#i shouldn't be allowed to talk about video games
syrupyy · 12 days
Vivian finally being out as trans in the new Paper Mario remake hit me like a truck and it took me a while to fully understand why (light spoilers for chapter 2)
it's like.. I don't know how to describe it. I play a lot of indie games and I've gotten used to many of them having the full array of LGBTQ+ representation, and at this point I look at it and smile and then move on
with a huge corporation who has everything to lose like Nintendo, it feels like an entirely different world. here, I step back into this game I've owned on disc since I was a kid, and everything's the same if not slightly better... and then I start noticing the changes, one by one. picking up all the little clues, when suddenly I get to this line
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I had already been spoiled on her full confession by Twitter, but... when I saw even this much with my own two eyes, it felt like something that had been hiding in my mind for 12 years just leapt out. the subtext is now text. the characters of this world that I've thought about all this time, that I would doodle in my notebooks, that I used to read so much fanfiction about... are canonically going through the same real struggles as me and so many others I know
and I just felt... seen. like, as if I'm finally allowed to be a real person, like I'm not crazy for telling people to use gender neutral terms around me, like I'm truly nonbinary and not just in writing
I never really talk about my gender identity in public because I've never had that validation telling me that it's not just in my head. my friends will reassure me, my mom won't hate me for it... but at the end of it all, Nintendo raised me since I was three years old, and that was a pillar of my life whose approval I never expected to have
so when I saw this, I just... sat there, staring, for a full minute. processing these emotions I never even realized I had. it's just one little sentence in a 30 hour long video game, it shouldn't mean that much, but... it did to me. the writers actually cared. they stuck their faces out the window that is the trans experience and they came back and rewrote the script to match. they left the Fire Emblem toad the same, not even changing "GBA" to "Switch" or "3DS", but they knew to change this
thank you, Vivian. I understand how you feel now
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inbarfink · 9 months
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Okay, so I already wrote a bunch of stuff about how that scene, although it is really sweet, is also kind of a Bad Sign for Simon - how he refuses to learn the Obvious Lesson from the Winterworld adventure (that being the Ice King again is probably a really really bad idea). But I want to talk about it also a little more about what it means for Fionna’s character as well. 
Because while sitting around and wallowing in self-loathing is probably bad for Fionna, especially after being told that she shouldn't be allowed to exist, and Simon is right to try and get her out of her funk. It's also still worthwhile for Fionna to have some introspection about the Consequences of Her Actions. Because she and Cake really did not consider them at all at first. They have a sense of morality and an instinct towards heroism, but they also tend to kinda forget the fantastical worlds they visit don’t exist entirely for their fantasy and have kind of a Protagonist-Centered-Morality fallacy. 
Most obviously you can see it in the market in Ooo. How Cake, in her excitement, damaged and hurt and even killed
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A bunch of innocent marketgoers without even noticing. And then Fionna immediately jumped to Cake’s defense against these ‘weirdos’, who were actually just normal kinda-righteously-angry Oooian citizens.
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It’s actually very similar to the whole Winterworld situation. Fionna’s assumption that she’s automatically the hero and protagonist of the story and black-and-white view of the situation and her tendency to kick ass first and ask questions later meant that she just recklessly injured a lot of innocent people.
(It might’ve been worse actually cause at least in Winterworld she was at least manipulated by an evil Wizard)
Fionna and Cake clearly have a great potential for heroism, but they do need to be a bit more considerate of the situation and people around them. And it does make sense considering that from their perspective - they’ve been living a very ordinary life up until now (and Cake was literally an animal. A very clever animal, but still not bound by the same standards of morality as the talking animals in Ooo). Action and adventure and fantasy stuff has been purely the realm of daydream and video games for them - and Fionna literally speaks about it in these terms.
(also, Fionna's Main Character Syndrome was undoubtedly validated when God literally told her that she was created to be the main character of her universe)
So yeah, it takes them some time to really process how to be heroes - they need to grapple with questions that Finn and Jake already kinda dealt with seventeen years ago. And actually a lot of those; how to resolve a situation without necessarily using violence, when does a 'villain' actually deserve sympathy and kindness, the importance of the larger context of any given conflict... their confrontations with Ice King all played a big part in that. It was never just him, but he was still a very major part.
And for Fionna and Cake right now, learning these lessons require some amount of personal introspection. So while it was a sweet attempt at comforting, I dunno if Simon’s little ‘the only problem with that universe is that this Alternative Me was terrible because he didn’t even acknowledge or remember Betty as the love of our life and the light of my entire universe’ thing is actually Good. 
I’m not quite sure Simon is the best person to teach Fionna and Cake heroism 101, because he is so focused on the Crown Quest as the thing that brings back Meaning to his life, and because his fatherly instincts just kinda go “Sad Young Person???? MUST GIVE COMFORT!” and also on account of the kidnapping.
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I’m sure Fionna is going to become the heroine she dreams about eventually, it’s just going to be a bumpy ride. The best we can hope for is that they accept Simon’s comfort, that she doesn't start believing that she is nothing but an Error for the entire universe like the Scarab claims, but don’t necessarily listen to all of Simon's his words either.
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flowerygrdn · 6 months
Hello! Can we have Y/N insisting on Zach Maclaren's games or practices, suddenly he gets hit or hurt since he was intrigued by her presence. Fluff, cute, maybe dumb ;)
i'm gonna assume you meant assisting but yes ofc!
click, click, hit! | z. maclaren
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「 pairing: zach maclaren x reader 」
warning: player injury and fluff (also a lot of soccer terminology, since I used to play lol.)
summary: y/n works as a sports photographer for zach's soccer team. he ends up getting injured...because he was a little distracted by her presence.
a/n: send in more zach/drew/rafe request!!!!
I got the perfect shot of Alford scoring. I smile at my camera as the team surrounds him in celebration. As of right now, we're tied, 2-2. The stress of trying to get the perfect shot while also wanting to watch and see whether or not we're going to win is high. Not to mention it's cold as hell out here and I'm scared my camera is going to slip out of my gloved hands.
The team resets and Maclaren kicks off. I start following the team down the field. Honestly, the other team isn't even really trying. Maclaren goes to strike the ball and I zoom in to get the perfect shot.
Another perfect shot right as his cleat hits the ball. I smile to myself as the goalie lets the ball slip past his fingertips and the ball enters the goal. Everyone crowds around Maclaren this time, the left-wing even jumps on his back.
"Hey, y/l/n, can you possibly get a video of this next play?" The coach asks. I hum and set my camera to video mode. They reset and, once again, Maclaren kicks off. I start following the team down the field again. I zoom in on Maclaren and as he goes to kick the ball, the defender uses his arm to shove Maclaren on the ground. He lands on his hand and then rolls over in pain. I hear a whistle blow and everyone runs towards Maclaren.
"That's a penalty!" I yell towards the referee. All the coaches -- along with me -- rush onto the field and crowd around the injured player.
"y/l/n, do you have that video?" I nod and they tell me to show the referee. I do as I am told and they allow our team to make a penalty kick. We have to take Maclaren off the field since he is injured, even if it is just his wrist.
"I'm fine. I can still play!" He protests.
"Trust me, superstar. The way you landed, you shouldn't be doing anything too active." I argue as we walk him over to the medics. I watch to make sure he gets there safely and then I go back to video the penalty kick
-- zach's pov --
Superstar? There's no way she just gave me a nickname. y/l/n has been working for us for a few months now, and every time I see her I can't help but get distracted. Which is probably why the defender took advantage and pushed me. I may have been looking a little too long at her, maybe even trying to impress her. Look, she had a camera out. Her own camera that she bought, so yes I did want her to have some sick footage of me scoring a goal.
The medics are icing my wrist and asking me a bunch of questions about how I'm feeling. My eyes, however, are following the girl with a monopod and a camera as she runs up and down the field to keep up with the team. Man, she can keep up with us really well. Though she is visibly shivering. I guess it is cold.
The game ended and we won, the team came over and celebrated with me for a bit before I got up and walked away. I was looking for a certain person before my eyes finally landed on her. y/l/n was talking to coach and showing him the footage and pictures she got of us. She smiles and looks up at him for approval. I finally gain some courage and walk up to her.
"Hey, coach. Hey y/l/n." I smile at both of them. She smiles wide at me and does a cute little wave.
"Hey, Zach! Make sure you rest that arm and great job today." He pats my shoulder and walks away.
"How's that wrist, Maclaren?" Her voice is full of concern and she lightly grabs my bandaged wrist.
"It feels a lot better. Do you mind if I see the shot of my tumbling?" I ask with a little chuckle. She smiles and steps in front of me. Her back is nearly pressed against my chest and she brings the camera up and into my view so I can watch the replay with her.
"Wow, I really took a fall." She turns around and giggles as she looks up at me.
"Just a little." Her smile is probably the most beautiful thing I've seen. She seems so sweet.
"So...y/l/n, I was wondering...if you wanted...only if you wanted to! Do you maybe wanna...go out with me...sometime?" My words come out a lot less confident than I'd prefer, but hey, at least I got the words out. There's a moment of awkward silence before her smile turns even bigger and she moves closer to me.
"Sure, but only if you win next week's game without injuring yourself." She laughs.
"Oh?" I smirk down at her.
"Mhm, do we have a deal?" I hesitate for a moment. Who am I kidding? I'm Zach freaking Maclaren. I can win that game with my eyes closed.
"Deal, y/l/n." I'm met with a kiss on my cheek as she walks away. I assume that was my good luck kiss. Damn this is gonna be a hard game.
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teriri-sayes · 7 months
Reactions to Young Master Shield's Chapter 212
TL;DR - Alberu and Cale talks about the miscommunication. Alberu scolds Cale. The two plan to rip off other kingdoms again. GoD approves of Cale's request. GoD's bishop meets Cale at the black castle. Violan sees Cale off. Cale arrives in the world of a RoFan (romance-fantasy) and becomes a ML???
The Two Brothers The scenes between the two today was so funny. Alberu scolded Cale for misinterpreting his nod back then, and increasing his workload now. 😂
Alberu: That's why I told you to just go quietly. Cale: I thought I had to explain and then go! Alberu: ...Are you mad at me now? Cale: ... Alberu: Tsk. Why did you have to say that you were saving the world? Cale: (I mean, how will I explain it then?) Alberu: You could've said it was related to Arm. Because it's true, right? Then people will be less anxious and won't worry as much, right? Cale: ... Alberu: Even if you cannot lie, you should speak in moderation. Why are you increasing my workload? The background: *constant ringing noises from the video comm devices connected to other countries* Alberu: *glares at Cale* Cale: Ahem. *avoids the gaze* Alberu: This is driving me crazy.
And then the two laughed as they thought of ripping off the other countries again... 😂
"I plan to gather representatives from each kingdom soon and share some of the truth." "…" "It means we need to hold a general meeting. You know what I mean, right? Huh?" Alberu asked with a bright smile. Cale responded quickly. "Yep." It wasn't 'yes,' but 'yep.' Alberu's bright smile deepened, and Cale smiled back. "Hahahaha!" "Hahaha!" Munch, munch. Raon, who was eating cookies, turned away from the two. "Both of you are acting strange!" The two felt a strange sense of futility in the 7 year old dragon's words and stopped laughing.
Of course, Cale also kept teasing Alberu. Like when Cale brightly smiled at Alberu for thinking the same thing as him. 😂
Alberu: *planning to take advantage of the situation to gain something* Cale: *brightly smiling as if he knew what Alberu was thinking* Alberu: !!! Alberu: Don't look at me like that. Cale: How am I looking at you? I'm just looking at you with great respect right now, okay? Alberu: Haa… (I shouldn't talk to you.)
And one more... 🤣🤣🤣
Alberu: No need to send you off? Cale: *grins* Yes. You must be so busy to even play games. I wish you luck! Alberu: … *smiling brightly* Raon: Oh! I think my human won against the crown prince this time!
Aipotu Plans So Cale's request to increase the number of people to a hundred got approved... sort of. GoD said that Cale was allowed to bring 99 people, and the last 100th spot was reserved for someone who might "descend" to that world.
Cale was surprised at the word "descend", and wondered if a god was going. Woah... Is the situation that serious then? GoD did say that if Cale's guess about the Five-Colored Bloods being wanderers was true, it would cause chaos in the divine realm. So who would descend? GoD himself? GoP? GoFP? Angelina?
GoD wouldn't give Cale an answer on who, but told him to bring Cage with him in case communication through the divine mirror fails.
As for the enemy wanderer, we did get one clue about them. Sui and CJS reported that the enemy was wearing a cow-shaped mask, and that was it.
The Send-Off Because the entire black castle would be going, Cale did not head to the temple of GoD this time. Instead, it was the bishop of GoD who came to the black castle. Cale warned the bishop to keep everything a secret, and they agreed, feeling intimidated by everything he had seen here.
We had some touching scene of Violan sending off Cale, telling him to take care of himself. She handed him a blueprint of the castle's new stuff, and told him to make use of it if an enemy attacked.
Cale, the Grand Duke of the North? And finally, Cale's group arrived at the world of Aipotu. They were all tense and prepared to go to battle, but what did they see upon arrival? A snow-filled landscape and cold winds. Apparently, GoD sent them there because this was where CJG last sent a message to GoD, so GoD thought this place was safe.
The group was then greeted by an old man and his entourage in winter clothes, and the old man mistook Cale for... the Grand Duke! 🤣🤣🤣 Cale was shocked, and the confused old man corrected himself, saying that he (Cale) must be the descendant of the Grand Duke who came to save the fief!
Cale, with his extensive knowledge of novels he had read as KRS, then blurted out, "Grand Duke of the North?" At those words, the old man exclaimed that the revelation in his dream was indeed correct. 😂
But wait, Cale... Grand Duke of the North is a cliche in romance-fantasy (rofan) novels... So you also read rofan?! 🤣🤣🤣 And Cale is that Grand Duke's descendant?! 😂
Okay, on a more serious note, does that mean the Thames household was originally from Aipotu? Because Cale's red hair was inherited from them, and the old man even mistook Cale for the grand duke himself. Or is this another case like how WS's appearance was a red-haired KRS lookalike?
Ending Remarks Today's chapter had a lot of funny moments, though I was surprised that they're suddenly in Aipotu by the end of the chapter. Oh yeah, Cale's talk with the Molans got postponed again, but Cale was now seriously thinking of making time to talk with them.
TCF's genre keeps increasing. First it was a transmigration into a western fantasy world. Then we had the modern fantasy and apocalyptic monsters. Next was the world-hopping. Xiaolen was a fantasy world with necromancy theme and throne succession battle. Central Plains was a typical murim world with Eastern zombies. Earth 3 was said to have hunters and dungeons. And now, Aipotu is... a romance fantasy world with dragons? 🤣🤣🤣
If it's rofan, will we have another crown prince here who's going to be the rival of the grand duke of the north? Who's going to be the FL? A commoner turned noble? Or will we have a villainess? Or maybe a saintess? 😂 All this thinking has me excited for the chapter on Friday!
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foone · 4 months
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(screenshotted to avoid spamming their post with my OC/setting)
See, that's why you gotta watch out for chronomancers and other artificers in Union, because their weapon of choice is usually also a gun. And then you don't have a weapon advantage, and they've got arcane powers on their side. So you might have a very shiny ar-15 or something, but they've got a pistol that doesn't run out of ammo and can't miss and will do far worse things than poke holes in you if it hits you. As I've said before, when a wizard pulls the trigger on a gun pointed at you, you pray that it hurts, because the alternative is so much worse.
Anyway "the speed of latin" being associated with magic is funny, because on Union they actually have latin, not any kind of dog latin a la that one boy wizard made by the transphobe. (Such a silly idea anyway. You can't be a wizard without being trans. I don't care if you were AMAB and still use he/him and dress masculinely, you're trans, as your gender is now wizard. Your chromosomes aren't XY or XX anymore, they're W. For Wizard). The Silent Mother, the matriarch of their main religion, came from Earth, and her native language was Latin (or as they call it in Union, Old Tower). But the really funny thing is that you would never speak it. You can't, really. They don't have any idea of how it's spoken, there's no pronunciation rules. It's solely a written language used by the Tower church, and it's not supposed to be read aloud... and you'd have to try pretty hard to figure out how to speak it at all, given the lack of pronunciation rules.
It'd also be deeply, deeply blasphemous. And not in some cool "you could use this to summon the devil!" way, in a "this makes no sense and just offends every believer who hears you trying to do it" way. (They don't believe in a devil or a hell anyway, so that also makes no sense)
They do have a Tower sign language, which you could argue is kinda like "speaking Latin", but signed languages aren't really directly connected to spoken languages. The grammar is different. For example, compare how there's British Sign Language and American Sign Language, which aren't mutually intelligible despite both being sign languages used in places that have English as their primary spoken language.
Tower sign language is mainly known by d/Deaf people in Union and ordained members of the Tower church, not wizards (not that there aren't d/Deaf wizards, of course). It's importable because at the highest (no pun intended) levels of the Tower church, you literally can't speak. Not "aren't allowed" or "shouldn't", but can't, similar to how the City of Towers is a city of women, and that's not prescriptive but descriptive (which is not also not a pun, even if it might seem like one since I'm talking about linguistics).
Anyway yeah. Old Tower/Latin is a religious language in Union, not a magical one. Magic stuff is usually done with Unity (that's the language, not the video game engine), dwarven runic, or one of the sky languages. The church uses magic, sure, but they do it by working with outside magicians, not doing their own magical stuff. Religion and Magic are separate domains in Union, and both of them prefer it to stay that way.
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aita for talking about fnaf to my little cousin?
so fnaf is one of my (im 21) special interests for a while. my little cousin (age 7) has been mentioning it lately, because he heard about it from kids at school. Because of this i've ended up telling him about a lot of the lore and stuff, and trying to explain things to him. Additionally, he asks me questions about fnaf, and I do my best to explain it to him. I also sometimes watch fnaf videos with him.
My mom says i shouldn't do this because he gets scared easily by stuff, and his mom doesn't really like him to see scary stuff. My mom says I shouldnt tell him about fnaf or show him stuff from fnaf.
Both my mom and his mom will go out of their way to hide scary things from him like halloween monster pictures. Part of this is because he got kind of scared of opening doors due to the Doors game on roblox. He is too scared to sleep in his room alone and always sleeps in his mom's bed because he is scared of the dark and has nightmares sometimes. And he wasn't allowed to watch any youtube on halloween because of possibly seeing scary stuff. They think that the scary stuff is what made him scared of the dark and have nightmares, and not be able to sleep in his room alone.
In my opinion, I don't *think* im doing anything wrong, because when I was a kid, fnaf came out, and plenty of kids were into it, and have been ever since. And ever since fnaf, theres been many things inspired by it that kids like. Like poppy playtime and Rainbow Friends and all that. I also loved horror and creepy stuff as a kid. I liked creepypasta, but I can relate to being scared by some of that stuff. As a kid I was really really terrified by the rake creepypasta.
Also in my opinion I think he knows and understands his own limits, because one time we were watching a fnaf video, and he seemed to think the video was too scary and wanted to stop watching it. So we stopped watching it and did something else. And he seemed fine after we stopped didnt seem scared or upset after that. I also feel like in my opinion, explaining the lore to him makes it *less* scary, because he's understanding the "how and why". however because the fnaf lore does involve child death i see how it could be bad for him to learn about it.
He seems to enjoy it though, I'm not forcing it on him and he loves to ask me questions about it, and is excited whenever he comes over to talk about it. Also we've played things together before that are "scary" like baldis basics, and then also a minecraft backrooms game which actually ended up scaring me more than him!
Basically though Am i the asshole for basically going against what my mom and his mom think he should be doing? I can see how his mom especially might think i could be crossing a line because of what she wants for her child. Obviously his mom might know him better because he is her child after all. And because of my autism I don't really understand childcare and childraising. And it is hard for me to understand their perspective. I am still very childlike and dependent on my parents so I don't have a fully formed adult perspective yet I dont think.
But at the same time I almost feel that she is being sheltering, because I've noticed its common for kids to like this sort of thing, and its not always necessarily a bad thing. Because also theres scary movies like coraline but are geared for kids. (My little cousin didnt like coraline, thought it was scary, but thats just an example.)
I feel like also they should trust him more. He seems to know what is too much. Because he is vocal to say what is too scary for him. He seems to be able to set boundaries about it, because he will say that he doesnt want to play a minecraft game that is too scary, or watch a video that is too scary. I'm also rarely the one to pick the games or videos we play, it's his own interest.
Fnaf has been something we both really enjoy, and to me that is special when we get to enjoy something together. I of course still often play with him when its something only he is interested in, but not always. The times I don't play with him are when I'm doing something relating to one of my other special interests and I can't handle being interrupted. Which makes him sad that I can't play but he does understand that because of my autism that it would be difficult on me to stop my activity. I really like that he is into fnaf now because that means its something that I can enjoy for special interest reasons and he gets to hang out and play with me.
But AITA because this is against his mom's wishes?
What are these acronyms?
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bananasfosterparent · 6 months
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@thewillowbends Hope it's okay I moved to text post, it seemed like a better idea.
First, let me be clear: People can write whatever they want and I'm not saying they can't or shouldn't.
"If Tav is happily evil, then we’re back to the issue of limits in the narrative functionality beyond shorter works."
If Tav HAS to be a meek, regretful abuse victim in order for a story to be lengthy and meaningful, then that is 100% a skill and creativity issue of the writer. Either them not having the ability to see the story from another perspective, or them not having the creativity level to consider other canon-friendly manifestations of the Evil Tav x Asc Astarion relationship. Those "limits" you speak of are only limits if you allow them to be and don't let yourself grow as a writer.
"As it is, game is pretty blunt about how the story of spawn Tav ends"
The game is not blunt at all. The game gives us NO ending to that. It's up to the player. The closest we have to an idea of an ending for "spawn" Tav, is this datamined title card:
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(read image description for transcription)
While this was cut from the official release of the game (like all the epilogue content), it still shows what Larian had/has in mind for the direction of the Asc ending. And it's got no hints about abuse.
Astarion tells you as much if you break up with him — “I would’ve ruined your love, used your trust.”
This is called metagaming. BG3 is not like a tv show where all the little dots connect and line up. BG3 is a "choose your own adventure" novel in video game form. It works just the same. So any choices or options you DO NOT select are NOT TRUE for your character in that playthrough. So nothing Spawn Astarion says in that ending matters in regards to a playthrough with the Ascended ending. Nothing Asc Astarion says matters in regards to a playthrough with the Spawn ending. In BOTH endings, he thanks Tav genuinely, fully appreciates the choice, is glad the opposite choice wasn't made, and wants Tav to choose what their next adventure will be. Both endings have to be worthwhile and feel satisfying for the player, and the best way to do that is to have Astarion genuinely appreciate what Tav has done, in BOTH endings. And he does.
"it’s a story about cycles and the destruction of life. It’s telling you what Astarion will become because Cazador used to be in his position."
It's telling who Cazedor was and his story. That doesn't mean Astarion is doomed to repeat it. Or that a specific ending IS him repeating it. There is no warning of such. It CAN go that way, but nothing in-game says it has to. Because breaking "the cycle" isn't one specific thing. And he breaks cycles in BOTH endings.
Astarion's story is about corruption and choosing to either become more corrupt (than he already is) or try to live by the rules of society and just accept how things are. In the Spawn ending he talks about the "cycle of power", meaning the cycle of vampire culture that thrives on a pyramid of power. He is free of that headache and appreciates that. As to the quote you mention, Astarion is speculating about ascension. He has no idea what would have actually happened, he can only guess. He is an opportunistic optimist so he'd more likely see the path he couldn't take as one he shouldn't have anyway. And having him say that in-game for that ending, makes that ending feel worth it for the player.
In the Asc ending, he breaks the cycles of loneliness, living in darkness, selfishness, hunger, and wants to treat his own spawn better than Cazedor ever did. Astarion hates the word spawn and chooses to call his future ones his "children" instead. He loves the sun, it's symbolic for him. Yet, he is fully willing, without hesitation, to give up something he loves so much, so that his "children" can thrive in a world that is shrouded in fog. He also takes on a consort (vampire bride/groom) and wants to share that power, something Cazedor did not do (as far as we know).
You can break away from Larian’s story, certainly, but a lot of fanfic writers are trying to stick to what was extant within the media itself. At some point, if you pull too far away from it, you’re just writing an original story, and the issue most writers then run into is…why not turn it fully original and publish it then?
Here's the problem with this: Larian's story IS BOTH endings. There is no metaphorical build up in the game that sets up *only* the Spawn ending as his "real" or "true" ending. It's a metaphorical build up that can have TWO different solutions. One being reject the power and accept life as it is. The other being usurp power and rewrite the rules. Ascension is never shown to be a truly evil or bad thing. The worst part of it is sacrificing the 7000 spawn. But if Tav/Durge rationalizes this, there are no real negatives. The only negatives may be if one does not vibe with his confidence boost and prefers him more docile. The whole last statement you've made and way of thinking makes it seem like his Spawn ending is the real one and his Ascended ending is just some "fun and sexy" alternative but invalid thing you can do.
His story arc is BOTH endings. They are both just as bad and as good as the other, it's just a matter of what works for your Tav/Durge and for you as the player. He does not have ONE TRUE ENDING. You choose the lesser of two evils. Which one is "lesser" depends entirely on the player and Tav/Durge as individuals.
If ANYTHING, writing Ascended Astarion as an abusive, uncaring, unloving monster is just writing an original story and not sticking to what is within the game itself. Not the other way around.
Also, as a last comment... a fanfiction does not have to be a 70 chapter epic. It can be 1-3 chapters and be a complete work. Or just one chapter. Or a few paragraphs. But Tav and Astarion being happily evil together shouldn't be a reason you can't write a lengthy and fleshed out story. That's just lack of creativity. Spawn ending fans outnumber Asc ending fans, and most Spawn fans have a negative view of Asc Astarion. So that's more likely the reason why we never see many happily evil Tav x Astarion fics.
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heymrspatel · 2 months
Ok, all joking aside (see what I did there?)
We don't talk enough about the way that Ian and Mickey have set their Friday nights aside for 'just us' nights.
Ordering in, putting on their comfiest clothes, and just spending the whole evening doing absolutely nothing - together.
Sometimes they spend it cuddled up and watching a movie, with a lot of stolen kisses in the boring parts. Sometimes Mickey plays video games and Ian reads a book with his head in Mickey's lap. Those nights are always good until Mickey gets too enthusiastic and whacks his husband in the head with his controller. Sometimes they just spend it making out on the couch, enjoying all of those moments they didn't get to as teenagers.
But Friday nights - always just them.
yeeeeessssssss! 1000% correct!
i just know that they spend their week looking forward to their friday nights. the family already knows that they shouldn't even ask for them to come over unless it's absolutely needed.
friday nights are theirs. they're sacred. they're safe and cozy and quiet. they're love.
more often than not they stay in. rushing home, exhausted from a week of work. just looking forward to taking their uniforms and heavy boots off and just melding into one on the couch. sometimes it's just cuddling, other times it's all fucking. either way, they meld.
always in tune, they know when they just need a quiet night of holding. ian laying back with his head propped up on a couch cushion, while mickey settles in between his legs. nuzzling his face into the soft fabric of ian's t-shirt, one hand sneaking under the hem to feel ian's warm skin, making ian giggle with it. ian's fingers threading through his hair softly, his other hand running slow circles on mickey's back. reaching down to pull at mickey's shirt until he can touch his bare back. running his nails lightly and repetitively. up, down, up, down. taking such comfort in each other. recharging.
and on nights like that, they keep the slow soft energy throughout. getting take out, putting some mindless tv on, leaning back into each other again and again. allowing themselves time to touch and kiss and be as quiet and gentle as they want.
other times, though, they barely make it through the door with their clothes on. it's all hands and tongues and moans as soon as they park their car. ian ripping mickey's jacket open before the elevator doors even close. his teeth on mickey's exposed neck, his hands in his hair. grabbing. yanking. neither of them remembering making their way out of the elevator or even into the apartment. but now ian is shoving mickey hard onto the couch. mickey bouncing and giggling on impact. whispering a low "oh fuck yeaaa" when his eyes land back on ian. ian, who's looking at him like he's a meal about to be savored. devoured. breathing heavily through his mouth, smirking, heavy lidded eyes sparkling.
and on nights like that, they keep the hot heavy energy throughout. getting take out, putting some vibey music on, tearing each other part again and again. allowing themselves to float and shiver and be as loud and nasty as they want.
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nevarroes · 2 months
pretend ur duo becomes twitch streamers playing fps games competitively how toxic would they be. i just imagine them doxxing and throwing slurs tbh but i cant differentiate their toxicness in that context LMAO
Cas i can GENUINELY see as a streamer but u know but Gortash.... hear me out. He's obviously far from tech illiterate old man considering what he does in modern AU but do u know what I think he is... grumpy old bitch that looks down on most of these online things😭😭 if anything he has to take part in those charity streams
okay but let me actually answer ur question🙏 Cas is the person that would have a meltdown and start reciting a whole essay if insults and slurs on stream like.... do u remember when I made this. like that. Definitely and I mean 100% shits on everyone on a girly character with the double whammy misogynist behavior and if anyone DARES to type or talk back to him he will villain chuckle and go "do you even know who I am?" and then int👼 He doesn't really have to dox anyone either his fans r gonna go out of their way to make that person's life hell nd probably delete their account without Cas even having to move a finger
Gortash doesn't stream to me but he's actually better at games than Cas is. heart emoji💜 He's toxic in the way where ingame he will just talk down on people like... he'd literally smurf in low elo then say how everyone there has a low iq and how it shouldn't humanly be allowed to be stupid enough to be stuck in low elo. starts typing out a sephiroth speech in ingame chat about how he got to challenger 5 times and they are nothing but useless specks of dust in the universe that are so bad at life they even suck at video games. He rages too but more like clenches fist and screams so loud that Cas falls out of bed😩 he definitely doxxes people that try to insult him but it's kinda hard to get back at him tbh
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sariahsue · 6 months
Jealousy Ch 2
Adrien's point of view
(Chapter one (Marinette's pov) here. Please note that I started this story in the ancient days of May 2021.)
Chat Noir almost always felt at home in Marinette's room. It was cozy and warm, lined with layers of fabric, like she was building a soft den. It was so different from his own old and sterile room. His windows let him see outside at the same time they reminded him he would always be disconnected from it. Marinette leaned against him, but tonight, no matter how close he physically was to her, he felt like they were on opposite sides of glass.
Their playing cards had been knocked out of their piles by Marinette's victory dance. A container of leftover noodles lay empty on its side. And Chat Noir held steady against Marinette's weight as she relaxed into his side.
There were so many things he couldn't tell her. So many things he wanted her to understand. "Hey, Bug?"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Aren't you asking something now?" she joked. "Sure."
He hesitated. Asking was only a few steps removed from the forbidden act of telling. (Not his name. Not how many days it had been since he'd last had dinner with his father, or been given a hug.) He wanted to ask why she'd taken down all her pictures of Adrien. What had he done as his civilian self that had upset her so much? She stayed perfectly polite to him at school.
Instead he asked, "If it weren't for that other guy, do you think you would have fallen for me?"
Marinette leaned away. It wasn't the first time he'd asked a variation of this question. It was almost always on his mind. His rival.
"Um... do you want to play another round of Uno," she deflected, "or should we do something else?"
"Marinette, I'm serious. Would you have?"
She shrugged. "Maybe, I guess. Video games? I have UMS 4."
"Really, that's it? You guess? That's not a real answer."
"Please, chaton. Don't do this to yourself."
He selfishly slid closer to her. Not many people allowed him to be in their space like this, and the need to touch her was too much. If she felt like he was chasing her, she didn't complain. A reminder that at least someone wanted him around.
He didn't stop until he could feel her comfortable body heat against his side again. "I just want to know."
He'd expected a simple yes or no.
"You're kind and compassionate. You're reliable. You're funny." She stopped, taking care to find her next words. He thought she would just tell him no. "We have such a strong connection, and I trust you with my life. You're brave. You're my best friend."
Marinette's voice dropped for the devastating truth. "It would have been so easy. That's the real answer."
Chat Noir struggled to stay still, focusing on not hugging her, not crying, not moving. Even if she didn't love him back, she did in some way love him. She just… loved someone else more. Differently. Who was it? Adrien watched her at school. He knew Alya teased her constantly about her love life and Marinette's inability to talk to the mysterious boy who'd so effortlessly caught her attention. Adrien never overheard his name, though he'd tried.
"So why haven't you talked to him yet?" Chat Noir asked.
"If you'd pick him over all that, then you must like him a lot, but you aren't together."
Marinette shifted, looking at him for the first time since gifting him a list of her favorite things about him (a gift he didn't deserve). "And I can't imagine anyone rejecting you, so you must not have asked him out yet."
"I'm... very awkward around him. I'm pretty sure I make him uncomfortable sometimes."
"I doubt it," he said. "So who is he?" Another question he hadn't been able to ask before. But he was tired of the glass in between them. If he couldn't be with her, maybe knowing more about her would help. This nameless boy was such a huge part of her life.
And one of the biggest obstacles in his.
Marinette got up and walked away, her back to him. "We shouldn't be talking about this."
"Why not?"
"Because I hate this!" Her face was pained as she turned to him. "I hate hurting you every time you bring it up."
The headless mannequin was suddenly very interesting. Father didn't have his own mannequin until he was nearly 18. Marinette was more passionate and more talented.
"I'm only curious," he lied. He felt like a bad friend for pushing, but there was only so much he could learn about her from studying the decor in her room. "I just want to know what type of person attracts Ladybug. That's all." And find out what he still lacked.
"I'll tell you under two conditions. One, you stop asking about it. Two, you don't laugh at me."
"Laugh?" he asked. "Why would I laugh?"
"Because you're going to think it's a celebrity crush, and it's not."
He waved to distract her from his face. He hoped it was neutral, but he couldn't be sure. A celebrity? She had a crush on some random celebrity? That's who his competition was?
Marinette groaned. "Adrien Agreste."
He didn't think. Didn't realize he'd stood up until he was walking toward her. The glass was shattering. "Plagg, claws in!"
"NO!" she shrieked, snapping her eyes shut. Had she seen? "What are you doing? Put your suit back on!"
"I'm not going to look at you."
Plagg bobbed back and forth between the two of them, then flew off to find Tikki. That was as close to permission as he was going to give.
"You have to retransform." Her commanding tone was at odds with the way she backed up, flinching away from him until she hit her desk, hiding her face in an effort to protect him. Or maybe herself.
"No," he repeated, "not until you look."
"You'll have to," she said. "You can't walk out my front door and let people see you. You'll have to leave the way you came in."
"You're just going to keep your eyes closed for the rest of the night?"
She nodded.
Adrien walked over to her, his socked feet stepping lightly over the remains of their time together. He wrapped her in a loose hug, and then waited. After a few seconds, Marinette dropped her hands from her face and sunk into him. He took that as permission to hug her the way he'd always wanted, like he was never going to let her go.
Maybe he didn't have to.
He was the boy. The rival. The obstacle. She could know all of him, and he wouldn't have to feel so fragmented and broken. There would be nothing left to come between them, if only she would open her eyes.
Marinette shivered in his arms. His fire dimmed, replaced with softness at her worry. It was so much better to hold her without thick armor in the way, just a few layers of fabric.
He wouldn't force her to look, but he wasn't above leading her for once. He could tell himself that it would be an advantage, tactically, for her to know who he was. It would strengthen their partnership, but really, he just needed her to know him.
"I'm not opening my eyes," she said.
"Then please just listen to my voice. I won't tell you my name, but please just listen?"
She pushed her face into his neck, skin to skin, and breathed deeply, nodding. Adrien wanted to drop his head on top of hers, but instead only leaned down, letting her hair brush his cheek. Almost nothing in between them.
"When I'm not transformed, I'm much quieter."
"A quiet Chat Noir?" Marinette teased. "What must that be like?"
"I don't show off either. I try to avoid attention, actually. I get too much of it."
Marinette didn't ask him why, though he'd expected it. He hoped it was because she was trying to figure it out despite herself.
"Did you know that we know each other outside the masks? We go to the same school."
He stopped, letting her come to the truth if she was ready. Despite what he wanted, and how desperately he needed to be seen by her, this ultimately had to be her choice. If she wanted to understand, she would.
Marinette's fingers started to roam, first to his ungloved hand, maybe testing to see if he really was detransformed. The hairs on his forearms raised as she drew a line from his wrist to the edges of his rolled up sleeves. Over and across, to his shoulders, a breathless slide along his collarbone, then down the buttons of his shirt, then back up to his shoulders as she breathed into his neck, and her eyelashes tickled him as she opened her eyes.
She wouldn't be able to see his face, but she knew. He rested his head on hers, strengthening his hold on her.
"You're kind and compassionate," he said. "You're brave and creative and amazing. It was so easy to fall in love with you, Marinette."
Her hands slid from his shoulders and wrapped around his neck, holding him just as tightly as he held her. "I love you too, Adrien."
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starry-eyed-steve · 2 months
Okay, so normally, I scroll past any ridiculous Steve takes, especially when it comes to death theories or theories about s5 in general. However, I just saw such a bad take that it actually made me angry, I need to make my own post. (Warning, this gets a bit petty towards the end)
Basically, the OP claimed Steve needs to die in s5 for the following reasons:
He has nothing going on in his life. He works a minimum wage job and is stuck in his hometown
He only has Robin and the kids, nothing else
It would not be satisfying if he lived
Steve can't grow more as a character because he already had too much development, so it would be better to end it there
He's only useful for protecting the group and nothing else
His death would be great for other characters because if he scarifices himself, the others are then able to go out in the world, live their lives, and do great things
Okay, that's a lot to unpack here, and I'm kinda speechless people really have such a low opinion about him.
First of all, saying Steve has nothing going on because he works a minimum wage job and doesn't have a concrete plan for the future is such a weird thing to say. He has a job, and even if it's not the best paid one, he still has an income. It's not like he's has nothing to do after he graduated (which he did the first time). If you think Steve needs to have it all figured out by 19 in order to be allowed to live, kindly fuck off. Almost no character has a concrete plan for the future. We never see Robin talk about her plans as well. Besides Nancy wanting to go to Emerson, we don't really know anything about the other characters' plans. The idea that minimum wage jobs are considered as something not worth pursuing or that your life must suck if you have them reeks of privilege. Not everyone can or wants to get a college degree. The people who work in customer service or have manual labor jobs are very valuable members of society, and to imply just because Steve has a minimum wage job working at a video store, so he better dies, is a horrible take. But also again, he is 19 (!!!) and should be allowed to have opportunities to figure out his plans for the future. Plus, he explicitly told us his end goal, he wants a loving partner and kids, and that's reason enough to keep going. (Even if he wouldn't have this goal or plan, he deserves time to figure things out, seeing as he lived his life in survival mode for the past 4 years.)
I also really don't get the second point. What is wrong about Steve having a real friend and a group of people he cares about? Shouldn't that be reason enough for him to keep living? Shouldn't having friends who you care about and who care about you automatically count as something that is enough. Besides, again, he also has a job, likes to go on dates, and it's implied he's still into sports.
The other characters also have each other. They hang out all the time to play their dnd games. Jonathan only has one friend (who now isn't even in the show anymore) and a gf. Nancy barely has any friends as well, besides her bf, who wants to slow mo break up with her. Should they die because they only have like 2 people they are close with? Or is it different because they want to go to college and do well in school, which is the only good purpose characters are allowed to have in order to be deemed worthy of living?
Imo it wouldn't be satisfying if Steve would die after everything he has been through. The show beats him to a pulp every season. He was tortured, maimed, and he sacrificed already so much for the group. He has the most physical trauma, besides Hopper. Even if the show doesn't address it, it's still there. (I hate it sm, but also I blame mostly on limited time that almost no character gets to explore their trauma.) It would be such a disservice to his character if he went through all of that for nothing. What kinda message is that? Killing off the character who is the most hopeful despite everything he went through is not satisfying. None of the main characters' deaths would feel satisfying after going through the horrors like that. (Besides Murray because fuck him)
If you think a character or person can only grow so much until they reach some arbitrary point where they are the perfect version of themselves, you're pretty naive. Nobody stops growing. Even if someone goes through growth, you don't stop your whole life. Maybe start rooting for an arc for Steve, where he gets even better. Where he gets to figure things out, where he becomes a better version of himself. You wouldn't say this to any other character. Just because his growth arc was more noticeable doesn't mean all your other faves didn't grow. Do you want them to stop living because they made choices to be a better person?
You're really underestimating Steve's relationship to the group if you think he's nothing more than a punching bag to them. How can you watch the show and really think this. He's Robins best friend, he helps her grow and be comfortable. He's Dustin's older brother figure. He gives him comfort, and he will most likely help him in s5 with his grief over Eddie. Even with Max, he functions as a brother figure, especially in contrast to her stepbrother. Yes, his primary role in the group is fighter and protector, but he is more than that. He's a friend and important to so many characters.
I think the last point was the thing that made me angry the most. All those other takes I've seen time and time again, but this last one is just disgusting. First of all again to imply that Steve can't do great things because he doesn't have a career plan at 19, which is just gross. And then if you also think the other characters would be so appreciative of this as if they don't give a fuck about Steve. Like Robin and Dustin would be devastated, how much of his death would affect them and their plans to do amazing things? They would be severely depressed and untreated (lets be real mental health issues were not taken super seriously up until recently) they will live with those impacts for the rest of their lives. Trust me I know how terrible depression is and how it fucks with your life plans. Maybe some characters who are not super close to him might use his death for motivation and to achieve those "great" things. But for most parts, his death would have a negative influence on them, on top of the trauma they already endured. If you think his death would only benefit the group, you're underestimating his impact on people. Like Dustin already has a hard time getting over Eddie, Robin would lose the only person who completely understands her, Max would lose another brother figure and a chance to bond with him more. Nancy would lose yet another person who was close to her. How many people should she lose until she snaps completely? But again, it's the implication that Steve's life is worthless because he doesn't go to college or has a shitty job or only has a few friends, that gets me. His life is worth less than other characters' lives because they seemingly have things figured out because they are (book) smarter than him. And btw Steve has a dream for the future, he wants a family and peace, he wants to be a better parent than his own parents were, and if you think that's meaningless or less great, then fuck you!
With those points and logic, Jonathan should also be a contender for character death in s5 as well. He doesn't have a job, he gets high with his only friend who won't be there in s5, he didn't apply for his dream university, he's about to break up with his gf. Jonathan only has his family and barely any growth over the seasons. He is a very stale character. In other words, according to those points made by OP, he has nothing going on and should sacrifice his life for the group as some form of character development.
Or Robin should also die in s5 according to those points. After all, all she has going on for her is a minimum wage job she works with her best friend, school, and a so far miserable love life. We don't know any of her future plans so fuck her I guess. She better sacrifice herself for the group. Or is she allowed to live because she's smarter than Steve (which is a pretty ableist thing to say) and gets to embark on a romantic journey next season?
To sum it up, stop saying Steve has to die because you think his life is meaningless because he's a teenager who hasn't things figured out. Stop saying shit along the lines that Steve isn't smart enough to get to have a life. Stop implying that intelligence is the most valuable thing a person can have and anyone who might lack it is deemed as less worthy of living. Stop saying Steve can't do amazing things if he doesn't go to college and therefore shouldn't be allowed to live. And stop deeming Steve's dream of a family as less meaningful (or meaningless) than academic/career successes. He deserves to live like every other character in the show.
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The Official Risk of Rain Discord and its hellish state.
(Raw text because iirc titles fuck up screen readers: "The Official Risk of Rain Discord and its hellish state." End raw text.)
fuck it. you know you've really fucked up when providence from risk of rain 1 is banned from the official discord. this post is extremely long and contains a lot of information. so do be warned lol. i will make a video with visual evidence at some point
I'm Providence, also known as unmatchedpowerofthesun and comically large ukulele on Discord as a whole, and "john fiberglass #1 paladin fan" in the official Risk of Rain discord -- which will be referred to as Officialcord. As you may know, I'm banned. I was banned yesterday. All because I got muted for disagreeing with one of the moderators (Sai) while having a 'problematic' role (…meaning you have to walk on fucking eggshells not to get banned) thanks to putting 'paladin sex gang' in my username (alongside some friends' usernames. they joined in) at some point.
Over the past few months, I have discovered numerous shitty moderation practices in Officialcord.
Why should you care? Well -- simple.
It's because Officialcord is one of the largest, if not the largest part of the Risk of Rain community, being where people are most likely to go for help, for looking at & posting RoR-related content, and for finding people to play multiplayer with. Yes, other games' official discords have shitty moderation. But that's not the point here. The point here is that I'm, to put it bluntly, disappointed in the server's choice of moderators and community manager.
Before continuing, I should say that this callout of the server's moderation practices has mentions of pedophilia and zoophilia.
Most of my sources will be kept anonymous.
Please keep this in circulation for as long as possible. I will be pinning this on my profile and linking this on burner Twitter and Reddit accounts in just a moment.
As far as I remember, my investigation started when Kirn, a known dickhead in Officialcord, caused several major modders to leave the server. Pelontrix (pelontriques on here) was punished with a mute for pointing out Kirn's behavior. The mute was of excessive length, and was only fixed when I jumped in to argue with the moderators. It took a long, long time for the moderators to even do the slightest thing about Kirn's behavior towards other members. People have asked to get rid of Kirn numerous times and it never worked (which is funny, because one of my friends' friends was banned just because people kept asking him to be banned). It took him repeatedly telling a new member to go fuck themself to get muted, and took even longer for him to get the problematic role. And it only took 'paladin sex gang' to force me and two friends to walk on eggshells around the moderators.
During the time between Kirn causing modders to leave and my banishment, I was able to discover a lot about the server with the help of various other people, including some who were around during the era of game-discussion-1.
Before talking about GD1, though, I should talk about the modern Officialcord. The moderators claim not to have time to moderate the art chat despite one of the mods (TiltedHat) being one of the major active members of it (and random new, potentially innocent members being banned thanks to all of the alt account incidents that've happened lately). Rules against sexual content exist in the server, and while I'd normally say full power to people being horny on main, couldn't they all take it elsewhere? A friend of mine was effectively blamed for someone sexualizing his work without his consent, and if I remember correctly, it brought him to the point of a breakdown. Every channel should be moderated with equal rules. If nowhere else in the server allows even things as mild as adding 'paladin sex gang' to your nickname, then TiltedHat posting sexual art of his Lemurian OC shouldn't be tolerated in the art chat. He's a moderator -- he should know the rules. Sai has given a pass on this, even.
For some reason, here and there, people who want to fuck Acrid appear and talk about their desire for the acid dog and are left unpunished. One of them even pinged SeventeenUncles, the community manager, and talked about wanting to see Acrid and Heretic smash. According to my sources, there was someone who talked for hours (unexaggerated) about wanting to fuck Acrid, and was never punished. The moderators are more concerned about people posting 'offtopic media' than they are about Acridfuckers. Someone's first warning was a 12-day mute and a "this is your last warning" message over offtopic imagery. Another person was muted for three days and given snarky comments over Modmail for posting a barely emote-sized gif of a cat.
At some point, someone mildly disrespected my boundaries and was erased from the server. Somewhat excessive, in my opinion. They could have just been left with a verbal warning, but y'know, problematic role and all… You have to be ridiculously fucking careful not to get banned when the moderators label you problematic.
Onto my banishment. Somebody with Huntress ass in their profile picture said "i'm actually bandit main but i aint homo", and while I can vaguely understand where Sai was coming from, his reaction was fucking unwarranted and outright admin abuse. People explained to Sai how 'homo' is just the abbreviation of 'homosexual', Sai claiming that it hasn't been a "socially acceptable way to refer to people in a long time". GetterRocka, a bi man, explained that he takes offense not to the word but rather to the fact that Sai was offended on others' behalf. Sai additionally made extremely dickish comments towards MonsterSkinMan. I disagreed with Sai's point, was muted, and then I was banned because I had the problematic role thanks to the whole 'paladin sex gang' thing. Sai tried to change the topic afterwards, diverting from his admin abuse. One of my friends disagreed with Sai and was immediately nuked.
My ban appeal was denied. I talked about how my ban didn't make sense, about the problems the moderation team displays, and even mentioned how I wanted to see it improve. I went to SeventeenUncles, telling him directly about moderation problems. I was also ignored. It's somewhat ironic, how the moderators talk so much about how you can appeal bans and how you can go to Modmail to speak your problems about the server, yet tickets and appeals are rejected and ignored more often than not.
Finally, the potentially triggering subjects I mentioned early on -- pedophilia and zoophilia.
The user, Withor, is known to be a sexual predator by various members of the Risk of Rain community. The Officialcord moderation team doesn't remove people so long as they follow the rules of the server (even the New Blood staff were willing to ban a zoophile I found using external evidence FROM the Fall of GD1, and the NB discord is known for also being poorly moderated). Withor has sent sexual images to fellow community members, including minors, and falsely accused Noop of grooming her. She once also said that the age of consent should be 14.
One of the moderators, Charlotte, had defended a zoophile in the past. Someone said "…according to the mod team of this discord server you can be the most decrepit human being possible but it's fine as long as you behave well and stay on topic…" and Charlotte confirmed this, saying "yes because no one would ever know. whats is so difficult to understand". During the Fall of GD1, barely anything was done about the zoophiles in the chat, each one barely getting a slap on the wrist meanwhile people posting MGR:R reaction gifs were banned.
I guess, as long as you're on-topic, ([cough] SeventeenUncles defending people harassing Hopoo Games over the Gearbox deal, because it was on-topic [cough]) anything goes.
From here I'll post additional content, including my ban appeal, my message to Suncles, and a callout post on Reddit from James, Paladin's creator and one of the sparks that brought my plan to reconstruct the moderation team to life -- before it was ruined by my ban.
"Why did you get muted/banned?" My answer: Speaking out against one of your moderators -- Sai in particular, who you should know well enough by now is an issue. All I said was that 'homo' is the shortened form of 'homosexual', which is a more formal term for a gay person (I, myself, am asexual, so I have the right to talk about this -- Sai is offended on behalf of people that don't care). Sai was more concerned about that word than about the person in question having Huntress's ass as their pfp. And then I was muted because I had a problematic role for the dumbest reason imaginable -- putting 'paladin sex gang' in my nickname, when the art chat has discussed far more in-depth sexual topics instead of just a little joke between friends. I had not been given any punishment before that, outside of a non-punishment: getting a system warning for posting off-topic media.
"Why do you believe your appeal should be accepted?" My answer: See my ban reason for an explanation on why my ban doesn't make sense. I hope you all are willing to accept that your moderation team has a problem, and that I wish to see it improve.
"Is there anything else you would like for us to know?" My answer: That is it, for now.
Next: My message to Suncles.
Hello, SeventeenUncles. As you may be oblivious to, the server that you serve as the manager of has numerous problems. From the moderation to the community itself. The moderation is either biased, nonexistent, excessive, or all three at once. Even a new member, the horny Huntress pfp guy who’s also a source of evidence to prove the moderation team’s failure, was able to point this out. I feel like that should prove the point that I and many others have been trying to make for a long, long time.
I originally started investigating this server’s moderation practices when the team refused to do anything about Kirn making major modders leave. Then there was that whole thing where Pelontrix was muted for pointing out Kirn’s behavior, for an excessive time, and it was only fixed when I argued against it.
Then I discovered what happened during the era of GD1. You can’t ignore the fact that one of your moderators, Charlotte, defended a zoophile. You can’t ignore the fact that barely anything was done about the zoophiles in the chat. Even the New Blood discord, which is also poorly moderated, was willing to get rid of a zoophile that I found the ID of when I brought in evidence from Officialcord. And your moderators instead banned people who were posting MGR:R gifs, over actually doing something about the zoophiles. Taxipone also accidentally pasted MLP BDSM during a mass mute.
Meanwhile, your moderation team refuses to get rid of people for external reasons. My source? The whole zoophilia incident. Alongside the fact that you have a sexual predator in your server — Withor. While I don’t have direct screenshot evidence of her behavior, I’ve been told about it by several people. She once said that the age of consent should be 14 (because that’s the AoC in her country, I guess), falsely accused Noop of grooming her (why?), and has requested to send sexual images to multiple people, including minors.
The art channel is very shittily moderated, as is everything related to sexual content. Three people who put ‘paladin gex sang’ in their nicknames are given a 3-day mute and the problematic role — great job. Great fucking job. And our opinions meant nothing as a result of that, because every minor slip-up could get us banned. One of your moderators clearly liked me for whatever reason, because someone who was mildly disrespectful towards my boundaries was instantly obliterated… which is somewhat excessive. But. Still.
Oh, yeah, remember when MSM was tempbanned? And when Tizi was tempbanned for posting fucking header text only a few times? What’s with all of this?
Finally, that brings us to what happened today. Sai was offended on behalf of the most bullshit reason imaginable, more concerned about someone using ‘homo’ than the fact that their profile picture is Huntress’s ass. Funny, because paladin sex gang got a 3-day mute and a problematic role. But regardless — Sai’s dickish comments and them banning two people (including myself) and refusing to appeal our bans (while mine contained a lot of evidence against them… which further proves my point) cannot be excused. Sai being fine with Hat’s unmatched horniness and punishing people for, again, minor things like ‘paladin sex gang’, cannot be excused either. Nor can Sai attempting to divert the topic from all of the proof against them.
By the way, someone once directly pinged you with a message talking about how they wanted to see Heretic and Acrid smash. What are your thoughts on that? :]
To summarize: Your moderation team is a failure. Fix it. I have heard that the server has become worse ever since you became community manager, but I haven’t been in the Risk of Rain community long enough to confirm.
Ban appeals aren’t listened to, and neither are modmail messages, no matter how much Sai tries to direct people to modmail.
Next up: James' Reddit post. I was given permission to add it to here in text form.
Source: The top comment of this post now that the original was deleted. James' post also includes screenshots from the Fall of GD1.
After having been in the Discord for three years, I was recently banned for, I assume, informing people of the lack of care and the level of incompetence that is shown by a few moderators in the ROR2 Discord and the sheer lack of authority that is being enforced over them.
I was never given modmail, never given the opportunity to appeal, despite having been there for a long time. A good friend of mine was also in there and decided to help answer questions about my team's mod, Paladin, in my absence. He was shortly banned as well. What was strange is that he received modmail and they quickly denied his appeal in seconds without even reading the appeal.
We've come to the conclusion that as time has gone on, moderators like Charmlie, Sai, and TaxiPone have proven time and time again their lackluster and failure as moderators with repeated mistakes and false bannings. With my time in the Modding Discord, I have received countless DMs from users that also never received modmails for why they were kicked or banned, or that were caught in crossfires from said bans/kicks.
I will provide an image as well as to some context to these next sentences. Charmlie had given a half-assed apology and was saying that, paraphrased, "zoophilia was not something for them to worry about." Sai is arrogant and talks to most of the users in the Discord in a demeaning and "I'm above you" manner, shutting down almost anyone that dares to try and speak up about them in a negative manner. I am appalled that these two are still moderators after this long of this nonsense.
The image provided was during the fall of General-Discussion-1. I had wanted to talk about this some time ago when this had happened but I decided to hold my tongue as, while it proved a lot of the faults and issues of the existing moderators, it was still really damn funny. However, after recent events, I've decided to actually speak up about this. While I dislike Reddit as a whole, I felt this was too important to bring up.
There needs to be a reform. There needs to be a new selection of trustable moderators that actually CARE about their community. I can understand why I was banned, sort of, because I was rather persistent in my disdain for the existing moderators and their lack of competence and lack of care for their fellow server members. However, the false banning of my friend Infinite#2473, a good bud of mine from highschool, and claiming he was nothing more than an "alt," and then blatantly ignoring and quickly denying his appeal was finally enough.
I will not be responding to any comments or DMs in regards to this. I am not here to discuss outcomes, solutions, etc. I am here to only push awareness to this idiocy and to promote a change. I don't care to be unbanned nor does Infinite. Since I was never given the option to appeal, why bother asking for one now, especially when they REFUSE to explain to me why?
I send this message in hopes that the community will stand up and improve instead of allowing itself to be pushed around in such a manner. I say these things because I care about the ROR2 Community I've been a part of for years and it's infuriating to see how bullied and abhorrent it has become because of these higher ups that clearly don't care about you in the slightest.
See you on the other side, I hope you improve instead of sweeping these issues under the rug for the fourth time, pretending like nothing happened, like you did with the meme channel, GD1, GD2, etc. Be better and change for both yourself and the community, instead of this megalomaniac nonsense. I will not be talking any further on Reddit or about this matter, so do not expect any form of response on this platform. This account was meant to be nothing more than a prevention of impersonation and to keep an eye on things. Goodbye.
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sugarcanehoes · 2 days
i'm watching scar's pov of the mcc he played last year with tubbo antfrost and bekyamon and i'm gonna use this to note down Things That Made Me Feel Something (mostly fawning over scar and Tubscar Propaganda TM)
warning for a Very Long Post ahead bc i got carried away lmao
scar drinking water with a spoon
the whole "leaning over helps you swallow" bit
scar: no chat don't start with the 'sand daddy' / tubbo: sand daddy? i beg your pardon?
tubbo: can we- are we gonna talk about the social implications of the term Sand Daddy? / scar: you gotta live a little, tubbo
scar asking if tubbo has slept <3
everyone using 'they' pronouns for everybody else just. idk it makes me happy
parkour tag screams primal hunt play to me. i think there's something here.
tubbo praising scar for surviving the whole round ghh
also tubbo saying he always feels the need to pee when he's nervous??? There's Something Here.
tubbo yelling out an OH FUCK and then apologizing profusely and scar saying 'no no you're good no apologies allowed' HJSDJGHK pure gold. i love Them
tubbo's psychic services <3
scar: Expert Sand Daddy Here
scar: we made some mistakes / tubbo: it's alright scar (3x) you're a king (multiple times)
i don't understand a single thing they are saying about the games 🧍 ant talks sO FAST omg
scar: i got a kill!! ....myself...
tubbo: i'm saying that soMEONE WAS ACTUALLY FUCKING WITH ME oh sorry scar sorry sorry sorry
the whole slushy bit is too cute i am crying i love Them
OHHH SCAR'S ADVICE ABOUT WIGGLING THE TOES TO RELEASE STRESS!!!! omg it was over a year ago and tubbo still remembers it... gay
scar: the dyslexic duo (referring to him and tubbo)
scar not remembering one map of tgttos from tubbo's video... "what was i doing? i didn't see it".... oh mr goodtimes i know what you were doing and i know what you are.
everyone rooting for false at the end was so sweet aaa
not tubscar saying bye to beky and ant and IMMEDIATELY planning a date to smash their go xlr's in the forest together (which honestly just sounds like an euphemism)
whenever tubbo says something like "what about [xyz] scar? tell me about it" it's so sdfgfhshjk he's always so interested in what scar has to say
tubbo saying he's going back to the mcc lobby to say hi to scar... clingy
tubbo: scar has the BEST metagame strats
scar explaining the mattress store bit to tubbo is just hjshgjkgs and tubbo being like "you can say bull fighters i think it's easier to pronounce it"
scar being utterly amazed at tubbo's stream stamina
scar venting to tubbo is just. this shouldn't make me feel anything but i. i am thinking. and Thinking.
scar: oh i'm about to get nerdy / tubbo: [giggles]
scar telling tubbo all the Hermitcraft Shenanigans and tubbo being like wait what?. yeah tubbo me too
TUBBO IN HERMITCRAFT I AM CRYING that would be the bestest day of my life why didn't it happen I'M GONNA SCREAMmmMMM scar quit being an old man and remember your promises man. whitelist Tubbo_ NOW.
scar: tubbo is the nicest guy in the world, i always love hanging out with him <3
i have no fucking clue what scar is talking about (star wars) but i could listen to him talking 24/7. my man should have a podcast or an asmr channel or smth because his voice is just so. So. i love you mr goodtimes
scar: i'm such a nerd
scar is a disney adult but like. underground syndrome disney adult. i don't know if this is funny or terrible
scar ended the stream and raided tubbo!! they are too sweet i'm gonna cry <3
well that was 4 hours well spent! i'll be thinking about All Of This now.
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coffeecat1983 · 3 days
Wreck-It Ralph/Mario Bros 2: What I Would Do for You, intro chapter.
   It was late at night in Los Aburridos, California. At Litwak's Family Fun Center & Arcade, only a few video game characters were still up and about, most having gone to bed to rest up for the next day.    But it wasn't all peace and quiet.    In a nine-story building, up in the penthouse bedroom, a figure stirred as he began to mutter in his sleep.    The wall where the game port had been was sealed over. The electric plug ripped away taking with it any signs of life.    Fix-It Felix Jr collapsed to his knees, tears leaving hot trails down his face.      "Why?!" Tears spattered the station floor. "Why did he clip his code!"      "Felix, Felix wake up."    The voice broke through the nightmare and Felix awoke. Chest heaving as sweat trickled down his face, he sat up, hand over his mouth as he fought down the sobs that threatened to break forth. A gentle hand on his shoulder.      "Easy, it was just a bad dream." Mario soothed, lovingly wiping away the tears.    It had been a few months since the two had confessed their love for each other, and it wasn't uncommon for Mario to stay at the penthouse overnight.    Leaning forward Felix panted, trying to slow his pounding heart.      "That dream again?" Mario asked.      "Y-Yeah, suh-same one." Taking in a shuddering breath, Felix allowed himself to collapse against the other, the soft heartbeat providing a calming melody. Mario's next words nearly pushed him back into panic.      "Wanna talk about it?" A trembling cringe as Felix clung to him. "N-No." He breathed, forcing down the bile that threatened to rise in his throat. "No, th-thank you. I just, I just want it to go away." he sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you with this again."    Warm, strong arms held him close.      "It's-a okay." Mario lightly teased, slipping into the playful Italian accent gamers had come to expect. His companion couldn't help it, he laughed past his tears and Mario kissed his cheek.      "There's the laugh I fell in love with." he smiled. "Think you can get back to sleep?"      "I think so." Laying back, Mario continued to hold him close. Felix snuggled against him, arm around his lover's chest.
   Mario lay awake, listening to Felix's breathing as it slowed and returned to the steady pattern of a peaceful slumber. It wasn't the first time they had both woken from Felix having a nightmare and Mario was sure it wouldn't be the last. He always offered to talk with him about it but Felix would refuse, the mere suggestion sending him back into a panic.    Not wanting to press, Mario always let the burning curiosity go, turning his attention to comforting Felix instead. Settling back, Mario allowed himself to drift back to sleep.    The sweet, warm smell of fresh pancakes woke him the next morning and he found he was alone. Clinking and humming could be hear from the next room. Getting up he put on the red bathrobe he kept at Felix's and left the bedroom. He found Felix in the kitchen, already dressed and humming happily as he flipped a pancake.      "Goooood morning!" Mario chuckled, coming up and putting his arms around him. "Good morning." he looked to the stack of pancakes. "You've been busy. Shouldn't I be making breakfast? You had a rough night."    A self-conscious laugh. "Aw, nah, I owe you for last night after waking you like that." He plated the last pancake and split the stack onto two plates. "Now, get your breakfast before it gets cold, mister!"    Giving in, Mario went to add butter and syrup to his plate when he was distracted by a knock at the door. Saying he'd get it, Felix answered to find Gene waiting for him.      "Mornin', Gene."      "Good morning, Felix, it's almost time for the Arcade to open. Are you read-oh." Gene's face fell as Mario exited the kitchen and gave him a wave. Clearing his throat, Gene ignored the greeting. "As I was saying, it's almost time to open."      "Just made breakfast and we'll be ready in a jiff." Felix said cheerfully. Gene's tone was flat. "Fine. Don't be late." Felix stared after him as he left and then shut the door. "What was that all about?" he muttered. Mario meanwhile silently retreated back to the kitchen.
   Once breakfast was finished and the kitchen cleaned up, Mario changed and he and Felix took the elevator down to the ground floor. Both paused at the front door, hesitant to let go of each other.      "Have a good day." Felix said softly. Mario squeezed his hand. "You, too. And hey, dinner at my place tonight? If you don't mind Weege bein' around. I might be able to get Daisy to come get him for a bit."    Felix laughed. "You know I like visiting with your brother. Dinner sounds good." A caress on his cheek followed by a tender kiss sent shivers up Felix's spine.      "See you tonight." Mario murmured. Sighing blissfully, Felix watched him go before heading back inside. As Mario made his way to the tram, he passed two of the Nicelanders and overheard their conversation.      "Ugh, he spent the night again." Gene grumbled.      "Shhh! He'll hear you!" Don tried hushing him.      "So what? We don't need him hanging around Felix like that. You remember-" Hurrying on, Mario didn't hear the rest of Gene's sentence. Reaching the tram station, he found Wreck-It Ralph just getting in.      "Hey Ralph," Mario greeted the villain-turned-friend. "Spend breakfast with Vanellope?"      "Mornin'. Yup! Had our usual, cookie cakes with extra honey syrup." Ralph said. "Kid's gonna rot my teeth one of these days." He then tilted his head. "Hey, you okay? You look like something's on your mind."    Mario thought it over and pushing aside the urge to ask about Felix's nightmares he chose instead to mention the other thing bothering him.      "I just feel like the Nicelanders don't like me. And they really don't like it when I stay with Felix."    Ralph got an odd, almost guilty look on his face as he rubbed at his neck. "Yeah, oof, about that. Look I don't know all the details but if anyone would talk to you about it, it'd be Mary. She likes you, I can tell you that."    Hearing the call that it was three minutes to opening, Mario waved as he jumped in the tram. "Thanks Ralph, I'll ask her. Have a good day!"    Running his fingers through his mussed up hair, Ralph's shoulders slumped. "Oh boy, Felix is gonna kill me over this."
To be continued...
Original story here.
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greenplumbboblover · 7 months
Looking at your Downloads page, I see you have a section entitled "Terms of Uses", in which you have numerous restrictions on how players may use your CC. I was wondering where you think you get the right to restrict usage of your material, since EA owns all rights to anything made for Sims games. Additionally, and in particular, the Sims 3 EULA specifically says that there can be no restrictions on how players use each others CC (section 2B4). Why do you think these laws don't apply to you?
Hey there,
First things first: I get why people ask others about this. I really do. But I think we sometimes forget that, TOUs, from a *legal* perspective, are incorrectly set up. (with other words, even with my TOU, I could technically never send a DMCA claim as the setup is incorrect).
We shouldn't forget that creator TOUs are there from a more morally correct perspective. My personal feelings on people just grabbing my items, especially meshes I meshed without asking, and then claiming as their own is just a dick move. Whether the EULA allows it or not. In the end, we're a community. Not a company.
Conversions on the other hand, that i've done (which my TOU does say) you can do all you'd like with it, as I don't own those meshes/textures at all. All rights reserved there.
Now, diving into the contract:
Section 2B4 says the following:
B. Contributing Content through The Sims 3 Launcher (Emphasis on LAUNCHER here)
(...) 4. In exchange for the right to use content contributed by other users through the Software, when you contribute content through the Software, you expressly grant to other users of the Software the non‐exclusive, perpetual, transferable, worldwide, irrevocable right to access and use, copy, modify, display, perform, and create and distribute derivative works from, your contributed content in connection with the Software, and to distribute and otherwise communicate your contributed content as a component of works that they create using the Software, for example, The Sims lots or The Sims videos, without further notice, attribution or compensation to you. You hereby waive any moral rights of paternity, publication, reputation, or attribution under applicable law with respect to EA’s and other players’ use and enjoyment of such content contributions in connection with the Software.
(SOURCE: https://media.contentapi.ea.com/content/dam/eacom/en-us/eula/eula-the-sims-3-row-pc-11-2015.pdf)
The way I, personally, understand it, and I read Copyrighting & Rights documents A LOT for my work and often confirm my findings with a third party, is:
It has to be content that's from and to the Launcher. Specifically with the exchange website in mind. We're talking Lots, Sims, Sims3pack store items. Videos recorded from TS3 > The sims 3 Launcher. Screenshots even. This is what this section specifically refers to.
The content needs to have come in a Sims3Pack specifically. Package files cannot be installed through the launcher, and therefore rules this part of the contract out as a potential illegal move. In fact, reading the full contract, it's a very gray area in said contract.
The "Software" (The sims 3) can't make meshes for you. It can't make textures, it can't make a script mod for you, but what it can make is the following within the game itself to share: Lots, Sims, Worlds (well, the TS3 Worlds EULA would come into play here, which is practically the same as TS3's), CASPart presets (So NOT CASparts), Patterns (again, TS3 Pattern tool EULA, assuming you didn't use a third party tool for this instead). Sharing "Objects" (in the sense of simply Presets), Pets and "Tattoos" (in the sense that, within CAS, you save your "Layered" tattoos and then share it on the exchange). With other words, the things you download OR share from/to the exhange, but not limited to third party websites, where the content also has to be installed through the Launcher. Those are the people you want to talk to, when they're complaining that people are modifying their Sims3packaged Sim/Lot. I'm the wrong target for this EULA honestly and sending this ask to.
In fact, just to do other people some favours, let's go through the whole Section B in a summarised, humanly readable way (Remember this is for the LAUNCHER)
EA/Origin account grants you the ability to download/upload from and to the launcher and it's websites (The Exchange for example)
Don't upload copyrighted stuff to the Exchange. EA has the rights to remove them then.
EA can use your lots/sims/presets of CASparts/objects in their promotion materials. As well as your images and videos even. You automatically grant permission to this once you share it to an EA website. (The Exchange)
See above.
The part that I do find interesting, and I know TS2's EULA had the same thing, is the following (I bolded the interesting part):
2. Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership. A. Reservation of Rights. You have purchased a limited license to the Software and your rights are limited to the license grant above and subject to this License. You may not otherwise copy, display, distribute, perform, publish, modify, or use the Software or any component of it. You are prohibited from making a copy of the Software available on a network where it could be used or downloaded by multiple users. Except as expressly licensed to you herein, EA and its licensors, as applicable, owns and reserves all right, title and interest in the Software, and all related data, characters, themes, objects, storyline, images, photographs, graphics, animations, video, music, text, and the associated copyrights, trademarks, moral rights and other intellectual property rights therein. This License is limited to the intellectual property rights of EA and its licensors in the Software and does not include any rights to other patents or intellectual property. Except to the extent permitted under applicable law, you may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or created derivative works of the Software by any means whatsoever. You may not remove, alter, or obscure any product identification, copyright, or other intellectual property notices in the Software. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved to EA
Now, you may think the term "Created Derivative works" must mean specifically modified meshes, but I'm guessing this was actually put in for in case someone is modifying Speed tree trees.
Besides, the meaning is:
Derivative work refers to a copyrighted work that comes from another copyrighted work. Copyrights allow their owners to decide how their works can be used, including creating new derivative works off of the original product.
Regarding the part of software modification: Third-party tools (such as S3PE) would seriously edge the line here, contract speaking. They don't have disassembled/reverse engineered code of the "Software" but they do create a copy of the content(s) in memory. (Think: meshes, textures, reading of package files)
The contract, however, is in this section extremely vague for a court to figure out whether they also mean textures/meshes taken from the game and modified as an override.
So if I have some feedback for their lawyers who wrote this, here you go :p. Though, let's be honest, the contract is only set up with EA's services in mind. I actually think those are the huge shortcomings in this contract.
Sorry this got so long. But I've had these talks SO often, that it's getting a bit tiring.
Please PLEASE PLEASE send the contract first to a third party that has a degree in law (which I have done, to someone who does international laws & Software laws), before sending asks like these. I know you mean it out of goodwill, I really do, but it's simply incorrect the way you're interpreting it.
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phantaemon · 1 year
Rhythm gamers, I need your help.
How does one categorize Project Sekai, Bandori, or any idol/gacha rhythm game?
Whenever I ask someone if they know about rhythm game, why is project sekai the first game that comes to their mind?
Lately, I've been looking for people to talk about rhythm games with. Like Phigros, Arcaea, Wacca, heck even Dynamix if people still play it. But everytime I ask, I'm met with "oh I'm a rhythm game player, I love pjsekai :D" or insert idol game.
With the growing popularity of these I feel like people don't know what a """real""" rhythm game is. And it's very annoying when I want to find a community to join. Maybe I'm just too gatekeepy, or selfish but shouldn't classic and idol rhythm games be separated? Come on Colorful stage isn't the only game in existence! It's A rhythm game, not rhythm gameS.
Now, I can't blame them at all. I enjoy these games too. If these game is the popular thing nowadays, people might as well be allowed to have fun with it. I have nothing against idol games. But yet I feel forgotten. Kind of a "I played video games before people deemed that cool". And no matter how cool people find it, I can't fit anywhere.
Am I missing something?
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