#i love the clear sky so much
noxtivagus · 1 year
i'm so tired /pos idk what it's called but yk those rock trails !?!
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nyways have these low qual flowers bcs my phone camera is mostly broken 🥹
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pixevs · 1 month
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so glowing
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wayfayrr · 13 days
SELF AWARE ASEXUAL SKY MY ABSOLUTE BELOVED <3 Maybe I’m projecting, my ex boyfriend was asexual and he was the sweetest gold retriever that loved kisses (specifically slow make outs while we were in bed together) and cuddles, he especially loved it when I ran my fingers through his hair, and we broke things off in a good way and we are still like, best friends, so the thought of having such a wholesome relationship like that?? But with S k y??? Hit the jackpot in a boyfriend fr. We can cuddle in bed together, watching movies and playing games <3
Sure, maybe I would panic at the whole ‘oh shit, Link is actually sentient’ but I feel like I would panic more at the tv breaking, cause like, in this economy?? But even more than that, Link has always been a childhood crush of mine- but there’s something about the first time I played Skyward Sword that had me blushing, giggling, and kicking my feet like a schoolgirl <3 so the thought of having *Sky* in my arms?? Being able to cuddle him??? KISS HIM???? I’m demanding him to get out of the game and helping the babygirl through the tv myself so I can hold him and give him kissies <333
~🍀 anon
I think the funniest thing is (as shown by wars) there was a way for him to get out without breaking the screen but he just chose not to sfsdfsvc or didn't think of it in his desperation, nor the fact that he would end up with a LOT of cuts and glass in those cuts after the fact :( - literally pure luck he didn't get an infection maybe he got so lucky since he had you to be his four leaf clover?
but after that? being able to hold you and cuddle you AND YOU WANT IT JUST AS MUCH? He's in literal heaven, soaking it up more than a sponge could ever hope to. With a headcanon I've been bouncing around a little bit too that he's never had to breathe properly or had a heartbeat in the game, there's just even more potential for domestic stuff. Resting his head on your chest, ear to your heart focusing on the rhythmic beat that just lulls him right to sleep, wanting to memorise it or even better when his own heart (hopefully) decides to start beating that it'll be in sync with your own. and teaching him how to breath by letting him rest his head on your chest in a similar way but this time so that he can inhale and exhale at the same rate as he's playing with your hand or your hair, twirling it between his fingers hoping that each individual strand will never be forgotten by his fingertips as you can press kisses to the top of his head - it'd be the most wholesome relationship you could ever hope for [if you ignore the yan part tbh] he's like a golden retriever fr
also I'm not sure about you but I think sky would adore older disney films, the little mermaid standing out the most for me (yes, yes it is because of part of your world more than anything) but I think he'd be happy to watch and play almost anything that you suggest, I mean even his own game isn't offlimits to him. which is how you end up with a second sky in your house sdvdfsvfdsv
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bonebabbles · 2 months
I remember when I was reading DOTC when I was around 10, and ever since Misty died I had been waiting for the moment where Birch and Alder learned about her murder, how everyone in their lives has kept it a secret. And then it just didn't happen.
I also remember obsessively re-reading the part where Quiet Rain blows up at Clear Sky.
Birch and Alder are two characters that are just so...
I WANT to say they were forgotten about, but that word doesn't feel right for how they're constantly showing up on the screen. Clear Sky occasionally feels guilty about how he murdered their mother, but for the vast majority of the time, that's described in passive voice. So you're not reminded of just HOW cruel he was, and still very much is.
It's like they're not allowed to be characters.
Like, how does Alder feel about Clear Sky, who seemed to be acting as an adoptive father until he beat her as a child? How did Birch respond later, when Clear Sky was so busy thrashing his sister that he was threatened by a dog? How do they feel about the man who took their mother away from them?
They keep getting cited as "Good Examples Of Non-Campborn Cats," dodging around the fact they were stolen and raised by Petal. Like a lot of the other "adoptions" in the series, she quietly stops mattering to them. But even this fact... like, they're being OTHERED when they were functionally raised SkyClan.
How do they feel about THAT? That their earliest memory is SkyClan, and yet, they'll never be considered truly, fully "clanborn."
Their whole life taken from them, by Clear Sky's cruelty, their formative years spent in his violent shadow, and the narrative is just not interested in that.
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andsomedaykindness · 9 months
i won't lie i think it's very funny (in. in a sad way) if most of the chain are having a good time during lu. like, they're hanging out with these other guys who actually GET them in a way almost no one else can, and they don't have to do all the fighting by themselves for once, and they're eating great food all the time and so on. sure, some of them miss their families or homes or whatever, and obviously they sometimes get hurt and have bad experiences, but for the most part they're all chilling.
...and then there's sky. sky, who during the entire thing is absolutely haunted by the fact that all of these people have suffered so much because of him. pretty much all of them began their quests as children, and it was his fault. sky, who doesn't say a word about the curse to anyone, who keeps all his guilt and horror and self-loathing locked up tight inside his chest. every time someone alludes to a traumatic event-even when they're just making a joke-sky has to look away for a moment to compose himself. because that trauma was his fault, too. it only happened because he failed.
he loves the other links just as much as any of them do. he also sees them as his family. but he can only forget himself and actually have a good time briefly, because he'll see time's eye or wild's scars and suddenly remember that he was the one who doomed them all.
(and you would never guess how he's feeling, how he's constantly being crushed under the massive weight of his guilt. he's always sleeping or talking about sun or carving or playing his harp. he seems so peaceful, so happy. he suffers so much, but he suffers in silence. after all, he doesn't deserve to tell anyone how he feels. not when it's all his fault.)
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worrysomegus · 1 year
nightheart? clear sky? what have you gone yoicks, come on we don't want to be late for tweener!
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yuridovewing · 3 months
As a fellow Dovewing lover, it's frustrating how the fandom watered her down into a whiny brat who never cared about Ivypool. I mean, seriously? Not only did Dovewing care about her sister (reacting in horror when Lionblaze, her own mentor and Jayfeather are willing to potentially sacrifice Ivypool's safety by employing her as her spy instead of trying to get her out of the Dark Forest's clutches, hiding a thorn in her nest to cover for her scarring from her training).
Heck, even the scene where she tries to feed Ivypool her catch during a hunting patrol was demonized because 'she was trying to make Ivypool break the code like SHE does, as if it doesn't matter' and because she got upset when Ivypool started arguing with her! But you guys said she didn't care, right? Plus, people act like being forced into a prophecy is something you should be grateful for, as if it didn't irreparably change her close relationship with her sister? As if Lionblaze and Jayfeather didn't still keep her out of the loop (and for all the fussing they made about keeping it a secret, Lionblaze confesses his power to Cinderheart and Jayfeather doesn't even care).
Meanwhile Nightheart is angry he isn't orange and hates his mom for being exiled and the whole world has to stop for him. 🤪 And Bramblestar is simply so tortured by having an evil father, the only choice is to train with him and his evil half-brother and hide this from his wife! (But remember, it's bad when that witch Squirrelflight hides the parentage of the three from him, even when Blackstar and Leopardstar were still around after being complicit in the torture and killing of halfclan cats.) Why are these male characters sympathized with, even when they actively harm people (Nightheart forcing himself into Sunbeam's life by lying to everyone about being her mate without even asking her if she would be fine with that beforehand), Bramblestar (we all know what he does), but when Dovewing or any other female character is upset, people freak out and call them whiny brats or abusive for (checks notes) asking her partner if he loves her anymore after they argued multiple times in a book. Really makes you think! (Sorry this is so long, you just have based opinions!)
dovewing being characterized as this flighty airheaded vain popular girl stereotype in fanon is like. one of those biggest "we didnt actually read the books" things in the fandom. like theres so much fanart where shes grinning and giggling over the prophecy and shes besties with the trio and shes got preferential treatment, and then in the actual books shes basically the autistic kid no one actually likes. people really, REALLY overexaggerate that one scene where she snaps at ivypaw and brags. (and i dont wanna shit on amvs but i am forever side eying how the animation community handled dove back in the day. more than one person animated her getting murdered. normal.)
i do think its gotten better recently at least. but wow does it feel like at least one person on the writing team has a bone to pick
(also awww thank you <3 no need to be sorry i love getting stuff in my inbox)
#it does also feel so insidious to me just how long the bramblesquirrel conflict was painted as ''equally kind of wrong''#the ppl who put words in squilfs mouth sometimes which. btw ill get to that when i read the book#and tbf part of it is that sometimes abuse isnt as easy to spot if youre primed to the mainstream version of it#like. bramble isnt a born evil wifebeater everyone can see coming from a mile away. hes a complex guy with his own insecurities#and his own goals and people he openly cares about. and even in some fanon stuff i see ppl kinda erase that part of him#(which i wont pretend im above- ive been trying to walk that line myself)#and that doesnt match how abusers are usually percieved by the public. or in this very series.#like. the main excuse for clear sky is literally ''hes sad his sister died and tried to save her! no one changes THAT much''#anyone can be an abuser. you could be an abuser. i could be an abuser. that doesnt mean that we ARE but we are capable of it#and the thing that catches ppl off guard is that abusers are really good at hiding who they are and theyre often charming#i often hear this account of abuse that goes something like ''my parent abused me but no one believed me bc theyre nice in public''#you dont know whats going on behind closed doors. and ik this is about funny kitties at the end of the day but its quite telling#so... yeah bramble has his nice moments. hes got his GREAT moments even. i love his relationship with his mom for example#but those moments dont mean that hes not capable of being worse. of being a monster to his loved ones#its why squilf keeps getting sucked back in. hes not a one dimensional asshole. hes capable of being kind to her.#and thats what makes his disgusting moments hit so much harder#wow ok i got off topic in the tags but yknow. idk i got feelings abt this matter as someone who's experienced toxic relationships
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namari-hime-moved · 6 months
not sure if anyones interested but i managed to export all the logos from the hamagami portrait site
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Eating bread with chocolate cream and listening to Led Zeppelin on a playground with my friends is quite a nice way to spend the second day of spring
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keeps-ache · 7 months
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[for Kiwi's DTIYS on Artstreet]
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themagnusbane · 2 years
Never Have I Ever - A PrapaiSky Fic(let)
So the thing is, I haven't written in almost 4 years (and no. My WangXian short doesn't count because it was meant to be 31 chapters and I still have 30 chapters unwritten since Mayhem November last year).
But, @suga4mycoffee requested for a fic where Prapai is made to realize just how badly he fucked up, based on the tags I made to her post, so that got the dusty ass writing plot bunnies going and now you have a fic that I think is rusty af, but I hope you enjoy anyway Suga.
If looks could kill, Saifha was sure his twin would have had him drawn and quartered, buried in a shallow grave with no headstone to commemorate his passing. And if he were a nicer twin, he would probably have found remorse buried somewhere in the depths of his heart.
But alas, he is very much Payu’s twin, and bringing his brother a measure of discomfort and misery soothed his soul. The fact that it made Payu’s boyfriend just a little bit miffed, which in turn meant that Nong Rain turned those bright eyes of his on his boyfriend in a glare that would have withered a lesser man, was just icing on an already spectacular cake. 
Having Nong Sky and Prapai caught up in all this however, wasn’t something he had planned.
But… Did he find it entertaining anyway? Certainly. It was wonderful the number of secrets that a simple game of Never Have I Ever, which he is proud to admit was his suggestion, could unravel. Besides, when you looked at it from the right perspective, he really was doing them all a collective favour. Best to let them air our their fears and insecurities and hurt, so their relationships can be the more stronger for it. 
Really, he should be deified for all the service he’s been rendering. 
“Never have I ever had an ex draped all over me, even though I already have a boyfriend, and I didn’t push said ex off, the minute he pulled his shit.”
At the words, Saifha’s eyes snapped to Nong Sky, and then Prapai. At the same time, Nong Rain turned to look at his best friend, whilst Payu’s eyes were locked on Prapai. 
“That is… Oddly specific,” Saifha murmured, leaning back to watch the chaos unfold. 
Praipai meanwhile leaned forward, fingers flexing on his glass of scotch whiskey, already half empty, because Prapai apparently had very few Never Have I Evers, and although Nong Sky’s been smiling every time Prapai’s had to lift that glass to his mouth for a drink—oh to be young and sickeningly in love—there was no smile on his face now, as he waited for Prapai. As they all waited for Prapai. 
Praipai meanwhile had his eyes on Nong Sky, a softening in their brown depths that pulled a low sound from his boyfriend’s throat, had Nong Rain’s eyes widening, and Payu tilting his head the way he did when he was furiously trying to connect the dots. 
Saifha could feel his own eyes widening. Oh shit. He fucked up didn’t he?
“You saw?” The words came out in a whisper so low, the wind almost caught it and erased it. But they were all hanging on a thread, heightened by the hurt in Nong Sky’s voice, and the remorse in Praipai’s, that they all heard it. 
“Are you drinking or not P’Pai?” Nong Sky’s voice was cold. Gone was the teasing inflection that Saifha was used to hearing. And clearly he wasn’t the only one who noticed. Nong Rain’s mouth was open, and Prapai flinched. 
Saifha watched him take a deep breath, and down the rest of the whiskey in one gulp. 
He heard an explosion of sound as Nong Rain launched himself at Prapai, only to be pulled back by Payu. Saifha noted that the grip Payu had on his boyfriend was loose, barely restraining him as Nong Rain’s eyes spat way more rage than that little body should have access to. 
Saifha could tell. If Payu wasn’t holding Nong Rain back, Prapai would have had to deal with the nails and teeth of his boyfriend’s best friend who looked like he was minutes away from breaking free of Payu’s hold and dealing all the hurt he could at the man who’d dared to hurt his friend. 
And with the way Payu was holding him, Saifha could tell that he was really considering letting go, and giving Nong Rain the free rein to dole out all the damage he wanted. 
Nong Sky meanwhile seemed to let loose all the air that he’d held in, waiting for Prapai’s response. Saifha watched as he deflated, and curved into himself. His hands digging into the flesh of his upper arms as he rocked back and forth. 
“I’m sorry,” Prapai whispered, knees sinking to the floor right in front of Nong Sky, hands reaching out to touch him, and then pulling back, fingers flexing like he didn’t have the right to do that anymore. 
“How could you P’Pai? How could you?” Nong Rain’s voice kept rising, his feet trying hard to connect with Prapai’s shin. But Payu’s hold held strong and he couldn’t come close. 
“Why?” At Nong Sky’s whispered question, everyone quieted. Prapai slid a step closer, and Nong Sky’s eyes locked with his. 
Saifha could feel the moment when everything, and everyone else faded away for them. They were together, in their own cocoon of hurt and pain and regret. 
“Why are you sorry P’Pai?”
“Are you sorry that you said you would be out in 5mins and you didn’t keep that promise? That I ran into girls there who were talking about how they wanted to fuck you? Are you sorry that they mentioned that P’Payu had made it clear that he had a boyfriend, but they had no idea that we were together? Are you sorry that they thought they had a chance with you because they didn’t know otherwise, because you didn’t tell them otherwise?” 
Saifha watched Prapai’s shoulders slump with each question that Nong Sky tossed his way. The younger boy’s voice was low and level. No inflection of the rage that Saifha would have expected. It was like he had sunk deep into the depth of all that hurt and pain; like they were were questions he had asked himself over and over again, until he had numbed himself to it, and disassociated from it all.
And Prapai responded with panic, eyes and hands reaching out to Nong Sky, trying to comfort, to heal, to soothe. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry Sky. I told him. I told him when he asked me, that I have a boyfriend.”
Saifha didn’t need to read minds to know that that wasn’t what Nong Sky wanted to hear. He looked at Payu who looked about ready to let go of Nong Rain so he could smack his friend in the head himself for being an absolute dimwit. 
Nong Sky’s voice dropped even more. “So you waited for him to ask before you told him?” He stared incredulously at Prapai who looked utterly wretched. “What if he hadn’t asked? Would you have continued to let him touch you P’Pai? Continued to let him drape himself over you.” 
Saifha watched Nong Sky reach out his hands to touch Prapai’s face. Watched as Prapai leaned into the touch, hands reaching out to grasp Nong Sky’s, as he whispered several “I’m sorry’s” against the inner part of his boyfriend’s wrist. 
“Why are you sorry P’Pai?” The question again. But this time, his voice was softer, less modulated. Saifha could see him softening. Everyone could see him softening. 
Prapai released a breath, relief whooshing out of him as he stood to his full height, then pulled gently on Nong Sky’s hands. The latter allowed him, standing up so Prapai could sit, and then pull him in to sit on his lap, further tuning out everyone else, as they sank further into their own world. 
“I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I made you cry. I’m sorry I didn’t immediately make it clear that I was taken. I’m sorry in trying to be kind and not hurt his feelings, I hurt yours instead. I’m sorry I was gentler with turning him down, that I was with handling your heart. I’m sorry it didn’t even occur to me that you would be hurt by it. I’m sorry, I’m only just telling you I’m sorry.”
Prapai pulled back slightly to look at Nong Sky’s face, fingers stroking his cheek, wiping away the tears that had made tracks on his face. “Forgive me?”
Nong Sky looked at him for a brief, suspended moment. 
Saifha was sure they all stopped breathing, waiting for Nong Sky’s response. 
And it came resplendent as the sun. A smile that lit up his face and had Prapai placing a murmured thank you against his pale neck, as Nong Sky patted Prapai’s hair softly. 
Saifha nodded, pleased at the result. Just as Nong Rain’s voice called out loudly “You’d better make sure it never repeats itself P’Pai. If it does, I’m coming for your head!” 
The statement had Prapai turning to glare at Nong Rain, who glared right back, with Payu silently laughing behind his boyfriend, and Nong Sky looking quite pleased. 
Honestly, Saifha really did think he should be deified for all the service he’s been rendering.
Oh, and for those who need context, here's the post that birthed this.
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bebekukurishniy · 8 months
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I'll post it anyway-
I'm very pleased with the result, Kholod turned out very cute (HIS EYES-)
(There's an obvious reference to Khar here >:) )
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bubblingstream · 8 months
To this day I wish Quiet Rain had never forgiven Clear Sky. I wish she'd gone down there, found out what her son did and fucking HATED him for it and to her dying breath had never spoken kindly to him ever again. He spends the rest of the series wishing she'd just talk to him again but all he ever gets is a glare or cold indifference. She speaks to the other cats but avoids him. When he's there at her death bed it's because despite her anger, deep down she can't help but love her child still. But not once does she forgive him for what he's done.
It frustrates me so much that Clear Sky seemingly never had any meaningful, permanent consequences for what a piece of shit he was. He didn't deserve his mother's forgiveness, and his mother deserved a better son.
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capricioussun · 23 days
hello! I haven't dropped an ask here in a while
what do you think uf bros' music tastes would be like (if they even listen to music much?)
also any hcs about small shows of sibling affection despite everything? (gotta love finding the silly softness and wholesomeness in the Edgy AU™️)
Hi hi!!! Hope ur doing well :*) 💖
Music taste...
For Sans I'd say it's probably generally more instrumental stuff than anything. I don't think he has a problem with vocals but sometimes finds them annoying or distracting if he’s trying to relax or focus on something. As for sounds, i can see him being kind of like...easily influenced by it? So like, rock, techno/edm, loud fast sorta stuff for working, and maybe softer slower stuff like jazz or dreamcore for relaxing/sleeping. I can definitely see him listening to heavy grunge specifically when he drives tho
For Papyrus, i think ive mentioned it before, but he has super weird and eclectic tastes. He kinda likes...vibes, or strange technical stuff when it comes to music more than a specific genre or sound. It's a super song by song basis, but generally fuller sounding music is preferable, stuff with a lot going on basically. He'd probably also listen to punk/grunge/garage stuff just for the aesthetic lmao
As for affectionate gestures (ur so right fr), i mean, 90% of what Papyrus does could be considered an affectionate gesture when it comes to Sans. He hems and haws about it, sure, but he cooks for him, cleans for him, tidies for him, makes sure he has nice, warm presentable clothes, moves him to more comfortable places whenever he falls asleep somewhere weird. Underground, aside from the fact he also cleaned compulsively as a nervous tic, a lot of what he did and his caretaking nature came from looking after Sans.
Even later on the surface, he still keeps track of his tastes, makes extra of any meals to keep in the fridge for any time Sans stops by, gifts him clothes or things he might like that are also useful, of course that he knows Sans wouldn't buy himself. He’s definitely the more straightforward of the two when it comes to showing how much he cares, despite his best efforts to be some measure of discreet.
With Sans, he definitely has a harder time of showing it, mostly from trying to make sure to keep a distance so he'd be certain Papyrus would be okay if something happened to him or he Fell Down. But at the same time, he can't really help it, and he doesn't want to make things harder on Papyrus in the meantime with varied success, so it's usually just in little things. Checking on him the rare occasions he’s asleep when Sans is up, patching up some of his clothes any time they get messed up in a scuffle, keeping things at least as tidy as they were/doing laundry/dishes any time Papyrus gets injured or gains LV so he doesn't have to worry as much about taking care of things.
On the surface, he slowly becomes more comfortable showing it, checking in with him, "teasing" about things to remind Papyrus to take better care of himself, making an effort to get along with his evil furballs. Every once in a blue moon he might even make some sort of gesture, getting him a special gift of some sort, being very lowkey about it, because really, he does want Papyrus to know he cares and pays attention, and he knows he sucks at saying it.
Of course Papyrus does know, but you know how it is. They tease and prod but they really do care a lot.
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averageskyplayer · 2 years
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Sky my beloved <3
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argiopi · 2 years
got the cops called on me for the most hilariously sensible reason last night
So i have a new industrial piercing (my first piercing..! i love it •w•), and it got infected because of course it did, it's a cartilage piercing and i live outside. Context i've been living in my car for the past few weeks, which has been pretty good but one of the tradeoffs is i do not have a bathroom. The piercer told me if the piercing got infected I could soak it in saltwater, so i needed a source of 1. salt, 2. water that is warm or at least not the below-freezing ambient temperature i currently exist in.
Gas stations have both these things. (I have yet to purchase salt for my occasional propane stove cooking). Only problem is it was past midnight in a rural area, so I didn't find a 24 hour convenience store until around 100 miles into my route for the evening.
At 3 AM local time the store was inhabited by just One stern-looking employee who was mopping the floor. My grungy ass walks in carrying a small collapsible bowl and immediately begins casing the place like the world's shittiest thief, looking for those little free salt packets. I looked around the (empty, no hot food at 3 AM) hot dog stand and saw only wet condiments so i circled back around to the grocery section in case they were selling salt shakers I could buy. No luck so i desperately returned to the hot dog counter in case I missed the salt, and noticed a cabinet labeled CONDIMENTS below the dog cooker, which did conceal salt packets. I stuffed a handful of them in my pocket and hoped the mopping woman wouldn't ask, then pivoted to the bathroom where I locked myself for the next fifteen minutes.
I filled my bowl with hot water which was actually cool water but at least it wasn't frigid, and mixed salt into it and held it to my ear. After a few minutes the staff, who had been understandably watching me from around corners the entire time I was searching for salt, knocked on the door. I replied "hello?" and she didn't respond, so I assumed she was just checking if anyone was in there before she tried entering to continue mopping. I finished cleaning my sad little ear and bought a bag of yogurt pretzels as a gesture of good will because I felt bad for taking her salt and taking too much time in the bathroom when she needed to clean.
Enter The Pig. I had returned to my car and grabbed my first aid kit to apply antiobiotic ointment, when an officer entered the store. Trepidation when he arrived since I knew I was being a freak, but then i thought he was just doing his own shopping, then he came back out and approached my vehicle.
Rolled down my window and he asks what was going on in the bathroom. (What if i had been just taking a long shit??). So I showed him my ear and my bowl and explained, as Alertly, Calmly, and Soberly as i could after driving for multiple hours after midnight, to the face of someone who can ruin my life with a penstroke, that I was on the road and had to soak this infected piercing. Luckily it was a confused young cop who was too bewildered to inquire much further, not an old hardass who might start asking more challenging questions such as "where are you going" or "where are you staying tonight and why are you washing your ear at the gas station and not there." He clearly barely even looked at my car - asked if i was a local when my license plate is from two timezones away - and let me go without even collecting my information.
That was the sixth time that police have confronted me for acting outside social norms. The first time was because I was plucking an invasive plant species from the side of the road and he thought I was falling when I walked up & down the slope. The second time I was walking home alone at night, and maybe someone called because I had a backpack on and they thought I was trying to rob a house. I was just walking home from the train. The third time I had been biking home in the dark without a headlight, and i fell on my face and didn't know I was bleeding until a bastard pulled up and told me someone called because they thought I got hit by a car. The fourth time was when I fell in the river last winter and i was knocking on random doors asking for directions home to minimize my risk of hypothermia, and I suppose the woman who drove me home called to send someone to make sure i was okay? The fifth time was the first time I slept in my car, which ironically was before I started serially sleeping in my car. I was falling asleep on the highway after an all-nighter so I took the next exit and took a nap in my driver's seat at the end of a random residential street before I ended up on the news, and that's how I learned suburbanites are paranoid as all hell about anything out of the ordinary because a cop knocked on my window and asked me if I was drunk (who would say yes to that question?). Now I select my sleeping sites very carefully, which is probably the most annoying thing about hashtag vanlife, but I haven't gotten The Knock again yet and sometimes when I pull into random public lands after dark I wake up to mountains I've never seen before and that fuels my soul.
Lesson learned is that if you need to snort sodium chloride in a gas station bathroom at 3 AM, just have an ear piercing and dampen the hair around it and carry a bowl around, and you've got a story that's Too Weird To Be Making Shit Up.
#seriously how do y'all stay out of trouble#I Am Just Living My Life why does that incite so much suspicion.#this time was fair though i 1000% looked like a criminal who was about to drive home under an influence#blogging#FOLKS WHO FOLLOWED FOR ART I HOPE YOU ENJOY STORYTIME TOO LOL.#I saw THIRTEEN!!!! shooting stars while driving last night#i think that is a new personal record. was there a meteor shower? surely there was.#Two of them were bright enough to leave a dust trail.. ⭐︎つ⭐︎#mountain roads are so scary lol what do you Mean there is no guard rail on this narrow winding road that drops off into Death Zone#not to mention when there is snow on the road..?#my tires spun out the other night because i was clinging too close to the uphill side of the mountain and went off the road#in my defense i could not see the lines on the road on account of they were covered by snow#anyway i sunk deep but luckily i have 4WD so i could wiggle out without help#but the snow gripped my tires and pulled them in the opposite direction i was trying to go..#what if i was driving on the side facing downhill and slipped off the road and the snow gripped me.#best case scenario: car is Funked. worst case scenario Death#anyway i think my ear is slightly less painful & inflamed this morning..? i am going to go wash it at a much less sussy hour#the sky is so clear and bright here...#madly in love with the milky way.#i wonder how often ppl assume ppl are sneaking hard drugs when they actually have a completely legal reason to be acting strange.#not that i'm not living on the fringes of the law rn with the whole car thing and that's the only reason i had to be weird at a gas station#but like... lives be strange and complex and human behavior is rarely as simple as it seems there is always a story!
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