#i love you cross dimensional shenanigans
sirompp · 1 year
normalize making early-undertale-fandom-esque AUs for your ocs that end up with more developed plots than the original
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Hi! I'm new here and i LOVE your transformers content ! I want tô dando your a idea for one more AU: TFA starscream and his kids(the jettwins) in the prime universe via Travel between dimensions/realities (if not bothersome)
First of all, hi!! Omg that's so nice (っ˘ω˘ς ) welcome welcome, glad to have you here
Second, I am HERE for that. The DRAMA. TFP and TFA are so wildly different, for several reasons but the most glaring one is that, in the aligned continuity, death is permanent. If you die your ass stays dead unless you're literally Primus's favorite (*cough* Optimus). In Animated, death is more of a guideline than a rule, and even if Starscream has the allspark fragment still inbedded in him and it can still keep him basically immortal even in another universe... his kids don't. This new world they'd landed in his hella violent and cruel compared to his old one, and while TFA definitely has a microcosm of it's own fucked up bs to deal with, TFP's earth is an active warzone. One wrong move and you're dead. No do overs. Dead.
Given the way that the jet twins were created, I can't see him asking for or accepting help from the autobots, even in the most dire of circumstances. These ones don't have any flight frames, either, and though their team size is roughly the same, he still wouldn't put it past them to try and snatch his sparklings or force him to create new ones. No thanks
The other option is the decepticons. And Starscream...listen, I love him to death, but TFP Megatron would kill him within a day. I hate it, but it's true. TFA Starscream doesn’t know when to shut up, he always has to run his mouth. He and Megatron have a somewhat looser, less formal relationship, and that'd spell death for him. This Megatron won't take any snark, and TFA Starscream has a track record of very obvious attempts at assassination. TFP Megs wouldn't put up with that shit. He'd kill him in short order, and if Starscream still can't die, he'd probably have Starscream deconstructed and his spark detained. If you can't kill a threat, next best thing is to incapacitate.
Ofc, we could go another direction and say TFA Starscream actually reapects this Megatron for being so violent and foreceful, but I digress
At least in the beginning, Starscream and his younglings are probably on their own. This earth doesn't know about cybertronians but Starscream doesn’t know that. He'd probably waltz right onto an airfield or something to scavenge or grab supplies to rig up an energon converter, forcing the bots and/or cons to run interference before he gets them all exposed.
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I keep thinking about the Batman x Danny Phantom x Legend of Zelda: BOTW crossover
Like, who do you think would cross dress to get into Garudo town? Would Danny need to wear the Rito clothing like Tim or does he keep his cold resistance/ regain it by then? < That would be interesting to have as a separate power. How many years would they be stuck in Hyrule? In my first playthrough I went nuts exploring everything the Great Plateau had to offer and I legit spent two real life months uncovering every secret I could. Do you realize how many "in game days" that was?
I'm sure Danny and Tim wouldn't spend that much time up there but they sure as heck aren't leaving anytime soon.
Speaking of anytime soon, Breath Of The Wild has a sequel coming out (Tears Of The Kingdom) and I want Tim and Danny to also go through whatever fresh hell is awaiting us there. Tim starts making or commissioning his own weapons cause he's tired of using spears that break after fifteen hits.
Speaking of using spears instead of his usual bo staff, do you think Tim would be okay killing monsters? They're pretty much demons and are pretty mindless to be honest. I know Danny would be squeamish about it at first.
How do you think they would react to Prince Sidon, Teba and the others? Ohhh, they would probably be careful to hide thier ears in this au so people don't freak out. Fae rules say to search shadows and count the teeth, but I rarely hear to check the ears.
By the time Danny and Tim get back to thier home dimensions they have at least 11 safe houses together a large arsenal of weaponry, five horses, several horse drawn wagons, futuristic tech courtesy of Tim's and Dannys combined skills, a magical tablet that Tim refuses to let out of his sight (Zelda isn't getting that back, is she?)
Another thing, I want them to have the dlc. Imaging Tim wearing Majoras Mask. Monsters are already confused by Phantom but now Tim is giving off ominous vibes too, lol.
I want Danny to rescue Tim at some point by riding on a bear and having the bear fight with him still mounted on it. It was at this moment Tim knew he was in love...and that Danny was out of his freaking mind.
I love the batfam getting protective of Tim when he returns because the guy he disappeared with all those years ago (or any amount of time you want thats to dimensional time shenanigans) gives off evil eldrich vibes. No one but Jason approves of thier relationship. Jason doesn't feel the vibes and is helping them any chance he gets. He likes Danny and thinks he and Tim are a good fit together.
I also think its hilarious if they treat Tim like Daddys little girl when in reality Tim is the top in this situation. Let Tim have top energy. He's still shorter than Danny when they grow into adults and Tim is more blushy but hes the Top.
Also I want Bruce's reaction to finding out Danny and Tim are engaged.
I have more but this post is getting long
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hargrove · 5 months
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「 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I resurrected this blog at the end of 2023, but in these few months, this dash has given me more happiness than I could have imagined. honestly, I came back as a means of escape when I had a major loss in my family and just didn't want to deal with irl. and y'all have been so welcoming and so amazing, that I want to take this moment to hurl my love right in your faces!
@havvkinsqueen ➠ Victoria!!! I was so excited to learn that you were still bombing around on the dash since I last left. your heather was always a treat, but your Chrissy is such a delight and I'm so stoked to have her in Billy's life. you are an absolute gem, a POWERHOUSE of kindness and positivity. you exemplify everything the rp community should be. I type this wearing the bracelet you made for me, it gives me so much good vibes. I really am serious about running around in cosplay at a con with you this coming year. it'll be rad as hell! here's to a whole new year of crazy rp and irl shenanigans!
@zoomingupthathill ➠ I cannot describe the sheer joy I feel every time you're on my dash, Bee. from waaaaay back when I was writing Klaus and you were Katherine, to now in the ST fandom, you always leave me in awe. the love you have for your own muses is infectious and in turn, makes me love them and want the best for them. you know I don't really do exclusives, but I always considered your Max and my Billy a packaged deal. whatever your Max is going through, she can always count on my Billy to have her back. likewise, I am always there for you. you're an amazing talent and an even better friend. I look forward to a whole new year of sibling craziness, as well as other muse stuff. and good lord, CAN WE GET THIS GIRL A LUCAS??? (I'm trying my best to work on it, I am lol).
@thebabysittertm ➠ dude. friendo. bruh. stark. I don't even know where to begin. my favorite kind of rp is the slow burn stuff filled with lots of character development and headcanons and background stuff, etc. it's basically the hardest thing to find but somehow from the moment we started talking, it all just clicked. the details and thought you put into all of your muses is astounding. I adore the thought process you have in your muses' reasoning behind things. and your writing is out of this world! I feel so lucky that I get to bounce hc's and au's off you all day. all of our ideas and stuff makes me so excited and has fueled me to jump back into this hobby only 10 times harder. all your talent aside, you also an incredible friend who I'm so stoked to talk to every day. here's to a 2024 filled with our two idiots!
@malka-lisitsa ➠ how do I even begin to compliment the sheer amount of talent that exudes from you, November?? from muse development, to writing, to graphics, to server maintaining, to... I don't even know what else! seems like you can do it all! I can't lie, when I initially came back to the dash, I was shying away from any and all cross overs because I have so much anxiety in this community and wanted to keep my corner of the world super small. but your Katherine broke through and I'm so glad she did. I love how you took a character that so many people (even the freaking writers of the show!) wrote off as 2 dimensional and you give her life! layers! meaning! she never feels like a self insert style oc, but she feels so much more well rounded than any version we saw on the show. it's honestly admirable the amount of work you've put in. I'm so lucky to count myself as one of your rp partners and I can't wait to see where Billy and Kat will take us in 2024.
I unfortunately don't have the time to write a seperate message to all of the people on my dash, but I still want to tag people that bring me joy every time I see your urls. all of the following has made the past few months (that should have been dark and awful) feel bright and full of hope. I appreciate every single one of you. ➠
@pierprincess / @nancewheelr
and of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't list my ride or die. the people who make tumblr rp the amazing place that it is, and people that I will cherish always, whether we're writing together or not. y'all are stuck with me! ➠ @seesgood @breakthings @mysharxna 」
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scribespirare · 9 months
the omegaverse fic u made on flowerfang is my favorite hands dowwwnnnn, its so sweet and fluffy and smutty, it hits all the boxes. can u write on miles being pregnant with miggys child please? all the shenanigans that would ensue and the over protectiveness and possiveness ramped up because miles smells even better pregnant. thank you💖
HI i'm trying to start writing regularly again, hope you don't mind it took me forever to get to this request!! I love possessive Miguel so fuckin much you have no idea
uhh so this might be a bit rusty. just as a fair warning lmao
Miguel loves Miles. He really, truly does, more than he ever thought possible.
But sometimes? Sometimes he wants to strangle that damn kid.
From day one, Miles has been oblivious to the affect he has on others. It’s like its never even crossed his mind that he might be attractive to others. That the sway of his hips would draw Alpha eyes, that his big brown eyes could be used as a weapon, that his scent is a siren call.
Miguel had thought being mated to Miles might calm some of his possessive instincts. It’s his bite on Miles’ throat after all. Even Miles’ scent has changed to show his mated status. And for a while, Miguel had calmed down a little.
But now? Now Miles is pregnant. And if Miguel thought Miles was handsome and beguiling before it has nothing on him now with his swelled stomach and milky sweet scent and that fond little look he gets on his face when he pats his belly.
It’s irresistible. Miguel feels like he’s going to drop into rut sometimes just looking at the kid.
Unfortunately, he’s not the only one who’s taken notice.
Miles can’t walk down the street without turning heads. Can’t sit down at a restaurant without the waiters fighting over themselves to serve him. Even with Miguel sitting right there very clearly Miles’ Alpha and baby daddy.
It’s been a few months since Miles gave up crime-fighting (“For now,” Miles has stressed repeatedly) but early in the pregnancy not even the scent blockers in Miles’ suit had kept several villains from catching a whiff of him. The jeering and disgusting come-ons had sent Miguel into a near fury.
The point is, everywhere Miles goes some Alpha is drooling over him. Or Beta. Or even on a few occasions other Omegas.
But Miles? Doesn’t. Fucking. Notice.
Which means Miguel follows Miles around because the kid refuses to stay at home, insisting on visiting his parents, doing the shopping, running errands, and, in a few weeks, attending classes.
“Do you always have to stand like that?” Miles asks lightly without turning around. Even in the noisy metro station Miguel hears him just fine. Part of that is the enhanced senses. The other part is that he’s plastered to Miles’ back, one arm over the Omega’s shoulder and across his chest.
“Yes,” Miguel growls, and readjusts the weight of the grocery bags on his other arm. He refuses to let Miles carry them.
“Overbearing,” Miles says under his breath, and Miguel squeezes him gently in warning.
The platform bustles around them, strangers coming and going with their lives. Miguel’s instincts, Alpha and superhero alike, mean he’s keeping track of basically everyone subconsciously. All of his conscious thought is on the Omega leaning against him despite his complaints. He’s wearing a sun dress today, his favorite one with the sunflowers, and his baby bump and swelling breasts are obvious. When they get home he’ll probably ask Miguel to rub his feet because they’re starting to swell, but if he’s in pain he’s not showing it now.
The train pulls into the station just when Miguel starts to consider using his dimensional portal to get them home faster, despite the fact that he’s definitely put out numerous warnings to the spider society not to use their watches for anything but hero business.
Instead they end up shuffling onto the train together, much to Miguel’s chagrin. It’s rush hour apparently because the car is already crowded before they even step on, much less all the people who get on behind them. They end up somewhere in the middle of the car, Miles turning towards Miguel because he knows his Alpha posses less threat to his pregnant belly than any of the strangers around them. Miguel would prefer he sit down, but not even his glare is getting anyone to give up a seat and Miles would kill him if he made a scene.
So Miguel settles in for the ride, glowering at the people around them and doing his best to block Miles off from the rest of the car.
Miles himself is uncharacteristically quiet, but Miguel chalks it up to how long they’d spent at the supermarket.
That is, until the Omega’s upper lip curls and he turns, whip fast, and grabs the man behind him. “Touch me again and I won’t stop my Alpha from killing you,” he says, loud enough to grab the attention of everyone around them. Granted, it’s New York so nobody actually turns to look, but Miguel can tell plenty of people heard. If Miles were alone someone might have even stepped in.
But Miles isn’t alone. He’s got a 6’9 Alpha hovering over his shoulder who growls low in his throat and meets the gaze of the other Alpha head on. The guy has a scraggly beard and wide eyes that belay his fear despite the way he shuffles back and tries to hold up his hands as best he can. “Hey man, complete accident, the rides bumpy.”
Miles snorts his disbelief, a response Miguel agrees with, and releases the Alpha and turns his back on him. Immediately he’s got a hand against Miguel’s chest and snaps his fingers until Miguel stamps his instincts down and breaks eye contact.
“Look at me,” Miles demands. “Leave it. He’s not worth it. If you make a scene I won’t let you scent me when we get home.”
It’s a good threat and Miguel forces himself to settle again. Still, the moment they reach the station he pulls Miles into a dark corner, sets a portal for their apartment, and shoves the Omega (gently) through it.
“Before you say anything, yes I am aware you’re right that I draw attention, no I will not stop going out in public just because you’re a possessive asshole,” Miles declares the moment they’re through.
“You’re lucky I didn’t kill him,” Miguel snaps in response, drops their groceries on the floor, and sweeps Miles up in his arms. The Omega makes an indignant noise but allows himself to be carried to the bedroom, where Miguel strips him and promptly begins scenting him. He smells like the city, like asphalt and strangers and hands where they shouldn’t be, and Miguel doesn’t let up until he smells sweet and milky, like claimed Omega, like home. Like Miguel.
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pupstim · 9 months
NGL I love watching Tubbo Shenanigans and I'm wondering if this will really work. Something I know a bit about the waystone mod is that you can disable like cross dimensional travel. So like are they going to let him do all this and then he'll get the message that cross dimensional travel is disabled or will they jsut fucking smite him and then delete his waystone
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lieutenantbiscute · 1 year
hi!! first things first, I just wanted to say I love your shell-shocked au. It's genuinely the best thing I've ever seen in either fandom/gen
and I have a few questions, if you don't mind. if some aren't answerable due to spoilers, I completely understand
What are raph and the uncles feelings over the fact the rise gang having to fight somewhat more extreme enemies then they did at their age? Such as the more terrifying kraang or a literal demonic shredder.
Kind of an add on to the last one, how do they feel about the leon-prison dimension thing?
Will there be a usagi? If so, what will they be like?
How is Rise April (possibly) implemented?
Did mikey teach leon about puns?
I hope you have a great day!
Aww thank you so much!! I love hearing how much people love my little plot bunny of an au!!
As for your questions!!
1. When demon Shredder finally makes an appearance Raph, Mona and the Uncle want to keep the boys as far away from Shredder as possible. By that point Uncle Yagi (Lou) has joined the group and Gram Gram has already helped the fam in mystic training; they are quite literally the only ones that can take a stand and make a difference in the fight. And Raph is facing his biggest fear of having his kids face something he and his brothers should be facing; unintentionally repeating his own fathers short comings in a way.
2. Kraang wise I have the angst filled idea that the communicator doesn’t cut out and both Mona and Raph keep getting cut ins of Kraang and his monologue towards Leon. It’s the worst 5 minutes of their lives and they definitely keep their sons on house arrest after they get back. Not like the kids want to leave their parents side afterwards anyways.
3. Unfortunately I don’t have any plans to add Usagi into the au but if I did it’d definitely be through the traditional cross dimensional shenanigans thanks to Danny!
4. Rise April goes by April O’Hara in the au and gets caught up in the turtles mischief around the age of 12! I won’t go further as I like the idea I have for her meeting the boys and wanna keep that under wraps till then!
5. Uncle Mikey definitely got Leon started on puns but it’s Uncle Leo that keeps him going. The two generally have a little pun war post training everyday or so, the two can trade puns back and forth. Raph doesn’t know whether to bust his head against the wall or be grateful that Leo is finally able to crack a joke after all these years of depression and angst!
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Miggy and the Royal AU?
So if it wasn't evident by my Sims save, I have 2 hyper-fixations at the moment competing for the top spot. One is Spiderverse, Miguel O'Hara, and my spider siblings, the other is FFXIV, all my loves, and my friends and family. So the only logical explanation is OBVIOUSLY MASH THEM ALL TOGETHER TIL IT GOES BOOM! (Duh!! /lh)
And since my FFXIV insert is my royal insert that means Miguel has to deal with that too. I am NOT sorry! Though in my head I have 2 ways of going about this. Either way, it's going to take place in the post-Shadow Bringers and into Endwalker.
The first way is that my Spider-sona finds an anomaly in the world of the First AFTER my royal s/i and the scions have left. She runs into Ryne who is still a bit saddened by the loss of everyone else so she confides in my Spider-sona who she thinks is the Rebecca she bonded with! When my Spider-sona learns the story, she can't help but feel bad for Ryne so she either steals a Multi-Dimensional Wristband from Miguel or gets Hobie to make one so she can give it to Ryne! Miguel finds out and IS NOT HAPPY! But my Spider-sona doesn't care and wants a happy family together. Miguel eventually comes around to allowing this and even bonds with Thancred about being a dad who lost his daughter and would do anything for her.
The second way is that Miguel detects anomalies within the Source and the other worlds of FFXIV! He didn't care/wasn't concerned because they're not a part of the Web of Life and there is no Spider-person there. But with the unsundered ascians wanting to bring about the rejoining and the End of Days, well, that's not good for ANY universe. So Miguel goes to check it out, only to find my royal s/i and think it's my Spider-sona meddling without him. Though it's very quickly brushed away, my royal s/i gives him the same warmth and care that my Spider-sona does so he can't help but linger despite arguing with his feelings! Also, my Spider-sona does get involved only to pull the classic Spider-Man meme and have all my loves have varying degrees of "THERE'S TWO OF YOU?!" and Princess and the Pauper shenanigans! Not to mention my loves seeing that I always fall for them and have the same friends no matter what world!
I also have a third AU which is basically just the second version without my Spider-sona! Just my royal s/i being like "Multi-Dimensional Spider-Man mad at me and wanting the world not to go boom... Sounds like a repeat of last Thursday..." then helping him blend in and acclimate to Eorzea!
Personally, I see him taking up monk due to his talons and physique/how we see him fight. But attitude-wise, I think Dark Knight is also fitting!!
AAAA I WANNA WRITE THEM ALL BUT HAVE NO CLUE WHERE TO BEGIN! But what do y'all think? Do you have any cross-over AUs??
Taglist: @maskedanarchy-ships @wanderers-wife @goldenworldsabound @floweringforgetfulness @disneymarina @nyandereneko @hadesgoddess @singingdeepinme @canongf
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abernant · 1 year
hihihiii . since i got to tell u abt enstars do u wanna talk abt oxenfree since all i know abt it is that someone has blue hair and pronouns
I WOULD TY MWAH KISSING YOU ok so . blue hair & pronouns is the protagonist her names alex the game opens with her on a boat trip w her childhood friend ren + her recently acquired stepbrother jonas to edwards island 4 a yearly quote unquote bash on the beach that ppl do but literally no one else went except them + two girls (nona and clarissa) and since they caught the last ferry theyre stuck together 4 the night on an essentially deserted island . FUN . neways we learn through exposition that a) throughout the years ppl have reported freaky shit involving caves on the beach with radio frequencies & they brought a radio 2 test them out and b) the islands oldest living resident (maggie adler) died about three days prior to their visit and c) there was a military submarine called the kanaloa that was sunk in wwii that killed 97 people inside OKAY . moving on . theyre playing truth or slap (truth or dare but no dares and u get 2 slap some1 if they lie) stuff happens ren has a crush on nona etc etc clarissa chooses 2 be a cunt and ask why alexs parents divorced & we learn that alex had a brother named michael who died + throughout other flashbacks in the game we see that clarissa and michael were dating, he drowned on a lake trip with alex who was unable to help since she cant swim & clarissa blames her 4 his death its a whole thing they make me insane MOVING ON . CAVES in the caves you do some radio signal bullshit BAM theres . some fucked up floating triangle that speaks in radio voice clips . & is kind of possessing them as vessels . occasionally theres time loops bc theyre trying 2 keep them there as long as possible 4 the possession 2 be successful . FUN ok the triangle is actually a dimensional rift connected 2 all of the people who died on aforementioned submarine that were separated from existence in a void outside of time and space theyre called the sunken okok shenanigans occur everyones on every corner of the island clarissa is the most posessed throughout & kills herself twice but dw shes fine ANYWAYS . after much plot they find maggie adlers plans 4 closing the rifts since she was part of the reason the submarine was sunk in the first place & had been studying them they have 2 cross over to the other side of the rift & tune the radio from there BUT while shes there the ghosts try 2 bargain with alex that theyll spare her & her friends if she lets them have clarissa therefore erasing her from existence & its either that or have that happen 2 Alex herself and then the ending is determined by the player there r several different endings & then at the end when alex is recounting how everything ended how ppl are doing after the island etc etc theres a glitch thing that happens whenever theres a time loop & she starts talking abt how she needs 2 catch the ferry and pick up jonas the whole game is a loop in itself WOO ok . anyways i loveeeee the characters in this game theyre so . teenagers & i love how like !! theyre all trapped by grief alex and clarissa are stuck in this endless antagonism bc thwyre both grieving the same person the sunken persist bc theyre grieving their own lives that were cut short & theres this scene at the end right b4 alex has 2 make the final choicethats just !!!!! the parallels !!!!!!!!! explodes !!!!!!!!!! uhhhh i love this game its 7yrs old now she is like a child to me . heartemoji
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prpfs · 9 months
25F, Discord-exclusive literate writer is seeking +21s for a long-term, fandomless mafia RP based in Hawaii, L.A., or Vegas (think Yakuza / Bōryokudan).
Consider large-scale organized crime versed in blackmail, bookmaking, illegal gambling, loan sharking, money laundering, prostitution, and trafficking of sorts. The kind wherein you typically know higher-ups from words of mouth till you cross paths head-on, if you’re that unlucky.
With that in mind, we’re talking heavy social pressure, taboos, “They vs. Us” narratives. A modicum of interest in organized crimes is a given, but our muses’ dynamics will retain greater attention over parroting mafia terminology. I’m also open to creating characters and NPCs from scratch, doubling upon request + v pin board, playlist, world building and ship friendly! ♥
I average 600+ words with a spotlight for my muses’ inner turmoil. That said, I will gladly chew on anything that advances the plot.
Usually, I give my muses a rough time sprinkled w trivial fluff, and love spicing up things w smut, high stakes, gray morality, and mental swordplay.
Preferred romantic / relationship w benefits are M × F (with me writing as either role) or F × F. However, I’ll refuse one-dimensional Tough vs. Cute sweethearts for end-game or PwP.
Kink-wise I’m fancying age-gap, breeding kink, body worship, car sex, dom / sub, edging, mutual masturbation, public (+++ for groping / squirting), sensory deprivation, skinny-dipping, Stockholm Syndrome, voyeurism, and many more.
Give me bodyguards, corrupt officials, die-hard gamblers, arranged marriages, forbidden relationships, shenanigans, indebted reluctant pawns, on-the-run traitors, underground businesses, and the likes!
Suggested faces are most wanted, but not mandatory:
F: Alba Flores, Fukushi Rina, Komatsu Nana, Miyuki Edmond, Nassia Matsa, Mizuno Sonoya, Ruth Negga, Samile Bermannelli, Tati Gabrielle.
M: Daniel Henney, Evan Mock, Jeremy Allen White, Lakeith Stanfield, Lee Pace, Manny Montana, Mason Gooding, Oscar Isaac, Takamasa Ishihara (Miyavi), Tony Thornburg,
Overall, this is a deliberately generic idea intended to be tweaked as we see fit. If this resonates with you, kindly react to this post, and I’ll DM you asap! 💋
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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brandwhorestarscream · 3 months
The ones I miss? Right…
Subnautica AU, megaop twins, dimensional crossover, de-extinction (aka: tfa bots get screwed a lot),Crypitid seekers, blitzbee baby au
Eeeee all very good ones! I love them all too 🥰 lemme see if I can throw out an idea for each, see if we can stir up some more conversations around them!
Subnautica AU... please consider peeper Starscream with his big ol eyes, starting to get the telepathic messages from mama leviathan as well as the schools of peepies. They're her agents, after all, dispersing trace amounts of enzyme 42. Mayhapa Star can be the one to free her? Maybe she doesn't have to die this time
Megop twins! Since we kinda got to an ending point, let's back up and consider some shenanigans with the twins on earth. Maybe an encounter with the humans, June scolding the bots for literally kidnapping two babies, or perhaps an alt version where Orion actually stays with the cons until after the twins are born and is only afterwards dragged off by the bots?
Ahhh, the cross dimensional shenanigans... that's a really old one. More of TFP Starscream and TFA Blitzwing being friends huh? Alright, then please consider when Starscream takes his leave of the decepticons in season 2, Blitzwing goes with him. Rather than running afoul of M.E.C.H. Blitzwing goes Oh Hell No and blows them up. No one else is going to bully Starscream on his watch, and especially not some hateful little organics 😑
De-Extinction AU my beloved! Aka autobots are all sterile and they're out of allspark energy and now their only hope of salvation is with the decepticons who can still reproduce... Optimus is one of the first people to sign up for parenthood. Who is having his baby? I think you know 🤭 who else? Prowl definitely has an interest, he'd fascinated by the idea of creating life! Maybe eventually the jet twins also finally get to reunite with their carrier after it comes to light that they were born rather than made... so many options!
Cryptic seekers... ah, I love them. What to do about them? What else can I say? Though they usually spit their venom, there are cases of them biting someone and the wound becoming horribly, lethally infected if immediate treatment isn't sought. Like komodo dragons 😌 they will bite if cornered, so watch out!
Blitzbee baby AU!! I haven't thought about that one in forever but I love it! Food for thought: the first time double agent Blurr gets onto the decepticon base in earth, two things happen: one, bitty falls absolutely helm over pedes in love with him and immediately scoops him up to snuggles. Refuses to put him down and cries so hard he gives himself hiccups when Blurr manages to wiggle free. The racer feels so bad he hands himself over again and gives his check in report still squished in the giant warframe sparkling's arms. Two, Blurr leaves with baby fever even if he doesn't quite know what that means yet.
I'll leave the tags for all these AUs on this post, so if anyone wants to take a look at them, here ya go! Easy access lol
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findyourrp · 10 months
Howdy! 🫶
I am a 25F, Discord-exclusive novella writer penning in 3rd pers. looking for +21 writers interested in original M × F mafia rp, with me writing either role. That said, I will decline one-dimensional Hard vs. Soft sweethearts for end-game (along with variants of the genre) with respect to the setting I’d like to flesh out w you!
This is a request for a long-term, Hawaii, L.A., or Vegas-based Yakuza / Bōryokudan setting. We’re talking gambling, laundering, social pressure, taboos, and “They vs. Us” narratives. Consider large-scale clans versed in blackmail, bookmaking, loan sharking, trafficking of sorts; the kind within which you typically know the higher-ups from words of mouth before you eventually cross paths head-on (if you’re that unlucky).
A modicum of interest in organized crime’s modus operandi and Japanese etiquette is a given, but my aim lies less in hyperrealism than an exploratory drive. I will give more attention to character dynamics than parroting Yakuza-related terminology for the sake of it. Note that nothing compels you to playing a clan insider, but doing so will facilitate stronger, pre-established relationships. I’m also open to creating characters from scratch upon request!
Overall, this is a deliberately generic brainstorming, intended to be tweaked as we see fit.
I average 600+ words, focusing on my muses’ inner thoughts. That said, I will chew on just about anything that advances the plot.
I tend to give my muses a rough time sprinkled w fluff band-aids. I also love spicing up things w angst, 30 / 70 smut-plot ratio, high stakes, gray morality, mental swordplay, and darker themes—so minors DNI.
Preferred romantic and dynamic w benefits are M × F, but I write as / against any genre in a platonic capacity.
Will love to interact with anyone dabbling in Pinterest boards, playlists, memes sent at 3 a.m.; willing to communicate, rewrite, fade to black at will. I will not pressure you into replying, but I’d like to know about your motivation (or lack thereof).
Give me bodyguards, bitter couples, corrupt officials, die-hard gamblers, arranged marriages, forbidden relationships, family shenanigans, indebted reluctant pawns, traitors on the run, Stockholm Syndrome, underground businesses.
Should you opt for playing a clan insider, you will find below a list of preferred (but not mandatory) faces I have in mind for us to use:
F: Fukuhara Karen, Fukushi Rina, Komatsu Nana, Mannami Yuka, Mizuhara Kiko, Miyuki Edmond, Sakura Heffron, Serena Motola, Tachibana Eri, Takesue Shiori, Mizuno Sonoya, Okunugi Chiharu, Yonekura Ryoko, Yoshida Sano.
M: Hasegawa Makoto, Kenta Sakurai, Kubozuka Yōsuke, Maeda Makken’yū, Takamasa Ishihara (Miyavi), Tony Thornburg, Tsuda Kenjiro, Yamashita Tomohisa, Yamazaki Kento, Yokohama Ryūsei, Yoshizawa Ryō.
If you are interested, please react to this post and I’ll get back to you asap! 💋
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dark-roleplay-finder · 10 months
♟️ Howdy!
25F, Discord-exclusive literate writer is seeking +21s for a long-term, fandomless mafia RP based in Hawaii, L.A., or Vegas (think Yakuza / Bōryokudan).
Consider large-scale organized crime versed in blackmail, bookmaking, illegal gambling, loan sharking, money laundering, prostitution, and trafficking of sorts. The kind wherein you typically know higher-ups from words of mouth till you cross paths head-on, if you’re that unlucky.
With that in mind, we’re talking heavy social pressure, taboos, “They vs. Us” narratives. A modicum of interest in organized crimes is a given, but our muses’ dynamics will retain greater attention over parroting mafia terminology. I’m also open to creating characters and NPCs from scratch, doubling upon request + v pin board, playlist, world building and ship friendly! ♥
I average 600+ words with a spotlight for my muses’ inner turmoil. That said, I will gladly chew on anything that advances the plot.
Usually, I give my muses a rough time sprinkled w trivial fluff, and love spicing up things w smut, high stakes, gray morality, and mental swordplay.
Preferred romantic / relationship w benefits are M × F (with me writing as either role). However, I’ll refuse one-dimensional Tough vs. Cute sweethearts for end-game or PwP.
Kink-wise I’m fancying age-gap, breeding kink, body worship, car sex, dom / sub, edging, mutual masturbation, public (+++ for groping), sensory deprivation, skinny-dipping, Stockholm Syndrome, voyeurism, and many more.
Give me bodyguards, corrupt officials, die-hard gamblers, arranged marriages, forbidden relationships, shenanigans, indebted reluctant pawns, on-the-run traitors, underground businesses.
Suggested faces are most wanted, but not mandatory:
F: Alba Flores, Fukushi Rina, Komatsu Nana, Miyuki Edmond, Nassia Matsa, Mizuno Sonoya, Ruth Negga, Samile Bermannelli, Tati Gabrielle.
M: Daniel Henney, Evan Mock, Jeremy Allen White, Lakeith Stanfield, Lee Pace, Manny Montana, Mason Gooding, Oscar Isaac, Takamasa Ishihara (Miyavi), Tony Thornburg.
Overall, this is a deliberately generic idea intended to be tweaked as we see fit. If this resonates with you, kindly react to this post, and I’ll DM you asap! 💋
Like this post and the asker will reach out!
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darkdoverpseeker · 10 months
25F, Discord-exclusive literate writer is seeking +21s for a long-term, fandomless mafia RP based in Hawaii, L.A., or Vegas (think Yakuza / Bōryokudan).
Consider large-scale organized crime versed in blackmail, bookmaking, illegal gambling, loan sharking, money laundering, prostitution, and trafficking of sorts. The kind wherein you typically know higher-ups from words of mouth till you cross paths head-on if you’re that unlucky.
With that in mind, we’re talking heavy social pressure, taboos, “They vs. Us” narratives. A modicum of interest in organized crimes is a given, but our muses’ dynamics will retain greater attention over parroting mafia terminology. I’m also open to creating characters and NPCs from scratch, doubling upon request + v pin board, playlist, worldbuilding and ship friendly! ♥
I average 600+ words with a spotlight for my muses’ inner turmoil. That said, I will gladly chew on anything that advances the plot.
Usually, I give my muses a rough time sprinkled w trivial fluff, and love spicing up things w smut, high stakes, gray morality, and mental swordplay.
Preferred romantic / relationship w benefits are M × F (with me writing as either role) or F × F. However, I’ll refuse one-dimensional Tough vs. Cute sweethearts for end-game or PwP.
Kink-wise I’m fancying age-gap, breeding kink, body worship, car sex, dom / sub, edging, mutual masturbation, public (+++ for groping / squirting), sensory deprivation, skinny-dipping, Stockholm Syndrome, voyeurism, and many more.
Give me bodyguards, corrupt officials, die-hard gamblers, arranged marriages, forbidden relationships, shenanigans, indebted reluctant pawns, on-the-run traitors, underground businesses.
Suggested faces are most wanted, but not mandatory:
F: Alba Flores, Fukushi Rina, Komatsu Nana, Miyuki Edmond, Nassia Matsa, Mizuno Sonoya, Ruth Negga, Samile Bermannelli, Tati Gabrielle.
M: Daniel Henney, Evan Mock, Jeremy Allen White, Lakeith Stanfield, Lee Pace, Manny Montana, Mason Gooding, Oscar Isaac, Takamasa Ishihara (Miyavi), Tony Thornburg,
Overall, this is a deliberately generic idea intended to be tweaked as we see fit. If this resonates with you, kindly react to this post, and I’ll DM you asap! 💋
interact if interested!
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formerchaoslord · 1 year
I seriously like RiTF and Solo, even though I was introduced to it a little while ago... but I find this universe of yours that you created very interesting, even if I don't like this idea of ​​a multiverse very much, I think a little messy, but do what you want, anyway, I also think it's amazing the way you write and make a scene with the characters and just a question, do you draw? if you don't draw, feel free to ask me to draw something for you
(How's my Portrayal?)
Thank you. It warms my heart when someone really likes RiFT. Even though at first glance he's pretty much Copy X' body with the core of the sentient dimensional rift inside the reploid (Hence why he's called RiFT), there's much more to him when you get to know RiFT as a character. I hope you look forward to the stories I plan to write with him in the future. There's a lot about him under the surface.
Solo (A.K.A. Rogue) is a lot of fun to write since he's different from most of my muses. A lot of them are a lot kinder and try making friends, while Solo tries to act like a loner when in reality he's just a tsundere who really cares about the friends he makes but doesn't want to admit it so he doesn't appear soft. And his dynamic with Laplace are some of my favorite things to write. But the most ironic thing is that one of the coolest characters is also one of the funniest to write because of all the shenanigans that happen around him that can make him lose his cool, like reminding him that Geo (A.K.A. Star Force Megaman) always beats him (You've pressed the Geo Button. You shouldn't have done that.) And when people keeps trying to ship him with Luna. But he's gone through enough character development that shows how much he's improved as a person. He even admitted to Azure Kite that he actually cares for his team.
I understand why some people don't like the idea of the Multiverse. Like Time Travel, it can be messy, and when written poorly, very inconsistent, and sometimes makes no sense. Despite that, I love the concept because it's something that opens up infinite possibilities for storytelling. An idea for a story usually starts with a "What if," and alternate dimensions are pretty much a what if scenario that can completely alter an existing story to create a new story, which is exciting for me. In fact, I like the concept so much that I tend to look up what if stories on YouTube. Some examples are MasakoX' "What if Raditz turned good," Rune Scribble's "What if Ash met Meowth first," and The Sega Scourge's "What if Emerl survived." But I'm glad the Multiverse didn't stop you from enjoying my writing and when the characters interact with each other.
And to answer your question, yes, I can draw. In fact, some of my icons I drew myself. Here are some examples;
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My King of Sorrow Icon
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My Torque Icon
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My Restored Ray Icon
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And my Welch Vineyard Icon.
I even drew the icons for @cosmolumine PiXEL and @grafitticreativity Arcaneman.EXE.
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PiXEL Icon
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Arcaneman.EXE Icon.
With that said, I don't mind doing a drawing exchange. I assume you were the one who drew Tabletwoman.EXE, which is well done. I may come and ask not only if you'd draw something for me, but if I'm aloud to draw something for you, like fanart of Tabletwoman.EXE, or even Tablet Cross Megaman, if that's okay.
Anyway, thank you for your kind words. I like the characters you have as well. I'll be sure to continue the thread again soon. I want to learn more about them, and Lan and Megaman seem to get along with them. Keep up the great work!
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Do you think Duela will turn out to be Harvey's daughter in Gotham Knights? (I think so. The actress playing Duela looks suspiciously like the actor playing Harvey, imo.) #Gotham Knights #Harvey Dent
I think that it's possible... But not very probable... Depending on how they write Harvey and Duela and what the timeline looks like. Because... Just... Duela, man... I haven't read any of Duela's stories, mind you, but what I do know of her sounds... Interesting...
Like, depending on when in the Batman timeline this happens, it is possible that Duela is just too old to be Harvey's kid (as was the case when she was introduced in the comics). Also where's Gilda? In general, I don't really think that Harvey would be the kind of character who would have a kid with someone without knowing about it, or without marrying whoever he had the kid with. (He falls in love FAST and HARD! He wants to be in love BADLY. So if he meets someone that he actually ends up sleeping with, it's very likely that he'd propose.) I have doubts that they would start doing multiverse shenanigans already in the show, so her backstory from Prime Earth is unlikely...
That being said, having Duela be Harvey's daughter is EXACTLY the kind of over-the-top dramatic bullshit that a CW show would pull! So while I think it's improbable from a character standpoint, it absolutely could still happen!
Also like... What I would love more than anything else is if, regardless of Duela's parentage, if after he becomes Two-Face for Harvey to just be like, "The Joker sucks. I'm your dad now!" and for Harvey to just adopt her. :p Harvey in general does seem to want kids, and I get the impression that he certainly wouldn't mind if his kids were adopted! So let Harvey adopt Duela! She can still be a Dent, just not through convoluted cross-dimensional bloodlines! :D
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