#i only have work stuff pinned up on my cube lol
roseband · 10 months
oof i just realized since i have a newer phone now and outlook app works on it, not only can i work on teams off my wrist, but i can do EMAILS off my wrist
#tbh i automated around like... 50% of my job away#i mean i still have to check the artwork and stuff it's not like my scripties can do my job for me#nor can my datamerge sets or my like.... resize one art.. automatically resizes all other garment size templates#and when i wfh i let the computer run and answer messages and texts on my phone#but now i don't even have to run over when i get an email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#my boss saw me do it a few times and i taught a few ppl in my dept my like... .lazy girl automation#AND he asked how i knew the things and i was like... oh no reason like i know this for no reason#until like i was there over a year..... and i was like UHHH i was REALLY into a kpop boyband with 9 members and wanted to make GIFS#for ALL NINE BOYS!! every performance... sometimes 2 perfs a day which is 4 x 9 x 2 gifs LOL#he looked at me like i was weird but i also sit in between the bts cubicle and the exo cubicle#i only have work stuff pinned up on my cube lol#BUT if you guys didn't know all my gifs are batch processed.... so i only do about half the work#i have a script to copy layers to all open documents which helps with coloring and watermarks#and then also.... a BUNCH of batch processes... like all i do is import crop and do base coloring#everything else my computer just runs for me now LMAO#personal#if i don't get a good raise this year... we're going to be implementing one of my data merge things for templates for a LOT of the pitch#boards and pages for sales................... SOOoooOOoO i'll sneak that shit into my portfolio and apply elsewhere to get a job hop bump#but i should get a good review lol
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mystic-sky · 3 years
This is just a request, but do you think you can write something short about gojo meeting his s/o who is a poc and how he’d react to her curly hair 🥺👉🏾👈🏾 the fandom is still pretty new so there’s not a lot of poc drabbles out there if any at all.
Here you go bby, I hope you enjoy 💕✨
Summary: An AU where you’re a sorcerest whose stationed in Japan due to the National Sorcerer Exchange Program I just made up lol. Even though it’s your first encounter Satoru is a big flirt, as usual✨💘
Word count: 1.7k
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It was annoying, being one of the few special grade sorcerers based in Tokyo. Satoru Gojo often wished he could duplicate himself at least three or four times, just to reduce some of the workload stress he had. The older he got, the more he wished he wasn’t the strongest- and that’s a pretty surprising statement on his end.
He felt he couldn’t catch a break. Between special grade work, his students and now looking after Yuji Itadori, who hysterically swallowed a special grade object, he had a lot on his plate.
It was hardly a burden for him. He only wished he could be in multiple places at once. This way, he could make sure the higher ups wouldn’t mess with his students, who meant so much to him.
In sight of the increased special grade activity in Japan and several other countries, the first ever Sorcerer Exchange program was implemented by higher ups across the world. It would ensure that special and first grade sorcerers were evenly spread out and or placed in regions that needed special attention. Satoru wasn’t particularly fond of anything the higher ups did, but this idea wasn’t so bad.
“A government funded, international sorcerer exchange program,” Yaga informs Satoru, who sits across from him, idly drinking his tea.
“And how does this work exactly?” Satoru raises a brow at Yaga before dropping cubes of sugar into his cup, stirring loudly.
“For 6 month spans, high level sorcerers who applied to the exchange will be stationed in different countries to regulate curse activity.”
“Sounds like it pays more. Nanamin might like that.”
“It does, depending on your skill level.” Yaga sits back in his seat. “We’ve already received a few sorcerers from America, Africa, China, Russia-”
“All special grade?” Satoru interjects.
“Currently the exchange program only allows special and first grade sorcerers. Considering the high levels of cursed energy around the world this year, it would be best if we avoided any casualties by placing inexperienced sorcerers in the wrong places.”
“That reminds me. You’re prohibited from participating, considering we’re a red area. Until cursed activity improves here you won’t be allowed to participate.”
“Aww c’mon, you guys suck.” Satoru cocks his head back, sighing loudly.
He already traveled a lot for special grade missions but never for more than a few days. Now there was a whole six-month program and he wasn’t allowed to participate in it? Then again, he couldn’t leave Yuji here with the possibility of the higher ups trying to hurt him again. He promised himself he would protect all of his students.
“There are several meetings I must attend tomorrow and I’d like for you to be there. Don’t be late.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that all you wanted to talk about?” Satoru is already up and gripping the handle on the office door.
“I’ve also decided to assign a co-teacher to your first years, for your shorter stationed trips every now and then. She’s an extremely talented special grade from the exchange program. So you needn’t worry of a repeat of the detention center incident with Yuji.”
He had already swung the door open, towering above your body in the door frame. Your nose is barely touching his jacket, and hand almost touching his chest as you were attempting to knock. You take a step back, a bit startled.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I tried to knock,” you say, looking up at the blindfolded man in front of you. “I’m looking for Masamichi Yaga?”
Satoru is startled by your flawless Japanese, considering you’re clearly not of Japanese descent. He took note of your tan skin and big, curly hair that was pinned back in certain spots to display your face.
What a cutie.
“No, I’m Satoru Gojo. Principal Yaga’s the one sitting behind me.” He’s not entirely surprised by your appearance, considering he’s traveled all over the world to fight curses. “And you are?”
You almost think he’s flirting, considering how smooth the question was. Also, you’re now recognizing who he is, cheeks reddening a bit.
“I’m (Full Name). You’re the special grade I’m going to be subbing with for the first years! I’ve heard great things!” You politely bow a bit.
“I know.” His grin large and cocky as he steps out the way, allowing you to walk in. “No need to be so formal though.”
You’re slightly put off by his attitude, but principal Yaga interjects quickly.
“(Last Name), come in. I’ve been awaiting your arrival. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Yaga is on his feet now, bowing towards you.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too. I’m excited to work with you all.” You say as he motions you to sit and have some tea.
Satoru has found a reason to stay in the room, plopping down beside you and taking up his tea he had previously abandoned.
“Thanks for sending Ichiji to the airport to help with my belongings. I brought so much stuff, I hope it wasn’t too much for him.” You brain flashes back to Ichiji struggling to hold all of your luggage outside the baggage claim.
“Pffft, feel free to call on him whenever you want. That’s what he’s here for.” Satoru assures you, flashing you a toothy grin. You get the feeling that he probably made Ichiji’s job a living hell.
“I must say, Ms. (Last Name), your Japanese is remarkable. How did you become so fluent?” Yaga asks, filling your cup.
“I’m flattered. I taught myself what I could before attending (insert random ass college name in Japan) University. I’ve always admired Japanese culture so I studied it pretty hard. I can also speak (Native language, if you have one) and (two other languages of your choosing).”
“Wow, your Japanese is better than most locals.” Satoru chuckled. “And you’re pretty too. Lucky me.”
You shifted in place on the sofa. The most powerful sorcerer known to man was sitting beside you and he was complimenting you.
“Thank you,” you say loosely, picking up your teacup.
“Ahem,” Yaga interrupts, earning a tiny snort from Satoru.
“He hates it when I flirt.” Satoru whispers as he leans over towards you. Your face feels a bit hot, and you decide it’s from the steam of the tea in your face and not the handsome man leaning a bit too close to you. You set the cup down after the lightest sip.
“I hate to get down to business so soon Ms. (Last Name), but I’d like for you to get settled in as soon as possible. I’ve mapped out a few assignments for you this week. This is your first.” He slides the first report across the table.
“There have been several reports of abnormal cursed energy in Shinjuku City. It’s likely a special grade. I’d like for you to get to the bottom of it. It shouldn’t be a problem, considering your level of expertise. I’ve forwarded the documents to you as well.” The glint in his glasses makes you chuckle a bit. You flip through the report briefly.
“I skimmed this one on the flight. Whatever it is,” you begin, taking out your phone, “seems to be luring children. This corresponds with the rise in missing childrens’ cases I read about in Shinjuku.”
You place the article on your phone down on the table for principal Yaga to read. You liked to do your own research on locals news to see if curses had any sort of correspondence with a certain area’s events.
“You think a curse is kidnapping children?” Satoru suggests.
“It’s just a hunch. It’s nothing I haven’t encountered before.” You bite the nail on your thumb, realizing the inevitable.
“Unfortunately, if I’m correct, those children most likely aren’t alive.”
You stand up, firmly.
“I trust you’ll take care of it then,” Yaga hands your device towards you.
“Most definitely,” you look at your watch. “And I’ll be done before dinner.”
You offer the principal a smile before you slip on your trench coat, eager to take on your first mission.
“By all means, it can wait until the morning after you’ve rested.” Yaga persists.
“Nope! Not when children are potentially involved. I can’t risk it.” You straighten your clothes, and bow once more. “I’ll report back soon.”
“(Name) doesn’t let jet lag stop her from doing her job. What an admirable woman.” Satoru cooed.
“Well, Gojo-san, it was a pleasure meeting you.” You begin to wave but Satoru is on his feet, and right behind you, making you stumble back again.
“Oh no, I’m coming with you.” He grins. “I’ve gotta see what the most powerful special grade sorceress is capable of in person.”
While you had heard of your own nickname before, you hated when people called you that. You tried your best to be humble about it. There’s always new ways to improve your cursed technique, even if you don’t know how yet.
“So you do know who I am,” you shifted your stance, hands on your hips.
“I’ve heard a few things,” he says slyly. “But I’d like to see them first hand.”
“Hmph, alright then. I suppose you can show me around Shinjuku. It’s been a while since I’ve been there.” You flip your hair, making your way towards the door.
“And it’s your lucky day, I feel like showing off.” You say, peaking over your shoulder.
“Great, it’s a date.”
You stop dead in your tracks, just two steps out of Yaga’s office.
“Even after four years of university in Japan? I said, it’s a date.”
The door shuts behind him, and his grin is even more smug.
The audacity.
“You’re not going on a date with me unless you ask me properly.” You roll your eyes, swaying down the steps. So this was Satoru Gojo.
“C’mon sweetheart, we’d be iconic as hell— the strongest man and the strongest woman? We’d be unstoppable.”
“I don’t even know what you look like underneath that thing.” You say, motioning towards his blindfold.
Oh , but you lied. You’d seen his Instagram.
He was a selfie fanatic. That and a cake fiend.
“Wanna see right now? Will it change your mind?” His voice low and steady behind you.
“I’ve got a curse to excorcise.” You roll your eyes, speeding up ahead of him. It didn’t help much considering his legs were so long.
“You know you wanna,” he bends down, voice deep in your ear.
“I’m not listening~
You’re far ahead of him now, attempting to hide the heat on your face and hearing deep chuckles echo behind you.
“Ah, this is going to be the best six months ever!” He laughs heartily.
A small smile crept on your lips.
Maybe it would be.
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notasdriedapricots · 3 years
Hi! If you don’t mind, would you share a lot more of dad!Lucas headcanons please!
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Well I do not mind at all! I'm sorry if there's people wishing I'd shut up about it lol Here is the first part of these, just in case, and here are some comments on pregnancy and choosing a nanny. And sorry it took me so long to get to this!
So, some more general HC and then I'll add some specific for a girl or a boy because why not.
- That child is getting technology time so, so limited… They're gonna be playing outside (likely taking classes for a chosen sport), they'll get tons of pencils and paper to draw, paint, jigsaw puzzles, cubes, books, playdough… Physical things, rather than an iPad and Kids Netflix 24/7. I HC Lucas as working in rehabilitation, and some fellow psychologist will remark the importance of early cognitive and motor stimulation. And he'll take it very seriously, even if it requires a bit of extra work from him and MC.
- He would be the one teaching them how to walk (again, according to my work HC for him, he already does that with grown people so he would take this as a personal mission).
- OBSESSIVE about proper nutrition while they grow up. Lots of research about when children can start eating certain things, swatting forks away screaming "ARE YOU INSANE?? DO YOU KNOW HOW ALLERGENIC TOMATOES ARE??". That kid will have no allergies and a killer immune system.
- So much frustration during the "picky eater" phase, oh my god. He can't understand why they won't eat something they used to like, and now they just want spaghettis with cream and nothing else.
- Slightly hurt if he's woken up by a distant "Mom, I had a nightmare" instead of a closer "Dad, I had a nightmare" in the middle of the night…
- His worst nightmare is the supermarket tantrum. MC knows the basic principle of: You just explain why you said "no" and let them cry their eyes out, the rest of the people know kids that age throw tantrums. But Lucas? Lucas would get anxious that people would think he's a bad father and end up giving in even if he knows he shouldn’t, and then when they don't stop because sometimes what children actually want is just to cry, he would get even more anxious and just leave the supermarket without whatever they were there for.
- Punishments are smart and evil, but effective. Nothing physical, of course, and nothing unenforceable like "No TV for a month", and nothing cruel like "Not seeing your friends for two weeks". No. Something simpler. "No TV, only for two hours, for a week". Which two hours you ask? The two hours their favourite cartoon is on. "Sure, we'll still go to your favourite park. But later. When the dog you always pet has already gone home." "Yes, you can have a cookie after lunch. Any you want, except you favourite." Little things that make a point. They didn't do anything unforgiveable so it won't merit anything big, but he'll make sure there are consequences to it.
- No family portrait, but he takes all their drawings to his practice and pins them on a board next to his desk.
- Firm believer on the "one language, one physical activity, one artistic interest" triad. The specifics in each category are up to the kid.
- "Daaaad, can we go for a ride on your bike?" "Absolutely not." "… Why?" "Because it's dangerous. No." "Why is it dangerous?" "Because it goes very fast and you can fall and get hurt." "Then we'll get another bike that's not dangerous." "All bikes are dangerous." *Points to his arm* "That one too?"
- Bonus points if after that they cry every time they see Lucas grab his helmet. "Dad, no! You're gonna die!"
- The kid would be curious about his job and think he's a doctor. He would kinda let them believe it while they're still young because explaining the difference would be a bit too complicated for a small child; a "Not exactly a doctor, but close" type of deal.
- He's so over the top when it comes to material stuff… "Dad, can you get me a book by this author?" "Which one?" "Whichever you find!" *The next day* "I got what you wanted!" *puts three bags filled with the author's entire bibliography on the table*.
- I don't like it, but he would be kind of a "suck it up" kinda parent… Not because he doesn't get that you shouldn't shake everything off but because he doesn't know how to deal with it himself. Mom would be more understanding.
- This has to do with a very specific HC from my Lucas in my fic but I figured I might as well share it. Lucas would never ever suggest it, it probably wouldn't even cross his mind, but if MC said she wanted to be a stay at home mom for a couple of years, he wouldn't oppose.
- Another personal HC (a bit too personal as it vaguely comes from actual personal experience), is that he doesn't have a bad relationship with his family. They are all just a bit distant, mostly only talking and seeing each other for Sunday brunch with very little interaction besides that (which makes some sense on a particular level but I won't get into it right now). So, while he doesn't actually resent his family, he wouldn't want his kid to feel that distance or coldness; it would be difficult because that's the way he's used to interact with family, it's what he learned, but he would make the effort and follow MC's lead on being a more loving parent.
Lucas and a daughter:
- The OG, my first dad!Lucas HC ever, from the Baby Challenge I've had written since last year, is that he would melt for the rest of his life if he had a daughter.
- She is a princess, she's perfect, and no human being will ever be good enough for her, don't @ him. No one is surprised by this headcanon, right?
- He can't say no to her, he just can't. Again, no one is surprised.
- Also, she grows up seeing him as the model of the ideal partner, seeing how he treats her mom and being taught that's how her partner should treat her.
- "Can I put make up on you?" "Sorry, honey, no." "… Well, can I give you another tattoo, then?" "… Okay."
- "Lucas, we can't keep buying her just dresses. She's a kid, she needs to run around and play, and be comfortable. Just let her be in a pair of trousers or shorts and a t-shirt." "Yeah, you're right… She looks so cute, though!" "Yes, but all those pretty dresses are going into the sandbox, you know?"
- "Lucas, why did you buy her a real tea set?" "What do you mean why? What did you want me to buy her? Plastic?" "Yes! It's a toy!" "I'm not buying her a set of plastic Barbie-pink cups. That's tacky." "Okay then, what do you think it's gonna happen if she drops one, it shatters, and she tries to clean it up without asking for help." "… She- she would ask for help." "You never know." *Suddenly pale Lucas*
Lucas and a son:
- If he's into them, sports! If he's not, Lucas won't force him.
- While Lucas is away he would ask mom or the nanny for one of his white shirts and pretend he's wearing a lab coat like his dad. Lucas would get him a tiny lab coat of his own, with the pockets and everything.
- Some physical play, as in putting him upside down or tickle wars type of deal.
- He would look up to his dad so much it's ridiculous. He's his hero, and his role model. He would copy his walk, the way he seats, the way he talks… So much so, people would insist they look exactly the same even if they don't because the "vibe" resemblance is that strong.
- Just imagine his face if the kid said he wanted to follow his footsteps profession-wise.
- The chats about how to treat women and how to stand up to bullies both for himself and for others…
- Quiet camaraderie when he's older.
Okay, I'll stop here again lol. Now I'm thinking about teens and Lucas, but if I get into that this will be a novel and we don't want that. Again, thanks for asking these! Now I want to write a dad!Lucas fic, damn you all.
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toorumochi · 3 years
KaruShuu OTP Questions
Ah- I created ehhh 4?? I suppose KaruShuu head-canons posts today but do I regret it? Absolutely not, I loved it. So here you go, have another one, don't be shy, read it.
Also, please keep in mind that these head-canons are completely made up by me in a way of that it's just how I would see it sksksk also here, KaruShuu would be probably adults?? Also married??
Anyways, enjoy~ 🌸
Who is the most affectionate? Sinceee they got married, I'm sure the longer into the relationship, the more they have opened up to each other? Karma would be the type to wake up first in the morning and kiss Shuu good morning, but since Shuu is an early bird, he would wake up before Karma and make breakfast for him. Thats how he shows affection ❤️🧡
Most common argument? Sad to think that they NeEd to argue 🙄💅 but oh well- I thinkkk they would argue over super silly things. For example what to watch (If you have read my previous head canons, you will know what I mean by 'Shrek Marathons'):
"Let's watch something"
"Sure, what do you have in mind?''
Karma would just grin over to Shuu and Shuus eyes would widen, "Hell no"
"Absolutely ye-"
"Karma don't you dAR-"
They ended up watching (again for the 12 time this week) Shrek.
Who apologizes first? Karma apologies fly out of his mouth faster than they stop arguing. Karma would rather apologize than not let them talk for the next few hours.
Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together? They enjoy getting massage! Ifff KaruShuu was too lazy to go out to get a professional massage for a few hours, they would do it to each other. (It usually ends with them making out later on but I'll delete that part)
Who is most likely to carry the other? Karma would carry Shuu ❤️😩 Ugh bridal style to embarrass him 💀💅
For Karma, by Shuu: Tamponhead (I used this one in my fanfic and I will forever love it), Moron, Karma. Tbh, I don't think neither like these pet-names or nicknames since that think they are 'cringy'.
Tho, Karma has quite a few: Shuu (Main, he doesn't use 'Gakushuu' but when he does, Shuu melts lol), Pumpkin, Orange, pumpkin pie, Strawberry shortcake (bc he loves strawberries so why not call Shuu one 😌🤚🏻), Sugar cube (Idk I think it's cute, tho I don't know if that's even a nickname- 💀💀)
Also a note: They would definitely not use 'baby', 'babe', 'honey' bc- noooo 😩💀
Who proposes? Karma 💅
Who sings along with the radio? Karma would sing along but he is horrible at singing and Shuu makes him KNOW it by him singing and Karma shuts up but finds it hilarious at the same time.
Who worries most? Both do, depending on the situation. Shuu would be worried about stuff like paying taxes or things like that, meanwhile Karma is worried for Shuus health, if he is eating enough as well as getting enough sleep every night. Shuu is a hardworking bee after all ✨
Who always wants to take selfies with the other? Karma wants to, for example they are traveling somewhere for vacation and Karma wants to take as many pics as possible with his husband so he can later on put them into an album ❤️😩 (KaruShuu as a married couple >>>>)
Who likes to playfully tease the other? Ohhh~ Karma teases Shuu all the time, but there are times where Shuu would feel playful so he would tease back
Who has the weirdest taste in their music? Karma I'm begging you- his music taste changes every week and road trips are a disaster for Shuu
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Karma remembers because Shuu is always ordering the same things since he is minimalistic lol but Karma is a living chaos when it comes to food so Shuu can't remember it all.
Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other? Lmao no matter for how long they are already together, no matter if they are married, no matter how many times they had done it, Shuu would be the one to be embarrassed about it every time.
Who tops? ...Okay so here, personally as someone who writes Fanfics, Karma tops. Always. I just- I just can't imagine Shuu as a top?? my friends gave me some really valid reasons for Shuu to be a top but I just can't see it 😩
Who initiates kisses? Both I guess? But mostly Karma
Who reaches for the other's hand first? Oooo here an example! If they are driving in the car, and Karmas hand is free, Shuu usually reaches for it but as soon as Karma needs it to drive, he has to let go. Or if they are in the cinema - Shuu would definitely hold onto Karmas hand the whole time - as comfort, since they usually watch Horror movies together so yea 😌
Who kisses hardest? Who is most ticklish? Both is Karma, but when it comes to tickling, even tho Karma is more ticklish, he is also stronger than Shuu so he can easily pin him down and tickle him, just for the sake to see Shuu giggle which kills him bc God damnit isn't he adorable?
Who brings an animal they found home? Lol depends on the animal. I would say Karma is a cat person and Shuu is a dog person b u t Shuu is allergic to cats so they can't have cats. But I think if Karma would be the one to bring an animal home, it would be a dog.
Who holds the umbrella for the other when it's raining? Karma's shoe laces often get untangled, so when Karma bends to tie them, Shuu stands over him with an umbrella to keep the rain from pouring on him.
Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public? Karma 😭
Who kills the scary bugs? Oh lemme tell you about this one:
Shuu HATES bugs, since he always had the feeling of his father having a bunch of centipedes around himself whenever he acted manipulative and so on so he hates them. So one time when Shuu was taking a shower, and Karma was in the kitchen, Shuu suddenly screeched so Karma went to check on him. He walked onto a Shuu, covering himself with a towel and looking absolutely T E R R I F I E D at the ceiling, stuttering. Karma was hella confused so he looked up and oop here we go, a spider. Karma obv took the spider off the ceiling to free it, but first he had to tease and scare his husband a little by walking towards the shower stall, "Shuu look~ He wants to be friends with you~", the way Shuu screamed at this made almost all of the windows in the apartment break.
Who asks the weird questions at random in the middle of the night? Karma does that on a daily basis, but when Shuu is a little bit drunk, he would ask weird questions to which Karma never has an answer but he jokes around.
Who hogs the blankets? Karma hogs them and Shuu ends up having a cold the next morning 😭
Who wakes up first? Shuu is an early bird, but Karma wakes up first for work.
Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer? On weekends, they both stay in bed a bit longer to cuddle ❤️💕
Who always makes coffee for the other each morning? Karma makes coffee for Shuu before he leaves for work 🥰
Who cries during certain films or when reading sad books? Lmao Karma cries during Shrek every time the scene comes up where Shrek had an argument with Donkey 😔
Who gets scared during horror films? Shuu 😩😩 He would (as said before) take Karmas hand for comfort
Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first? Lmao none since GakuHOE is well, a hoe so they won't trust him b u t I have the feeling of Karmas mom being actually super supportive?? But they wouldn't tell her, she would just get the hint and then when she receives the wedding invite she goes "oh-".
What do their friends/family think of the relationship? Rio was shipping this since the beginning of middle school aight, she loves it and she even threw a party for them. #IstanRioNakamura
Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them? Karma would ask Shuu to dance obv but Shuu would go along 😩💕
Who cooks best? Karma! And Shuu loves his cooking! :D
Who wears the other's jacket? Shuu is the one to wear long coats, and Karma those thicc jackets. Shuu usually gets super cold even with the coat on, so Karma gives Shuu his jacket on top of the coat lol.
Who uses cheesy pickup lines? Karma- anywhere. Have an example:
"Hey Shuu, could you feel the shirt?", he asked Shuu while they went shopping and Karma wAsN't sure about his T-Shirt choice so Shuu was running his fingers slightly over Karmas chest with the shirt still on and thinking about the material, then Karma went: "Know what it's made of?", and Shuu looked at him and was about to answer him, but Karma was quicker and continued, "Boyfriend material", ObViOuSlY with a grin and Shuu was a gay blushing mess 💅 but then Shuu went along, "What do you mean boyfriend? I can only see Husband material", and tuRNED AWAYYYYY~
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear during inappropriate times? AAAA I T H I N K I've written sum like this before- So two things that happened:
KaruShuu were invited to a funereal or sum and pls the church was quiet and stuff but obv Karma had to joke around and he leaned over to Shuus ear and whispered a joke into his ear which made our stubborn Shuu giggle and the church was this close👌 to throw them out lmao
Shuu was at work, and Karma likes to call him randomly, but oh well Shuu picks up and Karma starts to tease him over the phone maybe something very sexual stuff (knowing Karma he would) and Shuu just- he is sitting at his desk and his workers are giving him looks about why is he blushing so much.
Who makes the other laugh most? Karmas jokes always make Shuu laugh, sometimes even cry since they are hilarious.
Who would have to bail the other out of jail? Oh my God- Shuu would have to bail Karma out of jail maybe during college years, but I think Karma would mature a bit more as an adult
What would be their theme song? YOOO- A WHOLE PLAYLIST WOULD BE NEEDED-
Who would sing their child back to sleep? OOO!! Karma would be the type to read stories, but Shuu would sing them to sleep :D
What do they do when they're away from each other? I can imagine that they both have those business trips from time to time, so when they are apart, they FaceTime each other every evening to check on each other. Yes indeed they must stay at fancy hotels for their business trips and they are being served food, but they still check that the other one is eating and sleeping well. Oh and good morning and goodnight texts™️🥰
A headcanon about them that stabs your feels? Oh- oH GOD- That maybe they tend to act very distant at first in their relationships?? Or more cold? For example Shuu, he would not really know nor show much affection to Karma and Karma at first thinking that Shuu doesn't love him at all (which isn't true bc Shuu loves him deeply) but then he after some time figures it out when Shuu opens up to him more.
A headcanon that mends the previous one? That they both after some time spend together, have the opportunities to open up to each other, know each other better as well as find out each others weaknesses and strengths which makes their relationship stronger. I absolutely love them ❤️😩
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celestialflamesme · 3 years
| KARMA AND CRAZY MIDGETS | A Venai One-shot Modern AU | Fairy Tail Next Generation |
Ships: Raidyn Dreyar x Venetia Redfox
Dedicated to @primaverafrog @luna-chan00 @biorckstudios18 @animaration-fts @cxndy-stxrs (Lol, I can't believe that no-paragraph breaks worked😂 I fooled Tumblr, y'all!😎😆)
You'd think having a town overtaken by the mafia would make people more apprehensive, if anything. But if Magnolians were anything, they were huge (and he simply could not stress this enough) idiots.
Raidyn prided himself in not partaking in anything Fairy-esque which was more than what he could say about some of his colleagues (Yes, they named themselves Fairy 'Tail' of all things! How no one in this town even got the spelling right was beyond him....)
"Did you hear about Fullbuster and that Fernandez chick? They're together now!" Some red head he'd forgotten the name of (What! It was too late to ask her now!) stage-whispered.
"Who? Storm?"
The entire cafe burst into laughter. "Like Storm would even look at a girl that's not Nashi."
Point proven. They!! were!! on!! first!! name!! basis!! (He bet no one in this room even knew his last name, let alone first. Not that it mattered. He liked slinking in the shadows, although it was practically impossible with his snow-white hair)
Geez, did these people have no lives? They were talking about delinquents for Pete's sake! And ones that sure loved messing up the town in their infamous brawls. But did the people care? Nooooo.
Ugh, one more year and he'd be out of this whacked up place. Wiping a tabletop, he forced a smile on his face and pretended to be interested in the topic.
"Cass, I'll have a black and a burger with fries," a voice interrupted. A voice he was very familiar with.
Did he happen to mention that the most annoying one of them all had made this her hangout spot?
At 5'1, you'd think Venetia Redfox would be the least intimidating person ever. But with crimson red eyes and a Devil-may-care attitude that made up for it, no one dared mess with her. She also caused 75% of the fights in town and had a smirk straight out of a Wattpad Bad-boy fanfic.
Boy, did he hate her.
"You're gonna chip it off with that grip, Blondie."
Oh my god, she did not just-
Raidyn shot her a glare and strode to the back of the register, faintly registering a chuckle (Who the hell did she think she was?) before picking up another order.
Little Miss Redfox however sat at a corner table and continued doing whatever the hell she usually did every Tuesday and Friday for 3 hours in a row (he should know, he was there glaring at her at closing time).
But the kicker this time was, at that moment, her phone rang. You have never really seen your world end right before your eyes if you haven't seen a 5 foot psychotic looking delinquent decked in leather that drove in a motorcycle there by the way (How does one willingly ride on a metallic death-trap like that?!) mumble the words 'Cha cha real smooth' and pick up a call with the most deadpan look ever.
Raidyn almost cried. Almost.
"Are you kidding me? Do it yourself! I swear to God, you always do this shit, Dragneel!" She got up from her seat and walked out, just like she looooved doing smack dab in the middle of her classes back at Magnolia High.
Good riddance.
He jinxed it. Karma was such a bitch.
Though no sort of karmic revenge could explain the shit he had to go through that week.
First off, he had 4 assignments due in by the end of the week. And turns out that was the exact week his dear red-head colleague decided would the perfect time for a vacation (It's the middle of September, where in hell's name was she planning to go to?)
Guess who had double shifts now?
This clown.
Ugh. Talk about chivalry and all that loyalty shit.
And yes, of course his car had to break down, and the local bus had to change it's schedule, which left him with his last resort: walking 4 and a quarter miles to school (Oh, he found that out the hard way all right) to college. Nashi and the Fullbuster kid (He sure loved walking around shirtless a little too much) decided to brawl (again) and bam, his locker got caught in the crossfire.
In fact things were so overly shitty that he became skeptical come Thursday when the day seemed relatively normal.
"You've been scowling all week, Dreyar. Anything the matter?"
Raidyn snapped out of his reverie and groaned. "Dad, why not just call me by my name like any normal person would?"
"Because that doesn't build-"
"CHARACTER!! WE GET IT!" His mom, Mirajane mimicked with a scowl. "Well, we're just going to get two Happy meals and then we're off, honey!"
He faintly registered Hunter snickering in the background (How immature. Raidyn wasn't one to get embarrassed by his parents. Plus, none of it would ever compare to the Disco Fiasco of 2001. How else do you think he got his car? Sweet, sweet guilt-tripping....)
The day buzzed past but his suspicions only intensified tenfold. (Call him a pessimist, he didn't care) And like a bull in a China shop, a tiny midget Redfox (the one and only) strut in.
Now, he was behind the counter at that moment handling the red-head (he really ought to learn her name someday) so he didn't notice 5 feet of brute strength that climbed up behind him and dragged him (poor, unsuspecting him) into the supply closet.
Oh no, he was not kidding. The supply closet. Of all the places the perpetrator could've-
The lights flickered on and he screeched (What? Any human would!) at the red irises staring determinedly into his own non-red eyes. (Seriously, were those even real?) Raidyn wasn't scared of no judgement, what did scare him (maybe not that much, now that he knew who those belonged to) was Satan's minion and her RED AS FUCK EYES! LIKE SERIOUSLY-
Clearing his throat and trying to salvage some faux dignity after that dramatic display, he grunted, "Touch me one more time and you're-"
"Yeah, yeah I get it, big guy. Look, I need a favour."
Venetia Redfox crossed her arms and stood threateningly in front of the entrance.
Who was she kidding? "Nope," he muttered and swerved right around her and made his way to the counter. (Pipsqueak. She really should've seen that coming.)
And right as he turned right towards the display case, he found her leaning against it with her shoulder, looking bored. "Yes. And now."
"Parkour." She deadpanned.
Raidyn gave Venetia a long, long look and sighed, striding towards her. Her smirk widened in anticipation as-
He picked her up like a sack of potatoes and tossed her over his shoulder.
"Technically, you cornered me first," he stated matter-of-factly and dropped her on her feet (she looked like a hissy kitten, hmm.) Then proceeding to close the doors at her, he picked up a poster of her (he kept posters of all of them for a day like this. Ah, foreboding luck. He could feel it.) and pinned it onto the front door.
(Was he even allowed to do that, you might ask, but bah, who cares? Rabid girls are a nationwide threat.)
As he wrapped up and prepared to leave, Raidyn had a niggling feeling he forgot something very, very crucial. Uh-
A body collided onto his own and climbed (I kid you not) him (THE FUCK KIND OF ANIMALS DID MAGNOLIA OWN?) before a tiny, rough hand muffled him. Oh no.
"Yoph kiphing mmph!" Raidyn groaned.
"I need you to teach me how to solve a Rubix Cube."
What. Excuse Raidyn for not knowing, but was Rubix cube some mafia codeword for mafia stuff? Stealing a car, fighting goons, skipping classes or drug dealing? Raidyn Dreyar had a long jail-free life ahead of him, mind you.
(Some might say he really had to stop reading those novels his mom bought. Some might be right. Whatever.)
Back to the topic on hand, he mumbled inaudibly. Her cropped hair tickled the sides of his face as she squinted at him, "What?"
Was she kidding right now? He pointed at her hand covering his mouth and her eyes widened as she let out a nervous laugh. (Geez, talk about stupid.)
He took in a deep breath and shook her off him. She stood there patiently (As patiently as a Redfox could, anyway.) as he straightened his shirt.
"First things first, NO!" And he stalked away.
He registered a groan from behind him and quickened his pace. However, the midget in question managed to propel herself at break-neck speeds and no joke, TACKLED him.
Karma was such a bitch.
Macao, the guard standing by the parking lot, huffed, "They don't pay me enough for this."
The only reason he was doing this was because she offered to fix up his car. (How did she even know it wasn't starting?) Also because it had been a while since he brushed up on his Rubix skills. Also because he wanted to get rid of the midget before she followed him home. (He figured his mom and dad would ENJOY her presence and replace him with her. He had crazy parents.)
Everyday she'd make sure to meet him (mostly by cornering him in the hallways) and in exchange for these classes, she'd work on his car at the weekend.
The first time she came over to his house (to work on his car, but he didn't know that) was rather embarrassing because he kinda sorta thought she was a burglar and locked his garage, yelling at the top of his lungs. His dad, Laxus came out with a taser (Dad sure loved his tasers.) Of course, when he finally opened the garage doors, he was met with an unimpressed look from the Redfox in question. (God, he was such a drama queen.)
The midget had a lot of trouble twisting her hands at the beginning of her sessions and he loved teasing her about her 'butter fingers' every time she accidentally flung the cube across the room or out the window in one rare occasion.
You know, she was kind of fun to have around.
"And that's the algorithm! You're all done!" He cheered, glad to have this behind him.
"Geez, you don't have to sound that excited to get rid of me." Venetia teased.
"What? No....." He feigned innocence.
"D'aww, admit it, you enjoyed my company."
"Please, more like I was scared for my life." He mumbled. She snorted.
"Catch you later, alligator."
Did she just- "NO WAY, JOŚE!" (That was lame even for him. Gosh dang it, she was laughing at him....)
Fricking Redfox.
That weekend, Raidyn thought he deserved a good ol' evening out with his friends/colleagues (technically it was the manager that suggested it and he tagged along for the heck of it. He wasn't much of a social person, per se.)
He guessed Karma was still on a streak when Venetia Redfox entered the very same place they'd chosen for karaoke night and sat herself on one of the tables in front of them. And proceeded to order nothing.
The raven-head didn't even have her notebook (that always made her look disarmingly tiny) or her phone. Oh well, she must've been waiting for someone.
As the hours passed, he found himself exceedingly irritated for no reason.
"Who in their right mind would stand up The Venetia Redfox?" His colleagues whispered (rather loudly, according to him) and she just tapped her fingers away, oblivious to it all.
Fine, whatever.
"Sup." He towered over her and greeted, moving to take a seat next to her.
She blinked at him.
Okay, you couldn't exactly judge him. She was a regular and tipped good and people were being annoying about her and oh, her tapping was distracting and he had a massive headache coming. That's all. Simple as that.
"Don't you have better shit to do?" Red irises stared at him impassively.
"What are you doing here by yourself?" He asked coolly.
"Well, Nashi was supposed to-"
"I'M HERE! I'M HERE! I'M-" Both tilted their heads just in time to see Nashi ram into the glass doors. The now groaning pinkette was sprawled on her butt in front of the entrance. "Fricking doors."
"That's her." Venetia deadpanned. Raidyn shook his head sympathetically.
"Heyo Ven! Heh, kinda lost track of time beating Frostbite at Mario Kart," her doe eyes scanned him. "Raidyn! I didn't know you guys were friends!" She grinned.
Raidyn gave her a two-finger salute in greeting.
Nashi's eyes suddenly widened in realisation. "YOU'RE TEACHING HER THE RUBIX?!"
"Yup." Venetia smirked. "He's a great teach. His parents have taken me in as their own."
"Just like that, Blondie. What can I say? It's the charm," She grinned at his bewildered face.
"You guys are all ready for the challenge then?" Nashi wiggled, now nervous, "Ven, I didn't mean to drag you into this, but Clint was-"
"It's cool, dumbass." Venetia shrugged. "Ain't your fault that they're dipshits."
At his confused look, Nashi clarified, "People like picking on us just because we're Fairies and held to the same standards as our parents. This frat dude decided he had to prove he was smarter than the Fairies and decided to pick a Rubix cube challenge of all things." She rolled her eyes. "Bet he taught he was real original thinking that one up."
"Bet he did." Storm scoffed. (Wait, what?)
"From- the front door?" Storm scratched his head in genuine confusion. (As if Raidyn was the weird one that sneaked up behind people like a stalker!)
Nashi facepalmed. "Why the heck are you here, Frostbite?"
"Just like that."
"Gosh, you're so annoying."
"Wanna say that to my face, Flamebrains?!" Storm yelled. (Oh, not again....)
"Guys, please don't...." Raidyn said, but both didn't seem to be paying attention to him.
"I SAID YOU'RE ANNOYING! FIGHT ME!" She threw a punch at him and before he knew it both were throwing napkin holders and vases at each other.
Venetia seemed to be enjoying the show, and pulled him to the back of the room, "This might take a while," she stated. "Wanna grab a milkshake?"
Well, he was kind of craving one. "Why not?"
Today was the day of Venetia's challenge and Raidyn found himself nervous.
"You sure they won't wreck the place?" He grumbled for the umpteenth time.
Venetia groaned. "Do you have no faith in my abilities, Dreyar?"
"Nope. None whatsoever."
She raised an eyebrow, "Shame on you, then. I wouldn't let a good friend lose his job on my behalf. Dally ho, now!" She cheered.
He blinked at her, giving her a small reluctant smile. "Kick ass, Ven."
She tilted her head toward him and gave him a grin that knocked the breath out of him. "Thanks, Raidyn."
Shit. When did- when did she get so pretty?
"Look who we have here. You sure you're in the right place, Redfox?" A voice condescended. The owner of the voice was a grimy looking kid that looked like one of those middle-school spelling-bee losers that bragged about it whenever they met someone new.
"Clint." Venetia deadpanned.
Raidyn broke out into a fit of laughter, making 'Clint' (What kind of sad name was that?) glare at him. (Oh please, Little Clint was totally quaking in his boots! Why'd he even bother coming?)
"Let's begin then! Pick a shuffler." Clint drawled.
Venetia picked Nashi while Clint, after a moment of deliberation, picked one of his gang-mates (What did they call it? The Math club?)
"You may begin."
Both Nashi and the grimy dude shuffled for the better of 15 seconds. Clint just scoffed and clicked like a pretentious know-it-all, making comments like, "You're making it easier by shuffling harder, you know. Make it tougher for me, Nashi dear."
Raidyn had to give it to the pinkette, he would've smacked the teen by now.
"Okay," the referee, Storm cheered, (even though he looked like he was ready to kill Clint) "Timer starts, NOW!"
Both twisted and turned the cube furiously, Venetia sticking her tongue out in concentration while the teen twisted his arms like a man possessed.
"I'M DONE!" Venetia dropped the cube with a thud onto the table. "How's that for a Redfox?"
"E-excuse me? That's insane! It's only been," Clint checked the timer like the sore loser he was, "31 seconds!"
"Too bad," she smirked. (Well shit, that was hot...)
"I demand a rematch!"
Nashi moved to protest, but Venetia silenced her with a hand, "Whatever you say, kid..."
"This time, we swap cubes!" He whined like the little weasel he was.
3 minutes later, the rematch began and Venetia plopped her cube on the table with a glare.
"You think you're smart giving me a faulty cube, don't you?"
"And I'm done!" The weasel had the nerve to say. "I don't know what you're talking about Venetia, I used the same cube and it worked just fine. Maybe it was a stroke of luck on your part the first tim-"
He couldn't finish his tirade because Raidyn took that opportunity to check the cube (He didn't have to though, he believed Venetia enough to know she wouldn't make up excuses.) and yeeted it at his face like he'd been itching to do from the moment he saw the turd.
"OH NO, YOU DON'T!" Nashi growled, "I'M ALL FIRED UP NOW!"
Oh dear.
Okay, maybe the fight wouldn't get too big, these were scrawny kids after a-
Yeah, Nashi Dragneel just flipped a table on them.
There goes his job.
"GO, NASHI!" His manager cheered. (Okay, thank God this town was crazy.) "Raidyn! You can take the day off, kid. Have fun!"
Storm chose that moment to enter after his momentary toilet-break. "I WAS GONE FOR 3 MINUTES, WOMAN! WHAT THE HELL?!"
Venetia, unbothered by the chaos behind her, pulled him by the arm, her eyebrows furrowed at him, "Well, I tried. But hey, looks like you still have your job. That's a win, right?" She scratched her neck, laughing.
He sighed, putting caution to the wind. This was Ven after all. "Ice-cream date? My treat for today's win."
A smile erupted on her face, "Only if we take my bike there."
Bonus (That no one asked for):
"Okay, so you have to grip it right. Not too tight. Just enough to nudge it in the right direction." Venetia explained, from where she was seated in front of him on the death tra- bike.
Raidyn nervously laughed, "I've got this in the bag, I don't know what you're worried about." The tilt in his voice gave away his panic, however. She raised an eyebrow.
"Humor me then."
"DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES, YOU IDIOT!!" Venetia screeched. She reached over and took over the handlebars just in time as they nearly crashed into a tree Raidyn was headed for.
He got off the bike and tripped, falling face-first on the ground. Fricking Jelly-legs. "I am never riding that death trap again." Raidyn groaned.
"What the heck?!" Venetia questioned, bewildered. "How'd you even get your driver's ed with such sucky basics?"
"Fight me Ven, I'm never getting on that thing again!"
"Too bad, I have to drop you back home too." The sneaky devil dared smirk at his plight.
Fricking Karma.
He wouldn't have it any other way, though.
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manymanythoughts · 3 years
Introduction to The Desk
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This is where I’ve been doing all of my journal stuff~
It started out pretty sparse, but when I re-organized a bunch of stuff in my room i realized they’d be better organized here, it filled up pretty fast! I like it, though. I don’t like sparse, minimalism is my enemy, etc.
I was really sad when one of my past roommates moved away, but he left behind this desk for me as it didn’t fit in his new apartment. I got really into setting this up, and its been nice.
Under the cut is an overview of what’s where. I’m probably gonna make another post for my supplies.
From left to right:
The farthest left is a little shelving thingie that came with the desk. on the top is two boxes of markers and my lil bi prid flag, a post-it note with a list of horror movies i wanna watch someday lol. the middle shelf has more markers, a couple highlighters, the glue dot applicator thing, scratch art squares, a sculpting tool I’ve been using with the squares, staples and stapler, and post its. The bottom has a couple of half-feet rulers, superglue, a hole punch, even more markers, colored pencils, and art sketch pencils.
Next is my two lil compartment things- the first with erasers, black and blue pens, various colored pens, and sharpeners, the second with pencils both wooden and mechanical, highlighters, and a couple fun lil stamp wheels.
Next is a vintage display case (I’ve actually got all three of a set- this one, a larger middle one, and another one that mirrors it on the other end). It’s full of rocks that I won’t bother to name rn. Most notably, I have 8 palm and worry stones. I’ve also got antacids in a cute lil jar, bc why not put them in a cute lil jar?
I have some books next to that and, well, I put them there in hopes that it’d subconsciously convince me to read them. That didn’t happen. I’ve got Kindred by Octavia Butler, Dracula by Bram Stoker, Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack, William Shakespeare’s sonnets, Solutions and other Problems by Allie Brosh, and a collection of stories by Ray Bradbury, and I haven’t touched any of them.
In the middle is my laptop, which is holding up surprisingly good. It’s a 2015 MacBook Pro. The only problem with it, and whenever I get a new laptop I’ll probably splurge for this, is storage- I’ve got some dead space from software deletions that I can’t seem to recover.
The lil raised thing is connected to the desk in the back. idk what that was for, but whatever, it’s a place for my lil kitschy shit. A neuron plushie, crochet Oddish,  gay pride fan, lil puzzle boy that folds up into a box, a Brian Andreas framed print, a vintage star trek pin, a lil crochet turtle, ceramic snail, Xerneas figurine, pentagram pin, and larimar sphere. Under the raised things is electronics I want there but don’t really want to see- headphones, usb mouse,  external charger, some different cords, a bunch of stuff.
Next is some stim toys- a pebble friend my partner made me years ago that mostly works to keep my phone cord in place lol, a fidget spinner, fidget cube, lil magnet balls, and a lil rosewood rattle.
Finally, there are the decorative tapes- 60 on the nine tape dispensers, three large ones, five tapes on its own dispenser, and 12 in the lil compartment thingie at the end for 80 total. The compartment thingie also holds a bunch of stickers- 19 sets, and 22 sheets above it.
And as you can see, half the wall is covered in prints and postcards and the occasional sticker. It’s fun.
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December Dates
Seventeen Summary: In the spirit of Christmas, boyfriend!svt is here to take you on a date. Word Count: 3k+ Warnings: Fluff, crackkkkkk, v many typos,etc.
my friend: seventeen + cute
A/N: HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU HOS (jk) HAHAHAHAHAHHA. Also ashdiepl because im writing on a tab, i couldnt add any gifs so aksjemksksmsksksmskskdk alsO im so sorry i dont remember if the request is platonic or nah but kaksksksk this is what u get soz
So no gifs
Imma just do a header real quick so u know wassap
S. Coups
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Das better
hi header
I might delete u later if i get on a pc
But firsT seuNgcheEolL
*deep breath*
Ho u lucky enough to breath the same air he does
N now u are on aa date with him
So bf!seungcheol is a cute lil snowflake
Which means he'll buy u an ugly ass Christmas sweater and matching gloves
then yall go out and play in the powdery snow outside
ImGine seungcheol grabbing yOuR hand 
cebAuse u a dumb loser that slips on nothing
Also warmth
pulling your scarf up a bit because he can tell you're getting cold
Then like a gentleman
HE'll hit ur dumb face he dont care
He'll maKe u wish u Stayed damn home
Rapid fire frikin snow granades man
Course iz all a bita fun
Then he'll let u win
Cause he does care Bout ur dumb Fce
Also he soft for u gross
Then once that's done he'll start laughing
Not because of post-snow ball fight adrenaline
But because he thinks himself so funny
When he busts a lung screaming "dO Ya wana biLd aSNOEMAN!!!!!"
AND THEN U decline and leave him in the snow
U literally wana leave him and his annoying ass
U stomp away
He laughs and goes after u
His hot breath is visible 
and hits your ear when he comes up and wraps his arms around you from behind
U be like, "listen stupid, u corny af, lets break up"
Seungcheol would pout and kiss ur cheek, "nah, u still owe me hot choco. Break up with me after paying me back."
"Ew, why would i pay u back tho"
"Uh cause if you don't imma do thisss," then he proceeds to shove u into the snow again
Ok well i have to cut this here first cos there are 12 boys left
Oh Hi hello u here back to ur regular programme
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Unlike cheol
Dis ho not about to get cold 4 u uhm
Leave the cold for someone else
But get warm together
I mean
Wink wINKkkkk
Jk gtfo
This is a wholesome headcanon
Git warm he would gladly
So u know what dat means
Imagine cuddling jeonghan
It's da holidays
Which mean he bout to get dat $$$leep
Of course u dont mind that ur just sleeping in
Gurl if ya do
Let me stress out
If you mind sleeping in and cuddling with yoon jeong han
Wathu doin????
ITz u and him right
Ur in bed reading the novel he got u beforehand right
Look at u looking cute in knit sweater and glasses
it could be jeonghan's ur using it as a headband shhhh
So like ur sitting down
N beside u its jeonhan v slightly snoring
Right right right
Then ur like "man i want something to eat cause i've been sitting here reading all day"
But also ur always hungry
Cause who isnt tho lol
but jeonghan like a needy ho is like noooooooooooodontgo
N ur like
aww wat a needy ho
"Jeonghan im just gonna get something to eat"
"Eat laterrr, i need u now"
He'll keep his eyes shut and shimmy over
Securing an arm on your  hip so u wont go
U roll ur eyes and put your book away on the cabinet next u
"Jeonghan ive literally been next to u since last night. I'm just gonna get something to eat, and 4 u 2!"
He'll flutter his eyes open only to close them and move even closer to place his head on ur lap
"I dont want toooooo"
U roll ur eyes again and shimmy out of his grip
But only to get into his arms and hide your face in his chest
"You're so needy," u note
"Says you who's tangling themselves on me"
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Get this
Joshua and gingerbread houses
He probably used to build one growing up
And he has just the person in mind he wants to rekindle the tradition with
Congrats u filthy animal
So he took the liberty of getting allll u and he would need
And so much more
Im talking chocolate bars
Shipped cream
Candy canes
Edible glitter
Gum drops
Shrek 1 2 3 4
Is there a four
Im too lazy to google it
And omg u so special to him he loves u so much
Screw u
He wants to share the love with the carats
So he vlives it all
And at first ur shy
Like what if the joshua stans come 4 u
Ok but in this story yall had already annouce ur relationship
Joshua is like "noo don be shy they'll all love u"
N ur like ok cos i love u sm
But not like the company sm tho *barfing noises*
So yall build a gingerbread house and do a whole ass tutorial about it
Except u dont
Cause yal are morons and could stop messing up or earing the ingredients along the way
Sorry honey ur morons i dont make the rules
"Stop eating the marshmallows!"
"U literally finished the bowl of mnms tho Joshua!"
"Uh no that was the gingerbread man,"
ANd then u all bicker like children because u are omfl
And it excalates
U smear cream on joshuas face
He sprinkles sprinkles on ur head
U press graham crackers against either of his cheeks and ask him what he is
"A sexy graham sandwich"
"Ew no wrong answer," u reply
Can i just point out that that chocolate syrup stain is never coming off
*cough cough cough moron cough cough*
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Imma bout to yeet
Junhui is also feeling nostalic
super soft super baby
And since he's probably feeling bit homesick somewhere in there
he thinks he can remedy it with a bit of chinese home cooking!!!
And whiney needy cuddles also yay
Moving on so
Will it be good?
Damn straight
itll be fikin delish
Will you try to to help him
Of course u gotta help ur man
But like duh
u have eyes
And seeing him all focus and busy and hot
Is really distracting
So like ur as useful as a broken button to him
He doesnt mind tho
He thinks ur cute
Also lovng the attnstion
But the thing about not helping
Not really
And being distracted by a cutie pie
Is that it's basicaly a disaster ending to happen so like
he's efficiently stirring up so hot stuff right
And ur like "man jun's some hot stuff"
And then BaaaaM
U knock over the damn chopping board with the knife and everything on it
Thank goodness the thing didn't chop through your foot of anything
And jun is like "oHMYGOSH DA HELL R U OK"
"... i- im sorry i knocked over ur potatoes"
"My poTaToeS! Listen rn im glad u didnt chop ur foot off"
Jun sighs and looks at the cubes of taters scattered on the floor
You frown, feeling useless
Both of u pick up ur mess
Jun puts down the kitchen utensils in hand
u picked up the last of the potatoes
"Hey we could always wash those, it's not like the floor is mud or anything, even then , potates came from mud"
"Yeah but im sorry, i wanst really helping in the first place"
Jun smirks, "nonsense! U were feeding my ego! That's enough for me!"
You snort and jun comforts u with a tight embrace
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AlrighT fam
I thought of something pretty cute but pretty dumb for hoshi
He's like "imma do something super romantic for Christmas"
So he's like "wear something cute we gon do smth fun" @ u
So u do
U get a cute little red dress just for the occasion
And soonyoung his like "BRO MY GIRL SO SUPER CUTE"
And ur like a blushing mess cause he looks super excited with his big smile and cresent eyss
ahhh Hhh myHOSishiii fealzssmsmmsms
Anyway u think ur gonna go to some cute restaurant right
But hoshi brings u to the mall
To instead join the couples dancing contest
Soonyoung gets super nervouse at ur surprised reaction
He's like, "omg is this a super bad idea i thought it would be cute but like i guess not we dont have to go we could always just drop out"
You laugh and shake ur head, "no it's all good, but i mean like, we don't have a choregraphy, and im not like you who can just break it down."
Soonyoung lets out a breath and chuckles, "nah don't worry. It's not really a compation-competion, and regardless, they're going to show ius a choreo and the couple that best interprets wins a a romantic date for two, fit for a dancing king and queen"
And then u break into a big uwu
"Omg u are super romantic soonyoung"
He struts a pose and chuckles, "i mean, i try"
So you both participate in the contenst
Kinda zumba it out by folling the instructors
Soonyoung is helping you out with your form and explaining to you the steps
He gets a little competative so he doesn't really want to mess us
Up hearing you giggle when you do a s pin breaks his competative spirit
And all he really cares about is having a good time with you
But admitedly
He was pretty annoyed when they annouced the winner
Were not the two off you
i mean you lot were the cutest it can gt
Who else could trump that
But then you both saw that the winners were 80 something yesr olds holding hand and looking at each other like the other was their world
and then soonyoung was like "okay valid"
You pout, "aww i hope we end up like that"
Soonyound and you turn to each other
He grins for ear to ear, "then lets go on a romantic date as well"
"I thought you'd never ask"
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I hope you're ready for wonwoo 
Because i sure as hell am not 
So in case youre wondering 
Youre crazy I mean youre reading this arent you 
Prolly at midnight hi fam 
Again i dont make the rules 
Well just a btw Almost every 
Christmas tradition is pagan 
Like the tree 
The wreath 
SO MAYbe ur not all that crazy 
For not wanting to continue them on 
i mean sure u can give new meaning to things 
But you wanted none of that
 Which was whyyyy you decided to DIY the decorations to your entire house 
Nnd who else are you going to do that with other than your loving bb boyfriend wonwoo 
Wonwoo doesn't mind 
He thinks its cute 
Because it is a cute date idea 
Youtube tutorials 
Pinterest ideas and paper snowflakes and all 
so wonwoo is there cutting up some of the paper you folded 
You're glueing some popsicle sticks 
He's water coloring some designs in 
Youre pulling on the tape dispenser 
It's all going great 
"Jagiya... i don't want to sound mean but-"
 "They're all ugly as hell. I know Wonwoo." 
Wonwoo gives an apologetic look. 
For a moment u two dont speak 
And then you both brust into laughter 
"Aww whatever, lez stick em on!" 
And do you get your badly painted slowflakes 
Your wolf drawing 
"That's a wolf?" 
"Duh what else would it be wonwoo?" 
The letters that spelled merry chrsitmas 
And the doodle cutouts of the seventeen members 
in personalized ugly sweaters 
And placed them all over the place 
You look around basking in the glory of ur craft 
Its all very colorful 
And crafty 
And looking like a child made it 
Then like an imbecile 
U break into laughter 
"It looks like a kindergartener's classroom" 
U end up roasting yourself 
Making fun of your sloppy handwork 
And wonwoo watches u 
with adoring eyes
 "I almost forgot," wonwoo speaks up and pulls out a piece of paper 
You recive it from him and break into a smile 
"Is this us?" 
Wonwoo snorts, "no its jeonghan hyung in a dress holding my hand sweetheart"
For a moment u believe him
But then he breaks out into laughter
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Boi imma fite u
Christmas carols
Okay idek why i ended up so serious with wonwoo
But listennup
Im not about to maypke it crackier
so back to christmas carols
Dis boi is about to serande you with a christmas themed love song
So its around 8pm at night
Jihoon has is guitar
and ur just chilling right
and ur on ur phone letting him do his thing
but then from the floor he was sat on
he turns to you on the couch
And pats ur leg
"Yo i just finished my song u wann hesr"
You squeak and jump of the couch next to him
"Duh dummy!"
And he starts singing
He's talking about stars and warmth
He's spittin fire about the smell of hot choco
The  he's talking sbout how lame joshua's gingerbread house was
Next thing you know ur  crying
because omg that ginger bread houseWAS UGLY
also jihoooooooooooooon just serenaded you
Dont u just
Then jihoon catches you and panicks
"You okay? Why are you cryin?!"
But u crybaby cant stop crying
and of course jihoon panicks again
So he starts singing some other Christmas song
And then u start crying about poor rudolf
And remember regina george
But then eventually you calm down
And decide to nuzzle up against jihoon who replaced his guitar with you in his arms
Then us fall asleep with him sweetly singing about the spirit of Christmas
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 Liz gittit
Of course this ray of light just wants to give off energy to the world 
And since he 
And u u forgetful ass 
Forgot to go shopping for presents 
You decided to go on a dec 24th shopping trip! 
But it was too eady for u two 
Like wtf 
Gift giving Is suuch and easy task 
And shoping a day before Christmas 
Its a heartbeat
 "Whoever gets the best gifts gets for the best price gets to boss the other around until new year," seokmin grins 
You knit your brows deeply at his words 
And wonder what the hell he has in plan for him to think of doing something so ensnaring 
So being the smarter one in the relationship 
"Uh no??" 
Seokmin was like "ok then the other has to do whatever the other says for the entirety of Christmas" 
"???? Whyyyyy?" 
"Because its not challengeing or fun if there isn't any condition" "Ugh fine" 
So the two of you zip around looking for the best gifts you could get 
You try to stay away from the people doing their last minute shopping 
Seokmin doesnt dare go in between an old lady mouthing of another customer 
Tbh its super stressful 
what kind of date is this 
Only morons would do this wtf 
Both of you got shoved constantly 
There wasnt really much space to move around 
And there wasnt really anything to choose from 
But hey guess what 
Seokmin found some really cool gifts 
"Daheck did u get that shirt?" 
"Isle five. There were a bunch of people grabbing some stuff and this fell to the ground and so i picked it up and thought it was pretty cool"
You on the other hand got like ok gifts 
I mean theyre not bad
 But da hell did dk get a frikin eeyore onesie idek 
It was no contest.  
Seokmin defo won 
"Yisss so i win therefor u have to make me some Christmas cookies tomorrow" 
"U ho did u really just make me suffer through that so you could ask me to make cookies 4 u???" 
"Yes but we really didn have gifts tho." 
U roll ur eyes 
Seokmin's face falls, "r... r u like mad @ me?" 
You knit your brows at him but release a smile when u see his nervous look 
"No babo. Im jusy tired, lezgo back home" 
He sighs and nods, kissing your cheeks 
"Dont worry baby, ill carry all of this back home" 
Which he does 
And when u get back 
He says he forgot something in the car
then comes bzck 
And then forcefully turns u around 
Ur about to protest
But the you realize he's putting on a silver necklace on u 
"Yahhhh seokminie, u shouldnt have. Where you even get this"
"I bought it a while back, duh" he chuckles then kisses you on the cheek 
"Merry christmas jagi" 
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You are a genius for getting boyfriend like mingyu 
uh and super lucky like fu-- 
Ur extra glad that mingyu is 10ft tall 
Because ur going to be decorating your very own tree 
You bought he prettiest glass ornamnets
 and the sparkliest streamers 
"I have a vision," u explain 
Mingyu nods in understanding 
U and him lift the tree into the living room 
And then u start decorating the tree from the bottom up 
Its all rly chill
 You lot are chatting about whatever 
He's tellling you about ur tour n stuff 
U put on some Christmas tunes for flare 
And then u stand up from the floor and boogey with each other 
Yall shake ur butts 
and go around the tree wrapping it in tinself 
Mingyu steals one of the ornaments from u
 and u try to take it back from him like the genius u are 
Except hes holding it over his head 
N u cant for the life of u reach his hand up there 
So u step on his foot 
And punch his stomach 
And he bends down in reaction 
In pain
He was asking for it
U steal the decor back 
Then he proceeds to chase u around because aparently ur the bully 
*instert pikachu meme here* 
N then u get back towork 
Or i mean take a break 
And u eat a bunch of holiday special junk 
And then u get back to work 
"ok nows for the star" 
U hand him the star because its the entire point of his existance
getting that star up ther 
with his longass arms 
He turns to u "u dont wanna put it" 
u suck in a breath 
He give a face, "there are ways" 
"My go-- just put the AHHHHHHH"
 Hes crouching down pulling ur legs on his shoulders 
"MINGYU PUT ME DOWN" you say, about to rip of his face 
Mostly because u have nothi to hold onto
but he stands 
with u on his shoulders
and walks to the tree 
"Put the damn thing on before u fall!!" 
Wow its ur fault again
And screaming u put the star on 
And mingyu putz u down 
"Okay that was stressful" 
U punch him in the gut again 
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Minghao is super tired 
But super looking forward to spending time with u 
So u defintely go on a date 
But its of the lazy movie watch variety
Im talking all the chesey romance movies 
Set in december 
that has like mistletoe kisses 
And snow scenes 
And also those holiday specials
 For catroons 
And non cartoons 
Even the one with arnold swartzimacallit 
You pull out the laptop 
And get on netflix 
There's popcorn on 
And hot tea 
Or whatever the hell 
Its all just very warm 
and u and minghao are wrapped together in a warm blanket 
Ur nestled in between is legs and ur super warm and cozy and im so soft bleh 
"Oh oh, u should see this part, its my fav--" 
But u stop uourself when u turn and see minghao fell asleep
 U coo and let him obvi 
taking unflattering pictures duh 
But also cute ones because 
He doesn't sleep through all the movies though 
You end up watching non christmas themed films too 
Like toy story4 
"You look really cute cuddled up against me" he'll randomly blurt 
U feel ur cheeks brun at that 
but no he cant have that 
"I thought i was always cute" 
He chuckles and groans as he hugs u tightly 
U laugh at his reaction 
"Of course you're always cute" 
"Ok but the teddy bear u got me is actually cuter" 
"Nononono, the teddy is cute but uuu are cuter" 
"Were u always this gross?" 
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before u tell me these are getting worse and worse every passing member 
i would first like to say i know 
and  that seungkwan bought u a cute dress for Christmas 
and took u to a fancy restaurant 
Ok ur welcome 
But like even if it werent fancy 
U'd still like it 
cause holy guacamole 
imagine holding seungkwans hand as u walk around
Jsut being so head over heels
and super in love with the cutie
The feeling is mutual for him when he's around u 
so he stops mid conversations 
just to take ur pic 
Its kinda annoyig 
but kinda cute 
"Hey unknow hansol told me about-- what are u doing"
 "No go on, im just talking ur picture"
 Literally the bst hype man alive 
Will make take dozen upon dozen photos of u 
And will make u pose for aethetics 
He will go on making sure everyone knows u da hottest ho in the place 
n ur like "seungkwan stfu u embarrassssing meee" 
And then oml  
Some moron tries to hit on u 
and seungkwan sqwares up ready to hit a fool 
would he actually do it i mean 
prolly Not 
but then again he looked really mad 
So u calm him down 
and u go bzck home 
And the cuddles 
"Baby girl im sorry if i embarrassed u"
 "Nah itz chill i mean i know u have good intentions"
U smile and he takes another candid phto of u
 "Im donnnr. Now hows about we get rid of that dress" 
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okay im willing to guess hansol loves drinking hot chocolate in the winter
So he's like 
"Lets do a hot choco review" 
And buys 897 types of hot choco 
Or like ten 
wtf eight hundres pluss is too much 
So ur like okay i like hot choco 
and then he pulls out his phone and does a vlive 
"No i am not jealous of joshua hyungs vlive with his gf" 
Yall make like ten cups of hot choco 
and is chaotic 
Idek how u could get injured 
But hey 
It wasnt even the hot water invovled 
but the wrapping of the choco powder 
"Technical difficulties hansol is a big moron" 
U get him a bandaid
"Ya! I am not" 
Yall start reviewing anyway 
*insert try guys eugenes voice* 
Im rihght
 Ur wong 
Shut up 
After trying the first onw 
Ur like wow dis is good 
the second was even better 
The third one u hold
then u realized there were eight more cups 
And that u made so
so u were like "omf there is too much "
then u debated whether or not calling seventeen to drink the rest 
But then hansol was like "ther isnt enough for themm"
Then ur like 
"okay whatabout making a super hotchoco" 
n vernon was like 
 Shrug it off 
and get a cup of the hot choco mix 
"Tastes like corn" 
"Bish dafaq" 
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Chan is a dumb ho 
and got himself sick at Christmas so 
nononoono thats a no to any cute date ideas 
and its just you and him staying at home 
U personally dont mind 
but hes like "awww but i had so many ideas"
 but obvi U cant risk him getting any sicker than he already is 
So you stay home and take care of him 
and all he can do is complain about everything 
about the cold 
his runny nose 
The lack of taste of the food
 His head ache 
The fact his bed is hot 
And that fact that u have to take care of him 
And treat him like a baby 
"I am not a baby" 
"Listen up, u are always gonna be my baby" 
"Not u toooooo najsjsjjs" 
You make him some hot cocoa 
And hes like "im not drinking that if u call me baby again" 
Ugghgg "If you keep doing that im not going to give u the gift i gotchu" 
"Well das on u" 
And then u end up going ona glaring contest 
Chan ends up giving it to u anyway 
"i hope u choke on it" he grumbles with insencerity 
U coo when u see that its a handwritten letter 
And then u end up crying because hes super soft
N ur super soft
And gahhh u love him so much
 Chan pats ur back because he doesnt want to get u sick if he hugs u  
U sniffle and wipe ur eyes 
"Who's the baby now, cry baby" 
You snarl and pinch his side 
And now i say
This was probably hecking bzd but i hope u enjoyed 
TAKE CARE Of urselves mwaah
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sgtcalhouns · 5 years
Rescue, pt. 3
here’s the final update!! sorry this took so long. i wrote half of it, and then i got sick and then i worked a bunch of crazy hours at work so i didn’t have the chance to finish it until now. this is the first time i’ve ever written a fight scene like this so please cut me some slack lol. enjoy!
Felix ran back to Game Central Station, making a beeline for his game. On his way out, he learned that the game he had been trapped in all that time was Hero’s Duty. It brought him some comfort to know that Brad couldn’t fatally harm Tamora since she was in her own game, but that didn’t lessen his haste to get her away from him as soon as possible. He found Ralph walking out of the outlet for Sugar Rush and hurried after him.
“Ralph!” he called out.
“Felix!” he replied. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Felix answered, brushing off his friend’s concern. “But we need to get Tamora out of there as soon as possible. What’s the plan?”
“We have to go back to Hero’s Duty,” Ralph replied. “Turbo wrote himself into the code there. If we can destroy the code, he’ll be gone for good.”
“What about Brad?” Felix asked.
“His code is intertwined with Turbo’s,” Ralph explained. “It’s impossible for one of us to create a whole new character that wasn’t written into the code. Only a game’s creator can do that. Turbo must have split off a piece of his code and taken the rest from Hero’s Duty.”
“Are you sure?” Felix asked.
“We spent hours talking to Sour Bill,” Ralph said. “He knows more about this stuff than anybody.”
“Alright,” Felix said. “So how do we get into the code room?”
“I don’t know,” Ralph admitted. “If Turbo hasn’t gotten to the soldiers, we’ll need to ask one of them to show us.”
“Let’s head to Tapper’s,” Felix suggested. “If Turbo’s tried to brainwash Tamora’s soldiers, he probably wouldn’t think to look there.”
“Lead the way.”
As the pair entered the bar, Felix spotted Tamora’s most trusted soldier, Kohut, leaning against the bartop. He quickly approached the muscular man.
“Kohut,” he said.
“Hey, Felix,” Kohut replied, clearly in the beginning stages of intoxication. “What’s up?”
“We need your help.”
“No can do, buddy,” Kohut said, his speech slightly slurred.
“Come on, this is serious,” Ralph interjected.
“I’m serious, too,” Kohut said.
“Kohut, please, it’s about Tamora,” Felix pleaded.
“What, havin’ lady troubles, little man?” Kohut said with a chuckle.
“Listen to me!” Felix said, hopping onto the counter to be at eye-level with him. “Turbo is back and he rebuilt Brad Scott out of his own code and they kidnapped me but Tamora stayed behind so they would let me go and now she’s trapped in some creepy dungeon with a half-brained clone of her ex-fiancee. Show us the code room in Hero’s Duty or she’ll be stuck there for who knows how long.”
This seemed to shake Kohut out of his slightly buzzed state. He stood from his barstool and dropped a few coins on the bar to pay for his drink before turning back to Felix and Ralph.
“Let’s go.”
Deep in the underground of Hero’s Duty, Tamora was hogtied on the floor. Turbo had returned to find Felix gone, and he was furious with Brad for letting such a crucial part of their plan walk out the door. 
“How could you do this?” Turbo asked, pacing the floor and waving his arms dramatically as he spoke. “The plan only works with both of them here. We’re no closer to the glitch than we were before.”
“I’m sorry,” Brad said, his head down in shame.
Tamora watched, curious about what Turbo could have done to manipulate Brad this way. He was probably four times Turbo’s size, and yet he was cowering before the minuscule racer. 
“‘Sorry’ doesn’t help us now,” Turbo said. “Come with me while I figure out how to fix the mess you’ve created.”
Brad sulked as he followed behind Turbo into the next room, leaving Tamora alone. Soon, she heard footsteps as Felix crept back in. He tiptoed over to her as quickly as possible and began working on the knots in which she had been tied up.
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” he whispered.
“I’m fine,” she answered. “Did you bring it?”
“It’s right here,” he replied, patting one of the pockets on his toolbelt. Inside it was a radiant, blue cube containing the code that kept Turbo and Brad alive. Once it was destroyed, they would cease to exist.
He managed to untie the ropes from her wrists and Tamora sat up and helped Felix with the tight knot that bound her ankles together. The moment she was freed, the couple embraced, savoring the moment of tenderness before what would inevitably be a difficult encounter with Turbo and Brad. 
“Where’s Ralph?” she asked.
“Right outside with Kohut in case anyone tries to make a run for it,” he answered. “The rest of your troops are in Sugar Rush keeping Vanellope safe.”
“Good,” she said. “Let’s end this thing once and for all.”
She moved to stand, but Felix reached for her hands, prompting her to stay put. He looked into her eyes, unable to hide his concern.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked cautiously. “We could always have Ralph or Kohut come in instead.”
“I’ll be fine,” she answered.
“I know you will, I just...” he trailed off, moving one of his hands to cradle her cheek. “I know this whole ordeal has to be taking a toll on you. Don’t feel like you have to be here when his code is destroyed. I don’t want you to have to see that again.”
“It’s different this time,” she responded. “It may look like him, but that is not Brad.”
“Are you absolutely sure?” he asked. “I know you don’t need protecting and you hate being coddled, but I know how difficult this is for you. I hate to see you hurting.”
“I’m sure, Felix,” she said softly. “Yes, this is hard. This situation has dug into my old wounds in a way that I never expected, but I’m strong enough to get through it. I got that strength from you.”
“Oh, Tammy,” he sniffled, overcome with emotion at her admission. She wasn’t often this open about her feelings, and it affected him deeply every time. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too,” she said. “Now, let’s exterminate these creeps.”
“How sweet,” came a voice from the other side of the room. The couple turned to see Turbo emerging from the adjoining room with Brad in tow. “Please, don’t let us interrupt the moment. Especially since it’ll be your last.”
“I’d be careful if I were you,” Tamora said as she stood up from the floor.
“And why is that? Think you’re a match for Dr. Scott? I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Turbo snickered.
“Because we have something that can erase the both of you from existence,” Felix said.
“The code,” Turbo whispered, overcome with dread. 
Felix reached into his toolbelt and procured the glowing cube, holding it up for everyone to see. Tamora gave him a small nudge to encourage him to destroy it before the situation could escalate any further. He paused to look up at her, silently asking her if she really wanted to witness this firsthand. She gave him a small nod, and he held her gaze for a moment, searching for any signs of hesitation from her. When he found none, he took a deep breath and raised his arm so that he could throw the code onto the ground. Something collided with his arm, and before he realized what was happening, Turbo had him pinned on the floor and the code had skittered across the room. 
Tamora glanced back and forth between her husband and the luminous block on the opposite side of the room. Felix saw her inability to decide between saving him and destroying the code and spoke up as he fought against Turbo.
“Don’t worry about me,” he grunted as he struggled against the racer. “Get the code.”
She ran for it, planning to stomp down on it and crush it under the weight of her boot. Before she could reach it, Brad swooped in and grabbed it off the floor, using his free hand to grab her by the arm and press her back against the wall.
“Tammy!” Felix called out.
He shoved Turbo off of him, the sight of Tamora in distress giving him a newfound strength. In mere seconds he had crossed the room, running straight up to Brad.
“Get your hands off my wife,” he said as he hopped up to Brad’s level and used his powerful legs to kick him in the jaw, sending him toppling to the floor.
Tamora wrenched her arm away and the code clattered to the ground. Turbo ran up from behind and tackled Felix, giving him no chance to fight back. She tried to intervene, but Brad grabbed her again and pulled her away from them.
“Let me go,” she ordered him. 
“Why do you care about him so much?” Brad asked, frustration seeping through his voice. “Turbo told me how badly he treats you. He said we’d be doing you a favor by getting rid of him.”
“Turbo is lying to you,” she said. “Felix is a good man. He takes good care of me, and he loves me more than anything.”
“No,” he muttered under his breath.
“You can try to kill him, but I will do everything in my power to stop it,” she said. “And if you succeed, I will never forgive you. If you let me destroy that code, Turbo will disappear forever. You won’t have to listen to his lies anymore.”
Brad released his hold on her and bent down to pick up the block of code that lay at his feet. 
“And tell him what happens to him when that code goes away,” Turbo interjected, a smug smile on his face. “Or did you forget that Brad disappears with it?”
“Is that true?” Brad asked, locking eyes with Tamora. She nodded sadly.
“That’s right, Scotty boy, you and I are one and the same. You’re nothing without me,” Turbo said. 
“Turbo has done terrible things to this arcade, and he’ll continue if we don’t stop him,” Tamora said in an attempt to reason with Brad. “The glitch he’s after is just a little girl. If we let him go, he will kill her.”
Brad looked at the code, and then at Tamora. Just when it seemed as though he was going to hand it over to her, Turbo spoke up again.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he said. “If she gets her hands on that code, her little handyman goes bye-bye.”
They turned to see that he had his hands wrapped around Felix’s throat. He tried to fight back, but he was quickly becoming dizzy and weak due to the lack of oxygen. Tamora felt her heart constrict in her chest as he struggled to breathe in Turbo’s tightening grip. She reached for her sidearm.
“Not so fast,” Turbo said, squeezing just a bit tighter. 
Tamora dropped the gun on the ground and took a step back.
“Good,” he smiled. “Now, Brad, I want you to bring me the code.”
Brad met Tamora’s gaze and saw the heartbreak behind her eyes.
“As for you,” Turbo continued, glancing pointedly at her, “if you make even one step toward that code, I will crush Mr. Fix-It’s windpipe. We wouldn’t want that, would we?”
“What happens after we give it to you?” she asked. “You let him go?”
“More or less,” Turbo replied. 
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“He goes, you stay,” Turbo answered. “And if I ever catch the two of you together again, I won’t hesitate to make you watch him die.”
Tamora locked eyes with Felix, trying her best to stop her tears from spilling over onto her cheeks. No matter what choice she made, she would never be able to return to her life with him. She despised this feeling of complete helplessness; she had always been the one in command. Felix wished he could reassure her that everything would be alright, but even he couldn’t muster the optimism to believe it. A terrible choking sound escaped his throat as Turbo’s grip tightened.
“I’d hurry up and make a decision if I were you,” Turbo said.
She took a step back toward Brad. Felix saw the defeated look of acceptance in her eyes and knew what she was about to do.
“No,” he tried to say, but the word came out on a strangled wheeze.
Their eyes met and he made a desperate attempt to communicate with her without words. He knew that she was about to give up her life, her happiness, to save him, but he could never go back to his life knowing she was stuck here forever. Tamora faced a similar dilemma: she knew that Felix was willing to die if it meant her safety and the safety of the arcade, but she would never forgive herself if she didn’t save him. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered before turning away from him.
She faced Brad once more.
“Go ahead,” she said.
Brad hesitated. He had witnessed the exchange, and he saw how much they were willing to sacrifice for one another. As he saw the sadness in Tamora’s eyes, he knew what he had to do.
“You love him, don’t you?” he asked.
“I do.”
“And you’re happy with him?”
Brad gave a nod of grim acceptance.
“I’m sorry we did this to you,” he said.
And then, before anyone could stop it, he crushed the code within his grip.
“You fool! What are you doing?!” Turbo shouted as he slowly faded into oblivion.
Felix fell to the ground as Turbo disappeared, and he coughed and sputtered as he fought to catch his breath. Tamora ran to him, cradling her head in his hands. She took his hammer and placed it in his hand, and together they tapped it against his neck. He gasped as the damage to his throat was undone and he could breath freely once more. The last thing Brad saw before dissolving into thin air was the couple sharing an emotional embrace, and he knew he had made the right choice. This was the only way Tamora could ever truly be happy, and he had learned that loving someone was all about putting their happiness first. He closed his eyes and accepted his fate, knowing that he was leaving her in good hands.
“Goodbye, Tamora.”
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escarghosting · 6 years
Hello @poptartsplat! I’m your secret santa for the @pandoraheartssecretsanta​~ (Sorry this is late i accidentally left it as a draft ^^’) I went with your prompt “Gil with tattoos.” It ended up being… a lot longer than planned lol. I hope you like it!! Happy holidays!
Title: Why is a Raven Like a Writing Desk?
Rating: T just in case
Word Count: 1834
Summary: Gil decides he wants to get a tattoo, just like Uncle Oscar. Stupidly, he thought he could keep Oz and Break from finding out. He was wrong, of course.
“See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it, Gilbert-kun?”
All Gilbert could do was groan and shove his face further into the carpet. It was useless to keep trying to shove Break off of himself; he’d just pin him back down again. His only option was to lay there, on the floor, with Break sitting on his back and Oz poking his shoulder that’s still very sore, thank you very much, wondering just what in the world he did to ever deserve such treatment.
Three days earlier…
Gilbert’s hand hovered over the door for the billionth time in the last 10 minutes. He could do this, he only spent the whole night before practicing everything he was going to say to Oscar. It was simple, really; all he had to say was, “Hi, would you please go with me to get a tattoo?” No big deal. Sure, he was already 24, so it was kind of ridiculous to be scared to go alone, but Oscar had experience. He knew the best place to get one, and probably knew everyone there, so it’d be all-around more comfortable for everyone involved if the friendly, charismatic Oscar was there too.
His other hand clenched around the plate of cookies; white chocolate macadamia nut, Oscar’s favorite. What was I thinking! I can’t do this! he thought. He probably won’t wanna go. Why should I get a tattoo anyway? They must hurt a lot, and I-
“Oh, Gil! How nice of you to swing by!”
Gilbert jumped back with a yelp. Did Oscar know he was there this whole time?!
“What’re ya standin’ around for! Come on in, you’re no stranger!” Oscar said with a warm smile. The older man waved the other in before heading back into the apartment. Taking a moment to calm his racing heart, Gilbert followed.
Oscar’s apartment wasn’t much to look at. It was a one-bedroom bachelor pad, decorated with mismatched furniture and bookshelves. Pictures of Oscar, Oz, Ada, and Gilbert hung from the walls and sat on any available surface. Oscar always was a family man.
Looking at the pictures filled Gilbert with fondness. He wasn’t really related to any of them by blood. It had been ten years since Oscar took him in. He still doesn’t understand why; Oscar was already taking care of his nephew Oz Why take in another child? Gilbert couldn’t help but feel like a burden.
Regardless, Oscar loved and cared for Gilbert as if he were his own child. He did everything he could to make sure Gilbert felt like he belonged. Oz and Ada, though they were much younger than Gilbert, still treated him like a real brother. Even when Gilbert discovered he had a brother, Oscar did everything he could to help get in contact with him, and understood when Gilbert decided to go live with Vincent and his family.  
Gilbert smiled fondly. He couldn’t have asked for a better family.
“So, what brings you here, Gil?” Oscar asked.
The question broke Gil from his reverie. Right. He was here for a reason.  
Deep breaths Gilbert. You can do this. “Would you…maybe take me to…get a tattoo…?” He couldn’t look at Oscar, it was too embarrassing.  
Why wasn’t he saying anything?! Gilbert reluctantly opened his eyes to peek at Oscar. The man was standing there, half-eaten cookie in hand, excitement in his eyes and grinning like a madman.  
“Gilbert!” Oscar reached an arm across the bar to pull Gilbert into a hug. “So grown up now! It’s all because of that piercing we got ya, huh?” he joked, ruffling Gilbert’s hair. He tried to bat his hand away, but stopped when Oscar shifted to stroking Gilbert’s hair. His voice softened. “How could I say no? I’d be honored to go with you.”  
Gilbert craned his head up to look at Oscar. The older man met his gaze with a soft smile. “Thanks, Uncle Oscar.” Gilbert returned the smile before resting his head back on Oscar’s shoulder.
They stayed like that for a minute, until Gilbert tapped Oscar’s arm. “Um, Oscar? This is great and all, but the counter’s kind of digging into my stomach.”
“Oops. Sorry.”
And so, two days later, Oscar and Gilbert made their way to Oscar’s favorite tattoo shop. It took a lot of effort to keep Oscar from telling Oz about this. It’s not that he didn’t want him to know it’s just… Oz would definitely want to join them. Then he’d see Gilbert in all the pain he would undoubtedly be in, which would no doubt be used as blackmail against him later. And Oz did not need any more dirt on him.
He loved Oz dearly, but sometimes he just wasn’t good for Gilbert’s health.
The people at the shop were a lot nicer than Gilbert expected. They walked him through the process, answered all of his questions, and just overall made him feel pretty good about having a needle repeatedly poked into his skin.  
Oscar, of course, did most of the talking during the session. That was fine with Gilbert, though. The sound of a familiar voice was much more soothing than trying to make small talk with a stranger. Oscar’s voice seemed to have the power to make anyone feel at ease. Before he knew it, the session was over and they were making an appointment for the next one.
They had to split it into at least two sessions; the design Gilbert chose was mostly black, unsurprisingly, and fairly detailed, so the shading and filling would have to wait.
When Gilbert opens the door to his apartment later that day, he almost dropped his groceries in surprise. There sitting on his couch is no other than Oz and Break, drinking his tea from his favorite mugs.
“Fiiiinally, you’re back!” Oz yelled. Next to him, Break crossed his legs, popping a sugar cube in his mouth, grinning like a madman.
“How kind of you to join us, Gilbert-kun.”
Gilbert’s eye twitched. “Wha- How did you guys even get in?!” He asked incredulously. Oz whistled innocently as he spun a keyring around his finger.
Oh. Right. He forgot he’d given Oz a key to his apartment when he moved in. In case of emergency, he said.  
He was definitely taking it back before they left.
The dark haired man placed the bags on the floor next to him as he toed off his shoes. He pinched the bridge of his nose; he could already feel a headache coming on. “Why are you guys here?” He asked tiredly. Break leaned into the couch, propping his dirty shoes on Gilbert’s clean coffee table. “And get your damn feet off my table!” Did this man have no respect? A quick glance down told him Oz, at least, was kind enough to take his shoes off before intruding.  
“Boo, so mean~” Break pouted, but he complied. “You see, we’ve come to investigate some…interesting rumors about you.”
“…What?” Does he always have to be so cryptic?
Oz jumped up from the couch. “We heard you got a tattoo!” he said excitedly.
Gilbert froze. It’s literally been three hours since they left the tattoo parlor. How did they already know?
Before he could ask, Oz walked over to him and shoved his phone in his face. He almost dropped it when he read what was on the screen.
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…In hindsight, he should’ve told Oscar not to tell anybody. Poor planning on Gilbert’s part, really.
…But you should know your nephew can see your facebook posts!
Gilbert sort of wanted to bang his head against the wall. Or hide in his room until the other two left him alone.  
“…What makes you think he’s talking about me?” he lied, pointedly looking anywhere except at Oz or Break.
He could feel the disbelieving look Oz was giving him. “Please, Gil, you know you’re a terrible liar,” Oz said. Damn it. Couldn’t hurt to try, though.
Gilbert let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine, yes, I got a tattoo.” He picked up the bags and carried them to the kitchen to put the food away, ignoring the way Oz perked up at his admission, or Break’s sly smirk. As he started taking stuff out, he called back to them, “But no one gets to see it until it’s done!” Oz made a noise of disappointment. Maybe now they wouldn’t bother pestering him.
After a minute of silence, he almost thought it worked, too. But when he turned around Oz and Break were standing right behind him good lord. Gilbert all but yelped. The evil looks on their faces promised nothing but trouble. Why is everyone bent on scaring him this week?!
“We thought you might say that, Gil-kun–” said Break.  
“So we came prepared,” Oz finished.  
The two crept forward, ever so slowly closing in on Gilbert. He looked at them both, before ducking between them and darting for his room.
At least, that was the idea. Next thing he knew, Gilbert was lying face first on his floor, with an uncomfortable weight on his back and his sleeve pulled over his left shoulder.
“See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it, Gilbert-kun?”
He tried to push himself up, but it’s difficult to do so with a grown man on your back and one very sore shoulder. All he could do was groan into the carpet. At least he wasn’t on the kitchen floor.
“Why…? Why are you like this,” he said, more a statement than a question.
It seems the other two had no intention of listening to him whine. Oz lifted his sleeve to get a better look. “It’s a…bird?” he asked poking around it gently. When Gilbert flinched, he kept poking it to see if he’d do it again.  
“Stop that! And it’s a—”
“—It’s a Raven, Oz-kun,” Break finished. Gilbert could hear the sly smirk in his voice.
“Hey! Don’t ignore me!”
“Figures,” said Oz. “Of course Gil would pick something so…edgy looking. Maybe you really are emo!” Oz’s laughter cut through Gilbert’s fighting spirit. He wasn’t emo! He just happened to like black and things that are black! It’s a nice color, sue him.
“You know how much he looks up to your Uncle. Our Gil probably only got a tattoo because Oscar has so many~”
Well, he wasn’t wrong. But how dare they read him so easily?!
“Oooh, you’re right, Break. He’s such an Uncle’s-boy~”
Defeated, Gilbert buried his face into the carpet once more. “You got what you wanted. Can I get up now?” he whined.  
Break clicked his tongue at that. “So impatient. You can go sulk in your room in a minute—” Gilbert could hardly contain an indignant squawk—“But! On one condition.”
Oh boy.
He lifted his head to find Oz lying on the floor in front of him. “Youuu have to let us come with next time!” the boy said cheerfully.
Maybe he should’ve just stayed in bed today.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
When was the last time you used a pair of ear/headphones? a couple days ago.
Have you ever tried to count to infinity? no, what a waste of time.
Do you like making mixed cds? when i was younger, yeah. now i just make playlists.
Would you want to live forever if it meant being a tree? no.
What is the strangest thing you’ve put chocolate on? nothing that weird.
Could you earn a good living selling weed? i mean you probably could but i personally wouldn’t do it.
How would you use a photographic memory? to remember diagrams and stuff.
What would you do tomorrow if you had $500? nothing lol. keep it.
What body hair gets the most attention? the hair on my head?
What’s your favorite commercial? none. i hate ads.
Do you like pie? i mean i do but it’s never my first choice for a meal/dessert.
Do you appreciate dishwashers? i’ve never had one.
If you could change someone else’s past, what would you change? i wouldn’t.
What’s the worst experience you don’t remember? being bitten by a dog.
Are your dreams usually cheerful? nah.
What’s your favorite color of eyeliner? black.
How’s the weather where you are at? it’s nice.
Anything bad happen today? yeah. i didn’t get off work early lol.
Can you solve a Rubik’s Cube? probably. but it’d take forever.
What was the last thing that you microwaved?  leftovers.
Did you have an easy-bake oven when you were little?  no.
Have you ever seen a donkey?  yes.
Do you like sheep? no.
Do you like dogs?  yes.
Do you have one?  yes.
Do you ever want to be married?  someday.
Do you take a lot of pictures?  not as much as i used to.
Where is the boy you want most? sleeping.
Where will you be 2 hours from now? in bed sleeping.
What is your current mood? tired.
Where are you going tomorrow? work.
Who was the last person you yelled at? i forgot.
Do you think you’ll be a good Mother/Father? hopefully!
The last thing you drank?  water.
What’s in your pocket?  no pockets.
What colour are your fingernails? dark red.
Have you ever left school just because you didn’t want to be there?  yes.
Did anything cute happen today? no.
What are you currently hearing? nothing.
Are you afraid of the dark? only if i’m not familiar with my surroundings.
Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings? depends who it is.
Do you have a common first name? no.
Do you like your middle name or your first name more? first.
What year would/did you turn 21? 2011.
What was popular when you were a kid? barbies, pokemon, sailor moon.
Do you wear more rings or necklaces? necklace.
Have you ever been engaged? no.
Can you see your veins through your skin? kinda.
Do you worry about having good grammar online? yeah.
Do you know anyone with a lazy eye? yes.
Did your parents let you have pets when you were a kid? when i was 12 so yeah.
Would you rather live in an apartment or a duplex? neither.
Do you like spicy chips? no.
Do you have any ‘different’ keychains on your keys/purse? i guess.
Do you collect pins? sorta. whenever i stay in hotels, i’ll take the pen.
What band was on the last band t-shirt you wore? the weeknd.
Do you wear more pink or yellow? neither.
Have you ever been out of the state you were born in? yes.
Do you have any tattoos on your arms? no.
Have you ever owned or known someone who owned a black cat? no.
When was the last time you felt jealous? idk been awhile.
What’s the last thing you bought besides food/drink? petrol.
What album is the last song you listened to from? idk.
Who scheduled your last doctor visit? me.
What’s the last video game you played? tekken.
Do you have anything on your wrists right now? my bracelet.
Do you have any holiday theme’d socks? nope.
What kind of accent do you have? australian.
What’s the last funny movie you watched? i forgot.
Can you remember your parents’ birthdays? of course.
Is there anyone who you just absolutely cannot STAND being around? yes.
What is the design on your shirt? it has minnie mouse on it.
Do you know anyone who just flat-out fails at life? no.
Are you a Ghoulscout? no.
Do you know someone who’s just always wrong about everything? haha kinda.
Do you make fun of people often? no.
Do you read your friend’s surveys? none of my friends do surveys.
If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would you pick? i wouldn’t.
How do you feel about band tattoos? it’s whatever.
How much are you willing to pay for a pair of sunglasses? if it has my prescription lens in it, quite a lot.
What is the origin of your last name? spanish, but i’m filipino.
Do you ever use the n-word? no.
What piercing do you like most on the opposite sex? none in particular.
What brand of hair dye do you prefer to use? i haven’t dyed my hair in years.
What country do you live in? australia.
Did/do you ride the bus to and from school? i did until i could drive.
Do you prefer beef, chicken or steak? steak.
Are you any good at applying make up? i guess so.
Do you misuse commas? no.
Have you ever bitten your dentist? no.
Are you someone who likes to make simple things difficult? no.
Who makes you laugh the most? my boyfriend.
Do you have any plans for this weekend? not sure yet. games night on sunday tho.
Do you crack your knuckles? sometimes.
Coffee or Tea? both.
Do you know anyone named Matt? yes.
Wearing any bracelets? yes.
When were you last outside? 30 min ago.
Do you need someone to cheer you up right now? no.
Are your nails painted? yes.
Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? yeah hopefully.
Do you think you’d make a good parent? i hope so!
You start crying. Who do you want by your side? my boyfriend.
Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone? yes.
Did someone screw you over lately? yes.
Would you ever get your hips pierced? no.
If you were given the chance to go to Paris, would you go? if i didn’t have to spend anything, then yeah.
Who was the first person you talked to today? my bf.
What’s your favorite musical? les miserables.
How do you get to sleep? i’ll fall asleep if i’m tired or i’ll read.
What happened at the last party you went to? eh, idk.
Have you ever smoked a cigarette? yes.
What’s your hair like at this present moment? down.
Are you more comfortable sitting or lying down? lying down for sure.
What’s the worst film you’ve ever seen? idk there’s been a lotttt.
Are you an untidy person? no.
Have you ever been a fan of N*Sync? nah, i always preferred bsb.
Do you watch a lot of television? no.
Do you think you’re fat sometimes? yes.
Do you like to flex your muscles? no.
Do you think you’ll ever get plastic surgery? no.
Have you ever completely misunderstood what somebody was saying? yup.
Favorite kind of cake: anything moist.
Was it a boy or a girl to text you last? boy.
Name something you are doing tomorrow? working :(
Do you sleep on your stomach? yes.
Where are you going to be at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow? leaving home to go to work.
Are you missing someone? yes.
Do you like horror or comedy? comedy.
Who did you last share a taxi with? my bf and friends.
Dogs or cats? dogs.
What were you doing at 12 this afternoon? sleeping.
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? yes.
What’s your favorite season? Why? autumn, it’s my perfect kind of weather.
When’s the last time you did something you knew was wrong? idk.
Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up? yes.
Who was the last person you hugged? my bf.
Do you think you would be a good parent? wtf lol i swear this survey has asked this three times?
When was the last time you cried? it’s been a couple weeks.
Who was driving the last time you were in a car? me.
Does any part of your body hurt right now? yes.
Do you like your bed? yes.
When did you last talk to your brother or sister? yesterday.
How much cash do you have on you? a couple coins, i never carry cash.
Are you tanned? no.
Did you get any compliments today? no.
Have you ever gone to court? yes but to watch my boyfriend graduate as a lawyer.
Do you get jealous easily? no.
Would you ever want to swim with the sharks? no.
What are you doing Saturday? idk yet.
What is in your back pocket? no pockets.
What were you doing at 3:00 a.m. this morning? netflix.
What do you usually do first in the morning? check the time.
Are you any good at math? kinda.
Any plans for Friday night? not yet.
Do you have a little crush on someone? more than a crush.
When’s the last time you ran?
 it’s been awhile lol.
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? nope.
What are you dreading right now? working tomorrow.
Do you celebrate 420? no.
Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night? not always.
If anyone came to your house on your “lazy days” what would ya’ll do? lay around, watch youtube, tv shows or movies and pig out.
Who last grabbed your ass? my bf.
Have you ever been on your school’s track team? no.
Do you own a pair of Converse? yes.
Did you copy and paste this survey? duh.
Do you eat raw cookie dough? sometimes.
Have you ever kicked a vending machine? no.
Don’t you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over? yes.
Do you watch Trading Spaces? no.
How do you eat oreos? by themselves.
Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone? back in high school yeah.
Are you cocky? yeah.
Could you live without a computer? probably but i’d prefer to have one.
Do you wear your shoes in the house? only downstairs.
Who or what sleeps with you? nothing.
At what age did you find out that Santa wasn’t real? maybe around 7 but i pretended to believe in him.
What do you do when you’re sad? sleep.
Who would you call first if you won the lottery? my family.
Last time you saw your best friend? thursday.
Are you in high school? no.
What jewelry are you wearing? necklace and bracelet.
Is anyone on your bad side now? no.
What’s the first thing you do when you get online? go on youtube.
Do you watch Grey’s Anatomy? no.
Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes? only out on convenience. if it’s cold etc.
Where do you work? casino.
What are you doing tomorrow? working.
Do you return your cart? most of the time lol.
Do you have a dishwasher? no.
What noise do you hear? faint sounds of traffic.
Would you survive in prison? probably not.
Who is the youngest in your family? my cousin.
If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likely overpack? me lol.
What’s the last thing you purchased? gas.
Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you? yes!
What brand are your pants right now? not wearing pants.
Ever been to Georgia (the state)? yes.
What irritates you most on the internet? buffering.
What brand is your digital camera? canon.
Do you own expensive perfume/cologne? yes.
Are you taking college classes right now? no, i finished.
Do you like sushi? yes.
Do you get your hair cut every month? no, i should though.
Do you go online everyday? yes.
What makes someone a best friend? knowing everything about each other, someone you can rely on and laugh with.
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evenstevensranked · 7 years
#51: Season 3, Episode 9 - “Short Story”
After Lawrence Jr. High temporarily merges with a neighboring school, Louis discovers he has an "evil twin" by the name of Loomis Freeman who pulls even worse immature pranks than he does. Ren likes a mystery merger guy she offered to share her locker with until she meets him face-to-face and finds out he's significantly shorter than her.
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The episode opens with Wexler on the school intercom explaining what’s going on, while simultaneously getting a deep tissue massage. Not a weird start at all. There’s been an infestation of cockroaches *shivers* at Jefferson Junior High. So for the time being, the Jefferson kids are staying at Lawrence. Within the first minute, Ren, Ruby and Monique are talking about what they’re going to wear to the school’s “social event of the season.” Ren says that some of the Jefferson guys have serious date potential, so the three girls start checking the guys out. I kinda like this, because the first dude they pick is black. I know it shouldn’t be important, but I couldn’t help but notice. (As a biracial person, I just tend to be more aware of this stuff lol) I thought it was nice!! No discrimination on Disney Channel! 
Ren tells the girls that she volunteered to share her locker with someone. When she opens it up, it’s clear that someone has already moved in. They suspect it’s a boy. You can tell the person is into photography. There’s a camera and some prints in there. Ren takes a look at some of the things and concludes that the mystery guy’s stuff is “cool” and she wonders who he is. Oooooh!
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Next we see Louis, Twitty and Tawny in the hall. Twitty asks Louis if he’s going to get a new suit for the “big dance.” Louis says “Let me explain something to you, because I’m adamant about this. There is a dance this Friday night, but it’s not necessarily the BIG dance!” Tawny asks why not since it’s their semi-formal. Which is another thing that makes me feel like they’re supposed to be in High School, but Disney decided to set it in Junior High for demographic reasons. I never had a semi-formal in middle school. But, hey! Maybe that’s just me. Can I also just say - I love that Louis used the word “adamant”? He makes a solid point though when he goes on to say that he doesn’t like to throw the word “big” around: “It’s always the Big Dance, or the Big Formal, or the Big Track Meet. WHAT ABOUT THE TRACK MEETS THAT ARE JUST TRACK MEETS?!” -- True.
Suddenly, we get a 7 years pre-“Glee” Naya Rivera cameo! She walks up to the gang and stomps on Louis’ foot. She accuses him of putting gum in her hair. He swears it wasn’t him so she kicks him again for lying. The plot is being set up without giving it away pretty well here!
Twitty awkwardly puts her hair in his pocket at the end. I don’t get that, lol. But… okaaaay.
Ren has yet to meet her mysterious locker buddy so, with some persuasion from Monique and Ruby, she takes a look in one of his books and finds out his name is Travis Gresham. Ren decides she has to meet him. So, she basically turns into a nervous puddle of goop every time she sees a Jefferson dude, thinking any one of them could be him. But, nope! No luck. 
We see Louis (or at least someone who looks just like Louis) hiding in the hall watching Twitty use the water fountain. The water goes everywhere and “Louis” runs away laughing. Soon after, we see Louis being taken into custody by Wexler. This time he’s being accused of putting a fake mouse in the faculty fruit bowl but once again, Louis has no idea what Wexler is talking about and is screaming that he’s innocent. Ren is distracted by this drama and ends up missing Travis get a book out of their locker. Since she’s Vice Principal Ren Stevens, she decides to go to the office and look up his file. Of course, there’s no photo attached to it. However, while she’s there she notices a different file with a picture of Louis attached to it. Except it’s not Louis… It’s LOOMIS! Yeah. A Jefferson kid by the name of Loomis Freeman. This is too much, lol. (See cover photo.) 
Ren immediately shows Louis the file and he figures out that it must be Loomis who’s been playing all the pranks and starts to refer to him as his “evil twin.” Twitty even believes that it was Louis who rigged the fountain until Louis shows him the picture of Loomis. I love their friendship. Twitty believes him right away, no questions asked. It’s great. Next, a girl with chocolate all over her face approaches Louis at lunch. She doesn’t say a single word because if she did Disney would have to pay her, so she just stands there silently blaming him for it and pies him in the face as payback. Poor Louis, man. Dang.
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“Loomis Freeman must be stopped, Twitty.”
Ren hears someone say “Hey, Travis!” to a guy at lunch, sooo... It must be the mystery guy!! Yay! She goes over and introduces herself as his locker buddy. She sits down and they end up having an awesome conversation. They talk for so long, they don’t even notice that lunch is over and everyone’s gone! Travis asks Ren to the dance and she’s so excited……. until they stand up and he’s literally at least a foot shorter than her. Yikes! I would try not to care about something as trivial as that but I can definitely see how Ren might be embarrassed.
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She tries her best to be kind because they did get along amazingly. But when Ruby and Monique meet him, they tease her and crack jokes about it. Rude. (But honestly some of the jokes were funny. I couldn’t help but laugh. I’m so sorry, Travis!)
All of a sudden, Louis Loomis comes riding by on a bike and sprays the girls with a water gun. Louis runs up to them seconds later and asks if “he” just rode by on a bike and which direction “he” went, haha. Loomis and Louis are dressed extremely similarly though. That’s a bit of a slip-up, imo. They should’ve at least dressed them in slightly contrasting styles or something because the only physical/visual difference between them is Loomis’ hair -- it’s teased out larger than Louis’. I will say, one thing I actually really like about this episode is that it highlights how mature and smart Louis actually is compared to someone much sillier and dumb.
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Louis, like, 5 seconds later. I know they’re supposed to look alike and confuse people and everything. But, they’re already being played by the same actor!! They didn’t need to actually be dressed like twins. What are the odds of that? Well, then again.. what are the odds Louis would have an identical evil twin? I’m taking this show too seriously, lol.
Louis has a large copy of Loomis’ file photo in his room and is using it as a dartboard. For real though, that picture should honestly be a poster or something. I mean, how iconic is this image?! If Even Stevens ever becomes as popular as other older shows in the nostalgia wave this would most definitely be a hipster-y poster to have. Like, this picture of Urkel or that “Animal House” John Belushi poster or something. Bad examples. I can’t think of anything else right now. You get the gist!! One of those posters that speaks for itself. You look at it and automatically know there’s a pop culture reference there. Even if you’re not familiar with what/where the reference comes from, you just KNOW it’s a thing. It’s Shia LaBeouf making a ridiculous face. I’d hang that in my room right now.
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Louis is getting super worked up over the fact Loomis is basically ruining his life. He stops to think of what Loomis’ next move might be and realizes he’s most likely going to try to sabotage “the Big Dance.” Yep. Louis goes back on his word from earlier in the episode and explains “it just became the Big Dance.” Perfect!
During class, Ren can’t stop thinking about Travis’ height. She tries telling herself that it’s not important but this quickly segues into a nightmare-ish daydream sequence. She imagines going on a date with him and he just keeps getting shorter and shorter -- until he's a tiny little ant and Monique accidentally sits on him. Ouch. It actually reminds me of this scene/montage from Lizzie McGuire, where Gordo feels self-conscious about his height and also dreams about being super tiny. 
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Ren lets the pressure get to her and says she can’t go to the dance with him. 
Loomis already put flies in the ice cubes (nasty!) by the time Louis and Twitty arrive at the dance that night. Wexler suspects it was Louis who did it but lets him off the hook with a warning. Side note: As someone who had a massive crush on Shia/Louis growing up and feels like a 12 year old again every time they watch this show… I have to say that Louis looks so weird in the best, most lovely way ever when he's not wearing a freaking Hawaiian shirt lol. It’s so refreshing to see! Like, whoa.
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He looks so suave. Why did people sleep on Shia and call him ugly back then?! Also this blazer is so loud and oddly very “Louis” somehow. It’s not really the kind of blazer I’d picture him wearing but it just works. Same goes for the TURTLE NECK?! Really. Louis owns a turtle neck?! I love this character. Ugh.
Ren, Monique, and Ruby go to the dance together and they’re all dressed very Junior High appropriate and accurate! My friends and I dressed exactly like them at our 8th Grade class night, which I guess you could consider our version of a “prom” type thing. The dress I wore was super similar to Ren’s minus the giant flower, haha.
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Ren feels bad about turning Travis down and is really hoping to see him there. She waits by the punchbowl and Loomis dances his way over like a fool. Ren is convinced he’s Louis at first and compliments his outfit, but then he sprays her in the face with one of those squirting flower pins on his jacket. Loomis runs off laughing and Ren realizes it was the ~evil twin.~ Louis walks around a bit brainstorming what Loomis could be plotting when it hits him… Loomis is going to fill the overhead balloons with water.
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Same, Ren.
Travis gets up in front of everyone at the dance and shows a slideshow of photos he took during his week at Lawrence. He thanks LJH for being awesome hosts and ends the slide by saying “and some of us even made new friends…” accompanied by two super cheesy “candid” photos he took of Ren, lol.
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Meanwhile, Louis comes face to face with Loomis. This is pretty great. Not only does it showcase Shia playing two different characters in one scene (very well, I might add) but it’s just another thing that shows how serious Louis can be when you put him next to an actual wacky lunatic. 
Sure enough, he finds Loomis up above the dance holding a balloon full of water. Louis mocks him for only filling one balloon and says he’s tired of being blamed for his “shoddy work.” Louis’ vocabulary is on point in this episode. He spends some time trying to convince Loomis to hand over the balloon - as if it’s a gun and Loomis is one minute away from pulling the trigger or something. Unfortunately the balloon ends up falling on Ren, and Louis is genuinely upset about it. I’d be sick of being blamed for crap like that too. Wexler proceeds to KICK LOUIS OUT OF THE DANCE. He seriously pushes him out the door and locks him out. This bothers me so much!
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Louis vs. Loomis: WWE SmackDown.
Ren ends up apologizing to Travis and all is well again. They dance together and it’s a little awkward. Not because of the height difference but because, as I’ve mentioned before, “Romantic Ren” is cringy. Part of me feels like she’s supposed to be though. Let’s face it - we were all overly dramatic and took “relationships” (i.e. instant messaging two words to your crush on AIM last night) very seriously in middle school.
The episode ends with Tawny approaching Loomis thinking he’s Louis. Come on, Tawny! You should be able to tell it’s not him! Loomis creepily smells Tawny’s shirt and says “…………..you smell purrrrdy.” It’s actually hilarious. Tawny is so confused. She’s just like “….you smell… purrrrdy too?” I can’t. Loomis asks her to dance and Louis ends up having to watch them slow dance from outside the window. He’s basically having a stroke screaming at Loomis to get off of her. This is so??? 
Wexler sees Louis at the window and goes one step further by closing the blinds on him!! I feel so bad.  
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This episode always leaves me feeling frustrated lol. Why does Louis have to lose like that?! :( This one is actually pretty good and entertaining though! The Louis/Loomis face-off is probably the best scene. And I don’t mind the Ren plot either! My only real issue is that there isn’t really any stand-out dialogue here. And the evil twin thing is, just… I mean… really? Season 3 was wild. I’m not gonna lie, when I first got back into the show I kept forgetting about this episode for some reason?! I don’t exactly know why. How could you forget Loomis Freeman?! 
I hope you’re all doing well during this crazy time on Earth. Thank you so very much for reading, as usual! And chime in below! :)
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