#i was chatting with the woman who was doing my eeg
hatchetsfield · 19 days
my head is covered in blue gunk that they used for all the wires & electrodes to do the sleep deprived EEG this morning and i both look and feel like i walked straight outta professor hidgens lab
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thechildoflightning · 4 years
Tectonic Plates- Ch2
Title: Tectonic Plates [Masterpost]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairings: None
Chapter Title: Convergent
Patton visits the doctor, gets ice cream with his siblings, and works on the group project. It's a lot more stressful then it seems.
Warnings: Memory Loss, Tics, Racism, Ableism, Dead-Naming
[ao3 link]
Chapter Two: Convergent
“Hi Patton,” the doctor greets, and he notes how she doesn’t even have to glance down at her sheet to remember his name. He’s here often enough.
“Hi,” he responds.
She starts with basic questions and Patton answers as normal. He’s already been asked the same by the nurse who came to check his blood pressure earlier.
“So you’re having larger memory gaps?” she finally gets to.
“Yeah,” Patton agrees, “Sometimes more than an hour long.”
“How often is that happening? And how long on average?”
“I don’t know,” he admits, and looks over at his mom. She has his journal out, and the stats ready to go.
“About once every week, averaging about fifty minutes that we’ve noticed,” she responds. The doctor nods and makes a note.
“Okay. And describe these gaps to me a bit more. Do you remember anything during that time?”
The conversation carries on, Patton and his mom receiting medical information as the doctor tries to piece together what’s going on.
“I think from here I’m going to order a blood test, a CT scan, and an EEG,” she tells them.
“That uh, seems like a lot,” Patton comments.
Holy shit his brain is really fucked up isn’t it?
“What are all those for?” his mom asks.
“Well these larger memory gaps are concerning- and considering we haven’t seen them in you before, Patton, I want to get a blood test to make sure we’re not overlooking any infections. The MRI we’ve down before and with that we’re looking for any noticeable changes in your brain. I also want an EEG, and this one specifically to track electrical ability in your brain to see if this is maybe the result of seizures.”
“You think I’m having seizures?” Patton asks.
“To be completely honest Patton- we don’t quite know what’s going on. We know your history of memory issues and loss is linked to you contracting meningitis at such a young age. Memory loss with meningitis isn’t unheard of. It does concern me that this seems to be getting dramatically worse, especially over a recent short period of times. That’s why I’m calling for these tests. And I do think there’s a potential that this new form of memory loss is in fact seizure activity, which you are also at increased chances of having due to meningitis. Hopefully these tests will allow us to get a clearer picture of what we’re looking at, so we can better deal with the issue on hand.”
That meant that they don’t know anything now.
And if they don’t know anything now, after sixteen years, that probably meant they weren’t ever going to know.
It’s one thing to adjust to new medical information, to get used to gaps in time and increased memory loss with results guiding them, tell Patton what was happening. 
It’s a whole different thing to have to get used to that without any further information, completely lost, stumbling through the dark.
Patton thinks he probably shouldn’t be wishing for a reason. Because a reason means something’s wrong with him. But, he already knows something’s wrong. At least a reason would explain that. Is it so bad to want a reason?
They set up the blood test, CT, and EEG appointments. Patton gets to go home after. He doesn’t feel up to homework, so he takes his binder off and lays down to take a nap. He’s so tired.
Of course, those plans are quickly foiled by his phone buzzing on his bedside table.
Patton groans but sits up carefully and reaches for the object. He opens it and reads through the texts.
It’s from a person named Sabrina, in a group chat, but Patton doesn’t know of any Sabrina’s. He scrolls up through past texts and quickly finds his answer. He’s in a group project with these kids for a class. 
He sighs and gets up to get his notebook for the class.
With the notebook now in hand he sits at his desk with it and his phone.
Sabrina has sent a long list of things they each need to do, spelling out each of their work in the project in exact detail. Patton’s a bit frustrated that she didn’t even bother to ask his input on what he wanted to do, but quickly brushes it off. He understands that it probably has to be incredibly frustrating to be in a group with him. Patton works at almost half the speed and has to constantly check with partners that they’re on the same page.
It’s- he wishes she would have asked him. It would have been nice. But he gets why she didn't. It isn’t a big deal.
He opens up his computer next to his notebook, and starts to work. He has the spoons to do work today, might as well.
Not much later, the door swings open and the dog starts barking, alerting Patton to the fact that his younger siblings are home. He can hear Liam chattering loudly and greeting the dog even as Dani stays silent at his side. Patton listens to their fading voices with a fond smile.
Except, their voices aren’t actually fading as they go up to their respective rooms. Instead, they’re getting closer, and suddenly there’s an excited knocking on his door.
“Eileeeeen,” Liam sings, “Can we come in?”
The use of his deadname twists in his stomach for a minute. He knows Liam doesn’t mean it, they’re all learning. Patton still finds him misgendering himself on occasion. 
Even so, it still hurts.
He could correct Liam. It’s just- Patton doesn’t want to make him feel bad. Plus it takes effort and it’s-
“Door’s open,” he replies, ignoring his thoughts.
Liam and Dani tumble in.
“Pat!” Liam says, zooming over to where Patton sits at his desk. He does a little bounce. “Can I give you a hug?”
“Course,” Patton responds, grinning down at his little brother easily, “Just be gentle please.”
Liam nods and embraces him, being especially careful around his back. Patton remembers how much he loves him as he holds him close.
“So? What’s up with the two of you?” Patton asks when Liam breaks the embrace.
“Me and Dani had an idea!” Liam announces.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” Liam agrees, “We thought the three of us and Blythe could go out for ice cream!”
“It was Liam’s idea,” Dani quickly affirms, as if somehow trying to get out of going out for ice cream.
“Yeah it was!” Liam’s quick to agree, “Because Dani did really well on her math test today!”
Dani’s cheeks instantly turn red and she ducks her head.
“Liam,” she hisses out, “You said you wouldn’t say anything.”
“You did?!” Patton exclaims, “Dani that’s awesome!”
“It’s only because you sat and helped me,” she grumbles, “I couldn’t figure it out myself.”
“I barely helped,” Patton and insists, “and either way, you did it yourself on the test. And it’s not a bad thing to need help.”
Dani ducks her head again and continues to blsh vibrantly.
“So can we go for ice cream?” Liam pushes.
“Go get Blythe and we can,” Patton tells him. 
Logan immediately leaves Patton;’s side, sprinting out of his room and upstairs to locate Blythe, shrieking all the way.
Dani rolls her eyes at Liam’s actions.
“Hey don’t roll your eyes,” Patton teases, “Who was it that tried to sled down the stairs in a bucket of stuffed animals?”
“Patton!” she groans, “That was one time!”
“And who is it that helps Liam wake up everyone with ear-piercing screeches on Christmas morning?”
“Ugh!” she groans, and storms out of the room, but the small smile on her face doesn’t escape Patton’s notice.
Patton stands to put on a bra before following her out of his room. He meets her in the living room just as Blythe and Liam are coming down the stairs.
“I- huh- heard we’re getting ice cream apparently- ah?” she says.
“I guess so,” Patton agrees.
She sighs, smile also fond if a bit exasperated, and herds them all to the car.
Patton forgets the ride there. He writes himself a note and pulls Blythe quietly aside to inform her so he doesn’t forget to add it to his log.
Liam leads the way to the ice cream parlor and he’s about to race the final stretch to the door when a woman stops Dani.
“Are you okay?” she asks, peering intentionally at Dani.
Patton’s big brother instincts step in full speed, he scans Dani over looking for any signs of harm, physical, emotional, or otherwise.
But Dani just seems confused.
“What, yeah I’m fine?”
The woman purses her lips and leans down to whisper- though it’s plenty loud enough for Patton, Blythe, and Liam to hear.
“Do you know these people?” she asks, eyebrows knitted in tense concern as her eyes scan the three of them warily. Patton feels his stomach sink. Blythe takes a half step to the side to block Liam from view.
Dani looks outright murderous.
Patton internally begs her to think before she speaks.
“Yes,” she says, “I’m getting ice cream with my siblings. I’m fine.”
The woman blinks.
“Oh these are your siblings? But you’re…” she trails off, but all of them knew what she was going to say. White. Dani’s white. Blythe, Patton, and Liam aren’t. 
“Bye,” Dani says coldly, and turns away.
The woman mutters something and leaves. 
Exactly after, Blythe shakes her head with a suppressed tic and her arm follows. She lets out a loud yelp and immediately slams a hand over her mouth as she turns to watch the still retreating women in fear. She doesn’t turn around. Blythe takes her hand away. Liam’s smaller one clings onto it.
Besides Blythe’s tics, they’re all silently frozen for a minute.
“Hey Liam,” Dani asks, “What ice cream are you going to get.”
Liam looks up at her and pushes a smile back on his face.
“I dunno,” he says, and his cheerfulness only seems a little bit forced, “There’s so many choices. There’s strawberry but I also really like chocolate, but the sherbet is so pretty. Oh! And the cotton candy made my tongue turn blue once! That was fun!” he rambles, and the four of them continue towards the store.
Liam, predictably chooses rocky road. He almost always does, no matter how often he talks about all the other flavors. Patton doesn’t really get it. He gets cookie dough this time.
Patton’s knee is starting to hurt, so he takes his ice cream and herds his siblings to a table as Blythe pays.
“How’s your day been?” Blythe asks at one point when Dani is busy scowling at Liam as he tries to convince her to play a game with him.
“Eh,” Patton admits, because Blythe he’s always been able to be honest around, “Doctor went fine, but was frustrating. Same thing as always- they have no clue what’s going on. But I’ve had a surprising amount of spoons today which has been nice.”
“Spoons,” Liam speaks up, “But you only have one?” He stares in confusion at Patton’s spoon in his ice cream.
Patton smiles at him.
“Yeah. This is a different type of spoon.”
“What other types of spoons are there?”
“Lemme show you,” Patton. He looks around, but doesn’t find any spoons. But Blythe is a;ready way ahead of him, speaking to someone at the counter with a smile. The person’s face is drawn and they are a bit, but they pass over a large handful of spoons regardless.
“Okay,” Patton says as Blythe hands him the spoons. “This is something called spoon theory. I’m going to have you hold the spoons, and then we’re going to talk about your day.”
“Okay?” Liam says, confused even as Patton hands him the spoons. His smaller hands hold them awkwardly.
“So walk me through your day, share everything you did.”
“I got up and went to school today?” Liam says, almost like it’s a question.
“That’s good,” Patton encourages, “but more detail. What did you do very first today?”
“I woke up and got out of bed.”
Patton nods, and reaches over and takes a spoon from his brother’s hands. Liam looks up at him in shock.
“You took the spoon!”
“Yup,” Patton agrees, “What’s the next thing you did?”
“I took a shower.”
Another spoon is taken away. Liam doesn’t say anything this time, but watches Patton. Dani, who was previously looking at the window, tries to subtly focus her attention on what’s happening.
“I ate breakfast. I got my backpack ready for school. I walked to school. I went to all my classes. I walked home from school.”
Five more spoons disappear. Liam has less than half left.
“What happens when the spoons run out?” he asks.
“What do you think happens?” Patton encourages. Because there’s no real way for Liam to understand his life, there’s no way for Liam to understand the constant pain, the draining energy, the calculations Patton puts into each day. This is the best metaphor he’s heard of.
“Well you’re taking away spoons when I do something,” he says, “So… if I run out I can’t do more things?”
“Exactly. Good job,” Patton praises.
Liam grins at the attention, but his expression quickly morphs into a frown.
“What if I run out of spoons before the day’s over? And I can’t do anything? What happens if I don’t have more spoons?”
“You have to wait until you get spoons back,” Patton explains. “Sometimes resting helps, sometimes you just have to wait. Sometimes you wake up and you start with more spoons, or less.”
“I don’t- I don’t think I run out of spoons?” Liam says. “I don’t get it.”
“That’s okay,” Patton encourages, “It’s not supposed to be you, it’s supposed to be me.”
“Well why do you have spoons and I don’t? Am I going to get spoons one day? It doesn’t seem very good.”
“I have spoons because I’m disabled. It’s how my life works. I start with spoons and I have to learn how to use them and manage them so I don’t run out. And that can be really hard.”
“So you rest more. And can’t do as many things sometimes,” Liam adds on.
“Yeah,” Patton encourages.
Liam frowns and quickly whispers some things to himself, setting down spoons as he does so. Eventually, all of them rest on the table.
“There’s not enough spoons for ice cream,” he realizes. “I’m sorry. I made you come.”
“You didn’t make me come,” Patton tells him, “Ice cream did take a spoon. But I have a bit more spoons today, and it was a spoon I was willing to spend. I’m okay. I just need you to listen to me when I sometimes say I can’t do things or need a break or need more time. Okay? Can you do that?”
“Yes!” Liam is quick to reassure. Dani nods slightly off to the side.
“Awesome,” Pat says, “Thank you.”
Soon enough, Liam is rambling about his day again, even getting Dani to chip in about hers as they finish their melting ice cream. It’s a nice moment.
The next morning Patton wakes up to a screeching alarm clock and a buzzing phone. He groans, shutting the alarm off first before checking his texts.
It’s a group chat, with three names he doesn’t recognize, asking him about dates for something. He frowns and opens it, scrolling up the chat to realize it’s a group project for one of his classes. They’re asking him about dates to meet up. 
But the dates they sent don’t work for him, Patton knows they don't. Why don’t they?
He checks his phone calendar, realizes that’s when he has to go back to the doctor. He- he has to get some tests done, right? 
He’ll check his notes later to be sure. Right now he needs to text the group chat that he can’t do those dates
To: Group
Patton: Sorry cant do those times. Doctors appointment.
Now that that’s done, he gets out of bed. 
And the moment he stands a spasm of pain rolls through his back. He catches himself on his bed before he falls over and hisses through grit teeth. The pain starts to subside. Somewhat.
He takes a breath. He waits a minute. Then, he carefully stands full upright, focusing on each tiny movement his back makes.
It feels like it’s on fire. But at least now it’s starting to simmer versus torch him. He carefully rolls his shoulders. His back settles somewhat, settling at a low familiar ache. Patton doesn’t risk his binder today. Dysphoria sucks, but the chance of causing further damage to his back and increasing his pain isn;t worth it. He grabs his cane.
Patton’s day sucks.
His back continues to spasm at random points, sending harsh shooting pains all across it. He doesn’t want to risk stretching out at school, where he doesn’t have a place to lie down or someone to help him if he needs it. But he’s pretty sure that sitting all day is making it worse. 
It hurts.
But finally it’s his last class of the day and the bell’s ringing and Patton can finally go home and there’s a person approaching him and she’s saying his name and Patton really does not want to talk to anyone right now he wants to rest.
But Patton doesn’t know what she wants, maybe she needs something, so he puts on a bright grin and nods in her direction from his seat.
“You can't keep flaking,” she tells him.
Patton blinks- unsure what she’s even talking about. She seems to know him but Patton has literally zero clue who she is and he doubts she’d be okay with him asking if her aggressive attitude is anything to go off of.
“What?” he says instead.
“Look. This is a group project. That’s two days in a row you’ve said you can’t meet up during, with the same excuse of a doctor’s visit. You need to put in effort here.”
Oh. Patton knows who she is now.
There’s a little bit of anger that comes with her statement too. Because here she is, coming in with anger and aggression because Patton’s missed two days and automatically assumes he’s lying. He gets it- most people don’t go to the doctor as often as he does. But she could have been nicer.
Patton doesn’t blame her though. Maybe she’s had a bad day. Most people do use the “I have to go to the doctor” excuse. 
Either way, she does need to hear the truth.
“I wasn’t flaking,” he insists.
“Really?” she asks, an eyebrow raised and shaking her head, “Two doctor’s appointments in two weeks?”
“What could you possibly need to see a doctor about twice in two weeks now?”
Patton admits that at this point his patience is thinning. He’s telling the truth and now she’s pressing into his private medical information and it’s not fair. It’s not fair, Patton shouldn’t have to share this with her but she expects him to. Why is Patton expected to share everything medical with everyone?
She doesn’t know though. She doesn’t know. She doesn’t know.
That makes it okay?
“That’s private information,” he eventually settles on.
She’s not going to believe him. She’s not- Patton can see it on her face, her disbelieving eyes, her scorn. She doesn’t believe and there’s no way she will unless Patton tells her everything- about how his memory doesn’t fucking work and sometimes he forgets huge chunks of times and he still doesn’t know her name and forgets that he’s even in a group project because his memory doesn’t even work-
She huffs.
She doesn’t believe him.
“This project is really important,” she tells him, “And I need an A in this class. Get your shit together.”
She storms out of the classroom.
Patton sighs, takes a breath. It’s surprisingly hard to breathe. He stands carefully, watching his back for any signs that it doesn’t like what he’s doing. It hurts. He stands, grabs his cane, leaves the classroom. He goes home. He’s not sure what else he can do.
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