#i live on the 3rd floor and as i said my main suspect is my next-door neighbour
theflyingfeeling · 7 months
#so i live in an apartment block#and one (or some) of my neighbours have started smoking cannabis recently (or something that smells similar)#i say ''have started'' because i haven't noticed anything until a couple of weeks ago#sometimes i can smell tobacco in the staircase but it has never really spread to my apartment#but the pot? my hallway REEKS of it#(=inside my actual apartment!!!!!)#and look. i could not give less shits about what someone chooses to smoke in their freetime#but PLEASE don't subject me to it ffs🤢#i have a suspicion which neighbour it might be but i'm not 100% sure so i guess there's not much i can do about it#however. the smell is so strong that it would make sense it's from a nearby apartment#and considering my next-door neighbour had a couple of visits from the police last spring... 😐#i know i'm not the only one bothered by the smell judging by the notes some of my neigbhours have left on the noticeboard of the building#i think these notes (''heippalappu'') are somewhat useless though because 1) the neighbour to whom it's directed may never even see it#and 2) even if they did i doubt it would make them stop smoking indoors#because i don't think it's a case of them not realising the smell might affect others#it's more a case of just being a dick and not giving a fuck about other people#just now i googled ''what to do when my neighbour smokes pot'' lol#but i couldn't really find anything useful for this particular situation where i can't be sure from which apartment the smell comes from 😑#and i don't really feel like snooping around behind my neighbours' doors like a sniffer dog to figure out where's the source of the smell#i live on the 3rd floor and as i said my main suspect is my next-door neighbour#and someone in the heippalappu was also suspecting a 3rd floor resident (''you know who'' they had written)#but then someone else had written they think it comes from the 4th floor so 🤷‍♀️#unless it was the pot-smoker themselves bluffing 🤔#i did find a reddit thread (in finnish) in which some people are like ''it's just a smell. deal with it''#ah! so i'm supposed to just tolerate the smell of pot inside my apartment! even though it's fucking disgusting! okay thanks!!!!!!#AITA for being bothered by pot smell inside my apartment caused by my neighbour lol
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indigoleonis · 10 months
My safe place ⋆⭒˚。⋆ (Part 1)
Leon x F!Reader (Word Count 2.4k +) Content Warning: 18+, Abuse, Gunshots, Choking, Offensive Language, fluff. Notes: Hi everyone reading this, I am new to writing and English is not my main language. Constructive criticism is always welcome, and if you notice any grammar mistakes feel free to message me about it so I can work on that for future projects. Reblogs and Likes are greatly appreciated! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡
Part 1 || Part 2 (Soon)
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‘Shit shit shit’ Was going through my mind non-stop as I ran up the stairs of the DSO building. He is going to be so pissed that I am late again.
This was like the 10th time in my 3 month DSO career that I had to run up these stairs because I didn’t make it in time for a meeting. It sure was a good workout, but it was absolutely not worth it in the end. I knew how pissed Leon was going to be again, he was going to tell me how immature I was and that I had a team that relied on me. He would keep telling me how irresponsible it is to keep showing up late. And I knew all too well that he was right, but I just couldn’t help it.
I made it to the 3rd floor and opened the door to the meeting room. I sighed, the room was empty, except for Leon who was sitting in a chair with his feet upon the desk reading some documents. I know I was getting an earful again.
“The meeting ended a few minutes ago. How can you be so reckless? Do you need a nanny or something?” He said before getting up from his chair, sliding the documents across the table towards me. “I am so sorry Leon.”
Leon shakes his head, annoyed. “The fact that you are always late shows how much you care about the team’s success.” He walked past me. “It may not mean much to you, but we all work hard to achieve success on the same missions. It would be nice for once if you’d put in the same amount of effort as the rest. You need to stop being late all the time. Do you understand what I am saying?”
“Yes, I understand.” I said softly looking down at my feet, thinking about the reason I was late so often.
He looks at me, his face softens and he sighs.
“I’m sorry, I don’t want to be harsh on you. I know you’re new on the job, but you need to take this seriously, the team needs to rely on you from time to time, we shouldn’t have to always be on alert for you because you might arrive whenever you feel like it, understand?”
“I know Leon, I understand, I really do.” I knew damn well that if it wasn’t for my controlling boyfriend I wouldn’t have been late every single time. “I know you understand.” He replies as he leans against the wall with his arms crossed.
“Do you have a boyfriend? How long have you been together?” He asks, curious, his body language indicates that he’s listening attentively. I looked up at him, my eyes widened and I gave him a questioning look. I never talked about my personal life with my co-workers, I never once mentioned that I had a boyfriend or lived with someone. I was taken aback by his question, not knowing whether he was suspecting anything or if he was trying to flirt with me. Leon was at least 10 years older than me, there was no way he was romantically interested in me right? But on the other hand, he wasn’t as mad as usual when I was late today. “Oh uh, yeah. I have a boyfriend, it’s been 2 years almost actually.” “Oh, it’s pretty serious then. He must be taking good care of you.” Leon leans closer and tries to gauge my face. “I’m just a little curious, that’s all.” He continues.
“Well, I’m sure he does. I mean, 2 years is a long time. What’s he like to you? He must make you really happy to stay so long in a relationship with him.” Leon asks, with a slightly skeptical tone, he looks like he’s trying to fish some kind of information from me.
I slightly panicked, he knew something was up and I had no idea how he was suspecting anything. “Oh it’s been great so far!” I lied, giving him a soft smile and lifted up my hand to scratch my neck, hoping I could deceive him.
Leon’s eyes followed the movement of my hand and he smiles at me. “Your boyfriend must be a very lucky guy, dating a beautiful woman like yourself. I hope he knows that.”
I was stunned by his sudden comment. He called me beautiful? He left me confused again, was he trying to get information out of me, or was he actually flirting with me the entire time? Leon’s smile grows wider as he sees my reaction. “Of course you are. I am just stating a fact. But now I am curious. What’s wrong with your boyfriend? Why does he make you feel like you need to hide things and lie to cover it?”
Great, he knew I was lying. “It’s nothing.” I lied again, looking down at the floor. I got a look from Leon again, his smile slowly fades and he senses that I could be lying. He comes closer to me and speaks very quietly, in a gentle tone. “Is he hurting you?”
I looked up at Leon, who was suddenly standing in front of me. He softly placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me, and assure me it was fine to tell him the truth. “He is very protective…” I whispered softly. He was too protective, he controlled me, made sure he knew where I was all the time and with who I was. If he didn’t like it he would keep me at home, forbid me to even leave the house.
“Protective or controlling?” He asks, as he grabs my other arm, trying to get me to look at him. “Has he ever hit you? Has he ever stopped you from hanging out with your friends if you didn’t tell him where you were going?” He asks, gently brushing my hair out of my face. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I kept looking at the floor, not wanting to let Leon see me on the verge of tears.
His voice softens as he sees some tears rolling down my cheeks. “Come on, if I’m right, you need to tell someone about it. I am here for you. You don’t have to carry all of this by yourself.” His tone becoming more and more comforting and gentle. “Do you really feel you can’t tell any of your friends or co-workers because of him?”
I didn’t look or answered Leon. I rolled up my sleeves, which were covered in bruises. I lifted my shirt up to my bra to show him even more bruises. The tears now rolling down my cheeks faster. “Did he do this to you?” He asks quietly as he wrapped his arms around me. He was surprised by the amount of bruises he had seen, and I didn’t even show half my body yet. “Yeah.” I whisper between sobs, unable to say anything else.
“I’ll be here for you, he won’t hurt you again. If you ever want to run away from him, I can take you somewhere else, I can keep you safe.” He looks straight into my eyes. “Is that what you want? To be safe with me?” I looked at Leon confused, not understanding what he meant. “Go with you? Leon, what do you mean?” His face turns a bit red as he realizes what he might have sounded like. “I meant that I would take you away from him. So you won’t have to be afraid of him, or worry about him hurting you. And.. You could live with me.” He said with a concerned face, wiping some tears off of my face. “Do you want that?” He asks again.
I took a step back and pushed his hands away from me. “What is wrong with you?” I said angry. “I told you about my boyfriend, how he abuses me and you immediately take this as an opportunity to get me to sleep with you? You’re not any better than him Leon!”
Leon looks at me surprised, and then starts to laugh a little. “Sorry, sorry, I swear it’s not like that. Yes you’re beautiful, but I won’t force myself on you like that.” He says with a slight chuckle. “This isn’t funny Leon! I thought I could trust you…” Leon smiles and shakes his head. “No, no, don’t take this the wrong way! I should apologize, I should have phrased it better. Don’t be mad now. I was just trying to get you to smile a little by calling you beautiful.” He took a step closer to me. “I am not smiling for you old man.” I said infuriated and walked out of the room, tears rolling down my face again.
I left him in that room and made my way outside, I was desperately in need of some fresh air. It was late already, the sun had set and there was barely any traffic. I looked at my phone and seeing the messages my boyfriend had sent me. ‘You better come home soon, I am hungry. If I have to make my own dinner you’ll be in big trouble.’ I rolled my eyes and put my phone back into my pocket.
After walking for a few minutes I took a seat on a bench. My boyfriend had called me several times, he was definitely mad because I had read his messages but just left him on read. Knowing I was already going to be in trouble once I get home, I decided to ignore his phone calls as well. I looked up at the sky, closing my eyes and wished I could just be away from everyone and everything.
A soft voice comes from behind me calling my name. “Are you okay? The voice said, worried at the way I looked and my apparent sadness. The person sits next to me, and places their hand on my back to try and comfort me. “Leon, please..” I sighed. He leans his body towards me, and hugs me tight. “Come here, you’re safe, don’t worry. I’ll help you, I want you to be happy.” I faced him. “Why did you follow me?” He brushed my hair out of my face again. “I couldn’t just let you run off like that. I wouldn’t forgive myself if something were to happen to you.” He said while gently tucking my hair behind my ear. I blushed a little by feeling his cold fingers against my face. “Leon?” I paused for a second and looked into his blue eyes. “How did you know?” I asked him. “Know what?” He looked at me puzzled. “About my boyfriend.” He gave a light chuckle. “I noticed your bruises on your arms for the first time after our first mission in Eastern-Europe. I didn’t really think anything of it, I initially thought you just ran into some bad guy after we got separated in the sewers. I got suspicious after your bruises didn’t seem to heal even though it was weeks since we had returned. You also wore long sleeved shirts or hoodies a lot, even when it felt like the earth was on fire last summer.” He smiled a little. “It wasn’t until last weekend that my suspicions were confirmed. I was at the local pub and noticed you somewhere in the back. You were arguing with your boyfriend weren’t you? He grabbed both your wrists and dragged you outside not much later.” He said visibly angry. “I am sorry, I should have helped you. I should have walked out after you guys and helped you.” He sounded defeated. “I’ve seen you handle the bad guys on our missions so I thought you would be fine. I am really sorry.” Leon gave me an apologizing look. “It’s okay Leon, you don’t always know what’s going on behind closed doors. No matter how strong one person might be, they might just be a weak puddle of mud once they get home.” I joked trying to lighten the mood. “Thank you for caring about me though, it feels nice being able to talk about it with someone. I really appreciate your concern Leon.” I admitted, letting out a sigh of relief. I stood up from the bench we were sitting on and reached out my arms towards Leon. He gave me a smile and stood up, he wrapped his arms around me tightly. “If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.” He said before letting me go. “Thanks Leon, I should probably go home now.” I said with a nervous tone. “I should break up with him, but I need to do this myself.” Leon nodded. “Are you sure you will be fine? I can walk with you if you want, and wait at your house a bit until I know you’ll be safe.” I assured Leon I was going to be alright and that I would see him tomorrow again. “Don’t follow me again!” I said loudly while making my way home, getting further from Leon.
I was on my way for a good 10 minutes, all I had to was cross through the park. The park always freaked me out a bit, there were no lights so it was extremely dark. Sometimes I had to stop walking to look around and make sure I wasn’t going off into the direction of the lake. My phone started buzzing, I took it out of my pocket only to see it was my boyfriend, again. “So, you’re going to ignore me again huh?” I stood still in shock, I looked around me but before I could see where he was I could feel his hands grabbing me around my neck. “Answer me bitch!” He yelled, tightening his hands making it hard to breath. “L- Let me g- go.” I tried to scream but his hands made it impossible. Tears were streaming down my face, my hands grabbed his arms but he was too strong for me. “No one is going to help you princess, if you would’ve answered my text we wouldn’t be here right now. It’s your own fucking fault and I am making you pay for it.” My lips were starting to feel numb, I gasped for air but he just tightened his grip more when he saw me struggling. It didn’t take much longer before everything turned black. I heard a loud bang, similar to that of a gunshot right before I dropped on the ground.
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messrmoonyy · 3 years
Have you seen that popular post of tonks going to Remus class after the war and taking teddy with her? cood your write something with that? Please 😃
I sure have anon! I loved this. Some happiness amongst all the angsty asks I have lmao.
I took some mild creative liberties with the conversational abilities of portraits and the timeline is slightlyyyy wobbly. But enjoy
Read my other writing in my masterlist and feel free to drop me a request
Pairing: Remus lupin x Nymphadora Tonks
Warnings: none
When Tonks woke up Remus was already gone, her fingers reached around blindly on his side of the bed and found nothing but cold sheets and she groaned. In the year that they had been living at Hogwarts with Remus back teaching again, she had gotten herself into the habit of waking up with him. But Teddy had simply refused to sleep last night so she had been up for hours with him so that Remus could sleep. She opened her eyes and saw there was a steaming mug of tea on the bedside dresser with a little note propped against it and she reached over to grab it.
'My dear Dora,
Don't be mad at me for not waking you, you needed to rest. I checked on Teddy before I left. I have a class of 6th years 3rd period so feel free to come down if you want to. I have a free afternoon too, so tea in Hogsmede?
Yours always, Remus'
She smiled and sat up in bed stretching her arms up above her head with a yawn, grimacing slightly as her arm popped. It was one of the main reasons she still hadn’t gotten back fully into working herself, an injury from the war that still hadn’t recovered. The curse still that had hit her making it seem like it might not ever recover properly. Madam Pomfrey saw her once a week to help with it, but it wasn’t much better really.
She felt quite useless some days. She was desperate to get back into working again. She was never one for just lazing around doing nothing. She had been offered her job back at the ministry when ever she was ready to return to it, a hefty promotion waiting for her too. She still dis small things for the ministry, Kingsley has worked very closely with her and Remus on getting equal rights for Lycanthropes, made wolfsbane much more accessible. But for now she didn’t really mind that much, it meant having plenty of time with Remus and Teddy. Now in terms of work she she just helped out around the school where she could, because they didn't mind if she brought Teddy along with her. Some days she helped out in the hospital wing, her extensive knowledge on healing coming in handy. Other days helped with Minervas homework study groups, helped Remus plan his classes, she kept busy.
Teddy started to fuss and she got out of bed with a roll of her shoulder to try ease the morning pain. She peered into his cot to see him wide eyed and awake. He had Remus’ eyes. Big and brown and beautiful. He looked so much like Remus, she knew the older he got he’d simply be a double of his dad. Minerva was already joking that with them looking so identical now she would resign the day he was old enough to attend Hogwarts. With Remus and Tonks as his parents he was certain to have a mischievous streak in him for certain. It was practically fate.
" my silly boy huh " she said as she saw he’d managed to completely change ends he was sleeping on. She smiled, rolling her eyes with a smile and picked him up. His hair was a vibrant shade of red today, like the phone boxes back in London. His hair was the one of the only thing that seemed to change about him at the moment but he was already starting to control it. He had seemed to have learnt how to change his hair to match who he wanted to be held by when he was particularly grumbly. Which made things particularly difficult if they were staying at the Weasleys. But also quite cute when they would visit Harry and a little scar would appear on his head. She didn't even mind that just lately it would go brown more often than pink because seeing Remus and Teddy together was one of the greatest feelings in the world. Seeing Remus happy was one of the greatest feelings in the world. Because he so often would wake up in the night in a cold sweat as his nightmares replayed all the trauma of the war back to him. But work kept him distracted. And Teddy did. And she did. And though he would never admit it, the fact that he was sole income for the family now kept him motivated too.
She carried him over to her bed and sat down with to feed him, knowing that must be the reason he was fussing. It was quite peaceful sitting there in her room with him, it was raining outside and the rain hitting the window panes was almost melodic. Remus loved the rain and she’d grown to love it as well, sometimes convincing him to go out dancing around in it with her. If she listened closer she could hear the chatter of the children, she glanced at the clock and saw second period would be starting in 5 minutes so they were noisily moving between their classes. Even though there were no classrooms by the teachers wing in the castle, she could still hear them.
When Teddy had had his fill she propped him up on her pillows as she opened up his little wardrobe to get him something to wear. There was a quidditch friendly later on the evening, so she pulled out his little hufflepuff quidditch jumper ready. Molly had knitted it for him and it was an almost perfect replica. Even though Harry had tried to convince her he should be wearing Gryffindor. But even Remus agreed Teddy would be a hufflepuff. Through and through.
" wanna go see daddy teach later, hmm? You like being in his classroom don't you? Mummy does too because daddy looks very handsome in his teaching robes doesn't he? He does " she said as started to get him changed, unhooking his foot that he had shoved into his mouth “ are you going to be a good boy whilst he’s teaching? My good boy huh? “ Teddy gurgled an answer and went back to trying to get his foot into his mouth again.
With a half hour or so to go until his 6th year class she left their quarters and took Teddy down to his second favourite place in the castle. In one of the corridors off the main entrance hall a long row of portraits of those that had been lost in the war had been hung. Including one of Sirius. The first time they had seen it both Remus and Dora had cried only to have had the painted Sirius tell them both to grow a pair. But getting to introduce Teddy to his family was worth it, even if it did still make her emotional to see his face and hear his voice again.
When she reached Sirius frame he wasn't in it and she rolled her eyes knowing exactly where he would be. She walked down a couple more portraits to Fred Weasleys. And there was Sirius. Turns out even painting Sirius and Fred were mischievous and Sirius acted like the marauder he once was around Fred as they tried to play pranks on the others in the hall.
" do you ever actually stay in your frame?" Tonks said with a smile, bouncing Teddy lightly on her hip.
" Tonksie! And my little man! " Teddy started laughing as he heard Sirius voice and made grabby hands towards him. Tonks held him to the frame and Sirius pulled stupid faces at the little boy making him laugh even more. She wished Sirius was still around to truly play with Teddy. To make him laugh and turn him into the little prankster she knew he would grow up to be. But a portrait would all she was going to get nowadays. So she took what she could get " where's moons? Teaching? "
" yeah. We're going to see him now. Arent we Ted? Gonna see daddy? “ Teddy’s hair shifted brown at the mention of his dad and with a slight worry he would start crying and disturb classes, she said a quick goodbye to Sirius and made her way down to Remus’ classroom. She was a little early but Remus tended to let his class go early if he knew she was coming down.
And as exactly as she had suspected he had let his 3rd years go early when she arrived and they were piling out of the room. They all smiled as they saw her, all of Remus’ students knowing who she was.
" morning Mrs Lupin! "
" hi Ted! Hi Mrs Lupin! "
" good morning Mrs Lupin, oh hiyya Teddy! " some of the children greeted her as they left the classroom and she smiled at them all eagerly still just loving the sound of ' Mrs Lupin ' as she stepped into the classroom Remus had his back to her, tidying something on his desk and she snuck up behind him, wrapping her free arm around his waist.
" hi " she said softly and stood up on her tip toes to kiss his cheek. He turned in her embrace immediately, a smile gracing his faces the sight of his family. He leant down to kiss her only to be disturbed by Teddy yanking on his hair.
" oh I'm sorry, does someone feel left out? " Dora said with a laugh and handed him over to Remus who kissed his nose and both his chubby cheeks.
" kisses for both my favourite people " he held the baby boy up in the air and playfully tried to bite at his little feet making Teddy squeal in delight. Remus was well and truly in his element as a father. He had taken to the role so well and it warmed Doras heart watching them together. He may have had a rocky start. But he was more than making up for it now. He doted on his son, spoilt him completely rotten and showed him all the love and affection she’d known he’d had in him from the start.
Teddy soon became disinterested and far more interested in the model of some small creature on his desk. Remus handed it to him and sat him down on the floor as he gurgled to himself, inspecting the skull as if it was the most amazing thing he’d ever seen.
“ did you catch up on your sleep? “ Remus asked turning to Dora then as she watched Teddy with a smile “ you look tired darling “ he pulled her into, his hands on her waist. She gave a small shrug and looked up at him. His face was mildly concerned. He always worried too much. Always.
“ a bit “
“ you should’ve stayed in bed. Gotten some more rest “
" I’m fine Remus. Honestly. Besides. I like watching you teach " she said with a smile and hopped up to sit on his desk after a look towards Teddy. He was still babbling to himself as he investigated the small skull, still insanely amused by it.
" people aren't allowed to sit on my desk you know " Remus said and moved to stand in front of her, his hand reaching up to tuck her hair behind her ear.
“ if I recall we’ve done much more than sit on this desk Mr Lupin “ his cheeks flushed and she couldn’t help the giant grin on her face. After all the time since they’d first met she could still get him flustered. She loved it.
" you're a tease you know that? " he murmured and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
" I'm well aware. But you married me didn't you? You signed up for it " he smiled and she brushed her lips against his with an smile to match his. Though he’d barely kissed her for a second when there was the sound of children in the corridor, his next class arriving. Dora gave a small sigh and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before hopping off of the desk and picking up Teddy.
“ you’ll stay? “ Remus asked, straightening up his desk and pulling her back in gently before she could go “ it’s mostly just a study lesson, you won’t be a bother darling “ how could she say no to him when he was looking at her like that? He made her melt. She gave a nod and pressed a kiss to his cheek, before retreating to the back of the classroom so she and Teddy wouldn’t get in the way “ in you come class! “ the children piled in, some stopping briefly to talk to Tonks and Teddy before finding their seats.
She’d attended so many of his classes by now and she’d never seen any children really misbehave. They all seemed to love him, all listening with pure interest in everything he had to say. And maybe it was his parental instinct, but he was practically a father to some of them. They went to him for advice, just to talk, some of the more quiet students would even seek him out at lunch break so they didn’t have to eat alone. There were the odd few that were still coming to terms with the new easing of laws regarding werewolves, having grown up around people always saying they were bad. But everyone quickly grew to love him.
Just like she’d said they would.
He’d been a little hesitant to take on his old job after the war and had declined twice before finally accepting. She’d had the joy of watching him flourish after returning to work, he was truly in his element. He was happier. More confident than ever. And she loved him even more for it.
Teddy remained quite as Remus started teaching, always looking at his father almost in awe. He only became a little restless when Remus set the students off to do their own working, a quiet chatter filling the classroom.
“ Mrs Lupin? “ Tonks turned her head as she heard her name and smiled as Ravenclaw girl looked at her expectantly “ could you give me a hand with this one? “ she happily walked over to the girls desk, crouching down to help her with her questions on the behaviours of Pukwudgies. Teddy continued to wiggle around as she tried to help the student so placed him down to sit by her feet.
She had only taken her eyes off of him for a few moments , but Teddy took his chance and wiggled out of his mothers grasp and crawled away to sit at Remus foot who was stood a few desks away helping a student himself.
" oh- Teddy " Dora hissed and went to snatch her child back to their place in the back of the classroom. But Remus simply bent down and picked Teddy, not even stopping his explanation to his student , and placed him on his hip which made Teddy clap his chubby little hands excitedly. Tonks finished helping the girl before hurrying over to Remus, ready to relieve him of their son. But Remus declined with a smile.
“ it’s okay. Have a break. He’s fine sweetheart “
He held him for the rest of the lesson , even when he brought the classes attention back to the front for the final part of his lecture. He held Teddy in his arm and acted as if it was a perfectly normal thing to teach about the life expectancies of dark creatures with a small child on your hip. None of the students seemed fazed by it either and Dora sat at the back of classroom with a smile so wide it hurt her cheeks. Nothing would ever come close to the sight of Remus happy. So at ease with being a father now, so at ease back in front of classroom. Helping. Teaching. Shaping small futures as he has always dreamt of doing.
And of course the cherry on top. His family. Something he had never thought he could have. He was finally living the life she’d wanted him to have since that first meeting back when she joined the Order. The war was over. He had lived most of his life in war. And now he was finally free. Free with her. And their son.
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nanachingu · 3 years
Drama Review: In Family We Trust (2018) (Thai Drama)
My first Thai drama review is coming from In Family We Trust (2018). First, let me tell you how I found this drama and decided to binge-watching it. I often see this title when I scroll Netflix but never trying to watch it till someone attach me. My whole reason to start this drama is Thanapob Lee or we can called him Tor. He’s one of the main actor in this drama and I love him in his next drama Hua Jai Sila (2019). I think his acting in that drama is really good, he’s perfect potraying his character so I want to find out his another project. To be honest, before this drama I already see him in several movie like Ghost Lab and May Who? and shockingly he’s cameo in the end of The Stranded (Netflix series) but I don’t have any idea that it’s him all this time. Really Hua Jai Sila make me open my eyes and make me found this worth-watching drama.
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So here I am ready to review this family drama with a touch of mystery and plot twist story that you can find it in Netflix. When I see the title, I already familiar with that name like I think I see this a lot when I scroll Netflix and just need like 3 days to finish this!!! This is one of my favorite genre, I’m weak with family drama and really love with plot twist story. Because this is a family drama, of course there are so many character in this drama. They’re of course a big family, Jiraanan family. Grandpa or called A-goong and Grandma we called A-ma have 5 children (but we only see 4 children in this drama) and of course their children have their family too.
So in the beginning of the story, we’ll be seen that each of Jiranaan family are get along with each other well and prepared to celebrate their A-goong birthday. A-goong and A-ma eldest son is Prasoet, followed by another son called Mate, and they have a daughter called Phatson, and the youngest son is Konkan. I think they have another child that already passed away because we can see one grandson that live together with A-goong and A-ma. Of course their sons and daughter have child too, so the family become much bigger. Let’s see the family tree first so we didn’t confused.
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From the left, the son is Prasoet (Songsit Rungnopakunsi) and right beside him are his wifes. The one in the right is Cris (Sopitnapa Chumpanee) and their son is Pete (JAYLERR). This is the family that he brought into Jiraanan family.
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Little does his family know, he had another son with another women who claimed to be his girlfriend in college. His another wife is Nipha (Apasiri Nitiphon) and his son Chi (Ice Paris). From the picture below, we can see Prasoet really love his second family eventhough they’re not officially Jiraanan’s family. This drama will revolve around Prasoet so finally in the end all know that Prasoet has another family beside his family with Cris and Pete.
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Next, is Mate( Saksit Tangthong) and his daughter Meimei (Sawanya Paisarnpayak). Mate always pick up Meimei at school. This is quite a little family, but Mate really love his daughter and vice versa. The only daughter left in Jiraanan family is Phatson (Kathaleeya McIntosh). Phatson married with a police and automatically her last name changed into Suriyapairoj. They have 4 sons, the eldest is Yi (Thanapob Lee), 2nd is Ern (Captain Chonlathorn), 3rd is Tao (Third Lapat) , and youngest is Toei (Jackie Jackrin) who in the same age with Meimei. To be honest I love this family the most. So lucky that Phatson has 4 son that love and protect her. Next, they didn’t introduce the parents but A-goong and A-ma has grandson that live together with them called Kuaitiao (Porsche). Last, youngest son is Konkan (Lift Supoj). If we can choose which one is the most chill family, we could say that Konkan family is very chill~ They have 2 son, Vegas (JamyJames) and Macao (Ryu Vachirawich). (The parents like casino very much🤣).
So enough with the introduction, and I will tell a little bit of the story before doing an overall review.
This suspense drama revolves around the Jiraanans, a wealthy Thai-Chinese family that operates its own hotels in Bangkok and Pattaya. The drama follows the members of the family, which seem to enjoy a strong and unbreakable bond. But things are not what they seem. One day, the eldest member from the second generation mysteriously turns up dead in the family estate. His nephew Yi, the oldest son of the victim’s sister and the prime suspect in the case, desperately tries to find out the truth. Source: MyDramaList
Before an incident happen in Jiraanan’s family, all of them just celebrate A-goong birthday together. It is so warm to see a big family gather together, it must be a happy day for A-goong and A-ma that they live till now to see their son and daughter with their little family and have a handsome and beautiful grandchilds. We also can see that the grandchilds really love their A-goong and A-ma. It’s like their family are in happiest moment. Even they took a family picture together.
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But who knows, that it’ll be A-goong last birthday. A few days after they gather together, A-goong passed away. This is the real beginning of the story about dark secret that Jiraanan’s family have but no one knows anything about it even the family itself. After A-goong death, it just going worse because of the tradition and old generation believe about differences between son and daughter in the family and honestly A-goong make it worse with his last will that shocking all the family because only his daughter that didn’t accept anything related to their business eventhough she work hard build their family business from scratch. All she got only his father savings; money. Instead, the eldest grandson from eldest son got 1/4 share of the family business. All of it, ended up we’ll see Prasoet the eldest son lying still on the floor.
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Yes, the eldest son of Jiraanan family was shot dead. He was found first by his sister Phatson who came over to his house talking about their father’s will and end up screaming when saw his brother was dead. Another family at that time in their house hear someone screaming and rush to get out to see Phatson panicked and said that Prasoet was shot in his home so they ran and as we can see in the picture A-ma, Kuaitiao, and Meimei saw that Prasoet lying still on the floor in his bedroom. After that this murder case became the talk of the town, get into the news, so police tried to find the motive why the murderer killed him. Honestly, this event create a most damage for Phatson family. As people know, Prasoet rarely confront someone and had enemy but the last thing he argue with someone, it’s Phatson. But I said in this drama, it’s not over till it’s over. We can’t be sure that the killer is his sister itself because as we go through this we could see that Prasoet had a few secret that we didn’t knew before and it could be a motive to someone done a murder. We just need to see it clearly and evaluate it carefully. I’m not gonna give a spoiler in this review, but I think you guys will guess it right like I am.
My first thought about this drama is I like how the story always give us a new plot twist in almost every near-end episode and make us wanna watch the next episode as soon as possible. This is one way to make us never bored by the story and they can wrap it successfully. Although honestly I can guess the biggest plot twist of this story but still it’s interesting because this drama get some details that we can’t get pass and that’s also give us some plot twist. You can’t guess it throughly, like you can guess this overall plot but still you’ll miss the little part of plot twist that make this story much better. Because it’s a story related to family, it’s really deep even when we already know the real murderer and all we need to see is just see the person in trial, in another drama we usually feel relieved and happy finally the killer is captured. But I think this drama makes me feel more sad and broken?? When we all see the truth, I think the circumstances are not getting better. The story really revolves only between Jiraanan family and the story behind it give us more pain than the murder itself. It’s not easy left by people who we loved especially it is a family, but it is more painful when we know that the one who doing it also our family. But I can say that all of this happens because of karma from their all bad action that happened in the past. When we know literally all the truth we finally realized why all of this happen to them, because every each of them are deserved it. But it’s all in the past, so eventually we must move on. In the end, life goes on. They’re still our family. We just need to let go of the past, and open a new chapter because only family is the place that we can lean on again. I can really feel it how every character in this drama just doing everything that they could to save their family. They’re not bad people, they’re just doing everything to protect their family. Lesson learned from this drama;
Family is the most important thing in our life because in the end it’s only family that we can go back into, and only family that will stay on our side and tried the best to support, protect, and defend if we get into problems. They’ll do anything. But without us knowing, the closest person that standing with us that can hurt us the most, is family too. But in the end, because the name of ‘family’ that will lead us back together and family is the only place that we can still lean on. Mistake happens all the time.
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For each family, if I have to choose whose family I love and attached the most, I would say that I really like Phatson family. I can feel their warm family and all of their sons are really get along well. They always root for each other, trying to protect the only woman in the house, their mother Phatson, and the eldest son Yi will do anything to protect and support his family.
One of my favorite scene is when Tao the 3rd son is a celebrity and when he feel he can’t hold back anymore he burst out to his brothers because only them that can give him comfort and feel protected. It’s also my best scene when they give us this brother scene gather together in one room and talking about anything and end up sleeping together on the floor. I can see from that scene, how they think that family is everything and they’ll never let them down because they have each other.
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For the character, I have a few character that I like and attached my attention:
My favorite character; I got 2 character that I love, but first the character that I love the most is (of course) Yi. Despite in this drama his character more leaning to the bold action, like doing anything in a rush, bluntly, and doing a few illegal action but I think he did his best for his family. I don’t understand why he must critized by society in the drama because of his action? I think what he did was right because he already doing everything right and ask everyone that connected but no one helping him instead they just block him away. We can see that he never intented to hurt anyone else too so I’m pro to Yi side. I love his scene with his youngest brother, Toei. If I’m Toei, I’ll cherish Yi all of my life till I die. Because when everything is too hard for him, only Yi that confidently always stand on his side. (okay enough it’s a little spoiler). From this drama, I think I know why Thanapob Lee finally got casted in Hua Jai Sila. I noticed him because his acting in that drama was really really good, I can feel all his emotions there. It turned out here we could see him potray Yi perfectly, and it’ll really help him to get his next drama. He’s not only smart and catch the little detail in his family, but his action is always on point eventhough not all of that is always a right thing. But sometimes to get what you want, you need to do a little more dramatic so the thing you want will show up.
My favorite character; The next character that I like is Pete. Unexpectedly, for sure. To be honest I don’t think that his personality is thaaat nice. It’s about his first impression. When I his first scene with his mother, my first impression of him is he’s a boy who like to spent their parents money for fun and study abroad so he can get away from his parents to have fun🤣🤣 in my opinion; he loves money. TURNS OUT I’m 100% wrong. Pete is the most responsible person in this drama. His responsibility and his fair judgement is the best. He didn’t judge people by his relationship, if he know that this person is wrong then it’s wrong. I love how his attitude to his father’s another family. I just thought he’ll upset and didn’t accept them, turns out he accept them, and he cares them just like his father would do if he’s alive. You deserve happiness, Pete!
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Ice Pariss as Chi. He doesn’t have much screentime but still his character ini this drama really shocked me. Kinda same with Pete. Look the picture above. Both of them looks like they have a personality that have anger issue but actually not. I watched his drama and movie like Bad Genius The Series and Ghost Lab, and I didn’t like his character but I admit that his face suited the most for that kind of personality. Being a jerk, brave action without thinking, not a literally bad person but not really a good personality too. So I thought he’ll become a jerk too since his dad didn’t bring their family to Jiraanan family and only went to their house 1 time/week. So what did he expect? But he has good attitude even to his step brother, he’s really polite and when he know that his family didn’t get single penny from his father’s will he accept it. He didn’t get mad eventhough in the end of his dad ‘s life, his mother was the legal wife. HE ACCEPT IT WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Okay, respect Chi!
From Pete and Chi, I learned that Prasoet maybe not the best brother, best son, best husband, and best father. But he did really well raising both of his sons to the point that his sons really have a good attitude and personality. I adore their personality so much!
(This is one of the difference between this drama and another drama. It is usually the first son didn’t accept that father has another family and another son demand his part from father’s will and clashed BAM!)
My appreciate for Jackie Jackrin for his acting as Toei. I just know him from this drama ( I think) and he’s potraying Toei really good. I can’t tell too much since it’ll become a spoiler but he can pour his soul and heart so well in this drama. I can see how much he adore his brother Yi so much and wanna say that you did it, you made it to survive with your consistency. You didn’t loose yourself just to make you free when your mother told you to do something. I think Yi had a big part that made Toei become a better person and learn from his mistakes.
The most disappointing character of this drama is *give an applause to* Vegas!!! This is the opposite of Pete. I put a lot of hope for him in this drama that he’ll become one of the rightest people but turns out a big nope. At the very beginning he shows us that he’s honest, fair, doesn’t like act wrong and even brave to tell his father lies. He’s the right person. But as the drama continues, we reach a point that Vegas just an ordinary boy who still has heart. His love is bigger than his principle. The only thing that I hope will be released in this drama, turns out it’ll hidden forever till end because of him. It’s the only proof that clearly helping this case but he choose to hide it forever. Another lesson learned I took from Vegas;
Sometimes we just know that human is not perfect. A person who always doing the right thing, eventually will become a bad person if someone we really love and cherish got a problem. They can ruin their life principle as long they can save their loved one. And often happens that the loved ones is Family.
In this family drama we learned that culture and tradition are taking a big part in our family. When a son and a daughter have a big gap in it, when a daughter didn’t considered as part of family just because she married a man and took his last name. Like having a daughter didn’t as good as if having a son. But actually if I think about it, the one who give birth to is a woman????? Why then a son is more valuable descent. They also differentiate their grandson status into a primary grandchild (son and daughter of the son’s family) and secondary grandchild (son and daughter from daughter’s family). But still we couldn’t get rid of the culture and tradition entirely. We just need to adapt well to the good culture and sort the not-so-good culture better.
Overall, I’m really happy that I found this Thai drama. I watch several dramas from Thailand but never found this kind of genre. A family drama that really warms heart but with a touch of mystery and dark secrets in it. But not like another drama that compete for power and will doing everything evil things between family and make things chaos and ruin their relationship as a family because their greedy and selfish will. In this drama we’ll have a dark secret but it’s not always about money, and I still feel their deep kinship, how this problems solved legally but a touch of their kinship because of their dark past. They need to let it go and open the new chapter because life still goes on for the living one.
Since I really love this drama, I’ll give 4.5/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨. Thank you Tor for making me found this drama!
“Family is not always about getting along well everytime, but for sure Family is the place that we can always go back in the end no matter what happen.”
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kyidyl · 3 years
Kyidyl Explains Bones Part 5
(These are under the KyidylBones tag.)
How to dig up dead people.
So, in my Kyidyl Does Archaeology series I talked a bunch about how digging up places was different than digging up people.  And you don’t have to read that to understand this, but it might be a little easier for you because I’m not going to re-address the same basics I covered there.  
Ethical Stuff: So is digging up dead people ethical? I mean, I think so if strict rules are followed, but honestly the POVs here are as different as people themselves are.  Some cultures routinely dig up their own dead and do all kinds of things with the remains.  I wish they wouldn’t but, hey, that’s just me.  I respect that their culture and choices aren’t the ones I’d make.  It’s part of being an anthropologist of any flavor.  And, like that one post implies, there really isn’t much of a different between grave robbing and archaeology.  The biggest difference is the care we take, the respect we try our best to show, and the purposes to which we put the remains.  However, there is a difference between exhumation and archaeology.  General rule of thumb: if there’s someone living still that would have first-hand experience of them or if they still exist strongly in cultural memory, it’s exhumation. There’s no hard and fast number of years where it moves from exhumation to archaeology.  Sometimes it’s the context that makes the difference.  For example, Richard the 3rd’s bones were excavated from that carpark.  If they were removed from where they were reinterred, then they’d be exhumed.  But the TL;DR of it is that digging up people is incredibly ethically complex and you have to do your best to be respectful.  If you aren’t the type of person who can really put yourself in someone else’s shoes and be ok with respecting the desires of a specific culture regarding their own dead...then archaeology is not the right area for you, and that goes double for bioarch.  These people had lives and were loved and valued by those around them, and you need to be sensitive.  
The legality of digging up human remains also varies wildly from country to country.  In the US, we adhere to NAGPRA.  If you want a primer on what NAGPRA is and how it works, you can check out this post that I made.  
Also a quick reminder that we don’t name the individuals.  They had names and you don’t get to give them a new one.  
Beyond this cut there be pictures of human remains.  
How do you know where to dig? Sometimes, honestly....we don’t.  We’re just making educated guesses based on migration patterns and known settlements and research into local history.  Generally, if there’s a group of people who lived somewhere, they also did something with their dead.  So if you have a settlement, you’ll probably find bodies in it or near it at some point.  Sometimes people find remains and are like “uuuuuhhhhh....” and we come and dig ‘em up.  This is especially true on private property.  Farmers are notorious for this.  Construction, too, obviously.  Sometimes we look in caves, because very old caves have lots of dirt on the floors and a lot of times if it’s a good cave there’ll be bones in it.  Sometimes people threw their dead in bogs and now we have stuff that isn’t skeletons but is really old.  
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That is a whole ass human dude.  He’s around 2000 years old.  You can still see his facial hair.  
So there’s a lot of science behind how and why different environments preserve bodies differently, and I couldn’t possibly get into the detail of that here, but it’s definitely a factor we consider.  A swamp in Florida isn’t a good place to expect to find remains, you know? General rule of thumb is: more water = less body, unless there water isn’t standard water (it’s very alkaline, very acidic, or very frozen.).  Dry, cold landscapes like the Andes are great for preserving bodies.  
So what you find when you go looking is going to vary wildly depending on the environment.  My personal experience, though, is in graveyards.  Graveyards are an easy thing to dig because it’s not uncommon to just like...know where one was.  But graveyards aren’t the orderly things you’d expect them to be, not even modern graveyards.  People bury their loved ones on top of other people, graves intersect, and sometimes people would sneak bodies into the consecrated part of the graveyard when the priests/monks/etc. said they couldn’t be buried there.  So you can have bodies mixed with other bodies or under other bodies or just like random parts of people that were dug up, someone said “oops”, and then they were re-buried in a different spot.  So when we dig a graveyard, we keep complex records of where all of the remains were found, including in-depth drawings.  This is one way in which it’s similar to digging up a settlement.  It’s...pretty much the only way in which it’s similar.  Because part of the reason we do this is so we don’t mix up peoples’ body parts.  Graveyards aren’t what you expect - when I was digging in one we thought we’d gotten most of the bodies out so we were using a mattock to make sure and the site director missed cracking the skull of an intact child by about a centimeter.  Luckily the swing tore up a little bit of dirt and exposed it, but if it hadn’t? The next swing would have gone right through and inflicted heavy damage.  So you have to be careful even in a graveyard.  
Another thing about graves is that it doesn’t take long for the wood of a coffin to decay, so when you dig them up you will often just find the body and sometimes some nails.  The nails are good, because they show you the outline of where you can expect to find parts of the same individual.  This is one of the ways we show respect - we do everything in our power to NOT mix up the remains of different individuals and to separate them when we can.  
Let me sidebar here for a minute to explain.  See, your bones fit together.  I don’t meant “ah yes, everyone’s shin bone connects to their thigh bone”.  No, I mean that those bones have grown together in the same space for YEARS and they fit exactly.  They have the same texture and thickness, they go together like puzzle pieces....at the spots where the bones touch.  Or, as we say, articulate with each other.  See, if I were to take, say, my cuboid and try to trade it with someone else’s, it wouldn’t articulate right.  But something big like a tibia and femur will not be as easy to piece back together.  That, and we don’t always have complete bodies.  So we have something called “MNI” meaning “Minimum Number of Individuals”, and the maximum.  So...three left femurs mean at least three people.  Four right humeruses mean at least four people, so the minimum is 4.  However! We don’t know if any of those left femurs or right humeruses belonged to the same person because they don’t articulate with each other.  So the maximum is seven people.  We have between 4 and 7 people in that set of remains.  This becomes really important when you’re dealing with intersecting graves, mass graves, etc.  Any time the remains are what we call comingled (mixed).  This is what we’re really meticulous when recording where we found a given bone or set of bones.  
Ok, back to the main thing.  So...how DO we dig up dead people, anyway? It’s generally done in three stages: 
Exposing - This is where we dig down just enough to cleanly expose what we believe to be the margins of the grave.  We dig to the edges of the grave, not to a set square size like you would with a settlement. This is where we dig really cleanly, expose any grave goods, take pictures, etc.  And it looks like this: 
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(Source.  Was super frustrating searching for this bc I have several of these pics on my phone of the graves we dug and can’t use them for privacy/ethical reasons.) 
Pedestaling/Cleaning - This is when we dig down around the skeleton and the grave goods, and then we start digging under the bones in preparation for the last stage.  This is time consuming, detailed work.  When I was doing this with the child we found, I used a mini trowel the size of my thumbnail and a dental pick.  It’s *especially* important with juveniles because their bones aren’t fused and those unfused pieces are *tiny*.  They literally look like clods of dirt.  Most archs - rightfully - can’t stomach the idea of throwing pieces of a human body into the spoil heap, so we’re as careful as we can be.  This part, when done right, takes days.  It’s a difficult thing to get a picture of, but this one is close: 
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The tags aren’t something I was taught needed to be done, but I can see why someone would.  They’re basically just grave goods and features of the grave.  They’ll be used to make a map of what’s what later on when the writeup is being done.  
Lifting - We never just pull a bone out of the ground because it damages them.  So we dig around them until they’re ready to come out on their own (and in the case of a large set of broken bones like you see above in that person’s skull, we’d just take the whole pile - dirt and all - for processing in the lab later.  And no, it’s not normal to have the skull glued back together.  We don’t glue remains together.).  If one piece comes out before the others, it is bagged and tagged.  We try not to have them come out separately, but it’s better to do that then to lose one.  When we’ve cleared all the dirt out, we “lift” the skeleton, IE, remove it from the grave.  If I included a pic of this it would just be an empty grave. :P 
We make sure to take all of the grave goods and any soil samples with us, all carefully labeled.  Fun fact about soil samples BTW.  The soil around the bones and especially in the abdominal cavity can retain molecular traces and bacterial from the flesh that tell us about their gut flora and diet or about any parasites they had (parasites were super common back in the day.).  It’s....really cool.  So a sometimes, if we suspect that there might be money for that kind of analysis, we’ll take soil samples of the gut region.  
We are...well, we’re very ritualistic about all of this.  It is, of course, for scientific rigour.  But part of it is that we’re systematically dismantling these peoples’ final resting places.  They had lives and loves and spiritual beliefs that we are disturbing.  This is sacred ground for so many cultures.  So it always feels a bit like we’re doing these things in a specific way to show respect to the resting dead.  That’s why in my 4 types of anthropologists post awhile back I said that archs are chaotic outside the pit but anal inside it. We want to learn from the dead, and it all feels a bit ritualistic if I’m being honest.  And there’s this juxtaposition of digging in the dirt, in the chaos of earth and time, in a very structured, clean, orderly way.  
Aaaannnyway I think that’s it for this installment.  Ask box is open, I check comments and tags and whatnot.  Tomorrow I think I’m gonna do age determination.  How old were they when they died? Hmmmmm... 
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johnjohnsonjohnson · 3 years
I’m dumb, now read this
Warm afternoon on Cross street, sounds of loud talks, children's laughter and occasional car passing by in haste were filling the air, creating a soothing but lively music that everyone associates with The City. I was contributing to my part, humming to myself an old melody, with my walking cane in my hands, I rarely used it, being still younger than most of people I spent time with, it was more of a decoration at this point, same could be said for my suit and my top hat. -"Ah, yes, a day for myself, finally!"- I thought as I watched world around me, all the beggars, all the shops, all the kids, and all the adults- "there is going to be a movie at 7 o'clock, oh but I'm too far, unless I..." I stopped by a small intersection going between 2 large housing block, so slim that no car could pass, nor more than 3 people side to side. -"Oh well.. I guess it will be a good change of pace"- I thought as I slowly descended into shadow engulfed passage. Moving forward, the sounds of the main street faded as clap of my boots hitting the ground, water seeping down from drying clothes and occasional sound of people, coming from the tall apartments. Further I went, the sounds coming from the concrete blocks became much more common, I could almost make out what they said, but I didn't wanted to, it's bad to eavesdrop on others.   Soon, the passage ended on a small open area with entrances to housing blocks, a shop, and a barber, owner of which was peacefully smoking he cigarette. I knew that I made a mistake, the street I had to follow was definitely longer. -"great thinking mr useless"- I called myself-" I need to find a way out, I still have a chance to get home in time..." My eyes looked at the back aisle between a shop and a barber, definitely not made to be used as a passage, but I was out of ideas. Moving forward, hard stone turned to dirt.. or rather mud, the ground was really mushy and gave out a weird smell, thankfully, it was just cleaning water and booze probably, anyone can accidently drop a bottle out of his window, I know that from experience. The sounds however became even more faded and replaced by distant car horns and a squishy mud that my sad boots had to endure, and the light howls of the wind. -Beautiful... - I said to myself, with annoyance in my mind- I could have gotten by the normal route, but no.. let's try something new... The space between the buildings was just wide enough for me to walk in, but I could feel my shoulders rub against the plastered walls, it was getting harder to walk there, or maybe I just thought to not get any more plaster on me, whichever it was, it made me uneasy, but I finally got free, but I didn't arrived at my destination, I was... I didn't even knew where I was. Before me was a quite wide street, partially taken by cheap flee market, people were selling mostly books and a used cloths, mostly with a old, foldable tables to keep their "valuables" as clean as possible, but many didn't had that luxury, sitting on the cold ground, with only thin layer of material under themselves. Some people were already taking notice of me, half of them smiling, hoping for a wealthy customer, to make their day, other half however was either angry or preoccupied with various magazines, I however moved past them, which was probably disappointing for them, and turned right, while doing so I accidently brushed against someone, I didn't know who it was so I just muttered silently and coldly. -Excuse me..."what an imbecile". I moved forward, ground was less muddy and more dirt-like now, which was nice, but I was still a bit lost , I needed to find a way out not to get in time for the show, but just to escape this part of The City. And then, the sounds became interesting. I heard my steps, firm and heavy, but now there were sounds of other people's steps as well, three people to be exact, two were heavier than me, and one was extremely light, it was almost unnoticeable. Suspecting the worst, I picked the pace to try to lose them, I couldn't go too fast however, with my bear like body, I was afraid I will fall to the ground, turning corners, getting progressively faster and faster, the steps always behind me, I could feel myself sweating a bit both from rising fear and a running which my walk became, but then I fell down. -End of the road, huh?- that's when I was sure that I was followed by three people. -What is the meaning of this?!- I slowly got up, getting dirt off myself, before looking at people that followed me, I was quite surprised, as I saw that two of them were built like a truck, they looked like they were made primarily of mass to make them look as intimidating as possible . The third however looked as if he wasn't even human, resembling more a shadow, a living pile of tar, with slight hit of something similar to a muzzle, but it was hard to say, maybe he was just dirty, but I didn't care enough to ask. -I noticed you didn't bought anything at our majestic market... then slammed your fat frame against me, and we don't like that behavior here- "thing" said with voice like slimy tentacle penetrating my ears- I think you need to pay a "travel fee" -I don't think I will- I muttered and began to walk again, but I soon stopped, when I heard a shot hit the ground next to me, a warning from the "thing" that made me flinch. -Oh, but I know you will- Turning around, I saw the gun in very bad condition , pointed at me, as the "thing" got closer- if you won't reach for cash, I will. Slimy hand moved closer, and almost touched me, which I found revolting, instead I slapped it away and moved back a bit. -You have some balls to act like that on MY territory! - it said, shaking his hand a bit and pushing the gun against my chest, which was also awful, it left big greasy circle on my suit, of course soon worse happened. In my futile attempt to save myself, I decided to act, striking the tar monster with my cane, making him bend a bit, and giving me a slight chance to escape. -Don't let that fuck run away!- Tar said as I tried to run, futile attempt with my bear like physique, as soon I was pushed onto the ground again, probably by one of the burlier men, but this time I decided to stay down and gather my thoughts. -"maybe I can pay him to leave me alone..." My thoughts were interrupted, as I heard the "thing" talk again. -Usually I don't like taking money from corpses, but for you I will make an exception - Not seeing anything I imagined that it was pointing the gun at my head, unless he had one of his goons do the dirty work for him - See you in hell yo- His voice was cut short, as a powerful as noise of a cannon, came, with it a hiss of a bullet, which pierced the "thing's" head, making me glad I didn't saw it, must have been a bloodbath. -Holy shit, run! - One of the goons said as soon there was another shot, and a loud thud of a body hitting the floor, the other one must have gone away. Completely terrified, I slowly raised myself, not sure what happened, looking for my top hat, I didn't even noticed that I lost it. -Come on... where is it? - I looked behind me, it was right next to the lifeless body - Oh god... I hope it isn't dirty. I picked up my hat and brushed off any dust, and dirt, soon however I heard light steps coming from behind me, they were slow, light, with a sound of something metal hitting each other, slowly turning around, I saw him, stranger was dressed as in a cloak so long it almost made his leg movement impossible to notice, it was also incredibly filthy all covered in blood , bottom also sporting  a lot of mud stains, and the top crowned with what appeared to be grease stains, his face was covered with some kind of mask, making out his long muzzle, his eyes were cold, pupils dark as a void itself, and he moved closer to me. -I better... yes.. - I began to run back, my shoes splashing into a pool of blood, but I just run back, turning corner as soon as I could. It was hard to see where I was going, as the passages were smaller, and then trapping me at the dead end, with a wall, not too high, I could have climb it easily, if there wasn't something, or rather someone behind me. -Mph... - Stranger said before I turned around, startled. -Thank you for your help, but... but...- I moved back a bit. I think Stranger tried to say something but his mask made it hard to talk, but he must have knew about it, because he kept his talk to a low hum. -Ah... yes, yes... I should pay you for your act.. yes..let me just - I saw how his eyes got angry for some reason, but I took out my wallet, and opened it, much to annoyance of the Stranger. -No you... - He spoke, pulling his mask up a bit, I saw his creamy and orange fur and what appeared as bunch of whiskers, as well as some blue spots of paint, but we were both interrupted by the loud sound of pair of people running towards us, could have been police or more goons, but I wasn't taking my chances, with shaking hands I threw my hat over the fence and then began the climb myself, which was easier said than done, but I managed to do so before anyone, apart from that stranger saw me. Hitting the ground 3rd time I started to curse this day, I was tiered, exhausted, hungry, I decided to end that day short, tomorrow I would do all the relaxing, for now I just wanted to lay down, and not think of today. I brushed dirt off myself and off my hat, before putting it on, I left the passage, as I gladly saw perfectly cut stone pavement of the main street, going to it quickly, and realizing my "shortcut" almost worked, but I wasted so much time in the dark passages it didn't matter, and I didn't care about it, with a quick walk I rushed through the city street, the sweet melody of The City came back, but this time it only made me mad. After a small walk I reached my housing block, I got up to my floor and took out keys to my house. The typical sight of mess and chaos of my house greeted me, as I walked in and locked doors, taking off my clothes, and cleaning my face off all the cosmetics I had put on at the morning,  after which I collapsed onto the bed like harder than ever before. However, the terrific events for me didn't start nor ended here, I woke up with sore throat in the middle of the night, I got up and got myself something warm to drink, all the light coming from massive widows of my apartment, making everything look as if no one lived here, but there I was sitting by the window, half awake, I almost thought I heard something, to calm myself, I grabbed a cigarette and lit it, taking a slow and calming drag, trying to get myself a bit more relaxed and calmed. I opened the window, slowly, to air out the room, get rid of stale warm air, but as I looked out, my face went pale and made me regret ever getting up tonight. There he was, in his long cloak, soaked with blood, moving slowly but surely, looking around mostly at the apartments with lights on, but he briefly looked up at mine, hopefully he didn't saw me, if he even was here, at that point I didn't knew if he was real or just figment of my imagination, cigarette butt kept slowly burning in the old ashtray, as I run to hide under blanket on my bed, like I was a child hiding from  a monster. -Please go away, please - I whispered softly to no one- please... leave me alone, please...
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lynelovespopculture · 4 years
The Wedding-Missing Scenes for Ch. 16
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Zelda Spellman ran along the path that separated the church and the school, clutching the full skirts of her black and red wedding gown. She could faintly recall her mother telling both her and Hilda that a lady, be she witch or mortal, shouldn’t run in a dress, certainly not a wedding dress. But Zelda knew her mother has never experienced anything like this. Her head swam when thinking of the events of the last 20 hours. As a devoted daughter of the church of night, Zelda was overjoyed and honored to know that the anti-pope agreed to marry her and Faustus. The arrival of his unholiness seemed to be going well but the true madness came that night. It was when she and Hilda were waiting for the dark lord in her new chambers at the academy to see if he would come and bless her on her wedding eve. Zelda, of course, would never admit it but she was frightened if the dark lord would take her, as was his right. When he at last arrived, Zelda kept her back to him, yet knelt to submit and she swore her heart stopped when she felt his long claw around her shoulder but then it happened. A scream, loud enough to wake the dead. She and Hilda rushed into the hall, with the others and saw it; the anti-pope, bloody and dead in his bed. The Academy of the Unseen Arts was supposed to be a haven for the young witches and warlocks of the Greendale coven and now the father of fathers had been murdered under the school’s roof! Worse still, 1 of the boys standing over the body was her nephew, Ambrose, covered in blood and looking confused. Despite Zelda’s and Hilda’s pleas to wait, Faustus killed the 3 others in quick succession, but Ambrose was able to be spirited himself away. Before Zelda could even consider what happen, the manhunt for Ambrose was on and the bride-to-be found herself back home at the Spellman Sisters mortuary. As Faustus and his boys combed the house for Ambrose, Zelda could barely feel her legs as Hilda led her off the parlor to sit with her sister and Sabrina. Sabrina’s big, pleading eyes were like twin daggers in her heart.
“You don’t really think that Ambrose killed the anti-pope, do you, Aunt Zee? I mean, this is Ambrose we’re talking about here. Our Ambrose.”
“Yes, the same Ambrose who plotted to blow up the Vatican.” As usual, her remarks were sharper than she intended.
After another sip of brandy, Zelda looked up to see Faustus coming in saying that Ambrose was nowhere to be found but the hunt for him would continue. Faustus then completely shocked her by insisting on going ahead with the wedding.
“Come Zelda. We must return to the Academy.” Faustus held out a hand for hers.
Oh, that right. Zelda thought, suddenly remembering. I don’t live here anymore. Zelda had a sudden urge to stay here, cuddle up with Sabrina and Hilda and pray for Ambrose, wherever he was. Don’t be a child! She scolded herself. Faustus was right; what the coven needed now was strength. Zelda was a Spellman, very soon to be a Blackwood, 2 very important names in the coven. After all, her late brother, Edward had been high priest and now it was Faustus. Her coven, her school, her world was looking to her now. Zelda put down the glass, stood up to straighten her dress and left with Faustus and the schoolboys.
Back the academy, chaos still reigned. Teachers were trying to calm down students, to coax them back to bed. The headmaster’s living quarters were on the 3rd floor. When Zelda saw the still blood-stained bedroom of the witch pope, she held tighter to Faustus’s arm.
They stopped just in front of her chamber door. “You must rest, Zelda.” He told her softly.
“Who can rest after all that has occurred here tonight?” Zelda genuinely wanted to know. “I’m still trembling.”
“Try” Faustus said softly and then stepped closer, his voice lowered even more. “There are still a few hours before dawn, you may still be visited.”
“Oh.” Zelda lowered her eyes to the ground; when all the twists and turns of the evening, Zelda had almost forgotten. “Faustus, I have already been visited.”
 “What?!” Faustus was beyond shocked. “When?!”
“Earlier this evening” Zelda admitted.
“And? Did he...christen you?” Faustus wanted to know.
“Almost, I mean he was just about to but then I heard Dorcas’s scream and quick as lighting, the dark lord disappeared.”
“Then I must be the luckiest man alive.”
“Faustus! What a thing to say on the night the father of fathers was murdered.”
Despite the scolding, the groom smiled and took Zelda’s hand. “I’m sorry, Zelda, but it’s true. Think about it. What other warlock can claim highest blessing from the dark lord on his marriage and yet have his bride completely…untouched for himself.”
His heated look of utter desire bore into to her and Zelda felt her insides melt. Just because she was marrying him for power and not love, didn’t mean that Faustus wasn’t the best damn sex of her entire life. Faustus stepped closer and kissed her brow, the way he always did when he felt she was anxious. “Goodnight, my dearest.” He whispered before taking his leave.
Zelda watched him leave, before she sighed, turned on her heel and entered her own room. Zelda felt sure that the dark lord would not return so for the 2nd time that night Zelda undressed, putting on her most unflattering nightgown she had. It was also her warmest and she needed that. Knowing that a messy murder had taken place across the hall just 1 hour before chilled her to the bone. Zelda laid down in the cold bed and closed her eyes but just as she suspected, there was to be no sleep for her that night. Zelda met the dawn fully dressed and half done her 2nd cigarette. By 7, Faustus had called the teachers in his office for a staff meeting. Faustus laid out the schedule for the day. After morning assembly, students would report to their homeroom for attendance,  as usual, then everyone would walk to the church for the funeral then lunch where Zelda would hand over her group to go dress for her wedding, which would take place as soon  as the students would settle back into the church. After the staff  left, Zelda hung back and once again, asked Faustus if it wouldn’t be better for everyone to delay their wedding, only a little.
“No one and nothing will stop me from marrying you today!” Came his sharp reply.
Zelda’s eyebrow rose. It wasn’t what he said but his tone. Almost as if he knew someone would object to the union but aside from Sabrina’s teenage outbursts, who would dare? Faustus was Greendale’s high priest and she, the sister of his predecessor, as well as a known teacher and midwife. True, it was a little soon since Constance’s death for her widower to remarry but truthfully, she and Faustus were too high standing in the church and the coven for everyone to say anything. Faustus must have sensed her unease because he took a step toward her and took her hand.
“It will all be alright.” He said and then led her to the morning assembly. It passed in a blur for Zelda as did homeroom. It was just as 4 senior boys acting as pall bearers bringing in the coffin that it hit her. I’m at a funeral. Zelda thought. I’m at a funeral on my wedding day! Faustus conducted the service, of course and after it was over, Zelda gathered up her students and herded them into the lunchroom. 15 minutes later, Brother Lovecraft arrived to take over and Zelda exited the room. Outside, in the main hall, Zelda saw her sister and Hilda tossed her a smile and an apple.
“Knowing you, Zelda, you probably haven’t a bit to eat all day.
Zelda smiled at her little sister and bit into the apple. “So, how’s Sabrina?” She asked softly.
“I don’t know. She was still sleeping when I left this morning.”
Zelda rolled her eyes. “You’re a terrible liar, Hildie.”
Hilda shrugged and curled both her arms around 1 of Zelda’s.   “Maybe I am, but it’s my big sister’s wedding day and as maid of dishonor it’s my job to get you dressed for the rest of today, you’re the star.”
“I’m so glad you’re here.” Zelda confessed quietly and with her free arm bit into the apple again before her smile got too big as the sisters climbed the rest of the grand staircase in silence.
20 minutes later, Zelda smiled at herself in the full-length mirror as Hilda hummed as she fastened the back of Zelda’s gown. The sisters wore matching dresses made of red full skirts and black overlay sewn into the corsets and long selves. As the bride, Zelda had the grander gown.
“There.” Hilda said with a sigh. “Finished. Now you look like a bride.”
“Well, I’m starting to.” Zelda walked away from the mirror and from her opened chamber door saw Prudence in the hallway. At first, Zelda was filled with dread. Surely, the girl wouldn’t pick now to ask her yet again to pled with Faustus on her behalf. Then again, maybe not.  Prudence seemed to just be walking by, unaware of Zelda’s nearby presence. Odder still, the girl was smiling to herself and happiness was a rare emotion on Prudence.
“Prudence, child?” Zelda found herself calling out. “Are you alright?”
Prudence blinked. “Oh, Sister Zelda, forgive me, I did not see you.   I was just dressing for the ceremony. I’m late because I was called down to the main office. My father had finally decided to give me the Blackwood name!”
“Oh, that’s wonderful for you, dear.” Hilda proclaimed. The entire coven knew how badly Faustus’s daughter wanted to be recognized.
“Indeed, it is.” Zelda smiled and put a gentle hand on the girl’s back. “It appears that we will both be Blackwoods before the day is out.  Come in.”
Prudence smiled. “My father says he needs family around him at the altar today.”
That statement set off a lightbulb in Zelda’s mind. “Then why don’t we grant his request?” Zelda took a step backwards to look at her sister. “We still have Sabrina’s bridesmaid dress here, don’t we, Hilda?”
“Of  course, yeah. It’s in the other room. We could just pop over.”
Zelda nodded and turned back to Prudence. “Well? What do you say? Would you care to join us and attend me at the wedding?”
The child’s eyes sparkled. “Oh, Sister Zelda! You honor me!” Then, as if catching herself in her own happiness, Prudence caught herself. “I mean, of course I will.”
Zelda had to chuckle. Poor Prudence, so afraid to show genuine emotion, just in case someone may mistake it for weakness. Just like herself at that age. “Hurry now, we haven’t time.” Zelda gently pushed the girl toward Hilda’s waiting hand. The 2 scurried into the next room to make ready. Meanwhile, Zelda sat down at the vanity and fastened her thick, gold necklace and put on her earrings. She was brushing her hair when Prudence and her sister returned.
“Prudence, you look wonderful.” She really did. True, the red dress was made for Sabrina, but Prudence was slightly older and um, more developed and the very low neckline looked stunning on Prudence. “But something’s missing.” Zelda stood up and fastened a sliver necklace around the girl’s neck. “There. Now, you’re perfect.”
“Thank you, Sister Zelda. I promise to return it right after the ceremony.”
Zelda smiled. “Keep it. It’s a gift.” The necklace was supposed to be a surprise for Sabrina, but Prudence didn’t need to know that.
After all she’s been through, the poor girl deserves a kind stepmother.  Zelda thought, thinking about how long it took Faustus to recognize his daughter and worse still, when Constance tried to kill her last Feasts of Feasts.
“Come along now,” Hilda said, breaking into Zelda’s thoughts. “We must finish getting you ready.” Hilda guided her sister back to the vanity and with Prudence’s help, fixed the golden deer crown and black veil upon Zelda’s head. Just as they were finishing up when a schoolboy knocked on the door.
“Sister Spellman? Father Blackwood sent me to say he’s ready when you are.”
Zelda thanked the youth, stood up and held hands with the other witches and said the words to teleport them to the church small front lobby. The bells rang out while Hilda adjusted her sister’s veil and gave Zelda the dagger and they were ready. The precession began; Prudence went first, then Hilda and Zelda bought up the rear. The bride was slightly annoyed when she saw that some people who attended the funeral didn’t see it important enough to stay for the wedding. Zelda dismissed the thought and kept her eyes front. Maybe Faustus was right, maybe everything would be okay.
Famous. Last. Words!
The wedding was a complete disaster. Zelda couldn’t decide which part was worse. Was it when Sabrina and Nicholas used glamours to transform into Edward and Diana and even when that magic was exposed, they accused her groom of murdering her brother and sister-in-law. Or was the worst part, mere seconds later, when Ambrose showed up seemingly out of nowhere, and tried to attack Faustus.  Thank the dark lord Prudence was there or Zelda might have been a widow before she was a wife. Anyway, the schoolboys had seized him, but Ambrose was so wild, so out of control, that it took a new bunch of guards plus Faustus to teleport him away. It wasn’t until she took a breath, turned and faced the crowd that Zelda realized it. She was alone. Zelda Spellman stood at the altar, facing the entire coven, exposed and humiliated.  A bride without a groom. A still unmarried woman in a wedding dress. Zelda bit her quivering lip but still felt hot, terrorist tears behind her eyes. She wouldn’t allow herself to cry, not here, not now. Zelda grabbed her gown with both fists and ran. Ran out of the church and down the path. Hearing the nearby pleas of Hilda and Sabrina only made Zelda run faster. She didn’t stop running until she reached the school lobby. Zelda took off her veil and that damn deer crown that was giving her a headache. Somehow, probably by teleport, some witches she just left at the church, stood before her. Zelda ignored them and went down the hallway that led to Faustus’s office.
“Is he in there?” Zelda asked the boy guarding the door.
“Um, yes but Father Blackwood said to give no entry to anyone.”
“Surely that doesn’t apply to me.”
Zelda tried to step around the youth, but he lightly touched her stomach. “Stop, miss.”
“Miss?” With or without her wedding day ruined, she was still Zelda Spellman damn it and now, this schoolboy, this child, thought he could lay his hand on her and tell her what  to do. Zelda raised an eyebrow.
 Faustus Blackwood crossed his arms as he watched 2 of his boys throw Ambrose Spellman against the wall for the third time. “Tell me, Brother Ambrose, why shouldn’t I throw you in the witch’s cell and throw away the key?”
“You bastard!” Ambrose screamed. “You killed Luke!”
Luke? This whole thing was about Lucas? Faustus suddenly fought off the urge to laugh. The boy had him! Faustus was certain that Ambrose had choked up that damn familiar by now and then it was just a short step to figure out who truly killed Enoch. That’s why he had killed the other boys, that why he had done everything in his power to find Ambrose last night and when that mission had failed, he knew he had to marry Zelda now. But no, this jackass had to appear at the worst possible moment and ruined everything. The only luck Faustus had with him today was young Ambrose was in too much grief to see the truth staring him in the face.
“You killed Luke!” Ambrose repeated, still screaming at the top of his lungs.
Before anyone could say or do anything, a sudden gust of wind blew the double doors of the office wide open and the boy guarding the door, landing flat on his back, helpless as a turtle. Faustus felt his heart skip a beat as Zelda came into view. It seems that Faustus had hated Edward Spellman forever, but he has loved his sister for even longer. Even now, years, centuries after they first met, Faustus could swear Zelda was his own fallen angel sent from hell.  Zelda was strong, intelligent and powerful, exactly what his father told him NOT to look for in a wife. Yet, the qualities made Zelda, well, Zelda and Faustus could never resist her. Also, her beauty, her beauty was always overwhelming. Her soft hair was as red as hellfire and clothes hang on her so well that Faustus wondered if she enchanted all her clothes or was her body  just that perfect. Right now, Zelda wore a wedding gown, but her finger was ringless. Due to the children’s wild antics, Zelda was his bride, but still not his wife. Satan in hell, what was it going to take?  It didn’t surprise him that Sabrina interrupting the ceremony, he swore that girl stayed up late thinking up new ways to test him and he wasn’t even that upset that young Ambrose tried to kill him. What really burned him that he had to leave the church unmarried. Faustus had been dreaming of marrying Zelda Spellman since he a little more than a boy, but Edward had blocked the marriage and forced him into a union with Constance. With his 1st wife finally dead and he and Zelda carrying on a newfound affair, Faustus had his chance.
Meanwhile, Zelda frowned and walked towards her nephew. “Did I hear you right? Did you just accuse Father Blackwood of killing Lucas?”
“Auntie Z, he did it!” Ambrose insisted.
“Oh, did he?” Zelda smiled and nodded slightly. “Then, please tell us, we would love to help, where did you find Luke’s body?”
“I didn’t find the body.” Ambrose’s screams turned into broken whispers.
“Then where did you see Faustus hide the murder weapon?” Zelda tried again.
Ambrose shook his head. “No weapons.”
Faustus went to his desk, his head down so no one saw his smile. Maybe he wouldn’t have to defend himself.  The boy seemed perfectly capable of hanging himself.
Zelda sighed. “So, let me get this straight. You attacked the high priest at his own wedding,  not to mention, my own, to get revenge for a murder that you have no proof he committed  and to do so, you came out of hiding for murdering the anti-pope.”
“Father Blackwood killed the anti-pope too!”
“Are you insane, Ambrose? I was there last night; we were all there.  We saw you and the other boys over the father of fathers with those knives. Father Blackwood came in only a moment before your Aunt Hilda and I did. How on did he kill him?” Zelda wanted to know.
“Leviathan!” Ambrose chocked when the boys pulled him backwards.
Zelda was confused. “Your familiar? The one that went missing weeks ago? What’s he got to do with anything?”
“That’s enough!” Faustus stepped forward. “I’ve had enough of this nonsense. It’s the witch’s cell for you. Take him away!”
“No!” Ambrose tried desperately to free himself, but he was too outnumbered.
“Don’t worry,” Faustus called after him. “You won’t be alone for long. Soon you’ll have company, such as Mr. Scratch and your cousin.”
“No!” This call of distress came from Zelda.  Faustus gave a groan and closed his eyes. Why did he say that out loud? Of course, Zelda would object to her precious niece in a cell.
“Your excellency,” Zelda addressed him formally, “may I have a word with you in private?”
Faustus sighed but turned to wave his other boys out. Once they were alone, Faustus sat down behind his desk. “I know what you going to say, Zelda, but I cannot just excuse Sabrina, not this time.”
“That is not what I was going to say.”
Zelda not defending Sabrina? That’s a first. “Then what do you want?”
“I want what you want, Faustus.” Zelda journeyed to the desk. “I want strong leadership for this coven and for this school. I would also like to see justice done and you can’t have justice if you give 2 wayward students the same punishment as the anti-pope’s murderer.”
Faustus hated to admit it, but she was right. “What do you suggest, then?”
Zelda sat. “I suggest that you forget the bad blood between you and Sabrina.” When Faustus opened his mouth, Zelda held up a hand. “Just for a moment. Suppose 2 students using glamours, coming into the academy and accused a teacher of murder with no grounds. As headmaster, what would you do?”
“I would have to expel them immediately.”
Zelda nodded. “Then that is what you must do with Sabrina and Nicholas.” She said firmly.
Faustus sighed and stood up. “We need to discuss one more thing. I got a call from Rome this morning. As high priest it’s my duty to escort the anti-pope and the monks back to the Necropolis.”
“I understand. If you are asking me to look after the school- “
“I’m not asking you to look after the school” He  cut in. “I want you to come with me.”
Zelda nodded. “Of course.”
He smiled at her, walked nearer, took both her hands in his and pulled her to her feet. “But I don’t want to take you as Sister Zelda Spellman, they’ll not lodge us together unless we are Father and Lady Blackwood. Marry me, Zelda. Here and now, in this office. Unless, your family’s accusations have changed things between us somehow.”
“No.” Zelda’s eyes held his and her voice remained strong. “Nothing has changed between us, Faustus.  But if we are to marry here, we will still need witnesses and we left the rings at the church.”
Faustus nodded. “Quite right.” He left her to cross the room and opened the door.
“Marcus” he addressed the boy on the threshold. “Tell Brothers Lovecraft and Barker, I wish to see them and please send someone to fetch the wedding rings from the church.”
The teachers arrived before the rings, so Zelda and Faustus took the chance to sign their marriage license. When a bodyguard arrived with the rings, each witness took a ring, the bride and groom joined hands and the wedding began anew. Faustus called back the demons of the deep, however he skipped the blood and blessing and went straight to the vows.
“I, Faustus James Blackwood, take thee, Zelda Phonia Spellman, to my wife and lady. To be my sole partner to walk beside me along the path of night. By day, by night, in bed and in life, forever and ever.”
“I, Zelda Phonia Spellman, take thee, Faustus James Blackwood, to my husband and lord. To be my sole partner to walk beside me along the path of night. By day, by night, in bed and in life, forever and ever.”
Faustus turned to Brother Barker, who stood behind him and handed him the ring. He then slid the silver band onto Zelda’s bare finger. “This is my eternal vow, from this day until my last day.”
Lovecraft gave Zelda the ring   and she put it on Faustus’s hand. “This is my eternal vow, from this day until my last day.”
All 4 knew the wedding was completed and Zelda smiled as Faustus leaned in to kiss her. However, their lips met for a mere 4 seconds before the door opened again.
“Father Blackwood!”
“What is it now!?” growled Faustus.
The boy trembled. “Forgive me, Father Blackwood. But the students are done with their dinner and the staff are unsure of what to do next.”
“Doesn’t evening assembly usually follows dinner?”  Faustus’s tone was annoyed.
“Yes, sir. But you usually lead evening assembly. Plus, Sabrina and Hilda Spellman have been seated outside your office for quite some time now.”
Faustus narrowed his eyes.  “Oh, have they now?”
He walked forward menacingly but Zelda walked backwards with him, her arm around his waist. “Faustus, Faustus!” They stopped but Zelda continued to speak. “Go to evening assembly. I’ll go tell Sabrina her punishment and send her and Hilda home.”
“Are you sure?”
Zelda sighed, stood on her tiptoes and gave her husband a proper kiss. “I’m right behind you. I promise.”
Faustus looked her over. “We’ll be leaving soon. Perhaps you should skip assembly and get ready.”
Zelda nodded. The doors opened, Faustus and the other warlocks went right while Zelda turned left and beheld her niece and sister.
“Congratulations, Sabrina. You ruined my wedding day!” Zelda told the others about Ambrose and Sabrina’s own expulsion. Zelda was angry  and annoyed going into this conversation, but it really irked her when Sabrina said that she was glad she stopped the wedding. Zelda responded by smiling and announced that she had married today anyway. She turned and left  but was followed.
“Aunt Zelda, you can’t!”
“I already have, Sabrina. Now, if you excuse me, Father  Bl-“ Zelda caught herself. “My husband and I will be leaving soon, and I need to change. Hilda, take her home.”
Zelda looked back and found that her little sister was silently crying.
Zelda took Hilda’s hand and pulled her out of Sabrina’s hearing. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Do you think it could be that Father Blackwood could’ve something to  do with Edward’s plane going down?”
Zelda recoiled as if Hilda had slapped her. “You doubt him. Which means you doubt me.”
“What? No, sister, I would never doubt you.”
“Then you must think I’m evil enough to betray our brother’s memory by hearing about his murder and then turn right around and marry the man who did the crime?”
“Forget I said anything.”  Hilda placed a hand on her sister’s shoulder.  “Let’s get you dressed.”
“No” Zelda brushed the hand away. “Go home, Hilda.” Zelda went upstairs, alone. As she pretended to scratch her eye, she really was wiping away a tear.
“Sister Zelda?” Prudence, who had changed out of her bridesmaid dress and was now wearing her normal short black dress with the white peter pan collor, met her at the top of the stairs. “Would you like a hand to get out of your gown?”
Zelda smiled. “Yes, Prudence. That would be kind, child.”
As they walked to the chambers, Zelda could only focus on the last word she spoke. Child. My stepchild. My oldest stepdaughter. Zelda then thought of baby Leticia, who she visited a few days ago. The wood witch was taking good care of her and Zelda would visit them after they returned from Rome.  She and Prudence  entered the chamber and found a few schoolgirls fussing around the room. As soon as they saw Zelda, they all stopped, lined up and curtsied. “Lady Blackwood.”
For 1 insane moment, Zelda wanted to turn around and look for Constance. Then she felt foolish. Oh right, I’m Lady Blackwood now.
The schoolgirls were leaving, Zelda saw that there were 2 piles of folded clothes on the bed.
“Wait,” Zelda said to the last girl. She went to the bed and picked up one pile of clothes.
“This belongs to my sister. She’s downstairs, please see that she gets it. I don’t want her up here.”
The girls left and Prudence moved forward to unbutton Zelda’s gown. She was helping her new stepmother into a basic black dress when Agatha came in. “Pru, Father Blackwood wants a word with you.”
Prudence looked torn but Zelda smiled at the girl. “Go on, see your father. I can finish up here.” Zelda was alone when she changed her heels, put on her hat and gloves before she fastened the diamond broach on her new black cloak, a wedding gift from the teaching staff.
A schoolgirl knocked on the open door. “Lady Blackwood, the others are ready.”
“So am I.” After 1 final look in the mirror, Zelda left her room. She found Faustus at the top of the stairs. He took her hand. For 1 insane moment, Zelda wanted Faustus to tell her he loved her. She pushed the thought aside as Faustus kissed her, almost as if to claim her. Together, they went downstairs and out the front door where all the students were lined up. As Faustus explained where they were going, Zelda spotted the monks that came with the anti-pope and had done nothing all day but stay in the guest chambers, praying and now they were getting into the waiting limo. Faustus had finished speaking and Zelda thought nothing of walking beside him until he stopped.
“You forget yourself, my dear,” Faustus whispered to her. “A wife walks behind her husband.”
Wait, what? Zelda was confused by his statement, she froze, unable to speak   or move for a few moments, then she started to walk again. Faustus got into the car and the boys fussed over getting baby Judas into his car seat, so Zelda walked around to the other side. Her heart broke when she looked across the way and saw Sabrina and Hilda on a bench, both with tears in their eyes. Zelda took a step forward.
“Lady Blackwood?”
Zelda suddenly saw the boy that was holding the car door open for her. After a quick glance at her niece and sister, Zelda got into the limo. She watched as the car drove away from the school. Zelda felt Faustus’s hand cover her own and returned the smile he gave her. Her smile widened as she watched Judas play with his rattle. They’re all my family now. Zelda would focus on enjoying her time alone with her husband and stepson. Maybe after some rest and sleep, Zelda could perhaps even think up of a way to help Ambrose. Once home, she would make up with Hilda and together, they would decide what to do about Sabrina. Yes, everything would be fine.
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Queen of Hearts - Chapter 6
Thirty-year-old Rose Tyler’s matchmaking business is doing very well indeed, bringing her clients such as celebrities, athletes, and the now-happily-married son of the mayor.  All of which brings her to her newest client - one whose royal rank is a far cry above her own title as Queen of Hearts.
Ian, King of Gallifrey, calls off his wedding four weeks before the happy day as he realizes he can’t spend another minute of his life with his betrothed.  The catch - he must take a wife before his Coronation, only a month away.  In desperation, his sister and aunt conspire to find him is happy ever after - and it’s going to take a master matchmaker to do it.
Based on the Hallmark Movie ‘Royal Matchmaker’.  Chapters will be posted every Sunday.
As always, beta’d by the wonderful @stupidsatsuma​!  @doctorroseprompts
Masterlist  |  AO3
Wednesday, April 3rd (continued)
“Right, where are we?” Rose asked brusquely, barreling through the doors into their suite.  Mel stood at the corkboard, and she waved for her to follow as she continued into her bedroom to dress for dinner.
“How was the dedication?”  Mel trailed after her, perching on the bench at the foot of Rose’s bed while she dug through her closet.
Rose started at the back where her nicer dresses were hidden, examining each one as she talked.  “Nice. Not terribly well attended, I was surprised.  It seemed the King spoke off the cuff.  He was very good, engaging, certainly not stuffy or boring.  He certainly seemed comfortable, though that could always be an act.  What have you found?”
“Well, based on our basic background parameters I’ve identified fifty-two potential matches,” her friend said, speaking up so Rose could hear her over the screech of sliding hangers.  “D’you have anything blue?  You wore red last night.”
“Those are of the ‘proper’ pedigree.  Some level of nobility, age range, and single to my knowledge.”
Rose sighed, stepping back with her hands on her hips, equally frustrated with the job and her wardrobe.  “Right.  Well, it’s a start.  Widen the field to non-nobility but still upper-class – heiresses, humanitarians, but posh.  Amal Clooney, not a gap-year Greenpeace volunteer.”  A hint of blue peeked out from the other end of her closet, where she found a gauzy blouse in a royal shade and a black pencil skirt.  “What do you think of this?”
She held the outfit up to herself, turning to show Mel, who studied her carefully.
“That’ll work!”
Saturday, April 6th
After their bumpy start, the next two days flew by.  As Sarah Jane had promised, Rose spent effectively all day every day with the King, seeing him in action and getting a sense of what was required from the Queen.  He slowly loosened up, telling unprompted stories every so often and making her laugh.
Between himself and Sarah Jane she was getting a clear picture of both what the role would require, and the type of woman needed to fill it.
Mel worked tirelessly from their suite, researching potential candidates and lining up tentative interviews.  She managed the proprietary software they’d developed together, taking Rose’s instinct and insight and turning it into quantifiable data to rank the candidates as they narrowed the list.
The first Saturday they were there dawned bright and early, Sarah Jane finding them already at work with steaming mugs of coffee at eight in the morning.
“My goodness,” she said, making Rose and Mel’s heads snap up, “you’ve certainly been busy.”
“Sarah Jane!”  Rose leapt to her feet and hurried to her, nearly tripping on a number of loose pages but managing not to fall.  “Hi!  Did you need something?”
Glancing around the room anxiously, she tried to see it from the other woman’s perspective.  It certainly looked less than impressive, piles upon piles of paper spread over nearly the entire floor, though both she and Mel knew exactly what everything was.
To Sarah Jane, it probably looked like pure chaos.
“Quite the opposite,” the woman smiled.  “You’ve both been working incredibly hard, the Princess and I are both very impressed.  On that note, we have our annual spring festival occurring in town this weekend.”
“I didn’t know,” Rose’s eyes widened, heart plummeting.  Despite a relatively peaceful and argumentative-free two and a half days she was constantly on guard, waiting for the King’s whim to change and send her packing.  Her mind raced, trying to remember if the event had been mentioned; was she supposed to go?  Was he waiting for her?
But the woman’s eyes were kind, and she was smiling.  “I wouldn’t have expected you to, seeing as I never mentioned it.”
“I… don’t understand?”
“I’m giving you the day off,” Sarah Jane laughed.  “I think it would be beneficial for you to go to the festival, truly get a feel for the people without the King or any of the palace staff, just be visitors.  Have fun.  Play games, try the food, enjoy yourselves, take a break.”
“That sounds lovely,” Mel spoke before Rose could, hurrying around to them and pinching Rose’s side viciously, presumably so she’d stay quiet.  “Thank you so much!  How should we get there?”
“Bill will drive you in,” their host explained.  “And, here – consider it a little bonus.”  She handed Rose an envelope, a quick rifle through showing several twenty Euro notes.
“Thank you,” Rose repeated, smiling, at war inside.  One part wanted to stay and work, determined not to let anything keep her from success, while the other, larger part (buoyed by Mel’s enthusiasm for the idea) wanted to cut loose and take a few hours off.  “I’m sure it’s wonderful.”
“I’m taking Luke tomorrow,” Sarah Jane confided, “and His Majesty will be judging a few competitions later in the week, but today’s the first day when everything’s freshest.  Oh, it’s beautiful, and I hope you enjoy!”
Clutching the envelope to her chest, Rose fervently promised herself that they would.
We deserve this.
Sarah Jane and Bill’s enthusiastic descriptions didn’t do the festival jealous – it was spectacular.
Sticking together, Rose and Mel went from vendor to vendor, oohing and aahing over the locally- and hand-made items, everything from knitted sweaters and scarves and hats to jams and jellies and wines.
“This is heaven,” Mel sighed, picking through a bag of trail mix for the local berries.  “This whole country.  It’s so beautiful here, and everyone’s so friendly.  Even though this is the capital, it feels just like a cozy English village.  Can you imagine living here?”
“It’s incredible,” Rose agreed through a mouthful of popcorn.  “Look how happy everyone is.”  Not just happy; friendly.  They had already met dozens of locals, all pleased as punch to have visitors and a chance to gush about their homeland.
The main rows of booths lined the street, one on either side, and though they hadn’t ventured from that path yet, Rose knew a second set of booths were set up on the sidewalks behind the main aisles.
A hand-made sign proclaiming Baked Goods This Way! pointed down one of the breaks between booths, and Rose’s sweet tooth insisted she follow it, Mel hot on her heels.  They came out behind the row of tents to see the second, less crowded aisle of booths. Fewer vendors were set up here along the sidewalk, their foot traffic suffering for it.
Most of the buildings were the typically quaint old-fashioned storefronts, two stories with the shop on the ground floor and flats above it.  Nearly every one showed signs of recent activity, indicating that they were open in general, and specifically for the festival.
An elegant old building that had clearly seen better days loomed over the rest of the street, a folding table set up right in front of the door with hand-decorated signs.  Judging by its architecture, it had once been some sort of theater.  Three preteen girls and a woman in her fifties stood behind the table, and the girls all lit up when Rose and Mel stopped in front of them.
“Hello!” the tallest one chirped, “Welcome to the City of Arcadia Children’s Center Bake Sale.  We are selling baked goods to raise money to fix the roof after all the snow this winter. Would you like to buy something sweet?”
Rose’s heart melted at the practiced but heartfelt recitation, and judging by Mel’s aww next to her, she agreed.  “I most certainly would!”  Glancing down at the table she carefully eyed the various treats, which ranged from cupcakes and cookies to candies, everything homemade.  “This all looks so lovely, did you bake all this?”
The girl shook her head, giggling.  “Just those cupcakes,” she pointed to a tray, “and some of the signs.”
Rose and Mel plucked up a cupcake each, Rose’s chocolate with chocolate icing and edible ball-bearings, while Mel’s was, of course, carrot cake, with an adorable iced carrot on top.
“Would you like some hot cocoa as well?” the preteen/sales shark asked innocently, and both women nodded.
“I certainly would, it’s still a bit nippy out!” Mel gave an exaggerated shiver, making the girls giggle.  “Although, you don’t have any carrot juice, do you?”  Rose elbowed her sharply.  “I mean, do you attend the…”
“City of Arcadia Children’s Center,” all three girls chorused.
“Yes,” the leader continued, standing tall.  “Since we were babies.  It’s running low on funds, though, so we want to help."
The woman behind the table nodded, far more serious than her charges.  “We’re all but free of charge, so anyone can send their children, only without donations we can hardly operate.  An expensive childminding service opened last year, and many of the wealthier families hire from there.  It’s good for the young women who get the work, but we’ve been struggling ever since.”
Rose didn’t even have to look at Mel to know she would agree with what she was about to do, and pulled the envelope of their money from Sarah Jane out and thrust it towards the woman without hesitation.  “I don’t think it’s much, but I hope it helps.”
“Oh, thank you!” the woman gushed, not even looking in the envelope before coming around the table and hugging Mel and Rose.  “You’re angels, truly!  I suspect you’re from out of town, but please, feel free to come visit on Tuesday if you’re still here.  I can give you a tour, and you can see how much this will help us.  Really, I insist, just walk right in and ask for ‘Polly’, that’s me.  My husband Ben and I run the Center, he does most of the handiwork about the place. Oh, thank you!”  Polly squeezed them again, drawing laughs from both women and giggles from the girls.
“Best of luck,” Rose said warmly, “it was lovely to meet you.”
They moved on, heading back towards the main thoroughfare again, though Rose couldn’t help but glance over her shoulder.
An idea was brewing.
Ian resettled the hat on his head before adjusting his sunglasses, doing his best to remain incognito.  He would officially be attending the Festival later in the week, but ever since he was old enough to sneak out of the palace he’d stolen down on the first day every year, never missing it if he was in the country.
The last thing he wanted, though, was to be recognized.  Whenever possible he went out in disguise, to sit in a pub or take in a performance or game.  He liked to be amongst Gallifreyans, be part of the crowd, see it from their eyes.  He’d figured out very early on that life looked much different from the crowds versus the royal dais.
He preferred the crowd.
Eating directly from the baggie of cookies he’d bought at Polly’s table with a wink and discreet check, he wandered the stalls looking for inspiration for Donna’s forthcoming birthday.  The ‘official’ gift was already set, organized well in advance, but he always tried to do something personal as well, usually finding something at the Festival for her.  She valued Gallifreyan-made as much as he did, believed in supporting their people and the creative arts.
I could get her another case of that wine she liked… he mused, before grimacing.  Wine felt so… impersonal a gift to him, so fleeting.  He always strove for something tangible but practical, something she could use.  What do you get the person who has everything?
He stopped at a stall with handknit scarves on display, and a surreptitious glance at the list on his mobile showed it had been at least five years since the last scarf he’d bought her.  With another adjustment to his hat he began flicking through the options, immediately dismissing almost all of them as not being Donna.
A scarf in emerald on the rack behind the one he was looking at caught his eye, but when he tried to take it down, he found resistance.
“Oi, I’m looking at that one,” an irritated voice sounded from the other side, and after a moment he placed it with a heavy sigh.  Of course she’s here, he rolled his eyes.  If she blows my cover she’s fired.  That was a lie though – he’d thought that a dozen times since so far, and except for that first night, he’d never so much as vaguely hinted at the idea to her.
He continued to gently tug on the garment, partially to annoy her, and she came around the corner eyes blazing.  “Hey!  I had that first, and common court-e-sy…  What?” Rose trailed off, tilting her head, brow furrowed, tongue peeking out of the corner of mouth in concentration as she stared at him.
“Shh,” he muttered, “I don’t want to be recognized.”
“You look fairly suspicious in all black and hiding your features,” she pointed out automatically, before flushing and letting go of the scarf.  “Sorry.”
Ian shook his head, casting furtive eyes around to be sure they were unobserved.  “It’s all right.”
“What are you doing here?” she whispered, voice dropping even lower to add, “Sir?”
“Shopping for my sister’s birthday,” he replied in kind.  “You?”
“Souvenir for my Mum,” matchmaker girl shrugged, shoving her hands into her pockets.  “I’ll find another one, though.”
He wavered; the polite thing to do would be to let her have it, but it was perfect for Donna.  “You can-”
“No,” she shook her head, cutting him off, eyes going wide.  “Sorry.  That’s perfect for her, to go with her hair.  Really.  Besides, Mum would probably prefer this one,” she gestured to one on the same rack as the teal, identical except in fluorescent pink.  Ian fought back a shiver of disgust.
“Thank you,” he smiled, tipping his head down and lowering his sunglasses enough to meet her eye.
They stared awkwardly at each other for a long moment, before Ian nodded decisively.  “I’m just going to pay,” he gestured towards the stall’s vendor, but she stopped him from turning.
“Wait!  I just… why are you sneaking around buying a present?  Couldn’t you send someone to do it?”
“No,” Ian said automatically, before stopping to consider the question.  “I mean yes, I could.  But then it’s not from me.  I prefer to pick something out for her myself – I’ve always done it.”
Rose smiled after a moment.  “That’s really nice,” she said wistfully.
He shrugged, uncomfortable with the praise.  “Thank you.”  After a moment he turned away, and this time she didn’t stop him.
Paying for the scarf in cash and accepting his bag with a nod of thanks, he wandered off to enjoy the rest of the festival, but in the back of his mind, for some inexplicable reason he couldn’t stop thinking about her smile.
Ian Reginald, what is wrong with you?
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anagentinwriting · 5 years
To Catch a Thief - Part 1
Summary:  Being an FBI field agent was your dream job but having been stuck behind a desk for most of your career you’ve almost given up. Fortunately, a series of robberies with minimal evidence forces you to assist a team in the field to help solve the case. But when the only thing left behind is a series of song lyrics, will you be able to find the perp? Or will the number of obstacles and lack of evidence keep you from solving the case?
Pairing: Peter Quill x Reader
Word Count: 2,533
To Catch a Thief Masterlist / Main Masterlist
A/N: This is my first story I decided to post so hopefully, you'll stick with me till the end. Let me know what you think! Look forward to your comments!
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You jolted awake hearing loud moans coming from the thin walls separating you and your neighbor's apartment. “You’re fucking kidding me.”  Sitting up you glance at your alarm clock reading 2 AM. Does this guy ever take a night off? Better yet, doesn’t he ever get exhausted? You swear new strays come out of his apartment on a daily basis.
“Yes, Peter, yes!” A woman screamed from behind the wall.
Okay, that’s it, you couldn’t take it anymore.  You tie on your robe and slip on your bunny slippers and march into the hallway to your neighbor's door.  You start pounding on it, but no one answers.
“I know you’re in there, open up,” you shouted, pounding on the door again.  Still, no answer! Are you fucking serious? You stood outside the door for a couple more minutes and continued pounding on his door.
“Open this fucking door, right now!”
You held your fist to the door once more when someone finally pulled the door open.  Standing in the doorway was a muscular dude wearing only boxer briefs causing your eyes to linger.
“What seems to be the problem, miss?”  
You lost your train of thought for a second, but then remembered what you were doing. You cleared your throat, “yes, I live on the other side of your bedroom wall. I wanted to check and see if you’re finished with your shenanigans because these walls aren’t exactly 'soundproof'?”
“Well,” he smirked down at his underwear, stepping further out of his doorway. “Yeah, we’re done. At least for the time being.” He crossed his arms, making his biceps seem larger than they appeared.
“Perfect!” you grumbled, turning around and marching to your door. You kept your lingering eyes focused in front of you, not wanted to give him the satisfaction of a second look.
“Hold on a second, I never caught your name?”
“I didn't throw it, Peter?”
“Wait, how did--” you shot a hard glare in his direction, “-- oh right,” he chuckled, nodding his head. “Have a good rest of morning, neighbor.”
You rolled your eyes closing the door.  This was your first encounter with your womanizer neighbor and it probably wouldn’t be your last.
Walking into work at FBI New York City Field Office wearing your usual business suit with your gun holstered to your hip.  It was going to be another day behind a desk. Every day, you hoped by some sheer miracle Special Agent-in-charge, Yondu Udonta, would notice your hard work and put you out in the field. You qualified as a field agent, but you wanted to work in the best division, which was Yondus. Unfortunately, his division only had openings for an analysts job, so you took it. You knew if you worked your ass off and showed Yondu what you could do, he would promote you. It's been about 3 years now and you were beginning to feel like he never would.
“What’s up hot shot? I have a story you are going to love,” Luis greeted as you walked up to the front desk.
Everyone knew Luis, both criminals, and law enforcement agents, and he knew everything going on with everybody.  Everyone seemed to trust him because he had one of those faces. In fact, he went undercover to take down the Hydra drug cartel with two agents from upstate, Rogers and Barnes.  Hydra made him steal ridiculous crap including smoothie machines; actually, it was two smoothie machines.  Luis decided after bringing them down, he wanted a simple life of working behind the scenes and they let him.
“What is it? You and your girlfriend make up?” You asked with a grin spreading across your face.
“Nah chica, she’s moved out instead. But anyways, I stayed late last night, right. And I was in the break room cleaning out the coffee maker because you know I don't like it when the filter gets moldy, or when people use the same coffee grounds multiple times it tends to lose the caffeine value, right."
“Come on Luis, get to the point.”
“Sorry sorry...ah...so I started talking with Vis, who is kind of sorta dating that really stupid fine Sokovian girl that works the front desk upstate, right. He told me that she heard Special Agent Stark talking to Yondu, right, and here comes the best part. Stark says, ‘Yo so Gamora is working this big thieving case right.’  Remember that super badass chick that worked here when you first started.” You nodded. “So anyways Stark goes, ‘She’s working this big case, you know, and she's comin' back to the city and you should offer up some space to her.’  And then Yondu said, ‘Yeah you’re right, and maybe, I should pick out an agent here to help her out.’ Of course, I got to thinking right, so I asked Vis if his really stupid fine Sokovian girl told him to tell me to tell you that Yondu is considering picking you for the spot…”
“What did he say?”
“He said yes,” Luis grinned.
“LN, my office now,” Yondu yelled, standing in the doorway to his office. You nodded turning back to Luis with a slight grin on your face as you headed over to Special Agent Udonta office.
You took a seat on the opposite side of Yondu observing all the trinket and gadgets covering his desk. There were troll dolls, glass figurines, a bobblehead dog, and even a mickey mouse statue. You didn’t know he was a fan of Disney.
“Good morning, Agent LN.  Did you hear anything about Gamora being back in town and how she is working this thieving case?"  Yondu asked, putting his feet on his desk and reclining in his chair.
“Yes sir, I may have heard something.”
“Well, it just so happens I am picking one person from this division to assist her and I’m considering you.  Would you be interested in an opportunity like this?”
“What does this case all entail?” You inquired, wanting to say yes right away, but didn’t want to come off too eager.
“You will be assisting Gamora and her partner, Kraglin, in finding out who is behind these thefts.  I don’t know much about this investigation, but I do know it involves six rare and valuable necklaces. The thieves have stolen two while the other four still remain unaccounted for. And if you do well on this case, I may consider promoting you to a fulltime field agent.”
“I’m in. When do I start?” You nodded as excitement shot through you. You bit your cheek to hold back a smile. On the outside, you kept your emotions professional, but on the inside, you felt like a child on Christmas morning.
“You start immediately.”
You smiled walking out of Yondu’s office and up to the 3rd-floor conference room C. You pause outside the door wondering if you should knock or walk right in. You cracked the door open poking your head inside. “Hi, um, I’m Agent YN LN, Yondu sent me up here to assist on the case.”
“Perfect,” acknowledged the magenta ombre colored hair women. “I’m Gamora and he's Kraglin.” She pointed to the man working behind the computer.
“Hello,” he waved, staring up from his computer.
“So, what do I need to know?” You glanced over the documents, pictures, and books lying on the tables. There was a significant amount of information you needed to catch up on, but you were ready. This was what you always wanted to do, and now, it was your chance to prove yourself.
“We are trying to find the person or persons stealing the Infinity Stone Necklace Collection. As of right now, two of the six necklaces are missing with the latest occurring early this morning.  It happened at Dr. Stephen Strange's residence on the upper east side of New York. We still don’t know how they pulled it off. There was no forced entry, no alarms triggered, and everything was as Strange left it before he went to work.
From an eyewitness at the scene, she believed the suspect to be a male in his late 20s or early 30s. She never saw his face, but he seemed athletic and strong since he was jumping over the backyard fences. We believe he has people helping him, since all we seem to have on him are these two sheets of paper with lyrics on them," Gamora informed you. She held up the two evidence bags containing the lyrics before handing them over.
#1: O-o-h child, things are gonna get easier
     O-o-h child, things'll get brighter
                     Sorry, SL
#2: Don't stop thinking about tomorrow
     Don't stop, it'll soon be here
     It'll be here better than before
     Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone
                Sorry, SL
“Well, this first one is O-o-h Child by Five Stairsteps and the second one is Don’t Stop by Fleetwood. But, why is he apologizing for stealing these necklaces?”
“Wait, just from the lyrics you knew who the song and artists was. Nice work,” Gamora smirked in your direction. “We don’t know why he’s apologizing, but we suspect he’s either stealing these for a big payout or he’s toying with us.”
“Okay, but why sign SL? Are those his initials?”
“We thought so, but it was a dead end.  The only name we came across with any connection to the necklaces was a guy named Stan Lee.  Turns out he was an avid collector who admired them but never had the balls to actually steal them. Mr. Lee was in his late 80s to early 90s, so we ruled him out as a suspect. He did share a lot of information with us about these stones and it’s all here in these files. You will need to read through these to get a better understand of what we are looking for."
“Of course, but back to these song lyrics, are they special to him or linked to the necklaces somehow? It could tell us what necklace he’s going after next?” You queried, staring at the lyrics.
“See we thought the same, but there's no correlation between the songs and the necklaces,” Kraglin replied. “We thought it linked to SL’s personality, but he could've picked them at random, too. There are still many unanswered questions, but here is what we have on him so far." He walked over handing you a file.
“Male. Late 20s to early 30s. Likes classic rock and pop music,” you read. “Are you serious? This is it?”
“It’s hard to find someone when the only clues are song lyrics. Besides, profiling isn’t really my strong point,” Kraglin added with a sigh, walking back over to his computer.
“What about the first theft that happened at Caesars Palace in  Las Vegas, did we get anything there?” You asked, pointing at the bulletin board. There were five pictures of the necklaces and a blank white piece of paper with a question mark. Underneath the pictures were their last known location; Above the pictures were strange names including Space, Power, Aether, Time, Mind, and Soul.
“We didn't get anything besides the lyrics, but the necklace did get inspected once a week at the same time on the same day. We suspect our thief knew this because he knocked out the guard who usually takes care of the inspection.  Unfortunately, he didn’t see anything and didn't even know what happened. We’re still going through security tapes, but so far nothing to show the necklace being monitored. But the thief did replace the necklace with a hologram similar to it, so we know he has some great tech.  Right now, it’s a slow process with only two of us, which is why we are happy to have you on our team,” Gamora chimed in and you nodded.
“Do we know where the other four in the collection are?”
“Much like everything else around here, it’s a work in progress. We have a list of possible owners, but they all deny owning one. We assume with the necklaces being so rare and valuable the owners don’t want to risk people finding out and stealing them. Even the museums exhibiting the necklaces refrain from saying who owns them.”
“Someone is figuring it out and stealing them anyways,” you mumbled under your breath.
“Here’s everything you need to know, so head home and study.” Gamora hands you an evidence box.  “There are books and files in here, so when you come back tomorrow we want to hear some new theories.”
“Wait...you want me to leave, but Yondu said--”
“Yondu isn’t in charge of you anymore so go home, study, and come back tomorrow. The more you learn about these necklaces the better because it will give you a bigger picture of what we are looking for. Besides, you have to prove your worth by putting in the work and we want to see if your worth bringing on this case.”
“Guess I’ll get to it.” You nodded, lifting the evidence box and grunting at how heavy it was.  This was going to be a long trip back to your apartment.
Stepping through the doors to your apartment lobby struggling with the box, you see the doors to the elevator closing.  “Hold the door please!” A hand stopped the door and inside was the man from last night. “Thanks,” you mumbled, and Peter nodded with a smile.
“You dress like your important,” Peter asserted with a lopsided smile.
“And you dress like a horny teenager,” you commented, rolling your eyes. Why was he even talking to you? It’s not like we have to talk because we are in an elevator together.
“I’ll take that as a compliment, YN.”
“Impressive, so you learned my name.” You set the box down on the floor in front of you to give your arms a short rest. For real, what did Gamora put in the box?
“I did. It’s on your mailbox and I have to say it suits you.” You shrugged, wishing he would stop talking to you. “What’s in the box?”
“A severed head,” you smirked, seeing him raise his eyebrows out of the corner of your eye. “But it’s mostly books. Something your girlfriend wouldn’t know anything about.”
“Oh, I don't have a girlfriend,” he smirked. “I prefer to not get attached to my lady friends.”
“Huh..that doesn't surprise me.”
The elevator doors opened and you picked up your box only to notice Peter holding the doors open for you. He may be a womanizing player, but it was nice to know he had some gentleman type traits. You nodded walking past him to your apartment. You set your box down to unlocked the door and glanced in Peter’s direction.  He was standing by his door with his eyes wandering over you biting his lip.
“Did you want to be one of my lady friends... I mean since we're neighbors it could be convenient,” he winked, shooting you a smile.
“Uck. I would rather sleep with myself.” You stepped into your apartment, kicking the door shut behind you.
“So is that a firm no then,” Peter shouted from the hallway. “Well, I’ll still be here if you ever change your mind.”
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popopretty · 7 years
BSD Chapter 56
Hey there,
I thought someone had done this already so I was planning to skip this month’s writeup but I got a few requests to do it anyway so here I go again. I didn’t want to write too much but it ended up being very lengthy anyway. 
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I love this chapter so much, it goes much deeper in Ranpo’s thought and personalities, and the character development of Oguri is really good, enough to turn me from hating him into “protect him” mode lol
As always, my Japanese and English are not perfect and I will make mistakes here and there. Please feel free to correct me if you spot anything. Thank you!
                                                 SPOILERS AHEAD
- The driver takes out a gun to threat Ranpo, saying there are 3 types of passengers (”luggage” is the word he uses though) that he hate most: 1st is one that talks too much, 2nd is ones who causes troubles and 3rd is one who has no money and Ranpo is the combination of all 3 xD. Oguri tells him to put away the gun and keeps driving since Ranpo has no evidences to begin with.
- Turned out Ranpo has put Poe on the phone since the beginning and Poe has called for the cops to stop the car. However the drivers turns out to be an agent of Russia government so the police has to let them go without being able to do anything.
- On the car, Oguri hears the sound of a phone that was left in his car by Ranpo. There is a screen of text and Ranpo’s voice on the other side. Ranpo said he knew from the beginning that it’s Oguri’s victory because “a common man cannot win against an ability user”, but he still has to defeat Oguri this time, because “my colleagues think I’m the best”. (TN: I love this part so muchhhh). 
- The passage on the screen is written by Poe and since Oguri has read it, he’s drawn into the setting of the novel by Poe’s ability. He finds himself in the room where Kindaichi was killed. (TN: He always address Kindaichi as “Yokomizo” by the way, showing how close they are). He sees himself being strangled by Kindaichi, who keeps screaming “I hate you, I hate you”. Oguri tries to fight back saying “It’s not like that Yokomizo” (TN: I will go in a bit details because it shows how close the two are).
- At that moment, the Kindaichi illustion disappears and Ranpo appears starting to explain the case. He said the crime scene suggested that it’s a murder by grudge however, according to the way Oguri addresses Kindaichi earlier, he suspects that the two are actually close. Oguri gets back on his sense and says such a trick cannot defeat him because as long as he can declare the truth, he will get out of that space created by Poe’s ability. However, Ranpo tells him, after hearing everything Ranpo says, he will turn himself in for sure.
- We have a flashback of Kindaichi and Oguri discussing about the idea for a mystery novel. It is revealed here that they are friends since they were students, Oguri has always hated mystery (he said if mystery is like a thing for entertainment and if people want puzzles, they should go solve a Math problem lol), while Kindaichi is a mystery maniac (Oguri grows tired of history is because of him too XD). Oguri suggests many types of mystery plots but Kindaichi already knows them all. Kindaichi says he partly understand what Oguri was talking about mystery because no matter how good a mystery is, after it comes out, it will become just a part of a genre and cannot be an “ultimate mystery” etc.
- Back in the case with Ranpo, Oguri tries to confess that he kills Kindaichi so that he can get out of the novel. But Ranpo tells him he’s not the culprit. He says if Oguri is the murderer then everything, from the trick to the intent etc. fit too well, to that extent that it’s like a “script”. He then concludes that the whole Kindaichi murder case is a self-played mystery and that basically Kindaichi has committed suicide, to create a mystery that erodes the real life. 
- Another flash back. Kindaichi tells Oguri that he has a cancer and cannot live for another year. And before that he wants to create an ultimate mystery. He has all the preparation done and the only thing missing is a “culprit”, with murderous intent, and asks Oguri to help him with that. 
- Back to the scene again, Oguri keeps saying he is the killer because he hates the author and kills him for the script. Ranpo then shows him the last page of the script, saying that there is a mark of water on that page, If it’s for the selling of the script then the culprit must have kept it very carefully, then it can only be made after the script is done or during the murder. He concludes that the culprit was crying when strangling the victim, thus the “murderous intent” of “grudge” has been eliminated. And thus the novel will lose its main purpose and intentions etc. Oguri realizes this just before handing out the script so he has to copy the last page in a rush, all to fulfill his friend’s last wish.
- Oguri still tries to deny that saying Ranpo doesn’t have any proof. Ranpo agrees but tell him this is enough because if he reveals all of his deductions to the world, then everyone will become doubtful of the novel and that will make the novel worthless, because he will not lose to Fyodor ever again, just as he won’t let Fyodor hurt anyone in the ADA ever again. Oguri cannot afford to let that happen and decide to turn himself in. 
- Oguri deactivates his ability so now the police have found proofs to prove Kunikida innocent. Poe tells Ranpo that there’s no living response (or st like that) from the dead body that fell from the top floor. Ranpo then realizes that Oguri hasn’t really killed anyone since that corpse is also something given to him by Fyodor. He then goes towards the car that’s going to take Oguri and hands him a card and tells Oguri to go there. It’s an investigation office of some sort that someone like Oguri can help out.  Oguri asks him why and  Ranpo says it’s because he makes a promise to give Oguri a job if he’s in trouble (see Last chapter).
- After the car leaves, Ranpo burns the last page of the script. The text here is kinda deep and I’m not sure I understand correctly but I think it’s something along the line of “There's no such things like unchanged value to begin with, it's something we decide for ourselves. Because it’s the greatest luxury that human being has been given, though foolishly, to decide by themselves what to value and what to live in this world” 
- The car taking Oguri is stopped by a crowd. Another cop ran to the car and said there’s a murder. When the driver asks the cops who the victim is, the cop just says “It’s you”’ and shoot the guy.
And that’s all there is to this chapter! Thank you for reading till the end :)
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tinamaetales · 7 years
3rd K Drama: W - Two Worlds
Why do all the K Dramas that I watched have to be so good? I’m having a hard time moving on from them! This time, I watched W-Two Worlds and it was one heck of a roller coaster ride. The concept, for me, was fresh and really creative. The way the story unfolds, too, was awesome! You just can’t predict what’s gonna happen next and it sometimes frustrates the heck out of me coz what if my fave character dies? You don’t do that to me! Anyway, the number one reason why I watched it is because of Lee Jong Suk (I really have a huge crush on him! OMG ♥) and as expected, he gave an amazing performance. Him as Kang Chul is just sooooo perfect! 
W is one of Korea’s best selling comic books; it has been a best seller for seven years. Its lead character, Kang Chul, was considered as the icon of justice. Its seven year run was coming to an end smoothly until one night, while working on its finale, its author, Oh Sung Moo disappeared without any trace. Just when his staff is panicking since they have to make it to the deadline, his daughter Oh Yeon Joo, a cardiothoracic surgeon, visited their work place. Su Bong, the author’s assistant, informed Yeon Joo about what happened to her father. They’ve decided to go to his working room and they saw the last scene that he was working on which is Kang Chul lying on the floor bathing in his own blood. When Yeon Joo was left alone in his father’s work place, a hand reached for her and in that moment she was summoned inside Kang Chul’s world. Since she’s a doctor, she saved Kang Chul. And since then, she can be summoned inside the comic world and will only have the chance to go back to the real world when there’s a change in the emotions of Kang Chul.
The question is, why?
What draws me into this K Drama is the uniqueness of its plot (plus of course, Lee Jong Suk!) but what made me stay (and become obsessed, lol) is how Kang Chul fights for his right to stay alive. I don’t know man, but characters like him make me feel somehow not alone (if that’s the right way to say it). You see, Kang Chul is a manhwa character so it means that he has a creator and that creator is the one calling the dibs in his life (the creator is the one to decide what will happen in his life) however, he decided to fight for his happiness regardless of how hard that battle would be. This topic will lead me back to the concept of predestination and free will (something that I’ve discussed in my Goblin blog post as well) that as you all know by now is sensitive, tricky and confusing for me. Kang Chul may be a lead character of someone else’s story but since he became a “real” person of his own, he has the right to fight for his life. Just like me, I may be born with a fate already written but I was also given a free will that gives me the liberty to do things my way and change the course of my fate. Gosh, it is really hard for me to discuss that topic cause I might just end up offending people.
Anyway, all I want to say is that I can relate to Kang Chul when it comes to life struggles – fighting for your chance at life despite having a lot of external forces going against you.
Here’s more about Kang Chul:
Kang Chul’s story began when he was only 17 years old and already represented South Korea in the Olympics; he is a sharp shooter. Having won the gold medal at the Athens Olympics, he became famous in his country. Years later he decided to study Computer Science instead of continuing his career as an athlete which lead to some misunderstandings he have with his father who was also his coach. One night, his entire family was killed while he was away by an unknown gunman. Further investigation happened and it leads to accusing Kang Chul as the suspect since the gun used for the killing was the gun he used at the Olympics. He was convicted guilty of a crime he did not commit in the first place. He was imprisoned for two years. After being released from prison, he continued living a horrible life since everyone dislikes him and considers him a murderer despite the lack of evidence. He got fed up with living a life as if he’s an outcast so he decided to kill himself by jumping off a bridge. He jumped, but on the last second he reconsiders; he realizes that he just can’t let things end this way. He has yet to find the real murderer who killed his entire family. From then on, his life has changed.
However, that plot twist was not what the author has planned.
At first, he thought he was just drunk when he finished drawing Kang Chul’s death that in the morning when he reviewed his work, it changes to Kang Chul still hanging on the bridge fighting for his life. But then, as he continues to draw, Kang Chul seems to have a mind of his own and started making his own decisions. It seems like he’s the one writing his own story and not the author and it terrifies his author so much until one day, he decided to finally kill his main character.
I guess what made Kang Chul “survived” the series of death being brought to him is his desperation to get the justice that his family deserves. It is his willingness to get that justice that led for his life to change for the better. It might have been a typical “rags to riches” story but I loved it (and he deserves it!). It seems like as he search for justice, he was able to find himself as well. He became a successful businessman. He also created a tv show with the title “W” which stands for Who and Why in order to solve different cases (which of course would include investigating the mystery behind his family’s death). A lot of people have benefitted from Kang Chul’s success too since the companies he established (including the tv show) provided employment. And let’s also add to the fact that he became an inspiration to many since he was able to rise from such a tragic past. I love that he made the phrase “When you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up” oh so true! However, despite all of that, the justice for his family seems elusive. He helped solve other people’s cases and yet his family’s death remains a mystery. Life really is cruel.
By looking at just the manhwa’s story line, of course it is obvious that Kang Chul deserves a happy ending. He’s a hero in his own right. He deserves the justice he’s been seeking for his family for so many years since it is also through him that the others were able to find justice. However, if we will look at the situation on the perspective of the author, Kang Chul’s a bit scary. I mean, come on, he’s just a product of the author’s imagination and yet he started to “develop” having a mind of his own. It really is terrifying and frustrating on the part of the author although I find it quite unfair that his only solution for this is to kill the main character….I mean perhaps there’s other ways to do it? THERE SHOULD BE! And when there seems to be no way…fate created one for Kang Chul (because he really is deserving of a happy ending!) by allowing the barriers that separates the two universes to “fall down” making it possible for him to be saved by someone from the real world – the author’s daughter. I love how from then on, the story took a great twist that made it more exciting to watch. I love how it keeps on making me ask questions like, “How the hell he ends up becoming real?” “Why did he start having a ‘free will’ when he’s just a product of the author’s imagination?” “Why did the fictional world suddenly became connected to the real world?” “Is Yeon Joo the only real human that can enter the world of W?” “When will she enter again and how will she get out?” and finally, “Why is the author so afraid of him? Is he dangerous?” Gosh, it was just so exciting! As I’ve said, this is a really unpredictable drama – it just keeps you guessing until the end.
There are three kinds of “fighting” in this drama, the main character who fights for his right to stay alive, the author who fights with his main character’s fate in order to kill him (I really can’t think of any other way to describe it) and the author’s daughter who fights to save Kang Chul. And all three has their own reasons. Like what we say in Filipino, kapag nasa katwiran, ipaglaban mo! (If you’re in reason, fight for it). Kang Chul wants to live for he has yet to get the justice for his family. The author wants to kill Kang Chul for he’s scared of him already. He’s afraid of what more he is capable of doing since it already feels like he can’t control him anymore. He even has a copy of Goya’s painting “Saturn Devouring His Son” and on the back of the picture the phrase “Rather than be devoured, I will devour” was written. And when confronted by his daughter about killing Kang Chul he replied with “You said it was murder? I drew it. It’s my project! So in my project I am god, because I created everything! How can a god destroying his creation be murder?! That’s not murder; it’s judgment. He’s a monster. I didn’t know it at first, but I had created a monster. So I decided to bring judgment upon him, because he was a malformed creation. How can I leave him be, when I’m about to be devoured? I should’ve ended him right away, there on the bridge.” By then, we can really feel his fear and frustration…I can’t even say that I hate him for that. I sort of understand where he is coming from. Then there’s Yeon Joo who keeps on showing up every time Kang Chul’s in danger. At first, she’s doing it because she’s also a fan of the comic series and likes Kang Chul but as time goes by, and she was able to get to know Kang Chul more, she realizes that he is a human being too and he deserves to live.  
Anyway, what made me love it more is that in the end (spoiler alert, sorry!) Kang Chul’s still the one who decides on his fate. He has the last say. He created his own version of a happy ending. In the end, he proved them wrong. He had the chance to kill his author but he didn’t. In fact, when he was trying to kill himself, it was Kang Chul who saved him – the character that he wants to kill for he’s afraid that he will kill him ended up being the one to save his life. I love how Kang Chul continued to fight for his life that in the end, he got the happy ending that he deserves. His fight can serve as an inspiration to us that we can change our lives as long as we are willing to fight for it, sacrifice a lot and face the consequences that will come along with it. I guess we are all Kang Chul? I mean there’s a Kang Chul in all of us – the Kang Chul who fights for his right to be happy, the Kang Chul who is a hero of his own story.
 How I wish I can be half the fighter that Kang Chul is then maybe somehow I could also change my fate.
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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# ▪It was a master strike on behalf of blast 06 sync to put me in VARDHAMAN HEIGHTS. ▪I again do suspect that VISHAL TUPE is not a property dealer because as I was moving through the deeds of transfer of sale of flat I saw that in the signatory section there as the name of one of the signatory there is DINESH JADHAV.  ### ▪▪▪ deeds of VISHAL TUPE : --- ▪he diverted me from Raj ... construction to this VARDHAMAN heights. --- ▪He and MANDE g showed me a flat which was mid way in the apartment - not the top most floor. --- ▪VISHAL TUPE said this is the flat I am going to get. --- ▪VISHAL TUPE said this is the biggest flat of in the apartment. --- ▪VISHAL TUPE conveyed to me that the GORPORE g was a influential BJP person in badlapur; he also said corporate or some post. --- ▪They give me the top most flat. --- ▪Blast 06 sync which is operated by a group of unwanted characters in LAW ENFORCING AGENCIES do have some members staying in this VARDHAMAN HEIGHTS. --- ▪The main players of this drama in vardhaman heights stay in D block of this apartment. --- ▪VISHAL TUPE promised the flat in 21 lakhs including the registration fees and brokerage. --- ▪In the next meeting, VISHAL TUPE produced his associate DINESH JADAV who demanded the commission. --- ▪I argued with them but then one can not draw back the lines. --- ▪VISHAL TUPE said this is the biggest flat in the apartment - 1bhk flat. ▪On the contrary, all the flats are of same size - only one flat was big which on discussion ( 1 month back ) MANDE g said is a 2 room flat. ▪That may be but you can not deny that you showed me a flat in between the apartment. --- ▪One the 1st day, I was toying how much a person VISHAL TUPE was - just a brainwashed local property dealer / more from the blast 06 syndicate. --- ▪while telling little bit of what happened to me including the attempt to murder me on 3rd Jan, 2001 - ASHOK KUMAR SINGH, AMIT AGGARWAL & CHANDRASHEKAR GHOSH and all of them linking their daughters to me and the intelligent ploy of blast 06 syn ( CHANDRASHEKAR GHOSH ) to get married to my own brother - because brainwashing of my family and social circle becomes very much comfortable. ▪Ayesha & Iqbal do came out of my mouth and the "made up story / real story" of Malwan did I speak up.  --- ▪As I enquired that it's MALWAN / MALHORE; he said it's MALWAN. --- ▪I said I will go there. VISHAL TUPE said - "YOU WILL GO THERE ALSO"  --- the tone, the voice etc told me that he was not a person who was briefed for few hours or brainwashed for few days. --- ▪Check it out VISHAL TUPE is connected to that part of law enforcing agencies which forms the blast 06 syn ~ by job or by profession or through any type of relation. --- ▪MANDE g''s behaviour was very peculiar - he happens to be an important part of the GORPORE circle and he did not utter a word. His behaviour showed that he was briefed an introduction about me. The 1st day. --- ▪Please do not forget that at Raj ... constructions the lady gestured VISHAL TUPE and VISHAL TUPE started changing his tune .... all had been emailed to you respected people; and the hand gesture by GOPAL SINGH etc. ▪And also the youth whom VISHAL TUPE briefed before bringing me to the GORPORE g' office - undoubtedly, he was brother of JEETU GORPORE - cousin / real. --- ▪as the incident folded out; after I knew the top most flat was sold > I was in confusion that the key of the drama was in whose hands > VISHAL TUPE / the youth at the hotel. --- ▪It was VISHAL TUPE who manipulated the youth and then JEETU GORPORE said you will take the flat or not ? > 1 / 2 such lines which startled me. --- ▪I also conclude that MANDE g and the GORPORE g do think that CHANDRASHEKAR GHOSH is my well wisher - had he been seen then he would have directly contacted me and my mother PRATIMA PAL would not have kept her mouth mum when I told her that it was attempt to murder on 3rd Jan, 2001 by the persons mentioned & the wife of my own brother SHUBHROPRATIM PAL is a relative of GHOSH. --- ▪Beside this, one day VISHAL TUPE told me my friend live there in A apartment; she is marathi.She is married / have kids / whatever is the position but SHE DID THE YAWNING SIGNAL DIRECTED AT ME - 2 / 3 times. She stays in 6th floor. --- ▪You have few unwanted dirty creatures among law enforcing agencies - THE TRUNCATED MOTHERLAND IS FOR SALE.  --- ▪If I am not wrong the female which was impressed on me as MINAKSHI is younger sister to the degraded female with whom I supposed to have an affair. ▪She got missing from the badlapur electric office, Ambedkar chowk. ▪I was looking to catch her photograph and send it to you respected people. ▪Another one who might be MINAKSHI whom once I saw in dadar railway  station and doing the finger touching the cheek is the real one. ▪Yesterday, I saw her again at the book store in badlapur from where I bought the calendar - it was late night and I was talking to the shopkeeper and she strolled behind me. ... ON PURPOSE. --- ▪BLAST 06 SYN is run by criminals in law enforcing agencies - to tackle them, one need brains and courage also. --- ▪otherwise my respected PM sahib will never took the initiative to stop SUHAAG sir from going to the court. --- ▪Why these females ( to whom I am being linked to ) and their social circle start shivering in the name of "mutual verbal narco test" - majority I do not know who the he'll they are ? & I AM SUPPOSED TO HAVE AFFAIRS WITH THEM.  --- ▪Actually, I should realise that I LIVE IN A LAND WHICH WAS UNDER FOREIGN DOMINANCE FOR 1300 YRS - people living here are less normal humans but behave more like SLAVES; in respective of language / religion / any other human demarcations.  --- ▪I appeal to the fellow citizens of my truncated motherland - PLEASE BEHAVE MORE LIKE SLAVES and less as "SON & DAUGHTER OF SOIL" - you will get hooked up by these pimps left by the bad elements of BRITISH EMPIRE. --- ▪THE HUMANS WHO CAN GAMBLE THEIR DAUGHTERS TO SAVE THEIR DOMINANCE / POWER can do anything for themselves. --- ▪PM sahib and the others to whom I am sending the email and the public should remember that AKHAND BHARAT is being destroyed. ▪I HAVE GIVEN ENOUGH MATERIAL BUT I AM FORGETTING you respected leaders are leaders of SLAVES so you respect people can not act as "son & daughter of the soil". ▪If you did so then the blind people will not vote for you.   JAI BLAST 06 SYN VANDE BLAST 06 SYN SUPRAOTEEM  PAOL ( aadhaar no - 9870 0323 5720 ) ●●□●●□●●□●●□●●□●●□●●□●● this is an email sent to PMO, and few imp leaders of BHARAT calls right wing parties, RPI ( A ); AIMIM; AAP; an actor who AITMC former Rajya sabha member, CPI, CPI (M) main offices. If the public judge the problem on the basis of religion, language, political parties or any other human demarcation - it's gone. 1300 YRS OF SLAVERY IS HAVING ITS PREMIUM EFFECT & DO NOT FORGET THAT INHUMAN EXPLOITATION ON THE WRONG INTERPRETATION OF CASTEISM. The terms written is not an insult to the people or the leaders but it might open up the sleeping people in public or in any organisations.
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junker-town · 7 years
NFL Dad, Week 10: Too much poop for one Sunday
One dad, two toddlers, and seven hours of RedZone: How much football can you watch when the kids keep pooping?
I’m late to RedZone by half an hour today because we took the kids to a birthday party. As kids’ birthday parties go, this was a very good one: champagne for the adults, a bagel platter with excellent lox, and probably some stuff for the kids to do, I don’t know. I was eating bagels.
As we were walking home, thousands of families with young kids spilled out of the Barclay Center, clogging the sidewalk and slowing our progress home. It was the result of my omnipresent nemesis: Disney princesses, this time in ice skating form. Luckily, my daughter didn’t pick up any context clues from the schlock peddlers selling Cinderellas JUST janky and off-brand enough to not get sued into oblivion.
My son started to nod off in the stroller, and my wife and I started shaking him like he was a character in a Freddy movie. EYES OPEN, BROCHACHO. We learned our lesson about that last week: Stroller mini-naps lead to no nap at all, and we ain’t about that life.
When we get home, I take my son into our bedroom to change his wet diaper. He immediately rolls onto his stomach, because (A) that makes it impossible to put a fresh diaper on him and (B) he is only truly happy when he’s making my life more difficult.
My wife enters. “I got this,” she says. “Go do your job.” She is a saint.
I go into our living room and turn on the TV. My daughter is wearing my swim goggles for some reason. A minute later, my son enters the room. He is naked from the waist down. I don’t approve of my kids Porky Piggin’ around the house, but my wife said she had it. She has her reasons, I’m sure. I bite my tongue.
There are three small and pungent turds on the floor.
I go back into our room to grab my warm-up pants, and I hear my wife gasp so loudly that I fear one of the kids is injured. I re-enter the living room and there are three small and pungent turds on the floor. My wife is somehow uncertain about the culprit: “If that was ...”
WOMAN! The dog hasn’t pooped on the floor in a decade, and the only other suspect has shit on his naked thighs. I pick up the turd nearest me with a baby wipe and put it in the diaper pail; my wife handles the rest.
A couple minutes later, my son comes over to the couch — still pantsless — and urinates on my computer bag. I look at my wife.
Ladies and gentlemen of the internet, let the record show that my wife wanted my son to ���air out” following several hours in a wet diaper. “I didn’t expect him to poop,” she says, which seems obvious enough. “And I didn’t put a diaper on him after he pooped because I figured, ‘What else could he do?’”
I say nothing. The secret to a good marriage — besides the dull work of continuous respect and communication — is laying off the slow hanging curveballs instead of crushing them into the third deck and moonwalking around the bases.
But yes, this was a helpful reminder that shit and piss are the main reasons I put diapers on babies. I respect all sides in this debate, however.
— Here is how to beat the Jaguars: Don’t let their defense or special teams score. That’s it. Like, maybe try to keep Leonard Fournette from ripping off an 80-yard TD, but mostly: Make Blake Bortles throw passes. He sucks at that! You’re gonna win!
Anyhoo, the Jags score a 56-yard fake punt touchdown. They miss the PAT and are only up 6-0. Doesn’t matter: Chargers are gonna lose this game.
— Stefon Diggs hugs the goalpost after scoring:
Stefon Diggs with the Antonio Brown memorial leap to hug the goal post http://pic.twitter.com/GtZuPkBpYg
— CJ Fogler (@cjzero) November 12, 2017
“That’s gonna be a penalty. You can’t use the goalpost,” says the announcer. Let’s try to keep this in mind the next time we’re like, “The NFL allows fun celebrations now!” A player pretending he finished a Super Mario level results in the same amount of penalty yardage as trying to decapitate a guy with a helmet-to-helmet hit. What an asshole league.
— Josh McCown and Ryan Fitzpatrick, who have combined to play for almost every quarterback-starved franchise in the modern NFL, throw interceptions on consecutive plays. The video should be played on loop on a 96-inch Sony wrapped in a gold frame in the National Gallery of Art.
— Oh no, John Fox. Oh Grampy what is you doin’.
That’s Benny Cunningham diving for the end zone. Officials ruled him out at the 2-yard line. Fox challenged the ruling, claiming it was a touchdown. The replay shows Cunningham fumble the ball into the pylon, which is a turnover and a touchback.
I would LOVE to be sympathetic and try to justify the challenge, but Fox isn’t exactly the kind of coach who’s earned himself a long leash with savvy or even gutsy in-game decision-making. And the video does him no favors, either.
John Fox, when he realizes he just challenged his own team into a turnover http://pic.twitter.com/PiVybx8D0n
— Big Cat (@BarstoolBigCat) November 12, 2017
— Vontaze Burfict has been ejected for making contact with a ref. I guess those refs missed the MMQB’s soft-focus profile last week.
Vontaze Burfict—student of the game? Doting dad and husband? The Bengals linebacker would like you to know he’s not the guy he’s made out to be.
Here’s what to do with redemption profiles: Move them to the trash icon on your computer without ever pitching them.
— “Hey, DeShone Kizer doesn’t look like ass” was a thing I was typing when a Browns wide receiver was stripped, resulting in a defensive score for the Lions. After jumping out to a 10-0 lead, the Browns now trail 17-10. The Browns just always Browns so hard. It’s amazing how Brownsy they are.
— Rookie Austin Ekeler walks a tightrope down the right sideline to score a touchdown and put the Chargers up 7-6. I wrote that sentence like I’ve heard of Austin Ekeler before.
I watch around 400 prospects prior to each draft. I've never watched Austin Ekeler play football.
— Josh Norris (@JoshNorris) November 12, 2017
— Adam Thielen’s touchdown celebration is a game of leapfrog with his teammates:
Vikings play leapfrog FTW http://pic.twitter.com/D92aT1QpD7
— CJ Fogler (@cjzero) November 12, 2017
I remain agog that fans are impressed by these simplistic, unoriginal celebrations. While American chumps are oohing and ah-ing over hide-and-seek, the CFL is celebrating like IT’S the dominant football league in North America.
Here's the entire CFL limbo TD celebration (h/t @joshellman) http://pic.twitter.com/S952tA4rv3
— Vikings Blogger (@firstandskol) November 12, 2017
Now THAT is quality.
— Just when you think the Browns can’t Browns any harder: DeShone Kizer attempts a quarterback sneak on the 2-yard-line with 14 seconds left in the half and no timeouts. He’s tackled short of the goal line, and the clock runs out. The Browns go into the locker room with no points from a drive that ended a yard short of the goal line, down 17-10 despite outplaying the Lions for most the half.
— The Colts’ Chester Rogers (???) catches a deep ball that goes for 62 yards and a score thanks to broken coverage and lousy tackling. The Colts lead the Steelers 17-3, and I would like for you to remember this the next time someone says, “The Steelers are the most complete team in the NFL right now.” Hogwash. I’ll take a team with a secondary and a consistent quarterback.
— Alvin Kamara scores a TD to put the Saints up 24-3 in Buffalo. That’s three touchdowns on the ground for New Orleans, and none thrown by Drew Brees. This is an affront to everything I’ve learned from the last 10 years of fantasy football.
— I take a nap and wake up to the Steelers tying the game with a 2-point conversion. Order has been restored to the world. It’s 17-all in the fourth quarter, and — barring a third 60-yard touchdown bomb from Jacoby Brissett -- the Steelers will put together another drive to salt this one away.
— My daughter wakes up from her nap, and there’s a poop situation that requires a bath. I’ll spare you the details, if only so I don’t have to relive them.
When my wife puts her in the bath, she is screaming and inconsolable. She won’t sit down, and any attempt to force her down just makes her shriek more loudly.
After a couple minutes of trying to calm her down, I strip down to my underwear and get in the bath with her. The water is lukewarm and only about two inches deep, and I try to ignore the couple flecks of stray poop in the bath. She stops crying, and I coax her to sit down. I read her a book about sea creatures, and my wife finishes the cleanup.
— With a minute left in Chicago, the Packers shank a short field goal that would have given them a ten-point lead. “Looks like this one might be exciting,” I almost think before remembering that we’re talking about the Bears, John Fox, and a rookie quarterback whose bar to become the greatest QB in franchise history is “Jay Cutler.”
Mitchell Trubisky’s bar to become the greatest QB in franchise history is “Jay Cutler.”
The Bears don’t even get to midfield before turning the ball over on downs.
— Remember when I said the Saints having three rushing touchdowns and no touchdown passes was an affront to fantasy? Make that SIX rushing TDs with zero through the air. This is patently unfair. Related: I do not have Mark Ingram or Alvin Kamara in any of my fantasy leagues.
— The Chargers are up 17-14 with less than 2 minutes left in Jacksonville. They can ice the game with a first down. This is what happens instead:
Austin Ekeler fumbles, the Jaguars recover the ball, and Tashaun Gipson returns it for a touchdown.
The touchdown is overturned (replay shows Gipson was down by contact on the recovery).
Marqise Lee takes a hard but clean hit in the end zone, and it appears a penalty may give the Jags the ball on the 1-yard line. Lee dances at the Chargers defenders, and gets flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct.
On the next play — 3rd and 25 — Blake Bortles makes a terrible decision and Tre Boston picks off his pass (Boston’s second pick of the quarter).
The Chargers run the ball three straight times to burn the Jags’ timeouts. Again, a first down would have ended the game. L.A. punts it back.
Joey Bosa is key in putting Jacksonville in field goal range, unnecessarily throwing Bortles to the ground after he’d thrown the ball. Josh Lambo — who the Chargers cut in the preseason to keep Younghoe Koo (RIP) — makes the game-tying field goal. This game is going to overtime.
Those two minutes of game time were some of the most watchable football I’ve seen all season. It was like someone reversed the polarity of the Texans-Seahawks shootout. “OK, let me just flick the COMPETENCE switch to OFF.” I love it.
— The afternoon slate is Cowboys-Falcons, Giants-Niners, Texans-Rams, and some leftover Chargers-Jags. Hey, smell this Chargers-Jags, has it gone bad? (You are hit with the scent of spoiled milk and used diapers.)
— Ed Hochuli is working Cowboys-Falcons, and wastes no time wasting our time with an overly lengthy explanation of a call. I agree with Drew Magary about taking away the refs’ mics. Let them work in silence while the PA announcer and TV crew explain the hand motions for the crowd and viewers at home.
— It’s weird the different stages kids can be at despite being similar sizes. My daughter, at age 3, is capable of having a conversation and expressing her feelings with words. My son, 18 months, understands everything we say, but is less a human than an organic chaos engine. The kid does forward-facing trust falls off of stairs.
— The Texans defense looks mean early — Jadeveon Clowney has been wreaking havoc, and Rams receivers can’t seem to get an inch after the catch. The Rams only have a 3-0 lead because of a Tom Savage fumble, which is also why the Texans have no chance to win this game unless the defense scores three touchdowns.
— OVERTIME UPDATE: After the Chargers got a defensive stop, Philip Rivers attempts to huck it long to Travis Benjamin, but the pass is picked off by A.J. Bouye, who nearly returns it for a touchdown, but is pushed out at the 2-yard line. The Jaguars are penalized for taunting, which pushes the ball back to the 17, which is a huge deal because Jacksonville’s long snapper is injured.
God, I love this game. It’s like watching raccoons accomplish human activities. “Their little paws are so dextrous! Incredible!”
With the Jags setting up for a game-winning kick, the Chargers get called for delay of game, and the extra five yards is enough for Lambo’s partially blocked kick to get through the uprights. Lambo, a former MLS goalkeeper, breaks out the soccer goal celebration:
Celebration of the NFL season. Josh Lambo getting his football on http://pic.twitter.com/PrmZ4ELq7y
— Chris Deeley (@ThatChris1209) November 12, 2017
— The Texans take the lead (whaaa???) 7-6 on a Bruce Ellington touchdown. Are you sitting down? I hope so, because Tom Savage just led an eight-play, 75-yard drive.
— The first interesting play of Giants-49ers is in: Marquise Goodwin hauls in a bomb from C.J. Beathard that gives the Niners a 10-6 lead.
CJ Beathard + @flashg88dwin... 83-YARD @49ERS TOUCHDOWN! #GoNiners http://pic.twitter.com/KgGj2cpNQn
— NFL (@NFL) November 12, 2017
Goodwin was clearly emotional at the end of the play, and it’s because he and his wife lost their baby boy early that morning due to complications during pregnancy. Just horrible, horrible news, and I am in awe of anyone who could muster the strength to stand up and leave the hospital after that.
— My son blows a raspberry on my wife’s leg that sounds like a wet fart that would make Foley artists jealous. He’s 18 months old, struggles to communicate with words, and falls on his face several times a day, but DAMN can the kid make fart sounds.
He tries to raspberry our dog, with less success.
— A Tom Savage red zone interception leads to a Rams field goal just before the half. It should have been at least a 10-6 lead for Houston, and instead they trail 9-7.
— Cowboys-Falcons is … fine, I guess. I’m not paying close attention, but it looks like the absence of Zeke Elliott has led to Dak Prescott trying to do too much. Dak’s hurting from the absence of Tyron Smith, too — Adrian Clayborn’s having a great game. Clayborn sacks and strips Prescott, ending what had been a solid Cowboys drive. The Falcons lead 10-7 at the half.
— My wife, attempting to sanitize the floors after the first poop incident, makes the mistake of letting the kids see the cleaning supplies. Soon my son has the broom, and my daughter has the Swiffer, and she’s shouting, “KALAYLA! KALAYLA!”
“What does ‘kalayla’ mean?” I ask her.
She widens her eyes and says, “Maloa!”
It is possible we’ve been listening to the Moana soundtrack a little too much.
— A Tom Savage pick-6 is wiped off the board by Rams defensive holding. Alec Ogletree was responsible for both the interception and the penalty. It looked like a ticky-tack penalty to me, but I feel that way about 95% of defensive holding calls. It’s a garbage penalty that shouldn’t result in an automatic first down.
— RedZone cuts away from a replay of a 94-yard Robert Woods touchdown to get back to commentary on the challenge of Sterling Shepard’s catch.
NINETY-FOUR YARD TD!@JaredGoff16 to @robertwoods! #LARams http://pic.twitter.com/QUd2pQiUgq
— NFL (@NFL) November 12, 2017
.@sterl_shep3 only needs one hand! What a grab! #GiantsPride http://pic.twitter.com/aIpFwubPru
— NFL (@NFL) November 12, 2017
Yo, RedZone, you know I love you, but go ahead and put Dean Blandino on hold so I can see that 94-yarder a second time. I can wait 15 seconds to find out if the good catch was ruled a catch.
— The Giants miss a 34-yard field goal and are still down 17-13. Ben McAdoo exerts some more of the leadership that’s led the Giants to two straight months of losses:
McAdoo is definitely a cop http://pic.twitter.com/y1kwQ3bFFW
— CJ Fogler (@cjzero) November 12, 2017
I disagree with the above tweet; I think McAdoo looks like an early aughts Central Valley rap-metal fan. But I include it because it’s a picture of what Garett describes here:
@mattufford I'm almost certain that every time they have shown McAdoo on TV, he's just watched the Jumbotron and never said a word into his headset or anyone else. You're the coach, say something!
— Garett Dmytrowich (@garettdmy) November 13, 2017
He’s right!
— I give my son his bath, and get back to the TV in time to see Sammy Watkins strolling in the end zone. It’s 23-7. Looks like that’ll do it for the Texans.
Also, I should note that I had only written as much as “Looks like that” in the sentence above before Tom Savage got strip-sacked.
FURTHERMORE: I got as far as “written” in the sentence above before Robert Woods scored again. That’s two touchdowns in 19 seconds for the Rams, and the Texans are EXTRA cooked.
— My daughter comes up to me. “Where’s Moana?” she asks, looking at my computer. We listen to the soundtrack on Spotify regularly, and I’ve shown her a couple of videos from the movie (“You’re Welcome” and “How Far I’ll Go”) while encouraging her to poop on the potty. Once she fills up her poop chart with stickers, she’ll get to watch the whole movie for the first time.
After subduing her desire to be any of the Disney princesses who just go to sleep until a man solves their problems, I’m more than happy to steer her towards Moana. It’s every father’s dream to teach his daughter celestial navigation.
— Matt Ryan throws a TD to Austin Hooper, and the Falcons lead 24-7.
what I think about every time they say "Hooper" during a Falcons game http://pic.twitter.com/rnfv5bK8rf
— Matt Ufford (@mattufford) February 6, 2017
— While I attempt to brush his teeth, my son swats my hand, smearing toothpaste on his forehead. My daughter thinks that’s funny, so she wipes toothpaste on HER forehead. “They’ll be able to play with each other,” my wife and I told each other when we planned on having two kids close in age.
— Make that six sacks for Adrian Clayborn. Let’s see, the Falcons’ next opponent is ... oh, the Seahawks. And their new left tackle just injured his ankle. Splendid. Can’t wait for that.
— Matt Breida zips through the middle of the Giants defense for a 33-yard TD to put the Niners up 31-13. The Falcons are up 27-7, the Rams are up 30-7, and this column is over without sticking around for any final scores. I’ve dealt with enough shit today, thank you very much.
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