#i love hotch man
mggsv · 11 months
Please please please please please please post more male reader x hotch. I’m still trying to figure who I am out, and that smut you posted is officially my guilty pleasure. I want him to fuck me like that and then some. Thank you 😊
Of course my love <3
After Office Hours (not proof read!)
m!reader x aaron hotch hotchner
summary: you and hotch hated each other, it was obvious. he hated being wrong about certain things, you wanted to get your point across- hell, you’d spend the entire brief meeting arguing about the potential unsub you’re dealing with. How do either of you still have your job? How do you both still come to work knowing the hate was there? Spencer finds that out himself.
warnings: office sex, hair pulling, boss and employee, biting
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“Kid you comin?” Morgan’s voice called out. Along with Garcia, Spencer and Morgan were going to go get something to eat before they all went home. Spencer turns back to the two of them before nodding rapidly, “Yeah- i left my keys! One sec i’m gonna go get them.”
They invited you, but you declined. You said you had overdue paperwork- they bought it. Truthfully you were waiting for the office to clear. When Spencer left you went right to his office, not even knocking. Hotch glances up at you and puts down his pen. “You were insufferable today.”
“According to Em, you were in the wrong, sir.” you scowl, walking over to lean on the front of the desk, staring right at him. The bulge in his pants was noticeable, like his tie that was folded neatly on his bag that sat in a chair nearby. You smirked, he was waiting for you too, it seemed. Sneaky bastard.
“You didn’t listen to me.” He gets up, and your eyes follow his figure making its way around the desk, slowly…he was big, you noted. He always overpowered you. God you loved it. “You were wrong and needed correcting.” You said calmly, feeling his body behind you. His strong hands outlined your waist, bulge only slightly touching your clothed ass. You felt your pants tighten.
“Oh yeah?” He asks, you could hear the shitty smirk on his face. His body looks over yours, moving your hair back to plant a kiss on your shoulder. You roll your eyes and relax into the desk. Your back curves and you adjust your ass to line up with his bulge.
“You make me sick.” you say, making Hotch stand straight. You could hear the sound of his shrugging off his jacket, no words. You sigh and sit up as well, going to take off your vest and unbutton your shirt. “And yet you’re the one who comes to me. Everytime.” He mutters.
He was on you in an instant, his body as bare as yours. Your lips crashed together, making you yelp slightly. As much as you hated him you could stop the small smile that crept upon your lips when he picked you up and carried you to the side-edge of the desk. Your hands fumbled to move the paperwork that was taking up room, trying your best not to get it on the floor. Your cock was hard against his stomach, waiting for his touch. You felt hot down there- how close you were to him made you leak. How the hot air of his breath sent shivers up your spine when he kissed your neck.. “Hotch-“ you breathed out, your hands gripping his shoulders.
You hated him, but boy did you love it when your bodies came together. How you could get off with his contact alone, how he took care of your body while he fucked you like there’s no tomorrow. A soft tug on your hair pulled you back to reality. Your eyes forcefully stared at the ceiling while his teeth bit into your shoulder. He kept the tight grip on your hair, biting and sucking on your skin while his other hand held your cock. He loved running his own against you..the whimper that trickled from your lips didn’t compare to how good it felt- how good Hotch made you feel. “Fuck..” he moans, hips thrusting while he fists your cocks.
“Stop teasing damnit.” you scoot a bit closer. Hotch let’s your hair go for you to lean back a bit, your arms still around his shoulders. “Teasing? Me?” he looks at you in the eyes. Your heart thumps.. “fuck me already.”
“Kid?” Morgan’s voice calls from nearby. Spencer fumbles with the keys in his hands as he scurried from the door, face red and flushed. “I’m coming!”
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slutforsilverfoxes · 10 months
BAU!reader being married to Hotch but keeping her maiden name in the field to avoid assumptions and judgment. The team knows, obviously, but then a former colleague of Aaron’s from the Seattle office happens to be in town for a conference and wants to catch up over a drink. You can’t help but tease him, of course:
“Knock, knock,” you murmur, leaning against the doorway to your husband’s office. With a glance at your watch, you ask, “Y’gonna be late for your date?”
Aaron looks up at you with a frown before returning his attention to his case file and mumbling, “Not a date.”
“Mm, my apologies,” you respond with a twitch of your lips as you approach his desk. You lean your elbows on the dark wood and rest your chin in your open hands. Batting your eyelashes, you amend, “It’s a meeting betwixt old coworkers.”
Aaron rises from his chair, pressing his fists against the desk opposite you and positively towering over your smaller stature. He meets your fiery gaze with equal defiance, then leans forward to press a kiss to your lips and murmurs, “Are you our resident Reid while he’s with his mom? Who says ‘betwixt’?”
“Oh, shut up, nerd,” you taunt back between kisses of your own. “You collected coins; I played Scrabble. Now get going! Can’t leave a lady waiting for the Aaron Hotchner.”
But WAIT! There’s more! Said agent gets a call while they’re out for a drink and asks Aaron and the BAU for help on a new case. Naturally, you all have to fly to Seattle together…
“Mama, you know this cabin is pressurized, right?” Derek teases with a nudge of your shoulder.
You mumble back around a sip of coffee, “Yeah, so?”
“So if you glare any harder, you’re gonna burn a hole through the jet and we’re all gonna die up here.”
Emily snorts out a laugh and you steal a Cheeto from JJ’s snack (for which you’re met with a stern, “Hey!”) to throw at her. Emily collects the offensive projectile from her lap and pops it into her mouth with a ferocious chomp in your direction, receiving an, “Oh, bite me, Prentiss,” in response.
“Just find a way to slip in that you’re married,” JJ counsels, moving the bag out of your reach to avoid further retaliation.
“Or accidentally fall into his lap. Turbulence can be nasty, you know,” Emily offers as a follow up.
“Like that?” you deadpan, jutting your chin toward the scene at the back of the jet. Aaron and Agent Brandt are over by the coffee, and she’s just steadied herself using your husband’s broad shoulder.
“Or,” Derek counteroffers, tugging at the chain around your neck that holds your wedding and engagement rings while you’re out in the field, “put this rock on and go claim your man!”
“This is dumb. I’m being dumb,” you grumble, flipping open the case file and burying your head in it. “Can we get back to talking about this sociopath and not my high school-esque jealousy?”
“What’s happening? Did I miss anything?” Garcia’s blonde curls bounce up on the monitor before your group, ready for the next installment of this evidently riveting saga.
“Nothing is happening, Pen,” you respond with a sharp look her way, “and y’all need to get out more. Watch a romcom or something if you need some angst.”
“You all completely suck,” Penelope sighs dramatically. “My cup runneth empty in my lair!”
“Then go get yourself another cappuccino, baby girl,” Derek answers smoothly with that dazzling smile of his, perched on the armrest of your seat.
You feel his presence before you hear his voice, every atom in your body suddenly on high alert and keenly aware of everything that is Aaron. “Hey.”
You look up at him with an easy smile, determined to not let your unwarranted bitterness reflect on your work. “What’s up, Hotch?”
He squats down in the aisle beside you so he’s not looming over you and brushes his knuckles across your cheek in an uncharacteristically tender touch, given your current audience. “Do you have that travel bottle of Advil? Brandt may have been overzealous with the margaritas last night.”
“Yeah, it’s… in the side pocket of my bag,” you answer, brow furrowed because he tossed it in there this morning to ward off your inevitable headaches during the coming late nights.
“You’re the best, honey,” he murmurs, standing halfway to press a kiss to your forehead before returning to his full height and going off in search of the pain killer.
“‘Overzealous with the margaritas’, huh?” Emily teases, then starts singing the viral song about just how many margaritas are needed to perform certain acts that shan’t be discussed in polite company.
From across the plane, Dave glances at Aaron who’s rummaging through the overhead luggage bin, then turns his attention to you with a knowing gaze. You avert your eyes, feeling a blush creeping across your cheeks, and settle back in your seat before flipping through the case file in front of you. “So crime scene photos would suggest we’re dealing with a disorganized killer…”
But WAIT! There’s even more!
AH tags 🖤 @gothwifehotchner
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erwinsvow · 7 months
𝐭𝐞𝐧, 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧, 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞
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summary: domestic bliss with agent hotchner is hard to come by. you take advantage of your time with him at home when you can.
word count: 1.4k
author's note: eeeeeee. cannot stop writing for this man. not bau!reader explicitly and also not smut explicitly, more in between. enjoy!!
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The house you and Aaron buy is small, and in one word; picturesque. The outside panels are a soft, faded yellow and the shutters are brown.
It’s not a fixer-upper by any means, though Aaron talks often about the wood floors that will need to be redone in a few years, and the kitchen tile and backsplash that aren't in the condition he would quite like.
There’s other things too, like the downstairs bathroom with the peeling, floral patterned wallpaper and the carpet in Jack’s room. He worries about redoing the wallpaper—visions of hours of peeling it off and getting new sheets up and if there’s mold behind the paper, but you like it. It makes it feel like you’ve lived in this house your whole life.
Your shared bedroom is upstairs, down the hall from Jack and the first room off the stairs. You like the simplicity of this house most of all, nothing too grand or vain. When the realtor had taken you for a showing, Aaron was off on a case in Florida and Jack was at school. You felt silly touring alone, because it would have been easier to imagine living here with Aaron and Jack by your side, but you do it anyway.
You love Aaron’s apartment and you have more memories than you can count there—visions of making oatmeal raisin cookies with Jack and your first date with Aaron (a dinner that he cooked followed by a record playing softly and dancing in the living room) pop into your mind—but it’s running out of space, and it’s not quite like home. 
This house is home in all the best ways. A big kitchen with an island, where you can picture a cookie jar and a tall counter stool where Jack sits and eats his oatmeal before school. 
The living room has big windows and there’s a smaller playroom off the foyer, and in an instant you can picture the rest of your life here. You tell Aaron that night on the phone, and the three of you pay a visit the following weekend. You’re signing papers and packing up boxes two weeks later.
It doesn’t feel like it’s been much time at all, but you realize you’re coming up on almost a year of this house. Your house, the both of yours, the family house. This will be Jack and his siblings’ childhood home.
If you can ever get your husband into bed, that is. 
It’s eight-thirty on Friday night. Jack has been at a birthday party-sleepover night since about five. Aaron returned from a case in Michigan less than twenty four hours ago. You had been asleep, late Thursday evening, when he came back home.
He’d gone to the office today and then picked up Jack from school to bring him over to the sleepover. You had triple checked that he’d packed everything he needed—pajamas, toothbrush, his emergency Epi-pen—but forgot the birthday boy’s present in the back seat of your car. 
You and Aaron drive back over to deliver the gift, make polite small talk with the parents, and then rush out of there.
Aaron had set up a whole plan. Dinner reservations, dessert at the ice cream place near the house, and then a quiet night in, which was long awaited and desperately needed.
However, nothing goes as planned. You miss the reservation window by ten minutes trying to get Jack’s friend the stupid gift—a Lego Star-Wars kit—before they open presents and cut cake. The ice cream shop is closed due to renovations. You return home to missed calls from your boss and a stack of Aaron’s paperwork on the counter. 
“Take out it is,” Aaron says, rifling through the drawer next to the oven. There’s more flyers in there than he thinks, and he still can’t find the one he’s looking for. “Honey? Where’s the menu for that one Indian place-”
“Side of the fridge,” you call back, typing away on your laptop. He doesn’t have to finish his sentences anymore. It makes him smile every time. He locates the menu and brings it to you on the couch. 
“What’d you think? The usual?”
“I have a couple ideas.” You are starving, and not for food. 
You’re in Aaron’s lap before you can even think about it. He has big hands, very big, very strong hands, that grip you by the waist and hoist you on top of him in a moment. It takes your breath away, momentarily, and then he really takes your breath away.
He kisses you like it’s his first and last time ever being able to do so. His hands roam all over your body and it makes every part of you tingle in anticipation. He grabs your ass with both hands and then slaps it hard—hard enough that it hurts, but he knows you well enough to welcome the moan you emit into his mouth.
Your hands run through his hair and then focus on loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. It’s hard to think, though, with him beneath you and his hardness pressing against you in all the best ways. You want to stay here on the couch and grind yourself against him until you’re both sweating and cumming—but he has other plans.
Always a gentleman, always patient, he pulls away from the kiss and lets you catch your breath. Your foreheads are pressed together, noses touching, and you briefly take in that after so many years of knowing him, Aaron will always take your breath away.
“Why’d you stop?” you question innocently, and he thinks he’ll lose his mind. “Let’s go upstairs.”
“Why? I think this is perfect.” You lean back in to kiss him hard, losing yourself in the sweet taste of his mouth—always coffee—and his aroma, which draws you in no matter where you are. 
He laughs into your mouth, pulling away again. You make a soft noise of displeasure, but it all goes away when he lifts you up to carry you to your bedroom. 
He puts you down first, and gets rid of the tie you undid downstairs. You watch with big eyes while he hovers over you, until he finally leans down and your lips meet again. It’s all too natural to take off your dress and spread your legs and help him pull off his button-up, moaning into your kisses and enjoying the feeling of his hand in your hair, pulling softly. 
You like Aaron all of the time, but you’re incredibly biased when he’s like this. You’ve never had to ask for anything, and he somehow knows everything you like. He lines more kisses along your neck, down to your chest. Just as you hear him, low and heady, murmuring, “Tell me what you want,” and getting ready to answer, needy out of your mind and ready to tell him that you need to be fucked, hard, now, his phone goes off.
You exhale. Aaron drops his head in defeat against your chest.
“I’m sorry, honey, hold on a minute,” he starts, leaning over you to get his phone from the nightstand. 
“Who is it?” “JJ. It must be a case, I’ll just-”
“Wait, wait,” you whisper. “If it’s a case you can go in ten minutes.”
“Ten minutes?” he questions, eyebrow raised. You look back at him sheepishly.
“Okay, fifteen minutes. I mean, nothing’s gonna change in a half an hour, right? Fifteen minutes here and then fifteen minutes to get there.”
“Honey, I really shouldn’t-”
“I mean, think about it. Everyone else probably isn’t even there yet. You’ll just be sitting around waiting for them before you start. So really, I’m saving you time.”
You both lock eyes and burst into laughter. 
“I’ll get your go-bag,” you say, as he answers JJ’s call. You’re about to get up, looking for your haphazardly discarded dress and Aaron’s shirt, when you feel Aaron grip your forearm.
“Hotchner. Okay, JJ, thanks. I’ll be there in forty.” He hangs up and looks back at you, frozen in place. “You have twenty-five minutes to tell me what you want.” You squeal when he pulls you back into bed, kissing you hard.
He gets to the office an hour later.
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thisgirlisonfayeeer · 11 months
Thomas Gibson + sports 🥵
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bonus: football flamingo
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agentdilfhotchner · 5 months
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when his hair looks like a wig 😮‍💨
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gielinos · 9 months
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When his eyes do the ✨thing✨
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cerisereids · 26 days
i feel like if u think elle getting shot is hotch’s fault you don’t understand the show properly
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treesters · 1 year
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“I don't make deals, I'm the guy who hunts guys like you.” (You should have made the deal.)
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frankiebirds · 18 days
will forever thinking about morgan refusing to leave dr. brazier's side while the bomb under her seat is being defused.
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i didn't get a good screenshot of it, but he's also holding her hand the whole time.
and then the way he hugs her??
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keep in mind he Just met this woman. he has no emotional connection to her beyond the fact that she is a person in distress and he is a person who cares. there is a bomb under her seat that could go off if she moves wrong or they fail to defuse it. if that happens, it will kill her, and almost certainly him too. he doesn't care. he kneels outside her car and holds her hand while she prays because he will not let her be afraid alone. he will not let her die alone, if it comes to that. derek morgan the bottomless well of compassion you are.
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greg-montgomery · 2 years
I’ve had like the worst week in my entire life, and I can just imagine Hotch comforting reader and just making sure she knows she’s loved. Man I wish I had that :( I feel like he would be so SO cuddly and just like constantly checking in reader to make sure she’s actually okay.
posting this as an emergency before the week ends so it’s on time 💗💗 i’m so sorry you haven’t been okay, sweets :(( i hope it gets better for you super super soon and that as soon as monday comes good things are back in your life <33
listen. you are important to aaron. which means that he worries about you constantly. it matters so much to him that you’re okay, that you’re happy. so he always makes sure you are!
when he’s away for work you get a text from him every half an hour, even if it’s just a heart emoji, that you’ve shown him how to use! or maybe a quick “i love you” or “missing you like crazy”. anything to show you that you’re on his mind!
and when he finds time to call you, he is so so soooo sweet. he calls you sooo many pet names and his voice gets all soft and he tells you about how much he misses you and how he’s going to hold you all night long 🥺🥺🥹🥹💗🫠
and when he’s at home he’s aaaaall over you <33 when he knows you’re not doing okay he holds you so you can maybe cry in his arms, or talk…or you can just be quiet and he rubs your back and kisses the top of your head 🥺
he tells you that everything is going to be okay. that you’re never alone because he’s always gonna be right there to protect you and love you 🥹 forever 🥺🥺💖
he makes sure you eat well!! and that you’re hydrated! he will cook for you and bring you water or your vitamins or he’ll make you some nice tea or coffee! anything you want!! :))
and ohhh the cuddles!!! <3333 you’re attached to him the whole time, he literally gives you no other choice. he wants you there. and you just snuggle into his neck and smell him and kiss him and everything is just…better. it’s safe there. you know you’ll be okay because he’s got you!
he makes sure you know that no matter how awful everything feels at the moment, it’s not forever! because good things will come again! and you’re gonna be happy and you’re gonna be smiling again! and he’s gonna be there every time, for every smile or tear, you’re never gonna be alone, he’ll be right there by your side <33
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red-drama-cascade · 2 years
Criminal Minds
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slutforsilverfoxes · 7 months
Starting to make dinner in Aaron’s apartment on a Thursday night. He’s just gone for a shower, washing away his last case and the worst parts of the world that he falls privy to day in and day out as Unit Chief of the BAU.
You’re humming along to your oldies but goodies playlist while sipping a glass of white wine that’s too sweet for Aaron’s liking. As the current song fades out and the familiar notes of a Bee Gees tune start, you realize with a smile just how many of these songs you've compiled make you think of your love.
And, speak of the furthest thing from the devil, suddenly he’s there, his arms wrapping around your waist from behind as his body perfectly molds to the dips and curves of your own. He guides you back and forth in a gentle sway, his chin coming to rest on your shoulder as he releases a deep sigh.
You allow your eyes to drift shut and your head to fall back against Aaron so you can bury your nose in the crook of his neck. "Sauce'll burn," you mumble, letting his familiar smell wash over you and sending warm tingles throughout your body.
"Let it," he responds just as softly. "We'll order something. Need to hold you."
You release a sound of contentment that's half-sigh, half-hum, nuzzling even deeper into him as if you can become one person if you try hard enough. In this moment, there's no yesterday or tomorrow. There's no anticipation of the next phone call that will take your love across the country again. There's no darkness, no fear, no evil lurking around the corner. There's just you and the man you love more than anything else in the world.
You dot gentle kisses along the expanse of his skin that you can reach without moving, and he squeezes you tighter in response. "Marry me," Aaron breathes out on a sigh. "I'll make it more romantic later, I promise. Just tell me you'll be mine forever."
"Oh, my baby," you murmur. "I already am."
AH tags 🖤 @gothwifehotchner @iyv-ray24 @mrs-ssa-hotch @criminalskies @callm3c0nfus3d
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maschotch · 5 months
Need you to know that every single time I watch 5x18 I think of “gay sex is less gay than whatever these guys got going on” “usually pairings don’t matter but these guys fucked and that’s the hill I’ll die on” “they’ll be like ‘can I talk to you’ and go 30 minutes to a scenic location w ambience”
I physically cannot watch the ep without these tags running through my brain on a straight loop. Like wow yeah they do know their assholes are gonna get obliterated when they get back, so true
GOOD bc those men r fuckin fr
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
The things I want to do to Aaron Hotchner are not sane and I never claimed that they were.
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direwombat · 1 year
of experiences and other characters
tagged by @trench-rot, @aceghosts, @strafethesesinners, @inafieldofdaisies, @fourlittleseedlings, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @adelaidedrubman, and @roofgeese to do this uquiz and/or this quiz!
tagging: @strangefable, @confidentandgood, @detectivelokis, @sstewyhosseini, @baldurrs, @jacobsneed, @madparadoxum, @nightwingshero, @josephslittledeputy, @voidika, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @hopelesscounty, @kittiofdoom, @sukoshimikan, @gaeadene, @purplehairsecretlair, @deputyash, @harmonyowl, and anyone else wanting to give these quizzes a go!
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you leave people feeling challenged (affectionate)
a shiver. a breath of cool winter air, a stick n poke tattoo; the last few switchbacks at the end of a hike. a deep red. a proud sweat, a delicious ache. early dawn’s blue hour. a favorite story you love to retell. the excited scream, the staggering leap into water below. not fearless, but not afraid to let a good memory leave a few scars or stains. while you have moments of being rough around the edges—an acquired taste, a book not fully grasped in the first read-through—you can rest knowing that there will be people that rise to your challenge. you give off a sense of knowing yourself, and while that could be the case, you’re still learning, too. the close people in your life aren’t afraid of your seasons, your come-and-go silence, or your own way of showing love. they’re there to stay. they’ll join you on that blue hour dock just to read. they’ll take that last-minute road trip to the desert. you’re here to say, “I know you could do it.”
my oc as other characters (a sampling from the top 20)
leroy jethro gibbs (ncis)
mike ehrmantraut (bcs/brba)
sun bak (sense8)
john wick (john wick)
sayid jarrah (lost)
trinity (the matrix)
riza hawkeye (fullmetal alchemist)
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s0fter-sin · 8 months
criminal minds/call of duty crossover where a serial killer is targeting sets of brothers. the bau think it’s ghost after finding out he’s on leave and looking into him and finding out about his abusive childhood. they think being military, getting held by the cartel and his family’s murder made him snap and he’s trying to recreate a perfect childhood with perfect brothers but they’re never perfect enough
he’s arrested when he can’t provide an alibi for the nights of the murders. the interrogation is rough, even with his resistance training. he can’t fight back, he can’t wait out the clock until price rescues him bc it’s not ghost being interrogated, it’s simon. getting his family and childhood thrown in his face, being questioned about his time with the cartel, forced to remember everything he went through and the entire time he can’t hide behind his mask bc they took it the second they brought him in
he’s being moved from interrogation to a cell when soap bursts in, screaming and swearing at them, how dare they think ghost would ever hurt those boys, after everything he’s survived, all the people he’s saved, do they really think he would ever do something like that, what the fuck is wrong with them!!
he sees how rough ghost looks, sees they took his mask and is two seconds from throwing hands with morgan. ghost’s just been quietly saying his name as he rants, trying to get through to him before he gets himself arrested too until he finally barks, “sergeant mactavish!” and soap instinctively freezes and falls to attention. he tries to make him leave but soap tells the team that ghost was with him on the nights the boys were killed and he had security footage of him coming and leaving his apartment, as well as pictures from throughout the night
the team don’t believe him, asking why ghost would lie to them, he could be charged with murder if it went far enough, why hide his alibi? he stays quiet until soap finally says, “he was protecting me. it doesn’t look to good to be gay in the military. or to seduce your superior officer.”
“you didn’t seduce shit, johnny,” ghost argues back and the team realises they were trying to dodge a dishonourable discharge not hide a murder habit and releases him. they end up stealth helping them solve the case bc even if he didn’t do it, seeing all of these boys, these brothers getting killed was getting to ghost in a bad way
#the extra pictures are absolutely from soap blowing ghosts back out#outside perspectives are one of my favourite things in the world#the interrogation specifically is making me lose my mind the conversation theyd have about how to go about it?#should hotch play to his obvious daddy issues and come at him heavy and aggressive? should rossi do the same but with a sympathetic approac#or go the other way a military man probably with mummy issues too so send in emily or jj and see if hes misogynistic#they think hes killing boys should reid go in and ramp up his age and vulnerability?#ghost would see through them all with his training but each approach would tear at him in different ways#that they think they can get to him by treating him like something damaged or playing to his supposed prejudices#rossi acting anything like price would fuck him up something fierce#ghost is the king of repression and being confronted with all of this? hed be losing it#and the way he protects his sergeants (roach is alive bc i said so) as if theyre his little brothers? how he goes hard on the recruits to#make sure they live?#to be told they expect him to be killing these kids? it breaks him down a bit#it stabs at a part of himself that calls him a monster and unworthy of love and affection#his fathers son#and soaps just furious that anyone could ever think ghost is capable of something like that#that they dug up his trauma and saw a man to condemn instead of a boy to be saved#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#we’re a team. ghost team#criminal minds#spencer reid#call of duty#soapghost#ghostsoap#ghost cod#simon ghost riley#soap cod#john soap mactavish#ghost mw2#save post
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