#i really just want the brothers to hug okay?
taizi · 3 days
too well tangled
rise of the tmnt post-movie / canon divergent word count: 1k characters: disaster twins
this was my bonus piece for the digital @turtlestogetherzine !
title borrowed from atticus—“you will never be unloved by me / you are too well tangled in my soul”
read on ao3
So it turns out that sixteen minutes in the prison dimension is about six months outside it. Give or take. 
Donnie calls it a temporal differential. Leo’s third day back was spent being gently interrogated within an inch of his life. For every answer he gave, Donnie’s face got a little darker. 
He seems a lot older than the last time Leo saw him. Everyone does. They all look at Leo like he’ll disappear into thin air if they blink too many times. 
He expects it to wear off eventually. He’s only confined to the infirmary for a week and a half, and on bedrest for a week after that, but even a month later Raph and Mikey continue to stick to him like glue. 
“I’m okay,” Leo tells them, when his bad leg seizes up and he staggers on his way to the breakfast table and Mikey’s face crumples horribly. Raph just huffs and lifts Leo clean off his feet to carry him the rest of the way. Swallowing past the uncertain lump in his throat, Leo adds playfully, “I mean, I’m not one to complain about the all-star treatment, but—”
“Good,” Raph rumbles, “then don’t.”
“Sorry if we’re being annoying,” Mikey says with a brightness in his tone that doesn’t sit quite right. He’s said that like fifty times since Leo came back. “We just—we missed you, Lee.” 
And what is Leo supposed to say to that? 
“Annoying? Please,” he scoffs. “I’m the king of everything obnoxious. You couldn’t annoy me if you tried.”
When Raph lowers him into a seat, Leo lifts his arm in invitation for Mikey to scoot his chair up right next to his, and then wraps him up in a tight hug. Mikey slots into his side like he belongs there, and he does, he always will, but it’s just a bit different than Leo remembers. 
Mikey is still his little brother. But only by a few months now. Leo’s seventeenth birthday came and went without him. 
And a part of him—this nameless little part that lives in the back of his mind, that’s lived there ever since dad made him team leader and ripped the rug out from under his feet—thinks that’s why Donnie doesn’t know how to be around him anymore.
He’s a constant presence. He’s a solid pillar for Leo to lean against when his legs don’t want to hold him up. But they don’t know what to say to each other. That unspoken understanding, that twin thing—it’s gone. 
Or so Leo thinks. 
Big Mama is more of a weird estranged relative than a mortal enemy these days, but she’s an entrepreneur first, eccentric wine aunt second. When she gets a big business idea, all bets are off. Leo can kind of respect that. It’s really thrilling and a little fun trying to match wits with a criminal mastermind, like high-stakes 5D chess. 
But her invitations could use some work. Sending a bunch of burly yokai in Grand Nexus uniforms to intercept the turtles on their way to Run of the Mill for dinner is a scheme that could have used a bit more time on the workshop table. 
Immediately Leo’s brothers close ranks around him. He’s allowed to run around in his leg brace at this point, but he has, in no uncertain terms, NOT been cleared to fight. He can tell from the set of Raph and Mikey’s shoulders that they’re beyond ticked off, but he can’t read Donnie’s posture at all. 
It’s bad timing, but suddenly Leo is preoccupied with those dark little thoughts he’s been having recently. Maybe Donnie isn’t happy to have him around. It’s been a lot of extra work, right? Dealing with the prodigal brother’s physical therapy and night terrors aside, now Donnie can’t even pick up some pizza without having to play bodyguard. 
So Leo is distracted—sue him. He’s got a lot going on. When an owl guard grabs him by the arm, he’s not ready for it. The yank backwards causes him to stumble, bad knee bending underneath him. 
The guard seems to loom over him for a moment. The evening gloom of the alleyway and the lurid glow of a nearby neon sign makes Leo’s brain sprint right back to the prison dimension. A distressed chirp works its way out of him before he can fully reorient himself. Add that to his ever-growing list of Good Reasons To Fake His Own Death. 
Big Mama’s goon looks surprised by the sound, grip relenting on Leo’s arm immediately. He wouldn’t do that if he were here for villainous reasons. So Big Mama probably actually considers kidnapping via sudden ambush to be a halfway decent method of picking her nemeses-slash-nephews up for an evening visit. 
Leo only has a second to think, Okay, I can work with this, turning up the charm and pretending like he can’t still feel the aftershocks of panic, before he’s being yanked again. 
This time he’s pulled right in against Donnie’s side, a strong arm around his carapace. There’s a burst of light and warmth—bright purple and overheated electronics, he’d know his brother’s ninpo anywhere—and they’re surrounded by a gleaming, glowing arsenal. 
The owl guard didn’t have a chance in hell. Donnie still doesn’t really look at Leo, not once as Mikey and Raph rush over, not even on the empty-handed trek back home. 
But he sits next to Leo on the couch while Mikey enlists Raph and papa’s help with dinner since their pizza run failed. The bickering and Mikey’s cooking playlist create a familiar, comfortable backdrop where it swells out of the kitchen. Donnie’s shoulder knocks against Leo’s. It feels like how it used to. 
Before he can lose courage, Leo blurts, “The thing I miss most from before is being twins with you.”
As soon as he says it, he wants to take it back. This is more mortifying than all of those initial grueling physical therapy sessions combined. 
He’s scrambling for an escape route that isn’t just hobbling away as fast as he can, or portaling to the bottom of the ocean, when Donnie suddenly says, “Draxum said we hatched together. We’ve been together all our lives. You’re pulling our twin card just because I'm finally taller than you?”
Leo sputters. “By an inch!”
Donnie raises an eyebrow at him, waiting with uncharacteristic patience for Leo to catch up. Maybe that’s what he’s been doing this whole time. 
Eyes stinging, Leo slouches into Donnie’s side. The softshell matches him, his cheek coming to rest on the top of Leo’s head. It reminds Leo of hugging Mikey earlier that morning at the breakfast table. 
Leo still fits here. There’s a good chance he always will. 
“Guess this finally makes me the older twin, huh, Nardo?”
It surprises Leo into laughter, maybe the first big loud laugh to come tripping out of him since well before the invasion. Conversation in the kitchen grinds to a halt and Mikey and Raph come barreling out a second later all covered in flour, eager to catch him in the act, to get in on it. 
“Sorry, Tello,” Leo says, grinning, not very sorry at all. “Not in this lifetime.”
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kpop---scenarios · 1 day
Reckless (7)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Genre: Brothers Best Friend
Warnings: Mentions of depression, heartbreak, lying etc
Word Count: 2.2k
Taglist: @hyunjinhoexxx @ovulatingrn @jisunglyricist @guiltycoco @fawnpeaks @purple-bell @caught-in-the-afterglow @ana-marais98 @rylea08 @astraystayastayastray @partyparty-yah @skzswife @sillyhal @feellikecinderella @asphalstead @minh0scat @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @gabriellamariee @hyun-hwanj @zerefdragn33l @stelle-aka-simp @chanbahng29 @blackbluerose666 @mmarusa
@glitter-z @seungminsapuppy
Previous Chapters
Minho sits in his room, the silence was deafening. He tried anything and everything to distract himself, but there was only one thing his mind kept wandering to, and it was the conversation he had with Jisung after you had gone upstairs,yesterday. His stomach twisted with anxiety as his mind raced, he knew he needed to make a decision that was best for him, but he knew, whatever decision he made was going to hurt someone he loved. He gets up, walking downstairs into the kitchen, where he sees you and Jisung, and his heart hurts instantly.
“Are you going out tonight?” Jisung asks you.
“I'm not sure. I don't have any plans yet, but I might see what Hyunjin is doing.” You say, glancing over to Minho. He completely avoids eye contact with you, making your heart sink. He hadn't said a word to you since the whole confrontation yesterday, and to be completely honest, you had thought that he would have been groveling and begging on his knees for you right now. But he wasn't. He looked stressed and sad. It made you want to hug him and tell him it was going to be okay, but you couldn't. You needed to remain strong and if he wanted you then he would show you.
At least you hoped he would.
Day after day after day you waited for Minho to say something to you, to acknowledge you but day after day he left a room if you walked in, with his head down. If you called out for him, he'd give you a sympathetic half smile before walking away from you. It left you feeling confused and hurt, wondering what the fuck was actually happening.
“I don't get it.” You sigh to Jisung. “He said he loved me.”
Jisung looks at you, trying to be sympathetic but you could tell he wasn't sincere and it made you wonder if he had done something. But you didn't ask, you left it alone. You wanted to talk to Minho, but Jisung didn't seem to think that was such a good idea.
“If he's avoiding you, it might just be for the best, yeah?” He says. “Obviously he doesn't want to talk to you, I don't think he's going to do what you expected him to do, Y/N.”
“It just doesn't make sense. Why say all those things if he knew he wasn't gonna try? Why would he get my hopes up? I really think I should talk to him.” You decide, standing up from the couch.
“No, Y/N. I'm telling you right now, leave it alone.” Jisung snaps.
You're taken aback, why was he snapping at you?
“I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt more than you already have.” He says, pulling out his wallet. “Here, take this, go out with Hyunjin, or better yet, go out with Chan. On me.” He smiles.
You hesitantly take the money, where was your actual brother, cause this guy was not it.
“Okay..” you murmur, grabbing your phone.
“That's good. Chan is the better option, I think.” He smiles, turning back towards the TV continuing to watch his show.
You walk up the stairs replaying what Jisung said to you. He wouldn't do anything to keep you apart, right?
That night, you're sitting with Chan, laughing and smiling at his stories, trying to be fully invested but you cannot stop thinking about Minho. You felt like he owed you at least a little bit of an explanation. If he didn't want to be with you, then tell you so you could move on but it felt like he had played nothing but games with you for months. And there was a partial love confession, until you finally told Jisung, and then there was a full on love confession. But since then it's been radio silence.
“You okay?” Chan asks. You look at him, slightly embarrassed.
“Yeah, sorry, I got caught up in my head.” You laughed.
“Everything okay?” He asks. You nod your, smiling at him as you finish your drink. Chan slides two shots towards you, wiggling his eyebrows as he glances from the shots to you, back and forth. You laugh, taking them both back to back. “Now get out of your head, and come back to me.” He smiles.
“I'm just gonna go to the bathroom quick.” You tell him, grabbing your purse, stumbling away. You can feel the drinks hit you like a ton of bricks. You sit down on the toilet, fully clothed and pull out your phone.
[11:57pm To: Minho] Why are you doing this to me?
[11:59pm From: Minho] I'm not doing anything. Please Y/N, stop.
[12:00am To Minho] Stop what? Stop loving you? I can't. I need closure. Please.
[12:02am From: Minho] Y/N. I can't love you. Leave me alone. Move on. Be happy. Just stay away from me. Don't talk to me, don't text me, don't think about me, and please stop loving me.
You can feel the tears welling in your eyes as you read his text again, over and over. Why was life so fucking cruel? All you ever wanted was to be happy, and it seemed like you weren't even allowed to have that. But fine, if he wanted you to move on then that's what you would do, after you confronted him in person. You had too. You needed to hear him say those words to your face, you needed to watch him tell you to stay away from him, even if it ended up breaking you.
That night, Chan dropped you off and you drunkenly rushed into the house. You stomped up the stairs and stood in front of the door of Minho's room. You stood with your fist raised to bang on the door for a few seconds, trying to catch your breath while also trying to muster up the courage to actually knock. Part of you didn't want to hear him say those words because you really didn't want them to be true, but the other part of you, well you knew that you needed to hear them or you just wouldn't fully believe him.
You press your ear to the door, there's no sound of movement. Maybe he was sleeping? You place your hand on the door, twisting the knob before pushing the door open, only to find an empty room. The drawers in the dresser were open and empty, the closet where his clothes hung was empty. There were no sheets, pillows or blankets on his bed, all of his things were gone.
You rush out of the room, down to Jisung's room. You busted in, scared the shit out of him.
“He's gone.” You whisper.
“I know.” Jisung says.
“Why?” You ask.
“I don't know.” Jisung sighs. “He said it was time. He felt guilty for everything he did to you I guess.”
“No, I need to talk to him. He can't just move out without a word.” You whimper, fumbling with your phone.
“What did I say about talking to him, Y/N.” Jisung yells. “Christ, you don't listen. Don't make me tell you what he told me. Just believe me when I say, leave him alone.”
“What do you mean what he told you? What did he tell you?” You ask.
“You don't want to know.” Jisung says, avoiding your eyes.
“Tell me. Or I'll track him the fuck down.” You snap.
“He said you were nothing but a game to him. Just another notch on his belt. That you were just my little sister and nothing more.” Jisung tells you. You swore, in that moment, you could actually feel your heart shattering into a million little pieces.
“Oh.” Jisung watched as your face sank, the color completely draining from it. You said nothing else, just shuffled out of his room and went into yours. You closed the door quietly behind you, crawling into bed without the will to even get changed. Maybe if you slept, you'd feel better in the morning.
You didn't.
Over the next few weeks, It was like depression had fully taken over you. You looked in the mirror and saw a shell of the person you used to be. The bags under your eyes were heavy, your face was pale, hair was matted. You looked sick, and honestly you felt sick. You still couldn't get over the fact that he had said that about you. You'd never hurt this much over some man before and you hated yourself for letting him have this kind of effect on you but at this point you didn't know how to get out of it. You had charged your phone in weeks, not that you'd answer if anyone called or texted anyways. Hyunjin and Jisoo tried to see you, but you wouldn't even roll over to say hi. Instead you hid under your covers and silently wept until they left.
And Jisung. He tried to get you to eat anything, drink anything but you wouldn't. You had no interest in fueling your body. Until it had been just over a month and Jisoo and Hyunjin had enough. They busted into your room as you stared at yourself in the mirror.
“Shower time!” Jisoo yells. Hyunjin marches past you, turning on your shower before throwing you over his shoulder and sitting you in the tub fully clothed, despite your weak protests.
“Why!” You yell out as Jisoo takes your hair from its bun. She sits with you, washing your hair, rinsing it, conditioning it and rinsing it again. She helps you brush your teeth before helping you into clean, dry clothes. And then she sits with you, brushing out your hair as you listen to her talk. A lot of what she was saying were things you knew were true and things you had told yourself, but it was different hearing it from someone else. A few hours later, she had fully brushed out your hair, took your hand and took you downstairs to make you something to eat. Luckily Hyunjin was already finishing up making some of your favorite food. You hadn't realized how hungry you actually were until you smelt it. Your stomach growled as your mouth drooled. You sat down, eating, talking and finally smiling for the first time in a while.
Every day after that, Jisoo and Hyunjin were over, and every day, you were becoming yourself a little bit more and more. You were finally starting to move on and move forward. It felt good. You were feeling good. You still missed Minho, and you honestly weren't sure if you would ever stop.
A few weeks later, you decided to meet up with Chan for coffee. He had you laughing until your stomach hurt, and it felt so fucking good to be out again and feel like yourself again, especially with someone who was genuinely interested in you and being with you. He had asked you out again that night, wanting to take you for dinner and out of drinks after. You accepted, excited for the night. You walked down the street after your coffee, telling Chan you had wanted to do a little window shopping before going home. Of course he offered to go with you but you politely declined, wanting to be alone and take your time. As you're walking down the street, you're looking at a beautiful silver ring in the window. You sigh before you continue walking, accidentally bumping into someone. You look up and your breath hitches. It was the last person you had expected to see out.
“Minho.” You whisper. He was thin, thinner than usual. The bags under his eyes looked almost exactly how yours had, along with his sunken face.
“Y/N.” He responds, staring at you, looking you up and down. “You look good.” He half smiles.
“You should have seen me a few weeks ago. I was a mess after you left.. after you said that shit about me.” You half yell, remembering you were in public.
“What?” He asks. “What stuff did I say?”
“Don't play dumb, Minho. I was just another notch on your belt. Just Jisung’s little sister. A game.” You say.
“Who said I said that about you? I never fucking said that.”
“Jisung. He kept telling me to stop talking to you because you didn't want to talk to me.” You explain.
“That motherfucker.” Minho snaps. “Don't go home for a while, unless you wanna see your brother's ass beat.” He yells, storming off. You follow him, sliding into the passenger seat of his car.
“I deserve to know what's going on.” You deadpan, buckling your belt. Good thing you did, because you and Minho managed to get to your house in record time.
“HAN FUCKING JISUNG.” Minho screams, storming into the house.
Jisung jumps up off the couch, looking absolutely fucking terrified.
“What are you doing here?” He asks, looking between Minho and you.
“I happened to run into Y/N on the street, where she started screaming at me about why I would say such shitty things about her. She doesn't know, does she?” Minho yells, pointing to you. “She doesn't know you told me that I had to choose between staying friends with you, or being with the one that I fucking fell in love with.”
“You did what?” You whisper, staring at your brother.
Jisung stands there, his eyes darting between you and Minho, unable to utter a sentence, not even a word. Turns out Jisung would do whatever he could to keep you apart.
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i just saw your post about Ran, Rindou, Baji and Chifuyu and their partner who took a knife for them and i loved it. could you to this with Kazutora, Smiley, Angry and Hakkai as well?
Sure, here's how Kazutora, Smiley, Angry and Hakkai would react to their partner taking a knife for them!
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It's like time slows down for him, he's just staring at you in shock, watching you fall.
Struggles to breathe properly as he frantically hovers over you, pressing down on where he thinks most of the blood is coming from
He badly wants to beat the guy that dared to do this but concentrates on you instead and trying to stop the blood.
Mumbles "please" a lot and yells at the paramedics to hurry up when they finally arrive.
He can't sit still in the waiting room and walks around while waiting for news. He just feels so guilty, he should've been the one to get stabbed not you.
Cries when he sees you're ok, he tries to hold it in but ends up crying anyway as he hugs you and tells you to never scare him again.
Hunts the guy down later
He doesn't even think about punching the guy so hard he goes flying back, it's just his response to seeing you get hurt.
Kneels over you, trying to talk to you and crack jokes with you, he's trying to stay calm and although you're not replying he hopes you can still somehow hear him.
"If you die then I'll kill you so stay with me"
He sounds like he's on the verge of tears but doesn't cry.
Holds your hand, softly stroking it for as long as he can before you're taken away.
Sits with Angry in the waiting room, telling his brother how strong you are and how you obviously won't die. He's trying to convince himself as well as Angry of this.
Teases you a little once he sees you're ok, he's just glad to have you back.
Stares in shock, he really wasn't expecting this and hesitates, his emotions getting the better of him.
Smiley slapping his shoulder brings him back, stops him from crying and instead he rushes over to you as his brother takes care of the guy.
Tries to recall all former injuries he's dealt with, thinking of any info that could help him out here.
Calls the ambulance as he's applying pressure, begging them to get here quickly, they need to get here quickly.
Rides with you in the ambulance, telling you what's going on and how it's going to be okay. He doesn't want you to be scared if you can hear what's going on.
Asks Smiley if it's going to be ok while they sit in the waiting room for you. Smiley nods but Angry notices the way he hesitates before doing so.
Hugs you very tightly when he sees you're okay, asks you a lot about your condition too and how you're feeling
Rubs his eyes, thinking he might be seeing things for a moment before shouting your name as he watches you fall.
He's horrified, punches the guy twice making sure he won't be getting up anytime soon before checking on you.
"Hey, hey come on!" Shakes you lightly as if you were sleeping, trying to get a response from you.
He winces at all the blood and takes his jacket off to try and use it to stop the blood from pouring out of you.
His voice is very shakey as he calls the ambulance, he's so scared and it feels like they take forever to get to you.
Asks a lot of questions to the paramedics, wanting some reassurances from them. He's also very good at giving them your info, even remembering your blood type from the one time you mentioned it to him.
Calls Yuzuha for moral support while in the waiting room.
Buys you so many flowers too, bringing them all to you when you wake up
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kteezy997 · 2 days
Daddy's Boy-Part Thirteen(the end)//t.c.
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Warnings: angst, cursing, smut, pregnant sex, little bit of dirty talk
In the weeks following the honeymoon, your belly really started to grow. Both of your boys were obsessed with the bump. Theo would bring in his favorite books into your room to read to the baby at bedtime. Timmy would lay his head on the bump, caressing it, and whisper sweet little phrases in French.
It was even better when you found out the gender and you all could call the baby by his name, Dylan. You came up with his name as Timmy had wrapped the Bob Dylan film that he had worked so very hard on for years. When he heard your pick for your second child's name, he was in love with it. "It's perfect." he said.
"Dylan Chalamet. It's so cute." you replied, hugging your husband and giving him a kiss.
Theo learned how to write his baby brother's name, and even colored him a picture for his nursery. "That's me, daddy, mommy, and baby Dylan." he explained, pointing to each of the adorable stick figures he had drawn, with each name spelled out perfectly.
"We will put it in the baby's room, just above the crib. That way he will see it every morning when he wakes up." you said, hugging your son before taking the drawing to hang it up.
Theo kept one of your ultrasound photos and slept with it every night as if it was a teddy bear. When Timmy discovered this one night, he became emotional. You could even see the tears welling up in his eyes. He pulled you into a hug, saying, "He's going to be the best big brother."
Time flew by during this pregnancy, and before you knew it, you were ready to pop any day.
One night during your ninth month, Theo was oddly quiet during dinner. Afterwards, he opted to work on his spelling words in his room by himself.
As you cleaned the dinner table together, you decided to mention your concern for your son to Timmy. "Do you think Theo is acting a little weird? Like he's not quite himself today?"
"Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on with him. You should get off your feet, babe. Go sit with him in his room, talk to him, okay?" Timmy answered, stepping over to you to press a sweet kiss on your cheek while he gave a soft rub to your large belly.
"Okay. I'll see what’s bugging him."
You knocked on Theo's bedroom door, opening it and peeking your head in, "Hey buddy, is it okay if I come in?"
He was lying on his bed with his papers in front him and responded, "Yeah."
"You were really quiet during dinner, is everything okay, Theo?" you asked, your calming mom voice was present as you sat down on your little boy's bed.
"Yeah, I'm fine." he mumbled, writing out one of his spelling words.
You frowned, not fully convinced by him, "Are you sure? You know you can talk to me about anything, is it something to do with the new baby coming?"
Theo shrugged, not looking up at you. "I don't know. It's just that I don't want you and Daddy to forget about me when Dylan gets here."
You could feel how sad your boy was, and it hurt your heart that he felt this way. You put your hand on his head, caressing his hair to soothe him. "That could never happen. We are going to love you and Dylan both equally, we could never forget you. You're our son, we love you more than there are stars in the sky. Don't you know that?"
Theo sighed, "Yeah, I guess. But what if Dad likes Dylan more than me and doesn't want to play with me anymore?”
"Oh, Daddy will always want to play with you. You guys are the best of friends, and when Dylan comes, he will be Daddy' other best friend, but nothing will change."
He put his chin on his hand, tracing letters, "Okay."
You realized what he needed. "Come with me, you should talk with your Dad about this."
You took Theo by the hand into the kitchen, finding Timmy at the sink, washing dishes.
"Hey," your husband greeted you both, "is everything alright?" he set the wet, clean plate in his hand into the dish drying rack on the counter.
"Theo is having a hard time with the baby coming. He's worried that you won't want to play with him anymore." you explained.
Timmy frowned, grabbed the dish towel nearby to dry his hands, "Hey," he said, kneeling down to Theo's height, "don't think like that. We'll always be buddies, that will never change. We'll just have Dylan to hang out with too, and I will never let you feel left out, okay?"
"Do you promise?" Theo asked, his eyes widening at his father.
"Of course." Timmy answered, holding out his pinky finger. As he let Theo wrap his own pinky around it, he asked, "What is a pinky promise?"
"The most solemn vow there is!" the boy said, smiling.
You came into your bedroom later on, after tucking Theo in. Timmy was already under the covers. You figured that he was naked, as you had been making love nearly every night the last couple of weeks. You were always in the mood lately. It felt amazing to ride him, or for him to fuck you softly from the side. You both typically loved the missionary position, but with a basketball-sized belly in between you, it was nearly impossible.
You smiled at your husband as you got into bed. It felt so relieving to lay down and be off of your swollen feet. "You were great with him tonight." you said, taking his hand in yours.
"Yeah, well, you set it up for me. He just needed reassurance." Timmy said, squeezing your hand lightly and caressing his thumb over your hand.
"You don't always have to praise me." you told him, resting your other hand on your baby bump belly.
"Oh, but I do. How could I not give you a compliment every chance I get?" he cooed, leaning in to kiss you on the cheek.
You leaned into his kiss just for a moment, but then you felt the baby move awkwardly in your stomach. "Oof." you said softly, moving your hand toward where the movement was.
Timmy sat up, "Everything okay?" His protective mode was engaged.
"Yeah, yeah, I think he's just moving lower. Just getting ready to come out."
"Okay. At least all the sex is working to induce the birth." he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
"Yeah, I think it's working nicely." you turned to him, kissing his lips. "You're doing great, Daddy." you smirked. "But I'm ready for him to be out of me." you giggled.
Timmy grinned as well, giving you another kiss. "I know you are, baby. But he'll be here really soon."
"Ugh, I know. I can't wait to meet him." you scooted closer to him, then rested your head on his bare chest.
"Theo is worried about you giving birth."
"Oh,” you frowned, looking up at him, “did he ask you about where babies come from?"
"No, not exactly. He was just curious if it would hurt you to have Dylan come out."
"What did you tell him?" you sat up in the bed.
"I told him that it would hurt, but the doctors can give you medicine to help with the pain. He’s just worried about his mom. I have to admit, I am not looking forward to seeing you in that amount of pain.” You could see the genuine concern in his green eyes.
“Oh, honey it’s okay.” you touched his cheek, “You’ll be there with me, so I know everything will be okay. Besides, when it’s all over, we will have our sweet baby boy. And Theo will have his brother.”
“He’s been so excited about the baby. I hope what he was feeling today is only a temporary thing.”
“Oh I’m sure once he sees the baby, all his worries will be forgotten. Anyway, I'm not looking forward to the day when he does ask about where babies come from. I hope he asks you."
"Me?" Timmy laughed, "Why me?"
"I don't know, because you're both boys. And because I don't want to have that talk with him, he's my little boy. So innocent, you know?"
“Yeah, I guess it would be easier to understand for him when he’s not talking to his mom. That’d be awkward as fuck.”
“Which is why when the time comes, down the road, you’ll be having the sex talk with both boys.”
Timmy visibly winced, “Oh man, I do not want to think of our boys being that old. But I do love having sex talk with their mom.” he then snuggled close to you.
“Is that your segue into having sex right now?” you giggled.
“Yes. Is it working?”
You climbed onto him, throwing your hands into his hair, “Of course it is.”
Your husband gave you a sly grin as you leaned to kiss him, and you softly bucked your hips in his lap. His cock grew hard within seconds.
“Mm, push my panties to the side.” you moaned against his lips.
Timmy did as he was told, sliding the fabric away from your pussy so he could sheath his thick cock inside of you.
You moaned deeply, trembling at the feeling.
He held your hips, looking up at you, his eyes wide like a child looking at a lit up Christmas tree. “You’re so amazing, y/n, you feel so good.”
“Ahhh.” you pulled him into your tight embrace, bucking your hips as best as you could with your belly in the way. He filled you up perfectly, the rubbing on your walls made your pussy throb around him.
Timmy held onto you, sucking on your neck, nibbling along your collarbone. “Yes, baby, fuck me. That’s it.”
He was always so sweet and encouraging lately, it turned you on even more. You grabbed his hands, plopping them onto your heavy breasts, and plunged down on him harder.
“Just like that, fuck.” he praised, scrunching his brows in pleasure and biting his lip. He watched your breasts as they bounced under your oversized night shirt.
He started to rub your breasts, the wet slapping sound underneath you thundered through the bedroom, and you were brought over the brink of your orgasm. You could feel Timmy come inside of you as well.
I am ending this story for now, but I could be persuaded to do a sequel, if enough people would be interested!
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @lixzey @bitchyunknownuser @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen @yukideadinside @elloise0 @thatoneweirdgirl17 @mel-vaz @sammy-halpert @iwishchalamet @that-one-fangirl69 @jindongdongie @briefkittenearthquake
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dwaekkicidal · 6 hours
heyyy! just wanted to say i LOVED ur “much needed reminder” fic. i was wondering if u could do a fic for han? an “best friends older brother” or “older brothers best friend” type of thing. kind of specific but also with spit kink involved? just an ask!! 🤍🤍🐿️🐿️
hi!! I'm glad you enjoyed it :'''') it's actually one of the fics I'm least confident about haha.. anyways, hope you enjoy!! <3
Anime Night
˚ʚHan Jisung x fem!Readerɞ˚
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ summary: You join your older brother and his best friend Jisung on their weekly anime night. But the younger boy seems to have other plans with yoy besides watching anime.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ word count: ~2.1k
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ warnings: fem reader, reader is Minho's younger sister, voyeurism, fingering, spit kink(hope i did it justice ><), kinda but not really rough sex?, accidental creampie, oh and you know what’s also so hot that isn’t blatantly mentioned? CONSENT. Wowowowow so sexy. You should make sure you practice consent. :)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ notes: i wrote this in a college pov where everybody still lives with their parents (so reader and min live together with their parents and ji lives with his parents but they’re in school)
Sorry if the end was too rushed <3 I'm in a lot of back pain so i don’t feel like i proofread it well lol
MDNI!! smut below the cut
DO NOT republish or translate+post my work!
“Pleeeeease!!! You always hog him to yourself! I want to hang out with Sungie too!” Your arms cross over your arm and you angrily pout. You hear the sweet laugh of the boy in question, but you stay focused on your older brother in front of you.
“Yeah, no shit. ‘Cause he’s my friend?” He rolls his eyes, continuing to carry multiple bags of chips to the living room while Jisung follows behind closely with popcorn. “You’re just gonna bother him. AND me for that matter.”
“I don’t care. He would be my friend too if you weren’t such a little bitch about it.” Minho’s eyes narrow at you and you stick your tongue out at him, flipping him the bird for good measure. He makes a disgusted face in response and you watch as his lips part to say something only for Jisung to interrupt him through laughs.
“It’s okay, hyung, she can join. She won’t bother me I promise.”
Minho turns to his friend with an uncertain look on his face, almost denying the boy and resisting even farther until the boy smiles at him cutely.
“Ugh. Fine.. But she’s eating out of your snacks. NOT mine!!”
You squeal and run up to your brother, giving him a hug before running off to your room to change. “THANKS MINNIE!!”
You return shortly after in your favorite pajama shorts and shirt set, happily skipping down the hallway towards the living room again. You stop in your tracks at the sight of Jisung, his bottom lip is caught between his teeth as he focuses on the streaming service. You realize you must have been staring for a while because he turns to you curiously, smiling and giggling when a blush forms on your face.
He’s sat in the middle of the couch, and he welcomingly pats the seat to his left with a soft smile. You smile back and nod, taking your seat and leaning your head on his shoulder. Your brother and him have been friends for a long time, so it’s not weird that you cuddle up to the younger boy. Sometimes even cuddling up to both of them when Min was in the right mood. So he leans back onto you, allowing you both to enjoy the warmth before you hear Minho’s footsteps returning. The younger boy looks down at you with a slight frown when you move away to grab your drink from Minho, but quickly forgets about it when a blanket is thrown at the back of his head.
After the two boys spend a few minutes bickering back and forth, they settle down and watch the show’s intro begin. The two of them sing the intro together, dramatically clutching each other, and you can’t help the smile that spreads across your face. You whisper a quiet “Dorks” under your breath and lean back into the couch to enjoy the rest of the intro.
Once the episode is finally starting, Minho hands you a bag of chips he knows you like and Jisung flings a blanket across both his and your lap. You thank them both, smiling to yourself and losing yourself in the animation.
It’s not long until you feel a cold hand ghost along your thigh. You acted normal on the outside and screamed internally until the hand stops to rest along your inner thigh. He feels you tense up and almost pulls his hands away, but then your thighs instinctively clench, unintentionally squeezing his hand between your thighs. In his peripheral vision, he sees you biting your lip with a small blush and it only gives him more confidence to move forward.
Throughout the years he had never gone this far. Only ever putting an arm around your shoulder in situations when he felt the need to protect you from other men people. His fingers stroke the inside of your thigh for some time, soothingly squeezing it anytime your legs jerked out of anxiety. As the episode goes on, his hand moves farther and farther up your thigh until he’s eventually tracing the hem of your underwear.
By the time the next episode is starting, your breaths have become heavy and your panties are sticking to your pussy. You swear he can tell. And you don’t mean to be getting horny like this, but when his hand keeps moving farther up your thigh with every celebration or booing of a scene, you can’t really help it.
About 10 minutes into the 2nd episode you feel his fingers breach your underwear. The tips of his fingers start to rub small circles onto your clit and it has you keening into your hand. You whip your head towards him and expect to see him looking at you, but instead you're met with his face still glued towards the screen, an amused grin now covering his features. The fingers on your clit push down harder and you sigh quietly, your eyes fluttering shut as he continues to mindlessly draw random shapes onto your sensitive bud.
Suddenly the sound of both men laughing out loud catches you off guard, your legs clamp shut around his hand in fear of being caught. He quickly pinches your inner thigh and you hesitantly open your legs again for him. Your eyes dart to Minho and you’re thankful for his eyes still being glued to the screen.
“Jisung…” You moan against his arm, attempting to get a little bit of his attention, but he silently puckers his lips to shush you. You frown and one of his fingers move down to slide against your folds, gathering and spreading your wetness before shoving itself into your warmth.
Your head rolls until it’s resting against the back cushion of the couch and he struggles to hold back a grin. You faintly hear them start discussing a fight scene that just happened, but your mind is so focused on the now two fingers that are slowing fucking you open so you don’t process any of it. You feel yourself getting closer and closer as the episode goes on, but when you feel yourself start to come undone Minho suddenly jumps to his feet.
Jisung’s hands fly away from you and you both look up at the oldest with wide eyes and flushed cheeks, very thankful for the way he is stretching his body and not paying any attention to either of you. “Alright, I’m heading to sleep. I bought the snack so I’m leaving the cleaning to you guys.” He sticks his tongue out before literally running off to his room.
The two of you sit there in silence, your heavy breathes filling the air as your hearts beat out of your chests. A nervous laugh from him breaks the silence, “That was scary as fuck.” The sudden speaking almost scares you shitless but it pulls a giggle from you and you nod in agreement, “Yea… holy shit.” He looks over at you and smiles, but suddenly rises to his feet and throws the blanket off of your lap, grabbing at the elastic of your shorts. You’re given no time to react before he pulls your underwear and shorts off in one swoop and throws them on the floor next to him.
“W-Wait! Ji?!?” You hissed and clamped your legs shut, “He’s gonna hear us!”
“That’s.. kinda the point? ‘M tired of hiding how hard you make me. Need you to finally be my pretty thing.” Your glossy eyes look up at him, and he feels his heart skip a beat when you make a sad face. “W-What?”
“Haha I thought it was obvious that I liked you? Now let me make you mine, ‘kay?” His voice gets deeper as he leans in, finally pushing his lips against yours. He uses the distraction to spread your legs apart, pushing them up so he can pull your ass to the edge of the couch. You take advantage of the new closeness and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.
He spreads you wider, trailing his hand back to your folds and running his fingers through them teasingly. You gasp into his mouth when two of his fingers sink back into you, starting off at a fast pace as they try to bring you back to the orgasm you got denied.
He pulls away for a moment and leans his forehead against yours, “Fuck, my baby…You look so pretty like this. You’re fucking perfect… I need you so bad.” You whine at the sudden praise and bite his lip desperately, wanting him to kiss you again. He moans loudly and you swear you can see his dick twitch against his sweats.
You watch in awe as he backs away from your face, allowing a big glob of spit to fall from his pretty pink lips that lands perfectly on your clit and trails down along your folds. You moan embarrassingly loud at the sight and he only smirks before putting his fingers back to work. His lips find yours again and his tongue trails along your bottom lip, pushing in and sloppily making out with you until he feels you clench around his fingers.
You pull away to throw your head back when his fingers start to move faster, gasping as your orgasm starts to hit you like a bus. Nothing but squelching sounds fill the living room as he finger fucks you through your high. He doesn’t stop for a while, and he honestly would have pushed you to cum again like this but you push him away in need of a breather.
You lift your head in time to see him shove his fingers into his mouth, groaning at the taste of you on his tongue. “As much as I wanna see your pretty lips wrapped around my cock, I think we can save that for next time. I need to fuck you right now or else I’ll actually fucking die..”
You laugh breathlessly and watch as he shoves his sweats down, not even bothering to take them off all the way before he pulls his dick out. You moan softly as he spits on your folds again and runs his tip through the wetness repeatedly. He only finally pushes in when you playfully smack his shoulder with a whine, and the stretch pulls a sigh from both of your lips, followed by a low growl from him. He thrusts a few times to test the waters before quickening his thrusts and pulling desperate moans from you that only egg him on, pushing him to slam his hips into yours even harder as he almost forgets about the boy down the hall.
“Shhhhh, you gotta stay quiet baby... If Min wakes up then I can’t keep fucking you.” He says so convincingly until he starts pounding into you roughly, pulling even louder sobs from your mouth. Your legs are quickly thrown over his shoulders and he doesn’t let up even once, instead watching with a sinful smirk as your fingers claw into the couch below you.
He fuck you like this until you start to clench around him, his eyes always shooting back and forth between your face and where he’s entering you. “Look at me, pretty baby. Open your mouth for me okay?” You open your mouth and stick your tongue out in response while holding eye contact, and he leans forward to allow more spit to fall from his mouth. This time it lands on your tongue, and he doesn’t even have to ask before you’re obediently swallowing.
His eyes roll into the back of his head and you feel his hips stutter against yours, “Fuck… Baby ‘m not gonna last. Especially when you’re so sweet..” 
“J-Ji, please.. Love you-“
“I love you too baby. Now be good and cum for me, okay?” One of his hands goes down to messily rub back and forth on your clit and it sends you over the edge. You find yourself hiding in his neck and moaning against the skin there in an attempt to quiet your moans.
Then like that, you’re coming hard around him. He follows not long after, whining praises into your ear as he slows his thrusts. He moans lowly against your shoulder as he fills you to the brim, enjoying the warmth of it all until your voice breaks the silence.
“Fuck! Ji.. you came inside!” You hissed out, trying to keep your voice down while still out of breath.
He smirks down at you, pulling out and pressing a kiss to your forehead as he backs away. “Sorry baby, I couldn’t help myself. Don’t worry about it right now. Let’s get you cleaned up and in bed before Min comes out here and kills me.”
@jiminssluttyminx @changisworld @juskz @linohumina
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luminouslywriting · 2 days
Bob headcannons, when you cry in there arms
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Hi hon! I would be happy to do this one! Reminder that my requests are open for MOTA, BoB, and the Pacific, + I don't mind spam, so keep sending your thoughts in haha!
Dick Winters:
-Honestly the softest about the entire thing. I know that he gives the best hugs and is super patient. He's not gonna break away from the hug or the hold unless you do first.
-Doesn't force you to talk about anything, just wants to know what's going on and if you're going to be okay
-Probably dries your tears and if you're dating, kisses a few of the tear-stains to reassure you that it'll all be okay
Lewis Nixon:
-Is admittedly not super great with emotions? It's one of those things where he's just like ???? What NOW?!
-But he'll do his best at some comforting words and attempt to crack a few jokes or funny stories about himself to cheer you up
-Prefers to see you with a smile on your face and is relieved when the crying stops
Ronald Speirs:
-It's one of two things....he's either the softest and most gentle man about the whole thing or he's waiting for you to calm down before talking to you like an adult and is very reassuring
-Either way, he takes into account what's going to be best for the situation...like if something bad happened and you're hyperventilating, his biggest priority is making sure that you calm the hell down.
-But if it's an emotional thing, he'll sit with you and listen to whatever it is and lets you know that you're not alone. Not by a long shot.
Buck Compton:
-The best at giving rousing speeches and encouraging you to keep your head up and that things will get better.
-Also a patient man when it comes to the hugs and is also down to cuddle after you're done crying too
-He's emotionally attuned to what's going on and very aware that if you're breaking down, sometimes you just need someone to hold you and let you know that the bad won't last forever.
Carwood Lipton:
-A mother hen who is patting and rubbing your back as you cry and softly offering words of encouragement and love
-Knows exactly what to do to get you to stop crying or how to cheer you up; he pays attention to the little things and utilizes that to helping you through the rough times.
-Is also a chronic cuddler
Joe Liebgott:
-We've seen him when his friends are injured and he gets really soft. It's the same with the emotions and crying. Though he's a little more worried about how you're feeling, he'll hold you and stroke your hair and murmur sweet things to you.
-Probably starts telling you a story or asks questions to try and get you to calm down.
-Gives the softest and sweetest kisses oof reassurance afterwards.
Donald Malarkey:
-A little awkward but very gentle about the entire thing. He'll wait for you to calm down before asking some questions to understand what's going on/why you were crying.
-Wants to talk over solutions and suggestions to help things get better. He'd prefer if you had 0 problems in your life since he loves you so much.
-Gives a final hug when everything's finishing up
Eugene Roe:
-Immediately offers the softest words of support in both French and English and gently cups your face to dry off tears
-Super patient about the entire thing and honestly would prefer to cuddle with you for the rest of the night
-Follows up later to see how you're feeling and is on guard for if you're feeling upset about things
Bill Guarnere:
-Slightly panicked man about the entire thing—so he'll awkwardly pat your back and then when you start crying harder, he'll just hug you
-He'll start talking about his family and about when his brother died and so he completely gets what it's like to want to break down
-10/10 gives the best hugs
Joe Toye:
-Quietly just holds you and waits to ask questions until you're ready to talk about the entire thing. You're each other's person so that makes it even more important to support each other.
-Kisses away the tears and kisses the top of your head
-Gets a little sad that you were sad
George Luz:
-The best at cheering you up; he tells you all sorts of jokes and stories to try and make you smile
-If you smile through the tears, he'll tell you that your smile is pretty and that he missed it
-Also a chronic cuddler
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gumnut-logic · 23 hours
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Christmas in the Tracy household was a big family affair. The house itself was a big one. Big enough to house extended family and the bustle and noise that involved.
Scott loved it. Loved everyone being together, the hugs, the jokes, the fact that Uncle Lee always called him ‘Little Jeff’ and told the best stories about planes and rockets. Aunt Val always brought the best Christmas cookies with various aircraft drawn on them with icing. Grandma Taylor had different coloured hair every year and this year was bright blue and included glitter. Grandpa Taylor invented toys for a living so he was always welcome. Though Virgil tended to hoard his attention and Scott wasn’t really sure why because Virgil pulled apart everything Grandpa Taylor gave him anyway.
But the best part of Christmas this year was that Daddy was home.
Daddy spent a lot of time away. Scott understood why, but that didn’t stop him from missing him. Dad had stories much like Uncle Lee and often they starred in each other’s tales, but there was something about his father that Scott just looked up to even more.
It didn’t hurt that Uncle Lee made a point of placing Scott’s father in the spotlight in all his stories.
Dad was an amazing person. A hero.
Dad was also very tall and strong and always had the answers Scott needed. While Mom looked after him and his two little brothers and he loved her very much, Dad was…Dad.
And Scott wanted more than anything to grow up and be just like him.
It certainly didn’t hurt that his father had the same colour hair and everyone said Scott looked a lot like him. Scott bore those comments proudly and made a point of doing his best to emulate what his father might do in any situation.
Scott was going to grow up, join the Air Force and do his father proud.
A clatter in the hallway and Virgil barrelled into the room. Uncle Lee, who had been retelling the Mars landing, stopped mid-word and frowned.
His biggest little brother’s eyes widened as he skidded to a halt and straightened himself up. “Uh, excuse me, Uncle Lee.” A blink, and he looked fit to burst. “Could I please speak to Scott?”
That caused Virgil to frown. Scott thought it was funny. Uncle Lee never seemed to be able to remember Virgil’s name.
And besides, Virgil had a thing about being smaller than Scott and didn’t like it being pointed out.
However, Virgil hurried over anyway. “Scotty, can I borrow Chuckles?”
Blink “His name’s not ‘Chuckles’, it’s Chuck.”
“Oh, okay.” Virgil bit his lip. “But can I anyway?”
“Johnny won’t leave me alone.”
“He’ll eat his goggles.”
“Better than him eating my nuts.”
Uncle Lee made an odd sound that dissolved into a cough when Scott and Virgil looked at him.
Scott sighed. “Virgil, it’s Christmas. We’re supposed to share.”
Virgil dragged Scott part way across the room, away from Uncle Lee and lowered his voice.
“I tried, but the kit contains small bits. Mom said Johnny wasn’t allowed to play with small things. She said he was too young.” It was almost hissed under Virgil’s breath. “I don’t want him to get hurt or to get into trouble. Chuckles always distracts him.”
His name wasn’t ‘Chuckles’, it was ‘Chuck’ after Chuck Yeager, the first pilot to break the sound barrier. But Virgil had called the bear ‘Chuckles’ once as a joke, Johnny had picked it up and now it was all about Chuckles. It was annoying.
“Well, give him the nuts and tell him to go eat them somewhere else.”
Virgil stared at him aghast, but then his eyes widened. “Nuts. As in ‘nuts and bolts’, Scott! I’m building the robot Grandpa Taylor brought me. Johnny keeps trying to eat bits of metal.”
Uncle Taylor had picked up his tablet, but was now staring at them, a question on his face. “You boys okay?”
Scott nodded. “Yes, Uncle Lee. Virgil just needs some help with his kit. I’ll be back in a moment.”
Blue eyes gauged him, but Scott was more worried about his littlest brother and dragged Virgil out the door.
“Where is Johnny?”
“On the floor outside my room.”
“You didn’t leave the door open, did you?”
Scott hurried down the hall. “Why didn’t you call Mom?”
“I tried. Mom is talking to Aunt Val and she sounded sad. I didn’t want to interrupt and I didn’t want Johnny to get into trouble. Chuckles will fix it.”
“His name is not Chuckles!”
Scott rounded the corner and to his horror, Virgil’s door was wide open.
He didn’t bother to acknowledge Virgil’s gasp of horror, but instead barrelled on through the door terrified he would find his little brother choking on the floor.
But Virgil’s desk was empty except for the scattered pieces of his project. A quick glance around the room and Scott quickly found Johnny.
He was no more than a tuft of red hair wrapped around Scott’s pilot bear, half buried in Virgil’s bed covers.
Two wide eyes popped up over the top of those goggles. “Scotty!”
Scott hurried over to the bed. “Johnny, are you okay?”
“Chuckles!” Johnny held up the bear and grinned.
Scott sighed and sat down on the bed next to his littlest brother. His heart was beating fast - he had been so scared.
Virgil stood in the centre of his room staring at Johnny, his lip trembling. It was obvious he realised what could have happened when he left to get help.
Tears welled in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Scotty. I thought he couldn’t get in. I didn’t want him to get hurt.”
“Virg, he’s okay.” The fright in Virgil’s eyes had the eldest hurrying off the bed from one brother to another. “C’mon, Johnny’s fine. He went and got Chuckles, didn’t you, Johnny?”
The three-year-old’s eyes peered up at Virgil registering his distress and soaking it in like a sponge. His grin vanished and his brow crumpled. “Virgil?” Johnny clambered out of the bed and scampered over to his next eldest brother. “Chuckles? Chuckles make it better?” He offered Virgil the bear.
Virgil stared at Chuckles for a moment before reaching out and taking the fluffy toy. He poked at it gently before hugging it to his chest.
John threw himself at his brother with a huge hug almost knocking Virgil over. Scott reached out and steadied him before adding his own arm to the mix and hugging both his brothers at once. “It’s okay. We’re okay.”
Scott had to scrub snot off Chuckles’ ear later that night.
Christmas Eve was family relaxing time before the busy of the next day. Mom, who had been in the kitchen with Onaha since just after breakfast, called a halt to everything at six in the evening and they sat down for a light buffet of a meal. Every family member donated time or a dish which was mostly warm finger foods like pie and things on sticks.
Scott always looked forward to dessert on Christmas Eve because there were all sorts of interesting things to be had. Aunt Val’s Christmas cookies was one of them.
He stood staring at the different planes so artistically drawn on each of them. They were good enough to be recognisable and none of that generic kiddy stuff kids’ books tried to throw at him. Some were historical, some more modern.
“Trying to decide which plane to eat this year, honey?” Grandma Tracy crept up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. Her long blonde hair flopped over his shoulder as she leant in to kiss him on the cheek. “Merry Christmas, Scotty.”
“Merry Christmas, Grandma.” But he was still frowning at the cookies. “I can’t see Dad’s plane.”
“Your dad has flown several of those.”
“Yeah, but I want the Sparrowhawk Anderson ZX3.”
Grandma snorted. “Then you’ll have to chase up your father. I saw him nab it earlier.”
Scott turned to his grandmother. “Really?”
“Really.” And it was his father’s deep, smiling voice as Scott was suddenly scooped up in strong laughing arms. “C’mon, ‘Little Jeff’, I’ve saved you your favourite cookie.”
Scott giggled and squirmed, but ultimately clung to his dad, resting his head on his shoulder for just a moment as he was carried across the room to his father’s chair and plomped down on his lap as the man sat down. The longed-for cookie was produced and Scott grabbed it. “Thanks, Dad.”
A big hand on his back, another on his knee, Scott was held close.
“So, what have you and your brothers been up to this week?”
Scott stared at the cookie with the grey, blue and red jet iced on top. “Virgil, did a good drawing of a plane. He didn’t get the tail quite right, but I helped him with that. Johnny learnt some new words.” He couldn’t hold back any longer and bit into the cookie.
It was the best.
Dad snorted. “I heard. I suspected it was you who taught Johnny to say ‘extra-orbital’.”
Scott grinned, his mouth full of biscuit crumbs.
“Swallow before you talk, son.” But his father was smirking.
Scott downed the remains of the cookie, caught between enjoying it and the opportunity to sit and talk with his dad. “He knows all the planets, too.”
“Really?” His father frowned. “He’s only three years old, Scotty.”
Scott sat a bit straighter. I taught him all the names and showed him Mars where you and Uncle Lee went.”
The smile that appeared on his dad’s face only encouraged him. “Virgil drew him pictures of each of them and we stuck them on the wall in his room.”
“That was very kind of the two of you.”
“It made Johnny happy.” Scott didn’t want to mention that Johnny was sometimes sad and always serious. “I want to help him.”
“It sounds like you are doing an excellent job.”
“I’m the eldest.” And Scott knew what Dad was going to say.
“Yes, you are, and that means you have to look after your little brothers. They look up to you and they are your responsibility.”
Scott stared up at those serious grey eyes and for just a second Dad looked like Johnny. “Yes, Dad. I will, I promise.”
His father’s big hand patted his back. “I know you will.”
Scott smiled.
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sukioyakio · 2 days
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Au:I thought about this at night and wrote it down.might have spelling errors. Summary: where geto doesn’t become rouge but becomes a teacher in jujustus high school.
everything hurted
Your body, your mind but also your heart. Everything throbbed in pain from the way you ran away from the curse with warm blood that swam down your body like a river.
The pounding sound of your heart could be heard over miles from how loud your heart was beating. But the tears that ran down your face blurred your vision in hope of surviving this.
But this didn't stop you from running. In fact, it pushed you to move forward for your live, for your husband, and for your babies. A image of them clinged into your mind as you were panting heavily.
“No no no . . . I can’t die, I don’t want to die yet, . . .I can’t leave them alone” Your voice in your mind kept you awake. More tears flown down your cheeks.
Gasping for air to pass through your lungs. You had a little left of curse energy but it wasn’t enough to make a sustainable domain expansion, instead an incomplete one.
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. Flashback
You just woke up and got ready for work but you walked towards the living room, and upon seeing you see your daughters. And they sense you and quickly turned around with both of them looking at you.
‘Good morning mom!’ Mimiko and Nanako both say with an adorable smile that shines throughout the morning. Though some little fella, comes with them hiding behind Mimiko legs. It was your son who came running towards your legs with a big smile and gives you a hug around your legs.
You had one hell of a smile. Seeing your son babbling about something. He had Geto's hair and his eye shape, but he had your eye color. You were happy that one of your genes fought for him.
Both Mimiko and Nanako were looking at their little brother with awe and 'omg he’s so cute'. You couldn’t help but laugh softly at them, grabbing your son and carrying him.
“Ok girls, go sit down at the table. Im guessing that your dad is almost done with his blessing of his cooking” you state to them with a playful smile.
“Of course mom” Mikiko spoke softly.
“Okay! Mom” Nanako voiced out with a happy grin.
You nod at their words as your son really seems to enjoy to getting carried.
You were carrying him into the kitchen where you knew that you would find the love of your life there cooking breakfast for the family.
You saw him busy with cooking, so it gave you a chance to surprise him. While your daughters waited at the table for food, you walked towards him with your son in your arms.
You sneak up behind him, placing a kiss on Suguru's cheek with a sly smirk, seeing how his body soon became relaxed. He soon turned towards you and smiled softly at you and your son. Then his lips were pressed against yours, giving you a passionate and slow kiss.
“Good morning sweetheart, how was your morning?" Suguru says glancing at the small boy in your arms, who's enjoying his time being carried you.
Your baby babbling slurred words that likely meant 'Good Morning' or 'Hello'. You chuckled at his response.
“Good morning love. Im well, missing an hour asleep, but 6 will do" you look at your son as he is holding your hand, you mouth the words ‘father’ and then you look up at Suguru with a smile
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.(end of flashback)
You could taste the memory of the morning. It's something that you would be more glad to have everyday. You miss Suguru's warmth, your kids, their laughter and their love.
"Please- please-" your ragged breathe came out again,You had wish that this special grade would just be stupid but it wasn’t. Instead, it was tracking you down with the scent of your blood and your curse energy.
The special grade,aimed multiple thick shaped like a crooked needles at you. You sensed it due to its curse energy output and dodged all of them except for one that was aimed towards for your arm.
You screamed in agony at the staggering pain that you had in your left arm. You were sobbing from the pain and taking little gasps of breath.
Everything was in pain
Your brain hits overdrive, you couldn’t do it anymore. With your right hand, you grabbed your phone and scrolled down your caller ID, hoping that Suguru would answer, but the call soon dropped into voicemail. But you needed to end this already.
“Domain expansion, Ocean depth!” you announced to the damn special grade, as you and the special grade were enclosed by a black circle that soon took a color of an ocean. Your eyes are giving out on you. Your body was tumbling upon your arrival in your domain.
“Marine Corpse of destruction” you mutter as you saw the special grade get hit with your attack and seeing it disappear, but as well as your visions.
“No, no, no, N-please. Someone please help me. I don’t want to die” that was the last thing you said before,
Everything went black. —————
Suguru Geto was with his son as they were putting away the groceries that they got from the store as his son walked with excitement to help put away groceries for his father.
It was the afternoon of that day, he knew that the higher ups called you to do a mission of some kind, but something in his body told him something was wrong, but he brushes it off and went back to putting the groceries away with his son. And plus his daughter would be coming soon.
After putting the groceries away, him and his son were in the living room watching some child like movies. He wasn’t paying any attention to it, but rather, paying attention to his phone that was on the coffee table. He would constantly check the time, waiting for his two daughters and for any messages from you.
Everything was fine so why did he felt uneasy.
He was probably stressed out, something from working today, but to blame him for it wasn’t his fault, especially when you and his job were life risk factor jobs. Anything could happen.
Either way, he knew that you're able to handle it yourself. After all, you were a semi grade, one going to a special grade. And he knew that you would be late at times when coming back from the job.
And so Geto played with his son in the meanwhile. His son was babbling with such enthusiasm and shine that it made him forget about what he was unsure about. They colored, play games for kids,and role played with him.
It was until he saw his two daughters running through the door with tears rolling down their faces. His calm relaxed body, was now tensed from their tone of voice. He looks at them with widened eyes, as he would see his son looking at them with curiosity.
But Geto could sense that something wrong happened and instantly the mood in the house was now filled with fear.
Fear of what had happened to cause his daughter to cry,
Fear of was he not informed about,
Fear of what did his daughters had to say to him,
Fear of not knowing what to act on all alone without you being there to reassure him,
Fear of it being you that was is in some crisis that he wasn’t able to save you in.
”What happened? Whats wrong girls?” Geto says, keeping his iconic calm voice. He’s known for being calm even in the most under pressure situations and known how to calm his teammates and students.
But right now he can’t shake the fact that it has something to deal with you.
He uses his arms to pick up his son and walks towards both Mimiko and Nanako, crouching down to their level to see their teared face clearly, and with an instant, they hug him. Their breathing pattern was shaky and unstable as they both tried to speak.
“Dad-mmom. . .We got a-a…” Mimiko cried as she clings onto Geto's body as if she didnt want to lose him too.
Their sentences were shorted with their gulps of tears.
“I-it's mom . .. m-momm is the h-hospital,w-we got a c-call from Uncle Gojo” Nanako cried out, her face digged into Geto's shirt. The baby was now crying with them.
Geto struggles to keep his composure, but his breathing was going erratic. It was becoming more unstable. He looks at them and then at his son, and instantly knew that he had to go to the hospital.
He politely removed himself from their grip and walked towards where he had left his phone and called Ijichi to come over and to take care of his daughters.
Ijichi within minutes he was here. He automatically knew that Geto was serious and he needed him as quick as possible.
“Im here” lijchi stated in a professional tone, but his hands were shaking from sensing Geto’s terrified curse energy. Geto instantly opened the door and gave him a smile.
A smile that wasn’t like one of his own. A smile that reached to his ears. Lijchi shyly walked into the house and he instantly felt the mood of the room.
The two daughters were sitting in the living room, leaning on each other with a blanket cover and with a change of clothes on, but their faces were pluffed up. Geto walked over to lijchi and whispered.
“Listen I’m going to be out for some time, take of the girls for me” Geto spoke in a serious tone, not in his usual calm tone and it spooked him. As he turned to look at Geto, he swallowed his salvia, gulping it down.
“What about the b-baby, are you s-sure you don’t want me to take care of him as well?” Lijchi stuttered as he looked at Geto. He kept with eyes contact with him, but Lijchi decided to not question again.
“N-never mind” Lijchi muttered as he looked away to look at the girls and then back at Geto, who was now gone within seconds. It doesn’t take long for Lijchi to realize that Geto used his white rainbow dragon to get as fast to you.
Geto, who's body wasn't retracting to the world as he flies to the Jujustus highschool with his baby boy. He sees that the baby is really enjoying the ride, making a compilation of sequel noises and giggles. He somewhat relaxes because of it, but he keeps clenching his hands into fists as his mind kept replaying his daughters words.
He was happy that Lijchi came over to the house within two minutes and that gave him time to get to you.
“Oi, whats up sensei?” Panda says to Geto, who was rushing to get to Shoko's office.
He pushed them slightly to get through, flashing his face, and most importantly his change of curse energy was more intense then usual.
‘Tomatoes flakes’ said Inkuimia as Panda nodded. “I don’t think sensei is feeling alright today,also did you see little baby boy.That most be the son of his,I mean duh”.Panda whisper to inkuima seeing him nodding to his words.
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An: I didn’t feel like continuing it but I hope it good for y’all.also I was too lazy to find what the name of the speech user is,if anyone knows plsss tell me it. sorry about the cliffhanger.
Made by @sukioyakio
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Under The Weather (A Hero-Centric Sick Fic)
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When Hero has to cancel his visit home due to illness, Kel gets worried and calls in some reinforcements to take care of him. Kel knows there is nothing that upsets his brother more than being fussed over and worried about, but maybe he'll let himself be taken care of just this once...
Genre: Sick Fic, Slice of Life and Hurt/Comfort. Friendship and Kel & Hero's Brotherly Love. Post-Good Ending. Self-Indulgent. Hero Deserves To Be Happy.
Characters: Hero (POV Character), Kel (POV Character), and Zoey (OC). Sally and the parents make brief appearances. Mari and Sunny are mentioned.
Relationships: Hero and Kel's Brotherly Bond. Kel and Zoey (OC) Friendship. Hero and Zoey (OC) Friendship [Could be Hero/OC if you really wanted, but this story take place mid-extremely slow burn so they'd swear they're just friends here]. Past Hero/Mari is implied, referenced, and mentioned.
Word Count: 11,886
Rating: G
Warnings: Some hurt/comfort. Some mentions of grief. Mentioned flu and flu-like symptoms. Sick Character. Referenced Canonical Character Death. OMORI SPOILERS. There is a little angst, but it wraps up with brotherly love and Hero actually being happy and taken care of after the good ending (who knew we'd live to see the day...)
⛅This story is part of the "When Sun Shines Again" universe & includes specific references to "Am I Ready For Love? Or Maybe Just A Best Friend" but it should stand-alone and make sense without reading any of that. 
A/N: It's my birthday and this is my (Acacia's) self-indulgent present to myself. 😁Thank you for indulging me!
Link to work on AO3. Full text below the cut.
Thank you for reading! 🧡💙☂️
Kel glanced over at the clock, watching as the second hand barely ticked away. He generally wasn’t this distracted or antsy at basketball practice, even when his coach called an emergency practice after school on a Friday when everyone was naturally jittery with anticipation for the weekend. But he couldn’t seem to focus on anything today—found himself zoning out until something collided with the back of his head.
“Ouch!” he yelped, rubbing his hand across the spot the basketball had just bounced off of him. That was definitely going to leave a mark. Some of his teammates snickered while a few offered shrugs of apologies. His coach huffed, crossing his arms clearly unamused.
“What is going on with you today?”
“Sorry, coach,” he mumbled sheepishly—scratching the back of his neck. “My brother’s coming home from college for the weekend, so I guess I’ve been a little distracted.”
His coach frowned. “Well you can run out that distraction by running laps around this gym. 10 laps—go!”
Kel sighed, but he sprinted off for his laps. If he was being perfectly honest, he didn’t mind. If he was lucky, maybe running laps would help time pass faster. He’d try anything that would help time pass faster. Hero was coming home, and he couldn’t wait to see him.
When practice finally wrapped up, he practically sprinted out to his car and, though it likely would have worried his mother, he sped home at, at least, a solid 10 mph above the speed limit. He hoped he hadn’t missed Hero’s arrival—though he knew he had a class this morning and wouldn’t have been able to leave until later in the day, then he had what was probably a 3-hour drive taking traffic into account, so maybe time was on his side.
When he pulled onto his street, he was relieved to see that Hero’s car was not in the driveway, and as he ran through the doorway into the house, he called, “Have you heard from Hero at all?” Do you know what time he’s coming?”
With an affectionate chuckle, his mom looked up from the block structure she had been building with Sally. “Well, welcome home to you too, Kel. Did you have a good day at school? How was basketball practice?”
“It was fine,” he said with a shrug, trying to ignore that lump on the back of his head. “But have you—?”
“Wanna play ‘zoo,’ Kel?” Sally interrupted with a bright smile as she held up some of the colorful, plastic animals he and Hero had bought her for her birthday. “You can have any ammimals you want.” She stared up at him with wide, expectant eyes as she handed him an elephant. Kel smiled, patting his little sister on the head.
“Thanks, Sally. We’ll play in a minute, okay?” He paused, turning back to his mother. “Mom—”
“I haven’t heard from him since this morning. He was supposed to call before he left, but maybe he got busy or forgot,” she cut him off with a slight shake of her head. “I hope he’ll make it back in time for dinner.”
“I’ll call him,” exclaimed Kel reaching for the telephone receiver. As Kel began to dial the number he knew by heart, he stopped—wondering if it would be better to call Hero’s cell phone. They were all still adjusting to the fact that he had gotten one. It made their mother feel safer and more secure, knowing that Hero had a way to call for help in an emergency, but since he had limited, prepaid minutes, they all still usually communicated with him by calling the landline at the fraternity house where he lived. In this case, however, Kel was hoping that Hero was already on his way, in which case, his cell phone would be the best way to get ahold of him.
“What if he’s driving?” sighed Mom as Kel began to flip through the address book they kept near the phone. When he found the number, Kel shrugged.  
“Then he won’t answer, and I’ll just leave a message.”
“Tell him about my zoo,” giggled Sally, and Kel nodded. As he held the phone to his ear, the ringing of the telephone mingled with Sally’s best impression of a lion. A smile tugged at his mouth as he watched as his sister began to set her animal toys in the block zoo she had been building with their mother.
He was so distracted he almost didn’t hear the slow, heavy breath followed by a hoarse, groggy, “Hello?”
Kel’s brow furrowed. “Hero? Uh…it’s Kel…” He stumbled over his words, worried he had dialed the wrong number. The person on the other line barely sounded like his brother at all. There was more wheezy breathing as if Hero couldn’t catch his breath, followed by an audible gasp and a stumbling, almost panicky, “Kel? Oh my gosh—what time is it?”
“Um…around 6:00, I think.”
“I’m so sorry,” apologized Hero, sounding like himself again besides the hoarse breathiness of his voice. “I wasn’t feeling well so I lied down to take a nap before I left, and I must have completely lost track of time.” His voice cracked and hitched—raspy and wheezy before he finally burst into a fit of nasty, phlegmy coughing.
“You sound terrible. Are you sick?”
“He’s sick?” interjected their mother bustling around him in a fidgety panic. “What’s wrong? Did he see a doctor? Does he have a fever?”
“I don’t know, Mom,” huffed Kel, but he was promptly cut off by Hero.
“Mom’s there?” There was something concerned and guilty in his already weary voice. “Tell her not to worry. I’m fine. My friends have been passing this bug around. I’m the last one to catch it. I’ll probably be better in a couple days.”
Kel nodded before he realized his brother couldn’t see him; then, he turned to his mom giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “He says all his friends have had this bug. It only lasts a day or two. He’s gonna be fine.”
“Tell him to take medicine, get lots of rest, and drink plenty of water and to keep checking his temperature,” his mother began rambling. “If it reaches 103, he needs to call a doctor or go to urgent care.”
“Mom,” sighed Kel. “Hero’s gonna be a doctor. I’m sure he knows all that.”
“You can hand the phone off to Mom If you want. I’ll talk to her,” Hero weakly interjected before he started coughing again. “I’m really sorry I’ll have to postpone my visit, but I’m not well enough to drive and I wouldn’t want to get you sick.”
“It’s fine, okay? Don’t worry about it. Are you sure you’re alright? That’s a really nasty cough.” Kel bit his lip, trying not to sound nearly as concerned as he felt. His fingers trembled as they gripped onto the receiver. As he looked in his mother’s face, he knew she was worried too and likely for the same reason: Hero never got sick.
“I’m fine,” he insisted but his raspy voice and coughing fit seemed to imply otherwise. “Don’t worry about me. I’m probably just going to make some instant ramen and go to bed.”
“But you hate instant ramen…”
“He’s making instant ramen,” interjected their mother. “Tell him to try to eat something healthier—more hearty like soup.”
“Mom—” Kel began to protest before Hero cut him off with a weary sigh.
“I just didn’t have the energy to make anything else…” Hero’s voice trailed, and Kel swallowed hard.
“Is there someone there who can take care of you?” he asked, and Hero sighed again.
“I don’t want to bother anyone or get them sick. Besides they’re all heading out to this party tonight.” He paused, coughing again. “But it’s fine. I’m really okay, Kel, just a little under the weather.”
Kel sighed heavily. He wished he could believe him, but Hero had always had this way of deflecting and belittling his own problems because he didn’t want people to worry. This had gotten especially bad over the past couple of years. Ever since their fight, it seemed like Hero would never tell him that anything was wrong ever again. Kel’s chest ached. His brother could be dying right now, and he’d have no idea.
“Hero—” He stopped abruptly, unsure of what he even wanted to say. It would probably just be the wrong thing anyway, so it might be better if he just didn’t say anything at all.
“I’m okay, Kel,” Hero gently insisted again. “And I’m sorry…but we’ll see each other another time. Maybe next weekend or the weekend after? Whenever I’m not contagious anymore.”
Kel sighed, but he finally answered, “Yeah…You just take care, okay? Do you want me to put Mom on now?”
Hero hummed, and Kel handed the phone off to their mother who started blustering and prattling away about cold medicine, sponge baths, and electrolytes. Kel didn’t catch most of it, but he did clearly hear, “I wish you had someone up there to take care of you.” Kel let out a long, heavy sigh. He certainly felt the same way, but that definitely wasn’t going to happen. Hero hated asking for help more than he hated instant ramen.
“Is Hero gonna be, okay?” asked Sally, tugging on his arm. Kel gave her a reassuring smile.
“Yeah. He’s just a little sick right now, but he’ll be fine. Then he’ll come visit and see your zoo.” He took Sally’s hand and led her back to the blocks and toys. “Here, I’ll help you with it.”
Helping Sally with her zoo project did not distract Kel nearly as much as he hoped. He was constantly distracted by worries about Hero and how bad his health was—if he was really telling them the whole story. He didn’t usually get sick after all, and he sounded horrible. What if he had a flu or something and needed medical attention? He could at least use someone who could check in on him and make sure he was getting water and enough to eat that wasn’t instant ramen. But Kel wasn’t sure who that would even be. Unless…
Impulsively, Kel raced upstairs to his room to grab the notecard where he had written Hero’s friend Zoey’s phone number after she had offered to let him call her whenever he got stuck on his math homework. Kel had used to call Hero with all his homework trouble, but after Hero himself was stumped by a particularly difficult math problem, his brother had suggested they ask his friend who was an engineering major and, Hero insisted, a math genius. Best of all, she had just so happened to be hanging out with him when Kel had called. Zoey had quickly solved and walked him through the problem, then several others. Then she generously offered that he could call her with any other questions—which he had multiple times. Honestly, he’d probably be failing math right now if it wasn’t for her.
He talked to her all the time, sometimes it seemed, even more than Hero, though Kel often thought he probably got a more accurate account of how Hero was actually doing from her than if he had just asked his brother himself. He could only be told ‘I’m fine, just busy’ so many times before it started sounding automatic and rehearsed. Zoey at least told him the truth: he’s stressed about upcoming exams, busy cooking food for a party his fraternity was hosting, or groggy from staying up all night studying. Kel sighed. He understood if his brother wanted to keep a lot of his life private, but, he’d be lying if he said it didn’t hurt a little to be cut off from his reality by dismissive ‘I’m fine’s. He knew Hero didn’t want him to worry and was likely just trying to protect him from that, but still…he couldn’t shake the feeling that it was his own fault. Hero probably didn’t want to tell him he was stressed out, overwhelmed, or sick because he was worried Kel would just say the wrong thing, just like he had when Hero had gotten so depressed after Mari had died.
Neither of them ever wanted that to happen again so they just didn’t really say much of anything anymore—at least not much of anything that mattered. Sure, they still talked—so much and so often that Kel knew the phone number to Hero’s fraternity house by heart, but it barely scratched the surface, never touched anything deep or meaningful. In a way, it felt hollow, distant—like Hero was only showing him a hazy impression of his life, enough to reassure Kel he was doing okay but not enough that he could feel like he actually knew him anymore, at least not like he had when they were younger and Hero had told him everything. It was getting better—had been over the past two years since they had learned the truth, but…Kel knew things would never go back to the way they were. He should probably be used to that by now. His brother was a very private person, and he probably always would be.
And by the time Kel had dialed the number and listened to two rings of the telephone, he realized with a somewhat sheepish sigh that he probably should have been a little more respectful of that. His hands began to tremble as he clutched onto the receiver—genuinely starting to worry he was crossing a line. Zoey was one of Hero’s best friends, and Hero might be embarrassed to know his younger brother had been calling her to ask if she’d check up on him.
Before he could even begin to consider hanging up, however, someone answered the phone with a “Hello?”
“Hey, uh, this is Kel. Is Zoey there?”
The young woman on the other line laughed. “Scotty, how are you?”  she asked, and Kel’s mouth curved into a bright smile. He knew immediately it was her. She was the only person in the world who called him ‘Scotty.’ Zoey had explained to him once it had to do with his talent for fixing things, just like “Scotty the Miracle Man,” a reference to some old tv show Zoey said she had used to watch with her dad. It didn’t bother Kel that he didn’t get the reference. He was honestly just kind of excited to have a nickname. After all, he had never really had one besides ‘Kel’ before and that was just a shortened version of his name. He had always kind of wanted one, just like Hero, but he had never told anyone that before.
“I’m good,” he replied with a chuckle. “You?”
Zoey hummed. “I’m doing okay—been kind of busy. You stuck on your math homework again?”
“Well yeah,” Kel admitted with a shrug. “But that wasn’t why I was calling. Is this a bad time?”
“Nope. Most of my sorority sisters are headed out to this party, so that’s probably what you’re hearing in the background.”
Kel’s brow furrowed. He heard some background chatter and rustling noises, but it was all kind of faint—nothing he would have thought was worth mentioning if Zoey hadn’t brought it up herself. “You’re not going to the party?”
“I have a project due next week, and honestly, parties aren’t really my scene. Don’t tell your brother, but I really don’t think I’d have a good time without him there anyway. We’re usually the only sober ones, and drunk company’s really not all it’s cracked up to be,” she replied dryly, and Kel laughed but shrugged his shoulders.
“Have you talked to Hero at all?”
“Not since yesterday. Did he make it home okay?”
Kel sighed. “He’s not coming. He’s sick.” Kel paused—sighing again and trying not to sound too disappointed. “He called like 45 minutes ago—has this terrible cough. He says he caught some bug or something and isn’t well enough to drive.”
“I knew this would happen,” huffed Zoey though she sounded more guilty than upset. “We’ve all been passing this flu around, and Hero’s been trying to take care of everyone so, of course, he got sick himself.”
“A flu?” interrupted Kel. He shook his head. So Hero had been underexaggerating again…? He should’ve known.
“I’m sure he’s going to be okay,” Zoey reassured him. “He has a really strong immune system—barely ever gets sick. It’s one of the reasons he’s going to be a great doctor. Don’t worry. I had this flu too—got over it in a couple days.”
“He got it from you?” teased Kel, and Zoey laughed.
“Probably from Kyle. They are roommates. But we’ve all had it. Hero’s the last one.” Zoey paused, sighed. “We really didn’t think he was going to get sick.”
“Yeah he uh…usually doesn’t, but he sounded pretty miserable when I talked to him earlier today. Said the only thing he could eat was instant ramen.”
“He hates instant ramen,” Zoey interjected, and Kel shook his head with a sigh.
“I know.” He paused thoughtfully then tried to ask as nonchalantly as he could manage, “Hey…uh…do you think you could bring him over some food or something? Just so he wouldn’t have to keep eating instant ramen. I wouldn’t want you to get sick or anything, but since you already had it, maybe you could just drop it off and maybe check in to make sure he’s doing okay…?” His voice trailed, and he bit his lip as he waited for her answer.
“I’m not much of a cook, Scotty,” chuckled Zoey. “But I could stop by a restaurant or Other Mart to pick up a couple things and drop them off for him. You know it’s only going to make him feel guilty though. He’ll help anybody that needs him without batting an eye, but the minute you try to turn it around and return the favor, it’s suddenly a big deal.”
Shaking his head slightly, Kel sighed. “Yeah…that’s just Hero for you.”
When Zoey sighed herself, Kel imagined she was shaking her head with the same somewhat affectionate exasperation, but she hummed thoughtfully. “I’m sure he’s feeling pretty miserable right now, and not just because he’s sick. He’s been so excited to see you—talked about practically nothing else for the past couple weeks.”
“Really?” The question slipped out before Kel could stop it, and his face flushed. Luckily, she couldn’t see him.
“Yeah, of course,” Zoey chuckled like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I don’t know if I’ve ever known anyone who’s so excited to see his brother. I mean, I love my brother, but the way Hero talks about you—it’s like you’re the most important person in the whole world, his best friend.”
“I don’t think I’m his best friend anymore,” mumbled Kel without thinking.
“Hey…” Zoey’s tone of voice softened—something gentle and sympathetic in it. “If you’re talking about me or Kyle or Brandi, C.J., Lorraine, Tamra…yeah, we’re all Hero’s friends and we all care about him, but none of us are you. And we’re never going to be you, Scotty. You’ll always be number one.”
“I dunno,” sighed Kel. He was pretty sure he lost that spot when he was insensitive, said all the wrong things after Mari died—when he hurt his brother, broke him.
“I don’t really know if it’s my place to say but…” Zoey began tentatively, but she let out a conceding sigh. “You know the only time I ever really see Hero happy is when he talks about you—about how amazing you are and how proud he is. His face just lights up, and he smiles for real—it actually reaches his eyes.”
Kel’s face grew warm, but he stifled a chuckle. It was funny to hear her say that considering he would have said the exact same thing about her. They all would have. It was Sunny who had noticed it first, actually, on account of the fact he lived in the city and Hero often invited him to hang out with him and his friends. Kel would never forget how he had excitedly told him, Aubrey, and Basil all about what it had been like to see Hero smile again. They almost hadn’t believed him, but then Hero had come home on a break and told him about how he got caught in the rain with some friend of his, a spunky engineering major who thankfully had a red umbrella. In the middle of his story, Hero’s face had lit up and he had smiled just like Sunny had said, a real smile that actually reached his eyes. Kel’s chest ached just thinking about it—about how much he wished his brother would smile like that all time, about how much he wished he would be happy again.
Kel took a long, deep breath. Could it really be possible that Hero smiled like that when he talked about him too? He couldn’t really believe that. Not after everything that had happened.
“He really loves you, you know?” Zoey continued quietly, and Kel fidgeted. Could she read his mind or something? “If the situation was reversed and you were sick and he was hours away, he’d be calling your friends too—having Aubrey and Basil go check up on you and make sure you’re doing okay. He’d probably be calling your parents all the time for updates too. Everyone in Faraway Town would be keeping an eye on you for him.”
Something twisted in Kel’s chest, and his eyes fluttered closed as he took a deep breath. “Please don’t tell him I’m worried.” His voice hitched over his words—quiet, small, like he was that little boy cowering in the corner watching Hero break again.
“You can tell him yourself,” Zoey gently encouraged. “I’m sure he—”
“You know about our fight, right?” Kel interrupted without thinking. He swallowed hard—the only sound during the long, heavy pause which followed. It probably crossed a line to ask that. He didn’t even know if she knew, but Hero had told him he had told Zoey about Mari, had told her a lot of things that he didn’t think he’d ever tell anyone. It wouldn’t have surprised Kel if their fight was one of them.
“Yes,” Zoey finally admitted—quiet, matter-of-fact. “He told me.”
Kel huffed lightly, breathily almost a disbelieving laugh. “Then you know why I can’t just call him up and tell him I’m—” His voice hitched, and he stopped abruptly.  
“Kel—” she began to protest, but he cut her off.
“And you also know that it’s all my fault that we’re not—” He stopped abruptly—the words getting caught in the back of his throat. He shut his eyes tightly and swallowed hard.
“That’s not the story he told me.”
Something twisted in Kel’s chest. He couldn’t imagine what else his brother could have possibly said. Even if Hero had tried his best to protect him with his account and paint him in a better light so Zoey wouldn’t hate him, he couldn’t change the fact that it was his pushy and insensitive words that had broken him, right? He was the one who had made him feel guilty, made him feel like it was his fault he was so depressed, like he could just snap out of it somehow, like he wasn’t doing enough, and worst of all, like he was disrespecting Mari. He was the one who had said all the wrong things, who hadn’t been sensitive or kind enough like Hero himself would have been if the situation had been reversed. He was the one who said this wasn’t what Mari would have wanted, and he was the one who watched while those words broke his brother. He was the one who had broken him.
No version of the story Hero could have possibly told anyone could have changed that, but he supposed it was really none of his business.
“You know, Kel,” Zoey continued with a heavy sigh. “Sometimes we put up walls between ourselves and the people we love because we’re afraid of hurting them. It doesn’t mean we don’t love them—it just means we don’t know how.”
Kel’s chest ached, but he swallowed hard. “And you’re saying Hero’s like that?” He paused, and the words slipped out before he could stop them. “With you?”
“With everyone.” She hadn’t missed a beat. Kel supposed he admired that about her. She could be so honest but so kind too, and she knew Hero so well. Kel could tell that she cared about him and was a good friend. Both she and Hero vehemently insisted they were nothing more than that, and Kel believed them—which is why his question probably crossed a line, why Zoey felt compelled to add, “Not just me. You know that we’re not—”
“Yeah, sorry,” stumbled Kel interrupting as he shifted and fumbled around with the phone in his hands. “I didn’t mean anything by that. I just—”
“It’s okay,” she thankfully cut him off. “Just wanted to make sure you weren’t getting the wrong idea. We get teased enough as it is by our friends—I can tell it bothers him. He won’t say, but I know it’s a touchy subject…”
“Do you think he’ll ever…uh…you know…?” he stumbled over the question, feeling guilty for even asking though he was desperate to hear another opinion that wasn’t the dismal ones he, Aubrey, Basil, and Sunny could generally come up with. Given the way he had tripped over his words, he wasn’t sure she’d even understand what he was trying to say, but she sighed.
“Honestly…I don’t know.” She paused thoughtfully. “But I do know that he’s not ready right now.”
Kel’s brow furrowed. That wasn’t exactly the answer he was expecting. “He told you that?” he asked before he could stop himself.
There was a long pause before Zoey answered, “Yes.” Her voice was matter-of-fact, pragmatic, and unreadable, but she sighed heavily. “Scotty, if you want to talk to Hero I feel like you should. He’s your brother. You should be hearing all this stuff from him—not me. It’s really none of my business.”
“He won’t talk to me.” Kel’s face flushed. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Zoey sighed.
“It’s fine. It’s just…the way it is, you know?” he shrugged, swallowing hard. “He wouldn’t even tell me how sick he was.”
“He didn’t want you to worry.”
Kel huffed. “Well, I did anyway.”
“I’ll go check on him, okay?” Her voice softened—kind and sympathetic, almost reassuring. “But he’s going to be fine. Don’t worry. Then, I’ll call you later and tell you all about how he’s feeling better already.” She paused chuckling. “Okay?”
Kel sighed, but he shrugged his shoulders conceding, “Okay.”
“Good. Now what’s that math problem you’re stuck on?”
Kel snorted a laugh in spite of himself. “You think we have time for that?”
“Unless you want me to tell your brother you called specifically to ask me to check up on him, then yeah—I’m gonna have to actually help you with your homework,” she quipped dryly. “I think there’s a special place in hell for the kind of person who’d lie to Hero.”
Reaching for his math textbook, Kel laughed. “Alright…Well in that case, it’s another one of those functions…”
Wearily rubbing his eyes, Hero groaned. He was so exhausted it took all of his strength just to roll over onto his side so he could reach his bottle of water. He knew it was important for him to stay hydrated, even without his mother reminding him, and was truthfully desperate for something to drink given how hoarse and sore his throat was after he had just woken up.
Coughing, he managed to take a few sips before he sunk back down into his bed. Sunny had once rated it a 9 out of 10, but now Hero would probably rate it an 11, the most comfortable bed on earth. He never wanted to leave it ever, ever again—but that was probably just the flu talking.
Hero couldn’t remember the last time he had had the flu. He rarely ever got sick. Contracting what he had originally thought was a cold was a surprise enough, but he had just chalked it up to being a little under the weather and tried to push through it—until he had crashed that afternoon after a coughing fit—chilled, aching, and too tired to even move. By the time he woke up to answer Kel’s call, he was honestly miserable—phlegmy, wheezy, shivering, and so feverish he could barely put a sentence together. Even now, his head throbbed, and his thoughts were cloudy and muddled. He felt disoriented and too exhausted to even think too hard.
Hero sighed. He should probably take his temperature again—make sure it wasn’t too dangerously high. It barely took any time at all for the thermometer to ding—flashing a whopping 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit. Hero took a long, deep breath, or at least as deep as he could manage given his nasty cough. A fever that high certainly explained why he felt so crummy. He reached for some tissues and blew his nose before he coughed again. It would probably be best if he just went back to sleep.
His eyelids grew heavier and heavier until they finally started drooping closed, but Hero was distracted by rustling noises he heard downstairs. His brow furrowed. He thought his entire fraternity was out at a party. Had someone come back early?
The sound of footsteps walking up the stairs echoed through the hallway, followed by a knock on the door to his room.
“Uh…Come in…?” Hero mumbled unsurely in a hoarse voice before he coughed again. He tilted his head at the door as it swung open, and Zoey walked in with two bags—one paper, one plastic.
“You look terrible,” she teased dryly, but her freckled nose wrinkled as she smiled at him brightly enough that it reached her green eyes.
“Zoey?” Hero stumbled slowly, breathily. He rubbed his head—unsure if he was seeing things. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard you were sick so I brought you some soup and a Hero sandwich but I put that in the refrigerator since I thought you probably weren’t up for solid food yet.” She reached into the paper bag and took out a plastic spoon and a to-go container of soup from his favorite soup and sandwich place in the city.
“Thank you…” Hero’s voice trailed as he struggled to catch his breath.
“It was nothing, especially compared to the homemade soup you made me when I was sick.” With a thoughtful hum, she ran her hand through her short, red hair and began fumbling around in the plastic bag. “I’ve also got you some sports drinks, water, cough drops, tissues, tea, and VapoRub.”
 “You really didn’t have to do that…” Hero insisted in a raspy whisper. “How much do I owe you?”
Zoey waved her hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about it. It’s my co-op semester so I’m basically rolling in money.” She chuckled lightly. “Plus, I wanted to do this for you. What are friends for, right? And I mean, I’m the reason you got sick.”
Hero shook his head weakly as he took a long breath. “No, you’re not.”
“Right. Sorry. It was all of us,” Zoey corrected with a lopsided twitch of her mouth. “And your lack of boundaries.”
Hero chuckled lightly in spite of himself, but it quickly turned into coughing. As Zoey scrambled to get him some water, he managed to choke out, “Sorry…”
Zoey tilted her head handing him the water to drink. “For what?”
Hero shrugged, but he took a few sips. “I don’t want to get you sick.”
“I’ve already had it. I’ll be fine.” She sighed with a pointed tilt of her head. “You take this ‘hero’ stuff way too seriously, you know? It’s not gonna kill you to let someone take care of you every once and awhile.” She pushed his desk chair next to his bedside and took a seat. “Now you just sit back, relax, and take easy, okay? Mama’s here.”
“I thought I was ‘Mama’,” he teased—dry and breathy. He wouldn’t have had the energy to argue with Zoey on the best day but especially not when he was so rundown and miserably ill like this, so instead he chose to banter. Mama was the nickname his roommate and Zoey’s long-time best friend Kyle had given him back in their freshman year, after all, so it seemed appropriate.
A smile tugged at Hero’s chapped lips as he watched Zoey laugh. Something warm spread through his aching chest knowing he had made her smile.
“Hey, I was ‘Mama’ before you were,” she bantered back. “But don’t worry I won’t tell Kyle.” She twisted her mouth to the side, but her expression softened as she reached out to take his hand. Frowning, she shook her head. “Your hands are so clammy.”
“Sorry…” mumbled Hero as she pushed some sweaty hair out of his face—pressing her palm to his forehead.
“You’re burning up. You have a thermometer?”
Hero nodded—then weaky motioned to his bedside table where his thermometer was sitting amongst a bunch of tissues. “I just took it. It’s 102.2.”
Zoey’s brow furrowed. “When do we call a doctor?”
Hero shrugged. “Probably if it’s over 103…” His breathy voice trailed wearily. “But there’s things you can try to bring it down before then.”
“Like a cold sponge bath like in a movie?” asked Zoey, her mouth quirking to the side. Hero shook his head.
“You want it lukewarm—not cold. If it’s cold, the blood vessels will constrict, and the body will hold onto heat…” He sighed then coughed into his elbow. After he managed to catch his breath, he added, “But tepid water is good. You can take a wet rag and use it to sponge the back of the neck or the forehead—the arms and torso would help too.”
“You want me to go get one?”
Hero’s face flushed, finally realizing what he had said and that it had come out in a way he hadn’t intended. “No, uh… I meant ‘you’ in the impersonal sense. I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
Her mouth curved into a slight smile. “I’m happy to help.”
“I know,” he said, but he fidgeted, something almost bashful in his expression. “But I uh…I wouldn’t want you to have to see me…uh…”—his voice cracked and he mumbled—“shirtless.”
Zoey chuckled. “You’re adorable, you know that?” she teased. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. We’ve been to the beach how many times and you’re a lifeguard for goodness sakes. You can’t possibly be that self-conscious.”
“That’s different. That was the beach or the pool—this is…” He could feel his ears burning. “my room. We’re alone here, and—”
“And you’re sick. It’s all medical. Surely, I don’t need to explain that to you, future doctor.” She crossed her arms with a pointed look, before she clicked her tongue and bantered, “Yes, we all know you’re very attractive, Mr. Prince, but you kind of look like death warmed over right now. It’s nothing to get worked up over.”
Hero choked, then coughed repeatedly—phlegmy and guttural, definitely not attractive in the slightest. As he hacked and lurched forward, Zoey patted him on the back, firm but gentle before she rubbed her hand across his shoulders.
“Woah. Woah. Take it easy. I was just teasing you.” Her voice was soft and kind, and there was something so gentle in her eyes as she met his and apologized. “Sorry.”
Hero’s insides twisted. He could tell he had worried her, and he couldn’t stand it. He never wanted anyone to worry about him—especially not his friends.
“No. It’s okay,” he insisted when he finally caught his breath, but his words got jumbled and muddled in his foggy brain and scratchy throat. “I…I know you were... It’s just…that’s not what I meant. I was just…embarrassed. I mean you’ve already had to see me in my pajamas.” Hero stared down at his pajama shirt and pulled on the collar as his face burned and not just from the fever.
“Your grandpa pajamas?” Zoey teased dryly. His face flushed, but he nodded. Chuckling lightly, Zoey shook her head. “You do realize I’ve seen Kyle in his underwear more times than I’d care to admit, right? This is nothing. And besides, I’ve already seen them before.”
“You’ve”—Hero’s voice cracked—“seen my pajamas?”
“Well not in person, but Sunny drew me a picture of you in them.”
“Sunny drew you a picture of me in my pajamas?” Hero repeated incredulously in a disbelieving, hoarse voice.
Zoey shrugged but answered matter-of-factly. “He only draws you in your pajamas. He draws everybody in pajamas. You know, the last time I saw him he asked me about my pajamas so he could draw me in pajamas too.”
“Why—?” Hero’s voice hitched—cut off by an awkward laugh and wheezy coughing. “Why would he do that?”
“No idea. You tell me.” She paused, but Hero could only shrug his shoulders. Sunny was a talented artist, but Hero would be lying if he said he understood a lot of his abstract pieces or the reasoning behind them. Zoey’s guess as to why Sunny wanted to draw everyone in pajamas was as good as his, he supposed. “But I’m pretty sure he always draws you in these exact pajamas—long sleeves, button down shirt, stripes. I remember thinking ‘why does Sunny think Hero wears grandpa pajamas?’ but clearly it’s because you do.”
Hero chuckled lightly but tilted his head at her. “What’s wrong with my pajamas?”
“Nothing—if you’re over the age of 70,” bantered Zoey. “If you’re not, I don’t think anyone’s worn pajamas like these since the 1950s, but I guess you were always a Wally Cleaver type, huh?”
As his face burned, Hero sighed. “I don’t think I’m as charming as Wally Cleaver, and I’m definitely not as athletic as him. And he had all those girlfriends…”
“That’s a moot point,” Zoey interrupted, waving her hand at him. “Wally wanted all those girlfriends—you don’t. If you did, you absolutely could have them.”
“I’m sure that’s not—” Hero began as his blush deepened, but Zoey cut him off again.
“No, it is. Every girl in my sorority house would date you in a heartbeat,” she replied bluntly—pragmatic as if it was a well-known fact, but her mouth curved into a lopsided grin as she dryly teased. “You are Mr. Prince, after all.”
“Tamra has a boyfriend…” Hero protested—weak but somewhat playful.  
Zoey sighed, rolling her eyes. “Well okay…not Tamra then...”
“Or you,” he quietly added, but Zoey’s mouth twitched into a lopsided smile.
“I don’t know, Mr. Prince. If you were actually interested in me, I think I’d have to seriously consider it—especially now that I’ve seen you in your grandpa pajamas.” She beamed at him with a bright, teasing grin before she let out a short, playful whistle.
Hero blushed before he buried his burning face in his hands. “Zoey…”
Before either of them could say anything more, however, they were interrupted by a distant, shrill whistling sound.
“That’s the kettle,” said Zoey. “I’ll be right back with some tea for you.”
“You really don’t have to—” Hero began to weakly protest, but she cut him off with a pointed stare.
“I don’t want to hear it, Henry.”
Hero paused. It still caught him off guard every time she used his real name. It wasn’t too often that she did—only when she wanted to tell him to stop being a ‘hero.’ It was her way of reminding him to take care of himself, reminding him that it was okay if he was just ‘Henry’ for a while. If Hero was being honest, it meant a lot to him to know someone cared enough to tell him that. Zoey had been telling him that for years now, but she only started calling him ‘Henry’ to do it after he had told her about Mari.
To this day he wasn’t sure why exactly he had told her in the first place besides the fact she had sort of figured it out on her own, but he was grateful that he had told her the truth, had finally been able to share that with someone. He would never forget the way she had cried for him—held him, told him that she wished he and Mari had gotten their forever. He had been so stunned, so moved by her empathy and kindness, that he had just panicked—trying to apologize for making her sad, for making her cry. After a lot of back and forth of him apologizing profusely and her gentle reassurances that it was okay, she had finally just cut him off in that spunky little way of hers. “No. None of that, Henry,” she had said with a pointed emphasis on his real name, trying her best not to smile as she said it for possibly the first time. Even so, she had insisted, “I’m serious. I’m going to keep calling you that until you stop that. Stop being a ‘Hero’—stop worrying about everybody else for just a second. It won’t kill you to be a little selfish for once…and it’ll honestly make the rest of us look better.”
Hero chuckled lightly to himself just thinking about it. She certainly kept her word—pulled his real name out for that reason whenever she felt he needed reminding of that. There was always a certain warmth and a flutter in his chest whenever he heard her say it.
A smile tugged at his mouth as he stifled a laugh, and the way her lips twitched in the corners made him realize she was trying not to laugh now too. Could it be that even after all this time, it still felt a little unnatural, a little awkward for her to call him that? After all, she generally called him ‘Hero’ or if she was feeling playful or cheeky ‘Mr. Prince.’
Hero’s chuckling was soon drowned out by coughing again, and Zoey patted his back and handed him tissues, water, and a cough drop until he finally calmed again.
“Still think you don’t need me?” she quipped, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he admitted quietly.
Her smile widened before she gave him one final pat on the back then took off down the stairs. “I’ll be right back with the tea.”
Hero took a long, shaky breath, trying his best to stay awake as he waited for her to return. His mind was feeling hazy again—sluggish and foggy from fever and exhaustion, but a question nagged at him. How had Zoey known he was sick? Yes, she was very perceptive, and there had certainly been times he was almost convinced she had to be a mind reader but…he hadn’t been that ill when he talked to her last. He supposed Kyle could have said something, but as far as Hero knew, Kyle had just assumed he was napping not battling with a flu.
“Here’s your tea,” said Zoey, swiftly reappearing with a warm mug, a gift from his fraternity brothers that read ‘World’s Best Mama.’ Hero laughed every time he saw it, though this time it came out more like a breathy wheeze then a cough. “It’s lemon and echinacea since you’re sick. I put a little honey in it for you too.”
Hero smiled as she handed him the cup. He probably shouldn’t have been surprised. Zoey was one of his best friends. She probably knew more about him than anyone else—of course, that would extend to knowing how he took his tea. But it wouldn’t extend to knowing he was sick, would it?
“Thank you,” he mumbled, taking a sip of his cup of tea before he took a long, shaky breath. “Hey…Zoey?”
“How did you know I was sick?” Hero swallowed hard—then coughed again. Zoey tilted her head pointedly at him.
“It’s kind of obvious,” she quipped—deflecting. Hero sighed. He knew a lot about that himself.
“Yeah…but did someone tell you? Ask you to check up on me?”
Zoey sighed heavily, but she finally admitted. “Yes. Scotty mentioned it when he called me earlier. He said you were too sick to drive home this weekend so you had to cancel your trip.”
Hero blinked at her. It took a minute for the words she had said to register. Scotty was her nickname for Kel, some reference he had never quite gotten himself, but it seemed to make his brother happy to have a nickname. Hero’s head ached. His brother…? “Kel?” he asked in a weary confusion. “Kel called you?”
Zoey nodded. “I helped him with his math homework.”
Hero swallowed hard. Somehow he knew that wasn’t the entire truth. The thought made something twist in his chest. He bit his lip as he quietly asked, “Is he worried about me?”
“What do you think?” Zoey paused, but from the look she was giving him now, Hero knew the answer, if he hadn’t already. “You two are a lot alike you know—you both worry about each other but won’t really say.”
“I don’t want Kel to worry...” The words slipped out without him really thinking about them—honest, vulnerable, real. The feverish haze was loosening his tongue, it seemed. Hero’s brow furrowed. He didn’t like it for the same reasons he didn’t like drinking. It felt like losing control—only this time, he didn’t have the energy to care too much.  
“Then I don’t think not telling him anything is the answer,” Zoey replied. “Kel’s pretty smart, you know? He knows something’s wrong even when you won’t say—knew you were way sicker than you let on. He asked if I could stop by and check on you.”
Hero’s face flushed. He couldn’t really process what she was saying, “Kel did that?”
“Why do you sound so surprised?”
Hero swallowed hard. He met her eyes—hoping the look in them would say louder than any words that she already knew why. Ever since their fight, he had felt Kel slipping away—walking on eggshells around him like he was scared he was fragile and would snap again. No matter what he did to try to reassure Kel that he was okay and that he would never lash out at him like that ever again, Hero couldn’t shake the feeling that he was losing his brother. He tried his best to stay connected—talking to him all the time, planning trips home to visit him, even letting him stay with him in the city, and even though things had been getting better since they had learned the truth two years ago, Hero knew that they would never be the same. They could never be the same, not anymore. Not after…
“I really hurt him…” Hero’s voice cracked—breathy, dazed, but heart-wrenchingly guilty even all these years later.
He hadn’t realized he had said that aloud, until Zoey gently reassured him, “And you apologized and moved on. That’s all, in the past now. I don’t think Kel holds it against you at all.” She paused, sighed. “What if he’s sitting around, saying the same thing—worrying the same thing…?”
Hero’s chest ached, but he shook his head. “No, I…”
“Hero,” Zoey sighed, cutting him off. “If there’s distance between you and Kel, it’s only because the two of you won’t just talk to each other. If you did, maybe you’d realize you’re both scared of the exact same thing, and that it’s not worth being worried about. You had one fight. It doesn’t mean your relationship is just broken forever.”   
“It was a really big fight,” Hero gently protested, swallowing hard before he tried to catch his breath. “There are some things you just can’t come back from.”
“And I can promise you, this is not one of them.” She reached out and took his hand again, holding it tightly until he looked up at her and her reassuring green eyes. “You should hear the way Kel talks about you. It’s constant—all the time, no matter what we’re talking about. We’ll be working on polynomial functions and suddenly he’ll just start going on and on about how you always got all As on your report card or how you jumped into a lake to save Sunny and Basil or how you won some hot dog eating contest. He polishes all your trophies while you’re away at school. He’d be the first to tell you that you are the kindest, most amazing person he’s ever known, and he wants to be just like you. You’re his hero—no pun intended. And nothing you could possibly say could change that—could change how much he looks up to you.”
Hero’s face flushed red—he could feel the tips of his ears burning as he turned away from her staring down at his duvet. “He…he said all that?”
“He didn’t have to. Scotty wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s obvious, and honestly you only have to talk to him for five minutes to know how important you are to him. It honestly makes me wonder a little about what Jared and Lorraine say about me—probably nothing nice,” she chuckled teasingly with an affectionate roll of her eyes. “I can almost guarantee you; most people are not talking about their siblings like they’re actual saints behind their backs.”
Hero chuckled lightly, but his expression softened—something warm spreading through his chest as he thought about Kel. Could that really be true?
He sighed, pushing the thought away—grateful for the opportunity Zoey had given him to change the subject to her own family. Hero knew that wasn’t her intention, but he was taking the opportunity anyway. No matter how easy Zoey was to talk to and how many private and difficult things he had told her about himself, he still didn’t like to be the center of conversation and would never enjoy talking about himself. Zoey didn’t enjoy that either, so he wouldn’t want to put her on the spot, but this was about her siblings, right?
Hero didn’t know Zoey’s younger brother Jared very well, but he didn’t really seem like the type to have many nice things to say about anyone, but her twin sister, Lorraine, was also a good friend of his. They often knitted or did arts and crafts together during which time Lorraine tended to gush about her sister in a way Hero found very sweet and endearing. He hoped Lorraine wouldn’t mind if he told her that.  
“Lorraine has nothing but nice things to say about you,” he admitted with a slight smile. “She’s always telling me how smart, driven, and beautiful you are. How you’re strong and honest but so kind, so much softer than you want people to know. She says you’d make a great girlfriend.” Hero blushed. That last part had just slipped out—he probably wouldn’t have said it, if he wasn’t so feverish, but Zoey just laughed.
“Lorraine said that to you?” She sighed, rolling her eyes somewhat affectionately but the look in them was genuinely guilty. “Sorry. I’ll talk to her.”
As he coughed, Hero shook his head. “No, it’s…it’s okay. She’s right…” His voice trailed, distant and breathy, but he couldn’t stop the words that tumbled out of his mouth, “You are all of those things, and if you did ever want to date someone, that person would be very lucky…”
“Not nearly as lucky as the person who gets your heart, Mr. Prince.”
Even though Hero was sure she was only teasing him, his face flushed anyway—burning to the tips of his ears. He pursed his lips together, then stared down at his hands on the duvet. “It’s pretty broken…I’m not sure it’s much of a prize anymore,” he mumbled, trying his best to play along despite the sadness that crept into his words.
He bit his lip, but he felt her warm, gentle hand reach out to take his. He couldn’t look at her face, but he felt her squeeze his hand, heard her voice—quiet but sincere. “I don’t think that’s true.”
As he took a long, shallow breath, Hero shivered, but he wasn’t sure it was from the fever. Zoey let go of his hand immediately.
“You’re trembling. Let’s get you another blanket,” she said, turning towards Kyle’s bed. “You can have Kyle’s. He won’t mind.”
“It’s okay. I have a quilt…It’s under the bed.” Hero struggled to catch his breath as he leaned forward, trying to pull himself out of bed to look for it, but Zoey gently reached out her hand to stop him.
“I’ll get it,” she insisted; then she pulled the quilt out of one of the plastic bins under Hero’s bed—unfurling it then tucking it around him, all the way up to his chin. With a sigh, she ran her hand across the carefully stitched pattern of bright orange and yellow marigolds. “It’s beautiful.”
“My Tía Gloria made it for me after Mari died.” The words just slipped out—automatic, unfiltered. Hero flushed. He hadn’t meant to say that—probably wouldn’t have to anyone else, maybe not even to her if he was a better state.
“Oh Hero…” Zoey began quietly, but Hero cut her off with a fit of coughing that upset his blankets. Zoey pat his back again, but he could feel her tender hand running across his shoulders long after he had stopped coughing.
“Zoey…I…” he began, hoping the words would come to him if he just started talking, but thankfully she cut him off.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to explain anything—unless of course, you want to,” she paused, blinking at him with a soft expression in her eyes. “But I don’t need explanations, especially not now when you’re sick.”
Hero sighed in relief, and hoped the look in his eyes would convey the gratitude he didn’t quite have the strength to express at the moment. “Thank you...”
“Don’t mention it,” shrugged Zoey. “You look tired. You want me to go?”
“You can stay if you want—maybe watch a movie…?”  
Zoey smiled, but as she glanced over at the tv and shelves of tapes which, naturally almost all belonged to Kyle, she teased. “Let me guess: the choices are raunchy comedy or sports biopic?” 
Hero chuckled, lightly, breathily. Zoey certainly knew Kyle and his movie collection very well. He supposed he would expect that given how long the two of them had been friends. “We rented The Godfather from Blockbuster.”
“That’s not bad,” hummed Zoey. “But if we’re talking about Brando’s mob movies, On The Waterfront is better.”
A smile twitched in the corners of Hero’s mouth. “I have that one.”
“Really?” Zoey asked, her brow furrowing, and Hero nodded. “So you really do like old black-and-white movies after all, huh? Here I was thinking you were all talk.”
Hero let out a few chuckling heavy breaths, then swallowed hard. Finally, he took a sip of water trying to cool the burning of his hoarse throat. “I only have a few tapes. Most are in color, but I have some black-and-white.” He paused—shutting his eyes as he tried to clear his head—sifting through the fogginess to focus on his tape collection until he could picture it in the feverish haze of his mind. “Casablanca, Roman Holiday, It’s A Wonderful Life, 12 Angry Men, Christmas in Connecticut…”
“You do not have Christmas in Connecticut over there,” Zoey interrupted in disbelief.
Hero took a deep breath, but he nodded. “It’s on the bottom shelf.”
“I’ve never met another person who has even heard of that movie,” laughed Zoey, but Hero just shrugged, pulling the quilt up around his shoulders again.
“It’s one of my favorites. Always makes me laugh. I love the scene where she tries to flip the flapjacks and the pancake sticks to the ceiling.” Hero laughed then, par for the course, coughed.
“It’s one of my mom’s favorite movies too,” Zoey said as he handed him his water, giving him a firm but gentle pat on the back for good measure. “I used to wonder if that was because the main character falls in love with a navy guy.”
“Like your dad…?” asked Hero, worrying only after the fact that it was a prying question. He didn’t know much about Zoey’s father except that he was an admiral in the navy, and, according to Kyle, particularly stern, serious, and somewhat frightening. Zoey, however, only shrugged.
“I don’t know. I think my dad is a lot rougher around the edges than Jefferson Jones.” Her lips curved into a smile. “Jefferson’s pretty soft—quite the catch actually: sincere, generous, kind, domestic…and he can play piano.”
Hero’s brow furrowed, and he stumbled in confusion, “Is…that a…?”
“Perk?” Zoey finished for him. Then she chuckled dryly and nodded. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Are you just saying that because you know I can play?” asked Hero dryly, but his mouth twitched in the corners.
“You know I’ve never actually heard you play before,” she teased back. “You could be terrible. In which case, it wouldn’t be a perk at all—more like a deterrent.”
Hero chuckled lightly. “I probably am terrible. I’m really rusty, and out of practice.”
“Well, we’ll never know for sure will we.” Her mouth curved into a lopsided grin before her expression softened. “Though Scotty told me you used to be quite the pianist—had a lot of fun with it. What did you used to play when you were in practice?”
“Nothing too complicated. I…I think my favorite song to play was ‘Vienna.’”
“Billy Joel?” asked Zoey, and Hero hummed. “That has a great piano part.”
“Yeah it’s pretty fun. I’ve always been a fan.”
“I can see that…” teased Zoey glancing over at the stack of CDs on Hero’s bedside table. Cold Spring Harbor was on the top—probably because Hero had been listening to a particular song on it on repeat. His face flushed as he thought about why, but he swallowed hard and shrugged his shoulders, trying his best to push the thought away.
“I used to annoy Kel with it a little, I think,” he admitted. “I played it over and over. He once threw a pillow at me while I was practicing and yelled ‘Don’t you know any other songs?’” Hero chuckled breathily, and Zoey laughed.
“When was the last time you played it?”
“I dunno. It’s been years…had to have been before Mari died.” He paused—catching his breath, but he kept talking, almost like he couldn’t stop. “I haven’t really played anything since then. I played a few bars on her piano before her family moved away, but…” His voice hitched, and his chest ached—panging in that all too familiar space in his heart that Mari had left behind. “You know I…honestly I learned to play piano because she loved it. I enjoyed it sure—it was fun, but Mari…Mari was the one who had real passion for music and I guess…I just wanted to be part of that. After she died, I just…I didn’t want to play anymore—didn’t want to play without her.”
Hero stopped—his face flushing. He hadn’t meant to say all of that. Talking about Mari with Zoey was getting easier—clearly, but he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing, just like he wasn’t sure if he would have even said all of that if he hadn’t been sick or feverish. He couldn’t bring himself to look at her, to know that he made the smile disappear from her face, made something sad pass over her eyes.
“I’m sorry…” he began to apologize. “I keep talking about her…” Swallowing hard, he stared down intently at his quilt—running his hands over the thoughtfully embroidered orange and yellow marigolds—a symbol of hope, remembrance, a connection that endures even after death.
“It’s okay, Hero…” said Zoey, quiet, gentle as she reached out to pat his hand. “And it’s okay if you never want to play piano again either. You don’t have to. It’s nothing to feel guilty about.”
Hero took a long breath, watching as Zoey’s fingers slipped between his. He curled his hand catching hers—intertwining their fingers, holding on tightly to her. “I’d play for you if you wanted…”
“I know you would,” Zoey replied with a tilt of her head and a kind smile. “And as much as I would love to hear you play piano, I’d only want you to play because that’s what you wanted—not because you felt obligated. Someday if you see a piano and you just feel like playing, I hope you will and then you can call me and play for me, but don’t force yourself. It should be something that makes you happy, like it used to.”
Hero’s chest ached, but he managed the twitch of a bantering smile as he asked dryly, “How else will I pay you back for taking care of me when I was sick?”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. Our debts are paid,” she insisted with a dismissive wave of her hand. “You took care of me first remember, and besides I’ve already gotten my reward which is getting to see you in your grandpa pajamas,” she teased winking playfully at him.
“Zoey!” Hero burst into a fit of laughter mixed with intense, nasty coughing.
“If you’re going to have a coughing fit every time you laugh, do you really think we should watch this movie?” she quipped, but Hero shrugged.
“It’s fine. I’m probably just going to fall asleep anyway.”
Chuckling, Zoey got up from her seat and put the tape into the VCR with a “Okay. Whatever you say” then she curled up on the edge of Kyle’s bed—pulling her knees to her chest as she leaned back into his mountain of throw pillows.
Hero chuckled a little himself before his weary eyes started drooping again. He had been right, of course. He started nodding off during the opening credits and was sound asleep before he even got anywhere close to his favorite flapjack scene. He wasn’t sure if he had dreamed it or imagined it in a half-asleep daze, but he could have sworn that once the movie had ended, he had felt gentle fingers tangling in his hair as it was pushed out of his forehead and Zoey’s voice whispering, “C.J.’s back now and will keep an eye on you, so I’m going to head out. You take care of yourself, Henry…”
Two Weeks Later…
“You made it!” exclaimed Kel excitedly as Hero walked through the front door with his suitcase. Kel threw his arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“Sorry it took so long,” Hero chuckled lightly as he scratched the back of his neck somewhat sheepishly.
“Are you feeling better at least?” asked Kel with a kind smile, and Hero nodded.
“Yeah…I was only sick for a couple of days, and my friends looked after me.” Hero paused, meeting Kel’s eyes with an expression that said more than his words, “Thanks for that, Kel.”
Kel flushed a little, but he laughed. So Hero had figured that out after all? He should’ve expected that from his brother. He was always so smart. Luckily, he didn’t seem to mind too much that Kel had meddled, not that he’d really tell him if he had. Still Kel smiled and teased, “Hey, no problem. You’re lucky I didn’t drive up there myself.”  
“Your father and I almost drove up too,” said their mom before she pulled Hero into another hug herself. “It was horrible thinking of you so sick in the city all alone.”
Hero’s face softened, as he pulled away from their mother to look her in the eyes. “I was fine, Mom. Please don’t worry.”
“Hero! Hero! Wanna play zoo?” exclaimed Sally, twirling around him with her favorite plastic animal toys until he scooped her up into a hug.
“Of course, Sally, but uh…”
“Give him a minute,” Kel interjected with a good-natured laugh. “He hasn’t even taken his coat off yet.
“Oh let me take that,” said their dad—patting Hero heartily on the back as he slipped his arms out of his coat. “It’s good to have you home.”
“Good to be home, Dad,” Hero replied with a kind smile.
“Let me take your bag upstairs,” exclaimed Kel reaching for the suitcase Hero had brought with him, but his brother reached out a hand to stop him.
“Oh…you don’t have to do that. I can get it.”
Kel waved his hand at him. “Don’t be silly. It’s just upstairs. Come on. You can freshen up for dinner too.”
“I made all your favorites,” said Mom. “And I even ordered a hero sandwich for you from Gino’s.”
Hero scratched the back of his neck—the slightest tint of pink in his cheeks. “Thanks, Mom, but you really didn’t have to go through all that trouble.”
Kel snickered and was still snickering as Hero followed him up the stairs. “You know Mom’s just going to make a big deal out of every time you visit even if you tell her not to, right?”
Hero sighed conceding, “Yeah…”
As Kel opened the door to their room, he set Hero’s suitcase down on his bed—still perfectly made from the last time he had visited, but as he turned back to his brother he paused, tilting his head curiously as he watched Hero staring wide-eyed at their old keyboard, pushed up against the wall next to the door.
“Oh uh…yeah…we found that when we were cleaning out the garage—” Kel shrugged, scratching the nape of his neck. “Thought we might as well set it up again.”
“Are you going to start playing again?” Hero asked, and Kel laughed.
“Nah. I don’t think I can even read music anymore, but maybe Sally will want to. She likes to come in here and bang on it sometimes—doesn’t sound much like music though.”
Hero chuckled, but before he could say anything, Kel said, “Or you could…if you wanted. I found a bunch of your old books and sheet music and stuff.” He motioned to a box on the ground near the keyboard, but he twisted his mouth to the side. He didn’t want to seem pushy. He knew Hero hadn’t played since Mari had died, and he probably wouldn’t want to ever again. Kel supposed, it was just one of those things his brother just couldn’t bring himself to do without Mari.
Kel sighed—blinking at Hero’s unreadable expression. Had it made him sad? He couldn’t tell. Maybe he should have given him a heads up about the keyboard or hidden it in the garage or something while he was visiting?
“Yeah. Thanks, Kel,” shrugged Hero, clearly putting this conversation to rest.
“Well uh…” Kel began to stumble before his mother’s voice called for him.
“Kel, can you come give me a hand for a minute?”
“Sure, Mom!” he yelled before turning back to Hero with a somewhat helpless shrug of his shoulders. “Hey, uh…I’ll be right back okay?”
Hero nodded, and Kel disappeared through the doorway. He shook his head. Why did everything have to be so awkward?
Kel sighed, and his chest ached. He knew why. But he swallowed hard—pushing the thought away, focusing instead on helping his mom set the table. As he was setting out some silverware, he stopped abruptly—his ears perking up at the sound of distant music, a familiar progression of notes he recognized.
“Do you hear that?” gasped Kel in disbelief, but it seemed his mom could only blink at him with wide, surprised eyes as Sally gushed and giggled.
“So pretty!”
Kel nearly dropped the silverware he was holding—fumbling around with the forks and spoons until he finally dropped them in a disorganized heap on the table and raced up the stairs—that all-too-familiar song growing louder and louder. As he burst through the door of his room, he could scarcely believe his eyes. Hero was sitting at the keyboard—his hands gliding across the keys playing music again.
“Hero?” Kel choked in a breathy disbelief which must have startled his brother because he stopped playing abruptly—clearly bumping the wrong keys in surprise creating a dissonant chord.
“Oh uh…sorry…” he mumbled, his face flushing somewhat sheepishly as he fidgeted—recoiling his hands away from the keyboard. “I just uh…I saw the keyboard and…wanted to play…”
Kel could only blink at him with wide, dark eyes. “You wanted to play piano?”
Hero’s blush deepened, but he nodded. “Yeah…uh…” He scratched the back of his neck. “I know you don’t really like that song but the music was on the top of the stack and…”
His voice trailed, and Kel’s expression softened, brightening into a wide smile. He supposed Hero was right. Once, what felt like a lifetime ago, he had given his brother all kinds of grief for playing that particular song over and over, but in the years that had followed, he would have given anything to hear him play it one more time, would have given anything to hear him play again. And now that he hadn’t heard it in so long—now that their room, their home had been quiet and empty for so long…
“I…I can try to play something else…” Hero chuckled awkwardly, but Kel cut him off.  
“No, I’ve never been happier to hear anything in my whole life.”
Hero laughed lightly, and his mouth curved into a smile—a real one that reached his eyes.
Kel’s chest ached. He had missed that even more than the music. He rushed forward—throwing his arms around his brother and hugging him tightly, hoping that gesture would say more than his words ever could.
“Kel!” Hero gasped quietly, leaning backward in surprise, his shoulders stiffening a little before he relaxed. He wrapped his arms around his brother, running his hand across his back as Kel pressed his chin to his shoulder.
Kel shut his eyes tightly, but he whispered with the brightest smile on his face, “It’s so good to have you back.”
He could feel the chuckle reverberating in Hero’s chest before his brother patted him on the head and whispered, “It’s good to be back.”
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lazorbeanz · 3 months
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“When the end of the day draws nigh
I raise my eyes up towards the sky
The ombré of colours; orange and blue
But all I see is none other, than those two” 🧡💙
Got inspired by the sunsets I see every day 🌄
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wherela · 1 year
Look I love my friends dearly and I love listening and supporting, and I will be there for them and I will be the person they can turn to, and I try so hard to be considerate, but I have nothing in me to give right now. Most of my relationships involve me just giving giving giving, and as much as I love doing that (I truly do, being someone my friends can turn to is the most wonderful thing in the world), but I have so few relationships where I receive, and it's especially hard for me right now. Maybe it's cause I'm so busy with my exams and thesis and organising a camp, but at this point I just need someone who will give me a hug and just Be There. Not try telling me what to do, or how to deal with my stress to try "help".
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birbtails · 2 months
#gods#im .. in trouble this semester#which sucks bc i was doing so much better last semester#i stopped going to therapy!!#which i think i knew at the time was a Problem#but my therapist suggested it and i didn't want to but i couldn't come up with a better reason than im worried ill nosedive next semester#to be fair to me while i was feeling so much better i knew i wasnt .. stable i guess?#in her defense i can't tell anyone the whole truth even if my life was on the line#and by cant i mean some combination of wont dont want to and its instinctive#but the problem is im failing one of my classes and im at least a little bit suicidal and i havent told anyone really and gods i feel lonely#(and by a little bit suicidal i mean thinking of ways to kill myself 2 days ago. im feeling better now but i don't trust it)#(by feeling better i mean im not Actively thinking of methods but it definitely crosses my mind as a Possibility)#(although i guess its a bit less i want to die and a bit more i want someone to find me before i die and help me)#so anyways this semester might be replacing 10th grade as the worst year of my life#im just.. so tired#i don't want to keep living like this#and im sucking it up and making myself do better but i Hate this#and ive got to think about summer plans bc i don't want to go back to my parents house but i also Really want to bc i can see my brother and#maybe i can see my friends(?) and maybe if i tell my parents everything that's been going on theyll take care of me?#but i Really want to stay here bc i always regret going home and bc ive gotten used to living on my own and i really like all the freedom it#gives me?? but i need to get an internship or a job or something if i want to stay here but its So Late and now that im thinking about it im#worried that ill be so isolated here that ill feel worse? but if i get a therapist here then maybe itll be okay??#i don't know#and im almost done with my junior year and i don't know what i want to do with my future and#i just never thought id get this far yknow? i honestly thought i wasnt going to make it to 18 or college and now im almost 21 and so close#to graduating?? and i don't know how to face the rest of my life#im just tired and stressed and depressed#i just want a hug and a friend that i can tell everything to#ne ways im just tired and whiny and i need to suck it up and get groceries and do my hw
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hyperexplosion · 6 months
#vent again just ignore please and thank you. chewing at my arm. ik why we have to wait till next year for me to get help i do know why and#i understand but it also just sucks. its at least helping though no matter what i just gotta hold on but i rly dont want to hold on anymore#id say i sound pathetic or worthless but im not. ik im not. talked about mental health with my best friend today snd idk made me so self#aware of myself i feel gross and ugly. i cant even look in mirror by how ugly i am. i want to drink. i really want to drink. it sucks.#ditched or the person seems bored.. there's no point lmai.#the craving sucks. im sleepin almost all day and than night fucking sucks. i should be sleeping now but i need to write my thoughts out or#i will feel worse i will feel so much worse snd i dont want to be a burden. i dont want to bother people. i hope when im like.. getting hel#and getting better i hope i can like idk not be afraid to ask people to vibe with me. maybe one day but im so scared amount i have been#and sorry tired of hearing same 'just do something distract yourself' yeah only so much a distraction is s distraction. i never felt this#low.. i never felt this low for months now. im so tired idk this week is busy maybe that will help. maybe decorating for my fav holiday wil#help my brain a little. than again why would she want me around. i think about how dad asked mom if i was okay on my birthday. is the facad#fading? are people catching on? i need to stop before i see my brother on friday. even my best friend noticed he hugged me but i didnt even#hug back i just leaned into him for awhile before moving away. i want to die. will i? no. i wont. im too scared. but i want to.#i can sleep now.#i think people should stop lying i hate liars i am not afraid to drop anyone that does.
0 notes
gggoldfinch · 7 months
Coming to terms with my aversion to certain things (sensory or otherwise) has made me really consciously realize how often times physical contact deadass makes my skin craw, except for when it’s from my mom and like a couple of my female friends
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t4tdanvis · 7 months
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if i said i was normal about this idea would. would u believe me
#❄.txt#guess what: im not normal about this idea#vylad wanting to clean up genes wounds but 1 gene wouldnt let him and 2 thatd make everyone really suspicious#itd also make gene suspicious that vylad actually cares about him. which would entirely ruin vylads plan#eventually (like. after about 8 months of visiting and talking) vylad comes in when gene is half asleep#theres blood running down genes face and he has a really bad bloody black eye#vylad fucking Panics and immediately rushes over to help clean him up while asking what happened#gene is just like 'i dont want to talk about it' and vylad just goes 'okay' and continues cleaning up genes wound#they just kind of sit there with vylad hugging gene (after a couple mins of vylad trying to figure out where to hug him where it wont hurt)#after maybe ten minutes gene starts talking about dante#vylad just sits there listening as gene breaks down rambling about how much he misses his brother and how he wishes he could go back#eventually genes just like 'i dont think i can ever make up for what i did. im irredeemable. ive hurt and killed so many people. this is#only karma' and vylad just. sits there. silently. because he feels the exact same way about himself and doesnt know how to respond#after a few minutes he says 'sometimes you cant make up for things. sometimes you just have to move on and do better'#gene responds by falling asleep in vylads arms#a few days later vylad is like 'alright gene were getting you out of here' and has to basically drag gene out a window#'but i-' 'shhhhh. be quiet' 'but-' 'gene. shut up. im saving you whether you like it or not' '... ok'#vylad goes from 'i can fix him (i cannot)' to 'I FIXED HIM 🥳'#well. he hasnt fixed the Trauma and Guilt but that can wait :>#do u guys like the fanfic i dont have the skill to actually write
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luveline · 9 months
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 —send me a shy!reader request for any character (with a plot) and I'll write a >1k drabble
sirius/james introducing shy!reader to remus. and shes just like quiet and in awe, but remus loves it.
luveline's 40k party ☆ tysm for requesting! remus x shy fem!reader
James is used to your personality after months of being your lecture neighbour, unperturbed by your quiet. "It's going to be fun," he promises, handing you a cold glass of cranberry vodka. "They're nice, okay? I won't let anyone irritate you." 
He's hosting a party and had the generosity to invite you round early. He's easing you in, so to speak. It took him two weeks of steady Hellos for you to work up the courage to say Hi back, another two weeks for small talk, a month before you felt comfortable speaking to him first. If you're that shy, a party is basically torture.
"It's not about irritating me," you say. 
"I know, I'm messing." James lists his head to the left. A second later, there's a knock at the door. "Aha. Wait here, shortcake, there's someone I want you to meet." 
"James," you say after him, wet from your glass leaking down to your sleeve, "what?" 
"I asked him to come early and say hello! He's quiet and handsome and you'll love him, just don't stare at his nose." 
What's wrong with his nose? you think, alarmed. 
James opens the door. Two new voices emerge, one scratchy and a little high, the other smoother. "I need to pee so bad," the scratchy one declares, followed by bounding footsteps up the stairs. 
"You alright?" the smoother asks.
You think there's patting, a hug, "I'm brilliant! You smell really nice, Remus, like a garden." 
"In a good way! Come and meet my Y/N, you remember I told you about her nice gel pens?" 
James leads the smooth-voiced Remus into the living room. You hurriedly put down your drink and stand, wiping your wet hands in your shirt. You cringe at the darkening fabric but hide your grimace as they stop in front of you. 
"Remus, Y/N. Y/N, Remus," James introduces you both. 
Remus has a scar across his nose that seems cruelly cut. There's another beside it that starts in his upper lip, both of which end in his eyebrow. You know how self-conscious it feels to be looked at, so you manage to smile and offer your hand without too much of it. He's handsome with his scars, a nice nose with a ridge and brown eyes the colour of caramelised sugar.
"Hello," Remus says, shaking your hand. His is big enough to make yours feel small. 
"I invited her early because she's more fun than the rest of our lot," James says, throwing himself down on the sofa and kicking his legs out on the coffee table. 
Remus taps your elbow very gently as if to usher you to sit and sits down beside you, enough space to be casual but too little to stop the rampant nerves that blossom in your stomach. 
Remus asks about your life. What you're studying, where you're from, if James is being nice to you. While James is touchy in the rough older brother way, scrunching your shoulder and shaking you when you're not expecting it. Remus is touchy in a different way, you find, almost as if he doesn't know he's doing it. His shoe bumps your shoe, his hand falls down between his outer thigh and your own, his knuckles touching your jeans very lightly. He spins in his seat to talk to you. 
You don't notice other people arriving, nor the scratchy-voiced friends return. All you can do is look up at Remus with wide eyes. Your nerves meld to something warmer. 
"And what do you do?" you ask him. 
He smiles like you've wandered into a secret. "I'm trying to write a book." 
"He's being a bit much," Sirius says to James, the two now loitering in the doorway with matching beers. You and Remus chatter on, unaware of their running commentary.
"It's a very strong reaction. I knew she'd like him, but I didn't think she'd like him like that." James takes a sip of his drink. Remus asks you a quiet question. You duck your head, playing with your sleeves, and Remus, the bastard, ducks his head to follow your gaze, smiling at you all the while. 
James almost chokes, pointing his bottle toward you both as though Sirius isn't already looking. "He's eating it up. I forgot how flirty he is."
"She'll be nice to him, won't she?" Sirius asks, like it's a done deal. To be fair, Remus seems enthralled with you. 
"Definitely. She's very nice. Oh, look, that's sick, she's gonna pass out." James winces as Remus takes your arm into his hand. 
Remus wouldn't do anything cruel, but James wasn't joking when he told Remus that you were exceedingly, achingly shy. He's about to step in and rescue you, but you turn into Remus' touch and pull your leg up on the sofa to make yourself comfortable. Your voice is animated, if quieter than the average person's.
"Woah," James says, beaming.  
Remus flirts almost as a defence, like he wants to get the rejection over and done with so he can move on. You've yet to reject; you're looking up at him in moderate awe, your lips quirked into an easy smile. 
"Boo!" James calls, flicking his bottle cap at Remus, who brushes it away. "Took me three weeks to get a smile out of her," he mutters. "What a dick." 
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