#i love multishipping. moral of the story
anghraine · 5 months
I saw a popular author post about how, while of course Elizabeth has some obligatory flaws, Darcy's are exponentially more severe, and it was like stepping into a view so far removed from mine that it was almost disorienting.
The thing is, I periodically see people wondering why Elizabeth/Darcy is such a behemoth in Austen fandom when either/both of them have substantial flaws that the narrative doesn't shy away from. Their flaws aren't identical, but they do obviously mirror each other and are thematically intertwined, with reflecting character arcs and specific beats. As I see it, the novel maintains a tense and careful balance between them—not in terms of centrality (Elizabeth's mistakes and growth are more central to the narrative than Darcy's IMO) but in terms of the weight given their flaws and virtues.
And for me that's essential to their appeal!
I love plenty of other Austen characters and relationships, but for me, personally, none of the other canon pairings are balanced in such a fun and satisfying way. The closest (and the other most conventionally romantic pairing in Austen IMO) is probably Anne/Wentworth, where at least the choices of both of them are heavy contributors to their current problems. But a) the novel is ambivalent as to whether Anne actually erred morally in the first place and b) that is long in the past by the time of the novel; the Anne of the main story of Persuasion is a fairly idealized figure by contrast to Wentworth.
I sometimes see arguments that, say, Anne or Mr Knightley or Elinor Dashwood or whomever are actually as flawed and prone to error as their romantic counterparts, but I just ... don't buy it, honestly. As far as canon Austen goes, I only really see that balance in the course of the main story with Elizabeth/Darcy. P&P loves them and holds them up as admirable (and they are!), but it also loves undercutting them in clearly paralleling ways and does it over and over throughout the novel.
So the idea of an Elizabeth and Darcy where one of them has obligatory storytelling flaws that can't seriously be compared to the other's is just ... blah. It cuts out the fundamental interconnection and resonance between them that I think is built into the structure of the novel down to its bones and is what makes their relationship special. A lot of stories pay lip-service to that kind of dynamic, sure, but despite the many (many) imitators, I don't often see it done successfully. But P&P is the real deal.
So yeah, when people are like "why do people like Elizabeth with Darcy so much when she could have a different man who doesn't make serious mistakes" I'm just thinking ... why on earth would I want Elizabeth "there was truth in his looks" Bennet with someone who would never make mistakes on that level? Or when people are like, Darcy's just misunderstood, wouldn't he be better off with Jane [or another relatively idealized female character] it's like ... hell no, I love him, but I do not want to inflict him on that poor woman.
It's not that there's something wrong with multishipping them (I've written alternate pairings for both!) or shipping them with other people, but just in terms of the novel as it exists, I do think the balance and echoes between them are part of what makes the novel work and one of the sources of their long-standing popularity. And I feel that trying to pin the "real" blame on one or the other up-ends that balance and diminishes a lot of what I, at least, find appealing about the dynamic between them.
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maedelin · 2 months
Negative Romys (bc I know there must be chill ones out there) @ Roguneto in Xmen 97: “NOOOOOO HOW COULD THE WRITERS DO THIS AND DESTROY ROGUE X REMY?! POOR GAMBIT!!!”
Me: *side-eying all of the Marvel material that clearly shows that Romy content severely outnumbering Roguneto content by a landslide and the same Roguneto content winding up being ruined anyway by later writers just because they can* “Ah, yes…poor Gambit…”
All jokes aside, I wonder if the Romys’ concern is that if Roguneto is positively received = somehow becoming canon in the comics later? Because I know Marvel (and DC) has a history of taking a few things that the movies/shows/ side comics have done that were well received by fans or were anticipated to be well received ahead of time by fans and sometimes the companies themselves and incorporating them into the comics later
(ex. X-23 from X-Men Evolution to actual comics, Tony Stark’s personality eventually just becoming Robert Downey Jr as a comic book character, Samuel Jackson!Nick Fury from Ultimate Marvel to MCU to secret son of original Nick Fury and goes by the same name, Magneto’s Helmet protecting him from telepathy in Xmen First Class Movie to comics, Comic!Rogue’s real first name being a combination of her movie self’s name and that actress’s first name, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver not being related to Magneto after all bc their movie selves weren’t, Gwen Stacy’s fun alternative existence as Spider-Gwen/Woman , Miles Morales’s (yay!) existence, Tom Hiddleston’s portrayal of Loki influencing the comic version of him to become a sad little meow meow, Age of Apocalypse’s version of Changling/Morph being brought into X-Men 97, etc)
, but if one truly counts all of the slight/significant changes Marvel Comics have made to the main timeline because of other material, it’s REALLY not a lot.
There’s no need for anyone who ships Romy (which I also ship in addition to Roguneto bc yay multishipping!) to feel threatened by potential romantic alternatives.
And just in case the romantic ships might be altered after all (not likely): if the Multiverse is a thing, maybe we consider it’s not the end of the world if the relationships in the X-Men animated universe is not 100% going to follow how they played out in the comics.
ALSO also, when all else fails, they can just develop their writing/art skills and make fix-it aus 😆
The chaotic neutral part of me actually kinda still hopes that enough people with get on board with Roguneto though so that the comics will see the enthusiasm for them and bring them back in the main universe and shake things up again or in one of the official alternate universes and give them the love and respect the pairing deserves 🤪
I really appreciate your comments. I suppose there could be concerns from the Romy contingent regarding this. Sadly, I think at this point corporate IP is too dedicated to keeping the status quo maintained as it is for the longest time.
I agree with you, I see her relationship with Magneto as brief trysts in the mainstream universe, and an occasional AU marriage reveal. I think that Rogue and Gambit will remain a couple in the mainstream universe despite this current twist in the '97 series. There's too much time and money spent into the material, merchandise, and story that's been built for Romy in reality across various media, and in the perception of people's memories which sometimes have a rosy nostalgic glow. It takes a lot to re-educate an audience and I don't see corporations having that time and patience.
Jean and Scott will always remain together. Meggan and Brian are a duo for all time. Sue and Reed Richards are going to stay married.
No matter what, the story will always return to that. In this reboot, I think it's to give Magneto an extra angle and further reason to stay at the mansion if you leave in doubt his and Rogue's activities on and off camera.
I think my biggest complaint is how there's a circling of the wagons around Rogue when anyone (but particularly Magneto) is interested in her. It frustrates me because I believe characters should experience a lot of different relationships. It builds for a more well rounded person in reality, and a better character in the story. But with Rogue, why isn't she allowed to have other romantic encounters? Why must there be a strange arguments about age, about experience? These are traumatized beautiful people with fancy abilities in a soap opera. With capes. (And occasional opera gloves)
In short, I believe that instead of one ship, a character deserves an armada. I agree, alternate universe pairings would be fun too!
I too enjoy drama and can't wait to see how the show plays out this romance.
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cenviswasteland · 17 days
okay from best to worst top three! klapollo krisnix wrightworth go!! with explanations duh - 💾
oh guess what i just found in the bottom of my drafts. sorry floppy disk you asked me this in march and now its almost june. my bad pestie
anyway i would LOVE to. im gonna cut the post here because it ended up getting pretty damn long and i wanna save the mobile users some pain
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a little preface first: i don't think any of them are the "worst". im a multiship freak and i think all three of these are best and worst in their own way. id love more info on what you MEAN by "best to worst" because that's so very vague. do you mean in terms of relationship dynamic? do you mean in terms of personal perception? do you mean how much i like them?? since i have no idea what exactly youre asking me here, im just gonna shove a whole bunch of headcanons in your face and hope for the best. xoxo follow me
3rd place - Wrightworth / Narumitsu
the iconic, original gangster, blah blah blah. forever cute. theyre just kind of a little bland to me. like i feel as tho we've explored basically everything there is to explore in wrightworth with the exception of the seven year gap? eh maybe thats a terrible take who knows. theyre still lovely tho i love the seemingly constant stream of gayass lawyers on my feed. everybody loves narumitsu!
2nd place - Klapollo
i really don't have much to say about klapollo either. theyre cute as hell and they definitely have a lot more to ponder on (considering that the only game we really get klavier in is AA4 [no DD doesnt count klavs ass got fucking Visited and he was written so poorly thats NOT my klavier gavin]). and generally speaking im an AA4 fiend its my favorite game in the entire series and so im biased. also, another pretty constant stream of gay lawyer content. shout out to hyundere who made like constant beautiful klapollo content until the One Piece happened lol [im a one piece enjoyer too dont come for me this is not criticism]
1st place - Krisnix
my GOD krisnix. theres a lot of things that go into me enjoying krisnix, but the biggest one is the fact that they have the fucking wackiest, least defined relationship in all of AA4. (also, another AA4 exclusive lol). with the 7yg in play, theres so much room to play around. and most of krisnix really exists in their questions and the vagueness of their relationship. theres like a billion things to ask. how does this relationship develop? how did they meet? what were they like for seven years? what led up to phoenix suspecting kristoph in, yknow, the Everything that happened in AA4? what kind of relationship did they even have? were they "friends" that just happened to pull each other into their gravity? were they holding hands and cuddling every night? were they practically strangers until one of them needed to "blow off steam"?
and not to mention these people are both private/secretive as HELL (phoenix is probably the cagiest man ive ever seen ever. and kristoph, aside from being a man with a fucking army of skeletons in his closet, gets an unfortunately small amount of screentime in the game and not a lot of time to get into the meat of his character/backstory [see: black psyche-locks]). that adds another layer. they certainly dont talk about each other. so how did... All Of This happen?
SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. and in general i like my ships a little more "toxic". and i mean. if you know ANYTHING about AA4, krisnix is pretty mutually toxic. i could totally make another post tearing into the inner guts of their dynamic and relationship-- hell, i could probably make FIVE.
moral of the story: krisnix forever. poggies.
anyway yeah i hope this uh. answered all your questions? how the hell do you end a tumblr post
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lucky-clover-gazette · 9 months
fandom/feelings vent i just really wanted out of my system, seriously not targeted at any one person or thing:
there are few things that make me more uncomfortably aware of my attachment issues than seeing multishipping or polyshipping of fictional pairings i really care about. i think because i put so much of myself into writing about fictional relationships, and one of my greatest fears in a relationship would be my partner wanting to be open, it’s an understandable but not *valid* emotional response. but still, i live in my head, and have to manage it. it sucks.
like, i’ve drafted this post several times. i love fandom culture and shipping communities, and it sucks that a very present thing in those spaces is such a ridiculous sore spot for me. i feel like i’m less able to support people making cool things, who enjoy the same stories i enjoy.
i never want to degrade the comfort and importance stories and relationships like these have in people’s lives. i love creating things that are close to my heart, and the reasons i care about these characters and ships are roughly the same as anyone else’s.
but it’s really bad, man, the way this stuff gets to me. like, i’m sorry to overshare, but the idea of a ship i really care about being open legitimately makes me feel like a cornered prey animal. trouble breathing, tearing up, can’t focus on anything else, heart beating fast. i understand that this is not a normal response to such an inconsequential and somewhat avoidable stimulus. while i’m not about to share the reasons why i have this trigger, i can assure you they make sense as a source of trauma. the problem is that my irrational trauma response is not a valid equivalent to moral disgust or discomfort, and it’s really frustrating that i can’t just be neutral.
rationally, i know it’s all projection, and has nothing to do with these fictional characters or stories, or the people making fan content. but i also can’t deny the very real way my body physically reacts to even the notion of non-monogamy in relationships i care about.
and i’m not just talking fandom stuff here, i live in a city where more than half of the queer people my age seem to self-identify as ethically non-monogamous or poly. both in fandom and real life queer spaces, it’s almost like i’m missing out on the party because the way a lot of people like to party makes me feel profoundly trapped, powerless, betrayed, insulted, and abandoned, which are all feelings i do not handle well.
more than anything, i just wish i could be normal about this very present facet of fandom/shipping culture and even enjoy it on occasion. when it’s not like my “otp” or whatever i really don’t mind at all. i guess i just see so much almost aggressive positivity about like “character has two hands” memes and stuff like that, where it almost makes me feel like a bad person for needing monogamy for a fictional or real-life relationship to feel safe. and while i do believe open-mindedness should be a core tenant of social spaces, i also feel alone with these rotten feelings, and i can’t really channel them creatively in a way that wouldn’t just upset me or make other people feel bad.
there is no point to this post really, just kind of wondering if anyone has felt this way/has advice beyond the obvious and very valid basics like “only interact with content you want to see,” and “what works for some people does not have to work for you, and vice versa.” i seriously have no judgment of fandom friends multishipping or polyshipping, or the idea of those relationships themselves. mostly, the presence of those ideas just cause me an irrational amount of discomfort because of past experiences, and i wish i could fix that part of myself. not saying i ever want to be poly or write those kinds of stories, but not being embarrassingly triggered would be a great first step. and i guess ultimately it would just be nice to feel a little less alone about having this problem.
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hms-tardimpala · 2 months
Hi! Since you were talking about your latest project, for the ship bingo I'm going to ask: John/Dean? (And if you want to do one extra, may I suggest Philes?)
NARA. I should have known you'd come up with the ship that's not talked about in polite company. Thank you so much!
So, for any anti that might have followed me by accident: I think we're about to part ways. John/Dean here refers to John Winchester and Dean Winchester from Supernatural.
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Train wreck but I can't look away: whichever way you look at it, whether it's consenting or not, it's not gonna start well, go well, or end well. No amount of great writing will make this relationship stable or fair. It's doomed.
I'm a casual shipper: this isn't my OTP in this fandom (that spot belongs to Destiel), but I multiship.
INTERESTING COMPELLING COMPLEX SCREECHIBG: Dean took on his mother's role in the family in most ways after her death, why not this too? Have you seen the Winchester family dynamics? None of it is healthy, they're violent creeps with codependance issues. These boys haven't been socialized! So yeah, incest, why not? So many themes to explore with this ship. Abuse, masculinity, free will, homophobia, parenting.
Fandom ruining it: not really. There is amazing fandom content for that ship. But the SPN fandom is extremely divided and confrontational, and John's character is a touchy subject. Most people stop at arguing about whether he is good or bad, and are too busy decrying incestuous ships to provide interesting discussion about Dean/John.
Person A deserves better than person B: hey, John Winchester sucks. He's interesting, but he's the kind of character you watch telling yourself "I wish he'd rot in hell" and guess what? He canonically does!
Could cut the tension with a KNIFE: every room John steps into has tension. Things are already tense and intense and electric with his sons (in different ways) in a story where he doesn't fuck them. Imagine if he wasn't just Dean's father, drill sergeant and personal god, but also the man who taught him to have sex.
FREE SPACE: ew ew omg ewww! This hits the tiny mark between "absolutely disgusting" and "so fucking hot". There are days I can't stomach it, but I stand by it because it's extremely compelling.
Thank you a thousand times for giving me the oportunity to talk about them, it was very exciting.
And now, some Philes as a palate cleanser:
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Train wreck but I can't look away: their worldviews and morals are too different and conflicting to build a lasting relationship, it's always going to be messy, and I'm here for it.
THAT one scene. You know the one: the duelling scene, of course. Thurston, what were you thinking? Also, the minotaur fight scene when Fetch realizes Niles is sort of a friend, kinda??
INTERESTING COMPELLING COMPLEX SCREECHIBG: It's because they have such different opinions and goals that they are interesting to see interact. For Fetch and Niles to date or fuck, I think Fetch would have to get more down to earth and less absolute about his views, and that would be an interesting growth. Also, Thurston Niles is a great character to explore and make headcanons about.
They are divorced, possibly not for the first time: these guys fight so much. They're used to each other's presence like you're used to an inconvenience or a flaw in the sidewalk. The way Fetch goes to Niles' house for drinks, and Niles doesn't serve him alcohol, and they antagonize each other but still have a decent time is so Divorced to me.
Could cut the tension with a KNIFE: I love to see the girls fightinnnnnggg. I love that Fetch seems two seconds away from imploding when he's in the same room as Niles. What's interesting is that the tension is brought by Fetch and Niles is chill about their situationship. When they meet on a case of Fetch's, sparks fly and that's awesome.
FREE SPACE: I'm using this space to say a trop I love to imagine for them is "ugh, why did it have to be him of all people?". I like to imagine them both inconvenienced by their attraction.
Thank you so much for playing with me <3
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
hello, my name is astralis (eighteen, est)! i am currently looking for partners to roleplay the spider-man spider-verse saga with me!
a bit of information about me: i’m multi-muse, multiship and character / plot-driven. i write for and engage in literate, third person and past tense roleplays only. additionally, i roleplay on discord (1 x 1 servers for organization). lover of types of ships, regardless of genders involved or types (oc / oc, oc / canon, canon / canon), though i have a personal preference of same sex ships. i strongly enjoy worldbuilding, hcs, etc — and i write fluff, angst, action, smut and other mature themes. i am very enthusiastic about plotting and roleplaying, and i generally expect the same from my partners! all i ask is that potential partners are willing to do various types of ships and play multiple characters, the latter so the story feels more real and authentic!
as for the roleplay itself, as stated previously, i am interested the spider-verse saga. i would love to create an original gang of spider-people, similar the dynamic that gwen stacy, hobie brown, pavitr prabhakar and miles morales have.
i think that’s all! if interested, feel free to interact with this post or message me. my carrd, in my pinned post, also has more information!
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crazy-queen-winx · 2 years
Video Masterlist
Winx Club/World of Winx
1) AUs:
Bloom vs Ogron AU - This Is The Hunt (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2DeAcLpc3U)
Darcy & Stella are sisters AU - Two Birds
Valtor & Griffin are parents of Darcy AU - Never Love An Anchor
Death Note AU - They're Only Human
Encanto AU - Waiting On A Miracle
Tecna griefs over all other dead members of the Winx Club AU - Buzzcut Season
Witch Bloom helping Icy AU - bury a friend
Stella & Bloom fight over who gets to be the leader AU - TRNDSTTR
Stella & Bloom Soulmates AU - Feel Something
Sky & Stella Arranged Marriage AU - Buy the Stars
Bloom got adopted by Faragonda AU - Dear Wormwood
Dark Alfea AU - GRRRLS
2) Sexuality headcanons:
Winx Club girls are bi - Girls/Girls/Boys (short)
Musa (bisexual) - Yes & No
Stella (bisexual) - Bye Bye Bye
Tecna (asexual) - Never Been In Love
3) Femslash/Slash:
Aisha/Layla x Musa - Happier (short), Heat Waves
Bloom x Icy - Bubblegum bitch, Do I Wanna Know?, Genghis Khan, I Can't Decide (short)
Bloom x Layla - Nobody Can Hear You
Bloom x Tecna - E.T.
Brandon x Sky x Bloom - Heather
Faragonda x Griffin - Bad Liar, War of Hearts (short)
Flora x Bloom - Demons (short/WoW)
Flora x Stella - IDWK, Soap
Galatea x Musa - Ruin My Life (short)
Luna x Niobe - The One That Got Away (short)
Nabu x Riven - Bad Habits
Riven x Sky x Bloom - Pacify Her
Roxy x Selina - Collide (short)
WLW - Girls Like Girls (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVPlaRiaLCE)
4) Other fanon ships: 
Anagan x Flora - Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High
Valtor x Griffin - Atlantis (https://youtu.be/YlIhnmMSbMc), Somebody That I Used To Know (short)
Sky x Icy -  I Wanna Be Your Slave
Stella has two hands (Bloom x Stella x Brandon) - Girls Chase Boys (short/comics), Jessie's girl
Ogron x Stormy - Sugar
Valtor x Bloom - DNA
Multiships - Berenstein (comics/WoW), Toy Soldiers (comics/WoW)
5) Canon ships:
Main ships - Say So
Helia x Flora, Brandon x Stella, Timmy x Tecna - Dandelions
Diaspro x Sky x Bloom - I'm Not Her
Nabu x Aisha - I Found
Radius x Luna - Moral of the Story (short)
Sky x Bloom - Circles, I Love You So
Sky x Diaspro - Used To Be (L.O.V.E.)
Tritannus x Icy - Don’t Blame Me
6) Tributes to seasons/characters:
Season 1 - Brutal
Season 2 - The Wolf
Season 3 -  Uma Thurman
Season 4 - It’s Time
Bloom - Dynasty (short), No Roots, The Moon Will Sing
Bloom & Daphne - Brother
Cassandra - Bloody Mary (short)
Crystal & Flora - Talk
Daphne - I Like It (short), In The End (short)
Darcy - Copy Cat (short)
Dark Bloom vs. Icy - Cannibal (short)
Dark Bloom vs. Winx - Comics (short)
Diaspro - Candle Queen
The Earth Fairies - Siren, Roman Empire
Griffin - Gods & Monsters (short) 
Griffin & Nebula - I'll Be Good
Icy - Icarus
Lorelai (WoW) - Cool Kids
Male Characters - Give Me Everything (short)
Musa's family - Dancing With Your Ghost
Musa & Stella - Final Masquerade (https://youtu.be/Ca0PFiTFTB0)
Riven - Bohemian Rapshody + Lay All Your Love On Me (short)
Stella - Devil Town (short)
Stormy - Rhinestone Eyes (short)
Trix - Survive (short), Villain
Valtor - Juice
Winx vs Trix - Boss Bitch
7) Motives:
Astronomy/Biology/Chemistry/Technology - Science
Betrayal - Backstabber
Curses - CURSED
Dark/Dramatical Scenes - Panic Room
Friendship - Someone To You, Forgive Me Friend
Ice/Water - Deep Water
Royalty - Kings & Queens, The Family Jewels
Spookiness - Somebody’s Watching Me
Trauma - Karma (https://youtu.be/Hpf4571F508)
Winx being tired of men? - No Scrubs
Protagonists/Villains dynamics - Monsters
8) Idk just vibes
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land
9) What your favourite Winx Club ship says about you series (https://youtu.be/RJAHuh1J2bE)
Not Winx Club
[PiB:TLW] Villain
[Ratatouille] Chef Skinner - INDUSTRY BABY
[Sherlock 1984 aka Granada] Johnlock - Snowman
[The Cat Returns] Needs
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goldenngore · 1 year
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SHIPPING INFO / answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog !
loras and maron ( @azmenka ) is now my otp for loras. the ship allowed for loras to have so much personal development that i don't think he would have gotten with many others. plus, it's also allowed him to be the person he'd rather be rather than what house tyrell wanted from him. of course, that ship aside, there is loras and renly. but, ya know, it's cut short and essentially ruins loras for some years. it's a bitter tragedy, i love it.
well, that's a question. since loras does tend to drift towards older men. his own canon relationship has what some tumblrites would call a significant age gap. :/ but either way, i don't prescribe to keeping my muse in a static age bracket because asoiaf is still progressing time-wise, and the notion in general, is ridiculous. stories progress. characters progress mentally and physically. I've been writing loras since 2014. it's time to move on from canon lol. that being said...i haven't encountered anything that's made me uncomfortable yet. renly was 5 years older than loras. maron is at least 10 years older. lestat is hundreds of years older. SHRUG. though if someone attempted to throw tywin at me?? back away, pls. discomfort is contextual and circumstantial when writing morally grey characters.
err...dicks out? nudity and touching is what i'd consider nsfw, personally.
umm, i used to be a lot more selective. not so much anymore because loras is a romantic muses. he loves love and loves to be loved by a special person. as long as someone's muse matches the traits loras likes. it can be game on.
muses in canon? aurane waters ( @/tymptir ), maaaayyybbee theon greyjoy (i can feel hannah and roro judging me for this choice), and one other...ANYWAY. crossover muses include my beloved @harringtontm because steve loves dramatic guys with long curly hair. who am i to deny steve that? I'm not cruel. and then there's @desiredprince because loras loves a bad boy, and lestat is their king. it's his go to trait in a man. sigh. and I'll always adore the things i have with @mcnsieur who has always treated loras like a prince despite actually being a prince. plus, Philippe is literally a god on the battlefield and that's too hot to handle.
not really? you can if you want to. that's fine. but always feel free to send me a shippy meme and we can always see if things progress from there. that being said, if i start to get invested. i will be all over you like an std. &lt;3
obsessed and proud. people who think romance writing is somehow less than other forms of writing are absolute whackos and we can't be friends. love keeps the world going around, we always need more of it. plus, like i said. my guy is a lover and a fighter.
always, baby. but any ships in canon verses that occur after renly...ya'll gotta deal with that baggage. sry.
searose aka loras and maron. they really did come into each other's lives at the right time, and loras got to have the healing experience he sorely needed and was never going to get in kings landing, stuck in the kingsguard as a glorified bodyguard. maron dragged him into the world of adventure he'd always wanted to be part of. but found himself trapped instead again as a glorified bodyguard. it's really the relationship loras deserved after how the last one concluded so awfully.
jump into my ims and say BITCH GET IN THE CAR, WE SHIPPING. but you can always send memes. they don't even have to be romantic. i do like to interact platonically, too, just to see how our muses mesh etc. that's important! being friendly ooc is a must too. friends make the best shipping partners. that's a fact, innit? and plotting stuff is so much easier if you have a good rapport. I'm always up for crossover ships and i love ships that take me by surprise.
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prpfs · 1 year
🕷️ hello, my name is astralis (eighteen, est)! i am currently looking for partners to roleplay the spider-man spider-verse saga with me!
a bit of information about me: i’m multi-muse, multiship and character / plot-driven. i write for and engage in literate, third person and past tense roleplays only. additionally, i roleplay on discord (1 x 1 servers for organization). lover of types of ships, regardless of genders involved or types (oc / oc, oc / canon, canon / canon), though i have a personal preference of same sex ships. i strongly enjoy worldbuilding, hcs, etc — and i write fluff, angst, action, smut and other mature themes. i am very enthusiastic about plotting and roleplaying, and i generally expect the same from my partners! all i ask is that potential partners are willing to do various types of ships and play multiple characters, the latter so the story feels more real and authentic!
as for the roleplay itself, as stated previously, i am interested the spider-verse saga. i would love to create an original gang of spider-people, similar the dynamic that gwen stacy, hobie brown, pavitr prabhakar and miles morales have.
i think that’s all! if interested, feel free to interact with this post or message me. my carrd, in my pinned post, also has more information!
Leave a like, and asker will get back to you!
DM @astralisly if interested!
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
The Witcher, any version you prefer. 4, 10, 11, 20.
Hello hello! Yayyyyy an ask for the tv/book/movie ask. I guess it isn't surprising but I love talking about mah stories.
I'll do the witcher show (TWN) version, but if anyone wants these questions for the books, they can send me questions for the books.
Ok, Ima be honest about my feelings, but pls don't worry about me if you love what I dislike. Love what you love. Don't mind me XD.
4. A character I couldn't care less about.
I'm sorry folks, after S2 idgaf about show!Vesemir. I actually really love that character and all of his complexities and moral quandaries. But I was so enraged by what he did to Ciri and Geralt that I couldn't give a shit about that old man anymore. It was stupid. He knew better. That man is 300 years old. His motivation was weak.
I still care about him in the books, games and in fic. But when we get S3 I'll just be throwing popcorn at the tv whenever his face comes onscreen.
(also, even though the actor is great, idgaf about show!Cahir. Stop smelling Yen's hair. Get a job. Stay away from her, etc etc.)
10. A ship I would gladly go down with... and then become Davey Jones, so I can continue to captain said ship for eternity
Oh gosh my shipping is all over the place. In canon, I demand better for Yenralt. They are the canon otp/soulmates and they deserve better.
In fanon, it depends on the season, and I multiship. But I clearly cannot stop writing Geraskier, so there is obviously just something about it for me. (I won't go on about it or I'll write a novel)
11. A ship that makes me want to look into the camera like I'm on The Office
bahahahhahahah um I think I'm so used to fandom that nothing at all surprises me. You cannot shock me. I don't even flinch anymore. I am bulletproof. XD
20. Fics/fanart I'd love to see
I just wrote and deleted an entire answer because I remembered I'm answering these based on TWN. So for TWN only, I'm enamored with Yennskier. I'm loving the art and fic people are producing for them.
But I'd love more rarepair stuff too. I'm partial to Yen x Renfri.
And ok, here's a crossover I have to include. I love Jaskier x Eskel (book and game), and as far as I'm concerned we can never have enough Jaskel art. We have few Jaskel artists so I cherish every art of them I can find.
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inukag · 3 years
whenever I see the rant posts of people complaining about a Inuyasha character's excessive trait (whether it be "being so rude" or "too mean") and how two characters clearly had no reason ending up together, I always think, "Ah, I see you only watched the anime."
not to say RT's version is flawless or multishipping is bad, but I don't hear manga readers saying someone's too [insert negative trait].
Oh I know exactly what you mean anon.
Just the other day I saw a kogkag fanart from that one scene in movie 1 where Inuyasha tells Kagome to "shut up" when she asks him if the food she made is good, except in that fanart Koga was there and actually appreciated Kagome's cooking and complimented her. Everyone in the replies was like "Inuyasha is such a terrible match for her, Koga is much kinder" which is something that we hear aaaaall the time, lol. It's true that Koga is a lot more straight forward in his affections than Inuyasha (mostly due to, y'know, Inuyasha being shunned by everyone his entire life unlike Koga who has a pack) but Inuyasha also appreciate Kagome. He specifically appreciate Kagome's cooking, but only we, manga fans, know that 🙃
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I honestly think it's funny how Sunrise saw Inuyasha eating ramen once and thought "alright, that's going to be one of his core personality trait, he can’t enjoy other types of food" lmao. 
OR the whole “Inuyasha only sees Kagome as a replacement for Kikyo, she should be with someone who has never dated anyone before” which is 1000% an anime-only thing because of this missing conversation:
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Or Sunrise adding bs like this:
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Like you said anon, it’s not that Inuyasha and his relationship with Kagome (and the writing in general) is perfect in the manga, but it feels like their problems makes sense, and are usually balanced by other sweet moments. It really sucks that inukag is my favorite ship of all time but I can’t really defend their portrayal in the anime adaptation of their story :\ I know a lot of you love inukag in the anime anyway, and there is some good anime-only stuff! But I feel like people only remember the good and not the bad. And the bad aspects of Inukag, or Inuyasha and Kagome as characters, in the anime are hard for me to contradict. 
Also, I’m a multishipper at heart! I have no problem liking ships that “contradicts” my otp, even though for inukag it’s a bit hard since you have to change the canon story a lot in order to make them end up with someone else (since they were born for each other). But I have to say I have a really hard time shipping Kagome with someone who is not Morally Good. Inuyasha might have bad manners and a temper (especially at the beginning of the story), but what made Kagome fall in love with him is that just like her, he has a good heart and he can’t bring himself to actually be cruel. 
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So when I see Kagome being paired with men who had no problem slaughtering innocents and discriminating against humans or hanyos (and didn’t have a proper redemption arc to make up for it), all I can think about is this meme:
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OTP. Love them. You guys know this. OG girlboss and malewife.
There’s like zero morals between them though? He’s Dracula But Eldritch and she’s the head of a shady af military branch. Idk why people sometimes treat Integra like she’s some sort of paragon of righteousness.
::Slaps ship:: This bad boy can fit so many war crimes.
And trauma.
There is a lot of trauma. I find that appealing in a ship too lol.
They’re just extremely fucked up and they’re each kind of… the source of or at least representative of each other’s problems?
Call me sappy but I enjoy that they should by all accounts hate each other but somehow make it work anyway.
It’s SUCH a suffocating dynamic though lmao it’s very fun. There’s something super messy about how neither of them can ever really escape the other?
I don’t mean it in an emotional way (though that too) but like they’re always going to just be… there unless one of them dies or does something incredibly unethical to shake the status quo. There’s no reasonable low stakes way to fully disengage?
And in this respect, while I multiship and can definitely see different pairings for either of them, I really don’t think you can have a canon set story that’s focuses on another ship without addressing this dynamic at all. (Of course you can, I just think it would be OOC)
Anyway this is one of the stories and dynamics I’ve liked and maintained interest in for the longest. I think part of that is that it’s fairly subversive, even next to things coming out now. And because it’s fairly complex by implication without really fleshing things out in canon so there’s just a lot of different angles to take with it and things to focus on.
Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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catboyithaqua · 3 years
Ramuda and Doppo :0
Under a cut bc long
Ramuda Amemura
First impression
Baby boy baby. Very cute and sweet i love characters with ramudas aesthetic i tend to want to protect them, especially since its an aesthetic that i fall into myself and lo v e so kseidjsnfn YEAH this man is baby!!!
Impression now
Ohhh my god i love this man i love the way he is characterised he is so incredibly interesting as a character and tbh so realistic and honestly i adore him!!! I alarmingly see a lot of myself in him tbh, were incredibly similar and that isnt necessarily a good thing!! But still i love this man
Favorite moment
Oh man where tf do i BEGIN there are so many ngl, but mostly all of the moments where we see ramuda's humanity. There is still a sweetness left under the darkness, there is still a man who wants to cling onto everything he has - his emotion, his internal battles, his morality vs his desperate need to survive - oh fucking man so much.
Idea for a story
CAN WE FUCKING. HAVE RAMUDA TALK HIS SHIT OUT PLEASE can we just have others actively helping ramuda cAN THIS MAN PLEASE BE SHOWN THAT ITS NOT TOO LATE FOR HIM,,, PLEASE,, i just want ramuda to finally talk out everything and have people on his side. Please.
Unpopular opinion
This probs isnt unpopular by any means, but idk what else to put here so take this:
I dont really see it often discussed that yknow ramuda is an abuse victim. Like, its very clear that chuokhu uses and abuses him, and his life is constantly being hung over his head. No wonder the dude is doing anything he can in order to survive, he has no choice in that regard. Before i get told this in the notes yes i know this doesnt excuse the things hes done!!! But tbh i really think that like the trauma that ramuda is living with kinda needs to be addressed.
Favorite relationship
I am a huge multishipper and have found a way to ship ramuda w just about most people (that are adults and not in chuokhu lol) so this is pretty tough
Id say either fling poly or jkrm and these are my reasons lets go:
Fling poly: HAVE YOU S E E N THEM do i really need to say more here all three of them have such good chemistry together, theyre all clearly on the same wavelength and have such a wonderful dynamic,,, they found out about the clones and shit and they STILL chose to protect ramuda and to fight for him and with him and to stay by his side aND BLACK JOURNEY TOO I-- IM GONNA START SOBBING,,,
Jakuramu: this one is not based on canon too much i am sorry this is mostly hc but i am a huge sucker for enemies to lovers ok also, i feel like out of TDD these two would be the ones to reconcile. After all, jakurai is a rather empathetic man and he probably would def understand the situation that ramuda was in. After all this dude was an ex assassin, if ramuda was to tell him everything, im sure that he would be able to relate to yknow the time he took others' lives, people with families and friends that he killed because he was ordered to and most likely had no other choice. Of course, jakurai is well within his right to not forgive ramuda for what happened to yotsutsuji, but i feel like he would and would help him get out of the situation hes in,,, and also im soft for the TDD era ok like how jakurai WANTED TO KNOW THE REAL RAMUDA AND LIKE,,, even when ramuda snapped at him he was GLAD HE WANTSD TO KNOW HIM FUCK MAN,,, i just really like these two ok
Favorite headcanon
I have quite a lot of hcs! Here are a few and like some explanation as to why:
- hes trans - i personally believe this bc personally itd make sense. Ramuda has a very feminine appearance and build, those that are like typically common in asian countries. As well as that, he has his own autonomy unlike the other clones. It wouldnt surprise me if chuokhu orignally wanted to make a girl to keep the other divisions in check, but when he decided personally that he didnt want to be such a way, they said sure, more room for us to treat you as we want to. Hes got money, getting T wouldnt be that difficult for him either, so thats why his voice is. That way fiaudjsnfnd anyway i think it makes sense!! Idk--
- he has bpd - projection probably but the biggest inspiration for this headcanon is how he is emotionally. His swings are violent - he feels and expresses such a diverse range of emotions and its so easy for him to change his emotional disposition - whilst also mostly feeling totally empty. Relationship wise also, given how he was genuinely really close to jakurai and then completely splitting on him, h a t i n g him. Yeah that sounds like bpd to me chief i know i have it!!! Theres more ik there is but i cant pull up examples rn
- hes neurodivergent - again mostly projection honestly and like there isnt much of a canon basis in his behaviour, just little things, but i like to personally hc that aside from eating candy to stay alive duh, that he chooses lollipops bc they serve as a sort of stim?? Also ik that fashion is his job but hes also so so clearly passionate about it that its a special interest for him, and thats partially why he took it up as a job in the first place, so he could do something related to his special interest lol. Idk i know there isnt any basis for this but just let me have autistic ramuda iaiesjdnsnfn
Doppo Kanonzaka
First impression
Now THATS what i call a tired mf!!! This dude has yves saint laurent eyebags also he really reminds me of aggretsuko somehow??? Im really not sure what it is
Impression now
Yeah i was def right with the aggretsuko comparison siaishsnshfb BUT I LOVEEE HIM i love him very much and i think this man really needs a break and is also very relateable i love
Favorite moment
As much as i love fp i absolutely adore the badass koments that doppo has including when he absolutely fucking obliterated fling posse sksjxnxncn also!! All of his little moments with hifumi i genuinely enjoy their dynamic its so cute
Idea for a story
Honestly i wanna see him slowly recover from the teauma that he has experienced because this king absolutely deserves it, and also from a practical point of view itd make this mf s t r o n g e r i also just.... long to see doppo happy honestly he deserves to smile!!
Unpopular opinion
I dont really have an unpopular opinion but saving like leaving this blank: as much as i absolutely adore jakurai and hifumi and their music (jakurai is my fave out of every hypmic character and i WILL drive this home), to me doppo just has the best music. Like, i love tigridia and BLACK OR WHITE so fucking much its absolutely unreal and all of doppos verses in every song are juust so fucking good. As much as i listen to you are, therefore i am on repeat every day of my life doppos music is just the best ✨
Favorite relationship
Again i am a huge multishipping bitch and i habe a few ships with doppo but in ahll honesty my fave is very clear - i absolutely adore his dynamic with matenrou as a whole and especially hifumi - his relationship with hifumi is clearly so special and it really shows how strong their friendship is, and in a ship sense i find it to be realy cute bc theres such a clear need for each other and that even if they clearly come at odds sometimes, at the end of the days theyre still clearly so close and i just,,, god doppo reallt deserves someone like hifumi in his life and im so glad that he has it!!!!
Favorite headcanon
Honestly i dont really think i have too many for doppo but given his general demeanor and his attitude, i personally hc him as demi. Yeah i know that sexualities dont have like typical personalities and such but i feel like given his anxieties around new people and how he clearly only really sticks to those that hes very close with, it makes more sense for him to be demi than any other sexuality to be quite honest - and this is also just pushing my hifudo agenda aiqiauansnssn but yknow!!!!
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hithelleth · 4 years
Ship history meme
Embrace your past and get to know your friends’ fandom origins!
Rules: Post gifs of your fandoms / ships starting with your most current hyperfixation and work backwards. (Bonus points if you share any stories about how or when you got into that ship! But not necessary!!) Then tag anyone whose fandom history you’d like to learn about!
I was tagged by @jadedbirch - thank you! <3
Under the cut, because my history of shipping, or multishipping (because you know me, but I only put in gifs of single ships, b/c tumblr gif inserting function hates me), is a bit long even with only hyperfixations.
1. Victoria Hughes/Lucas Ripley (Station 19)
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Ah, yes, I’m back in this hellhole, rereading fanfic, because Grey’s & 19 are back and easy to watch legally without jumping through hoops and I know I’d said I wouldn’t but then I was bored and now I have all these feels again. (I’ll say a few things on it in a separate post when the season’s done in three eps.)
Anyway, this one slammed into me last spring out of the blue, but how could I not ship it when it checks all the right points? 
2. Garcia Flynn/Lucy Preston (Timeless)
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Another Kripke show, and third time being the charmed, Kripke and co. actually learned from their past mishaps and actually made a good show (except the finale, but what finale? I don’t know it.)
So, there’s this tall, dark, brood, and bad (or maybe not) and lil’ miss goody two shoes (or maybe not) who get each other, what’s not to ship?
3. Bellamy Blake/Roan (The 100)
(No gif, b/c it’s a minuscule ships with maybe 5 gis and tumblr is a bitch, nothing shows up in search and apparently now you can’t save & reupload gifs - which is a good thing, finally, should’ve done it sooner.)
Oh, boys! My boys. I love(d) them so much. The last ship I have written extensively for - even the most extensively after Revolution (I, mean I only published one short oneshot, but the 35K monsterfic that is 3/4 done is still there in my drafts and I still think about it and them, because dammnit.)
Also very good with Clarke thrown in, or just Roan and Clarke (which I also managed to publish a fic for and kudoses that still come on the regular keep my writing heart at least hibernating and warm - here’s to hoping it wakes up from hibernation one day and I can write again.)
4. Shelby Wyatt/the Haases (Quantico)
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Yes, all of them. Even Claire, because why not. And I’m sure if they had had the sister on the show, I’d have shipped her with her, too. 
(I mean, I’d say I only shipped Shelby separately with each of them and I didn’t think of also poly shipping them, but that would be a lie and hardly the worst thing I’ve ever thought of shipping.
I hardly said anything about it on here because that was the peak of Moral Purity Wars time on here and Shelby was wildly hated across fandom, ugh, so I jsut squealed a lot inwardly. 
5. Grant Ward/Leo Fitz & Jemma Simmons/Sunil Bakshi (Agents of Shield)
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Ugh, then there was this shitshow I loathe. But for a while there, there were good things. And now we’re really getting into my multishipping tendencies. 
I started with Fitzward, surfed Skyeward, and then hurled straight into Bakshi/Simmons, also managed to write a ton of fic for the first and the last, but none for the middle. 
(That was also the era when I was into highly questionable stuff, like I may or may not have half a notebook of a Ward/Simmons/Rumlow fic somewhere, oops. But I have no regrets, so we understand each other. And that isn’t the worst thing that’s ever come across my shippery imagination, either.)
6. CM2 or Charlie/Miles/Bass (Revolution)
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(gif mine)
The best fandom had the best ships! 
Who even got me into this show? It may even have been @lglorien​ who mentioned the new Kripke show when we were both binging SPN that summer. And then she didn’t even watch all of it and left me to suffer on my own. 
Well, not on my own, because I found the best fandom along the way, so yay!
If you think knowing Miles was Charlie’s uncle stopped from shipping them from the moment she stepped in The Grand in the pilot and he was an asshole to her, you don’t know me. Then Miloe flashbacks happened in ep. 3. And I simultaneously started shipping that and noticed Charlie and Bass have things in common (mainly, Miles being an asshole to them, as it turned out later.)
But there were so many other good ships (Jeremy x everyone, yes?) and some random minor ones, including one or two of only my own concoction. 
And nobody hated anyone for shipping. The best of times, really. 
7. Elijah Mikaelson x everyone (TVD/TO)
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Elijah is very shippable with anyone, but Elijah/Elena - there’s a lady who’s not on tumblr anymore (Hazel) that got me into this, and Elijah/Elena/Klaus - the fault of Sandrine_Shaw on AO3′s fics - were on top of my faves (and still are, TBH.) 
You know, when itsy bitsy vulnerable human dares (the nerve! negotiate with a big bad original? Elijah was impressed. And so was I. The rest was history. 
And for the second, well, when the two Original dumbasses keep falling for the same version of one woman, the solution is rather obvious. 
8. Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester & Dean Winchester/Castiel (SPN)
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Yes, I was a Wincest shipper, that shouldn't surprise anyone. Because the early seasons had their charm. And then Cas showed up and jumped onto a Destiel bandwagon as well. So, yeah. 
9.  Buffy Summer/Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) 
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There were a few years when I had to much work and studying to watch things, so now this trip into shipping history brings us to early 2000s/1990s. 
I liked Buffy/Angel well enough, but Buffy/Spike was it! I mean, he went to get his soul back for her. That scene when he’s hugging the cross haunts me to this day. Enough said. 
10.  Harmon Rabb Jr./Sarah MacKenzie (JAG)
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Oh, god, Harm and Mac! Ship of all ships. The show tried to throw three different women at him and the third stuck. And we had to go through 8 seasons of slowburn then. A+++++
And, um, yes I shipped Mac with Webb for a while, too, because it’s me. 
But yeah. As far as I’m concerned Harm and Mac are happily married and managing their careers and NCIS: LA can bite me with their BS in last season finale. . 
11. Xena/Gabrielle (Xena: Warrior Princess)
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Back when my very catholic grandma watched Xena and Hercules with me and also shipped Xena/Gabrielle, because ‘sometimes girls like girls, it’s nice’. Good times. 
I also crosshiped her with Herc, a bit. and definitely had a thing for Xena/Ares. Yep, my ship type started showing early. 
I’ll stop here.
Obviously, there have been a lot of other ships, but I tried to stick with the major fixations, otherwise we’d be here all week. (I haven’t even mentioned Marvel, or for that matter, books, so many books.)
Tagging: @lglorien, of course, @eveningspirit​, @wellwhataboutme​, @bea2me​, @stargazerdaisy​, @vesperass-anuna​, @elemenopew​, and anyone else who wants to do it, my mind is drawing blank, forgive me. And, as always, feel free to ignore.
Anyway, this took a lot of work, but it was satisfying. What a trip down the memory lane! So many feels!
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poetatertxt · 4 years
For the ship it or not thing: Jin Guangyao & Lan Xichen (I personally don't bc meng yao is a bastard but i'm curious if you can get past that). Also, I like your blog and writing :D
aww, thank you so much anon! 💗 i have more writing coming your way in the next 2 weeks, so please look forward to it!
aaah, yes. xiyao. i’ll admit i wasn’t into it when i was ingesting MDZS and CQL, but hanging out in the fandom the past few weeks has warmed me to the idea.. 
1. What made you ship it? I have multishipping friends who write xiyao and 3zun as background relationships into their works, so I’ve become acclimated to it. Also, there’s one mutual in particular on twitter who LOVES meng yao’s tragic story and basically paraded his whole dying speech to LXC for like 3 days until I was like “oh man this is a tragic love, wow ok” 😂
2. What are your favorite things about the ship? I don’t ship xiyao in the canonical traditional sense, but I think that if LXC had been able to catch onto JGY’s plot earlier, he could have reasoned him out of it. JGY, at the end of the day, was desperate for someone to see his worth and love him as he is; from day one, LXC gave him exactly that. He’s the cool head and open heart JGY is unused to and, given more exposure or another life together, I think JGY could come to properly treasure LXC’s moral compass and soft side and find the good in himself instead of believing he’s beyond saving. They cover each other’s bases in terms of social awareness and morality with LXC softening JGY’s sharp side and JGY, if he wanted to, advising LXC on the harder aspects of life.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on this ship? That I don’t mind it? LOL I know a lot of people strongly believe JGY is irredeemable in every aspect, but when I first saw him, I connected with the fact that he was just desperate to be legitimized. All the deeds he does stem from the fact that he was shunned by those he tried to call family (thanks for nothing Jin fam xoxo). In another life or another world where he stayed with the QingheNie, I think things would have been very, very different and people’s opinion on him would be far less skewed.
ask my opinion on a ship ✨
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sparrowstrikewrites · 4 years
Okay, so I don’t normally post personal thoughts on here, but my dash has filled with Star Wars discourse and the incivility is killing me so I’ve got to say something.
Are any of the Star Wars stories perfect (movies, TV shows, comics, books, all of it)? No.
Are they fun? Are there cool space ships, laser swords, and robots? Yes and yes.
Are there complex moral dilemmas and characters? Yes.
Is the fetch quest narrative overused? Maybe.
The Star Wars universe is in my mind one of the greatest sandboxes that fic writers can play in. There’s enough meat/content that you can pick and choose play with whatever you want and enough loose ends that you have a million places to start writing. There are great underdeveloped characters to expand upon and if you ever wanted to drop in an OC, this is one of the best fandoms for it from a writing perspective.
But from a fandom perspective, Star Wars is pretty darn toxic. It’s not just mean discourse on the best trilogy anymore (and that’s was frustrating enough, there’s good bits and bad bits in all of them—no reason to get on a high horse about it). The shipping wars and harassment of the actors is unnecessarily cruel and childish.
The actors all did their jobs to the best of their ability and they deserve respect for that.
At this point, someone is probably thinking “is this going to be a reylo rant?” This is not an anti-reylo rant or a pro-reylo rant, this is a be nice to people even if they ship something you don’t like rant. It is a leave the actors alone unless you have something nice and not creepy to say to/about them rant. If you want to know my ship preferences, we can talk in DMs, but I’m not getting into it here.
Am I 100% satisfied with the ending of this this trilogy? No, but that’s why fanfiction exists— I can read a million different endings that bring me happiness for different reasons.
Outside of the apparently violent divide over reylo, I’m even more bothered by the hate people are getting for multishipping. Maybe I’m old school (funny because I’m not old), but I remember the days where authors made differ AUs for different ships and you either didn’t read the ones you weren’t interested in or you read them all because you loved how that author writes and handles the characters. The mental challenge of looking at the same media and the same characters through different lenses was fun as a reader and made me personally grow as a writer.
Sorry if this comes across as incoherent rambling. I just got really bummed out by how judgemental and mean fandom has gotten. Growing up, fanfiction was a place to explore character dynamics, develop as a writer, and have fun. I don’t like that the next generation of kids don’t seem to be getting that same opportunity. (I say kids, but really this applies to writers of all ages and ability levels).
Writers: tag your work appropriately.
Readers: if you don’t like it don’t read it and don’t post hate.
Fans: remember actors are people and not their characters.
Everybody: treat each other with kindness/respect and remember this whole fandom thing is supposed to be fun.
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