#i totally forgot this word even existed
OKAY who wants to hear about why i think nimona challenges amatonormativity? you do! 🫵
one of the main ways this is accomplished is through ballister and ambrosius’s relationship. it’s arguable that it doesn’t necessarily fit the traditional model of romance - not only are they a queer interracial couple, and not only is their relationship ambiguous in the book, but there are certain instances, especially in the movie, that subvert traditional ideas of romance and friendship.
one instance that really stands out to me is when the director asks ambrosius what’s on his mind and he goes on his imagined rant about how arm-chopping isn’t a love language - you know the one. when he mentions ballister, he refers to him as “the man i love, my best friend.” and not just one or the other, but both! the man i love, and my best friend. he places equal emphasis on both the romantic and platonic aspects of the relationship, valuing ballister in both a romantic context and a platonic context without treating either one as more important than the other.
and even moments such as the first “i love you” and the kiss manage to subvert tradition. both of these things are generally seen as a pretty big deal, especially in fiction - if the characters are kissing or saying “i love you,” it’s usually a moment in which everything changes. a line is drawn, dividing the story into after and now. sometimes it’s dramatic and climactic, with fireworks and a swell of music, but even when it isn’t it’s still seen as a turning point of sorts. now it’s official, now it’s real. but this isn’t the case in nimona. both moments are certainly significant - they do a good job of showcasing the character development and where ballister and ambrosius are on their respective journeys, and are certainly important in terms of representation - but neither one follows the path that most fictional romance does.
another way in which nimona challenges amatonormativity would be the emphasis on friendship! in the tavern scene (in the movie) when ambrosius suggests killing nimona, ballister disagrees and says “she’s my friend.” ambrosius replies with “aren’t i more than that?”, implying he’s more important than a friend - thus upholding amatonormative ideas. ballister becomes angry at that and leaves - challenging this idea and prioritizing his platonic relationship with nimona over his romantic one with ambrosius, as nimona is the one he wants to defend.
additionally, a big part of this scene is the way ballister deliberately rejects institute values while ambrosius unintentionally upholds them. and because the story challenges homophobia and transphobia (and other forms of bigotry) through the lens of the institute, it would make sense for it to challenge amatonormativity too! it’s something that’s become incredibly normalized, to the point that lots of people don’t even know it exists, and this is reminiscent of the institute brainwashing, especially when it comes to ambrosius - he’s been manipulated his whole life and probably genuinely doesn’t understand the level to which he’s internalized institute beliefs.
ballister prioritizes nimona many times, actually. when he tells ambrosius she’s “smart, kind, and quite sophisticated,” when he’s overjoyed to see her again at the end, when he refuses to kill her and saves her instead. over and over, he proves how much he cares about her, even when this involves directly going against what ambrosius wants - which, of course, is really what the institute wants. a core tenant of amatonormativity is the false notion that romantic relationships are more important or valuable than other types of relationships, but ballister actively goes against this!
to conclude, as a story that at its core is about identity and challenging societal beliefs, nimona defies expectations and traditional ideas of what it should or shouldn’t be. it’s possible that amatonormativity wasn’t what the creators had in mind, but the story still manages to challenge it with grace and elegance. just like its main character, nimona refuses to conform to what others want it to be.
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comixandco · 1 year
i think something people forget about pink diamond is that she had compassion for life long before she went to earth
the pebbles assume steven is pink not because of his gem or aura but just because he says ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’ to them, a basic common courtesy that nobody else has given them in thousands of years
in steven’s pink visions, blue is yelling at pink about the little bugs she let loose on homeworld. when one of them is found in her cell, she is quick to check it’s okay before helping it out of the room. even before encountering humans she valued organic life.
even the garden, the setting of pink’s cruellest moment, is proof of her care for organic life. Unlike every other part of homeworld, the garden is teeming with plant-life, which was kept healthy enough that it continued to grow even after pink abandoned it. the only other homeworld structure that tends to organic life is the human zoo. who’s to say the garden wasn’t another attempt by the other diamonds to placate pink after she expressed concern for the life on one of their colonies? or maybe pink picked the plants herself from the many different colonies she visited and grew them there.
pink wasn’t perfect. she had a bad habit of acting on her emotions and impulses without considering the consequences of her actions, and she hurt a lot of people because of it. but she considered all life precious and worth protecting, it just wasn’t until she had a colony of her own that she fully understood that the expansion of homeworld was intrinsically linked to the destruction of life, and the moment she realised that is the moment she stood against it.
#steven universe#su pink diamond#this post is almost 5 years too late lol#like padparadscha by the time my thoughts have found their way from my brain to my mouth the moment is long gone#but a hot take is a hot take even if it’s been in a slow cooker#i just think people are sleeping on the pebbles and the scene with the little rainbow catipillar#there always seemed to be a sentiment that pink was an inherently cruel person and that she didn’t care about anything before earth?#and that her care for life was either superficial or out of left field#but something my brain keeps rotating round is that she was always like this she always cared for other life forms but never took them#seriously. she always cared about them but never really paid close attention to how they were. and it was something she learnt off of the#other diamonds who treated her exactly the same as she treated everybody else. they loved her but they didn’t understand her and they#never made an effort to change that. and they never thought about how their actions made her feel or whether she was responding to their#own outbursts and emotions. and she never considered how her actions would make other people feel.#she didn’t think how her screaming would hurt volleyball until it happened. she didn’t consider how all-encompassing her orders to spinel#and pearl and potentially garnet were. she didn’t think about how spinel would be hurt by being left behind and quite frankly i do think#she completely forgot spinel existed once she became preoccupied with saving earth which is horrible but also makes total sense for her#character who from creation was taught that other gems were worth less than her and that they existed only to serve her or her fellow#diamonds; and as somebody who was used to the concept of being left behind and abandoned whenever the people she cared about got bored#or annoyed with her. it hurts but it’s a part of life to her. what she didn’t consider js that her words are law and she left spinel with#no free-will. she left pearl physically unable to share important information and solve the problems she left behind.#and she doesn’t consider how her death will make others feel - she doesn’t think the diamonds will care that she dies but they do and they#murder all of her friends except for two. she thinks the crystal gems will be fine without her if she says goodbye to become steven but#they aren’t and a good portion of the show is about the gems grief and how it creates an unstable environment for steven to grow up in#consistently pink diamond was taught her feelings didn’t matter and was made to feel nobody cared about her if they weren’t compelled to#and that compiled with the privileged position she was formed into made her an insecure spoiled brat who had no comprehension that her#choices could hurt people around her#did she ever even consider that the diamonds were grieving her? or did she think it was just another action of violence to exert control?#i don’t think i’ll ever be over pink diamond#funnily enough steven has a similar problem e.g. sadie’s talent show and when connie was upset he gave himself up to homeworld#but that’s a discussion for when i’m not at tag limit lol
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nexus-nebulae · 1 year
our memory is getting severely worse and it's fucking terrifying
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domsaysstuff · 2 years
Imagine not speaking to anybody irl for months except for your two friends and barely leave the house and yet still get anon hate on Instagram, the power that I apparently hold in some people's mind whew
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d10nyx · 4 months
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don't hold your breath(nobody's home)
ft. leon kennedy x fem!reader
cw: 18+ content, dead dove, uncle-niece incest, non-con, loss of virginity, very minor blood description, forced alcohol consumption, alcoholism from leon ofc, reader gets slapped, age gap, guilt, one threat, fingering, p in v, non-consensual creampie, crying, idk leon feels entitled cause his brother sucks, reader hinted at having nice tits idk
a/n: sorry if this sucks ass... my motivation for writing has been non-existent w real life stuff n all the drama so... i feel like this is awful but here we are. title from razzmatazz by idkhbtfm... not proofread i'm sorry </3
word count: 1.9k words
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Leon knew he had a drinking problem. He just hadn't realised it had gotten this bad. He couldn't even get his dick up with viagra anymore. He frowns as he looks down at the brunette he was planning to fuck, tempted to try and just push it in soft.
He ends up just kicking her out to drown his sorrows. He wasn't dealing with this shit tonight, not when he was seeing his asshole brother tomorrow. Pretty wife, perfect kids. His job pays better than Leon's ever will, and he didn't need to undergo years of trauma. Lucky bastard.
Leon does what he does best that night and drinks enough whiskey so he can pass out without worrying about the nightmares coming to ruin his night. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
He hasn't seen you in a good six years. You were still playing with dolls and shit when he last visited. Makes him feel stupid when he brings you a plushie as a gift. Clearly he forgot how time worked, cause he still expected you to be thirteen. You still hug him and say thank you, sweet as ever. When his brother said he'd be watching the house and looking after you, he didn't expect to see you so... grown. Too old to need a babysitter, really. Even if your parents are gonna be gone for a week.
He gulps as his hands settle on your hips, trying to prevent you from pressing against his hardening cock. Down boy. At least his dick still works. It just took his college-aged niece to get it up. Doesn't help that you've got your tits smooshed against his chest.
Therapy was gonna be a doozy this week.
He could only pray that this doesn't turn into anything. The last thing he needed was his dick being the thing that got him thrown into prison for doing something stupid to you, no matter how cute that body of yours is. That's a new one, he thinks, mentally slapping himself for even thinking about touching you like that. He'd never do it, of course. That's sick, and he knows it. He's just so frustrated. And you're hot. A total babe. Somehow, you managed to get a better rack than your mom. Must be the Kennedy genes coming in. Leon's got tits for days.
He knew he had a drinking problem, but he never thought he'd lose himself this much. He never thought about hurting anyone. He's not a bad guy. It's just that every time he tried to be with someone, he just couldn't get his body to react the way he wanted. That's what the oxytocin was for, he thought, already thinking about taking a swig of whiskey from the flask in his pocket. If only that fucking stuff worked on him. The part of his brain that controlled his cock seemed to be permanently on vacation, and his wires clearly got crossed somewhere if he wants to fuck his own blood.
Whatever. He could get through a week alone with his niece without any trouble. He's faced worse monsters than the ones making themselves present in his mind right now. He'd keep his distance, and all would be okay.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
That didn't work. Of course it didn't. You were just as clingy with him as you were when you were a kid, following him around like a lost puppy. He's convinced he's clutching the glass of whiskey in his hand hard enough to shatter it as you curl up against his side. His cock is throbbing, and he seriously hopes you don't notice how the fabric of his jeans is getting a little strained.
You really need to stop with those tits. He's gonna lose it if they brush his arm one more time. He's not sure what it is about you, particularly, that has him acting like a teenage virgin again, but his self-control is wavering by the second. He hasn't paid a single second of attention to the movie he was meant to be watching to keep his mind off of you.
Fuck this.
He takes a swig of whiskey that drains half the liquid in his cup in one gulp. Liquid courage and all that. Maybe he'd drunk a little too much while he was here, ‘cause his brain clearly isn't working right. Not when he's pinning you to the couch, kissing your neck despite your protests.
“Leon… Leon, what're you doing?” You force out, small hands pressing at his chest as if you'd be able to knock him off. Cute. He'd fought creatures six times your size. You didn't stand a chance. 
He starts undressing you, and you start writhing and crying, hitting his chest with clenched fists. He swallows the lump that builds in his throat, wiping the tears that fall down your cheeks.
“Shh… it's okay, I'm… I'm gonna take care ‘f you.” He murmurs, his voice slightly slurred from how much he'd drunk. You cry even harder when he presses a finger into you, making the guilt rise up faster in him. That's not fair. He's being nice. God didn't bless him with much, but at least he gave him a fat cock. You should feel lucky he's prepping you. Not making him feel bad.
“Hey.” He warns, shoving another finger in just to shut you up. You finch when he scissors you open. Poor thing. “That's enough. One more complaint for you, and I'll just force myself in.”
Shit. Now he really does feel like a monster. He's not drunk enough to handle the pure terror on your face at his words. He fumbles on the coffee table with his free hand as he lazily pumps into you with the other. Glass? No. Bottle.
Maybe you need some, too. Get you nice and pliant so you'll take his dick without bitching. Not a bad idea. He twists the cap off with his teeth, gulping some of the liquid down himself. He takes another mouthful before leaning down to kiss you, spitting the liquid into the back of your throat. He keeps your mouth on yours even as you try to jerk away, making sure you swallow it.
You really are adorable as you start coughing and spluttering. Such a sweet thing, you probably hadn't even drunk before. He lifts the bottle to your mouth, pouring some more into your mouth before setting it down, covering your mouth. “Swallow.”
He starts thumbing at your clit as he fingers you, relishing in the ways your whimpers turn into soft moans, your hips bucking against his hand. He manages to coax an orgasm out of you with a few more touches, a big smile spreading across his face.
“There we go, sweetie. See, that wasn't so bad, was it?” He coos, unbuttoning his jeans. The sound of the zipper has your eyes widening in horror, and he tuts softly. “What're you giving me that look for? It's your turn to take care of me now.”
There goes the begging and pleading again. It has his brows pinching together as a frown tugs at his lips. You really are his brother's kid. So goddamn ungrateful. He just took care of you, and now you just want him to… what? Fist his dick in the guest room?
He smacks you so hard your head snaps to the side, your breaths coming out in short gasps. You look better like that, tears stinging your eyes but your body completely limp. He can see the fight draining out of your eyes.
“I was gonna be nice.” He mumbles, brows furrowing as he lines his tip up with your entrance, forcing himself inside in one thrust. He groans loudly, shuddering as your tight heat envelops him. His eyes look down, locked onto your cunt as he fucks into you with long strokes. He freezes when he notices blood. He's not sure if he's happy or disgusted that he's your first. No wonder you put up such a fight.
You keep weakly begging him to stop, but your pussy is gushing all over him. It's not his fault he can't stop – you're giving him the hottest look he's ever seen, and your puffy cunt is so fucking greedy for his cock, sucking him back in everytime he starts to pull out.
“S-sorry… I'm so sorry…” He grunts, picking up the pace of his thrusts, groaning at the sound of your punched out moans as he drives into you with as much force as he can muster. You almost sound like you're enjoying it, but you're still fucking crying and he can't take it. His heart hurts.
“Baby, please…” He whispers, squeezing his eyes shut so he doesn't have to see the betrayal on your face. His arms tremble as he holds himself up, sloppily fucking into you. “I'm sorry… just stop cryin’, please…”
Every time his hips smack the fat of your ass, you're moaning out a ‘please’. With his eyes shut, he can pretend you're begging for more. That you like this. That is, until you start saying ‘stop’. He winces, but the movement of his hips doesn't falter.
“Fuck, baby… please stop begging.” He pleads, throwing his head back as his tip kisses your cervix. He whimpers as it makes you tighten around him, angling his thrusts to hit that spot each time he fully sheaths himself inside of you.
“I-I can't stop…you feel so… fuck. So fucking good. M'so close.” He groans. He can't even find the strength to pull out anymore. He buries himself balls deep in your cunt, grinding himself into your tight heat.
“L-Leon… please.” You say weakly, chest heaving with heavy breaths as panic sets in, your hands pushing at his chest. “Y-you gotta pull out, you can't… you can't.”
“What?” He breathes out, cracking his eyes open to look at you again. He looks genuinely confused. Why would he ever pull out when you felt so good? He can't bring himself to. “Baby, no. I'm cumming inside of you. Can't pull out now.”
That seems to bring your fight back. You start struggling under him again, punching him with all your strength. Luckily, that's not a lot. Especially when you're sluggish from your first time drinking and getting fucked. It's Leon's lucky day.
“Shit, baby. Don't look at me like that.” Or do. He's gonna cum if you keep staring up at him with that wide-eyed expression. “No need to be so scared, princess. I just… shit. Can't help myself.”
Doesn't take longer than a minute after that for him to finish. He buries his face in your neck, whining as he cums. His cock kicks inside of you, the warmth of his release filling every inch of you. You start sobbing all over again, slumping weakly against the couch.
He lies on top of you, his weight pressing you down into the couch. He pets your hair like you're a doll, his fingers carding through your hair.
“I'm sorry, baby. Forgive me. I'll be so good. Do whatever you want. Didn't mean it.” He murmurs, kissing your cheek over and over as if he's trying to get you to relax. He keeps it up until you fall asleep, wrapping you up in his arms.
When you wake up in the morning, you're fully dressed in your bed. You almost think it's a dream until you feel the dull throbbing between your legs.
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lost-and-ephemeral · 3 months
lnds x reader where the boys and reader are in an argument like bringing their insecurities up and says something extremely hurtful that made mc cry and distant themselves and the boys regret it so much? 💓
HCs: Hurtful Words (ft. main trio)
Pairing: Xavier x reader, Zayne x reader, Rafayel x reader, (seperate)
Tags: angst, hurt/comfort (in the end), maybe guys acting too OOC
A/N: I didn't want to make boys too OOC, so maybe it isn't exactly what you wanted, but I tried to follow your request ♡
-`♡´- MASTERLIST -`♡´- 
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On one of your last missions, you were too reckless and almost end up dying because of it.
Xavier almost lost you again, and the thought just drove him crazy.
He was worried and pretty angry since it wasn't the first time you were playing with fire.
When he showed up on the doorstep of your hospital room, Xavier was very distressed. Even your reassuring smile made no impression on him.
He still remembered how you died in his arms in the past.
So he snapped.
Not because he really wanted to offend you. No. But because his anxiety had turned into a furious stream of thoughts.
He was harshly talking about how reckless you are. About how you're not all-powerful or immortal, yet you never think about the consequences. About how stupid you're being, putting yourself in danger by jumping into a group of enemies.
Xavier, normally mild and calm, was acting so different now.
And you, being injured and bedridden, hardly wanted to see this exact reaction from him.
His words made you feel like a burden.
And when there was no trace of anger left, he suddenly fell silent, looking at the way your eyes were slowly filling up with tears.
Oh, no. He didn't mean it.
He really didn't mean it.
"Leave my room," you choked out, feeling deeply hurt by his words.
Even if he wanted to stay, it wasn't the best idea.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you."
But you were wounded too deeply by his harsh words, so you immediately distanced yourself from him, chasing him away.
Stupid? Reckless? Did he really see you like that?
Of course not...
Every minute of his existence Xavier was regretting the fact the snapped at you like this. He was supposed to support you after a serious injury, not make you hurt even more.
And the distance between the two of you made it worse.
Happy ending bonus:
This poor guy only lasted a day before he came back to see you in the hospital with a bouquet of flowers.
It was physically hard to stay away from you for so long, especially since Xavier has already spend years searching for you. And ruining everything by this stupid argument wasn't something he wished for.
He was apologizing for everything he said until you softened and let him stay.
Because you, too, were missing his presence.
"I'll never let anger get control over me again. I swear. Please, just... Get better soon."
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Every now and then you and Rafayel would get into a playful argument, but now it was serious.
You just totally forgot about meeting with him at his studio and went to the mall with Tara.
Your busy schedule had jumbled up all the plans and days of the week in your head. And you ended up remembering your promise only a few hours later.
The fact that your phone was muted and you had hundreds of missed messages from Rafayel only made you feel more guilty.
So you tried to get to his studio as soon as possible while calling him. But he didn't answer.
Once you got there, you ran into a really pissed off Rafayel.
Yes, he was pouting at you from time to time.
But now the artist was more than angry.
You knew he was very sensitive when you suddenly disappeared without warning, so you immediately tried to make it up to him.
But it didn't really work.
"How could you forget about me?! You promised!"
Unexpectedly, Rafayel let himself snap at you.
He was so frustrated about the fact you forgot about him that he had no control over what he said.
He talked and talked. About not being able to trust you with your promises. About how he was tired of worrying about you when you suddenly disappear without a word. About how he was tired of waiting for you, thinking you decided to leave him, making him feel like a fish out of water.
And hearing about you being such an unreliable and bad person was truly painful.
His anger eventually led to you storming out of his studio in tears, not wanting to hear any more accusations against you.
You didn't cheat on him, didn't do anything wrong. That's why this sudden aggression from him made you so upset.
And only while standing alone in his studio Rafayel realized that he had made things worse. He didn't want you to leave him, yet this is exactly what happened.
He tried calling you, texting you. But all he got was silence.
Bonus happy ending:
After a few days the silence between you two became unbearable. He felt like he was in agony.
When you heard the doorbell ring in the evening, you didn't expect to see Rafayel looking like a wet, sad puppy. It seemed that he had been caught in the rain and had come to see you anyway.
He shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other before finally lifting his gaze to look at you.
"I'm sorry. I acted like a total jerk. Please, I can't exist in isolation anymore, not being able to hear your voice or see you. You can even scold me till the end of time if you want, just don't leave me."
You missed him as much as he missed you. So you let him in.
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Sometimes Zayne was incredibly tired at work. Not just physically, but mentally.
At this time, he wanted more than anything to just rest and forget about all important matters. If such a thing was even allowed for a surgeon as busy as he was.
Maybe he'd be able to do it even more often if he didn't have to occasionally wait for you to show up for an appointment.
Especially since periodically you completely forgot about them. And in the worst cases, you were not only late, but didn't show up at all.
Usually, he would just lightly scold you, which didn't cause any problems. After all, it was Zayne's way to show that he cared about you.
But today was a particularly hard day at work.
So when you walked into his medical office, Zayne was sitting at his desk, massaging the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
And your excessive cheerfulness at that moment didn't make the situation any better. You sat down across from him with a smile. But he only shook his head, tired and disappointed.
"You forgot about your appointment again and decided to reschedule it for tonight?"
You smiled awkwardly, but didn't have time to say anything.
Oh, how annoyed he was, scolding you for how negligent you were about your health, ignoring all of his recommendations. He said that sometimes he felt like you are his personal headache. Except he couldn't get rid of you.
And he was too tired to notice how quickly the smile disappeared from your face, giving way to tears.
Before he could say anything, you threw the stack of papers with your test results on his desk, almost running out of his office.
The situation had gone far beyond what was acceptable, but Zayne realized it too late.
He tried to call you and even drove to your place right after his shift ended, but he was left standing in front of the closed door.
Maybe it would've been better to just let you cool off.
But with your silence, a devastating feeling settled in Zayne's heart. He was so, so sorry.
Bonus happy ending:
After a couple days of agonizing silence, he wanted nothing more than to see you. He managed to catch you before you went into your apartment.
You avoided his gaze, but you didn't leave, giving him time.
"I'm sorry. You're not a headache. I was having an awfully rough day at the time, so I snapped. It won't happen again."
Now you could clearly see the remorse in his eyes. You missed him so much and just couldn't push him away again.
After all, everyone can have an argument. The main thing is to be able to deal with the situation correctly.
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cherry-leclerc · 4 months
back to you ☆ cs55
genre: fluff, oldmoney!reader, strangers to lovers
word count: 3.1k
Fixated from the moment he first saw you, Carlos stays missing someone whom he never even properly met. But that all seems to change one night when you unexpectedly show up to a business dinner.
req!... i'm such a liar lmaooo (iykyk). hope you enjoy, my lil anons :) hope this heals some of the heartbreak we all endured today !!(*bashes head against keyboard*)
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It almost seemed like you had something up your sleeve, a tactic to retrieve all of his attention away from the camera shoved right in front of him - media duties.
“Hello guys, just wanted to come on here to say that I think we gave it all we could during today’s race but there is definitely always room for improvement…” Blah, blah, blah. 
He can’t quite figure out what he’s saying because his brown eyes are attached to the pretty girl walking right in front of him. Not behind him, trying to catch up. Not besides him, begging for a photo. Nope, right in front of him as if you could care less that you have one of the most popular drivers to ever exist almost chasing after you. 
He could hear you mumbling about God knows what to the girl walking besides you. The Spaniard feels like a total creep when it comes to him becoming more alert to possibly catch your name. As you were saying? The media team manager stares back expectantly once Carlos blanks out. Though it wasn’t that unusual. 
The 29 year old flickers his gaze back to the camera and then back to where you were, only except, you’re gone. Out of sight and his heart stops for a nanosecond.
“Onto the next week. Vamos.”
“So then, you have your upcoming shoot for the new fireproofs, testing, stimulator - if we have time, interview at…” 
Carlos tunes out as he blinks at the never ending list as if it were just another Monday. Charles nods attentively, though he also looks far too uninterested. They were exhausted.
“And dinner tonight to meet our new sponsors.”
“Another one?” Charles asks, a slight crack in voice as he tries to pretend he wasn’t at all annoyed. “We just had one last night.”
Maria musters up a stern look. “Yes, again. They’re a lovely family, so we want to impress them with two well-behaved drivers.” The Ferrari boys swallow their laughter as they nod their heads. Got it. 
It takes all of Carlos’ remaining willpower to get ready for dinner that night. On the way to the small Italian restaurant, he second guesses even showing up. He could fake a fever. A sore throat. Shaking his head, he curses as he steps out of his custom Ferrari. 
“Oh good, I thought it was just going to be me,” Charles jokes as soon as he spots the Spaniard. Carlos chuckles before greeting the team. About 10 minutes go by before the Monegasque grows impatient as a child. I could have finished watching my movie.
“Shut up,” Fred murmurs before abruptly standing up from his seat. “Ah! È così bello rivedere finalmente te e la tua famiglia!” Choking on his champagne, Charles scrunches his nose before flying up and introducing himself. Carlos bites back a smile as he follows his lead. 
And there he sees you, standing elegantly with a silk dress that looks as soft as your skin. You’re smiling sweetly at everyone, stepping in to not just shake their hands, but also go in for a small hug. Your mother and father repeat the same action, though they later focus all of their attention on Fred and Maria. 
The Monegasque kicks his teammate’s shin. Carlos winces as he shoots fiery daggers. “We hit the jackpot.”
Charles' shoulders drop theatrically. “Are you kidding me? Are we looking at the same girl right now or are you just blind?” 
But he did see you, and he never quite forgot about you since that day. He could feel the tips of his ear burn bright red as you made your way over to him and his teammate. Charles, so nice to meet you, the green eyed boy beams before going in for a hug. You smile from ear to ear.
“Nice to meet you, too! I must admit; I’m a little starstruck right now.” Charles blushes fast as he stutters his way around such a compliment, even if he’s received thousands of the same one before. “Ah, this is Carlos.”
“Hello,” he feels himself saying. “Carlos, nice to meet you.” As soon as you look up at him, his breath hitches and fears you might feel his sweaty palms flourishing against your soft ones. And if you do, you choose to ignore it as you share a small smile, the kind you share when you see someone after 15 years. 
The kind that seems forced.
With one last glance, you excuse yourself before making your way over to where your parents and Fred chatter about upcoming plans. Carlos blinks. “Wow. No hug,” Charles points out. “That’s weird. She was basically giving them out for free.” 
“Be quiet.” 
The remainder of the night you kept to yourself, occasionally inputting your own opinion with a polite smile drawn onto your fruit punch lips. Very well mannered, Fred would approve as you would bow your head with shyness. Carlos quirked a brow of curiosity. 
He wondered what he might’ve done wrong. Had he been too forward? Cold? Often, his parents would claim he could be like that sometimes, so maybe? He wasn’t clinging onto the fact that he was the only one who didn’t receive a warm greeting from you, but he was left with questions.
“E tu, tesoro?”
“What about me?” you repeat, hair fanning along your face like a shiny curtain. Maria chuckles. How do you feel about being a part of this new chapter? You think about it for a second before settling with the safest answer. “Very proud, there’s nothing better than tying links with such a superior team.” Fred roars with genuine laughter as he pats your father’s shoulder. Smart girl.
“Why fine jewelry?”
The inquiry was directed towards your parents - who would clearly have the answer - but his eyes were trained on you, leaving you to fend for yourself. Lips part slowly as you connect with Carlos’ intense attention. “I’m curious, that’s all. I’m delighted we have you as our sponsors, but I was just wondering what made you dive into the business? Must be hard.”
Squinting your eyes, you click your tongue. It’s in our blood, your father’s voice cuts your train of thought. It’s what we do, what we love. But his warm gaze sticks to you like hot glue. You clear your throat before returning to your wide smile. 
“I think it’s safe to say that diamonds are beautiful. They are scarily so crystal clear that for a moment one might search for a trace of color. And then they do come in other colors, so it’s really no problem,” you say, soft chuckles circling the table. “But I believe it’s also safe to say that we don’t often think about how they got here, shining around many ring fingers.” Your mother approves as she shows her mind-blowing diamond cut. 
“Miners are the answer. They work hard - get their hands dirty - because they know that while it may not be easy to find such precious things…” His eyes roam your lips before dancing back up to your orbs. “It’s very well worth it.” Taking a sip from your glass of wine, you raise a brow. “That’s why.”
“It doesn’t even feel that tough to wear these pieces,” Charles squeaks as he slips on a white gold bracelet around his wrist. “They’re breathtaking.”
Clapping, you squeal at his words. For a moment, Carlos thinks about punching his teammate for getting to see your good side. They’re great, thank you again. You just tip your head towards him to confirm you heard, and slide away. Carlos sighs.
“This is ridiculous. She can’t even look at me.” The Spaniard bites his cheek. “Do you think she hates me?”
“For doing what?” Charles asks, face pinched with confusion. Carlos huffs, arms flying up.
“I have no idea!”
“Well…I don’t think so, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask, right?”
“No.” He groans. “Can you picture how awkward that would be? There’s no way.”
“Suit yourself.”
Pouting, the brown eyed boy zigzags his way into the studio, mentally preparing himself for hours of blinding lights. “Buongiorno, Carlos!” Spotting your father with his arms wrapped around his wife, he walks over with a tired smile. How are you guys? “We’re fine, son, thank you for asking. Tell me, are you excited for this weekend?” He instantly stands up straighter.
“I am. The Tifosi are always great to be around. Gets hectic, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
“I can imagine. My wife and daughter are always amped up when it’s finally Monza’s turn.” He hums, almost as if he’s reminiscing. “Tell you, my baby would beg for us to take her to cheer on her favorite drivers. It’s kind of a full circle moment so don’t mind if my wife gets emotional.”
“Stop,” your mother sniffles as she shares a grimace. Told you, your father mouths. Carlos laughs. 
“I completely get it, it must mean a lot to all three of you. Maybe that’s what makes this partnership work all the more.” Your fathers winks, large fingers wagging over at the Spaniard. Working over time. I respect it. 
“I see why my daughter likes you.”
Carlos halts. “Sorry?”
The older man pants, seeming comedically defeated. “Are you kidding me? She adores you! You've been her favorite driver since you joined Formula 1.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Her love towards the sport had a huge impact on us to join as sponsors, but to be fair, we probably still would have done it. Like I said, it holds a special place in our hearts.”
“Buongiorno,” your soft voice echoes, skipping happily to greet the Ferrari team. Everyone’s energy quickly picks up as you flow with such easiness, skirt wrapping around your waist, making you seem like the only flower in an empty garden. Talk to you in a bit, you cheer as you make your way up to your parents. You stop dead in your tracks as soon as you spot the grumpy brunette. Like always, he can physically see you create a wall around yourself, keeping you from him. He felt like the Beast drooling over the rose inside the glass. “Good morning, Carlos. Logo looks good,” you hum, dark red pedicure pointing at your last name printed onto his fireproof. “Can’t wait to see how it looks on Charles.”
His jaw ticks. “Why don’t I call him then?”
“That would be lovely.”
He’s jealous. Of course he fucking is. He might have found out your whole act is a facade but that didn’t stop him from feeling this way. He could have been your favorite at one point, but what about now? It sure as hell didn’t seem like it.
“She wants to see you.”
The Monegasque furrows his brows. Who? But as soon as he notices his teammates' sour face, he registers the reason for his bad mood. “Stop pouting. You look like you just sucked on a lemon.” Carlos shoots a deadpan expression. “This has gone too far. It’s obviously bothering you.”
“What? You nagging?”
“Okay, ouch.” The green eyed boy takes a small step towards the Spaniard. “You don’t like it that she’s ignoring you because you like her.”
Carlos jumps off the couch. “I do not!” Charles hums. 
“Oh shit, good, then I could ask her out.” He beams. “I wouldn’t want things to get weird between us.” Carlos' heart almost jumps out of his chest as he grows nauseous at the thought of you saying yes. He continues. “I’m telling you; I have a good feeling.” The brown eyed boy clenches his jaw. “It’s like this - I could see myself marrying her, having a baby heiress-”
“Okay fine, I like her!” He pants. “She drives me so fucking crazy. Whether she looks my way or not, she makes my head spin. Ever since I saw her at the Canada GP, she’s been imprinted into my brain like a lecture I’ve been told over and over, time and time again. It makes me sick that she seems to almost get sad when she’s around me. The way she can never look at me the way I’ve always looked at her. And I’m…” He looks down at his race boots. “I’m too afraid of ruining something that I don’t even have a chance at.”
The Monegasque pats him on the shoulder, lips stretched out into a teasing smirk. “Now, was it that hard to admit your feelings?”
It was that hard to admit his feelings. He thought about it for the first time since he met you. Confess everything that’s been locked away deep inside of him; claim his feelings like some kind of gold medal. But then he saw you radiating pure perfection and he would turn the other way. You hated him, he’s sure.
“Alright Carlos, push, now push.” 
He could taste it - sweet victory that he badly craved. If he played his cards right then he could get second place, which was pretty good in comparison to past results. 
The Spaniard tries to not feel too upset about coming in third and waves up at the Tifosi who let out blood curdling screams. Pride rushes through his veins as he walks onto the podium, he didn’t even mind all the attention. Especially the kind you were gifting him with.
The way you smile so big that your perfect teeth shine up at him, eyes crinkling like a love letter. Cheekbones slightly pink from cheering so loud but also from the bright sun. He swore he was on some kind of drug. 
Making his way back into the motorhome after all the interviews, he bumps into you and your parents. “Like it?” he asks as he displays his trophy. 
“Definitely,” your father beams. “You deserve it, son, enjoy it.” After a few more affirmations, he and your mother walk away. Brown orbs find your own. 
“Have fun?” He tries to ease his deep voice, to appear more outgoing, to not scare you away. And yet, you nod, looking down. 
“He’s right. You totally deserve it.” And for what seems like the first time, you bless him with your warm stare. “Felicidades, Carlos.” Pink paints his cheeks. You speak Spanish? Your eyes grow wide as you feverishly shake your head. “I-I- I don’t, but I’ve picked up on a few things here and there…”
“From me.” He tilts his head. “You actually pay attention to me.” 
You can’t help stutter like a broken record. “Of course-e, I ha-ave ears.” You show them off like a weak justification. “See?” you squeak. Playing with the hem of your dress - that had him swallowing a string of moans the moment you walked into the garage that morning - you slowly started backing away. “I should go now…” You point towards the sliding doors. “See you later?”
But he knew there would be no later. Fuck, this was the most you’ve spoken to him since, well, ever. He wouldn’t let that slip away so easily. Even if his heart got bruised along the way. 
“Did I do something for you to hate me?” 
Your brows narrow like a little kid. “You think I hate you?” 
“It’s okay if you do, I suppose, but I’m just lost as to where that happened? Did I-”
“I don’t hate you,” you softly speak up, eyes shut in disbelief that you’ve made him feel that way. You blink back at him. “I promise you, you’ve done nothing wrong.” Okay, he confirms.
“Why can’t you talk to me then like you do with everybody else? Why can’t you even spare me a passing glance?”
His voice sounds desperate now, he knows it, but he was desperate. Now you were embarrassed that he continues to bring up more and more of your poor behavior - but it was never intentional. You twirl a strand of your hair before releasing it.
“You intimidate me.” 
The Spaniard squeezed his fist around the trophy. For a moment, he thought he would dent the steel. Your stomach drops at the sight and he feels guilty for proving you right. He lets out a shaky breath. 
“I’m not a bad guy, y’know? I’m sure it may seem like it, but…” He licks his lips. “I’m not.”
Doe eyes flutter like butterfly wings. “I believe you, Carlos.”
“Good. Now, would you please tell me why you always escape when I’m around?” You softly curse as you pinch your hand for a second. 
“I wasn’t lying; you do intimidate me. But not in the way you might think.” Like an angel, you make your way closer. “You’re my favorite driver, you know that?” The Spaniard’s brown eyes grow wide. You laugh. “Ever since you-”
“Joined Formula 1.”
Your jaw drops. “My father ratted me out?” Panicking, you pace the room back and forth. You could only look at him for a couple of seconds before planting your stare at anywhere else that isn’t him. “I told him not to say anything! Oh God.” You let out a maniatic chuckle. “I swear it’s just a tiny crush, it’s not even that deep - I’ll get over it!”
Now it’s his turn to geek out. “You have a crush on me?” Crap, you groan, biting down on your nail. He didn’t mention that part, did he? Brown strands of hair shake back and forth as you sigh. 
“Forget I said anything, I am so sorry for making things awkward-”
“I’ve seen you before.” What? The 29 year old winces. “At the Canada GP. You were walking with a friend.” Synthia, you whisper to yourself. “I was being filmed for feedback on the race and you were about 5 steps in front of me.” You counted? “I said about - and for months, you were all I could think about. You sort of stuck to me like a nostalgic scent. I don’t know why I felt the need to talk to you, I mean, it’s never happened to me before. I looked away for a second and you were gone.” He shares a lopsided smile. “Then I saw you again.”
“And I blocked you out.” You bite your lip. “Shit, Carlos…I had no idea you felt this way.” He shrugs.
“It’s my fault. I never told you.” Still, you try to reason but he only brushes you off. “It’s not your fault.” 
“But it is,” you whimper. “I acted like a complete snob and belittled you.” Your heart breaks at the image. “And you’re telling me it’s been mutual all along?” 
“Looks like it. This is good though.” How? The brunette winks as he pulls you in. “Because now we do know and I can take you out sometime?” You quirk a brow.
“It works just like that?” 
He hums, comfortable with the two trophies pressed up against him. “Only if you want it to be like that.” You can practically hear your crazy heartbeat with the way he’s looking down at you - as if he’s just discovered a previously nonexisting star. With soft hands pressed onto his suit, your eyes twinkle.
“Just like that, then.”
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st-eve-barnes · 1 year
Easy on you
(Modern Aegon x Fem Reader)
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Summary: Hiding from the party downstairs you and Aegon end up in the same room together, sharing some drinks and secrets, and feelings.
Warning: 18+ for smut. Teasing, dry humping, oral sex (female receiving), explicit language, the whole works. Also fluff, love confessions and Aegon being an insecure slut.
Word count: +5800
I've been a little obsessed with Tom Glynn-Carney lately so you guys get some more Modern Aegon ;) (As always please forget about his issues in canon, this is my version and consent is a big deal to this Aegon)
All my fics are also on AO3
The Targaryen villa was so immense one could easily get lost in its abundance of different rooms, stairways and halls. You were pretty sure you had walked this exact same hallway just a few minutes ago. They all looked alike and you’d been walking around for a while now without running into another living soul.
You hadn’t meant to go this far, you just wanted to flee the family gathering downstairs but once you’d started going up the stairs you had just kept going without looking back.
Anything to avoid seeing them.
You sighed in relief when you finally found some light at the end of the tunnel. Literally. The room at the end of the hallway had its door ajar and a ray of light came peaking through.
You knocked a few times and waited, when there was no answer you carefully pushed the door open, finding the room inside empty.
It seemed to be some kind of guest or entertainment room, there was a large made up bed and some sofas but you didn’t see any personal stuff anywhere. There was a fridge in the corner and a bar filled with drinks. The light was on which meant someone must have been here not so long ago and maybe you just missed them.
Just as you were about to leave again the other door in the room opened and you were no longer alone. You stood face to face with Aegon, who walked in with a drink in his hand and a surprised look on his face.
“Well, hello. How did you get up here?”
“I got lost,” you explained,”Is this your room?”
“It is tonight,” he smiled and let himself fall down onto the sofa, plopping his feet down on the coffee table,”This was meant to be a guest room but it’s so far up in the east wing I think the rest of the family forgot it exists.”
His eyes rested on yours for a minute, taking you in and trying to read your expression. You looked tense and more nervous than usual. “What are you doing all the way up here, Y/N?” he then asked again.
“I told you, I got lost,” you avoided answering his question.
”Must have been walking for a while then,” he remarked.
“Yeah,” you sighed.
“Want me to direct you back to the party?”
“Fuck no.”
The words left your mouth without even thinking and you bit your lip but Aegon just smiled.“You were trying to get out, weren’t you?”
“Not out, just…looking for a spot to hide out for a while,” you confessed.
“Well, you found it. You…um…wanna grab a beer or something?” he pointed towards the fridge and you gladly took him up on his offer.
If you had to run into anyone from the Targaryen family you were glad it was Aegon.
You and him had been friends for a while now, ever since your brother married Heleana and your family had started spending more time with the Targaryens. Heleana was a total sweetheart and Aegon had always been the most welcoming of the entire bunch.
To be honest those two were the only ones you could stand, the rest of that family scared the shit out of you.
For some reason you always felt at ease with Aegon. maybe it was because he never seemed to feel comfortable around his own family either. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that he was also fleeing the festivities tonight.
You let yourself sink down on the couch next to him and took a sip from your beer.”So who are you hiding from?”
He let out a laugh and shook his head,”Who am I not hiding from?”
You kept your eyes on him waiting for an answer but he didn’t elaborate.
“Okay, so you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine,” you teased.
He bumped your leg with his,“You first.”
You sighed but when your eyes met his you caved quickly. You’re not sure what it was about Aegon but he always had a way of making you feel you could tell him anything and he would never judge you for it.
“My mum,” you confessed,”And Viserys.”
“What’s Viserys done?”
“Nothing,” you sighed,”It’s just…my mum wants to set me up with someone from your family. Apparently she’s sooo happy with my brother’s new life she thinks it would be wonderful, for me, if I were to marry rich as well.”
Aegon rolled his eyes and took another sip from his beer, trying his best to sound casual with his next question,”So…who’s the lucky Targaryen?”
You sighed deeply,“Aemond.”
“Oh no, poor you.”
“Shut up,” you hit his leg, making him laugh.
“No but…I mean, Aemond’s not so bad,” he then tried to reassure you but you quickly shook your head.
“I don’t even know him, Aegon, it’s not…it’s just not how I imagined things.”
“Then say no, it’s your life, they don’t get to decide how you should live it.”
“I know,” you pulled your legs up underneath you on the couch and turned on your side, facing Aegon,”and my mum said it’s totally my choice and she’ll never push me into it but…I just…don’t know how to disappoint my family.”
Aegon snorted at that,”Want some tips? According to Viserys being the family disappointment is one of the only things I absolutely excel in.”
You smiled but gave him a more serious look then,”Viserys is an idiot. But I mean, it’s not like I don’t understand why my mum wants it, you know, financial security and all that.”
“Money doesn’t solve all your problems or buys you happiness.”
“Only someone who has it would say that.”
Aegon sighed and ran his hand through his hair,”Shit, you’re right. That was such a rich kid’s response, wasn’t it?”
You nodded,”I know what you mean though, having money comes with its own problems and responsibilities but it’s infinitely better than not having it.”
“But your family is doing okay now, yeah?”
“We’re okay, yes but I know where mum is coming from. I just didn’t feel like having that conversation about my future tonight.”
“Yeah, I totally get that.”
“So who are you really hiding from?”
He sighed and closed his eyes while he confessed,”Viserys. Of course, who else?”
“Because…he wants me to work in the family’s company and…I’d rather fucking die.”
“He can’t force you, can he?”
“He can disown me if he wants.”
“Would he do that?”
“I don’t know. And part of me wants to say I don’t give a fuck but…”
You smiled,“You’re used to your little life of luxury.”
“Yeah,” Aegon admitted,”Does that make me weak? It makes me weak, doesn’t it?”
“No, of course not. But, it’s like you said, money’s not gonna solve all your problems.”
He leaned back into the couch,”Yeah, maybe not.”
“What would you do? If you could have any job in the world?”
“Just get paid to play with my band.”
“Are you guys any good?”
His eyes lit up and he gave you a sweet smile,”You should come see us some time and judge for yourself.”
“Tell me when and where and I’ll be there.”
“Okay,” he nodded and finished his beer,”Want another one?”
“Think it’s safe to say neither of us wants to go back downstairs anytime soon.”
He took two more bottles from the fridge and gave you one before sitting down on the floor in front of the couch. You moved down to join him.
“What are we gonna do to pass the time up here?” you asked.
“Well, I could think of a few things we could do,” Aegon teased while giving you a flirty look and motioning towards the beds.
You hit him on his leg,”Don’t be gross.”
“Sorry, couldn’t help myself,” he avoided your eyes for a moment but couldn’t hide the smile on his face. 
It wasn’t the first time Aegon flirted with you. It seemed to come second nature to him, you never thought much of it. It was always playful and friendly and you knew it was just his way of communicating sometimes.
“Let me guess, there’s no Netflix up here or anything is there?” you asked.
“Nope,” he shook his head,”I doubt there’s even wifi up here. It’s just us. Sorry to disappoint.”
His eyes met yours again and you shook your head,”You don’t disappoint, Aegs, you’re the only Targaryen I’d ever want to be alone in a room with.”
“I still don’t know if that counts as a compliment,” his lips curled up into a smile and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“What about a drinking game?” he then suggested.
“You want to get me drunk, Aegon Targaryen?” you teased him.
“I want to get me drunk,” he joked,” but you can join if you want.”
That flirty look was back in his eyes but you chose to ignore it this time.
“I mean, we can also talk about our families and insecurities and struggles in life,” he then added.
“Drinking game it is,” you shut him up quickly, putting that satisfied grin back on his face.
He was up in an instant to grab a few glasses from the bar and something a little stronger than the beers you’d been drinking so far.
“Okay,” he settled back down on the floor in front of you, filling up the two glasses,”So, truth or dare?”
You laughed and shook your head,”Absolutely not.”
“What? Oh come on, why not?”
“Because every dare you will come up with is going to be something completely inappropriate.”
He stared at you in feigned shock but you just narrowed your eyes at him.
“I am offended you would think that,” he then reacted,”Also a little flattered that you know me so well.”
He gave you a big smile and you couldn’t help but join in, his laugh was so infectious you realized how easily he always made you feel better in his presence.
“Never have I ever?” you then suggested and you didn’t miss the sudden interest peaking in Aegon’s eyes.
“You sure about that one?” he asked carefully.
You suddenly felt exposed under his gaze and the game hadn’t even started yet.
”Not so much anymore now, no,” you confessed with a smile.
He laughed softly,”I’ll go easy on you, don’t worry.”
And he did, at least in the beginning of the game. It started off so innocent. 
Never have I ever cheated on an exam. Never have I ever skipped school and lied to my parents about it. Never have I ever binged an entire series in one day. Never have I ever been so drunk I blacked out.
It was only after a few laughs, drinks and harmless confessions that the game took another, more sexual, turn.
Both of you were pleasantly buzzed by then and without really paying attention to it you had both inched closer to each other, your knees almost touching now. 
“Never have I ever dated more than one person at the same time,” you stated.
Aegon snorted and took a sip while your mouth fell open.
“What?” he smiled,” I’m a slut, don’t act so shocked.”
You kept staring at him and just shook your head.
“What?” he asked.
“Nothing,” you shrugged,”Your turn.”
“Never have I ever faked an orgasm,” he stated with a smug grin on his face.
You rolled our eyes and took a sip.
“Why do all women do that?” he asked with genuine interest.
“I don’t know, probably because we’re taught from a very young age that we’re supposed to be good and supportive and men can do no wrong so if we can’t reach our peak that’s still a reflection of our faults and not theirs.”
This time it was Aegon’s turn to stare at you with his mouth open.
“Sorry, was that too much?” you asked.
He shook his head,”No, not at all. That was…very fair. And quite sad.”
“But then sometimes,” you added with a smile,” Sometimes the sex just isn’t good and you just fake it to get it over with and get away from them quicker, and the idiots can never tell.”
”See but that’s still sad, I would never leave my girl unsatisfied and I’d hope she would feel safe enough with me to just tell me if I need to try harder.”
You’re not sure why his words made you blush but you had to avoid his eyes for a moment.
“Of course that never happens,” he then added with a smug grin, making you burst out in laughter.
“It doesn't!" he protested.
“I’m sure it’s happened to you as well, Aegs, all women do it.”
“Not with me,” he insisted.
“Up to 80 percent of women fake it sometimes, do your math.”
He was still firmly shaking his head,”Not with me.”
You sighed,“Fine, I’ll take your word for it, casanova, shall we move on?”
He opened his mouth to protest again but you were faster.
“Never have I ever been caught masturbating,” you blurted out.
Aegon just laughed and forgot about his protest to have a drink.
“Really?” you asked.
He just nodded,“My mum has seen things that will scar her for life.”
“Oh my god, Aegon, ew!” you covered your mouth with your hand as you laughed and he joined you.”Next, please.”
“Never have I ever...slept with someone I was actually in love with,” he confessed, and you both suddenly stopped laughing.
“Never?” you asked,”Not even a little bit? Like a crush?”
He shook his head,”Nope.”
“That’s sad, Aegon.”
"No, it's not, come on, sex is a great thing, whether you're in love or not," he shrugged.
"Yeah, but it's better if you are."
“You say that but I noticed you didn’t drink either,” he pointed out.
“No, I…I guess we’re both sad,” you smiled weakly and looked down until Aegon bumped his knee against yours and gave you a warm smile.
“Okay, next,” he said,”No more depressing ones now.”
You smiled and nodded,”Okay, um…never have I ever fantasized about a friend.”
Aegon’s smile was soft before he lifted his glass up to his lips and took a sip. He didn’t say anything but quickly moved onto the next one.
“Never have I ever cheated on someone,” he confessed. You looked at each other for a moment, neither of you drinking.
”So at least you’re an honest slut,” you then joked and he laughed while looking into your eyes.
“Gee, thanks.”
You smiled.“Never have I ever had a one night stand.”
HIs eyes stayed on yours as he slowly drank from his glass and then filled it up again.
“You know,” he sighed,”I’m beginning to notice this game isn’t really fair.”
“I can’t help it that you’ve done everything,” you pointed out.
“I have not done everything, you’re just very…”
You pointed your finger at him, warning him to choose his next words carefully.
“Less experienced than I am,” he then added,”which is perfectly fine.”
He placed his hand on your knee and gave it a soft squeeze.
“Yes, it is perfectly fine,” you repeated.
“So why no one night stand though?” he asked,”Is it a principle thing or you just haven’t felt like it?”
“I haven’t met anyone that made me feel like I wanted to,” you explained.
He nodded,”That’s fair. I bet you’ve had plenty of offers though.”
Your eyes met his,”Why? Why would you say that?”
“Because you’re really fucking hot,” he confessed with a small grin and then took a quick sip from his drink, trying to hide the blush on his face.
You wanted to ignore his flirty comment like you always did but you couldn’t help but feel the effect of his words this time, making you feel a little lightheaded.
“You wanna stop playing the game?” he asked.
“No,” you shook your head,”I think I have one more.”
Aegon moved a little closer to you and you were very aware of his hand still resting on your knee.”Go on then.”
You bit your lip and hesitated for a moment before speaking the next words softly,”Never have I ever kissed a friend.”
His stare was so intense it was making your head spin, both your drinks were untouched on the floor next to you, forgotten about now that Aegon seemed to only have eyes for you.
“Do you want to?” he then whispered.
Your eyes widened at his statement and he gave you a soft, sweet smile. Your mouth opened to speak but the words weren’t coming out.
His hand carefully moved up from your knee to your thigh, testing the waters, waiting for you to do something, anything, hit him again or yell at him and tell him to stop being gross. But you didn’t do any of those things, you just stared at him and he recognized that hunger in your eyes, it was a reflection of his own.
He pulled you a little closer to him until you were face to face and practically sitting in his lap. Then he moved his hand up to your face and gently cupped your neck, moving his thumb over your jaw and your cheek. 
You sighed into his touch.“We shouldn’t, Aegs.”
You could hear the words leaving your lips but your hands were clearly not on the same page, grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards you and Aegon was doing nothing to make things easier on you. He was licking his lips and looking at you with so much lust in his eyes you were sure your protest would crumble as soon as he touched you again.
When his gaze fell down to your lips you knew you lost the fight.
He gently nuzzled your cheek, his soft voice was like velvet against your skin,”If you don’t want this I’ll stop right now, just say the word and I’ll back off, okay?” 
Your mouth opened to speak but you had no words left for him, all you could feel and think was how badly you wanted him.
“Do you want to?” he asked again.
“Yes, I want to,” your answer finally came, putting a relieved smile on his face.
“Good girl,” he whispered, which did not help your situation at all.”I was hoping you’d say that.”
“Aegs,” you sighed and looked at him, letting yourself drown into his pretty blue eyes.
“Will you let me kiss you?” he asked, brushing your nose with his.
You nodded,”Please.”
He cupped your face with both hands, looking deep into your eyes before he slowly leaned in and pressed his lips to yours in the softest, sweetest lingering kiss. It was over too soon and only left you wanting more.
Aegon moved his hands down to your waist, pulling you further into his lap and then he was kissing you again. The kiss was still gentle but also filled with more purpose. He started out slowly, just moving his lips with yours. Then he carefully licked into your mouth, teasing your tongue with his, waiting for you to open up to him completely before deepening the kiss.
The room around you was spinning now, his lips were intoxicating and addictive and you never wanted them to leave your mouth ever again. His hands made their way underneath your shirt to caress your lower back, leaving a trail of goosebumps all over your skin. 
You pulled him closer to you, hands tangled in his hair while you kissed him back with the same fire, setting you both aflame. 
You had kissed a few guys in your short lifetime and some of them had been pretty good, but none of those kisses came even remotely close to the way Aegon Targaryen was kissing you right now. As if he was dying and you were breathing life into him.
When you softly whimpered into the kiss it encouraged him to pull you even closer, straddling his lap now and you both moaned quietly at the first contact of his cock against your center. Even through all the layers of clothing you could feel him.
You grinned into his kiss.
“What?” he whispered in between kisses.
“You’re hard.”
“Thanks for noticing, of course I’m hard,” he joked and then bit your lower lip, making you moan softly which made him bite a little harder,”You have any idea how long I’ve wanted you like this?”
You broke the kiss to look at him in surprise.
“You really had no idea, didn’t you?” he realized and he shook his head in disbelief,”And I thought I wasn’t being subtle at all, I flirt with you all the time.”
“You flirt with everyone all the time!” you pointed out.
He laughed softly,”Okay, yeah, fair point.”
“Do you wanna talk about this?” you asked.
He locked eyes with you again.”No, I don’t wanna talk,” he then spoke softly,”I want to make out with you some more.”
His hands moved up your back, pulling you closer again and taking your mouth in another needy, sloppy kiss. You didn’t hesitate to kiss him back and involuntarily your hips moved against his, making him hiss into your mouth. He rocked back against you, letting you feel just how turned on he was.
He was breathing heavily in between kissing you and his hands were now on your ass, holding you down on his lap while you rocked yourself on his erection. Both of you seeking out the friction and feeling the need to be even closer.
“Gods, you feel so fucking good,” he whispered against your lips and then started kissing your jaw and your neck, sucking on your skin and tracing patterns with his tongue. 
He was driving you insane. You had always found Aegon to be easy on the eyes but that’s as far as it went. You had never looked at him this way before tonight, and now it was all you could think about.
You needed him like you needed air.
You pulled at his shirt and he was quick to help you pull it over his head. He didn’t waste any time and quickly did the same with you, leaving you in just your bra. He couldn’t look away and the pleading look in his eyes put a smile on your face.
“Can I?” he asked eagerly,”Please?”
You just nodded and watched as he nervously unclipped your bra and then gently pulled it down your shoulders, revealing your breasts to him.
“Holy shit,” he breathed.
You couldn’t help but laugh,”They’re just tits, Aegs, I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of them.”
“I haven’t seen yours,” he answered in a soft whisper and before you could say anything else he was kissing down your neck and collarbone. And further down until he was gently sucking on your nipple, making your eyes close in a heavy sigh. His cock was twitching against your inner thigh, making you want him even more. 
You knew your panties were completely soaked by now and your pussy was throbbing so hard it was becoming entirely distracting.
“Aegon,” you moaned quietly and grabbed at the waistband of his pants, pulling them down a little,”I need to feel you.”
“I know, baby,” he teased, kissing his way back up to your neck, his lips brushing the shell of your ear as he whispered,”You want me to fuck you? Is that what you want? You want me to fill you up, hmm?”
“Yes,” you breathed.
“You sure, baby?” he checked.
This time it was your turn to tease him and you looked into his eyes while you grabbed his hand and lowered it in between your legs,”Why don’t you put your hand down my panties and feel how sure I am?”
You watched him swallow hard, his fingers moving over your jeans, even through the thick fabric he could feel how soaked you were underneath.
“F-uck,” he breathed.
You moved out of his lap to push him down and pull down his pants and boxers, finally freeing his erection from its confined space. He let out a sigh of relief, quickly followed by the most obscene moan you had ever heard when you wrapped your hand around his length.
Your eyes locked with his while you leaned down.
“Wha…what are you doing?” his voice sounded wrecked all of a sudden and you'd barely even touched him.
The mischievous look in your eyes told him everything he needed to know and just before you were going to take him into your mouth he pushed you back.”No, no…you can’t do that…fuck, baby…please don’t…”
“You don’t want me to suck you off?” you asked surprised.
He was biting his lip and cursing himself. He had dreamt about this so many times, fantasized and jerked off to this so many times but he knew if you put your mouth on him right now this would all be over within seconds. 
And he didn’t want his first time with you to be in your mouth. He wanted to be buried so deep inside your tight heat with your entire body pressed up against him, swallowing your needy moans and watching your face as he made you cum.
”I want nothing more than for you to suck me off but…I,”he stuttered over his next words,”I’m so fucking close to blowing my load…I just…that’s not what I want right now…”
He was blushing, clearly embarrassed and you thought it was the cutest thing.
”Okay, so no sucking then,” you pouted at him for a second but then gave him a sweet smile and he couldn’t help but smile back at you. Then he grabbed you and pushed you back, off the floor and onto the couch. His fingers were making quick work of your jeans and you lifted yourself off the couch to help him take them off, your panties going along with them.
Aegon stayed on his knees on the floor, his eyes meeting yours while he settled between your legs.
“What are you doing?” you asked with a weak voice, knowing all too well what he was doing.
He didn’t say anything, just gave you a playful, flirty look before putting his mouth right above your knee. Soft open mouthed kisses trailed your inner thigh, each one making you squirm a little bit more as he kissed his way higher and higher. That first lap of his tongue over your folds made you want to cry out in pleasure and you bit your hand to stop yourself from screaming so loud the entire family downstairs would hear you.
Aegon’s hand reached for yours, giving you something to hold onto, his other hand was on your inner thigh, spreading you open for him while he nipped and sucked at your clit.
“Not…fair,” you breathed, fingers squeezing his hand painfully hard but you couldn’t feel a thing apart from his mouth, sending you to heaven one lick at a time.
When he started fucking you with his tongue, nose pushing up perfectly against your throbbing clit, you were done for. 
“Don’t stop,” you whimpered,”Please…oh god, Aegs, please…”
His thumb started circling your clit and the room around you seemed to fade away. You were falling deeper and deeper until there was nothing but bliss. Tears filled your eyes and your back arched off the couch in one of the most intense orgasms you ever experienced.
Aegon didn’t rush you afterwards, let you ride out every last wave of it, kissing your clit and licking every last drop you offered him. When you finally came down from your high you pulled him up on the couch with you and into your arms.
His lips found yours in a filthy, deep kiss that let you taste yourself all over his tongue. His hands moved up to your shoulders and he gently pushed you down on your back onto the couch, his mouth never leaving yours. His left hand moved down to your inner thigh, opening you up again while his lips latched onto your neck.
“Wanna fuck you so bad,” he whimpered into your ear,”Tell me you want me to.”
His cock was heavy against your dripping center, begging to be allowed in but waiting for your consent, his leaking tip teasing your entrance.
“I want you to, god please, I want you to,” you were practically begging.
That was all the consent he needed and he slowly pushed himself inside.
“Fuck, you’re so wet for me,” he breathed in a shaky voice.
“Yeah, no shit,” you teased.
His lips curled up into a cheeky grin and he pressed his forehead against yours,”Wrap your arms around me, hold onto me, baby.”
You did as he asked, pulling him to you and locking eyes with his. You could have drowned in the ocean of blue staring back at you, his gaze was so unexpectedly soft and loving it was making your heart flutter and you both seemed to halt for a moment, just looking at each other.
Aegon was nervously biting his lip trying to hold himself back. 
“It’s okay,” you whispered,”You can let go.”
He moved his hips with a grunt, slowly fucking you into the couch. It didn’t take long for you to moan with him and set a pace that left you both breathless, chasing that much needed release.
“God, you feel so good,” Aegon’s whispered in between ragged breaths,”It’s totally…fucking unfair…how good you make me feel.”
All you could do was nod while biting your lip, his eyes were on you the entire time, not breaking eye contact once and it made the whole thing feel much more intimate. 
You knew Aegon’s reputation better than anyone, biggest slut in the city who didn’t do relationships only quick fucks, yet nothing about the way he was looking at you and touching you right now felt like a quick fuck, it felt like a whole lot more. 
Something you would have to think about and analyze later when he wasn’t a few seconds away from giving you another mind blowing orgasm.
“Aegs,” you moaned desperately.
“You close, baby?”
“Hmmm,” you breathed,”So close.”
His hand moved down between your legs to find your clit, giving you that last push you needed to fall apart completely and when you clenched around him he followed suit. His face buried into your neck, muffling his loud moans before he pulled out and spilled all over your thighs.
Desperate little whimpers against your shoulder when he came down from his high, clinging to you with all he had and then his lips were on yours again, kissing you so deep and slow you felt like you were falling again. 
When you broke the kiss to look at each other you both let out a deep breath that ended with you giggling and Aegon biting his lip and being unable to take his eyes off you.
“You good?” he asked.
You nodded,”Yeah, you?”
He nodded and placed a soft kiss on your cheek,”Can we stay like this for a while or…?”
He sighed,”I don’t…this is usually the part where the girl leaves.”
“Where she leaves or where you kick her out?”
“A bit of both, I guess,” he confessed and traced your jaw with his thumb.
“Do you want me to leave?” you leaned into his touch and looked up at him from under your lashes.
He quickly and firmly shook his head,”No, I…I want you to stay with me. I mean…if you want, it’s your choice.”
You smiled softly and leaned into him,”I’d love to stay. But I would like to get off of this couch first and get cleaned up.”
“Yeah, okay,” he nodded and was quick to help you sit up before disappearing behind the bar to find a wet towel.
You spent the rest of that night in bed with him, doing nothing but talk and sleep, and kiss a little in between. 
When the sun came up the next morning Aegon was back between your legs, waking you up with his tongue and his lips and sending you into another toe curling orgasm.
“You better be careful, Targaryen,” you warned him afterwards,”I could get used to this.”
“Maybe that’s the point,” he smiled while resting his head on your chest and looking up into your eyes.
“To get me to stay with you?” you asked, caressing his hair until he hummed into your touch,”It’s okay, Aegs, I know you don’t do that stuff.”
“What stuff?”
“Date, have a relationship, that kind of stuff.”
“Oh,” he sighed and you watched his expression fall,”Right, of course, how could I forget? I'm the kind of guy you fuck, not the guy you date. Who in their right mind would want to end up with Aegon Targaryen anyway, huh?”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” you tried to soften the blow but he was already pulling away from you and grabbing his shirt. He put it on without looking at you. The sudden silence in the room was heavy.
“You should go,” he then whispered.
“Is that what you want?” you asked softly and you didn’t move from your spot in the bed, hoping he would grant you another look. It took a while but he eventually turned around and looked into your eyes.
“You know that’s not what I want, sweetheart,” he sighed quietly and your heart leaped.
“It’s not what I want either,” you confessed.
“It’s not?” he asked, genuinely surprised.
You reached out your hand to him and he took it eagerly, letting you pull him back into your arms. He cupped your neck and kissed your lips, soft but hungry, waking up an entire army of butterflies in your stomach.
“I want to do all that stuff, with you,” he then whispered in between kisses,"I want you so bad....I've never...never felt this way about anyone before. And I know I’m not boyfriend material and you can do so much better than me but…”
“I don’t want to do better, I want you,” you breathed against his lips.
“Wait, did you just insult me?” Aegon teased, making you both laugh but then his gaze turned soft and serious,”I know I’m not the Targaryen your mum had in mind but…will you give me a chance? Will you be my girl?”
You leaned into him and closed your eyes,”I'm already your girl, Aegs.”
He smiled and put a lingering kiss on your forehead.
”Fuck, our families will be so pissed over this.”
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condensedpudding · 19 days
please excuse me for dropping this…
just a silly lil’ dr ratio drabble i’ve thought of hehe
— Dr. Ratio
Now for the renowed most intelligent, knowledgable, know-it-all genius. He doesn’t even know this emotion called jealousy exist within him!
Till’ now, the way he can’t even help but take quick glances- his pair of eyes glancing back and forth on you exchanging words with the other party. The climbing curiosity crawling on his back makes him want to eavesdrop on the both of you!
He just happened to pass by, he wasn’t totally going to check on whatever you’re doing.. he didn’t mean to actually eavesdrop for a little!
By the looks of it, Ratio thought; you’re simply just having a normal conversation with another person… a guy specifically.. that specifically 5 minutes and 37 seconds constant conversation had been going on.. (wait he counted that? wait wait.. he stayed for 5 minutes?!)
A frown on his face displayed.
Ratio definitely felt that sharp ache on his heart! but of course, he ignores it; a sigh escaping his lips, a lump on his throat in which he gulped instantly, his grip on his codex was more.. tighter? yet he continues on with reading his codex and take his leave.. wow! now which page was he? oh he must’ve forgot from how much he watched you smiling at that guy in front of you!
“So Y/N.. do you happen to have a relationship with someone?”
Ratio’s eyes dilated. he soon doesn’t realize his actions later on, a sudden errand has come up and he needs of your assistance! it was an urgent matter so you were dragged by the wrist immediately- Ratio deliberately ignoring the person you were talking to.
Annddd.. you both ended up sitting in his office.
While Ratio sat where he mainly sat- and you on the other hand, sat on one of the vacant seats. It was nothing but the office filled with silence. For some reason the atmosphere felt intimidating.. Ratio hasn’t been doing anything but continue reading his book while you were waiting for this urgent matter to be spoken of.
“So.. what’s the situation?”
“What situation?” Ratio replied.
“Why suddenly drag me here when there’s absolutely nothing when you said there’s something urgent? Are you finally getting what a prank is?” a small laugh escapes your lips after.
“The situation here was you speaking with that person. And here I thought you were crying for help to get you out of that situation.. and this is the thanks I get?”
The audacity for him to say that after it was an act of impulse to steal you away from what he felt a threat without him realizing.
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chains-of-destiny · 4 months
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Few families can say that they've been blessed by the gods, and even fewer can count ancestors as illustrious and celebrated as Niemon, your great-grandfather. He was the very man who led the rebellion against a tyrannical magocracy and laid the founding stones for a free and fair republic. Your family was destined for greatness and respect, but your grandfather ruined it all… You are the heir to House Serin, and the burden of your family's legacy weighs heavily on you. However, your destiny is much greater than that of your forefathers, maybe even the great Niemon's. So, let the chronicles begin! But remember, the chains of destiny are strong and will not be easily broken. Do you have the power to defy fate?
This is the first book of Chains of Destiny, a planned trilogy where you step into the shoes of the heir to House Serin. Set in the fictional continent of Runsas, your choices will not only shape your life but also impact the lives of those around you and the future of the republic. Uncover the secrets behind your grandfather's betrayal, break free from the chains that bind you, and finally take control of your destiny.
The game is more character/story-focused and places less emphasis on stats.
[Link to the demo]
Total word count: ~190k words (as of 2024/05/01)
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The intention is not to make the story as dark as possible but to establish a living, breathing world that exists within the setting it found itself in. So, you will not be swimming in a sea of blood and body parts, it is not the point of the story. Still, I feel obliged to warn any potential players before playing this game, as certain scenes contain things that may not be for everyone.
Reader Discretion Advised: This content may be disturbing or triggering for some players. Proceed with caution and consider your own emotional well-being before continuing.
[Content warning] - this game currently contains (or will contain in the future):
Strong language
Graphic scenes of violence
Graphic depictions of injuries, wounds, and corpses
Scenes of physical and emotional abuse
Blood and gore
Dark and disturbing themes
Body horror - Transformation (skippable)
Alcohol and drug use
Mentions and references to animal death
Physical and psychological Trauma
War crimes
Manipulation and gaslighting
Themes of authoritarianism and oppression/discrimination of certain groups of people
Themes of war and conflict
- The list may or may not expand as the development progresses.
Also, this story was created purely out of my passion for writing. It does not intend to preach or lecture anyone about any particular topic or belief.
If you feel that any part of this game is preaching or trying to convey a specific message, it is unintentional, and I sincerely apologize. The primary goal is to provide an enjoyable and fun experience for everyone.
PS: I should've already made a post like this in the beginning, but somehow I just forgot to.😄
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idkfitememate · 5 months
Boar!creator breaks into knights of favonius headquarters! and, reads a book? Visits klee? What? Oh hey the just went into jeans office and wait why is there snoring coming from the room?
Btw can I be 🐗anon?
Breaking into the Knights of Favonius Headquarters was shockingly easy. You just kinda… walked through the front door.
You were apparently well known enough by the people and your markings and mask that they knew when it was you and that you wouldn’t harm them. The most you’d do was harmless pranks.
Little ‘clip-clops’ echoed through the halls as you trotted through. You got small hi’s and hellos from passerby’s and even sometimes little pets!
“Ah! You must be The Boar of the Wilds!” A voice called out. You unironically didn’t remember who it was before you turned around and holy shit-
It was Mika!.. You totally forgot he existed!-
“I’ve heard so much from Acting Grand Master Jean! She’s constantly telling me stories about how…” It would be so rude to walk off right now but the urge to just… jump out a window was growing with every word he spoke. No offense to him, of course.
“Boar-Boar!” Oh thank fuck.
You felt Klee land on your back, shoving her face into your back.
Glancing back at the older boy, you found him staring at Klee with… fear?-
“Oh hi Mr. Mika! How are you? Do you want to go on another adventure?”
“Ah! N- no thanks, Klee. I’d rather not have to rework some of my maps today..”
You shook the girl off her back before trotting away.
“Awe Boar-Boar! Where are you going?” Klee called. You continued into Jean’s empty office.
Both Mika and Klee followed you inside and watched as you climbed up onto one of the couches and lie down, nuzzling into a pillow.
Klee looked at the older male, then hopped up on the couch and cuddled up with you.
Within moments you were both out like a light.
Mika sighed and walked out of the room. He came back with a blanket and draped it over you two, then sat next to you. He fell asleep not too long after.
A few minutes later, Kaeya walked into the office to retrieve something and stared at the three of you knocked out on the couch, you snoring away.
“Why is it every time I come in here, that boar is in here as well..?”
I genuinely like that all the adults of Mond are getting terrorized and the kids just get cuddles and kisses and shit- this is an adorable dynamic and I’m glad it’s turned out this way hehe ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
And you can absolutely be 🐗 anon! Welcome!~ <3
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prouddogboi · 1 year
Stray dog (Part 2)
To find the most recent chapters, please go to @doggoboigaugau 's masterlist
Sorry it took me quite long lmao TToTT School and work deadlines are killin' me.
Pairings: Ghost x Soap x Male Reader
Summary: Male Reader is traumatized and refuses to open up to 141. Soap found out something horrible going on with him and told Ghost about it.
Word count: 1910
Warnings: Smoking. Mention of attempts to self-h@rm.
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The next morning you woke up with a throbbing headache. It was so bad that you felt like hundreds of needles were jabbed into your eye sockets and every time you blinked, those needles plunged into your brain, sending a sharp and chilling pain to the crown of your head. This was by no means a strange occurrence for you though, given the fact that every night the base celebrated a party you always indulged in this self-sabotaging habit. 
Still, no matter how bad the situation was, you still had training to attend to, tasks to get done, reports to compile, and a miserable life to live. You turned your head to look at the clock, silently praying that it wasn’t too late. 
It was 13:00 in the afternoon already. 
“Shit!” You threw an arm over your forehead. Nice, you missed the morning training session. It was your responsibility today to train the new recruits and now you messed up the whole Task Force’s schedule once again just because you could not handle your pathetic emotions properly. The thoughts of giving up flooded your mind yet again since it was no use in waking up anyway, it was too late to do anything useful. The other team members were already aware of how irresponsible you were as you continuously failed to be on time for training the newbies. And what about the newbies’ impression of you? Probably an unreliable man who was no longer fit to be a member of a special Task Force that was particularly famous for its efficiency. Or maybe you were never fit to be one to begin with. 
Why didn’t the others wake you up? You had worked here long enough to know how scary and irritated Ghost could get when people missed his training session. There were even times when he immediately had the unpunctual soldiers pack their things and get sent to another department because he couldn’t fuckin’ stand people disrespecting his schedule. 
“Maybe they forget about my existence. Maybe I wasn’t that big of a part of this Task Force.” You mumbled to yourself, trying to pull your tired body out of the heavy blanket. As much as you wanted to give up, the desire to be important to someone, something, or some organization, …just anything, urged you to wake up and keep trying. You wanted yourself to be seen.
Upon opening the door of your stuffy room, you instinctively covered your eyes as they were attacked by rays of blinding sunlight. Your room was too dark and gloomy, doors and windows tightly shut all day and night, no wonder you would react so unfavorably to the bright sunlight that is often associated with positive moods by most people. 
The base was unusually quiet. You didn’t meet a single soul on your way to the kitchen to fill your hungry stomach. No Soap cracking stupid jokes with his heavy Scottish accent and laughing loudly to them himself, no Gaz cursing at his jokes, no Roach laughing at the two dumb manchildren, no Price sighing and telling them to at least be less raucous. You tried to shrug the nasty nagging feelings off, but it soon became unbearable when you walked into the kitchen and saw all the dirty dishes in the sink. 
“They have finished their lunch.” And they had it without you. The people you considered to be your own family, much closer than the biological family that you had cut all contact with, didn’t wake you up from your drunken sleep, totally forgot your existence, and enjoyed a meal together like there wasn’t anything missing. You knew damn well that you were overexaggerating the seriousness of the situation, but you just couldn’t help it. 
‘What am I to them?’ That question kept spiraling inside your brain, worsening the headache that you were already having. In a brief second, all the nagging feelings were anthropomorphized into a disgusting creature with multiple heads and mouths by your ailed mind, shrilly screaming out your deepest thoughts that were fraught with insecurities. Your legs were rendered weak and you collapsed on the floor. Supporting your weakened body with all four limbs, you took heavy breaths, trying to calm yourself down.
A few minutes later, you managed to put yourself together enough to stand up and get out of the base, on the way you didn’t forget to grab a pack of cigarettes. You felt stupid to resort to nicotine as a way to fight against all those feelings, but you didn’t know a better way. There were times when things were so bad that you had no energy left to hide your conditions from your teammates, and Price was concerned. He used to have you talk to some therapists, and not surprisingly to you at all, they could not handle you for long. No one ever could. 
You were now standing in the parking lot with a cigarette in your mouth. You sighed, clearly satisfied with how strongly its bitter taste stimulated your taste buds. When you first arrived here as the newest member of Task Force 141, Soap and Gaz always joked that you’d become Price’s smoking buddy, but that did not happen. The image of you standing with Price awkwardly because you two couldn’t find a mutual topic for a conversation made you feel too uncomfortable to even try, so you kept avoiding the older man or pretending to not hear his offer until he just stopped inviting you. It was so obvious that the men wanted to get closer to you, they wanted to earn your trust, to make you feel at home and be yourself among them, yet you kept pushing them away. And now perhaps they had stopped trying all together. It was not their fault. It was yours. 
But why it was so painful? You were supposed to feel relieved that they had given up so that you didn’t have to blame yourself every time you turned their kind offer down and saw the sadness drawn on their faces. ‘Why do I keep feeling like shit no matter what I do?’
Feeling that the intense emotions that were barely suppressed by the nicotine started to get out of hand again, you cupped your head with both hands, the half-burning cigarette fell to the ground. Suddenly, your eyes caught the red burning tip of it, together with how the paper wrapping around the nicotine was slowly burnt to black. At that very moment, a dark but familiar thought popped up in your mind. You bowed down to pick up the cigarette, blankly staring at it resting between the two fingers of your right hand. Then, your eyes turned to your left hand, examining your spotty lower arm. It was full of the small round scars that were caused by burning your arms with the burning tip of a cigarette. You had noticed Ghost looked at these scars of yours many times; luckily he never asked about them. The army was a place filled with people who had different background stories and bore numerous scars, so it wouldn’t be abnormal for you to have some that were a bit funny-shaped.
‘Should I do this again?’ 
Maybe you should. It helped with the emotions. Well, temporarily, but that was good enough.
Just as you were about to press the burning tip into your lower left arm, someone threw their whole weight into you. You were hugged by two strong arms and the cigarette was again dropped to the ground.
“There you are! I’ve been finding you everywhere!” It was the Scot man. “Are you smoking? Gosh, I hate this smell! Price’s cigars are much better!”
‘The ones that smell good are never bitter enough.’ You thought to yourself.
“Have you had lunch, pretty boy?” Soap pinched your dumbfounded face.
“Not yet.”
“What? Unbelievable! Get to the kitchen with me right now, Sergeant.” The man literally manhandled you straight from the parking lot into the base, leaving you no time to object.
As you two arrived at your destination, Ghost was already sitting there, sipping some coffee. Soap forced you to sit down right next to him while he proceeded to walk to the fridge and pulled out a dish, putting it inside the microwave oven. 
“Here you are, babyboy~” He put the hot meal in front of you. You chose to ignore the pet name and his flirtatious voice simply because he had started doing it to you ever since you start working here. It was just one of his signature thing, you should not fall for it and mistake it as a sign of interest that could develop into romantic feelings. 
“Thanks, Soap.”
“Aw, don’t be so all worked up and formal, babyboy. Ya’ welcome~”
Silence fell over the three of you, until you just felt so awkward that you had to speak up, “So… how was this morning?”
“It was fine. Ghost stepped in your place and took care of the training.” Soap replied.
You carefully glanced at Ghost, just to find that the man already looked at you, which made you tremble slightly. The skull mask on his face made him too difficult to read, you couldn’t tell whether he was annoyed or he just gave up on expecting something greater from you. 
Soap laughed at your reactions, “It’s okay. You were drunk so Price agreed to let you sleep. Also, Ghost volunteered to help you with the training so he probably doesn’t hold a grudge. Am I right, Ghostie?”
The masked man didn’t answer; instead, he turned back to his cup of coffee.
You quickly finished your meal and left, saying that you should do training by yourself. The truth was you couldn’t stay there any longer, you didn’t want to disturb Ghost and Soap’s rare peaceful time together. You had already made too terrible an impression on Ghost, it’s best that you did not mess up again. As a result, you also missed their conversation. It was not intended for you to listen to anyway.
“You’re right. He did it.” Soap’s voice was solemn, with no sign of flirt or unseriousness like a few minutes before.
“You mean the scars?” Ghost looked up at him from the cup.
“Yeah, the round scar marks that you’ve told me many times.”
“It was just my guess. How do you know he really did it?”
“I found him in the parking lot. He was holding a burning cigarette and about to press it into his left arm.” 
A few minutes of silence passed until Ghost spoke up, “Fuckin’ hell.”
“I asked Price about his past, I know it’s a nosy thing to do, but I wanted to help. Unfortunately, Price knows nothing either. Y/n… the boy never opens up to us.”
The two men sat quietly, exchanging worried looks with each other. If only you could know how much they cared for you, maybe you would find it easier to accept their love and help. Yet, even if they told you, even if they desperately showed you so many times that they cared and loved you so much, would your brain allow your heart to welcome them just like how it used to welcome other people you had met earlier in your life, the ones who left you wounded and made you the way you were today? 
If someone asked you that question, you’d just offer them a weak smile and simply say: “No”. You're now too tired to hold on to any crumbles of hope left in your broken soul. You'd like to give up.
to be continued i guess :")
Taglist: @aphroditeslovr @prestigeghoul @edgyboi10000 @c0nny3917 @peter-the-pan @lovecats123451
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lueurjun · 11 months
enemies to lovers with yeonjun
yeonjun x reader — in which you hate him and assume he hates you back, until you realise that maybe he never hated you at all. it’s a long one! requests are open if you want something specific <3
choi yeonjun is the bane of your existence
his mere presence— oof. it infuriates you for no reason
it wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t have to see him everyday
but unfortunately you do
because he’s your brothers (soobin) best friend and has been practically adopted by your family
dear soobin simps feel free to change your brother, i get it bae i totally get it
you can’t catch a break he’s practically moved in at this point
you’re tired of seeing this boy everywhere you look
cant you just go downstairs at 3 am for a glass of water without finding him shirtless in your kitchen munching on a sandwich??
your parents have more pictures of him in your house than of you
your hatred for him started when you were eight years old
it even caused a rift between you and soobin bc your dumbass bother picked HIS side over yours
what did he do?
PURPOSELY spilled his grape juice all over the front of your trousers making it look like your eight year old self pissed yourself
on a park with fellow kids your age who are mean as hell
you got bullied pretty bad after that and though time moved on and they forgot, you never did
it stuck with you
get behind me i’ll rip his hair out
say the word and i’ll fight him for u
anyways from that day on you DETESTED him
and he’s dumb so he has no idea why but instead of asking
he decided to dislike you back because in his mind that’s the most logical thing to do
what an idiot am i right?
a handsome one tho;)
sorry:( we dislike him rn i still got ur back
constant squabbling over the smallest things because he didn’t know when to shut up and you just hated his face
but not really because if you swallowed your pride just a tad you would admit that you do see the handsomeness within him
don’t worry bae you can admit that you’d jump on his bones if you didn’t hate him so much
ahem. anyways.
you cannot stand him because he’s the devils spawn and he doesn’t deserve your praise
until you’re set to go to prom and you have a really cute date with someone you’d had a crush on for a really long time
yeonjun of course makes a comment about your appearance but you don’t even care
because you have a date with someone special
and he has to attend with soobin so who’s the real loser?
not him my love id love to go with soobin
they leave and you wait back for your date to pick you up
time is ticking by and you’re starting to get a little nervous
your parents are starting to look at you in sympathy and you absolutely want the ground to swallow you up
because you’ve been stood up and it becomes apparent when an hour has passed and still no show or text and you’re starting to feel insecure and stupid
ur perfect bby lemme at ‘em
just when you’re about to hang up your outfit and hide beneath your duvet covers
the doorbell rings and you spring up with immense happiness
because your date hasn’t forgotten you after all
only when you answer the door it isn’t your date
rather yeonjun?? standing with flowers?? and no soobin in sight??
your parents are literally cradling each other in awe
and you’re like ??
“i know being stood up sucks for you but it’s the perfect opportunity for me to make right whatever wrong i did… and ask you to be my date…”
he sounds nervous?? genuine??
there’s a glimmer of hope in his eyes that you just don’t have in you to crush
so you accept the flowers and press a kiss to his cheek before eventually taking his arm
“i kinda don’t wanna go to the prom anymore… can we just go get something to eat? unless you wanna go?”
he seems kinda surprised for a second but then he grins with that stupid little twinkle in his pretty little eyes that admittedly have you swooning
“i’d prefer that honestly”
so that’s exactly what you do
yeonjun drives to a mcdonald’s and he pays for your food and then you just sit in the car park
and for as long as you’ve known him you have never actually hung out with him one on one for longer than fifteen minutes
but somehow it’s not awkward?
you both swing into subtle jokes and he even throws in a few flirty comments here and there
which takes you by surprise but what shocks you more is that you don’t mind them??
you retaliate to them but with the same flirty undertones
flirting in a mcdonald’s car park dressed to go to prom
that’s so romantic get out
the bar is in hell i know
don’t even @ me i need a moment rn
i ship u both. get married pls
anyways after eating until your stomachs felt full and there were tears of laughter in your eyes
the dreaded question rolls around
“why do you hate me?”
way to ruin the vibes yeonjun
“because you suck”
i rate the honesty babe
“ok sure i deserve that i think- but what did i do? you never used to hate me when we were kids”
you’re a little annoyed now
because how does he not remember the incident that has stuck in your mind for years?
“do you seriously not remember?”
and he shakes his head looking all clueless
which makes you feel a little embarrassed because had you just been dramatic this entire time?
maybe a little but it’s valid. i back u 100%
get his ass you sweet thing!
“you spilled grape juice all over my jeans at the park and told everyone i peed! i got made fun of for so long after that! it was mean!”
the vibe has been completely ruined now
well done yeonjun
speaking of yeonjun, he feels terrible
he remembers that incident back when he was an absolute menace
he still is but not as bad
what makes him feel worse is that you’ve only ever attacked him due to the hurt he caused you
meanwhile, he was just as mean back in retaliation
his world was literally crumbling
“and soobin took your side! you took my street cred and my brother!”
i’m soobin’s lawyer. he didn’t mean it
okay sorry! i still have your back!
“i’m sorry—truly. i didn’t realise how much it would hurt you or that you held a grudge—”
“maybe you should’ve asked.”
“i know. i’m sorry. i know nuggets won’t help but you can have an extra one of mine…”
you wanted to stay mad at him
but with the way his big eyes stared back at you whilst he held up a nugget as a peace offering
there was something oddly adorable about it
you take it from him because duh? who wouldn’t?
i mean vegans probably wouldn’t—
if you’re a vegan i’m so sorry imagine you’re eating something else
“why did you decide to take me to prom?”
you can’t help but ask the question that’s been prodding at you since you left the house
“saw your jackass date with someone else and soobin felt bad but he had his own date so i said i’d come get you…”
so it was just a favour for soobin
ok :D that’s fine
not tho is it bae? you lyin?
apart of you hoped that he asked you because he wanted to
perhaps the disappointment showed on your face because suddenly he starts stuttering
but you shake your head and force a smile
me in the mirror after an emotional breakdown :P
“let’s go then. he’s probably wondering—”
“no. that was a cop out.”
you just gape at him waiting for him to carry on
because what else are you meant to say?
“i wanted to ask you to be my date a while ago but you hated me and to be honest i never hated you, i just felt… i don’t know… bitter i guess? and that’s no excuse. i’m a dick and i know it. but when i saw your date with someone else, i knew it had to be some kind of sign that you were meant to attend the prom with me.”
okay romcom confession KING
go off
before you can comprehend anything, he carries on with his ramble
“i’m so sorry for the hurt i inflicted on you when we were kids, and for the way i’ve behaved since then. i know it won't make up for everything, but if you let me, i will spend every day of my life trying to make it up to you. Even if it takes forever for your feelings of hatred towards me to diminish or disappear altogether, i’ll wait - and hope that one day, i can prove myself to be a worthy partner for you.”
someone grab a bucket i’m gonna be sick ( i’m sliding down my wall crying rn )
i’d fold in an instant
kdrama yeonjun GO OFF
you kinda just sit there like a lemon for a sec
because wot?
literally like what is going on?
“you’ll have to grovel.”
“i will. believe me.”
“and you won’t hurt me?”
there’s this look in his eyes that you haven’t seen before
a determined and genuine look that has you feeling quite assured
the grudge against him is still there, of course, it’s not just going to go away
but it’s not as strong and you find yourself feeling rather excited
“then consider this our first date. the first step to making things right.”
yeonjun is a little wary as he takes your hand but the nerves settle when you don’t recoil from him
hesitantly he kisses your knuckles with a grin
“to making things right.”
surprisingly, you’re thankful your date stood you up
but no one is thankful as yeonjun
gosh why do i do these? i literally make myself cry
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izanazqueen · 11 months
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bonten manjiro x fem reader
warnings: smut. cursing. physical stuff. finishing inside. fluff. angst. timeskip - bonten mikey.
an: after finally forever i am finished w the bonten mikey fic that was request from way back and now it is here in existence - hope you enjoy / are pleased with it love! 💙
bonten mikey never took it easy on your body. especially after not seeing you. tonight was possibly the worst of all. after accidentally and absent-minded you forgot to turn on your ringtone when he tried calling you suddenly after one of his bonten discussions to check in on you. bad mistake. he had busted through your front entrance with beyond intense rage when you flew out the shower -quickly covering yourself with a white linen fast when you darted through the door to see him standing in front of you in what almost resembled madman. ' manjiro- w ..wha - ' he cut you off instantly with his sweaty rough palm against your trembling face in fear unknowing of what would happen. 'what.. the fck !.. - is wrong with you?! ' he screamed as he slammed his free hand balled furiously against the wall adjacent to your body making you boil in panic. 'manjiro. please. calm down, it is ok .. - ' speaking quitely to him you tried to attempt to cradle his shaking cheeks in your hands. you knew what this was. he was scared. manjiro acted usually so calm and composed but there were few moments when you witnessed his complete and total breakdowns - his times where he just let out everything and let the anxiety win strongly against his full will. you knew damn well he was in a panic over you and couldn't be angry for his actions in that moment even if would mean having to plaster the wall the next morning. 'babe- its alright. i'm here.. i did not mean - to not to answer your calls ..i just was in the shower- nn ! -' before you knew it he was kissing your lips with love filled hypnotic passion. you were here. nothing could go wrong - not with him around. he hated leaving you sometimes even for multiple days on end when he'd have to leave the country for bonten work and other such things and the thought alone sickened his stomach. sure - he always had sanzu always posted outside your apt whenever he was out if town, much to his pink haired partners dismay- there was never a moment that he wasn't thinking about what could be going wrong whenever he stepped foot away from your presence and -at least in this moment .. right now there was not a damn thing that could take him away - from being with you -
manjiro fucking your body like like he's possessed. i mean - he is insane. he forced your hands back pinning them above your head obviously avoiding your whines and whimpers for him and pushing himself in your wet cunt before any words could form in your mind he went feral when heard you moaning from him ' unh .. babee-! 'making his way much further inside you than he should be doing making you cry out his name loudly. ' fck- me manjiro - ah! .' nothing would hold this man from bringing the devil out when he was forcing his cock over and over again until the warmth of that place he needed took over and stole him from reality. it was an abyss one you only could deliver him into - manjiro wanted it all. making you only his was the best decision he could have had ever made in his life. grabbing onto your waist he placed his mouth over your neck biting down almost as if he was in need of your sweet nectare pushing himself further into his abyss making you cum so dmn fast you swore it was the first time. ' - babe! - ah ! ' swelling around him your vagina drenched his belly and was dripping all down your own legs from whatever magic he was working your pussy into and you pleaded with him so hard not to stop - 'babyy ..! ah! .. manjiro! - ' mikey cut you off with his tender lips in a sharp embrace to your moaning mouth. 'nnngh .. unh-nghh ..' you heard him groan wildly as he began fucking you harder and harder sighing into you with his sexy voice - all the way pressed in your hair from how close he was about to orgasm and the motions rocking the bed of how he was pleasuring himself with you with such force and strength from his biceps and toned build so chaoticly when you felt yourself starting to cum all over again before the feeling of the wood snapping beneath you giving out completely with the mattress folded in half against the floor as he went on relentlessly aggressively pounding his hard cock in you in a murderous fixation, thrashing your throbbing cumming core with such fine work you did not give no cares .. at all. 'manjiro- .. ah!- fck .. yess! - ' your voice sounded so beautiful and pleasing to him and he could not stand to pull himself out when in some dream like state he gave out to your serene voice against him like a melody to his body. the sweat from your panting chest against his skin mixing into his felt like a drug and he grabbed your chin into a hungry lip lock- manjiro needed you. every last part of you. your body. your lips. your voice. your smile. your comfort. your embrace. you were his life - the perfect person for him that he could have imagined in a partner and to his surpise you offered it happily he had thought to a piece of shit like him - without question. he had to do better for you. for your future. and maybe even his own.
@izanazqueen © -all rights reserved.
please do not copy / repost my work
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hellfirexhoe · 2 years
at the lakehouse | eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: the gang spends a few nights at the Harrington’s lakehouse, chaos ensues
4.5K words
warnings: 18+ only, minors DNI, reader is same age as eddie, swearing, drug use (weed), strip poker, me not knowing how poker works, bad writing, mutual pining, friends to lovers, wax play, knife play, fingering, oral (m&f receiving), risky sex, unprotected sex (make good choices), creampie, jonathon probably outside taking pictures idk i forgot he existed
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Searching through the Harrington’s kitchen drawers with Eddie in the pitch black was not how either of you guys imagined spending the first week of your summer, but the offer of a secluded lake house with a hot tub was pretty hard to turn down. Steve had however not been able to predict that the night you guys would arrive would be the same night of a massive blackout.
“Anything?” You speak into the darkness and you slam another useless drawer shut,
“Uh-uh,” Eddie opens another cupboard, “How do they not even have torches?”
You shrug, you open another drawer, and in the darkness you can just make out the thin white tapers of a few candles,
“Gotcha!” You spin around grasping the candles in one hand while your other hand goes into Eddie’s pocket where he keeps his lighter,
“Hey! Just because the lights are out doesn’t mean I don’t know that’s you groping me, princess!” You roll your eyes at him while you light up the candles, Eddie watches as your face becomes illuminated, taking in your lips, cheekbones, thick lashes that frame your eyes, the eyes that suddenly meet his,
“uh, everything okay there Eddie?” He coughs to clear his throat and drops his gaze to the floor,
“Mhm- yep totally fine,” You shrug it off and carefully walk your candles back to the coffee table as Robin and Nancy come downstairs, clutching much larger candles, Robin has a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she speaks,
“Guess where we found these!”
“Robin, don’t. I don’t want to think about it anymore.” Nancy groans
“No fucking way. Parental Harrington’s bedroom?” You laugh as Nancy gives a pained nod,
“It could be innocent, but they were right on the night stands.”
“Nothing wrong with a bit of candlelight to set the mood.” You all look over at Eddie who hasn’t looked up from the joint he’s rolling,
“And what would you know about setting the mood?” You grinned as you teased him, you guys discussed everything, including sex. Eddie’s lack of input in these discussions had lead the group to believe he had no experience in that department, but no one had wanted to embarrass him by making him confirm it.
Eddie opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Steve appearing from the garage,
“Oh nice, where did you guys find those candles?” Steve gestured to the candles still in Robin’s hands, causing all four of you to start snickering at him. Eddie takes that as his cue to head out to the deck and smoke, you follow, as fun as it would be to watch Steve’s horror at the candle revelation, it would be more fun to get high with Eddie.
“So what was that about setting the mood?” You ask as you take a drag, trying not to leave lipstick on the joint, and as always, failing miserably.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Eddie wiggles his brows at you as he takes the joint from you. You don’t want to pry, he’s your friend and if he doesn’t want to share this information then you can’t force him, so you settle for smoking and trying to ignore the pit of jealousy that has formed at the thought of Eddie with anyone other than you.
You’re both lightly buzzed by the time you return to the living room, flopping down on the beanbag next to Eddie,
“So I’m guessing movies are out of the question?” Robin gestures to the tv,
“Unless you can pull a generator out of your ass, then yes Robin, movies are out of the question. We’ve got board games somewhere around here.” Steve moves up from the sofa and begins to rummage in a cabinet, you hop up to help and Steve smiles at you gratefully,
“Since you’re the only one to help, what do you think?” You scan the cupboard and spot a small deck of cards, a devilish smile forms on your lips “Oh I don’t think you’re going to like my suggestion Steve.” You grab the deck and hold it up to the group flopped on the sofa and bean bags,
“Strip poker anyone?”
“I’m in.” Eddie speaks before Robin and Nancy have even registered what you’ve said. Perv. You think as you look over to your friends, Robin shrugs,
“Alright, no full nudity and no orgies though guys.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” You tease but nod at her, “Nance? Steve?”
Steve is watching Nancy with an indecipherable expression, when she agrees she is staring at him, as if they’re having a silent conversation.
“Harrington! You in or out? Nancy’s already seen what you’re working with, why don’t you enlighten the rest of us?” Eddie throws some popcorn at Steve’s face,
“Yeah fine,” Steve settles between you and Nancy, taking the deck from your hands to shuffle.
Eddie is the first to lose an item of clothing, so he takes his jacket off, earning boos from you and Robin,
“Patience ladies, please.” He raises a hand comically. More hands are dealt until you are somehow wearing the most clothes, sitting in a bra and skirt, while everyone else is in their underwear.
“Right I think we’re all suitably uncomfortable now. Y/n wins!” Nancy gestures to you with flourish while you take a bow, trying not to spill out of your bra. “Next game?” Nancy starts shrugging her clothes back on, everyone quickly follows suit, not wanting to be the odd one out who’s happy to sit in their underwear with their friends, you cast a quick look over to Eddie while he’s pulling his shirt back on, slightly disappointed.
“Twister?” Robin jokes, “We’ve seen the goods, now we feel the goods?” This earns a groan from the group,
“Absolutely not,” You all speak in unison,
“Fine, lets play never have I ever,” Robin smiles over at Steve “I’m sure you can find some alcohol somewhere around here.” Steve hops up to his feet and disappears into the kitchen, coming back with a bottle of vodka and some beers tucked under his arm.
“Ground rules, if you need to puke, either run out to the lake or to the bathroom. I am not cleaning up after lightweights.” Steve pulls out the authoritative mother hen voice you’ve heard him use with his little nuggets many times. You grab a shot glass and level it, waiting for everyone else to get ready.
“Right, who’s first?” Nancy looks around the circle you guys have formed around the coffee table,
“I’ll go. Never have I ever had sex in a public place.” Steve and Nancy’s drinks don’t move from the table as he speaks, but you, Eddie and Robin all take your drinks and stare at each other in stunned silence as you set your drinks down,
“Robin? Care to elaborate?” Robin shakes her head, scrunching her face at the vodka burning her throat, “Nope, that’s not part of the game princess, but I’ll share if you will.” You shake your head,
“I’ll plead the 5th” Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Eddie’s ringed fingers tightening over his can, reflecting candlelight. His jaw is tensed until he notices you looking at him and immediately he resets his body into neutral. You wonder if he had lied and was nervous that he’d be caught.
“Ohhhhhh me next! I’ve got a good one!” Robin starts clapping her hands excitedly as she stares you dead in your face, oh shit, you think, Robin knows all of your secrets, you break out in a slight sweat as your mind races - what is she going to say?
“Never have I ever... got my nipples pierced.” You groan as you take another shot, no one else drinks but Eddie is tensed again, trying not to look in your direction. You relax into your seat, of all the dirty secrets Robin knows, she picked the one you really don’t give a shit about.
“Okay, if that’s how we’re going to play I need to swap my drink to the beer, I cant be doing endless vodka shots.” You push your shot glass to the centre of the table and grab a can instead. “My turn then? Never have I ever had a sex dream about Steve’s mom.” Your turn to stare down Robin, who cackles and takes a shot, winking at Steve,
“Sorry Harrington, the blouses get me hot.” Steve makes a disgusted noise as the rest of you erupt into laughter, “Okay, first of all, fuck you y/n, that was a secret,” Robin speaks softly, letting you know she’s not mad “and second of all, it was one time, many months ago.”
“Robin, that doesn’t make it better!” Steve pinches the bridge of his nose and squeezes his eyes shut, “Okay, lets move on from this conversation. Never have I ever, gone skinny dipping.”
Robin and Eddie drink, “You know, we could all go now...big lake, pitch black no one would see us?” the corners of Eddie’s eyes crinkle as he flashes a smile that you could only consider to be dangerous.
“We’ve all been drinking Munson, not the safest idea. Plus you and y/n are still buzzed, I can see it in your pupils.”
“Alright dad, we’ll save the skinny dipping for the morning, all the better to see you with.” Eddie winks at Steve.
The game continues on for a few more rounds, the questions becoming tamer as you go, you’re getting sleepy now and yawn, Eddie noticing this pulls you onto his lap and tickles your ribs to wake you up some more, earning a squeal from you as you writhe around on his lap.
“Wake up, not time for bed yet.”
“Actually, it might be.” Nancy gives a yawn and then holds a finger up to Eddie “Don’t even think of tickling me.”
“Relax, that’s just for y/n, she gets the special treatment.” You both laugh, it was true that Eddie was a lot more physical with you than his other friends, you just put it down to the fact you’d been friends for so long that it just seemed comfortable. But last time he’d got physical with you he’d popped a boner and that kind of shut it down, he’d barely hugged you since then, even though you’d told him it was okay, and that you knew it meant nothing, just hormones.
Your friends say their good nights and start heading upstairs, leaving you still on Eddie’s lap, arms around your waist. You lean back on his chest, settling into him and sighing contentedly.
“Comfy princess?” Eddie asks sweetly, teasing you,
“If I say yes would you get the wrong idea?”
“Then yes, so comfy.” You grind your hips on the pretense of getting more comfortable, making him take a sharp intake of breath. Eddie’s arms tighten around you, holding you closer before he places a gentle kiss on your neck, then you feel him freeze and let you go.
“Shit, sorry I - I just forgot who I was with.” Eddie stumbled over his words as you turned to look at him,
“Who the fuck do you think I am? Gareth?” You lift his dropping head gently by his chin, smiling at the blushes that now cover Eddie’s cheeks, “Eddie. It’s fine, you can kiss me.” His brown eyes meet yours, then drop to your lips, biting his own. He wants this badly but doesn’t think you could possibly mean it, you’re just fucking with him surely.
Impatience takes over and you catch his bottom lip between your teeth, freeing it before kissing him, your hands in his hair as his return to your waist, pulling you closer. Eddie moans into the kiss, the sound traveling straight to your pussy, making you wet and you start to shift your hips, seeking some friction. Eddie’s hands grip you tighter, cold rings pressing into your skin, forcing your hips down further, granting you some friction against his jeans. You come up for air first, panting, hands now gripping onto his shirt, not willing to let him get away. Eddie’s hands are still rocking your hips, he’s looking up at you with a breathless smile, fuck he’s never looked so pretty.
“What’s on your mind baby?”
“Just thinking about how pretty you look right now.” The flush that spreads across Eddie’s face is adorable,
“Pretty? No that’s all you pretty girl.” You pull Eddie to you, needing to kiss him again, as your lips connect your hands find his and you shift them so they’re resting on your thighs, under your skirt, this time Eddie pulls away,
“Are you sure this is okay? I know we’ve both drank a bit and smoked, I don’t want to do this if you’re not clear headed.” Your heart flutters as he checks in with you, making you want him all the more because you know he’ll keep you safe, he won’t push you further than you want to go. You nod,
“Eddie, I want this. I want this so fucking badly.” You rock your hips against his, and your hands travel to the bottom of your shirt, lifting it above your head as he traces circles on your thighs. Eddie saw your bra earlier, and had to play it cool, this time he lets his eyes widen and his mouth drop open at the sight of the smooth skin, nipples poking through the thin fabric, begging for his attention. His hands trail up your waist, to your back, and rest just below the clasp,
“Can I take this off??” He looks up at you pleadingly,
“Please, things been killing me all day.”
“Oh well, we can’t have that.” Eddie unclasps your bra and in a swift motion throws it somewhere in the room. Before you can cover your chest with your hands his mouth is at it, kissing the newly exposed skin, running his tongue over your nipples, making you moan. You gasp as you feel teeth closing on one of your nipples before he starts sucking, you glance down at him, seeing his head buried in your chest, his other hand toying with your breast and the sight makes you cry out in pleasure again, this is all you’ve been waiting for years, and its finally happening. Eddie’s hand slips between you two and starts rubbing your pussy over the fabric of your underwear, he can feel your wetness soaking through and releases your nipple from his rough sucking to groan,
“Fuck. Did I make you this wet baby?” He hisses at you and you moan in a pitiful way as he doesn’t stop teasing,
“No, use your words, I want you to tell me that I made you this wet.” Trying desperately to keep control of your voice you answer in the most pathetic whine,
“You, Eddie, you made me wet. You always do.”
“Always?” Eddie raises an eyebrow at you as you realise what you’ve just told him. “Think about me a lot do we?” He’s found your clit and is slowly stroking it through the fabric of your panties, you pant and moan, praying he doesn’t want an answer,
“Kitten. I asked you a question.” He starts to slow down his stroking, letting you think and speak. The new nickname makes your pussy twitch, and you bite your lip.
“All the time.”
“When you’re with other guys?” Eddie kisses your neck before sinking his teeth into the flesh and sucking, leaving an angry purple mark behind, marking you as his.
“All the time.” You repeat struggling to keep your moans under control as your best friend continues his relentless assault on your body. Eddie seems satisfied with this answer and pulls himself away, you almost cry out for him and seeing your face he smiles,
“Shh, hang on, I’m not going anywhere, just want to get more comfortable.” He starts undressing himself, leaving you still in your skirt and soaked panties. You cant help but gasp softly when you see the erection his jeans have been holding down. Eddie smirks when he notices your line of sight,
“See something you like?” You nod and get up to your knees, pulling the underwear that covers him down and wrapping a hand around him,
“This okay Eds?”
“More than okay.” You pump him in your hands, still marveling at the size of his cock, Eddie starts to buck softly in your hands as his tip leaks precum. You look up at him, smile sweetly and let him watch as you lap the precum up,
“Jesus christ, you have no idea how hot that looks.” Eddie is hissing under his breath, watching you, completely transfixed. Loving the dumbfounded look on his face you take the tip of his cock into your mouth and then sliding down further until your purple lipstick is staining the base of his cock. You clench your thumb in your fist, holding back your gag reflex, a trick you had heard about a few months ago. You had yet to practice it and were pleasantly surprised to learn it worked. Eddie’s cock started to twitch in your throat and you had to pull back, tears streaming from your eyes from the effort of not gagging. Barely waiting to catch your breath you took Eddie’s cock all the way to your throat again, Eddie was biting his fist, desperately trying to hold back howls of pleasure as you bob on his cock. Your jaw is aching and your face is covered in mascara stains from your watering eyes by the time Eddie is begging for you to let up.
Eddie falls back onto the sofa, cock twitching and panting heavily,
“Where did you learn that?“ He pants, struggling to catch his breath.
“You really want to talk about that right now?” You smirk as you use your fingers to wipe your tears away. Pussy absolutely dripping for him by this point.
“Good point, come here.” Eddie pats the sofa next to him, as soon as you sit he drops to the floor between your legs, pulling your skirt and panties down smoothly and placing a kiss to your pussy, before using his fingers to part your lips and lick a stripe from your tight hole to your clit, your thighs shake at the contact, you’re no virgin but no guy has ever gone down on you before, they’d make an excuse and skip straight over it, so the sensations Eddie is creating is entirely new to your body and you fucking love it. Eddie is buried in between your thighs, sucking on your clit as he teases you with a single finger, loving how your pussy clamps down on him, a vice grip that makes him almost cum all over the sofa without even being touched. You cry out and grab Eddie’s hair, pushing him closer, realizing you must be close Eddie begins to up his speed, sucking harsher, fingers curling against your g-spot faster until that knot in your stomach comes undone and you squirt against his face, another new sensation for you.
Eddie kisses your thighs as he comes away, face dripping with you and a devilish smile on his face,
“Oh, my kitten squirts?” He looks at your flushed face, “That’s never come up in conversations before. I know plenty about how many guys have made you cum, but no ones made you squirt before have they?” He taunts you playfully,
“N-no. No one.” You pull him up to you, kissing him deeply, tasting yourself on his lips and tongue, moaning when you do.
“Do you have any idea how fucking crazy I’ve been driven hearing about how many orgasms you’ve had that should have all been with me?” Eddie wraps a ringed hand around your throat and stares into your eyes, “I had to start fucking around so I wouldn’t go crazy with jealousy.” He’s rubbing his cock against your pussy, soaking himself in you, making you want to cry and beg and scream to be fucked, and he knows he’s making you this needy, you can see it in the smirk he’s wearing as he rubs harder.
“Eddie - please please fuck me.” You whisper, barely able to speak with the hands around your throat. Eddie lets go of your throat and pulls away slightly,
“I want to have more fun with you first, kitten. I want to know what else I can do to you that no one else has.” Eddie picks up a candle from the table and looks at you, your confused expression answering his question. “Does my kitten want to play some more before we fuck?” You’re torn, your pussy is clenching around literally nothing, desperate to be stuffed with Eddie’s cock but more playtime sounds equally fun, and you’re so curious to know what’s on Eddie’s mind,
“What are you planning to do with the candle?”
“I’m going to drip hot wax on you and get you even hotter.” He answers simply. You nod enthusiastically,
“Yes please.” He places the candle back down for a second, retrieving his bandana from his jeans and ties it comfortably around your eyes, then plants a kiss to your cheek before you feel him shift and grab the candle back from the table,
“Okay kitten, nice big breaths for me.” You obey and gasp as the first drops of wax hit your skin, burning for a few delicious seconds before it cools. Eddie chuckles at your reaction,
“That feel good?”
“So good,”
“Lucky for us it seems the Harringtons are kinky, these are special candles, they’re designed to be used for this.”
“Mm, remind me to write them a thank you note.” Eddie drips more wax onto your stomach, a line to your pussy beginning to take shape. As you brace for the next heat to be there you’re surprised when the slight burn is at your nipples,
“Gotta keep you on your toes.” Eddie responds to your surprise “Plus no way I could make a masterpiece out of a line, I’m more creative than that.” Your nerve endings are on fire as you’re so unsure of where on your body the wax will hit next, ever drip makes you moan for more, until the next drip you expect is instead a warm pair of lips on yours, hands removing the blindfold and rubbing your cheeks,
“Did you enjoy that?” Eddie asked as he rested his head on yours, you nodded, trying to kiss him but he pulled back, “Not until you admire the artwork.” He gestured down to your body which was coated in drips of wax, forming no particular pattern, but thanks to the colour made it look like you’d taken a huge cum shot.
“Eddie it looks like I’ve been rained on with cum,” You hiss at him as he smirks,
“That’s the point, kitten. That was the artistic vision.”
“How do we get this off?” Eddie produces a switchblade and grins at you, “Fine, just don’t cut me.”
“Never, kitten. Not unless you ask nicely.” He’s careful and quick, removing the wax with ease and you manage to remain unscathed throughout the procedure, once he’s done you realize you were holding your breath and finally let it out.
“Now, do you want to play more, or do you need me inside you, filling you up?”
“I’m done playing.” you wrap your legs around his waist and he slips his cock into you, its much bigger than you anticipate and you jerk at the slight pain, your breath catching again.
“Nuh-uh kitten, holding your breath will make it worse, take a big deep breath for me.” Eddie coaches you, taking the breath with you as he slides in further, he’s right, the breathing helps your muscles relax and allows him to bottom out inside you. You moan as you feel your body adjusting, pretty sure no one’s ever been as deep as Eddie is right now, Eddie seems to read your mind,
“What’s up kitten? Never had a cock this far in you before?” You shake your head and he looks so fucking pleased with himself as he pulls himself back, veins dragging against your soaked walls and make you cry out in pleasure. Eddie grabs your panties off the floor and holds them up to you,
“Kitten, if you can’t keep it down I’ll have to stuff these in that gorgeous mouth of yours. What’s it gonna be?” You consider being quiet, and decide that the way Eddie’s going you’ll be cockdrunk in minutes and have no control over what noises you’re producing, so you open your mouth and let Eddie stuff your panties in.
“Fuck you have no idea how fucking hot you are.” Eddie ups the pace, balls slapping against your ass as your pussy tightens around him, trying to stop him pulling all the way out. Your back arches up as you moan around the panties in your mouth, you’re so close to cumming around Eddie’s cock, your eyes are rolling back in your head and there’s drool from your mouth running down your chin, to Eddie you’ve never looked quite so beautiful as now. Eddie kisses your neck up to your ear,
“Cum for me kitten, let me feel that pussy milk me.” He slams in harder and faster, tipping you right over the edge and making you squirt around him, taking you both by surprise. Eddie is now soaked in you, you’ve covered his stomach and thighs, you can feel it as he keeps slamming into you,
“Kitten, I’m getting very very close, can I finish inside you? Please?” Eddie whines in your ear, he knew that no one had ever been allowed to do that to you either, you spit the panties out of your mouth to be able to whisper in his ear,
“Eds, cum in me, please. This pussy’s never had cum in it before, I need it filled.” You whine and moan as you speak, Eddie relentlessly chasing his release, with a few more thrusts he’s finishing inside you, you moan at the sensation inside you, hot thick cum flooding your soaked pussy. Eddie pulls out and swears when he sees his cum leaking out of you onto the sofa,
“Oops?” He laughs as he rests his head on your chest, waiting for his heartbeat to settle.
“Mmm, yes kitten?”
“You’re all mine.”
“Yes I am kitten, I have been for a long time.” Eddie looks up at you, so much love in those brown eyes that you feel you could melt. “Now, as much as I am loving this very sweet moment with my new girlfriend, I think we need to clean you up, clean me up and possibly buy Steve’s parents a new sofa.”
You laugh and feel more mess get forced out of you by the motion,
“Christ you look like a fucking goddess right now, but no more laughing, lets get you to the bathroom.” Eddie scoops you up and carries you into the small shower room, climbing in with you for “support, honest. what do you take me for?”.
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0hmyg0th · 5 months
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— 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
abby anderson x reader
★ summary ⸻ abby feels terrible, she don't want you to spend time with her knowing that you thrive on social interactions. She feels like she's holding you captive with her introverted ways. ★ sfw! ⸻ purely fluff! very lovey dovey 😩 including; i love u's, usage of nicknames, mention of marriage 🫣. and anything else i forgot to add. this is for ( @paqerings ) they requested " https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRcgu17H/ - this for abby" ★ taglist ⸻@paqerings @vvynia @slut4mascss tag-list is open :) ★ note ⸻i was planning on having this fic out wayyyy sooner but college work took to much of my time. also, after this and a couple more of tlou i will be posting aot content as well!! so stay tuned for that. i hope this doesn't flop ( first time doing anything other nfsw related ) okay bye. now read 💋
⸻ 4:30pm. evening. jacksonville florida. summertime
this is probably the most relaxing evening you ever had in your entire existence. you felt the most safe at home with abby. you had no problem dropping everything to be with abby at home, doing the most mundane things known to mankind. some of your friends would even say you and abby are in yall the "boring couple era" however, the way you would rephrase it would be, "quality time". you didn't mind doing things that might feel boring to others with abby like watching TV, reading together on the couch, or even doing a puzzle on a friday night rather than going out to a club. it didn't matter what. just along you were being touched by her presence. and you know, when the time comes she will be there to cater to your social needs. always.
"I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make- I feel bad 
you were feeling like a gooey pile of mush. it didn't matter how many times you re-watch 10 things i hate about you it seems like that movie had the undertone superpower to make you feel like your heart has been broken into a million pieces - and the craziest thing is that they are fictional characters. astonishing. you were so hypnotized by the movie that abby's words fell deafly onto your ears. with a small touch from abby, you peeled your eyes away from kat and patrick. looking at the sight of your beautiful girlfriend, the small colored freckles scattered all around the bridge of her nose. The best feature you loved was her nose and her watercolor eyes. the way her eyes would create this type of expression was only found in the imitation of the wild ocean water. you adored how blue they were under the shining light and how dark they would become in the shadows. "hm?" you blinked a couple of times, staying still upon her sight. 
the pads of her fingers slowly and lightly stroke the peak of your shoulder. you moved in closer, head tilting in the process. "you okay abs?" you spoke softly. the guilt-ridden expression painted on abby's face, her chest heaved . "I feel bad" Abby's hand immediately went to the back of her neck while lowering her head. "oh baby" you cooed. the palms of your hands reaching the warmth of her cheeks, lifting her face to make her look at you." why? My love" god. if y'all couldn't get any closer. you moved from the soft cushion onto abby's lap. you draped your arm around her neck while your fingers found the shell of her ear; playing with it to soothe her overwhelming nerves. 
"mmcht - I don't know. I feel like you shouldn't be doing this. you should be out - with your friends. I don't want you to be forced to be here just because- 
"imma stop you right there, abs" Your lips drew this amused smile, her warm plumped lips being covered by your hand. her eyes flickered down to your hand and quickly back up to your orbs whilst her eyebrow frowned a bit -- giving the impression she was gonna whimper a bit. however, the hand that played with the ruffles of your satin shorts never stopped. 
"When I first met you I knew we were the total opposite. I knew that I was more extroverted than you are. which is okay. I didn't let your social awkwardness or your introverted ways stop me from dating and loving you" you reassured. your eyes soften, you love abby with all your heart and when you love someone, you love them whole. 
Your hand vibrated against abby's moving lips for a mintue or two. "I agree" you let out a small laugh. you both forgot your hand was taking up space on her face. she removed your hand from her mouth and into her own and as if it was a daily routine between her and you, she intertwined her calloused finger in between yours. "I enjoy my solitude, but ever since I met you I enjoy it even more when you're in it" abby whispered the small confession, god. there are not enough words in the universe to express the amount of love you harbored in your heart for them. 
"I love you. I really do" You were lost for words, you love it when abby expressed these types of thoughts she had for you. abby heart swelled with pride at being your girlfriend because she never met someone capable of understanding her in a way she thought only she would. you are her soulmate. In a quick small vision, abby had imagined you in this most beautiful wedding dress known to man and with your ring finger decorated with the most expensive ring ever. 
you notice abby was deep into thought so you nudged her slightly, "penny for your thoughts?"
"you wanna get marry?" abby spoke nonchalantly. you were taken back, as one would in this situation. Your eyes practically popping out of your sockets. "what?" you exclaimed. 
abby shrugged her shoulders," I mean it" 
you dwelled about it for a minute. me? mrs. anderson. that does sound good. 
the enddd. 💋
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