#i love padme my sweetest
fruitgutz · 1 year
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happy may 4th!
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awkward-tension-art · 1 month
Clones as expectant fathers
I am an actual nero-cancer researcher. I have a job and a degree. And my ADHD brain saw sad military men and went “I want that one”
Clones: Rex, Wolffe, Fox, Cody and Fives
CW: pregnancy, the clones all have a ‘secret’ SO, They are expecting a baby, A little angsty with Fox, there's slight mentions of smut with Fives (if you squint), swearing, this is just supposed to be a good time, its not reader insert
Minors do not interact!
Terrified. Also overjoyed. But mostly terrified. 
He’s a soldier. Captain of the 501st, the most….adventurous of the GAR. His chances of dying on the battlefield and leaving his SO behind are higher than the average clone
And now he may leave behind his child? His kid may grow up without a father
He gets nervous. Anxious and antsy, and it's very VERY easy for Anakin to figure out Rex isn’t entire OK
Rex doesn’t even need to tell Anakin.
Skywalker takes one look at him and just KNOWS.
“Congrats, Rex.” “...on what, sir?” “If it's a boy, name him after me.” “WHAT!?”
Ahsoka needs to be told and she’s more excited than Rex when she finds out. 
“Come on Rex! Name them after me! The republic needs an Ahsoka jr!” “And if the baby is a boy?” “Don’t name them after skyguy, please!”
Most of the 501st don't know. Too many people knowing raises the chance of less accepting individuals knowing. And if that happens, Rex, his SO and his baby may be in danger.
It’s forbidden for the clones to have SO’s, not to mention babies. It could end with Rex being decommissioned or reconditioned if it was found out he had both
Rex will visit and help as much as he can every chance he gets. He feels terrible for leaving his SO for long stretches of time during the pregnancy. 
He WANTS to be there…he just can’t. Not while the war was going on
Despite his terror, Rex is…overjoyed
He didn’t think children were possible for him. He knew it could happen, but he didn’t think HE would ever know this happiness
The first time he feels his baby move in his SO, he’d get this sweetest smile on his face. He’ll kiss the baby bump and just murmur words of love in mando’a
He falls head-over-heels in love all over again
As the due date approaches, Anakin asks an important question
“Captain, I need to know when your baby might be born.” “...why, sir?” “Because I need to know when to take extended leave.”
Anakin tells Padme, and she is beyond sweet. Even visits Rex’s SO and the two have a wonderful friendship
All in all, Rex is both excited and anxious. But having so much support from Anakin, Ahsoka and Padme (and his other brothers who find out much later) helps him a lot
More relaxed. And by relaxed I mean he hides his anxiety better. And it doesn’t exactly hit him as hard
Partly because Plo Koon and the entire Wolfpack knows about his relationship already. 
So you bet your ass the pack celebrates when Wolffe tells them he's going to be a father
Plo Koon especially is excited
“How wonderful, new life being born during times of war” “I’m not naming my child after you, general Plo.” “Nonsense! The child will be a girl.”
During battle, Wolffe finds himself being protected by his brothers and General a tad more
At first he writes it off as a coincidence, but then Boost lets slip during a battle “You gotta get back to your little one!”
He gives his men a bit of a lecture. He’s not incapable of fighting or defending himself. He thinks the message gets across but Plo chimes in with, “Ah yes, the stern words of a father already!”
Wolffe would probably see his SO more frequently than Rex. Just because Plo would more than likely spend more time on Coruscant.
He’s definitely protective. As in, waking up in the middle of the night to check all the windows, protective. Keeping an arm around his SO, protective. Every symptom or sign of discomfort he calls a medical droid, protective.
He’s not stupid, he is well aware that by having an SO and a child on the way he's in violation of several rules. All of which, when broken, would have him decommissioned
But dammit, he's not letting that happen. Wolffe will be there for his SO and his baby, no matter what
Since he’s able to spend more time with his SO, he’s there to feel the first movements of his baby.
It sort of causes him to short-circuit for a second. It hits him that yes, this is a life that he and his SO both created. Out of love.
Wolffe makes a swear that he’s going to protect his baby at all costs
Grandpa Plo does as well, but the Wolfpack doesn’t know that
Fox (kinda angst)
First of all congratulations to the SO for actually managing to be Fox’s SO
They got to be something special for the head of Palpatine’s personal guard to break rules and regulations and find himself an SO
Speaking of Palpatine, congratulations to Fox! Your SO is now in even more danger!
No, seriously. Palpatine knows before Fox. No one knows how, but he knows.
And he absolutely will use Fox’s SO as leverage to keep him under control
And Fox knows this, so he behaves. More so than usual.
He’s not blind. Hes fiercely loyal to the republic, but one step out of line and the (very few) things he cares about will be killed
Which…is why Fox may come across as cold or uninterested when his SO informs him of their pregnancy
A part of him is terrified, he just won’t show it
He’s not going to be more affectionate or anything. He actually acts pretty normal. Which is standoffish.
Despite his…demeanor, he actually manages to be present for the entirety of the pregnancy. It helps being a Coruscant guard, which means he’s more present than all the other clones.
He’s not moving mountains or anything, but he’ll get snacks in the middle of the night in case of cravings
No one else knows about Fox and his SO. not even his own men. He refuses to tell anyone. 
Its for his SO’s protection
But Palpatine, the sick fuck, slips some words to get Fox’s nerves into overdrive
“This war is taking such a toll. So many dead children…so many grief stricken parents” “Sir?” “Oh nothing. Just stating the fact that the loss of an innocent life, such as…a baby, is always a tragedy. Wouldn’t you agree, commander?”
He found himself walking home a bit faster that day and hugs his SO a little tighter that night
Fox cares, in his own way. He’s just beyond stressed and anxious. But you wouldn’t know. He hides it behind a mask. 
It's actually Padme that finds out. And she feels somewhat bad for Fox. She thinks his anxiety comes from the fact that clones aren't allowed SO’s or children
Which, it is, but theres the added threat of fucking Palpatine.
She ends up getting him to tell her the truth and she swears to secrecy. Even offers to hire his SO as some sort of assistant, if only so Fox can be closer to his SO
Hear me out, he actually breaks down when he feels the baby move. He can’t fully handle it anymore and shuts down. 
This is a baby. His baby. They're alive and already so loved.
Something in him clicks and he accepts Padme’s help. 
His terror gets easier, ever so slightly. But he keeps his collected and calm front.
“General Kenobi-” “Ah! Commander Cody! Congratulations!”
Cody is a tad more relaxed than Rex, but more tense than Wolffe
He knows Kenobi isn’t going to punish him or force him back to Kamino for decommissioning, he’s still a little on guard.
But, since Kenobi knows, Anakin does. So does Ahsoka. Which means Rex knows.
More people in the 501st know than in the 212th which gives him the biggest headache
Waxer knows though. Cody had to tell someone that wasn’t a sarcastic general
He does a good job hiding his worry though
Cody is able to spend about the same amount of time as Rex with his SO
He doesn’t feel as bad as Rex when it comes to the lack of presence he has during the pregnancy
It's war. It sucks and he’d prefer to be there for his SO, but he’d also prefer SO and child have freedom from the separatists
I will say, he is pretty attentive when he isn’t off in space.
Foot rubs, shoulders massages, helping with cravings
One thing Cody does is that he’ll wrap his arms under his SO’s baby bump and lift it slightly, giving his SO’s back some relief
He really loves to do this because his SO just melts
Hear me out, Cody gets giggly when he feels the baby move/kick the first time
His palm is on the bump and he feels that first little flutter against his hand
404 Commander Cody has his amygdala broken from joy. Reboot?
He’ll actually tell Kenobi about it because he’s so happy.
“That's wonderful Cody, but I still question one thing.” “What is it, sir?” “How you managed to get laid to begin with.”
“Hey everyone! I’m gonna be a dad!”
Ecstatic is not a strong enough word
Also not subtle at all
There is a solid 3 hours until everyone in the 501st knows
He’s told Echo before the first hour. Rex knew within 2 hours.
Fives is BEYOND over the moon
He gets this small smile on his face that just doesn’t go away
Whenever he’s not with his SO, he definitely calls them every day. He wants updates on the little one
Also, seeing his SO with a baby bump? Unlocks something inside his brain.
Fives is incredibly horny when he’s with his SO. He’ll be rubbing their middle and getting a puppy dog look in his eye.
Only if his SO is in the mood of course! He’d never try and be forceful
He’s probably the clone that takes the distance the hardest. He debates taking a ship and making a run for Coruscant on more than one occasion.
In the end he settles to ask Anakin for extended leave.
Anakin is also extremely happy for Fives. Like with Rex, he makes a “name the baby after me” joke
Fives brings that up to his SO and nearly gets smacked. He also makes a “Fives jr.” joke and actually does get smacked.
When Fives feels the baby kick, he gets high on happiness. Actual mumbling incoherent words of love and affection in Mando’a
Lots and lots of “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum”
He also gets very VERY affectionate with his SO
Kisses his SO’s face a lot. Even as a greeting, he’ll just start peppering their cheeks with pecks
Also probably the only one ballsy enough to ASK his general for extended leave
“Excuse me, general Skywalker? I’ll need to take leave at this date.” “Oh, yea sure. You know what? That seems like a good time for all the men to take a break. Thanks, Fives.”
He’s also probably the only one ballsy enough to actually take his new born baby onto a fucking battleship to introduce everyone.
“This is your uncle Rex. This is your uncle Echo and your uncle Tup. That's your auntie Ahsoka!” “Fives what the FUCK are you doing?!” “Introducing the family, captain.”
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lengthofropes · 1 year
so, fellas, my precious baby boy Nox got sick...
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we’ve spent some lovely time at the vet (he even courageously endured when his tummy was shaved in order to do an ultrasound 🥹!), and it turned out he has cystitis and urolithiasis. there’s gonna be some more examinations and tests and medication (🤞at best!!) treatment. and it’s gonna cost me smthg around 250-350 $ which I don't have at the moment, so...
I am once again very very much open for your commissions! 
(...not my first rodeo, you know) so yeah, everything supernatural/stranger things/star wars/mando/tlou/pretty much anything is welcome. drop me a DM! PayPal is the same as always - [email protected]
thank you! ❤️
baby boy sends you all the sweetest purr!
tagging lovely people, hoping they will help me spread the word ❤️‍🩹!
@foundlingrogu @boyworstie @fromperdition @subbydean @castielss @castiel @alivedean @winchestergifs @becauseofthebowties @chrrispine @theedorksinlove​ @jacobglaser​ @archivistsammy​ @bebeverse​ @xofemeraldstars​ @andreycoded​ @buckhelped​ @burnhamandtilly​ @achillestiel​ @castheology​ @greatcometcas​ @deanncastiel​ @valleydean​ @deanbroco​ @jactingjoices​ @samsrowena​ @carveredlund​ @gaymishacollins​ @inacatastrophicmind​ @sailorsally​ @eddiemunsens​ @beldros​ @jesskier​ @usershiv​ @yellenabelova​ @steddielations​ @hornystiel​ @userdjo​ @emziess​ @mcbride​ @kwistowee​ @steveshairychest​ @padme-amidala​ @kingofscoops​ @starcrosseddeancas​ @eddemunsn​ @angela-bassetts​ @lamberts​ @eddieintheupsidedown​ 
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anakinsgirlfriendreal · 7 months
Parts Of The Truth
Chapter Three
Warnings: foul language, my bad writing, infidelity, kinda sad, angst.(I listened to the other woman while writing this)
You sat at your desk, looking into his office. The position of your desk offered a direct view into it. Chewing on your pen, your eyes locked on his form, he was in a meeting, standing as he spoke to a client; Gary or Gus something like that, you truly were assistant of the year. You watched as he spoke, the way his lips moved, the way he spoke with his hands, the way he stuck his tongue in his cheek, signaling he was annoyed. You watched and watched as you often did. Your mind wanders to what your mother had said, you wonder if she is right, maybe you were incredibly stupid, maybe you were naive but frankly, you didn't care.
It had been two weeks since he fired Henry, he filed it as some bullshit like poor work performance. Things were fine so far, Padme came in often; more often than she usually did, bringing him lunch and making him laugh,fixing his tie and kissing him before she left again. Things seemed good between them, though not good enough for him to stop coming over. He came over to your place three nights a week, always the same excuse "My kid needs me" liar, was he a bad father? No but he wasn't exactly good either, he came; made sure Darcy had what she needed, bribed her with toys and kisses so that she'd tell him if mommy ever had any friends over. You chew on your lip as you watched him, his eyes meet yours through the glass for a mere second before he goes back to half ignoring whatever proposal this Gary Gus guy was pitching. You wonder what he's thinking if his thought match your own-
"Y/n" Ahsoka's voice almost gives you a heart attack. You shake your head, freeing yourself of the thoughts that plagued you, looking at her.
She squints at you, she was practically your best friend; the first person to warm up to you when you'd started at the company and stuck by your side since. "You better hope no one else catches you making heart eyes at the boss" she teases, you scoff.
"I wasn't 'making heart eyes' I was...thinking and just zoned out on accident"
"Right. How's Darcy? I miss the little brat" she asks.
Your face lights up, you love your baby, the sweetest most magical little girl. "She's good, she's starting school soon. She's so excited, made me buy everything cause she can't wait, even though it's just pre-school" you chuckle thinking of how she had made you and your mom buy one of each box of crayons at the store in the mall.
Ahsoka shakes her head "she's better than me, I hated everyday of school, pre-school to highschool I cried nearly everyday."
You cringed. "College was even worse, best years of our lives my ass." Ahsoka opens her mouth to speak when she's interrupted by Padme's voice behind her.
"I didn't realize it was lunch and you could gather already." You fight back the urge to roll your eyes, Padme wasn't a bad person, she just annoyed you. Ahsoka sighs walking back to her desk, you smile at Padme, as politely as you could.
"How can I help Mrs. Skywalker?"
She smiles, "Sorry, is Anakin free?"
"Sorry he's-" you're cut off by Anakin's hand around Padme's waist, he kissed her on the side of the mouth. You turn away watching as Gary Gus makes his way to the elevator.
"Y/n, push my meetings for this afternoon to Monday." He orders you. You smile.
"Are you sure Mr. Skywalker? The Chandler meeting was supposed to be at 2 to discuss th-"
"I said push the meetings," he says harshly, his free hand forming a fist on top of your desk. You swallow the feeling of embarrassment and nod.
"Yes sir"
He eyes you for a second before leaving with Padme, ushering her out, his hand tracing down her spine, you roll your eyes as you watch them head out. You don't know why, but you felt the urge to cry, taking a deep breath you composed yourself fixing your focus back to work.
Soon enough the day was over and you couldn't be more grateful. You shrugged off your coat, kicking off your heels, Darcy was rambling about her day with her grandma. "That's good baby" you kiss her cheek, you scrunch your nose jokingly.
"You need to bath, you smell like a boy"
She giggles "thanks a lot mama." You chuckle, she looks up at you, with her big blue eyes that she inherited from her father, "Can you do bath time mama? Pleaseeee?" You smile at her.
"okay, but don't beg, you look like a puppy" you chuckle, she raises her arms celebrating, you scoop her into your arms, taking her to the bathroom. Bath time was something Darcy loved every Friday, where you'd fill the tub with bubbles, put on the coloured lights and wash her while she played with a toy. You'd thought she would have outgrown it but so far, she hasn't. You figured it was comforting for her, in the same way she liked to sleep in your bed and crawl under your shirt, you allowed it because you didn't plan to have another child and Darcy was only so small for so long.
After bath time, you made her a nice dinner, she'd asked for Mac and cheese and of course you gave in. You stood in the door way of her bedroom watching as she snuggled up with her teddy, she was quick to fall asleep; a thing you were grateful she did from the time she was born. She had always been a good baby, quiet and cute; you wouldn't call yourself a religious person, but she was for sure your blessing.
Finally able to unwind you laid on the couch, prepared to finish a bottle of wine, stuff your face and watch every episode of 'Shameless' but that plan was interrupted, when a knock hit your door in an all too familiar pattern. You roll your eyes as you open the door.
"What are you doing here?" You ask in a hostile tone as Anakin pushes past you and into the house.
"It's my house, I can stop by when I want" he stands in the living room, eyes scanning for the smallest hint that another man had been around of course he'd find none.
You scoff, "Right. How come Padme let you out" you settle on the couch again, he joins you, his hand on your thigh.
"She's asleep. We have fun" he smiles, you swallow the lump in your throat. His hand comes up to run over your hair, pulling you close. You let him, enjoying the moment while it lasted.
"We fought" he says. "She's uh...she's just in one of those moods, angry about nothing, I don't know. She's just...she just needs to cool down" he sounds sad, he didn't really speak about his marriage when he was with you and Darcy, this was the first time and he seemed genuinely upset. He sighs tiredly, settling comfortably into the couch, he holds you in his arm, his eyes close.
"I love you Padme" he says. Your eyes close, you feel the single tear drop roll down your cheek, unable to stop it.
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drawingdroid · 6 months
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Drawing Droid’s chaotic Masterlist
Hi, I’m Terry, a Spanish Illustrator & Art teacher who is too obsessed with a space dad and his green child. I love writing fics of them as well as doodling anything Star Wars-related. I take drawing requests at the moment, so drop a message in my inbox if you want a treat. Thank you for sticking with me on this adventure, see you around. 🩵
General info of interest idk
🩵 You can find all my art under #droiddraws and my writings as #droidwrites
🩵 I update on AO3 here
🩵 This is my first year on Tumblr and I still don’t get things 100% here please be patient with me also I’m autistic and a lot of new social cues I don’t get!
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One Shots
To be taken care of 🍾 Bounty Hunter Reader | Smut
Sweet Potato 🍠 Modern AU | Neighbours | Fluff
The Unknown Regions 🪐 Plus Size Reader | Adventure, Fluff and Smut 🗓️ Ongoing
Melting Point 🌋 Modern AU | Sculptor Din Djarin | Art PhD Reader | Slow Burn 🗓️ Ongoing
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Vader under the suit red and blue
Anakin and Padme
Revenge of the Sith Happy Ending AU
Agent Whiskey and Grogu
Grogu Doodles here, here and here 💚
Silly Thanksgiving Din
Bento Box Grogu
Cowboy Grogu
Menstrual cup Din
Confused Din Djarin
Side profile Din
Finished Pieces
Too lazy to finish anything RN
Gifts, Commissions & Requests
Obi-Wan Kenobi x OC
Count Dooku x OC
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Here I put all my fav fics and art from other creators I love! Don’t wanna have that gems lost in the vastness of the internet!
Fav Art
That amazing comics of Din and Grogu that make me cry @abigaillarson
Best SW comics in the galaxy @stealingpotatoes
Supreme Din Djarin Art @immarocketman
Din an Grogu being cute & chaotic af by @wwapich
Maul x Obi-Wan Comics I didn’t knew I needed! @milkcioccolato
The cutest SW chibis @nikkigam
Fav Fics
Sweetest Modern Din Djarin AU @604to647
All my fav Pedro Boys by @fuckyeahdindjarin
The cutest Din!!! By @thefrogdalorian
Everything by @beskarandblasters honestly
The dividers we can’t live without from @saradika @saradika-graphics
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reader6898 · 4 months
First meeting
Pairing: OC Lana x Rex
Summary: Rex and Lana meet each other
Warning: None. Cute first meeting and two people being awkward around each other
A/n: Lana and Rex are my second favorite couple next to Talia and Wolffe
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"I can't wait to see Anakin again. It's been so long since we've seen each other." Lana gives Padme a smile as the two of them wait for the transport ship to arrive with the returning troops. They had snuck onto the landing bay and if anyone saw them and they chose to ignore a senator and her aide. "I'm sure he can't wait to see you as well, Padme."
Lana and Padme were basically sisters and did almost everything together since they were children after Padme's family took her in. Lana was by her side when Padme was Queen and when she became Senator of Naboo Padme asked Lana to be her aide and of course she said yes. Lana was even there when Padme and Anakin Skywalker secretly got married not long after the war started. They really have been through everything together.
The transport ship bringing Anakin and his men back arrived and Padme waited until all the men dispersed before running to him. "Ani!" Padme ran into his arms and Anakin swung her around in a tight hug before setting her down and kissing her.
Lana smiled at the couple before looking away to give them a bit of privacy. Seeing Padme so happy and in love sometimes made Lana wish that she had someone like Anakin to go home to at the end of the day. Anakin was the sweetest man and with him being a Jedi it reassured Lana that Padme had someone to love and protect her.
"What are you doing here?" "I wanted to surprise you so Lana and I snuck down here." Anakin chuckled as he looked over at his wife's adoptive sister. Anakin was grateful for Lana. She always stayed with Padme when he had to leave for a mission and it gave Anakin a peace of mind that Padme had someone to stay with her.
"it's nice to see you, Lana." Lana turned to him and nodded her head in greeting. "You too, Anakin." Lana stood back as Anakin and Padme continue their conversation so that they could have their space . Since Anakin was back now Lana would be heading back to her empty apartment and the thought made her heart ache a little.
As she stood there Lana felt someone tap on her shoulder and she turned around to see a clone with blonde hair and the usual brown eyes looking down at her. From the color of his paint on his armor she immediately knew that he was one of Anakin's men. She also couldn't deny that he was quite handsome.
Lana quickly realized that she's staring and blushes a little as she speaks. "Yes?" "You..uh..I think this belongs to you." The man holds up her blue head scarf in his hand. "Oh. T-thank you. I didn't even notice it wasn't on me." Lana takes the scarf from him and puts it on her head.
The two of them stand there and stare at one another quietly. They stay like that until Padme and Anakin walk over to them. The man stands up a little straighter. "Everything okay?" Lana looks at Padme. "Fine. He was just returning my scarf." "Ah. Got it." In this moment Anakin decided to play matchmaker for his captain. "This is Lana. Senator Amidala's aide. Lana, this is captain Rex."
"H-hello." Rex looks at Lana. She was the most beautiful woman he's ever met. He clears his throat as it suddenly became dry. "Ma'am." Even though plenty of clones called her that it suddenly felt different with the clone captain. Lana blushes a little more and Rex does the same. Anakin and Padme watch the cute encounter before Padme takes Anakin's hand in hers.
"We should probably go. I have to get back to the senate building and I'm sure you have to return to the temple. Obi-Wan and the council will certainly be waiting for you." Anakin groaned but agreed with Padme. They kiss each other one last time and say goodbye to one another.
Lana and Rex were pulled out of whatever spell they were under. "Thank you. For returning my scarf I mean." Rex cleared his dry throat again. "Of course." Padme starts to walk away to where they stashed their speeder. "I should probably go. It was nice meeting you, captain." Rex nodded. "You as well...ma'am." You gave him a small smile and started to walk away.
Rex turned and watched. Lana turned one last time and looked back at him before tucking her hair behind her ear and turning around to follow the senator. Once she was gone Rex let out a breath he didn't know he was holding until Anakin placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll see you in a few days. Enjoy your shore leave, Rex." Rex saluted Anakin and Anakin walks away.
Rex turned back in the direction of where Lana had been walking. She was truly the most beautiful woman he has ever met and in this moment he knows that he just has to see her again.
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Tagging: @anxiouspineapple99 @techs-stitches @multi-fan-dom-madness @eternal-transcience @rexxdjarin @the-bad-batch-baroness @wings-and-beskar @wizardofrozz @sinfulsalutations @cw80831 @dystopicjumpsuit @deejadabbles @sunshinesdaydream @the-rain-on-kamino @moonlightwarriorqueen @523rdrebel @starrylothcat
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welcometocaritas · 3 months
Every time you post a new "whimsical girl" my desire to buy a iPad so I can get procreate and this brush set grows ❤️❤️.
Anyway you are brilliant as usual, gorgeous use of shadow, glow and sheen 😍😍
lol I feel bad but also not 😂 Lisa Glanz's brushes are really good and I love her tutorials. I was more into realistic paintings before I stumbled upon her stuff and now I really prefer this.
It would be good if they one day made a procreate for android and computers.
And thankyou! You truly are the sweetest ❤️ are there any characters that you really want to see? I've just finished Leia and will be posting her on the weekend and was thinking I'd do Padme as well
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ddejavvu · 8 months
what's the ten minutes of AOTC you watch over and over I'm curious
so so so so so i absolutely love the scene where obi-wan goes to dex's diner 'cause it's so cute and worldbuild-y but also because when dex greets him he does his little babygirl smile and laugh and he goes 'hello dex <3333' like okay actually the silliest and sweetest of boys ever i think...
then that scene goes right into him in the archives and i LOVE THE ARCHIVES BARK BARK BARK BARK oh my god any shot of the jedi temple is absolutely intoxicating to me i want to go there i want to live there i want to spend hours in there and i love it
then next is the scene where anakin and padme are travelling back to naboo and they have their little 'are you allowed to love?' conversation and don't get me wrong i love those little shits but the next scene is my final favorite
it's when obi-wan goes to ask yoda for help while he's teaching the class of younglings!!! it's another shot of the temple that i eat up and then all of the younglings having to greet obi-wan and his dull little 'hello :/' in response like okay maybe i'm actually head over heels in love with him or something... and and and of course yoda teasing obi-wan in front of the entire class oh my god i can't handle it those 4 scenes in a row are just killer after killer after killer and i'm gonna go watch them rn see you in 10 minutes
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madkakerlaken · 4 months
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More or less time-consuming doodles from January 2024. 1. A few of my favorite characters from the original Król Lew PBF - taking place in The Pridelands region after Kiara and Kovu's reign. All of those OCs are over 10 years old... - Kat Malay - small,  feisty, cynical healer from the Outlands. Very feisty, very annoying. My first serious role-play character, first created in 2009, last drawn... probably here.  - Lavi - a sweet, good-hearted guy. Too bad he was the leader of a rather neutral-bad-ish pride and he hated it to the bone. - Moran - oooooh, another man from the top! Seriously, writing his storyline was one of the most intense events in my life. Adopted son of a charismatic leader, Moran grew through the ranks of the Scarlet Dawn pride until he himself sat on the throne. - Ornareni - once a cheerful lioness, who gave up her sanity for getting demonic powers - to better serve her beloved pride. (yea, these are horns, man that were crazy times in the game). 2. Sorley - project of a new rp-char from a different game, here portrayed as an adolescent.
3. My sweetest baby Damaja and his daughter, Nyesha (belongs to @hawkclash ). Damaja's angsty story needs a separate post. Anyway, these two finally got to talk a bit longer than just a "Hi". 4. Moran and Padme (belongs to a friend over dA, if they are even still on that site), the love of his life. I just heard that stupid Polish pop song and while I hate the lyrics etc, the chorus is just a bomb of bass and melody - and this combination is the ultimate ear worm for me. It definitely suits the naive, young love of these two. 5. Scar's daughter Roho (again - @hawkclash ) and Mosi, the king's most loyal guard and follower. Both are from an alternative universe timeline, where Nala doesn't get to get help, and Scar continues his rule over Pride Rock.
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henry-alex · 2 years
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welcome to my very first creators appreciation! 💖 i really want to help boost content creators who i believe deserve more recognition. these posts will be personalized each time, and hopefully will help creators get more well-deserved attention!
as stated in my post earlier, these posts will be about content creators i follow, we don’t have to be mutuals or know each other personally and i don’t expect anything in return, i just want to spread some love!
for my very first appreciation i’ve chosen jasmine @obiwankenobis jasmine has recently become a huge star wars (and especially obi wan) fan, but she also creates for marvel! she makes beautifully colored gifs that are often funny too, and on top of that she’s one of the kindest, sweetest people i’ve befriended on here 🥰
some of my favorite sets made by jasmine
leia’s shared traits with anakin and padme
obi wan’s responses to anakin
mcu phase 4: two kinds of duos  
mcu women in suits
spiderman vogue issue
i highly recommend following jasmine if you’re a star wars and/or marvel fan!
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padmelives · 2 years
thinking of important points to give my friend between star wars movies (she will be watching them for the first time)
between episodes 1&2:
anakin sneaks out at night to do illegal racing.
anakin considers leaving the order at like. age 13 or something but is convinced to stay
anakin is actively being groomed by palpatine
between 2&3:
anakin acquires a padawan who eventually leaves the order after being framed for terrorism
padme says fuck the cops and solves a murder. as well as doing cool political stuff
obi wan has a weird romance side plot
maul is alive but it's not that important if you're just watching the movies
the clones are people and have people feelings
mace windu and jar jar binks fall in gay love
obi wan fakes his death
anakin gets insanely jealous over a guy not worth getting jealous over
war crimes are committed
godzilla briefly exists for some reason
between 3&4:
the rebels get up to shenanigans, sometimes involving fruit, sometimes involving fascists
maul dies for real LOL (we WILL be watching this scene)
sweetest couple in all of this are torn apart by death :(
we WILL be watching rogue one
between 4&5:
boba fett tells vader luke skywalker was the one who blew up the death star. glass cracks. did that happen then or am i misremembering
between 5&6:
luke reads obi-wans diary to make his lightsaber. or something
of course there's other significant stuff but I feel like these all add to the movies in ways that are immediately understandable. also I think they're funny
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subskywalker · 5 years
I am always down for alpha empress Padme,emperor alpha Obiwan and their sith assassin Omega Anakin,like imagine how terrifying Padme and Obiwan are when Anakin eventually gets pregnant and Luke and Leia are born,everyone who ever looks at their Omega is so dead,I love the sith au rule triad!
Thanks for sending this love!💗💗💗😊😊😊 I’m super sorry for answering this late!:((( Also tbh I just like????? Get so shook???? Everytime I get asks from y'all about living my aus/wanting to know more about them I just get so shook y'all are the best 🤧🥺🥺💗😭
Ashjbk I’m glad you’re liking the sith consort au!!! Tbh it’s one of my fave aus ever and I love writing about the verse and making hcs about it!
Padme and Obi-Wan are both a bit terrifying in this verse but not as terrifying as Anakin is tbh. Sith!Obi-Wan is something to be reckon with as is Empress!Padme. But tbh I think the real one to watch out for is Anakin bc Anakin as a Jedi is scary enough (the amount of power he has) but Anakin as a Sith? More specifically Anakin as a sith assassin/apprentice to Sith Lord!Obi-Wan he would be terrifying as fuck. Especially considering that now two of the most powerful people in the galaxy wield him like a weapon.
Their relationship is a complicated one especially how it they meet/start out Bc like not everything is as it seems and I love world building this au and developing their characterization/relationship in it. Especially trying to keep them as in character as possible and balancing their motives/characterization from canon and this au.
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reyloficarchives · 3 years
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This masterlist features Reylo fics in a FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP, it could be with each other or with other people.
Please make sure to read the tags and summary before reading the fic. Some stories may feature subject matter which is not to everyone’s tastes or they could be a trigger.
Some of these fics may be incomplete and not updated in a while.
As with all masterlists, if you spot an error or find a story that fits but is not on this list, let us know by sending us a DM.
MC= Multi chapter; OS= One Shot.
Rating: Explicit (E), Mature (M), Teen And Up Audiences (T) , General Audiences (G), Not Rated (NR)
Please, if you're exploring this list consider leaving kudos, or a comment to the authors. It makes a huge difference for them. Even if the fic hasn't been updated in a while, consider to leave a message to know the authors you're interested in their stories.
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
People Will Say (M) (MC), ReyloTrashCompactor (NextToSomething)
The Art of Broken Pieces (M) (MC), sakurazawa, Sathya
The Juiciest Jedi-Senator Romance Since Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala (E) (MC), radioactivesaltghoul
You, the Light. I, the Dark (NR) (MC), nanirain
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
For You, My Ruin (E) (MC), LyricalRiot
Glory's Fray (E) (MC), avidvampirehunter
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
A Comedy of Errors (E) (MC), Crysania
A Family Recipe (T) (MC), Ayearandaday
A Marriage of Inconvenience (E) (MC), Celia_and
A Proposal by Any Other Name (E) (MC), Lucidlucy
A Royal Mix-Up (E) (MC, AttackoftheDarkCurses
All Bets Are Off (E) (OS), All Bets Are Off
Almost Perfect (E) (MC), LadyReylo
Apples and Honey (T) (MC), crossingwinter
as luck would have it (E) (MC), prncesselene
Bearers And Builders (E) (MC), AverageEpaulet
Bless Me Father For I Have Sinned (M) (MC), SulaRae
can’t take my eyes (off of you) (E) (MC), KyloTrashForever
Christmas Eve Will Find Me (Where the Lovelight Gleams) (T) (MC), Love_andbalance
Coagulopathies (E) (MC), MalevolentReverie
Conscience and Unconciousness (E) (MC), pontmercy44
Crossfire (E) (MC), SageMcMae
darling, so it goes (E) (MC), akosmia
Darling, Sweetheart (E) (OS), beccastanz
Deceit, Delusion, and Desire (E) (MC), AttackoftheDarkCurses, thebuildingsnotonfire
Dreaming of a December Wedding (E) (MC), greywilde
Force du Coeur (T) (MC), Stargazer1116
Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart (E) (MC), FoxesDance
Happy to Help (E) (MC), SuchaPrettyPoison
Hey Sweetheart (E) (MC), SuchaPrettyPoison
Hold This Open Flame (but do not burn) (E) (MC), LyricalRiot
Home for the Holidays (T) (MC), LarirenShadow
How Much Can Kylo Ren Endure This Christmas? (M) (MC), reylology
How To Care For Your Omega (E) (MC), bishop_little
I Need You to Kiss Me (T) (OS), SuchaPrettyPoison
i only lie when i love you (E) (MC), dankobah
I Wasn't Expecting You (M) (MC), SuchaPrettyPoison
I’m Not Yours & You’re Not Mine (E) (MC), trinityrenee
i'll eat you up (i love you so) (E) (MC), frak-all (or_ryn)
Inheritance (E) (MC), SpaceWaffleHouse
Ironic (E) (MC), elemie89
It was Only a Kiss (M) (MC), onlybylaura
Just Kiss Me (M) (OS), SuchaPrettyPoison
Knock Knock (E) (MC), Hellyjellybean
Laid Between Words (E) (MC), jeeno2
Let me Dream, Let me Stay (E) (MC), Melusine11
Look No Further (T) (MC), thewayofthetrashcompactor (BriarLily)
Love is Strange (M) (MC), SpaceWaffleHouse
Nevertheless, She Persisted (T) (MC), dawninthemtn
No Scrooge-ing! (M) (MC), 7cinnamonroses
Peacock (E) (MC), AttackoftheDarkCurses
place the moon at my eyes (and her whiteness shall devour) (E) (MC), diasterisms
Practice Makes Perfect (E) (MC), violethoure666
The Business Engagement (reylo modern romantic comedy) (M) (MC), Hellyjellybean
the knife that sets you free (E) (MC), MalevolentReverie
The Mirror Has Two Faces (E) (MC), LadyBayba_ReyloGoddess
The Neighborhood (E) (MC), WigletsMom
The Sweetest Con (E) (MC), HeartSabers
To Play Pretend (M) (OS), SuchaPrettyPoison
Total Eclipse of the Heart (E) (MC), shieldmaidenofdarkness
Trouble for Thanksgiving (E) (MC), Biekewieke
We Stand Just a Little Too Close (E) (MC), walkingsaladshooter
Where the heart is (E) (MC), cryforwhat, MFA101
wrong place, right time (E) (MC), the-reylo-void (Anysia)
your name (twine it with mine) (E) (MC), lachesisgrimm (olga_theodora)
141 notes · View notes
thelovelylolly · 3 years
My favorite form of loving
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Summary : But when he loves you, you’re on cloud nine :)
Warnings : None, this is set during the clone wars but I couldn’t find a good gif so here we are. ALSO I feel like at first glance this could look like it’d be inappropriate but it isnt :)
Notes : Guess what, it’s inspired by ‘Cloud 9′ by Beach Bunny which is one of tHE BEST SONGS EVER-
The war had taken a tole on your relationship with Obi-Wan. Being a senator, you had to stay on Coruscant or your home planet and Obi-Wan, being a jedi, was always traveling from planet to planet. Luckily, your closest friend was Senator Padme Amidala.
A few months ago, you and Padme had confined in each other that you were both in love with jedi. Padme took it a step further, telling you that she had married Anakin after the battle of Geonosis. That’s when you told her about you and Obi-Wan. She wasn’t surprised, she saw he looked at you and how you looked at him.
One night, after a long day debating with other senators, you asked Padme if she’d like to come over to your apartment to relax. As soon as you asked, Padme stopped what she was doing and led you out of the senate building, causing you to laugh. “I’ll take this as a yes,” you had said in between laughs.
Once the two of you reached your apartment, you went into the kitchen while Padme took a seat in your living room. “What do you want to drink?” You called from the kitchen.
“Some tea would be great! I just need to distress, y’know?” Padme replied.
After a few moments, you walked into your living room carrying a tray with tea and some cups on it. You sighed as you placed the tray down on the small table between your two couches and took a seat across from Padme. The two of you served yourselves and took your first sips in silence, enjoying the peace. “So...” Padme started.
You held your cup in both of your hands as you looked over at your close friend. “So?”
“What do you wanna talk about?”
“No politics!” Padme cut you off, causing both of you to laugh like you were still teenagers. You took another sip of your tea, enjoying the warm, calming drink as you thought of a conversation topic.
“How have you and Anakin been?” You asked after a few moments of silence.
“We’ve been good. Obviously, with the war, we can’t see each other that much but I’m lucky I need a bodyguard sometimes and I get to see him then. Sometimes I think he’ll do something stupid and not come back, but Ahsoka and Obi-Wan keep him in check. Speaking of Obi-Wan, how are you and him?” Padme replied, sipping her tea every once in a while.
You smiled as you stared into your cup. “Surprisingly well, we’ve been able to see each other a lot even with the war and our duties,” you said.
Padme could see it in your eyes that you had more to say. She finished her tea before saying, “and?”
Your eyes lit up at the prompt to keep going. “But when he loves I feel like I’m floating, when he calls me pretty I feel like somebody. Even when we fade eventually to nothing, he will always be my favorite form of loving.”
You looked over to Padme who had the sweetest smile on her face. You knew you were smiling like an idiot. She placed her cup down on the tray. “I’m surprised you two haven’t gotten married yet, you’re more romantic than me and Anakin,” Padme said, laughing softly.
“What about the jedi code? And my position in the senate?”
“Anakin’s a jedi and I’m one of the most respected senators, I don’t think it’s impossible.”
You finished your tea and placed your cup on the tray, next to Padme’s. Obi-Wan was on a mission so when he returned, you knew what you were going to talk to him about.
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promenadewithme · 3 years
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First of all, I want to thank all of you so much for the follows, likes, comments, reblogs and support in general! I can't believe I hit 50 followers so soon! I know it’s not much, but I actually didn’t expect any at all so I’m so happy!! Thank you ❤️
Now, this is how the celebration is going to work: first you chose a song and a character. Then send it to my requests with your pronoun of choice, along with any other specifications and I'll write you a fic based on the song! You can either send the song or specific quotes as prompts
To find the fics I will write, use the #Anastasia's 50 followers celebration
This event starts today (May 20th) and ends June 10th
Support Me on Ko-Fi - if you’re feeling generous 💕
Fluff (Romantic)
Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
London Boy - Taylor Swift
Love Story - Taylor Swift
Lover - Taylor Swift
King of My Heart - Taylor Swift
Willow - Taylor Swift
Crazier - Taylor Swift
New Year’s Day - Taylor Swift
Daylight - Taylor Swift
Jump Then Fall - Taylor Swift
How You Get The Girl - Taylor Swift
You Are In Love - Taylor Swift
It’s Nice To Have A Friend - Taylor Swift
Today Was A Fairytale - Taylor Swift
State Of Grace - Taylor Swift
Mine - Taylor Swift
Delicate - Taylor Swift
Say You Won't Let Go - James Arthur
Naked - James Arthur
Rewrite The Stars - James Arthur + Anne-Marie
I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran
Tenerife Sea - Ed Sheeran
How Would You Feel (Paean) - Ed Sheeran
Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran
Afterglow - Ed Sheeran
Lego House - Ed Sheeran
Dive - Ed Sheeran
Galway Girl - Ed Sheeran
Everything Has Changed - Ed Sheeran + Taylor Swift
I Was Made For Loving You - Tori Kelly + Ed Sheeran
Make You Feel My Love -Adele
One Call Away - Charlie Puth
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars
Count On Me - Bruno Mars
Little Things - One Direction
Night Changes - One Direction
Can't Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presley
Andante, Andante - ABBA
Waterloo - ABBA
All Of Me - John Legend
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
Snowman - Sia
A Thousand Years - Christina Perri
Arms - Christina Perri
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
Halo - Beyoncé
The Only Exception - Paramore
Dandelions - Ruth B
Someone To You - BANNERS
Would You Be So Kind - Dodie
Someone You Like - The Girl and The Dreamcatcher
If I Could Tell Her - Ben Platt 
Absolutely Smitten - Dodie
How Long Will I Love - Ellie Goulding
Angst (Romantic)
Good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo
Drivers License - Olivia Rodrigo
Deja Vu - Olivia Rodrigo
Brutal - Olivia Rodrigo
Traitor - Olivia Rodrigo
Enough For You - Olivia Rodrigo
1 step forward, 3 steps back - Olivia Rodrigo
Happier - Olivia Rodrigo
Jealousy, Jealousy- Olivia Rodrigo
Favourite Crime - Olivia Rodrigo
Hope Ur Ok - Olivia Rodrigo
Betty - Taylor Swift
Exile - Taylor Swift
Teardrops On My Guitar - Taylor Swift
Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift
Tolerate It - Taylor Swift
You’re Not Sorry - Taylor Swift
Should’ve Said No - Taylor Swift
White Horse - Taylor Swift
You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
My Tears Ricochet - Taylor Swift
Back to December - Taylor Swift
Breathe - Taylor Swift
The 1 - Taylor Swift
All Too Well - Taylor Swift
Invisible String - Taylor Swift
Evermore - Taylor Swift
Lose You To Love Me - Selena Gomez
The Heart Wants What It Wants - Selena Gomez
When I Was Your Man -Bruno Mars
Someone Like You - Adele
Hello - Adele
All I Ask - Adele
Let Her Go - Passenger
Say Something - A Great Big World
Stay With Me - Sam Smith
California King Bed - Rihanna
Take a Bow - Rihanna
Broken Hearted Girl - Beyoncé
Tonight I Wanna Cry - Keith Urban
The Winner Takes It All - ABBA
One Of Us - ABBA
Half a Heart - One Direction
Yesterday - The Beatles
If The World Was Ending - Julia Michaels
Colors - Halsey
Happier - Ed Sheeran
One Last Time - Ariana Grande
Why’d You Only Call Me When You High - Artic Monkeys
Play Date - Melanie Martinez
Just a Friend to You - Meghan Trainor
All I Want - Kodaline
Love You From A Distance - Ashley Kutcher
Potential Breakup Song - Aly & AJ
I Don’t Wanna See You With Her - Maria Mena
Let Her Go - Passenger
All My Tears - Ane Brun
Always On My Mind - Elvis Presley
Someone to you - Lewis Capaldi 
Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi
Sit Still, Look Pretty - Daya
How To Be A Heartbreaker - MARINA
No Body, No Crime - Taylor Swift
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
Blank Space - Taylor Swift
You Need To Calm Down - Taylor Swift
Getaway Car -Taylor Swift
Gorgeous - Taylor Swift
Bad Blood - Taylor Swift
The Man - Taylor Swift
22 - Taylor Swift
Dorothea - Taylor Swift
Marjorie - Taylor Swift
The Best Day - Taylor Swift
Mirrorball - Taylor Swift
I Forgot That You Existed - Taylor Swift
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things - Taylor Swift
The Lakes - Taylor Swift
The Last Great American Dynasty - Taylor Swift
Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson
When I Kissed The Teacher - ABBA
I Have A Dream - ABBA
I've Been Waiting For You - ABBA
You'll Be In My Heart - Phil Collins
Titanium - David Guetta (feat. Sia)
F**ckin' Perfect - P!nk
New Rules - Dua Lipa
IDGAF - Dua Lipa
Bad Guy - Billie Eilish
You Should See Me in A Crown - Billie Eilish
COPYCAT - Billie Eilish
Count On Me - Bruno Mars
Stand By You - Rachel Platten
Firework - Katy Perry
Because You Loved Me - Céline Dion
See You Again - Wiz Khalifa + Charlie Puth
NO - Meghan Trainor
Skyfall - Adele
Gasoline - Halsey
Castle On The Hill - Ed Sheeran
Save Myself - Ed Sheeran
Supermarket Flowers - Ed Sheeran
Small Bump - Ed Sheeran
Growing Up - Macklemore, Ryan Lewis, Ed Sheeran
7 Rings - Ariana Grande
Bad Liar - Selena Gomez
Rare - Selena Gomez
Who Says - Selena Gomez
I Turn To You - Christina Aguilera
Till There Was You - The Beatles
Sweetest Devotion - Adele
ps: sorry, I'm a Swiftie and a Sheerio <3
Character x fem! or GN! reader (ROMANTIC)
ACOTAR: Rhysand, Cassian, Azriel, Lucien, Helion, Tarquin, kallias and Tamlin.
BRIDGERTON: Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton and Simon Basset.
GRISHAVERSE: Nikolai, Mal, The Darkling, Kaz, Matthias, Jesper, Wylan and David.
THRONE OF GLASS: Dorian Havilliard and Chaol Westfall.
HARRY POTTER: Harry, Ron, Neville, Draco, George, Fred, Oliver, Cedric, Young Sirius, Young James and Young Remus.
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE: Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley.
MARVEL: Steve, Bucky, Sam, Pietro, Loki, Thor, Peter Parker, Ned, Tony, Bruce, Vision, Clint, T'Challa, Scott Lang, James Rhodes, Peter Quill and Stephen Strange.
THE HUNGER GAMES: Peeta, Gale and Finnick.
GREY'S ANATOMY: Derek Shepherd, Andrew DeLuca, Alex Karev, Jackson Avery, Mark Sloan, George O'Malley, Link, Koracick and Ben Warren.
TEEN WOLF: Scott, Stiles, Derek, Isaac, Liam and Jackson.
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Damon, Stefan, Matt, Klaus, Elijah and Kai.
NARNIA: Peter, Edmund and Caspian.
STAR WARS: Anakin, Obi Wan, Kylo, Han, Luke, Poe, Finn and Din Djarin.
Character x platonic!/sis!/bro!/enemy!/daughter!/son!/mentor!/or anything else platonic Reader
ACOTAR: Rhysand, Cassian, Azriel, Feure, Nesta, Elain, Mor, Amren, Nyx, Lucien, Tarquin, Helion, Kallias, Tamlin, Ianthe, Suriel and Bone Carver.
GRISHAVERSE: Nikolai, Mal, Darkling, David, Alina, Bahgra, Zoya, Tamar, Tolya, Apparat, Kaz, Matthias, Jesper, Wylan, Nina, Inej, Tantee Heleen and Pekka Rollins.
THRONE OF GLASS: Dorian, Chaol and Aelin.
BRIDGERTON: Anthony, Benedict, Colin; Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, Hyacinth, Lady Violet, Simon, Lady Danbury, Penelope, Lady Portia Featherington, Marina, Sienna, Genevieve, Cressida and Queen Charlotte.
HARRY POTTER: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Luna, Draco, George, Fred, Oliver, Cedric, Cho, Seamus, Fleur, Pansy, Myrtle, Sirius (old or young), James (old or young), Remus (old or young), Lily (old or young), Molly, Arthur, Bill, Percy, Charlie, Xenophilus Lovegood, Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Hagrid, Moody, Flitwick, Umbridge, Bellatrix, Voldemort, Lucius, Narcissa, Peter Pettigrew, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Dobby and Nearly Headless Nick.
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE: Mr Darcy, Georgiana Darcy, Mr Bingley, Caroline Bingley, Elizabeth Bennet, Jane Bennet, Mary Bennet, Lydia Bennet, Catherine Bennet, Charlotte Lucas, Wickam, Mr Collins, Mr Bennet, Mrs Bennet.
MARVEL: Steve, Peggy, Sharon, Natasha, Bucky, Sam, Carol, Monica Rambeau, Pietro, Wanda, Agatha Harkness, Loki, Frigga, Odin, Hela, Thor, Heimdall, Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, Valkyrie, Peter Parker, Ned, MJ, Tony, Pepper, Morgan, Happy, Howard, Bruce, Vision, Clint, T'Challa, Shuri, Scott, Hope, Hank, Cassie, James Rhodes, Peter Quill, Gamora, Mantis, Nebula, Groot, Rocket, Drax, Stephen Strange, Wong, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Thanos, Ancient One, Red Skull, Ultron, John Walker and Zemo.
THE HUNGER GAMES: Katniss, Peeta, Gale, Finnick, Haymitch, Rue, President Snow, Primrose, Effie, Cinna and Johanna.
GREY'S ANATOMY: Meredith, Derek, Andrew, Alex, Jackson, Mark, Lexie, Cristina, April, Izzie, George, Callie, Owen, Addison, Arizona, Miranda, Amelia, Link, Burke, Teddy, Maggie, Richard, Carina, Ben Warren, Megan Hunt, Ellis Grey, Catherine Avery and Tom Koracick.
TEEN WOLF: Scott, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, Allison, Derek, Isaac, Liam, Jackson, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, Sheriff Stilinski, Kira, Melissa McCall and Noshiko Yukimura.
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Damon, Elena, Katherine, Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie, Jenna, Klaus, Elijah, Rebeka, Sheriff Forbes, Kai and Lexi.
NARNIA: Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Caspian and Aslan.
STAR WARS: Anakin, Padme, Yoda, Jarjar, Obi Wan, Kylo, Rey, Han, Leia, Luke, Poe, Finn and Din Djarin and Grogu.
No pressure tags: @venuswritesfanfic @for-bebbanburg @maggiescarborough @multifandomfix @sweetnspicysimp @lazypeachsoul @magravenwrites
132 notes · View notes
ooops-i-arted · 2 years
@unsure-sincerity said: Cool Mara Jade. What is she like? I know she’s an important character in the legends books, I just don’t think I’ll ever get around to reading the books myself.
I’m glad you asked.  In short, she’s AWESOME!! :D  (Will contain some spoilers for the Legends verse but I’ll try not to be too specific.)
Mara Jade was first introduced in Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn trilogy (highly, highly recommend - definitely a worthy successor to the original 3 movies, regardless of how one feels about the Disney trilogy I think it’s just a way better crafted story and portrayal of the characters).  She ended up being a major player; she, Chewbacca, and Lando were kind of the Silver Trio to Han, Luke, and Leia’s Golden Trio.
Mara was the Emperor’s Hand, an elite assassin who served the Emperor directly and was trained since childhood to do so.  (She wasn’t the only one but believed she was.)  She was extremely smart and adept at espionage, combat, etc skills that she needed for her job.  When he died the Emperor sent her one last command, You will kill Luke Skywalker.  After his death it’s still in her head, so she vitriolically hates Luke for this and blames him for life as she knows it collapsing.  She ends up working under the smuggler Talon Karrde, and because he treats her fairly and with respect she ends up very loyal to him.  Mara will always back up anyone she considers worthy of her loyalty.  Luke and Mara cross paths and Mara is still tormented by the Emperor’s last command, but of course Luke is the sweetest, gentlest bean of all time and she starts warming up to him.  They make peace with each other by the end of the Thrawn trilogy and Mara continues to warm up to him until finally they fall in love and are married years later.  She also trains as a Jedi, and Luke gives her his father’s lightsaber.
Mara has trauma in her life - being taken from her family, being trained by the Emperor, etc - and while it affects her, she never wallows in it or uses it to excuse herself.  She’s always moving forward, trying to solve the next problem, and has incredible inner strength and resolve.  It can be hard to win her over but once you do, she’s very loyal.  She’s smart and clever and always an active participant in the plot, never just hanging around waiting for Luke to save the day.  When they get together, they are equal partners and trust and respect each other.  She’s loving toward her family, both the Solos and her husband and the son they have, Ben.  She never backs down from a fight, either.  Fuck Karen Traviss very much for killing her off, but at least Mara went out in a fight and doing what she thought was right to protect her family.
For me, Mara was one of the first kickass female characters I encountered (in the specific flavor I was craving).  I was kind of uniquely shielded from Star Wars Is For Boys because in my family my dad is the only non-nerd, but I was always aware of it.  Also much as I loved Padme and Leia, the Jedi were my favorite but the female Jedi were usually either obviously designed to be sexy and pretty and/or had very minor roles (at least in the Star Wars media I had access to at the time, movies + Legends books at the library).  Mara was an instant favorite for me.  She’s a Jedi, a badass with a cool backstory, highly skilled and smart, but a full character with flaws, not some #EmpoweredGirlboss token or an Always-Right Author’s Pet.  She makes mistakes, she takes time to warm up to our heroes (but she’s well written so you understand why she doubts them), and while pretty much all illustrations of her sexy her up, she’s described as wearing practical clothing much of the time, and when she isn’t, it’s for a purpose (like going undercover as one of Jabba’s dancers).
Also I just think it’s so fucking funny that people got all butthurt about Rey, a rando and a girl, getting the Youngling Slayer 3000 when Luke just gave the thing to Mara at the end of the Thrawn trilogy even though he hadn’t known her long and she’d been wanting to kill him most of that time.
In conclusion I’ve loved Mara since I was a kid and I think she’s a fantastic character.  If you or anyone else reading this gets the chance I STRONGLY recommend the Thrawn Trilogy and Hand of Thrawn duology by Timothy Zahn, both for main Mara readings by her creator, and just because they’re amazing books in their own right.  In fact I think that’s what I’m gonna do now!
Also here is Mara’s Wookieepeda page if you’re interested.
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