#i love you 💛
mod2amaryllis · 10 months
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. places them in your palm like peanuts. sorry about your shift buddy
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aaaand there!
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
#You know what? #Make Not gay too!
No. @respectthepetty you cannot just make this flippant remark when this thought popped into my head during ep 7 or 8 - I don't remember when because I blocked it out as soon as I thought it. I think I was contemplating other people's thoughts that Pearmai and Kwan should end up together - because LESBIANS! - and then I thought It would be funny if Not also turned out to be gay...but that would mean everyone was gay and I didn't think the show would do that... but... and I hate to say it, but what if?
Let's look at the evidence.
Not is the exaggerated toxic masculinity Bro. But maybe that is all a front - maybe he's overcompensating - to hide the part of himself he doesn't want people to know about (because that's nothing that's ever happened before).
I wonder if Not like-liked Pisaeng at school? Is that why he felt so put-out over Pisaeng seemingly choosing a girl over him? If he didn't want to fight Pisaeng, what did he want to do?
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I mean, he was very invested in whether Pisaeng and Pearmai would have sex.
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One of the other Bros asks if Not thinks Pisaeng will score and his response?: "Damn right, he will." Why is he so sure? Is it because he thinks Pisaeng is hot and obviously no one can resist him?
But now, maybe Not is starting to like-like Kawi... He thinks Kaw's cool. He thought Kawi was dating Max and then looked disappointed when Kawi said he wasn't. He's happy to state he thinks Kawi is cute. And thinks Kawi is gay (maybe he was looking for Pearmai to confirm his suspicions so that he could feel better about himself).
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He called Kawi to sit with him on the bus instead of with Pearmai. He likes to touch Kawi when he can. Maybe he pushed Kawi to confess to Pearmai so that Kawi could get rejected...because if Not can't have him then no one can.
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He didn't actually get the girl...so is that because he doesn't actually like girls?
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He writes complicated books...and is a sensitive soul deep down who just needs some encouragement.
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He dates Pearmai and Kwan at the same time...but maybe that's because he could never shake off the 'straight man' persona he had built for himself. And so leaned into it so much he didn't care what he was doing.
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I don't like this at all. It's highly circumstantial...BUT as I'm writing this I think I actually want it to happen. Because this series has already shown that not only is a community important for accepting and developing who you are but also that as Kawi develops himself he also enables the people around him to flourish in their own selves - Max and Pisaeng as examples. So what if that does also extend to Pearmai and Kwan (go lesbians go!) and also Not.
What if Not sees how Kawi has changed, how open he and Pisaeng get to be about their relationship? What if that paves the way for Not to admit and accept who he is? (shhhhhh what if Not and Max end up together?). I don't want a redemption arc for Not...but if it's this kind of redemption then I'll accept it.
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Are you a patronus? because you light up my world.
Awww! ☺️🥰☺️
This was so sweet!
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laylah-a · 2 years
من أول الصباح الباكر إلى ظهيرة اليوم وأنا أرْقب ظله علّه يوافيني بالنور 💛..يا صاحب الظل الطويل هنيئًا لي بظلك وحبك واسمك ونورك وحتى غيابك ، لطيفٌ خفيف ..!!
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snowshinobi · 2 years
don't think I've ever felt more loved and trusted than the time my bf fell asleep with his head in my lap
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retquits · 1 year
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falling stars 🌠
prints: here and here
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starlit-xamners · 10 months
now i did though =3
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DHHSJFJSJFJ thanks Mark very cool hfhsjf
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hirunoka · 11 months
This morning remembering the quote ‘ hell is other people’ post and the rest is something good heaven is other people, too, like, i dont remember correctly but you and a person here are good heaven for me, especially yesterday *hugs you* . I hope u well and peace
Oh Eames, I wouldn't be lying it I said that this didn't make me feel emotional. And you're a good heaven for us, too, dear 💛 So happy and blessed to have you in my life and in my heart. I wish you a day filled with so many beautiful things that cause you to smile and sing. 🌻🌻🌻
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I’m curious - people always seem surprised that multiple siblings are queer, as if it’s amazing the gay lightning struck twice so close together.
But human variation is down to our genes and external factors. Siblings are logically more likely to both/all be queer than not.
So a wee poll if you don’t mind!
Anyone can take part, there should be an option for anyone but please let me know in notes if I missed anyone.
For reference: queer is anyone who wouldn’t describe themselves as heterosexual or cis-gendered or allo-sexual. Anyone we would include in the queer group. And if you’re not including people by their own identification, we can have words after…
If you only have one sibling use the relevant all option.
If you have an issue with the word queer I truly don’t want to hear about it - that’s your choice, this is mine.
Reblog if you fancy! If you don’t then no worries, but if you can it would be nice to get a lot of replies!
And hey everyone, happy Pride!
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hey-howsitgoin · 2 months
So I've had this joke in my head for a couple months (at least), but hadn't found the right spot to make it. Today it is complete.
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A hole in my jeans?
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Hmm? What's this?
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A Patchypus?
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jkvjimin · 2 months
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you're my beginning and my end, that is all my meeting and my farewell
for @raplinenthusiasts 💚
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elyzeell · 1 year
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swiftmitsu · 17 days
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Part 6
of killer being missing heheh
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laylah-a · 2 years
مساك صوتي وصورتي وحلا روحي .. كفاية ؟! أو تبي أكثر💙
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raplinenthusiasts · 1 month
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💐 @cordiallyfuturedwight
{© namuspromised}
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zamjd · 3 months
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Winged dca au by @crystalmagpie447
Your Sun design is so subtlety detailed! Like it's almost unnoticeable at first because of the somewhat similar coloring but when you take a closer look you can admire the patterns!! :D
I want to keep that same vibe but I think I emphasized it a little .v."
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