#i opened a dark web box & this happened
biteofcherry · 3 months
🧚🏻‍♀️✨Bippity boppity bow chicka wow oww! You’ve been visited by the Shameless Hoe Fairy, and now you must share a hoe drabble about:
Steve + “Are you trying to hide from me?”
Thank you for sending the Hoe Fairy my way, through all the trials and dangers of time zones 😆💖
Grateful for it, I wrote something slightly longer than a drabble? Oops.
I'm creating a new dark-ish universe here, so brace yourselves.
New World Order
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soft dark!Steve Rogers x female reader
summary: After the snap and the breaking of the Avengers the world has turned into a darker place than it already was. Being under Steve Rogers protection should be your beacon of light, right? So why does it sometimes feel as if you're caught in a sticky web?
warnings: semi dystopian universe; soft dark Steve Rogers; manipulation; sprinkle of gaslighting; economical/situational power imbalance; dub-con; smidge of breeding kink; sex (p in v);
word count: 3k
Main Masterlist
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A small creak startled you. Your body tensed and jerked, the jars in your arms almost falling to the floor. You held your breath, tightening your hold on the precious cargo.
The sound came from the other room, the one anyone from the compound could’ve walked into, so it shouldn’t scare you. Not when you made sure to cover any tracks leading to this special, secret unit, which you’ve discovered a few days ago. 
Slowly, careful not to make any sound that might alert whoever was roaming out there, you put the jars down on the shelf. One by one. Gently. You kept your breath shallow as you did, keeping your movements to the minimal. Then you stayed still, counting down seconds in your head and listening for any sounds from outside. 
As one minute passed into another, then another, until it was seven minutes, then eight, you began to relax slightly. 
No further sounds, steps, nor voices came. You assumed they were gone, whoever it’s been. 
With a little huff of breath, you turned around. The nose of your boot bumped into the box of supplies you sneaked inside. It made little to no noise, but it was enough for the domino to fall down completely.
Something clanked on the other side of the wall. Then the hidden passage in the wall opened. 
Bright daylight filtered through and the broad, dark silhouette filled nearly the entirety of the doorway. 
You lifted your hand to shield your eyes from the sudden burst of light, letting out a small squeak as you curled inwardly. It took you a mere second to recognize who caught you and while your heart eased at the realisation, there was still a part of you that feared the outcome.
“I was wondering what kind of mouse has been hiding in the walls,” came his soft, deep voice. “Turns out it’s my own little scrapper.” 
Captain Rogers walked in. Despite wearing heavy boots he still managed to move quietly. 
The wall closed automatically after him, leaving the two of you in a small room with light fixtures casting pleasant, but artificial glow from the ceiling. 
“Are you trying to hide from me?” His lips curled in a lopsided smile, but the way he slightly tilted his head made you aware that he wouldn’t like it, if you said yes. 
“Of course not,” you let out a nervous laugh, gripping the edge of the counter behind you. 
“Not from you, Steve.” Nervousness still buzzed inside you, spiking as he neared closer and closer. 
Steve Rogers, Captain America, could be a scary motherfucker, if he wanted to. Usually, however, it was reserved for anyone trying to harm people he protected. Or if his subordinates broke his rules in any way. 
He may not be the golden boy you remembered from the very few, rare press conferences and pap photos from a decade before. Too much has happened, since he was the poster of glorified values the government tried to sell. 
First, they stripped him of the crystal areola they put themselves on him. Named him a fugitive and a traitor, for wanting to protect his best friend and fight for justice. 
His other colleagues have turned away from him, leading to breaking of the Avengers formation, which was supposed to protect the people.
Then, when the ultimate threat appeared, the remaining politicians blamed Steve and the other heroes for being unable to defeat Thanos. Tony Stark never returned. So many others have dispersed into dust. For a few years - as the world around you spiralled into dystopian nightmare - phantom governments have been using Captain America and other Avengers as the arguments for why so many things were failing.
Living became hard. Well, even harder than it used to be. People turned jaded and distrustful, so very few still tried to show each other support. Unable to count on governmental help, people have started forming their own little groups. Little communities that took care of each other, but were very wary of anyone else. 
You met Steve when you shyly walked into one of the support groups he was leading. You’ve seen posters inviting people to the meetings, but for quite a long time you stayed away from them, because Captain America or not, these groups always meant selling your soul in some way. 
Steve lured you in with his patience and soft voice, but was firm in pointing out that if you’d like to take some of the provisions back home, or needed aid, you had to do some labour in return. 
You weren’t opposed to that, but you were wary. Still, you agreed. 
Each task seemed more and more important, or that’s what you told yourself, because with each you’ve somehow gotten to work closer and closer to the Captain himself. 
You worked dutifully, which was something Steve didn’t omit to praise you for on a few occasions. Which perhaps was the reason why he assigned you to a team that so often worked closely with him. 
As much as it filled your chest with warmth, your gut tightened each time he got a little closer.
And he always got closer. 
You always sensed his gaze on you. Felt your heart jumping whenever he grazed his fingers along your arm, in a seemingly innocent, sweet gesture. But there was something about his attention, about Steve himself, that made you feel uneasy.
He was charismatic, but also less lenient. 
Caring, but didn’t give second chances. 
Patient, but often merciless in his decisions. 
He was still Captain America, but bitter and darker. Worn-out and dirty, like his suit, with the trace of a star that used to shine hope to those who saw it. Now that faith trailed with darkness. 
When Steve approached you one evening, as your team was scavenging the territory the Captain and his Avengers have liberated from under the influence of bloodthirsty gangs, you felt that quickened pulse and whispers of self-preservation instinct telling you to be wary.
He said that he noticed you watching him. Which rendered you speechless for a moment. If anything, you always caught him looking your way. 
Did he really think you were the one checking him out? Was it why your gazes met every time?
You stuttered with your response, not quite knowing how to explain yourself. Steve offered you that disarming, comforting smile. He touched your hand. Slipped his fingers between yours, ever so slowly rubbing the pad of his index finger between two of yours. 
Such a small, meaningless gesture, but something about it had your cunt clenching in response, as if he was insinuating he wanted to rub you somewhere else. 
Before you managed to explain the situation, Steve turned the tables on you once again. He leaned in and confessed that he missed intimate touch, as well. That it was understandable and he felt honoured you would give him your attention.
Then he simply walked away, joining Natasha to make further decisions regarding the operation; leaving you dizzy with confusion and conflicting emotions. 
Was he right? Were you subconsciously seeking out his attention? Was your sense of unease in his proximity provoked by your attraction to him?
Because Steve Rogers was a very handsome man. From the soft strands of hair he had grown a little longer, to the way his broad chest tapered into narrow hips and possibly the sexiest ass you’ve ever seen. 
From that moment, the Captain often approached you, smiled at you, and touched you however briefly. The pounding of your heart increased each time, your thoughts still clouded. 
When he caressed your cheek one time, while having just returned all dirtied and splattered with blood from a mission abroad, your breath stuttered. He asked you to help him out with patching some bruises and you didn’t find the strength in you to deny a request from a wounded man. Captain America at that. 
He took you to his quarters. At Steve’s command, the AI closed the door after you. Your fingers trembled as Steve guided you how to unzip and take off his suit (since his shoulder throbbed so hard, he seemingly couldn’t do it himself). 
Steve’s fair skin was indeed marred with bruises and a few cuts, which you cleaned and patched. In response to your breathless “I better leave” after you were done, Steve slid his big hands onto your hips and softly asked you to stay. 
Perhaps it’s been too long since you kissed anyone. Or maybe his grip on you tightened enough for the fear of repercussions freezing you in place. 
With a tiny whimper, you gave in to his demanding lips and wandering hands. Despite your brain screaming at you to run away, your heart rate accelerated with pleasure, quickly drowning out the fear.
Steve had you sinking down on his thick cock right there, while he still sat in the chair and his suit was barely pushed past his hips. He groaned praises at how good you felt; how hot it was to feel your tight cunt stretching around him; how sexy you sounded struggling to take it all.
Even with some of your brain cells fighting against it, your whole body surrendered to Steve and the pleasure he drew out of you over and over again. 
Maybe he was right all along and you were starved for intimate contact. 
Maybe you were choosing to let him take you, so he wouldn’t hurt you or your family in any way. 
Later, as you laid in Steve’s arms, you debated with yourself how good it felt to be held and protected, and that maybe it was worth following Steve’s subtle commands. 
He took you again in the morning. On your side, sliding into your sore pusy from behind. When you hissed that it hurt, Steve slowed down, but didn’t stop. He distracted you by arousing other parts of your body - rolling and pinching your nipples, sliding his fingers between your lips and fucking your moth with them, using his wet digits to rub your clit. 
Both of you returned to your duties afterwards, but in the evening Steve simply wrapped an arm around you and greeted you with a kiss on your temple. Then guided you back to his quarters.
He talked to you about everything, asked about your past, as well simply about your day. 
But not once did he ask, if you wanted to have sex with him. 
As the days passed, the less brave and determined you were to reject him. Especially not after Steve started coming over to your quarters, to meet your parents and play this whole thing, as if you really were a couple.
So if he was this sweet and supportive, why did you still fear displeasing him in any way? 
“I mean I’m not hiding at all.” Your speech quickened slightly, as you explained your actions. “I may have hoped no one would find this spot that quickly. I would tell you about it, I was going to. But first I needed to, um, I wanted to-”
“Easy, honey.” Steve cupped your cheek.
He ran his thumb along your lip, cooing at you softly. 
He didn’t look angry, nor suspicious. Which lessened your worries. 
“So you found one of Tony’s panic rooms.” Steve took a quick look around. “Not many people know about their existence. Not many can find them.”
“It was actually an accident,” you laughed at that, remembering how you stumbled when changing light bulbs in a weird fixture in the main lounge room and instead of breaking the mirror on the wall the pressure of your fall activated sensor in the wall, opening the passage to this room. 
You told Steve the story, watching mirth form crinkles around his eyes. He kissed your forehead softly, before pulling away. Not enough to leave much space between your bodies. 
“And why are you storing provisions here?” He glanced at the jars and cans you stacked on the few shelves. 
“Just in case. We have a storage and everything is rationed generously, but-” your gaze dropped as you mumbled- “somemayhavebeenstolen.”
“What was that?” Steve’s tone chilled and you felt the hair on your nape standing to attention. 
With two fingers, he tilted your chin up. Blue eyes bore into yours, a Captain’s command in them snapped you into obedience without an order falling from his lips. 
“I think I’ve noticed someone sneaking out some portions. Often.” You admitted. “I wanted to make sure we wouldn’t suffer much loss, in case that person continued to steal.”
“Why haven’t you reported it?” Steve frowned, his hold on your chin turning into an unpleasant pinch. 
“Because the person I should report to first, is the one who takes it.” You also tried to convince yourself that maybe Walker simply was giving it away to someone in need. 
“You could’ve told me.” Steve pointed out, his frown deepening in displeasure. 
“But you always talk about the importance of chain of command,” you blurted out.
Which actually surprised Steve. His eyebrows arched up and then his disapproval was shifting into amused satisfaction once again.
“You’re so dutiful, honey.” Steve’s grin made you gulp nervously. 
His gaze slowly trailed down. When it returned to your face there was a possessive glint in the blue irises. A hot jolt stroke down your spine, pooling in your lower belly with heat in preparation for what was to come.
Because even if your lips wanted to part on a pitiful No, you knew Steve would take anyway. And he’d make sure your body was on board with his desires. 
“Why don’t you continue your impeccable service for your Captain, huh?” Steve dragged the zipper of your jacket down. 
It was butter soft brown leather; once belonging to Steve, but since it was too big on you, he graciously encouraged you to cut and sew it, so it fit you better. 
Steve parted the sides of the jacket, exposing your chest. One move was enough to yank down the stretchy top you had underneath. Your breasts spilled out and you clenched your fingers on the edge of the counter, forcing yourself not to cover yourself, even though you felt shy. 
Steve cupped your breasts with his hands; squeezed them and kneaded gently. The coarse fabric of his fingerless gloves provided additional sensation. He rolled one nipple under his thumb; pinched the other. His mouth swallowed each little moan of yours. 
He drew out a whine out of you as he tugged your bottom lip between his teeth, at the same time unzipping your jeans. Steve knelt down to take off one of your shoes and pull your leg free from the pant leg. Enough to have you spread for him as wide as he wanted. 
“Umm-” you swallowed hard as Steve stretched to his full height. 
He was so much bigger than you. So much stronger. Sometimes, when he had you in his arms, it truly made you feel safe. Other times it scared you; made you quickly comply. 
Steve picked you up so easily, sitting you on the narrow counter and standing between your legs. 
“I don’t have any more pills,” you revealed. “Contraceptives, I mean. Bruce said it will take a few weeks for the production to be finished, after that one ingredient turned out to be spoiled.”
Steve met your eyes. He listened to what you were saying, nodding his head intently as you spoke, but still unzipped his suit and freed his cock. 
You couldn’t help it, your gaze flicked down. Seeing it almost daily didn’t diminish the awe of the cock a primal part of your brain declared perfect. Your pussy clenched, growing wetter in preparation for what was inevitable. 
Steve’s hand closed around his girth and he gave a few pumps before guiding the angry-red tip into your hole. 
He slid inside with a groan. Your own choked cry responding. 
When he met slight resistance due to your position, Steve hooked his arms beneath your knees and pulled your legs upwards. Your ass tilted and your upper body angled backwards. It allowed him to sink fully in, until you felt that unpleasant pressure against your cervix and his balls met your buttocks. 
Then, as he bottomed out in your unprotected pussy, Steve regarded your words.
“Slight inconvenience. But we’re skilled in adjusting to new situations and challenges.” He rested his forehead against yours; his voice growing more raspy and breathless. “If fate wants us to have a child, then we will rise to that blessing as well.” 
He rocked his hips into you, his pelvis grazing your clit. You squeaked, bracing your hands on Steve’s shoulders. 
“Fuck, honey.” Steve withdrew a few inches then slowly thrust back in. “Your sweet cunt is so tight and wet for me.” 
It was tight, because he hadn’t prepared you thoroughly - sometimes it was a blessing, because there were other times when Steve was so focused on making you soaked that he turned you into an overstimulated mess. 
Also because his dick was so fucking thick. 
“My perfect pussy. Isn’t it?” Each stroke was a purposeful, unrushed torment, so that you felt those inches penetrating you. Owning you. 
“Y-yes, Steve. It’s yours,” you mewled when he poked your cervix again. 
“It was made to be filled, honey.” Steve’s pace started increasing. “Its purpose is to take my cock and milk every last drop of my cum, until your womb swells with it.”
There were protesting voices in your head, demanding that you shake your head no and that you tell him you didn’t want to get pregnant. But they never made it past the barrier of voices supplying that you always dreamed of having a family and that Steve would take good care of you. 
Even if the objections somehow made it onto your tongue, the moans and cries Steve was eliciting with each thrust and filthy word deformed them into agreement. 
“That’s it, honey. Taking your Captain so well. Going to take all my cum and thank me for it.”
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bvidzsoo · 2 months
Love Me Like A Rockstar (8)
Chapter 8: Own My Mind
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Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: Song Mingi x female reader
Warning: cursing
Word count: 8.3k
Genre: university!au, enemies to lovers!au, rockstar!au
Summary: Love. You wanted none of it. You had already been heartbroken very badly once, you didn't wish to go through that ever again. But the Universe works in intricate ways and, somehow, you found yourself webbed up in a local rockstar's life, Song Mingi. He was everything you expected him to be, yet nothing like you imagined him he would be. What happens when you find mutual understanding and have heartful conversations? Will he be able to break down your walls? Will you be able to chase away his darkness?
A/N: Hello, lovelies! I'm back with a new chapter and let me tell you, ever since I've started writing this there's been little changes to the plot here and there, but...we should all thank Song Mingi for the way he's been acting this weekend for bringing a major change to it (i wanna kms ha-ha *dies in pain*) Anyways, I have a love-hate relationship with that man right now, don't mind my dramatic ass. Please listen to Maneskin's Own My Mind before or while reading this chapter, just the usual! If you want to be added to this story's taglist, just leave a comment on this post and you'll be added! Also, the drawing our girlie is talking about that is on her bed (later in this chp.), is absolutely waterbomb Mingi and it's a call-back to chp. 4 hehet. I have a surprise at the end of this chapter lol. One last question and then I'm going, should I do a Q&A surrounding this story? Like, if you have any curiosities about it, you can send in an ask and I'll gladly answer it! ^^ I hope you'll enjoy this part and, as always, let me know your thoughts about it!
Taglist: @orshii @or5i @lovely-red2 @scarfac3 @juicy-red @sunaswifes-blog @voicesinmyhead-rc @teez-the-time @maru-matt @kyeos4ng @deathbyyeekies @chicksmoothie @mjlbn01 @xhexy @sharksandminhos
⟨Series M.list ↭ Previous Chapter⟩
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            I shivered as I hurriedly shrugged off my jacket, backpack discarded the second I stepped inside my warm home, the loud thunder cut short as Mingi quickly closed the front door behind himself, hissing and groaning. I turned my head to watch him struggle out of his worn-out jacket as I stepped out of my shoes, hardly believing that from just a few minutes out in the rain, even my socks got soaked. Mingi’s head shook as his body trembled, and I couldn’t help but chuckle as I watched him. He looked quite hilarious with his black hair sticking to his forehead, glasses so wet he couldn’t see through them anymore, loose clothing now sticking to his lean body like a second skin.
“What’s so funny?” Mingi playfully furrowed his eyebrows as he took his specks off, shaking the water off the glass, as wiping it against his already wet clothes wouldn’t have helped him in ridding his glasses of water.
“You.” I mumbled with a chuckle as I peeled my cardigan off, skin covered in goosebumps as my damp skin was exposed to the chilly air in the hallway. Mingi rolled his eyes, and placed his glasses back on as I took off towards the wardrobe by the stairs, chewing on my bottom lip. Mingi would have to change out of his wet clothes, unless we wanted him to catch a cold. I couldn’t leave him standing there like that, shivering and sniffing as he already sneezed loudly. His apology was sheepish, but I just flashed him a small smile before opening the heavy door of the wardrobe. There were minimal chances that the box I was looking for was still inside the wardrobe, considering the fact that my mother would go on a cleaning frenzy every month and throw out almost everything inside the house that she deemed unusable anymore. Therefore, there were almost one to zero chances that the box I so vividly remember having placed here ages ago, was still in its spot.
“Uh, do you think I could use the bathroom real fast?” Mingi asked, voice sounding unsure as I kneeled down in front of the wardrobe, eyebrows furrowing when I didn’t spot the box right away.
“One second, let me find something.” I called out, leaning forward as I pushed my mother’s long coats hanging in my face out of the way, and disappeared further into the wardrobe as I pushed and pulled at the thick blankets she kept in there. I thought about giving up for a second, about her having thrown out the contents of the box I was searching for, but I gasped when I felt the sturdy cartoon underneath my fingertips. With a triumphant smile, I pulled on it, a few scarfs and my very old Hello Kitty beanie falling out in the process. The box felt heavier than I remembered it to be, and my heart settled knowing that my mother didn’t throw it out. But that didn’t mean it didn’t start beating wildly once I sat back on my heels, box placed in front of me. A chill ran down my spine, and I knew right now that it wasn’t because of the chilly air and my damp skin. Whatever still remained inside this box…is what I never had the strength to throw out, to fully get rid of every memory lingering of Yunho. I gulped, chewing on my bottom lip as I hesitated opening it up. But there was another loud sneeze, and as I briefly glanced at Mingi, I couldn’t help but notice the light red tinge on his cheeks as he typed away on his phone, completely soaked. I really had no other choice but to open up the box of pandora.
And a lump formed in my throat when I finally opened it, a stale scent hitting my nose. My eyebrows furrowed when a golden butterfly necklace sat on top of everything, a harsh reminder of all the gifts Yunho would buy for me during our relationship. I have thrown out all the gifts, except this one. It was expensive, and frankly, too beautiful to be thrown out or gifted to anyone else. Gulping, I pushed the necklace aside and sighed as I dug around the box, jaw clenching at the three sketchbooks getting in my way. They were filled with drawings of Yunho and myself, of all the places we’ve been to, of all the places I have wished to visit with Yunho. Of all the memories we have once made, and of all the memories I wished we could’ve made. Being an artist was amazing, but at certain times it was a nightmare in disguise, brain able to conjure such vivid images that never happened, that it could fool me into thinking that they have actually happened. I sighed quietly as I felt eyes on me, and finally found what I was searching for. A fuzzy and faded knitted sweater, a plethora of colors mixed together, from beige to a light purple, black and silver in the mix too. I pulled it out of the box, together with the grey sweatpants, and cleared my throat as I stood, hands burning the longer I held the clothing in my hands. I felt guilty, almost disgusting as I neared Mingi again, trying to avoid his eyes as he had an easy look on his face, smiling despite continuously sniffing.
“These are the only male clothing we have in the house,” I said as I reached my hands out, looking at Mingi’s chest rather than eyes, “hopefully they’ll fit you.”
“And if they won’t, you can always give me one of your colorful fuzzy cardigans.” Mingi’s tone was playful and I chuckled, giving him a playful glare. Those cardigans would never fit his broad shoulders. The tightness was gone from my chest as Mingi took the clothes from my grasp, a thankful look on his face. The guilt remained, but it wasn’t so pressing anymore.
“You can change in the bathroom downstairs,” I pointed towards the closed door across from the wardrobe, “towels are in the cabinet above the toilet. Do you need a hairdryer?”
Mingi shook his head with a smile and gave my soaked hair a light tap, “Thank you, Y/N.”
The way he seemed to linger on my name sent my heart into a dumb frenzy, and I found myself flustered beyond, emotion so foreign I forgot how to speak for a second. And Mingi didn’t miss it, fuck, because he walked away with a smug smile towards the bathroom and paused in the doorway for dramatic effect, before disappearing with a damn wink. I huffed, glaring daggers at the closed door as I scurried to shove everything fallen out back inside the wardrobe, closing its door rather harshly. I licked my chapped lips and raced up the stairs, throwing the door to my room open and taking a second to take in its state. My desk was messy, but that’s just how it always was, I couldn’t do much about it right now. I opened the blackout curtains, however, the weather already gloomy enough to cast shadows inside my dark room. I flinched as another thunder rumbled through the sky, and grabbed the first clothes I found in my closet, walking to the bathroom upstairs.
After having changed into wide legged leggings that had cotton on the inside, I quickly threw on a white tank top and a soft pink mock neck sweater, sighing in content as warmth finally enveloped my body after I have dried up the dampness on it with a towel. I skipped down the stairs as I had a towel around my head, messily towel drying my hair, completely missing the tall form standing at the foot of the stairs as I stumbled into him. I yelped, but Mingi quickly steadied me by the elbows. Before I had the chance to pull the towel off my head, two large hands grabbed at it and started softly rubbing the towel against my wet hair. I froze, everything inside me stopping as even my breath stilled, eyes wide open. Mingi said nothing as he continued with his actions, quietly humming to himself. I was afraid he’d be able to hear my loud heartbeat as I breathed through my mouth, lips parting as I struggled to calm down. I was thankful for the towel hiding my face, because I could feel the blush spreading down from my cheeks to my ears, and even neck. I couldn’t remember a time when I have blushed this hard, and it made me feel slightly disoriented. For God’s sake, Mingi was simply towel drying my hair for me, why was I having such a visceral reaction to it?! My mind seemed to be screaming at me, but I was too busy trying to regulate my breathing, doing so quietly, as Mingi’s hands became a little rougher, almost pulling on specific strands of hair. My eyes narrowed as he turned my head left to right to his likes, and I groaned as his fingers dug into my scalp.
“Hey, stop it!” I whined and slapped at his hand, making Mingi chuckle as he ruffled my hair to the point I had strands from the back falling into my eyes.
“Oh, good,” He was still chuckling, “for a second there I thought you had fallen asleep with how quiet you were.”
Despite not being able to see his face, or anything if I looked ahead, I could still peek down and see his feet. I was standing on the last step of the stairs, and with an evil grin, I jumped down, his naked toes falling victims to my attack. Mingi yelped loudly, and I cackled as I pulled the towel off my face, smiling at him smugly.
“Serves you right since my hair is all knotted up thanks to you.” I raised my eyebrows at him as Mingi had his right leg raised, massaging his toes with a pained expression.
“So you break my toes?!” He exclaimed, his deep tone a few octaves higher, making me snicker to myself as I threw the towel at him, making him yelp and look at me with an appalled expression on his face.
“Stop being a baby,” I stuck my tongue out at him as I walked towards the front door to lock it before I went inside the kitchen, “And wear some slippers before you come to the kitchen.”
Mingi was closely following behind me, ignoring my words, “What, one of your dwarf slippers? It’s either my toes or heels will be dangling off.”
The image was funny in my head, but I ignored it in order to throw him a scrutinizing look, “The tiles are cold in here, you’ll catch a cold.”
A wide smile spread on Mingi’s lips as he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed in front of his chest, biceps bulging underneath the tight fabric of the sweater, “You’re so cute when you worry about me, doll.”
There goes the pleasant exchange we’ve been having up until now. My voice became devoid of any expression besides the glare I threw at him, mirroring him as I crossed my arms in front of my chest, “I’m not cute. I’m merely saying you’ll probably catch a cold since we’ve been out in the rain not even fifteen minutes ago. And since you’re a singer you should be taking a lot more care of yourself.”
Mingi remained silent for a few seconds, until I watched a light hue tinge his cheeks. Was he blushing because I was lecturing him? Just what in the hell?!
“You’re right, sorry.” Mingi mumbled, but showed no intentions of actually following through with my words as he walked further inside the room, sitting at the table, feet up on the chair as he hugged his long legs to his chest. For such a tall and broad man, he looked extremely tiny sitting on that chair right now.
“Uh,” A little confused by the turn of events, I looked around the kitchen, trying to remember the initial purpose of me coming here, “Right. You don’t like tea, so we have coffee or hot chocolate to warm us up, which one would you like?”
Mingi’s eyes lingered on me for a second too long, taking in my whole being before his eyes settled on my face again, a smile so genuine settling on his lips that his eyes were sparkling, “Hot chocolate is fine.”
I hummed, a little breathless, then turned to open the cabinet above the microwave to take out two tall mugs for the hot chocolate. For some reason, I didn’t mind Mingi’s eyes following my every move as I tinkered around in my kitchen, taking everything I needed in my hands to prepare them on the counter. The thought of having Mingi inside my home, sitting in my kitchen, wearing my ex’s clothes, acting like we’ve been friends since forever seemed to hit me at once as I froze for a second while pouring water inside the second mug, Mingi’s mug. And what was even more surprising was not finding any thoughts that suggested that this was wrong, that I shouldn’t be doing this, that Mingi didn’t belong inside my kitchen. I didn’t want to dwell more on why it all felt so right, so instead, I watched as the mugs whirled around in the microwave, locking these thoughts away for later…I knew they’d come back late at night to haunt me, it’s just how it always was.
Mingi clearing his throat gained my attention as I glanced back at him, and tried not to look too long. The way Yunho’s clothes perfectly fit Mingi’s form was alarming, albeit the sweatpants seemed to be slightly too long for Mingi. I’ve had Yunho’s clothes since highschool, which was a few good years ago, yet they still fit Mingi. It made me wonder if the two ever exchanged clothes or wore something matching, like best friends would do for fun. I know Yunho had once mentioned having matching rings with Mingi, but back then I was too jealous about their closeness to ask any further questions about any other matching items they had. And it was a little surprising just how well Mingi’s skin tone was complimented by the colors of Yunho’s old sweater, Mingi’s necklaces sitting on top of the knitted fabric. That sweater was one of my favorite’s while Yunho and I were dating, Yunho always seemed to be glowing when he wore it. At some point I had even forgotten that I still had it. Perhaps I should do something about the contents of that box, join my mother next month in her frenzy cleaning marathon and throw out its contents.
The microwave pinged and I took the two mugs out, realizing that Mingi and I had been staring at each other for at least a good minute, my cheeks flushed again. A soft chuckle was heard behind me, but I ignored it for my own sake. The silence didn’t last for longer as I opened the little packages containing the hot chocolate powder to pour into our cups, “This might sound crazy, but I swear I’ve seen this exact sweater on Yunho quite a few times.”
I froze, thankful that I had my back to Mingi as panic flashed over my face. Deep breaths, I had this. Mingi didn’t have to know, I could lie my way out of this. And so, I forced a small smile on my face as I faced him while walking to the fridge, “Really? Well, coincidence, maybe. It’s my cousin’s sweater, he forgot it here once, but as he lives overseas he never came to get it and my mother just placed it away for when he comes to visit us.”
I didn’t have one single male cousin. Let alone cousin’s that lived overseas.
“Oh,” Mingi mumbled as he picked at an undone string on the sleeve of Yunho’s sweater, “Yeah, that could be it, a coincidence, I mean. Besides, my memory is a little fuzzy, I might be wrong.”
I gulped away the guilt that suddenly bloomed in my chest and grabbed the whipped cream, raising it up, “Whipped cream for your hot chocolate?”
I grinned at Mingi as he slowly shook his head, “I drink it simple.”
“Really?” I asked surprised as I walked back to the mugs, “Not even with marshmallows?”
Mingi shook his head with a small smile and so I mixed his powder with the warm water, handing it to him. Mingi had a fond smile on his lips when he took it, his cold fingers lightly brushing against mine, making me blush like a stupid schoolgirl who has a crush. And I do not have a crush on anyone, let alone on Song Mingi. I swiftly turned around, hoping that Mingi didn’t notice me blushing as I quickly put whipped cream in my hot chocolate and stuck two marshmallows in it, putting everything away quickly. I turned to face him as I took a sip, leaning against the counter. Mingi sat in a cross-legged position on the chair as he had the mug in his hands, ring clad fingers wrapped around the warm ceramic. I couldn’t help myself as my eyes lingered on his painted nails, slowly trailing up to Mingi’s face. His black fluffy hair fell in his eyes, obscuring his sharp eyes slightly as they were devoid of the black eyeliner now, a few blemishes tainting his otherwise glowing skin around his jaw, glasses slipping low on his tall nose, and plump lips red and slightly wet from how much Mingi always licks his lips. The simplicity of his whole being has never looked more attractive than right now, and as Mingi opened his mouth to say something, I was startled by such alarming thoughts, and so I hurried out of the kitchen.
“Let’s go up to my room!” I called out, on the brink of crying from all these stupid emotions I was suddenly feeling, trying to calm my crazily beating heart. Who allowed my brain to think in such way of Song Mingi? When did I even start considering him attractive? He was annoying, obnoxiously loud, arrogant and irritating, there was absolutely nothing to like about him or find in him attractive. I had to get a grip of myself right now! Mingi’s footsteps were dull as he followed after me, probably surprised that I had waited for him at the top of the stairs, unknowing of the storm inside my head, matching the raging storm outside. Lightning flashed every two seconds, skies rumbling with thunder, shaking even the ground at times. I hated storms, but suddenly it wasn’t as unbearable as before. When Mingi stood next to me, I lead us towards my room and pushed the door open, leaving it like that as Mingi walked in once I stepped aside for him, allowing him inside my safe space.
I have never been consciously proud or embarrassed of what my room looked like, the thought of what others thought of it absent up until right now. As Mingi walked further inside, head turning each and every way, taking everything in, suddenly I realized I was scared of what he would think. My walls were painted a light grey, on purpose, and there was little to no space left bare except for the wall on which the window was. My bed was pushed up against the wall to your left just as you walked inside, sketches that I have done throughout the years plastered up and put on display, my very first drawing even making it up on my wall. It was my little personal museum, a way of reminding myself of where I started out and how much I have evolved ever since, and even how much I was still changing as I was experimenting with my styles, learning a new technique in the class of Mr. Yoon. The desk across from my bed was messy, like I have said, it was littered with everything I needed to have at hand. Pencil holders filled to the brim, at least five of them, then there were brushes and little paint tubes littered all over it, notebooks and discarded sketches sitting underneath it, with my laptop hanging just a little dangerously off, not having paid much attention where I have put it this morning. A plain canvas was spread out on the little free space I still had, a project I had planned on starting today, now postponed for tomorrow. The wall above my desk had three modest shelves filled to the brim with books and some vinyl’s I have started collecting not long ago, pots and plants hanging off from the sides. The wall around the shelves was decorated by posters and pictures of my favorite bands, a few of my favorite paintings mixing in with them. The little stand next to my desk had my vinyl player, plants underneath it and around it, little ones. And then in the corner there was an old guitar that once had belonged to my mother, who has had a phase back in highschool and dreams of becoming a band member, famous and rich. She didn’t have the heart to gift the guitar to anyone, so she’s always kept it and passed it on to me once I was old enough. I never had an affinity for playing any instruments, but I do enjoy good music. A mix of old and new artists making it in that mix, actually—perhaps Noir Zenith slowly becoming one of them too, but Mingi didn’t have to know that. My closet was to the right just as you walked in, and it was of dark and sturdy wood, expanding from the ceiling to the floor. I had a little mirror right on its right side, the wall above and behind it, going right behind the door even, littered with my favorite painter’s paintings. Of course, they were only prints made at the local copy shop, but that didn’t matter. Fairy lights hung above my bed and from the lamp on the ceiling. The two nightstands on either side of my bed were more organized than one would expect from me, little makeup buckets placed on the one closest to the window, charger cable and some headphones sitting on the dark wood. The one nearest to the door had pictures of myself and my mom, and of Seulgi and I on display with a little clock, its drawer so filled with notebooks that I couldn’t quite close it. Thankfully the drawers of my desk weren’t so filled, I had just rearranged them last week, one evening when I was too restless to sleep.
Mingi was quiet as his mouth was slightly open, eyes wide as he took everything in, eyes falling onto my bed. I followed his sight and was mortified to find my biggest sketchbook open and displaying a quite realistic sketch of Mingi performing on stage. It was from the night I had a breakdown and Mingi found me in that diner. Seulgi had sent me some pictures she had taken of Wooyoung and accidentally slipped in one with Mingi too, and because the image just wouldn’t leave my mind, I knew I had no choice but to draw it. I dived for the sketchbook as if my life depended on it, all of it happening so fast I hoped Mingi didn’t actually catch what the drawing—or better said, who—the drawing was of. I shut it closed and pushed it off the bed, the light thud loud in the silent room. When I turned to look at Mingi, ready to face his smug face and taunting words, I was surprised to find his attention on something completely different. Of course, I should’ve expected from a man who plays in a band to be enamored by the vintage guitar in my possession. Its body was a light blue and had cherry blossoms painted over it, something my mother admitted to doing so, which lead to an argument with her father back in the days when he had seen the “damage” my mother had done to the pricey guitar.
“Is that a Martin D-19?” Mingi gushed as he walked toward the guitar, mouth hanging open. My eyebrows raised at his knowledge about it upon one glance. To me, it looked like a regular acoustic guitar. But then again, I should’ve expected it from a music major and a guy who has a literal band and plays the bass.
“Yeah, it was my mother’s.” I answered as I set my mug on the nightstand and sat at the edge of my bed, watching the awed expression on Mingi’s face. He had placed his mug by the foot of my desk as he crouched down, admiring the guitar from up-close.
“It’s absolutely beautiful.” Mingi whispered, fingers carefully tracing its body. Not even at gun point would I have admitted my next thought, which was of just how beautiful Mingi looked in this exact moment. Lightning flashed and the ground shook with the intense thunder, making Mingi tense for a second before he turned back to face me with the prettiest smile I have ever seen on someone.
“Your mother knows how to play it?” He asked, sounding enthusiastic. I was breathless, but after a big gulp, I forced my brain to function.
“Yeah,” I answered with a small smile, “she was a big rock lover back in the days, even wanted to start her own band. But due to her parents negative reactions to it, she unfortunately had to give up on that dream and do something more ‘real’.”
I rolled my eyes at the end of my sentence, not very fond of my grandparents. They weren’t bad people, but they also treated my mother harshly, and even myself, always asking about my future plans and straight up crying when I told them I wanted to become a painter. I saw the way Mingi’s face hardened for a second, but I knew he didn’t want to talk about it as he became expressionless quickly after. I was curious what made his mood become sour so quickly, if he perhaps related to what I have said in some way, but I wouldn’t prod. If he wants to tell me, he will sometime. So, instead, as a distraction, I scooched up further on my bed and patted the mattress next to me with a lazy smile, watching Mingi’s eyes slightly widen. He looked a little shy as he grabbed his mug and rose up to his full height, steps almost hesitant as he approached the bed, making me snort. It made Mingi narrow his eyes as I crossed my legs underneath myself as he kneeled on the bed and then settled beside me, long legs extended as he playfully wiggled his feet left and right. I chuckled as I clasped my hands together, letting them rest in my lap as Mingi took a sip of his hot chocolate. The silence was comfortable between us, the harsh rain hitting the windows loudly, wind rocking trees harshly, and the lightning and rumble a constant background noise.
“Last time when we performed at Outlaw, when you didn’t come,” Mingi paused and turned his head to look at me, “you know, when we met at the diner—”
“Let’s not talk about that.” I muttered with a grimace and Mingi hummed, licking his lips.
“Right, so, that night,” His voice was quiet, lips pulling into an abashed smile, “the crowd was bigger than usual, at first I blamed it on being a rowdier night, but it turned out those people were there to see us, Noir Zenith, to see me.”
I felt a small smile appear on my own lips, Mingi looking pleased with himself despite the light pink tinge of his cheeks, “And now Hongjoong might help us sign with a record deal, I feel like everything is finally coming together. Like my hard work is finally being rewarded.”
I bit my lower lip to stop myself from smiling too wide, subconsciously reaching out to hold Mingi’s arm as he looked me in the eyes, “That’s so good, Mingi! You deserve all the praise and attention your band gets, you’re really good.”
“You really think so?” Mingi sounded small, eyes wide in wonder as he flushed more. I knew I have said some things that weren’t the nicest, and now it made me realize that Mingi never deserved hearing those things from me. Yeah, I didn’t like the guy much at the beginning—not that now I like him more—but I still shouldn’t have shit on his music, on something he pours his whole soul and heart into.
“I really do, Mingi.” I slightly squeezed his arm, hoping that he could hear the sincerity in my voice as a wide and bright smile spread onto Mingi’s plush lips, so contagious that I found myself with a matching smile on my own lips. I chuckled, for some reason not wanting to release his arm just yet, the knitted sweater soft and warm under my touch.
“Lovely seeing you slowly turn into my number one fan, doll.” Of course, trust Mingi to ruin the moment. My eyes narrowed as I sighed loudly, slowly shaking my head. Mingi chuckled before taking a large gulp of his not so hot anymore chocolate, eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Now, don’t get cocky.” I rolled my eyes, pulling my hand off his arm, watching as his eyes lingered where I have touched him, “I can recognize good work without becoming your fan.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Mingi mused playfully and I scoffed, bumping my shoulder into his before I went to retrieve my laptop from my desk, “Seonghwa and Wooyoung want us to try out new genres.”
“Really?” I asked surprised as I settled back in my previous spot, knee brushing against Mingi’s thigh, “Like what?”
“Well, nothing specific, just something little softer.” Mingi pursed his lips, fiddling with the mug in his hands, “Maybe something more indie rock.”
“I love indie rock,” I muttered absentmindedly as I powered on my laptop, “and why are you reluctant?”
Mingi seemed surprised that I had caught on, but it was quite obvious in his tone that he didn’t sound very enthusiastic about it, “Because my voice is rough and raw, unlike Seonghwa’s who’s smooth and almost angelic, and Wooyoung’s who’s can reach pitches I can only dream of and has a roughness that is absolutely soft at the same time, alluring.”
“Your voice is deep and powerful, it conveys every single emotion you’re feeling when you sing, Mingi. Your raspy tone alone tells a story, even without speaking the same language I would understand what you’re singing about. But just because it’s rougher and more powerful compared to Seonghwa and Wooyoung’s doesn’t mean it’s not beautiful and enchanting, Mingi.” Occupied with typing in the password to my laptop, I failed to notice the way Mingi’s breaths became shallow, the way his eyes bore into the side of my skull, “I think your voice is unique and desirable, you should be proud of it and not look down on yourself because of it. Many wish to have what you have, so really, don’t think any less of yourself because you think Seonghwa and Wooyoung are somehow better and more alluring. It’s not true, each one of you has their charm and well…I think you’re the most charming out of the three of you.”
I didn’t expect the expression on Mingi’s face when I turned my head to look at him. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were glazed over as his sharp eyes watched me intently, his breaths loud as his cheeks were red. My eyebrows furrowed, and for a second I worried I have made him angry, but the longer I looked, I realized the look in his eyes had nothing to do with anger. I gulped and averted my eyes, suddenly feeling my heart race again, biting my lower lip and trying to ignore the overbearing proximity between us. It was only our knee and thigh touching, yet it felt like Mingi was all over me, his scent still strong despite having changed out of his clothes and getting soaked by the rain. He always had a sharp scent surround him; it reminded me of pine trees.
“Thank you.” At last, Mingi found his voice and it was lower than before, goosebumps covered my skin as the low baritone of it traveled through my body. I nodded once in acknowledgement, not trusting my voice as I went on the internet to search for some movies to watch and pass the time while we wait for the storm to pass. If it passes, “Do you think rapping would fit my tone?”
It was an unexpected question, but as I mulled over it, I concluded that Mingi had the perfect timbre to both sing and rap, “Yeah, I think it would.”
I dared to take a peek at Mingi from the corner of my eyes, and was relieved to find the intensity gone from his face, instead, a soft smile grazed his lips as he finished his hot chocolate. He leaned back and placed his empty mug next to mine on the nightstand and fished his phone out of his pocket, “I found some old videos of me at school plays, let’s see what my music genius bestie thinks of them.”
I rolled my eyes, but nevertheless peered over Mingi’s shoulder in curiosity, “Don’t make fun of me, I’m merely stating something that someone with not musically trained ears hear. You should be more thankful.”
“I’m more than thankful, Y/N.” Mingi suddenly turned his head, our faces too close for comfort, so I quickly leaned back as he placed his arm on my thigh and pressed play on a video he pulled up from his gallery.
『Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind?
Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind?
Do you wanna know what the good, good, bad things all feel like?
Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind?』
            The movie of my choice was simple, The Quiet Ones. Nothing better than something a little spooky while there’s a wild storm raging outside, but to my utter surprise, Mingi looked terrified after only ten minutes of watching it. We were both leaning against the headboard of my bed, pillows behind our backs, and laptop placed between our lower bodies as our legs were stretched out. And despite the laptop being between us, Mingi’s shoulder pressed against mine not even five minutes after settling in our current spots. Trying to watch the horror movie, which was one of my favorite movie’s, turned out to be a fail, and I had no choice but to give in to Mingi as he only stopped whining when he got what he wanted. And that was watching a rom-com from the nineties, called 10 Things I Hate About You. I’ve seen it numerous times already, but it never gets old. There is something about the way the actors play their parts, and the plot too, that have me coming back to it with the same enthusiasm I had for it when watching it for the first time. At first, I thought Mingi hadn’t seen it and had only went along with my suggestion because he didn’t know what else to watch, but when he started quoting Patrick’s lines as if he were the character himself, I narrowed my eyes at him and poked his arm. After some painful jabs, he admitted that it was his favorite movie and he regularly rewatched it, especially if he was in a bad mood. That was a piece of information I wasn’t expecting from someone like Mingi. He looked like a guy who enjoyed tough and brutal movies, with the occasional romance movies if a pretty girl begged him to watch it together. Turns out, Mingi’s favorite genre is romance, and he hates horror, and depends on the type of thriller whether he likes it or not.
We found ourselves joking and laughing throughout the movie, making our own commentary about it after our first disagreement. Which was about whether Patrick accepting the money to charm Kat was right or wrong. Of course, it was very wrong to play with someone’s feelings and get paid for it too, but Mingi argued that if he never accepted it, then him and Kat would’ve never gotten together. And for that, I threw in the hypothetical scenario of him accepting money from Wooyoung so that he could take me out on a date and make me fall in love with him if that meant Wooyoung could have Seulgi date him. Mingi’s eyebrows furrowed and he declined such scenario, exactly proving my point why this was so wrong then, but he remained believing that for Kat and Patrick it totally worked out. And then he had the audacity to compare my stubbornness to Kat’s, making me call him just as stupid as Patrick was.
Time flew by as our laughter got louder, completely missing the way the rain had started to quiet down as we were immersed in the movie we were watching. It felt like a bubble was wrapped around us, isolating us from the cold world, and letting us enjoy ourselves without being so cautious of what we were saying. It felt nice. I couldn’t remember a time when I was able to let loose with someone other than Seulgi. It was a nice feeling, it made me excited in some way, completely making me forget that I was doing this with Mingi. He made it too easy to forget my worries and made me feel really comfortable all of a sudden, never stepping out of line—if we ignore his stupid flirting—and always keeping everything lighthearted. It was a nice change for once.
I groaned as I let my head fall back, lips pursed as my ass had gone numb from sitting so much in one place. Mingi snickered as Kat reversed into Joey’s car, clearly amused by the snarky remarks exchanged between the two characters. He was clearly into the witty exchanges, especially between Patrick and Kat, even having said that it makes Kat attractive how quickly and well she can shut Patrick down. I had told him that she wouldn’t have to do that if Patrick wasn’t so stupid most of the time, making Mingi roll his eyes at me, and say that I simply didn’t appreciate some good banter. Which wasn’t even true, I liked bantering if it had a smart purpose, not just to rile each other up, what was the point of that?
I licked my lips as my head lulled to the right, eyes falling on Mingi’s profile as he had his legs up, leaning forward as he hugged them around his knees with one arm. He was smiling and chuckling, pretty red lips pulled to the side, showing off his white teeth. His brows were dark, and his browbone being more prominent really sharpened his face in a very aesthetically pleasing way. Mingi’s face was very beautiful, and as an artist, I couldn’t help but admire it, and recognize it. So many pretty portraits of his face could be made, pity he doesn’t model. My lips pulled into a tiny smile at the thought of him modelling for me when we had to sketch human forms for our next class. I’m sure my professor would appreciate my drawings even more. Mingi’s glasses were discarded, and my eyes paused on his long nose, biting my lower lip just as Mingi chuckled again, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palm. He sniffed before rubbing two fingers against his plump lips, wetting them not even a second later. I gulped as I suddenly wondered what they would taste like. It was such a startling thought that I jumped, but Mingi suddenly looking at me certainly scared me more. I gulped, instantly blushing as a friendly smile painted Mingi’s lips as he leaned back, placing his head on the pillow, and letting it roll to the left. Our gazes connected, and I wasn’t surprised to find my heart beating so quickly once again, my lips pulling into a straight line as I struggled to keep my breathing even. Mingi’s easy smile didn’t disappear as his eyes racked over my face, it only became wider.
There was a whole galaxy behind those beautiful deep brown eyes of his, they sparkled with life and an excitement I haven’t seen in anyone before. I wished that I could recreate that in my drawings, but I wasn’t good enough to give simple eyes such deep emotions yet. And I really wished I was able to do so, because the longer I stared into Mingi’s eyes, the more lost I got in them, thoughts and worries disappearing into nothingness. Mingi’s hand twitched for a second and I tensed when I felt a finger gently poking my cold hand. I gulped, but I wasn’t able to look away as ever so softly more fingers brushed against my skin like feather, Mingi’s bottom lip between his teeth. His actions were slow and cautious, probably afraid that I would pull away, but I was too captured by his alluring gaze to even think to move away from him. Slowly, his longer fingers intertwined with mine and his rings cut into my skin when I squeezed his hand, uncaring that it hurt a bit. I knew my cheeks were now surely very red, but I couldn’t actually be bothered to feel embarrassed, not when Mingi’s cheeks were dusted pink as well. His high cheekbones were flushed the pretties color they could have been, and I smiled as Mingi blinked, looking abashed. Somehow no words had to be exchanged between us, everything felt comfortable, scarily familiar. I haven’t felt like this…since my ex. And not even with him have I felt so safe and understood, it always seemed like there was some invisible barrier between us, and I never understood why. With Mingi, if I allowed myself to feel and be unafraid, no barrier lay between the two of us.
I gulped, eyes suddenly falling on Mingi’s lips as his tongue poked out just slightly to wet them, his plump lips red and full. I’ve never seen a person have such full lips, and it made me wonder if they were as soft as one would imagine them be. Aware that my eyes were glued to Mingi’s lips, I looked back up in his eyes, trying to ignore how insanely attractive his mole right underneath it made him look. There was something about Mingi’s bareface that was so charming and beautiful that it almost made me feel jealous of it. Mingi sniffed quietly, and his bottom lip was between his teeth again as his eyes fell to my lips, my rapid heartbeat halting for a second. Could he be having similar thoughts to mine? I wouldn’t know, but when Mingi’s eyes found mine again, they were just slightly more intense and sharper. Like he was determined and nothing could stop him. I gulped loudly as he moved his head, just lightly, but it was closer than before. My heart was beating like crazy, but almost as if I was under a spell, I found myself shifting my head just a little bit closer. Mingi’s eyes no longer were on mine, and as my lips parted when I licked them, I felt Mingi’s hand squeeze mine just a little bit more. I gulped as I proceeded to lean even closer, my eyes fixated on Mingi’s lips now too, just wondering and wondering infinitely if they were warm, soft, wet, and what they would taste like. I didn’t startle nor flinch when Mingi angled his body so that he could lean dangerously close, the bridge of his nose brushing against mine. His hot breath mingled with mine as our lips were parted, a pull so magnetic I couldn’t untangle myself from it even if I tried to. My eyes threatened to flutter closed as I pressed my nose against his, the side of our lips rubbing just a little together as I couldn’t breathe regularly anymore. Mingi’s lips pressed ever so slightly against the corner of mine, feather like, and it suddenly wasn’t enough. The distance, it was too big—even if it didn’t even exist between us anymore—and I squeezed his hand as I angled my head to finally press our lips together, Mingi’s breaths audible due to our proximity.
But suddenly, a door was slammed shut loudly, “Sweetheart, I made it home finally! I saw a car parked in front of our house, all’s good?!”
The curious and shrill voice of my mother sent Mingi and I flying away from each other, both of our eyes wide as I was panting, my whole body burning. I couldn’t look at Mingi as I scrambled to press pause on the movie and Mingi was off the bed in a flash, sprinting towards my window. I could still feel his hot puffs against my face, and I gulped as I forced myself to forget everything I felt just seconds ago.
“The rain stopped,” Mingi’s voice was hoarse, so gravely that I had to clench my fists to stop myself from doing something I would regret, “I will be going.”
“I’ll go downstairs, let my mom know you’re here.” My voice wasn’t better off, I sounded breathless. I felt lightheaded as I got off the bed, standing and pausing for a second.
“Right, I’ll change back into my clothes and then—”
“No,” I didn’t mean to sound desperate as Mingi’s eyes fell on me, I had to look away in embarrassment, “keep them, they are of no use to me.”
“Right.” Mingi cleared his throat and I quickly walked past him, thankful that he stepped aside, and hurried out of my room and down the stairs. I took a deep breath to compose myself as I heard my mother placing down plastic bags in the kitchen. I needed to behave like everything was fine, when nothing was fine anymore.
“Hi!” My greeting was high pitched and way too cheery, my mother’s eyes narrowed when she saw me standing in the doorway, “Glad you made it home, the storm was awful.”
“It really was.” My mom grimaced as she continued unpacking the groceries, “You got home alright?”
“Yeah, uhm, actually,” I gulped and bit my lower lip as I heard Mingi coming down the stairs, “a friend from university drove me home as it was already raining, and he, uhm, stayed over. Because the rain was so bad he wouldn’t have been able to drive home. You know, safety measures and all.”
My mother paused and looked up at me with both of her eyebrows raised, “He?”
And on cue, Mingi appeared next to me, glasses pushed up on his nose adequately for once and hair not as messy as before, “Hello, my name is Song Mingi.”
“Nice to meet you, dear.” My mother’s eyes were glinting, looking way too happy for someone who was just introducing themselves. I was afraid of what would come, so, I grabbed Mingi’s arm and guided him towards the coat hanger.
“Mingi’s leaving, mom.” I said as I let go of his arm, averting my eyes as he wore his shoes and pulled on his jacket.
“Already?” My mom asked with a pout, coming to stand in the doorway, “Don’t you want to stay for dinner, dear?”
Mingi froze, eyes first finding mine before he looked at my mother with a polite smile, “Don’t worry, Mrs—”
“Oh, don’t be all formal with me, I hate that shit.” My mother chuckled and winked at him, “Call me Boyoung.”
Mingi gulped, seemingly taken aback by my mother’s behavior. I couldn’t help but chuckle quietly, knowing how surprising the contrast between my mother’s personality and mine was. Sadly, I haven’t taken after her when it comes to my attitude, but that’s fine.
“Well, Boyoung, thank you for your offer, but my friends and I actually agreed on dining out tonight.” Mingi’s excuse sounded real, so I knew he wasn’t lying. I gulped when my mother threw me a very slick glare, almost saying that this was my fault. I rolled my eyes, offended by her assumption.
“That’s a pity, dear,” My mother pouted, but soon a bright smile appeared on her lips, “But you are invited for whenever you feel like having dinner with us, right, my starlight?”
I tried not to glare at my mother for the outrageous nickname, especially when I saw Mingi’s lips twitch in amusement. I told her not to call me that in front of others so many times, “Right, mom.”
My mother chuckled, all too aware of my dislike for the nickname, before her eyes landed on Mingi again. There was a brief pause, one too awkward for my liking, and then Mingi was clearing his throat and opening the front door.
“Uh,” He made eye contact with me briefly, “talk to you later.”
“Wait,” My mother’s eyebrows furrowed as Mingi stepped outside, trying to adjust the strap of his backpack, “Aren’t those Yun—”
“Talk to you later!” I loudly said, making sure to send my mother a very alarmed look as Mingi froze for a second before he hummed quietly and took off towards his car.
The air was chilly and humid due to the harsh rain, and as I closed the front door, I knew I had a lot of questions to answer when my eyes fell on my mother’s amused face.
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❱❱ Next chapter
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lol, this is the surprise I mentioned...I saw this post and it would just not leave my mind, besides, I think it's very fitting for our plot, no?
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206 notes · View notes
peachesofteal · 8 months
Peachy I am so in love with the dead disco Omegaverse AU! It absolutely plays on my heartstrings!
Can we have a continuation of the story so far? What happens when Darling finally comes off of her heat—I’m ready for the tough conversation!!!
18+ MDNI / dead disco omegaverse au / mature themes
takes place after this
Your head is stuffed with cotton. It’s full of nonsense, heavy and confused, like you’re drifting between a dream and reality, only one thing painfully clear.
Your heat is fading away, you’re nestled between two very warm bodies. It’s a hazy kind of warmth, the type that hangs heavy in the air, and your face presses further into the searing temperature of skin, seeking, smelling. You’re drinking in the scent of your alphas, blinking to try to clear your eyesight in the dark. The smell of them, woodsmoke and balsam, sinks through your consciousness until you’re shifting restlessly, detangling your limbs from the web of bodies, pushing and pulling against their grip.
You come to reality very quickly, and fear floods your nervous system.
No. No, no, no- you… you didn’t, they… they can’t have been here. They shouldn’t have been here-
“Omega.” Johnny murmurs against the back of your head, hand holding your hip steady, stroking circles into your skin to soothe you, keeping you in place. “Ye with us?”
You whimper. You can’t help it. It comes second nature, slipping out before you can stop it. Your muscles seize, like they’re preparing to spur you into action, and the room spins.
“No.” Simon murmurs. “Settle, darling.” He starts up a deep hum from his chest, harmonics vibrating through his bones to yours, genetics and hormones reacting to the pull of his designation, your body going boneless between them. “That’s it, good girl.”
Something is wrong. Beneath their efforts at producing a calming, soothing scent and atmosphere, there’s a tinge of anxiety. Of worry. Of distress.
You swallow.
“What’s going on?” You whisper, clenching your eyes shut.
You don’t want to face this. You don’t want to hear it… the truth. What they’ll say to you. About you.
Whispers of your past shudder across your mind, memories that you’ve worked so hard to keep away, locked up in a little box somewhere in the back of your consciousness.
You’re dirty. Your heats are dirty. You’re disgusting, like all omegas. Useless. Nothing. Just a thing to be bred, to be used. You have no value.
“I need ye to take a deep breath for me.” Johnny coaches, hand nestling against your breastbone from behind. When you do, it’s a struggle, jagged and rough. His lips find the shell of your ear, breathe fanning over your cheek. “Another one, darling. Try again-“ your ribs expand, and he kisses you sweetly. “Good. That’s it, just like that.”
“Are you hungry?” Simon asks, and you nod automatically. You’re starving, and they’ve most likely been listening to your stomach rumble for hours. He gives you a gentle smile. “I’m going to start some breakfast, and Johnny’ll get you in a shower in a minute.” You nod again. You feel like jelly, sore all over, and you imagine you probably haven’t been out of this bed in days.
The door opens, orange dusk filtering in from the living room as Johnny gives you another kiss along your jaw and sits up, pulling you close.
“Alright darling. Let’s get in the shower.”
Simon made way too much breakfast.
All your favorites, which is a good sign, you guess. And Johnny is glued to you, holding you in his lap on the couch while you eat, moving your plate and your coffee cup to and from the table to your hands.
Maybe this means they won’t throw you out.
“So.” You try to smile but it feels forced and wrong. “Am I in trouble?”
“No.” Johnny vows.
“No, of course not.” Simon agrees, pulling the plate from your fingers with a gentle tug. “But there’s a lot we need to talk about.” Your nose tingles with the threat of tears, and you fist your fingers together.
The silence is loud for a long moment. Uncomfortable, until Simon breaks it.
“I’m not going to ask why you didn’t tell us, because we know.”
The tears start immediately. You’re breaking under the weight of your shame, your fear, your past. It’s too heavy, and it hurts, ice in your chest like you’re dying.
“You know?”
“I called your doctor.” What? He what? Anger, and panic wells up in the back of your throat.
“You had no right-“
“You left the flat in the middle of your heat, in a near feral state. We found you on the street with another Alpha trying to lay a claim to you. I’m sorry for invading your privacy, but I’m not sorry for protecting you. We needed to know what was going on.” You tamp down the urge to jump to your feet and run out the front door. Johnny keeps his arms firm around your body, and you press against him anxiously.
You can’t do this. They’ll want to talk about it. They’ll want to know everything. They’ll know you’re dirty.
“Darling, hey. Look at me.” It’s Simon again, trying to catch your eye. “Everything is alright. There is nothing, nothing that you could ever do, or ever tell us, that would make us love you any less.” He’s so soft with his words, trying to coax you, but your head swings back and forth in denial.
“That’s not true.” You have to get out of here. Something is banging at the brink of your mind… something wild and raw, something trying to claw its way in. It’s violent… and feral. “I have to go.”
“What?” Johnny tugs you in tighter, but you thrash against the feeling, hysteria bubbling up in your stomach.
“Easy.” Simon wraps a hand around the back of your neck, squeezing just a bit. “Why is that not true?” When you don’t answer, he sighs. “Omega.” It’s a pull, the command of an Alpha, and you grit your teeth.
“I… I was always taught that heats are wrong, that Omegas are useless. That I’m-“
“No.” Johnny stops you. “There’s nothing wrong with ye.”
“You don’t understand.” You protest, and they both watch you mournfully.
Johnny presses his lips to your hair, and Simon pulls your hand into his.
“So tell us.”
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str4wkinzi · 9 months
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Sukuna x Reader. >:3 (Also i was giggling so hard at the bubbles summoning circle so i had to add it bite me) also this is suppperrrr long so teehee :3
Part 2 <3 Part 3
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You were obsessed with the thought of summoning something. Spell book upon spell book that line your bookshelf, all were lousy flukes. None of them worked but you still had hope that you’d summon something one day.
You’d recently found out the dark web. They had all sorts of freaky shit on there like “eye of the blahblah” or “brain of the blahblahblah.” Whatever the fuck was on there it didn’t attract you. You were looking for one thing and one thing only.
After searching for a hour or two you come across an ad on the top of the screen. “RYOMEN.” You decide to click on it, its either another scarring video or a….
When you click the ad it takes you to a page that displays a thick book with the words on the ad imprinted on the cover. A book. Maybe not a spell book but its a book on the dark web so it probably is one. After.. hours of searching you found one.
I mean, at this point, fluke or not, you shouldn’t have hours of search to fail and you come back empty handed.
You don’t even read the description before ordering it. Even if it is a fluke its still worth a buy considering its only 5$.
You order it and close the page. Five dollars for the book and three days for it to come. Was hours of search, 70 viruses hacking your computer, and 200 trackers tracking your exact address worth it? Probably not. Do you care? Not really.
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Three days after you ordered that book it arrived at your doorstep.
You pick the book up and take it inside, unwrapping it and taking it out of the box. You try ignore the red marks on the book which look and smell like blood..
The book looks exactly how it did in the ad.. except its burnt in some places and scraped on others. This actually looks.. somewhat real. Though, no matter how it looks theres only one thing that can prove this is real.
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Candles and salt surrounding you, you know you’re ready. Though, you aren’t very excited. You can’t get your hopes up just incase it is fake.
You light your candles and open the book. You turn to a page, flip the book upside down and start reading. Half way through the page the words start… moving?
With the letters twisting on the page, it ends up spelling one thing..
The words doubled, then tripled. The words start climbing out of the page as if they were alive, bouncing around you in a circle. You don’t even have time to see all the candles going out one by one before the book slams itself shut.
You try to open it again, it’s as if its been nailed shut. You try with all your might but it barely budges.
You go grab a knife from your kitchen and pry the book open. You open the book and flip through the pages but… nothings there. No words, no anything. Every single page has absolutely nothing.
A outline of a finger appears on the page you’re on. You put your finger perfectly in the outline. Nothing seems to happen. You try to take your finger off but you cant… You try and try but your finger wont move.
The whole page turns black. You then see a red hand. Not around you, no. Its coming from the page.. The red hand points at you.
It stays in a pointing position before grabbing your face and pulling you into the book. You’re trying to scream but you cant.
You soon fall into a pile of.. you open your eyes and you see a skull looking back at you. You crawl out of the pile screaming. Though it was a long fall, it actually didn’t hurt..?
You get up and start wondering around. You hear laughing from somewhere. You follow the sound and you see a figure on a chair. Thats of course, atop a pile of bones. A really huge pile of bones.
You go closer and you see…. Nothing. Its dark as fuck. But whatever it is.. its still laughing.
“I told you to shut up didn’t I?” the figure scolded.
“I’m giving you a chance. Don’t fuck it up.” He snaps his fingers and you’re out cold before you could utter a word in reply.
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You wake up in your bed. You jump up and look around. Everything’s cleaned up, no candles, no salt, no words hopping around everywhere. Its as if last night.. never happened.
The book is still in its same place. Its almost menacing. What was that last night? Who was that last night? So many questions running through your mind make you dizzy. You fall back on your bed.
‘Did that thing have four arms?’ It was dark but you swear you saw two sets of arms, you just didn’t remember it until now.
You try to go on with your day but you just feel someone watching you. When theres no one around you feel theres something.
After you get home you contemplate trying the book again. Who was that? And what did he mean by ‘giving you a chance’?
Later that night you decide you’re trying the book again. You need answers. You set everything up again. The candles that look brand new, the salt that looks like it was never used. Did last night really happen?
With no time to dwell, you start reading again. The words start shifting, this time it spells something different.
Bloodcurdling screams start echoing around you, making the room spin. You feel a drop of liquid hit your head. You look up and see.. blood. Blood dripping from the ceiling.
Youre too busy looking at the blood dropping to see the eight foot tall man standing in front of you. He starts chuckling and you almost break your neck to look where it came from.
“I gave you a chance to keep your life, mortal.” He says while grabbing your chin.
You’re unable to talk. What would you say to a four armed thing who just appeared in your room? Is this the guy from last night, it has to be.
He pulls your face closer to his, squishing your cheeks with his strong fingers.
“I should rip your face off right now.”
Upon hearing that you squirm away from his grasp and crawl back away from him.
“I could kill you right now.” He says, almost questioningly.
“But.. you are a cute little human. I’ll give you that much.” He adds.
He bends down, noses almost touching.
“I’ll make you a deal. If you give me your body, i’ll let you live.”
With so many things running through your mind you don’t even hear what the man said. Let alone come up with an answer.
“Hurry up, brat. Make me wait too long and ill kill you right here.” The scowls.
You snap out of your trance upon hearing those words.
Wait, what.
“Wait! Okayokayokayokay, whatever you want just don’t kill me!” You plead, you barely even hear what he wanted.
He picks you up with all four of his arms.
You look at all of his arms, tightly securing you feet in the air. He looks you in the eyes for a second before plopping you on the ground, on your knees.
He pulls his pants down just enough to expose his cock.
He sits down on your bed, manspreading.
All you can do is stare. He notices this and grabs the back of your head, forcing you down just enough to have your cheek against it.
Understanding what he wants, you try to put your mouth over the tip but its too big. You keep trying but it just wont fit. He notices your efforts and laughs.
He grabs the back of your head again, taking in a fist full of your hair. He positions your mouth over his cock and he forces you down. The noises and the tears in your eyes while you take his cock almost make it bigger.
He’s chuckling at your almost sorry display. You choking on a cock thats way to big for you is really a sight to see. Though, he can’t help the groans falling from his lips.
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He lifts your head up as soon as he was about to cum. You’re trying to catch your breath but he interrupts you.
“Come.” He demands. You scramble to his side as he lays on your bed. He makes you sit right beside his head.
“Sit.” You know what he means. You take your pants off and hover over this face. He notices your hesitance and uses his second pair of arms to grab ahold of yours and hold you down.
You’re a moaning, whining mess. Made putty by the hands of.. whatever he is. You’d be embarrassed but his tongue. You can barely even think straight. The way his tongue squirms into your hole, coming back out only to lick at your clit.
You’re trying to squirm away, he doesn’t let you. With his arms holding you down you really can’t do anything but moan and grind on his face.
Though, you’re almost surprised when you feel two hands start playing with your chest. Forgetting the man has a whole other set of arms. You suddenly feel tongues swirling around your nipples.
The extra stimulation doesn’t help your case, you’re cumming in seconds.
Coming down from your high, he tells you to get on top of him. He knows you can barely stand you don’t have to tell him :3
You hover over him, all of him.
‘Will that thing fit?’
‘Its too big!’
Suddenly you feel his arms on your hips, pushing you down on his cock. You don’t even try to fight back, you can’t fight back.
The stretch is almost unbearable, tears prickling down your face. He notices this and grabs he back of your head, pulling you in just enough to lick away your tears.
After you’ve accommodated him he demands you to…
You put your hands on his torso and start grinding on his cock.
“You’re too slow.”
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You’re flipped on your back, legs up. He’s pounding into your cunt like a wild animal.
He takes one of his hands and puts it over your clit, using his mouth-hand thing to suck on it.
With him pounding into your cunt, speed only ever getting faster, and his hand licking your clit, you cum fast.
One after another neither of you stop. He never stops fucking you and you never stop cumming. You would be screaming his name but you don’t even know it.
You remember the books title through blurred images in your mind.
You remember the page you read.
“Sukuna!” You moan, finally having something new to moan instead of sounding like a broken record.
He stops.
He looks down at you.
He uses his other hand to grab your lower face and lift it towards his as he cranes his face down.
He grins and retreats his face, letting go of yours as well.
“Say my name, pet.”
He starts slamming into you again with more vigor. You’re screaming by this time, you’ve cum so many times and you’re sensitive. He doesn’t care. Actually, that makes it better.
Ryomen Sukuna.
Ryomen Sukuna.
Really, its music to his ears. He knows he has you now.
After the umpteenth time of mutual cumming he pulls out. His cum flowing out of you looks so adorable.
He puts his hand on the top of your lower stomach. Suddenly, you feel a tingling sensation at that spot. You’re so fucked out you really don’t notice, or care.
Be leans down and whispers in your ear.
“You’re mine now, pet.”
You wake up on your bed, exactly how you were last night except cleaned up. No cum dripping out of your hole or anything. You even have clothes on.
You go to the bathroom and look at yourself. You would doubt last nights happenings but you can barely walk.
You feel something on your lower stomach.
You look down and you see.. a marking..?
You try to wipe it away but it stays.
You try to use water but it wont go away.
You remember the markings on his face. It reminds you of all of those markings into one. You don’t really have time to question anymore because you hear the bathroom door open.
Sukuna grabs your head and turns it to the mirror, him looking into your eyes through it.
“You’re no longer your own. You belong to me, pet.”
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STR4WZ STICKY NOTE < YIPPPEEE this is finally done omg it took so long for NO reason (too busy adding to my 80 drafts) but ill definitely be posting more small stuff cuz its been a couple days ALSO!!! Thanks to my bbg @comicsann for giving me the idea of the uterus claim mark thing or whatever so wahoo anyways love you guys buebue 3
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nouearth · 11 months
pairing ; peter parker x m!reader. fandom: ; marvel, spider-man. word count ; 1889. genre; angst. rating ; pg-13. warnings ; holland!spider-man, crying, break-up, kissing.
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it was nearly midnight, and the stars were in full bloom, clustered yet distinctively separate. it was a familiar sight, but you lounged in the wake of the city—the sweet sound of sirens, the laughter of drunk passersby, and the smell of pollution—nonetheless.
it was brave of you to be hanging your arm over the ledge of the rooftop, but you received better signal this way. your face was lit up by the brightness of your phone screen as you were bent over the ledge, scrolling through your messages with peter, clearly displeased.
still on tonight?
you stopped your thumb on the screen, muttering peter’s messages from a few hours ago.
bringing pizza! new place just opened up.
you can’t lie to yourself anymore: you and peter have been drifting apart. dates have slowly come to a halt ever since peter confessed to you about his dual life as spider-man. and when they do happen, he was late—out of breath and disheveled, and occasionally bruised—though he’d brush the latter off with a laugh.
i just need to ice it! don’t worry.
guilt would overcome you as you would silently analyze his condition on one of those dates. you would notice his dark circles: a clear indication of sleep-deprivation. his tensed face when he moved: a torn muscle he refused to check up on. his constant attention anywhere else but you: a search to help.
and they’ve only gotten worse.
but you never complained or berated him because in the end, it was peter who was sacrificing a portion of his heroic life for you, doing everything he possibly could to please you—because your relationship was hanging by a string of web at this point, almost tearing, and you both knew it.
a frustrated groan came out of you and you stashed your phone away to turn to the comfort of watching the dark alleyway beneath you, only to be met with peter in his uniform, spider-man mask and all, staring right up at you, sprawled over the side of the building. “jesus- peter!”
“you really didn’t notice me?” you heard his laugh, muffled by the mask as he skillfully traversed upwards until he reached the ledge and hopped onto his feet later, sliding off his backpack that’s been harboring the pizza box—if you can call it pizza anymore once he opened the box.
“no! you wouldn’t exactly be a great hero if you didn’t know how to stealth properly.” the pizza was a squished mess. the cheese hardened to the top of the box and the toppings were scrambled from corner to corner, collective evidence of peter’s hasty journey to your date spot.
“shit- y/n, i’m so sorry-“ he said apologetically, mask off, and his body and face tensed as he began to sit on the ground with the pizza box still in his hands. you join his side.
“pete, it’s fine! pizza’s a finger-food anyways, y’know?” you laughed to appease his guilt, compensating with a kiss to his lips and a side-hug, but you pulled away after when he groaned—a new pain in his shoulder. he doesn’t like talking about his injuries for your sake, and so you don’t, even if you felt like an asshole for not asking anyways.
“come on, let’s eat. i know you’re hungry.” you sang the words to brighten the mood—it doesn’t. 
“yeah.” dry and un-humored at first, but peter made sure to return your kiss and a smile, albeit a rueful tuck of his lips, before picking a cold slice and eating. you followed, cautious of the sudden change of atmosphere.
both of you were silent, but your eyes were still on him while peter’s was fixated towards the concrete, thoughtlessly eating. it wasn’t new to see peter quiet, which at first seemed impossible considering how talkative he usually was. but when he was, he was either deep in thought or wasn’t thinking at all. maybe a combination of both because then, he stopped chewing. instead of inhaling his second slice of pizza, he exhaled a sigh—one that harbored thoughts and tension.
“what?” you avoided his eyes because you can feel it coming, mindlessly picking at the hard and crusty cheese off the cardboard box—mainly to calm the swelling in your chest that has begun.
“you know i love you, right?” peter said quietly and from the corner of his eyes, he was looking at you again.
“you do? don’t recall you ever telling me that before…” it’s another joke to cheer him up—to cheer you up—and you looked at him with a smile, a meager masquerade. “i love you too, pete.”
he reached for your hand to hold onto, intertwining his calloused fingers with yours. you could tell he was bracing you for the inevitable news, so you gave his palm the gentlest squeeze, collapsing your warmth into his own—because you’re ready.
“and,” peter spoke again, this time tears appeared in his eyes. “you know i’d do anything for you, right?”
“y-yeah, of course…” you swallowed the hard lump in your throat that continued to swell nonetheless, controlling yourself from gripping peter’s hand harder. “you’ve... been the best. you’ve done so much for me and-“
“no, I haven’t, y/n.” he looked forward again, shaking his head in disbelief. the sour taste of tomato sauce quickly became bitter when he took a bite of pizza, pushing down the welling tears. “we barely see each other anymore because of me.”
“peter… yes, you have. i mean, you’re not perfect, but who is? i’m certainly not, right? no relationship is perfect.”
the cold breeze of the night sang in response and you two naturally moved closer to each other for warmth.
“i’m not perfect. as far as i can tell, you’re doing way better than me.” you followed up on the silence, continuing as you pulled peter’s head to your shoulder and kissed his forehead. “you make me sandwiches for work, because you know i have no time to eat. you check up on me to make sure i’m safe, and because you know I’m probably close to losing it at my boss…”
“and you’re late to our dates- always late. but you still come, because that’s our only time together now.” you’re unsure whose heart was beating faster—harder—but you were close to breaking because you want to be selfish. a part of you wants to keep peter to yourself for as long as possible, but you also want the best for him, even if it meant separation.
“and you’re always… hurt or injured somewhere. you laugh it off, but i can tell you’re in pain.”
“i’m okay. i told you not to worry-”
you cut him off with another kiss, but to his lips, softly muttering after. “sometimes, you fall asleep when i’m telling you about my day, when we’re watching movies, or even when we’re eating dinner… and i should be mad or annoyed at you, but I’m just…” you trailed off to take a breather and you can feel peter’s hand stroking your back, comforting you—when you should really be comforting him. “I feel so bad, peter.”
peter took your woeful confession to his lips, kissing you sweet and gentle because he knew that would calm the both of you down, but you were stiff. he was an indecisive person and you knew he had run back on his decision to break up with you. it was telling from the moment he held you in his arms, impossibly close, as if you were the one running.
“we can work things out.” he whispered against your lips and your sigh met his. it was frustrating to watch peter constantly put friends, families, and you over himself, all at the expense of his own happiness. “i-i can work less hours and… and… i’ll stop being spider-man- yeah… that’ll work! there’s so many of us—superheroes—now, so i don’t think it’ll affect-“
“peter…” you watched peter wander in circles, a clear shift in mood by the simplicity of false hope. by now, peter’s in his own world—a perfect paradise that consisted of you and him, and nothing else.
no worries, nothing.
“and… shoot! we can move in together, yeah? my place is a little small, but it’ll work out. we’ll sleep in my bed, share groceries, the bills… god, why didn’t i think of this sooner?!”
your heart raced even faster the longer you watched peter convince himself of a perfect scenario that was bound to happen.
i love you so much.
“peter, we can’t-“
“what- why?” he approached you, cooling down from the fleeting thought of ‘paradise’. “I don’t know how we haven’t thought of this, but it seems like the best option, yeah?
“i-peter…” you sighed, grabbing his hands to hold again and stared affectionately into his eyes. “i want to… so bad. and the thought of living together… i would love to.”
“yeah? i can get started on cleaning and-“
“peter.” your lips pressed to his to shush his rambles, even though you loved seeing him so passionate about everything, and you cupped his cheeks after. you take a moment to admire the way his eyes brightened when you finally smiled, and that makes it all the more painful.
he loves you.
“it wouldn’t be right of me to have you prioritize me over anything else in your life.”
“but you are my priority, y/n.” he half-smiled, resting his hands over yours. there was still hope in his eyes, gleaming.
“i’m not your only priority, peter.” you said, caressing his tear-stained cheeks.
“you have to take care of yourself first, peter. you’ve done more for me than anyone else in the world, but you’re on the verge of breaking anytime now. and it’s sweet and all, that you would sacrifice everything for me. but i can’t let you do this, peter. i don’t control- i shouldn't control your life. what kind of boyfriend would i be, hm?”
my sweet peter.
“no, come on- let’s just talk about this. i- we can figure out another plan, yeah? how about i work part-time where you’re at? serving tables will be a piece of cake and-“ his voice cracked, desperate to convince you with different possibilities, but he stopped and stared at you with utter defeat, his eyes blood-shot red.
you shut your eyes tight, inhaling in the panic of peter’s voice, and exhaling with brewing tears. “i’m breaking up with you.”
your eyes opened to peter’s back towards you; he’s perched over the ledge. you approached from behind and for a moment, you could see the tension in his body and face leaving; a massive weight—a burden you’d call yourself—lifting off his shoulders as he watched the city. it was calmer now, safer than it has been in years, ever since the first introduction of spider-man.
“will we still be friends?” peter spoke up after a long silence, his gaze fixated on the flashing lights of a nearby ambulance passing by, blaring its siren. his face tensed up again, jaw hardening and eyes lit up with fire as he put on his signature mask.
and you confirm to yourself that peter’s ideal world was simply a construction of hope.
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nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works.
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
Hey, babe! 🥰
Saw you needed some scenarios 👀 and idk if this is cute enough but I've had this idea for a while and just haven't gotten around to writing it myself—what if reader found some old photos of E when he was younger, and he catches her looking through them and he gets self-conscious, because he knows he doesn't look the same and he knows reader could have anyone else if she wanted, but she reassures him and they end up reminiscing as they go through the photos together. 🥹
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬
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Word count: 3,2K
Warnings: angst-ish, Elvis feeling insecure, strong language.
A/N: thank you sm for the request, steph! i hope you like it, honey! 💗 the celine song was on repeat while i was writing this- i thought it fit pretty well. 😌
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“Mrs. Presley, I don’t think this is a good idea!”
Miss Jenkins called up to you from where she stood by the pull down attic ladder.
You managed to suppress a scream when you walked right through an old spider’s web and cleared your throat a little, shivering as you slapped it off of you.
“Don’t worry, Mary- I’ll be fine! It’s just.. very dark in here,” you made sure to lower the volume of your voice at the end of your sentence, but Mary heard you nonetheless.
Mary Jenkins loved you and she enjoyed having you around her whenever Elvis wasn’t home or sleeping, but you always came up with the darnest ideas.
Like on this relaxing Sunday afternoon where Elvis had some time for himself and was snoring up a storm in his bedroom, you decided you wanted to inspect the attic. When you told Mary and Minnie Mae that you had been hearing noises coming from up there and wanted to find out what it was, they told you not to do it.
Well, Mary told you not to, Minnie Mae cheered you on.
Graceland was built in 1939- there being wandering spirits wasn’t such a strange idea.
You liked the idea of it, but Mary did not like to mess with these things at all. Still, she wasn’t going to leave you all by yourself and stayed in her spot at the bottom of the stairs.
Partly to catch you in her arms if something would happen and you’d come down crying and screaming – which she knew was definitely something you’d do – and partly to keep an eye out if Elvis was coming out of his room or not.
“There’s a light in the middle of the room, pull the string if you can find it,” you did as she told you to, shuffling forward with your arms stretched out. “Oh, I really do think you should just come down, little girl. Mr. Presley doesn’t want you to go up there, you know that!”
Elvis did not want you to inspect the attic because he too has heard the noises and just like you, he was convinced it weren’t rats or mice. He told you to leave the spirits of Graceland alone, but he should’ve known that you weren’t going to listen.
“He’s asleep, don’t worry, Ma-AH!”
“What? Mrs. Presley, what happened?!”
You placed your hand over your heart, a headless mannequin standing in front of you, adorning one of Gladys’ dresses on the silhouette. Your adrenaline had grown tenfold, but still you didn’t come downstairs.
“N-Nothing- just another spider!”
“Hmmhmm,” she mumbled, obviously not believing a word you said. You were pretty sure she was rolling her eyes right now.
The lighting in the attic wasn’t much, but there was not much up there to see that you hadn’t seen yet. An old sofa that once stood downstairs, Elvis’ army uniform, some mannequins with Gladys’ dresses and a big, mahogany dresser- you smiled as you opened a few drawers and noticed Elvis’ baby clothing in them. You admired them for a little bit, until you spotted some boxes in the corner, propped up against the side of the dark Chesterfield sofa.
“Mrs. Presley, Minnie Mae needs me- I’ll be back in a minute. Please don’t stay up there for too long!” Mary yelled in a whisper as you sat down on the couch, waving some specks of dust out of your view while pulling the boxes closer to you.
You heard Mary shuffling away from the stairs, calling out to Dodger and you opened the first box. Inside of it were photo albums, a lot of them.
“Okay, Mary!” you yelled back, not caring if you woke up Elvis or not. You knew he’d forgive you for doing something he told you not to.
He was your husband, not your father.
Ofcourse, you couldn’t resist yourself.
You pulled out the first heavy album, placing it on your lap to open it. Despite the low lighting, you could make out that it was mostly pictures of Elvis’ parents, grandparents and other family members that you had never met. The pictures were old- the edges were frayed and in some were deep creases, indicating that they had once been folded and unfolded. Your smile grew as your eye fell on a picture of Gladys and Vernon, little Elvis sitting on their lap as he was shooting the camera a toothless smile.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, caressing your fingertips over it before you shut the photo album and moved on to the next one.
And the next one, and the next one…
Until you came across one filled with pictures from the 50s, from Elvis’ last years in high school and gradually going to when he was starting out his career.
You met Elvis in the early 70s and although you had seen pictures from when he was younger before, you hadn’t seen them all.
Mary startled you as she called out to you again and you quickly got up, shoving some albums back in the box though keeping the last one under your arm. You pushed the box back to the side of the couch and turned off the light, carefully climbing down the stairs.
“What’s the verdict, Mrs. Presley? Do we need a priest?” Mary grinned playfully at you and you frowned as if you had no idea what she was talking about.
Because of the pictures, you hadn’t even thought to check for mice or for ghosts.
“I don’t think so,” you then laughed, helping her push the ladder back up before you followed the other woman down the stairs.
Figuring Dodger was in her room and Vernon was in his office or at his own home, the house was silent. Extremely rare, but you liked it.
Mary joined you as you looked through the photo album together while nursing a cup of coffee. You giggled together as you pointed out Elvis’ boyish but flirty smirk in one of the pictures.
The both of you were so engrossed in the pictures that you hadn’t seen or heard Elvis wandering into the dining room where you were seated until Mary looked up and got up from her seat.
He told her to stay seated, but she just flashed him a smile as she told him she’d make him something to eat before disappearing into the kitchen.
“What are you looking at, baby?” he questioned as he walked over to you, his large hands engulfing your smaller shoulders as he stood behind you.
“You,” you grinned. As you looked up and behind you, you noticed his eyes were on the open photo album in front of you. He grimaced, though his features softened as he looked back at you.
“I told you not to go up to the attic,” he mumbled as he sat down in Mary’s seat next to you, keeping his eyes strictly on you.
You chuckled, looking at him with a small pout and a raise of your shoulders. “Someone had to check for mice,”
He hummed teasingly, squinting his eyes a little at you before he leaned in and planted a kiss on your lips. “Ghosts, mice- same thing, right?”
You hummed in agreement as he laughed softly, his arms snaking around your waist to pull you onto his lap. He gently leaned his chin on your shoulder and closed the photo album.
“Why are you even lookin’ at that? It’s just old, boring pictures,” he mumbled, trying to distract you by moving your hair over your shoulder and hiding his face in your neck, his lips parting against your heated skin to lick that little sensitive spot underneath your ear.
You would’ve given in any other time – it was hard not to – but Mary was right there in the kitchen and you weren’t done looking at the younger version of your husband that you never got to experience in real life.
“They’re not boring, Elvis!” you protested, raising your shoulder again to get him out of your neck. You opened the photo album again, flipping to the page you had been looking at before you were interrupted. “These are really beautiful memories, you should treasure them, not put them up in the attic- besides, you were really handsome,”
He scoffed, looking at the side of your face as he squeezed you in his embrace. He could practically see hearts popping out of your eyes and drool dripping down your chin.
“Were, huh?”
“Oh, you know that’s not what I meant,” you shushed him, waving your hand before you leaned your elbows on the table, happily looking at the pictures of your boyfriend posing with his car.
If the comment hadn’t struck some kind of nerve inside of him, he would’ve grabbed your hips and thrusted his hips upwards against your ass that was currently sticking out, but it did.
He didn’t know why – he did, but he just didn’t want to admit it because he knew it were his own damn insecurities coming out to play – but your words made his mood drop in a matter of seconds. Grabbing your waist, he got up from underneath you and pulled the album toward him as he stood next to you.
You sat down on the chair, looking up at him with confusion written on your features. You could see his mood had shifted, you just didn't know why.
“I told you not to go to the attic, so why would you do it- why don’t you listen?”
He kept his flat hand on top of the photo album, preventing you from taking it back when you tried. You scoffed and got up, folding your arms in front of your chest.
“It’s just the attic, Elvis. You’re acting like you have some kind of gold treasure hidden up there,”
You had to surpress an eye roll, knowing that would get him even deeper in whatever emotion he was feeling.
“It’s just a bunch of old stuff up there, like this,” he tapped his fingers against the book, placing his other hand on his hip. “And the lighting up there is bad, you could’ve hurt yourself, Y/N,”
“Well, maybe I like old stuff,” you smiled as you took a step closer to him, your hand sneaking to the photo album. “I like you, don’t I?”
The words flew off your tongue before you could stop yourself. But that was who Elvis and you were- you’d tease the hell out of each other and your age difference was usually the main subject.
You’d call him an ancient old vampire and he’d call you a child, putting on Sesame Street during your movie nights.
And you could always laugh about it together, but right now, laughing was the last thing he did.
Grasping the album from the table, he turned around and stormed out of the dining room and up the stairs.
Elvis didn’t know why he was acting the way he was. He knew you- knew your jokes and what your personality was like and most importantly, he knew you loved him.
You had told him so many times, showed him so many times. You were the type of girl that would bite someone’s head off if they said something nasty about him, even stuff that he didn’t give a rat’s ass about. You were always there to stand up for him even though he could handle it himself perfectly fine.
But seeing you look at those pictures of his younger self, seeing you swoon over them, it made the demons in his head overrule the rational part of his brain.
Because he didn’t look like that anymore. He didn’t have the same body, nor the same face, nor the same hair. His body had gotten fuller and let’s be real- who would be happy about that?
Ofcourse he knew that you loved him for who he was and that you thought he was attractive, but he couldn’t help but wonder if you wished he was a little skinnier, maybe even a little younger.
A knock on the door startled him as he was sitting up against the headboard of the bed, looking up at a random show that was playing on the ceiling TVs. He knew it was you, so he mumbled a soft “come in”.
“I come in peace,” you announced yourself, stepping inside your shared bedroom with a tray full of food Mary made. He didn’t say anything, instead turning his head back to the TVs.
You put the tray on the bed as you crawled onto it on your own side, sitting on your knees. Smiling at him, you pushed the tray closer to him.
“’M not hungry,” he mumbled, grabbing the remote to absentmindedly switch the channel.
“Liar,” you squinted your eyes at him, catching him off guard as you snatched the remote out of his hand and turned the TV off, throwing the remote to the end of the bed. He sighed deeply, leaning his head back against the bed as he closed his eyes.
“What’s going on, Elvis? I know this isn’t about me going up to the attic,”
He sighed deeply, opening his eyes. He didn’t want to look at the food nor at you, so he opted for the black tv screens. You hated when he was this distant, because it usually meant something was wrong and in this moment, you had no idea what happened that got him to this point.
Moving the tray further away from the both of you, you crawled closer to his side and lifted his arm, forcing him to put it around you. Leaning against him, you put one hand on the side of his neck, your fingertips pressing against his jawline to get him to look at you.
He was resisting.
“Elvis, I know something’s up, but I’m not a mind reader,” you whispered, the teasing tone of your voice nowhere to be heard. You were getting a little worried now, because truly upsetting him had never been your intention.
For the first time since you came into the room, he looked you in the eye. A heavy sigh slipped past his lips and his arm that you put around your own shoulder squeezed you into his side a little firmer.
“It’s.. it’s those damn pictures,” he eventually admitted, his voice a mere whisper. “Ofcourse they’re great memories- I looked good, I looked better,”
You frowned, moving your hand down his chest as you sat up a little, looking at him as if he had just grown two heads. “Baby, you still look good,”
He scoffed softly, shaking his head as he looked down at your hand on his chest, placing his own atop of yours. “Hardly. I don’t look like that anymore, Y/N.. and when I saw the way you were looking at ‘em, I-I don’t know.. You can easily find some better looking fool- you’re fuckin’ gorgeous,”
You shifted your body, sitting back on your behind on the soft mattress to properly face him. You laced your fingers together with his, slipping your other hand in his as well.
“I don’t want any other fool, Elvis, only the one I already got,” you smiled softly at him, squeezing his hands firmly.
He sighed deeply, his thumbs rubbing the back of your hands as his eyes watched the repeated motion.
You hated to see this was bothering him so much. If only he could have a peek in your heart, then he could see it was full of him and only him. He stayed silent, so you continued, wanting your husband to know that you loved him more than life itself.
“Elvis,” the serious expression on your face made him a little nervous. “I love you for you- not for your body, or anything superficial like that. To me, you’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on, but I fell in love with you, your soul..” you managed to release one of his hands, flattening yours against his chest. “… your kind soul and heart. Even though I can tape you to the ceiling on some days, you’re the sweetest person I’ve ever met- you put up with me on my worst days, you’re always here for me and that’s why I love you,”
“You mean that?”
“Ofcourse I do, you silly man,” you laughed softly, moving to straddle him. Gently cupping his face, you grinned and pecked his lips. “Besides- Elvis in the 50s was cute, but he could never handle me,”
He watched with an amused look on his face as you threw your hair over your shoulder and fluttered your eyelashes at him. Laughing, he pushed you against him by placing a hand in between your shoulder blades and hugged you tight. “I love you, little one,”
“I love you too,” you hummed, pecking his lips once more as you pulled back from the embrace. Getting off his lap, you grabbed the photo album he had put at the foot of the bed and the tray of food, putting it on his lap. You sat next to him again, with the album on your lap.
“Now, let’s look at these pictures and I promise you I will make fun of every single one of your outfits,”
“Hey! There was nothin’ wrong with what I wore!”
“I meaaaan…” you opened the book, pointing at a picture of him on stage dressed in the gold lamé suit.
He ripped into a piece of bacon, grimacing at the photo before he looked at you. Giving you a nod and a small shrug of his shoulders, he agreed. “Fair enough,”
Elvis knew he had to get over himself and he was glad you were there to help him with it. You loved him and only him- you didn’t care about the clothes he wore, the size he was, or the wrinkles he inevitably was going to get.
You loved his style through all the years, but you kept making jokes here and there about some pictures to lighten the mood and he appreciated it. He’d joke along with you, or tell you stories about something that happened before, during or after a show or the backstory about certain pictures.
Being there with Elvis at the very start of his career sounded exciting – at least, from the stories he told you – but he was doing great things now as well. He was still making his fans happy with new records and live shows, or simply by chatting with them about their personal lives if he had the chance to.
Your husband was a person with layers- sometimes that manifested in moments and outbursts that were not so pretty, but most of the time it manifested in kindness and empathy.
So, yes; young Elvis was amazing. A trendsetter, if you will. That twenty something year old changed people’s lives even though he might’ve not realised it (and probably still doesn’t now).
But the man that was currently laughing at a picture of himself and telling you the funny story that went along with it was extraordinary.
No matter what he looked like, you thought the world of him. And if there was any possible way for you to give Elvis Presley the moon and the stars, there was no doubt you would.
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Taglist: @breadsquash @generoustreemystic @woundmetender @returntoelvis @prayerstopresley @ab4eva @marriedtopresley @notstefaniepresley @wonka-gifs @ellie-24 @dollksj @webbedwebs @re3kin @wivette @eliseinmemphis @18lkpeters @rosepresley
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shygirl4991 · 5 months
Brewing Romance Chapter 5 Finding your Pride
A Collab Story with @lizaluvsthis
SMG3 and SMG4 design for the AU by Liz!
Last Chapter Next Chapter
Summary:SMG4 starts to struggle with his finances when he learns living in his newly built castle is more pricey than he thought. So when he gets an invite to the grand opening of SMG3 Coffee n Bombs he manages to land himself a second job as the cafe waiter where both men will learn that coffee won't be the only thing brewing in this cafe.
Tags: Slow burn, fluff, comedy, just two idiots in love, love confession, first kiss, angst
SMG3 gets back home from the dark web, he needs a better way to get items to make bombs. Yawning he takes the elevator to his bedroom, he changes into his pajamas before remembering he forgot to finish checking inventory “Ugh how the hell does four do anything with this little bit of sleep.”
Throwing his phone on the bed he takes the elevator back up, lazily slaps his hat on his head he attempts to take inventory fighting his strong need to sleep. That's when he heard pounding on the front door, he became confused on who the hell would be at his door this late at night.  He runs from the back from surprise to see who his guest is “SMG4?” He opens the door and gets tackled by a crying SMG4, the fog in his mind cleared as he holds the man close. He was concerned why the man was crying, he kicked the door close still holding the man close to him. He didn't notice the hat slipping from his head “Hey it’s okay what happened?” he awkwardly pats four’s back. After a few minutes standing there in each other's arms he felt the man relax at last, he stepped back sniffling “Sorry, I had a dream about…you know the god box and zero.” 
SMG3 sighs, he felt this was all his fault if he didnt rush the hat he wouldn't have triggered those memories.  He makes a mental note to take better care of himself as he takes the man’s hand, it feels as natural as breathing these days to do that. He pulls out a chair for him to sit before smirking at the man “Guess I'm making more coffee for us since it seems you can't stay away,” he teased. SMG4 giggled, that was music to Three's ears given how much of a mess the man was at the start “Can't help it if i have such a charming boss!”
SMG3 felt a smile grow on his face as he walked to the machine, that's when he felt the cold breeze go through his hair. His eyes go wide turning to grab his hat that slipped off his head, his lazily put together bun breaks free letting his hair loose. He stood there nervous at the reaction the other man would give “You..uh the er hair is long…you look haha so how about that latte?”
SMG3 blinks seeing the reaction “What? THAT'S YOUR REACTION?!” Four panics standing up from his seat “How am i supposed to react?! You have long hair that makes you look…ha uh like a…” his face goes beat red trying to find his words “knight? Yeah, like a charming prince, kind of like a coffee prince!?” 
Three squints at the man walking up to him, SMG4 could feel himself about to pass out from the heat his face was emitting.  He swears he is starting to see those strange anime sparkles he always sees happening in those romance anime that Boopkin watches, his eyes slowly drift to the side hoping he wouldn't drop dead. SMG3 crosses his arms and sighs “Sorry, I'm so used to you being an asshole I just assumed you learning that I let my hair grow…well you would have called me a girl or something stupid.” 
He walks to pick up his hair tie to put his hair back into a bun, Four watches him walk away confused by these strong emotions from seeing his hair loose. He sits back down watching Three slap his hat on and walk to make coffee, as he watches his mind start to drift. Daydreaming he pictures SMG3 with his hair loose visiting him at the castle, he grabs his hand smirking at him the light hitting him just right that his red eyes glowed “SMG4..i have been wanting to tell you something for a long time,” Four blushes leaning forward “What is it?” Three tightens his grip “I find your content super funny…i'm even subscribed to you and i always make sure that i'm the first to like it!” 
SMG4 giggles at his daydream making Three worried “That nightmare must have shaken something loose.”
Three finished making the coffee and gently placed the cup in front of him, SMG4 was still giggling to himself which was starting to really scare SMG3. He snaps his fingers in front of the man's face “Hello? OI IDIOT IS ANYONE HOME!?” Four jumps up and lets out an awkward cough “Er my bad was lost in thought about memes for some videos.” 
Three rolls his eyes “Are you serious? How you deal with your issues can be interesting, that's for sure. Now what's this about the god box?” Four frowns looking at his drink “Don't remember much of my dream but…the moment you got hurt plays on loop in my head right now…guess I still wish I did more to stop it.”  Three sips his coffee hoping it will give him enough power to be able to listen to Four, he can feel himself slowly nodding off. SMG4 leans back in the chair touching his left eye “Hey Three…if i was the one that got hurt, what would you have done?”
SMG3 stares at his empty cup thinking, back then all he wanted was the man to be dead. That was until he jumped in front of a sword to protect him, the man no matter how many years he has known him will always be an idiot protecting others before himself. He hums thinking “Not sure, things were so different back then. I mean Four think about it back then what would you do?” he lets out a chuckle “Not like you would give an eye up for me or anything, you did what you could when I got hurt and managed to save it.” 
Four frowns dropping his hand from his eye “Yeah..like i would do something that dumb…” 
Noticing the change in tone Three reaches out and pats Fours hand “It was a life changing event that had a bright side, i know it's easy to say let it go but don't let the guilt eat you alive. Trust me, the guilt about what happened at peach's castle likes to stab me too.”
SMG4 twitches remembering the keyboard, he gets up to stretch doing his best to not focus on the negatives. Thanks to those horrible events he gets to live in peace right now with Three and hand out coffee, he lets out a small chuckle realizing how domestic his living has gotten since he and Three got closer. He turns to ask another question to see Three has fallen asleep on the table, Four smiles softly as he gets closer to the sleeping man “You're so handsome like this…” he gently lifts up the man carrying him bridle style as he walks to the elevator. He hears a soft snore making him giggle, he blinks, staring at the sleeping man slowly realizing something “Three..maybe if you stayed this relaxed and not so cranky, i would find myself in trouble.” 
He goes down the elevator and tucks in SMG3 taking his hat off, then slowly lets his hair loose. He smiles softly and without a second thought kisses SMG3 on the head, blushing at what he did as he runs to the elevator to hurry home.
He slams the door to his room and throws himself onto his bed in a panic “AHHHH WHY DID I DO THAT?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!” He covers his face with a pillow trying to figure out what was going on with him. At least he knew for the rest of the night he won't be having nightmares given his mind is filled with SMG3.
It's the next day, nervously SMG4 gets dressed; he was still unsure what came over him last night. With a sigh he starts to walk outside staring at the cafe “Please don't let today be awkward.” he steps in the cafe to hear SMG3 yelling on the phone “THE HELL YOU MEAN PEOPLE ARE COMPLAINING WE AREN'T LGBTQ PLUS FRIENDLY!?” He slowly turns to see Karen letting out a sigh as she sips her coffee while Three paces back and forth on the phone
SMG3 sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose “Have you seen our waiter? He is more fruit than fruit loops and you're telling me that's not enough?”  Four glares at his boss putting his hands on his hips “See he is doing something super gay right now need picture proof?”
Three’s face drops as he hangs up the phone, he then growls and throws his phone to the wall smashing it. Karen puts her cup down to get a broom “Told you we should have done what starbucks did.” Three glares at her “We aren't starbucks plus being a king living in one is enough for me to not want to be a starbucks. We need something different, unique to us..” 
MG4 walks up to Three rubbing his back to help him relax, Karen walks out with the broom and gives four a look. She has seen the two interact before, it was always funny seeing the two act like some old sitcom couple fighting about the strangest things. At this moment she noticed something different, SMG4 was giving such a soft look to his boss, one she never noticed before. She lets out a soft chuckle shaking her head as she starts cleaning the mess. Three relaxes as he takes out sticky notes “Thanks..also i didn't mean to pass out on you last night wanted to apologize before the day started,” Four shakes his head “Hey from how out cold you were it seems like you pulled one from my books!” he giggles as SMG3 looks away blushing “ugh baka.”
He walks to the back thinking what he could do to save the cafe “Do something gay with what you already sell…” he looks around the room. Pride cookies felt too low, he wasn't even sure how he could turn coffee gay after all he is lucky he can make the amount he knows without breaking the machine. With that thought he makes a note to study latte art in his free time.
It was time to open the cafe, SMG4 was in charge of making the coffees to cover for Three. Sadly due to the drama over the cafe being not lgbtq friendly people didnt come in,  works for Four given he was worried about having to make coffee and deliver them. He hears the door open, he smiles and waves “Hey Melony welcome should i get your usual?” 
She gives him a sad smile “uh yeah! And can you do something for me also?”  she hands him a note, he takes it confused as he reads the front of the note ‘To SMG3’ he sighs. After everything with Zero and the god box, SMG3 distanced himself from most of the crew.  Melony was one that never gave up hope that one day Three would let go and become her friend again. “I will try Melony, I will drop it off while I get your coffee beans.”  He steps to the back room to see sticky notes balled up on the floor around the other man. 
He casually walks up to Three dropping the note then grabs the bag of coffee beans heading out as fast as he can. SMG3 picks up the note and starts to read it, annoyed he gets up and walks to the front of the cafe “MELONY!”  she stands up straight turning to give SMG3 a huge smile “SMG3! How have you been?”
SMG4, noticing the other crew members walking in, he decides to serve them to give Three and Melony space.  He hands her the note “I told you to leave me alone, all you have done is harass me over this so-called friendship we never had! All we did was draw stupid shit together, leave me alone!” Melony’s eyes start to water. “I know we were friends please i just…I'm sorry I never wanted you to get hurt.” with that she takes her coffee and leaves the cafe. 
“Your parents sure raised a good one, was it really fair to just yell at the kid like that?” Karen frowns watching Melony leave. 
SMG3 lets out a bitter laugh “If by parents you mean a stupid USB ship then yeah i sure had family show me the way…unlike him.” His eyes drift to Four laughing with Tari and Saiko. “SMG4 had everything better…school everyone loved him, he then became the best at youtube he even managed to find himself a family. I came from nothing, but I grew into someone and I'm getting better day by day.”
He was going to walk away but was surprised to be stopped by Karen gently grabbing his arm. “You lived your life alone…i'm sorry for that but if i learn anything raising my kids is being able to see lost children. Right now you're lost, you don't have to listen to me but just think, is pushing folks away because you fear loss really worth being alone again?” 
With that she lets him go and returns to her station looking done with everything, he looks down thinking over her words. He pushed everyone away but SMG4 given the man doesn't know when to quit, otherwise Karen wasn't wrong he has slowly been putting himself in the isolated box he was in at the start. He walks to the back room and takes out his journal gently touching it “If you cant express your emotions through words you draw…right melony?” ripping a page from his journal he starts to draw. 
Four waves goodbye to his friends, the day has been extremely slow due to lack of customers. He was getting worried over how Three will take it if can't figure out how to save the cafe, he decides to try to come up with ideas but no matter how hard he thought he only ended up drawing memes that made him laugh.  SMG3 walks out from the back room with a huge smile “I GOT IT!” 
SMG4 jumps up in excitement “You have an idea how to show our pride?” 
Three nods, throwing a pin at Four, he catches it and his eyes light up.  In his hand was a pin in the shape of a bomb with the bisexual flag colors on it “Whoa these look amazing Three!” the man chuckles “I know! The idea came to me when I was uh…working on something personal. The two I have are prototypes I'm going to take to my people to make more! We show those pain in the ass HR our pride and make money, these bad boys five dollars want extra cost extra!” 
Four runs up to three and hugs him “This is great!” Three blushes as he slowly slips out of the hug and takes the pin from Four. He never would have pictured drawing an apology to Melony would help him find his own pride, he stares at the pin and chuckles to himself he was coloring in the drawing when he notices the colors he tested looked like a pride flag and went off from there. Never would he imagine that even after all this time Melony still can inspire him, he puts the pins in the box ready to make these pins a reality. 
“Time to get these bad boys out before HR arrives tomorrow, later losers!” He leaves the cafe determined to save not only his cafe but his lost friendships. SMG4 watches the man leave and softly smiles to himself “To think I was worried today would be awkward…but we didn't even talk.” Why did that bother him? He sighs confused by these strange emotions, shaking off the strange need for SMG3 company he finishes his chores in the cafe not noticing Karen was studying his every move. 
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cherrythepuppet · 9 months
Corpse Puppet [Part 8]
Aw @sketchquill I'm happy to know your not fed up with me<3
"darling, where are you?" The Corpse asked as he looked around the bright yet dark dead town  "if you ask me, your partner is kind of jumpy" home said
"their not my partner, their my spouse" The corpse told home before going back to search "Darling! where have you gone?" The Corpse asked as home popped out of their eye
"l'll keep an eye out for them!" Home exclaimed With the two searching home had saw (Y/n) run into a barrel "There they go, there they go!" Home yelled as (Y/n) saw the Corpse and ran off
"Their- their getting away! Quick, quick, after them!" Home yelled as the corpse put his eye back in (Y/n) was out of breath and they hid inside a coffin as the Corpse walked past then still calling out for them suddenly a spider came down on a web
"Married, huh? l'm a widow" they said and (Y/n) smacked them away "Oh, how rude they went that way!" the spider yelled
(Y/n) ran off again and saw someone "Please! There's been a mistake! l'm not dead!" They yelled but the man's head fell off "WHAT THE-" "darling?" The Corpse called out and (Y/n) ran off
"Dear!" The corpse yelled as (Y/n) reached a stone wall "Dead end..." they mumbled but then they heard the corpse off in the distance and they thought 'F!ck it' and decided to climb it
As they got to the top they held onto a metal bar and they accidentally grabbed the corpse's leg "You Could have used the stairs, silly" He chuckled as he helped (Y/n) up
"lsn't the view beautiful? lt takes my breath away! Well, it would if l had any" He said with a laugh "Look, l am terribly sorry about what's happened to you and l'd like to help but l really need to get home" (Y/n) told him
"This is your home now" the corpse said "But l don't even know your name" (Y/n) mumbled "Well, that's a great way to start a marriage" home muttered "Shut up!" The corpse yelled quietly at home then turned to (Y/n) and smiled
"lt's Wally" he told them as something in (Y/n)'s mind clicked, (Y/n) remembered a man named Wally but they thought it was a coincidence "What is your name?" Wally asked "Oh right I never told you that...I'm (Y/n)" They said which made Wally stare at them in surprise and shock for a moment
 But just like (Y/n) he figured it was a coincidence "Oh, l almost forgot! l have something for you" he said as he grabbed a brightly colored (F/c) box
 "lt's a wedding present" he said as (Y/n) held it "Thank you?" (Y/n) mumbled and as they was about to open the box it jumped out of their arms
A bunch of bones came out of the box and turned into...a cat? And the cat handed (Y/n) a purple collar with a small bell, as (Y/n) was reading the collar they smiled widely
"Otto?" They asked "Otto!" They exclaimed as the Cat jumped onto their lap "l knew you'd be happy to see him" Wally said as he smiled at how happy (Y/n) was
(Y/n) was the happiest they're ever been and it was clear their cat meant a lot to them "Oh, what a cutie" Wally mumbled "You should have seen him with fur!" (Y/n) exclaimed then they went quiet
"Mother never approved of Otto jumping up like this But then again she never approved of anything" They mumbled "Do you think she would have approved of me?" Wally asked as he tilted his head a bit
"You're lucky you'll never have to meet her-" (Y/n) paused as they had an idea "Well, actually...now that you mention it l think you should! In fact, since we're, you know...married" They told him
"you should definitely meet her! And my Father too! We should go and see them right now!" (Y/n) exclaimed  "What a fantastic idea! Where are they buried?" Wally asked
(Y/n) scratched the back of their neck "What? What is it?" Wally asked with a concerned look "They're not from around here" (Y/n) said
"Where are they then?" Wally asked as (Y/n) Pointed up signaling that they were still alive "Oh, they're still alive!" Wally said as he realized what they meant "l'm afraid so..." (Y/n) mumbled 
"Well, that is a problem..." Wally muttered Otto looked at wally then began meowing "What's that, Otto?" Wally asked as he listened to the kitty meow meow and (Y/n) stared at him confused on how he understood a cat
"Oh, no, we couldn't possibly!" Wally exclaimed as the cat continues to meow "Oh, well, if you put it like that..." He mumbled
"What?" (Y/n) asked as they were still confused on what was happening "Frank Frankly" Wally said....
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an3le3h · 3 months
Visitors on the train
(I'm sorry for disappearing for a while, I was busy with family problems and some mental illnesses that prevent me from being happy😔, and also that I'm very focused on my comic book which I post on the Web toon, but I hope you like it a lot 🙂💞💞💞)
One dark night, Nico and Serafine were in a corner smoking and laughing about some situation, Halina didn't pay much attention as she was very focused on the train map, but it was difficult with the burning smell of cigarettes in the air.
Mordecai: so?
Halina: as the train will stop at this station, we can use it to sneak in.
Serafine: And why don't we just get to this station, shoot everyone and get the booze?
Halina looks indignant: this station also has normal passengers who will take normal trains, this includes children, elderly people-
Nico interrupted: we just don't shoot them
Halina: Have you guys never heard about "missed shot"? We can accidentally kill someone.
Serafine rolls her eyes and Nico laughs, both of them really didn't care much about the consequences. While Halina is distracted, Mordecai takes a look at the map and wonders...
Mordecai: do you think others will be crazy to get the drinks too?
Halina: I really doubt it, no one in the whole world knows about this, besides this train passing once a year... at least that's what Mr. Sweet said.
Mordecai lets out a long sigh, adjusting his glasses, something in the back of his mind said he wouldn't return home until 10:30 in the morning.
(train station)
Serafine would never think that so many people would want to take the train at night, but it makes it easier, many people hide it. Halina was attentive, she looked like a child who had just stolen coins from her father's pocket, she looked around, fussed, paid attention to all the trains... the only thing that could be heard was the clicking of her heels on the ground.
Nico: this train is taking too long.
Mordecai: you are too anxious.
Nico finishes smoking his cigarette, throws it on the floor and Serafine steps on it, after all, Nico wasn't wearing shoes.
Halina finally locates the train, the doors open and some train workers deliver some apparently normal packages... perhaps, Halina didn't want to think too much, she counted the perfect time and entered without anyone seeing, unlike Nico who had to knock out 2 people.
Halina: I say "be careful not to be seen" and you attract the attention of 2 people.
Serafine: well, it's not his fault he's so tall.
Nico gave a goofy smile while Halina swallowed her answer, Serafine was right. They thought everything would work out, but they didn't realize that another group had gotten on the train.
next stop: despair
Mordecai was looking for the boxes that could hold the drinks, but it was like a maze made of boxes, he never thought a wagon could be so disorganized.
Serafine: we've been here for hours, are you sure it's the right train?
Halina: yes, I'm sure Serafine: it doesn't seem like it.
Halina: what do you mean by that?
Serafine: mistakes can happen
Halina was quite offended and irritated by the comment, but she wasn't going to stoop to her level.
Mordecai looked from box to box, until the train gives a very strong swing and accidentally steps on something wet, he automatically becomes disgusted, but he looks further and realizes that one of the boxes was leaking.
Mordecai: I think I found the drinks. They both quickly go to where Mordecai is and locate the box, Nico opens it with some of his strength and surprise! A box full of drinks.
Serafine: it's like looking at a resources
Nico: and look, there's one already open.
Serafine, with a smile of victory, picks up the bottle that was leaking: well, we can't waste it Before Serafine can try the drink.
Halina takes it from her hand and closes the bottle tightly.
Halina: that bottle is not yours. Serafine is irritated, but accepts the answer.
After a few minutes, the train would stop at another station, and that was another's key to escaping with the drink and gaining her victory, Halina had come up with the perfect plan, nothing would get in the way. It was so wrong.
*in another carriage*
Girl 1: there is nothing in these boxes
Girl 2: it can't be, we've already looked at 3 carriages
Girl 3: there are still many wagons left, this plan is going to waste.
Girl 4: shhh
Girl 3: oh?.... She said "SHH" to me.
Girl 2: honey, you also need to be more comprehensive.
Girl 4: sshhhh
Girl 2:.....go to shit with your "shhh"
Girl 4: Listen!
The cats were silent to listen, and they heard someone celebrating because they found a drink.
Girl 4: shit, they found it first than us.
Girl 3: well, we just have to have a "very friendly conversation", after all, we are delicate ladies.
Both cats laughed at the idea, both were armed to the teeth and ready to make new corpses in the cemetery.
Halina was calmer but her peace ended when she found the carriage door being kicked open, Halina and the others were crouched on the ground and quickly grabbed their weapons, it wasn't a good idea to have firearms but they were the unique. options. There was dead silence in the carriage, only hearing the footsteps.
Nico whispers: is it a woman?
Serafine whispers: From the noise, the shoe seems to be of excellent quality.
Halina made an angry face that made the two brothers shut up, it was funny to see her forcing her face like that. The jump continued walking around the carriage looking for them, Serafine lifts her head a little and realizes that it was indeed a woman, she had short hair and was wearing a hat.
Nico looks along and smiles: it's easy, leave it to me.
Nico tries to come from behind, but is surprised by a very strong arm grabbing his neck from behind, how ironic.
Serafine shoots and almost hits the enemy, but the woman hits him in the stomach with a brass knuckle and he falls to the ground without air, Nico never thought a punch could be so strong.
Halina shoots, but misses and makes them both fall to the ground.
Halina and Serafine advance, but are surprised by 2 more armed people, she noticed that one of them had knives…… she was very confused.
While Nico was on the ground without air, the girl steps on his back, hurting him a little, Serafine shoots but receives another shot, which makes her very angry.
Girl 1: more visitors? Cool!
Girl 3: this drink is ours.
Serafine: this guy you're stepping on is ours.
Girl 4: look, we have things that everyone wants, how ironic.
Mordecai: we're not going to hand over the drink that easily.
Girl 2: and we're not going to hand over your friend that easily.
Halina:.... If you wanted, you could have already made holes in this carriage... what do you want?
Girl 1: how about a deal?
to be continued...
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j0kers-light · 10 months
👁️👁️ joker x yn who gets exposed for having connections with Batman
Hey hi anon! 🖤✨
I HEARD YOUR CRY! Now you didn’t specify what kind of connection sooo I took liberty of making up one on the fly. I can’t in good conscience say this is canon within His Lighthouse lol. Joker would lose the last shred of his sanity if it were. Enjoy!!
Edit: If you wish to read the full oneshot bearing the same name, here's the link!
This was not how you wanted Joker to be angry with you. You expected him to be upset about your limited edition box set not coming out until the fall or about you hogging all the cover at night.
Not about your extremely old photo-op with the one and only Batman circulating the web again
It literally was a long story and definitely a lot more tamer than what Joker was making it out to be
So what if you had an old selfie with Gotham City’s Dark Knight floating around the web? So what if the caped crusader was rather handsy with his hand resting wayy too low on your back or that you were licking the cowl and the caption was quite suggestive? #Leathertastesfunny but #Ihadworse Okay so maybe it was bad. 👀
Joker stumbled across the old pic when a fan reblogged it with a comment. “Wait, does this mean Y/n is smashing Batman?” Then he scrolled and saw the most recent pic that you totally forgot about taking months ago!!
Who knew Batman was so dirty? You were walking back from an outing and almost got into a nasty situation if not for Batman swooping in to save the day
He flirted with you after saving the damsel in distress again; “the leather shouldn’t taste funny anymore”, he mentioned and you laughed and called his bluff (5/10 not bad)
You offered to take another selfie to commemorate the heroic moment. You were not expecting Batman to back you in the wall and grind his hips into yours. Your thumb slipped and oops…
#Themaskstayson okay so yeah um.. the selfie got quite the buzz. Batman was all but f__king you in the alleyway or at least that’s what the photo suggested. Your airy smile peaking over Batman’s shoulder with your legs wrapped around his slutty little waist all but confirmed it. Yeah it looked bad
And naturally Joker. Flipped. His. Ish.
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“J-J… it happened way before you and I even met!”
Why did you say that? Like that small fact made things any better.
You saw Joker’s eye twitch. The date was right there on the post. It was two days before you and him met in Chinatown but STILL it was too close in Joker’s mind. You were his.
He saw nothing but red. You hooked up with THE Batman, his mortal enemy? Was it just a one (twice) time thing or prolonged occurrences?
“Did ya f__k him?” Joker growled.
You played with your fingers and looked away. Silence was worse than answering but J had to know.
“I won’T repeat myself, Y/n. Yes or no.”
Cue your stuttering.
“I uhh, well I mean yes but no? It wasn’t a p-in-v if that’s what you’re asking but I did consider it! I have a mask kink okay?! I was curious! I-I mean.. have you seen the man?” You winced when Joker growled.
Alright, not the best confession to say to your psychotic possessive lover, especially since Joker and Batman were bitter rivals.
It was like the ultimate betrayal in J’s eyes. You considered having sex with Batman. Can’t take that back. You started to slowly back away.
“If I were you, I’d run too bunny. Cuz when I catch ya… mmhhm. When I get my handsss on you. I’m gonna ruin you.” Joker was shaking with rage. “One.”
You squeaked in fear and bolted from the room. You tried turning the corner but your momentum made you crash into the wall.
“Two…” You panicked hearing the countdown continue and scrambled to your feet. You made it down the hallway right as Joker said, “Three.”
He casually stood to his feet and stalked your tracks straight into the bedroom.
You thought locking the door was gonna save you? How cute. He broke it open and came to a stop right in front of the closet door. He could smell fear on you and a tinge of arousal. Gods above, he loved you.
“Now I wonder…. where oh where could my little slut be?” He sang out knowing you were in shambles inside.
You were sending a quick prayer upward right as Joker ripped the doors off the hinges and dragged you out by your ankle. Your screams were music to his ears.
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acsredstringbrigade · 5 months
Now that everyone, not just Backers and Patrons have had a chance to listen to the first episode, here are my thoughts. Note, spoilers ahead for all of TMA and the the first episode.
First, I do adore our main cast. Sam and Alice are both very entertaining, and Colin is easily going to be a fan favorite. Im unsure about the tension between Lena and Gwen, but we will see where that goes.
Second, FR3-D1 is apparently an old computer program, and clearly related to some facet of the Eye, given its abilities to snoop through the entirety of the internet and get personal information that definitely violates GDPR. Though the fact that the computers are this old, perhaps they are still analog, allowing them to get around the digital issues that were encountered in the previous podcast. Though there is some irony in an Eye based program searching through the World Wide Web for information.
Next, the added voices. The first two of the three are obviously Martin and Jon, aka Norris and Chester. The third voice, Augustus ... the only person I can think of who would have been pulled into an eye based program with them had to be Jonah. I almost wish it would have been Anabelle, and I do hope to see her later on, but with the masculine name, and a name that sounds as old-fashioned as Augustus, really couldnt be anyone else.
Then, that first incident (yes, I am calling them incidents, not statements, as they are ... distinct in important ways) was fascinating. Obviously, elements of the Corruption are laced throughout, but what fascinates me is how many other facets could be identified there. Stranger, End, Dark, and maybe Spiral. That, plus the fact that the computer can only take one code for each incident ... something is going on there, and it is something that may cause problems for our protagonists later on.
The interview between Lena and Gwen was interesting. (I will come back to this in a later post. There's a lot to unpack, but it is being overshadowed by the next point)
And finally, the incident involving RedCanary. The Canary puns are easily made, though canary in the coal mine seems to be the one they were going for, given the "Canaries dont belong underground" comment. Also, it seems as though the institute itself served as the Panopticon did in the first universe, the offices serving as the cells, and the top floor almost certainly the panopticon itself. That and the ritual down in the archives themselves was likely the place where Magnus died.
The blood stains, the symbols on the floor matching those on a carved box. And we don't know what the picture itself was of, since the moderator removed the image. But based on the reactions of those in the thread, it was some sort of gore, and something involving eyes.
I see two major possibilities. Either something like what happened to Albrect Von Closen, and the man died of internal eyes, and whatever had stalked him posted the picture of his dead body. Or, RedCanary was trying to post a picture of the box for a while before, and it finally posted after he opened it, revealing a set of eyes inside. If the latter is true, those are most certainly Magnus' eyes aka Raymond Fielding from Hilltop Road and the spider box. Either way has implications, and I am fascinated to see which theory holds more water.
Odd that The Magnus Institute had been put on the list of buildings that had already been cleared. Theoretically, that is a list that only a few people use. Then again, I am not a spelunker, so I dont know how tight-knit the community is. I wonder who put it on that list.
Similarly, who or what removed all the paper? Not even pulpy traces of ash? Where are all of the records of the archive?
And for that matter, who burnt down the Institute?
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paper-gold-theories · 9 months
Villainous Observation/Theory: InstaFeed and Instagrim
(Note: This theory is an add on and inspired by the theory created by gabygirl1234)
There are two versions of Instagram in Villainous - InstaFeed and Instagrim
The general public and heroes use InstaFeed, while the Villains use Instagrim.
In Episode 6 Miss Heed is shown to have an InstaFeed account instead of an Instagram account.
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And her @ name is also @MISS_HEED_ OFFICIAL instead of @MISS_HEED, as shown in her real life actual Instagram link (https://www.instagram.com/miss_heed/)
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However, MISS_HEED_OFFICAL is her Instagram Display Name
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So the Instagram account we see in real life is a little bit different than what we see in the Villainous show.
In Villainous, Penumbra, other Villains, and The Men Without Hats, etc. are shown to be using Instagrim.
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However unlike InstaFeed, Instagrim is a Black Web, the Villainous version of Dark Web/Deep Web, website which is not available to the general public and can only be accessed by Villains and in special cases like the Men Without Hats who can hack and have installed programs and software to avoid tracking and being doxxed. (see below)
This is supported by the post in CreepyCharly when a user said you can see that SunBlast is alive on Penumbra’s Instagrim account, but CreepyCharly replies that she could not access it and jokingly added that she doesn’t believe that Villains have social media.
(Also, in the comment section in the image above, a verified account with the name @MISS_HEED_OFFICIAL is seen commenting a bot like comment: “FOLLOW ME”, Miss Heed being a former Villain and student in Black Hat Institution, she probably was able to have knowledge on how to access the Black Web, and perhaps link it to her current InstaFeed account)
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As regular citizens like CreepyCharly can’t access it I agree with gabygirl123 ‘s post that Instagrim is also a part of the Black Web as it follows the. Same principal as the BHO website, as mentioned below, “it is hidden in what villains call the "Black Web", a hidden network for villains, bounty hunters, and other unsavory beings.”
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-01.06.19 - from: Magician
To all remaining agents: We did it. Our patience has produced fruits. Cooper and I have managed to establish a link to the Black Hat Organization's mainframe. The link will be open for the longest period possible, however, we must be careful and keep this link secret; We can't let what happened last time happen. Black Hat cannot know that we have this connection to their system. This link can normally only be accessed by villains and members of their organization, as it is hidden in what villains call the "Black Web", a hidden network for villains, bounty hunters, and other unsavory beings. For this reason, access is very dangerous and it is recommended that it not be for prolonged periods or there would be a risk that a villain, or worse, someone from the Black Hat Organization, could find and track our whereabouts more easily. Here is the link to the computer:
Once inside you can share it, but to access you will need the 14-digit password that we hide in the guide videos. Maybe Black Hat found the latest version of the page, but that gave us what we needed to find yours. We'll leave this channel open, good luck. And remember that we can still dance.
Eventually however, Charly was able to access the black web to buy a mystery box, however as mentioned below, the Black Web is a dangerous place with dangerous people, so she had to install the necessary programmes to avoid being tracked and doxxed.
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(Did she buy it from Evil Zone, the Villainous version of Amazon though? 😂)
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xelinezeddiorsstuff · 8 months
Chapter 1: Make it out
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"An escape to meet others like me means breaking down connections such as what happens within"
Words: 4664
I open my eyes, I am standing in the middle of the ocean near my house. The breeze was strong, the sky was a dark grey, and the waves of the ocean were big and dangerous. It was almost like a typhoon. Something didn't feel right at all. In fact, it was like another presence was there with me. The wind blew stronger, I felt like it was about to push me, but for some reason, it didn't.
I look around only to see nothing but the whole ocean surrounding me. But then I hear a voice and I recognise it, it was my mom's. "Isla tulungan mo ako please" (Isla please help me). I froze I haven't heard her voice since I was 8 years old, the words kept repeating.
I slowly turn to the direction of her voice but it was too late the water around me became blood and I started to hear sobbing. I tried to move but for some reason I was stuck, it was like being trapped in a box or something. Then I tried to scream, nothing came out. Then my mom appeared infront of me looking at me, angrily.
"AHHHH!" I screamed as I woke up. I look around me and suddenly felt safe to see that it was my room that I saw. I tried to calm myself down by doing the breathing exercises my aunt told me to do. My forehead was covered with sweat and tears started to form in my eyes. I continue to do the breathing exercises until I finally calmed down.
"It was one of those dreams again." I sighed as I get the glass of water I prepared for myself in case something like this happens again. These days it's becoming more and more frequent for some reason.
I put the glass down and looked at my phone. It was 2:30 am, it was the time of day once again. I leave my phone and start preparing for my daily swim. Normally I would do this in my family pool but there isn't a crime in doing this in the ocean, but my extended family thinks of it as a crime. Maybe this is the time to prove them wrong.
"Vitamins are taken, My temperature is normal and regulated, skin checked. Alright time for my swim." I say as I go downstairs and head for the front door.
I get out of the house and lock my door. I put my keys in a pot of plants, knowing no one will get it since I'm mostly the one who takes care of the garden. Then I head out into the ocean. The night was cold, and I shivered as I walked down the beach since I was only wearing a robe.
The dream I had would have been a sign, people will think it would be a sign to not get into the water but I knew that it was definitely a warning for something else. The dreams keep coming back, I haven't had them since I was 18 but they came back 6 years later. I start to think to myself as to why they came back but then stop when realised I was already at the spot.
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Thankfully this part of the beach is private property of ours. I look around me to see if maybe a family member was out or if someone came looking for me but thankfully no one came looking for me. I took off my robe and walked into the ocean nude.
My body then started transforming. Scales appeared in several parts of my body, and gils started to appear. My hands started becoming webbed, and most importantly, my tail, yes I am indeed a Serena (Filipino siren). My mother was a siren. She was also famous as she caught people's attention in her siren form.
I look at webbed hands only to see how poor the condition of my siren form was, my webbed hands were stiff and slimy unlike a healthy Serena where it is flexible and rubber like, my gils felt clogged and I couldn't breathe properly, and lastly my tail and scales they were loosing their original color from a bright red tail to a Grayish pink. I knew I wasn't crazy. The pool that my aunt kept me in since they thought it was safer was more dangerous than they thought.
The pool chemical were killing my siren form slowly, but they wouldn't see the problem. A Serena needs natural minerals from natural bodies of water in order to maintain our fish like bodies. 'Hopefully, I have enough time before they wake up to at least help myself in this form,' I thought as I began swimming around
It has almost been four hours at most. My Serena form started to heal almost immediately, but I knew it still wasn't enough. I explored parts of the ocean that was near the beach, the oceans in the Phillippines are so polluted I wasted nearly half my time picking up trash and objects from the ocean floor. There was nothing exciting about swimming in that area since there was nearly no fish or anything, but I knew I had to stay just for my own health.
Another hours passed and I was relaxing on the ocean floor when all of a sudden I saw a familiar boat, my cousins boat. I immediately swam up since I knew they were already looking for me.
"Isla, Isla!! Isla bumalik ka na, galit na si tita!!"(Isla, come back, Auntie is getting mad already) I heard from underwater before popping my head out.
"Nandito na ako, bakit naman sila galit eh kailangan ko naman talaga ng tubig para mabuhay" (I'm here already, why are they even mad when I really do need water to survive) complained. My cousin then pulled me up and gave me a robe.
"Eh kasi naman alam mo may mga mangingisda na dumadaan dito. Baka makuha ka at ibebenta ka sa palengke sa Presyong 100k" (Well, because you know that there are fishermen who pass by here. Maybe they'll catch you and sell in the market for the price of 100k) My cousin joked, and I just kicked him while he was rowing back to our house.
We finally reached the shore of our house, and to no one's surprise my aunt was there, full on ready to scold.
"Anak ng tokneneng, ilang bese ka na sinabihan Isla na wag na wag kang lumangoy sa dagat. May swimming pool naman tayo bat di mo yun gamitin?" (Son of a bitch, how many times do we have to tell you not to swim into the ocean. We have swimming pool, why dont you use that?) My aunt said.
"Tita sinasabi ko naman sainyo na kailangan ko ang tubig ng dagat para lang di masira ang Serena form ko eh. Lagi kong sinasabi sainyo di kayo naniniwala." (Auntie, I already told you over and over that I really need the oceans water just so that my Serena form won't fall ill. I keep telling you all, but you guys don't believe me.) I said as I started to walk into the house.
"Isla ano ba, alam mo naman may mga mangisngisda dumadaan doon. Gusto mo ba mamatay?" (Isla, what is it with you? You already know that fishermen pass there. Do you want to die?) My aunt yelled as I went into the garden and grabbed my keys from the pot.
"Eh pinapatay niyo na nga ako ng onti onti sa pool na sinasabing niyong mas safe. Tita, namamatay na nga yung Serena form ko di niyo ba nakikita?" (Well, you guys are already killing me bit by bit in the pool that you guys say is safer for me. Auntie, my Serena form is dying, don't you see?) I yelled as I approached our front door.
"Oo nakikita ko pero isipin mo naman kami, di kami Serena kagaya ng mama mo at baka patayin ka pa pag may makikita sayo. Kung sana lang may lugar talaga na para sa mga Serena lang talaga eh o kahit anong monster na kagaya mo puntahan namin para sayo. Kaso wala eh wala tayo magawa." (Yes, I see it, but think about how we feel, we're not Serenas like your mom, and it's possible that you can die just from someone else seeing you. If only there was a place for just you as a Serena or maybe even other monsters, we would go there just for you. But there isn't and there's nothing we can do.) Aunt said before giving me a towel and some slippers.
"Kung meron ako mahanap na Lugar para saakin kung saan di ako papatayin, papayagan niyo ba ako pumunta doon?" (If there was a place that I found that it just for me, where I can't be killed, will you allow me to go there?) I said as I dried my hair with the towel. "Oo, bibigyan kita ng pera para pumunta doon. Pero parang impossible eh. (Yes, I'll give you money just to go there. But it's just impossible.) My aunt said going inside our house.
'I don't think it's impossible. I'm not the only creature in this world. There has to be a place. I'll research on it after work.' I thought to myself as I headed inside my house.
"Ate Isla kakain ka po ng pang umaga?" (Isla will you eat breakfast?) My younger cousin said as he sat down on our dinner table. "Sorry but I still have to prepare for work," I said as I looked at the clock it was 7:12.
"Work from home ka naman, okay lang yan ah. Di mo naman na kailangan maligo." (It's just work from home, though. That's just okay already. You dont need to take a bath) My cousin teased. "Kuya naman," I said as I was still drying my hair.
"Isla, bakit ka parin nag oonline sa trabaho mo na yan? Diba pwede ka naman mag face to face sa trabaho mo?" (Isla, why are you still online in that job of yours? Aren't you allowed to have it f2f?) My cousin said. "Eh kasi naman si tita ayaw ipa face to face ako. Tsaka, just being safe lang siguro." (Well, because Auntie doesn't want me to go face to face. And you know just being safe, I guess.) I said as I walked up the stairs.
Once I was in my bedroom, I could hear my auntie complaining about me, how insensitive I was, how irresponsible I was, I was already used to how she was so I gave it no mind but it still bothered me so much that I just decided work will take my mind off it.
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I prepared myself for work, took a bath, and set up my workspace but not without greeting my boyfriend, Mark, I our usual good-morning texts, we've been distant these days but I know that it was because of our work, who would've guessed that a model and an online psychiatrist would have a loving relationship.
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It was about my lunch time, I knew that my cousins were out and so was my auntie so I was eating lunch alone or was I? I thought of maybe calling my boyfriend for lunch, we used to do that when he was travelling but when I opened his message I saw that he didn't answer my text this morning. I just thought he was busy, so I just went ahead and heated up the leftovers that were left from breakfast and went back to work immediately.
Another hour passed I was finishing up with a regular client of mine when my phone to started to ring in the middle, I was about to decline it when my client and said that it was okay for me to answer since it might be important. I thanked the client and looked at my phone to see who was calling. It was Mark.
'Finally, maybe he's going to ask me out after my shift." I thought to myself as I answered the phone.
"Love! Kamusta naman?" (Love! How are you?) I said excitingly, but then I heard him sigh, my stomach dropped, and I already sensed that this may not be good.
"Fine, but we have to talk. When does your shift end?" He said coldly, I don't know what's going on. Did something happen to him? I quickly removed those thoughts.
"The session that I'm having right now will end around 3:00. I could meet you by then. Where will we meet?" I said trying to control my voices, my siren senses and gut feeling are telling the same thing. This will not end well, his change of tone, the way he has distance himself from you in any way unlike before, the way he just sees your messages but never replies. It's all leading to one thing, a breakup.
"I'll go to your house by then." He sighed. I start shaking, I wasn't prepared for this. I have been so avoidant of love until I met him and we've been together for so long ever since my last year of highschool. We knew that our career paths would make it harder for us but I didn't think it would lead to this. Even if he hadn't said it yet, you already know that it's coming, it's coming to an end.
"Alright, be safe driving. I love you." I said with a trembly voice, everything started to become blurry. It felt like more weight was put on your shoulders. "Okay." I heard him say while he hanged up the phone.
I was about to breakdown by then but I knew I still had a job, I took a deep breath and went back to my client. I knew myself well enough that after that phone call, I'm not going to be myself at my work but I thought that maybe just maybe I could at least put in decent effort just for my client.
3 pm came, I was hoping that time would stop at that very moment. While you were having that session, you couldn't help but pray that the minutes would go slower. I pray that he would change his mind on the way there, but you thought wrong. I saw the notification. He was there already.
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I was hesitant to go down, I already knew what was about to happen, but I still didn't want to face it since I loved him so much, more than I know. But then I told myself that maybe if I pull through this quicker, the faster I have to go through it. I took a deep breath and headed outside.
Once I was there, I saw him. His face was showing little to no emotion. The hope that I held on suddenly disappeared, just by looking at his face. It wasn't like the first time he came to my house, where I ran to him with joy and excitement. Now I could barely move. I slowly approached him, and each step felt like I was going towards a cliff. Then suddenly I was in front of him, this felt like I was on the edge of that cliff.
"Isla, I think you know where this is going already. I know you have strengthened senses from your Serena nature from my call earlier." Mark said as he brought a box.
"Just say it already, I know we fell apart from our careers and I know there isn't anything I can do anymore. Even after I tried so hard to keep what we had." I said as I look at the box he was holding.
"No... it's not because we fell apart." He sighed. I look at him, senses were picking up an emotion that wasn't supposed to be in this. Guilt. Maybe he was guilty for falling out of love with me, I told myself to wait patiently for him to speak.
"Isla, I'm so sorry... I cheated on you. I cheated on you with another model who I worked with and now she's pregnant." He said as he gave me the box. Everything around me felt like it dropped. I wanted to scream, to punch him, to cry, but I couldn't. My mind was blank, the only thing I could think about were the possibilities of who he cheated on me with.
"So you're breaking up with me just because she's pregnant? Why didn't you do so sooner?" I asked with a shaky voice, but I really did mean that question. He was already cheating on me. Why did he wait until the girl got pregnant just to break it off? I think it was obvious by now since he always said he wanted a family, but did he really have to cheat for that? I was willing to be a bride for him anyway. I was ready.
"Isla, I'll be honest with you whenever I thought about a future with you. I felt uncomfortable with the fact that my child wasn't going to be like the other kids. You told me you spent your life avoiding kids in the streets since you were always afraid that once they find out that you're a Serena, you'll be killed." He explained.
"Cut the crap. Just say that you want a normal family with a normal woman. After everything we've been through. Did that all mean nothing to you?" I yelled, starting to feel tears going down.
"No. I just really want this, and you're just not.... you're too focused on work. And I may not be a Serena, but I feel like something bigger is coming for you in your job." He paused to look at his watch. It was 3:13 pm, 13 minutes passed, but to me, it felt like a whole hour. I don't know how to feel now, am I supposed to be angry? Am I supposed to be sad? Was I even supposed to feel anything? Fuck, I don't know.
"I'm sorry but this is the end for us Isla. I'm so sorry but I have to go, we both still have jobs to do but be safe hope you find another person who loves you." He said as he patted my shoulders. I looked at him and nodded, I didn't know what to say at that moment. He went into his car and began to drive off.
As his car began to drove off. I began to breakdown, all of the emotions that I held onto for so long have finally left me. Betrayed, hurt, and empty was all I could feel.
"Isla?" I turned around to see my cousin standing behind me. I started to wonder if he saw the whole thing. "Diba sasakyan yun ni Mark? Ano nangyare.." (Isn't that the car of Mark? What happened...) He paused when he looked at me. Tears would not stop falling. I suddenly felt him hug me, then grabbed my arm slowly so that he could bring me inside.
"Kuya...." I sighed. He put me down on the couch and pulled out a tub of ice cream. "Buti nalang naiisipan bumili ng ice cream. Nagcracrave kasi ako eh nung ko papunta na ako dito. Teka lang, wag ka muna mag kwento kunin ko muna ang mga kutsara at baso." (It's good that I thought of buying ice cream. I was craving it while I was going back here. Wait for a while, don't tell me just yet. I'll just get the spoons and cups.) He said as he stood up and went to our kitchen. I'm thankful that he was here by the time Mark left because knowing how he looked at me as his sister instead of cousin, he would've beaten Mark up.
"Eto na. Yung mas malaki na baso para lang sayo." (Here it is. The bigger cup just for you.) He gave the cup and spoon. "Now, tell me what's going on? I'll just speak English for this one for you to know the therapy vibe." He joked, trying to make me feel better, which did make me giggle a bit.
"Mark and I broke up..... but he also revealed to me one thing." I whispered with a shaky voice. My cousin then looked at me as he was scooping the tub of ice cream, silently asking me for an explanation. "Turns out, he was cheating on me, and now he got the girl pregnant." I explained. My tears were starting to come out once more, and all the thoughts came back to me, but just then, I was cut off by spoon falling.
"I'm gonna fucking kill him. I FUCKING KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP WITH HIM" My cousin yelled as he stood up and marched through the door. I stood up quickly wiping my tears and grabbed him. "Kuya please. Tapos na, umalis na siya at di na rin yan babalik dito." (Kuya please. It's done, he left and he won't come back here ever.) I pleaded with him because I know him well to know that he would get his hands bloody just to protect me but in that moment I just really needed him to comfort me because I was about to breakdown again and I did since I started sobbing and feeling my tears.
Then it was like he read my mind since he just hugged me and brought me back to couch. Usually we would talk about what our problems were and how to fix it but all I needed right now was a distraction from all this. I was so thankful he bought ice cream since it really was comfort food. We just both sat there in silence enjoying our ice cream and the others company.
"You know.." I turned to my cousin who finally spoke up after half an hour of silence. "Right Auntie told you that if there was a place just for you or any monster in this world, she would do anything for you to be there." I look at him with sudden excitement because my senses were telling me he was going to show me something.
"Well... I have to show you something!" He exclaimed while grabbed his laptop out of his bag. "I hope the ice cream didn't make it wet." He whispered as he got his laptop out of his bag. "You could've just told me to get my laptop upstairs you know that?" I jokingly asked. "That wouldn't make it special." He stated as he started to open his laptop. I started to question what the hell he was going to show since he looks really excited to show mr what he found, he was typing somewhat aggressively on his laptop which made me even more curious.
"Here!" He said turning his laptop to me. I looked at his laptop and it showed me a school website, the school name was Nevermore. I took a closer look at his laptop to see all of the details, the more I read the more excited I get. It was like a finding a part of you, you didn't think exists, feeling like this is finally your place, feeling like you finally found the answers to you problem. "This.. is amazing! Kuya, where did you find this?" I asked excitingly while scrolling the page even more.
"My coworker told me she recently came back from a trip to Vernont and stumbled across that school. She told everything about it or at least everything she heard from people from the town that was located in." He explained. That's when I looked at the location of the school. It was in America, meaning I could possibly go there with my own money. "I don't know.... what will Auntie think?" I asked since I was worried that despite her words from this morning, she would not allow me to go.
"Sabi niya nga, kung may mahanap kang lugar para sayo dun ka na daw. Kunin mo na ah may job application sila o, tignan mo." (Well, didn't she say if there was a place for you, you'll be there. Take the chance already there's a job application going on, look.) He pointed at the website, and I took a closer look at it to see that there was an opening for a guidance counsellor.
"Wait, why is there an opening for a guidance counsellor position if there's literally a therapist they visit in the town that are located in?" I asked, scrolling to the part of the oage where it showed that they have a therapist they could console to named, Dr. Valerie Kinbott.
"Di ko rin ngay alam. Tanongin mo nalang pag ininterview ka." (I really don't know as well. Maybe you could ask when you get interviewed) He answered. I just nodded my head but then I looked at him with surprise when I realised what he said. "Anong interview?" (What interview?) I asked nearly shouting because of how surprised I was.
He looked at me for a second and laughed. "Surprise! I got you an interview for that job. It's going to be this Friday, do your best." He answered while patting my shoulders . I look at him with wide eyes, not knowing how he did it. "Well, to explain this, I kind of hacked into your work email and emailed the school during lunch since I know that's the time you don't check emails. It was wrong, but like this is a really great opportunity for you." He explained. I looked at him mouth agape, so many things had happened within the past day, honestly it's overwhelming.
"Thank you kuya, buti nalang na Wednesday ngayon at Friday yung interview para may ako makaprepare pa ako para sa interview na eto." (Thank you kuya, it's good that today is Wednesday and the interview is on Friday so that I still have time to prepare for my interview.) I sighed, not knowing what to feel since it's been a roller coaster. First I get scolded and talked shit about by my auntie just for taking care of myself, secondly my long term boyfriend cheated on me, and now my cousin just revealed to me that he hacked into my work email and got me a job in a place that could accommodate my occult. The emotions are mixed and I know that my cousin could tell.
"Marami kang pinagdaanan ngayon Isla. Pero isipin mo ng ganito, kung di mo toh kunin at di ka na talaga paoayagan sa dagat ni tita. Mamatay ka talaga. Kahit pagbigyan mo nalang yung interview na yan. Kung hindi ka nakuha edi atleast ginawa mo ang lahat, diba?" (You've been through alot today Isla. But think of it like this, if you don't take this and you won't ever be allowed in the ocean everr again by auntie. You will die. If you don't get chosen for the job then atleast you tried right?) He comforted me while hugging and rocking me, he used to do that every time everything got intense at home.
We pulled apart and I feel he secretly has a mind reading since he immediately went into the cupboards and pulled out my favorite wine. "Sabihin ko kay tita di ka kakain ng pang gabi. Mag rest ka muna, umiyak, sumigaw, or suntukin mo unan mo. Ilabas mo lang mga emotions mo. (I'll tell auntie that you won't eat dinner. You should rest, cry, yell, or just punch your pillow. Just let out all of your emotions.) He said while I took the wine out of his hand. "Dalhin mo muna yang alak na yan, ako na sa mga baso at ice cream" (Bring that wine of yours, I'll handle the cups and the ice cream.) He added.
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chimera-klown · 1 year
Little Nightmares and The Magnus Archives
A while ago, I came to the conclusion that the Little Nightmares series is the perfect horror game that embodies all 15 Fear Entities from The Magnus Archives.
I know this random, but ended up focusing on it and mentally cataloged the similarities.
So for fun and because I wanted to get it out of my head to prove I saw something, I made a list of how the worlds are connected.
I probably didn't get all of the details and I'm probably crazy for this, but I like crossovers.
The Eye
• The Eyes of the Maw
• The secret eye cameras hidden on the Maw
• The stone turning eye traps
• part of the Signal Tower's true form
• in general, the multiple drawings/depictions of eyes throughout the series (both 1/2)
The Spiral
• The hallways and doors puzzle of the Signal Tower
• The hallway/door that haunts Mono and later opens, releasing Thin Man
• The strange, warped architecture of the game's environment, especially 2 and the Signal Tower
• Six's monster form, and some of the other creatures of this realm
• generally a lot of doors
The Flesh
• The Maw's "restaurant"
• The Twin Chefs
• The Guests and their appetite/meals
• Six and her hunger progressing
• part of The Signal Tower's true form
The Hunt
• The Hunter, obviously
• actually, literally ever enemy is after you
• multiple chase sequences
The Stranger
• The Lady
• many, many masks
• The maniquens/Patients of the hospital level
• The Hunter's taxidermy
• The Doctor's creations
• The main character designs
The Corruption
• rot and decay permeate the air, certain ares can honestly make you sick
• leeches
• fly swarms festering, a droning buzz the makes you nauseous
The Lonely
• Mono's name along with his and Thin Man's abandonment/betrayal from Six
• The atmosphere and many empty places
• family and friends to not exist in the Little Nightmares universe, everyone for themself
• adults are NOT on your side
The Vast
• The main environments of the game + certain cutscences show how tiny you truly are
• VERY SMALL children in HUGE world that uses their size both against them and benefits them
• It's extremely easy to fall to your death
The Slaughter
• What happens to children if/when they get caught by the many enemies
• Mono fighting
• The music box
The Buried
• The many tight vents in the Maw, School, and Hospital
• Also the tunnels in the forest level (there is a little nightmare comic of a character that gets buried alived)
• The water level in the DLC
The Dark
• The shadow children "fight" in Lady's quarters in the DLC
• many other dark areas that require a lighter/flashlight to navigate
• The maniquens/Patients only move when it's dark, freezing in the light
The Desolation
• The Doctor's death/defeat (locking and burning him in a incinerator)
• Using an incinerator to burn toys to solve a puzzle
• comfort of any kind is not a thing in this universe
The Web
• The Signal Tower and its control over this world
• Everything is fated in a terrible, perfect way (especially in 2 because no matter what, Mono will become Thin Man)
• The Teacher's "strict" education regime
The End
• Death is EVERYWHERE and EVERYTHING. One wrong move means instant game over
The Extinction
• The TVs
Some of these are probably a bit of a stretch, and I definitely had to struggle to fit some of the Fears in, but in all this game's world is amazing and so is the podcast's.
This might not even everything, just the ones that stuck out to me, so if you can think of anything to add to this list, let me know.
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mirdance · 2 years
A New Body
Pairing?: Fem!Dottore x FEM!Reader
NSFW: No sexual content but it's horror. body horror, talk of shitting, vomiting, etc. dead dove. you've been warned. It's basically a snapshot of something more horrendous I wanted to write and might someday about a lady clone of Dottore that enjoys Frankensteining the shit out of things. With consent, of course. (Sort of)
Happy Halloween!
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Stone floor, numb toes so painful they were impossible to bend. Sore wrists that were clasped in cool unbending metal. Even when your crusted eyes finally pried themselves open, the darkness looked exactly the same as when they were shut. Except the feeling in your bones shifted, as if your body understood the room was too wide and too empty in front of you and behind.
Upon rolling your shoulders, they hit coolness. You’d hardly noticed you were sitting up until the numbness in your tailbone region turned to burning tingles that struck every nerve within your spine to your ass.
Your feet came next. Fire like no other, yet your eyes were too dry to form tears. You had to bear through. You beat your big toes against each other. Though your mouth was open, no sound came out. As if your throat held crumbs of leaves that muffled your voice box.
A horizontal line of light hovered over the floor. A door? With some harsh blinking, your eyes grew used to the surroundings. A desk sat to your left full of glass and paper.
The door creaked; the light that accompanied it sent a convulsion of pain to your temples.
Fuzzy feet that resembled a duck. Webs lined between the toes. Further up were scales followed by hands mimicking boney claws. Its face was shrouded in shadow.
“The doctor will see you shortly,” it stated low and gravely, yet the entire room rang. With a grunt, it gently shut the door behind it and scampered off, it’s padded feet softly thudding with every step.
Your eyes wildly searched your own body but could see nothing.
The doctor. There were many doctors. Not so many mad enough to keep an abomination like that.
The doctor did not see you shortly, though. In fact, it had been days. Because the creature came in three times a day to hand feed you in the dark.
The first time you'd vomited It up. He’d carefully cleaned up each and every puddle as if nothing happened and continued force-feeding liquid into your mouth. The liquid had zero taste but stung the back of the throat.
The first time you obtained the energy to ask questions was futile.
Where am I? Who are you? What is going on? How many days has it been?
The creature remained silent as it routinely cleaned you, fed you, and moved your body around to alleviate bed sores.  Eventually, you were able to see its snout full of fur and scales and vines, but the color eluded you.  For some reason, having a creature instead of a human clean up your excrement became less embarrassing and more routine.
One day as it clipped the knots out your hair, it hesitated and spoke.
“It’s better to give in.”
It had left without saying anything else.
Still, no one turned on the lights.
And just like that, you’d almost developed a kinship with the thing.
The door creaked open. Your head perked. You couldn’t wait to move, even a little bit. But it wasn’t your friend coming to visit. Through the slit in the door, long teal hair swayed behind a figure dressed in a lab coat. The door closed and locked shut.
The voice was feminine, delicious and low like red wine. Wearing boots by the sound of it. They stopped by the desk. A few gas lanterns lit to life. Even though they were dim, they pierced your eyes.
“We will need to wean you off your pain medication today, so you might feel pain starting this evening.”
“Who are you,” you blurted.
“Hm? Your doctor of course.” They turned towards you and clasped their hands behind them. “How are your arms? Any pain? Numbness?”
For the first time in gods know how long, your gaze fell to your arms with a clearer vision.
Patchy bronze scales lined your flesh.
You screamed. Suddenly, your entire arm itched. Get it off. Get it off.
“Well, your vision certainly seems to be restored.” They nonchalantly made their way over and gingerly grazed a finger over a patch of scales. “Some are surprised when they first see themselves, but in time you will become used to the new sensations.”
“What is this,” you croaked.
“Exactly what you asked for.” She felt of your forehead. “What’s the date?”
The date? …
“Disorientation is normal at first,” the doctor commented while removing the hand. “Taking so much adeptal energy tends to rewire the brain until the elemental energy settles. You’ve been such a good girl, though. So we can remove these if you promise to continue being so good.”
What else could be done? You nodded weakly.
The doctor removed the wrist bindings. Upon closer inspection, the doctor’s body was as equally feminine as their voice. Their skin illuminated inhumanly. A feathered crow mask covered over their eyes. The mask held hints of blue and gold that glittered in the candlelight.
They went through a series of inspections. Taps to the fingers, elbows, arms, making sure you had feeling in each spot. If anything, you could feel too much. Every tap made you hyperaware of having skin.
They moved on to flashing a small light in your eyes. You coughed and sputtered and covered your face. They gave you a moment to collect yourself.
“Look forward and do not move your head. Can you see this?”
They moved their finger just out of your peripheral. Yes. Again. Yes. Up. Yes. Down. Yes.
“It will take time for your eyes to adjust.” They turned off the light and placed it in their front pocket. “In time they’ll be as good as new. “
“What’s wrong with my eyes,” you questioned.
“You asked for new ones.” They pointed. “And arms.”
You’d asked for this?
“To be precise,” they continued. “You were blind.”
“And my arms?”
“You could never use them,” they said matter a fact.
Your eyes were too heavy to suffer either laughing or crying. Your head thudded against the back of the headrest. The ceiling was tiled. You could count them if your brain had the energy.
“What do I call you,” you mumbled shakily.
The doctor flashed a toothy grin and leaned down to place a stethoscope on your chest. Their hair draped near you and smelled of bleach.
“Most call me the Doctor. But for you,” their breath tickled your ear as they listened to your racing heart. “You may call me Miss Dottore.”
After a few more mechanical checks, with her hands rubbing gently up and down your arms and legs and noting reflex responses, she left with pleasant words and no information.
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josephthesnailshow · 8 months
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This photo was taken from a website known as 1092paradise.com, but it ended up being used on this website. This face on the website is named White Man, the head admin on the web. Though, unlike 1092paradise.com, this website is a threat.
There’s a website called Parasites.org, and it’s claimed that when you first enter the website, it automatically asks what your name is, bank account information, and other personal stuff like your address. Not doing so will not do anything to you, but if you put in your information, it shows up with the following text:
Thank you, customer! Enjoy your parasites! ;)
And it directs you to the main part of the website; it’s a shop that includes, as you guessed, parasites, which can be anything: ticks, bedbugs, tapeworms, and leeches, notably human parasites; each of them costs a small price with the following text on top that says “No Refunds!” It also comes with an illegal drug that contains an organ-eating parasite.
You can also use the contact forum for chatting with the people who run the website. The people are friendly, greeting people like a regular employee does, but when you ask for assistance with White Man, he automatically shows up; he has a profile picture of an evil smiling white face with sharp teeth, followed by two black itty-bitty dots on the eyes.
Here’s what he says:
White Man: Hello, thanks for asking for my assistance! How could I help you?
You have two options. You can reply with “my drug isn’t coming!” or “what do you do with my address?”
If you pick “my drug isn’t coming!” You will be forced to buy the drug again, even if you didn’t buy it. The White Man also says that if you don’t buy the drug, he will come over to your house and end your life.
If you pick “what do you do with my address?” He responds, “It’s our company policy; if we don’t get your address, we can’t mail the drugs or parasites to you.” Though, when you buy something from Parasites, someone at Parasites.org will email you back and say the following short text:
“Hello! Thanks for shopping at Parasites.org; your parasite or drug will arrive in 3 days! Check your mailbox daily, and give us a message on our website if you don’t find anything there.
Have a wonderful rest of your day, night, or evening.”
After 3 days, the item will arrive in the mail, and it will be inside a box. Upon opening, it will contain some blood from someone and a bit of fluid with the drug or parasite in the middle, and every order will contain a note inside that contains a link that, upon typing in the search engine, will direct you to a texting UI where, with darkness in the background, the text says the following:
“Hello! Thanks for buying our product; we will do whatever you want us to do. If you want us to kill an enemy of yours or anything, type that in the box underneath. Though it’s recommended If you don’t include your name, the same thing will happen to you.”
This is where the website goes downhill, and the entirety of it will lead to the main reason why it got removed.
According to the victims list, it says that your enemy will be stabbed to death, and sometimes the employees will record their murder and make a snuff film out of it. If you put your name instead, it’s more graphic.
Your death will be either getting shot or they will put a maggot on your body so it can dig into you and lay eggs inside of you. They usually shoot you afterwards as they want you to feel the most pain.
As of now, luckily, the site's owner and the other employees ended up getting arrested, and the website got deleted altogether, but there’s something on the corpses that didn’t get answered yet and should be answered.
“Let them eat what’s inside of you :)”
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