#i legit needed a good rant tho
The thing is, though... Izzy is meant to irredeemable and unlikable. He was written with zero sympathy for him in text, he was written as an asshole who is malicious, disloyal, and cruel. He is ABUSIVE. He is emotionally manipulative, he gaslights, he makes verbal threats and physical assaults. He deliberately and strategically isolates Ed from his crew. He deliberately disobeys a direct order (an act of mutiny) against Ed when he doesn't stand down and duels Stede. He turns around and betrays Ed when he doesn't get what he wants. VIco is an abuse apologist Izzy stan just like you. And they, just like the rest of the cast, know that you disgusting cultists only care about Izzy. You don't give a shit about Ed, or Stede, or anyone else. You literally just flick your clits to Izzy being unpleasant and abusive. He has no redeeming qualities that weren't stolen from other characters or completely made up by fandom. He's not a good person. He's not a nice guy. His motives are selfish and cruel. He's lazy and he's racist. So you can like him. Because you're a piece of shit abuse apologist. And you and all the other Izzy cultists can hold your breath until you turn blue about how he's not the character he is. But he is. Izzy is not secretly the third protagonist. He's not going to turn around and save the day. He doesn't have a decent, self-sacrificing, genuinely good bone in his body. If there is a Jim/Izzy kiss, then you are hoping for the dissolution of Jim/Oluwande (I guess an ample-bodied, dark-skinned black man isn't good enough for you? But then again, all Izzy stans are ultimately shallow and stupid), and you are disgusting. You would rather Jim be with a man who is racist and cruel than a man who adores them. And you know what, you stupid cunt? Even if it does happen, it WOULDN'T automatically mean good things for Izzy. If Jim kisses him to distract him while other people escape, he's still a piece of shit abuser. But he'll be that regardless. Because he abusive. And he is the villain. There is no redeeming him. The show has made that perfectly fucking clear. He betrayed Ed. He threatened to kill Ed if Ed didn't do what he wanted. He is the thing Ed will have to overcome to truly be happy.
And you're disgusting.
Ok, first of all: Big fan! I've heard so much about you Anon! Second: this made me laugh so fucking hard. I needed a good laugh so thanks Anon! ❤
(Read-more for the sake of my followers dashes, I'm writing essays again lmfao.)
So like. You must hate Mary then too, yeah? Since she's meant to be Izzy's parallel? What do you think of David Jenkins telling us that 'Izzy is the one to watch on a re-watch'? Do you think he's worried we missed him being 'irredeemable'? See, cause I took that as 'see that there's nuance to his character and he's got pretty reasonable motivations if you pay attention' but now, well, I'm just not sure, Anon 😰.
Tell me, where is he malicious outside of, like, regular piracy business? When someone else instigates? Yeah, sounds about right, so cruel of him to not worship at a rich man's feet when said rich man acts like he's the scum of the earth before knowing a single thing about him. How malicious of him to not be buddy-buddy with people his boss has taken prisoner, who are actively antagonizing him. How disloyal of him to *checks notes* uh. Hm. Well. There's just- there's nothing here? Oh! Oh do you mean the thing he did to get to Stede? The thing that Calico Jack (hi, I also love him, does that make me extra problématique?) and Spanish Jackie helped him do? The thing he did because he believed it was in Ed's best interest, since he was acting wildly out of character and incredibly irrationally considering their dangerous profession/lifestyle? That must be on a different list, I don't have that listed under 'disloyal', strange.
Izzy can't even manipulate his own emotions lmfao. Gaslighting? Anon, you must be misremembering, gosh you're so silly. Can't keep anything straight in that head of yours can you? He lies sometimes, I'll give you that, at least by omission, but that's not gaslighting. I'm sure you'll not like this but Ed's actions with regards to Izzy are closer to gaslighting than anything Izzy does to Ed. Or the crew, which I'm assuming you're including in this since you mention 'physical assault' and Izzy's never laid a hand on Ed?
The same crew that he, as far as he was aware (because Ed was *gasp* manipulating him by withholding information), was to treat as prisoners who, upon completing their task of 'repair the ship so we can take it from you, since we're pirates' would be given 'the uzsh' treatment of execution? The crew that he doesn't lay a hand on at all afterwards? Ooh, or do you mean when he grabbed Fang's beard? When Fang was openly questioning his captain's orders? Something that, if unchecked, can lead to a mutiny?
Funny thing about 'he disobeys a direct order' is that, well, Ed doesn't give him a direct order? 'We're not doing this' does not equal 'stand down'. He also doesn't try to stop it. Like, at all. He doesn't even tell Stede to stand down. He may not have wanted it to happen but he didn't do anything to actually prevent it when he's literally the only person on the ship with the power to prevent it. 'Izzy I no longer want him dead', all he needed to say since Izzy was operating on 'Izzy I want him dead but I can't do it myself because I'm conflicted about killing and especially killing things I'm attached to'. If Izzy had ignored that, then we could talk about 'disobeying direct orders'.
Also, he's first mate, its his job to push back on questionable orders from the captain. That's not mutiny that's how you prevent a mutiny.
'When he doesn't get what he wants', being. . . What? What he thought Ed wanted because he didn't communicate otherwise? What he thought was in Ed's best interest, because he's acting irrationally and out of character (which is confirmed by Fang and Ivan, by the way)? He's wrong* about what Ed's best interests are but that doesn't change the fact that he was trying to help rather than harm.
*Arguably. Ed indulging Stede was dangerous. Even without the threat of the navy on their backs (Stede's fault), there was no coasting on Blackbeard's reputation on the Revenge. They'd have to deal with every threat instead of just the one's who'd go after Blackbeard anyway.
So, wait, is Vico one of us or nah? Cause, like, I'll gladly join a cult if Vico is there. What do you think about David Jenkins though? Since his favorite character seems to be Izzy as well? Anyway I'll grant that Stede isn't my favorite character but that hardly means I don't give a shit about him. As for Ed. I love him so much, Anon. I love him so much that I don't infantilize him for the sake of demonizing another character so that I can use that to justify sending anon hate to people with differing opinions to me. I love Ed because he's unpleasant and- *ahem* well.
Some nice misogyny there, by the way. Gonna go out on a limb and say a bit transphobic as well, since I know you're presuming we're all women, some of us are men, some of us are neither or both. Has some notes of sexual harassment too. No, I'm not kidding. You're fantasizing about a group of people, sexually, and sending them messages about it. That's like, textbook sexual harassment. Not cool Anon.
Anon. They're pirates. None of them are good people. None of them are nice guys. All of their motivations are selfish and cruel.
Ed 'loves a good maim'. He's Blackbeard. He's not Robin Hood. He doesn't have secret (or explicit) good motivations for piracy and torture and murder. Stede is a deadbeat dad who chose piracy. Which includes stealing from people, even the poor (do we forget the plant so easily?), despite him. Y'know. Being rich? And like, selfish and cruel are Stede and Ed's middle names, Anon. Turtle vs crab? Setting a ship on fire with everyone still inside? Doesn't matter if the fire was the one who killed them if you're the one who set the fire, Anon. Swede losing teeth/fingernails? But I wanna go on a treasure hunt! And let's not even bring up Mary and the kids.
'Lazy and racist', where? I am legitimately asking, Anon, where? Is it where he makes the crew do their actual jobs? That's his job. Oh, how about where, instead of getting captured by the native people for being a colonizer, he does business with them? (You know, the people who explicitly call out Stede and Pete for being racist?) How about working under and with BIPOC? You think Blackbeard would keep him around if he was being racist? You think Jackie would have given him the time of day if he was racist? You don't think Fang and Ivan would have had some comment about it during the mutiny/planning scene?
I'll do you a solid, you don't have to point to any particular scene that doesn't exist. The writers themselves have said that they're not trying to tackle racism in the show the way that having Izzy be anything but 'white person who is, by virtue of being white, some level of racist' would be. If you don't want to call literally every other sympathetic white character on the show racist, you shouldn't be saying it of Izzy either. Izzy isn't the one who owns a fucking plantation.
Anon, I'm so glad you're giving me permission to keep liking Izzy! Thank you so much! I'm so grateful the fandom has you here to delegate what people are allowed to like and do! What would we do without you?
Nobody thinks Izzy is 'secretly the third protagonist'. Not anymore than people think that of Jim or Oluwande or Frenchie, since they all have side-plots going on as well. As for whether or not he's going to turn around and save the day? We'll see. Obviously he's not going to do everything because he's not the protagonist(s), but he has the potential to try and help just as much as everybody else on either crew. You're certainly entitled to your opinion/interpretation of his character but I can just as well say 'I think you're wrong', especially when you come into my house and throw a fit about it.
Did you forget that Jim and Lucius kissed as well? Are you forgetting 'we don't own each other'? Hell, Anon, I specifically said 'I don't ship Jim and Izzy', but well. Something something 'people on this website piss on the poor' etc. (Anon, you can just say 'fat', its not a bad word. I'm fat, Oluwande is fat, I fucking love that he's fat. I'm also not the best suited to speak on BIPOC representation but I'm also super happy that they're not shying away from including dark-skinned actors like Samson and Leslie. But that doesn't fit into your narrative so 🤷‍♂️.) You can call me all the sweet things you like but it doesn't change the fact that the show has, pretty explicitly, said 'yay polyamory' and Jim (and Oluwande) has two hands. Leave alone the fact that Jim can kiss Lucius and just be friends with him, same as they could with Izzy.
Gosh, Anon, you're really hurting my feelings here. You really think I'm a stupid cunt? That hurts. Genuinely, I'm gutted. I don't think I'll ever recover.
Given that you're literally talking hypotheticals, as we all are, since we don't know what is going to happen in season 2, I'm not going to argue if it would 'mean good things for Izzy' if Jim kissed him. Though I will say, if Jim needed him distracted for people to escape (I'm assuming you mean escaping him, rather than Ed who is the proper threat to anyone in need of escaping right now) they could find easier ways to do it than kissing him?
And the sky is green. And cats are witches. And women have crystals in their bodies. I can say stuff too, Anon. I think you fundamentally misunderstand what redemption means, if we're being entirely honest here. Redemption has less to do with your previous actions and more to do with what you choose to do going forward. Clearly we disagree on his capacity for doing better going forward, and that's fine, its alright to be wrong Anon I won't judge you for that, but him having done bad in the past* has no bearing on his redemption if he chooses to do good in the future.
*'Bad' here being used both generously and ungenerously. Generously towards your definition of bad and ungenerously in the face of his rationale. He had perfectly valid reasons for doing the things he did, regardless of whether or not he should have done them.
I love you too Anon! I hope you have a good day at school tomorrow- er. On Monday, sorry, adult schedules don't always follow the 'weekends off' rules that kid's schedules do, I forget sometimes. Bye bye!
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ghost-rattan · 9 months
Things I think bsd characters would be like while dating them
Inspired by things my bf dose and I do (Aku and chuuya inspired by bf dazai and atsushi inspired by me)
Warning: none just fluff
(Sorry if my gramma is bad)
Masks a lot but feels safe with you so he doesn’t
Spoils you like you mention some thing you want BOOM next day it’s at your door
Amazing at listening! He loves your rants about stuff you like
Rants to you about work so you know every one at the mafias tea
He also rants about stuff he likes! Bro will talk about his little hypertensions to you all the time (I head-cannon him with autism)
You hate the people who hurt him (dazai)
He thinks that he’s not worth the kindness you show him but he really is!
Sucks at swimming but he tries (he’s secretly a cat)
On topic with cats he adores them <3
Man is smitten by you like you can’t do any thing wrong in his eyes
Kindest mf to you and the people he cares about
He hates being hated by others tho so he will pretend to be nice even if he hates them (only exception to this is dazai)
He fell hella fast for you (but you fell first let’s be fr here)
He tried to flirt but failed cause you didn’t pick up on it cause hey home boys hot you where to scared he was out of your league (he thought the same dw)
You confessed cause cause your friend picked up he had the fattest crush on you and when you did chuuya was like 😟😳😀😏
He will always say he’s gonna propose to you because hey you confessed it’s only fair!!
Will legit do any thing for you! Oh you wanna play this game BOOM he’s playing it with you! You want some new shoes good thing he is at the shops rn!
He will spend as much time with you possible!
If long distance and he can’t visit you prepare for sleep calls!
With that tho he will visit you all the time
Dumbass is all I can say. You will be doing some thing ANY THING and he will make a dumb joke about it! Oh your hungry? Prepare for hi hungry im Dazai!
He loves listening to you ramble it’s his favourite thing! He loves seeing you excited and happy over what ever you are talking about!
He also masks a lot but with you he is his true self
He finds ways to make you smile all the time!
Once even made a scrap book of things that reminded him of you! He was hella embarrassed but kinda proud of it!
If some thing shitty happens he will rant about it a lot to you cause he needs to get it out and understand what went wrong or how he could have prevented it and a bunch more what ifs!
Big spoon! He loves cuddles and he loves having you in his arms it means so much to him!
Puts you on a pedestal because you are perfect and he can’t see a single flaw in you
He has a wall of photos of you him and his friends!
He’s low key done with peoples bs and like dazai rants to you about it a fair few times because he blames him self for everything that went wrong
Good cook! He likes making sweets!
Will talk about things he loves in big rants and Ofc will listen to your rants!
He doesn’t have good social knowledge so he won’t pick up stuff if you are hinting at it
Talks about you all the time to any one who will listen
Keeps notes of things about you
He sleeps early and if you have bad sleeping habits prepare for him to help you fix them but if you can’t he will happily just sleep while you do what you want :)
makes sure you take care of your self! Need I say more!
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kitsunefyuu · 5 months
If afo and inko were in love, what would their relationship be like?
Tumblr media
Well with all this new backstory information I have quite a few ideas on how their relationship work. Warning, while I definitely write them as loving and stuff doesn't mean there aren't some red flags.
How their relationship would be like in love:
All for One is a petty person who desperate for love and validation using any means to get it while also willing to spoil his 'gift' if likes them. Inko is a loving and strong willed person who do anything for their loved ones.
Basically they work well. As All for One is startled that Inko is just actually nice and seems to just like him. It ain't at all like the insane worship of his followers and he LATCHES onto that. So he kind of orchestrates opportunities for them to keep meeting. But tries to act subtle despite trying to throw gifts at her.
Inko of course thinks it's kind of hilarious and sweet that he's trying so hard. So basically she agrees to date him and let me tell you AFO has NO IDEA how dating works. He just kind of there eating dinner with no idea what to do- Cue Inko just deciding to talk and slowly getting him to talk about stuff and talk about herself.
All for One is intrigued since he doesn't really get many chances to just 'talk' about stuff that isn't a transaction. He knows people but he isn't usually part of said people. And he ends up talking about his brother and how threw himself into his work still wishing him back.
Basically first date goes great and Inko learns a lot. Though AFO avoids the whole 'murdered' said brother accidentally or that he was being evil or is still evil.
Basic dating between them is AFO basically spoiling the ever loving crap out of Inko with material things. While Inko gets him talking about his emotional needs and desires as well as helping him learn more about her. AFO learns he likes learning about people when it not about what they can get but just because wants to talk.
AFO has very much murdered or wanted to murder potential threats to Inko in the background as well as anyone that dared to try and 'steal' her. Look man he's still AFO and if there anything you know, he ain't keen on sharing. Though he makes sure they aren't so close to Inko she worry or something, he ain't that stupid. He doesn't need her running away so if they are too close, he must endure... Inko pretty good at getting him to not worry over it tho.
AFO actually considered retiring super villainy when they become engaged. As unlike with followers and people that owe him she not afraid of him. Also she seems to just genuinely like his company despite him being 'off' as many say. Who would have thought having a healthy normal relationship and being in love can be so enjoyable? If only he read more romance novels/manga.
BTW he did start reading those in his attempt to woo so you get sudden random romantic gestures from him. He even learned to cook as learned girls like that and he wants to impress her. Inko gushes at having a husband that does so much for her. He feels like a god damn great provider so like a peacock showing off his tail feathers.
People swear it seems like he got more handsome while dating Inko. AFO didn't even realize it but he made himself look more handsome purposefully. Obtaining better grooming habits, maybe some quirks and also he just smiles more genuinely with her. He still ruthless as hell as a villain but now he working even harder to impress her not just look good for his cult.
One time AFO nearly revealed he had more then one quirk because of a rat. He screamed when saw one and was about to legit about to air canon it- He got lucky because Inko just captures it in a bucket. Assuming he was scared and now about to just bring the whole place down. AFO learned he needs to be more careful.
I got even more but we be here forever so ask for more if wish to hear more of me ranting about Inko X AFO~!
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You asked for jason opinions so rant incoming:
I hatehatehateHATE the bastardization of Jason's robin both in universe and out of it.
How Alfred says"[Jason] was determined to disobey [Bruce]" before jason is even buried??? How Bruce takes Cass to Jason's grave and proceeds to absolutely shit on Jason's memory? The victimblaming??? And how dc resorted to it because otherwise ppl would be like "hey why the FUCK is batman taking on more child soldierssidekicks when the last one died??" So they answered "well jason brought it all on himself. He was reckless and violent and impulsive and disobedient-" LIKE SHUT UPP. Stop it. Why are you soo obsessed w shittalking a dead 14 year old???? Not to mention the CLASSISM. "I adopted Jason to stop him from becoming a criminal" bitch??? A) vigilantism is a crime you dumbfuck. B) Jason had morals long before you came along. He literally says he doesn't want to be a crook and that he steals only what he needs to when he first meets Bruce. But bruce is so convinced that crime=immoral (despite the vigilanitsm) that he latches onto the first impression he had of Jason (some punk STEALING his tires) that hes like "oh jason was always destined to be evil :( red hood proves it :( there was nothing i could have done" makes my blood boil. And then ppl are like "oh bruce is such a good father! Why can't jason see that he loves him smh" like are u fr??? Bruce legit slit jasons neck to save jokers life+ was/is a classist piece of shit to jason+ constantly blamed him for his death (tho this is more editorial but still) sir wtf are you smoking.
You're so right like the way dc had to justify their decisions with jason and they just started victim blaming a fictional child. Like huh?
I hate the way he basically had nothing when he was robin, barely any friends, no team, and no support system. And on top of that like you mentioned, the way they treated his death and memory is so awful, making other characters talk shit about him just because again, they had to justify their decisions with him. When people complain about fanon jason and tim interacting and how tim absolutely hated jason and thought he was a failure I'm like yeah, it's true, and just maybe it's because dc had to prove that this robin is totally different from the past one guys he's so much better his hero was Dick Grayson and he's way more competent than the violent reckless poor jason todd. Not going to talk about the classism because oh boy does that one deserve its own post.
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masshysteri4 · 9 months
How would the housewardens feel with an overly affectionate S/O
Housewardens x reader, GN reader
Riddle Rosehearts
Would take some time getting used to, he grew up in an environment that was not very affectionate. Don't get him wrong! He loooooves your affection, but definitely ease him into it, don't immediately jump into kisses and cuddle seshes, start small with locking pinkies and patting shoulders in private
"WOAH, I-I mean... Let's settle down a bit strawberry.!"
Leona Kingscholar
Doesn't care, like, literally. Most of his time is spent sleeping or lazing around and you best believe he would pull you down with him anyways, he can either be your best dream or your worst nightmare, I daresay he's even more affectionate then you. Imagine laying down all day with the person you love, one of you lazed on top of the other, that's you and him most of the time.
"You have classes? Nuh uh."
Azul Ashengrotto
Bro would die 💀 since he's really self conscious he would immediately pass out at any physical attention, but he wouldnt go off on some self deprecating spiral (idia) No he's to prideful for that, like riddle it would take a little bit of time but would come around to love your affection, even longer to initiate it, throw in some praise and he's putty in your hands.
"I hope Im not bothering you starfish..."
Kalim Al Asim
This could not be better! His love language is a physical touch, so expect to be tackled, bit, poked, kicked, punched, hugged, etc etc all hours of the day, not that he would hurt you tho its affectionate ♡ Jamils pour soul has to deal with him AND you now as he's attached to your hip all hours of the day. He just loves you too much and finally has someone to match his love energy >_<
"HIIIIII اميرتي" *tackles you*
Vil Schoenheit
Not very affectionate sorry, At LEAST not in public anyway, he has a reputation to uphold! He'll let you lay on him as he sleeps, or cuddle his lap while he's doing his makeup, and anything else in private but in public is a big no-no, he love you an will meet you halfway but he's more of a words of affirmation guy, please praise him in return o((*^▽^*))o
"Not here leibling, but rest assured tonight I'm all yours~"
Idia Shroud
Would pass out 2.0, he's been lonely for a while and yknow hasn't been outside in a while 💀 He likes you hugging him while he's gaming, and while he getting his 2 hours of sleep cuddle up to his "I paused my game to be here" clad chest 😍 honestly id say physical touch is his love language underneath gift giving, but in public he'd DIE
"y-y-y-you wannnnna hug m-m-m-m-me?!"
Malleus Draconia
(Oh boy my favorite)
PLEASE! Touch him, kick him, bite him ANYTHING! HE'S DESPERATE! Ultimate definition of touch starved, I'd say physical affection is like #3 on his list of love languages so imagine how the other 2 are. My boy is giggling and kicking his feet, writing in his dairy about how you held his hand today like a schoolgirl, he definitely wants to recreate fairy tale scenes, be the princess to his frog 😍he's legit sad if you dont at least grab his hand daily
"YES ahem I mean yes, I will lock pinkies with you while you rant to me about the..." FNaF" lore *giggles*"
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hotchs-big-hands · 8 months
can i rant for bit cuz ugh why do all the men on dating apps suck?? i hate how some men really seem to fetishize plus size women. like when you're trying to talk with them and all they wanna talk about is sexual stuff from the get go 😡😤 like hello?!? im more than just my body?? ive never even met you dude. ive got a personality, interests, etc. like do these men think they're doing plus size women a favor by aggressively sexualizing them?
it honestly sucks so much. so in order to cope I've been fantasing about hotch 😏
like imagine dbf!hotch where he overhears you ranting about dating and the men on the apps and later tries to talk to you about it. he'd tell you that they're all boys and you need a man.after hearing how upset and objectified you feel he'd probably decide to actively pursue you. especially if you've had a will they-wont they thing going on.
i just really want him to seduce me and give me a reason to delete all my dating apps
I'm so sorry this is so late but girlie I feel this so hard. I legit gave up on dating apps cuz it was just "let me see how big your tits are" "😜 wanna meet up and fuck?" Even if your profile says you're not looking for that, youre looking to date! I thought at one point I found someone who was chill and wanted to just go on a date but then 🧍 well, we won't get into that. All in all, ppl need to stop fucking fetishising fat ppl. It's dehumanising. Do we want to be desired sexually? Absolutely. But not just that tho. We want to be loved and accepted for who we are and how we look. I really hope that you do eventually find someone who doesn't just see you as a sex object, ❤️‍🔥 anon because you deserve it 💖💖
Dbf!Aaron Hotchner is sooooooooo🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 OOOOOGH
He is fucking PISSED knowing you're being treated like this on dating apps. He thinks it's fucking disgusting that people see you as nothing but a fetish. He fucking adores you. He thinks you're funny, sweet, beautiful, kind and well, of course he thinks you're fucking sexy too. But knowing you're trying to deal with all this shit makes him angry.
So he does whatever he can to show that he's, first of all, into you very much so. But also that hes not after you just for "having a good fuck with a thicc girl". The thought of people treating you as less than human, just sexual organs because of your curves makes him fucking sickened. Man starts to rly make an effort to show he is interested in you. He tries even harder to make you smile and laugh, treats you to stuff, is extremely attentive if you ever vent to him. And he can see it's working, you've got a pep in your step, and you always have that adorable shy smile on your face whenever he talks to you or looks at you. Big fan of fixing a stand of your hair.
One day something changes, you come to him upset and frustrated and you show him the dating app. You vent about it to him all about the disingenuous guys on there only seeing you as a thicc chick to fuck so they can tick it off their bucket list. And so he hugs you close, kissing the top of your head and says he can't stand to see you so upset anymore. But he has something to say that could help.
You pull away, confused. And he's looking at you with so much tenderness your heart tightens. He smiles, brushing a stray tear from your cheek.
"Sweetheart, those stupid boys don't know what they're doing. They don't know how to treat a woman, how to make her feel loved and cared for and seen as more than just their body type. I... I want to know if you'll have me. Accept me to show you how you deserve to be treated."
You can barely string words together, it's cute. But he sees more tears again and he panics, thinking he's gone too far.
"I'm sorry, this was not appropriate. I-"
"Yes.. I- yes, I want you." You interrupt him. It makes him pause, staring at you for a moment as he studies your expression. You glance away, feeling shy again. "I only started using dating apps because I didn't think I'd ever get to be with you, Aaron..."
Oh, oh sweetheart. His heart is soaring and he pulls you close for a tight hug, swaying you gently.
"Sweetheart, you have me. I'm yours."
Needless to say you freed up a lotttttt of space on your phone getting rid of all the dating apps 🥰 plenty of storage for the incoming pics you and Aaron will take together from this point forward.
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I’m still not over just how much they nerfed Nezha. I’ve accepted I will die mad about it. Lil rant don’t mind me
Like okay, first he lasts barely any time at all when fighting wukong so we’re already off to an awful start (it’s Literally been established that Nezha can hold his own for an impressive amount of time against wukong HES LITERALLY A GOD OF WAR WHAT THE FU-).
Then he somehow gets weaker to fight the brotherhood and I know for a fact that he would’ve absolutely SMACKED peng out the damn sky
And then the one brief scene where he fights Ao Bing. WHY IS HE STRUGGLING IN THAT SCENE?! His most famous win and they nerfed him there too.
So many things just Wouldn’t Have Happened if he was allowed to be powerful. (Not to mention it doesn’t really make sense for wukong, who’s been doing a whole ton of nothing for centuries, to beat Nezha, who probably trains for fun, so easily). Also it would’ve been good for mk to see that yes, there are beings other than Buddha and the jade emperor that can hold their own against wukong. (Wukong NEEDS to be humbled and Nezha would’ve been perfect for that).
this is legit facts tho. They need to humble wu kongs ass. And nezha. My sweet child. People keep interpreting him badly nerfing him and overall doing him so dirty. As much as I love wukong he’s an absolute bum when it comes to training and nezha should have pummeled his ass into the ground or at the very least should have been almost equal to him. This is why we make up hc’s tho. If cannon screws it up us fans can always find an excuse.
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astrobydalia · 2 years
Could people please stop patronizing Pisces Moons?
Like yeah I understand where people coming from and I don’t deny at all any claims about Pisces Moons because I’ve seen them in many people and I’m guilty of them myself, but I really feel like the infantilization of Pisces placements needs to stop
I’ve seen many Pisces moons who have in common that they are always the ones in their families who set the record straight and are the literal backbone of the family in some way, people always count on them for grounding, advice, etc.
They’re not always small naive babies, I’ve talked about this before but Pisces Moons can actually numb out and become rather detached and cold. We can be super inconsiderate and flighty and yes very manipulative. Like legit Pisces Moons can be the worst people to deal with don’t underestimate them
Now let’s address the delusional thing. The world never meets our expectations. Being idealistic is exactly the reason why we can be PAINFULLY aware of how disappointing and disgusting the real world can be and why we are perfectly capable of giving others and ourselves reality checks when needed (which might not be very pleasant tho). The thing is we always like to maintain hope that things can and will be better and can also interpret reality in a way that helps us cope, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that we are ONLY oblivious of factual reality. It’s not as simple as being delusional, there’s literally so much going on in our inner world like-
Sorry for this rant I don’t mean to hate on anyone I just want to give a different perspective cause personally I’m just so fucking tired of being gaslighted and patronized like Pisces is such a powerful sign for good and for bad it needs more respect just like Cancer or Gemini
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antiquepearlss · 2 years
Fast Pass Spoilers: A review of chapter 216
I don't plan on reviewing every chapter but this one may have been my favorite. I honestly really like Thanatos now.
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I really love that Rachel is giving Hades flaws, portraying him as emotionally distant and abusive. I'm glad she's making him purposefully unlikable. So far he's just been a "perfect man" in the eyes of the fandom
It's a flaw that I'm glad he has, and I'm glad that other characters are saying what I've been thinking: Hades is a bad boss. He exploits his workers, treats them unfairly, and doesn't listen to their critique. It makes sense that he's seen as unapproachable. He's quiet, has a temper, and has high standards for his employees. I went through the subreddit and alot of people are justifying what Hades did as "well it was Kronos, Hades would never do that" to that I say 🖕. Kronos did rip into him, but Hades did unjustifiably attack Thanatos. I know he didn't ask to be given a child, and didn't know Than saw him as a father figure, but to say that stuff to him....ouch :/ This is why communication is important kids.
We see often how Hades mistreated Thanatos throughout the comic, so I'm wondering if there may be some underlying problems he has with him since he doesn't seem to rip into other employees like he has with Thanatos (I'm honestly thinking he's just a jerk tho) and I don't understand why he's called lazy, since it's not really shown. And the God of death rlly can't be lazy or nothing will die.
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Also I'm glad being emotionally distant isn't being glamorized. Or the idea that it's cool to have a boyfriend that's a dick to everyone but you. I see alot of people lately praising themselves or others because they don't talk to others much, hide their emotions, and just generally act distant in order to seem cool or superior to emotional people. Or fandom girls thinking characters like Hades are cool because even though he treats everyone like crap, he's nice to Persephone and Hecate. That's toxic. Yes, I am scolding middle school me rn.
I'm glad we got more insight on why Thanatos acted the way he did. While I don't think his actions are morally reprehensible, the comic is going in that direction. I like the dive into his character and that he has legit motives instead of just not stanning persades. It makes sense that he sees Hades the way he does, and I like that Nyx is canonically not a good parent instead of it just being speculation. Thanatos has alot of issues and he keeps being put in unhealthy situations. Some by and not by fault of his own. This comic made me really like Thanatos, and gave me more faith in Hades' character development (now that he has something to develop) hopefully he can teach young audiences that special treatment is not okay and if your bf is a dick to everyone but you, run away.
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Also idc what Daphne says, Thanatos has every right to be upset with Hades for favoring Persephone. But that's another rant rant another day.
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I hope Thanatos gets the help he needs and maybe Haded can own up to what he did and maybe they can have a good relationship going forward.
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olivieraa · 2 months
In my attempt to do a spoiler-free review...
If I'm being honest... If I could go back in time... I'd tell myself not to watch this anime, which looks crazy since I was freaking out through most of it
Now it ticked lots of boxes before I went into it, but for it to tick even more when the anime already seemed perfect was incredible. So it ticked an extra three boxes. One of the before I watched it moments being that, I literally had only just made a rant about BL and how that label should be removed from animes and like, y'know, let us be surprised if the main character ends up in a same-sex relationship. Don't spoil it with the BL tag. But I'd made the Banana Fish post a month before that rant. I'd listed the Banana Fish genres, already hyped at it being a shoujo, made by a woman, with the delinquent/crime/psychological genres.
1. And so therefore, I did not go into this knowing that... it would end up being a BL. And anyone that tries to deny it was a BL is actually insane. The author could try and tell me this gay as fuck anime wasn't a BL and I wouldn't believe it (whether she has or not idk). Fucking heart emojis coming outta these fuckers eyes whenever they're in the vicinity of each other. I didn't screenshot the majority of it bc I'd too many screenshots. So yeah, this anime basically... did the exact thing I wanted in my rant. It's honestly the weirdest and most perfect timing. Legit shocked at the gay that happened in an anime not labelled as BL. I'm still not over it
Takahiro Kagami was the key animator. The animation director most known for YGO's signature style. YGO at its most beautiful. The guy who created Joey's chin. The animator they called back to animate DSOD and gave Joey his most perfect look
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So I learn just before watching this anime that made me think of Joey in the first place, that Joey's key animator was working on this show? Incredible.
Joey's S!0 VA comes in as our main dudes trainer/mentor, who taught him how to fight and shoot. Like, I been comparing him to Joey the whole time and Joey appears?? What sorcery is this??????
So with the boxes out of the way, I'll list the positives outside of that:
Voice acting was fine, but the MC has risen up the ranks for me and this is my second time hearing him as a main character. Before that he was a side character in animes I barely remember. Actually I just finished Starmyu again and I think he was one of the less memorable characters (ok just checked and yes, also he was a little gay in that, he's always gay that's crazy). But he was fantastic, a scene stealer.
The animation was stunning (as expected). And it being set in New York added so much to that appeal. The action scenes... yes.
And for 24 eps it had a decent pace, I had a few days off so just binged it but took a lot of breaks (even tho it may not look like it lmao).
I had some good ass laughs.
Onto the negatives...
Now... this anime is rated an 8.5 and its very popular.
I rated it a 7.
So I decided on the 8 rating about a third of the way into the anime. It had the potential to be higher but... the anime got sloppy and repetitive. Super repetitive. And it drags, quite a bit. But bc of all the positives, I was like "ah... its going downhill a little but I'll still give it an 8."
Then something happened. And I... just couldn't give it that 8 anymore. What happened infuriated me. There's animes that can do what happened well, and I'll be upset but like, get it. Not in this one. I had to pause and breathe for about 3 mins before pressing play again.
Others may rate this anime low due to how triggering it can get. It didn't trigger me in any way but I can see how it could. The MC goes through a lot. I just wanted to protect him.
But uh, yeah. Due to the thing that happened I'd honestly rather have not watched this show. It kinda erased all the joyous, positive things that happened throughout, in a way. Idk. I need more time to sit on it.
Yeah... idk what else to say. I'm in limbo right now
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chuluoyi · 5 months
It's okay! I hope you enjoyed your break!!
YES there is a Xmas event omg I'm broke... BUT you have a chance bbg let's gooooo
😭😭 Unholy blood is so SO good tho!! Like Tbh I never liked vampires and stuff but this plot is so interesting I LOVE it. And to top it all off with ROMANCE- *chef's kiss*
Omg tell me once you've read it! I just started reading it haha!
omg right? No longer a heroine is so good like I love her character development! I also recc "Sister's war". It's by the same artist! It's so drama but I live for it.
hehe no probs Chu! I love giving reccs hahaha
OH and that's on my TBR omg glad to hear it's good I'll read it soonnn
.... No surprises there... Ngl she's a walking red flag... no offence but I have really no words...
AW it's an honour 🥹🥹
hahaha I can't sleep in I've got like 3 projects due in Jan... My trip to Kuantan [YES KUANTAN] was only 4 days long.... I need a longer break istg banking and finance isn't being good to me AT ALL.
YEAH I GET YOU I can't even go to school without light makeup cause I feel like everyone would judge me if I went bare faced bruh. Plus in my school, we don't have a uniform so everyone just dresses up. I don't have much clothes but I still gotta dress up cause the other girls look like they're going for a fashion show... Eyeshadow eyeliner and lipstick too! Like my extracurricular activity is makeup but I don't even feel like doing makeup everyday before going to school like PLS I'm there to study not to look good?!
Sorry for ranting HAHAH and yeah that's how I spent my secondary school breaks too! I love "Haikyuu" my first anime was "Yuri!! On ice". The 2nd one is gay but it's pretty good in my opinion. I love Violet evergarden too omg. For shows... I watch a LOT of K-dramas and my fave is "While you were sleeping" and "The Hymn of death". The latter is a short one, 3 eps if I rmb correctly! But it's so good and angsty HAHHA
YEAH I think I know that acc omg! I don't follow her but I always receive notifs from her- I DO hope he's alive tho! My non-JJK friends like to send me pics of half Gojo... You know the kitkat one?? Brutal...
YEAH LEVI SO FINE FR!!! Hotness at it's finest oh my goodness Idc if he's half blind and short and older than me he's the definition of a MAN
Oh my OH MY Taytay supremacy 🥹🥹🥹 I agree it's all so relatable like every song is a story itself!
Thanks for the tips, Chu 😭😭😭 I should try the forum... I hope it can help me....
Hahah totally relatable! When I started Accounting 2 years back I was like ?!??!?! More than half the time HAHAH like JUST BALANCE 😭😭😭 You'll make my life a whole load easier.... 1 financial statement is worth 20 marks... so you can imagine how much I'll suffer if I don't balance it.. Okay but I prefer my maths and languages over sciences 🫠🫠 I suck at Bio... But I kinda like chemistry ngl it's quite fun
hehehe it's nothing!!! and thankss I did enjoy it!!
Also, when I went to Kuantan heard the mayor was planning to build a LEGIT REAL LIFE memorial for Nanami 😭 She's in the midst of liaising with Gege and JJK editors. Its so cute how Kuantan is using Nanami as their marketing strategy 😭😭 Istg all the Nanami girlied will FLOCK to Kuantan just to take a pic with the memorial HAHHA
Okay I think I've written too much 🤭🤭 Hope to hear from you soonnnnnn 🩵🩵🩵🩵
disco anonn!!🥹🥹 i have just gotten back from luke's bakerlon card omg i'm positively swooning it's my most fav card now AAAAAA
it's the same childhood friends luke rosa but takes place in bakerlon, really. and there's this little angst between them, forbidden love trope, and rosa is as brilliant as always if not more!! i love luke so much he's always there for her like aaaaaaaaa
and in the beginning, we get to see luke all serious and with that lower voice too🫠🫠
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and the xmas event!! good lord i put all schips i have again and got marius so i think okay that's worth it🥹 i haven't read it yet but will after this! thank god they make luke an SR one or else😭😭
samee!! i used to think vampire stories are usually over-the-top but unholy blood makes it so modern i love it sm😭 it's to the point that i'm rereading it several times because the ending is just tooo bittersweet don't you think?😭 like we won but at what cost... pastor michael's sacrifice at the beginning of the chapter never fails to bring me to tears ugh
wait i actually didn't find the author's new work because i got tangled up somehow. is it apostle's creed? i ended up reading that🥲 but i think it's one of her older works...
okay okay i live for all drama!🥹 as of now i'm still on death is the only ending for villainess! it's so good omg thank you for the recs i just realized that i once read it too but then forgot it halfway🥲 i totally remember callisto's smirk alright. now i'm picking it up AHAHAH
you're going to kuantan!? omg i hope you have fun there!!🥹 to be honest silly me didn't know than kuantan is in malaysia before jjk🥲 but yes i saw this one ad that features nanami for kuantan😭 and yes me too! year end means work after work so i'm quite literally dying these days🥲 once january comes i'll be submitting my one-week leave!
i so relate to you!! but it's so cool that your school doesn't have any uniform and that you have makeup as an extracurricular?! i used to hate my high school skirt sm because they made it so long i had to cut it🥲 AHAHHAA omg like going to fashion show🥲🥲 i used to get this hate(?) from these group of questionable boys for wearing powder at school whereas they also mocked girls who were bare-faced as well. istg they were simply weird😩
that's perfectly okay!! you can rant whenever you want with me!🥹 ahh i've heard of yuri on ice too back then it was kind of booming?🥹 and HYMN OF DEATH I WATCHED IT LEE JONGSUK omg his dramas are always good🥹 and shin hyesun's acting is always top-notch too. i love shin hyesun in angel's last mission the most though because the story is just generally sweet!
that KITKAT HAHAHAHAH😭😭 i know that and also this one meme of gojo's half body with christmas hat. gods i hate that meme sm😭 my bf loves it he's so insufferable
hotness at its finest is so real ahahahaha
you're welcome!!🥹 i personally feel the forum is so helpful even though we asked the basics so i hope it'll help you too!
THAT'S SO TRUE or the exams would only consists of 2 financial statements which means each of them worth 50 marks?!😭 that sort of headache is what makes me choose engineering as my major in uni but then now at work i'm somehow back to dealing with finances and such *siiiigh*
omg you like math? i used to hate that even more than economics🥹 because i'd tear my hair out for finding x and y and for the life of me, i can't solve those kind of questions fast😩 and same! i suck in bio bcs i have trouble remembering complicated things but chemistry is so fun there was one time i remember all things in the periodic table even though i have a short-term memory aha
REALLY?!😭 wait but how, is it the same or different with the nanami memorial that's in the google?? even i'm interested to visit kuantan too if there would be a nanami shrine there!!🥹🥹
that's okaaay! my reply is sooo long too omg and i'm waiting for your reply too!🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
Oh my that got meaty again
The guide used to be a massive ho and was attracted to van helsings so thats where it comes from
Nadja and laszlo ask a guillermo at the end of his rope to seduce her for the night club. He says fine make me the night club accountant. The guide manhandles him but asks to just be friends. Guillermo never says if he even would be down for it for real. All the vamps act like hes pan tho he hasnt said that
Guillermo rants to nandor while trying to keep colin from sledgehammering his old room. Poor baby is over all of this. He mentions he hasnt been to his moms bday in 3 years and nandor is like well how would i know u never mention it
Which fair, while nandor acts like guillermo will just be his familiar helper he has been (for nandor) kind to him and treating him like an equal. I am enticed by his ‘really?’ Comment when guillermo said he wasnt jealous. I need moar!
The guide gets to work and laszlo is in everyones good graces but guillermo
Mawra gets 3 seconds of air and seems to be his scientist wife which is odd cuz he didnt want one smarter than him. Shes at the center of the pic so that prbly meant something.
If u count the 36 puppy heaven send offs, plus the 2 prior wishes hes down to 9 wishes after trying to change her hair color (im unsure their counting offing the wives but the djinn was like bro ur really going thru these)
Nandor doesnt…seem legit happy. Like hes putting it on. But it was a brief scene
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bakingkai · 1 year
First of all...💦💦💦
Like, wtf how is he so hot and sexy it literally kills me every day! I have never ever been more attracted to a human male than I am to this man. There aren't enough words in the English language to describe how much he has me in a fucking choke hold! Screaming, crying, throwing up, etc. over the fact that he'll never be mine tbh. I'm legit in love with a Korean man I've never met but have known for about 5 years or some shit like wth man I can't!
Sorry for the rant, but he's unbelievable. Anyways...
I find myself imagining Huening as a horseback rider like one of those fancy, posh pompous guys who do competitions in dressage, show jumping, and shit. He'd look so gorgeous and hot atop a horse, I think. I imagine him being so smug and stuck up, saying he's gonna win that blue ribbon and shit. He eyes you from across the riding course, and his glare sends shivers down your spine and your pussy. After the competition, he finds you, and it's like a slow-motion scene where he just walks up to you and grabs you by the chin and kisses you and then says. "That doesn't mean that I like you, loser." He smirks when he sees how hard you're blushing and how flustered his kiss made you. He goes to an all boys school and you an all girls so you two meet up in secret and fuck. Omg I actually need to stop 😂 Idky. This fantasy is everything, lmao. That's just one of my many ideas that I have yet to put into a full story. I also randomly like the idea of airplane pilot Kai, bully Kai like enemies to lovers, I guess, and also really possessive bf Kai.
Also, for some reason, in all of my imaginings, Taehyun hates me like fr, and it's hot lmao like he just straight up is cold to me and doesn't want anything to do with me. Soobin is definitely businessman vibes like wearing a suit and briefcase and a fancy watch and corporate office and shit. Back to Terry, tho me and that man have had mad beef for like 3 years or something lmfao I feel like he'd throw hands, and I'd just let him tbh. Beomgyu and I... we aren't really compatible. He's not unattractive, but I've legit never had a fantasy about him before ever, so Idk, man. Now Yeonjun is a definite baddie like bad bitch like girl gimme fashion advice and tell me the gossip tho but he also good looking. He's the guy you meet in Paris or Italy and have that sexy fling with and then find out he's a big-time model and whatever. Anyways, thanks for reading this 5AM random rant/hard thoughts ish. I do take requests and all that shit but it'll take me a lil bit to write stuff because my life is a chaotic wonderland 😂
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kwop-kilawtley · 11 months
Hi!! <3 I barely use tumblr but I stumbled upon your blog while going thru the JxB tag and I just had to say this… Rereading Twilight as an adult is so… infuriating ? I first read the books when I was 14 and even tho I was team Edward back then I still loved Jake and I felt so weird about Bella becoming a vampire? Like, story-wise, it felt so empty and unfulfilling, even to my naive 14 yr old self. Now I’m 26 and I recently reread the books and I just can’t!!! believe!!! this!!! It reminds me so much of the way I romanticised my toxic relationships/friendships as a teen because they felt intense and crazy and they hurt so bad that it was almost good? Like that’s exactly what Bella was doing throughout the entire series and it breaks my heart that this girl never healed, never learned to love herself, and is forever mentally stuck at age 18 in her perfect little world where she got everything without any consequences. Growing older and healing from my trauma made me realise that life is the greatest gift and that I want nothing more than a happy, peaceful, sunshine type of love, the love Bella could’ve had with Jake. Rereading the JxB chapters in NM and Eclipse literally hurt because this kind of ease and warmth is all I’ve ever wanted but my trauma made me think I deserve drama and intensity and pain. It’s just so messed up I can’t believe how angry I am with this stupid teen story like!!! It had so much potential but oh well… Sorry for the rant but I feel like you’d understand what I mean. Hope you have a great day :>
EVERYTHING YOU SAID EXACTLYYYYYYY. Like I actually go INSANE because of the potential and how people don’t see it this way. I’ve been team Jacob since I’m 10 but would like go back and forth to team Switzerland. But now I’m fully team Jacob like I p much only was Switzerland bc of the nostalgia of the first book. I’ve been in abusive toxic relationships and it’s legit exactly like bxe. It may seem subtle and just bc he didn’t physically hurt her and was obsessed with her doesn’t mean it’s GOOD. It’s very very empty and sends out a horrible message to people I think. Like bella just chose the need for perfection. She didn’t fix anything it was a bandaid. JACOB WAS RIGHT THEREEEEE. And they have ACTUAL chemistry. Exb are trauma bonded. I talk about this all the time on here and it will always make me so angry but we are content in our team Jacob hive mind tbh <3 canon cannot hurt us
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rainy-astrology · 1 year
No problem that it was long I very much enjoyed the answer and I very much underhand your sister and Pedro pascal- HAJSKDKD he’s pretty much stealing everybody’s hearts.
Anyway back to he topic, yeah I totally agree with the pinning bad traits to zodiac signs when it rlly depend on people as well. There’s 1 other user I also wrote to who agrees on this bc I’ve legit seen so many ppl say seonghwa isn’t loyal, likely to cheat and so on. And exactly what you said you can’t say that about people you don’t even know or have met. So thank you for your insight as well. I have some Aquarius friends and they’re all very quirky ? But very loyal to you and just vibe honestly ❤️❤️
Pedro Pascal stealing hearts as Joel lately 🤌✨️ The Last of Us show is so good and surprisingly pretty accurate to the game. I wasn't expecting much since a lot of games don't seem to adapt well to shows/movies, but I'm glad they stuck a lot to the game script. The game is already amazing as is, no need to change the story too much lol.
Anyway, I'm glad you and the other user agree with me. There's no need to push a negative stereotype on a person we don't personally know... I think it's fine if they list both pros and cons of a placement but to straight up claim a stranger has that specific bad trait is not it 🙅‍♀️. And yeah for sure, Aquarius are quite loyal. I think it's due to their general pickiness tho hah. They seem careful with who they let in their inner circle. They are friendly and vibey but only trust and love a few genuinely (at least with my Aquarius bestie and other Aquarius placements I've observed).
I'm glad you enjoyed my slight rant though lmao
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lotho · 2 years
Opinions For Pasion De Gavilanes 02
Also spoilers 
Oscar is not a fucking cheater.
I have herd complains on how he is a dick and such in the beginning, but for me he was a funny dick. He also gets really good development as the series goes on, he also loves Jimena like a fuck ton. 
Even if he is greedy and money hungry he still clearly cares for the people in his life and is actually really grateful, like when he gave money too Leandro for his business and supported him.
     2. The Twins are pretty funny (02) 
No reason I just think the twins are pretty funny. They're assholes and perhaps murders but I find them pretty entertaining. There spoiled kids for sure and sorta freaky/weird for having a threesome with the same girl. But I find they really funny and actually way better than Juan David’s character! Who in bye next one-
     3. Juan David Is a pretty boring/bad character 
Maybe I just simply do not like that he is just a cheap version of Juan Reyes, or maybe because HE IS FUCKING A MOM AND HER DAUGHTER. He is suppose to be the leader of the family, the oldest of the second generation of the Reyes, his role is sorta suppose to be mentoring his siblings and younger cousins while also growing alongside them. But he as much depth to him a slice cheese sandwich.  They could have put him as being stressed for being the oldest, having to be like his father and be mature and shit. Oldest child syndrome or something idk I just really don’t fucking like his character I think its a waste. 
    4. Franco’s Absence(?) 
Okay he is kidnapped or something, idk I didn’t go that far cause I felt like episodes started to get worst as it went on and that the actor was busy with his own shit but what I didn’t like was how the characters reacted to it. I feel like it is a trend were they see the worst in Franco due to misunderstandings but this one pisses me off. 
The brother Reyes just accepted that he left the family???? In the beginning of the series ever since Libra died both Oscar and Juan are quite a bit protective of Franco, hell their really protective towards each other! The Reyes I know would not accept one of them being missing after all the shit they went through and having the many enemies they do. They also know he really loves Sarita, and probably his kids. But then they really accept his absence?!?! 
Also when did he leave? His kids seem to know nothing about them. 
Though the clips of him coming back and him and Sarita is really comforting and cute, got I hate how they treated this adorable couple. 
     5. Gabriela Is Done Dirty. 
Like wtf, why is she still the worst? Where did the character development go!?!?!??!??!?! I hate that they made her into a villain again. 
Tho I do like and hate how they still kept her as the same villain, how they kept she was sorta sexism towards her daughters in the beginning kept happening with Gaby. Her traditionalist ideals harming the people she suppose loves, but idk.
   6. Andres’s Treatment as LGBTQ+ Character With His Love Interest 
I just herd of the spoilers so take this from a grain of salt, so I am unsure if this is totally accurate or not. 
So apparently Andres got with an older man and that is just a really fucking stupid trope in novelas I really hate. To make things interesting the young gay character has to be with an older man character? I hate that LGBTQ characters need some sorta of taboo instead of having a normal romance like the straight parings.
I do actually really like Andres tho, he is likable character and is like a passive but more confident Franco.  
Leandro was one of my favorite characters in the original and though that even if his is the stereotype gay man, he was a great character all the round and was super funny. I think he is pretty decent rep for the time.
 So I am sorta disappointed with the rep with Andres with his love interest, overall though he is alright.  (Also for anyone still watching is Juan still homophobic? Like in the original he is canonically homophobic and Franco is more or less not with the Oscar scene but idk. 
Also random but I love the scene so much It makes me laugh a lot.)
  7. Family means nothing in 02. 
The whole thing with the first season was about family, how your suppose to be together no matter what and support even with each other downfalls. The brother even after everything loved each other and care so much, the same goes with the sisters.
The second gen of Reyes fucking do not like each other. I saw the pictures of Gaby and Andres saying they don’t care for the twins, the twins fighting the older brother constantly, Juan David sorta looking like he thinks with more with his dick, so on so forth.  The fights between the brother and sisters still had some sort of love towards them and they still protect each other. I feel no familiar connection towards these fuckers and I hate it. If these guys went poor like Juan, Oscar, Franco or deal with a force like Fernando like how the sisters did, I think they would have actually killed each other among themselves. 
   8. Villains suck. 
I cannot actually name any of them currently but they are so not iconic like in the first season. 
That is just a simple fact, enough said. 
    9.  No good Ships 
I hate the Juan David with Rosario  I hate Juan David with Muriel (she could so MUCH better) 
I hate Andres with the older dude. 
Gaby with her boyfriend is eh, the dude is just not interesting. 
Norma and Juan are still bland as ever. 
The friendship with Andres and Muriel is pretty good I guess. 
(Glad they stopped the Juan David love triangle with Andres tho)
   10. The Plot Is just overall a mess and Where are the other characters?
The plot lines in the original were connected, in this one it is just all over the place. 
And I know that some actors couldn't come on the show again but fuck man, I miss Eva. I also thought their uncle would stay in contact at least? What about Ruth and Benito? The two brothers and their family who own the grocery store?What about my queen pepita? I know they brought back Panchita with a different actress but they just completely butchered her character, what ever happened to her being the voice of reason? 
Rip Sebastian Boscán, his life was taken away too soon. 
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