#i promise im ok
xjustpeachyx · 1 year
I know i sound crazy but bear with me here.
Ok? Ok.
..hear me out: british artificer
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Just Imagine these in her british accent???
"I truly have pity for you, cheiftain, for you have met something worse than your end." Or
"Scavenger. You have made a grave mistake. This will be your kinds' downfall."
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deesi-academia · 18 days
it must be so sickening if you're religious and have a failed s**cide because wtf even god didn't want you
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star-on-a-beach · 1 month
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estinienbestinien · 1 year
mental health: surviving
final fantasy xiv: thriving
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cosmic-horror-jester · 9 months
Hey hey hey Marx what's your FAVORITE food
favourite food huh? anything I can steal tbh :3 I like to sneak up behind someone and snatch their food from there hand and run off with it
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framethepieces · 11 months
It’s not an evil thing to look at yourself with kindness Your life was never meant to be a punishment But that doesn’t mean that it won’t feel like it at times
I tell myself to stop attacking the past versions of me They were doing the best they could at the time And that’s worth being grateful for
Is this what growing up is? Just leaving things behind Over and over again?
Too much self reflection is not a good thing Even if they say you have to look back to keep moving forward Which is dumb because you’ll just end up walking into a wall
But if you reflect too much You end up lost Infinitely refracting
A never ending house of mirrors That you didn’t even pay to get in But you’d pay anything to get out
Even if you break through the mirrors You’d find yourself stuck in a merry go round In the middle of a carnival, but
There is no audience to perform for No trapeze artists swinging from extrapolations No psychics seeking guidance from the divine
There are no actors playing no roles Except the role of two lovers, both cast to me An enemies to lovers romance between me and myself
But this time There is no one to convince You just have to let it go
You’re allowed to unlearn who you’ve been if it isn’t who you are Or who you want to be anymore
I’m allowed to learn who I want to be can be anything Or it can be nothing. There are no deadlines
I promise you, little by little The healing adds up You just have to stick around long enough to notice
And when your cup runneth over And the night is dark and damp The moon shining observantly above
I realize I’m where I meant to be Maybe not where I want to be But I know how to walk forward
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fucknugg3t · 1 year
ur ass, hand it over.
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Aw man, usually I don't talk about personal feelings or anything on my blog but my partner systems are asleep so I'm just kinda. Chillin. Thinking about like, myself as a person. Like. I dunno you spend so long reflecting others you forget what's on your side of the mirror yk? Man. I'm not like. Spiraling, I'm just kinda like. Shit :/. I was having this same kinda breakdown earlier but now it's less of a break down and more who DO i want to be as a person? I'm the host of a system, I'm a multi source fictive, I'm a dadmom, I'm a Malewife, I'm someone's kid. I'm Gordon B Freeman, I'm Benrey, I'm a lizard, I'm an eldritch abomination and a disgrace to God. Those are the things I used to be, but who do I want to be yknow? I'm so used to trying to help everyone else figure themselves out I never gave myself time to do the same. I like colors, my favorite color is probably teal, and a kinda salmony peach color. My favorite numbers are 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. I love plants, I love animals. Cuttlefish and vampire squids are my favorite ocean animals. I love the holiday Valentines day, I even picked one of my names from it. I see the horrors of the world, the pain the suffering the everything and yet I see a beauty within the cracks of light in the dark. Sometimes chasing the beauty of the world leaves me awe struck. Sometimes, it leaves me writhing on the floor at night. I have a million emotions but not the words to convey them. I'm a beast, I'm a human, I'm a God, yet I'm mortal. Being put in this human vessel has made me feel things I never thought I could. It's made me think things I never even stopped to consider. What IS the point of all this? I think to me the point of all this is to have a snack with someone you care for and just enjoy life. Smell the roses every day, pick up a cool rock you found, blast your music in the car on the way home. I think that maybe the question of who I am doesn't matter actually, but more of what will I do today. I think spending my life wondering who I am, restricting myself to a few identities, never letting myself truly be free would be painful to do for the rest of my life. I think that maybe for once who i am doesn't matter, because for once I'm content, and I feel ok to shift and move and branch out and expirement. I think right now I'm not looking for a definite answer, but rather an experience. I want to experience the world now, for the first time in years. I think that maybe tomorrow I will go outside and sit in the grass if I feel well enough. In the past i spend so much mercy on those around me, I think it's time to hand some to myself. Anyway, I think I'll sleep now, maybe I'll actually cook myself breakfast tomorrow.... who knows? Goodnight everyone, sleep well
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sage-hendricks · 10 days
You know what's really cool? When you have a mental illness that sometimes causes issues with unreality and your brain decides to have a dream where you are explicitly told you can't trust reality after you wake up because your brain has been controlled.
I'm finally calming down but it should be fun to have this hovering in the back of my mind for the next indeterminate amount of time, just a constant low level voice telling me this isn't the real world and I need to run. Very excited to spend pride month in that.
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lonelyinkcap · 28 days
im trying my best
to hide all the sharp stuff
out of sight
out of mind
but i have six sets of scissors
in my room alone
and a full box of safety pins
and nail clippers and wire cutters
and a retractable box cutter
i keep in my nightstand
i thought it was rusting
i got worried
its fine tho
its just blood
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kaplisdb · 3 months
when your boyfriend's form of intrusive thoughts is saying things like "skibidi toilet" and your thoughts are "I want to rip out my teeth and give them to you so you'll love me". lmao.
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tubbytarchia · 3 months
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My friend convinced me of the potential of this very specific trio (especially in a roadtrip context) so I'm spreading the propaganda
Again, oddly specific trio but listen. Look at this graph @liauditore made. This is all you need to know (TLDR these guys make for fun duos between one another, but putting all three of them together would neutralize any cons that would arise otherwise)
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We call them sappies because idk it sounds cute and funny. Very vaguely based on the idea of tree sap (not just from how that can be related to "treebark" but also the idea of sap being a thing that helps a tree survive and making for good glue and medicine in some cases. Idk they're sappy. You get it)
The croc meme is based on this. I think Martyn would be too stupid to grasp the concept of gender so I replaced his speech bubble with watcher lore
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sunydays · 10 months
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@somerandomdudelmao I has a gift! I went the more dream/memory route of the chapter (which I could not finish in TIME) the poem
But yeah, have some sadness.
Master Post
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i have a Scene - a Plot if you will - that backs this as context. y'all are gonna have to trust me on this one <3 or read the tags...
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#the song is 'in your eyes' by peter gabriel#boombox serenade lets GO!!!#in my mind immediately after this the others came over to say hi (or in sallys case tell him off)#and at first howdy's like 'oh ofc wallys there that makes sense. sally too? strange but alright'#then eddie appears and ohhhh boy its Jealousy Central Babey and howdy's train just pulled into the station#scribble salad#laughingstock#welcome home#barnaby x howdy#howdy x barnaby#OK CONTEXT I PROMISED CONTEXT#so in my mind howdy is an oblivious dumbass when it comes to his own romantic feelings.#he's so in love with barnaby (its very obvious) but Doesnt Realize It. despite being a god tier flirty fruity motherfucker#so when barnaby - thinking theyre on the same page - confesses#howdy's all like 'ohhh um. gee barn im flattered truly but - i just dont like you like that'#yk breaking barnaby's heart right down the middle#so barnaby shuts himself in his home and wally is hovering. yk Worried#and eddie - who's been helping barnaby come to terms w/ his own feelings & gauge if howdy feels the same - asks sally to check in for him#& sally goes over and Immediately involves herself. she takes personal offense on barnaby's behalf#also she lives for the drama and wants every juice detail Hot Off The Press#so while howdy is having a lil crisis as he slowly realizes Oh My Fucking God I DO Love Barnaby Like That-#barnaby / sally / wally / (eventually) eddie are all having a sleepover where they just play card games and chat#a good ol bitch n' stitch night#and howdy shows up to try and talk to barns (obvs in my head he doesnt have a boombox he just Knocks)#only to get RE-RE-RE-REJECTEDDDDDD!!!! thats how it feels you wormy mf!#bc barnaby is a) having a girls night & b) needs to emotionally prepare for That conversation#aaaaand THATS the context <3
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milkbreadtoast · 4 months
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heartorbit · 1 month
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bugs when you lift up a rock
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