#i think this is like completely incomprehensible and messy. when i saw this ask i lost consciousness and when i awoke i saw this post typed
klayfruit · 1 year
ouh.... i had never heard of goblet grotto but i googled it, & the artstyle looks so charming. would love to hear u talk abt it sometime, when u get the chance or feel like it ^_^
THANK U OH MY GOD nows my chance …. idk if u wanted me to explain it in ur dms or anything so im just gonna infodump here!!!
goblet grotto is a game made by thecatamites (who still actively posts games, just mostly under the name garmentdistrict) in 2012. the main Thing abt the game is that you play as a little swamp toad knight (probably) named swampy, who ventures into the grotto for their search for goblets. the game itself though is absolutely giant, branching paths at nearly every corner and the “story” becoming more bizarre as time goes on. goblets become less of a collectable, and more of an item of worship
the moment youre thrown into the game and it begins, there are already several noises screaming into your ears. first thing you notice is the glyphs popping up at the top of the screen, each one appearing accompanied with a Horribly Loud “BWAH”. you take in the side menu, looking at swampy’s little avatar and noticing how one of the options is just “pray”, and seeing how theres a Whole Ass Paragraph describing your surroundings right now. halfway through reading the paragraph, you are killed by wolves. you have eaten 0 meats and collected 0 goblets. the game is absolutely ruthless to the player, sometimes it will just throw an unkillable enemy at you, force you to crawl around slowly without an explanation, completely destroy your save file, etc. theres also just moments where the games like Oop You Fucked Up! like if you pray too many times it completely destroys the side-text into becoming incomprehensible screaming nonsense, along with just randomly spawning pyramids that make a horrible buzzing noise that you cant turn off. also theres an npc where if you interact with them it makes all your side-text start saying weird shit.
how ruthless the game is is what makes it so enjoyable to me, its so just unabashedly itself. youre thrown into this world screaming and bleeding, and you have to figure out how everything works to even manage to survive. the glyphs mentioned earlier are a whole ass language, the translation of each and every single glyph being in the guide book that comes with the game. you need to manage to memorize a good amount of them to realize that they have An Actual Meaning and Mechanic in the game. whenever swampy collapses and starts crawling, its not for no reason, its because theyre hungry/havent collected goblets recently and theyre screaming this at you through the glyphs. also would like to mention that praying too much also leads the glyphs to become more panicked and almost trivial, eventually them turning into symbols that Arent even seen in the guide book and i had to ask thecatamites directly what the glyphs meant.
theres so So much damn story in this game, and at the same time theres little to none. the moment you see something that seems like it could be a reoccurring theme, its instantly thrown out the window. its extremely rare for something to be consistent through a small section of the game, nevertheless the whole ass game. the only example i can think of is the game’s depiction of god, who speaks in funny little typing quirks and says shit like “UP AND ATEMCOWBOY!!!!!! WORLD IS HYOU OYSTER ;^)”. its heavily implied that, once you pray too much and the side text becomes all fucked up, its god speaking to you in their fucked up little way of speaking, screaming at you to keep on moving and collect goblets and have horrible dreams and Replace all files in your computer with a list of Swears (direct quote from god). there are also altars in several areas through the game, purple hooded people surrounding each altar. if you pray at it, god just straight up appears and gives you goblets. what’s special though about the inconsistency is that, at the very “end” of the game, seemingly all the vaguely important characters that you only see once in the whole game appear once again. it just like makes it special and really sends it home. god, along with the purple hooded people appear in this area, i just thought that was fun.
also want to mention the sound design and music is so unique and honestly fantastic. i am specifically talking about the glyph’s “BWAH”s, and also how everytime you collect meat, swing your axe, and collect goblets, you hear a man say in your ear “MEAT.” “KILL.” “GOBLETS.” aside from the sfx though the music is genuinely so fucking good im not even joking. its got such an amazing vibe to it, my personal favorite is world end because of how melancholic it feels compared to every other song in the ost
theres honestly so much i could say about this game, but i have autism and cant properly put my thoughts into words, so all i can say is just Pleaaaaase check out goblet grotto, even just for a moment. the gameplay sucks complete ass if youre not familiar with it, but the newest vers of the game DOES have an immortal mode (press L at the start screen and it brings you to Secrets Menu). if you dont wanna play it i recommend vinny’s small vid of him playing it, it gets the main thing abt it across pretty well! ALSO i made a whole ass website of me just talking about everything i know about goblet grotto, its like a sort of guide for the game as theres no other good guides of it online due to how obscure the game is.
anyway thank you so much for listening to me. autism be damned i can write essays about mediocre game
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asaarii · 7 months
If requests are open may I ask for Yone from Heartsteel crumbs? Hcs or whatever you may feel like writing?
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1:00 AM ft: heartsteel!yone reader: gn wc: 925 this was supposed to be like 500 words oopsie this ap psych project is lowkey kicking my ass ngl...i've never heard of the Basal Ganglia or Tentorium Cerebelli until yesterday
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His jaw is set tightly as he haphazardly tosses his phone aside, uncaring of the concerning thud his phone makes when it first makes contact with the carpeted floor. The worn-cushioned office chair does little to provide any sort of respite when he sits down, his foot bouncing rapidly as he slouches. He rests his aching temple on his fingertips whilst his eyes screwed shut, trying his best to alleviate his anger-clouded mind before he did anything stupid. 
He and his brother rarely saw eye to eye with a few of the only things they shared in common being their last name and choice of hairstyle. It was naive of him to think that Yasuo would change his mind about attending the Heartsteel debut event, but Yone couldn’t help but try to reach out to his younger brother, only to be shut down, leading to a rather heated argument between the two.
However, as he opens his eyes, he’s met with a somewhat messy desk, littered with contracts and promotional deals that he couldn’t give less of a fuck about at the moment. Even in his moment of simmering rage, he still meticulously works through the seemingly endless piles of paper despite the ache of fatigue beginning to seep into his bones.
With the debut right around the corner, he has no time for slacking off, even if it means pushing his needs aside. No matter how much he yearns for sleep, he forces his eyes awake, desperately trying to drown out his previous conversation with his brother through his workload. He shakes his head when he feels his eyes begin to droop and the grip on his pen slackens.
It’s only when the words on the paper begin to slur into an incomprehensible yet repetitive flurry does he tear his gaze away, rubbing at his pounding temple as he squints at the digital clock at his bedside.
1:00 AM, it reads; bold, bright red letters illuminating that small portion of his room. He’s too tired to even groan, too physically and emotionally exhausted to do anything else other than sigh. The only thought that grants him some peace is knowing that the other members are sound asleep right now, most probably excited about their upcoming debut.
He jolts when his door creaks open, suddenly awake and acutely aware of his surroundings. On instinct, his hand reaches for his drawer, slowly pulling out a small pocket knife he had purchased on a whim, though his blades are set just above his bed in case of any real emergency. Plus, in his defense, they make good decor.
“Yone…?” A sleep-riddled voice fills the tense silence, completely oblivious to Yone’s inner turmoil. Everything stills as silence once more envelops the room, but the man’s heart slows slightly upon realizing who had entered, tucking the pocket knife back into the confines of his desk.
He begins making his way over to you, making sure to pick up his fallen phone, wincing as the bright light of his lock screen burns his retinas. Notifications from his brother glare up at him, illuminating his terse expression. He quickly shuts his phone off, taking a breath as he pockets his phone, his full attention now on you. He’ll deal with Yasuo later.
“What are you still doing up? It’s one in the morning, [Name].” Even as he chides you, he’s gentle, leading you to his bed where you melt against him.
“Couldn’t sleep much…Was thinkin’ too much about the debut,” you mumble into his neck, allowing him to adjust the two of you into a far more comfortable position.
Ah, so that’s what this is about.
Yone hums in thought, pulling his hair free from his ponytail before once more settling beside you. You mumble something in your sleep-addled haze that he doesn’t quite catch, but goes along with anyway. You pout slightly when he doesn’t respond, pushing yourself up to your elbows, much to his confusion.
“Say it back.”
“What?” Had he been any less tired, he would have laughed.
“Yone…” You whine, poking lightly at his chest with a tired roll of your eyes. “Say. It. Back.”
“Say what back?” This time, he does laugh, the gentle sound carrying out through the otherwise silent room.
“I love you.” 
His heart stutters in his chest, all woes forgotten over a singular declaration. The stack of papers on his desk seems to disappear and the weight of his phone in his pocket vanishes as well. He smiles gently, cupping your cheek as he sits up as well. 
“I love you, too.” He kisses you gently, as though he’s afraid you might disappear if he’s a tad too rough. No longer is he the producer for the up-and-coming band, Heartsteel, or the overbearing older brother.
He’s just Yone.
You always had this effect on him, making him forget all his troubles by simply being you, and he’ll be damned should he ever take such a precious gift for granted.
In another life, pleasant nights like these are few and far between, littered with danger and little to no respite. Yet in that life (or death, if you want to be precise), you still remain a constant to Yone, still alleviating his stress, still offering him kisses and hugs when everything becomes too much, and, most importantly of all, still being with him.
Though neither you nor Yone knows or cares about this supposed other life, the bond still remains. In this life, and the next…and the next…and the next.
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©asarii 2023 — do not copy, steal, repost, or translate any of my works on tumblr or any other site
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jenniferchaulam · 1 year
/adding on to the previous post, short story idea (draft plot only, anws)
There is no violence, but depictions of uncomfortable stuffs so. I'd just wanted to censor this.
tags: Alhaitham, Kaveh, Wanderer has PTSD BUT I dont know if my depictions of PTSD is accurrate, please tell me if im just writing stereotypes, mentions of anesthesia awareness/surgery with no anesthesia, Wanderer has a mechanical heart, Modern-ish AU, just regular sumeru gang bonding, OOC? maybe? i did it best i could-
The world was in complete darkness. Machinery beeping. Be-beep. Be-beep. Be-beep. Lights buzzing. People mumbling incomprehensible things. Metals clanking. The smell felt sterile and clean. It felt like a thousand ants on his body.
Wanderer felt awake, but his body was not. As if a sleep paralysis demon was pressing his entire body, and he could not move an inch.
A sharp piercing pain came right as his chest. The room stench of fresh organs. The thousands of ants moved as if he was their cave. He tried to scream, to twitch, to shook off whatever was slicing him-
He jerked awake in cold sweat.
He can barely hold himself together as he trembly walks out his room. These nightmares are nothing new, but Wanderer can never get over them. Maybe a cup of tea will help.
"It's never happening again. Pull yourself together", he told himself. He steadies his hand, which was shaking uncontrollably. "I can not be weak".
He felt his mechanical heart pulsing through his entire body, and it made his breath slow and heavy. Nahida went to help the children's hospital, but if she was here she would have immediately notice him limping out the bunk bed the moment he was awake. Personally, Wanderer felt it is utterly embarrasing, and he would rather have a million nightmare than to sit in therapy with her at midnight.
That said, he was not the only one in this flat.
Kaveh needed a place to stay and finish his deadline, since his roommate thinks he's "Too noisy" for his liking. When Nahida asked if Wanderer agrees, he said he has no opinion on who she would want to host in her house. Now everytime Kaveh has to finish a deadline, he just brings Mehrak over to the flat next door, along with a bit of coffee.
So anyways, Kaveh got startled by Wanderer's very loud scream and is currently very concerned.
Wanderer groans when he got to the living room and saw a messy table with a sleep-deprived blond man.
"Are you alright, Hat Guy?", Kaveh asked without looking off his table.
No response. Wanderer is still trembling from the shock and barely wants to answer. He went straight to the cupboard for tea.
"I heard you scream, and I have to say it startled me as well. I bet Al Haitham next door could hea-"
Wanderer pause. The overwhelming dread that he did not woke up quietly.
"What did you say?", he asked slowly.
Kaveh lift his eyes off his work. Hat Guy's voice sounded trembly, and he notice that the short guy is full of sweat. Like he was struggling to stand. He threw a death stare towards Kaveh.
"Ah, I'm sure its nothing". Kaveh decides its best not to worry him. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone about this either, if you're uncomfortable."
Wanderer let out a huff. At least this blondie is too friendly to tell, and this secret will be safe. He went back to looking for a mug for his tea.
A sharp stinging flashback hit when he reached out for the mug. The flickering tick of the water boiler. Be-beep. Be-beep. Be-beep.
"No, this isn't- I have used this many times-"
His chests tightens. He can't breathe. He can not breathe. A sharp knife pierce through his body. Ants. So many ants crawling. He let out a small, sharp scream. His arm and chest felt like it was being broken to pieces, just like the mug that fell of his grip.
"Ha-- Gu--?"
Sounds turned into a single ringing noise. Then it felt like constant beeping of machinery. He can hear the buzzing of the lights. Many hands were on top of him touching him in different places, and he can't move. Everything stings.
"Hey, Hat Guy! Oh thank archons you opened your eyes", said Kaveh while shaking him awake.
The short guy is shivering as if this room is freezing despite being in Sumeru, and his breathing is irregular. His shirt went from soaking to dripping with sweat.
"You should continue your work. I can take it from here", said another familiar male voice in green.
"Who invited you?", Wanderer scoffed at who is obviously Alhaitham.
"Yea, I thought you had earmuffs you can use to ignore everyone!", Kaveh followed up, "Get out off here!"
"And I thought your deadline was today, in 9 hours. Go back to work. It was too noisy anyways. Hat Guy screamed, and broke a mug, then scream again. Even the best earmuffs can't block those. If this happens again I can't get back to sleep."
Wanderer let out a groan. It felt like everyone knows he has a problem. That said, just like Kaveh describe, Alhaitham's attitude is similar to him. He bets this Scribe guy won't come if he didn't disturb him. This guy only cared for what benefits him.
"We have weighted blankets in our flat if you think this is PTSD", Alhaitham said while adjusting Wanderer's position. But Wanderer just kicks him instead.
"We do??????? How come I not know?"
"I have weighted blankets at MY flat if you think this is PTSD."
"I don't have PTSD", Wanderer said, while his entire body shivers uncontrollably, just to betray his words. He turned himself trying to reach the counter but with zero grip he slipped back onto the ground.
"Don't try to stand up quickly. I'm not an Amurta student, but-"
"But what, big H? What's stopping me to just stand up right now?"
Wanderer bounced himself up.
Only to quickly turn dizzy.
He hold himself at the counter-
Alhaitham ignored him struggling to stand.
"You can just follow my lead. Breathe in", he said.
"Not in a million years." Wanderer just stayed on the floor. Its not worth it if he stood up and the water boiler reminds him of anything. He turns his back against it.
"Suit yourself"
Alhaitham left Hat Guy where he was, and starts sweeping off the broken pieces of the mug. He continue to brew the tea that was left already on the counter.
The bitter smell of tea... Wanderer relaxes himself. Tiredness from lack of sleep creeps up to him, and the smell drifted him into closing his eyes.
Kaveh gets to continue his project, in peace. Once Hat Guy went back to sleep Alhaitham just sorta left him there. He did went and get some weighted blankets.
"Kaveh. Is there anything you know and haven't told me?",he asked while leaving the folded blankets right on the floor.
"No. You saw everything, really. He looked like he saw a ghost, yelled and jerked himself awake. I am really worried for him though."
The Scribe nods and left the flat, and Kaveh finally finished and sent his project. He went to take a peak at Hat Guy.
He was kinda left on hard cold tiles, but his face looked peaceful. Kaveh decided he won't leave him like this, and started carrying the shortie back to his bed. There was a bunk bed, so he assumes Hat Guy sleeps on the one with his giant Inazuman style head disk. He pours hot tea into a thermos, and left it next to his bed, with a note: "Hot tea - K"
Finally, Kaveh took the weighted blankets left on the floor.
When he got back however, Hat Guy was wide awake. He was panting. Hands covering his mouth and nose, preventing himself from screaming. He quickly unplugged the ticking clock and threw it away. It made a loud bang. On the side of Alhaitham's room.
"Oh, archons, Hat Guy! Are you alright?"
Hat Guy stared at Kaveh, wide-eye and full of tears.
"Here. I made tea. And some weighted blankets. I actually have no idea how these work. Just cover them over, I think."
Wanderer just did as he was told.
"Hey, don't you usually sleep with the Dendro Archon? Maybe it will be better if you just come over my flat and sleep with m-"
"You think your tiny bed can hold two people?", Alhaitham said, startling the two, "but, you do have a point. Hat Guy, if you want I can give you a sleeping rug in my flat."
He agrees.
For some reason. Just this once, three reminders is too many to bear. He wants to sleep in peace.
pt2 coming? i still have ideas i just cant write them-
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xiao-isms · 3 years
Hello I just recently found your Sub Xiao things and oh my god thank you for the food 😍😍 If ur taking requests, Reader with a strap on with a dildo that can vibrate, and Xiao taking it ? 👀 Multiple orgasms would be fun, but anything you write is excellent so I don’t mind where you take this 😳
— dirty.
character. xiao
content warnings. multiple orgasms, semi dirty talk, verbal humiliation, cum eating, a little bit of cross-dressing. note that reader does have a strap-on but i tried to make it as gn as possible !
word count: 1.7k words
voicemail. agshs thank u sm anon! i really liked writing this one so i hope you enjoy <3 ps sorry if the ending is rushed, i recently started uni so ive been superrr busy lately
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you slid a hand up xiao’s milky thigh and underneath his blush pink pleated skirt with a mischievous grin on your lips. halting for a moment, you took the opportunity to squeeze that soft, meaty flesh that you loved so dearly, pressing wet kisses and angry red hickies across his skin. once satisfied with your work, you pull away and lift your head to look the mighty yaksha right in his now watery eyes and archons, you doubted even the lord of geo himself would believe you if you told him how pathetic his war-hardened adeptus looked at this very moment, all from a few simple touches. the sight was laughable, really; his hard cock protruded from his pretty little skirt, precum already beginning to stain the garment, accompanied by a face so flushed you swore you could see steam emerging from the top of the other's head. you grabbed the man by his chin and yanked him forward. "you're fucking disgusting." the words came out a bit harsher than intended but xiao, oh xiao, he loved it. he loved it when you made him feel absolutely deplorable; when you broke him until he felt like he couldn't be fixed. he didn't respond, just looked at you with hunger, like he was silently begging you to fuck his brains out.
you could feel a primal need rumbling from deep inside your chest. “does that turn you on?” you asked with a cheeky grin that only seemed to be getting larger by the second. the petite man whimpered in your tight hold, nodding ever so slightly but much too embarrassed to give a direct response. “how naughty of you, xiao. so shy, and yet so, so dirty.” you interlocked your lips with his, sliding your tongue in his small mouth as soon as you got the chance. it was messy and sloppy and it felt like xiao hadn’t kissed anyone a day in his life, saliva running down the sides of his pointed chin while his mouth hung open, completely pliant, but it was so hot. you were the first to pull away which only made the adeptus whine in a desperate, high-pitched voice.
“so needy,” you whispered in the shell of his ear, rubbing his sensitive sides. “you want it? you want my cock in you, pretty boy?” he makes a sound of affirmation, one that you can’t quite make out, but one nonetheless. xiao shouldn’t be acting like this, he knows he shouldn’t—he’s a yaksha, a seasoned demon slayer, and yet, whenever he’s with you like this, he just can’t seem to control himself. he thrusted his little hips into thin air with vigor in what seemed to be an attempt to get some kind of friction, something—anything—to soothe his aching, leaking dick. “ah, ah,” you hummed, gripping his waist so tightly you were both positive there would be bruises there the next morning. “the only way you’re going to cum tonight is with my cock plowing into your tiny hole.”
the way his face contorted slightly and his brows furrowed while fresh, blood-hot tears ran down his flushed cheeks only spurred you on further. you spread his legs as far as possible, yanking both his cute panties and tight skirt off, throwing it behind you without care. you haphazardly coated your fingers in saliva before inserting them inside your boy with newfound fervor, eager to fuck him until he couldn’t think straight and was unable to scream anything other than your name. he moaned and cried and whimpered as you pumped your wet digits in and out of his hole. the adeptus whined, he was so close, so close, but he desperately wanted to be good for you-- and there's hardly anything that he wouldn't do to achieve that, even if it meant holding back his own orgasm. you scissored your middle and index finger, adding a third once you were sure xiao was stretched well enough. soon, you were able to thrust your digits in back and forth freely while the other's body continuously spasmed and shook with close to unbearable pleasure.
too impatient to keep waiting to enter the small man, you pulled your fingers out entirely, the act ripping a loud wail from your lover. "wh...w-why'd you stop?" the words were slurred and almost incomprehensible—it sounded something akin to what someone drunken on sex would say, certainly not a powerful immortal such as himself. the question truly makes you wonder if he'd actually been paying attention to your previous statement or if he really was that incoherent already. how cute, you hadn't even started and here he was, a drooling, stupid mess. you didn't respond, instead opting to press your lips against his, thrusting your tongue deep into his mouth once again. whether or not he understood you before didn't matter, the night would end the same way: with xiao becoming an inchoate husk of a being, only able to give as much pleasure as he received.
quickly, you fastened the harness onto your waist, clicking the straps in place. the plastic toy connected to the o-ring of the strap-on was useful in more ways than one; you knew the both of you’d love it as soon as you saw it. slowly—or, as slowly as you could, patience thrown to the wind long ago—you slid inside of your boy with ease, his breath hitching in the most adorable ways. you smirked and wrapped your fingers around the small device that activated the dildo. “are you ready?” before the man under you had a chance to answer, you clicked the 'on' button, the sex toy whirling to life. for a second, you thought you could see hearts in xiao’s teary, amber eyes. he looked so, so beautiful like this; spreading his legs and moaning for you like a cheap hooker. nimble fingers landed on his waist once again, allowing your hips to slam against the meat of his thighs. his mouth hung agape in shock at the sudden movement, whimpers and whines spilling from those pretty, swollen lips. "a-ah! mmph, p-please go s—oh!—" the words seemed to have fallen dead on his tongue due to a particularly well aimed thrust, hurling him forward. every little movement felt so good, like he was on cloud nine, and oh god, don't even get him started on the way the pseudo cock vibrated in him, making his head go blank with overwhelming lust. he could feel that familiar heat stirring in his abdomen, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
"mm, 'm gonna cum, ooh, g-gonna cum, p-please!"
with one more rough, domineering push of your hips, he came over the newly washed bed sheets. you slowly came to a stop and slipped your fingers over the head of his now softening sex, swiping away a hefty amount of your lover's seed and putting it towards his face. "open.” you demanded, inserting your moist digits in his mouth. his red, puffy lips wrapped around them, lazily licking you clean. "good boy," you praised as you pulled your fingers from him. "do you like that? you like eating your own cum like a filthy whore, hm?" he didn’t respond, apparently much too fucked out to even nod. you pulled the man’s cheeks together, leaning down and pressing the tip of your nose to his own.
“i asked you a question.”
his mouth opened slightly at the deep, commanding tone of your voice; he was trying to answer you, he was trying to be good, but his mind was so fuzzy he could hardly breathe. with much struggle, he moves his head up and back down. the action was hardly noticeable with how subtle it was, but you took pity on the poor yaksha, placing a kiss that he felt was almost too gentle considering the current situation. you heard a whimper erupt from xiao and a small, close to inaudible humming sound could be heard within the quiet room.
you had forgotten about that.
the adeptus trembled underneath your form with overstimulation. he feared he was going to cum again, untouched; he could feel it in the way his dick was beginning to harden again, the way the muscles in his stomach churned and tightened in the most delightful ways, ways that made him feel lightheaded and painfully aroused. you were silent, watching your lover’s face scrunch up with a glint of pure lust clear in your half-lidded eyes. you begin to rock your hips back and forth again, only moving a centimeter an inch this time. xiao couldn’t stop thinking about how good you felt inside him, how his slick walls clenched and unclenched around your barely moving cock, making the smallest squelching noises.
it was all so filthy.
with that thought, the warm coil in his lower body burst and he was positive that he was seeing stars from how hard he’d just orgasmed. it was ego-boosting, really, knowing that only you could touch him like this, look at him like this. you hummed, increasing the pace of your thrusts until xiao was crying and incoherent, garbled whines falling from his mouth. “s-sen—o-oh fuck!” tears clouded his vision as you abused his prostate, taking advantage of that sensitive spot inside him. with heavy breaths, you leaned down to look at him directly, the smell of sweat and sex prominent on both of your bodies. “you’re such a good boy, xiao,” you commended between grunts and quiet moans. you brushed his messy hair back so you could see the pleasure on his flushed face, planting kisses on each of his cheeks. he keened at the attention, throwing his arm over his face to hide from the embarrassment.
“you take my cock so well, such a brave boy.” you knew he loved to be showered in praise more than anything, even more than he loved to be pinned down and degraded. he felt as if he’d cum at any second, the way the silicone toy felt inside him was more than exhilarating and your occasionally words only added to that addicing feeling. nimble fingers wrapped around the base of his dick, hard and dripping precum, preparing itself for its third orgasm. you finished him off with just a few strokes, his small form twitching with overstimulation. you slowly came to a stop and cupped his red face with your hands.
“what am i ever going to do with you, baby?”
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kirishoshego · 3 years
Come Kitty, Kitty//Shinso
This is my part of the amazing "Hybrids" collaboration hosted by @ultimate-astridwriting, thank you again for letting me participate, this was definitely exciting x pairing: kitten!fem!readerxShinso (college!au)//words:3.3k+
Summary: You knew pushing Shinsou's buttons would end in a punishment, which was exactly what you craved (featuring after care)
TW: BDSM, dom and sub (calling him sir, him calling you kitten and at one point pet), choking, rope play, spanking, overstimulation, squirting, anal play (at the end), oral (both receiving), face fucking, degration (mixed with name calling), praise, unprotected sex, sending nudes and the reader wearing a collar Shinsou didn't plan on going to meet up with the group, Bakugou dragged him along with him, ranting about how if he had to go to Jiro's chill night he had to come too. It was an unusual group, really, but they, Shoto and Tokoyami shared the same taste in music. From that on the five became something along the lines of friends, even if Shinsou didn't want anything to do with it, he couldn't deny the fact he didn't hate having them around him, and having someone to study while in college had its perks.
When he explained he didn't feel like being there anymore they didn't try to make him stay, they understood he needed some alone time and told him to text them if he's back in his dorm and bit their goodbye. The sun wasn't down completely yet, it still engulfed the city in its warm colors, people passing him by on their way home or to a date, while he was slurping on his Boba Tea, grumbling about their happy go lucky energy.
That was until he saw you, sitting on a branch of a cherry blossom tree, yelling at three guys below you, who despairingly tried to grab your fluffy tail to drag you down. "I said fuck off you assholes!" one of them got too close for your liking causing you to hiss at them, revealing your sharp fangs, tail whipping from left to right. "Don't be such a little buzzkill now sweet cheeks, we just wanna show you a good time, we know how to take care of such a small thing," all of them laughed, jumping up again and this time being lucky in catching your tail, only to also catch your claws seconds later. "You fucking-" before he could say whatever angry insult was laying on his tongue a scarf was wrapped around him, pulling him back so he fell onto his ass in a small puddle.
"She said to leave her alone, so fuck off," he apparently caught their leader, the others now quickly trying to help him up and scramble off, mumbling insults which quickly died down when their opponent's eyes started glowing. "I could have done that myself," you told him, fixing your shirt as you sat upon the branch, feet dangling down, ears pulled back. "I'm not helpless just because I'm a cat, you know?" it amused him to watch you struggle as you tried to find a way back to the ground. He only raised an eyebrow, his gaze going from you to the floor and turning his back towards you. "Have fun getting down there yourself then," he walked away, your pleads seemingly fallen to deaf ears, but Shinsou could hear you just fine, a small smirk on his lips.
"Sir, please help me down. I'm sorry, thank you for defending me," the defeat in your voice was one thing, but switching from Mister to Sir made his head snap up from his phone's black screen. But before he could react in time he heard a loud thud and a whine.
It's not your problem, she's just a stranger, he thought to himself, but his body reacted sooner than his brain could, and Shinsou found himself carrying you to the nearest hospital, which conveniently was only two blocks away. Ever since then you were basically his shadow, nobody really took care of you, and growing up with Aizawa apparently made Shinsou also adapt his father's need to take in strays.
According to you, Shinsou didn't pay enough attention to you the last couple of days. You knew he had those days, too stressed out from university or hero work. His biggest desire at that moment is to simply have you in his lap while he was playing some games or cuddle up to you while watching a movie, the soft purrs emitting your curled-up body helping him heal from whatever had him worried in the late evening hours.
However, you were craving him, needed him. Every fiber in your body was screaming his name, begging for his touch, wanton for him to be balls deep inside your dripping little cunt. So you planned everything out, starting with sending him cute little pictures of you. Innocent and cute, wearing nothing but one of his big t-shirts, hair messy, forming a seeming halo between your perked up ears, tail wrapped around as you kneeled in front of the tall mirror. But then, oh no, what a pity, you spilled milk all over you when all you wanted was to prepare your breakfast. Your front camera perfectly captured the soaked material clinging to your shape, revealing your hardening nipples and soft mounds he loved to play with. And of course, it would only be fair to show him how good you can clean yourself, a little video of your in soap-covered glistering body.
If you don't stop right now, you're in for it, last warning
Don't push your luck kitten
*attachment one image*
*attachment one video*
Does my new set match my eyes? What do you think?
Left on read. Exactly forty-five minutes, before your door opens and your boyfriend appeared in its frame. Everything about him appeared calm, even breath, no fists, no tension. The only thing that gave away his fuming rage was his amethyst-like glowing eyes.
"Come here," he ordered, pulling off his shoes and putting them to the side. "Ugh, it's so comfy here though," you told him, stretching yourself on the couch, kissed by the sun. His movement halted, jacket still in his hand, and raised in the air as he turned to look at you. "Excuse me?" the hand wrapped around the fabric tightened, nostrils flared, and only now you realized the mistake you had done. Big hands adorned by silver rings pushed up his sleeves, eyes fixated on you. Even if you wanted to you couldn't leave his gaze, pupils turning into slits when Shinsou started making his way towards you.
Anticipation rose in your stomach, the flick of your tail betraying you as a smirk formed on Shinsou's chiseled face. "Now, kitten," his pointer finger interlaced with the small ring on your collar allowing him to pull your face close to his, his hot breath fanning over your delicate skin "I'll count to ten, you're going to be a good little pet and go into the bedroom, get undressed and wait for me."
Amusement flashed over his face when he noticed your eyes now almost completely black as your pupils expanded. Your breath hitched in your throat as his soft, plump lips were mere an inch away from yours while his thumb stroked your cheek softly. Before your wish could come true he pulled away, starting to unbutton his shirt, the first number filling your ears. You practically run into the bedroom, eager to have him pound into you, your cunt already throbbing at the simple thought of it.
"Nine... Ten," he still wore his grey sweatpants, hung low on his hips, and allowing you to have a perfect view on his happy trail. His large fist was wrapped around thick purple robes. You sat on your bed, legs pulled underneath you while you wore nothing but the collar around your neck, watching him every step. He simply pointed his fingers to the spot in front of him, waiting for you to walk up to him.
"What's your safe word?" he always asked you this before even touching you. Your safety was above anything for him. "Bunny," a small kiss was placed on your forehead. "Good. And your sign?" "Tapping my fingers onto my palm three times," you said like a bullet being shot from a pistol. "You understand that you're in trouble, right?" he asked you, turning you around and pushing your hair to one side, letting him kiss your neck sensually, his free hand wandering down your side. "Yes Shin," you breathed, earning a harsh slap to your ass and a hiss escaping your throat. "That's sir to you, you know better than that," he warned, pulling your arms behind your back and wrapping them together, like he had practiced so many times before, making sure your blood flow wasn't cut off by them.
Shinsou walked to the in black sheets covered bed, sitting down on it with his legs spread open and pulling you in between them. "You know the rules kitten, and you still thought sending me these pics while I'm out in public with my friends would be a good idea. Why is it forbidden to do so, especially without a warning?" he looked at you through his lashes, one hand over your tail drawing small circles, the other circling your clit lazily, sending you in a hazy state. "Because I belong to you, and someone, ah, could see them," your toes curled slightly, trying your best to concentrate on his voice.
"Exactly, so why did you do it then kitten?" he cocked his eyebrow, picking up his speed and watching you squirm. "I wanted your attention, Sir. You barely acknowledged me the last few days," your voice was a mix of pleasure and whining, pressing down on his hand for more which only earned you a slap on your clit. "Ah, so we're a greedy little attention whore?" his question sounded like he just had a breakthrough discovery, a single digit slipping into your wet walls, his thumb still playing with your sensitive nub. "Yes," you admitted, his degradation causing you to clench around Shinsou's curling finger, another one joining. "I see. I'm sorry for not giving you enough attention. What about the attention I'm giving you right now? Is it enough? Or does my little slut need more?" he knew how to make you come within a few seconds, how to play with your pussy to have you squealing out incomprehensible sentences.
His lips wrapped around your nipple, flicking his slick muscle over them again and again. "Hm?" he hummed against it, his thumb now having the perfect speed to send you over the edge already. "More, please Sir," you moaned while he made you ride out your first orgasm of the night. "I thought so. You gotta earn it first though," he didn't plan on having you on your knees for long, but he wasn't ready to give you what you want just yet. After all, you had to be punished.
At the thought of his thick cock down your throat your mouth started to water. Gratefully dropping down in front of him made your tits jiggle in the process. You licked along his shaft, the tip of your tongue going from his balls to the tip of his dick, swirling around its head before starting to bop your head up and down slowly, taking in more and more every time you went down until your nose hit his freshly shaved skin.
With your tongue extended it was easy to kitten lick his balls, adding to the pleasure going through his veins. "Fuck, such a good whore. Just like that, your mouth feels so nice wrapped around me," you continued, his words of courage fueling you while his hips snapped up every now and then to make you splutter around him. After a few minutes of his dick shoved down your neck, you went up for air again, drool making your chin glister in the purple light emerging from the bulb above you.
"I can't remember that I told you to stop," his voice was raspier than normal. Collecting the mixture of spit and precum dripping down your chin with this thumb he pushed it into your mouth, watching you suck on it, and gently dragging your fangs against his finger when he pulled out again. "Go on," apparently you were too slow, his hand fisting your hair. His actions caused you to gag, resulting in his length being pushed down further.
"Don't forget I'm in charge, always," with his left leg grounded, the right one wrapped around your head, his ankle laying on his muscular thigh to keep you in place. He started thrusting upwards, careful to keep your hair out of your face because he didn't want to miss your fucked-out expression. Lilac eyes watched in ecstasis as you struggled against his grip, hearing you gag and feeling you contract against him, more drool dripping down your chin. Shinsou loved turning you into a mess, inside and out.
"Can't breathe kitten?" he asked slightly amused, getting turned on, even more, when the realization hit him about how much power he had over you. You tried shaking your head but failed miserably, ears pulled back with no escape in sight, your tail swinging like a whip. Only when your eyes started to water, your tears meeting at your cupid's bow he had mercy with you.
Due to the abuse of your jaw, you couldn't really close it, trying your best to catch your breath before he pulled you back up. It was easy for Shinsou to have you on your back, spread in front of him while his head found its home between your legs, eating your pussy as if hadn't had a meal in weeks. The man between your legs was licking and sucking your most sensitive area, his manicured nails digging into the meat of your soft thighs to keep them from closing. Shinsou now wanted one thing, and one thing only: his name the only word in your brain as he fucked you stupid, making you cum over and over and over again.
So you did, two times, four times, six times. Your mind was foggy after the fifth, which also was the one leading him to tie your legs to each bedpost at the end because you were overstimulated, your legs clamping shut and he didn't want any of that.
You expected your punishment to be denial, a rough spanking while you are bend over his knees, not being touched at all, only serving for his pleasure and his pleasure alone but you were oh so wrong. The remark off you earlier telling him how little attention he had given you made him rethink his planned discipline. If you want his attention you're going to get it, all of it. The attempt to muffle your moans and screams not even crossing his mind. He wanted everyone to know how good he made you feel, tied up, sprawled in front of him, for him to use and adore.
"Sir please, no more, it feels weird," you cried out, not even trying to move away since you knew it only made him want you more. "Weird how?" he asked and your body was thankful for the short break, yet craved his mouth on you again. "Like I have to pee," you said timidly, a small sob traveling through your sweat-covered body. He cursed under his breath, eyes rolling in the back of his head at the thought of making you squirt. "Too bad you have no say in this," he slapped your clit and returned to his previous position.
Before you knew it his fingers curled even faster, your already hyper-sensitive clit throbbing between his lips covered in your juices. "Please," you sobbed as his eyes watched your in pleasure twisted face, tears streaming down your face. The safe word was still prominent in your brain, you could use it any second but even though your skin was ignited you needed more, needed him to fill you up, to cloud your vision and let you forget every thought in your brain that was left somewhere in there.
"Let go for me kitten," the vibration of his low voice sent you over the edge once again and sure enough his wish came true. Shinsou never knew he could make it happen but today you proved him wrong, the need to be inside of you now bigger than ever before. "Done?" you asked, your whole body shaking and your eyes only a small slit caused by the exhaustion.
"Just started," the lust was written over his face as he cleaned it with your shirt laying next to the bed before positioning himself at your entrance, watching your wetness drip down onto the mattress. Your pussy was throbbing from the many orgasms he had milked from you. He couldn't wait to feel your velvety walls adorning his thick shaft, clenching around it, and hear you scream out in delight.
"No, no more," you tried to put the last bit of energy against the restraints holding you in place but there was no use. Shinsou was a master with ropes and while he can untie you in a second you could never slip out of them, he made sure of that.
A simple tug on each knot freed you and for a second you thought it was over, relaxing into the drenched fabric below you as he turned you around. The feeling of calmness didn't last long, his big, strong hands grabbing your hips and pulling your ass up in the air, delivering a slap to both cheeks and watching them bounce from the impact. He could see your claws extending, a natural reacting to protect you from your attacker but the way your hole clenched around nothing gave away just how much you liked it.
"Did you just say no? I'm gonna continue and you'll let me use you because do you know what you are? A dumb, little whore for me to use. Tell me to stop again and I'll fuck you until you pass out, got it?" he grunted, momentarily teasing you with just the tip of his cock before pushing his whole length balls deep inside of you.
The grip you had around him caused every cuss word his brain held to tumble out within seconds. Never did Shinsou think he could become addicted to a pussy, but here he was, pounding into you like a mad man in love. One hand was placed between your shoulder blades, making you arch just perfect for him to have access to every hole he wanted. The cold spit hitting your until now ignored, puckered hole clench in shock before he pushed his thumb in between your spread cheeks.
It didn't take long for his hand to wrap around your throat, tongue lolling out as yet another orgasm crashed through your body. Your cunt was clenching around him, backside and tail vibrating in satisfaction. "I think you have one more for me, what do you think kitten? Gonna be a good girl?" he could feel his own high building up in his abdomen, ready to fill you up and watch it leak out of your abused pussy. You couldn't possibly form a sentence, let alone a single word, only nodding your head, wanting for him to come inside of you.
"That's what I thought, I'm proud of you, taking me so well," Shinsou grunted, listening to your moans and sobs. Pulling you up by your hair allowed him to view your ahegao face in the reflection of the window, watching the sun go down in the distance and the buildings below you appear so small.
He looked at you in pure bliss, enjoying the little show in front of him, how worn out you looked, sweat, tears, and drool draped over your body. Beautiful boobs bounced in the same beat of his thrusts. "Gon' come Sir" you slurred, stars appearing in front of your eyes while his hand connected with your clit yet again. The word 'mine' written over it caused you to collapse into his arms, crying out his name as the last orgasm washed over you like a tsunami. With another thrust of his hips, he shot his load deep inside of you, and moaned your name.
It didn't take long before Shinsou's strength returned, picking you in his arms and kissing your temple. "Wanna take a bath with me and watch a movie? I can order some food, how does that sound?" his voice was soothing now, calming you down a bit with his quirk, telling you to take deep breaths and focus on his voice. "Yes please," you whispered when he sat you down on the small stool in the bathroom, watching him take out a soothing lotion and your favorite bubble soap. Turning on the water he collected the few cold drops in a glass, tipping your head back and letting the liquid flow down your dry mouth while whispering assuring words into your ears, listening to the soft purrs.
943 notes · View notes
dreamii-yume · 3 years
I know his birthday is close, but
Cock sucking manipulative senpai Vil
Cock sucking manipulative senpai Vil
It seems like it's a trend amongst the third year birthday crumbs why stop a nice pattern
Yume’s a kinkii motherfucker, ya’ll know that, right? Darlings? (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Splendid, HOPE YA’LL LIKE SOME DICC MILK ON YOUR CRUMBS HAHA.
“Oh, my...Are you already done?” The hairs on your body stood on its end as soon as you heard Vil’s cold voice. You back straightened up out of instinct as you slowly dragged your mouth off your senior’s still hardened, seemingly unsatisfied dick. Aesthetically pleasing to look at and well-taken care of, exactly what you expect from Vil himself, but was extremely difficult to please. You started wondering if you’re really cut out for this job, or why you’re even here in the first place. “That’s quite the boring performance you gave me there, Darling.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, grimacing at the lingering taste of his precum on your tongue. You didn’t know how many times Vil had told you to suck him off over and over again, but just by the milky white substance dripping down your jaw and probably some in your hair as well since they feel so damped, you guessed it’s been quite a while. “...I-I just can’t, anymore...” His harsh criticism struck a nerve in your feeble little heart, mocking you for doing a terrible job on something that you weren’t really an expert on doing.
Embarrassment filled your core as you began wanting more than to stood up from where you were placed and walk away, but you can’t. Not when your hands are bounded tightly behind your back like this, your shaking knees can’t even carry you more than five meters away. They were but an incredibly soft strings of fabric, yet shows no signs of loosening up no matter how much you struggle against it. Obviously, it was something that Vil purposely chose himself, since the traditional ropes would’ve caused unwanted abrasions on your skin.
Despite knowing that however, you instinctively tugged on your restraints as some sort of defense mechanism against Vil’s condescending glare. “...I-I did what you asked, r-right...? Multiple times, actually…Surely, you must be satisfied no-“
“You must be so full of yourself to think something as pathetic as that can ever satisfy me.” You flinched as Vil raised his voice as he grabbed a fistful of your hair and leaned closer to your face, enough to see your frightened expression. “Do tell me, what part of that was satisfying, huh?”
“You’re too dependent on your hands, so I binded them away. I was hoping that by doing that, you’d make the effort to do better with just your mouth, but all you gave me was disappointment, Dear.” He spoke without hesitation, drilling onto your head your flaws and imperfections. “Why do you shy away from using your tongue, I wonder? You should have the natural talent, and yet you barely used it at all. Don’t you see how wasteful you’re being right now?”
He gave out an exasperated sigh, having the audacity to act like he’s the one having the hardest time and not you. “Don’t think I didn’t see how you never swallow either.” He scowled. “You try to distract me by holding my seed inside your mouth like a chipmunk, but in the end, you spit them right back out. How rude.”
“T-That’s...” You tried to defend yourself, but stopped when he let go of your hair, patting them a bit to flatten some strands that’s been sticking out.
“Enough, it’s fine. I don’t need your excuses.” He said as his hand reached for something on a nearby desk, giving you a mesmerizing view on how long they really are. However, upon glancing down at you and seeing your pitiful expression, eyebrows scrunched up together and in the verge of tears, his eyes did soften up a bit. “...But I understand, you’re still my adorable little potato right now so, I don’t expect you to reach a professional level any time soon.”
You heard him giggle, which caught your attention and looked up at him, only to see an amused smirk formed in his lips. “So, I’ll just have to train you more until then.” He said, licking his lips seductively as you widened your eyes once you saw that particular item in his hand. “Be grateful, Honey.”
Once he saw you starting to recoil back nervously despite your restrictions, Vil grabbed you by the back of the head. “...You’ll do that for me, right? After all, it is my special day.” He cunningly whispered out as he revealed his special item close to you; a mouth-opening device. You let out incomprehensible, protesting noises as he forcibly clanked them onto your mouth, attaching them from the back of your head until it gave a satisfying click as a lock. Your jaw tightened, not used to having your gums pried open this far wide.
Content with being on his two legs alone, Vil chuckled down at you, who looked back at him fearfully. You tried to talk to him, to try and beg your way out of this, only to end up releasing panicked meekly sounds as drool began to drip down your jaw. “How adorable, keep making sounds like that and I might end up confusing you for a livestock that’s about to be slaughtered.” He mocked as he grabbed both the sides of your head as soon as you started shaking your head in defiance. “...You’re completely at my mercy, aren’t you?”
“Open your teeth for me.” His dominating voice demanded, making your body weaker than it already is. His sharp glare didn’t leave your teeth clattering against each other for too long, you soon opened a trembling entrance for his excited dick to pass through. He chuckled at your obedience, despite the hesitance and sense of unwillingness expressed through your actions. “...That’s a good girl.”
You let out one last squeal as he wasted no time in practically shoving his whole shaft inside your awaiting mouth hole. Closing your eyes shut, you desperately tried to ignore your activating gag reflex as you felt him rub against the roof of your mouth. He was long and thick enough to have you chocking as he hit the back of your throat. You already had many instances where Vil ‘trains’ you to take him more confidently like this, but you just don’t believe that this was something that you can get used to in a short-time period. But you were sure he’d be disappointed again if you don’t try your best though and you didn’t want to start over again.
Vil sighed slightly as you nervously began to use your tongue to increase his pleasure in-take, hoping that coating him with your own saliva could make his thrusts a little less rough. Thankfully, it seemed like it was the correct decision to make as you practically heard him give out a smirk, his hands staying on your head as he moved his hips back and forth. Gurgled sounds came out of you as he repeatedly knocked on the back of your throat, saliva already slipping out of your strained lips. “...That’s right, you’re doing better now than before, you learn fast too…I like this part of you, it’s endearing.” Vil praised you as a way to encourage you on your efforts even more. “See? I knew you had this in you.”
Giggling, his thrusts began to transitioned in a more fast-paced, harsh kind of way all the while grabbing a fistful of your hair as a lever. Your teeth grazed against the base of his cock, sending shivers of pleasure in Vil’s system that could drive any man crazy. Luckily, his self-control isn’t all that weak-willed, though that’s not to say that he didn’t want it. He could at least say that it was addicting, some kind of pleasure button that he wanted to abuse constantly and bring himself to cum just by your salivating mouth alone. But he had stamina and he could go on forever if he so desired, forever locked onto the warmth of your mouth without necessarily cumming.
However, despite all of that, Vil knew better not to take too much advantage of his new-found enjoyment that it is your mouth hole. It’s not fun to play with a broken toy after all, you’re a pretty little thing too so that would be too wasteful. “I think it’s about time, Love.” Vil whispered, but you only ended up squealing in surprise with your eyes going as wide as saucers as he buried himself inside you in suffocating manner. “Make sure to take it all in, okay?”
Inhaling through your nose, you gasped out a choke as you felt his hot, thick semen exploding from inside your mouth. It filled up space really quick, since there wasn’t really any to begin with and slipped down your jaw. Most importantly, you felt the stream-like substance flowing down your throat and into to your esophagus, filling your stomach up without even trying. You whimpered once you realized that his ejaculation period had finally stopped after a while, but he kept a strong hold against the back of your head. “No, I’m not gonna pull out yet.” Vil strictly said, staring down at your teary, begging eyes. “I did say to take it all in, right? As long as there’s still cum that you have yet to swallow, I’m not pulling out.”
His eyes were testing you, mocking you to do better for yourself but you knew deep down that no matter what you do, he’ll still get the upper hand regardless. Still, you couldn’t just hang around bounded in the floor like this with his twitching dick in your mouth, your jaw is killing you. So, with a heavy heart, you tried to swallow what was left inside your mouth, even going as far as licking the head of his dick to rid it off some remaining semen. You felt disgusting, like you’ve really downgraded yourself into a sex slave, a pig, only for Vil’s personal use. You’re not quite sure on how to get out of this predicament afterwards, or even if it’s possible to do so.
As if he already knew that his dick was licked clean and cum completely swallowed by you, he slowly pulled out, dragging your saliva in a messy fashion. A thin bridge of it was connected to the head, a clear evidence that you even tried licking him off and it really stirred the embarrassment in the bottom of your stomach. You whimpered as he even had the audacity to place his wet dick on your cheek, dragging some disgusting fluids across your skin by practically slapping you with it. Soon, you heard Vil chuckle and flinched as it turned into a full-blown laughter, like a wicked queen when her everything goes according to her plan. He placed a hand on your head, patting you like a pet for a job well-done.
“Haa...That was amazing, Honey. You certainly made my day, thank you.” He said with a smile, surprisingly not a mocking one or a smirk for that matter but a genuine grateful smile. It made your stomach churn to see he could still smile like that despite what he just made you do. “Now, it’s just common sense to give you a well-deserved reward now, right? You’ve done such a good job after all~!”
He then pulled away from you, giving you a sense of relief that everything was over, that you don’t have to do any more humiliating things but...It was odd, if his so-called ‘training’ is already over, why was he not releasing you out of your binds? Your jaw is cramping from your mouth being spread open like this that it was really starting to hurt real bad. Somehow, you didn’t like where this ‘reward’ was gonna go.
Vil came back with a generous slice of his own birthday cake, carefully cut with its beautiful edible decorations still in-tact. There weren’t a single crumb on the plate, suggesting how clean the slice really was. He was smiling and you thought you saw his cheeks pinker than usual, but that could just be his make up like always. It’s kinda out of place and bizarre to see him getting flustered now of all times anyway. With a fork, he cut a piece of cake and slowly brought it close to you.
“Say ‘aah’, Darling.” You were confused at first, not trusting his all of a sudden act of kindness. He still has the mouth-opener clasped onto your gums; how does he expect you to eat that? However, just when you thought to give up trying to make sense of the situation and actually lean closer to let the delicious piece of cake enter your open mouth, Vil stopped. “Oh—“
You flinched as his eyes focused on your jaw and you panicked, wondering what it is. He then smiled eventually, but one that is clearly laced with mischief. “...You missed a spot.” He said, as his long finger traced over a line from your jaw to the one side of your lips. Lifting up his finger in front of you showed a small, yet thick bits of cum that escaped you earlier. “You shouldn’t waste such nourishment, Darling~”
Then, to your utmost shock and disgust, he scraped off the semen on the piece of cake that he was about to feed you. It joined along the other ingredients of the food in a scarily well manner, as if that tinge of white had already been one of the decorations from the start. You were left speechless, but Vil only smirked at your reaction, seemingly finding extreme enjoyment in your cute shocked face. “Alright...” You flinched, physically retracting away but can’t really go any far than you already are now as he brought the fork closer to your open mouth. “I’ll say it again.”
“Say ‘Aah’~”
Is it obvious? IS IT OBVIOUS that Euphoria is affecting the way I’m writing right now? Because YES, it is affecting me so bad OMG— I need to get it out of my system because I can just TELL that this will affect me in the future too lol
Vil reminded me of Nemu and I’m— *sob* I thought I was sinful, but Euphoria is traumatizing—
285 notes · View notes
cthulhuliet · 3 years
Hi hi ~~ big fan of your Lawlight work * chef kiss * So, if it serves to inspire you I got this little idea! NSFW A huge hc of mine is that Light loves L reading for him with that hot British accent of his, like come on, L`s dubbed voice with a brit accent??*agressive chef kiss* SOO imagine Light resting his head on L`s lap while L is reading to him and things get lewd in the novel :D maybe things coul get lewd in reality too 👀👀 oh, and another hc of mine is that Light rides D like a pro so ... maybe something with both? if you'd like 👉👈 No pressure at all tho!
Thank you so much for your kind words :') I am a fan of your Lawlight work as well, and even though it took a two weeks or so (my bad) I really hope you enjoy! (it also, as always, turned out to be a lot longer than I meant it).
close your eyes and imagine it
3.1k words | AO3 Link | warnings: explicit content, general kink, you know the drill
Most of the dreams were incomprehensible nonsense, and L had just about given up on the month of April when he saw a long entry that made him pause. His eyes widened at the contents. “Huh.”
Light shifted a little bit to make himself more comfortable, eyes only half open, “Hmm? Find something interesting?”
“I am in this one. Did you frequently dream about me?”
There was a beat, and Light responded coolly, “I cannot remember specifics. Hence, the journal.”
L hummed, a small smirk Light could not see grew on his face, “Well then, I will read this one out loud for your benefit.
The one where Light discovers a dream journal he had written during the Kira investigation and can't help but be embarrassed by L's role in his fantasies. L, of course, does not mind. -
“A dream journal?” L questioned. He closed his laptop and Light smirked, raising an eyebrow, holding the notebook in his hands. L crossed the room and took the journal from Light, “Where did you find this?”
Light shrugged, “On my bookshelf with a lot of my other textbooks and such.”
“How old is this?”
“Was in my late teens, I suspect.”
L flipped through the book idly, Light’s neat handwriting was pleasant and clean compared to L’s own scrawled and messy penmanship. The pages slightly stuck together, as the old notebook seemed to have not been touched in years. L stopped at a page and briefly read the contents and looked at the date, before his own eyes widened.
“Hang on, this is during-”
“The Kira investigation? Yeah.” Light’s slight smirk turned into a large cheshire. “I figured you might be interested in reading what I wrote.”
L bit his bottom lip, looking up at Light, one eyebrow raised, “Does the Death Note still give you nightmares to this day?”
Shrugging, Light came up to L and looked over his shoulder at the notebook, “I mean, sometimes? But I also believe that having nightmares is just a part of being a person.”
“Or you have become so numb to your own murderous tendencies the nightmares do not affect you that much anymore.” L muttered, just loud enough for Light to hear.
He did hear him, of course, and he retaliated by shoving L hard enough for him to fall backwards onto their bed. Light socked L on the arm when he flopped down onto his back as well as L went to read Light’s journal to himself.
“Leave me alone, Light, can’t you see I am busy?” L teased, which earned him another hit on his arm, “You are being bothersome.”
Light crossed his arms, now sitting next to L laying down on the bed, “Those are my dreams, you are not reading without me, obviously.”
“Well then lie down so I can read them to you.” Light was the most frustrating man that L had ever been with. He wouldn’t have him any other way.
L sat up and rested his back against the headboard. Light assumed his usual position and rested his head on L’s lap. L idly put his hands through Light soft brown locks, twirling his soft hair through his fingers.
This was not an unusual position to find the pair in. Light often requests that L read to him, the other man finding the restrained but smooth baritone of L’s voice to be incredibly attractive, but also incredibly calming to listen to. It is not the first time his voice has been complimented, and it certainly will not be the last. Sayu has told L multiple times that he should become a voice over actor. He politely declined. The rest of the people do not matter, really. The only praise he needs is when Light humbly hands him a book he reads before bed, and falls asleep to L’s voice quicker than any amount reading on his own.
“‘ April 1st, 2004: I was present for class at To-Oh university, however we were all forced to give a presentation about when we believe all of our classmates will die and why. This was a horribly dark and drab lecture hall, and I had forgotten my cue cards about why Sakurano Mari was going to die due to dementia .’  This is not exactly a fun read.”
“It was not exactly fun to think about either.”
“I am going to find a different one.”
L used one hand to run his fingers through Light’s hair and the other to flip through the journal, skimming through the contents. Most of the recounts were incomprehensible nonsense, though there is no judgement to be had there. Whenever L does sleep, most of his dreams are disconnected fragments of stories -- feelings and emotions rather than a complete narrative.
L had just about given up on the month of April when he saw a long entry that made him pause. His eyes widened at the contents.
Light shifted a little bit to make himself more comfortable, eyes only half open, “Hmm? Find something interesting?”
“I am in this one.”
“Are you?”
“Did you frequently dream about me?”
There was a beat, and Light responded coolly, “I cannot remember specifics. Hence, the journal.”
L hummed, a small smirk Light could not see grew on his face, “Well then, I will read this one out loud for your benefit:
“‘ Damn that Ryuzaki. He is plaguing my thoughts not only during the day, but I cannot even escape the damn bastard in my dreams’, I love you too, dearest ,” L sardonically snided. Light pinched his thigh , “ ‘Last night's events were particularly egregious, as this is not the first time something like this has happened, but I feel mortified even writing this down. Though, maybe if I recount what happened (like with the nightmares) these dreams will go down in their numbers.
“‘Ryuzaki and myself were in the library studying next to one another. I was eating a biscotti with tea. As it was in my mouth, Ryuzaki came up and bit off the end of my biscotti and just chuckled at me. I wasn’t sure what to do or say, but I just know I felt really hot an -’”
“L…” Light gripped his thigh dangerously, “What are you doing.” It was phrased as a question, but Light said it as a command. He ignored him. Light was never the one to give out commands anyway.
“‘ I cannot remember much but the next moment Ryuzaki’s lips were on my neck. Everything was fuzzy, but I could feel him biting marks into me and was teasing me by grinding against my di- ’”
Light growled, “I’m taking this away from you. Now.” He moved to sit up, but L’s hand was still in his hair. L gripped his roots harshly and shoved him back down. Light whined at the action, swallowing hard.
“You are not going anywhere.” That was a command, and Light took it as such.
“This is mortifying…” Light muttered against the mattress, his speech breathy.
L hummed and pulled Light’s hair up, forcing him to look at him, “I disagree.” He lied. “You are going to be good and listen to me read this whole thing.”
Light laughed, cocky, though his eyes were glassy with flushed cheeks, “Oh yeah? Or what?”
“Or how about I get to come and you don’t, hmm?” Light opened his mouth and closed it again, face flushed with shame. L let go of his hair and Light buried his head in L’s lap. L smirked and chuckled, “You are so adorable, all blushy and embarrassed…” Light whined at that, running his fingernail down the inside of L’s thigh.
“‘ This is not the first time this has happened, though I have to admit, it was the best incident. Even hazy, I had never felt that sensitive and stimulated. I just wanted to stay like that forever.’” L had one hand on the book, the other held a distracted, but firm, grip in Light’s hair, who was presently biting his lip and running soft strokes over L’s cock. “‘It was even better when I got to put my mouth on Ryuzaki. I have never sucked a dick before, so my brain could only supply what it imagines it feels like, but it was not even that that made it so good. Ryuzaki would hold my hair tight and look down at me while I was on my knees. He kept telling me that I was a slut, but that I was doing such a good job for him. Even before this I thought Ryuzaki had such a nice voice, I wish I could hear him more…’ You think my voice is nice, huh?” L asked, keeping his voice level, as Light’s feather touches became firm palming.
He groaned again, “Tch, shut up.”
“No.” L pulled him by his hair, forcing Light to look him in the eye, “I think it is time you shut up.” In only a few seconds, L manhandled Light and dropped him to his knees on the floor at the edge of the bed. L sat at the end, grabbing the journal with one hand and undoing his jeans with the other. “How many times have you sucked dick since writing this? Hundreds?” Light finished the job of removing L’s pants and underwear, his cock standing erect in front of him, “C’mon cock-slut, show me what you got.”
Light eagerly took L in his mouth, expertly utilizing his tongue on his head. L closed his eyes and tried to not become overwhelmed by the sensation. He opened his eyes to see Light’s cocky doe-eyes staring back up at him.
“What was it that you dreamed of? My hand tight in your hair, fucking your mouth, telling you you’re being a good slut, right?” L asked, rhetorically as he returned his hand to harshly grip Light’s locks. He slowly moved Light’s head up and down, spit dribbled out of the corners of his mouth. Light’s face was blood red with humiliation and lust, it was perfect.
L bit his lip as Light took him all the way down his throat, refusing to be the one to break first. He picked up the journal again, eyes focusing and unfocusing on the work in front of him. “‘ Ryuzaki kept calling me good boy, telling me I was taking him so well, and never had anyone ever made him feel as good as I was. I felt so overwhelmed. I had never felt such extreme desire for anyone, but I think at that moment I would do anything for him.’ Do you still want to hear all that? Still want me to call you a good boy, and tell you you are taking me so well?”
Light groaned around L’s cock, the vibrations from his throat sent a shiver up his spine and L suppressed a needy whine on his end. After years of doing this, Light knows exactly how to push him to the very edge-- to give him so much and yet not enough.
“‘ My memory gets a little fuzzy here, but Ryuzaki laid down on the desk, and he grabbed me by the thighs so hard I think I would have had bruises in reality. I grabbed him by the throat and rode him on the desk. A part of me was worried, because the conference room in the library was all glass, but also my head was so hazy and it felt so good.’” L pressed a thumb against his lips, “Had Light fucked himself on toys at this point?”
He pulled off of L, slowly stroking him as he thought about it, “I think at that time I had. I only realized I was not straight shortly after high school, and my sexual drive moved pretty fast after that.”
“‘Shortly after high school’, shortly after meeting me, right?” L smirked. Light opened his mouth to attempt a retort, but just narrowed his eyes.
“Such an egomaniac you are,” Light scoffed, “Not everything is about you.”
“No, not everything. But this is.” L reached under their bed and pulled out a box of toys and lube. He casually tossed the bottle and a large blue dildo in front of Light, “Stretch yourself open with that. I want to see you.”
“You don’t want to do it yourself?”
“Like you have earned that privilege yet.” L leaned forward (careful to not fall off the edge) and grabbed Light by the chin, forcing him to look L in the eye, “You’re going to open yourself up on that cock, and when your slutty hole is ready for me, you can ride me like in your fantasies.”
He could almost see the blood rushing to Light’s ears-- being literally talked down to-- condescended and scolded like a child. And yet, his pupils were blown all the way out, L barely seeing the amber color of Light’s eyes, and his jeans and underwear were, of course, already halfway to his ankles.
Light took the tip of the toy and fucked his mouth in and out with it, eyes never leaving L’s. He was already 3 fingers deep inside of himself, lewdly moaning around the cock very intentionally.
“This is a good look for you,” L remarked, breathily, slowly stroking his own cock.
Light suctioned the dick to the hardwood, and hovered over it, teasing his hole with the tip, “Well, if you are going to keep calling me a slut- fuck… I might as well lean into it.” Light bottomed out on the toy, one hand running through his hair, another sucking on two fingers as he slowly moved. Light, flushed and fucked out and using himself, was the pinnacle of sex and desire-- L began to question his decision about who exactly this was a punishment for.
“Ngh, this cock is so big , L… But it doesn’t feel nearly as good as yours.” Light dragged his teeth across the bottom of his lip, pointed looking at L’s cock, now leaking precum. Light knew he was getting to L. He knew exactly how he looked and exactly what L was thinking.
Fucker. Two can play at that.
L slowed down his own movements, raising an eyebrow at Light, “A common whore like yourself would be satisfied with any cock inside of him. You want mine so bad? Close your eyes, think…” L held the book open with one hand, “‘ I feel like I am going crazy. I am supposed to want this stupid bastard dead. And yet all I want right now are my hands on him and his on mine-’” Light groaned, finally touching his neglected aching cock, “‘-and it is so hard to focus on bringing him down, when the entire time I am dreaming about Ryuzaki’s voice in my ear, and my hands around his throat, and his tongue and mouth on me everywhere . I may just have to take care of him so I stop feeling this way... ’ My my, Kira... ” Light groaned at the name, “I thought you would be a bit more careful than to let your inner thoughts so out in the open like this. What would have happened if someone had gotten a hold of this?”
“I- Fuck- Academic rivalries are not uncommon....”
“I wanted to sentence you to death and you still could not stop thinking about me inside of you-”
“Oh shit L…”
“-or my hands on your cock or my fingers stretching you wide open. You still want me to whisper in your ear and moan , telling you what a good boy you are, right?”
“Yes… yes I want that L…”
L tutted, “And yet you aren’t a good boy. Desperate and begging… Writing down naughty thoughts and fantasies about someone who you wanted to die?” L shook his head, casually tossing the book aside. He reached for his own cock again, slowly stroking it watching Light fall apart, giving himself dual sensations, “Kira needs to make up his mind about what he wants. Because I don’t think he is good at all.”
“ L please…”
“Please, what?”
“Please let me on your cock.”
“Why would I allow that?”
Light stopped his movements on the dildo, only slowly stroking his cock at the same speed as L was his own, “I am not a good boy, I am a cock-slut for you, and only ever you. Fuck me please,” Light begged, broken and desperate.
L stood up and grabbed Light’s hands, pulling him off of the toy. He brushed the hair out of Light’s eyes and pulled Light on top of him, “So good, Kira. You don’t have to be a good boy for me, you can just be my good slut.”
He kissed L, hard, biting his bottom lip as he lined himself up on L’s dick and sunk down on him.
“ Fuck, you feel so much better than that cheap plastic,” Light straddled L properly, pressing his hands against L’s chest as he rode him, not wasting anytime picking up speed.
“Such a good whore for me, Kira,” L said, kissing his wrist, “You really do ride cock like you get paid to do it.”
“I know,” Light said, breathy and fucked.
L huffed, “A bit cocky, aren-”
“Now it’s your turn to shut up,” Light said, pressing down on L’s pressure points, his fingertips pushing hard enough into his throat it will surely leave marks against his pale skin.
L’s eyes rolled in the back of his head and Light moved his hips faster, L snapping back up to meet his thrusts, which quickly became sloppy as black dots began dancing in the corners of his eyes and his lungs started burning. His eyes welled up with tears and his entire body was on fire, his limbs going limp. He felt the white, hot edge so close and tangible. Every thrust felt like a rattle of electricity hitting every nerve and every part of his consciousness so closely and he just needed more -- Light relented, moving his hands away from his throat. L eyes snapped open wide and he coughed, taking heavy breaths. Tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and he dug his fingertips into Light’s waist, harshly grabbing him by the hips.
“L? I’m sorry, you told me you would tap out if-”
“Kira, more-- again-- now.” L commanded, and Light did not hesitate. He grabbed him by the throat and put his fingers in L’s mouth for good measure. Light was riding him with expert pace and precision, his lower body strength and years of running paying off. L’s legs trembled, and he used the last bit of his unfucked mind to dig his nails into Light’s hips and rock him faster and faster on his cock, reaching that beautiful and terrible and intense edge.
“ Ah- L! ” Light comes only a few seconds before L himself, moaning around Light’s fingers as he loosened his grip, but still only letting a fraction of the air healthy for the human brain into his head.
Light did not move himself off of L immediately. He moved his hand away from his throat, but kept small pressure on his neck with one of his thumbs.
“What are you doing?” L muttered. Light said nothing. L opened his eyes, tapping him. “Light?”
Light blinked, looking back, “Sorry, was feeling your pulse.”
“Wanted to make sure I didn’t kill you.”
L smiled softly, “Don’t want me dead anymore?”
“Sometimes. Certainly not like this, it’s too personal.”
“What, killing me while my cock is in your ass is too close for comfort?”
“Something like.” Light smirked and pressed a soft kiss against L’s lips.
After cleaning up, Light told L he wanted to burn the dream journal to prevent further embarrassment.
“Over my dead body.” L said, holding the notebook just out of reach.
Light smirked, “I have no problem arranging that.”
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alienaiver · 3 years
Half the Battle, pt. 1
Kuroo Tetsurou x gn!reader
find part two here!
warnings: slight angst about childhood/parents fighting/divorce, one (1) bottle of wine is opened, someone is betrayed in Mario Party, NOT beta-read! apologize for any mistakes! (lmk if there’s any warnings i missed!)
wordcount: 5.5k
content: soulmate AU, mild angst, fluff, post-timeskip but slight canon divergence (i haven’t read the manga yet so this is loosely based off of their canon timeskip lives), gender neutral reader, reader is a video editor, reader is bad at eye contact but the details as to why are vague/up for interpretation!
notes: this was made for @gg9183 ​ ‘s wonderful birthday event, a soulmate collab! (go read the other wonderful works!) happy birthday once again, gray!! this was meant to be a 2k one shot but.... plans and inspiration changes sometimes, right? 🥺 so this ended up as a 5k part ONE lmfao i hope thats alright w u!!! part2 will be up asap, i promise!! i hope you enjoy this!!!! 
Not meeting his soulmate was fine, Kuroo often found himself thinking. The odds of finding your soulmate’s way too low to be realistic anyways, he supported the thought. It’s illogical to spend so much time fretting about it, he finally added for good measure.
Soulmates were a natural part of life, always had been. But with the big wide world filled with over seven billion people, meeting yours wasn’t completely unheard of. But given the powers of soulmates even existing, it wasn’t unrealistic to also believe that some kind of fate would pull you towards each other throughout your lives so that you would meet each other. Kuroo however, prided himself in not caring about soulmates. His life was rich enough. People explaining their feelings about “something being missing until they finally meet them” was incomprehensible to him.
Kuroo had lived for 29 years without being able to see color. And you know what? His life was damn well fulfilling enough. He had a beautiful apartment, an economy that flourished, an adorable cat named Cucumber and good people around him. What would he really need a soulmate for? He could ignore his friends comments on how wonderful the world was in color, if only he would just start looking for his soulmate, how much meaning it gave life. Just because the people in his closest circle had all magically met theirs – not to mention how many of them had already met in Goddamn high school, Kuroo scoffed and was always able to move on.
Even though a lot of people actively made eye contact with everyone they met, even people on the street, to make sure they would meet their soulmate, Kuroo kept his eyes down. He wasn’t insecure, come on, he was perfectly happy! He just didn’t need to be late for a meeting because he got eye contact with some stranger, you know?
His life was in perfect balance as is.. Until yesterday, of course. It had turned out there was mold in his apartment complex so they had to evict it for a month while a crew would go through everything to remove it. He didn’t want to go to his mother’s place, that was too far from his work, but he wasn’t in the mood for a hotel, that was way too expensive, so he turned to his best friend of many years with the biggest set of puppy eyes he could muster and the prospect of making every dinner while he lived there.
“Fine… but don’t get in the way,” was all Kenma had to say.
And so Kuroo spent his last weekend in his own apartment packing things down to make it accessible to the cleaning crew. Cucumber hated other cats with a passion so he couldn’t bring him to Kenma’s, where three cats already happily lived, so his mother would pick him up tomorrow afternoon.
He sat on his couch, scrolling his phone mindlessly with Cucumber on his lap who had been stressed with all the packing down, sensing something was up. He was being extra cuddly towards Kuroo who, honestly? Didn’t mind at all. He loved when Cucumber was in mood for cuddles, though it wasn’t very often. He had been told his cat was orange and while he didn’t have a measure for what that color actually looked like, he was happy with his gray cat.
His mother was supposed to arrive any minute now, so he should have gotten up and put the cat in his carrier but it was easier to get him in it if you had two pair of hands. He scrolled through Instagram, reaching a photo put up by Tsukishima of his soulmate, the light-haired manager of their high school volleyball club, with a tooth-eating grin on her face and proudly showing off a ring on her finger, the caption said, This smile makes me wanna brag. Kuroo could physically hear the provocative tone of his voice, knowing he was one of the first in his circle of friends to actually plan a wedding. Kuroo clicked his tongue with a smile on his face and double-tapped to like the picture.
He didn’t know if it was the combination of that post and the fact that his mother was on her way but memories of his parent’s wedding flooded his mind. For a lot of people, weddings felt obsolete in the face of the whole “you already got your soulmate and you know this” thing, so a lot of couples were happy not getting married but just being together. But there was also the benefits of marriage in the practical sense, so some people did anyways, some hosting parties, some not. His parents weren’t married when he came to, but after he turned five they decided to do it so he would be protected by both of them, in case of any emergency.
It had been a small wedding, only the closest family and friends but Kuroo was vivid, so excited about being part of that whole romantic ordeal, even helping his mom find a dress and everything. He had been a huge and important part of the wedding – if he did say so himself. Everyone had been glowing at the day, the food was delicious, there was laughter, song and cheers and everyone had brought so many presents – even some for little Tetsurou, who had been very excited about his new train tracks.
But when Kuroo was seven years old, it wasn’t as romantic anymore. His parents were fighting a lot, he wasn’t entirely sure why or about what because they would never tell him about it, no matter how much he asked. When he tried to listen in, the words he heard didn’t explain anything to him because even though they were yelling at each other, the important words were always whispered, as if they knew Kuroo was listening in.
When he was eight his mom had come into his room, hugged him and with tears in her eyes and said that they were going to move away.
“Where are we going?” he asked simply, no emotion to be read on his little face. He was exhausted from his parents being this way – they were soulmates, right? Why did they fight like that?
“To Tokyo, just you and me, my love.”
That’s when he met Kenma. He had been very closed-off and shy back when they met, he reminisced. He had been a regular kid when he was younger but the way his parents split up – his soulmate parents – had closed him off pretty bad, so it was a miracle he met Kenma and started opening up again.
Kuroo smiled to himself bitterly before scratching Cucumber’s ear. He supposed this was also why he wasn’t interested in his soulmate. So many people had romanticized the whole soulmate ideal so a lot of people forgot that relationships still took work, took effort and just because they were made for each other, didn’t necessarily guarantee that they would stay together. His mom and dad didn’t officially talk anymore, but when he asked his mom as a child whether or not she still saw color, she said that she did. He also found long letters in her bedroom when he was nine, letters from his dad, so he supposed they still talked together, though Kuroo wasn’t let in on it – nor was he particularly interested. And he definitely we wasn’t interested in ending up in a relationship with someone who would end up not wanting to put in the effort for the relationship to flourish.
After Cucumber had been picked up by his mom it was time to leave for Kenma’s place. He carried the last boxes of valuables down to his basement and locked them in before trekking down to the subway with his suitcase and sports bag.
You were late for work, so you scrambled to pack your things. It was Wednesday afternoon and you were supposed to meet in at 3PM, because that was around the time that Kodzuken had planned to finish his recording, he told you yesterday. You were a video editor and had met Kenma through your old part-time job in his favorite convenience store quite a few years back, back when he had first bought his house when he was 24. You remembered talking to him about video games in the store since you also played some, and after a good while of polite customer service and talk about new games, you had started hanging out outside of work as well. When you had then told him you were actually a freelance video editor but just didn’t get many jobs, he had almost instantly hired you to do his YouTube videos for him and general editing and set-ups of his streams. I know video games, not recording equipment, he had told you so many years ago.
Your original thought had been wary, because working for a friend might get messy but Kenma cared a lot about keeping it professional when you were on the clock, which you appreciated very much. In his house, down by his game room, there was a room next door with screens and all the best editing software just for you to play with. Your pay was higher than average for such a “simple” but regular gig but when prompted about it, he simply shrugged and told you it wasn’t up for negotiation and no one was being treated unfair – and who were you to go against such a good pay for a job that you loved doing and wanted to do full-time? With Kenma being a famous streamer and gamer, he often made lots of different videos for various sites so your job hours resembled a nine to five job, easy, even if the hours were off from the more conventional jobs and you usually came in later in the day and sometimes finished off late in the evening – some of his videos had a time limit for a release date of a game, so there was also days where you were extremely busy and scrambling to get the video done right for a release of a game.
As you closed your bag and ran out the door towards the subway, you checked your phone for any updates. If he’d finished early, he would’ve texted you about it, so you put your phone in your pocket and hurried towards his house.
When you arrived you immediately rang the doorbell before catching your breath, you were used to Kenma spending a few minutes before reaching the door and opening it, so when the door opened almost instantly you took a step back before looking up. The one opening the door was taller than Kenma and in a loose dress shirt that was unbuttoned at the top - that’s all you saw before your eyes darted down to your feet.
“...Hi! I’m uh… Where’s Kenma?” was all you got out while fidgeting with your purse strap, it certainly wasn’t his boyfriend Hinata opening the door today.
“Oh, hey! You must be his video editor, right? He told me about you!” The man said, pointing to himself with his thumb,
“I’m Kuroo Tetsurou! Kenma’s childhood friend! Sorry to intrude, I’ll be living here for the next month, I promise not to get in your way!” As he finished his introduction, he moved aside so that you could enter. As you took off your shoes you heard Kenma’s feet shuffling towards you, “oh hey, welcome, you’re early,” Kenma said with his usual deadpan expression but you could clearly hear the teasing in his voice.
“At least I’m here now, right?” You smiled back, instantly relaxing at the sight of your boss and friend. You turned to Kuroo again, bowed and introduced yourself before taking off your coat and putting it on a hanger, while Kenma and the guy named Kuroo seemed to bicker a bit about whether or not Kuroo should answer the door while he lived there.
“I’ll go set it up, have you transferred the video files to the hard disk?” you asked Kenma as you moved towards ‘your’ office, sending Kuroo a polite smile while keeping your eyes on his neck.
Eye contact was hard for you, it always made you extremely uncomfortable and you didn’t really have any before you felt comfortable with the person. Your mother had often scolded you, saying you’d never find your soulmate at this rate, which you always acknowledged with a hum or a simple yes without starting a discussion.
You honestly weren’t sure whether or not you cared for a soulmate. Your biggest argument to wanting to find one was so that you could see colors, because it’d help your career. Kenma already had his soulmate, so he was the one deciding the color scheme for his videos and helped with the color-related editing, which worked fine as of now, but you would probably appreciate to be able to do it yourself. You had also spent some years coming to terms with your struggles with eye contact and accept that this was just how you functioned. If you missed your soulmate in a random supermarket thanks to it one day, well, you’d be none the wiser, so you felt sure you’d survive without one, but you also couldn’t deny that the sound of a soulmate sounded really nice and comforting. That someone out there existed to fit you, that you were born to love someone who was also meant to love you. You were sure that finding your soulmate wasn’t a dance on roses, it was sure to still be hard, frustrating and maybe even painful sometimes, but you also couldn’t just have all the good, there was a balance that was sure to exist within soulmates as well.
After hours of going through the raw footage from his video game play and slowly editing while watching it, you popped your shoulders and stretched your arms for a moment, yawning as you did so. Your hours were always a bit intense, but that couldn’t be helped when you had six hours of raw footage to work with. Looking at the clock you saw that it was 5.30PM which meant that soon Kenma would wake up from his pseudo-sleep (which was more like a nap in your opinion) to look at your process and ask what you wanted for dinner.
Soon after a soft knock was heard followed by the door opening slowly, Kenma standing in sweats and a hoodie with bags under his eyes, “do you like hotpot?” he asked, and you smiled at him, “sure, are you cooking tonight?” he yawned while he shook his head, “Kuroo is. He insists on a ‘fulfilling meal’, whatever that means.”
You giggled before beckoning Kenma in to see some of what you’ve done so far and making minor adjustments along the way. “Now, something smells delicious and I’m thirsty,” you stated after the two of you had talked a bit about the rest of the video’s plans. As you went towards the kitchen you could hear the sound of of a nameless tune being hummed, pans sizzling from something being cooked and kitchen utensils being used.
Inside, the table was already set with plates and prepared ingredients lying ready for the pot that Kuroo was just about to put on the table. It seemed he had made an endless supply of different side dishes and really put in a lot of work for it, so you looked really forward to eating it and it smelled delicious. You grabbed a glass from the set table and went to the sink to get some water and just as your hand reached it, Kuroo had extended his hand as well to the sink and you accidentally touched.
You both recoiled as if you had been burned and you couldn’t stop the gasp that accidentally left your lips. A feeling was rushing through your body you hadn’t experienced before and you immediately apologized to Kuroo and went back to the table, foregoing the water. You didn’t notice how Kuroo was frozen in place from when he touched you before Kenma called out to him and he immediately started moving again.
You ended up eating shortly after, Kuroo serving the food and talking animatedly about him and Kenma’s childhood, making you laugh quite a bit at their (or more, Kuroo’s) antics and their volleyball days. Kuroo was the type of person to make you relax in his presence and have fun which you didn’t even notice until you got home later that evening and really thought about what a great time you had had. You found yourself surprised by how easily you clicked with Kuroo, a total stranger. It must be his charm, you thought to yourself before going through your night routine. You had to come back tomorrow and finish work, after all. You estimated the video would take you a few more days to finish but that would end up fitting well with the weekend coming, so as you went to bed you felt yourself more relaxed than you had in a while.
“What are they like?”
It was Friday and it seemed you had finished Kenma’s video and therefor you weren’t here for dinner – for the first time in a few days, which did let down Kuroo just a tiny bit. He had talked a lot with you during dinner preparations when you came out from the office and during dinner as well and while you did answer all his questions (which, he admitted, there were quite a few of them) and follow up with your own for him, it still felt… off… talking to you – and Kuroo didn’t like not knowing why. “What do you mean?” Kenma asked, taking another bite into his mouth.
Kenma swallowed a piece of meat before looking up at Kuroo who was stabbing his plate with his fork in what seemed like a useless purpose. He knew he was being a little weird but meeting you was weird, even though he had no reason to explain why.
“I mean, is this how they usually act?” He didn’t even know what that question meant or why he was even asking it, nothing made sense! But he had a desperate feeling that he needed to get to know you – he was afraid of what that implied and what suspicions he needed to hold onto, but he was sure it was his gut telling him you were dangerous for Kenma to be around – that had to be it! Kenma was his best friend, his childhood friend, it had to be a gut feeling meant to protect him!
“Who knows, they’re being more polite than usual, I think. But that makes sense,” Kenma replied calmly before adding, “I mean you are a stranger who’s really intent on being social with them over our dinners, they were a bit shy as well when I met them,”
Kuroo nodded and finally took a bite of his own food. He didn’t notice Kenma’s raised eyebrows or the questioning look that was sent his way, so Kenma decided to let the subject rest.
Not seeing you today felt weird to him too and he couldn’t help the irritation building up inside him – you had just met a few days ago and only in the evenings when he was done with work and ready to make dinner – and yet, the thought of you kept invading his mind. He had gotten through work today thinking you were going to be there for dinner so when he came home and found out you wouldn’t be there, the first seed of irritation had been planted – why was he suddenly looking so much forward to seeing you? Had it been like this yesterday too? Why was it suddenly important that you weren’t there? He ended up sitting in front of the laptop in the guest room for the rest of the evening, the document left open and completely untouched.
Kuroo, however, didn’t let the subject rest in his head for the rest of that evening. Hinata was in town, having time off after a big game yesterday so Kuroo was left to his own devices – which really wasn’t a problem considering he had to make the paperwork for a promotional deal for a meeting Monday morning that he had procrastinated making – which wasn’t like him at all, he usually never pushed assignments to last minute and he then realized the reason he wasn’t done yet was because he had spent so much time over the dinner table with Kenma and you, talking even after dinner had been done for a while. You always offered to help him with the clean-up so you also spent some time talking there, drifting off to various subjects far passing the cleaning duties and sitting down again with a glass of water.
He enjoyed your company, it felt... easy, somehow, the sensation that something was off was there but it didn’t really settle in his stomach until every time after you left, as if it was left to grow a bit from a small sensation to a problem, which worried him – Kuroo prided himself as an impeccable people-reader, he was captain for both the volleyball team in high school and college, he knew how to act around business relations so well because he could read them so flawlessly – so the feelings he got from you was unsettling and unreadable and it took some control away from him – and Kuroo always felt uneasy when he wasn’t in control.
Kuroo heard your name and almost got whiplash from how fast his head moved towards Kenma, “what?”
“I asked if we should invite them? To game night? Being three is a little annoying in Mario Party.”
“Oooh, that’s a good idea! I’d love to see them again!” Hinata happily exclaimed before taking another bite of the lasagna Kuroo had prepared tonight. It was Saturday and Kuroo had been in a daze the entire day, first at the office for a quick meeting with his boss about a potential partner he might be able to reel in soon and then doing his laundry at Kenma’s and continuing to try and make the stupid paperwork but ultimately failing before he had to make dinner.
“Isn’t it a bit late to invite someone? I mean, they could have plans already...” Kuroo tried, knowing what a pain it could be to be asked to something an hour before it happened and he didn’t want to let you go through that �� that’s what he tried to tell himself, at least. In truth? He was a bit afraid of seeing you again, afraid of his potential reactions, since he had spent his entire Friday in a stupor just thinking about you. His thoughts didn’t mean much for Kenma and Hinata though, who was already texting you to ask.  “Oi, no phones at the table, have you parents taught you no manners?” Kuroo chided and Hinata immediately shrank back and apologized – Kuroo smirked, yea the Chibi-chan still had respect for his seniors. But he was quickly pulled back to thoughts about you by Kenma’s phone lighting up again, “they’ll be here in an hour. They’re asking if they should bring anything?” Kenma looked up to gauge Kuroo’s reaction, having noticed something about his friend had been off the past few days. He immediately made a funny grimace before turning it into a smile. “Yea, they can bring a bottle of white wine, if I have to beat you all at Mario Party, I would very much like to be a tiny bit buzzed,” Kuroo said, and Hinata looked at him with wide eyes, “you drink wine!? So grown up!” Hinata exclaimed, to which Kenma just muttered, “or just an old man…” Kuroo didn’t hear that though, too busy to fidget with his hands under the table, suddenly feeling nervous that you were showing up.
Hinata plopped down between Kuroo and you with a controller in hand, “I’m gonna beat you all in this Mario Kart!” to which you laughed loudly, “good luck since we’re playing Mario Party.”
“Huh? Is there a difference?” Hinata asked, making Kuroo belt out a loud laugh as well, holding his stomach, “you just told us you’d beat us but you don’t even know what we’re playing!” Kuroo couldn’t contain his laughter for a bit until he noticed how you were looking at him and instantly retracted his laugh, sitting up straight with a cough, and apologizing for being loud, which confused him to no end. He had never been self-conscious of his own laugh! He knew it could be obnoxious and loud, but he also liked it himself, and-
“That’s a really cute laugh.”
The comment earned you the stares of the century from the three other people in the room, with Kenma in genuine shock – he wouldn’t say he disliked Kuroo’s laugh, just that it was… special.
“Uhm… Uh. Thank you?” Kuroo could feel that his blush went all the way to his ears but he hoped that the light in the living room wasn’t bright enough to catch it. “Yeah uh! Sure! Mhm,” you awkwardly coughed a bit as well before reaching for your glass of wine.
You had brought a bottle of white wine for Kuroo on the promise that you’d get a glass too, saying he was your first friend who also liked wine. The word ‘friend’ had dumb-founded him and he’d just answered “you can have it all,” to which you had laughed and said it’s fine with half, you weirdo.
The game was about to begin but Kuroo was still sitting stuck on the fact that his laugh was cute – cute? Had anyone else found it cute before besides Bokuto and his mom? He wasn’t sure – he sure couldn’t pinpoint them right now anyways. He tried to shake it off and focus on the game, though quite a bit of time was spent explaining the rules to Hinata who apparently had thought they were just playing Mario Kart.
When you were 12 laps into it, it seemed that you were set to win with your four stars and 121 coins. Kenma was right behind you with three stars and Hinata and Kuroo had been left in the dust with zero stars. You had stolen Kuroo’s first (and only) star early in the game, so he was plotting his vengeance in quiet but was getting afraid that the game would end before he could do anything to you – but just as his hopes were at the smallest during the last round of the game, you were put in the same team as him in the last mini game.
Kuroo had a wide smirk when you cheered and said, “this’ll be easy then!” because no, it would not be easy for you. If he had to go down in order to take you down a notch, then so be it. He’d rather Kenma win than you did with stolen goods!
The last mini game was “Tow the Line” where two players were put in a sewing box shaped with nine dots as a grid and two players tied together with a string and the objective was to make the shape with the string as shown in the middle of screen. As soon as the whistle sounded, Kuroo lowered his hands and stopped using his controllers, all with a big grin on his lips.
“Kuroo, what the fuck! Get moving, we’ve started!” you yelled at him as Kenma and Hinata won the first round, signaling the next round began, Kuroo started whistling and looking away from the screen, to which you got up from your seat, “fine, I’ll just take your controller and do it myself!”
Kuroo put his arm with the controller behind him, “nah-ah-ah! You’re not winning this, fiend! That’s what you get for stealing my star!” He grinned up at you with his eyes closed as you stood with your hands on your hips, “come on man! I stole that star in the fourth round! Kenma stole a star from me as well!” you tried, “maybe he stole the one that was yours, who knows! Get over it so we can win!”
But as soon as you’d said that, the third round had just been won and you sighed and flopped down on your seat again, “not cool Kuroo, not cool. I’ll remember this!”
You both laughed as the game made ready to announce the winner, Kenma and Hinata entertained by your antics.
“You can’t avenge something that I avenged in the first place! I only did it because you did me wrong, you know!”
“You can’t use logic on me, it doesn’t apply!”
To no surprise, you won the entire game, even winning one of the two bonus stars given at the end of the game.
After the last sequence and a bow from you there was a quick break before you decided to play some Mario Kart for Hinata’s sake, since his argument was that he lost due it being Party instead. You played quite a few hours and after another toilet break you had switched places with Hinata so Kenma could cuddle up against him. You yawned, drinking the last of the wine in your glass and said, “I should head home, I have a friend coming over for lunch tomorrow.”
Hinata and Kenma both started to get up to say goodnight but you waved at them with a smile, “I can walk out myself, it’s fine!” But Kuroo had already gotten up from the couch as well, so you walked with him towards the hallway where you put on your shoes. There was a comfortable silence between the two of you, which Kuroo noted and scowled a bit - he might have only known you for less than a week but for some reason he felt like it had been a lot longer, like you were old friends – it felt strange, to be so close with a stranger. He didn’t know anything about you, really. He knew your name, your job and how you liked some of your vegetables and which meat was your favorite, he knew you also loved cats but didn’t have one (he couldn’t remember if he knew why) and he felt pretty sure he would recognize you in a crowded area – why it was so intense, he was unsure of, he hadn’t tried meeting someone this way before. It had also seemed like having this game night had made you considerably more relaxed in his presence, even joking around with him instead of being polite, which made Kuroo somewhat giddy, though it didn’t really make sense to him as to why.
“I hope you had fun,” Kuroo said awkwardly, as if he had been the host and scratched the back of his head.
“Yeah, I did! I’m sorry I stole your star, though,” you laughed, buttoning your jacket.
“Nah, no worries, as they say, all’s fair in love and war, right?”
You giggled and picked up your bag from the dresser while Kuroo opened up the door for you. As you exited, you turned around with a bright smile, “well, thanks for toni-”
Everything ended up a blur, too bright, too much, too noisy, too… colorful? Kuroo was still looking into your eyes as all that went through him, completely blindsided. As he took a proper look, he could see that you looked just as surprised as him, your eyes wide but still never leaving his either.
“Is… Is this? Are you? Is…” You asked after what felt like both days and milliseconds, I could stare at them so much longer, he thought to himself, the colors only making your face more clear to him. Had you really not had eye contact at all? Had you seen each other for several hours – more than a few times, without looking each other in the eyes at all? Kuroo was more baffled by this happening so late than the fact that it was happening.
He was about to say something, anything, when you promptly turned around, nervously yelling, “I-I uh, I gotta go! Goodbye!” as you hurried out of the driveway and down towards the subway.
“W-wait!” Kuroo belatedly and unhelpfully yelled out as you turned a corner, too late. You were gone. A hand was dragged down his face as a sigh left him, what the fuck had just happened? He obviously needed to talk to you about this, but he also needed to gather his thoughts about all of this, so he slowly closed the door and went back towards the living room, greeted by Hinata and Kenma who looked up at him curiously, “why did you yell?” Hinata asked with his head tilted.
“I think I just found my soulmate.”
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lazuli-bloom · 3 years
Cold Comfort
Beetlejuice x Reader
Word Count : 1552
After a rough day of work all you want to do is hide away and cry, only for Betelgeuse to find you.
You drag your feet to the front door of your apartment. The key in hand, you pause before bringing it up to unlock the door. You rub at your sore eyes and try your best to flatten down your hair. Everything hurt. Aches, dizziness, a pounding in your head. Anguish and misery swirled in your mind, bleeding out into your appearance. You ready yourself, taking in a breath before unlocking the front door. It pushes open with ease and you step inside to a dark living room. You step inside, letting out a cheery hello. Silence. There was no reply, no one else in the apartment. A strange blend of relief and sadness mixed in your heart as you closed the door. Once shut, the dam you thought was holding back everything broke. You grab at your chest as shaky hiccups accompany your sobs. Why did you let that shit bother you? Why did it sting so much worse today? You shake your head, closing your eyes tight, but it didn’t stop the tears. You couldn’t just stay in front of the door. As much as you yearned to collapse right there, it would just cause more problems. Your roommate could be back soon, and he didn’t need to see you as a complete wreck. Working quick, you grab your water bottle from the fridge and one of the more filling snacks you had. You take it all to your room and leave a note taped to your door. A simple one that just said work left you tired and went to bed early. You kept the lights off and haphazardly changed into your pajamas, leaving your work clothes in crumpled piles somewhere on the floor. Eyes welling with more tears, you crawl into bed. From there time blurred. All you recall doing was hugging one of your pillows and wailing into it to smother out the sound. Negative thoughts came in cycles, crashing down in full force then to resend to a numb ache, only to crash back down with a fresh wave of sorrow. You were a burden; you deserved nothing good. All you do is annoy others. They’re all just too nice to point it out and say it to your face. Everyone hates you and wants you gone. The tears never stopped. The pain in your head seeped down into your heart. Without thinking, you sobbed out a plea for these thoughts to go away. You knew deep down these thoughts and ideas were wrong, but that didn’t stop the pain. What did stop them was the bed shifting, adjusting to the new weight close to the middle of your back. The pain was quick to crawl back into your thoughts and you pull the blankets over yourself. Go away. That’s what you wanted to say. But the words came out as some incomprehensible croak. “Babes, what’s wrong?” His voice was soft and full of worry. You didn’t need to look at him to know his expression. His tone, his hand rubbing circles over the blankets, the soft pleas asking you to talk. You upset him. “Nothing.” “Don’t lie, what’s wrong?” You pull the covers tighter. New tears spill and your head pounds with every sob that breaks loose. Part of you wished he would just go away and leave you to cry. You didn’t want him to see you as this ugly mess of negative emotions. And yet you also wanted him to stay, to help anchor in this ocean of misery. The latter option won. You move to sit up, keeping the cocoon of blankets covering yourself. You kept your head down so the hood could at least help hide your swollen red face. “I don’t know... a lot of things. A lot of stupid things that I shouldn’t be crying over.” He said nothing. You thought he might have disappeared if not for his weight on the bed, moving closer to sit beside you. “Work was an absolute shitshow all day. I just... everything went wrong. The place was scorching hot and no one could get the heaters to turn off. And customers are shouting at me like I was doing it!” You hiccupped and pulled the blankets tighter against your head. Your throat felt so scratchy and in need of a drink. You slipped a hand out of the cocoon and grab the still chilly water.
The water soothed your throat for a blissful moment. You steady your breathing after taking a swig and set the bottle back on the nightstand. More hot tears roll down your face, but you let them be as you continue recounting your day. “I kept screwing up. Mistake after mistake. Grabbed the wrong thing, didn’t explain policy well enough, couldn’t keep my voice happy and polite.” There was a pressure that snaked over the blankets across your shoulders. Your breath hitched and you run your fingers through your messy hair, sweat coating your fingers as they do. “I slipped up and started crying at work. And that horrible vendor had to be in the break room. He’s bad on most days but...” You grit your teeth. Your nails dig into your scalp, trying to reach in and throw away that interaction from your memory. “‘God, you’re ugly when you cry. What do you have to be sad about? Don’t you have friends to go to? Or did they bail on you because you’re being too dramatic? Just suck it up and get over it, nobody cares.’ He had the fucking audacity to say that shit to me.” His hand gripped tighter around your shoulder. He kept most of the force in the palm, but his fingertips still pressed into your shoulder some. And despite the blankets, you couldn’t help but notice sharp claws pressing down too. Not enough to hurt, but very much there. Your own nails let up from your head to go back to holding the edges of the blankets as close to you as possible. The stinging in your eyes ebbs when you rub at them, but the tears still blur your vision. “Beetle, do you think I’m...” You could bring yourself to finish your thought. A truthful answer would only hurt. You’d rather pretend to not care than shatter your friendship. You shake your head and said a soft, “nevermind, forget it.” A second arm slid over your front, and before you could worm your way out, Betelgeuse pulled you onto his lap. You pull the blankets tight as you could, but the demon grabbed a fist full of the fabric. You halfheartedly struggle to keep the blankets covering your head. However, it was a fruitless effort; he would not let you hide way anymore. Still, if you didn’t have a hood on, you kept your gaze turned away. “Come on babe, please look at me.” “No, I look terrible and you’ll make fun of me.” Your reply came out a weak hiccup. There was a moment of stillness, only punctuated with your soft sobs. Betelgeuse was first to move. He wrapped his arms tighter around you, pulling you into a hug. He buried his face into the back of your head, further messing up your disheveled hair. He didn’t exactly give warm hugs. But after being wrapped up in blankets and spilling many hot tears down your cheeks, the chill was refreshing. You didn’t squirm out of his embrace. But you didn’t relax into his arms either. “Why do you put up with me?” “I could ask you the same thing, babes.” Betelgeuse pulled you closer and nuzzled against your hair. His chest rose and fell some, carrying a slight breeze of air going through your hair. Odd, considering he didn’t need to breathe. He hummed into your hair. “But if you want to know, I made a list.” “No, it’s... you don’t have to do that.” “You sure? I got at least a novel’s worth of all the little things I like about you. Like, when you get really excited, when you talk about your favorite games, and movies, and other stuff. Also, when that same passion goes into you ranting about all the stupid little things that annoyed you. “Then there’s every time you offer me hugs when I’m even the slightest bit upset. “And can’t forget how you’re the sweetest breather I’ve ever met, always getting me things whenever you go out shopping, like that giant electric blanket.” You sniffle and chiming in, “You said you like warm things and when I saw it-“ Betelgeuse’s arms wrapped tighter around you for a moment as he let out a chuckle. “See? You’re always being thoughtful and spoiling me, huh?” “I care about you... I want you to be happy.” “And I care about you and want you to be happy too.” You finally let yourself relax in his arms. Wiping away the leftover tears, you takin in a shaky breath. Once you felt calm enough, you shifted, lacing your arms under his as your head rest on Betelgeuse’s shoulder. “Beetle? I was wondering-“ “You want to scare the shit out of the asshole that upset you?” “... Maybe.” “Awesome, you order the pizza, and I’ll try out an idea I had on the delivery guy. Then we can get to scheming.”
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shingia · 3 years
hii ! I love your writing and this is going to be my first request on this site so i'm a bit nervous. May I request your angst prompt #6 with either akaashi or bokuto (or anyone you want but I just love them gah) and something accident related if possible (but if not it's fine!), i'm an angst sucker ;-; thank you and have a nice day!
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hi !! dw it’s completely ok to be nervous about your first request, i was literally shaking when i first sent mine ! and thank youuu it’s always nice to know that my work is appreciated 💕 i had no idea of which boy to choose but i never wrote angst for bokuto so here it is, i hope it’s what you had in mind ! <3
-> angst prompt #6 “stop saying my name like it’s the last time” (that one HURTS omfg)
-> bokuto x gn!reader | Angst with a capital A | word count : 2K
warnings : car accident, mentions of blood, hospital environment
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bokuto always thought it was funny how a smell, a sound or a sight could hold enough power to trigger memories that he thought had been erased by time. 
but no smell, sound or sight was ever needed for him to remember the day he first met you. how the purple lights of the bar were slowly dancing on your skin, casting shadows that made your features look different every time he casted guilty glances at you. he remembered the feeling of his sweaty palms when he asked for your number, and how you had to blink exactly four times to read his messy handwriting on your arm.
all these seemingly insignificant details were kept safe in the depths of his mind, patiently waiting to resurface every time his heart needed them. but if these kind of memories were kept so vivid by choice, others - much darker - had a terrifying way of imprinting into one’s brain…
it was a bright april afternoon, the kind of day that made people forget about their worries, and bokuto had just finished what he considered to be one of his best practice. as usual, his heart swelled with excitement at the thought that he would tell you all about it as soon as he’d step foot in your house, where he was just heading.
but the sudden vibration of his phone in his pocket made him stop dead in his tracks.
he was not particularly stressed by phone calls, but something about the way his heart dropped made his hands start shaking and his surroundings blurry ; something was off. he hesitated a few seconds before getting the phone out - maybe it was cowardice, but his body already knew that he was not ready to handle what was coming at him.
the voice he heard on the other side of the line was undoubtedly yours. the vibrations, the tone, the pitch, he had heard it whispering sweet nothings in his ear way to many times to be mistaken. so why did it take him so long to admit that it was well and truly you, calling him for what looked an awful lot like a goodbye ?
although pain and fear had grabbed you by the tongue, you miraculously managed to tell him about the poor driver that had been distracted by his kid - too distracted to see you crossing the road on your way to the store, and too slow to hit the brakes.
your voice was weak, so weak that bokuto did not even hear the last thing you said before passing out on the warm asphalt. and so he started running, as fast as humanly possible - if not more - because he knew he was only two streets away from you, and he knew that he would never forgive himself if he arrived too late.
bokuto had many preconceptions about the way he would ever react to an accident. panic, anger, sadness, incomprehension… but nothing could have prepared him for what it truly was. in one second, his mind had time to produce hundreds and hundreds of questions, and they all remained unsolved until his eyes finally laid on you, or more like what seemed like a nightmarish version of you.
a woman was frantically screaming, a hand over her mouth like it was of any use. behind her, a young girl was staring at the blood stain on the white car’s bumper, eyes wide in terror. and in the car, a giggling toddler was happily chewing on his teething ring, having no idea that today had changed his father’s life forever. the latter seemed stuck in a cataleptic trance, and it seemed like the first aider was not going to get anything out of him.
bokuto was ready to beg on his knees for the ambulance driver to allow him on the ride to the hospital.  he had a thousand ways to prove that you were the love of his life : the picture of you in his wallet, your matching key rings attached to your respective bags, the crumpled receipt of the necklace he had bought you a month ago, the one that was now hanging loosely around your dreadfully immobile neck. but just a glance at his despaired eyes was enough to understand that he deserved his place by your side in what would probably be the worst moment of your life - and his.
three paramedics were too busy putting you on a stretcher for bokuto to even catch a glimpse of your face. and the fact that he was left alone with his imagination made him want to throw up. yet when his eyes finally laid on your bruised and bloody features, it felt much, much worse than anything his imagination could have thought about. his heart skipped more than one beat at the thought that maybe he had arrived too late.
but no, your eyes fluttered open while the medics were still yelling orders at each other, meaningless words that were only background noise for bokuto. his hands gripped the edge of the stretcher, even though they were longing for the touch of your skin, no matter how scratched and wounded it was.
« hey, hey, stay with me, alright ? » he articulated in a hoarse voice as your hand found its way to his cheek. seeing that, one of the medics started reaching for your arm - you had too many broken bones for him to allow you to move so carelessly. but one of his colleagues, a tall woman with the kindest eyes, stopped him before his fingers could wrap around your wrist. and the look she gave him was screaming for his indulgence. ‘let them’.
although the opaque windows were filtering most of the ambulance lights, faint beams of red and blue were still dancing on your face. it was true that bokuto did not need anything to trigger his memories of the first time he saw you, but the alternation of the two colors on your features were a bitter reminder of the purple neons that had lightened your face in that bar, where everything had begun.  and so were his sweaty palms, warm and shaky against your wrist which he had grabbed as carefully as if it had been made of porcelain.  but the blinks of your eyes looked nothing like when you tried to guess the numbers he had written on your arm. they were desperate movements of your lids that were painfully trying to stay open - because if you had one last wish, it was that bokuto’s face would be your last sight.
your facial muscles only allowed a few painless movements, and luckily for the both of you, a faint smile was one of them. « h-how was practice ? » you asked, the left corner of your lips curling upwards. he let out a sorrowful laugh, ignoring the tears that were prickling his eyes as he started to kiss your palm at an alarming pace, like he was so desperately trying to get something out of the feeling of your skin against his lips.
« you’re gonna be okay, i promise… i love you » he told you, eyes intensely locked with yours like it was the first time these words were leaving his mouth. « i love you. so much. i love y- i love you. so fucking much, i really love you » he repeated like a prayer, words mixing up in his mind that was too focused on your eyes to think clearly about anything else.
« kou… listen to me » you whispered, still trying your best to keep your smile when it felt like every fiber of your body was being torn apart. your thumb caressed his cheek, but so stiffly that you knew it probably did not even feel like your touch. « thank you for everything, for being you and for loving me. i love you too, and you deserve to be happy… »
no. this didn’t feel right. this wasn’t a promise of love, it had the bitter taste of goodbyes, of words that are said just to alleviate the pain of the living. « don’t say it like that, please » bokuto pleaded, hating himself for ordering you when you were in such obvious distress. but for the first time since that god-sent night at the bar, he hated the sound of every word that had left your mouth. he would have given anything to go back to just a few seconds ago, when you were still joking about his practice. because back then it didn’t feel like you were going to leave.
« you’re gonna be ok. i love you, kou », you said in an almost maternal tone. « stop saying my name like it’s the last time ! » he exclaimed with such vigor that even the medics stopped for a second. but you didn’t flinch, your eyes were still kind and peaceful. and they still were when your thumb progressively started moving, and when your lids slowly closed.
the hall of the hospital was cold - in every sense of the word. akaashi was nervously playing with the lid of his coffee, sat upright on a chair even though his legs felt restless. bokuto, on the other hand, had refused to eat, drink or even sit for one second until he had talked to one of your doctors. it had now been almost two hours - and every second felt like torture.
but oddly enough, akaashi was the first to react at the sight of your surgeon that was coming towards them at a frustratingly slow pace.
« how did it go ? » he asked, the joint of his hands white from holding his coffee cup so tight.
« they made it. our nurses brought them to a private room where they will be watched v- »
bokuto didn’t need to hear more. he had no idea of which room you were in, but it didn’t matter - the hospital was not that big, he’d find a way. he always found a way.
running like a madman, he couldn’t even hear akaashi yelling at him to come back. his heart was throbbing with happiness at the thought that you were patiently waiting for him in a room. safe and sound.
he had spent so much time hammering the most terrible scenarios in his head that he had almost started to believe some of them were true. in a sense, he had already felt how it would be like to live without you - and he was now promising himself to never feel that pain ever again.
tired of running around without knowing where he was headed, bokuto eventually asked a nurse to indicate him the room you were kept in. and, although it did not respect the hospital’s privacy policy, she gave him without thinking twice ; because just like every other member of the staff, she knew about the boy that had spent hours crying and waiting for his loved one. her eyes were blurry with tears when he thanked her about three time before heading to the said room.
and there you were. laying on your back, staring at the ceiling with your fingers fiddling with the sheets - just like you always did when you waited for him on his bed.
« oh thank god » bokuto breathed out, taking a few seconds to admire your features before running to your side. his hands were still wet from his tears and his eyes were red and puffy, but he had never felt so happy to hold you. his lips immediately found their way to your hands, completely ignoring the strong smell of betadine, and they stretched in a grin at the familiar feeling of your fingers that seemed so tiny against his.
when he finally looked up at you, he felt like the luckiest man alive. just the sight of you breathing was something he had started to give up on. your chest was slowly heaving and your eyes blinked exactly four times before an embarrassed chuckle left your lips :
« excuse me but… who are you ? »
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@toworuu @catwithangerissues
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shinydelirium · 3 years
MLQC Season 2 Chapter 15 (Kiro’s Chapter) Part 6 [Eager Move] Translation [CN]
For the previous translations of chapter 15: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. Part 5
[Eager Move]
When we hurried back to the fire control room, the two people were already gone.
Sure enough, a metal object is glued to the side of the console and the countdown shows that there are more than six minutes left.
Helios sat down without saying a word, opened a program on the computer, and started typing on the keyboard proficiently.
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MC: Do you also write code as a hacker?
Even if time is urgent, I can’t help but want to tease him as I watched him sitting so calmly in front of the computer.
Helios: Go out the door and then ask again when you come back.
MC:…Let me change the question. Can hackers still use programs to dismantle bombs?
Helios: Give me five minutes.
I was relieved.
Helios: But I am not dismantling the bomb.
I stood still in the same place, but after a while I realized what he meant and couldn’t help but raise my voice.
MC: What are you doing now?!
Helios: The hunter game has been disrupted. Joker will definitely think of a way of getting the game’s program back.
Helios: The computer I left on purpose was just a decoy.
Helios: Once they connect to this computer, the other party’s program can be hacked and locked by me.
MC: Haven’t you hacked the entire hunter game before? Why invade the other party’s program?
His fingers paused, and then he began to type quickly.
Helios: Not the whole game. The other party still has control over the collar.
Helios: The data of the collar is more complicated than the program of the game system and many layers of “firewalls” are added.
I was stunned for a moment and I couldn’t help but rub my neck nervously with my fingers. He was right, the “ghost” collar was indeed in working condition.
Helios: The principle of ghost “catch people” is probably similar to NFC technology.
Hearing this obscure terminology, I didn’t understand it but I didn’t interrupt him to ask.
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Helios: When “ghost” and “human” come into contact, the “ghost” collar will automatically send its coordinates to the system.
Helios: After the terminal confirms the coordinates, the teenager responsible for the transmission can transfer the “human” directly.
MC: In other words, if the collar problem is not solved, the “ghost” will still disappear when it meets the “person”.
Helios: But now the game is in my hands, even if their collars are still there, they can’t keep the game going.
MC: And so…
Helios: What they want to do now is to take back the initiative of the game but the problem is that they can’t determine my IP address.
Helios: So they can only use a fool’s way.
MC: Come to you directly?
Helios: To be precise, I want to directly connect to their own program through my computer, so as to crack the program from the inside.
Helios: And this is exactly what I want.
Helios: They overestimated themselves and opened the last door that was locked.
Helios’ fingers on the keyboard moved quickly and a string of codes laid out before his eyes.
MC: So when they find that the program is locked, they will know that this is a trap…
MC: And decided to destroy this place!
He nodded, speeding up his hand.
I glanced at the only four minutes left on the bomb and then returned my gaze to Helios.
He pressed his lips tightly and locked his eyes on the screen. Lines of incomprehensible codes landed on the screen with his fingertips.
I held my shaky breath, tried to calm down, and stopped talking in order to not disturb him.
Since he did not choose to leave, it means that he is sure to crack the program while ensuring our safety.
Helios: How much time left on the bomb?
MC: Three minutes and 56 seconds.
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Helios: All right.
As he said that, he pressed the Enter key firmly, and at the same time, my collar made a beeping sound.
There was a tingling pain in my neck and the collar automatically injected me with a potion.
Everything happened so fast that I didn’t have time to react. I saw him get up and come to me. He did not speak but only reached out to me.
This seems to be Helios, reaching out to me solemnly for the first time.
He doesn’t seem to just want to prove to me that the collar has been cracked.
I looked at those azure blue eyes, those bright eyes that were always full of smiles were so peaceful at this moment.
Perhaps since he decided to take me back here with him, he has been tentatively confirming  and testing when he cracked the program in front of me.
This is actually an invitation, a middle question, a step he took slightly.
And only I have the answer.
I put my hand in his palm without hesitation.
The moment the skin’s warmth came through the fingertips, something started to disintegrate.
--The silver-white arc did not appear and Helios was still standing in front of me.
He then raised his other hand and quickly pressed it behind my collar. The collar was removed smoothly.
The weight in my heart fell instantly and I smiled at him excitedly.
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MC: I knew you would succeed!
Helios: We’re leaving.
He pulled me and ran to the safe passage.
I can’t see his expression but I can clearly feel his hand gradually tighten and the reassuring warmth wraps around my fingers.
As long as he is here, there is nothing terrible about all of this.
Following the safe passage, Helios and I ran out of the underground parking lot again.
We walked non-stop through the messy hall and the door of the mall was right in front of us.
Before I could breathe a sigh of relief, a loud sound suddenly came from the soles of my feet and dust particles mixed in the air rushed towards my face, and I instinctively squinted my eyes.
The ground beneath us seemed to be uneven and shook violently with an ear-splitting boom.
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Helios: Hold on to me.
The world is spinning around and the strength on my hand tightens a bit.
In an instant, the surrounding window glass shattered from the strong vibrations and the huge display in the middle of the mall, mixed with cracked reinforced concrete, came crashing down.
The billowing smoke was like a dust storm, which made me unable to keep my eyes open.
They only wanted to blow up the fire control room. The mini-bomb was not enough to destroy the entire department store building.
We were sitting next to a huge concrete pillar and the sharp ringing screamed in our heads, and bursts of dizziness swept through one after another.
I reflexively wanted to turn around to see Helios’ condition, but at this moment I felt my ears being firmly covered by a pair of warm hands.
MC: Helios, what are you….
Although the sharp noise could not be completely isolated, it was more or less blocked with those hands.
The whole world is muffled under his palms and I can even hear my rapid breathing and heartbeat more clearly.
He held my body so tightly that I couldn’t turn around.
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MC: …What happened to you? Is something wrong?
Helios: Wait a while…
Helios: Just wait…
His voice seems to come from far away, disconnected, hidden in the sound of falling objects, making it impossible to hear.
On the surface of the broken glass, I could vaguely see his expression. The moment I saw it clearly, I was stunned.
I have never seen Helios show that expression.
His pupils were slightly dilated, his eyes lost their focus in panic and horror, and his lips seemed to be trembling a little bit.
He covered my ears rigorously, like an involuntary action.
I want to make a joke to comfort him. Tell him that I am not injured and he doesn’t need to overreact.
But seeing him like this, a ridiculous thought came to me for no apparent reason---
This seemingly abrupt movement seemed to be of great significance to him at this moment.
As if…this action can really protect me.
The sound of falling objects continued and all of this was concealed by him, leaving only noisy ringing.
My previous guess back in the utility room is more clearly engraved in my mind at this time.
First, it was that one-way message with the phone, the lip-reading book in the ward, the avoidance whenever I asked him questions directly….***This one was quite a challenge to translate cuz Google Translate is weird so I did my own interpretation based on what has happened and MC’s mindset. Basically, MC never found out about Kiro’s hearing loss so now she’s starting to get an idea based on Helios’ actions during this scene.***
And the strange earphones in his ears after Helios appeared…
All the details that I can’t figure out and felt strange are like puzzle pieces. Finally, I was able to put together a complete answer.
An answer that I dare not say easily.
There seemed to be a heavy, sinking feeling in my heart and my chest felt a tingling pain as I breathed.
Kiro’s ears…
I didn’t dare to think about it anymore, but there was a burst of discomfort in my nose.
His silence was the most sufficient reason at this moment.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust me enough, or that he doesn’t want to shoulder heavy responsibilities alone.
He was just scared.
His whole world has changed, becoming silent and unbalanced.
The dizziness gradually subsided and I raised my hand to cover his which were a bit stiff because of too much force.
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MC: Helios, there is something wrong with your ears.
This sentence is not an interrogative sentence.
The moment he heard me speak, his fingers shook.
I closed my eyes, but his blue eyes still appeared in front of me.
There is a deep pain in those deliberately cold eyes. Why didn’t I find out earlier?
How can Kiro, who always pursues perfection, accept such a self?
That’s why he ran and stayed away.
It is not so much that he is unwilling to accept that he is not perfect but more like, it is better to say that he wants “Kiro” to always be the most perfect image.
That is his pride.
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MC: Kiro…
I couldn’t help but call his name in a low voice and my hands seemed to react and suddenly they withdrew.
When I turned around, the anxiety in those eyes had been extinguished, and there was silence once again.
The door of the mall made a slight noise, and then the door was slowly opened, interrupting what I wanted to say.
Helios immediately guarded me vigilantly.
Unhurried footsteps sounded outside the door and three figures appeared from the darkness.
??: Oh, it’s you.
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Helios nimbly stood up, watching them with a cold expression without saying a word.
I saw the person coming and gasped. I lightly touched the corner of his clothes and whispered to him.
MC: Helios, he is Joker.
-End of Part 6-
Continue to Part 7 aka “Showdown: Helios vs. Joker”
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
West Moon (坠月之宴) Chapter 2 Part.ONE
A story from CN server which hasn’t been released in EN server. Contains detailed spoiler from the AU (Alternated Universe) - 坠月之宴 West Moon Story.
Read the previous chapter here
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There’s some sub-chapter which full of battle stage so I didn’t put it here.
Stories under the cut-
Chapter 2-1
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You are my only dream.
The wind passed through the bamboo forest that day,
I passed by a good dream.
Want to hear the sound
But he strayed into a scene in spring.
It broke the black city.
This time,
Who disturbed whom?
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The jade chess piece fell on the chessboard with a crisp sound and broke the silence around.
I opened my eyes in the mist, and the sky light had dimly lit up for unknown time.
The morning breeze brushed over the bamboo leaves, blowing away the mist, and the green lake in the distance also had its starting point ripples.
The stone tables and benches are still the same, but the pavilions surrounded by bamboo shadows make me feel a bit strange.
MC: Strange. Where am I?
At the last moment of my memory, obviously still staying in the backyard of the wine shop.
I propped up and looked down at the table that had just fallen. The magic qin that was originally placed on the stone table was gone, only a criss-cross chessboard.
On the chessboard, black and white pieces are clearly distinguished, and white pieces are surrounded by black pieces.
There was no smell of demons around, I faintly breathed a sigh of relief, and began to wonder if I was in a dream.
The situation in this dream seems to be familiar, as if I have seen it many times in the past.
During the three years of deep sleep, my consciousness has been trapped in long dreams for some reason. The blurry and chaotic dreams are like fragments of colored glaze, which cannot be put together into a complete picture.
Sometimes I traveled in the wilderness, sometimes in the purgatory, every dream, whether absurd or cruel, is a long torment.
But occasionally there will be moments when the breeze comes, like this pavilion.
MC: Will I see that person again this time?
Inexplicably, I have a kind of expectation in my heart that I can't express
There was no one around, so I picked up the white piece on the side of the chessboard and placed it according to the memory in my dream.
The person who played against me doesn't know where it came from
In my dream, the five senses are not working at all times. I don't remember his appearance very much, but I still remember a little voice.
Dreamer: You messed up like this
His voice seemed to sound in my ears again, and I was slightly lost. The chess piece between my fingers had just landed on a corner of the chessboard, and a gust of breeze suddenly passed over the bamboo forest behind me.
??: If you play in such a mess, you will ruin the game.
A gentle voice rang in the ear, as if overlapping with the voice in the memory.
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I turned around subconsciously, but a pair of hands came from behind and surrounded me.
The wide sleeves engraved overturned the chess game in front of him, and the black and white chess pieces rolled to the ground, making a jade-like sound.
The temperature that was about to fit behind my back came through the thin clothes. I was shocked, suppressing the exclamation from my mouth.
MC: ... It's you.
With a chuckle in my ear, the temperature that surrounded me left.
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Mysterious Man: We meet again.
There is a faint smile on the corners of his lips, and his gradually clear face gradually overlaps with the figure in the dream
MC: It's you who helped me repel those monsters. Who are you?
I squeezed my sleeves tightly and looked calmly at the person sitting opposite.
He didn't explain, letting his sleeves skimmed over the messy chess pieces on the table, he twisted a black piece casually.
Although the hidden energy in his body is strange, but he has no devilish energy in his body, and he does not look like a bad person...
But maybe because of the little bit of familiarity, or maybe because he saved me once, I didn't feel nervous.
MC: Sorry, I didn't mean to play this game of chess...
Mysterious Man: How can you conclude that this game of chess is mine just because I am here?
I was choked by his words, turned around and had to ask again.
MC: Where exactly is this?
Mysterious Man: Don't you know it?
He did not directly affirm my guess, but I still feel that he seems to be suggesting something.
MC: Why... you appear in my dream?
Mysterious Man: How do you know this is your dream, maybe you broke into my dream?
I froze for a moment, and met his dim eyes.
Those eyes were like cold pools with no bottom, but just a moment of looking at each other gave me a suffocating feeling of oppression.
But he casually continued to play with the chess pieces.
Mysterious Man: Or, the owner of the dream is not you and me.
Hearing what he said, I seemed to really feel the prying eyes in the dark.
The abrupt sound made my whole body tremble, and I turned back abruptly, but only a bamboo leaf fell to the ground.
I breathed a sigh of relief. A thin layer of sweat had formed on my back, but the uncomfortable feeling had not disappeared.
MC: When will this dream end?
I desperately wanted to leave the dream, but the only insider hid the chess pieces and placed them on the messy chessboard.
Mysterious Man: Can you play chess?
MC: .... I understand a little.
He looked up at me with a smile but didn't reveal my clumsy chess skills.
Mysterious Man: There is a way of talking in chess called "raid".
Mysterious Man: Once the catastrophe occurs, the two sides will be trapped in a cycle of incomprehension. Therefore, after the raid, one party can pick up one son, and the other must make another move before the raid can be resolved.
Although I don't know how to play chess, I know a little about these terms, but I don't know why he mentioned this.
Mysterious Man: The catastrophe in this game is you.
I heard it inexplicably, but it seemed that I knew what he was talking about, and looked at him more defensively.
MC: When you will tell me your identity?
He did not answer, playing with the last sunspot on his fingertips. When I looked down, I realized that the previous game had been restored by him, but my white piece was missing.
Mysterious Man: This game of chess cannot be returned.
He sighed softly and threw the black stone between his fingers to the chessboard.
With a light "break" in, something was pierced.
Like a calm lake being broken by flying stones, the ripples in front of my eyes are like dissolving ink and still water.
I can't see his appearance, only the figure blurred by the waves seems to be reflected on the other side of the water.
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Mysterious Man: We will meet again soon. By then, you will know who am I.
His voice gradually dissipated, and the cyan layers in front of me faded away. I woke up like a dream. I shook my dizzy head and found that the person before me was gone.
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And there was no such splendid bamboo forest and water pool around. Fortunately, I was in the courtyard of the wine shop, and the magic qin was quietly placed on the stone table.
The sun in the sky has just risen, and from time to time we hear the singing of birds and the shouts of the morning vendors in the deep alleys in the distance.
MC: Was it a dream just now?
I rubbed my swollen temples, still echoing what the man said.
What he meant by the robbery in the game...what exactly did he mean?
Before I could think of a reason, a small shouting came from behind me.
When I turned around, the lady boss was looking at me in surprise.
Boss lady: MC, why are you here early in the morning?
Boss lady: ...Did you sit here all night?
Suddenly seeing a real figure appear in front of my eyes, I couldn't help but lose consciousness for a moment, and the lady boss suddenly saw that something was wrong with me.
Boss lady: What happened?
MC: Nothing, I was a little tired recently and fell asleep accidentally.
I shook my head, afraid that she was worried, so I concealed the bizarre dream.
Boss lady: The weather hasn't warmed up yet, what should I do if you catch a cold? Go back to your room and freshen up!
My mind gradually returned to clarity, and I nodded to her.
Whether it is this mysterious dream, fragments, or maybe the puzzles in the magic qin. For me now, they are hard to solve.
I took the magic qin back to the room and locked it, changed my clothes and planned to find the master.
After all, now only the master can tell me how to take out the fragments.
Chapter 2-2
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When I walked out of Three Dreams Square, the sky was already bright.
The street is bustling today, and the crowds are rushing in the same direction.
The golden sun shines over the glazed dome on the palace building. The water fell on the tall white platform standing in the far north of the city.
That is the tallest and most sacred building here.
My heart was slightly still, and then I realized that today is the day of sacrifice for the West Moon.
My steps uncontrollably followed the flow of people to the pure white platform, but an indescribable complex emotion surged in my heart.
The worship of West Moon Kingdom has always been presided over by the master. And I will also stand on that high platform during the annual ceremony.
Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation and noise from the crowd. At the same time, the vigorous bell rang from the northernmost end and awakened the entire city.
Commoners: It's an envoy of God!
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My heart jumped suddenly and I raised my head. As expected, there was a man in profound clothes standing on the towering hidden spirit platform.
It's Master!
The lingering sound of the bell dissipated, and everyone's voices fell silent, except for the hunting sound of the dark blue curtain being blown by the wind.
First, the hundred officials, and then all the people at the banquet bowed down and worshiped, toward the direction.
That tall, sacred and inviolable figure is the only person who can communicate with God in this world, and it is also the belief of West Moon Kingdom.
It is the gods who have guarded this country for hundreds of years since the establishment of this country
I looked at the master's back, and my heart shook slightly.
Master... was also the one who saved my life.
The sacrificial ceremony ended in a solemn sound of bells and drums. Seeing the master's figure leave from the high platform, I wrapped my cloak, passed through the crowd, and continued to the hidden spirit platform.
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There was a commotion behind him, and there was a rush of horse hooves galloping in this direction.
Passersby: Hey, girl! Be carefulㅡ
I didn't have time to get back to my senses, and there was a scream of horses behind me, and the sound of horses hooves close at hand, as if it was about to hit me in the next second!
I quickly flashed aside, and the tall horse passed me by, and the turbulent wind almost turned the cap on my head.
In a hurry, I had to saw the teenager on the horse.
The teenager who rides by has a handsome face, and his long hair is also raised high, with a strange color in the daylight.
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MC: Why is he?!
I was shocked, I quickly held down the veil, turned and flashed into the dark alley, fearing that the little magic star would notice.
Passersby: The second prince is out of the palace again?
This person has always been arrogant. A few years ago, His Majesty controlled him strictly and would not let him out of the palace easily. How can he let him go on the streets now?
Teenager: What's going on today? I will definitely teach you a lesson when I go back!
The sound of horse hooves finally stopped. I hid behind the crowd and heard the familiar voice sternly scolding the restrained horse, but his tone soon softened again.
Teenager: Don't be afraid, I won't use you to make horse meat hot pot.
MC: This person, as expected, is still the same...
The officers and soldiers in the distance had already rushed over, and I quickly lowered the brim of my hat and flashed into the market with my back facing them.
I don't know how long this worry about being discovered will last.
Fortunately, the sacrifice was still going on, there was no one around, and I came to Master's residence with little effort.
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Haven't seen it for three years, the layout here is still the same as I remember.
Except for the necessary living utensils, there is nothing else, spotless, still cold and not like the place where people live.
I lifted my foot and walked in.
The warm sunlight flooded into the room through the window, and a new set of clothes was placed in a tray on the table, neatly folded.
I'm not familiar with the patterns on this dress. There was nostalgia in my heart, and I subconsciously stretched out my hand to touch it.
This is the uniform of the Miko. It is also the clothes I used to wear once a year.
In the past three years, I was in a long dream, and the rituals of the hidden secret was forced to shelve for three years.
There are not a few months left before this year's ceremony for the secret ceremony, is there already a new selection of Miko in the middle of the kingdom?
At this moment, there was a muffled noise from the back of the temple, and the ground shook.
My heart shuddered, and I recognized that the abrupt sound came from the backyard.
The backyard has always been a forbidden place for the master, and the master is still presiding over the sacrifice. Who would be there?
Listening to the movement, I had a bad feeling for some reason. Although it is a forbidden area, I haven't broken into it before.
Thinking like this, I stood up and walked towards the door to the backyard
Suddenly there was a door opening behind me, and there was a scream in my heart.
MC: Master is back!
Fortunately, the Master hadn't entered the room yet, so I went back to the room and picked up a book, pretending to look through it.
The familiar sound of footsteps gradually approached, and I lowered the book I opened and couldn't help but go to the door.
It might have been expected that there would be someone in the house, and the master had not even entered the door, and a cold voice had already come in.
Master: You are not allowed to come in without my consent next time.
Chapter 2-3
My heart sank, Master was not so indifferent to me in the past.
The door opened with a "creak", and the master stepped in at the answer, and I quickly raised a smile.
MC: Master, you're back!
Master: Why are you here?
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Master seemed a little surprised when he came in and saw me. His previous clothes had been changed, and the sense of distance that he could not reach seemed to fade with it.
MC: There are some things to ask Master for help.
He was startled, and nodded faintly.
MC: Master, I seemed to hear noises in the forbidden area just now, and I don't know if someone broke into it by mistake.
Master sat down opposite me, as if he didn't hear my reminder, and asked directly.
Master: What’s wrong?
MC: .....It's not a very important thing either.
I took a deep breath and started telling stories directly.
MC: Yesterday, when I was in the back of the wine shop, a qin suddenly fell from the sky.
Anyway, no matter what excuses, Master would not believe it. I simply let go of my courage.
MC: Who knew there was a hidden crystal fragment in this qin, It may also be that the hidden crystal fragments in my body have the power to summon.
MC: So I want to ask Master how to take out the fragments.
Master listened to my clumsy lie without saying a word, and there was no wave on his face.
MC: If you don't find the pieces quickly...
I paused and swallowed back the words.
Master: Wait for me here.
The master retracted his hand and walked towards the hall. I looked at his back in a daze.
These three years are just a long dream for me, but for Master, what three years are they?
Soon, Master took out an exquisite and simple black box.
Master: Take this with you and don't lose it.
MC: What is this?
I took the palm-sized black box from him, it heavier than I thought, and there's chilly sensation, as if some kind of energy was attached to it.
Master: This is the box of retreat, which can help you recover the fragments attached to their media.
Master: But before taking it back, the body attached to the fragments must be annihilated.
He motioned to me to open the box. I opened the lid of the box curiously, but found that there was nothing in the box.
I just wanted to ask, suddenly a chill spread across my body, and the spar on my chest actually resonated faintly.
Master: Feel it?
MC: Yes... I feel it.
I nodded, only feeling that my heart was filled with this strange yet familiar energy in the box.
This energy is indeed as sacred and clean as the master, but for some reason, I somehow remembered the power that I felt in Three Dreams Square last night.
That kind of pure and evil power.
Master: What's wrong?
As if he saw me distracted, and frowned slightly. His voice brought me back to my sense.
MC: Nothing, thank you Master.
In any case, Master will never harm me.
Having figured this out, I immediately put aside the worries I had just now.
Master glanced at me, and was about to ask something, suddenly there was a knock on the door.
The visitor was the emperor's attendant, and he was asking Master to go to the palace to discuss matters. Master responded and looked at me again when he got up.
Master: Be careful.
MC: Thank you Master, Master, take care.
Seeing the corner of the black robe disappear behind the door, I carefully put the box of retreat into my arms. I looked around, the voice I heard before was still suspicious
At this glance, I noticed that there were still a few brightly colored red spirit fruits on the table, which seemed to have just been picked off.
I couldn't help but murmur in my heart: Does master like this kind of fruit so much?
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I thought about it, grabbed a piece of fruit on the table, and ate it as I went outside, when I suddenly heard a strange noise in the courtyard.
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MC: Who?!
I stopped and looked around warily.
I don’t know if it’s my illusion. From the moment I enter the door, I feel like I have a pair of invisible eyes watching in secret.
While I was fully alert, a civet cat suddenly got out of the bushes and shook all the blades of grass.
Those black eyes looked at me, and then ran away quickly.I was relieved, speeded up and walked out.
After walking far away, my heart choked suddenly. Master's courtyard has always been a place where all the beasts are kept away. How come there are civet cats?
I looked back at the ebony gate in the distance. The stone lion head is majestic, but I suddenly feel a little ominous.
Is something wrong with the master?
When hesitating where to go next. Suddenly something was faintly hot in sleeve.
I took out and looked, and found that it was the black feather that fell from the boy in the dark alley yesterday.
The black feather was faintly glowing and deflected in my palm. I moved my palm, and it moved with it.
This is... pointing a direction?
My heart moved, and there was a subtle curiosity that the young man was calling me, or just my intuition?
For some reason, I always feel that the boy who held a sharp knife yesterday will not hurt me. And I even have an urge to see him again.
I thought for a moment and walked in the direction that black feather pointed out.
Chapter 2-5
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Following the direction guided by it, I gradually heard the noisy voices not far away.
This strange feather did not lead me to the remote and deep alley as I thought.
MC: Could it be that I was thinking wrong?
Not far away, the people watching the crowds in the city square went inside and outside for several times. I lowered my head and dialed the black potassium in my hand, but it slowly turned back to this direction.
MC: Okay, just let me see what you want to lead me into.
From time to time there was exclamation and applause from the crowd. I stood on tiptoe and looked around for a long time, only to see a golden hair top in the distance.
Looking at this posture, it seems that some strangers are performing some novel tricks.
The city have always been a place where foreign business travelers gather. Ordinary tricks have long been popular. Why is it so lively today?
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MC: Excuse me.
I squeezed into the crowd and saw a round table in the open space, there's stood a light blond boy.
His facial features are a bit unreal and delicate, and his friendly and clear smile has narrowed the distance again. No wonder the business is so prosperous.
At this moment, he turned his head to the side of my sight in the crowd.
MC: It's you?!
This boy is clearly the assassin I ran into in the alley that night!
My exclamation stuck in my throat. The boy's eyes seemed to stop on me for a short time, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he continued to look away from the crowd.
I confirmed that I didn't mistake the look in his eyes. But is this hearty blond boy really the same person as the silver-haired assassin who raised his sword?
If only the looks are similar, why would that black feather guide me here?
I subconsciously pulled the curtain down, intending to observe again.
The blond boy fetched an empty bowl and quivered back and forth. A stream of clear water poured out of the bowl.
The crowd suddenly cheered, and his fingers tapped the side of the bowl flexibly, and smiled as he spread the water around him like a flower.
I was caught off guard, so I had to lift the half-wet gauze on my hat.
At this time, someone screamed again, and I ignored the water droplets. I was surprised to see a red koi suddenly jump out of the bowl held by the young man.
There is a row of small fish tanks under his feet. As he rotates, the red and gold fish jump into the tank one by one from a high place, splashing clear water.
But the scene did not last. Sudden shouts rang from behind the crowd, interrupting the boy's performance.
I turned my head and looked like everyone else, and saw that the city guards appeared.
Guards: Today, the whole city is under martial law, no one can stay here!
Passerby: Why did the martial law suddenly come?
Passerby: I heard that the second prince was stabbed at the city gate just now, and I don't know if it was because of this...
I hadn't heard it really, the people watching the excitement were quickly scattered, and those who were slow were pushed a few times.
These brave guards do not seem to maintain order, but rather come to add chaos.
I wiped the drops of water on my face, pulled the veil down again, and quickly entered the crowd.
Guards: The one in the hat, stop! Take off the hat!
My heart sank suddenly, pretending not to hear, bowed my head and walked forward quickly.
Guards: I'm talking to you! The one in front, stop for me!
The officers and soldiers behind we shouted, and the curious eyes all around fell on me.
Oh no!
The situation is critical now, and I cannot expose myself in any case.
There was a burst of brisk laughter behind.
The conjurer put down the water bottle, jumped lightly from the stage, and stopped between me and the guards.
MC: ...Get out of here!
I lowered my voice, my anxious heart couldn't hold back and was about to pop out
He bends down deafly, picked up a small white porcelain fish tank, and put it in my hand without any explanation.
I stared blankly at the fish tank in my hand, a small red and white fish swimming slowly in the water.
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Mysterious Boy: For you.
He blinked, and before I could reply, he turned to face the guards.
Mysterious Boy: All the adults also join the show, how about my newly learned trick?
Guards: Get out of the way and don't hinder official duties!
The boy was not angry, but smiled and reached into his arms to get something, but after a while he took out a handful of soybeans.
The guards were about to get angry. The corners of the young man’s lips were raised, and his hands were held together. The soybeans thrown high into the sky turned into yellow coins.
Passersby: It's money now! Pick up the money!
People scrambled to pick up the copper coins scattered on the ground, and the streets that had just been evacuated were instantly blocked.
Guards: Hey, don't run!
He grab my hand and ran forward. Seeing that my hood was about to be blown away by the wind, he quickly reached out and pressed my head.
MC: Youㅡ
Guards: Find me that guy!
In a hidden alley, facing this familiar face, I didn't know what to say for a while.
MC: You, you run too fast.
Mysterious Boy: I will lead them away first, and you will wait for me somewhere else.
MC: Somewhere else?
He pointed to the back, and a large tree was far from behind the high wall that was twisted and looped.
MC: You mean, we will meet there later
Before I got a confirmed answer, I was pushed out by him and involuntarily rejoined the crowd.
And he slid in the direction he had come, but turned his head halfway, as if confirming, and glanced at me from a distance.
The guards saw him as the most conspicuous in the crowd at a glance immediately shouted and rushed over.
The young man shook his hand in the air, a burst of golden smoke suddenly exploded in the air, and the lazy smile on his lips was so beautiful and dazzling.
My hand was empty and I lowered my head. The little goldfish disappeared along with the fish tank.
Without thinking about it, I tightened my veil and hurried to the place he said before.
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There was no one in the depths of the alley, only an old tree.
There are still some dirty child footprints and messy feathers scattered under the trees.
MC: Strange, has anyone else been here?
With many doubts, I hesitated for a moment, but decided to wait for him.
I don't know if it's because he just offered to help, or the lingering sense of familiarity that always lingers in my heart.
But how could he and the assassin I met in the dark alley be the same person?
There was a sound of footsteps in the quiet alley. I turned around and held my breath nervously.
MC: Youㅡ
However, it was not the boy who appeared in front of me, but a few tall men in black. The leader saw my face and sneered.
Man in black: Finally found it.
I took two steps back quickly. I didn't know where these people came from, but I felt the strong murderous aura in them.
MC: Wait a minute! Did you admit the wrong person?
The man in black didn't listen to my excuse. He raised his hand to his companion behind him, and showed a dark color around his waist without warning.
MC: A Talisman? Are you a Master?!
The black-clothed man's eyes dimmed suddenly, and I realized that I shouldn't be so reckless. He knew that I had discovered his identity and would only want to kill me even more.
MC: We.... Let's talk first, in fact, I am also a master of the hermit, and I just joined yesterday. Everyone is a colleague...
Man in black: Stop talking nonsense, come on!
Read Part.TWO here
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marrys-dream-world · 3 years
if we’re bound to be something, why not together? (chapter 12)
Read on AO3
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Notes: I posted on AO3 yesterday and forgot to post here sooo...  I was having a huge writer's block with this fic and I'm still not satisfied with this chapter, but I also don't think it's gonna get any better. Hope you guys enjoy it anyway. Day 12 (what a joke by this point saldkqçkwdqpo) Blush. The beginning of the chapter is a bit off topic but I love it so pls bear with me. Have another one of my Emilie hot takes ig. 
Adrien Agreste was a man of science. 
It was, perhaps, his mother’s fault. His father was clearly the unholy mix of a man of the arts and a businessman, combining the worst of both worlds, if Nino was to be believed. Adrien let out a soft protest at that, but couldn’t really disagree. His father was all cold businessman and artist with a vision (Plagg often asked what vision it could be if he went dressed around like that and allowed Adrien to wear orange shoes, however, kwamis weren’t allowed fashion opinions so he didn’t pay attention to that). His mother was a completely different story.
Many people thought Emilie Agreste was an artist, through and through. After all, even with her outstanding beauty and ridiculous wealth, she worked in indie films and plays that managed to catch her fancy, managing her time between productions that made waves across France and small movies produced by a friend that had few copies to spare. Adrien knew better. His mother was also a gifted scholar, she loved studying things and figuring them out.  He had asked her, when he was young, why she traveled so much and put so many acting jobs aside, and she had said acting was a hobby, learning was her life.
Like mother, like son then. Being an impressionable young child with only one friend and copious amounts of free time in his hands, Adrien tried to mirror the behaviour of the person he admired the most: his mother. He would join her in her study, very unlike father’s, which was a little messy and always warm and welcoming and he was always allowed in before she got sick and everyone stopped caring about him. He would sit beside her in the little desk she commissioned just for him and study basic science, devouring book after book
and falling in love with the way the world just worked.
“I’m gonna be a scientist when I grow up!” He said once at the dinner table. His mother smiled indulgently, but his father wasn’t as kind. 
“Don’t be foolish, Adrien.” He admonished. “You won’t waste your time with such things, you’ll work with me as a model. We can’t let your perfect looks go to waste.”
His mother didn’t say anything to defend him, she never did. However, she winked at him as his father’s eyes left him. He straightened up then, that little gesture never failing to make him feel like they both knew something his father didn’t. These days, Adrien feels like maybe he hadn’t know anything at all. 
Anyway, no matter how much his father tried to discourage him, Adrien Agreste was still a man of science and that meant experiments! He would usually not try out a behavioural experiment, but it was, as a lot of good stuff in his life was, Nino’s fault. Both had been discussing an art project with Alya and Marinette...
"This is really good, Marinette." He said sincerely, leafing through her and Alya's booklet.
Marinette seemed to shrink, blushing a little and smiling awkwardly, a sharp contrast to Alya, who only puffed up.
"I know, right?" Alya grinned, slipping her arm over Marinette's shoulder.
"I-it's nothing, really. Just a school project hehe." Marinette, taking the book back as Adrien offered.
"Everyone did theirs, but yours is a standout." Adrien said, smiling softly. Her work was amazing and he would say it as many times as it would take for her to believe it.
Marinette turned beet red at that, stammering something incomprehensible and dashing out of the classroom's door. Alya cracked out a laugh, quickly following after her. He watched them confusedly, scratching the back of his neck.
"Dude, you gotta stop doing that." Nino said, sighing. 
Adrien raised an eyebrow. "Doing what?"
"Being all earnest and stuff." Nino answered, clasping his hands together and widening his eyes in a mockery of his best friend. "Oh, Marinette, you're so talented! You're so smart! You're so-"
"I don't talk like that." Adrien pouted. He didn't, did he?
"Yeah, you do." His friend snorted. "It drives the girls wild, even the ones that don't have a crush on you."
"You say that like a lot of girls have a crush on me." He rolled his eyes, other than his fans, the only ones who had a crush on him were Chloe and, the jury was still out on that one, Lila. 
Nino gulped. "I mean, yeah, because of your fans and all! Not Marinette, she doesn't have a crush on you at all! She doesn't like you, even. She barely likes you as a friend!"
His heart fell. "Marinette barely likes me as a friend?"
"No! That's not what I meant!" Nino groaned. "Marinette does like you as a friend, okay, dude? I just word-vomited for no reason. Just don't go around being all you like that on her, she'll blush so hard she'll explode."
“Nino, you’re exaggerating.” Adrien had said, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, you say that now, but try it with any girl and see how they react.” Nino answered, mockingly rolling his eyes back. 
He had shrugged at the time, but the question stayed in the back of his mind. Adrien was aware that he was good-looking, it was maybe the only thing his hard-to-please father ever complimented him on, but to make even girls that weren’t attracted to him blush? It seemed very far off. However, he knew his mind wasn’t going to let it go anytime soon. Adrien had a bad habit of not letting things go, Plagg said. So it looks like conducting an experiment was  on the table and there was only one girl he would be comfortable trying it out with.
"Thanks, Marinette." Adrien said as he picked up a macaron from the box she brought to share with the class.
She flushed slightly, nothing so out of the usual that it would prove Nino's theory. "Y-you're welcome, Adrien."
"Did you help your dad make them?"
"Oh, I made them myself, I had some time to go to the kitchen lately." She said, eyes lighting up. "I missed it."
"It tastes great, Marinette." He said, making sure to smile and soften his gaze a little. It was actually hard to not do that around his friend, after all. "You're really talented."
Her face went fire truck red in a matter of seconds, mouth falling open and eyes going a little glazed over. Nothing out of the usual, but that was the thing: Marinette was always like that around him. Whenever he talked to her, a pretty blush would fill her cheeks and her blue eyes would go wide. Was he really so powerful that being earnest was enough to make a girl that only saw him strictly platonically blush like that?
“It’s our raw magnetism, kid.” Plagg told him solemnly when Adrien explained his theory. “Nothing we can do about it, girls better watch out.”
They spared a minute of silence for all the girls struck by their lady killer charms. 
“Hey, Plagg, when you say all girls…” His lady’s adorable face flashed in his mind.
“Yeah, no, kid, dream on.”
However, it must be said again: Adrien Agreste is a man of science and he would never fail to experiment on a hypothesis. 
Their next patrol was quiet, jumping through the rooftops and climbing down to comfort civilians separately. He could feel Ladybug’s eyes boring into his back at every confused glance she threw his way. The silence unsettled her, he knew that, but as much as he wanted to reassure her, he also had to create the perfect setting for his experiment. 
“A bit quiet today, weren’t you, Chaton?” His lady asked when they finally settled down, nonchalant tone costrating with her twitching fingers.
“Oh, I was just struck speechless.” He said, voice purposefully serious as to not arouse suspicion. 
“By what?” Ladybug frowned. 
“By you.” He smiled and she started to roll her eyes when he continued. “You’re really kind, my lady.”
She blinked owlishly. “What?”
“Every time I turn my back to you on patrol, when I look back you’re talking to someone. Comforting that little girl whose ice cream fell, getting that kite stuck in a tree. It’s not even just today, you always do that. I’ve never met anyone who does it as effortlessly as you do.”
The words flew easily from his tongue. Complimenting Ladybug was often easier than not.
“You’re really kind, Ladybug.” He repeated, only to see her face darken until her cheeks settled into a rosy pink. 
She opened her mouth as if to say something, but closed it again when she noticed it was hanging open. Her blue eyes went wide and shiny. It was the prettiest sight he had ever seen.
Maybe being a man of science has its perks sometimes. 
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fanmoose12 · 4 years
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Levi had a nice, good life.
Maybe, he was living all alone on some far-away island. And maybe, his only companions were four animals, who had found him after he was washed up to the shore, - dwarf elephant Petra, peacock Oluo, red panda Gunther and a koala Eld. And maybe, he had no one to talk to, beside his pets, and he had no memories of his life before he had appeared on that island, but still. He was content with his life, he was happy.
But all good things have to an end. And Levi’s happy, quiet life had come to an end as well.
It all changed, when he set his eyes on her – Princess Hange of Zoe Kingdom.
It all happened completely out of blue.
One moment, Levi was with his animal friends, picking up some fruits for the lunch, and the next – he heard the loudest, most annoying shriek in his entire life. It didn’t sound like any animal Levi had known, and, of course, he instantly froze in his spot, thinking if he was the only one, who had heard it. He glanced at his companions and saw that they were just as frightened as he was.
Still, no matter how unnerved he was by the whole ordeal, Levi wasn’t going to just sit there and wait for some unknown animal to come and kill him and his friends. So Levi rose to his feet and nodded to Petra, Oluo, Eld and Gunther, signaling them about his intent.
Then, carefully, trying to make as little noise as possible, he began making his way towards that sound.
He didn’t hear another shriek, instead Levi picked up a new strange sound – it was speech. Whoever was hiding in the woods in the middle of the island, they were talking just like Levi. Now he was more intrigued than worried, and Levi moved faster, eager to see, what was going on.
As he took one step after another, Levi soon reached a small precipice, which led to a lake. He looked down and saw two humans – who looked so much like him. One was lean and had a messy brown hair, while the other person was tall and blond with wide shoulders and strong hands.
Levi decided to stay in shadow for now and observe those strange newcomers.
“Hange, please step away from that lake!” the blonde man shouted, his voice urging and commanding. “There can be crocodiles there!”
“I know!” the woman with brown hair answered. “And I want to see them!”
“The King will kill me, if a damned crocodile bites off your hand,” the man shook his head in exasperation.
The woman turned to her companion. She started to laugh, a big, wide smile appearing on her lips. The moment Levi saw her face, her head thrown back, her eyes sparkling and her shoulders shaking, as she continued to giggle, he was lost.
He didn’t remember seeing another human being before, had never heard the sound of genuine and happy laughter, so without thinking, without even realizing it, he took a step forward. And then another, until he was standing at the edge of the precipice.
“Hey!” he shouted to get their attention, his eyes never leaving the face of that strange woman. “Do you need any help?”
As their eyes met, the woman’s face changed. The excited grin was gone, her eyes widened and her mouth opened in a slight ‘o’. “I didn’t know that this place was populated by humans…” she whispered, staring intently at Levi.
“If you would be so kind, then please help us to get out of here,” the woman’s companion replied, breaking Levi out of his daze.
He nodded once and then crouched down, reaching with his hand towards newcomers. The blonde man was the first one to grab his arm, and even though, he was quite heavy, Levi managed to successfully drag him up.
The woman outstretched her hand next, and when Levi took it in his, he was surprised at how soft and warm her skin was. The tips of her fingers were a little calloused, but the rest of her palm was as smooth as silk. When the woman appeared next to him and it was time to let go of her hand, Levi was strangely reluctant to do so. And maybe, he wouldn’t have let go of her so swiftly, if the blonde man hadn’t cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable by the prolonged silence.
When Levi turned to glare at him, the man smiled, if only a little awkwardly. “It’s nice to meet you, good sir. We are very thankful for our rescue. My name is Erwin Smith, I am a royal researcher and a companion to her highness, Princess Hange.”
“And that’s me!” the woman exclaimed, taking Levi by the hand once more and energetically shaking it. That same happy grin was back, as she fixed the glasses on her face, trying to take a better look at Levi. “And what is your name?”
Truth be told, he wasn’t sure what his name was. He didn’t remember his childhood at all, and the only thing he possessed that linked him to his past was a small chest that had washed up on a shore alongside him. ‘Levi’ was written on the front of the chest, and inside it there was a book and a small picture. It was a painting of him and a young woman, whose dark hair and long face looked very similar to his. Maybe, it was his mother or maybe, his sister. Unfortunately, Levi couldn’t remember.
“Well?” Hange prompted him again, after he was silent for too long. “You do have a name, right?”
“It’s Levi…” he whispered, still a little dazed.
“Levi!” Hange exclaimed, clasping his shoulder. “It’s nice to meet you!”
“We didn’t know that this island had humans living on it,” Erwin noted. “Where are the others?”
“There are no others,” Levi simply replied.
“You live here alone?!” Hange cried out.
“I’m not alone,” Levi protested. “I have friends.”
As on cue, Petra, Oluo, Gunther and Eld stepped out from the forest. Erwin and Hange looked at them with a mixture of shock and incomprehension.
“Em, Levi?” Erwin began carefully. “They are your friends? But they are animals… Are… you talking to them?”
“Of course, I do,” Levi crossed his hands on his chest, scowling at Erwin. “But they don’t answer me, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“They are so cute!” Hange giggled, as she crouched down to gently scratch behind Eld’s ears. The little koala enjoyed her affection, letting Hange get closer to him. She softly cooed.
“Hey, Levi!” Hange rose to her feet and walked up to him, laying her hands on his shoulders and leaning close to his face. “Do you wish to travel with us?”
“Huh?” Levi startled, not entirely following what Hange had meant.
“Well, we’re planning to stay on this island for a week or two to study its flora and fauna,” Erwin explained with a gentle smile. “And then we’ll return back to our kingdom. And we can take you with us.”
“I’ll introduce you to my parents!” Hange exclaimed with another happy smile. “And maybe, we can find your family as well!”
“M-my family?” Levi stuttered.
“Yeah! Like parents or siblings, I’m sure someone is looking for you, Levi,” there was a soft, gentle look in Hange’s eyes, as she stared straight at Levi. “And I want to help you find them.”
And that was it. The convincing smile on her lips, her kind and hopeful words and those beautiful brown eyes… Levi just couldn’t say no.
They spent two weeks on Levi’s island, and then, when it was the time to leave it, Levi gathered all of his belongings and asked Hange, if he could take his friends with him. She agreed instantly and then she launched into a long tale about the lush and huge gardens around royal palace, which was the perfect place for Petra, Oluo, Gunther and Eld to live.
And so they sailed away. Levi stood on the deck, gripping the railing tightly, as he watched the island, where he had spent his whole life, slowly disappear from the view.
He would have stood there for a long time, lost in his thoughts, but soon Hange came up to him, hugging his shoulders with a joke already on her lips.
And, strangely enough, Levi relaxed with her beside her, even though the scowl was still present on his face.
When they arrived to palace, Levi spent his days either walking through the gardens with his pets by his side, or he went to sit in the library, watching Erwin work and wondering, what the hell Hange was so busy with.
Upon their return to the kingdom, Levi almost never saw Hange. She was always somewhere else, always away from him. She was going to become a Queen, Erwin explained, and that’s why there were a lot of things that needed her attention. And even though, Levi understood it, it wasn’t like Hange had to babysit him all the time, still…. He missed her. The big and unfamiliar palace seemed even more unfriendly without Hange by his side.
Levi had spent nearly two weeks in Hange’s palace, when she finally approached him, saying that she had wonderful news.
“I’ve managed to find your family!” she beamed, nearly bouncing up and down from excitement.
“Huh? My family? What do you mean?”
“Exactly what I’m saying! Erwin and I looked through the archives and found Queen Kuchel. She had lost her son in a shipwreck, and the boy in the picture looks just like you!”
As if to prove her point, Hange took a picture from her pocket and showed it to Levi. As he took it in his hands, they were slightly trembling. And as Levi looked at the picture, his breath hitched in his throat. It was the same drawing he had in his chest. So was this woman his mother? Did he really have a family? Was he not alone in this world?
“You don’t have to meet her, if you don’t want to!” Hange blurted out, seeing his hesitation. “I didn’t tell her about you, I’ve just invited her for a small tea-party. You can sit in the side-room, and when— or if you’re ready, you can come in and meet her.”
“I… alright,” Levi felt a lot more relaxed now. “Thank you, Hange.”
She winked before enveloping him in a short hug. “Don’t thank me just yet,” she whispered in his ear.
“Stay here,” Hange instructed him, as she led him to the small room. “Or don’t, that’s entirely up to you. I’ll be there if you need me.”
Levi just nodded, not sure what to say in this kind of situation. Hange smiled one more time, and then disappeared behind the doors.
Levi took a seat on the one of the many sofas, which stood in the room, and shakily exhaled. He tried to sit as comfortable as possible, his mind going through a million of different thoughts and feeling.
Soon, he heard the door open, and Hange’s loud voice greeted the newcomer. Levi froze instantly, straining his ears to hear what was going on in the next room.
“I’m so happy you’ve managed to find the time to visit our kingdom, your majesty,” even though he didn’t see her, Levi could hear the smile in Hange’s voice. “It’s a great honor for me, Queen Kuchel.”
“Oh, please,” that voice contrasted wildly with Hange’s. It wasn’t loud and shrieking like hers, instead, it was pleasant and melodic. It was quiet and almost weak, in comparison to Hange’s. Levi involuntarily moved closer, to hear that woman better. “I couldn’t just ignore an invitation from a future Queen. Besides, I’ve heard your wedding is approaching, I didn’t want to miss it.”
“Ah, yes,” Hange awkwardly chuckled. “I am to be married in a few weeks.”
“Excellent!” the woman clasped her hands, and the loud sound resonated across the room.
Levi felt like he was punched. Hange was marrying someone? Why didn’t she tell him? Was she even going to tell him? Levi was utterly lost, his thoughts and feelings swirling around, making him feel dazed and overwhelmed.
Without even realizing it, he got to his feet and opened the door, walking into the room. The loud gasp and the sound of a chair falling to the ground managed to snap Levi out of his shock. He blinked a few times, coming to his senses.
And in the next moment, he felt two gentle hands on his face, as a woman, whose features resembled his own so much, stared deeply into his eyes.
“L-levi?” she uttered, her voice barely above whisper. But for Levi it was as loud as a cannon-shot. “Is it really you, baby? Did you come back to me?”
“Y-yeah,” Levi shakily nodded, feeling his eyes fill with tears. “I guess I did.”
Those gentle hands wrapped themselves around Levi. For a moment, he didn’t know what to do, but then he looked behind his mother’s back and saw Hange, who was smiling widely and showing him thumbs-up. He nodded to her, once, and then hugged his mother back, inhaling her oh so familiar scent and burying his face in her shoulder.
Levi was so focused on his mother, he didn’t even hear the door opening and Hange swiftly making her way out of the room.
He talked with his mother through the whole day. Levi told her all about his life on a deserted island, and she, in turn, filled him on everything that had happened in their kingdom, while he was away. 
Most of his childhood memories still eluded him, but with the help of his mother, Levi remembered some things about the stuff at their palace and his uncle Kenny. He remembered his mother's gentle hands and the way she softly sang him a lullaby, when he couldn't sleep.
When the sun had set, Levi and Kuchel moved to the gardens, and there, Levi introduced his mother to Petra, Oluo, Gunther and Eld. All of Levi's friends took an immediate liking to Kuchel, and even proud Oluo let her pet and feed him.
They were sitting there for a long time, talking about nothing. Levi laid his head on his mother's knees, as her fingers softly played with his hair.
"So you're friends with Princess Hange, huh?" Kuchel suddenly noted with a chuckle.
“I guess,” he shrugged. “I mean, she brought me here and found you. Without her, we would have never met.”
"Oh, baby," Kuchel leaned in and kissed his forehead. "I'm so sorry for abandoning you. I should have never left you. I should have never stopped looking for you."
"It wasn't your fault," Levi took his mother's hand in his and squeezed it. "You couldn't know that I was alive."
"I should be thankful to Princess Hange then," Kuchel smiled at Levi. "She brought you back to me.”
"Mgh," Levi mumbled noncommittally, turning his face away.
"What was it?" A mischievous grin appeared on Kuchel's face. "Did you say something?"
"Nothing." Levi grunted, crossing his hands on his chest.
"Really?" Kuchel giggled. "Because it looks like that scowl on your face," Kuchel touched his forehead, tracing the lines there with her thumb, "became even more prominent than usual."
"You're mistaken."
Kuchel shook her head. "I don't think I am, my dear. So do tell me: does something bother you? Has Princess Hange offended you in some way? Should I go and have a talk with her?"
"Mother, no!" Levi's expression was horrified. "There is nothing to talk about. Hange did nothing wrong."
"Really?" Kuchel raised her eyebrow. "So this isn't about her upcoming marriage at all?"
"I..." Levi rose up from his mother's knees, turning his back to her face. Even without seeing his expression, Kuchel knew he was scowling. "I don't care about her marriage. She can do whatever she wants."
"And that's it? That's really all that you feel about it?"
"I just don't want her to marry some jerk she barely knows."
"And?" Kuchel softly prompted, laying a hand on his shoulder.
"She's annoying as hell," Levi began angrily. "Her voice is too loud, she laughs way too often and her jokes are fucking terrible, but..." He trailed off, his voice lowering to a whisper. "But I like being with her. And I don't want to leave her side."
"Honey," Kuchel embraced him from behind, laying her head on his shoulder. "You're not a boy, lost on a deserted island anymore. You're an Ackerman, and you're an heir to the throne. I'm not encouraging you to do anything, but... Just keep this in mind. And go talk to that girl. At the very least, you should thank her for saving you."
"I... Yeah," Levi ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I should go and do exactly that. Thank you, mother," he gently kissed her cheek. "I'll come to talk with you in the morning."
Kuchel smiled and gave him a slight nod.
"I hope you'll bring some good news to me tomorrow," she whispered, when Levi walked away.
Levi entered Hange's room without knocking. That was his mistake.
Because as he opened the door, he saw Hange with some young girl fretting over her. And Hange… Hange was dressed in a wedding gown.
"I'm sorry!" Levi exclaimed, turning around and then slapping a hand over his eyes for a good measure.
"You don’t have to cover your eyes," Hange laughed. "Only my fiancé shouldn't see me in my wedding dress."
Right, that's right. Hange was going to be married soon. She had a fiancé. And it wasn't him.
"Anyway," Hange began, looking at Levi in the reflection of the mirror. "Why did you come?"
"I... I want to talk."
"Oh, yeah, alright," Hange nodded. Then she turned to the girl beside her. "Nifa, you can go now. I'll call you, if I need anything."
The girl slightly bowed her head. "Good night, your highness."
"Nifa," Hange drew her name, looking at the girl with a teasing smile.
"Ah, of course, forgive me," Nifa frantically bowed again, a blush painting the delicate features of her face. "G-good night, H-hange!"
"That's better," Hange clasped Nifa's shoulder with affection. "You too have a good night, Nifa."
When her maid had left the room, Hange turned all of her attention to Levi.
"So?" She plopped down on her bed, and then gestured Levi to do the same. "How was your talk with Queen Kuchel? Is she really your mother?"
"She is," Levi replied a little breathlessly, emotions once again overwhelming him, as he remembered his mother's warm embrace. "That's why I wanted to talk with you. I want to thank you for... Finding her for me."
"Don't be silly," Hange carelessly waved her hand. "You're my friend and I wanted to help you. Besides, most of the work was actually done by Erwin. I only joined him, when I had the time."
"Still," Levi insisted. "I know you were very busy these days, but you still found the time to do this. And I know it was your idea to start this search in the first place. So, stop protesting and accept my gratitude."
"Alright, alright," Hange softly chuckled, staring at Levi beneath her lashes.
Looking like that, with her hair down and framing her slightly blushing face, with that soft smile and eyes that seemed to sparkle in the candlelight, she was the prettiest sight Levi had ever seen. He stared at her, unable to look away. Hange looked back at him, and everything else seemed to blur into the background. Without looking directly at her dress, Levi forgot about her wedding and the fact that she didn't tell him about it. In that moment, nothing else mattered, but Hange. She was sitting so close to him, and Levi felt like she was getting closer, leaning into him. He almost leaned in, too.
But then they heard the knock on the door.
They both startled, and Hange shot to her feet, smoldering the creases in her dress.
"Come in!" She shouted, her voice squeaky and shaky.
The door opened, and timid-looking man with chest-nut hair poked his head inside.
"Lady Han— Oh, I'm sorry!” the man let out a horrifying shriek, as he saw what Hange was wearing. He instantly closed his eyes with his palm. "I'm so, so sorry, I didn't know you were trying on your wedding dress!"
Levi watched the man with an amusing smirk, wondering if he himself had looked just as stupid as that poor guy. Definitely not. There was no way his face looked as constipated as that man's.
"Moblit, that's fine," Hange giggled. "Just wait a second, I'll find some robe. Then you can open your eyes."
So that was Hange's fiancé? Levi glared at him, crossing his hands on his chest. Why in the world Hange was marrying him? He looked absolutely pathetic.
"You can look now, Moblit," Hange returned from her side chamber, a robe now draped over her dress. "Did you want to something?"
"I-i wanted to wish you goodnight, Lady Hange," Moblit put on a tentative and very shy smile. "And ask if you want to accompany me to the tomorrow's opera?"
Hange grimaced. "Maybe, it would be best for us to go horse riding?"
"You don't like opera?" Moblit asked, surprised.
Hange smiled sheepishly. "Not really?"
"Oh, alright, then I'll— Oh!" Moblit exclaimed, as his eyes finally landed on Levi. "You're not alone, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt!"
"You didn't," Hange assured him with a smile.
Well, Levi would have argued with that.
"By the way, Moblit, meet my friend Levi!"
"Oh," Moblit raised his eyebrows. "That's Levi?" He walked up to him, shaking his hand. "I've heard a lot about you, good sir."
"Can't say the same about you," Levi curtly replied, squeezing Moblit's hand just a little too hard.
"Don't mind him," Hange said cheerfully, coming to stand beside Levi, and accidentally elbowing him in the side. "He isn't very good with court manners."
"Right, of course," Moblit chuckled nervously. "He grew up on a deserted island, I remember."
"Ah, but he isn't the lost boy anymore!" Hange joyfully announced. "Our Levi is an heir to the throne of Ackerman kingdom," she winked, grinning from ear to ear. "Very important and all that."
"In that case," Moblit smiled. "My sincere congratulations, your highness. My lady," he bowed to Hange. "It's time for me to go. I'll come to get you tomorrow morning."
"Yes," Hange nodded. "I'll see you soon."
"You're going to marry him?" Levi asked, as soon as Moblit closed the door after himself.
"Well, yes," Hange replied, a little defensive. "Is there something wrong with Moblit?"
Levi gave her a flat look. "He looks like he's two seconds away from shitting his pants."
Hange instantly covered her face with a hand, stifling her laugh. "You can't say that, Levi! Moblit is nice! He's very kind and he always listens to me. My mother and sisters like him very much!"
"And you?" Levi stared deeply into her eyes. "Do you like him?"
"He's nice," Hange replied, shrugging helplessly.
"So you don't love him," Levi stated.
"Maybe, I'll learn to love him," Hange protested, albeit weakly. "With time."
"And that's how you want to spend your life? Trying to learn love someone you don't?"
"Soon I will become the Queen, Levi," Hange reminded him sternly. "I don't really have a choice who I'm going to marry."
"And what if you had?"
"W-what?" confusion painted Hange's features. "What do you mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean, Hange. You've said it yourself. I'm not the lost boy anymore. I'll be a King, too. And I need to find myself a wife."
"Are... are you proposing to me?" Hange asked, not quite believing her ears.
Levi shrugged. "Maybe, I am. Will you... Will you accept?"
A sly, mischievous grin appeared on Hange's lips. "Maybe. I mean, I need to talk with my father first, but... Personally, I'm very interested in what you're offering."
"So, t-that's— that's a yes?" Levi stuttered, hating how weak and nervous his voice sounded.
"That's a maybe," Hange smirked, seeing the annoyance on Levi's face. "But I'll do everything in my power to turn it into yes."
"Fucking hell, four-eyes," Levi growled, lightly smacking her arm. "You actually got me worried, you asshole."
Hange giggled, taking a step closer to Levi and laying her hands on his shoulders, looking him right in the eyes. "What? Were you worried that I'd reject you?"
"I wasn't sure. I mean, who knows what is going on inside that head of yours. I'm not nice like your Moblit, after all."
"Mm," Hange agreed. "You're not nearly as nice as Moblit, but luckily for you," Hange leaned in, dangerously close to Levi's lips. "I seem to like you just fine."
"Fucking thanks for that," Levi whispered, his voice soft despite his crude words.
Hange began laughing, and Levi surged forward, putting his lips on hers and kissing her with all gentleness he possessed.
Hange answered him in the same kind, moving her lips slowly against his, relaxing in his arms.
"Levi," she called, when they broke apart. "After our wedding, maybe we can take a short vacation? Sail into the sea, explore the new lands..."
"Just the two of us?" Levi asked, already imagining that. And very much liking the image his mind had supplied him with.
"Well..." Hange trailed off, avoiding Levi's suspicious eyes. "I'll need Erwin with me... And I was going to ask Moblit to come with us..."
"What?" Levi asked her incredulously. "You want to invite the guy you've rejected?"
"I haven't rejected him yet," Hange noted, earning a vicious glare from her soon-to-be fiancé. "But I was serious when I said that he's a really nice guy! And he is a very talented artist! What if we discover a new species? Or find a new island? I'll need his skills!"
"Fine, fine," Levi accepted his defeat. Arguing with Hange was pointless anyway. He just couldn't say no to her. "But you’re not inviting anyone else. I don't want some strangers travelling with us."
"That's a deal!" Hange beamed and then gave Levi a quick peck on his lips.
Yeah, Levi felt that he was going to have some serious problems saying no to his future wife, if she continues to kiss him like that.
"But we'll take Petra, Oluo, Gunther and Eld, right?"
"Of course," Levi huffed. "I can't just abandon them. And..."
"After your stupid trip, we'll visit my kingdom. I want to spend some time with my mother."
"Ah, you're such a softie," Hange teased.
"Tch," Levi turned away, feeling a blush appear on his cheeks. "Only you can know about this. Not a word about it to anyone else, you understand, four-eyes?"
"Of course, my lips are sealed, dear husband."
Dear husband. Levi liked the sound of it.
And, of course, he will personally ensure that Hange's lips are sealed.
By frequently kissing them.
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quickspinner · 4 years
On the Edge of Dreams - LBSC SFC
Written for the LBSC sprint fic challenge. If you’d like to join in follow @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers for more information!
Challenge rules:
Pick a prompt and write for that prompt in up to three 15 minute sprints. No writing outside the sprints until you have completed all three! After the 3 sprints are complete, you have 24 hours to edit (which can include some new writing to smooth transitions, etc). After those 24 hours, post what you’ve got!
Prompt: "Oh no, s/he’s hot!” 
More information on the challenge here!
It was a simple order. Nothing complicated about it. A large dark roast with room. He’d ordered it a thousand times, could do it without thought. Or at least, so he would have said until today. 
But the truly stunning pair of blue eyes across the counter from him was blinking in confusion, thanks to the incomprehensible mixture of French, English, and Scots he’d just spouted.
His eyes zeroed in on the lovely set of lips as they parted, hesitated, and then spoke. “I’m sorry, I...didn’t quite catch that?” 
Luka blinked and cleared his throat, feeling the blush heating up his face as he dragged his gaze back up to meet hers. “I’m sorry, it’s—I’m not a morning person. I think I left my brain in bed.” 
She smiled, and damn if she wasn’t the prettiest girl he’d ever laid eyes on, perfect skin and gorgeous eyes and those lips were— 
Speaking to him. Shit. “—all the time. Do you want to try again?”
Luka somehow managed to give his order correctly this time, and nearly fainted at the giggle she let out as she picked up the cup to write his order. 
His eyes flicked to her nametag. Marinette.
“That’s my name,” she said, and Luka’s eyes shot up to her face again. “I asked for yours?” 
“Sorry,” Luka repeated hurriedly. “Luka. My name’s Luka.”
“Can you spell it for me or is that too much to ask before you’ve had a chance to drink it?” she asked with a playful wink, and it was really a wonder his knees didn’t give out on him. 
“Sure,” he said weakly, and spelled it for her (correctly, mercifully). She smiled at him and turned aside to start making his drink. Luka also turned away slightly in the other direction, pretending to look in the pastry case as he tried to catch his breath and get his bearings again. Damn, wasn’t this just his luck, face to face with a beautiful girl and him in wrinkled clothes and mussed hair looking like—well, he hoped he looked like he’d just pulled an all-nighter, and not like he’d been doing something far seedier. 
He checked the time, and had to blink a couple of times before the numbers came into full focus. He really needed that coffee.
“You’re an angel,” he groaned as she set it on the display case in front of him. 
“Careful, it’s—” she winced as he put the cup to his lips, but Luka was long past caring how hot the coffee was. He took a burning gulp and made a face before offering the girl— Marinette , he remembered—a lopsided smile. 
“If I don’t get it down now I’m going to pass out on your steps,” he joked, and his smile grew a little wider when she laughed. 
“You look it,” she said, propping her elbows up on the case and peering at him over it. “I hope the coffee helps. Can I offer you anything else?”
“I wouldn’t say no to a place to crash on your floor,” Luka joked, moving over to add cream and sugar to his coffee. “But it’d be kind of a waste to work on that damn paper all night and then pass out before I have a chance to turn it in, so coffee it is.” He snorted softly. “Who wants paper copies in this day and age anyway, really?” he muttered, and then blushed when he turned around to find the girl giggling at him over the top of the pastry case. 
“Well, good luck,” she said, leaning her chin on one hand. “Make sure you double-check the mailbox number before you put it in. Ask me how I know.” She made a face.
Luka laughed as he went to the door. “Good tip. Thanks for the coffee, Marinette. I’m sure I’ll see you again.” 
He fumbled the door handle when she smiled—and blushed. 
He made her blush.
Luka wasn’t sure if he was more embarrassed by the goofy grin on his face or the way he tripped on the ledge of the door on the way out because he hadn’t looked away from that adorable blushy smile. 
At least he managed to keep his coffee from spilling.
Three more times he visited the bakery that week, but each time he ordered his coffee from an older lady with a kind smile. She was nice enough, but Luka had been hoping to see Marinette again.
He came in the next week without much hope, but perked up as he saw Marinette behind the counter. His smile faded slightly though as she stood swaying on her feet. Her hair wasn’t messy but definitely not as tidy as before, and he could see the slight creases of makeup caked around her eyes as he approached, covering dark shadows, he was sure. Luka was at the counter and had to call her name twice before her gaze snapped up to his and she blinked rapidly. 
“Oh,” she gasped, “I’m so sorry. Um, what can I get you?”
Luka ordered (correctly, and entirely in French this time) and added, as Marinette moved sluggishly to pick up the cup, “Should I make that two? You look like you need it more than I do this morning.” 
Marinette shot him a tired smile that was still unbearably cute. “I probably do. I was working on a project all last night and I really couldn’t ask Mom to cover another shift for me, she’s been taking my shifts all week. It’s done now, so I can struggle through and—” She paused, staring at the cup in her hand. “Sorry, what am I making again?”
Luka chuckled and leaned on the counter as he repeated the order. She finished writing it on the cup that time, and Luka thought she breathed a sigh of relief at the simplicity of it. 
“I’m serious,” Luka told her, and she looked at him in slight confusion. “I really will buy you a coffee if you need it.” 
“Oh, that’s very kind, but I’ve already had some. Just waiting for it to kick in. I actually don’t care much for coffee most of the time but it was definitely necessary this morning.” 
She set the cup on the counter in front of him and smiled. “Thanks for being patient with me, Luka.” 
“It’s not like it’s hard,” he said stupidly, a little dazzled. She was adorable, even half-dead. “I hope you get some rest,” he added, as he took his coffee to add the cream and sugar. 
“I will,” she shrugged with a tired smile. “Eventually.” 
Luka took his coffee and left. 
The next time he went to the bakery, he nearly ran into Marinette coming out of the door.
“Woah,” he said, catching her shoulders to keep her from falling. She put her hands out automatically to keep herself from impacting his chest. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” she said quickly, snatching her hands back and blushing to the roots of her hair. “Wow, you’re um. Strong. Sorry, I’m so sorry, I was going way too fast and I should have been looking and I didn’t hurt you, right?” 
Luka nearly laughed at the thought. “No, I’m good,” he smiled, letting go of her shoulders. “Are you?” 
“Fine,” she squeaked, turning redder by the minute. 
“You sure?” Luka couldn’t help asking, tilting his head slightly. That shade really couldn’t be healthy.
“I’m fine, everything’s fine, I slam right into hot guys all the time, not a big deal at all and definitely nothing to get embarrassed and start babbling like an idiot over, nope, I’m all—all good.” She whined and put her hands over her face. 
Luka had to take a second to get his bearings after that flood, but then a slow grin spread across his face. “Well, I can’t say I’m lucky enough to have to catch a hot girl all that often, but so far I’m not minding the experience.” 
Marinette sputtered something completely unintelligible, and Luka chuckled, reaching in his pocket and fishing out a card. It was nothing fancy, just a slim black and white card with a website and instagram information on it that Rose had printed up at home, but today he was glad he was carrying them. 
“This is the band I play with,” Luka said, giving her the card. “I’d love to run into you at a show sometime.” He grinned. “Literally or figuratively, either works for me.” 
He stepped aside to clear her path as Marinette stared at him. “Maybe we can get not-coffee afterward.” Luka winked at her and went into the bakery, and then, glancing behind him to make sure he was clear, he covered his own face and fought down his internal panic at his boldness. 
“Can I help you?” said an amused voice, and Luka jerked slightly before dropping his hands and staring at the older lady behind the counter—Marinette’s mother, he suddenly remembered with embarrassment. 
“Um, yeah. I mean, yes, please.” 
At least...that was what he meant to say. The confused look on the lady’s face mirrored Marinette’s from a couple weeks ago. 
Luka sighed.
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madroxed · 4 years
the order (season two) thoughts.
so chotoranii asked me for my thoughts on the order season two. of which there are many. posting them here rather than in a reply so tumblr doesn’t fuck up the ‘keep reading’ break. 
the good, the bad, and the incomprehensible.
ok SO. overall i thought this season was so much better than season one, especially in terms of production and acting.
i should start by saying, the biggest twist of this season? ME LIKING JACK AS A BLOND. i’ve been dragging that hair for months and i end up digging it? i’m so mad at myself.
ANYWAY the first three episodes? flawless! beautiful! amazing! they honestly took everything i could have listed as wanting and put it onscreen. jack trying out for cheer squad and having to stay on cheer squad to keep up the act? them finding each other almost immediately? the jokes about orgies? jack taking the knights seriously and holding on to his anger over the memory wipe? lilith and nicole? nicole in general? RANDALL AND HAMISH FAKE DATING (however briefly, seriously, i will be writing fic where they have to keep that up because i am betrayed that it was never brought up again and if you think i didn’t throw my laptop across the bed so i could run around screaming you’d be wrong)? A MAGIC HEIST?
honestly, all perfect.
............then the season started to go downhill. don’t get me wrong, there were still some excellent parts, but they were hindered by two things:
the plot jumping about too much to be comprehensible.
the fact that we the viewers are supposed to believe that randall carpio and hamish duke would not tear the world apart for lilith bathory immediately. 
the first is forgivable; the first season’s plot was a simple enough device that meant it dragged a little at times. this season they seemed to not want to fall into that trap again, but in doing so threw something so big in that they needed far too much exposition because they didn’t have enough time to show it (a trait they fell into in a lot of ways, we’ll get back to that). SHOW, DON’T TELL, FOLKS. that being said, i really liked salvadore as a character, and the idea of a group of people striving to make magic accessible to all was a cool moral quandary plot. 
the second is unforgivable to me, and led to the majority of my issues with the season. i understand the knights becoming members of the order (cool concept), i understand them struggling with conflicting loyalties because of it, but what i don’t understand is the fact that randall spent the majority of the season saying “let’s get lilith back!” only to back down at the first push back, and hamish was the push back. because......the order had other problems. IN WHAT UNIVERSE DO THE KNIGHTS OF SAINT CHRISTOPHER NOT PUT EACH OTHER FIRST AND SAY FUCK EVERYONE ELSE? 
(jack i understand, if only because we saw so much of it last season. his loyalties are kinda flaky. i do understand his loyalty to vera; not only did she play a huge part in taking down edward last season, but the mind link thing and learning all her pain would have stuck with him. he loves a cause, that boy. also hey ho! jack was so much more likeable this season! we love to see it.)
also i just really missed lilith.
(thank fuck for nicole never giving up.)
the amount of callbacks to season one were fantastic. they didn’t just move on and leave it be, they referenced basically everyone, and seeing professor clarke and kyle again was a nice touch just to tie things together. there also being discussions about jack’s pete related trauma was great and necessary. 
ok, so alyssa. i take back my post about how great it would be for her to be the villain. this was so much better. her trauma in the wake of both season one and then accidentally killing someone leading to her feeling so conflicted and lost and alone? her magic malfunctioning when it’s all she feels she has? we’ve always known she was ambitious, but to see her face straight on the idea that she may be left completely powerless and no one really listening or trying to help her except a hive mind that’s also hurting her? o u c h. 
we saw this season that the real problem with the order is its motto of ‘hurry up and wait’. ‘we’ll save lilith.....just do all these other things first!’ ‘we’ll get alyssa’s magic back......there’s just more important things right now!’ it’s all so easy to see how that could frustrate someone so much they can’t take it anymore. 
i’m so pleased i loved alyssa so much this season. i desperately wanted to and i’m glad they gave me that. i just felt so much for her. she just wanted to not feel so alone and so helpless and so scared that she was going to pick the wrong side again. it was beautiful.
this also meant alyssa/jack was better this season. having got the insta-love out the way last season (ugh), this season they were able to actually look at how that would play out if you took ramifications into consideration. all the problems i had with them last season were vocalised onscreen, and this new unstable thing left in its place was far more appealing to watch. they were messy and bad for each other and they knew it, but that didn’t stop them loving each other. 
also: “if we get out of this, can i take you to the mall? because i really hate your jean jacket. and your hair.” 
in regards to the other relationships: 
lilith and nicole were adorable for the limited amount of time we got them onscreen. the slow crush to nervous dating was beautiful, and seeing lilith struggle with what getting her memories back meant in regards to that was great. we all know i thought the lilith/randall of last season was rushed, so having lilith torn over hurting one of the most important people in her life and following these feelings for someone new was lovely. IF WE GET A SEASON THREE I BETTER GET SO MUCH MORE OF THEM.
here’s the thing, putting aside lilith/nicole for a moment: the order can’t write good relationships (*with one major caveat).
hear me out. 
in season one it was insta-love. jack and alyssa meet and suddenly defending alyssa is the only thing that matters to jack. it....wasn’t good. randall and lilith were thrown together with very little build up and we were supposed to roll with it.
this season we had both hamish/vera and randall/gabrielle. i would like to say that theoretically i am here for both of these. but.
hamish/vera occurred off screen. oh, sure, we had a couple scenes of them staring at each other over drinks, but that was all we got until late into the season. we were told that hamish and vera were a thing by randall when he was winding hamish up. we didn’t see it for ourselves. again, this show’s habit of telling not showing is a problem. 
hamish and vera could make sense. two leaders of opposing factions having sort of hate, begrudging respect sex? i see it. from there, you can show us how it would become something more.
the show doesn’t. 
we’re told they’re together. we’re told hamish is forsaking his knightly duties in favour of vera. we’re told by hamish that he’s drunk the order koolaid, 
and all of this is supposed to culminate in us believing that hamish duke - tundra, leader of the knights of saint christopher, the most cunning of the wolves - would push aside everything else because he just believes that much in vera stone? to the point that he would all but abandon lilith and degrade his relationship with randall to randall being the annoying sidekick? 
i woke up at two a.m. to write a note on my phone that says: ‘the greatest tragedy of the order season two is hamish duke’s character assassination.’ and i stand by that. 
besides lilith’s absence for almost the whole season, it’s the thing i’m most mad about. i love hamish so much and to one-dimensionalise him in favour of a ship is...............shoddy work honestly.
randall/gabrielle was better developed. by which i mean we actually saw them interacting on screen. we got to see them begrudgingly working together, we saw him learn more about her, we heard them talk about her need to fit in somewhere. when they made the joke about being bffs? good stuff. would i like them to slowburn this shit? yes please. have them become best friends and then have those feelings be something else. i would really like that. the show just needs to.......slow down. not immediately see a single character and need to throw them into a relationship with the nearest person.
gabrielle was great this season. by which i mean, she was gabrielle, and we love some consistent characterisation. i think it’s so true to everything we know about her that she’d want to inject herself into the knights’ world; she wants to be part of the in-crowd, and right now that’s them. she’s also supremely jealous of alyssa because, to her, it seemed like alyssa had the best of both worlds. so, yes, her wanting to be around the knights and that developing into her begrudgingly liking them makes a lot of sense to me.
so, my caveat.
the relationship the order knows how to write? the knights. hamish, randall, lilith, and jack. that dynamic saved season one from being a total mess. that dynamic thrived in the early episodes of this season. IT’S JUST THAT GOOD. i said once that if the order just became greek (2007) but with werewolves i’d be happy, and the first three episodes really gave me that. 
is this an excuse for me to complain that they gave us a hint of hamish/randall and then cruelly snatched it away and i’m still mad about it? YOU BETCHA.
is this also my way of saying there wasn’t nearly enough jack/randall this season? YOU BETCHA.
removing lilith from the equation (I’M STILL SO MAD) and then having hamish pull away from randall because..........who the fuck knows, was just a recipe for disaster.
clearly lilith is the glue that holds these idiots together.
so, vera. katherine isabelle still just steals every scene she’s in. i love her. i love vera’s characterisation. i love that she’s shamelessly ambitious but also wants the order to succeed and the world not to end. i love that she can be cold and cruel and still have such soft spots for both jack and alyssa. i love that she can be vulnerable and angry about it. i just........think vera’s pretty fucking great, tbh.
i still don’t understand why the knights - after their infiltration revenge plans go tits up - decide to just go full on order. like??????? hamish and jack barely even questioning anything???? randall must have spent most of this season feeling so alone.
that being said, when jack said to nicole and randall that he knew what they needed to get lilith back and the conversation pretty much went:
jack: you’re okay betraying the order?
nicole: for lilith, anything.
randall: i’d literally betray the order for a cookie, haven’t you been listening?
we love to see it.
OH, HEY GUYS, REMEMBER WHEN IAN ZIERING AND JASON PRIESTLEY WERE MEMBERS OF THE ORDER AND JASON PRIESTLEY BECAME GRAND MAGUS FOR A HOT SECOND???? that was written solely for me. i do not know who this show thinks its audience is, but it understands me to my core.
so...............i have zero clue where the show intends to go from here. i just need alyssa to be ok and i hope - like his friend randall - jack is willing to kill whoever the hell he has to to make that happen. (we stan randall straight up murdering someone to get lilith back and making sure nicole remains innocent and safe tbh.) 
SO TL;DR: the early episodes gave me life. the show declined from there, but i still enjoyed it a lot. the order is at its best when the knights are a team, i loved alyssa’s story this season, and i have no clue what to expect from next season (if we get one). werewolf alyssa? villain jack, perhaps? we’ll see! 
also if anyone has any hamish/randall prompts i’ll be hanging out over here crying into my hands for the next few weeks. FAKE DATING. how dare they?!
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