#i love broome so much
ballwizard · 10 months
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hot off the presses!
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risingsunresistance · 4 months
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remake of an old rushed piece :V
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wundrousarts · 9 months
headcanon that edgy Nevermoorian teens make cringy wundersmith ocs with wildly inaccurate lore and there’s a whole forum dedicated to role playing them. Morrigan finds said forum.
This is actually what the group from the blurry Silverborn snippet is, tbh.
JK, but I was inspired. Enjoy.
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Text version of the chat:
MaximillianMårtensson: Finally, I’ve mastered all 9 of the Wretched Arts….. tch *shadow clouds his face, and he starts to chuckle* Lyd1aDr1sc0ll: i mastered all 10 :3 Xx_EsterOtten_xX: SKILL ISSUE. I’ve mastered 12 🔥💯💪 GigiGrand: hi i;m famous singer gigi grand MaximillianMårtensson: // STOP. Xx_EsterOtten_xX and GigiGrand are typing…
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maranull · 1 month
no amount of spoken praise can top animals feeling safe around me or in my hands
like, this little creature really puts its safety and life in my hands, a different species that's usually over twice its size, and TRUSTS that I will protect it
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just-null-cult · 9 months
Noritoshi babygirled for like 2 episodes and never appeared again that is absolutely disrespectful I need more of him😭
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ONG. Noritoshi's scenes in the anime were so fucking gorgeous (i'm still not over how they animated his lips and eyelashes and eyes and hair and clothes an-) and they so DISGRACEFULLY PUNCHED HIM OUT OF THE SCREEN TO BALANCE IT OUT.
yknow what, i cherish those moments he was on screen. his constant -_- face brought me unending happiness. if we saw more of him, we would all ascend to beyond human for witnessing such beauty and coolness in one man. that or our faces would melt off bc hes so amazing ahahaha (<- copium)
dont worry though anon. im also fucking drying up from lack of Noritoshi. Noritoshi withdrawls, if you will. thats the reason why i started postin, bc i wanna see Noritoshi being babygirl more often. I'm here w you anon, i'll feed us Noritoshi content.
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quietwingsinthesky · 12 days
Drabble 151/366 - Doctor Who
Amelia Pond, Amy, the woman the Doctor belonged to before he belonged to Clara, and now, both of them have seared themselves across his hearts.
But he is Clara's now, she thinks, quite selfishly and unashamed of it. No matter if she can't be with him anymore. She's sure of that.
Until Amy speaks. "What the hell are you doing in my garden?" Clara feels something sharp go into her. All those questions the Doctor had about whose face he wore. He'd never mentioned the accent.
"I crashed," Clara snaps.
"Happens more than you'd think," Amy mutters. "Well, come inside."
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mattodore · 11 months
all of the new poses i made for theo and matthias work in game and look sooo sexy but i hadn’t considered the ramifications of what seeing them in these poses would do to me….
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purplealicorn · 3 months
Three of my babies came :]
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Thomas has a Virgil tag oops lol
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beedreamscape · 1 year
I think what is missing with 4-sided Dive that Talks Machina had was a third party to have those character discussions with. It's not the same with a fellow PC. Also someone with interviewing abilities, sometimes I feel like they meander so much.
And I do like to watch them talk, I do watch old episodes of AWNP, fireside chat, etc, but for discussing the game/campaign I think the mechanics of it muddles with the flow.
I personally feel no value is added from the tower of inquiry or the cup questions, though I don't mind the game playing at the end since at this point who had their curiosity satisfied can simply leave, but answering while playing which they tried doing at least once I watched didn't work at all.
Edit: Btw when I say no value is added I mean the format (being in a cup, pulling from the tower) and not the questions themselves.
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Tell me about Sunshine :3
WELL I'M GLAD YOU ASKED! (Please do read that in Cassidy's voice hdksbfkjs)
So I have several posts about her at this point but basically she is a half-elf sorcerer-bard with emphasis on the bard part as that's mostly how she connects to magic. She starts out at the Bureau kind of helping Johann and then gets promoted to Seeker when she connects some dots to the Oculus (though no one knew that was the relic specifically) that others hadn't recognized. She also happens to get sent with the boys to get that relic since Lucretia feels they need someone who can be diplomatic.
I'm writing an entire fic for her and have a few snippets here. They should be under my Sunshine tag if you want to take a look. I'm almost done writing Crystal Kingdom which means I'm just about to the halfway point! And so far the word count is totaling around 75k, so when I get around to posting it, you KNOW it's gonna be a doozy
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ronkeyroo · 1 year
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TALK SHIT GET HIT (With a broom!!!!!!!!!!!!) 🧹 🧹 🧹
 Birthday gift for one of my dearest friends, @bostoniangirl21 !!! ✨ Anneberry givin’ Vilkas The Broom and being the most ridiculous, beloved duo I know ♥
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oooooooooooo3 · 1 year
overall thoughts of tlovm2…….. very very very good. needs more gilmore
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hag-o-hags · 4 months
I love when my dog sleeps under the blankets and snores 💕✨🥹✨🙈💤✨🥹💕💕
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highlifeboat · 5 months
Imagine being asexual AND liking purple 🤣🤣
Purple is a great colour
The purple of the ace flag is a great purple too (and part of why I prefer the aroace mash up flag over the other one. Besides the fact the other one is just kinda ugly).
It reminds me of Saints Row purple.
Also might be part of why I love Sarah cause her cape is SUCH A GOOD COLOUR OF PURPLE. AND I LOVE IT.
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The fact I have no purple charaters is lowkey a crime but it just doesn't fit with anyone's aesthetic tbh.
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pixie-broom · 2 years
Oh man. Finally getting around to actually finishing the Ancient Magus Bride for the first time since I was like 10 and this show resonates so much with me now as someone finally coming to terms with my depression and chronic illness.
I identify so much with Chise and being cursed all her life by something that others around her literally cannot see. Feeling like it would be better to die to escape that curse and her trauma until she’s whisked off to some magical world where her curse serves a purpose and she can make friends and help people. She blossoms into a magical person both literally and metaphorically, but just as she gains a desire to keep on living, her body threatens to give out on her at any moment.
Literally this show is so important to me. I’m on the second to last episode right now but I do remember that the dragon’s curse never really gets cured and she just learns to live with it despite knowing that she probably won’t live past her twenties. I appreciate that so much because chronic illness can’t be cured. Even in this magical fairy world where she’s a powerful mage, she’s still plagued by a weak body, and instead of finding some magical cure that saves the day, she learns to come to terms with it and live her short life to the fullest. That’s so important.
I won’t find some magical cure for my chronic pain. I won’t wake up one day with a normal body that isn’t left bedridden from extreme pain on the weekly. And that’s okay, I’m fine with that, and I can keep living on even if it means I can’t live in quite the same way as a lot of able bodied people. I can still enjoy my life, pain and sickness and all. And even if there aren’t real fairies and dragons and magical lullabies in this world, I can still find magic in my life that makes it worth living.
TLDR Ancient Magus Bride is really underrated and is very important for people like me with chronic illness and disabilities also the soundtrack literally goes so hard
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mkstrigidae · 1 year
I'm developing so much more sympathy for GRRM's habit of going off and writing prequels and smaller vignettes while he's working on TWoW. I'm sitting here trying to work on APWH and the gremlin in my brain is like 'Edmure and Roslin pov story nownownow'.
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