recollects little beyond Hannibal pulling him away, throwing him into the car. Then, only the blur of streetlights and wind racing past. He hears Hannibal's voice but cannot recall his own. His mind swirls with colors and lights. Unreal yet vividly present, he feels the pulse of every sinew, every rush of blood in his veins.
He passes out on the couch that night, and when he wakes up, he’s cleaned up and tended. But doesn’t remember any of it. Yet an instant tug in his chest forces his stomach to empty its contents—blood, wine, and parts of Bedelia splattered across the carpet. Hannibal appears, stands there for a second, watching him, then comes up and begins to gently stroke his back, soothing and pulling his hair back from his sweaty forehead. The scent must be awful to his sensitive nose, but he doesn’t show if it is. Just disappears and reappears with a glass of water and gently brings it to Will’s lips. He takes a sip and immediately feels the cool relief. Perhaps he passes out again, because he suddenly wakes up on the couch again and it’s dark outside. Hannibal is sat next to him, hands on his feet, but seems to be sleeping.
Silence fills the air, yet unseen presences press upon him; invisible restraints grip his wrists. The shadows cast Jack's haunting eyes through the kitchen window. Overwhelmed by anxiety, he ventures outside their remote refuge. The safe house, cloaked in darkness, secluded and in the middle of nowhere. If they were to be found, they already would have by now. He stands by the car and can see the crimson stains in the back seat, memories of the man on the bench returning—tasting flesh, witnessing life ebb away. His senses amplify, a god-like vision dawning, instincts surging, a blend of deity and beast. Horns seem to sprout from his reflection, an illusion melding with growing pressure upon his head, though nothing is there. 
He went back inside, retrieved the keys and suddenly he was back on the streets, lights passing by, wind caressing his face. He felt so free, so calm, yet so fierce. Half god, half beast, his soul dancing gloriously through a world he owned. He knew exactly where he was going, although if someone asked him, he wouldn’t be able to tell exactly. Like he was being guided by his body. Half beast, half god. 
Passing sounds like music made of thunder and waves, fog and vivid but glossy colors danced through his eyes and then, seated on a cold white tile floor, crimson splashes around him, artistry against white walls and floors. The scent of blood fills his lungs, empowering. Fear and anxiety vanish, replaced by absolute freedom and primal might. A towering figure appears, evoking an instinctive response, like his body recognized his mate, and he gave him a smile that spoke of accomplishment. Hannibal kneeled, words unheard, but Will's instinct led him to pull Hannibal closer, a kiss met with resistance.
“What have you done?” Hannibal inquired calmly, cupping his face. Will, unable to articulate coherent sounds, merely smiles. Hannibal picked him, cradling him like a child or a little monkey, carrying him away. Memories blur; the drive home brings only the sensation of wind against his face.
Reality crashes in as his body immerses in hot water. The bathtub reddens before turning clear, the scent of blood replaced by cypress and bergamot. Gentle hands tenderly cleanse him. Tilting his head to meet Hannibal's gaze, he breathes in his essence, drawing closer for a kiss, his soaked arms reaching Hannibal’s neck. When he tries to slide his tongue in, Hannibal pushes him away. His body complains with an automatic “hmmm” noise and a frown. Hannibal just turns his head away and places a soft kiss on Will’s temple.
He ends up falling asleep on the tub and wakes up naked on the bed, body covered in silky sheet. Hannibal is sat beside him, on the edge of the bed, gentle hands stroking his hair, eyes gleaming, filled with waters that never dare to come down. He falls asleep again. Dreams of lights, and colors, and something chasing him, and him, chasing something.
He doesn’t remember eating, at least not sitting on the table and having dinner. He remembers hunting, and filling his body with the flesh of the unworthy and vile, consuming their darkness unto him, making it holy, purifying. He’s full and satiated, not interested in whatever Hannibal prepares for them. Knows Hannibal would get annoyed at this, yet, he doesn’t seem to. Just keeps looking at Will with intensity and maybe worry, but Will isn’t sure if Hannibal worries at all.
His body revels in the satisfaction of his hunts, yet a primal craving for mating pulses within him, electrifying his loins to a point of painful urgency. Despite his attempts, each advance is met with tender but resolute rejection. His mind, clouded by intoxication, begins to ground itself, allowing the reality to seep through as he voices his confusion from the kitchen island where he sits, watching Hannibal wash something in the sink.
“Why?” It’s the only question that manages to escape him. Moments ago, he sought a kiss, an invitation, but once more, it ended in a gentle push and a chaste kiss on the cheek.
Hannibal halts, shutting off the tap to regard him, his chest moving steadily with each breath. “Not like this,” he replies calmly.
“I don’t desire an affair with you,” Hannibal responds softly, his eyes carrying a hint of tenderness.
“No?” Tears well up in Will's eyes unexpectedly, his vulnerability surfacing like a that of a child, easily triggered. Hannibal notices, swiftly positioning himself in front of Will. He takes Will’s hands resting on his knees, kissing his knuckles.
“No,” he smiles gently, cupping Will's face with a hand, “I want more.”
Will stares. He fails to comprehend how this explanation changes anything. In his mind, they were already mated, united and married in every significant sense.
“Why can’t we just enjoy each other?” He offers, a sentiment he instantly regrets as it fractures something in Hannibal. His eyes avert, faltering.
“You’re deranged.” Hannibal retorts, his voice and expression suddenly cold. “When you wake up from this trip you’re in, you’ll regret all of it.” he resumes slicing fresh figs, his demeanor unyielding. “I do not intend to be a part of those regrets.” 
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clenastia · 4 months
i dont know why the running joke of this chapter is kakashi fearing for his kidneys. where did that come from. WHY did that come from.
i should probably cut that in editing it's a little ridiculous.
except it makes me giggle every time so maybe i should leave it there.
#girl's mind fanfic#clena's writing progress#just have to write ONE more conversation and the whole chapter is done. but DAMN if editing wont be a bitch#still wondering if i should cut jiraiya's 3-page infodump#because while most people dont mind#some people keep commenting saying that my fic is too wordy and i keep adding unnecessary things#and like. they're 1% of reviews but i have the emotional fragility of a china teacup#i cry when i get those sorts of reviews and they ruin my day even tho i get twenty comments who love my rambling#but like. also. i shouldnt delete stuff from my fic just for the 1% of assholes who will say mean things about it#but also i dont want to cry when someone inevitably says something mean about it.#most if not all of said assholes are on fanfiction dot net so technically i could just stop cross posting#except there are people on that site who DO like my rambles so#ugh. why am i such an emotionally sensitive crybaby. my life would be so much better#if i didnt have such thin skin#i'm 90% certain that jiraiya's 3-page infodump is going to get LONGER with editing cause i'm gonna turn it from infodump into#an actual conversation. so who knows how many pages it'll be by the end. the chapter's already 6500 words#which is double my average chapter length#and i DO like the info he presents even if it maybe ISNT strictly required for progressing the story. probably only the last paragraph is#ugh. i wish people would just never say mean things ever. then i wouldn't have a problem with anything xD
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depresseddepot · 2 years
My brother failed his driving test (was so nervous that he crashed) and cried afterwards because he was so upset about it and I, in true estranged eldest daughter fashion, am sick to my stomach worrying that my parents gave him shit for it
#i don't even like my brother very much#hes conservative and shitty like my dad (tho he is only 16 so im holding out for a few years before i decide he's a lost cause)#but i am still The Third Parent#my brother is My Dad's Son TM so i sincerely doubt he would humiliate him abt crying/be anything less than encouraging#but knowing how they treated ME when I made a mistake is. making me extra paranoid#surely they wouldn't do it a second time. surely they've noticed how i never talk to them#surely they understand what they did to cause it and wouldn't do it again to their youngest baby. right?#he was raised so much more leniently than i was so i don't think he's quite as. like.#terrified or failure but not bc of the failure but bc of the repercussions from The Bosses#but man. man. i need a leather cord to chew on.#i know my parents are shit to their kids bc they were shit to me and now im worried they'll be shit to him! what a cycle#anyway. tonight i am drinking to fall asleep faster! huzzah or whatever#also editing this to add a prediction: yes i know i could just ask my parents/brother how they reacted. you misunderstand our relationship#i live here and take care of the chickens and feed their son while they gamble. we do not talk. not even casually.#i don't just 'ask' any of them what happened. we exchange facts about events and move on#sometimes we visit my grandmother and get too encouraged by a chatty environment and get into arguments#we disagree on fundamentally everything (other than polite manners in public. that is unbreakable and sound) so we don't talk#ive surpassed wanting their attention. i don't want to know their opinions anymore and they never wanted to know mine#tough shit i guess. who knew you needed to love a child as a child and not as a cute handbag to lug around#(especially when that cute handbag grew up to be not so cute anymore and fat and actually reacted to that shitty treatment)#anyway this post isn't abt me (but im my mother's daughter so i always make things abt me huh)#i feel bad for my brother and wish i had been a better sister#i know i had 3+ undiagnosed mental illnesses/disabilities but still#i hope he passes really easily the next time and he isn't as nervous and my parents help him fix his car without complaining#vent
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blarshwritezz · 26 days
I dont know if you write for the Omegaverse..
Because how about a Bully (Alpha) x Nerd Male Reader (Omega) like the two of them dont get the Second Gender until now.. So basically the Bully realise that the Reader is his Fated Mate and dosent want anybody near him, only HIS.. But is really dificult for the Reader to not only Trust him but is also really scared of him..
So Reader first heat is a mess (Like the Bully is constally pound him with meaty d*ck) and the Bully is constally tell him sweet and suductive things to try to calm him down, even tho the Reader is crying because he still scared..
Finally ending with the Reader even more sacred knowing that the Alpha has mated him and posibly '´mark´´ him?
Well, I never have before, but I'll try! Apologies in advance for any mistakes
Yandere Bully Alpha x Nerd Omega Reader
M yan x M reader
TW - Possessiveness, jealousy, implied bullying, NSFW, dubcon
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Somehow, since your bully realized you were his fated mate, life only got more difficult. At least you could have friends before! Now he occupied all your attention. If someone made eye contact with you for too long, he considered them a threat.
Honestly, you almost preferred how he acted in the past. Back when he would mock every little thing you did and make your life as hard as he could on purpose. Back when he made you do his homework and beat you up if you refused.
Now, he had you tutor him. It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't make you sit on his lap, or if he actually paid attention. He just sat there watching you work and listening to you teach him. He would hurt his face in your neck and breath in your scent, letting his voice fill your ears.
No wonder he always got so jealous when you used to have friends. It was your fault he felt that way, or so he thought. But once he realized you were meant to be his, he realized it was everyone else's fault! They shouldn't be near what's his.
He completely monopolized your time. Whenever you weren't at home, he was making you hang out with him. He'd try to spoil you with things to make up for how he treated you in the past, but that didn't fix it.
He hurt you. He made your life miserable, and he knew he was doing it the whole time. The damage he caused couldn't be fixed by some nice words or gifts.
He just didn't get it. No matter how hard he tried, you always recoiled from his touch. You always got tense when he held you. You never seemed to believe him when he showered you with praises. You didn't like his gifts. What was he doing wrong?
Maybe you liked it better when he was bullying you? So he tried it. He tried being mean to you again. But that only seemed to make it worse! He didn't get it. Why wouldn't you love him?! You were supposed to! He was your fated mate, so you had to love him!
He could only think of one more way to earn your love.
You didn't show up to school one day, which worried him. So of course, like a good mate, he skipped school after the first hour and promptly made his way to your house. He knew where you hid the so are key, so he just let himself in.
And there was a glorious sight awaiting him once he reached your room. There you were, face buried in your pillow, ass up as you stroked your aching cock. Your scent was absolutely overwhelming, and the sight immediately made him hard. You were already in the perfect position for him.
He quietly walked around you, adjusting his pants to let his meaty cock spring free. He'd help you...prove you needed him. Like a good mate.
"You need help there, my mate?" He carefully got behind you, using one hand to spread your ass and the other to line himself up with your needy hole.
You gasped at his raspy voice against your ear. There he was. The last man you wanted to see right now. He'd surely take advantage of your pathetic state.
But at the same time, just one look at his massive cock distracted you, your mind clouded by thought of being fucked.
He didn't let you answer before slowly pushing into you. He had to take it slow, filling you up inch by inch. He didn't want to hurt you. Not yet.
"Shhhh, that's it, you're doing so good." He cooed in your ear as you whined.
Once he thought you were ready, he slowly thrust into you...but it wasn't long before he lost control. How could he not? You felt so good all warm and tight around his thick cock. He was entirely unable to resist the incredible feeling.
He was relentless, stretching you to fit his huge cock without much care for your comfort. Even when tears began to stream down your face, he didn't slow down. He just kissed them away as he continued his harsh thrusts.
You were just crying because you weren't used to feeling this good. Right? That had to be it.
"It'll be okay, you're taking me so well." He hushed you, his breath hot against your skin as he trailed kisses across your jaw.
Your choked moans only enticed him further. He could already feel himself needing to cum. He's never felt such amazing pleasure before. No wonder you were his.
His kisses trailed lower and lower, down your neck, turning harsher. Turning to sucking and gentle nibbling, until he was biting you. He had to mark you of course, and in the most obvious places he could too. You were his. Everyone had to know.
He made sure you were the first to cum, which wasn't hard. Your heat had made you more sensitive. He was enjoying every bit of that. And you deserved to be the one feeling all the pleasure right now.
As you own cum covered your stomach, chest, and the sheets beneath you he couldn't help but praise you more. "What a good boy...I knew you enjoyed this as much as I did. Don't worry, you have your whole heat cycle to get used to me."
He wasn't going to let you feel needy for even a second. He was going to fuck you hard day and night, filling you with his cum, until your heat was over. He was just such a good mate like that.
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Again, apologies for any mistakes!
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fyodor-s-rat · 11 months
BUNGOU STRAY DOGS - you telling them "please, be gentle" before your first time
ft.: dazai, chuuya, kunikida, ranpo, akutagawa, fyodor, edgar
tw: nsfw!!
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"Please, be gentle..."
oh boy, he's enjoying himself too much
he's very cocky about the whole thing, he's teasing you because he loves how easily frustrated you are
but at the same time, he's honored that you chose him for this special occasion
how could he resist to you? you were so beautiful
when you let out these words, he stopped teasing and actually showed some affection
"Don't worry, belladona, everything will be okay. We can stop whenever you want."
like Dazai, he's also proud that you trust him enough to be your first
i feel like he would make everything kinda romantic, candles, roses, red wine, etc.
even though he has a short temper, he would be patient with you
he would take time to prepare you, he definitely thinks that foreplay is very important before sex, especially when it's your first one
so prepare for long making out and cumming on his fingers first
after a while, when you said those words, he just gave you a smirk
"I will be as gentle as you want, sweetheart."
first time with Kunikida would be the best
this man knows exactly what to do
he tries to make everything perfect. every little detail. including the time, the place, the atmosphere,...
he would keep asking if you really want to do this and if you're comfortable
but you were secretly nervous
when those words left your mouth, he gave you a reassuring smile.
"Y/n, you have nothing to worry about with me. I'll be extremely gentle, I promise."
when you told him that you want to have your first time with him, Ranpo felt even more confident than usual
even though he doesn't have much experience, he would be a great lover
when he heard you say those words, he just replied with a cocky smile:
"Sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about. You couldn't have chosen anyone better than me, the greatest detective."
you just frowned.
his thrusts are slow and sensual
he's keeping you close to his body, stroking your cheek
constantly making sure you're okay
you're also his first, so you would be both nervous
he doesn't admit it tho
however, you can easily see through him
you see how frustrated he is, how his cheeks burn, how he's already sweaty
you would be the one reassuring him that it will be okay, i think
but when you said those words, Akutagawa realised how much you depend on him
he wouldn't really know what to say
"I... won't be harsh, I promise. If it... hurts or something, tell me."
boy would be extremely gentle, constantly worrying about hurting you and not living up to your expectations
why would you choose him to lose your virginity to?
i have absolutely no idea how experienced Fyodor is, but he would act confident no matter what
he would enjoy this little moment with you so much
he would love how you entrust your body to him
how he has complete power over you
he obviously knows how nervous you are, but he doesn't even try to reassure you
hovewer, when you whispered those words, he actually showed some kind of affection.
"Darling, I don't want to harm you in any way, I still have plans for you."
even though you didn't really understand what he meant, he somehow managed to slowly and gently thrust into you, trying to cause you as little pain as possible
he would be probably more nervous than you before your first time
he would be constantly worrying and asking you if you really want it
it might be annoying, but honestly it's lovely how caring he is
"My sweet Y/n, of course that I will be gentle. I will be extremely careful, if you get uncomfortable, tell me. Promise?"
he, indeed, was extremely gentle with you.
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weird-is-life · 4 months
Okay so, how about reader and Spencer Reid doing smth where they need to exchange kisses now and then. Reader has a crush on Spencer and can’t keep kissing him. It becomes too much for them. So one day reader tells him smth along the lines of him needing to stop kissing her like he means it. Bcuz she’s going to read into things wrongly and end up breaking her own heart” and Spencer answers with smth along the lines of “that’s b’cus I do mean it. Every single time. Ur just too dense to see it.”
But u write it like u want. I wanna give u creative freedom. It was just a thought. And if u don‘t wanna write it, that’s okay too. I hope u have a nice day :)
Ty for the request, lovely🥰! Hopefully, this is okay. Warnings: pet names, little angsty, fluff, mentions of kisses ofc, (0.5k)
Spencer keeps kissing you, well you keep kissing each other and it honestly drives you a little mad. Not because you don't enjoy it, you do, a lot actually, but because you don't know what the kisses mean.
They leave you so confused, you don't know what to think of them. Especially when Spencer kisses you so lovingly every single time. His kisses leave you breathless and confused at the same time.
So right now, as he leans in to kiss you again, being at your place to watch a movie, you turn your head away from his. You almost wince, when you notice Spencer's baffled and definitely a little hurt expression.
"What's wrong?" he immediately asks, worried, that he's done something wrong.
"I-I...it's just...," you try to find the right words, but you don't know how to tell it to him. You look down at your fiddling hands, just so you don't have to look at his worried, puppy eyes.
"It's okay, if you don't want me kissing you, I won't do anything, you don't want me to, I'm sorry, if I made you uncomfortable," he carefully takes one of your hands in his as he apologises.
"No, I do want to!" you say maybe a little too quickly, the embarrassment of it makes your cheeks go red.
"Yeah?" Spencer grins at you, not cheekily tho, softly as always.
You bury your hot face into your hands.
"What is it, huh? You can tell me anything, you know that right?" Spencer doesn't really understand what's going on. He's thought, you liked him, like he does you.
You take a few big breaths and then you slowly put your arms away from your face.
"It's just...I need you to stop kissing me, Spencer," you blurt out and it comes out differently than you intended it to be. Spencer looks stunned.
You try again, " I need you to stop kissing me Spence, 'cause I'm afraid, I'm reading into things wrong and I'm worried, that I'll just break my own heart by doing so."
Spencer is sure, that his relief could be seen from miles away. He was waiting for the worst possible rejection from you, but he definitely wasn't expecting this.
You look at Spencer's face, only to find him looking right back at you with the biggest happy smile ever.
"You're such an idiot, if you think, that you're readings into things wrong," Spencer starts, " because I like you. I wouldn't be kissing you, if I didn't mean it, sweetheart."
It takes you a few seconds to process, what you've just heard, but when you finally do, your whole face lights up. Spencer likes you back? This isn't a dream?
"Yeah, really. But I thought, you knew that already," he chuckles at your cluelessness, he really did think, that you knew.
"I don't know, what I thought," you say sheepishly.
Spencer doesn't think, he can survive looking at your cute, shy expression with the rosy cheeks any longer, so he just leans in to kiss you.
Of course, he gives you a moment to push him away, in case you still don't want him kissing you, but you don't do anything like that. Instead you are the one to finally connect your lips with his. Not afraid to show him how much you like him, too.
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glitch-karma · 10 months
hai i want to req a scenario where bsd characters has a crush on the reader and tries dropping hints but the reader just thinks that they’re being nice :D
characters: yosano, nikolai, akutagawa, ranpo, jouno
I added Chuuya cause I am self-indulgent, but enjoy!
Tw: Very light talk of characters being very touchy, but still sfw
she's so obvious
Constantly complimenting you
Saying how pretty/handsome you are
Maybe a little touchy iykyk
She honestly wants to confess and have a serious relationship with you
and she's been trying to drop hints but..
"Oh Y/n~, you're so cute I could eat you up.."
"Huh? You can't eat people Yosano! Do you need something to snack on?"
"ugh. No, thank you, dear..."
Finally, she'll confess to you after patching you up after a small mission.
"Y/n.. I uhm, really like you."
"Awe, I like you too Yosano! You're my best friend"
She falls on the floor momentarily before just jumping up, grabbing you by the collar, and kissing you.
"O-Oh!" "Yeah. Oh."
"So? Do you.. Like me too?"
"W-Well. If it means we could do that agai- MPHM!"
Another obvious one
Now he's the real feeler upper
He will not let you GO MAN
Definitely a grabber too
I have this vision of him full-on grabbing your ass and you're just like "Oh? What's up, Nikolai?"
Surprise hugs from behind
He lets you braid his hair
Unlike Yosano, he will not be as patient
He'll grab your hands, get down on one knee, and scream:
"Y/n~! I love you! Please go out with me so we can be free together!"
You are not expecting this at all
So you shakily nod
Then he'll pick you up bridal style and run around with you in his arms <3
Now with him
I wouldn't fucking notice either bro
His idea of hints is odd
"You don't suck at fighting.."
"Uhm... Thank you?"
He's read that some people give food to their crushes, so he'll randomly just set a cup of tea down on your desk
Since it's a food he likes, he'll also just leave figs on your desk???
It's, very confusing to say the least
In this case, I don't see him ever actually confessing
it was actually Chuuya that found out and pushed him along
Aka, he dragged you both into the same room and pushed Akutagawa along
but it all worked out in the end
Oh my God you gotta be real dence
And when you get tired and ask him to get off he's just like "Nah I'm good."
Shares his snacks with you
You brought him sweet mochi one day and that was the day he vowed to marry you
You thought he was joking?
Likes pitching your cheeks
"You're so squishy and cute Y/n~ Just like a dumpling" "Ranpo that hurts-"
The way he confesses I hear you ask?
One morning he just, out of nowhere kisses your cheek.
You FLIPPED out and he was just confused
"oh, are we not dating?" "WHAT? NO?!"
He didn't realize you were too busy to notice his feelings
Side note: God we need more Jouno hc's fr tho
Jouno's way of showing he loves you?
Training you to the mfing bone.
Bro does not let up
If you're a hunting dog it's even worse
Y'know that scene where he stands on tecchou's back?
He does that all the time
Sometimes hits your head too
But, if he sees you're genuinely struggling he eases up
Honestly, he shows hints in very small ways that you wouldn't notice
Like a small pat on the back or bringing you water after a long day
All the other hunting dogs can see the way he listens extra intently when you talk as well
Another thing, he remembers almost every conversation you two have even had.
So he knows all your interests, likes, and hobbies
He would probably just casually do a normal confession, bring you a rose and a gift <3
Chuuya is terrified of letting people get too close to him (Kinnie moment-)
So for a while he wouldn't make any attempts at a relationship with you at all
But after you've stuck around him for years, even when others didn't, how could he not be smitten for you?
After a while of denying, he'll finally drop hints
He'll offer to drive you too and from work (mostly for the excuse to have your arms around him)
He also started bringing you lunches on Monday's
Has bought you jewelery and chokers galore
The expensive ones too cause he rich rich
He will drunkenly confess
"Damn.. Why do you have to go and make me fall in love with you?"
He has never sobered up so fast
He tried to stand up and leave, but you grabbed him and hugged him tight
After a few seconds, he did the same
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avocado-writing · 3 months
*eats your words*
no but seriously, your writing has me kicking my feet when I’m supposed to be typing an essay 😞‼️ I was wondering if you could do some headcanons for the companions x monk! Tav who, when being confessed to, Tav responds with “it’ll pass”?
basically fleabag inspired 😍‼️ please and thank you! stay safe n warm 🔫
OH GOD HEARTBREAKING i tried to make it have a happy ending tho!!! enjoy! and I'm so glad that you enjoy my writing! (mild nsfw mentions)
writing as if you're saying this because you think you wouldn't be the best option for their future, one way or another, and want to try and soften the blow for them by replying like this. you only want them to be happy and you're scared it can't be with you.
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you cup his face, and the look in your eyes is so, so sad.
you think perhaps your simple nomadic lifestyle will not be enough for him. you love him, you do, but he needs someone more modern. more cosmopolitan.
when you tell him it will pass you see a myriad of expressions cross his face: sadness, confusion, anger... but finally, resolve.
he takes your hand in his, firmly.
"my heart. I know when things will pass, and when they won't. my love for you is not some trifle, a fashion to be abandoned like it would go out of style. I mean it. I can make my own decisions, and I have decided where I want to be. It's with you."
he reaches out to embrace you. you're surprised, but let him do it anyway, and you bury your face into his neck to hide your emotions.
maybe, just maybe, you were wrong.
you hold him tighter than ever that night.
you're worried he is too smart for you. that he will get bored of you, and the idea breaks your heart.
you tell him "it'll pass" when he confesses because you're scared.
seems actually offended that you'd tell him his love for you might be fleeting.
"there are things which will span the ages. stories, gods, heroes. my love for you is one of them. I do not confess that lightly. you are a beacon of hope in my life, love... and that will never fade."
goes on for some time afterwards about how committed he is and how much he loves you, until eventually you accept that he's not going anywhere.
bloody wizards, so good with their words...
fall asleep that night after having the most intimate lovemaking session, all about feeling each other's breath and heartbeats.
he is here to stay, forever.
wyll deserves someone amazing. someone who could handle his life if he became duke, and you're scared you'll let him down.
when you tell him 'it'll pass' he is hurt, and leaves the conversation for a moment. you think perhaps it is for the best. you don't need this to cause any more pain.
but later he comes to find you and asks if he can have a private moment. you find out he wasn't hiding from you but preparing: he has a little intimate picnic set up where you can sit and be alone.
when you're comfortable he tells you about how deep his love is, how fate has thrown you together.
"there is nothing about how i feel about you that could pass. nothing."
to prove his point, he slips to his knee, and that is when he proposes.
you're overcome with emotion. you have to accept how committed to you he is, and work out if you deserve something as fierce as his love.
there are tears in your eyes when you accept. you never think his love will pass again.
probably the hardest one to say this too. together, your future is so uncertain. it will be easier to break it off here rather than maim both of you.
gets angry. in fact, goes into a rage. tears up the surroundings, and for a moment you're taken aback--
but then she turns and she's sobbing, stuck at the midpoint between being apoplectic and brokenhearted.
"you don't get to decide that for me! you don't! you're the first person i've loved... I've touched... I've felt anything for, for a fucking decade! when i feel this, it doesn't fade! how dare you think about yourself like that? as if you're some sort of phase?"
eventually she calms down enough but bursts into tears instead. you go to hold her and she embraces you so tightly that the wind is knocked from your body.
"i love you. i won't leave you. don't leave me." her voice is tiny.
how could you ever say no? how could you ever doubt her?
when the two of you are in Avernus, you're reminded of this moment, and so glad she fought against it. you'd trade this away for nothing.
would she want someone like you? long term? she's so brave, so fierce. what if you're not good enough? what if your relationship develops only for you to let her down?
she gets angry too, but quieter.
is furious that you would question her affection.
"githyanki do not give their devotion lightly. the fact that you think my love for you could pass makes me wonder how well you know me."
it turns into an argument where you try and explain your side, and she's angry at you for thinking this way.
eventually it descends into angrily making out. some fierce lovemaking. her saying how much she loves you, possesses you, between every bite and kiss.
you lie in the afterglow. she says she will not leave, and pretty much tells you that you won't either. you agree, and tangle your hand with hers.
tries to hide how hurt she is.
yes, Shar is the lady of loss, but the idea of losing you... of not having you in her life? unthinkable.
you only tried to tell her it will pass so that, if she wishes to become a dark justiciar, she will have no lingering attachment to you after.
and yet...
it is blasphemy for her, but she refuses to let you go.
"no. i won't allow it. i can't believe this will fade between us. you are the most precious thing to me. stay."
you're weak for her, end up tumbling into bed, reconfirming your love for each other.
you never quite believe that this is forever until she changes her hair, embraces selune. then your heart is full of joy. and it is full of Shadowheart.
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sharkylass · 24 days
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YOU I LIKE YOU @faislittlewhiteraven These questions are a little hard to answer with doodles but I tried my best- Nil generally has a pretty heroic and brave personality overall. She's loud and brash and ready to jump into things super quickly.
She's not the best with words, but she is very reliable overall
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More art and writing under cut, it's just a long post man-
In terms of helping about during travels, she likes doing a lot of heavy labor jobs- She's the type to fix broken fences, gather supplies for folks, carry stuff around, tend to crops or lend a help wrangling animals. Nil wouldn't be great at things like sorting and organizing tho- Just tell her what you need and where to put it and she will! I mentioned she's not really the best with words (she is very emotionally intelligent just sometimes struggles to communicate stuff), HOWEVER, With folks that have been frozen she connects with a lot. How it's scary that you've been frozen for so long when your entire belief is to change and evolve, how (if Mal Du Pays is anything to go by) they had to fight their own demons in there, how everything can change so easily without you even noticing- It's terrifying to think about.
Actually- a while ago I made battle sprites with Nil- I wasn't happy with them so I never shared them BUT
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Specifically I wanted to contrast her frozen sprite with everyone else's- Cause if she were to SOMEHOW be frozen again, knowing what it feels like, what could happen while she's out- It would TERRIFY her instantly. Not just a mild shock or surprise, it would stick with her for a while-
Speaking of battles tho-
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Nil is super brash and lively as a whole. She puts up a brave face for a LOT of things, including fighting. She jumps in without really thinking, and as long as it goes their way, she'd have a smile on her face doing it.
However, while brave, it does come from both a place of coping and naivety. She's not used to genuine fighting, in fight or flight situations she actually tends to flee. (Which is why honestly, if she had to fight the King I don't think she could do it-)
If a battle were to start going south, she'd actually start to panic more then anyone else- Physical wounds and seeing the people she loves hurt would lower her accuracy and general capabilities, despite the brave face she puts on.
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And due to her lack of experience, especially in bigger groups- Nil tends to... miscalculate sometimes
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She had to learn the hard way not to just jump at any opportunity she sees. The party can see where Bonnie got it from (also after the battle Nille proceeded to heal Sif, profusely apologizing, I forgot to doodle that whoops-) (Also gameplay wise, imagine every second turn she does an action of her own without your command)
Also just the Sif image by itself cause I liked it :]
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As for chores and stuff-
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She does foraging and stuff! Honestly I don't think the other 5 would have done so before they traveled together.
Mira would have most DEFINITELY learned about it but didn't feel confident in her abilities. Bonnie will grab stuff they think is edible from what they remember Nille telling them and they'd grab a stick to cook. Odile would not be interested and would prefer buying the ingredients rather then wild scavenging. Isa doesn't read to me as a biology student, I see him more of a math history type of guy, so either he doesn't know, or him and Mira did it occasionally together, but only as a last resort type of deal (maybe when it was just the two of them and they had to manage alone) And Sif in my mind is an accident prone goober who'd forget which ones are edible and which ones aren't so I wouldn't trust him personally.
SO! LONG STORY SHORT! I don't think any of them are really experienced with foraging. And as a means to make money management easier- I imagine Nil (nature being a passion of sorts to her) took up the mantle! Probably taught the rest how to do it too!
That's it when it comes to stuff specific to her- Other then that she's kind of ready to help out with anything! She can help set up tends, do odd jobs for money, help cook if for WHATEVER reason Bonnie wanted her to or wanted to do something else in that time, bring water, wood, fish, help with weapons- She's not the best at those things, but if anyone needs a hand to be lent- she is there!
I'll be entirely honest, I don't think I understand your last question- But I do wanna say that Nil and Isa become like. Best buds real quick. He is the first one she instantly trusts, since she rivals with Mira, is prickly with Odile and Sif is someone she wants to help rather then ask for help. So if she needs someone to turn to, or needs a partner in crime- Nil would turn to Isa And now I just imagined Mira and Nil bonding over how to grow plants. Cause Mira tried REALLY REALLY HARD and couldn't do it, so Nille would actually love to give some tips- Imagine Mira genuinely walking up to her with a little alive plant with a proud glint in her eyes and have Nil fully support her- Honestly I could keep going for forever, I have so many thoughts on her and her dynamic with everyone- Bro I even have nicknames, you don't even know-
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shima-draws · 4 months
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I've been teasing her for months!! But at long last her ref is complete 🌷
I actually DON'T have a 5 page essay on her backstory this time (like I did for Ilari LMAO) but I do have some info about her if anybody is curious!
Name: Ione
Age: 25
Hair color: Silver
Eye color: Orangish-yellow
Element: Light
Grabbing info from the few posts I've talked about her already, Ione was originally a very famous singer, pretty much an idol within the world of ATS. She'd hold huge concerts that were always sold out and people from around the world would flock to see her perform. Eventually tho all of the attention started to attract the wrong kinds of people, and sooner or later Ione was "scouted" by a very rich man who wanted her all to himself. She was manipulated and blackmailed into signing a contract with him that would essentially end her touring and make it so that she would become a private singer for him. He basically chained her with this contract and so she disappeared from the public eye.
Ione soon discovered that other people with similar talents had also been gathered and trapped by this man's contracts. Among them was a prodigy violin player who she grew very close with. The two of them struggled under the demands of this man, and eventually violin boy started to get physically abused by him 😭 Things escalated to the point where Ione decided she wanted OUT and was determined to do anything to escape. This led to a very...traumatic event that caused her to go mute by choice.
When Ione finally makes her escape, thankfully she's changed so much that people don't recognize her in public (mostly her hair! It used to be short and didn't cover one of her eyes before). Shortly after she runs into Nahu and his group, and is unceremoniously recruited to join them lol (Nahu can be VERY persuasive). Ione communicates with them through sign language, which luckily a couple of them are fluent in--Ezio and Sage to be specific. They then teach the others in the group sign language too. It takes Nahu a bit to get the hang of it bc he has like, no attention span whatsoever, but being a dragon elemental helps since his senses are super attuned all the time, so he can generally tell what Ione is feeling and what she's trying to convey when she talks to him :")
Over time Ione grows closer with them, and like everybody else is hit with the Found Family, and realizes that yeah. She'd do absolutely ANYTHING for this group of crazy weirdos. She starts to fall in love with Nahu (bc who WOULDN'T), and slowly gains the courage to use her voice again. This leads to secret meetings with Sage, who helps her relearn how to use her vocal cords.
Eventually her past catches up with her, of course, but the group all bands together to set her free from it. She has to face off against violin boy, who thought she'd abandoned him and got Messed Up Mentally as a result, so THAT'S a thing she's gotta deal with. But she's able to reach him by singing for the first time in over five years, and everyone absolutely loses their shit at how beautiful her voice is and they all cry and it’s very emotional!!
Even after regaining her voice she still prefers to stay quiet most of the time, as that is what she's comfortable with, but she's totally okay with speaking when she needs to. Also I need to mention this but bc she used to be like. An idol. Obviously her routines consisted of both song and dance so she's a pretty good dancer. Out of everyone in the group, Ione is the ONLY person Ezio will dance with (and he is a very VERY good dancer himself, but will only dance with someone who can keep up with him, which Ione can). Everyone is very jealous of this, ESPECIALLY Nahu lol bc he wants to dance with Ezio too 😂
Ione's a light elemental! I haven't given a LOT of thought into her powers yet but I do know that her singing makes her stronger and also gives her powers a boost, which in turn helps the rest of the group. She also can ride on these light waves--I will have to draw them sometime bc I can't really explain them in words, it'd be better to show them visually lol
And that's her!! My flower light mute girl <33333
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azulock · 7 months
Shidou, oliver, nagi and sendo when they wake up ( in the middle of the night ) to find s/o quietly weeping?
I love hurt/comfort, sooooo- maybe s/o is crying cuz of insecurities?
Love ur works❤️💋
- 👻anon
Ask got lost cause I'm a mess but I had copied it to work on another file so it's fine. Anyway ghostie, made a slight change to this one cause I'm a hot girl with nightmare problems, like night terrors actually, and the realistic kind of nightmare, it legit has me waking crying and sitting up, very angst. Funny to say that tho cause the days I was writing this I was having nightmares, the universe has a sense of irony.
gn!reader. Oliver (488 words), Sendo (499 words), Shidou (435 words), Nagi (600 words). mentions of nightmares, but no warnings, only fluff
oliver aiku
It was still pitch black in the room when Oliver woke up to the feeling of something pushing against his body. he didn't need to try and focus his eyes to know it was you - he knew well enough that he kept you in a constrictor like embrace while he slept. though, he did squeeze his eyes in a urgent attempt to get used to the darkness the moment he heard your pained hiccups and choked breath.
Gently, he rubs a large hand over your back and shoulder, gruff voice asking you what's wrong. you hesitate to answer, but stop pushing against him and he takes it as a chance to bring you closer in, burying his face in your hair. when you don't respond, only continue crying against his bare chest Oliver already knows the answer - truth is he knew even before he asked.
He'd already seen you have nightmares, already been woken up by the trashing and incoherent, panicked sleep talking. he just never saw you wake up like this, crying, sweating and choking on your own breath. Oliver takes a moment to fully will his body to wake up, softly caressing your head and back while he does. when the gentle touch doesn't work to stop your crying he pulls you onto his lap, pushing away the covers before getting up with you in his arms.
Even in your confused state you are fast to ask him where he is going, arms weakly surrounding his broad shoulders. when he answers, you furrow your brows and stare at him. "a shower?" you mutter back. "yeah, you know I like showering with you," he answers with a yawn, you knew it was true, and not even in a sexual way, for Oliver it was like a bonding activity. "but it's the middle of the night," you protest and he shrugs. "doesn't matter, we gotta wash away those nightmares, love."
The minute the warm water hits his hand he is brought back to a time when he was a child and his mother used the same thing for him, running a shower to wash away whatever plagued his small mind. to this day, the water still felt grounding to him. it took a bit of coaxing but Oliver managed to get you under the shower with him, the warm stream luring you into it's soothing touch. you let him wash your skin and listen to him babble about nothing at all. soon enough you are talking too, and even laughing at his bad singing as he pulls you into dancing with him, head laying on his chest and listening to his steady heartbeat.
"ah, I think we should leave now before my hands turn fully into raisins," you yawn against his chest. "eh, I wouldn't mind that. did the shower help?" he asks, stiffling a yawn of his own. "yeah, you did too. thank you, Oli."
sendo shuto
Waking up in the middle of the night had never been uncommon for Sendo, he was a light sleeper, and he woke often enough that he'd learned to just will himself back to sleep. but this time he couldn't do it, not when he noticed the sound was coming from his own bed. when the quiet whimpering hit his ears again he almost panicked, sitting up and reaching out to you, only to find you quietly crying, face buried in your pillow.
The moment his hand touches your shoulder you startle, apologizing between small sobs for waking him up, tears pooling in your eyes. at the sight, Sendo almost tears up himself, throwing out his own apologies for not waking up before. he holds you close, face resting in your shoulder as he gently asks you what's wrong, hands caressing your skin as he does so. You pause, hiccuping a bit before whispering to him about your nightmare with only a vague description.
He feels his heart sink, hugging you tight as he tries to sush your cries and clean away your tears. though, when he notices it isn't working, he almost panics again, before calming himself down so he can help. you cry into his chest, tears staining his shirt, and he decides staying in bed just won't do you no good. with gentle words and soft touches, Sendo urges you to get up and out of bed with him, hand never leaving yours as he guides you out of the bedroom.
You protest, insisting that he needs the rest, but he responds that he could never rest knowing you were suffering. he leads you both to the kitchen, soft smile never faltering as he offers to make you tea. when you don't reject it, he feels a little better, putting the kettle on the fire as he tries to make a conversation to distract you. soon enough you hear the familiar whistle, and Sendo gets busy with making you both tea.
Giving you both mugs to hold, he moves to pick up whatever sweet snack you got in the fridge and a mantle he kept on the arm of the couch. with everything in hand, Sendo takes you to the balcony of your apartment, sitting down side by side with the mantle over your legs to keep you both warm. You talk and drink the tea, watching the stars scattered on dark sky above the city. it's peaceful, and although it takes a little, that peace starts to seep to you, your tears drying and the smile returning to your face.
It doesn't take long for your head to be dropping on his shoulder, heavy eyes unfocused as you cling to his arm. "thank you, Shuto, it feels safe with you," it's only a whisper, but it's the loudest thing for him at the moment. "you don't need to thank me, love, I'm always here for this," he replies, even though he doesn't think you can hear.
ryusei shidou
Shidou was always something of a deep sleeper, few are the things that can disturb his slumber before it's time for his alarm to ring - an they usually piss him off. not you, though. the minute he realizes what woke him was your crying form, trembling and gasping by his side in the bed, he is fully alert. few are the things that terrify him, but seeing you like that is one of them.
At first, it's confusing, but it's only half a moment before Shidou has his arms wrapped around you tight. it ceases your trembling, and after a couple seconds your breathing is even again, but tears still fall from your eyes. he asks what is the matter, question whispered in your ear as gently as he manages. you respond with a simple "nightmare" voice quiet and shaky. Shidou had heard you mention them before, he just never imagined it was like that.
Whatever, his surprise doesn't matter now, he needs a solution, something to chase whichever nightmare you had away. he thinks for a minute before his mind slips back to the thing you did the first time you came to his house. something you do together almost once a month. it can't be a bad idea - even if the idea is watch old B horror movies.
And when Shidou offers you don't disagree - though, you did spend a second in thought, one that had him surprisingly tense. so he carries you to the couch, covers and all, before throwing some popcorn in the microwave and setting off to pick up the most ridiculous movie he can thing of - Killer Klowns from Outer Space. it's weird, it's trashy, and it's the thing you two watched at a midnight screening on your first date.
With remote control and popcorn in hand he settles with you under the covers, his eyes spending more time on you than on the screen. where you start the movie still tense and misty eyed, you end it yawning between laughs. and it's like a weight was lifted from his shoulders - Shidou knows he is not the best at delicate situations, but at least this time his methods worked. so when you suggest going back to bed, he feels like he can sleep soundly again.
"ain't you afraid of dreaming with killer clowns, tho?" he remarks with a laugh, muffled by how his face rests against your neck. "nah, killer clowns are easy stuff," you chuckle and shake your head. "besides, even if I do, I know I got you there to protect me."
nagi seishiro
For Nagi, waking up in the middle of the night was rare - it was rarer yet for him to not just immediately close his eyes and fall straight into deep sleep again. though, it was a bit hard to do that when he felt something shaking and hiccuping beside him on the bed. he was about to call it a hassle and try to sleep again when his brain finally snapped and made the connection, noticing the absence of your body wrapped around his own. the shaking and hiccuping were you - fuck, you were crying.
Slowly and carefully he turned around, at a loss of what to do when he saw your trembling form under the covers - but he knew he had to do something. with light hands Nagi pulls the covers just enough so he can see your face, his eyes being met with your red and teary ones. you both freeze for a moment before you bury your face back in the pillow, muttering an apology for waking him up, words almost unintelligible between your hiccups - shit, now he feels terrible.
Still at a bit of a loss, Nagi shakes his head, refusing your apology and trying to ask you what happened as he pulls you to him, your back against his chest. your answer is a small whisper and he only barely understands it, but he is left to wonder how terrible a nightmare gotta be to leave you like this. when you keep crying even as he tries to sooth you, Nagi notices there is no way you can go back to sleep like this, so he sits up in bed and pulls you into his lap, kissing the top of your head.
There is not much he thinks he can do, he has never been the best at dealing with peoples emotions. so Nagi does what he'd do for himself and offers to find something to distract you. he snuggles you comfortably between his legs, head resting on your shoulder as you hug a pillow. at first he tries putting some show or cartoon for you to watch on his phone, but that doesn't prove to be enough to stifle your cries and he finds himself back to the drawing board, and having to think of something else.
It takes a minute of Nagi just silently caressing your head before he thinks of something. muttering against your ear, he asks if you'd rather play something with him. when you nod stretches one arm to reach for the nightstand, opening a drawer and pulling out your switch. he finds something cozy but still engaging enough to keep you entertained, and you settle on letting him hit the buttons while you just make the decisions. Nagi can't be sure how much time passes with you nestled between his arms and legs as he holds the console, but his plan works, and the game distracts you. the tears start drying on your cheeks and your breath evens out slowly, and sure as daybreak, a smile lights you face again.
"sei, thank you for doing this for me," you mutter, words cut by a long yawn. "huh? it's not like you got to thank me, tho, I don't mind it. so, what you want me to do no-" Nagi's answer is cut short just as he looks from the console back to you, finding your eyes closed as you'd fallen asleep in his arms. that night, he stays like that, being thankful he can sleep in any position, just so he can keep you safe.
today's tag sponsors: @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife @loser-vxbez
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pettydollie · 4 months
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good girl
warnings/notes: dirty thoughts (no smut tho), reader is girly/fem, pet names (good girl and sweetheart), cursing, crybaby!reader, SUPER SLOPPY/NOT PROOFREAD!
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as you helped chris with his homework, he couldn't help but stare like he always did. you've been his tutor for about two weeks, and chris is sure he's in love. he stares at your glossy pink lips as they move, wanting so badly to suffocate you with his. what's a pretty girl like you wasting your time on someone like him anyway? not that he's complaining, he loves having you all for himself for a short amount of time everyday after school.
but he can't help wanting more.
is that weird? maybe. however, you wouldn't think so. you've had a crush on chris forever which is 3/4 of partially the reason you started tutoring in the first place. you think he's the absolute coolest and you're giddy whenever you're getting ready to see him.
"no.. but you're kinda close!" you look at one of his answers from yesterday's homework. he furrows his brows as chews on the back of your pen, forgetting that it's not his. you watch his lips wrap around the top of the pen, feeling mesmerized.
"yn? you okay?" you look up at the boy, still in a daze. you see him swallow, his adam's apple bobbing. you lick your lip swiftly before coming back down to earth. "yeah, sorry, just a little tired i guess." you smile. he holds back a smirk. he may be stupid in school, but he's extremely intelligent when it comes to you.
however, he just nods. "we can take a break." he shrugs, getting bored of this subject anyways. he’d much rather learn about you. you agree, putting your mechanical pencil down. he leans back in his chair, stretching out his muscles. he wasn’t even trying to show off, but you just happen to suck in a breath, mentally taking a screenshot of him.
“d’ya want some water or something? you hungry?” he asks politely. you stand up out of your chair. “it’s okay, i can get some.” your hand lightly brushes his shoulder as you walk out of his bedroom.
you head downstairs to the kitchen where you pour yourself a glass of water. matt’s sitting at the counter on his laptop, doing homework as well, you assume. after a few seconds, you hear, “he’s too pussy to ask you out himself,” matt starts out of nowhere. you turn around confused, full glass in hand.
you’re about to mutter a confused “huh?” but he keeps going, not looking at you, opting to stare at his screen. “so unfortunately you’ll have to be the brave one and make the first move.” he scrolls on his laptop nonchalantly, like he hasn’t told you the most fabulous news.
granted, you’re still confused. you know he’s talking about chris, that’s obvious, you aren’t dumb. but why wouldn’t he ask you out? is he afraid? that’s kinda cute, you think. “why doesn’t he wanna ask me out himself?” are you're a nervous wreck. you’ve never ever been the one to initiate any sort of romantic event in your life!
a recognizable voice is heard from behind you. “who?”
you shriek, dropping the glass of water. the glass shatters and chris is quick to grab your shoulders and pull you back before any shards hurt you. your hand quickly flies to your mouth. “i’m so sor-“
matt gets up from where he was sitting. “i’ll get the broom.” he exits the room which leaves you and chris for just a minute or so before matt returns. the water is spreading on the floor so chris grabs paper towels.
he kneels on the floor, soaking up the water as you stand frozen. tears begin to form in your eyes as a lump grows in your throat. you try to blink past them as best as you can before anyone sees you. they’ll think you’re childish, crying over a spilled glass.
what if chris doesn’t want you anymore? how dare you come into HIS house and break something so fragile. you’re ashamed of yourself. but what if he doesn't actually like you? what if matt's lying as a joke? you choke on a sob, causing a strange noise to come out. chris perks up, looking up at you. he leaves the paper towels on the floor as his face changes quickly, feeling concerned
he gets up. “oh sweetheart.” he coos, wrapping his arms around you. you’re engulfed in his large figure as you let the tears spill into the pink t-shirt that he put on just for you, not that you knew that.
matt re-enters the kitchen, raising a brow at chris as he strokes your hair with a hand. he shakes his head slightly as if to say “don’t talk.” and he points his chin towards the mess that’s still on the floor. matt folds his arms and frowns, thinking chris wants him to clean it.
but chris mouths “leave it there” and matt nods, leaving the broom against the counter as he exits the room again, letting you two have a moment. you’re babbling apologies into chris’ chest and he ‘accidentally’ smells your hair.
“you smell really nice” he whispers unintentionally, not meaning to say it aloud. his face immediately tenses. oh gosh, you’re gonna think he’s such a weirdo. but you don’t.. at all. you appreciate the compliment and you think he’s trying to distract you from the little mistake, which you appreciate.
you smile softly. “thank you. i-its strawberry pound cake.” you hiccup. chris cheeses. you’re adorable. you apologize again, “i’m really sorry about the cup. and the mess..”
he shakes his head and shushes you softly. “got that for like two bucks at target, don’t worry about it.” he reassures you and pulls away from the embrace, seeing your face all red. “yer a good girl, could never be mad at you.”
he wipes a tear freshly fallen from your eye, your lashes being long and delicate. in your head, you’re freaking out, no longer worrying about the glass. you remember what matt said earlier, which brings butterflies to your stomach
you feel very shy and dopey now. you break eye contact and grab his hand. “i have feelings for you.” you admit, getting straight to the point. “like really big. gigantic. so uh.. if you want, we could go out or something..” you nervously confess, waiting for a response.
meanwhile chris is like HOLYSHITHOLYSHITHOLYSHIT. he can’t believe this is happening?? you?? and him?? together?? on a date???? hes already thinking of places he could take you to.
he hums and you look up at him. his thumb brushes your face again, but this time it’s against your cheek. “do you like Italian food?”
a/n: literally what is this i’m so sorry. i decided on a plot halfway thru writing it was supposed to be a suggestive thing but i didn’t wanna lead u guys on bc i don’t write smut lmao.
tags: @latinasforchrizz @leah-loves-lilies
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strxbrymochi · 4 months
i know im quite late but this has been stuck in my head and i need to get it out so here are my 12am impulse thoughts,,,
how i imagine nct dream would be on valentine's day;
note: this is just the vibes i get from seeing them and 100% based on my delusional imagination
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i am extra delulu for this man rn its so bad
i feel like he would be such a wholesome valentine date
straight up imagined some sort of serenading going on bc hello guitar skills?? and his voice??
i'd imagine he'd gift you some sort of designer thing (just cause i think he's the type to spoil u for special occasions bc ur his girl yk screams)
i think good food = good talks = just enjoying each other's company; type of guy i genuinely feel like you can have hour hour hours long convos and not get bored
lots of laughs bc hearing his laugh >>>
feel more home date vibes where you take out your fave foods and just jam out love songs in pjs but i can also see late night walks or going to some lowkey resto so yalls dont get spotted
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this guy is for real a deep down romantic aint no way with that face and attitude have you seen how he speaks to some of the dreamies??
defs would serenade u if u ask him to (imagine him shy at first but giving it his all aww)
hands down will gift u something he custom made i do not doubt this given he made custom hoodies for the rest of dream but yours defo will be extra special and made with care <3
can imagine some sort of art date or a quiet night for the two of yalls, him spoiling u a bit cause valentines is extra reason to do so
honestly if i was on a date w him i'd just stare at him ... oops
i think u guys should do the "draw each other" trend as a gift and ur drawing of him looks horrendous (bc u are not as gifted in the arts-- if you are good for u) while his of you looks majestic but he keeps it anyways bc u made it (hearing his beautiful laugh makes it worth ut too anyways)
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ok look i think jeno's v acts of service-y
wouldn't question if he attempts to cook for you or do things for you a lot more often on valentines to show his love for u (wake up to meals and a clean house yessir-- only for today tho GAHAHAHAHA)
another one i think would spoil you with designer stuff and just imagine the little cute smile on his face when he watched you open the gifts cause he's out here looking at u w pure genuine love (must be nice)
my man's a gamer would probs challenge u to a game or two before heading out
ice cream !!!!!! i have seen 2 vlogs w him looking for and eating ice cream i think you guys will defs have an ice cream taster or smtg (he's so me!!)
idk bro i love jeno any boyfriend fantasy i have in my dreams is played out by him. TT
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nah yea atp they'd all spoil you (pls dream is full of loving green forest men)
i can imagine deep talks about your future together like wouldnt be surprised if mans doesnt just propose to you alr thats how much he loves you
clingy clingy boy and he is not afraid to show you and let you know how much he loves u !
would hands down take you to the BEST restos and yalls would have insanely good food
can see some karaoke or bowling or idk just an activity yalls can do together before going home for a quiet night of the talks and just enjoying each other's presence
where do i find one genuine question
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royalty treatment all the way
breakfast in bed: check with four course meal, flowers: check, gifts: check, chore-free house: check say less
i feel like jaemin is a very big words of affirmation guy so he will not stop complimenting you or saying he loves you
takes a lot of pictures of you too
yk also i think he'd actually send his mom flowers for valentine's day too
staring at you for hours with that stupid cute grin of his, eyes full of adoration
would have all your wants and preferences memorised hes so attentive you actually dont need to worry or do anything all day (just appreciate it bc u deserve him and his love!!!)
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(there were like no chenle gifs wtf)
PRESIDENT ZHONG CHENLE!!!!! money moves fr name what u want and u got it, spoiled level 1000 on valentine's day
if he could go around freely i think he's the type to take you to fancy ass restaurants like those rich hotel ones (but like if not that's ok he'll spoil you through other means)
he's a menace sometimes i think he'd joke around and try to get on your nerves a bit for fun like imagine him rocking up and being like what day is it today? oh it's valentine's? what's that idk what that is. was i meant to do smtg for u? (him and haechan fr would be the type to tease u so bad) all that just for laughs i can alr imagine the look on his face
as sweet as he is i think at one point he'd either make you do smtg so stupid w him or get a random ass matching present just for the lols (he rlly doesn't gaf he's so real and u love him for it)
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my sweet sweet child (we're like the same age)
i feel like he'd be so babie trying to prep everything and making sure everything is perfect for u awwwie
tries to act all tough and cool but melts on the inside, compliment him once he shows that smile of his and he's down forever
would be the type to get advice from his hyungs on what to do but be so shy when asked (sksks hes adorable pls)
i feel like he would make you a custom gift like something you can take w u always but also get u something expensive idk unless ur not into that stuff GAHAHA
IMAGINE he tries cooking for u but oblivious kiddo ended up burning it but its ok he tried, yalls got takeout instead
OK ALSO think him trying to teach u how to dance that'd be so cute or yalls can end it w a movie just in each other's presence and u fall asleep next to each other on the couch (BYE SO CUTE IM DED)
ok that's it im done i need to sleep good night (stay delulu besties <3)
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Kisses with Jeonghan
» PAIRING : Jeonghan x Reader
» SYNOPSIS : There were many times you had kissed Jeonghan, but there were still some really special ones.
» WORD COUNT : 1.7k
» GENRE : Tooth rotting fluff fr
» A/N : A self-indulgent fic cause I love yoon jeonghan too much 🤧
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» First kiss
It was only your third date with Jeonghan, but he had you blushing for every word he spoke. You were walking around in the park you chose with your hand shyly holding onto his fingers. His long hair seemed to be perfectly in rhythm with the wind blowing as you watched him speak with the widest smile on your face.
His hair stands flew out of his face, giving you the perfect view of his plumpy cheeks. Your heart fluttered every time his eyes caught you watching him with so much endearment.
But you suddenly stopped in your tracks out of the blue, causing him to look at you cluelessly. Before he can question you, you tip-toe to press a soft peck on his cheek.
It might have sounded cliché to everyone, but you wouldn't lie when you say the world had stopped around you. With the dusty shade of pink on both of your faces, he stared down at you.
But the blush on both of your faces was sure to deepen when he tilted his head slightly, leaning down to press his lips against yours. Your eyes had widened but your muscles soon relaxed against him. Kissing him back felt ever so complete that day, and all the other days too.
You pulled away only a few seconds later, your cheeks now completely flushed. «“I had dreamt so many times of this. But those are incompetent against this now”» Your smile widens and soon you both burst into a fit of shy giggles.
» First ‘I love you’ 
You both were at his place when your first love confession took place. You were quite clumsy, but when you offered to ‘help’ your boyfriend with building his new lego set, he definitely couldn't say no to your puppy eyes. And that got you now, stuck to his side with your legs thrown over his lap under the table while he fixed up the last pieces of the set. 
He looked so concentrated on sticking the little flower legos that he had not quite noticed your eyes beaming at him. You rested your cheek against his forearm as you started up at him. «“This is the most important part, can't mess this up.”» A mindless statement rolled off his tongue, a deep breath leaving him which he had held in for God knows how long. «“Thank you for the help, baby”» His sarcastic utterance had you giggling softly. 
But you felt like your heart melted into a puddle when he adorably beams with joy of finally completing his lego set. «“Baby! I did it!”» He looks down to lock eyes with you only to be met with your lips smashing against his. He smiles into the kiss before moving his hand to hold your jaw softly. 
You hum, content from the long kiss, after pulling away. «“Wanted to do that since I came here”» He chuckles from your little confession, before wrapping his arms around your thighs which were on his lap. «“I love you so much, you goofball.”» 
There was a quiet silence after that, your heart thumping loudly in your eyes. Jeonghan knew how shy you were, not really expecting anything back as he drew his attention back to his newly built lego set. He knew you loved him, and he didn't want you to express it out of the blue. But a soft, «“Hannie”» beckoned his attention back to you. 
«“I love you too”» You say before leaning in to press a soft peck to his lips. Jeonghan had to admit, he was quite shocked but soon the atmosphere changed back to what it was. 
» When you make him proud (by cheating) 
You had gathered in their dorm like usual. There were a lot of games and laughs erupted from those games. But at a certain game tho, which was Shout in Silence, you and your boyfriend were paired up. 
All you had to do was explain to him what you had got, surely there could be no cheating in this? You were wrong. You decided to make subtle actions from your eyes, directing him secretly about what you had actually got. And definitely there was perfect coordination between the both of you, which made it easier for the two of you to win. 
That was all until Mingyu shouted, «“THE HELL! Jeonghan hyung and Y/n were cheating all along!”» His exclamation was followed by loud protests and gasps. Jeonghan snickers along with you, lowering his headphones down to his shoulders. 
«“Well I can't help it if me and my girlfriend are such good partners in crime.”» He walks up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist from the side. «“Ow! That hurt man, already replaced me?”» Joshua fakes feeling hurt, dramatically holding onto his chest. You stick your tongue out at the man, «“Well not my problem that I'm better than you.”» 
The others burst into a fit of giggles from your comeback, all while Joshua sat there wondering where he went wrong. 
«“I'm proud of you, babe”» You smile sheepishly at him from hearing the praise. And he chuckles as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your ever-so-welcoming lips. 
«“Ew, can you not do that in front of me?”» Dino, who was passing by both of you, said, causing you to pull away instantly. 
» Kissing you to shut you up
«“What's got you so pouty, baby?”» Jeonghan questioned after he set down the medium-sized mugs of hot chocolate on the table in front of the both of you. «“I don't feel so good..”» You trail off, your sentence making his eyebrows knit in concern. 
«“What happened? Are you sick? Should we call a doctor?”» You then realise what your words sounded like and immediately shake your head. «“No no, that's not what I meant…. I don't physically look good anymore.”» A long sigh from him resonated throughout the room, a silent cue to continue what had been swarming your mind all evening. 
«“I am not so pretty anymore, Hannie. My hair's thinning, pimples on my face, I'm a mess physically and mentally, the list can go on. I just don't know ho-”» Your rambling was soon put to a halt by him pulling you in for a kiss. His hands wrap around your waist through the hoodie, pulling you on his lap. 
The kiss lasted a few seconds, like it was a quiet praise from him for opening up to him but also the hurt in him to know that was how you saw yourself. Your lips stayed against each other like they seeked comfort from each other. 
Pulling away, his hands come up to tuck a hair strand behind your hair. «“You're so damn beautiful, baby. If I could, I would write you a thousand things and more I love about you.”»
You feel a lump in your throat from hearing him speak so softly about you. Tears threatening to well up in your eyes. «“I wish you saw yourself in my eyes. You're like a colourful butterfly, shining so brightly in a dark valley. You're everything you need to be, darling. You're fucking perfect, you get that?”» 
Your heart flutters from every praise he gave you, your arms wrapping around his neck immediately as you bury your face into his shoulder. A muffled «“Love you, Hannie”» from you was enough for Jeonghan to stay silent, knowing your mind was rid of any of those ugly thoughts. 
» When he asked you to be his forever.
You and Jeonghan had decided it would be best to take a vacation for yourselves and Bali was the best place both of you could think of. And that got the both of you sitting next to each other, a glass of wine in your hand under the moonlit night. «“This is just so perfect Hannie, thank you for this.”» 
You say as you look up at him, your eyes meeting his twinkly eyes. «“Anything for you, beautiful.”» And you had to admit, even after four years of dating Yoon Jeonghan, he had you wrapped around his finger and always so whipped for his compliments. 
«“And I wish to have these perfect night with you forever in the future,”» A sly smile forms on your lips, your brain not quite questioning anything. «“Especially on the night of our wedding”» 
Your eyes enlarge slightly, when he slowly moves down to his knees. His hands moved in front of you, holding the little black box. Opening it, he revealed to you the shiny diamond ring. «“Will you marry me, Y/n Y/L/N?”» 
Tears gloss your eyes, and you instantly not your head before squeaking out a «“Yes!”» There was a series of noises from him (iconic) as he happily sat up and pulled you by your neck. He tilts his head as he let his lips meet yours sooner than ever. The moment felt so magical for the both of you, with his lips fitting so perfectly against yours, the moon being the only source of light shining over both of your figures. 
He pulls away slowly, lowering his eyes on your hand while he slipped the ring round your finger. The happiness overwhelmingly takes over you and you throw your arms around his neck, pulling him down to close the gap between you again. There were soft giggles escaped into the kiss which just made everything even better. 
» ‘You may now kiss the bride’
The second the both of you had heard those words, after long moments of exchanging your meaningful vows, the quite and calm surroundings resonated with cheers. All the loud screams from the guys was the result of him pulling you by your waist, his other hand holding your cheeks lovingly as you finally close the gap in between the both of you. 
There was an unspoken trail of thousands of ‘I love you’s in that kiss. 
Pulling away, he placed his forehead against yours, «“I love you.”» A breathy chuckle falls off of your lips, «“I love you too, my husband”» He chuckles softly from the nickname. «“Sounds all too real now”» He says before raising his head to press a peck on your forehead.
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midnightmayhem13 · 10 months
How would the marvel women react if reader (their gf) out of the blue smacked their ass 🤭🤭🤭
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i know that you like me
bro this is so adorable thank you butt smacking anon🩶❕
carol danvers
there's literally no denying that's carols ass looks good in her suit. like look at it. so when it's theres you just have to. and i feel like she'd actually jump. like off the ground and yelp. then she'd grab her cheeks as if she'd just been absolutely violated. she would stare at you then burst out laughing. then she'd suddenly stop laughing and tackle you. expect tickle and kiss attacks
sharon carter
she would turn around slowly and chuckle she'd try so hard to get you back and chase you around. when she catches you she throws you over her shoulder and smacks your ass hard as hell. she'll also like put you face down on the bed nd kiss your butt. and ngl she would get turned on cuz she's a horny fuck. but omg if you smack it while she's on a call she glare at you. you're in for a long night later on...
darcy lewis
you're literally the only person darcy wouldn't taser. but she'd be such a tease. she'd be eyeing your ass and smacking it all the damn time. and when you smack hers, he hands would go straight to the area and she'll holler "goodness hot stuff! take me on a date first" and she'll start cackling but then she'd chase you around the house squeezing any part of you she can get her hands on. then you'll lay on the couch for the rest of your day and she'll lightly smack your ass right as she goes to sleep mumbling a soft "payback" before drifting into slumber.
she'd freeze. how dare you? and if it wasn't you, you'd be dead in seconds. but when she glared at you, you'll b muttering out rushed apologizes. and nebula would say she liked it. she likes when you two do couple things. she'd then take it as a competition. you wanna smack her ass? bet. every chance she'd got she'd slap the shit out of your ass. and when hugging you or cuddling it, she'll squeeze it as if trying to reshape it. not in a way to want to hurt you. she'd just like to assert her dominance once again. cause you made her way too flustered for her liking.
maria hill
maria would say some horny ass shit. she let out a slow sexy laugh nd flirt. she'd honestly love it. she's never been so comfortable with someone. and god how can you resist. have you seen her ass in the uniform? and when she got used to the affection and the flirting she'd slap yours back. like when she'd see your ass she'd jokingly rub her hands and lick her lips. only out of work obviously. during work she'd lay her hand on your ass and pat it. as if she were petting a dog.
kate bishop
she'd get so flustered😭. she'd be outta breath and wouldn't be able to say coherent sentences. she'd the get into a fit of giggles and attempt to cover her blush. she wouldn't go out without a fight tho. she'd jump and hold you in place so you can't move, appearing as if you two were wrestling. and she's attack you with kisses while repeatedly tapping your butt. she'd get shy at first but then she realized how hot it was. and she's definitely and ass gal, but she'll stare a titties anytime.
a/n why do i have a butt if no pretty girl is smacking it😕 why squat if no smack
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