#i love duck annon
love-lilly02 · 3 months
— 🪿
i’m so sorry i didn’t see this by the way, i was cleaning😕😕
Anyways we’ll start off with Price, i think he’s definitely a words of affirmation person or gift giving. in the beginning he leaves you small things, a flower (yes, a singular flower.) with a letter saying it’s pretty like you, poems, treats hidden around your room. Once the two of you are together though he’s going all out. Flowers every week (he keeps one so he knows when it’s time to buy more), text messages with poems and paragraphs, date nights, shopping sprees. (emphasis on the shopping, you can look at something for too long and it’s in your apartment the next day.) i also don’t really see price as a touchy person, but he likes when you hold his hand or his arm (imagine period drama arm holding), ESPECIALLY around the boys.
Johnny next, this man is touchy to ALL hell. your on the counter? he’s got your ass. standing there doing ANYTHING? he’s around you, holding your waist, putting his chin on your shoulder, all of the above. In public he’s got your hand, your arm, your waist, any part of you he can grab. he’s also a flirter, to the BIGGEST extent, i mean this man will take one look at you and spew out so many compliments you think he’s got them pre written down. their also never the same compliments, ever. how he has so many you’ll never know. I don’t see him as a gifts person but if you express an intrest in certain things it will pop up from time to time.
Kyle is a bit tricky for me, because i don’t write him often. I think he’s a reassurance person, if you’re not feeling well he’s there or he’ll always say he loves you or something. Definitely someone who believes actions speak louder than words, which means everything in your house is getting done for you. dishes? he washed them an hour ago. trash needs taking out? oh don’t worry love, i got that. He just likes taking care of you, doesn’t really mind the busywork. And don’t you dare feel bad for it, he’s right there scolding you for it, saying that he wants to do those things, that he wants to help you. He’s definitely a clingy person, but not out in public. poor kid’s too shy for that, but at home he’s all over you. his favorite position is to lie with his head on your stomach, watching something on the telly while you read or scroll on your phone. definitely not because he falls asleep easier in that position.
Ghost is my favorite of them all. at first he just ignores you, i mean once this man realizes he has feelings you NEVER see him around😭 and then he gets over himself and somehow apologizes (how he got over himself, we’ll never know) and slowly starts going around you again, but that’s literally it. You don’t think anything else is wrong, wouldn’t even be able to tell something was different if it weren’t for all the people that started going missing. You complain about a co worker? their gone the next morning. some rookie is pissing you off? oddly enough he got deployed and killed in combat. you never understand it, especially when no one questions the disappearances or just where the people went. That’s how ghost loves you, by keeping you happy. Simon on the other hand, takes a much more direct approach with his love. Once ghost is done with his “i’ll kill you if you touch her” bs he’s confessing to you, buying you flowers for the first date (only then, for some reason?) taking you somewhere nice. The whole shabang for his pretty thing. He’s also a nicknames person, some of his favorite being “love, lovie, princess” and sometimes “thing” when you really make him mad. he’s just like kyle, shy in public but a fucking PUPPY at home. you try to get up in the morning, he’s got you trapped under him in seconds. you leave a room, he’s tailing after you, your cooking in the kitchen he’s right behind you, if you don’t yell at him to get off. it’s never suffocating, though. In public he’ll hold your waist or your hand, that’s about it.
i feel like i kind of got off topic at some points but those are hot takes off the top of my head🥳🥳 lmk if yall want an nsfw version
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king--of--ducks · 4 months
So Lucifer... How it been you eternal exile in hell? Have you at least used your time to do something productive in hell, maybe in one of your so called great ideas for the universe? No? So busy in producing endless amounts of useless ducks
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🍎Okay, listen here bitch. I don’t know who the fuck you are, but nobody, and I mean NOBODY, insults MY ducks…🍎
🍎I made a name for myself, I made Lu Lu world, and my proudest accomplishment is always going to be raising such a lovely young woman, my daughter Charlie…..and I made ducks too.🍎
🍎Oh, and Hell is dogshit, thanks for asking how it is!🍎
OOC:I promise I’m not mad at the Annon or genuinely insulting them, I’m just doing the role play😭, I love and accept all questions y’all have.
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msookyspooky · 3 years
heyo. its ⚰️ annon, yes id love a one shot. fluff like i mean like “(y/n)” and randy go on a date to a dinner (like ugh all i can think of is kinda the riverdale dinner “pops” but sorta like that) and they both sit at a booth and IDC WHATS NEXT. put ur own twist if u can idm at all. but if you cant ill be happy to go on. - ⚰️ annon
No problem dear, I got you!
Randy x GN!YN Date • Fluffy
Randy ushered you to the booth in your local Woodsboro Diner. You both sat down and he nervously adjusted himself in his seat. "I'm not gonna lie, I was shocked when you said yes. I was sort of joking...Well, half joking."
You smiled. "Randy. I like you, I'm more than happy to go on a date...Besides, you're paying." You joked and he gave you a lopsided grin. "Oh, so that's how it is, huh?"
"Yep. You asked, you pay." You giggled to yourself as a waitress came over. You recognized her, having went to this place since you were a kid with your folks. The middle aged woman gushed at you both. "Oh my goodnees, look at you two! Aren't you just the cutest things!"
Randy ducked his head. "Uh yeah, thanks?"
You both made your order and she came back not even a few minutes later with a large shake and two straws. You blinked. "Oh we didn't-"
She bent and whispered. "Oh, I know. Just thought I'd give you two love birds an excuse." She winked and walked away.
You stared at each other before chuckling with faint blushes on your face. Randy muttured, "God what is this? Grease?...How does she know we're not vegan or lactose intolerant or something?"
He got a cup from a nearby table and halfed your shake. You chuckled before you heard a noise beside your both. You saw a few teen boys from your school making kissing faces at you from another booth. Randy rolled his eyes. "They don't take a break, do they?"
"Nope. They need something to entertain themselves. "
You saw how bothered he looked before you grabbed his hand from across the booth. "Hey, you're the one on a date while they get to hang out with other guys every weekend."
They made remarks and Randy side eyed them with a scowl. "Yeah well, its still annoying...They think you're on a date with me as a joke."
You quirked your brow with a smile. "How about we give them something to talk about while proving them wrong?"
He blinked at you, staring as you leaned over the table to kiss him quickly. He hesitated before reaching up and kissing you back. It was awkward at first before you both got the hang of it. Pulling apart after a few seconds. The boys at the other both stared with dumbfounded expressions on their faces.
Randy shot them a smirk as you sat back down and blushed. Randy raised his brows at them. "That's right. The geek gets the babe."
The guys at the other table scoffed at him but stayed quiet. He looked back at you with a genuine smile. "...Holy shit...We kissed."
You laughed. "Yeah we can do it again as soon as we eat and you take me for a ride in your car."
He shoveled a handful of fries in his mouth as you snorted. He mumbled with his mouth full. "Deal."
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foxxsnacks · 2 years
I’ll give you a small ask to Drabble on. Hmmmm, how about some more Spider-Man vore? Defense toy like your idea on shy but kind pred Peter. 🌹annon
Ough, YES I just. I don't see enough content for pred Peter so I'm a lil obsessed sndndnd.
but YEAH I have a lot more thoughts on him.
I feel like, if he wasn't in a high-stress environment that required him to eat someone for protection, he wouldn't do it too often... but god would he want to.
He'd love being able to hold someone that impossibly close, as well as how nice all the little squirms inside of him feel, but he's too shy to ask for it.
And I really, really like the idea of his stomach being loud when anyone he wants to eat is in his line of sight... It would likely be MJ tbh.
Perhaps... just after they've started dating, they're over at Peter's apartment studying, maybe cuddling as well because they're both shamelessly in love, and MJ is in the middle of saying something when Peter's stomach interrupts with a gurgle.
And he just. Ducks his head. And looks away while turning a shade of red brighter than his suit. Because he's now hyper-aware of how long it's been since he's eaten, how empty he feels inside, and how badly he wants to have MJ close and tucked inside of him, and hhh.
MJ would definitely be sweet abt it and offer herself up, likely because she knows it'll fluster Peter more and she thinks he's adorable like that.
And he's just so hesitant. Carefully cupping his hands around her once she's small enough to eat and. She practically has to shove herself into his mouth to get him to just get on with it and swallow her down.
And after that's all said and done, Peter can't even bring himself to focus on the homework he still had to do, he's just too caught up in the fluttery feelings of having MJ so close, feeling her every little movement, and having her weight and warmth tucked away in his core.
He just sprawls out across his bed and goes limp, both of them likely end up taking a nap like that sndndnd
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roseytoesy · 3 years
Beels’ midnight snack
ASK:  Vore story idea: It’s middle of the night Beelzebub going to raid the kitchen notices Mc light still on, knocks on their door instead to see what's up. He listens to them talk and doesn't outright ask to eat them but gives them the saddest puppy dog eyes ever as his stomach grumbles hungrily.
A/N: Sorry this took so long to write just been a heckic few days. But yes I love these ideas thank you annons! I see you, beel stan and I say im one of you
Warnings as usual vore in the story and lots of fluffy times.
it was 2 in the morning and Beel was off on his usual midnight snack run. Rose had tossed and turned for the past few hours and gave up on sleeping about an hour ago. She turned on her light and read the fantasy mystery book Stan had given her to hopefully ease her anxious mind enough to sleep. Nothing she tried was working though. Even the book was starting to bore her and she felt just as awake as ever. Luckily she had some later classes on Fridays, but it was still anxiety inducing to think about lucifers' disapproving look at seeing her sorry state from lack of sleep. She was walking across her room toward the personal bathroom to get a drink to maybe set her mind to sleep when she heard a very gentle knock on her door. 
She smiled as she instantly recognized the gentle knocking as mammon would usually barge in, lucifer's knocks are more rhythmic, Asmo also doesn’t knock but just opens the door with a flourish and Belphegor sneaks in cause he’s sneaky and lazy, Levi usually texts a warning when approaching the general area, so that left Satan or Beel. Knowing what time it was it was most likely Beel on his way to the kitchen for a snack. 
More knocking stopped her thinking and she quietly said “Come in!” she could feel how tired she is but her body was still wide awake. She smiled as the red head as he let himself in, having to duck slightly through the door way. 
“Hey rose, sorry to come in so late, but I noticed your light was still on and wanted to check up on you.” He explained as he sat on her bed. She walked back over to the tall demon she had grown close too. “I know you usually don’t stay up this late. Is something wrong?” He asked looking at her. She looked away and out the window feeling a bit sorry for herself for being so bad at keeping a decent sleep schedule. Even with trying different positions, meditations, and some water nothing worked, she was even tempted to workout but then her mind would be a wake and she would be back at square one. “Hey.” a hand rested on her shoulder, shocking her out of her anxious spiral. 
“I-I’m sorry, just got lost in thought is all.” she said looking back at him. She sighed, “I just couldn’t fall asleep for the life of me. I’ve tried everything!” she explained, turning to face the demon. 
“Oh. do you want to talk about what’s on your mind? Maybe that can help. that usually helps Belphegor when he is restless.” Beel offered. He let her lead the way back to the bed, his stomach grumbling unhappily at the detour to getting food. He patted his stomach to try and calm it down for a bit, though he did wish he got some snacks while he sat down on the bed next to Rose. 
She started to talk about anything that came to mind, from her anxieties on loosing sleep, to some feelings of being lonely and not wanting to be a bother. Beel listened as best as he could and gave a few pieces of advice when he saw fit, but he was starting to get really hungry, and she smelled so delicious. His stomach growled loudly demanding to be filled while she was talking. 
“Oh you were probably on your way to go eat. I’m sorry for distracting you Beel, but thanks for listening to me ramble.” She said moving to go open the door. Suddenly Beel had an idea to help both of them!
“Wait.” he said reaching out. He flushed a bit at his outburst as she turned around. “Sorry, but I think I have an idea that can help both of us. Only if you want to of course.” he said looking at her with round hopeful eyes. 
She tilted her head wondering what he was implying, her tired mind a little to slow at the moment. a few moments of silence filled the room then Beel sighed, thinking that she didn’t want to go with what he was implying. Rose was usually a bit slow when it came to figuring out something that was hidden. She was never very good at secret messages or any little codes, so only when Beel stood up to leave saying sorry for his hunger getting in the way, then she figured it out. 
“Hold on!” not it was her turn to be flustered at the outburst as she grabbed his wrist. He looked at her with some surprise then smiled. “I-It’s ok you can eat me. Sorry it took a bit to figure out, I’m just tired. And honestly being with you will probably help me sleep too.” she added. 
He smiled down at her and crouched to be face to face. He booped her nose to ease the moment with a silly gesture, then he cupped her face and nuzzled their noses together. He sometimes wasn’t the best with words but Rose meant the world to him, She had connected his family and had become a very important addition to it as well. He loved her. And with these thoughts he happily hummed “thank you” to her before moving her head into his mouth. He was salivating heavily at her sweet sent before so once his lips closed around her shoulders she was already soaked. She giggled as the soft and squishy tongue swirled around her face and slicked down her blond hair. He moved his hands down to gently hold her waist as he lifted her off of the floor and swallowed. Her head and shoulders were easily pulled down his throat and his tongue wasted no time covering her upper body in saliva, drinking in her flavor. He swallowed again and felt her head pop into his growling stomach he shuddered at the wonderful sensation. No matter how many times he ate her these feelings never got old, he always wanted them more. He tickled her stomach with his tongue and purre as she wiggled a bit trying to get away from the prodding tongue. He stated to tilt his head back as only her legs were left out. He swallowed again and again, slurping up her legs like large noodles. He savored her feet as they passed through his mouth and down his throat to join the rest of her. Rose was pushed forward into the squishy and stretching walls as her legs and feet finaly joned her in the warm space. 
“You ok?” Beel asked as he sat on her bed against the headboard. 
“Yep!” rose said. She moved around and heard his purr grow in volume a bit. Once she was settled she started to run her hands over the velvety walls. Beel sighed happily at the comforting sensation and that his feelings for her were confirmed. In this moment she was his, she loved being within him and he loved her. “thank you again, Beel.” she yawned then chuckled. “Guess all i needed to fall asleep was to be eaten.” she giggled as Beel chuckled around her. 
“Glad to help. goodnight Rose.” Beel said laying back on her bed. She shifted again to be curled up in his purring and warmth before her breathing evened out and she grew still. Beel smiled feeling not only physically full but his heart felt full as well. As he started to drift off as well he added one last thing to the best midnight snack he’s ever had. “I love you. 
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roseduroi · 5 years
A Tough Cookie
Pairing: Tom Holland x Sister!Reader
Word count: 1.6k
Summary: The Holland boys meet their little sister the Reader but it’s Tom who holds her for the very first time
A/N: It was requested from this sweet annon and I really hope they like it
I’m also very sorry for re-posting it again (here’s the reason why) and hope it’s not annoying to see something old and not something new
English isn’t my native language, I’m so sorry for the mistakes.
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“She’s so small…” Tom whispered to his mum and glanced at the woman’s tired eyes before he shifted his gaze back to the newborn baby peacefully sleeping in her arms.  
It’s been almost seventeen hours since his little sister was born but Tom saw her for the very first time that day, healthy and home. She was wrapped in a fuzzy warm blanket, taking a sweet nap on her momma’s chest after an exhausting trip home. The newborn girl was a little bit smaller than an average baby, but she was healthy and that was the most important.
It has always been just them, four boys, their dad, and their mum; having another girl in the family was as scary as it was exciting at the same time. Tom knew things will get different once more, but it always seemed to get to be something better.  And now he had a baby sister, someone to protect and cherish. It wasn’t like he didn’t feel protective over his younger brothers; because he definitely did, but this girl, now sleeping on his mum and nuzzling her cheek searching for warmth, she made him feel nervous and vulnerable.
When Tom played with his brothers and one of them got hurt, he would show them a scratch on his knee from where he fell from the tree he was trying to climb another day and tell them there wasn’t a big deal and they would go on with the day (though he’d always check after and make sure they were okay.) But the way he felt towards the tiny infant was poor nervousness and vulnerability with the mix of excitement and fright.
“You were like that too.” Nikki smiled, running her finger across her daughter’s soft cheek, trying to shush her back to sleep, but the girl kept opening her eyes until it finally stayed that way. Somewhere between the thoughts and talks, the baby awoke and her eyes fluttered open as she was startled by the quiet noise.
Nikki pulled down the soft blanket away from the baby’s face, tucking it gently under her chin, leaving it loose so the girl could move more freely when she started to wiggle around. Soon after, soft whimpers started escaping the baby’s lips too. Nikki clutched the girl to her chest, soothing her with gentle sways and a caress far more gentle than any silk, and even a light peck on her daughter’s head didn’t calm the little girl down. She did not want to lie anymore and made it pretty clear.
“May I… May I hold her?” Tom asked; his voice timid and shy. He looked at his mum, his eyes meeting hers and from the way he was shifting his gaze from the tiny infant to her, Nikki knew he didn’t trust himself.
But the mother knew better (they always did) and smiled a sincere smile, nodding her head without a single doubt; She knew Tom could be reckless and irresponsible at times (weren’t they all?) but when it came to family, to something so valuable and breakable as life, or maybe time, Tom was a trustworthy soul.
So Nikki kissed her daughter’s forehead and let Tom gently cradle his little sister in his arms. He pulled her to his chest, looking down at her with adoration. Her small fist clenched around the thin material of his shirt and her lips parted as her eyes focused on Tom’s.
She looked at him like he was the most interesting thing in the whole world. And perhaps for her he really was. She stared at him with her eyes wide and pure, so innocent and yet so full. Her whimpers ceased, her breathing steadied as she felt calm again, secure in her brother’s arms.  
“She’s so beautiful,” Tom whispered, glancing over his mum who was almost asleep, and he knew she was exhausted. Those past few days really took a toll on her; she hadn’t slept in almost two day now due to having a lot of contractions and then the baby was born and she was just really tired and weary.
He saw his dad from the corner of his eye walking back into the room, carrying a blanket in his hands. He draped it around his sleepy wife and sat down next to her on the couch, letting her head fall on his shoulder. He heard him tell her how proud of her he was as he kissed her temple and Tom couldn’t agree more, because he did too think his mum was a real-life superhero.
Harry and Sam were there too, standing side by side with Tom, their eyes locked on the tiny infant in their brother’s arms. “Hey, I wanna see her too.” Paddy bustled; nudging Tom to grab his attention but all three boys looked at him. He was the shortest out of them (something the boys always used to their advantage) and couldn’t quite reach to see the girl.
“Oh, sorry Pads,” Tom lowered his arms so that Paddy could see too. The excitement Tom saw in his younger brother’s eyes had always warmed his heart whenever they talked about having a little sister in the family.
And now she really was here as Paddy ran his finger gently across the soft skin of the back of the baby’s small hand, feeling the soft skin under his touch. The girl seemed to like it too as her eyes followed his movements back and forth and the corners of her lips somewhat tried to form into a small smile but not quite there yet. However, it sure did put a huge grin on her brothers’ faces as they watched her face lit up.
“She likes it,” Harry marveled, admiration lighting up his own facial features. Something about the ability to make her smile, something she has yet to learn… the softness in her features, the sincerity and pure curiosity in her eyes when her face lit up, when her eyes smiled instead of lips; the way it made his heart quiver, the warmth spread throughout, his cheeks hurt from smiling so much. Did they feel it too?
“Yeah, I think she does,” Tom spoke barely above a whisper.
When the boys found out they were going to have a little sister it felt like they had fallen on the cloud nine. Their expressions were priceless, especially Paddy’s when it dawned on him he wasn’t going to be the youngest of the family anymore. Pure bliss was in his eyes when he realized how much he will be able to teach her, how much they all will as she grows up little by little, step by step.
She was already perfect in the boys’ eyes, small and so soft looking… so beautiful. They may not have known it yet, but she already had them wrapped around her little finger. And from the way she looked at Paddy when he pulled back his arm, it looked like he had done the worst of worst. “Well, I think she just sent Pads to hell.” Sam laughed.
“Hey, no swearing in front of your sister,” Dominic scolded.  
“Sorry, Dad,” Sam apologized, glancing at the man carefully watching them and holding their mum as she slept. The twin then looked over his sister and took a few tiny steps closer to her so that he could duck his head down and place a kiss on her temple.
He gently placed one of his hands on the baby’s tummy, wiggling his fingers a little, and then put the other one a little bit above her head, his curls falling on his face as he leaned over and pecked her head. But just as Sam was about to pull back, he felt a slight tug on his hair. He turned his head slightly to the side to only see a small fist clenching in his hair.
“Ow, ow, ow,” Sammy moaned as his little sister pulled his curls tighter. “– little help here?”
Tom chuckled, shaking his head a little; clearly knowing babies loved doing that. How many times had his brothers gripped his hair when they were children when he bent over too close? “Come on, little one, let go.” The brunette asked softly, stroking her cheek with his knuckles while Sam grasped her little fist in his hand.
The twin grunted in pain, stepping back when the girl loosened her grip and looked up at him innocently. “Yeah, yeah, you’re a tough cookie, got it.” He told her, massaging his head.
But no matter how ‘tough’ she was or will become as time goes on, she will always be their little baby sister, no matter what was waiting in store for all five of them. And let the world burn or lighten up, but they’ll stand as one, if needed, against the whole world too.
The brothers smiled, the girl yawned and nuzzled her cheek into Tom’s chest and just like that she was out like a light. “Y/N’s asleep?” The dad asked when the house suddenly got quiet and Pads nodded his head. No one dared to utter a word after.
Both girls of the house were out like a light, leaving their men looking out for their light.
You’ve been awfully quiet - a penny for your thoughts?
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nbapprentice · 4 years
IM LAST ANNON AND I CANT HIDE BEHIND THAT SHOT NO MORE, THEYRE SO COOL! Are they A Fighter Gunslinger and that cape was a gift? Or an Artificer that made everything they have? As a soon to be DM I love hearing about others characters
PLS thank you
let me uhhh #nba off topic and hide it behind a read more so it doesnt crowd anyone else’s dashes
they’re a very Wibbly Wobbly concept w/o any proper character sheet bc they’re some bonkers high-risk high-reward playstyle that’s 95% homebrew
theyre a gunslinger who convinced the Church Army into giving them military training and giving them all sorts of artifacts n accomodations (they are armless and not particularly good at magic so they require Technological assistance) and they turned heel and bit the Church’s Hand the moment ye holiness demanded they commit a war crime
now they’re a Wanted Felon but they make it work ok
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using their Arm Spawners drains them so they tend to not use them outside of combat. they can manage most of the time w their feet n mouth just fine. their little booties are enchanted to come on and off whenever they will it. the rest of their clothes are normal except for the cape.
the multiple arm wombo combo is basically a last resort cuz that shit knocks them Out 
the high risk high reward thing is cuz their cape has all sorts of guns tucked inside it but they cant choose which ones gonna come out. so ud roll the dice and either u get a little gun the size of a quarter with one shot or a proper musket or a fuckin duck hunting gun that they cant even use on their own. its basically a Spin the Wheel for Gun scenario.
imagine all the dumb and impractical guns uve seen floating outside the internet. they got those.
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jazz hands
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yandere-foods · 5 years
Dear Peking Duck, What if we cannot have a baby? I know you love the idea of having kids that look like one or both of us, but is it actually possible??? I mean..you are a Food Soul and I am a human...what if our biology makes this impossible??? I love you, but I feel that this is something to think about. I feel this is important because I have never heard of a human and a Food Soul actually having offspring. Will this affect our relationship if proven impossible? Sincerely, Annon
Dear my Loving Annon
Is this why you have been avoiding me lately?  Fearing that I would leave you if we can not have a child?  Oh darling how long have these fears haunted your mind?  If we are unable to have a child of our own we can adopt but, I prefer we try having a child of our own first, nothing ventured nothing gained after all.  My Love, you are right, this is something we have to talk about but, let's do this face to face.  You can tell me all your fears and I can hold you a sooth them.  But mark my words I will never leave you no matter the outcome, I love you far too much to leave you. Ever.
Love your Eternal Husband, Peking Duck.      
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love-lilly02 · 2 months
also down bad for price in that scenario like girl yes pay attention to me xoxo
lowkey your biggest fan mwah /p
— 🪿
i’ve been trying to get back into writing but school is kicking my ASS and i can’t find any ideas for the challenge (i do have one but it’s a lot of angst and i’m in no right state to write angst)
tysm i love my fans 🙏🙏🙏
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goron-king-darunia · 5 years
Annon-Guy: If Disney movies were shown to the 10 Symphonia Heroes, Kratos, Richter, Tenabrae and Aqua, which would be their favorite Disney movies?
I want to preface this by saying it’s been a headcanon of mine for a long time that Richter loves Oswald the Lucky Rabbit above all other Disney characters so jot that down. 
In the same vein, I think Aster’s favorite is Donald Duck. 
Emil likes the “Fab Five” (Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, Donald, and Goofy) but also really likes the Winnie the Pooh franchise and identifies heavily with Piglet. 
Marta is down with the princesses. She likes Anna from Frozen, Rapunzel from Tangled, and Ariel from the Little Mermaid best. 
As for individual Disney movies? Hard to say because I feel like they’d all enjoy most of them and picking favorites from such a massive collection would he hard.
I feel like Lloyd would really like the Star Wars movies, but if we’re talking things Disney made without purchasing the company that originally made the thing, he’d probably like Treasure Planet. To be fair, I think he’d also like Titan AE but that’s not Disney and I think Lloyd would just… really like space movies. Lloyd’s favorite Disney Character is Sora from Kingdom Hearts and no, he will not listen to you explain that Sora is actually a Square Enix character. (Lloyd also probably really likes Simba a lot, too.)
Colette likes Oliver and Company and those Buddy films (Like Air Bud? You know the ones with the golden retriever dogs? Those ones.) If we narrow it to Disney Renaissance, then probably… Great Mouse Detective. If we include “Classics” then probably The Rescuers Down Under and The Aristocats. Her favorite character is all the dogs. All of them. There is not a single dog she does not love. But if you make her pick, it’s Pongo and Perdita from 101 Dalmatians because they’re the most recognizable Disney Dogs.
Genis probably doesn’t have a preference. He likes all the Disney classics. I think he’d be a big fan of Big Hero Six if he had to pick a movie, but he’d talk your ear off for hours about how the Disney formula for Twist villains is so tired and predictable that it’s becoming its own cliche. He probably also likes the Incredibles movies a lot but would wrap the same complaint around to them. “Syndrome was a good twist villain. He came around before the trend became a cliche and his motives were well-thought-out and unexpected. But the Incredibles 2? BAD TWIST VILLAIN! Here’s a list of 100 reasons why it was too predictable!” (Also yeah, the Incredibles is Pixar but… Disney helped.) His favorite character is probably Hiro from Big Hero Six.
Raine I think enjoys exploring the themes of movies more than watching them for entertainment, and I think she’d like anything from the Disney Renaissance. I think she also really likes Fantasia and Fantasia 2. Her favorite character is probably Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
Sheena feels like she’d love Mulan, Moana, Tangled, and Brave even though Brave is technically Pixar. Her favorite character is probably Mulan or Judy Hopps from Zootopia. But I think she’d also like a lot of the animal movies too (The Aristocats, The Jungle Book, etc.) so maybe she’d like some characters from those movies better?
Zelos is absolutely one of those Disney stans who comes up with theories about why the villains “probably aren’t that bad, actually” and is the reason Maleficent the movie got made. XD He probably spends hours talking about how “In any other movie, Gaston would be the hero and the beast would be the villain. They have the same personality so why does Belle even choose the beast?!” He probable really likes The Emperor’s New Groove and The Lion King. He bastically stans all the Disney villains, even the ones he’d agree are bad. “Maleficent really did overreact, but her sense of STYLE is amazing!”
Presea loves the underrated classics like the Great Mouse Detective and The Rescuers Down Under and even The Black Cauldron. She’s one of the only people on the planet that doesn’t think Gurgi (from the Black Cauldron) is obnoxious. Her favorite princess is probably Snow White because “I wish I had singing powers that would let me befriend animals.)
Regal likes the Disney Renaissance best. “The understated elegance of romance implicit in each movie, the animation, the story told through the style of musical theater! It’s art for certain.” He probably really likes Aladdin and the Lion King but also Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid. He probably likes Aladdin and Flynn Rider a lot. 
Kratos is… confused about the purpose of movies, but I bet he likes all the space ones too, just like Lloyd. I’m not sure who Kratos’s favorite character would be.
Emil loves Ratatouille (technically Pixar again but… still good.) and Lilo and Stitch. His favorite character is Remi and you can fight me. “No his fave character should be Emille because SAME NAME!” No. It’s Remi. Shush. XD (Also, he will watch the fuck out of Piglet’s Big Movie and the Tigger movie when he’s alone… or maybe he’d watch it with Richter because Richter would watch the fuck out of the Tigger movie and they’d both have that as a secret they carry to the grave because toxic masculinity dictates that “real men don’t watch Pooh movies without the presence of small children because the movie is for KIDS and not for them!”)
Marta loves all the princess movies. All of them. ALL of them. She refuses to pick a favorite princess. She will fight you. They’re all good princesses. She’s also probably the kind that would argue that Princess Kida deserves to be a Disney Princess and it’s unfair that just because the movie Atlantis did bad at the box office that the character should be excluded from Princess merch. 
Richter acts like he’s above it all, but he’s got Oswald merch all over his home. Pajamas, bunny slippers, underwear, shirts, hats. He’s the biggest Oswald Stan. But he also loves lots of Disney Movies. Treasure Planet, Wreck-It Ralph, Beauty and the Beast, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Tarzan. But if you ask him to go see a movie with you, he will grumble about it because “That stuff is for kids.” If Oswald can’t be his fave, then it’s gotta be the Beast from Beauty and the Beast or Quasimodo or Stitch. If you ask him for an opinion on a movie, he will pick the most annoying character (B.E.N. from Treasure Planet, Gurgi from the Black Cauldron, etc.) and just bitch about them being annoying without actually commenting on the movie at all. He’ll just scapegoat the most annoying character to avoid talking about the movies because he doesn’t want to out himself as a massive fanboy who owns all the movies on DVD/Blueray and even watches the “shitty” sequels like Cinderella 2. All I can think is Emil walking in on Richter watching the Aristocats or something too cute and mouthing every line and then Richter has to throw a chair at the TV and break it and act like he wasn’t just watching the Aristocats on Bluray and mouthing every word because he’s seen the movie 100000 times. 
Final note, and it’s about Richter just because I can: Partly because I think he genuinely would hate the franchise and partly because my main muse for him is as a Dad married to Emil and Aster and Aqua, father to 3 boys and 2 girls, he’d HATE the Cars Franchise even though that’s a Pixar property. He’d HATE IT. He would happily murder Lightning McQueen. He would. He absolutely would. That said, he probably loves the original Despicable Me (but he HATES everything about the Minions) and The Incredibles 2 because “PARENTING. YES.”
@aerypear can also interject because I know I left Ratatosk out, so feel free to revise. I think Ratatosk would also love Ratatouille, but I’m not sure what else? He’d hate Monsters INC tho because “You call those Monsters?! There’s not even a single Fenrir!”
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helplesslycanadian · 6 years
I had a very odd dream about you today, well not you you but... your icon was on annons body and for some reason you where talking about baby ducks...
Ranting, screaming, crying about how much you loved them, and some how emoji hearts started coming out of you ‘mouth’.
When I woke up all I could say was, ‘I like baby ducks...’
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mint-yooxgi · 7 years
I'm the annon who asked about the getting bored one and could I have a Kai as the one
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Anon Asked: Ok I fucking love what your doing with the Drabble things. Could I request something similar to the the baekhyun one where the y/n escapes and punishment and shit. Thanks!! Also just a question, do you ever get sick of practically writing the same thing over and over again?
A/n: This one’s going to be a bit more intense than the others, you have been warned. Under the cut, once again.
That’s all your body and mind know to do at the moment. You’re lungs are screaming at you to take a break and fill them with the proper amount of oxygen, but the sound of heavy footsteps hot on your trail makes you push on without stopping.
You quickly duck behind a tree and try to catch your breath. You place a hand over your mouth to help quiet your small gasps of air as you close your eyes and lean your head back against the tree. Tears sting the corner of your eyes as you can hear the footstep creeping towards you. You can tell their pace has slowed down to that of a menacing walk.
You quietly slide down the tree and curl into a little ball, wrapping your arms around your legs and willing for yourself to disappear. You hear the walking come to a stop just in front of you but you don’t dare look up, instead, choosing to continue to hide your head in your knees.
“I thought I told you not to run away,” his voice growls from above, causing you to start to sob in response.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” you cry, looking up at him with narrow eyes. 
Jongin’s features soften a bit as he sees your crying, scared face. He crouches in front of you and brings his hand up to caress your cheek.
“You know why I can’t do that,” he says, doing his best to comfort you but all it does is just make you sob harder. “I love you. You’re mine, and the sooner you accept that and love me back, the better.”
“I will never love you, you monster,” you sneer, and immediately regret your words as you see the murderous look that takes over his features.
You let out a sharp cry of pain as he roughly grabs your hair and stands up, pulling you along with him. You struggle to get out of his grasp, causing his grip to tighten as he practically drags you back the way you came.
“I’ve tried being nice, but that doesn’t seem to be working. You need to learn that you’re mine, and that you can never escape me. You make me so crazy, you know that?” He rambles on the whole way back to his house where he’s keeping you, grip relentless in your hair as you continue to struggle to get away.
He brings you down to the cellar where you first woke up in this nightmare of a place, and practically throws you into the chair. You immediately try to stand and get away again, but he has you pinned down in no time, tying your hands and feet down.
“You leave me no choice,” he sighs, moving over to the bench with all his knives on it. He looks them over before deciding on a thin blade, picking it up and walking back over to you.
The first cut you barely register, for it’s so quick and small that you hardly feel it. He continues to drag the blade across your skin, a sadistic smirk on his face as you scream and beg him to stop.
Your vision is blurry from a mixture of pain and tears. You just want this all to be over.
He leans in front of you, his face inches apart from your own as he looks into your bruised and battered face. His one hand come up to wipe away your tears, slowly caressing your cheek with his thumb.
“You look so beautiful like this,” he says, smirk still ever present on his features.
“Go to hell,” you spit back at him, only making his smirk widen and his eyes to become darker. You begin to feel yourself losing consciousness, and the last thing you see before your world goes black is Jongin’s face, twisted in an expression of sadistic pleasure at your pain.
“If I go, then you’re coming with me,”
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love-lilly02 · 3 months
— 🪿
so funny story
i have the IDEA for the next part but i have ZERO clue how to open the chapter out so it’s just stuck as an idea 🥳🥳🥳
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love-lilly02 · 3 months
— 🪿
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their about to worry so much more😈😈😈
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goron-king-darunia · 5 years
Annon-Guy: How about DLC chapters for the DotNW Remake? Like ones for Marta (when she escapes the Blood Purge and during her first month with Tenabrae) and Richter (when he, Aster and Aqua journey to the Ganungagap)? Marta's would be telling Emil and the Regeneration Crew the story. With Richter, he'd be reflecting on it after the Temple of Ice or when Alice rescues him from Lloyd. Maybe DLC for all 8 Regeneration Crew Members, Kratos & a Beach 🌴 Episode (it would be too much, but a good idea)?
I would LOVE DLC content. Especially if it lets me play as Richter. Double especially if it lets me play as Richter while Aster is alive. TRIPPLE especially if there’s combat where Aster just has a wimpy stun gun and gets KO’ed really fast so the objective is to keep him safe and he’s just a cute little delicate science boy. And my heart would melt if we actually got a scene like in the credits where Richter is surrounded by a hoard of zombies and absolutely frazzled by trying to keep them back and Aster is completely oblivious and looking for directions in a book.Just... imagine the gameplay. You beat the crap out of undead monsters that keep spawning around you and the entire goal is to beat down an unending wave of the undead for a certain amount of time until Aster finishes finding directions. And if the Zombies get past you and hurt Aster? You automatically fail and have to retry. Or it sets you back by XX number of seconds because Aster loses the page he was on or something. Also maybe a stealth mechanic sequence where you have to avoid Vanguard members as Marta during the escape at Palmacosta during the Blood Purge. Marta crawling into cramped spaces and ducking into dark corners to keep out of sight. ALSO HECK YEAH BEACH EPISODE! They’re silly and don’t really add much but... MINIGAME POTENTIAL TO GRIND EXP WHILE PLAYING WITH MONSTERS ON THE BEACH AND STUFF. YESSSS.
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