#i really am sorry if they make you uncomfortable so i added a new tag you can blacklist
chalametsimp · 1 year
Maybe I don’t hate you 18+
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**reupload because I’ve been gone so long I f*cked up the tags last time**
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Summary: You and Regulus have never gotten along, but this time he really pissed you off.
Word Count: 3.9k
Authors Note: I haven’t proofread this yet, i’m sorry this took so long. i love you guys. I hope this doesn’t feel rushed, I worked really hard on it. If there are errors or inconsistencies pls feel free to reach out. I know I haven’t added taglist yet i am sorry i will soon !
Warnings: unprotected sex, hate-fuck, enemies to lovers, not proofread , cheerleader and athlete trope
taglist: @misswestfall @chal-latte @timmymyluv @haylee-e -e @timotheel0ver @dayafied @softhecreator
Your heart was frozen in your chest, your breath was stuck in your throat. You could hardly hear anything due to the screams of quidditch fans. You knew it didn’t matter, no words were shared, but you had a persistent, primal need to hear the sound of his heartbeat as he gazed back at you, eyes supercilious. You wished they would just shut up, even for one second. The thought of wanting to hear it was something you didn’t understand. You hate him, and he hates you. You felt your cheeks heat up and you almost lost your footing. If it could be considered footing when you have other squad members holding the bottoms of your shoe. A mistake could be big time and could send you tumbling to the grass below. You both knew this. He smirked, a very sly at that, as he watched you fluster and almost fall, all because of him. Almost was the keyword. You quickly averted your gaze from him to anything else. Your eyes landed on the crowd and you smiled wide, continuing as if he weren’t even there. As you were being brought down, he flew from where he was positioned almost in your line of vision, nearly 50 feet away. Cheeky bastard. Had he wanted to rile you up just to watch you falter? No, the truth was that he just loved the way you looked when you got mad at him. He loved and hated the way his heart would clench in his chest when you furrowed your eyebrows and your nose crinkled just enough to be the most adorable sight in the entire world. You made him feel so many things, and they made him uncomfortable. So his whole life he tried his best to silently compete with you and make you angry, pushing you away from him. He wasn’t sure how else he was supposed to handle those feelings.
You continued the rest of the game, doing your best to avoid looking at him. You did really well, you managed to not even peek at him once. Usually, you couldn’t help yourself and you would occasionally sneak glances at him. You could sometimes admit that you thought he was handsome. You usually just pushed them down, because you knew it was a lost cause. You figured he hated you just as much as you hate him.
This time you were very upset with him. Occasionally sabotaging you in potions and being a general ass was one thing, but distracting you while you were up in the air like that? That was a new low. He did feel bad about that, he hadn’t meant to make you mess up. Regulus didn’t think he would be that distracting.
It was more than apparent that you were mad at him. You didn’t look at him once, not even while you were on your way to the locker room when the game was finished. Slytherin won, so you didn’t want to see the cocky look on his face. You might have thrown a pom in his face if he had gotten close to you. So you chose simply not to look at him. It was better for everyone that way. You tried to forget his existence completely and you did a pretty good job at it. You took your time getting ready to leave, trying to avoid him altogether. Well, at least until you were forced to see him in class. By then you would probably have calmed down enough not to react.
You weren’t really paying attention to the conversations in the locker room but you tried your best to seem like you were actively engaging in the team gossip. Nodding your head here, throwing in an “mhm” there. You swiped a makeup-removing wipe across your cheek absentmindedly. Sure there were spells for that, but sometimes it’s fun to do girly things just because. It was one of the things about you that actually irritated Regulus. The muggle things, the muggle practices. What was so wrong with just using magic? That’s what his family always did. Worked out fine for them.
Pulling out your pony holder, your attention was brought back to the conversation when it was directed toward you. “Huh?” You questioned, “Sorry, I was distracted by my thoughts.”
One of your teammates piped up “Yeah, distracted by thoughts of Regulus, why don’t you two just fuck already? It’s pretty obvious there’s some heavy sexual tension happening there.” She could barely get the sentence out before she was laughing and the whole group was erupting into a fit of giggles. Immediately you felt your cheeks heat up and hid your face in your hands, waving the wipe like a white flag. This made everyone laugh even harder, you’d hoped that would satisfy them and they would move on to something else.
“So you agree?” The girl who was your base spoke up. “It would probably be safer for you and everyone else, considering what happened tonight.” More giggles.
You winced and your eyes fluttered away from everyone’s eyes, to now look at the wall. Your hands came down to your lap and you fidgeted with them nervously. Because you knew they were right but you couldn’t admit that to them. Or to yourself. “That was by pure accident!” You stammered, “Besides, I would never fuck him. He might be cute. But we hate each other. Not happening.”
“Hate each other.” Another girl said, using air quotes.
“Never gonna happen.” You replied, finally, trying to end the conversation. It seemed to suffice until someone had something else to go on about.
You didn’t bother to change out of your uniform, you would be taking it off to take a shower when you got to the dormitory anyways. However, it was turning into a brisk night so you decided to throw on a sweater. You waited until it had been a good few minutes since the last footsteps you heard out in the corridor. You couldn’t leave when all the other girl’s left. If they had seen you and Regulus in the same room it was sure to be mortifying. Finally, you held your breath and stepped through the threshold, trying to make your way to the dormitories.
You didn’t make it far before you heard an all too familiar voice. One that made you huff and clutch onto your bag in anger, knuckles almost turning white. “You were secretly hoping that I would be out here, that’s why you kept the skirt on, huh?” The sound came from behind you but you didn’t want to turn to face him. He didn’t mean to say something so smug but he didn’t know how to convey many other feelings to you.
“I don’t wish to speak with you right now, Black. Please just leave me alone.” Annoyance rang deep in your voice, your hand swatting towards him without even looking. Almost as if to shoo him away like a bothersome animal. He grimaced and the tips of his ears grew pink with shame. Then you did something that surely vexed him, you just kept walking. His brows furrowed like a toddler on the verge of a tantrum and he took a step forward to follow you, his voice trailing behind his movements.
Words you had never heard from him. Not spoken to you. Not spoken to anyone else. “I’m sorry.” The two words alone stopped your feet in their tracks and your breath in your throat. It wasn’t enough to make you turn around but now he had your attention. What was he going to do with it? You waited for him to follow that up with something, anything. For a while, he didn’t. Regulus himself was frozen with surprise at his own words. “I’m sorry,” he repeated “I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to get hurt, I don’t know why I do the things I do sometimes. I didn’t mean for t-that to happen.” For the first time in his life, he was tripping over his own tongue. Was it a ruse? Was he just making fun? Waiting for you to say something embarrassing? You had to know for sure. Expecting to see a smirk, or for him to burst out into a fit of laughter. Neither of those things happened. You rolled your eyes at him, hands clenched together tightly and you all at once turned to face him, sneering, anger still in your voice. “We all know that’s bullshit! You did mean for that to happen, you jerk!” You swallowed hard and your lips pursed together as you tried to think of what to say. But before you could say anything, he was speaking up for you. His gaze was downturned and his expression was tense. Tense like his hands that were held together tightly.
Regulus’ voice nearly shook with anger “Actually I didn’t mean for that to happen, but now I am NOT sorry!” His eyes rose to shoot you an icy glare “You can’t say I didn’t try. I was sorry, but you don’t care, so now I’m not sorry! I wish you had fallen!” His words were venom and his jaw was clenched tightly.
Tears welled up in your eyes and you sneered at him “You were never sorry asshole!” Finally, you had the courage to take a couple of steps closer to him and bit the inside of your cheek in a futile attempt to stop the words that were rising in your throat like sick “Fuck you!” You punctated the insult with a sharp poke to his chest.
He promptly shoved your hand away from him and took a step closer to you. “You know what?” Veins in his temples pulsated with anger “Fuck you too!”
You were almost shaking with anger, you averted your eyes to your feet that were almost touching his and then back to his face. “No, Regulus, fuck you!”
“Actually,” he started with bared teeth and a glance sideways before he took yet another step closer to you, forcing you to back up to avoid crashing into each other. Your head cocked to the side in confusion before he continued, forcing you to back up even more. When your back hit the stone wall he continued, “Fuck you.” His voice was quieter now but the tone of his voice was nearly the same. However it didn’t reach his eyes, they were filled with something else now. Something that you had never seen inside of him. You couldn’t pinpoint what it was right away. At first you refused to believe that it was lust that you had seen flashed in his eyes. You were shocked that he had pushed himself this close to you and for once you couldn’t think of what to say to him at all. It didn’t seem to be a problem to him. In fact, he relished in the fact that he had pulled all of the words out of your throat before you could even think of them. “Hm,” Regulus taunted, his expression changing from petulance to something completely different. “You seem to be pretty quiet now.” He teased.
You had never seen him like this before. Eyes wide, you tried to speak, “I-I.. W..” Your words were cut off by your own confusion.
“What?” He snickered, head held high as he traced a finger down your jawline, “Cat got your tongue?” A gasp was the only thing that could leave your lips and your eyes were wide as the moon. What was he trying to do?
In a sudden moment of irritation and bravery, you decided you weren’t going to let him have the upper hand. He didn’t get to have the slick last word. Not this time. “Just shut up, Black.” You didn’t even allow him the opportunity to get another word in because before he could even open his pretty mouth you were shoving yours against it. It didn’t seem to be a problem to him because immediately his hands were cupping your cheeks and his body was pressing against yours. You could feel every curve of the stones behind you but you didn’t care, all you cared about was slipping your tongue into his warm mouth. The action elicited a sigh from his lips directly into your mouth and you loved the sensation, your hips bucked upwards against his. His thumb brushed against your cheek in a soothing motion, goosebumps rising on your shoulders. Soon he was fighting your tongue back into your mouth and you allowed him to, making him think he was in total control. An illusion you would keep in your back pocket for later when you needed it more. His tongue grazed against yours and you reached for his robe, silk soft like butter in your fingers. Regulus pulled away after what felt like a lifetime had passed. He didn’t move far from you, his lips routing from yours to just next to them, then to your jaw. Languidly, he continued his journey, pressing wet kisses down your neck until he hit your collarbone. Where he settled, tongue circling the spot he had chosen for purchase. He suckled on the soft skin until a bruise had formed in succession of his efforts, his hands treading down to pop the button of his slacks and let them fall to the ground. You mewled quietly and he dared to allow his fingers to slip underneath your skirt to rub against you, fabric rubbing against your clit deliciously. You rutted your hips against his fingers, urging him silently for more. Regulus picked up on this and slid his fingers in past your panties and circled a finger around your entrance. “Tsk, so wet. For me?” He gloated, slowly pushing his middle finger inside of you. He pumped it gentle and slow at first, curling his finger right where you needed him. Soon enough you were putty in his hands, writhing and whining for more. Regulus obliged and slid another one inside of you, gauging your reaction with half lidded, lust filled eyes. Listening to the noises you made was enough to make him go feral but he did his best to restrain himself.
“Please, Reggie, Please.” You pleaded, tears of distress in your eyes, clutching his perfectly pristine robe in tight, desperate fists.
“Would you look at that?” He teased, roughly turning you around to face the wall, giving you just enough time to grab onto it before he hastily pushed your robe up your back. His lips pressed against the soft spot on your neck behind your ear, “Begging for me. How cute. Is this what you want?” Regulus cooed, leaning forward to press a kiss to your shoulder before he was shoving your panties down your thighs. You watched them cascade downwards to your ankles and the sight made you shiver.
You didn’t want to answer, you didn’t want him to win, but it’s what you had to do if you wanted this. You wanted him so bad, but this would be silent admittance of where your hatred really stemmed from. Regulus figured he would help you decide your next choice of words by pulling out his arousal that was flushed and achingly stiff. He shifted your panties to the side and rubbed the tip against your wet heat. He stroked it up and down against you, merely coating the swollen skin. You responded just how he wanted you to, rubbing your hips back against him. Finally, you answered him, the final go-ahead. “Yes,” You pressed further “I want you. Please give it t-” Your voice feverish.
He didn’t need any other confirmation besides that and he gave you no time to finish your sentence before he was sinking himself into you, ripping the words right out of your chest. He was promptly moving at a desirable pace. You were happy to vocalize this to him in every way besides using your words. Gasps and whimpers ruptured from your lips, one strung after the other in a waterfall of pleasure. “You feel incredible.” He thrust into your core, head falling forward to rest against your shoulder. His fingers wandered from your thigh to your honeypot, gliding over the most sensitive area. Small circles sent your eyes rolling backward for a moment.
His hips never ceased, his length plunging into you at a reckless pace. He moved his fingers from your clit to hold your hips back against his, moving deeper inside of you than before. Lascivious moans filled the hall but neither of you cared. Regulus’ freehand came up to tangle in your hair, he grabbed a fistful at the base of your head and pulled gently at first to test the waters. Your heat constricted tightly around him involuntarily at the feeling of his rough hands gripping your hair and he grunted coarsely, slowing down for just a moment. “Careful, careful. You’re going to make me cum if you keep that up.” His voice was rough and needy. You attempted to relax but it was difficult even when his thrusts were slow and gentle. He kept the same steady pace for what felt like a long time. You were desperate for him to speed up so you pushed back against him, quickly moving your hips, hoping he would get the hint. And he did.
Soon he was plunging into you urgently. You attempted to grasp at the wall, at anything you could, to stabilize yourself so you didn’t collapse onto the ground. The pleasure was so much you could barely even stand on your own two feet anymore. He tried the best he could to help you keep upright, his nails digging into your flesh. The sting of pain was a perfect mix, intoxicating all of your senses. Nearly drooling as saliva pooled in your mouth. You pushed back against him demandingly, meeting his hips every time. The thought of the two of you intwined perfectly in this dark hallway sent a shiver down his spine. Regulus’ fingers trailed from your hips, up to your neck where he gently grabbed hold of your throat, pulling you back, flush against his torso. He gripped gently, where he knew not to hurt you. Choked mewls escaped you and he grunted deeply, eyes closed tightly as he continued to ravage you, lips pressed to your neck.
The sounds and heat of his ragged breath in your ear made your arousal grow so far until you were nearly ready to pop, you clenched around him tightly, almost at the edge. “Please, I can’t hold on any longer, Reggie.” He smirked proudly and grasped your neck harder, his pace increasing.
“Aw, don’t be shy,” he whispered “Cum for me.”
That’s all it took for the precipice to break and you were cumming hard, your hips trembling as he never slowed down. You went to cry out but Regulus quickly pushed his hand against your lips, muffling your sweet noises. Tears started to bubble from your eyes and streak down his fingers as he fucked you relentlessly.
He wouldn’t last long with the way you gripped around him. You once again tried to hold yourself back against the wall as his thrusts became sloppier. Idly, your rocked your hips against his.
“Fuck, I can’t.” He couldn’t even finish his sentence. Regulus’ hips stirred finally and he came with a long and low whine that reverberated through your chest, all the way down to your uncurling toes. For a while neither of you spoke, he simply rested his head against your back. His chest rising and falling quickly, trying to regain his normal breathing.
“Why give yourself to me?” He finally asked, voice still shaky and low. His fingers caressed your thigh and in one motion he swiped your panties back in an attempt to cover you up. You turned to face the Slytherin boy. His face perplexed, hand moving to rub the back of his neck absentmindedly.
“Don’t you see?” You rolled your eyes, and for the first time it was accompanied by a warm smile. You hit him playfully in the chest. “It was always going to be you., I think. Everyone says so. ” His head cocked to the side.
Something interrupted your juncture and your movements stilled. “Who’s over there?” The voice bellowed and your eyes widened in sync, cheeks flushing as you stared at each other in exasperation. You didn’t realize how close it was until the sound of footsteps followed, and not far. A sudden realization hit the both of you and you were scrambling to make yourselves decent. Regulus rushed to pull his pants up from his ankles, fingers fumbling to re-button.
“What are we gonna do? You whispered frantically, adjusting your skirt. Your eyebrows were furrowed nervously and you looked to him for a solution. A strange turn of events that you didn’t see happening when the day had started.
“There’s nothing we can do. We have to make a run for it.” He laughed and tugged on your hand, starting to pull you through the corridor. Your legs were shaky but it was easier when he was guiding your steps. You could hear the shouts of who you can only assume is your potions professor, based on the sound.
“I hear you two, get back here!” The voice yelled but you ignored them. You ran off into the night together. Your feet pounded on the pavement, hearts beating fast in your chests. You were both such good students, it wouldn’t be a good look for the two of you to be caught like that.
It was impossibly dark except for the dim lights in the halls, you’re not sure if you would have made it that quick without him. You made it back to the dormitories and Regulus walked you to your door, like a gentleman. You wanted to have him come spend the night with you, but you hesitated. You would never hear the end of it if anyone saw the two of you together. Especially at this time of night. You reached for the door handle but stopped before your fingertips reached it. You turned to face him. Your cheeks heated up and you looked to him, then to the floor, to him, to the wall, to him awkwardly.
As much as he loved to hear the sound of his name coming from your mouth, he cut you off before you could finish. “Listen, I’m sorry. I really am.” He said quietly “The only lie I told was that I wish you had fallen. I don’t really think that.” He looked really remorseful. His chin trembled lightly and he turned his head downwards, ashamed.
You reached forward and took one of his hands in yours, smiling softly. “It’s okay. I know you’re sorry. I forgive you, really.”
This seemed to appease him and he was looking back up again, tears in the brims of his eyes. “Really? You mean that?” His voice was hopeful like a child.
“Yes, I mean that.” You started “But now that I’m thinking about it, maybe dinner would help.” A smirk rose on your lips and he grinned, nodding wildly.
“Okay. Like a date?” Regulus questioned. Footsteps approached in the background.
“Yes,” You said hurriedly, “Like a date, now go.” You urged him to leave, so he wouldn’t get in trouble. He stepped forward and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before leaving without a word.
Quickly, you entered into your dorm room and you immediately had eyes on you. The room erupted into whistles and laughter. You didn’t understand until you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror hoisted in the living space. Your hair looked wild, it definitely gave away what you were just up to.
“Oh! I so knew it! How was it?” Someone asked loudly. You just ignored them all and gave a big middle finger as you disappeared into your own room, one arm holding your robe closed tightly. No way they were going to catch sight of what was trickling down your thighs.
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aziraphales-library · 6 months
After season 2 I'm Dying for a fix it fic! Does anyone have a one shot or finished fix it fic yet?
We now have #good omens s2 and #fix-it tags which I am sure are going to get full up in no time. Here are more fix-it fics for you...
symptoms of demonpox (otherwise known as heartbreak) by jilliancares (G)
Maybe that was Aziraphale’s first action as the new archangel in charge: I hereby declare that demons can now contract demonpox. Symptoms include wet and burning eyes, shortness of breath, an uncomfortable tightness in the chest, and an all-encompassing sense of impending doom. That would certainly explain it. Or: Crowley wonders if he'll ever be happy again. (He will.) (They're both idiots.) Immediately following the events of Season 2, Episode 6.
The Nature of Sorry by Verayne (T)
"Oh, Crowley." The angel takes a step further into the bookshop, words tumbling out in an unpractised rush. "I didn't even make it halfway up the lift before I realised what a terrible mistake I was making." Crowley can feel Aziraphale's eyes on him. If he looks they'll be big and shiny and pleading, exquisitely beseeching in his regret. So he doesn't look. He's heard the words before, near enough. Seen the expression before, too. Fool him once, and all that.
The Trinity by spacemutineer (T)
After leaving Earth (and Crowley) behind, Aziraphale finds Heaven cold but Jesus Christ remarkably warm and kind. Jesus needs a miracle to help humanity, but he needs Crowley and Aziraphale together again to do it.
Where The Furniture Used To Be by Magpie_BKK (T)
The Bentley has mysteriously brought Crowley back to central London, just as an old friend turns up at the bookshop. But not everything is as it appears, and Crowley finds himself on the run with an amnesiac angel, trying to unlock his memories along the way.
From Eden by blondecoffeecup (T)
“Besides,” Aziraphale added, his voice softening considerably, “I’ll take care of you.” Crowley grimaced, averting his gaze as if in shame. “It’s rotten work.” “Not to me,” Aziraphale breathed out, his heart twisting in his chest until he could barely find the room to breathe. He moved Crowley towards him to press their foreheads together, holding him close, pressing the gentlest of kisses to the bridge of the demon’s nose. “Not if it’s you.” Aziraphale returns to London after realizing the corruption in Heaven cannot be fixed, and seeks out Crowley in an attempt at reconciliation. Crowley doesn't believe him, thinking he's only there to trick him and then leave again, and Aziraphale finds himself expressing his apology in a less-than-conventional way - and really, how does a demon say no to his angel when said angel is on his knees, pleading for forgiveness in the way that a sinner would do to their God? (ft. Nina yelling at Aziraphale, a shit ton of Biblical symbolism, and, of course, the obligatory Hozier lyric title)
Something smells …….. evil by Angelica_Tree (G)
Left behind on Earth, Crowley dives straight for the nearest bottle, but a week later he finds himself sobering up. Something was very wrong the last time he saw Aziraphale. The angel hadn’t acted like he usually would, and the flashes of love he usually sent Crowley’s way were gone as well. Crowley needs allies to get to the bottom of it, and one of the allies is found in the unlikeliest place.
- Mod D
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toska-writes · 1 year
“Safety in Numbers”
Summary: A huge thunderstorms strike the air, and it’s hard for someone with heighten sense and someone who spent their whole life in a war.
Pairing: Hunter x GN padawan reader (ok guess what.. I bet you don’t know. It’s Platonic!
Warning: hurt and comfort. PTSD mentions and such. Blood but it’s only mentioned once and nondescript. We love dad Hunter here!
Word count: 942
Notes: if you want to be added to my tag list comment or message me! Also feel free to suggest any ideas!
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Thunder struck the ground as you tossed back over in your bunk. As silly as it was your blanket formed a protective layer between you and the storm.
You’d been awake for hours. Thunder struck since the early hours of the night making sleep vacant.
Every time you closed your eyes the noise echoed through your skull, it sounded a little too familiar and the memories it brought back weren’t pleasant.
You saw their faces flashing across your vison, the horrific scenes played out over and over again. If you really concentrated you could smell it as well.
Smoke, sweat, and blood.
Lighting flashed and the whole ship shook with the force of the invisible thunder. You couldn’t take it anymore. Someone else had to be awake right? Maybe a walk would help clear your head.
You’d never wake a sleeping member of the crew you were currently stationed with, which was Clone Force 99. They needed just as much sleep as you were missing right now.
You stumbled from your bunk, every time a new sound was made you froze making the journey to the cockpit ever so slow. Clearly the walking idea was out.
Breath in 1 2, breath out. Nothing can hurt you. Nothing can get you. You thought over and over once again.
But with every loud noise that thought slipped further and further away from you.
Coming to the cock pit you weren’t necessarily surprised to see the sergent of Clone Force 99 still awake.
Hunter sat in one of the front seats facing the dark scenery where rain banged against the glass. Hunter leaned slightly into his arm that propped him up, both hands were cupped around his face.
Without giving his unfortunate circumstances you’d almost think he looked at peace watching the rain, like he enjoyed it.
He still picked up your steps over the loud noises raging outside as he quickly turned to look at you spinning in his chair.
You gave him a small smile, by no means did it reach your eyes. “Hey.” The words barely slipped past your teeth and you stood there wondering if you said them at all.
“What’s wrong kid?” Hunter spoke softly, clearly he saw your tear stained face and best attempt at a comforting smile. Nothing could get past him, even in the dark.
“Nothing,” You shook your head slightly. “Just… couldn’t sleep is all.”
He gave you a slight look but didn’t press further, he didn’t need his heightened sense to tell him you were on edge and uncomfortable. Scared even.
Another bolt of lighting strikes the ground creating a huge boom right along after it, suddenly Hunter was on his feet and met you in the middle of the cockpit where you stumbled too.
“Shhh kid it’s ok, I got ya. I don’t like it either. It’s ok ” Hunter rambled into your ear. He held you tightly to his chest rocking back and forth for a moment.
You looked up at him, the pain on his face and the wavering of him in the force told you all you needed to know. “I got you too Hunter alright, Safety in numbers am I right?” You tried to joke but all you felt was numbness.
Hunter held you tighter walking back over to the seat he just vacated. The two of you squished in together. “Don’t worry about me kid, been dealing with loud noises and such for a while.”
Hunter looked down at your huddled form, he could feel the racing heartbeat in your chest.
This was wrong. “I’m so sorry kid.” He spoke into your hair. “You should be playing in the rain, watching it fall, be scared of it if you want but it shouldn’t be like this.”
Hunter wasn’t sure why he was angry or at who but seeing you now experiencing fear and hurt of this level sat wrong with him.
Another boom came, the noise rang in the skull of the trooper. Why him? He understood Crosshairs own struggles sometimes knowing his brother if he were here with you instead would have a problem with the lights that flashed across the sky. But as his head throbbed he almost could admit he was jeoulse of his sleeping brothers.
The duo sat in the chair quietly, muffled tears and whimpers were lost to the raging storm just outside.
Hunter looked down now after a while, the rise and fall of your body wasn’t perfect but it meant that you were asleep hopefully having a dreamless sleep. How could something like this happen to a kid like this? A good kid.
Hunter stood now with you still tightly bundled in his arms. He made is way back through the ship trying not to jump when the thunder struck yet again.
Setting you in his bunk he watched you for a moment in the dark.
“I’m sorry for this life vod’ika.” He whispered “But we can have safety in numbers if you want.”
He slowly climbed into the bunk after you, making sure some part of him protected you from the storm on the exterior of the ship. An arm of his draped over your shoulder and chest pulling you closer.
Sleep never welcomed Hunter that night, not as long as you were asleep. Knowing you too well that you’d wake up while the storm would still be going, disoriented from sleep and scared.
If he could stop that and comfort you for just a second making you feel safer. In Hunters book that’s worth losing a little sleep.
He felt you shift beside him, grasping firmly to his arm.
Safety in numbers, it always works.
Taglist: @arctrooper69
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lukall705 · 4 months
maybe like sigma cock/nsfw hcs please?
Sigma NSFW Headcanons!
Like i said i really don't know much about cocks and i'm not gonna start to search up stuff about them at 00:33 am when i have school the next day so just nsfw hcT_T i might rewrite this with cock hc's in the future tho!
Anyways thank you for requesting!
Gn reader!
TW: my terrible smut, might be ooc
I think Sigma is really vanila during sex and he probably doesn't have that much experience
I would say hes a switch, hes more of a subby dom(i hope yall understand what i mean)
this poor man probably thinks he hurt you or something if you let out a whine, and hes always asking if its to much or if he should slow down even if he only has his tip inside
when he's a dom hes very sweet and gentle(i can't see sigma as someone who would be rough during sex sorry)
Hes always making sure you feel good, and he would do almost anything to mae you feel good
I would say hes pretty good at eating people out not that good at sucking dick, since again he probably isn't very experienced
if hes sucking your dick he probably always chokes on it:(
Some kinks i think he might have: Praise kink, light bdsm, lingerie kink,(idk if its called that) pegging
He loves to praise you and to be praised
He is always willing to buy you new lingerie, toys and anything since hes rich>_<
i think some times he would love to tie you up and idk fuck you?
now if hes a sub, then he would live it if you have it your way with him, just make sure not to be rought with him
cries 100% if you peg/anal fuck him!!
use toys on him and he'll be a moaning and crying mess in no time
He lets you ride or cockwarm him in his office while hes doing work
His favorite positons are probably cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, you sitting on his face, lotus position and the spooning position
pretty much any position where you are on top, he likes it since you can go at your own speed
and the spooning is probably for when you two just woke up
Wild card!: He would love to have a threesome with you and someone else! he has thought about sharing you with nikolai, but hasn't said anything as to not make you uncomfortable!
I hope you like these!:D i swear i forgot some hc's while i was writing this but its 01:02 am so its no wonder
I might make a tag list so if you wanna be added just comment or send me a messege!
Requsts: Open!
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landwriter · 1 year
Heya, I love your writing and taste in things.
I’ve finished (and loved) everything you’ve posted <3
Are there any sandman fics that have tickled your fancy lately?
Thank you so much!!! I sadly do not have time to read near as much Sandman fic as I'd like, but I have scoured both my memory and my bookmarks on AO3 (all twelve of them) and dug up some absolutely wonderful stories - hope at least one or two of these is new to you?!
I am probably a bit weird in this, but I don't bookmark fics I love (which is really nearly all I've read) insamuch as fics that have done something in particular that I think is so well-executed or clever or inspiring that I want to be able to study it like a creature in its own right. Usually these are stories that have the traits I admire most in fiction: economy of language, being very fucking funny, making me viscerally uncomfortable, or outright haunting me.
I loved reading all of them but your mileage may vary! Caveat lector like more than half of these are smut and/or violent so please check the tags against your own preferences. Several long-winded recs with excerpts and explanations under the cut:
The Birthday of the Beast | @slythernim | Dream/Hob | T | 3.3K
Father Almighty, though I have long not been your servant, I remain your unmanageable son. Here on Earth, closer to Hell than to Heaven, as I celebrate perhaps the least holy of holy days, I must imagine myself like unto Lucifer more than as Michael, that he and I might together make of the darkness a place for humanity to grow. He blows out the candles. 
Hob turns 666. Extremely fun fic by Nym that features incredible characterization within a very short space, Catholicism, Lucifer, and of course, gets a very special birthday gift. But you shall have to read the fic to see what it is. Read everything of Nym's, actually.
New Mistakes | Anonymous | Dream/Corinthian | M | 3.2K
Dream slid his thumb into the Corinthian’s mouth, the one he shared with most, the one with which he commonly spoke. “Well?” he asked. “Are you fed?” The voice that came from his left-eye mouth buzzed like locusts. My lord, we are. The voice that came from his right-eye mouth dripped like honey. My lord, we can always be fed more. Dream pulled back, looking at the Corinthian expectantly. The Corinthian swallowed, running his tongue along his teeth. There was a faint blush on his cheeks, and Dream was unaccountably flattered. “My lord,” he said. “I wish to be good.”
Have read almost no Corintheus but this fic hits on so much that I find distantly intriguing about the pairing. Perfect dialogue, gorgeous rhythm. Wonderfully visceral. Absolutely bonkers nuts for repetition in threes, as I'm sure you know, and I love how it was used here.
Lucy Locket | Anonymous | Dream/Hob and Dream/Hob/Corinthian | E | 17K
Five chapters (now with a new threesome added in late April, much to my delighted surprise!) of just fantastic roleplay smut that in-between all the sex is by turns incredibly funny and tender. Alternating Dream and Hob POV. As somebody for whom sexual roleplay has been my literal bread and butter on a professional basis, it shouldn't be surprising I am so fond of this fic - but it catches me out every time! Like a blow from behind, and I am winded. It is ridiculously hot and distressingly perfect all-through, and I would absolutely marry the author about it (sorry author if you're reading this). No excerpt because I cannot choose and will simply suggest that if you're up for kink that you go read it all at once.
Public | @softest-punk | Dream/Hob | E | 1.1K
"Oh, darling," Hob murmurs, fingering the edge of Dream's delicate lace knickers. Dream feels his smirk against his jaw, bites his lip at the brush of a kiss under his ear. "You forget how old I am. I learned to fuck with an audience."
Every day I get closer and closer to needing to write Dream and/or Hob with vulvas; this may have been the fic that sealed the deal for me, I think. Ridiculously hot, and enshrined in my head forever for the line above. I learned to fuck with an audience. God! How good. A masterclass in the slutty drabble that nevertheless retains peak Dream/Hob characterization (I would argue that sex is in fact one of the best narrative vehicles for characterization and exploration of interpersonal dynamics...this bias is probably why nearly all these recs are so horny.) One day I will learn how to write proper smut in media res like this and not preface it with gratuitous plot.
worship like a dog | @thewalrus-said | Dream/Hob | E | 2.5K
“Is it so inconceivable that I might love you?” Dream murmured, running his manicured nail down Hob’s cheek. Hob tried to speak, swallowed, and tried again. “No one ever has before,” he said. “No one but God.”
Hob is a priest. Dream is a demon, except he's not. Dizzyingly hot for so many reasons, with a delightful canon dialogue echo. And again, must stress this: Hob is a priest. Hob is a priest. Hob is a priest, go read it.
Safehouse | Anonymous | Hob/Corinthian | E | 5K
“I need a room. One without a door.”
The best execution of the sex pollen trope I've ever seen, with the worst men. Very, very good fic with a brilliant premise and unerring execution. World-building is done in such brief but vivid strokes - it feels like a 50K fic whenever I remember it, and I'm always surprised how short it actually is. Haunts me in the best of ways.
As well - these fics are well-known and well-loved - but some stories that are utterly wonderful and contain lines that haunt me weeks, sometimes months later - stories that rearranged my soul, lurched me closer towards writing for Sandman, and warrant mention even though I am SURE you have read them, include:
@moorishflower's iconic and beautiful Odyssey fic, maybe sprout wings was the first fic I commented on with my AO3 account, and among the best fics I've ever read in any fandom; slightly deeper cuts from Heather's oeuvre (if, for some reason you are not reading everything already) that I am obsessed with and have reread multiple times: vowel shift, most vain devices, an act of faith. Genius stuff and unbelievably gorgeous language. Just go read it all, honestly
@softest-punk's Shelter is one of the first Sandman fics I ever read, and is beyond lovely; if you have not read their entire deep and profoundly lovely back catalogue, I recommend Catching Up (quintessential Cecil deep tissue emotional massage), Delayed (or: my favourite kink and favourite Endless); Ferrous (vampires! bad men! ahh! ooh!); and I would of course be remiss and ungrateful to not mention self-abandon, and the confounding effects thereof, a 10K fic that perfectly answered my general question of how the three lads would actually get together once the Corinthian and Hob had started fucking (as narrative foils that deserve such treats)
@xx-vergil-xx's Hounds is an ongoing epic that has singlehandedly caused me more emotions than humanity has language for; it is ambitious in scope and sticks every landing. The world is alive and lovingly-detailed. The language is a poem. It is so smart, so beautiful, and so well-researched and built. It is a TEMPLE unto itself, and appropriately worthy of worship
I will also suggest you read absolutely everything by @that-banhus because she literally cannot miss and writes the loveliest, cleverest worlds. All of it.
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taestefully-in-luv · 2 years
Love Again | PJM (Thirteen)
Summary: A friend of yours is eager to introduce you to her new man but what happens when Park Jimin, the man who broke your heart 5 years ago walks in through the door?
Pairing: Jimin x Female reader
Genre: exes au, exes to ???, fluff, angst, smut
Word Count: 18k
Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, feelings of rejection, confrontation, mentions of sex, feelings everywhere, mention of pot brownie, very drunk reader,  accidental misunderstandings about possible suicide (but its not), cliches, classic miscommunication, some jealousy. 
Notes: im so sorry its taken so long! I am back from vacation now:] enjoy a long chapter to make up for it!  I hope you continue to enjoy this story. Love hearing from you guys<3  Send an ask if you want to be added to a tag list or just want to chat:) 
Previously on…in chapter 12 of Love again, you realize you and your friends have been getting busy—minus Taehyung…you and Jimin decide the night you shared was a one time thing, until it wasn’t. Hoseok and Dae. Naomi and Jeremy. It’s all a mess. Hoseok knows all the truths about Jimin now after Jimin confided in him. You tried to talk to Namjoon but failed. And now Jimin is telling you things that start making you question ‘feelings’. 
© Taestefully-in-luv
Previous --- Next
“What…what do you mean by that?” You ask Jimin as directly as you can muster, though your voice still sounds softer than you intend. He looks at you, brows slightly furrowed as he silently questions if you are really not understanding. 
Jimin finally tears his eyes from you, “I’ve had an interesting week,” He sighs, suddenly seeming more detached. “I was quick to want to talk to you about it because…well,” His eyes rise to your face again, “That’s what we’ve always done. But this isn’t the past. I’ve always told you all my thoughts and feelings as they were happening because it was easy with you—because I was yours. But I’m not yours.” He pauses, eyes lingering as he waits for you to say something. He’s not necessarily looking for a retort to his statement but…
“Anyway, you’re not mine either.” His gaze falls again, “Work things out with Namjoon, I guess. I still stand by what I’ve said. Your reasons feel…I guess it doesn’t matter. Since you’ve already decided, huh?”
You can’t really focus on Jimin’s face. Your eyes roam around the bar, your entire body feeling on edge as you try to create some sort of response. You aren’t sure what words to pull from thin air, good ones, bad ones, neutral ones. You aren’t sure what words are even considered good or bad. Hell, even neutral. 
Hoseok’s right though…you aren’t this dumb. You know deep down you have already pieced this together yet you continue to ask Jimin to clarify. Probably your own insecurities coming back to haunt you time and time again. You continue to look away from him, still debating in your mind how to go about this. He wanted to talk to you after discussing thing’s with Hoseok…your best friend even said there’s more Jimin needs to say. Jimin admitted he has selfish reasons for not wanting you to be with Namjoon and on top of everything, he told you he knows exactly what sex meant with you.
The sex you two shared is something he told you is rare—but what exactly did it mean to him? You can assume all day but your heart that guards itself, your heart that still drowns in a pool of fears, your heart that once belonged to him…is afraid and needing a clear answer. 
You bring yourself to take a deep breath and look at him again. You see he is already looking at you, his eyes studying you like he’s trying to rack your brain for your thoughts. There’s an uncomfortable atmosphere surrounding the two of you, air heavy with looming nightmares. Both scared and both hopeful—at least, you think.
“Jimin.” You say his name as you’ve always have but a hint of caution can be heard. 
“Yeah?” He swallows hard, heart thumping in nerves. 
“Do you…” You gaze at him carefully, unaware of how your pausing is making him lose his mind. “Do you still…” You pause again, once again careful as you approach this…Jimin swallowing once more but this time instead of spit it almost tastes like puke. “Do you still have feelings for me?”
No sudden wide eyes, no sudden lips parting in shock…instead you see the expression of a man who is experiencing something close to relief, like he’s been wanting you to ask this question. But then he’s trying to understand your question more and more…processing each and every word. 
“Still?” He asks, appearing almost thoughtful before he’s slightly shaking his head and looking into your eyes more seriously. And then you see the expression of a man who has come to his final conclusion and you see the heart of a man who lacks contrition. “No.”
Well, that scene from last night keeps playing over and over in your messy mind. You sit here on your sofa, staring at your black screen TV, eyes going in and out of focus as the scene starts over again—
“What…what do you mean by that?” You ask Jimin as directly as you can must—Well, you get it. 
It plays again and you wonder in this messy mind of yours where it all went wrong. You let yourself have a little confidence in what you thought you knew but you were so fucking wrong. You thought…shit, you were so sure that’s where everything was going—that’s what was adding up. Your gut told you he still had feelings for you and you decided to trust it…and wow, what a mistake that was.
Maybe you should have waited for an explanation of sorts, Jimin’s mouth opened again like he was about to tell you something and his eyes screamed that it was important but you never got around to it, your own reaction to his ‘no’ became overwhelming. But…what exactly were you expecting? For him to start nodding his head frantically with a giant smile on his face as he chants, ‘Yes, I still love you! I love you. I love you. I love you.’ 
Feeling embarrassed, you lean back onto your sofa, eyes still unfocused as your mind just shows you his face. When he said ‘no’ (a word you selfishly were not expecting) your body moved on its own. You almost felt the shock of his simple two lettered word—the word alone made you feel your heart drop down into your lower belly and you felt it begin the disintegration process. Your eyes repeatedly blinked at him, expression obvious that you were trying to process what he said—but how hard is to process one simple word like that?
Then boom. You were gone. Lost in the crowd as you slipped away from Jimin’s view. He didn’t go after you, running towards you in desperation. No, his feet stayed planted to the ground, eyes going to the bartender when he raised his hand for another drink. 
Do you feel silly? Sure, maybe, yes. Embarrassed? Maybe, yes, sure. For more than one reason…for asking the question to begin with and for also running away like a coward. But you aren’t sure what you were expecting from any of this—no matter his answer. You wish this was the only thing taking over your mind but somewhere else in the foreground is another face. Namjoon’s face. And speak of the devil (more like angel, let’s be honest) you can hear soft knocking on your front door—the moment has arrived—time to talk to Namjoon.
You’re debating now if you actually want to get up and answer the door—the door that he is on the other side of. You wish this conversation could have happened earlier, that last night’s events weren’t so fresh but unfortunately, this is the timeline. Reluctant, you finally rise from the sofa and go towards the door. You’re on deep breath number 16 before you finally reach for the door knob and open up for Namjoon.
“Hey, beautiful.” He greets you, voice sounding far because of the fat droplets of rain falling all around him. He stands here, hair still drying from his shower…or maybe it’s gotten damp again thanks to the weather. He is wearing a gray pullover wrapped around his torso and he looks so warm and cozy for this rainy day. “What a day, huh?” He glances around him, smile on his face as he admires the gloominess. Maybe you’re the only one who recognizes the gloom though.
“Yeah.” You offer him a weak excuse of a smile. “Come in, come in.”
“Sorry, it took me a little longer to get here,” Namjoon looks at you over his shoulder as he slips his shoes off, “I had to stop because there was a little row of baby ducks trying to cross the road!”
“Baby ducks?” You walk ahead of him now, finding a place on your sofa. “That’s cute.”
“I thought it was cute too,”  Namjoon grins to himself before he walks into your living room as well, “But I didn’t see their mom anywhere! So I got out and I tried leading them to the other side of the road…” He takes a seat next to you, leans in to plant a kiss to your temple. “But I must have startled them so they waddled back to the side they came from.”
You can’t help but snort, lips lifting into a more believable smile. “I wish I could have seen that.”
“I think the other three cars passing by and honking at me was enough.” Namjoon’s sheepish expression is enough to make you laugh a little. Settling down, you gaze at him for a moment.
“You seem like you’re in a better mood since the last time I saw you.” You tell him, eyes dressed in wonder. “Did some things get resolved?”
At this, Namjoon lips break apart, a look of surprise before he’s looking down at his hands with an interesting smile growing on his face. Interesting because his smile is always so genuine but this feels beyond that—beyond genuine—beyond happy, beyond peace, beyond fulfilment. 
“Yeah, I guess, I kind of had a bit of a break through with Emiko last night.” He says. “I told you that this past week was rough for me…for her, too. Her uh, her own personal stuff going on.” His eyes meet yours as he continues to explain, a softness in his irises. “She wasn’t letting me in and it was so…well, it was rough for me, you know? I’ve known her my whole life basically and it hurt that she was pushing me away.”
“I get that.” You lean back onto your sofa, back of your head melting into the cushion. “Sucks when someone you’re close to isn’t telling you everything.”
“Exactly!” Namjoon quietly blurts, “Anyway, last night I asked her to meet up and she did and we got to talking. She was having some issues with her boyfriend—ex boyfriend—and she didn’t want to involve me. I knew things weren’t great with them but she never gave up.”
“Sounds like a lot of couples, huh?”
“I guess so. But it’s important to know when to let things go.” He barely raises his shoulders for a shrug, “Human beings are brighter than we think,” He chuckles, “Deep down we are always aware of when it’s time to give up. But then it gets complex when we fight what we know…somehow believing we can change things. But we always know the truth.” 
We always know the truth, huh?
“Anyway,” Namjoon bows his head as he rests his hands on either side of this thighs, fingers lightly gripping the ends of the couch cushions, “After everything he did to her,” Your eyes fall to his hand closest to you when you see his grip tighten. “She just…deserves good things only. I hope she realizes that now.” He raises his head again to glance at you. “She told me so many things and I think she feels freer now. And it’s crazy,” He exhales a long breath as he chuckles, “So do I. Knowing she will be okay now.”
You study him for a moment, seeing how his body relaxes at his own words. You can’t help the unavoidable smile that spreads on your lips. He’s truly a gem in this world and no matter what happens between you both…knowing him is a gift. He’s a person worth knowing. And your years long crush on him has also been so worth it. 
“I’m glad things got better, Joon.” Your voice is sincere and he cracks another smile before appearing more satisfied.
“Well, and one of the ones who backed out on the summer book tour called yesterday and wanted back in—so I think that helps too.” He grins now. “Things are looking up again! Emiko sorted most the details but I’ll be busy here soon. We will be gone most of the summer. I even have a reading booked in September, the day of my birthday—the last one of the tour, too.” He laughs, “Emiko thought I would like that.” 
“It’s your birthday yet you’re the one giving a gift. The gift of your words.” You smile at him, “Emiko knows you well, that seems right up your alley.” 
Namjoon waves you off with a sheepish look, “It’s more selfish than that. It’s more like I get to force people to listen to me with no shame.” 
“Well, I’m proud of you, Joon. This is a huge accomplishment, really.” 
“Thanks, y/n.” Namjoon’s hand goes to your thigh when he offers a small squeeze in appreciation. “You’re one of the people who has motivated me so much. And your presence has been very needed in this time in my life.”
“H-How so?” 
“I can feel your support radiating off your body, you know?” Namjoon fights back a grin, “I see the way you look at me…I can tell you mean everything you say to me. I feel it when you give your support. You’re warm. You’re comfort, even.” 
You slowly lift your head from the couch cushion, eyes staying on his as you get hit with a pang of guilt. You called him here to tell him you want to be with him. You called him here to tell him the truth. You called him here to tell him everything. Come clean with it all before you see if he still wants you. But how could you be someone’s comfort if you’re ultimately their disappointment. Maybe even their regret. 
“I-I’m not any of those things, Namjoon.” Your voice is almost silent. Almost because there is technically sound but even if there wasn’t…your expression tells all. Namjoon scoots closer to you, his thigh meeting yours like it’s greeting it with a long kiss. 
“You are.” He tells you simply, “No use in telling me differently. Once I’ve decided something, that’s that. Emiko blames that mindset on me being a Virgo,” He shrugs. “Whatever that means.”
“Wow,” You respond in an airy chuckle. 
“So how was your week?” Namjoon’s hand slides into yours. “I know I went on about myself…”
“You didn’t.” You assure him, “My week was…something. Lots of weird stuff going around with my friends apparently.” 
“Like…” You nibble on your lips before your eyes expand comically, “Like holy shit! Apparently Naomi and Jeremy hooked up?! They were being so freaking weird at work and then last night so many bombs went off and—”
“You’re…” Namjoon blinks at you, eyebrows pinching together. “You’re surprised about that?”
“Wh…of course I am surprised about that?! Hoseok and I are shocked as hell. Like, you know them, right? Naomi. Jeremy. Picture them. Now picture them…together. Weird, right?!”
“Oh wow.” Namjoon breathes out, surprise lurking on his face.
“Oh wow is right, dude.”
“No…oh wow, because you are…how did you guys not know?” He starts laughing now, making you gasp out loud. “Oh come on, y/n. Wasn’t it so obvious?”
“How was that obvious?”
“Jeremy always hated Naomi’s ex—sorry, I forgot his name. And they’re always together. Like, always. Also, the way they bicker—isn’t that just  flirting?”
“No, this is a shock!”
“The only thing shocking is that they only now just hooked up.” Namjoon contemplates in deep thought. “You sure it’s the first time?”
“Pretty sure…” You slouch your shoulders, small pout forming. “The way they acted all week towards each other kind of gives away how new this is to them…”
“Ah, okay.” He nods, “So…then what?”
“Well, they’re fighting. Naomi apparently actually loves his cringey poetry. And somehow they related that to my shoulder dance…anyway, not entirely sure what’s going on there but…” You bite down onto you bottom lip, a sincere thought pouring out of your mouth so suddenly, “I hope they work it out. I know how important they are to one another. If it’s being best friends or if it’s being a couple…I don’t know, I just hope they come together whichever way makes them happiest.” 
“Hm. Yeah, I agree. I think what’s important here is that no matter the dynamic—they’re just in one another’s lives and are content with the place they’re in.” 
“That’s…” You glance at Namjoon and you show him an appreciative smile. “That’s the perfect way to say it.” 
Namjoon’s thumb starts stroking your skin as he nudges his shoulder with yours, “Well, anything else?”
“Yeah. You know Taehyung’s sister? Dae?” You wait for Namjoon to nod, “Well, Hoseok slept with her. They have a history though. And his dumbass bolted the morning after.”
“Ouch.” Namjoon cringes in his spot, “Not the best move.”
“Definitely not.” You snort. “He’s just afraid of too many things he doesn’t know.”
“Aren’t we all?” Namjoon ruminates. 
“But I think if he just talks to her…they could work it out and something nice could come from all of this.” You sigh out, now worried about your best friend and his love life—probably a great way to avoid your own. 
“Seems all your friends have been getting busy,” Namjoon jokes, “What about Taehyung?”
“Poor guy is the one most interested in finding the love of his life but not sure he’s gotten so lucky.”
“Well, sometimes we finally get the things we’ve been searching for if we stop looking so hard.”
“Tell him that.” You deadpan.
“I’ll try to remember.” 
“But seriously…he’s a saint of a person. He’s going to make someone so happy one day and my only concern is that whoever that person is deserves it and makes him just as happy…if not more.”
“We always wish that for the people we care about.” Namjoon whispers, his eyes falling to his legs as he thinks of those that applies to in his own life and then he clears his throat, eyes back on you. “So, anything else?” He asks with a smile, his interest still intact.
His smile…his genuine smile. It’s enough for your own smile to get wiped off your face as you feel the truth start rising like bile in your throat. Your hand escapes his as you thread your fingers together and you try to calm your nerves that are exploding one at a time inside your body.
“Yeah.” You admit softly, “There is something else. But Namjoon,” Fuck, your voice cracks just the slightest and he’s already shifting his expression into one of concern. “It’s not great. It’s bad, probably—no, definitely.”
“Okay…” Namjoon’s one word spills out of his mouth slowly. He’s always so calm and collected but right now, as you glance at him, you think you see an ounce of worry. This only makes you feel worse. 
“I have to tell you something. Something about me. Something that affects you.” You cower from his gaze. 
“Okay.” He says again, much more firm. “y/n, you can tell me anything. The important that is that you tell me…whatever it is.”
You aren’t sure how to say it. Do you just come out with the truth, ‘I slept with Jimin.’ Or do you start from the beginning of the story and lead up to the fact that is beginning to haunt you? Both feel like the wrong answer. Both feel wrong because it is wrong. Maybe you aren’t exclusive but emotionally it was still wrong and your heart is decaying in your chest as you realize this. It’s wrong because the aftermath is still the same—Namjoon will not be happy—and because you care about him because you do, it’s going to fucking hurt. 
“Namjoon.” You speak as if your own mouth is reluctant, going against you, even though telling the truth is the right thing. 
“Hey,” Namjoon’s large hand grabs onto your thigh. “It’s okay. Just talk to me. Just say it however you need to.”
“Okay,” You gulp, “But if I say it for what it is…no matter what it is…would you allow me to explain?”
“Yeah.” He assures you, “I wouldn’t rob you of an explanation, y/n.”
You chuckle humorlessly at this, staring ahead, “Sometimes I wish you weren’t so perfect.” 
“I’m not.” He sighs, but you hear the smile.
“I slept with Jimin.” You say, eyes focused on the TV screen. You don’t find the courage to glance at him to gauge his reaction but you do feel his hand slowly slipping away from your thigh and you’re left with a coldness where his fingers once were. “Last weekend.”
“Slept…with…Jimin…” Namjoon mumbles, more to himself, you think. 
You finally turn your body to face him more, “Yeah.” You own up to it, eyes observing Namjoon as you see his brain search for more of a response. “Can I explain?” You ask as softly as you can and he finally meets your eyes, confusion grown so heavily in them as he nods his head.
“Last Friday, Jimin and I were hanging out and it wasn’t anything unusual.” You gaze at Namjoon, apology evident on your features. “I promise it wasn’t unusual…I didn’t know…I never intended…” You choke a little on your words because you aren’t sure what to think of what you’re even trying to say. “We were just hanging out and things—things escalated, obviously.” You wince at your own implication, “But it wasn’t…well, we ate these brownies…um, you know brownies with weed.”
“You guys ate edibles?” He asks quietly.
“Yes. And it just heightened everything and I don’t know, things just grew into so much more than I was ever thinking it would and—”
“So, you guys got high and had sex.” Namjoon points out the obvious, but his tone is not anywhere near sounding condescending. He sounds like he’s just trying his best to piece things together. 
“Yeah.” You nod in agreement, “We did. And we also agreed it was a one-time thing…”
“And has it been a one time thing?” He gazes into your eyes, almost looking desperate for an answer.
“Mostly?” His brows pull together, “So, no?” 
“Just…mostly. Listen, it won’t happen again.”
“It won’t?” Namjoon narrows his eyes at you, his expression has hardened but there is still a softness to him.
“I’ve decided what I want, Namjoon.” You stare at him with an obvious vulnerability and he picks up on it instantly. You take a deep breath before adding, “If we can work past this…” You suddenly feel stupid for asking what you’re about to ask because how selfish are you?
“Tell me what it is you’ve decided.” Namjoon softens more, eyes losing their edge as he gazes at you. “I’m listening.”
“You.” You whisper, “You’re an incredible person and I enjoy being with you…I feel good when I’m with you and you…” You lose your words as you see a smile—his genuine fucking smile. 
“You’re wondering if we can still be together once we work past this, right?” His hands finds your thigh again, squeezing it. “But y/n…what exactly did you explain?”
“You told me what happened, I guess. But where is the explanation for why—”
“The brownie!” You suddenly blurt. 
“The brownie?” He shakes his head, still trying to hold his smile but you can see it waver. “No, come on,” His eyes glaze over in a need for more. “Why did you sleep with Jimin? Brownie or not, why did you feel the need to be with him like that?”
“I…” Your mouth falls open pathetically as you try to force words to come out of it but you are only capable of making ‘I’ drip from your lips repeatedly. 
Namjoon tilts his head as he watches you, his once worried expression shifting into something more understanding. “Hey…” He squeezes your thigh again but you just blink at him, brain exhausting itself as you come up with your proper response. But his knowing smile is making your eyes sting a bit, thin layer of tears coating them and you choke on any letter that tries to make its way out of you.
“It’s okay.” He tells you, tender eyes on your face. “I get it.” 
Get it? He doesn’t get it. You want to scream at him that whatever he thinks he gets—he doesn’t. Does anyone get it? Your eyes burn, your throat burns, your heart fucking burns. You have so many things you wish you could say but you don’t know how. You don’t fucking know how. You drop your shoulders, feeling the weight of everything at once. You feel the shame weighing down your body, pound by pound. 
“I’m sorry.” Coherent words finally manage to leave you. “I’m so sorry.” 
Namjoon can feel his heart hurting as he stares at you, “It’s okay.” He whispers.
“It’s not.” You plead, “I know you’re so disappointed in me, or mad, or anything and I get it. I deserve that but please, Namjoon, I am so sorry. At least take that. Take my apology.” Your voice cracks throughout and you hate appearing this way but it’s just your heart speaking at this point.
“I’m not mad, y/n.” He tells you softly, “I’m not disappointed in you. I’m not.”
“Could we work through this and—”
“But…” He stops you from finishing that thought, his hands finally going back to his own lap. “I told you earlier that humans are brighter than we think…that we make things more complex for thinking we can change things that we can’t. I’d like to think I’m a little wise, sometimes.” He chuckles but his eyes are a little glassy. “I think I’m one who knows when to let things go and give up.” 
“Hey,” Namjoon reaches for your cheek, his fingers brushing against it softly, “Stop looking so guilty,” He laughs. “It’s okay.”
Your body shakes from even more guilt, your eyes stinging as you’re dangerously close to actually crying. 
“Never feel bad for how you feel. Your feelings won’t align with every person. You can’t always please every person—because then you, the person who matters most, is the one who won’t be pleased.”
Your chest tightens and your face twists into something devastated before you finally close your eyes and let yourself cry. “I’m sorry.” You choke. 
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay.” Namjoon leans into you, his arms wrapping around your body as he pulls you closer to his chest. You were right, his gray pullover is warm and cozy. He gently removes himself from you and meets your blurry gaze. “No regrets, y/n. I’m glad we did this even if it’s over now…I still got to know you more and we’ve become closer. I’m grateful for that. We’re friends, okay?”
You search his eyes, your frantic, afraid ones looking into his so helplessly but you only see his sincerity. 
“I’m going to head home…if you don’t mind.” He tries to smile for you. 
“Of—Of course.” You swallow down the millions of things you want to say to him. The biggest thing being ‘Thank you.’
Namjoon stands from your couch and starts heading towards your front door to slip his shoes back on…you follow behind him quietly. He opens the door and the sound of rain pouring echoes in both of your ears. He turns around quickly to say his goodbyes, your red eyes making him feel sad but he remains strong as he finally takes his leave. You shut the door behind him and he flinches at the sound, even though the click of the door was as soft as you, but just like you, the impact is huge. 
He releases a long breath as his eyes study the gray sky. He’s starting to notice the gloom in this rainy day. The repetitive sound of rain falling from the heavens isn’t enough to drown out his current thoughts—his praise to himself that he remained strong even though his heart is feeling weak. But he wonders if being strong is what he did—maybe true strength is his own honesty. Suddenly, Namjoon twists his body in his spot and knocks on your door. His heart feels weak, heavy even but this sudden courage is the thing giving it new strength. 
“Joon?” You say his name in question as you open the door for him again, he doesn’t move from his spot. Just the image of him, standing at your doorway with rain falling all around him. 
“Can I vent?” He asks you, voice sure of what he wants to say.
You relax your body as you nod your head. “Of course.” 
“I’m not mad at you, y/n. I’m not disappointed in you.” He begins, his tone as soft as always. “But I am disappointed. I like you. I’m sad.” He admits almost ashamed. “I’m sad because you found what I wanted you to have with me…with someone else. But I’m not mad about it. No, in the story of your life this makes sense, I guess. And in the story of my life, I’m wondering what’s going to make sense for me. I just have to wait.” He shrugs shyly and your heart pinches. “To be honest with you…I thought this summer I was going to figure out how to make a temporary long distance work with you but instead I’ll be figuring out how to get over you.” 
“I’m sorry…” You feel yourself shrink. “I don’t want you to be—”
“You’re my friend, y/n. And I got the privilege of knowing what it’s like to have more with you. Just because this aspect of our relationship is over doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. I value you too much to let go of this all the way. But forgive me for a while…” He pauses, trying his best not to grow emotional. “If I bask in this time away from you. Maybe I’ll need it.” 
“I’d for—forgive you for anything, Joon.” You bite your bottom lip. “Take all the time you need. I’m here whenever you need me, please know that.”
“I do know that. Thanks for everything, y/n.”
“Thank you. Thank you, Joon. Thank you because I’m learning something even in this moment…” Your eyes water as you show him a shameless smile.
“And what’s that?” His lips curl into a small grin. 
“This experience has shown me I can love again. I can. Thank you. It might not be the way I thought but…”
Namjoon expression morphs into the perfect pity smile. “You’re on the list of people who I hope finds the perfect happiness, y/n.”
“You too.” You watch as he nods, turning around to take his leave and his broad back is in view. He stands here, eyes on the sky and you think he is finally recognizing the gloom of this rainy day. 
“Damn.” Hoseok says on the other line, “You know I want to, y/n. But I’m trying to sort out my own messy shit too.” He sighs, “I don’t know. Maybe I can just talk to Dae tomorrow…I just feel bad making her wait—”
“No,” You cut him off, “Don’t make her wait. I get it. I can handle one night on my own, you know, believe it or not.” You attempt laughing but Hoseok groans. 
“I do believe it and that’s the problem! You’re actually reaching out and I’m rejecting you.”
“You don’t have to make it sound that dramatic.” You deadpan. “Come on, it’s okay. We can celebrate the end of my life another time. I’ll just throw a pity party for one in the meantime.”
“And you call me dramatic.” Hoseok huffs out, “Listen, I would love to be with you tonight but Dae already said she would come over soon so we can talk and honestly? I’m so fucking nervous, dude.”
You start smiling to yourself, feeling proud Hoseok is going through with this. “You like her, right?”
He’s silent on the other end. “Come on, Hoseok.” You laugh. “Admit this one, won’t you?”
“Fine, yeah, maybe.”
“And doesn’t it feel pretty good that you have a pretty good idea how she feels? She’s not leaving you wondering. Now you’re the one doing that to her.”
“Shit…” He grumbles to himself. “I hate that you’re kind of right. Anyway, I’m just going to try and do what feels right. I’ll let you know later how it goes.”
“Good. So if Dae is going over then…”
“Taehyung is with him.” Hoseok’s tone is soft now. “After you left last night…Jimin seemed…well, he didn’t tell me what happened.”
“I already told you.” You hold the phone closer to your face, as if anyone else would hear you. “I basically got ahead of myself.”
“But what does that mean?”
“It means I’m back to my no luck streak.” You chuckle. “But it seems you might be starting a good luck one. Make things right with Dae, Hobi. Call me later, okay?”
“Okay. Bye, y/n. Love you with all my heart.”
“I know. Love you too.” You say before bringing the phone down to your lap and touching the end button. You check the rest of your notifications when you see a text from Naomi and also a text from Jeremy—separate chats, of course. 
Naomi 8:04pm
I’ll explain everything tomorrow. I’m visiting my parents right now but I’ll be home again sometime tomorrow afternoon. Also!! If Jeremy asks if you know where I am say you don’t know, I’m trying to seem like I mysteriously vanished. 
Jeremy 8:47pm
Have u heard from Naomi
Jeremy 8:49pm
I went by her place but I don’t think she’s home……
You read over the texts before deciding to just click your phone off and worry about your own problems—at least for tonight. You stand and walk towards your bathroom, flipping on the light switch and externally groan when you see your reflection. Swollen eyes and an exhausted expression written all of your face. You look like you’re on the verge of an emotional breakdown and maybe you are. What a weekend so far, you think to yourself. 
You don’t fix your make up or do anything with your hair or even change out of your clothes—an oversized t shirt with a picture of Shrek’s face and the caption ‘so shrekxy’ and a pair of comfy shorts. In your opinion, this is the perfect look to have an emotional breakdown in. 
You give yourself an encouraging nod and thumbs up in the mirror before you decide it’s time to get the party started—the pity party.
“You’re scaring away my customers, y/n.” Your old college pal Lorenzo tells you sternly as he dries yet another glass. “If you’re going to be a cry baby, go home.”
You lift your head from the bar top, tired eyes on Lorenzo. He isn’t actually kicking you out, you know this. You rarely get to come to his small bar across town since the last time you came, over two years ago, he and your dearest friend Hobi got into some ridiculous fight. Hoseok’s pride took over and swore he would never come back here again. You try to visit every now and then though even if it’s by yourself.
“A cry baby?” You mumble, eyes filling with tears again and Lorenzo rolls his eyes.
“Not again…”
“Excuse me miss—”
You whip your head to the left to see a man standing next to you, he’s probably around your age, probably not hideous looking but you’re in no mood.
“What?” You snap, a small hiccup leaving your mouth. “Want to buy me a drink?” You accuse him before running the back of your hand to wipe the snot at your nose. 
“Uh, I was—”
“I hate to break it to you, buddy.” You cut in, “Love isn’t real. Not sure anything is real. I think—”
“No…” The guy pales, his hands raised in surrender before he’s gesturing towards the chair next to you. “I was going to ask if anyone was using this chair…” Then he glances behind him at his group of friends at a table nearby. “We need an extra chair….”
You blink at him lazily, processing the situation before you nod along. “Right. Right. Whatever, take it.” You wave him off as if you shouldn’t be totally humiliated. You shrug to yourself before resting your head against the bar top again and mumbling to yourself about the concept of love. It’s been rough.
This is beyond moping. Namjoon ended things with you and Jimin doesn’t have feelings for you. Both suck. For different reasons. But the latter hurts just a smidge more. And you’re deciding if you’re a bitch for that. 
“Whatever’s wrong, y/n. Things will get better.” Lorenzo tries to comfort you but this isn’t his strong suit. 
“Whatever’s wrong, y/n.” You start to mock him, head lightly banging on the wood. “Things will get bet—when Lorenzo?!” You dramatically cry out, once again mumbling to yourself about love and all its hardships. 
“Hey man.” You hear a new voice on your right side but you continue to live your life. “The usual please.”
“Rough day?” Lorenzo asks the newcomer. “Don’t tell me it’s another disaster date, man.” He tells the new guy, “Two weekends in a row?”
“I remember those.” You mumble in your arms. “Then I had great dates—but I went and ruined that too!” You whine, head hitting the bar top again.
“Damn…” The new guy begins but pauses, you’re sure you feel his eyes on you. “Isn’t there like, a limit, dude? Where you cut people off?” You’re sure he’s asking Lorenzo this.
You lift your head and your swollen eyes find Lorenzo already staring at you. “I wish she was wasted, dude. This is just a mental breakdown. The glass is water.” He says with a straight face. 
“Mental breakdown?” The guy next to you repeats Lorenzo’s words thoughtfully, “Perfect. I will have a glass of water too then. I’m also ready for a mental breakdown.” 
Is he…making fun of you? You are in no state to get made fun of! You finally lift yourself from the bar top and turn your bar stool in this stranger’s direction. As soon as you face him, you lift your pointer finger up, ready to scold him. “I’ll have you know—” But you stop mid-sentence, eyes slightly expanding as you eye the man over. 
“y/n???” The guy looks at you wide eyed. You blink at him a few times before realization is actually hitting you. Your eyes scan him over and you’re comparing what he looks like now and over five years ago. Way more tattoos than you remember and hair shorter than it was in college.
“Jungkook?” You gape at him. “Jeon Jungkook???”
His surprised expression finally relaxes and his lips curl into a smirk, “How was the brownie? Jimin said he was going to share some with you and your friends.”
“Ah, yes.” You slump your shoulders, spinning forward in the chair again. “So you’re to blame. This is all because of the brownie…the brownie you provided.” 
“Huh?” Jungkook’s doe eyes look even larger as he tries to figure out how this turned into something bad that he did. 
“Maybe you are a girlfriend stealer.” You sniffle to yourself, “Thanks to that brownie you stole away my chance at being a girlfriend.” 
“I can’t emphasize enough how confused I am.” Jungkook turns towards Lorenzo, “But please make my usual and that water, I am also needing a mental breakdown. So,” Jungkook turns back towards you, “Rough day?”
“Rough life.” You murmur, head tilting towards him and he grins at you.
“Can’t be worse than mine.”
“You’re smiling about that?” You give him a disturbed expression, “But in the last 24 hours I’ve gotten dumped by two guys.” 
Jungkook nods along to your words as he sits down in the chair next to you, once he gets comfortable he offers some strange looking smile. You narrow your eyes at him.
“What?” You ask cautiously.
“I just fled a date—yes, fled—with a girl who psychoanalyzed me in the first 15 minutes,” Then he sighs, “What’s worse is everything she said was right.” He starts laughing now, his front teeth poking out between his lips adorably. “Before she even properly introduced herself she looked me over and goes, ‘mm, yeah, mommy issues.’” He says in a sassy, feminine voice. “Can you believe it?”
“Yeah, oh.” Jungkook agrees with you, “But it gets worse.”
“It gets…worse?”
“Not even 10 minutes later in she goes,” He gets back into his female persona, “Oh yeah, daddy issues too.” 
“Damn.” You can’t help but laugh a little. “She read you for filth, huh?” 
“You should have seen her face! It’s like when she made these realizations, I could see literal excitement behind her eyes.”
“She likes a boy with baggage.” You shrug, “Is there a kink for that?”
“Probably. Her porn search history is probably ‘boy who purposely seeks mental breakdowns’ or ‘boys with all the issues’”
You snort at this, “I’m laughing at the purposely seeking mental breakdowns one.” 
“Speaking of,” Lorenzo slides a mixed drink over to Jungkook. “Enjoy. And also, let me hook you up with my cousin already.”
“Your cousin is married, Lorenzo.” Jungkook rolls his eyes, shaking his head as he stares at you, silently asking if you believe this guy.
“Yeah but we hate him!”
“At least try to hook me up with y/n first.” He glances at you with a sly grin. “You are single.”
“Thanks for the reminder.” 
“Anyway, you’re not drinking at all though?” Jungkook asks you, “Want something? I’ll buy since I apparently ruined your life with the brownie I provided.”
“Ha!” You raise your arms above your head in a stretch, “My emotional state plus alcohol? That’s a recipe for disaster!” 
20 Minutes Later
“And yeah,” you lightly slam your now empty shot glass down to the bar top, it joins the other two empty shot glasses. “That’s how I got dumped by two guys in 24 hours.” 
“Damn,” Jungkook throws his shot of liquor back as well. “That is rough.” 
You ended up spilling your entire sob story to Jungkook and in return he complained about several things going on with him as well. You two talked and talked and eventually switched over to mixed drinks. He explained his strained relationship with his parents and his shitty luck with almost anything in his life. 
“But actually,” Jungkook slightly slurs before he grins proudly to himself, “I’ve actually taken a little opportunity to get away from my parents for a while.” 
“Mhm. Well, my dad’s company—where I work—wait, shit did I call it my dad’s company? Sorry, I meant my parent’s company.” He starts snickering, “My mom would kill me if I excluded her in that and only gave credit to my father. Not sure what she actually contributes though…”
“You mean besides the emotional trauma?” You drunkenly joke.
“You’re right.” Jungkook nods quickly. “How could I forget about that…so, she really does work hard.” He can’t help but break out into a deep, rumbling laughter that he feels in his entire body.
Your eyes widen a little, “Wait, maybe we shouldn’t joke about that.”
“Why not?” Jungkook reaches for his drink and takes a generous sip. “Joking is how I cope.”
“Ah, this is why we got along in college.”
“It was also because you were hot.”
“So, back to you.” Jungkook takes another sip of his drink.
“Me? Why don’t we get Lorenzo to tell us his life problems instead?” You whine, but you hear Lorenzo speak up immediately.
“Leave me out of your little sob fest. Some of us actually have serotonin running through our bodies.” He shakes his head at you and Jungkook but you can see a small, smart ass smile on his face. 
“Come on, y/n.” Jungkook places his drink back down, his head resting in his hand. “You’re sad about two guys right now, right? But let’s be real, one is making you a whole lot sadder than the other.”
You narrow your eyes at Jungkook before scoffing, “I mean, I guess. But I’m sad for different reasons.”
“Different reasons?”
“Namjoon…I’m sad because I feel bad. Like shit, actually. I feel like I disappointed someone so great and I don’t want him to hurt. I messed it up.”
“And Jimin?”
“I don’t know.”
“You do.”
You roll your eyes at this, “Okay. I’m sad because he doesn’t have feelings for me.”
“And why does that make you feel sad?”
“I don’t know.”
“You do.”
You glare at Jungkook now.
He laughs a little, “Listen, I don’t think you’re a bad or selfish person, y/n, right? You’re not so conceited that you’re sad about someone not having romantic feelings for you.”
You’re quiet.
“You’re sad because that someone isn’t returning your romantic feelings for them.”
You raise a brow at Jungkook, holding in another scoff, “Who’s psychoanalyzing now?”
“You’re avoiding.” He tells you simply. “Why?”
“Why…?” You repeat his question and your hazy brain is surprisingly capable of reminding you why.
“I told you that you’re afraid of having a love again like what you had with me and you said ‘maybe’ but I think the thing you’re afraid of is me.” Jimin’s eyes bore into yours, his gaze so intense as they gloss over. “And,” He gulps. “I fucking get it. Because I,” He pauses, gaze still set on you as he tries to push down his emotions. “I am also so fucking afraid of you.”
“I’m afraid.” You tell Jungkook, eyes ahead, unfocused as you stare at nothing. 
“Afraid? That’s it? y/n…” He drags out your name, almost in the tune of song you might recognize. “I have mommy and daddy issues.” He points out with a smirk, “If I can juggle two things and still get out there then you can handle your one.”
You keep staring ahead before you start chuckling, “Lorenzo,” You call out for your old friend. “Another round of shots!”
Jungkook’s loud laughter is ringing in your ears but your own witch like cackle isn’t any better. Lorenzo watches the two of you as he dries more glasses from the night, laughing to himself as you and Jungkook are both unaware that he switched you guys to water over an hour ago.
“But seriously, y/n.” Jungkook tries to calm himself from laughing about…whatever it is someone said that you two found hilarious. “After everything you’ve told me about this whole Jimin thing and all your fears and insecurities…doesn’t it sound like you should just,” He pauses to burp, “Sorry, but anyway, shouldn’t you just like, go to therapy?”
“Therapy?” You slur, “You’re one to talk!” You shove his shoulder with your hand. “I’ll go to therapy if you go to therapy for the fact that your dad didn’t talk to you for two years because you didn’t want to join his company!” 
“I went to my own brain therapy!” Jungkook sings out, “I’m basically cured.”
“What the hell is brain therapy?”
“The therapy in my own brain where I talk to Dr. Jeon.” Jungkook smirks at you, “He’s a sexy doctor.”
“He sounds made up.”
“He’s me?”
“Yeah.” You give a curt nod. “A you that doesn’t exist. Are you actually a doctor?”
“Well, no.” 
“Well, at least I’m trying! What are you doing to end all of those insecurities and fears you have?!” Jungkook drunkenly shouts at you, despite being a foot away. 
“Oh my god, you guys are so drunk.” Lorenzo shakes his head. “Order a ride soon, we closed 20 minutes ago.”
“I’m trying too!” You shout back, words slurred. 
“I don’t know!”
“Okay, okay.” Jungkook’s hand goes to the back of your chair, “You just, listen, y/n, you just got to like, listen, okay?” 
“Yeah.” You nod.
“Okay, great, listen, okay?”
“Exactly.” You say.
“Okay, so basically, like, just listen really quick, I have the answers—”
“Okay, good, listen—“
“Tell her the fucking point already, dude.” Lorenzo drags a hand down his tired face. 
“Were you not listening?” You look at Lorenzo, “He was doing that.”
“I’m just going to order the ride for you guys.” Lorenzo nods to himself as he brings his phone out.
“y/n.” Jungkook gets your attention again.
“Hm?” You lazily blink at him, your eyes glassy and far away from this world. 
“You got to just really end all of these fears of yours. They’re holding you back and for what? Why do you, why do you, why do you….”
“Right.” Jungkook nods. “Why do you want…honestly I forgot what I was saying.”
“Me too.” You tell him. “Wait, it was about me ending my fears. And you’re right.” You sigh out, legs swinging as you pout to yourself. “I’m letting all these bad things dictate how I live myself.”
“Exactly!” Jungkook yells out, “You’re afraid and insecure and not to mention apparently in a one sided love.”
“I don’t want to remember that.”
Lorenzo laughs at this, “Don’t worry, you’re drunk enough you really might forget.”
“y/n!” Jungkook grabs you by the shoulders and his eyes bore into yours. “I know everything inside your head now.” He tells you, “And I think you just need to make him fall in love with you! But first, allow yourself to love him too!”
“You’re crazy!” You start giggling. “But also, maybe you’re right.”
“End these insecurities! End these fears! End that voice in your head discouraging you! End it all!” Jungkook cheers loudly and you start feeling hyped up thanks to him.
“You’re right!!!! I’m going to end it all!” You start cheering along with Jungkook, both of you raising your drinks in celebration.
“To ending it all!!!!”
 As soon as you take a sip of your drink, giving a satisfied ‘Ahh’ even though it’s just….water. You pull out your phone and search for Jimin’s name in your text threads. You want him to know you can overcome this fear. You will end these horrible thoughts telling you that you could never be happy again. You press ‘send’ on the text you just wrote and slide your phone in your purse, feeling more than satisfied. 
“I’m going to overcome this,” you say a bit softer, “And I’m going to have Jimin fall in love with me!”
Sober you is probably going to really question where all of this is coming from.
“That’s the spirit!” Jungkook fists pump the air before he’s turning towards Lorenzo. “But if it doesn’t work out with Jimin, hit me up. Anywho, buddy, another round of shots, please.” 
“Another? Round of…? You know what, sure.” Lorenzo nods, taking two shot glasses and filling them with water. “Here ya go.”
“Cheers!” You and Jungkook shout in unison, clinking your glasses together and downing the shots.
“Ouch,” Jungkook rubs his throat before winking at Lorenzo, “This stuff burns! You’re not giving us the cheap stuff, right?”
“Totally.” Lorenzo nods his head with a straight face. 
“Party, party!” You sing to yourself, slurring every word.
“Party, party, yeah.” Jungkook nods in agreement. 
You and Jungkook talk and laugh for another 45 minutes before Lorenzo tells you both that it’s time to go home. He escorts the both of you outside and tells you a ride will be here for you soon. You sway in your spot, shoulder bumping into Jungkook every now and then and he giggles. 
“This looks a bit better than your mental breakdown earlier.” Jungkook tells you.
“Yeah.” You agree quietly, your eyelids feeling so heavy—along with every limb on your body. “I think you really helped me sort some things out.”
“It’s okay to be sad for a little bit,” Jungkook stares ahead at the empty parking lot. “But if there’s solutions, you should take some time to try to find them.”
“And y/n?”
“There’s always solutions.” Jungkook chuckles to himself, “Whether it be your sexy brain doctor that’s just you playing dress up. Which would be really hot by the way.”
“Shut up.”
“But you’re right. Thanks, Jungkook.” You squint your eyes when you see a car approaching the two of you, the headlights almost blinding.
“Let’s get you home.”
The driver pulls up to your apartment complex and you struggle to open your eyes but Jungkook’s insistent nudging is enough to make you groan out loud.
“What?” You whine out, “What is it?”
“Is this the right address? This is your apartment?” He gestures out the window for you to look.
“Oh, yeah.” You glance around, “I live here.” 
“Okay, I’ll walk you to your door. Come on,” Jungkook opens the door and slides out, extending his hand for you to take it so he can help you out of the car. “I’ll be back, man!” Jungkook tells the driver.
“Home sweet home.” You slur, your arm wrapping around Jungkook’s waist as you try to walk forward. “That building is mine, I live like right there.” You point, “First floor.” 
“Cool.” Jungkook’s arm goes around your shoulder. “Don’t walk too fast, you’ll trip.”
“If I trip, you’d probably fall with me.”
“Exactly.” Jungkook shudders, “I can’t injure another ankle!”
“Ouchie.” You give him your sympathy. “Almost there.”
You walk towards your building and you see your door in sight and you have never felt more elated. You’re going to sleep so fucking good. As you two get closer to your door, you start to make out two bodies coming near you and possibly the sound of your name being said over and over. 
You raise a fist to your eyes as you rub them in hopes you’ll be able to see better, vision looking a little clearer as you realize two bodies are coming towards you.
And suddenly your face is being cradled by a pair of hands you instantly recognize, the soft feeling all too familiar. 
“Jimin?” You slur, eyes opening wider as you realize Jimin is in front of you, hands on your face as he inspects you from head to toe.
“Are you okay?” He breathes out roughly, “Are you alright? y/n?”
“Am I alright?” You tear your eyes off him to look around you, Jungkook off to your side when you see he’s talking to Taehyung who looks as worried as Jimin.
“Why have you not been answering your phone? I’ve been texting and calling you like fucking crazy.” Jimin’s hands haven’t left your face. His fingers brushing your cheeks in a repetitive motion. “You’ve had me so fucking worried. Where’s your phone?”
“My phone?” You blink at him in confusion. “Uh,” You lift your purse between your bodies. “In here.” 
Jimin exhales a deep, deep breath before his forehead sticks to yours. “Tell me you’re okay.”
“I’m…I’m okay.” You try to assure him. “What’s going on?”
“Your text.” He tells you, peeling himself away from you. 
“Huh?” You bring your purse closer to you, hand digging around to find your phone. When you grab it, you click it on and see…a lot of notifications. 
66 unread messages
34 missed calls
23 missed calls
49 missed calls
114 unread messages
You click your phone off, gulping as you stare at Jimin. “What exactly happened?”
“What happened?” Jimin looks at you incredulously. “You sent this fucking message and then went MIA! I had to call Hoseok and see if he’s heard from you or knew where you were…but shit, you couldn’t have checked your phone?!”
“What message?” You tilt your head, “Jungkook, you let me drunk text?!” 
“Jungkook?” Jimin squints his eyes at you before his head turns in Jungkook and Taehyung’s direction. As if realizing for the first time that Jungkook is even here. “Why are you with Jungkook?”
Jungkook comes next to you, “Hey man.” He greets Jimin with a drunken smirk, “What’s this about a drunk text?”
“This.” Jimin holds his phone out to both of you. You and Jungkook lean in and try to read the message.
y/n 🥰  2:22am
im gonna end it all
“Damn, y/n.” Jungkook looks at you, “That’s kind of dark.”
“Huh? No, I’m clearly talking about ending all the things we said.” You tell Jungkook, “Ending my insecurities and fears and stuff. I just wanted to give Jimin the good news…”
“You told him?! Wow, proud of you.” Jungkook grins, raising his hand up for a high five which you gladly give him even though you completely missed his hand. ”Look at us, maybe we don’t need therapy after all.”
“We’re basically each other’s therapists!” You squeal excitedly, “It’s better than your imaginary doctor self, right?”
“Hmm,” Jungkook nods but he’s contemplating. “I don’t kn—”
“What the hell is going on here?” Jimin cuts you two off from more drunken conversation. “Why are you even with Jungkook?”
“Why…?” You glance between the two guys, noticing how Taehyung has come to Jimin’s side. “Because we were hanging out.”
“Why?” Jimin looks between you and Jungkook, a concern look on his face.
“Because…” You start trying to think of your answer. It is kind of crazy how you and Jungkook ended up meeting tonight and hanging out. You both spilled all of your thoughts and feelings and it honestly has felt so liberating. It’s like Jungkook was inside your head all night, he was inside your heart, just so completely inside you, knowing everything about you. “He was inside me tonight.” You say with a soft, genuine smile while everyone else chokes on their spits. 
“W-What?” Jimin coughs, “Just…what?”
“It’s like…he came inside me…and…” And he understood every thought and feeling. 
“He what inside you?!” Taehyung shouts, his jaw threatening to fall to the ground. 
“Ya heard her.” Jungkook drapes an arm over your shoulder. “We’re connected now.” He smirks at Jimin and Taehyung, his head glancing behind him quickly before he looks at Jimin and Taehyung again—then his head whipping behind him again. “Wait, shit. The driver left.”
“I can give you a ride.” Taehyung shakes his head as a smile tugs at his lips. “Jimin are you…?”
“I’ll stay with her for a while.” Jimin’s eyes are on you only, his gaze as intense and worried as 5 minutes ago “That’s okay, y/n?”
“Hm? Yeah, it’s okay.” You nod, shrugging yourself out of Jungkook’s hold as you step closer to Jimin. “I—”
“I’m going to call Hoseok, hold on.” Jimin sighs out, tapping on his screen. “He was fucking worried too, y/n. He wanted to come here to find you but I told him I’d take care of it. But I also told him I’d keep him in the loop.”
“I don’t even want to know what his texts say.” You slump your shoulders. “But I know he called me a ‘dumbass’ in at least half of them.”
Jimin just looks at you, eyes still pooled with his concern but he tries to ease his worries since he sees you in front of him now. He brings the phone to his ear and waits for Hoseok to answer and on the third ring, he does.
“Hey. Yeah, she’s here. Yup, drunk off her ass.” Jimin’s eyes slide over to you again, “I know. Apparently it was a misunderstanding…I don’t really know. Yeah, yeah. Okay, I’ll tell her. Right now?” Jimin exhales a deep sigh, “Okay.” He nods before lowering the phone to his shoulder as he directs his words towards you now. “y/n.”
“Hoseok told me to tell you…”
“That you’re a dumbass.” Jimin says with a straight face before bringing the phone back to his ear. “Yeah, I told her. She uh, kind of just nodded like she’s aware. Mhm. Okay, I’ll talk to you later man. Thanks. Yeah, thanks. See ya.”
“Well, I guess we’re going to head out then.” Taehyung says before coming towards you, scooping you up in his arms and squeezing you to his body. “Don’t worry us anymore, okay?”
“Sorry, sorry.” You mumble in his chest. Taehyung releases you and pouts. 
“If anything bad happens to you, you realize me and Jimin would physically feel it, right?”
“Yeah, since we’re soulmates.” Taehyung says matter of fact. “Like, I’m pretty sure if you hurt your wrist, my own wrist would also start hurting.”
“I forgot how fucking weird Taehyung is about the three of you.” Jungkook stares at his friend with wide eyes. “Let’s go, dude. I need fast food before sleeping.” 
“Alright, alright.” Taehyung grins but then his expression grows soft as he leans into your ear, “And when your heart hurts, mine also hurts. Same goes for Jimin. Let’s be happier, okay?” 
Taehyung leans away from you and you feel your eyes water immediately and you drunkenly pout at him, “Taehyung.” You cry out dramatically. 
“y/n!” Taehyung dramatically calls out your name as well before crushing your body again with another hug. 
Jimin smiles a little at the interaction before trying to shoo his friends away.
“Bye guys!” Jungkook sings out, “Bye bye y/n!”
You and Jimin sit on your couch, laying back on it as your eyelids feel so heavy again. Your entire body is ready to enter rest mode for at least a solid 15 hours. You’d fall asleep right here but you can feel Jimin’s worried eyes on you, his entire tense body is creating enough concern.
“Relax, would you?” You mumble quietly. “I can feel how on edge you are and its making it harder for me to fall asleep.”
“Sorry.” Jimin sighs, “I’ve just been…stressed.”
You lazily turn your head, cheek pushing up against the couch cushion as you crack open an eye to look at Jimin. He’s struggling to find a breath before he tries to give in, his back finally hitting the cushion. 
“Yeah.” His head tilts back and his eyes find the ceiling. “I was scared. How was I supposed to make sense of your text? Words like that aren’t that hard to decipher, right?”
“Jimin, when have I ever said anything to make you think—”
“I don’t know.” He slowly shuts his eyes. “Maybe my mind just assumed the worst and I just keep thinking about a possibility of losing you and…” He stops. 
“I’m here.” You drunkenly reach out towards him, your fingers brushing against his arm and he feels his heart starting to beat faster and faster. 
Jimin’s eyes open again and his head turns towards you. Eyes meetings yours and you swear if you weren’t ready to admit you might be in love with this man a few hours ago then you sure as hell would be ready to admit it right now. His heart is in his eyes. 
“Always be here.” He whispers. “I can’t lose you.” 
There’s a slight tremble in his voice as he does nothing to hide his own fears. Voice dripping in something pained and something vulnerable. 
“You won’t.” You assure him. Your heart feels weaker because you are 100% sure that at the end of his words, ‘I can’t lose you.’ There was a silent ‘too.’ 
Jimin keeps his eyes on you as he takes a deep breath, “I’m sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have acted like that…I just…do what makes you happy. I’ll be happy as long as you are.”
You stare at him and you feel him. You feel his heart. And you’re so stuck. He cares about you and you’ll just have to be satisfied with that. Have you been a fool this entire time? A fool to think you wouldn’t be here again, staring in the eyes of the man you once wholeheartedly gave yourself to? That you wouldn’t be here…so willing to do that again. Maybe it’s just about time—maybe he needs time. Time to fall in love. Or you’re just drunk and getting ahead of yourself all over again.
“It’s okay.” You tell him, “We’re okay.” 
Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god. Who the hell is calling you at this hour? It’s way too fucking early to be receiving some ungodly phone call at some ungodly hour. You’re rolling around in your bed, sheets and blanket getting all tangled up as your hands roam the mattress beneath you. You finally feel the coldness of your cellphone, fingers grasping it before you hold it in front of your face, eyes squinting ridiculously as you see who the hell is calling.
“What?” You grumble.
“Wakey, wakey!” Your best friend sings out, “It’s like 3pm so I think it’s time we get our lives together!” 
“It’s too early.”
“It’s never too early for me to scold you!” He continues to sing, “So, on that note.” He suddenly gets serious. “What the fuck were you thinking?! ‘I’m gonna end it all!’ Like, dude, let’s be serious real quick—”
“It made sense to me!” 
“In what world does that sound anything but—”
“I was…Listen, it was a whole conversation and I think I made majority of it in my head and only texted out the part I thought was most important…”
“y/n,” Hoseok releases a deep breath, “You scared Jimin shitless. Even me! I wasn’t too worried but then you weren’t answering.”
“I was so drunk, Hobi. I didn’t feel my phone at all!”
“Pretty sure you took like 10 years off Jimin’s life.”
“Shit…” You roll on to your side, cuddling with your pillow. “I feel bad, really. Last night was a journey for everyone.”
“Where did you go anyway?”
“Lorenzo’s bar.”
“Anyway, I was there—sulking. And suddenly, Jungkook, from college was there!”
“I have no idea who that is.”
“…..Girlfriend stealer Jungkook.”
“Oh, the hot guy?”
“Yes, him. Anyway, we ended up just venting about our lives and got super drunk and then he was totally hyping me up about Jimin and—“
“Hyping what up?”
“Oh. Right. Okay. I should probably fill you in on some—wait, how did things go with Dae?!”
“Don’t change the…okay, hold on, because it’s actually a pretty big deal.” Hoseok tells you and you can hear the sudden giddiness in his voice. “We talked. And talked.”
“And kissed. And kissed.”
“And fucked. And fuck—”
“Okay.” You laugh, “So things went well?” “Way better than I thought it would. I was nervous as hell but once I kind of just tried explaining myself she was so fucking cool. Really understanding and I don’t know, she just…we just click, I guess.”
“That’s…” You feel yourself beginning to grin, you heart leaping in joy. “Hobi, I’m happy. That’s great. So what does this mean?”
“We’re going on a date today.” He tells you, giddiness still evident. “Her and Taehyung are leaving at like 8 tonight so I got until then. She’s actually in the bathroom getting ready.”
“How’s Taehyung taking it?”
“I talked to him on the phone before I called you to let him know and…well, he went on a whole speech about how we’re already brothers for life but now we’re brothers for real. I tried explaining Dae and I aren’t getting married but then he started shouting into the phone about how I should already be thinking about that if it’s with Dae…anyway, Dae hung up on him for me.”
You start giggling at this, “Classic Taehyung.”
“Anyway, so what’s this Jungkook guy hyping up?”
“Oh. It’s—shit,” You bring your phone to your face again when you see another incoming call. “Naomi is calling me. She’s supposed to come over today and fill me in on everything.”
“Oh yeah, Jeremy has been blowing up my phone.”
“It’s crazy, right? Everyone says it was so obvious?!”
“How the fuck was that obvious?! Next they’re going to say we’re going to hook up.”
“Please think before you speak.” You shudder.
“You’re right, saying that triggered my gag reflex.”
“Anyway, I’ll call you later or something. Let me answer this!”
“Okay, okay. Bye!”
“Hello?” You say as soon as you answer Naomi’s call, “What’s up?”
“Hey! I just got home so I could drop off Bacon but if you’re down I could come over now?” Naomi says on the other line, “I could be there in like 10.”
“Oh shit.” You mumble, trying your best to sit up in bed. “Okay sure but just know I’m hungover as hell.”
“Damn…” Naomi chuckles, “Rough night?”
“We can fill each other in when you get here.” You tell her before you’re both saying bye and hanging up. You throw yourself back onto the mattress, head feeling heavy and room not exactly still. Well, you’re not drinking again for at least a month.
After washing up and changing into some clean clothes, you make your way into your kitchen to make some tea. Your eyes land on a small pile of dishes in your sink and you groan. You’ll do them later. You plant yourself in one of the chairs at your kitchen island and start scrolling through your phone to get a look at all the unread messages from last night. There’s a lot but some stick out more than others. 
Jimin 2:36am
Please answer your phone y/n
Jimin 2:38am
Youre really driving me crazy please just look at your phone
Jimin 2:41am
Babe please
Taehyung 2:44am
My soulmate senses are tingling 
Taehyung 2:44am
Hey where are you
Taehyung 2:45am
Me and jimin are worried please call us back love you
Hobi:)) 2:50am
What the fuck y/n
Hobi:)) 2:50am
Is this just you being dramatic or should I actually be worried
Hobi:)) 3:01am
Answer me you dumbass 
There’s about a hundred more from Hoseok that are just yelling at you and then some are just texts with exclamation points, some texts are just him saying he loves you but mostly it’s a lot of yelling. You click your phone off and sigh to yourself, feeling bad about causing such a dramatic misunderstanding. It made sense to you at the time even though it’s all a little blurry—oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. 
Suddenly, you’re remembering more from last night and all your drunken venting and drunken confessions. You aren’t 100% sure but you think you gave Jungkook the impression that you are in love with Jimin. You’re starting to think that you gave yourself the impression you are in love with Jimin. 
You sit here, mind replaying different pieces of conversation and—
“Jungkook, seriously.” You slur, trying not to laugh at his silly faces. “Be serious!” You hit his shoulder and he relaxes, giving you his full attention again. “I really did like Namjoon, I swear.”
“But he’s not Jimin, right?” Jungkook smirks at you, “Come on, y/n. You guys were so in love back in the day.”
“But it’s not back in the day.” You frown now, “But that’s a good thing. We’ve grown up a lot and experienced new things and well, I don’t know.”
“Okay, so you liked Namjoon but….but what?”
“I don’t know. When I look at Jimin it takes everything in me to not just…” You look at Jungkook intensely with big, wonderous eyes as you clutch your chest. “He’s just so…” 
“Damn.” Jungkook shakes his head, trying not to laugh at your dramatics. “I don’t think you were even this whipped back then.”
“I’m…I’m not…” You quickly bring your hands back down to your lap. “He just feels so special, maybe.” You spin in your barstool to face the bar top again. “He’s my person.” Your voice is quieter and Jungkook gazes at you with soft eyes. He watches you sulk but he’s pretty sure he’s remembering Jimin saying something similar to this when he saw him last.
“Just admit you’re in love with him already.” Jungkook scoffs with a grin growing on his face. “That’s phase 1…after that, we can commence with phase 2.”
“W-What’s phase 2?”
“Leave that to the big boys.”
“Nothing. Anyway, if things don’t work out with you guys, we can just get married. My parents are loaded, aren’t you ready to marry into a rich fam—”
Your lips lift into a smile as you roll your eyes at Jungkook’s words but your heart does feel a pinch or maybe a tingle at the rest of the conversation you’re remembering. Wow, drunk you was so shameless last night. Shameless or just facing the truth and being honest about it? Your brain starts sorting through several different moments you’ve had with Jimin since he came back home. You’d be ridiculously stupid to deny that you love him. Of course you do. But being in love is different and so much more dangerous. Especially with him. Because he’s the most dangerous of them all. 
But if someone is that dangerous for your heart it means something, doesn’t it? If you can easily admit Jimin is the one who could cause you the most pain—again—it’s because he’s also the one who causes you to be…shit. You rest your head against the cold granite countertop and shut your eyes. You’re going to enjoy these last 5 seconds of ignorance. 5…4…3…2…1. 
You’re in love with Jimin. Again.
You lift your head again, eyes opening and staring ahead at the dirty dishes in your sink. Well, those 5 seconds were nice but now you live in a world where you are aware of your feelings. The same world where you have to clean dishes—the dirty dishes existed in your previous world too—the world where you weren’t hyperaware of your feelings. But this doesn’t mean they didn’t exist. Just like the dirty ass dishes.
Your body jumps a little at the sound of knocking on your front door…Naomi is here, you think. “It’s open!” You yell out as loud as you can, “Open!!!!”
Your head twists in the direction of the door, eyes wide as you wait for it to open but much to your annoyance…nothing. “I said it’s open…” You mumble to yourself before sliding off the barstool and going towards the door. You look through the peep hole and see Naomi standing on the other side, totally oblivious to your yelling. 
“Hi.” You greet Naomi flatly, “Welcome.” You open the door wide so she can step through but before she does she looks you over and nods her head enthusiastically.
“At least we both look like shit.” She sings out, walking inside your apartment. “I’m not saying I’m happy you look so totally and miserably hungover but I’ll admit it makes me feel a little better.”
“Hold on.” You tilt your head in confusion, eyes raking over her body. Her curls are perfect as always, her nails look like they just got done and her overall outfit almost looks Sunday brunch worthy. “This is you looking like shit?” 
“Dude,” Naomi gestures towards herself and then her hand gently lifts up the bottom of her blouse, exposing her jeans. “They aren’t even buttoned.” 
“Damn…” You finally shut the door and nod in understanding, “We really are going through it.”
Naomi exhales slowly, her eyes landing on you and a sudden softness enters them. “Seems we have a lot to catch each other up on, huh?”
“Seems like it.” You laugh a little before going towards your living room, body flopping onto your couch, quick hands pulling the designated couch blanket over yourself. “You go first though because my shit has unraveled like scenes in a predictable movie. You on the other hand…” 
“God, I’m probably not any better.” Naomi sits next to you, her own fingers tugging on the blanket as she urges you to share it with her. “Who knew clichés were this powerful?” 
“Guess they’re cliches for a reason.” You shrug, “So?”
“Right.” Naomi leans back onto the sofa, her eyes finding the ceiling and you watch her as she thinks. Funny how all your guests seem to take comfort in your ceiling. “Okay…I honestly don’t even know where to begin.” 
“Well, I already know the ending. What if you work backwards?” 
“Okay…” She starts nibbling on her plump lips, her lipstick beginning to disappear. “Me and Jeremy…god!” She suddenly starts chuckling to herself before throwing her face in her hands. “Why can’t I even say it?! I feel so embarrassed!”
“Well, it is Jeremy.” You joke but then quickly pretend to zip your lips closed when Naomi glares at you, “Sorry.”
“Listen, I know this is—this is weird. I know that.” Naomi takes her eyes off you and they go back to the ceiling. “Jeremy is our friend and the four of us…me, you, Hoseok and Jer…we’re…friends. I feel like this stupid thing me and Jeremy did might ruin the group.”
“Stupid thing?” You lean back onto the sofa, head digging deeper into the cushion. “According to everyone this was an expected thing.” 
“Expected or not…it was still stupid.” She murmurs, “I don’t want anything to change between us or anyone or—”
“Change isn’t bad.” You tell her,  your own eyes going to the ceiling now too, the place with all the answers. “I’m curious how it happened though…had this been building? Or was it out of the blue? Or—”
“Both?” Naomi sighs out, “It was out of the blue…but it also somehow felt like I was saying ‘finally’ the entire time…” 
“Oh.” You glance at your friend,  suddenly more worried than before. “You guys…you actually…oh.”
“He came over after his date and he was telling me all these exciting things about it…you know how he gets.” She says and you nod. “And I asked him why he didn’t actually look excited and then I asked why he was at my place if it went so well…”
“He didn’t really have an answer for either.” Naomi tells you. You think you can understand why he didn’t—it’s because he did…have an answer, that is. “I let it be but it felt like after that things just changed.” She looks down now, eyes on her hands as her fingers play with the rings that are just loose enough. “He kissed me out of nowhere.”
“Bold.” You comment more to yourself.
“And he pulled away from me like he just made the biggest mistake of his life!” She pouts, “I felt so…I don’t know. But…we just kind of stared at each other and he kissed me again. And imagine my surprise when I was kissing him back. I was confused! Like, why the hell am I making out with Jeremy?!” She shakes her head dramatically, her curls bouncing on her shoulders and you can’t help but laugh at this. “But I was hit with even more confusion and also like,” She bites down onto her bottom lip as she searches for the right words. “Like…relief? Like kissing him felt confusing and also relieving? And that’s when the word ‘finally’ kept repeating in my mind!” 
“And we totally slept together.” She slumps her shoulders, “And it was good. Really good. But after…you know…we just got really awkward. So I made a joke about how we’re friends and he just kept it going! Friends this, friends that. And it went so far that we ended up steering away from everything and making it a point that we’re only friends even though I’m 100% sure I have a thing for him.”
“You realized that after sleeping with him?”
“No, I realized that on Friday when all I could think about was how I’m into the cringey things he does.”
“Ah.” Your mouth falls open as you realize. “The poetry.”
“It’s truly horrific and somehow I want him to share only that kind of thing with me.” She says with a straight face. “Gross, right?” 
You laugh at this, wondering how you and Hoseok have been so dumb about this but apparently Naomi and Jeremy are also dumb about this. When it doesn’t have to be dumb at all. 
“You know, talking to him could—”
“I think we both have silently agreed that staying friends is for the best.” 
“Silently?” You give her a pointed look, “It’s not a real agreement if it’s silent.”
“It’s just bad timing! I have reservations for Wednesday and it’s not like he’s not going to come…”
“Wednesday?” You squint your eyes at her before they comically expand, “Oh my god, your birthday dinner.” 
“Yup.” She responds dully, “He’s going to show up because we’re friends but…well, I don’t know why I’m saying ‘but’…if he didn’t show up, I’d be pissed.” She laughs now. “It’s just a weird situation that I’m hoping we will get over quickly. Plus, I’m sure he’s put together that I like him and he’s given me no indicator if he feels the same…so.”
“Aren’t you ignoring him?”
“He’s sent like a hundred texts and most are talking about the importance of our friendship.”
“Anyway, give me your story now. You and Jimin, huh? Not surprised but with the whole Namjoon thing…so?”
Monday morning and you’re wondering if you’re still dealing with a hangover. Or maybe this headache is stress induced. Well, either one works, you suppose. You just made it inside your office, stopping for a cup of tea before settling at your desk. You see Hoseok, Naomi and Jeremy are already here. Naomi greets you with a small smile before she faces her computer screen again and Jeremy gives a noncommittal wave. Your best friend, who sits right next to you, hasn’t even acknowledged you yet. 
“What’s so important on your phone that you can’t even say hi to me?” You plop onto the office chair before turning everything on. Hoseok just continues to look at his phone, an undeniably giddy smile on his face. “Hm?”
“Oh, nothing.” He sings out, “Just that Dae just called me handsome and her boyfriend in the same text.” He says before holding his phone out to you. You narrow your eyes and read her message and it’s true, her text says, ‘how’s my handsome boyfriends morning so far?’ and you can’t help but grin and roll your eyes. 
“Boyfriend? The date went that well? You guys move fast.”
“I get some people like to take things slow and that’s cool but both of us know what we want so why prolong that? So yes, your best friend here is a taken man.” Hoseok brings his phone back to his lap, eyes on his screen as he smiles down at it. Then it drops so suddenly before he’s whipping his head up at you. “Shit. I forgot you’re sad.”
You snort at this, heading shaking. “Well, at least you’re honest.”
“I won’t rub my happiness in your face, I—”
“Nah,” Your face glows from the monitor finally turning on. “I will gladly let you rub it in my face.”
“Ew, what are you letting Hoseok rub in your face?” Jeremy suddenly blurts, teasing in his voice as you find an eraser to throw at him.
“Seriously though, Hobi. This is great and you shouldn’t have to feel like you got to hold back when you’re this excited just because my own love life sucks.” 
Hoseok studies you for a moment before he gives you a look of appreciation, “Thanks.” He smiles at you, “Also, we have a meeting in like 30 minutes. Got pinged like 10 minutes before you walked in.”
“A meeting?” You groan, clicking the computer mouse as you go to check your e-mails. “It better not last more than 5 minutes…I have so much to do today.”
“It’s just to meet our new temp boss.” Hoseok tells you, “Probably won’t last long.”
“Shit, I forgot about that.”
“Maybe this one won’t want to fuck you!” Hoseok cackles to himself and Naomi and Jeremy join but then they quickly make eye contact and stop laughing. You guess they’re still being weird.
The four of you sit in the meeting room, you and Hoseok in the middle with Naomi and Jeremy on either side of you. Awkwardness continues. The room starts filling up one by one as everyone talks amongst themselves as they wonder about Mr. Lincoln’s nephew. You grow bored waiting, clicking your pen in and out before the room finally goes quiet when someone walks in.
“Good morning, everyone.” A confident voice fills the room and you look up to get a look at the new guy who will be bossing you around. Your fingers quickly stop fidgeting with the pen when it falls to the table, loud clinking echoes in the room and everyone’s eyes go to you. 
“J-Jungkook?” You blink up at the guy standing front and center. His face looks as surprised as you’re feeling. He looks so different than what you’re used to…his tattooed arm completely covered by the long sleeves of his dark blue suit, his hair pushed back and there’s a strong, established energy clinging to him. 
“y/n?” His mouth falls open, doe eyes wide and set on you before he’s quickly clearing his throat and offering a gentle smile. “It’s nice to see you but…” He glances around the room before smirking at you. “At work, please call me Mr. Jeon.” You’re about to snort at this but he moves on from you to properly introduce himself to everyone else and you realize he was…serious.
“Jungkook?” Hoseok leans in, whispering to you, “Like…girlfriend stealer Jungkook?”
“Dude…he’s so hot…” Naomi leans in your other side, “This is the guy from Saturday?”
“Yes,” You lean into Hoseok before swaying to your other side and leaning into Naomi, “And yes.”
You cannot believe this…Mr. Lincoln’s wife’s nephew is…Jungkook? Well, Jungkook did tell you he recently took an offer elsewhere to get a break from his parent’s company…
After the initial shock of your new boss being an old college friend who used to give you pot brownies, you’ve gotten comfortable at your desk, working your ass off to finish a report in time. It’s not even lunch time yet but you can already feel the pained discomfort growing between your shoulders, realizing you desperately need a break—or massage. 
“Hey.” You hear a voice from behind you, a voice you know. You swivel around in your chair and see Jungkook standing here, serious look on his face as he hands you a packet of papers. “Mind if I go over something with you?” He glances down at the papers he just gave you. You knew he would eventually come find you…you thought to chat but looks like it’s about…work.
“Sure.” You tell him and he relaxes his shoulders before pointing at the packet.
“Page 4.” He says calmly, “There’s a mistake in your report. You got some of the information wrong…it’s not a huge deal but with eyes on us in this term it’s just best if we find even the smallest of mistakes. It doesn’t reflect on just you but our entire time and we don’t want that. Can you have it revised before lunch?” 
“Sure, I guess—”
“Thanks, y/n.” Jungkook straightens his back, “Other than that, really good work.” He nods at you before heading off to his office. You stare at the now empty space where he was just standing, truly wondering who the hell this guy is. Jungkook? There’s no way…this is like his long lost twin or something.
“He’s so…different than what you described.” Hoseok rolls his chair closer to your desk, “Not what I imagined at all.”
“Me either.” Naomi walks towards you both, hands cupping a mug. “He’s like so…” She waves her hands around, assuming you’re understanding what she’s saying.
“Dude, same.  But maybe he’s just really serious about work?” You wonder more to yourself, “He’s under some serious pressure so I guess it makes sense.” You say before groaning when you look down at a past report. “Well, looks like I’m working through lunch.” You glance at the current report on your screen that isn’t even half way complete. “Will you bring me something back?” You say to Hoseok and he agrees.
With the work day finally winding down, you grin in satisfaction; you completed what you were working on plus revised the report Jungkook brought to you. You feel accomplished and to be honest, the productivity was nice…focused on something other than your life’s woes. You stand from your chair, packet in hand when you’re heading towards Mr. Lincoln’s office—well, Jungkook’s temporary office. You knock on the glass door and wait for permission to enter. You hear Jungkook’s voice call out for you to go inside. 
“Hi, Jung—Mr. Jeon.” You crack a tight smile as you slip into his office. “I have the revisions done—”
“—Dude!” Jungkook ushers you to close the door behind you and when you do he does nothing but grin at you, “How crazy is this?! This is seriously, wow.”
“Wow is one way to put it.” You chuckle, dropping the packet to his desk. “You take your job seriously, huh?”
“Well, yeah. In this world…” He chews on his lips, hand brushing through his hair. “I have to be. No room for error and—”
“I get it.” You assure him, “I’ll try not to make anymore mistakes.” You joke and he only continues to grin at you.
“Good, because who knows what I’d have to do with you.” He sits down at his desk, cheeky smile on his face. “I’d be nice though, since we’re connected and I’ve been inside you.”
The sudden coughing thanks to choking on your spit does look a little dramatic but it only makes Jungkook grin harder. “Excuse me?” 
“What? That’s all according to you.” He tells you simply. “So, how was the rest of your night? Are you and Jimin madly in love now?”
“What?” You whisper shout, “No!” 
“Weird.” He mumbles, “I guess phase two will really be set in motion…”
“Anyway, uh, so actually Wednesday is Naomi’s birthday and we’re going to a nice place for dinner and uh, you’re invited. Naomi says it’s cool. You don’t have to but you know, we’re technically friends and Jimin would be there too…”
“I’m there.” He smirks as he throws you some finger guns and then his face grows serious when his phone starts ringing. “Duty calls but good work today, thanks again. Go home and rest and see you tomorrow!” He quickly waves you off before answering the phone. “Jeon.” He says into the phone before smiling at you as you wave him goodbye.
Tuesday and it was another long day at work. The pain between your shoulders is driving you crazy and you really wish some expert hands were rolling out all the knots. It’s late, around 10 when you reach for your phone and find Jimin’s name.
y/n 9:44pm
hey just reminding you about naomis birthday dinner tmrw at 7
Jimin 9:44pm
I know
Jimin 9:45pm
Is Namjoon going too?
You read his second text and can’t help but dig your teeth into your bottom lip…he doesn’t know about Namjoon yet. And you don’t really feel like sharing it at the moment…who could blame you? Double rejection just isn’t a great look.
y/n 9:47pm
Jimin 9:47pm
Am I supposed to bring a gift?
y/n 9:48pm
lol no I think its ok
Naomi’s birthday and this is getting ridiculous. Naomi and Jeremy barely spoke yesterday either but today Jeremy told Naomi ‘Happy Birthday’ and she only replied with a bland, ‘Thanks friend.’ And he dryly responded with, ‘What are friends for?’ and they’ve been back to ignoring each other. You and Hoseok give one another knowing looks before deciding today might not be the day to interfere. 
Jungkook—or Mr. Jeon as he has reminded you and your friends to call him—is as professional as always. He walks around the office, looking over many shoulders and you can tell people feel nervous but he’s kind when he points something out, he’s actually helpful unlike Mr. Lincoln. 
It’s funny…he told you how much he dreaded all of this, how he wanted nothing to do with this lifestyle and tried so hard to escape this path (a path his parent’s created) but he looks so confident and really looks like he’s in his element. You wonder how he feels. 
“Mr. Jeon is going to scold me.” Jeremy whines at his desk, “I’ve literally got almost nothing done today…” His eyes look distant as they slowly dance across the office and they land on Naomi. “Today sucks.” 
“Mr. Jeon is going to praise me!” Hoseok cheers much to everyone else’s annoyance, “I finished up plus I ended up doing some extra tasks. He said he would pay me over time!” 
“Good for you.” You gaze at your own screen, completely unimpressed with your own work. “Must be nice to be so perfect.”
“It is nice.” Hoseok sticks his tongue out at you before he’s straightening himself, “Oh hey, Mr. Jeon!”
You lift your head higher to see Jungkook standing to your side, “Hey. Mind helping Myra with some document conversion? Apparently you’re the pro.”
“Yes, boss.” You salute him before standing and he hands you a sticky note that you take. “What’s this?” You say glancing down, eyes reading Jungkook’s messy handwriting. ‘Can’t wait to fucking party tonight!!!!!’ you can’t help but chuckle at this, realizing you should probably tell him it’s just a nice, simple dinner. 
The restaurant Naomi chose is the same as last year, a nice enough place that offers insta worthy birthday photos and food that actually has decent portions. You get here the same time as Hoseok, both of you walking inside to find the table that Naomi is already sitting at—miserably, might you add. You’re about to approach her when you feel your entire heart start to dance wildly in your chest. Jimin walks closer, looks like he’s coming back from the bathrooms, when he spots you and smiles. He’s got his hair out of his forehead and an outfit that makes you feel suffocated. These pants and this jacket…they’re doing wonders on—and suddenly you’re having to snap your head up to meet his eyes because you were totally checking him out.
“Hey.” Jimin’s arms extend out and he surprises you with a tight hug. Maybe it’s just a surprise because you’re still processing your weekend. “You look nice.” He tells you as he pulls away, “New shirt?” 
“Not really.” You glance down, knowing damn well it is new. 
“So,” Jimin looks at you, eyes on yours and you can’t help but tear your gaze away from him…you suddenly feel nervous. “How are—”
“Yooooooooo.” You can hear Jungkook’s voice from behind you. You quickly turn around and greet your boss.
“Hey, Mr. Jeon.” You say as you take in his appearance. Unstyled hair falling in his eyes, loose pants and short sleeve shirt that exposes his tattoos. You forgot this is what he usually looks like. Feels weird to call him Mr. Jeon now.
“Mr. Jeon?” You hear Jimin, his shoes clicking on the tiled floor when he walks closer, coming next to you. “Uh?” He glances between you both, clearly wondering why you’re greeting Jungkook this way.
“Oh.” You realize immediately. “He’s my boss.” You gesture towards Jungkook who just throws up a peace sign and grins.
“The y/n I used to know was so hard to boss around but now she follows every order.” Jungkook winks at Jimin who is looking more lost. Clearly not taking this seriously.
“How did you agree to call him that?” Jimin raises a brow, his question directing at you.
“It’s because—”
“Hey Mr. Jeon!” Hoseok comes towards you all, “Wow, you look…” He motions towards Jungkook’s body and Jungkook only throws up another peace sign.
“You too, Hoseok?” Jimin blinks in confusion. “What kind of game—”
“Wow, Mr. Jeon…” Naomi comes now too, “I was not expecting all of…this.” She checks him out fully and Jungkook just…does another peace sign.
“Naomi too?!” Jimin’s mouth is permanently parted as he looks at all of you in disbelief. “Why—”
“Mr. Jeon’s here too?” Jeremy makes his way towards you guys, last one to show up. 
“JEREMY TOO?!” Jimin blinks at all of you, “Jungkook? Why—”
“He’s our boss.” Hoseok chuckles when he realizes Jimin is genuinely confused. “His uncle is our usual guy but he’s on leave for a few months so we got him.” He points at Jungkook who throws up two peace signs now. “It’s not some weird thing y/n is doing on her own.” He continues to laugh and Jimin relaxes a little. 
“Anyway, guys.” Jungkook finds a seat at the table. “Mr. Jeon is dead after work hours. Only Jungkook exists now. Don’t even think about talking about work because I will revive your dead boss—Mr. Jeon—and fire you. That or make you get drunk as fuck and you’ll have to deal with a hangover at work during our 8 am meeting.” 
“You’re evil.” You laugh, taking your own seat as everyone gets settled at the table. 
“That is evil.” Jeremy shudders before suddenly nodding in approval, “But somehow I respect it.”
“Thanks, dude. Should we take a shot to get this birthday dinner started?” Jungkook starts perusing the drink menu, “It’ll be on me.”
“He’s rich.” You quickly explain to the rest of your friends.
“Wow, you couldn’t have said ‘he’s generous’ instead?” Jungkook leans into your side, “Both are right so I guess it doesn’t matter.” Then Jungkook directs his words towards everyone else, “She’s really into the whole ‘rich’ thing, huh? I already told her I would marry her!” 
Jimin chokes on nothing when he hears this, his expression growing more annoyed. God, this is exactly how he acted years ago! Jimin didn’t call him a ‘girlfriend stealer’ for nothing. 
“Shut up. He’s also cheeky as hell.” You giggle, “Jungkook, we aren’t here to party. It’s a dinner!”
“No, no.” Jeremy starts looking at the drink menu as well. “Mr. Jeon has got a point. Let’s take shots.” 
“He’s dead!” Jungkook cries out dramatically, “Only Jungkook lives!”
“Oh, right.” Jeremy nods. “Jungkook.”
“Looks like it’s just you two.” You glance around the table…no one else seems interested in drinking.
“Cool.” Jungkook and Jeremy say in unison with a shrug to their shoulders. Jimin is on your left side and he’s quieter than it makes you comfortable. You catch his eyes on you every now and then but it feels strange. But this could just be you overthinking your recently rejected state. 
It’s around 9pm when Jeremy and Jungkook are throwing back another shot and talking about which super powers they would choose. Naomi is telling you about how her sister is still trying to convince her to work remote and visit her in Mexico City where she’s currently living for work. 
Jungkook stops talking to Jeremy to sip more of his water before he’s throwing an arm over you, “Ah, this was us just a few days ago, y/n. We really bonded, you know?” He winks at you before finding Jimin’s eye and offering a coy smile. “We just really get each other.” He says more to Jimin who just sips his own drink.
“Cool.” Jimin mutters before his eyes go to Jungkook’s phone that vibrates on the table. “You going to get that?”
“Oh.” Jungkook looks down and smiles in excitement. “It’s Taehyung.” He reaches for the phone and speaks into it, “Hey. Yeah. No worries, dude. I got this. Operation is in the works.” Then he looks over at you and Jimin, “Mhm. You’ll see, you’ll see. Kay, bye.”
“What operation?” You quirk a brow at Jungkook and he ignores you.
“He says hi!” Jungkook turns back to Jeremy, “Anyway, here me out…what if teleportation isn’t just through spaces but also through time? Imagine—”
“You guys seem close.” Jimin picks up his water again, “Didn’t know one drunken night made you guys the best of friends.”
“Well, I also see him at work now.” You grab your phone to check the time, “But I wouldn’t say we’re close?”
“Should we give our gifts now?” Hoseok shouts over the table excitedly. 
“I’ll go first!” Jeremy slurs a little but Naomi shifts uncomfortably in her seat, “Here.” He hands her a small box and although she looks hesitant, she takes it. “Open it!” 
“No, it’s okay.” She avoids Jeremy’s gaze, “I’ll wait for later.”
And you’ve never seen Jeremy look more offended.
Thursday 8am meetings are no joke. You’re tired even if you slept a decent amount…early is early. You set your bag down on your desk and you see Jungkook enter through, Jeremy’s eyes light up, excited to see his new friend.
“Sup JK!” Jeremy goes for a high five as Jungkook walks past him, completely avoiding Jeremy’s hand.
“We’re at work, Jeremy.”
Jeremy cracks a smile before high fiving his own hand, “Right.” But then his smile completely fades when Naomi walks in and they go back to ignoring each other. 
Before you left for lunch today, Jungkook asked you if you wanted to get some ice cream after work and you had no real reason to say no…so here you are with casual Jungkook at an ice cream place just a block from the office. 
“It’s a candid photo!” Jungkook tells you when you try to tell him to delete the picture he just took of you. “It’s cute!”
“Gross.” You roll your eyes, “Who are you sending it to anyway? Taehyung?”
Jungkook looks up from his phone, his big eyes looking innocent before he shows you his phone’s screen. An Instagram post. ‘I scream, you scream, we all scream at how cute y/n is.’
“What?” You look up at him, confused. “Why?”
“Just trust me. Plus, what’s the harm in posting my friend…” Jungkook smiles to himself, looking devious as the ‘likes’ start flooding in. 
It’s Friday night when you receive an interesting text from Jimin. An entire screenshot of Jungkook’s recent Instagram post with the caption, ‘is this really okay since he’s your boss?’
y/n 11:01pm
why wouldn’t it be
Jimin 11:02pm
Jimin 11:02pm
Not sure Namjoon would be okay with that? He’s a chill guy but even he has his limits, im sure
Jimin 11:02pm 
But maybe it isn’t my business, sorry
y/n 11:05pm
Namjoon wouldn’t even see it since he doesn’t know Jungkook 
y/n 11:05pm
but also it wouldn’t matter its not like were together
Jimin 11:08pm
?? you still haven’t talked to him?
y/n 11:09pm
we talked.
y/n 11:10pm
we ended things 
Jimin 11:11pm
Wait wait
Jimin 11:12pm
Wait what
Jimin 11:12pm
Ending things? You aren’t with him? You guys aren’t…? 
y/n 11:12pm
Jimin 11:15pm
Why didn’t you tell me??
y/n 11:15pm
maybe its embarrassing lol
Jimin 11:16pm
How is that embarrassing?? You should have told me…this…we’re all meeting up at hoseoks tmrw right? 
y/n 11:20pm
Jimin 11:24pm
Good…I really gotta talk to you
Jimin is feeling nervous. So nervous that he even got to Hoseok’s place way before the meeting time. It mostly worked out since Taehyung and Dae just got here too, Dae is already in Hoseok’s arms, teasing him about not kissing her in front of Taehyung. And there’s Taehyung pretending to worship Hoseok for saving his poor eyes from seeing that. 
Dae laughs before giving bad news, “Movie nights are cool but I really hate to break it to you guys but Taehyung does not shut up during a mov—” “—It’s only if the movie sucks!” Taehyung pouts.
“No, if it sucks, you usually just fall asleep!” 
“Wait, I talk during movies too. y/n hates it.” Hoseok chimes in with a nervous smile. 
“Great.” Dae deadpans, “My whole life I had to deal with Taehyung’s annoying ass during movies but now apparently my boyfriend is just as annoying.”
“Life is cruel.” Jimin chuckles, “Speaking of y/n…is she almost here?”
“Oh.” Hoseok looks at his phone now, “She said she was on her way like 15 minutes ago.”
And with the magic of great timing, he hears Hoseok’s front door swing up and you’re yelling cutely to announce your arrival. Jimin’s insides twist in a nervous but exciting kind of way. He’s been desperate to talk to you but especially after finding out you’re not with Namjoon. He can finally say everything he needs to say. 
He mentally prepares himself, body turned towards the hall he knows you’re about to walk through but when he listens carefully he can hear how you’re talking—talking to someone. Maybe Naomi? Or Jeremy? And then he feels that ugly feeling in his gut that he’s felt for the last week. You walk through with Jungkook at your side, both of you laughing before Jungkook catches Jimin’s eye and he’s throwing an arm around your shoulder.
“Jimin!” He yells out, bringing you closer to his frame. “Tell y/n that she’s being ridiculous!”
Jimin feels that ugly feeling deep in his body start to twist and turn uncomfortably as he raises a brow at Jungkook, “About what?”
“I told her she looks so freaking pretty today! But she’s trying to deny it.” Jungkook smirks, “Isn’t that crazy? I have eyes, y/n. And you look so—”
“She’s always pretty.” Jimin cuts in, tone colder than he’s wanting. “Anyway, hey.” He says, more towards you. “Mind if we talk a bit before—”
“I’m here!” Naomi calls out as she walks through the house as well, “And Jeremy is parking. Let’s all pretend he doesn’t exist.”
“Naomi.” You give her a disappointed look. “Can you guys just talk already?”
“He’s being the way he’s being so I’m going to be however I want.”
“That’s mature.” Hoseok shakes his head as he comes closer to you guys, “Anyway, I ordered pizza!”
“Oh!” You cheer excitedly, completely forgetting that Jimin wanted to talk to you. “Did you order my usual?”
“Yes, I unfortunately know your personal order by heart.” Hoseok shoves your shoulder lightly before leading everyone towards the kitchen. “Anyone want wine?”
“Me!” Naomi sings, “Full glass.”
“Jungkook!” Taehyung comes into the kitchen too, “My partner in crime!”
“You mean partner in good deeds.” Jungkook corrects him, “Only crime here is how good we look.”
“Fucking facts, man.” Taehyung glances over at you and Jimin who is going next to you for a glass of wine as well. “So, how’s it going?”
“It’s going to work this time.” Jungkook whispers towards Taehyung, “For real.”
“You know,” A very cheesy, satisfied grin starts forming on Taehyung’s face, “What we’re doing is probably so, totally and completely unnecessary…but it’s probably going to encourage them to talk.”
“It’s definitely unnecessary!” Jungkook’s smirk grows, “After what Jimin said the other weekend when you guys visited me? But,” His eyes narrow as he watches Jimin talking to you but glancing at him every now and then, “This is so much more fun.”
“It’s a fucking blast.” Taehyung nods in agreement. “We failed last time but this time?”
“This time Jimin won’t be a dumbass and let her go.” 
extra a/n: only two chapters left~
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ruh--roh-raggy · 5 months
Heart Of Wires (Sundrop/Moondrop x DCA!OC Piper) Part 2
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Hello hello! I am so sorry to all of my Monty fans for this chapter, I love him I promise but who better to play our villain this chapter? A couple warnings in this chapter, mostly just super fluffy and sweet as Piper and our Daycare Attendants get to know each other and start falling for each other. I hope you enjoy!! If you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know!!
WARNINGS: Monty is kind of a creep this chapter, he makes Piper uncomfortable, unwanted flirting, robot on robot violence, fighting, yelling, punching, mentions of workplace harassment, mention of a stalker, some swearing, I think that's it, if there's anything you would like me to add please let me know!
You can find my Masterlist here!
Word Count: 4,946
Part 1 - Part 3
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Piper adjusts the strap of her messenger bag on her shoulder as she rides up the escalator. This was the first morning she wasn't greeted with Merry’s cheerful expression as she walked into the Pizzaplex. Piper had been working in the daycare for almost a month at this point, she didn't need anyone to show her how to get there, but there was something odd about the bubbly blond being missing from her usual post. Typically, when Piper arrived, she was busy handing piles of maps to the line of Mapbots that were going through their daily pre-shift checks, wishing each of them a Faz-tastic day as they sped off. The Pizzaplex made Piper feel uneasy, being the only sign of life in such a massive space didn't feel right. She guessed she never really noticed that feeling with a friend by her side. She jumped out of the way of Staff bots that whizzed by her, carrying new boxes of neon balls over to the mini-golf course, bags of paper cups to El Chip’s. “Piper!” She nearly jumped out of her own skin when her voice was suddenly called. Her head snapped to the side, finding Merry heading in her direction. Piper froze in place, happy to see her friend, but terrified by the sight behind her. It was important to note that Merry was not a small woman. She stood around 5 '11, her whole body was broad and muscular from years of doing strenuous, physical labor, being the lead service technician here Piper could only imagine how strong Merry was. She would be willing to bet that Merry could crush her head like an egg with her bicep alone. So, at the sight of the hulking green alligator that sauntered behind her, absolutely dwarfing Merry, Piper had to stop herself from bolting to the daycare in search of safety.
“So this is the new DCA.” The Gator, she thinks his name was Montgomery, rumbles. “You didn't tell me she was cute.” He gazes at Piper hungrily, lips pulling back into a smile of sharp teeth. Piper swallows thickly, goosebumps erupting across her skin as she holds his leering gaze. There was a soft ‘tink’ of Merry slapping the animatronic’s arm.
“Stop it.” She shoots him a warning glance. “Piper, this is Monty. I figured I'd introduce him ahead of time since he’s going to be swinging by the daycare for a party later.”
“Yeah, I remember Sun telling me about that.” Her eyes stay subtly trained on Monty, not wanting to let him out of her sight. She could see him roll his eyes under his yellow and purple star shaped sunglasses.
“I thought you said it was just going to be me?” He mutters to Merry.
“Sun is going to be there to show Piper the ropes, okay? I know the two of you don't always see eye to eye-”
“That's an understatement.” He scoffs.
“As I was saying,” she cuts him off with an annoyed glare. “Try to get along.” Her expression softens as her attention turns back to Piper.
“It should be an easy day, you just have to keep them on schedule.” She reassures you. She groans as her pager beeps on her belt, she unclips it and quickly reads the message. “If it wasn't bad enough… first you have a golf ball lodged in your shoulder joint-” she trails off grumbling to herself. “Come on, I have to get you back to Gator Golf.” She waves for Monty to follow her. “We’ll catch up later, I want to hear all about your first party.” She smiles warmly at Piper, clapping her on the shoulder as she passes by.
“Guess I'll be seeing you later.” Monty winks at her as he passes by, quickly snapping his jaws in her direction so that she would get startled. He chuckles at her expression, giving Piper one final wave before he follows after Merry. Piper makes the rest of the trip to the daycare in silence, the whole interaction with Monty not sitting right with her. She sits on one of the brightly colored wooden benches in the daycare’s lobby for a moment. Piper remembers other men she had issues with in the past who started out acting like Monty just had with her. Being backed into office corners, trying not to gag from their coffee stained breaths as they stood too close to her. It took her years to shake the ex coworker who had started stalking her after she rejected him. She shook the thought from her head. She discarded her messenger bag in the staff only room before flinging herself down the slide with growing familiarity. She clatters into the ball pit, letting the feeling of the cool plastic pressing into her skin ground her from a moment as she allows herself to lay there. She hears Sundrop’s long, even strides approach her.
“Good morning Piper!” He greets her cheerily, pausing when he sees the agitated look on her face. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, just had a weird interaction this morning.” She explains with a sigh. “I think I just need a minute to level myself out.” When she spoke again Sun noticed the unmistakable tremor in her voice, she was nervous. He sits down on the edge of the ball pit, not wanting to risk overwhelming her by invading her space, he figured it would be best to let her decide whether or not she would come to him.
“Why does she look scared?” Moon’s voice rattles in the back of Sun’s head.
“Did something happen?” If he found out someone had hurt you-
“Have you ever met someone and the whole interaction just feels off?” Before he had a chance to fly too far off the handle she spoke up, the sound of her voice reminding him that this was about her, he needed to make sure she was okay before anything else. “I know I probably sound stupid, but just the way he looked at me… I don't know.” She glances to the side at the sound of plastic clattering against plastic. Sun was currently wading into the ball pit in her direction.
“Sunbeam,” he crouches down next to her, a look of concern painted across his features. Piper had to resist the urge to reach out for him, he was the only thing that seemed to provide any comfort to her at the moment. “I want to make you feel better, but for the life of me I can't seem to think of how I can do that.” He lets out a soft chuckle.
“He called me cute,” his entire body froze as he remembered Moon calling her pretty the first day they met. “It made me feel gross, I don't know how else to describe it.” He carefully retracted the appendage that rested closest to her, the temptation of taking her much smaller hand in his own flashing through his mind, but he knew that's the last thing she probably wanted right now.
“I’m sorry-”
“Sunny, why are you apologizing for something he did?” His eyes finally met hers, perfect blue little ponds that stood out like sapphires against her pale complexion.
“Well it's just, the day you started, Moon called you pretty. We just don't want you feeling gross about us, too.” He explains in an almost embarrassed tone. Piper sits up, stumbling slightly as the balls threaten to send her crashing to the floor beneath them. She maneuvers herself closer to him, putting herself directly into his line of sight.
“I need both of you to listen to me.” Her tone was firm, Sun had never seen her be so serious before. “Sunny, Moon, you are both wonderful. I look forward to coming here everyday because I get to see you. I don't think you're gross.” She chuckles as she reassures them. Her cheeks grew warm as she continued, “if anything I’m flattered that you think I'm pretty.” She smiles bashfully at them, causing him to feel that strange pang in his chest again. “He made me feel small… objectified…” She carefully chooses her words, not exactly sure what the passing comment from Monty made her feel but it was definitely somewhere in the neighborhood of what she was trying to articulate to Sun. “The two of you have never made me feel that way.” She finishes quietly, her eyes averting from his. He shifts slightly, wanting to pull her into a hug. Before he had a chance to agonize over asking for her permission or to just let it go, Piper made the decision for him. She pushes forward, wrapping her arms around his slim torso, his metal body cool against her burning cheeks. He thought he had blown a fuse for a second, he couldn't seem to think. But as he glanced down at her everything seemed to fall into place. Her body perfectly slotted against his, the soft smile that graced her lips. He embraces her tightly in return, her shoulders noticeably relaxing as if being close to him like this was enough to erase all the stress from her body.
“We won't let him make you feel like that again.”
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Who Piper assumed was the birthday boy bounded up to Sun the second he crawled his way out of the ball pit. “Well hey there, Eli! Happy birthday!” The large animatronic scoops the boy up into his arms with ease. “This is Miss Piper, she’ll be here to help make sure your big day is extra special!” He gives Piper a shy wave that she happily returns. The boy's bright green eyes scan around the room.
“Where's Monty?” Piper caught Sun twitch slightly out of the corner of her eye at the mention of his name.
“He’s going to be coming by later when we go upstairs for cake and ice cream!” He explains, bouncing the boy on his hip as he carries him off to his group of waiting friends. The party itself was simple enough to handle; 15 kids, a few extra activities than the normal day to day routine, nothing crazy. Sun had decided to keep a close eye on Piper, the whole ordeal this morning obviously making her a bit anxious. He loved watching her interact with the kids, she truly was amazing at it. Sun couldn't help but smile as he watched her admire a paper pal she was being presented with, the face nothing but googly eyes.
“I need to apologize to her.” Moon rasps.
“She said there was no need to Moon, she’s not upset with us.” Sun responds.
“Still, I would like to say something.” He grumbles. “And I would like to find out who exactly she had an interaction with this morning.”
“Me too.” Sun glanced up at the clock, there was about an hour left until Monty was due to show up. “Here, spend some time with her before cake, I don't need you being more irritable than usual while he's around.” Sun makes eye contact with Piper, making the motion of opening a book with his hands to signal it was story time.
“Alright boys and girls, we have one more activity before it's time for cake.” She explains in her usual chipper tone, earning a chorus of cheers from the group. “We’re going to have spooky story time with Moondrop.” She lowers her tone as she continues, setting the slightly eerie mood that made all the kids giggle in excitement. She groups all of them up, leading them into the nap room and having them all get settled around a fake campfire that had been set up in the middle of the room before turning off the lights. Sun stepped into the dark room and shut the door, Piper heard the soft whirs and clicks as Moon took center stage. He turns to face her and gives her a bashful smile.
“Piper, I know you said I didn't have to apologize for calling you pretty-”
“And I meant that.” She cuts him off with a flustered giggle, not expecting it to bring it up to her face so suddenly. “From him it felt malicious, from you it was a sweet compliment.” She explains, trying to put him at ease. He offers her his arm, a routine she had gotten used to in order for Moon to easily guide her through the dark room. She rests a hand on his forearm.
“I hope you have your best scary story prepared, I feel like this is going to be a tough crowd.” He jokes, smiling at her soft laughter.
“Oh, I'm bringing my A-game, I hope you can keep up.” She winks at him. Piper takes her seat, Moon greeting all of the children before plopping down at her side. The small circle was filled with giggling as Piper and Moondrop took turns telling their spooky stories. “The old woman pulled the blankets over her head as the intruder's footsteps thudded in the hallway, where is my tooooooeeeee.” She draws out the word in a ghostly tone, earning squeals and laughter from the group. Piper pauses to laugh herself for a moment. “She hears her bedroom door creak open.” She mocks the motion of opening a door as she lets out a high pitched creak of her own. “The footsteps walk up to her bed, the old woman lays there as silent as possible. You have it!” She suddenly exclaims, earning more squeals and screams from the group that quickly dissolves into giggles. She feels Moon’s hand bump into the side of hers, she can't stop the blush that immediately spreads across her cheeks as her eyes land on his expression of pure adoration. There was a knock at the door before it was opened up, a staff member alerting you that it was time for cake. The children rushed out of the room in an instant, Moon and Piper chuckled at their excitement. Moon stood, offering Piper his hand to help her up from the floor. His fingers remained wrapped around her hand for a few moments after she had stood, his thumb running over her knuckles before he dropped it, clearing his throat and mumbling out an apology. The pair slowly walk up to the door, enjoying their last few moments together before Moon has to go back to sleep for the rest of the day.
“If that guy ever bothers you again I want you to tell us, we’ll make sure he won't bother you anymore.” His eyes flicker over her face, memorizing every curve of her features.
“Moon?” He hums at the sound of her saying his name. “Can I give you a hug?”
“Of course you can starlight, anytime.” He smiles softly as he carefully pulls her into his arms. Piper holds him tightly, knowing this would probably be the last time she would see him today. “Go have fun, I'll see you soon.” He whispers, keeping an arm wrapped around her as he slowly brightens the lights. She hears Sun take over, he jolts slightly as he realizes he's holding her.
“Piper,” he lets out a sigh of relief at the sight of her. “Did I hear right? It's time for cake?” She nodded, letting her arms finally slip from his waist.
“Cake just got brought in, then it's free play and we’re done.” She reiterates the rest of the schedule, knowing that sometimes when the two switch places they can get a bit frazzled.
“Let’s go have some cake then.” He places a large hand in between her shoulders as he leads her out into the main daycare, she squints slightly as her vision is assaulted by the bright colors as they leave the dimly lit room. The party room upstairs was somehow even more chaotic than the daycare on your busiest days. The cramped space was packed with children and parents alike, the kids running around at top speed, all hopped up on Fizzy-Faz and birthday cake. A little girl with braids ran up to her, hunching over slightly as she heaved from all the running.
“Miss Piper!” She yells cheerily. “We were wondering where you and Mr. Sun were!” She smiles at you. “Monty Gator’s here!” She juts a finger excitedly in his direction
“You should go say hello, I'm sure he'd love to meet you.” Piper responds with a grin of her own, trying to hide how nervous the new addition to the group was making you. The girl darts off, distracted by the swarm of her friends that had buzzed past her. Piper felt herself pale as she straightened up, realizing that Monty’s gaze was locked on her.
“Eli, it's time for presents!” You hear the birthday boy’s mom call. A smirk stretches across Monty’s features as he realized this was just the chance he needed to break away from the group to get you alone. All of the kids and parents gathered around one table as a staff member started bringing over all of his gifts.
“Well, well, well. Look who it is?” Her blood turns to ice in her veins at the sound of the deep voice that rumbles at her side. “What’s the matter sweetheart? I feel like I've been chasing you around the room all night.” He chuckles, taking another few steps closer to her. She shuffles to the side, keeping her eyes set straight forward on Eli.
“Monty, I'm trying to work.” She states flatly, knowing that wouldn't be enough to brush him off but she figured it wouldn't harm to try.
“So am I, I'm just making small talk with the newest staff member. Where's the harm in that?” She winces as he blows a hot puff of air from his nose against the side of her face. She hears the swishing of fabric, something grazes past her side but never fully touches her.
“Typical.” Monty scoffs. “Leave it to the birthday clown to always ruin my fun.” He growls. Piper finally dared to glance next to her, she caught sight of the familiar red and gold stripes and she realized that it was in fact Sundrop who had placed himself in between the pair.
“It doesn't seem like the situation is any fun if you're the only one enjoying yourself.” He snaps back.
“I don't know, I think Piper and I could be having a lot of fun if you hadn't gotten in the way.” Monty crosses his arms over his chest. Piper didn't miss the way Sun bounced his leg in agitation.
“Sunbeam, would you mind holding things down here with Brayden while I go have a chat with Monty.” Sun rests a comforting hand on her shoulder, nodding towards the staff member that looked bored enough to die.
“Sure, just be quick okay?” Her eyes darted between him and Monty nervously. Sun’s hands clenched into fists, the gator following him out into the hallway with a cocky smirk. The pair disappear into one of the other party rooms, leaving you to wonder just what exactly would happen now that they were out of the public eye.
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Sundrop holds open the door for Monty, letting it slam shut behind him as he steps in the room. “It was you, wasn't it? You're the reason she was so upset this morning.” Sun jabs a finger in his direction. The two kept their distance from each other, standing on opposing sides of the room.
“Don't know what that little tart would be so upset about, I just gave her a compliment-”
“You made her uncomfortable is what you did.” Sun cuts him off, making the other animatronic snarl.
“What's the matter Sunny? Find a nice little piece of ass that can finally put up with your obnoxious personality and you suddenly want to play the hero, huh?” Monty chuckles.
“Don't call her that.” Sun responds through clenched teeth.
“And what are you going to do about it?” He laughs. “You gonna fight me for her? Make some big display about how you're a good guy who's going to take care of her?” Sun averts his eyes to the floor. Monty chuckles at his mannerisms, “pathetic, you can't even tell her, can you?” He starts to head towards the door, deciding he had enough of this conversation. “Just don't beat yourself up too bad when I inevitably win her over. A girl like that would look a hell of a lot better hanging off of my arm anyways.”
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Piper’s head snapped in the direction of the loud slam against the wall from the next room, the party guests still too invested in Eli opening gifts to notice. She locks eyes with Brayden, nodding to the hallways and motioning she'd be right back. The first thing she heard as she exited the party room was the sound of two voices yelling at each other. She jogged to the room next door, peering into the window to see Monty and Sun grappling with each other, Sundrop at the obvious disadvantage. Piper slams against the door pushing into the room. “Well look who decided to show up.” Monty chuckles maliciously as he looks down at Sun.
“What a shame that your little girlfriend is going to have to watch me rip you apart limb from limb.” He snarls. Sun winds back his arm before his hand smashed against the side of Monty’s snout, leaving a pretty sizable dent in its wake. Piper screamed, slipping and slamming to the checkered tile floor as she scrambled for the phone. She rips the receiver off of the hook dialing the first number that popped into your head. Blood thundered in her ears, almost drowning out the sound of ringing as she prayed for an answer.
“Merry speaking, what can I-”
“They're fighting!” Piper yells into the phone, her voice cracking as she tries to fight back tears. “At the daycare! They're going to fucking kill each other!” She heard Merry slam down her phone as it went dead, no doubt rushing to try and minimize the damage. Piper couldn't tear her eyes away from the scene as she crawled backwards into the farthest corner from them, her whole body trembling. She watched in horror as Monty managed to grab Sundrop, lifting him clear from the floor before smashing him back down onto a table. He stands over Sun’s motionless form, grabbing him by the top of the head and hauling him to a sitting position.
“You need to remember your place, clown.” He sneers. “I'm at the top of the food chain in this place… Not… You.” Just before he had the chance to deliver a devastating blow to Sun’s head Merry burst through the door, rushing at Monty in order to tackle him to the ground. Luckily, at this point Brayden managed to quickly lead the guests to another location in the Pizzeria, leaving the rest of them to be the only ones left in the daycare. Merry seemed to have finally calmed down Monty enough to subdue him after a few minutes.
“Don't move a single muscle.” She warns, pointing down at him. “Piper, are you hurt?” She asks as she rushes over to Sun. Piper couldn't even respond, she just sat there staring at the animatronic who still wasn’t getting up. “Piper!” Merry tries again, a bit firmer this time. The redhead’s eyes snap to the blond, tears welling up in her waterline as the reality of what had just happened to her friend set in. Piper shakes her head softly, pulling her knees to her chest to make herself appear smaller. A wide eyed and breathless Brayden appeared in the door.
“How bad was it this time?” He starts, pausing and looking to the side when he catches a glimpse of Piper’s terrified form. “Are you proud of yourself?” He yells at Monty. Brayden shakes his head before cautiously approaching Piper. He kneels down a good distance in front of her. “Piper, why don't you come downstairs? We should get out of Merry’s way while she's working.” He speaks slowly, knowing it would take her a little longer to process what he was saying considering she seemed to be in a state of shock. Piper stands, slowly shuffling out of the room. She takes one last glance over at Sundrop. Merry had popped off a panel on the back of his head, a focused look adorning her features as she quickly works. The sight alone was enough to make Piper well up, tears sliding down her cheeks before she hurried from the room.
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Piper laid on her side in the dark room, a pillow beneath her head and a blanket draped over her still shivering form as she stared straight ahead at the wall. Brayden had moved her down to the nap room, figuring it would be best if she didn't have to see him take Monty out of the room. She hears the soft creak of the large doors being pushed open, the opposing end of the room showing a thin sliver of light before the whole room is plunged into darkness again. Piper could make out the subtle whirs of Moon coming out, she resisted the urge to rush over to him and crush him in a hug. The last thing she needed right now was the embarrassment that would come from Moon seeing her cry. He lets out a sigh before his eyes scan around the room. He finds Piper curled up in a corner, facing away from him. His shoulders slump slightly at the sight of her, he never wanted to see her scared, the fact he was part of the reason almost made him want to leave without disturbing her.
“Piper?” He calls her name softly, taking careful steps in her direction. She sits up at his acknowledgement, the sound of her quiet sniffling made Moon’s chest hurt.
“Please tell me you're okay.” Her voice was hoarse when she finally spoke.
“We’re alright.” He reassures her softly. “Some dents and dings.” He moves a bit closer to her.
“I thought you were gone.” Her voice quivered as it filled the otherwise silent space. Moon paused as it finally set in. She wasn't upset, she was worried. She watches the two glowing red dots, the only indication as to where Moon was in the room at the moment, study her from their distant position.
“Monty knocked my power supply loose when he threw me on that table.” He explains. She drops her head to her knees, the wave of relief that washed over her making her emotional all over again. This time, Moon didn't hesitate. His feet started to move before he even had a chance to process what he was doing. He sank to the floor, wrapping his long, slender arms around Piper. “I got you, Starlight. Let it out.” Piper didn't know how long she had been crying but she felt utterly wiped out by the end of it. The whole time Moon just held her, running a hand soothingly up and down her back. Moon gently takes her chin between his fingers, running his thumb over her damp cheek to wipe away any remaining tears.
“So I guess you probably figured out that he was the reason I was so off today.” She whispers, her forehead still resting against his chest. She didn't have it in her to meet his eyes with the state she was in right now. “I'm sorry.”
“What did you say to me this morning? Why are you apologizing for something you didn't do?” He cradles the back of her head gently for a moment, wanting her to know it was okay if she stayed like that, before retracting the appendage.
“Yeah, but you got hurt because of me.” She sniffles.
“Piper, I wouldn't change a single thing that happened to me today. Sure, Monty roughed me up a little, that oversized gecko only thinks with his biceps anyways.” The joke earned a weak chuckle from her. “There's never going to be a time where I'm not going to defend you with everything I have. I can be fixed. What matters to me is that you're okay, and that you know there's someone who's going to do their best to take care of you.” Moon nervously glances down at her, he sucks in a sharp breath when her pretty blue eyes meet his. “We care about you, Piper.” Her heart races in her chest at his words, she wouldn't be surprised if Moon could hear it beating.
The door is suddenly shoved open, Moon’s face spins around as Sundrop’s familiar golden points fold out. Piper’s eyes immediately land on the massive crater on his temple, Sun quickly lifts his hand in a failed attempt to hide it from her view. “Look at me, I'm okay.” Sun reassures her with a patient smile. Piper nods in response, trying her best to appear braver than she felt.
“Alright, let's get you all situated. You have a real mean left hook by the way.” Merry chuckles as she walks in the room, rifling through her tool box. She freezes when her eyes land on Piper’s puffy red eyes. “I'm going to kick the shit out of Monty for you personally.” She points at her, making Piper laugh.
“Is it okay if I stay while you work on him?” She asks softly. Merry notices Sun give her a small nod. Seeing the way Piper still clung to him, like he would disappear if she let him out of her sight.
“Sure thing, kid.”
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Tag List: @yellowbunnydreams @twelvelevens @zalladane
31 notes · View notes
mioyeo · 1 year
8 makes 1 Team
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No matter how different, without one of us there is no 8 makes 1 Team
Synopsis : In which 8 boys build a friendship despise of their differences with the help of a psychiatrist
Pairing : psychiatrist! Reader x Ateez (for now )
Warnings : this chapter includes mentions of , ignorant staff , crying , sweet guard hours , grooming , influential parents, no consent , threatening , taking minors private parts in their mouths , sexual assault , arguing , please tell me if I forget something , and I’m not romanticizing disorders in anyway and this is pure fiction meaning this doesn’t represent Ateez in any type of way
For every new chapter I’ll place this (🟢) beside it in the masterlist so you guys know that the chapter is new and was posted recently
Tag list : @veneziamadness , @hcyaa , @sadcoffeecritic , @aapplepii , @lavishloving , @dogsongy , @acciocriativity , @k33vad3la , @seonghwifey , @hanjihyun23 , @yunhoswrld123 , @cqndiedcherries , @miriamxsworld , @belle643 , @pandyandy71-blog , @mothworked
I apologize for taking so long , I had a huge writer’s block so I couldn’t really continue writing for some days
Also if you want to be added to the tagging list for the next chapter comment so I can add you
Word count: 1,6k
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It was a very quiet night that day as every guard was currently changing shifts  , others just coming in and others going home so they could return to their morning shift
Y/n just had dinner with both groups at separate times and now walked into the break room
" You've been called to the office "
One of her colleagues that was currently in charge of ordering new things such as medical equipment and further more looked up to her informing Y/n about her being expected somewhere
" I guess he must have heard my complaints "
" Your wasting his time with things we can fix ourselves , we get it there was a minor issue last time with a patient bu- "
Y/n bursted out laughing starling the other staff that sat silently doing their work
" A minor issue? Do you call a patient wanting to end themselves a minor issue ? "
She wiped her eyes and collected herself
" You must not know what your duties are if your labeling such a live threatening situation a minor issue , and the fact that you where also at the scene but didn't do anything makes me uncomfortable looking at you "
" I'm not in charge of him but you"
" Ok if I ever see you having any complications I'll just stare at you and leave how about th-"
Everyone stared in shook as silent murmuring where heard
" Both of you stop being loud there are people trying to work here "
" Well I'll excuse myself  ,  sorry for disturbing everyone else "
She bowed and went out sighing in annoyance before bumping into someone
" I-I'm sorry I didn't see you "
The male apologized quickly checking if she was alright
" It's alright , it's my fault I didn't see you "
" No no I should've looked where I was going "
He bowed again apologizing
" Aren't you the new guard in charge of Hongjoong? "
" Y-Yeah I am , I just changed shifts with a fellow friend that also works here "
" Are you going home now? "
" Yeah what about you? "
She smiled and straighten her work clothes
" I was about to meet my boss "
He hummed in knowledge scratching the back of his head
" I could walk you there since the exit is near "
" Sure I wouldn't mind company "
" How long have you been working here ? "
Both walked down the hall in silence only their footsteps being heard
" It's been over a month already "
" A so your still a fresh worker "
She nodded and looked ahead
" I feel like I've been longer here actually I don't know why but I bonded quickly with some of my patients "
" I know how you feel , I used to listen to my brother tell me stories of when he used to work here and these stories made me like his patients without even knowing them "
" These kids have something special in them they just need to be treated with care and be understood "
"I agree ,and it's exactly what my brother said "
She smiled softly looking at him
" You seem like someone they can trust based on your personality right now "
"I want to protect them just like my brown did"
" Your brother seems like your biggest role model "
" He is , we grew up alone and he was both parental roles that's why I really look up to him and want to follow his footsteps "
The elder looked at her before coming to an stop in front of the office "
" I guess this is your stop "
" Yeah it is , wait what is your name ? "
" I'm Seok-woo and I already know your name because of Hongjoong he can't stop talking about you and the activities you do with them "
He chuckled making her smile
" Well it was nice talking to you Seok-woo "
She waved before knocking on the door hearing a soft call for her to come in
" Ah Miss Y/n I've been waiting for you "
The man in his late sixties looked up from his paperwork gesturing for her to sit
" I must assume you heard of my complaints? "
" What complaints are we talking about ? "
She cleared her throat and adjusted herself on her seat
" I must inform you that the staff you've hired has been out off line and crossing several boundaries multiple times regarding not only my patients but other children here "
He hummed and leaned back on his arm chair
" When I started working here I came across the complaint that one of my patient has been sexually assaulted multiple times and forced to do multiple things out of his knowledge by one of the guards here and also physically assaulted for not acting they want them too "
" And who is that patient and guard? "
" It's my patient Park Seonghwa that was assaulted by Guard Lee "
She studied the man's face that seemed to stay calm despite being told this information
" Well I'll see what I can do about it "
He looked back at his paperwork
"He should be fired and sued for sexual assault it hasn't been one but many children in here "
The elder pressed on a button and spoke while looking at her
“ Please accompany Park Seonghwa to my office now , yes wake him up "
" Sir you need to do something about it "
" We'll discuss this with Seonghwa "
She sighed and waited patiently for the boy to arrive , it was making her nervous and something told her that this was going in a totally different direction
The door opened revealing the short blonde boy rubbing his eyes as he was woken up from his sleep
" Y/n your here "
The boy smiled and waddled towards her hugging her
" Sorry for waking you Seonghwa but would you answer some questions for me ? "
She looked at him and ressured him that it was ok so he could sit
" Miss Y/n here told me something about Guard Lee assaulting you is that true? "
The elder stared at the boy who's face dropped in horror
" Has Guard Lee been touching you without your consent ? "
He nodded and fiddled with his fingers
" What did he exactly do "
" H-He told me to take my pants off so he could look at my down there "
Seonghwa's hands found Y/n's who squeezed them slightly for encouragement
" Did he just look ? "
" H-He started doing weird things and told me that it was going to feel good "
" What do you exactly mean with he was performing weird things on you ? "
She rubbed his palm and reassured him to stop if he didn't want to continue
" He put it into his mouth and than did this until something weird came out "
The boy stiffened as he copied the stroking movements the elder performed on him
" What else did he do ? "
" H-He promised me legos after I do the same to him because he said that I should repay for his kindness "
Y/n felt sick to her stomach as she listened
" Did you allow him to touch you "
Seonghwa nodded
"B-But I didn't like it and told him to stop but he said that if I tell someone what happened he would kill me and depose my body in the woods where no one would find me "
The younger teared up trembling in fear
" How old are you Seonghwa ? "
" Sir this is a totally irrelevant question "
She looked in disbelief
" Seonghwa how old are you ? "
" I'm sixteen "
He replied sniffing
" With your age I don't consider this sexual assault anymore because that’s the legal age you can do sexual activities here in Korea "
" Excuse me ?! This is sexual assault and he groomed him prior to this "
She scoffed in anger
" How is this considered assault if he gave his consent Miss Y/n ? "
" He may have given his consent but he told the guard to stop but he continued without his consent on other occasions which means from that moment on its considered sexual assault "
“ He still gave his consent ”
“Because he was groomed, guard Lee formed a relationship with so when he was about to do this Seonghwa would be comfortable to say yes ”
" Do you know who his parents are ? His parents are very powerful people and if this comes to light it could get ugly "
He said calmly crossing his hands
" So you prefer to protect a disgusting child abuser because his parents are influential? "
" That's not what I said Miss Y/n , I'd need proof that Guard Lee touched him inappropriately before proceeding with this "
" His words are enough proof and the legos because this means that he literally purchased sex from Seonghwa in return for goods other kids as well we'd just need them to open up-"
" Miss Y/n this is not a normal hospital, these children practically live here be it long term or until they finish their treatment this is nothing like your past job "
" It's either you fire that man or he'll continue abusing your patients "
The elder sighed
" I'll see what I can do, I will have a word with Guard Lee you may go now "
Seonghwa looked at her and wiped his face even though they kept falling
" It's ok I'll make sure that he's gone ”
She bowed and left the office with Seonghwa holding onto her hand
“ Will he r-really be gone? ”
“ I promise you sweetheart that you’ll never see him again after I figure out how to get rid of him ”
“ I’m afraid he’s gonna hurt me ”
He teared up and shivered in fear
“ You don’t need to be afraid as long as I’m here , I’ll make sure he disappears from our lives completely ”
The boy nodded and hugged her tightly
“ I t-trust you ”
She teared up slightly and rubbed his back
“ I won’t disappoint you sunshine ”
111 notes · View notes
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Chapter 23: Silence
A/N: I’ve had a really rough week I’m so sorry. This heat is a killer! (Yes I’m British, we hate it.) it’s just utter sensory overload and I can’t concentrate.
Anyway, little update on this fic.
Firstly, I’d like to say I promise I am going to finish it and I’m grateful for all the messages and comments I have got about this fic. It really is one of my favourites.
Secondly, I’m sorry for this chapter.
Thirdly, I need a little break from it. My motivation has tanked and I’m struggling with not having many details about the next stage of the Batch’s journey. So I do think once season 3 aires this will become my new fixation yet again. I do have a vague idea of where I want Stitch’s story to go so I will keep adding bits here and there when the fancy takes me. Again, I promise this fic will be finished!
Warnings: 18+, Mentions of ND behaviour, feelings of jealousy, food, smut (but only a light sprinkling of thigh riding and a lot of making out.) fighting, canon violence and destruction.
Word Count: 12.3k+
Tagging: @idoubleswearimawriter @ravenclawbitch426 @dreamqueenkala @moon-wrecked @mandinlore
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You sat on the nose of the ship, leaning back against the transparisteel, tucked into Tech’s side as he took it upon himself to educate you on the positioning of the stars that filled the sky. He pointed out which were stars and which were planets or moons, even tracking a meteorite as it streaked through the sky.
You drank it all in, wishing this moment would never end. Vowing to yourself that you’d never leave Tech’s side again. Your thoughts drifted away from the stars began to focus on the way his body felt. Absently you played with the padding that protruded from his chest, tracing the oblong shapes. You had thrown a leg over his a while ago, turning your body to be flush with his.
“Mmm?” You looked up at him.
“Did you want to sleep on the ship?” Your heart gave a couple of quick beats and you hoped the darkness covered your eager expression.
“I don’t want to move. I don’t want to be…parted from you right now.” You settled back against his shoulder, feeling him rest his cheek on the top of your head.
“You would be asleep and unaware if my presence was there or not,” he murmured.
“I am always aware of you.” His fingers tightened on your shoulder, making you edge even closer to him. Stars, he smelled good. So familiar and comforting. He barely moved as you trailed your nose along his neck, bravely kissing his sun warmed skin.
You wanted him to touch you, there was an uncomfortable feeling between your thighs that you’d never explored before but you suddenly couldn’t ignore it. You shifted your body, heat racing up your spine as he tensed his leg against your motion, nudging you right at the spot where you ached.
A frustrated sigh pushed from between your lips. You wanted more, but you didn’t know how to ask for it. Would he even understand? Did he even want more? Were his thoughts as tortured as yours or was he able to just enjoy being close to you?
Holding back another sigh you sat up, kneeling over his leg and already yearning to be back against him. He sat up, watching you with those eyes you loved so much. The pair of you stared at each other, not knowing what to say as the air grew thick between you.
A tingling started in your fingers and you reached to touch his face, hesitating and curling them for a brief second before settling your touch on his cheek. He leaned into it, bringing one of his own hands up to rest on your hip, his eyes wide as they travelled down your body and back up to your face.
Your legs spread, slowly falling from resting on your knees to settle yourself on the hardness of his thigh. This new position had you swallowing down a whine. Bending at the waist, you brought your face to his, touching foreheads before letting your lips meet. Tech exhaled delicately through his nose, drifting warm air across your skin as his lips melted against yours. After a few seconds you broke the kiss, not wanting to overwhelm him but his hand didn’t move. Instead the pressure increased, drawing you back to taste him in an even deeper kiss.
Tech was everywhere. He filled your mouth, soaking through your senses until you were sure nothing else existed, except him. Hands held onto your waist, fingertips burning into your heated skin. Stars erupted behind your tightly closed eyes, lips caressing in the dead of night as unspoken whispers passed between you both.
Neediness marked your motions, a desperation so obvious yet neither of you seemed to want to acknowledge it’s presence.
Moaning quietly into his mouth you let him lead, your head spinning from the intoxicating feeling that kissing him gave you. It hadn’t happen often, but when it did, it was toe curling.
His leg lifted between your own, the subtle movement lifting you closer to him and you whimpered softly against his lips. Your hips automatically rolled along the strength of his thigh, catching you at just the right place, extracting a strained moan from your chest.
To your regret he broke off the kiss, his eyes tracking heavily over your face and you tried to hide how flustered you were.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, noting the husky tone that spilled from you as the warmth from your lower belly spread through your body. You wanted to move, to feed the fever he created inside but you also wanted to go at his pace. Just because you were ready didn’t mean he was.
“Nothing is wrong, you’re just…different.” He watched the way you worried your bottom lip. “Have I done something?”
“No, no Tech. I just,” how could you explain this? “Doing this, with you makes me feel good and I’m not…” you didn’t want to bring up your past right now and sully this precious moment you were having under the stars, so you stopped. Maybe it was too soon after all.
He brushed some hair away, watching the motion of his hand as it delicately traced the edge of your ear before bringing his eyes back to you. “Do you want to continue?” His own voice was hushed and that was the first indication you got that he was feeling anything remotely like you were.
“Yes,” you breathed, dropping your gaze to his mouth as you imagined him kissing his way down your body.
He pulled you back to him, fingers burying in your hair as your lips met with more urgency than before. Gone was that hesitant barrier, the heat of his tongue was searing and it spurred you on to find some friction again. This time he didn’t stop, instead you felt the tensing of his thigh to hold your weight as you ground down on him. You freed a hand to slam onto the transparisteel of the canopy, giving yourself more leverage.
You felt Tech move beneath you, his own hips seeking out some friction as he took his cues from you. Your kisses became more heated, your breaths mingling in the quiet of the night when you gasped over each others faces.
Your mind got lost quickly, nothing else mattered but growing the warmth that blossomed between your legs and stroking the neediness that resided there. Tech became more insistent, his hands moved down to your hips, tugging you closer so he could grind against the hardness of your own thigh.
You moaned at the feel of him, the bulge was evident and almost painful as it imprinted through the thinness of your clothes. You forced your eyes open, enjoying the way he looked down at where your bodies were connected, his mouth hanging open, eyes fluttering at each rub of his cock in the confines of his own clothing.
When he moaned for the first time it nearly sent you over the edge, your hips stuttering at the sound that he barely knew he’d made, so lost in the feel of you. His kissed you again, this time it was sloppy and hurried, like he knew he needed to do it but wasn’t concentrating on it.
You could feel something creeping up your spine, a shiver that had you inhaling a needy cry. He brought you impossibly closer, cradling the back of your head and you buried your face into his neck, sliding your arms around his quivering form.
His cries were muffled by your shoulder as he began to curl into you, his arms tensing with every jerk and you instinctively knew he was coming to his end. You worked your hips faster, sensing the threads that held your body together tugging until they were ready to snap. You whimpered into his neck, quivering in his grip as you brought yourself right to edge of oblivion.
Tech’s arms flexed painfully against your body, his cries came quickly as his hips jerked along your thigh and that’s when you unraveled above him. It flooded through your body, making you tense and relax at the same time, chased by a numbing sensation that had your lips curling with relief.
You stayed tightly in each others embrace as you both faced what had just happened. Tech heaved a few breaths into his chest, his fingers curling and unfurling against your back as he brought himself back from the intense pleasure, eyes blinking and clearing the fake stars away.
Your mind was shattered, the scent of him filled your nose as you nuzzled tentatively into his neck. You kissed him under his ear, hoping you were letting him know he was ok. He turned his head and sought out your lips, which you were only too happy to offer, noting the kiss was more controlled this time, but just as gentle and loving as before.
A giggle bubbled up inside you, breathy and relaxed, you still felt the tendrils of pleasure as they skitted up your spine. There was no feeling of shame, no pain, only comfort and safety and it made you limp against him. Resting your head on his chest you could hear his heart beating faster than normal, his arms came up around you, squeezing you close with the silent promise he was never going to let you go.
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You had a shower. A real shower. Not something that spat lukewarm water at you but an actual shower that was able to make you feel clean for the first time in weeks.
So you took your time. Reliving the moment with Tech last night, teeth scraping your lower lip as you remembered the way he blushed in the light of the Marauder. You’d spent the night on the ship and it had been awkward at first. Neither of you used to sharing a sleeping space so you’d stared at each other as you both worked out what you wanted.
In the end you had taken his hand and guided him to the bunk asking if he was happy with you laying on his chest and he’d nodded. His arms around you.
It was the best sleep you’d ever had.
Tech was so steady, his surety was something you really latched onto and it kept you steady with him. He filled the dark blot inside you with something warm and delightful.
Tech was everything to you…and now you could admit that fully to yourself.
You hoped the way you felt shone out of your eyes when you looked at him, you hoped he noticed.
The walk back to the house this morning had been quiet, thankfully the others were still asleep and Tech had shown you to the bedroom where there were clean clothes waiting for you.
Stepping from the shower, water dripped all over the floor and you breathed in the steamy mass that surrounded you. This could be a life you could get used to.
Quickly you changed, brushing your hands over the soft material, captivated by the way it flowed between your fingers. You hadn’t had many clothes in your possession before, even at the Academy it had been medics tunics and one gown for formal purposes.
The clothes you wore now were a deep green, the hem of the tunic settled around your thighs, the belt pulled it in at the waist and the trousers were form fitting and soft. The material was light, something to help cope with the heat of Pabu. You were grateful for the long sleeves, liking the way the point ended in a loop that went over your middle finger. It kept them in place and covered all the reminders that marked your body.
You cracked the door open, listening to Omega talking downstairs as they discussed what they were doing today. You made your way down, trailing your hand along the wall and pausing at the bottom of the stairs.
It hit you how domestic this was. Wrecker was leaning back in his chair, hands interlaced behind his head as he declared he was going to go fishing today. Hunter stood leaning against the counter, a small smile on his face and a cup of caf in his hand. His gaze lifted, seeing you he nodded at the table. Omega was talking about playing with her friends and your heart swelled at such a statement. You’d been gone a few weeks and they had all transformed into these relaxed, citizens.
Tech was on his datapad, absently chewing as he concentrated on the screen in front of his face. Stepping down the last stair made Wrecker turn around and he gave you a beaming smile.
“Stitch!” Omega all but squealed, patting the chair next to her. Their gazes flicked between you and Tech, feeling their sense of anticipation at a reaction from their brother at your arrival.
“Good morning,” you said as you sat down.
“I saved you some of Hunter’s waffles!” Omega reached for a plate that had been under a cover and Wrecker groaned loudly.
“That’s not fair! If I had known they were there I’d have eaten them,” he muttered and Omega shook her head.
“Stitch hasn’t had any yet.”
“You cook now?” You turned to the tattooed clone and he shrugged, tucking his hand under his arm.
“You haven’t tried them yet. You might hate them.”
“I tell him they’re the best thing I’ve ever eaten but we’ve lived off rations for most of our lives,” Omega said, her face growing serious for a second and her voice wiser than her age. “Most things taste good to us.”
“I don’t think my experience is any better,” you reminded her but you ripped a piece off anyway. You felt slightly shy as they watched you, even Wrecker leaned in, waiting for your reaction. “They’re good,” you said out the side of your mouth and Omega beamed.
“I told you!” She shot at her brother who held up his hands in defeat.
“Of course, Stitch’s opinion sets the tone,” he teased and you grinned up at him.
“There are added benefits to rations,” Tech suddenly spoke up. “They were designed to provide the body with exactly what it needs to get through a day. Flavour was not the goal when the Kaminoans developed them.”
“I don’t think I could eat one ever again,” Wrecker said, scrunching his face in disgust.
“What are you doing today, Stitch?” Omega suddenly asked and you automatically looked at Tech but he didn’t even acknowledge the question. It wasn’t aimed at him.
“I don’t know,” you admitted now glancing up at Hunter for some clarity. Hunter leaned forward and slapped Tech on the shoulder.
“I am going back to the Archium. I have more artefacts to catalogue,” Tech replied quickly.
“You can come with me,” Wrecker told you. “I can teach you to fish and hopefully we can get that really big one I’ve seen down by the docks.”
“My friends would love to meet you!” Omega grabbed your hand and you felt pulled in all directions. You wanted to Tech to ask you to join him but he didn’t even look up.
“Well I suppose I could,” you told her.
“I’ll be about,” Hunter mumbled and you focussed on him for a moment. Cocking your head as you watched him swill the last of his caf round in his cup. You were about to say something when Tech got up, barely casting a glance around as he made his way to the door.
“You know where I will be.” And then the door was closing and he was gone.
“Come on!” Omega tried to tug you up but you slipped your hand free.
“Go and get your friends and I’ll meet them at lunch time? I just need some time to…adjust.”
“Ok! Come on Wrecker!”
“Comin’. I’m comin’.”
As soon as they left the mood deflated, Hunter’s melancholy was more evident and it fed your own. You began to clear the table picking up Tech’s cup and plate and staring at them for a second.
“What do you do in this paradise?” Hunter sucked in a breath at your question, blowing out his cheeks and widening his eyes.
“My skills haven’t been found a good use yet. Not like the others.”
“Fishing not your thing?”
“Wrecker enjoys the quiet,” he replied. “Me, not so much.”
“Thought about helping Tech?” You stood beside him, shoulder to shoulder as you looked around the small open plan house.
“Tech doesn’t need my help. Phee brings him new things and they discuss where it’s from and how old it is. Again, not really something that I find…is a good use of my time.” You put the plate and cup in the sink, your heart fluttering against your ribs and you turned to study Hunter’s side profile.
“Who is Phee?”
“One of Cid’s contacts. She comes across as a pirate and a treasure hunter but she was the one that brought us here.” Your brain was lagging. She? A pirate? Someone connected to Cid…
“Can we trust her?” Hunter shrugged and turned to dump his cup in the sink before you.
“She hasn’t given us any reason to think otherwise.”
“And she works with Tech? In the Archium?” Your voice wavered and Hunter focused on your face, reading you instantly as you gazed at him with pleading eyes.
“They just have a common interest. It allows Tech to mind numbingly chat to someone else.” You nodded, not liking the sickness that rose in your throat. Replaced. You’d been replaced. What were you now? It almost felt like last night hadn’t happened and you backed away. “Stitch…” Hunter went to touch your hand but you snatched it away. A motion all too familiar as you realised good things really were too good to be true.
“I’m ok. I just need some air.” You burst from the door, grateful that he didn’t follow you. Looking up you could see the tall building that stood at the top of the island, rising high into the blue sky. The sea breeze whipped around you, snagging on your clothes before pillowing in your back and almost urging you to head in that direction.
You were scared. What if you went and your fears were real? But you couldn’t leave it. As you headed up the steep path you fought with yourself, it was illogical. Tech barely showed his emotions and feelings to his brothers, men he’d known all his life. You had felt honoured last night, being with him in such a vulnerable state and sharing that experience with him…clearly meant more to you than him.
The dark thoughts became worse the closer you got to the Archium. They were crippling as your demons shadowed everything making you lose your nerve. Diving into the Marauder you settled in your usual place. Gonky waddled over, tipping forward to peer at you huddled on the floor.
“Hey buddy. I just need a minute.” He honked in reply, shuffling round so he could wedge up against you, giving you the pressure of a hug without being hugged. You leaned against the droid, realising you actually missed Beetoo. “I wonder what she’s doing…I feel bad for upping and leaving Tesama. She must be worried.” The droid didn’t respond and your mind wandered even more. “I’m assuming we’re never going back?” You were more talking out loud to yourself than needing a response and you frowned. “What about all the data?” The droid shifted a little and you looked at the console. “Do you think Tech could remotely wipe the information stored in the medcentre’s records? If it gets into the Empire’s hands…” What if Cid got her hands on it? You got the impression the boys had upped and left Cid high and dry and you didn’t trust that Trandoshan as far as you could throw her.
“I have to go!” You squeezed past the droid and left the ship, almost running across the courtyard and drawing the attention of the few people dotted about. You found Tech easily enough, but how you found him made you stop in your tracks. He was leaning over a crate, head almost touching the other person he was with as she leaned from the other side.
To your dismay, she was gorgeous. Dark skin and thick hair that would be the envy of anyone. She was watching him reach into the crate, leaning over the side as close as she could get.
Your brain stuttered to a stop, the words this is a Keldabe Kiss, replayed in your mind and you felt a wave of despair that he was allowing someone else do something so intimate with him.
“Impressive isn’t it, brown eyes?” Her voice was delicate when she spoke to him, like a soft caress and you had to fight back tears when he responded almost immediately. He hadn’t even acknowledged you this morning. “You joining us?” Your attention centered and you found them both looking at you.
“I had assumed you were with the others,” Tech said, adjusting his goggles as he spoke.
“I had…” embarrassment and lack of trust made you clam up and you began to step away. “I’ll discuss it with Hunter. You’re clearly too busy.”
“Stitch!” Tech’s voice followed you out but it was Phee’s that clung to you.
“Oh. So that’s Stitch…” the condescending tone broke you, the way she said your name made you feel worthless and you wandered blindly through the streets.
You cried, feeling the cracks that marked your heart begin to widen once again. Stupid. You were so stupid. You knew opening yourself up meant you got hurt, you had hoped it would be a while before it happened though.
“Hey.” You jumped, shrinking into yourself when Hunter approached. His hands were up, his steps slow as he read your tense form and paused a few paces away.
“How did you find me?” You asked wiping your cheeks and looking around. “I don’t even know where I am.”
“I have my uses,” he commented softly. He was brimming with concern, his caramel eyes fixed on your face but it’s just made you feel more vulnerable.
“You’ll wish you hadn’t found me,” you warned him with a shaky voice.
“I’ll take my chances. Tech said you were looking for me.” That wasn’t true. Of course he’d send his brother rather than coming to look for you himself. You were having a moment, and Tech didn’t do well with feelings as it was. There was a time he was the only one that could handle your emotions. He knew what to say, he could get you to calm down, he understood. Or he acted like it at least.
Hiding your face in your hands, the sobs slipped through your fingers and you felt Hunter come closer. “Did I say something? Did Tech do something?”
“He’s replaced me,” you whispered. He was right beside you now, you could feel the heat of his body and you fell against him, seeking out that contact. Automatically his arms came up around you, pulling you close as you buried your face in his chest. He didn’t say anything, he waited you for you to work it out of your system, standing and looking out at the sea.
“I realise I could be over reacting,” you finally said.
“I am not here to tell you what you’re feeling,” Hunter rumbled. “But no one could replace you in Tech’s eyes.”
“You’re just saying that…”
“I know that.” You pulled away, his arms dropping down and you looked into his face. You could sense he felt sure in what he said, he firmly believed that.
“Apparently the wine here was stronger than he anticipated and it makes him extraordinarily…vocal.” Hunter smiled at the memory. “Of course, he doesn’t touch it now. I’m not even sure he remembers exactly what was said.”
“You found her.” Hunter turned and you peered at Tech who was standing a few meters away, looking at the pair of you with a blank expression on his face.
“I did,” Hunter planted a hand on your shoulder and forced you to walk towards Tech. “And she’s all yours.” The last few paces you had to do alone, gazing imploringly into his goggles as he watched you come closer. “Don’t com me until you’ve sorted whatever this is. That’s an order.” Tech almost blanched, giving his brother a jerk of his head to show he had heard and then you were alone. The path was empty with just you two on it, standing awkwardly as your feet shuffled.
“Shall we walk?” You suggested, feeling the urge to move.
“Yes.” The silence stretched, rising and ebbing like the waves below. You managed to work up the courage to say something, only to glance at his face and realise you couldn’t get your words out. And so the cycle continued. Even when people started to appear around you, each step taking you further and further round the island.
You saw some animals, the first ones you’d really noticed and forgetting yourself for a moment you grabbed his forearm.
“Moon-yos,” Tech said on reflex. You left his side to approach the tree, gazing up into their wide orange rimmed eyes. They chittered, gathering to give you the same treatment as they leaned out of the branches. You offered your finger, smiling and momentarily forgetting your whole situation as one grabbed your hand.
“Mischievous little guys,” you breathed with a chuckle. Their awareness came through, highly intelligent creatures that had strong family bonds with one another. They weren’t afraid, living easily alongside the people of Pabu. You turned your finger so you could could look at the clawed hand that held onto you, only three digits ending in a sharp claw that looked like it could work it’s way under bark or the hard shell of a fruit.
Your finger was released when they got bored and they filtered up into the tree at a silent command. You retreated, accidentally stepping back firmly into Tech’s chest and he placed his hands either side of you to keep you upright.
“S-sorry,” you stuttered, turning to face him and noticing he kept his hands on your arms.
“Why?” You could he was genuinely asking, the quizzical frown appearing on his brow.
“For bumping into you.”
“Nothing that requires an apology.” Still he didn’t move, standing there with his hands burning through the thin material of your clothes as his gaze roamed over your features. “Have I done something?” He asked, snapping his mouth shut like he hadn’t meant to ask it out loud. Now guilt rose in you. He was in turmoil, the longer he touched you the more you were able to read him. His feelings were just as real as yours and you hesitantly reached to touch his top. Your fingers curled in the material and he didn’t move, just continued to watch you until you were ready to explain.
“Last night…” you whispered, swallowing back the limp in your throat. “I’ve never…it’s…I haven’t.” Fierfek. This was hard.
“Neither have I.” Your gaze rose to meet his and you let him draw you in closer.
“Tech…” you could feel the tears pricking the corner of your eyes. “I am scared.”
“I scare you?”
“No! No…this and what it means. I’m…I’m drowning here,” you admitted. You lowered your eyes, hating how frustrated you were getting with yourself because it was difficult to express. Did you talk about what he meant to you? How could you put that in words?
A gentle touch on your chin had you glancing at him with wide eyes, his curled finger keeping your head up so he could look at you.
“This is new for me too.” Your breath hitched when his eyes dipped to look at your lips. “I am not good at expressing…” his words filtered off into silence.
“What do you want to do, right now?” You breathed. Your heart was thumping, the beat of it filled your entire body and you were getting increasingly warm. His other hand trailed over your arm, the material of his gloves brushing the sensitive skin on your neck as he gently swept some hair behind your ear.
“Do you want me to try and tell you or—show you?” A shiver ran down your spine, his breath danced over your cheeks and that’s when you noticed he was so close, close enough to kiss.
“Show me,” you whispered. He reacted instantly. Capturing your lips with his in a kiss that had you melting into his chest. His touch left your chin, his large hand covering your throat as his thumb trailed down the front of your neck feeling the moan that bubbled up. You tightened your grip on his top, trying to tug him closer, inhaling sharply as he deepened the kiss. His lips chased yours and you gasped into another’s mouths, forgetting where you were and who was around.
You never wanted it to end but accepted his forehead press into yours. You studied his face this close, tracing the line of his goggles and sucking your lip between your teeth.
“I want to do that all the time,” you admitted softly.
“We wouldn’t get anything done,” he replied and you surprised yourself by laughing. He straightened, a happy smile finally coming to life on his face as you giggled with a mix of joy and embarrassment.
People moved around, seemingly totally unbothered by the display of affection they’d just witnessed. Your hand slipped into his and you both began to walk again, your arms knocking into one another as you tried to stay as close as possible.
“You wanted to tell me something…earlier?” He prompted and you swallowed down whatever lingering sense of doubt was left.
“Oh. Yeah.” You tried to organise your thoughts and get it all straight in your mind. “I take it you’re not returning to Ord Mantell?”
“No, we are not.”
“Then we need to ask Tesama to erase the data in the medcentre records. I’m worried Cid will get her hands on it.” Tech frowned, his hand gripping yours tightly as he came to a stop. You could see him trying to work out what would be so dangerous in the records and why that would benefit Cid. “There are records of samples, I’ve treated you all for something or other and all your details are sitting there. All she has to do is log into the system and hand it over to whoever she chooses. Omega is on there,” you stressed.
“I did not consider this. Leaving such information within Cid’s grasp could ultimately back fire on us,” he muttered.
“Can you erase it remotely?” His golden brown eyes were darting all over the floor, his chest heaved a little and he seemed deep in thought for a moment. You watched his expression, running a hand up his arm to keep as much contact with him as possible.
“That is a valid idea but no. Someone would need to do it planetside.” He tugged you along with him, refusing to let go of your hand as he brought up the com on his wrist to his mouth.
“Hunter. Meet me at the ship, we are on our way.”
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“Tesama. Do you read me?” The static frustrated you the most. Not Hunter pacing or Wrecker standing ominously in the corner. Omega sat in her room, her knees hugged tight as she watched you all try to fix this.
“Try again,” encouraged Tech after he made some adjustments. His hand settled on the back of your chair and you were grateful for his razor sharp focus on this.
“Tesama. This is Havoc-medic. Do you read?” Static.
“What’s happenin’?” Wrecker asked. “Why isn’t it getting through?”
“Someone could be jamming the signal. I don’t like this,” Hunter stressed.
“There is no record of an Imperial presence on Ord Mantell, I do not understand who would be stopping transmissions to a medcentre.” Tech was still desperately trying to figure this out, his attention was split in half constantly and it showed in his delayed responses.
“It’s a trap,” muttered Hunter. “Cid threatened us in the last transmission.”
“We have no idea what’s going on,” you sighed, massaging a temple as you tried to ward off a headache. You had been through so many emotions today you knew you needed to meditate. Or train. “I say we go. Drop me off if you have to and let me do it all. She’s after you guys, not me.”
“She’s right you know,” Wrecker agreed.
“Maybe. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.” Hunter came to a stop with his arms crossed.
“You know it needs doing. I won’t be able to rest until it’s erased. It’s my fault it’s all on there,” you told him quietly and his expression softened a little.
“You were doing your job. No one could have foreseen the circumstances that we are i-in—.”
“So this is where y’all hiding!” Tech stuttered to a stop when a voice cut through the conversation and Phee made Hunter move aside so she could come aboard. “Oh…am I interrupting?” You couldn’t help it, you glared at her for showing such familiarity, for the way her gaze lingered on Tech just that touch too long.
“Actually…” Hunter began but Tech stepped forward.
“We have a mission. I need you to continue cataloguing the artefacts in the Archium.” She recoiled slightly at Tech’s business like tone, blinking as though she’d never heard him speak like that before. “Here is the datapad. I cannot say for certain, when we will return.”
“But this is yours?” She gazed at him with wide eyes and you shifted in your seat, highly aware of the tenseness that came off Wrecker and Hunter.
“It has nothing personal on it and therefore I shall not miss it. I reprogrammed this one for the Archium. Take it.” She reached for it, looking around the group as she did.
“You all just flying off without a goodbye?” Omega moved, running towards her and wrapping her arms around her middle.
“We’ll be back,” she said happily. Hunter crouched down and you could feel what was coming.
“Maybe you should stay here,” he suggested gently.
“But I want to come with you,” Omega pleaded. “What if you don’t come back?”
“What kind of mission is this?” Phee asked with a narrowed glare but no one answered her. She patted Omega’s shoulder and it seemed like she was stalling.
“When did you want to leave?” You stood up, leaning into Tech, his eyes widened at your closeness but he didn’t move away, turning to look at you when he answered.
“As soon as possible. While we possibly have the element of surprise. Though that window may be closed already,” he stated firmly and shifted his gaze to Hunter.
“Do you need an extra pair of hands? You know I’m good in a tight spot.” She was desperate to come along, her curiosity was burning and you felt slightly smug that they were keeping her out of the loop.
“We’ve got all the hands we can manage,” Hunter told her. “I’m sure we’ll see you in a few days.”
“All right,” she sighed, giving Omega a smile before she untangled herself. “Just make sure you come back to me in one piece.” She didn’t name anyone but you knew she aimed that at Tech and you bristled.
“I’m used to putting these boys back together,” you said, surprising yourself with the sickly sweet tone you used. You planted a possessive hand on Tech’s chest, feeling the inhale from him as you did and smirking a little at his reaction. You’d never get tired of hearing his breath hitch. “They’ll be fine.” You felt pressure on your lower back, your face warming when you realised Tech was gently touching you as a form of reassurance.
“Looks like you’re in good hands,” Phee responded a little stiffly and she began to back out of the ship. “I won’t muck up your system.”
“I can correct it when I return, if you do.” Tech gave her a nod and headed for the cockpit, you felt his hand trail from your hip and across your stomach. The touch was fleeting, but it meant everything.
“Bye, Phee!” Omega called from the hatch.
“Ah, yeah. Bye, Phee.” Wrecker and Omega waved at her and she waved back. You didn’t wait to see her off, but you knew she would watch the ship until it disappeared. Hunter activated the ramp just as Tech called for Omega.
“Now would be a good time to practise your flying skills, transitioning from atmospheric pressure to the vacuum of space.”
“Yes!” You smiled in the face of her excitement, relieved to be leaving Pabu behind. You knew they’d want to come back and you’d have to deal with Phee eventually.
Pabu dropped away, the Marauder’s shadow distorted as it glided on the surface of the sea. The sun streamed into the cockpit and you squinted slightly from the glare.
“Easy on the thrusters,” Tech warned as Omega guided the ship into the upper atmosphere. “We need to conserve our fuel and while I have calculated for some inevitabilities, it is not possible to factor in all of them.”
“Ah, you’re doin’ good, kid.” Wrecker pressed a huge hand on Omega’s shoulder and she glanced up at him with a beaming smile. You made your way to the hold shortly after the ship broke into the black, finding Hunter highlighted by the console screen.
“You’re not happy about this,” you pointed out, sitting down next to Gonky and giving the droid a gentle pat.
“I’m not. But anything to tie up loose ends and leave that planet behind for good,” he said darkly. “We will set you down in the spaceport and then when you’re done, you can hail us and we’ll come and get you.” You chewed on your lower lip, using your fingers to really press it into your teeth.
“Plan A,” you muttered.
“Plan A?” Hunter swivelled to face you. “It’s our only plan.”
“Fi says we should always plan for anything, and that’s why we have the rest of the alphabet to work with.”
“Luckily for us I am good at making a plan to suit our, unique situations,” he grumbled.
“You’d like him,” you said absently. Your gaze was vacant and fixed on a point on the hull wall as you remembered. “I hope they’re ok.”
“Rex has got them,” Hunter reassured you. “If you can trust anyone, it’s Captain Rex.” Bitterness flooded your mouth and you regretted not being there anymore. It was good to be back with the Batch, to see them happy and healthy but…you couldn’t help worrying for the clones you’d left behind. Was Echo taking his pain meds? Was Fi doing his exercises and not beating himself up when he forgot what he was doing next? Was Rex drinking enough? How was Howzer settling in?
“You’re brooding,” Hunter muttered and you smirked.
“Takes one to know one.” He scoffed at your remark, keeping his gaze fixed on the screen.
You felt the lurch of the ship and the cheer from Wrecker as Omega pushed it into lightspeed for the first time. So began your journey. The next stage…the next chapter…and you had no idea what was going to happen.
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You loved it when the ship was this quiet. But you hated it at the same time. You were sat in your usual place, your eyes burning from tiredness as everyone else slept around you. How you’d reacted to Phee was making your stomach churn…that wasn’t who you were? Was it? Didn’t you trust Tech? Whatever was happening with you two was so new, so tentative and then you were away from him. And that hurt. He understood your choice to help Rex and Echo and you didn’t regret it. So why did you feel this way?
Standing up, you stretched your back with a soft grunt, reaching for the ceiling of the hold and then relaxing to a slight boneless feel. Padding quietly into the cockpit, you saw Tech surrounded by items you couldn’t possibly begin to name.
“Have you slept?” You went to put a hand on the back of his neck and thought better of it, choosing to sit in Echo’s seat.
“I have not. I cannot rest until I have programmed this datastick with the exact files you need. All you will need to do is put this into the main port. I have no doubt it will work perfectly.” He glanced up from his datapad, eyeing you for a moment as you gently trailed your fingers over the console. “Was your sleep unsatisfactory?”
“That implies I slept, Tech.”
“Ah.” He adjusted his goggles a little but you saw his fingers had stopped tapping on his pad.
“What is it?” He wanted to speak, oh stars, you could feel his urge to say the words and his frustration was like a whip through his presence, but he gave no outward sign he was suffering.
Going on instinct you got up, kneeling beside him and putting your hand in his. Immediately he gripped your fingers, his eyes coming down to watch the contact between you, almost as if he had to see it to believe it. “I’m sorry I reacted the way I did—earlier.” Your sudden admission had him frowning with confusion, his gaze lifting to meet with yours.
“I do not understand why you are apologising.” He was going to make you spell it out. Sighing quickly you rubbed a hand over your face only to see Tech still watching you closely as he waited for your explanation.
“I realise I did not…I assume she’s your friend? Phee?” You asked, desperately trying to keep your tone light.
“I have never had friends before you. It is not something I am familiar with or realise the…parameters of. I do understand we are now…more than friends.” Your breath quickened, your heart was pressing on the inside of your ribcage and it felt like your entire body was tingling.
“A few kisses will do that,” you whispered, swallowing sharply and steadying your breathing.
“Our brief physical interactions express our affections outwardly. I want you to know what happens to me—inwardly.”
“Tech, no one can know really…”
“I understand you are not a mind reader. I have been thinking about last night for a considerable amount of time, and I came to the conclusion that my feelings for you transcend anything I have ever experienced before.”
“Tech…” but he squeezed on your fingers so he could continue.
“All I have ever known is war. War and survival,” he carried on, his eyes tracking over the console with all his stuff on as the ship sped through hyperspace. His expression was pensive, highlighted by the twisting lights that gave way to the ship with ease. “You have shown me there is more to this Galaxy than the next objective. You—you slow me down, Stitch.”
“Slow you down?”
“It was an analogy that made sense to me,” he sighed and his sense of frustration came back. Before he could spiral from laying himself bare, you reached to touch his face and turned him to look at you.
“I would not be alive today if it wasn’t for you, Tech. You keep me going…when you look at me, you really see me. When you hold my hand I feel as though, everything I have been through, everything that tried to tear me apart, is gone. And all that exists is you and me. For a brief moment,” you whispered. “It’s all that matters.” He didn’t know how to respond and that was ok. He had already said more to you than you could ever wish for.
You stood up, fully expecting him to let you go back into the hold when his hand gripped yours and the cockpit door slid shut. You heard him rise behind you, turning your head slightly, you saw him out of your peripheral loom behind you.
Tech’s hand drifted up your arm, his fingers tentative in their caress and you shivered slightly. You leaned back into him, his face coming down to rest in the crook of your neck. You enjoyed his closeness, lifting an arm to brush the hair at the base of his neck.
“You quiet my mind,” he whispered against your skin. You felt his other hand ghost up the front of your body, coming to grip your chin so he could manipulate you into a kiss that had your head spinning. There was something different this time, an awareness on his side as well as yours that collided and smashed your barriers down so much quicker.
Turning your body you pressed into his chest, pulling on his neck to make him lean more into you. His arm encircled your waist, making your back arch until you almost lost your balance. You tipped back, taking him with you but he had already preempted this situation. Reaching out with a hand he stopped the fall against the door of the cockpit, walking you backwards until you were wedged between him and the cold durasteel.
Tech mouthed his way down your exposed neck, his breath heatedly dancing over your skin when he gasped. His hand was planted beside your head, fingers curling with nothing to grip onto.
Tech’s sudden confidence had your mind emptying of all logical thought. Maybe this was a dream? A vision? If it was…it was a damn good one, for a change.
His lips found their way back to yours, absorbing every little gasp he could extract from you as your body began to heat up. The burn was slow, gently licking up from your belly to warm your chest. You wanted him to explore, to touch you in places you’d never wanted to be touched before.
But now wasn’t the time.
“Tech…Hunter can hear us,” you whispered and he paused. His sigh was heavy and you grinned, pressing your face against his to give him a swift kiss on the cheek. “When we come back. I promise.” A nod was the only response he could give and you moved away from him. Taking his hand you led him back to the pilots console and he sat down again. You were about to sit back in Echo’s chair when Tech pulled on your arm, forcing you to topple into his lap.
“I can work perfectly well with you sitting here.” He left no room for discussion, so you stretched your legs over both of his, resting your head on his shoulder and he could reach round you to work with both hands.
You found yourself drifting into sleep, Tech’s repetitive motions were a comfort as was the beat of his heart and the sensation of being wrapped in his presence.
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The ship barely touched the ground, allowing you enough time to leap from the ramp. Lifting your arms up you protected your face from the ships down draft, smelling the dump of fuel as it took off again. Your tunic slapped in the rush of heated air, rippling against your skin as you looked up into the sky, watching until the ship shot away and they were out of sight.
You hadn’t said goodbye. You didn’t need to. They were coming back in a couple of hours when you’d wiped the systems and erased everything you could from the database. Tech gave you detailed instructions and you could hail him if needs be, he still had his com that was connected to yours back at the medcentre.
Ord Mantell felt just the same. There were people everywhere, hustling and bustling on market day, laughter floated through the crowd and you felt a weird heaviness lift off your shoulders. You realised it was the worry of the boys that had been pressing on you. You couldn’t blame them, coming back here after they’d all but shunned Cid, was a risk. Hence why you here alone.
The sun was shining, it was warm and you basked for a moment as you walked, surprised how unaffected by the amount of people you were. It was familiar. After all the upheaval recently it was like your brain was happy to be in a place it knew and you appreciated that.
Something niggled at your awareness, making you come to a sudden stop and change direction. It was odd, a pulling sensation that felt you like you had an internal compass telling you were to go. Curiosity got the better of you, remembering what Hunter said about always trusting your instincts and you began to head away from the medcentre.
The crowds grew thicker but you held onto the fact it felt like you were going in the right direction…then you saw her. The familiar pair of lekku had you smiling and tears rose unbidden to your eyes. You forgot you’d need to say goodbye.
“Tesama!” You waved at your friend and she waved back over the heads of everyone else. Worming your way through the crowd to reach her at the stall that was selling droid parts.
“This boc’ara, is charging me too much for Beetoo’s replacement parts.” You frowned at the seller, a Bith called Hezo that you knew well.
“What’s going on?” You asked him, pointing at Tesama and her chain code card. “You know who we work for.”
“Cid told me not to give you any more discount. She said you’ve had enough,” he held up his hands and refused to look directly at you both. “Take it up with her.” He went to deal with someone else, Tesama cursed again in her own language.
“What is going on?” You muttered.
“I don’t know, but I am so glad you’re back. Everyone has been acting strange,” she told you angrily. “I’m fed up if it, I feel I’m on the outside. Please tell me you’re staying and the boys are coming with you because Cid’s moods are awful.” You smiled at her, not really sure how to deal with it all. You weren’t staying, the boys weren’t coming back and you felt guilty for leaving Tesama here.
The Twi’lek carried on chatting, bringing you quickly up to speed on what had been happening as best she could, seemingly desperate to get it all off her chest. But you couldn’t concentrate, there was a weird fuzziness to your thoughts and you stopped at the edge of the market.
“Head back to the medcentre…” your voice trailed off as a sense of dread trickled down your back like icy water.
“What? Stitch?” The words got stuck, refusing to come past the tightness in your throat as pure fear washed over you. Tesama’s eyes rose to look at something in the sky behind you, widening drastically when she saw what you were sensing.
You didn’t need to turn around. The screams of the citizens around you were confirmation enough, followed by the vast shadow as it moved to block out the light from the sun. Moving at a steady pace, the shadow devoured everything beneath it, blanketing the market in a darkness that held a threatening chill.
“They’re here!” Tesama cried. “They will find me and make me a slave!” You snatched at her arm and pulled her close, making sure she could hear you over the rising panic.
“Run. Hide, they’re not here for you. Don’t give them an excuse to find you. I’ll head back to the medcentre and erase any trace of you. Ok?” She nodded, her lekku bouncing and you released her. “Go!” The howling roar of TIE fighters drowned out your word but she understood, turning and running.
You had no time to dwell on the fact you’d never see her again.
Panic rose and along with it the cacophony of noise. You were shoved between beings, your own anxieties trying to overwhelm you as well as absorbing the heightened emotions of everyone around you. When you slipped down the alley you were able to breathe, clutching at your throat as you forced yourself to keep walking.
They were here.
You ducked in the street as the pressure of the TIEs passing over made you want to press into the ground. Their hellish screams sounded like demons reawakened from the deepest of slumbers and all you could feel was the crawling sensation over your skin. The medcentre was so close and you forced yourself to run the rest of the way.
You locked the door. Racing into the bays you yelled for Beetoo who appeared, her photoreceptors blinking.
“You’re back. About time because I have had that Trandoshan female questioning me everyday.”
“The Empire is here!” You gushed at her, still trying to catch your breath as you remembered everything Tech had said to you.
“Is it true?” She asked. “The Empire is here?”
“Yes.” Time was running out as your fingers flew over the screen of your datapad, erasing Tesama’s file just as you promised. You inserted the data stick Tech gave you, letting it riot through the system and delete every trace of you and Batch as you darted into your bedroom. You picked up the blaster that was in your safe, locking the door and covering it back up. “In the supply cupboard,” you demanded.
“Just do it Beetoo!” You shot the control panel for the front door and then locked yourself in the supply cupboard with the disgruntled droid, shooting that panel off the wall as well.
“Well now we are stuck,” she stated calmly.
“Stow it,” you snapped. Your steps were loud in the small space as she watched you walk backwards and forwards. They were here for you. It was that clone, Boba. Tapping the grip of the blaster against your forehead you tried to think of what to do.
“I have this.” You stopped and looked over at Beetoo as she produced the tracker Tech had given you at the Festival. “They would have jammed transmissions by now but judging by the programming on this, it would get through.”
“I am a military, medical droid,” she stated as though it was obvious. “When I was remade he did not take that away from me.” Tech, oh Tech. You nearly collapsed as your breath stuttered at the thought of him. Echoes of your vision taunted you, the very real realisation that your visions held weight frightened you. But Tech saved you then, he could save you now…except it put them directly in the path of the Empire. The one thing Hunter, rightly, did not want.
“Use it.” You were close to tears, ripped apart by this decision as you felt them getting closer with every passing second.
“What if they get caught trying to save me?” You whispered.
“The odds are high in that regard. But there is a still a low chance they won’t.”
“And yet. You’re telling me to use it?” You scoffed, wiping your face.
“Yes. I will not survive this encounter. But I will go into it willingly knowing you have a chance of being found and rescued.”
“Fierfek,” you sobbed. Not able to hold back the emotion any longer.
“Record a message, I am just a droid they will destroy me.”
“But if they destroy you…” You asked, feeling a surge of something other than despair. The lights flickered, and the ground shook beneath your feet. Medical equipment slid off the shelves and you lurched to hold onto one. You could hear the faint explosions as they trapped people within the city, cutting off all escape because they were hunting for someone. For you.
“He will still be able to extract your message if I cannot deliver it myself,” she stated calmly, setting her feet slightly apart to stop herself falling over. The hissing of settling dust filled the room and you looked up at her from where you were holding onto the shelf.
“You would be able to do that?” You breathed, oddly calm in the face of imminent discovery or death.
“I would not have suggested it otherwise.” Now you laughed, grateful for that little glimpse of Tech as you nodded.
“Do it.”
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Hunter felt uneasy. He couldn’t explain it. The restlessness could usually be nullified by twirling his knife, or pacing but nothing was working. Entering the cockpit he tried to find something comforting in the still lights of the stars only to come up with a blank. Ord Mantell was below them as they orbited. He eyed the planet wearily, as though expecting Cid to appear on the hull, demanding to know where they’d been all this time.
“You are not yourself,” Tech observed.
“Something feels…wrong.” It was the only way Hunter could explain.
“Nothing is wrong,” Tech said nonchalantly as he worked on fixing a loose connection.
“Yeah.” No, something was wrong. But if he couldn’t explain it, how could he make his brothers see?
Rex had promised he’d covered his tracks, the Bounty Hunter had been distracted and you were on Ord Mantell. And safe.
So he wasn’t prepared when the proximity warnings went off and a Venator burst out of hyperspace right before them.
“That is unexpected,” Tech announced. He flipped a few switches. “We must contact Stitch before they cut our communications.” Hunter could already tell it was too late. He felt the deadness of the connection before Tech had even keyed in your com and typed his message. “They are jamming our transmissions. We must extract her.”
“Wait,” Hunter suddenly said. “How would they know where to find her?” No one answered his question, because no one knew, not even Tech. “Even if someone had seen her…it meant the Empire was nearby and monitoring coms to react this quickly.” Tech reacted, turning all the systems off in the ship and plunging them into the dark and cold so they were dead in space.
“Wha’ are you doing?” Wrecker asked, his voice almost too loud in the dead quiet.
“They cannot detect us, with all our systems switched off,” Tech explained as he peered forward. “Allowing us to pass directly beneath them.” The Venator was practically on top of them, all it would take was for someone to look with their own eyes outside, but the Imperials were arrogant. Relying on technology that could be blinded if you knew how.
“It’s c-cold!” Chattered Omega to which Wrecker responded by wrapping her up in a blanket and sitting her on his knee.
“We cannot warn her, or extract her,” Hunter’s words were punctuated with stress. “Unless anyone has any ideas?” Tech was rigid, Hunter could see him working through everything at once and coming up with the same conclusion every time. Their hands were tied. The risk of capture was too great.
“They don’t know she’s here though,” Omega added quietly from the crush of Wrecker’s arms. “Right?”
“That, I could not tell you for certain.” Hunter stiffened, he really wished Tech would soften his blows sometimes, especially with Omega.
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They found you just like in your vision. Black lifeless visors and demanding voices; rough hands that took you right back to your darkest days and you curled up on the floor. But when they dragged Beetoo out and threw her on the ground a haze descended over your vision. You didn’t care about the medbay, the noise of your shattering equipment faded against the throb of your raging pulse and you screamed.
Kicking the legs out from under one trooper, you used him as a shield as they fired upon you, tossing his spent body aside you collided with another. Taking him down and rolling to the side only to swiftly get up and jab your elbow in the throat of another. You could feel them in the force, their weak points like beckons to you.
You took down two more with your bare hands, mainly going for the spot under their chins and choking them by landing a slicing blow and then swiping their feet out from under them. More troopers entered and you readied yourself, balling your fist and twisting your wrist only to realise you didn’t have your armour on. Just your normal medic, civvy clothes.
You didn’t even have time to dodge the bolts, taking them firmly in your chest and the power they released encapsulated your entire form, bringing you heavily to the ground and shattering your mind.
Pain. Your old friend and ever constant companion danced over your skin as the electricity coursed through your body. If you could have given up in that moment you would have.
It stopped and your body relaxed, your vision was blurred but you could still see Beetoo smashed on the floor, her parts littering the ground like silver rocks.
They were trashing your medcentre, your home. White boots stomped around your fallen body. Items fell and crashed, equipment was ripped apart, circuits sparking in protest. But you saw none of it.
Concentrating on the grey boots that stepped over the broken corpse of your droid. Boots you had worn when you were small, trying to make Jango smile as you clomped about the cockpit of the ship.
Your mind couldn’t process, it couldn’t separate Boba and Jango even with the change in colour on the armour. He crouched down, completely unbothered by the destruction that reigned around him while the Troopers tore through your place. He sighed, almost disappointingly as he regarded you through the helmet you refused to look at.
“This would have been much easier if you had come with me on Coruscant,” he murmured in that velvet smooth voice.
“Then you wouldn’t have had the joy of coming here.” It was effort to talk but you didn’t want him to see how weak he had made you, or how helpless you really were. You felt his gloves on your fingers, you tried tightening your grip but he was far stronger than you. Bending your fingers back to pull the tracker away, holding it up and admiring it in the flickering lights. “Can’t have anyone following us now.” He shattered the tracker, killing the signal and adding it to the debris on the floor. “Take her.”
You found some fight. Making yourself punch and kick only to be met with the firm plates of plastoid that ricocheted your hits off them with ease. Your throat was tired from screaming, only able to give you wracking sobs as they dragged you out of the front door.
Your eyes stared up at the sky, the Venator loomed over the city like a death knell, it’s underbelly almost touching the tallest building. Oppressive, forceful, overpowering. The noise of such a ship filled the air, the roar of the engines to keep it level in the atmosphere, the heady smell of fuel as it dumped out copious amounts of waste; even the heat from the engines as it burned the air around. It was suffocating.
It’s what the Empire did. Descended on planets and suffocated them until there was nothing and no one left.
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None of them could stop watching.
Three more Venators arrived to create a blockade and the four of them stood and watched in horror as TIEs poured from the ships. The first Venator lowered into the atmosphere, lasers firing unrelentingly on the city below and there was nothing any of them could do.
Ships fled the planet surface, getting caught in tractor beams or were chased down and destroyed by pairs of TIEs when they didn’t cooperate.
Tech gripped the back of his seat with tense fingers, telling himself over and over again you would have found a place to hide until they could get to you.
“We can’t just sit here!” Wrecker suddenly blurted out.
“We have to,” Hunter told him wearily, the weight of this decision was crushing him.
“Wrecker’s right,” Omega sobbed, casting her tearful gaze up at her brother. “We need to find her!”
“No!” Hunter snapped and they both looked away from him. “I am protecting…you, us, our own.”
“Stitch is our own,” Tech stated quietly. “And we do not leave our own behind.”
“If you have something to suggest, Tech,” Hunter crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow almost as a challenge. His brother didn’t answer, planting himself back in the pilot seat as he woke the ship up.
“What are you doing?” Hunter growled as Wrecker shoved past him to get in the copilot seat. “We’ll never make it past the TIEs and the tractor beam!”
“We have to try!” Cried Omega as she grabbed Hunter’s arm. “We can’t leave her!” He crouched to her level, gathering her to him as he prayed to whatever crazy force that ran this galaxy. Omega shook in his arms, she was terrified and he steeled himself for the battle ahead.
“You stay close to me at all times,” he said gruffly, holding her steady as the ship tipped dramatically. The hull creaked and they all jolted as they took a hit.
“They’re firing on us,” Tech relayed calmly.
“What gave you that impression?” Hunter sourly replied. Omega was tucked tightly in his arms as he moved to a seat, but still she watched the light show outside.
The Marauder spiralled in Tech’s expert hands. Flying them into the atmosphere and away from the Venators.
“You’re going the wrong way,” Wrecker growled.
“We have TIEs on our tail. Clear those and we can double back without getting shot down as we land.” Tech explain sharply. There was nothing Hunter could do. He trusted his brothers explicitly, he knew they’d get to you eventually but he couldn’t help the feeling of each second passing him by, as they struggled to shake the Imperials. Every now and again he caught a glimpse of Ord Mantell, the plumes of smoke rising from the now shattered city and he just hoped you were holding on.
“Aww yeah!” Yelled Wrecker as he exploded a TIE and Tech shot the ship through the debris.
“One more…it’s heading back the Venator,” Tech said as he pushed the ship forward.
“Don’t get too close!” Hunter warned them. “If it’s returning…”
“They are pulling resources back,” Tech announced. “It means they have what they came for.” The implications of such a statement were heavy and none of them wanted to dwell on it.
“Look!” Omega pointed and all their attention zeroed in on the larger ship. Sure enough the engines were flaring, the roar of such a large ship in atmospheric pressure reached them through the hull of the Marauder and Tech pulled up to watch it leave.
“Should we go after them?” Tech asked. “If I can attach to their hull we should be able…”
“What if we go with the ship and Stitch is here?”Omega asked quietly.
Ord Mantell was smoking and broken from the bombardment of the ship. The ship that was now leaving. “Why would they do that?” She whispered, expressing the horror they were all feeling.
“Because they come in, destroy, take what they want and leave.” Hunter replied grimly, with a disgusted twist to his mouth.
“Their hyperdrive is activating,” Tech announced as the engines flared. “It is now or never.” But Hunter didn’t respond and the ship disappeared in the blink of an eye.
There was a beat of silence, a held breath as they all stared at the trail left in the atmosphere.
“Tech, get us down there.” But it was a needless command. Tech had already started guiding the ship back to the city, his fingers sure and precise on the controls. Omega settled back into his arms, her small body trembling and he just hoped there weren’t any Imperials left. If there were, they’d soon be wishing they left with the ship.
The Marauder had barely completed its landing cycle before the ramp was opening but Hunter stopped both Tech and Wrecker with a hand to the chest.
“Covertly. We do this covertly.” He said quietly. “We have no idea if there are Imperials nearby.” Hunter made them pause for a moment longer before moving aside. Tech disembarked first, his visor taking in everything as it tracked his eye movement.
The devastation they were greeted with was immense. Rubble lined the streets instead of people. Buildings were blown apart, carbon scorching marked the floor, edging the craters with a black dusting. But what really got to the group was the silence.
Ord Mantell had never been this quiet, even at night time. Not a single being could be seen moving, there was no music, no hustle of market day. It was like a ghost town and Hunter tried to shake off the feeling of dread that tiptoed up his spine.
Wrecker was breathing heavily into his helmet, struggling with the scene laid before him. They had seen devastation before, but this had just happened, it was still so raw.
“Look out!” Tech pushed Hunter out of the way, snatching at Omega as a wall began to give way. The ripping of stone rendered the air as it crashed to the ground, right where they’d been standing. Dust kicked up, creating a thick cloud that made them all cough.
“Eyes up!” Hunter wheezed. The group collectively raised their blasters only to come face to face with citizens covered in dust. Their eyes were wide with fear as they skirted around the armoured clones, footsteps fading all too quickly in the silent city.
“This is eerie,” Omega whispered as they slowly made their way towards the medcentre. Tech checked his datapad, making sure they were heading in the right direction.
The destruction lessened and Hunter slowed the group down. He was weary, why was this part of the city untouched but the rest was pretty much in ruins? He sighted round the corner, gesturing to Wrecker who went wide and scoped out the street.
“Clear.” The big clone commed quietly. Hunter motioned to Tech who headed straight for the medcentre doorway and opened it with ease. The grating noise was loud and all their blasters pointed into the darkness. Occasionally it was broken by a sparking light cell overhead but the whole place had a silent, ominous feel to it. Nothing moved. Nothing made a sound.
Hunter gestured again and this time Tech entered the building, the rest of them following.
It was dark, too dark. Tech clicked his torch on, ignoring the way his breath hitched when it lit up the hallway. Resting his blaster across his other hand, he advanced.
Tech turned the corner quickly, his finger squeezing the trigger ready to shoot at anything that moved. Immediately he found it difficult to breathe. He was barely aware of Hunter ordering Wrecker to check the rest of the place as he surveyed the damage that had been done. Omega stayed close to Hunter, peering round into the bays with fearful eyes.
All the equipment they had fought tooth and nail over was strewn across the floor, beds bent or marked with blaster shot marks littered the area, your medbay curtains were burnt and torn. Beetoo, lay half crushed on the floor, her inner circuits leaking out of her torso. Your office door was open and Tech could see the destruction trailed into there. The beam of his torch shook and it took Hunter a few times of calling his name before he realised he hadn’t moved.
“Tech. She’s not here.” Hunter put a hand over Tech’s arms, making him lower them before he accidentally shot something.
“Look a’ the mess,” Wrecker gasped, his fists curling until he knuckles cracked.
Tech finally moved, crouching beside Beetoo as he tried to make sense of everything. To his shock her photoreceptors lit up.
“Tech?” Your voice was unmistakable. Small and terrified. “If you’re listening to this, they found me.” He could hear the despair in your tone, the sniff as you fought not to cry. “Tech. I used the tracker but I know you can’t come and get me. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” His hand reached out to hover over the droid as you finally gave in and sobbed. “I’m hiding in the supply cupboard, they landed not that long ago and I know they’re here for me. They know w-who I am. Wh-what I am.” You cried again, gasping a little and he imagined you wiping your face in frustration. “Don’t come after me, Tech. I’d never forgive myself.” He jolted at the abrupt sound of blaster fire. “They’re he—.” The recording was cut off.
Silence reined as Beetoo’s power finally gave out. Tech’s hand shook, still balanced on the balls of his feet in a crouching position as he reeled from what he’d just heard. Hunter and Wrecker stood just behind him, their heads bowed as circuits sparked somewhere in the depths of your place. Omega wept silently, pressing her face into Hunter’s side and he curled an arm around her in some form of comfort.
Tech held his breath, eyes picking out the pieces on the ground as he named all the debris automatically. He knew what this used to be. His fingers gently picked up the chip board that was exposed in the shattered casing, letting the pieces fall to the floor with a soft clatter…this was the remains of your tracker.
Hopelessness was a heavy cloud, hanging in the air like a noxious gas. Everything they had done to keep you safe had been for nothing, they still lost.
“We need to leave.” Hunter said.
“Like this?” Wrecker asked.
“Yes. We won’t be coming back. She’s gone. Tech?” He could feel Hunter’s hand on his shoulder, the pat of it through his armour but still he couldn’t move. “We need to go.” Tech pulled a datastick from his pouch, pushing it into the port at the back of Beetoo’s head, he downloaded everything from the droid. He just hoped it was enough.
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catboy-dummy · 2 years
Intro Post: ✨
Hello! I wish to not use a name on here. But some things i like to be called are good boy, puppy, dummy, and prince (will update if I find a liking to other ones too!). I also use it/its when im getting dumb (NOT in a misgendering way, don’t touch me with that)
Im 21 and my pronouns are he/him, I’m a bisexual trans man, lovingly taken <3.
A lot of what I post and rb is fantasy
Backup is @dummy-catboy-moved
Minors, this blog is 18+
No age in bio
Detrans and misgendering, don’t want to shame it’s really just not my thing
Ageplay, sissification, r4pe kink (this one is a weird field because cnc tags keep overlapping with it so idk, I have mixed feelings), feeder, incest, and trauma blogs
Usual DNI stuff
I will update this if/as I need to. Please also note I will also just block whenever I feel like my boundaries are invalidated or I just feel uncomfortable
My Kinks:
Resistance play
Breeding (not the birth part)
Hucow (maybe just a little bit)
Cnc (huge emphasis on consensual)
Drugging/Aphrodisiacs (also consensually)
Intox (fills in with drugging but adding anyway)
Free use
Royalty (as a treat)
-please don’t talk about me interacting with your genitals unless we’ve had a prior conversation/consent about it. It’s a huge overstep
-this also goes for involving other ppl that I interact with in ur ask without any real prior conversation or consent on it. Again it kinda puts me in a weird uncomfortable position with the other person that I’m interacting with :(
-unless initiated, please don’t tell me what you would do to me either. Unless it’s initiated it brings me out of the mood immediately
-don’t ask for pics/ audio anything of the sort. Also don’t ask invasive questions or ones that are too personal
-if you send me any pics I’m blowing you up
-if you ever try to overstep my relationship I’m also blowing you up
- if an ask or a dm makes me uncomfortable I will not answer/ reply to it (or I might but it won’t be in a positive way). I might also block out of sheer initial discomfort. (I do understand miscommunications can happen, but unless communicated I will probably just assume the worst out of safety/personal reasons)
-just because I post or reblog something it doesn’t make in an invitation to be creepy. Don’t do that. (Unless specifically mentioning it, but even then don’t be creepy)
Asks / Dms:
Asks are open! Just please don’t be an asshole. Maybe even encourage me to rub and cum my brains out (or make me edge my mind away) so I can become a good, empty, cockdumb boy. I always love pretty spirals or words filling up my inbox
Spiral maker if y’all wanna make a spiral for me to stare at
Go ahead and also just ramble and talk in there, as horny as I am I love normal interaction too :3
If you anon a lot feel free to claim an emoji or name so I can tag u and recognize you more :3
Dms are open to mutuals! Feel free to message and just talk about anything or do hypno related things. Might open them up to everyone someday if I feel comfy doing so. :3
Additional: I’m pretty sure I’m on the spectrum (I’ve been looking into it for years now. So if I’m a little ehhh sometimes I’m probably overwhelmed or overthinking stuff or just unsure of something and I’m getting uncomfortable. Tone indicators really help sometimes because I’m awful at reading tones of stuff.
Anon tag claims: 💜, 📀, 🕸, 🐾, 🐐,🎩,💙,💛
I’m new to all of this so I’m sorry if I sound nervous or awkward at times.
Whenever I write “sweet boy” or I’m thinking about my bf, but I also write these in a way so anyone can interpret the scenario as they wish! But I also just wanted to clarify :3
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mrstsung · 5 months
Can't believe i have to make one but here we are.
Rules and DNI:
Dni with my not sfw kontent. if you are under 18. I am a grown adult and do not feel comfortable if you interact with my nsft kontent. I am well above that age and have no time to explain this. You should know better. I try to tag things properly,but if i miss a tag. Let me know.
Dni if you are gonna be rude,disrespect,and sending passive aggressive anon hate.
Dni if you are a fan of mk12/mk1 liu kang specifically. Just that version,any other version is fine i guess.
*ADDED: plz DNI if you ship liu kang and shang tsung and or shang tsung with anyone. It makes me very uncomfortable. (Unless you self ship thats fine but plz dont ship shang tsung with any other characters. It really makes me uncomfortable af. Thank you.) Also if you ship shang and quan chi im questioning you as a person.
Ask box is closed and due to people both not requesting enough and people being rude. I said the second that someone does this. I'm done writing x readers and making kontent for others for good. So sorry i am no longer sharing my works if people don't respect this simple request. (If you wanna use my edits just ask. If you wanna reblog,be nice. It's really that easy)
If you dont like my posts. Block,move on,dont read. It's simple.
Other than that. Enjoy yourself here.
*edit* :
I DO NOT SHARE SHANG TSUNG AS A F/O. I DO NOT FEEL COMFORTABLE. mostly because none of you can write him properly.
I am very very selective about who i talk to about blorbo ok? This is no shade,but i trust only a few mutuals with him.
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🐍💚-Mrstsung 💋
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white-poppie · 2 years
Melanin Goddesses
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Request: hiiiiiii. I would like to ask you if you can make a headcanon of the Wammy boys reacting to their S/O Fem with brown skin and very thick thighs. If you have time and it doesn't bother you. Since your headcanons are so cool.
A/N: Hey there! I don't write for Matt when it comes to Wammy boys because I don't know his personality at all. Forgive me for that. The reader you described is literally me- wtf. Ps: I am a person of colour/ Indian/ too (just adding this before anyone gets mad.) Literally don't ask me what I wrote, I have no idea.
Warnings: Little suggestive for Mello.
Death Note (デスノ一ト)
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This boyo has no interest in any physical characteristics. He only looks for personality, intelligence, maturity and understanding.
But he would be lying if he said that your melanin skin and thick thighs aren't a cherry on top.
He is literally so pale, so he was really entranced by the colour difference.
He thinks of you as some beautiful deity who ascended from heaven.
The first time he saw you wear shorts in front of him; he had a weird urge to bite your thighs??? (A/N: L what?)
He has always wanted to try resting his head on your lap to see whether it would be comfortable, but he is scared of making you uncomfortable.
You shuddered as you felt someone bear holes on your thighs. You looked up from your phone and saw L squinting at them.
"Something wrong, L?" you asked.
He shook his head but kept staring at your thighs.
"Uhh..is there something on my legs?" you mumbled, feeling very conscious.
L looked up at you and blinked, feeling bad for making you uncomfortable, "No, I just want to rest my head on your lap."
You stared at him for a few seconds before cracking a smile, "go ahead."
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Near is childish yet mature at the same time.
Therefore, I conclude the above-mentioned statement by deducing the fact that this lad would rest his head upon your legs while he talks about the most disturbing conspiracy theories, darkest cases etcetera. (My thesis is ready lmao.)
He mindlessly traces shapes on your arms, thighs...basically, anywhere he has access to, it makes him so relaxed 🥺
Overall it is all about emotional connect with him.
Near was laying on your tummy. your thighs rested on his shoulders as you two watched Howl's moving castle.
"Howl and Sophie are literally made for each other, "you sighed.
"But technically speaking, isn't Sophie like...60?" near replied while thinking and drawing circles on the exposed flesh of your thighs.
"I mean, yes, but he is a magician and she does, slowly, turn back to normal," you answer.
"Yeah," Near closed his eyes and turned around, burying his face in your chest, " 'm sleepy."
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1 word: simp.
You know how that one audio that goes: "I Just Shot My Shot at this Lil Fine, Wonderful, Succulent, Lovable, Incredible, Cinnamon Chocolate!" Yep, that's him when he looks at you.
Unlike the other people, he will absolutely not hesitate to just randomly pick you up and put you on his lap.
Love-bites everywhere he can get his hands on!??! o//o
The kind of guy who would just randomly ask, "crush my skull between your thighs."
Also, he squeezes the flesh of your thighs to get your attention.
When he is driving, his hand is always resting on your thigh when it is not on the gear.
He just loves teasing you so much and seeing you get all worked up.
"Pay attention to me, babe, I am telling you something, aren't I?" Mello huffed, sitting in front of you.
"I am almost done with my-" your remark was cut short, by him squeezing your thigh.
"Mello," you warned.
"I am sorry, it's just too squishy!" he pouted and you had to leave your work in the middle just to listen to him ranting about this new chocolate flavour.
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Death Note (デスノ一ト)
Tags:  @rintaroubby​​ @nanaseishiro​​, @akumicchi​​, @navaratna​  @idowritingandstuff​​, ​ @denkis111​​, @jazzylove​​,@maybeleftoverjourneys​, @lordmypantsaresocool​​, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle​​, @kristaline2dmensimp​​, @repostingmyfavs​​​​,
Also Check out: L'appel du vide
Synopsis: Your husband, Hanma Shuji is dead! You team up with Tachibana Naoto, Chifuyu Matsuno, Ryuguji Ken and Mitsuya Takashi, you go on a journey full of betrayals and twists. Can you find out what really happened to your husband?
Requests are open (*3*)  Reblog/like to give the author a hug (´;︵;)  
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lysa1201-saucy · 2 years
Don’t Read A Book In Abyssal At 3 AM! (Not Clickbait)(Emotional)(Gone Sexual) - Lucifer x F!Reader (Part 3)
Part 1 , Part 2
Read Chapters Early on my Patreon!! Chapter 4 is currently up! Also includes NSFW art uncensored!! &lt;;33
New chapter yayyy!!! Lmk if you wanna be added to the tag list!!
This story will contain sexual themes and smut in the future, which is why it is being posted onto my 18+ account rather than my SFW account. Thank you &lt;;33
Genre: Comedy, Romance (Fluff + Smut), Angst
Warnings: Mentions of reader on period, period cramps, if there is anything else I should add lmk &lt;;33
Word Count: 1483
You tossed your keys into the small basket on your counter and placed your wallet down. “You can sleep in my bed tonight if you want,” You offered. “I can take the couch.”
“It’s fine,”
“You need the comfort more than I do right now,” You stated, looking at him with sadness and guilt. “I’ll change into my pajamas; you can change into yours. Just knock on my door when you finish, and then we can trade places, okay?”
Why was he so different from the game you played? He should be the Avatar of Pride, yet he is completely broken and confused in your apartment. Although, what other emotions should he be feeling?
“We’ll get them to you,” You whispered before you entered your room. “I promise. I’m sorry.”
You could peacefully sleep on your bed until you woke up at 11 am, feeling incredibly uncomfortable and in a lot of pain. Oh, fuck. Not now.
You quickly got up and checked your couch. Thank goodness it wasn’t stained. You still had to rush to the bathroom and check your bottoms. “Fuck,” You cursed under your breath, finding them stained.
Now you had to figure out how to wake up Lucifer and get into your room to grab a new pair of underwear and sweats and hope he doesn’t see the red stains on your crotch while you do so. Or what’s inside your underwear drawer. Unfortunately, you had to.
You uncomfortably walked to your bedroom door and knocked softly, but there was nothing. Then, when you knocked a second time, you could hear shifting in your bed and some groaning. “Lucifer? Can I come in? I need to grab some things.” 
“It’s your room,” Lucifer’s hoarse voice spoke, saying his first words of the day. He cleared his throat afterward, and you could hear more shifting in the bed.
You meekly opened the door to your room and found Lucifer rubbing his eyes in your bed while sitting up. The blankets on top of him were slightly slid down his body and remained to lay over his lap. Revealing the fact he was shirtless. You bought him a sleeping shirt; why the fuck isn’t he wearing it? 
Oh yeah, it’s summer.
You looked away before he could see you staring. Then, when he stopped rubbing his eyes, you were sure he knew you were looking. That filled him with pride. He felt good.
“Do you think you can look away?” You asked him while you tried to get to your dresser without revealing the stain on your sweats. 
He just rolled his eyes and covered his eyes. “Happy?”
“Thanks,” You whispered under your breath. You quickly grabbed some underwear and new shorts and darted out of the room and right to the bathroom. As you changed your bottoms and put on a tampon, you were too embarrassed by the idea of Lucifer accidentally hearing the sound of your pad rubbing together when you strolled back to your room. “Lucifer? Can you close your eyes again, really quick?”
The sound of a sigh confirmed that he had done so. You ran across your room to find your laundry basket and hide the stained clothes under your other dirty laundry. “Okay, you’re good to look again,” You gave permission, turning around to see him with a shirt on this time. You don’t need to be at the hormonal time of the month and see a hot guy without a shirt on in your room, so you were nothing but overjoyed that he had more clothes on this time. “I don’t have much left to make any breakfast, unless you want eggs and toast again. I have cereal?” You tried to offer.
“I’m going to brush my teeth,” Lucifer said as he walked out of the room.
You groaned. “That didn’t answer my question,” You complained under your breath.
Deciding to ignore his apparent attempts at avoiding and ignoring you, you made yourself a bowl of cereal as you chose to wait for him to finish brushing his teeth and changing his clothes. Once he left the room, you couldn’t help but feel different things again. What upset you the most was that he knew what he was doing to you. The more you reacted, the more his personality and pride began to rush back to him.
“Do you want to go to the library again? I have a shift from noon to 8 pm today.” You asked him shyly. You couldn’t help but feel so timid around him. Not only that, but you knew it was because of the month's time, but it only made you more embarrassed by each second. “Sorry I keep needing to leave you alone,”
“Don’t worry; I like being away from you.” That was Lucifer’s immediate response. Ouch.
You nodded, taking his bowl and your own to the kitchen to wash.
Your shift had gone by painfully slow. Not only were your cramps torturous, but so was your anxiety for Lucifer. You gave him some cash, so if he got hungry, he could get some food, but you also gave him strict orders not to wander around too much and get lost, and to be at the library by 8 pm, so you could go and pick him up.
But of course, what do you see at the library? Not Lucifer.
You rushed to the front desk to ask an employee in panic, “Hey, do you by any chance know when a man with black hair, red eyes, kind of looks like Christian Grey?” You attempted to explain Lucifer's looks when the library’s bell rang. Your head snapped over to find the tall man you were just looking for. “Oh, thank God.” You sighed in relief, quickly covering your mouth as his expression switched to a deadpanned one. “Sorry,” You mouthed to him.
You walked over to him quickly and looked up, “Where were you? I was scared to death!”
“I was just across the street; I had dinner. Plus, it’s exactly 8 pm, so you’re early.” You turned your head to check the library’s clock, and he was correct. You chose not to say anything in response. “Are we going to head back to your apartment now?”
You nodded in response when you winced slightly. Damn it. Your cramps were starting to act up. Lucifer seemed to notice your random pang of pain but decided to ignore it at that moment. You’ll be fine. 
You groan loudly as you both settle into your car, seatbelts on, car ready to reverse. You wrap your arms around your stomach and rest your head on the steering wheel. “What’s wrong with you? Are you okay?” Lucifer asked slightly with worry. It wasn’t that you were explicitly in pain; you were his ride to the place he sleeps.
“It hurts so bad,” You croaked, tears threatening to leave your eyes. Don’t you dare cry in front of this son of a bitch, you thought to yourself. Lucifer quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and went to open the car door. “Where are you going?” You looked up, but he seemed to either ignore you or just didn’t hear you because he shut the door behind him.
The next thing you see is him walking around the front of your car and next to your door, opening it. “Move.” That was all he said.
“I’ll drive,”
“It’s fine,”
“It’s not fine. I'm driving; you can’t drive if you're crying your eyes. I wrote down some information I need you to go through anyway, so I’d like to return to your place.”
Maybe you were hoping he was doing this because he cared, but deep down? He was annoyed by your crying and pain and wanted to do more research.
The drive home was silent besides your occasional sobs of pain. He ignored every single one. To him, this was just what you deserved for bringing him away from home and possibly everyone else. He almost wished you were feeling worse. He knew that was rude, you were being kind enough to try and help him get him back home and give him a place to stay as well as food to eat, but at the same time, if it weren’t for you, he wouldn’t need that hospitality in the first place.
When you two returned to your apartment, he was annoyed by your sobs. He had a headache and just wanted to go to bed. He let you have your bed that night, so you’d hopefully feel better the next day and be able to help him with what he discovered. You were going to get him the fuck home, and if you didn’t, he would cause you even worse pain than you were already feeling.
Although, at that moment, you were ready to accept any pain other than your awful cramps.
Tag List: @sassykattery , @dfgdfgxftdd , @karmasadistic69
Next Part
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sudzymactavish · 5 months
Hello! Welcome to my page! This pinned post will be edited a lot so people know everything up to date :) I mostly post silly things, but I do love to write about my favorite charaters. If you want to send a request in, be my guest. I love hearing new ideas about what to write! Just a few things to go over..
1. Fandoms I write for
Cod mostly. Of course I can do other fandoms if I am told about the charaters, but please no problematic fandoms.
2. Boundaries
One thing to get across: I do NOT want minors on my page! I write NSFW and minors shouldn't be reading things like that. Now with that out of the way, here's my boundaries for my writings.
I don't like doing huge age gaps (over 30-40 year ones) because it makes me slightly uncomfortable :(.
another is ageplay, with similar reasoning to the age gap. Mommy or daddy kinks are okay, but not like pretending either charater is a child.
And I will absolutely not do noncon (non consenting) NSFW. as a SA victim, that is very triggering to write and hear about. So, sorry, but absolutely not. If you request this, i will be blocking you. :(
no NSFW of minors (under the age of 18). Even if they are both minors, I still don't feel comfortable writing it. Even if they are aged up.
I will also not write any incest. Why would you even want that??
I love getting requests. But do I love being pressured to finish one? No, not really. I get that you're excited about me writing something but if you're going to ask every 5 minutes "is it done yet??" (With a rude tone) then I will let you know I won't be continuing the work.
Another thing, yes fem people can come onto my blog. I just don't write for them often. Anyone is welcome on my page :)
Just a reminder, if you request any of these things you will be instantly blocked. So just don't, okay? Thanks!
3. Schedules
I have a busy schedule from day to day, but I am mostly free on weekends. Sometimes I do like to go out and do things lol. I have a teaching job, so I'm busy most of the day.
4. Tags
I'm not super good at adding tags, but I'll try! I might forget sometimes. But here's the list:
5. New updates! (This one will change most frequently)
My followers/community is named Bubbles, so don't be confused if I call an anon a "bubble" or "bubble buddy". But I will mostly call anons by their emojis :)
My asks are open!
Bubble Buddies:
🌌 anon, 🦈 anon
That's it! If you have any questions, dm me or leave a comment. Thanks for visiting my page ❤️
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imagines-ahs · 2 years
Chapter Seven - Black.
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Summary: Wilhemina Venable felt it was finally time to leave Kineros Robotics and get a job with people who weren’t such morons like Jeff and Mutt. What she didn’t expect, however, was for her new boss to be so damn insufferable. She didn’t expect to fall in love with her, either.
Tag List: @devriesgoode @mistysswampmud @paulsonsratched @msvenablx (message me to be added if interested!)
Upstairs, in the kitchen, Billie Dean poured herself some coffee. The office was still empty, and her thoughts actually had room to be heard, for once. The building was new, so there were no spirits trapped. Restaurant… Wilhemina had eaten at a restaurant today. Billie Dean couldn’t help but wonder why she didn’t eat at the office. They had talked about it, and she knew Wilhemina shared the same opinions when it came to the food she provided. Is it because of me? Billie shook the thought off. Perhaps Venable only needed some alone time after their talk in the morning. Chattering arose from the hallway, indicating people were coming back. Billie Dean walked that way, stopping at the doorframe with a small smile. People greeted her, and she greeted everyone back. Everyone arrived but Wilhemina. Ready to start working, Billie Dean began turning around. From the corner of her eye, however, she caught Emma placing a box on Wilhemina’s table. Baker’s Bakery. 
Venable took no more than thirty minutes to get back at the office. She needed to work, and the Valium had already calmed her down enough. The room was quieter than usual, and now with a clear head, a part of her felt bad for leaving Emma like that. The other part, however, still thought it was all just a game. When Wilhemina saw the box on her table, she couldn’t help but bite her lip. Brown eyes avoided Emma, walking quietly to her chair and sitting down without making a sound. She began to type down, doing anything to avoid talking to her. But Emma got up and walked to her table, as Wilhemina was sure she would. 
“Can we talk?” Emma asked softly, nearly begging. Wilhemina usually enjoyed when people begged, but realistically, Emma had been incredibly nice to her, and the only thing saying she was messing with her was, after all, her mind. And Venable had learned her mind was often wrong. I am a fuck up, after all. She nodded. “Kitchen?”
“Sure.” Wilhemina got up and followed Emma that way. As they got there, Emma pulled them to the balcony. It was empty. 
“Please, just tell me what happened. Was it something I said?” Emma’s green eyes now carried a wet shimmer to them. Wilhemina’s chest felt heavy. How is it fair? 
“No… I…” Venable had a hard time speaking. She licked her lips—they stung a little where the cut was—doing her best to open her shell. But her shell was locked, and she hated herself for it. “I…” Was she really willing to dump all of her trauma on her? To share a fraction of how fucked up she was? She’ll never want me around again. Something inside Wilhemina feared she was losing the closest thing to a friend she had in years. A sigh left her lips. Once again, Venable was defeated by her monsters. 
Emma stared at her with huge green eyes, begging for an answer. When she realized there was none, she gulped softly. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable… it didn’t occur to me that you could not… be into women.” Wilhemina frowned. “I’m so used to my own world, I forget people are different than me.” How was it possible Emma expressed herself so well? Venable could only wish she was like that. 
“It’s… it’s not that…” Venable shifted her weight from leg to leg. She avoided Emma’s eyes. It’s not that she didn’t want to explain things, it’s that she couldn’t get herself to explain them. I sound like a scared child. Wasn’t that what Wilhemina was, after all? 
Emma nodded. She looked down for a second. “Can we try it again, sometime?” Wilhemina nodded, but again didn’t say anything. “Okay… I’m sorry, still. I’ll let you work.” With a small, sad smile, Emma left Wilhemina alone in the balcony. 
Venable sighed loudly. She leaned against the wall, nerves screaming. Why am I so messed up? There was a reason her only friend was Purpura. After a minute, she got back to the office. She was being paid for that, after all. 
The afternoon dragged itself for Billie, who read article upon article regarding the ranch they were going to film at today—the story was absolutely brutal. In the fifties, a teenager had killed the whole family with their bare hands. Years later, a woman cut her pregnant belly open and killed the baby and the father. When another family moved in, the father burned everyone alive, including himself. To top things off, the property had worked as an illegal brothel in the nineties, where more than ten clients wore brutally killed by a few of the prostitutes working there. The ranch had been vacant ever since. Billie Dean’s stomach already began to twist; the energy was going to be dark. I’m going to need a lot of white light. She had a feeling the place carried a deep, dark root to it. No ordinary property had a history like that. Something wanted that house, that energy, that suffering. Even between all these horrible stories, Billie caught her mind slipping to lunch; to what could have happened with Venable. The blood on her lip had been very suspicious. When the clock hit three p.m., Billie Dean leaned back on her chair and stretched softly. Her eyes had begun to fall close, which indicated she needed some coffee. Lazily, she got up and followed to the kitchen. Jenny worked on her computer, typing frantically and making calls all afternoon. Billie needed a break from all the typing and talking. She carried the small sketchbook with her, and after getting some coffee and sitting down on the table, she began to scribble on it. She scribbled and scribbled and scribbled nonstop until the clacking of heels caught her attention. Emma entered the kitchen. “Hi, Emma,” Billie Dean smiled up at her. 
“Hey.” Emma offered her a small smile as she sat down beside her on the table. Her eyes closed, and she leaned back. 
Billie Dean frowned. “Everything okay?” Emma was usually talkative and energetic. 
With a sigh, Emma looked at Billie Dean. “I really shouldn’t talk about my love life with my boss…”
“Oh, sush. Just tell me.” Billie Dean closed the sketchbook and leaned closer. She didn’t want to simply be a boss for her employees; she wanted friends. Even though Billie now had fame and success, that didn’t mean she had a lot of people she could count on— most people wanted to take advantage of her status. She missed being a person. And even though in the beginning Emma had been another one to get starstruck by her, she was much better about it, now. 
“Well…” Emma took a deep breath. “You know Wilhemina? The new executive?” Billie nodded. And her mind already wandered to what she thought was coming. Billie Dean knew Emma was into women, that had never been a secret between the two. “I find her interesting. I took her out for lunch and tried testing the waters… flirting a little. I think she got really uncomfortable by it.” 
Billie Dean blinked a few times as she assimilated the information. Emma was flirting with Wilhemina? Billie would have never thought Venable was Emma’s type. “Why so?” 
Emma shrugged. “She wanted to leave all of a sudden. We had ordered dessert, but she didn’t even bother about it.” So that was what had happened. That was why Wilhemina looked so off when they met earlier. Billie couldn’t help but wonder if Emma had been too strong in her approach. “I mean—we did talk when I came back to the office. I thought maybe she’s just not into women but she told me it was not it.” So, she’s into women, too. “I don’t know.” 
Billie didn’t really know what to say. By one side, she was positively shocked to find out Wilhemina was into women. By the other, she was worried perhaps Emma had done something else. Venable was too distraught to be only uncomfortable by some innocent flirting. “Did you—did you do anything? I mean—tried to kiss her or something?”
“Oh, no.” Emma quickly shook her head. “No, no. We only talked. I tried nothing physical.” 
Billie nodded slowly. She pondered on whether or not to tell Emma she had bumped onto Wilhemina earlier. I probably should talk to Wilhemina, first. “I suppose if you two talked and she said everything is alright…” Still, why didn’t Wilhemina mention she was having lunch with Emma? Why did she have the need to lie about it? Did Emma try something?
“I guess…” Emma sighed. “Yeah, I’ll try talking to her again, later.” Billie nodded. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” Billie Dean smiled a little. And then she bit her lower lip, eyes falling down to the table and back up at Emma. Why was she… bothered? Does Wilhemina even date? Venable was so closed into herself, it was hard to imagine her actually dating someone. It piqued her curiosity. “So… Wilhemina, huh?” Emma’s cheeks went from pale to deep red in a matter of seconds. She laughed, palms covering her face. Billie let out a laugh as well. “She is beautiful, no judging.” 
“She is!” Emma whisper-yelled. “There’s something about her… I don’t know.” Her green eyes looked over to the door, checking if it was empty still. 
I know. Billie Dean knew. She knew exactly what Emma was talking about, and it was scary to realize that, perhaps, she knew it a little too well. Just because she likes women, doesn’t mean I’m attracted to her. Billie had a hard time with it, sometimes. Sometimes. “I understand.” 
“Yeah…” Emma licked her lips. “I don’t know, though. We’ll see.”
“Good luck.” Billie chuckled sweetly. 
“Thank you.” Emma laughed. “And you, Miss Medium To The Stars, got your eye on anyone?”
Billie Dean couldn’t help but blush softly. She bit her lip. What was the answer to that? Yes? No? Maybe? She didn’t know. “Not that I can think of.”
“No? What about that makeup artist you told me about?”
“Oh, it didn’t work out.” Billie Dean brushed it off.
“Bummer.” Emma pouted. “Well, I’ll let you go back to your rest. Sorry about it.”
“Emma, it’s alright. Truly. I don’t mind.” Why did everyone act like they were bothering her? Being famous didn’t make her less of a person, for Christ’s sake!
“Thank you,” Emma said once again. Timidly, she left the kitchen. 
Billie Dean played with the pencil between her fingers. She didn’t want to stop Wilhemina from working so she could, quote on quote, gossip about what had happened. But she was a little worried, given Wilhemina had been so distraught. She decided on waiting; they would have some alone time while going to the ranch anyways. 
The end of the afternoon arrived quickly. Wilhemina had nearly managed to fix the company’s policy, which she found to be a job done fast, even to herself. When Emma got up, Venable already knew she was going to come to her table. Again. Emma seemed to be really shaken with everything that had happened, and even though Wilhemina appreciated it, she felt weirdly overwhelmed. Turning her computer off, she looked up right when Emma stopped over her table. “Can we have a chat?”
“Wilhemina, are you ready?” Billie Dean approached them from behind, resting a hand on Venable’s shoulder. She was glad she walked when she did, for she wanted to talk to Wilhemina before Emma could do anything else. She still found the whole story to be suspicious. 
A little bit lost, Venable looked up at Billie Dean. Her blonde hair fell down and framed her face like an angel. Floratta Blue invaded her nostrils, as well as the faint smell of tobacco. She nodded, and with apologetic eyes, she turned to Emma. Emma shook it off. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay.” Wilhemina smiled softly. Emma turned around to leave, and so she got up to finish gathering her stuff.
Billie Dean took a step back, watching her quietly. She leaned against the wall, brown eyes studying the way Venable moved. It still somewhat baffled her mind that Emma was into her… it had stuck on her brain. Once Billie Dean realized Wilhemina was ready to leave, she decided to break the ice she herself had made. “Are you feeling better?”
Another conversation. Wilhemina had talked enough for today. But Billie Dean was so… charming, it was impossible to deny her a conversation, especially when her eyes carried that softer color to them. “I am. Thank you.”
“That’s good to hear.” Billie Dean offered her a small smile. “Before we go, I wanted to talk to you about Emma.” 
Uh oh. Wilhemina stood a little better, hand gripping her cane. “Yes?”
“She told me about what happened during lunch, but I worried she could be forgetting a few details. Did she do anything?” Billie Dean didn’t want to pry, but it was way more important to make sure Venable was alright. 
Venable frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You were really distraught when I saw you.”
Shit. The last thing Venable wanted right now was to explain herself to Billie. And the fact that Emma had told her God knows what about their lunch caused her skin to grow hot in shame. She gulped quietly and lifted her head a little higher. “Emma did nothing wrong. I simply forgot my wallet.”
“Wilhemina…” Her walls are high again. Billie would have to approach it carefully. “Emma told me she’s romantically interested in you. All I’m saying is that if she crossed a line, you can tell me and I’ll fix it. You’re not going to get in trouble for reporting a possible sex assault.” 
Sex assault?! How did things escalate so quickly? Wilhemina’s brown eyes opened wide. “No—no. She didn’t do anything.” She gulped nervously. She definitely didn’t want to talk about why she had gotten the way she did, and Billie Dean seemed to be wanting answers. 
Maybe I was the one to cross a line. “I’m just making sure you’re alright. You were so distraught earlier that when she told me you two went out for lunch, I got scared she could have done something.” Saying it out loud caused Billie Dean to realize that, perhaps, the way she saw Emma was quite bad. Or maybe she just had bad past experiences. 
To know Billie Dean—her boss—knew Emma was interested in her made it even worse for Wilhemina to deal with it. Her mind was starting to spiral again, and even though the fact that Billie worried about her was nice, everything was too overwhelming for things to make sense right now. What if she laughed at me? “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Wilhemina, did she do anything?” Billie Dean insisted. The way she had seen Wilhemina was not normal. Something was going on. 
“Billie Dean, I don’t want to talk about it. This is none of your business, frankly.” Wilhemina could feel her walls tightening. She didn’t want them to, but her mind worked in a way she couldn’t always control. I’m not that kind. I’m not that kind. I’m not that kind. 
Dark blonde eyebrows drew close together. Billie Dean took a step back. “It is my business when it comes to the safety of my employees.”
“I’m okay.”
“Clearly not.”
“Who are you to tell me what I’m feeling?”
“Someone who’s watching from the outside.” Billie Dean struck a nerve, for Wilhemina didn’t snap back at her. Billie took a deep breath. It was so hard to talk to someone who refused to listen. “Wilhemina, I just want to make sure you’re safe,” she started again, softer this time. “That’s all.” 
Brown eyes fixed themselves on Billie Dean’s. Someone who’s watching from the outside. What could Billie tell from the outside? She knew nothing about Venable. She knew nothing about her life nor her experiences. From the outside, Wilhemina was nothing like herself. “I’m safe.” Her jaw tightened, voice rough. 
“Good.” Billie smiled a little, even though Wilhemina’s aura was anything but comforting. “Should we get going?” Trying to talk more about it wouldn’t be productive. Venable had closed herself, she wouldn’t open yet. Wilhemina nodded, and so Billie Dean guided them to the garage and to the car. 
The ride was uncomfortably silent. Wilhemina stared out of the window, and Billie Dean didn’t dare try to make small talk. It was clear by the way Venable didn’t even look at her that she wanted to be left alone. The ranch wasn’t too far, but fifty minutes in a car where no one speaks could feel like an eternity. When they arrived, the hair on the back of Billie’s neck stood up. It was dark there. She got out of the car and her makeup artist and stylist already pulled her inside. She had to get ready as fast as possible. Wilhemina, on the other hand, slowly made her way inside. She found a chair more to the corner and sat down on it, MacBook on her lap. Why the fuck am I here anyways. The day had started really well and then it had turned into a mess. Wilhemina just couldn’t believe Emma had told Billie Dean she was interested in her, who did that?! Perhaps I am the one who’s all sorts of fucked up and can never open up. It made more sense. Emma seemed like such a well adjusted woman; she was beautiful, talkative, had a nice job, probably had a lot of friends. It only made it even weirder that someone like her could be interested in someone like Wilhemina. It’s a bet. But it made no sense for it to be, now that Billie Dean knew. Or at least, Billie wasn’t in it. Venable could still feel her nerves slightly agitated, so she grabbed her sketchbook and began to draw nothing at all, settling it on top of the computer. She drew a line—two—closed them together, added some shade, a circle, another line… and then she looked over at it from a distance. The lines roughly reminded her of a face. A woman. Billie Dean. 
In her dressing room, Billie Dean began to put on the cream dress Jenny had managed to get her. She was thankful the outfit was such a light color, given this place was one of the darkest she had ever seen. She kept on seeing shadows and hearing whispers, her brain was getting foggy already. She felt drained, and it hadn’t even been half an hour since she got there. Once she got dressed, she went to get her makeup done. Her blood pressure was getting low, so she silently prayed. It didn’t take her long to get ready and for the cameras to start rolling. She began telling the story of the place, and she could feel her chest getting heavy. And heavy. And heavier. Until she had to ask for a break. 
“Already?” The director yelled. “We only have the building until five a.m.”
“Just ten minutes, please.” Billie reached for the doorframe, holding herself against it. 
Wilhemina eyed Billie Dean. She was as pale as paper. Weird. She kept quiet, working on the report. Ten minutes passed by pretty fast, and the cameras were soon rolling again. The story was tragic, but Venable didn’t really pay attention to it. She was focused on her work. Until, nearly an hour later, Billie Dean asked for another break. Fiery eyebrows drew close together. Wilhemina looked up at her, watching as Billie Dean followed to her dressing room. She looked weird. Very weird. Quietly, Venable followed behind. Did she eat in the afternoon? Just to make sure, Wilhemina grabbed a sandwich and a bottle of water from the snack table. “Billie Dean?” She called against the cracked door of her dressing room. No answer. “Billie Dean, are you alright?” Why do I even care? Billie had cared for her, after all. It was only fair. No answer, again. “Billie Dean, I’m coming in.” Slowly, she pushed the door and peeked inside. To her surprise, Billie lay on the couch, breathing heavily with her eyes closed and head thrown back against the backrest. Wilhemina closed the door as quickly as she could and sat down beside Billie. What do I do?! How come no one from the crew had seen her sneak out like that? Feeling lost, she reached for one of Billie Dean’s hands and felt her pulse. Low. “Billie Dean, you need to breathe.” With her cane falling to the side, Wilhemina didn’t really think much when reaching for her face and cradling it between her hands. 
“Mgh,” Billie murmured. Everything was so heavy, even opening her eyes was hard. When Wilhemina touched her, however, energy jolted through her body. She lazily managed to open her eyes, now. Venable’s energy wasn’t draining like everything else in this property. “I… it’s s-suffocating.”
“Do you need some air?“ How the fuck am I going to take her outside? 
Billie Dean shook her head. She reached for both of Wilhemina’s hands and held them tightly, lacing their fingers together. Venable was alive. Her energy wasn’t the best, if she were being honest, but she was alive and meant well. That was more than enough. “Just… just stay here.”
Venable wasn’t understanding a thing, but she knew she hadn’t been treated like that in a long time, even if the situation wasn’t a normal one. Her hands felt so odd when laced with someone else’s, and still she felt so… comforted. In that moment, she was sure she’d do anything Billie Dean asked of her. “O-okay,” Wilhemina nearly breathed out. She looked down at their hands again, and her stomach twirled. “I… I brought you water and a—a sandwich. Just in case.”
Billie Dean could barely think. She caressed the hands in hers, trying to focus on something physical rather than in all the whispers around them in the other realm. “Thank you,” she said weakly. “Everything is so loud.”
Venable wanted to roll her eyes and call it bullshit, but in the state Billie Dean was in, she had to admit it couldn’t be just to put a show on. There were no cameras around them. If Billie wanted a show, she would have done it while filming rather than asking for a break. “What… what do you mean?” 
“This property… it’s draining…” Billie just wanted to get distracted; it didn’t matter if Venable didn’t believe in her right now. “It keeps on whispering to me… keeps on draining me…” She had asked them to burn sage over the place, but given the way that entity clung to her, she doubted it had been done. “It’s all over the place. It wants revenge.”
The hair on the back of Wilhemina’s neck stood up. This was no ordinary ghost story. She squeezed Billie Dean’s hands back. “What does?”
“I don’t know.” Billie Dean sat up a little better. She focused on breathing. “Something that has never been human.” Venable had always been a skeptic, but the lights around them flickered and she felt the room changing temperatures. Billie opened her eyes all the way. “It’s back.” Wilhemina looked around. She saw nothing. The only thing she could feel was a putrid smell. Her eyes began to tear down. Billie Dean squeezed her hands a little harsher. “Can you smell it?” 
“Y-yes.” How could Billie Dean tell? Venable’s nose scrunched up as the smell got worse. She sniffled. “Billie Dean, what’s happening?” Billie shook her head. Even though Wilhemina wouldn’t admit it, she was scared. The smell kept on getting worse and worse, and Billie now whispered something to herself. This can’t be a show anymore. The smell was very much real, as well as the way everything around her had grown cold. So cold Venable felt herself starting to shiver. 
“Go back to the crew. Don’t be alone,” Billie Dean told her all of a sudden. 
“What about you?” Wilhemina frowned. 
“I need to deal with it.”
“I’m not leaving you here to faint.” Venable turned to grab the sandwich she had brought Billie Dean. “Here. This should help.”
“I need sage.”
“Where can I find it?” Wilhemina wasn’t going to ask any questions right now. 
“The crew should have it.” 
“Okay.” Promptly, Venable got up and followed back to the living room, where all the cameras were. She could feel herself growing even more nervous. Brown eyes looked around, searching for someone she could talk to. Two men stood near the lights, and so she approached them. “I need sage.”
“What is that?” One of the men answered. For fuck’s sake.
“Does anyone have sage?” Wilhemina said a little bit louder now. No one said anything. “Billie Dean is demanding for some sage.“
“Here.” Finally, a woman handed her some. The celebrity card had worked. 
“Thank you.” Wilhemina nearly ran back to where Billie Dean was. Her back ached. She didn’t even know why she was the one doing it, but frankly she didn’t care. “Billie Dean?” Billie kept on talking lowly to herself, gesturing weirdly with her hands. She’s either crazy, or this is all real. Quietly, Billie Dean reached for the sage, and then she reached for the lighter in her pocket and lit it on fire. Instantly, the room began growing warmer. Venable felt the adrenaline in her veins pumping. “Stay close.”
“I am.”
Billie Dean reached for one of Wilhemina’s arms, pulling her closer. She needed to feel her, feel anything alive. “Closer.”
What the fuck is going on? Wilhemina gulped to herself. Slowly, the putrid smell went away, and Billie Dean began to breathe normally again. “Billie Dean?”
“Yes?” Billie turned back to Venable with tired eyes. 
Yes?! “Are you alright? Do you need anything?”
“Sleep.” Billie Dean sat back down and reached for the bottle of water Venable had gotten her. 
“You should go home.” Clearly, Billie was not alright. 
“I can’t.” Billie Dean took a sip of water and leaned her head back. “I need to film.”
“Nonsense.” Venable didn’t know on what to believe anymore. She hesitantly sat down close to Billie. “You should rest.”
“I can’t.”
As if on cue, the door of the dressing room opened. “Ms. Howard, we need to carry on with filming.”
“Yes. I’m on my way.” Billie Dean began to get up. Wilhemina frowned as she watched her. 
“Billie Dean, with all respect, you should rest,” Venable insisted. But Billie followed outside, face still pale and body still shaking. Wilhemina didn’t really know what to do besides follow her. When she got to the living room, the crew was already ready to start filming again. Quietly, Wilhemina got back to work. The ranch didn’t feel like it did before, when they had arrived. The putrid smell lingered on her mind and nostrils, making her stomach twist and turn. She could feel her body wanting to cave in out of fear, but Venable denied it the chance to do so. She sat up straight and worked as if nothing was going on. 
Hours later, when filming wrapped and the director allowed Billie Dean to take a first sip of water in God knows how long, Wilhemina couldn’t help but worry. What had happened today was concerning, and everyone seemed to be used to it. Is she always treated like a circus monkey? Wilhemina was quick when grabbing her things and getting ready to leave, following Billie in rushed steps. “Billie Dean?” 
The head of beautiful blonde curls turned around to her. Billie Dean smiled in a way that could only be described as exhausted. “Yes? Everything alright?” 
How come Billie Dean still asked her that? She should be worried about herself! “Are you alright?”
Is she worried about me? “I am, thank you.” Billie Dean couldn’t help but feel a little touched. No one else had worried about her; mostly because they were used to it, but it still didn’t mean that being drained was a good or normal thing to go through. “Are you?”
“You should eat something.” Wilhemina honesty didn’t think the conversation should be about her right now. 
“I need to sleep.” Billie reached to hold herself against the doorframe of her dressing room. She desperately wanted to leave this place.
“You should still eat. You were shaking like a leaf earlier.” Why did everyone act like what had just happened was something normal? Billie Dean’s cheeks were still to regain the color in them, after all. “Do you need help?” 
A small smile crawled into Billie Dean’s lips. She shook her head. “Thank you. Don’t worry about me, Wilhemina. You should rest.”
“Billie Dean, are you sure you’re alright?” Wilhemina insisted. Everyone felt off. 
“I am. Don’t worry.” With a small smile, Billie Dean followed inside. But then she quickly walked back. “Wilhemina?”
“Yes?” Venable hadn’t even turned around when Billie called. 
“Do you have sage at home?”
Who has sage at home? “No.”
Billie bit her lower lip. “Hold on.” She quickly walked into her dressing room and grabbed what was left from the sage she had gotten earlier. Her blood pressure started to drop again. I need to get out of here. “Here.” She handed it to Wilhemina. “Burn it in your house.”
With a confused frown, Venable hesitantly reached for it. “Why?”
“Just do it.” Explaining she was scared something could have clung to Venable would be too hard for Billie’s tired brain. She doesn’t believe in me, anyways. “Have a good night.”
“You too.” Without understanding much, Wilhemina followed outside and to the car waiting for her. She looked to the plant in her hand, playing with it throughout the ride home. What even had happened? 
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tea-and-panthers · 1 year
just a quick post. i was reading a few article on how to identify bot accounts and discover that i may be miss identified as a bot/spam account since i’m new and dont know much about this wild west of a platform.
so I am here to help assist other newcomers with a summary of my research, keeping in mind I’ve only been here for a day so if someone more experienced is giving out advice theirs is probably better.
1. bot/spam accounts generally have a default icon and background. (fixed this up first thing i did after making the account was add an icon and i just uploaded a background)
Recommend course of action: add an Icon and background as soon as possible. and maybe play around with you theme a bit.
2.username looks inappropriate or spam like. (this isn’t a problem for me since i didn’t do this because why would I)
Recommend course of action: just don’t, if you may have made this mistake, best to change it.
3. a blog is sending messages that are asking if you want content that is potentially nsfw, example ‘do you want pictures of n***d women on your phone’
Recommend course of action: report and block. i speak from experience, i got one of these messages and didn’t even finish reading it before blocking and reporting. also don’t send this type of message to people wether or not they think you are a bot that would make anyone uncomfortable and explicit content is against community guidelines.
4. apparently like strings on accounts and large amounts of reblogging are suspicious.
so say you go to someone account and read like there art or something and you like everything there. apparently 10 or more likes on one account within a short time period is considered a like string.
this is one I found myself guilty of, so what happened was I found the account of someone who made a series of tutorials on how to draw kobolds that I had found in pinterest so I followed the and i wanted like all the tutorials (there where 10) but i decided that liking just the tutorials seemed suspicious so i liked some art in between (it’s good art.) i now see that liking just the tutorials would have not been as suspicious. to that person, sorry for the spam likes, I have learned my lesson.
Reblogging, so something like 40 or more rebloggs in a day with little context, than nothing for a few days looks suspicious.
Recommend course of action:
like strings; of you come across an account you really like just like 3 or 4 posts and follow. you will get another chance to like more.
Reblogging; i don’t see this one being much of a problem if you just casually use tumblr. I myself have spent some time (but not all my time) on tumblr and Liked around 250 posts over 24 hours but have only reblogged 12 (which is probably still a lot) but i have also added something with the reblog such as a comment along with the normal tags people usually only put (i feel bad reblogging without contributing something). the only way i think you would reach a number like 40+ is if you are on all day with nothing else to do and are reblogging every third post you see (not that i’m judging, apparently reblogging helps more that likes.) or you are reblogging reblogs in response to them on a post that went viral. if you are adding to those i don’t really think that would be suspicious. And try not to reblog too many posts from one blog in a short amount of time that seems very spammy
reblogging, if you like the reblog it likes the original post. this is helping in most cases from what i’ve read. (just try not to over do it.)
reposting is copying the image or text (some cases both) and uploading it on your own, often done without permission form or crediting the original author. this is not helpful, if you have permission form the original author and you credit them, that should be ok.
yet again, i am also new and may be mistaken about some of the stuff here. this is based on personal experience and research i’ve done.
hope this helps others new users to this wild west. I intend on posting my art soon i just need to get it all together first, that i can upload a few pieces at a time.
If you are an experienced user who has any corrections of stuff to add I’m sure new users like myself would love the help.
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