#i was literally SO worried about how it'd be received
altschmerzes · 7 months
Hello! I've seen a couple snippets of your Dani and Jamie story and I like it a lot! I believe the world needs more cuddling fics and platonic relationships with (hard fought) shared vunerability and all that good stuff 💯
I have a possibly dumb question: I've seen you refer it as a "two aces fic but neither of them is ace", I'm confused what does that mean? (Not the term ace, the whole thing)
Anyways, may the muse of writing smile upon you~
i'm so glad you're enjoying the clips i'm posting!! cuddling fics and platonic relationships with hard-fought shared vulnerability are everything to me and i'm so pleased to be able to share this fic with other people who find meaning and joy in it <3
the joke about it being the qpr two aces fic (but neither of them is ace) is about the fact that in the canon of the show, the arrival of dani to the team results in the coaches referring to having "two aces" now, i.e. jamie was their "ace" player (a player that gives them a strong advantage given the position he plays and the skill with which he does) and dani was another ace, and now they had two! and the fandom sort of collectively refers to jamie and dani as "two aces" as a kind of collective nickname. since the fic is about their relationship, and specifically about them deciding to have and figuring out how to have a queerplatonic relationship, i call it the qpr two aces fic! it's funny tho bc i had a post i made about that fic get circulated kind of narrowly but still outside my direct circle and people obviously thought i meant 'two asexuals' which was really funny to me bc in the fic neither of them is portrayed as asexual sldfjk.
(in this particular fic, jamie is written as an aromantic bisexual and dani is Deliberately Nonspecified And Not Really Fussed About It But Definitely Allo-Allo)
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dxmoness · 4 months
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You are the fifth wife of the infamous Lant Agriche. Yes, fifth. This man had four more wives that were unknown to you due to him excluding you out of his estate.
He claims that you were the most special amongst them therefore it'd be best to keep you away. Going on about how his wives could be in jealousy and murder you even.
Though you pretended to believe his word for it. You knew better. If a husband pushes you to the side away from his life, that means dark matters were at hand.
In truth the way you two hit off wasn't the most effective way of doing so. Just to make it simple, he had just decided to come ‘visit’ your father and murdered him and a dozen others in your household whilst keeping you as a trophy of his feat.
A trophy that was later found more useful than others. He had threatened to kill you at first until a night when you unleashed a demon inside of you, quite literally. The demon had swarmed and nearly killed your now husband. All for the sake of protecting you from harm.
That incident caused the entire discussion that was later referred to as a marriage contract. In which he'd provide you everything you wish for and all you have to do was sit, look pretty and bear his children.
To this you agreed. Why bother ruining an opportunity of living a life of near luxury and most likely die in the hands of some human trafficker? Plus he wouldn't be paying attention to you anyway. After all he's got all those wives pent up in his home.
You now stood in the presence of your husband who seemed quite intent in knowing what you or your children had become after the two months he left you alone in. His eyes landed on the children next to you who seemed ever so cold towards their father.
"Good work." A praise that was so hollow anyone could tell so. "Can they do what you can yet?" As expected a question towards their way of things.
"Not yet." A whispered answer came from you as your eyes came to contact with his.
"‘Not yet’?" Lant growled with annoyance. "I thought we agreed to keep working until they manage. It's only a few days left until our sons come to contact and fight against the other children."
‘Our sons’ you almost scoffed at that. He didn't even care about them at all. The audacity of calling them his sons was infuriating. Last thing they'd, so did you, was to call him father or husband and him to call you all sons and wife.
"Steady progression is better than rushing." You responded plainly. "If we rush, the demons may not gain strength and will most likely not hesitate to make the host feel immense pain." It was no lie coming from your mouth. Steady progression was best for taming demons. If the demon is rushed it will not do your bidding. Indeed it'd rather be a menace than other.
A strike at your cheek caused you to stumble as your hand touched the now red side. It burned like hell. Touching it made it worse. You were sure it'd leave a bruise later on.
"I don't care if they feel ‘immense pain’, they are Agriches." Lant was infuriated. "If you don't make them as good by then, the next day you will receive their heads at your doorstep."
Your lips gave a quiver as you realize the danger your children could be in for. "Very well." A hushed response from you made him satisfied.
Days loomed by and your sons were now perfectly using their demons in fighting. The demons were more than one which was shocking for you, for it took you too long to understand or tame such demons. Perhaps that's where Lant's genes went to. It didn't matter. Now it was the day of the special test.
Your husband's blind arse told you not to worry one bit because they'll be alright. Tell that to the others who died years past! You could almost scoff at his excuses.
When your door swung open, your heart pounded with nervousness. In front of you was a masked man. His eyes gleaming at you, he stepped aside to reveal your children practically unscathed. You rushed to them, tears falling as you hugged them.
"Great work." Your eyes lift to see Lant standing there as well. Your fury was triggered upon just hearing his disgusting voice as your body screamed ‘kill him’, you would. If only there was no guard with him much to your annoyance there were loads. "Don't you think they did well, dear?" He brought your children to a situation as the such and expected you to say that they did well? Sure they did do well in finishing the test with flying colors but it was still infuriating when he expected you to enjoy the thought of bringing your children to a dangerous place.
"...yes. i do believe so." You're practically trying your hardest to resist the temptations of releasing a demon to slowly and rather painfully kill the son of a bitch in front of you. But revenge will need to wait. First you must prepare that day and when it happens, you will bathe in the sweet indulgence of vengeance while watching him suffer.
Your children grow amongst the Agriche children to be the greatest. Even surpassing the ugly half-sibling, Fontaine who was undeniably disgusting and troublesome in terms of activities that he keeps up. But that didn't matter since your children advanced him, ranking top in the chain.
Pleased with their wonderful achievements, you made sure to ensure that everyone knew that if they were to lay one single finger on your children with wrong intentions in mind, you'd kill them and enjoy it.
“How are you faring, sweetling?” Your husband inquires while pouring himself and you some wine to celebrate yet another victory of the children you bore; they had fought against Lant's other children whom you'd just recently met as well as his other supposed wives.
You couldn't help but nearly scoff when you saw the women he had wed, all were pathetic in their own ways. But one of them made you wish to protect her in a way. That one unique wife was none other than Sierra. The woman seemed traumatized, unable to form a complete sentence and always seemed closed off.
You admit that you were curious so the only thing you could have done was spoken to the woman. And speak you did, she ie surprisingly cheerful to be with and she is such a sweetheart. It warmed your heart but you were also reminded that you still had a duty as a wife of Lant, that duty being someone who shows no weakness.
"I've been alright." You respond calmly, sipping your tea. Your eyes do not know where to rest, but you knew it would be better if they don't rest on him.
"Are you truly alright?" Lant seems rather suspicious this evening and it's evident. You nod, remaining calm and unbothered by his suspicion. You will not show him anything that could have him questioning everything.
"Very well." Lant returns to drinking his tea which you knew was mixed with some sort of alcoholic drink. You wanted to pour your own tea at him, but you knew that'd make him fly into a terrifying rage. You excuse yourself and head to your chambers for the night.
That was close, your demons grow restless. All are eager to savour him, but you must wait. You're reminded by your conscience. Patience. But why wait when he's right there? Your demons were countering your own thoughts. You take a deep breath, clenching your hands to regain the power between the battle of your mind and the demons that are becoming insufferable by the second.
You enter your chambers and wave aside the maids, asking them to leave. Alone, you massage your head as you continuously hear from them who live inside you. No. You said firmly to the desires of those who were trying to take the reins.
They are angry, but you did not care. You will wait. Until the time has come, they will remain abstain whether they like it or not.
Slowly, the time came at last. Your husband is before you, you had summoned him here. His suggestive remarks were implying that he thinks you've summoned him for other matters.
He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you to him, your bodies pressing close. You close your eyes and count to five then everything went dark, at least, for you.
When you regain control of the vessel known as your body, you're greeted with the sight of Lant on the floor bleeding out. A cruel laugh escapes you. "Did you truly think thay they'd accept you as my husband? That I'd accept you as my husband?" Your smirk towards him earns a strangled noise from him.
"Oh how silly of me, I forget you can't speak when you're choked! But of course you knew that right?" She referenced a time in their life when he had choked her to shut her up and she'd passed out.
She snapped her fingers and the strangling is put to a halt. "Please...Name, don't." Your husband's weak and frail voice was music to your ears. Despite it being a plead to let him live, it only fueled your thirst for his death if anything else.
"Let me think, hmm." You pretend to think and then you gave an all-knowing smile and shake your head. "I'm afraid, no." She says softly as you step away from him. The demons around him stare with hunger in their eyes.
You turn swiftly and leave the room, leaving them to enjoy their snack. There are screams, violent but oh so melodious screams. Then there's an eerie silence afterwards, he is dead. The whole house knows so.
There's a summoning, everyone must come. The crowds of the Agriche family enter in silence. The demons loom in the sides of the room, they leave the children and wives glancing with fear-stricken expressions. The wives were especially horrified at the prospect of you sitting on the dead head's supposed throne.
You sit on what was once his seat, your children coming forth. "Is he dead?" Your eldest son Alexander asks with a soft voice.
You nod. "He's gone now. No one will hurt you anymore." You kiss his brow and then turn to the rest of the wives, a smile tugging on your lips. She meets to Sierra's horror for only a moment's time. "The head of the Black Agriche is dead, I am the one you have to deal with now."
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simplyreveries · 5 months
Hello! I would like to make a request for Riddle, Kalim, Ortho, and Malleus (gn reader, platonic or romantic. except for Ortho, platonic for him)
How would they react to finding out that the reader wasn't allowed to celebrate their birthday back home and has never had a birthday party?
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riddle rosehearts
I have a feeling riddle never really had experienced a birthday party himself, unless it was someone like trey or che'nya doing some little kid attempt at giving him one during their childhood and that is until he came to nrc and got to feel that more. Yes, riddle is saddened when he hears that you've never gotten to have one yourself more so greatly upset. you’re the last person he would ever think deserves to have that happen to, he will make sure to go completely out of his way with the help of trey and other dormmates he made help to ensure that your first birthday would be positively perfect..! riddle really wouldn't accept anything less than best for you.
because of his own experiences with… unpleasant birthdays he knows what a dreadful feeling it can be so it only amps up his own feelings into making it good for you. The roses will be painted your favorite colors, he’ll make sure trey makes you the tastiest cake/pastries of your liking, decorations are of your taste he is going above and beyond here. ace and deuce even make sure to tread more lightly around him as he's invested in this… they cannot cause any trouble on your special day hjsdjklsdg
all he can think about is the smile that will be on your face once you've seen what he has done, at least he can hope so. he frets about choosing a gift for you, but he’d settle for something small but sentimental like a necklace. his tension and initial worry do seem to evaporate when he sees you having a good time, he feels a sense of relief and simply cannot keep his eyes off of you.
kalim al asim
kalim literally cannot fathom this... he is immediately planning and preparing your birthday as soon as he hears about it and yes, it's going to be his best one yet (”kalim my birthday is in two months-”) he talks to jamil all the time about his plans and how it's going to be absolutely perfect for someone as perfect as you. kalim really is observant, especially towards you— he knows what you like and will implement any of that into this celebration of yours.
I don't just mean a big loud party with a bunch of people— kalim already knows if that really isn't your thing but trust me, he will still go above and beyond even if it's just some sleepover with him and some friends of yours. we haven't even discussed the amounts of gifts you’ll be receiving. I 100% believe he’d be like giving you some gift every day in your birth month, he’ll claim they're all to make up for the birthday gifts you didn't receive growing up.
on the day of your birthday, you could look at what he’s done and be like “isn't this a bit-” “too little??” hahaha. he is so full of energy that day; he tries to get you to dance with him even if it's just him making some fool of himself to get you to laugh. because, despite all the things he does and gets you objectively kalim’s priority is to see you happy and laughing throughout the day. that will be his biggest reward.
ortho shroud
ortho knows you pretty well, he does analyze people incredibly. so, he can easily understand what exactly it'd bd you’d want for a birthday… the issue may be is how do you get a bunch of people to celebrate something in ignihyde?? he’d settle to making some surprise party for you at ramshackle and drag idia to help him out. Along with the other first years.
he would make sure to let others like grim, ace, deuce, and the ghosts that live in ramshackle know what he’s doing as he still asks for some advice from them quite often. it's cute to see how serious he takes it; he gets all stern with people like ace or grim to make absolutely sure they don't spill and reveal the little celebration they're setting up for you, it's almost a little intimidating until he switches a 180 to a cheerful and excited demeanor when the plans seem to be going his way.
the party would end up becoming some sleepover with him and the first years, a little chaotic, but really fun. on top of that, ortho is getting his own experiences with things like this with friends for the first time too and he loves it.
malleus draconia
he has had spent most of his birthdays, rather lonely. i mean, he literally doesn't like cakes for the fact that they once gave made him sick because he didn't have really anyone to split it with. not to mention, his birthdays may become quite repetitive and boring with his years of age. however, he almost seems confused when you mention that you’ve never really have had one before. malleus believed that it was normal for humans to always have one, it's what he's been the most exposed to.
malleus could not stop getting that fact of you out of his mind, he seemed to be troubled and lost in thought on how to make you feel better about it. most likely, coming to lilia for help since he’s usually the one to do birthdays, obviously. of course, malleus would be quite happy and excited even to have one celebrated for you at diasomina— silver is quick to suggest he handle cake after past experiences with lilias cooking and baking skills.
he tries to actually keep to a surprise but he’s so obvious about it as he can't help but feel excited as he awaits your reaction to it all. you could ask him one night outside of ramshackle if he's planning a party for you and he’d chuckle and be like “am i?” (disappears??). he doesn't seem to leave your side once the day comes, content and pleased with how happy you seem. you’ll catch him staring at you the whole time as you go about your day, blow out candles for the first time, open gifts (which are obviously some rare, expensive accessory from him) and experience what it’s like for the very first time.
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earthtooz · 1 year
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warnings: fluff with angst + argument scene, mostly fluff tho but reo grovels bcthat'sjusthowilikehim, swearing, cw for food and alcohol, making out, hickies, sfw tho :p, 4k+ word count, gn!reader and pro soccer player!reo
a/n: I AM SOOOOOO NORMAL ABOUT HIM GUYS I PROMISE HAHAHA WATCH ME. WATCH ME *proceeds to write 4k+ words of what it'd be like dating this man*. enjoy &lt;3
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sorry i just really love him (a lot).
anyways ! personally, i’ve always perceived a friends to lovers sort of situation with reo- friends. as in, he’s liked you from the get-go and was never shy about vocalising it. he often asked you out on dates and you’d kindly reject his offers.
despite your countless rejections, it never deterred him. lucky for reo that you didn’t seem to mind much, happy to spend time and be around him despite his blatant showcases of affection for you. 
reo was fuelled even more when you constantly turned him down, loving the ‘push-and-pull’ relationship surrounding you. his whole attitude surrounding fighting for things he wasn’t handed to at birth hasn’t exactly dwindled with time, proving apparent even now as a pro-soccer player. 
this meant that he loved how stubborn you were, declining his invites no matter how tempting the offer might have been. could have been a free meal- his treat, at a michelin star restaurant and you turned it down without hesitation.
to reo this only made you more worthwhile to chase because ever since he could remember, he's had the frustration of only being appealing to people because of his wealth. he got use to it after a while, coming to terms that his name would just be synonymous to money, but to have someone break this mould felt liberating.
selfishly enough, he wanted to be by your side forever.
(you were in love with him too but thought he was way out of your league) so yeah. ‘friends’. 
when you finally accepted a date after so long, reo was ecstatic. couldn’t hide how enthused he was when he finally heard the word ‘yes’ slip through your mouth. literally picked you up and spun you around, stuck in his little world of delirium and happiness for a few moments as you laughed with him, admiring his expression of pure elation whilst trapped in his arms. 
he was raised with proper gentlemanly etiquette so definitely a few dates before anything big happened with him. 
reo is absolutely the kind of boyfriend to memorise milestones. i kid you not, he has the date you finally agreed to go out with him memorised. it’s on his phone’s calender- he will always gift you flowers on this day that serve as a little reminder. when you ask him what’s the occasion he’ll shrug and act all nonchalant. maybe he’ll come clean about it one day, but for now, reo will savour how happy you are every time you receive a beautiful bouquet from him.
he’s the definition of down bad and he’s not at all ashamed to let you know. you had his heart in a chokehold before you even started dating can you imagine him now… like yo… what spell did you put on him.
must be the water he drinks because not even you know how reo got to the point he is at now.
bf that opens door for you, bf that understands the sidewalk rule and won’t have it any other way, bf that carries things you might need around - chapstick, hairtie, reo even has a change of shoes for you in his car just in case. and clothes!
bf that looks at you as if you put all the stars in the sky. bf who wakes up a little earlier just so he gets the chance to hold you, especially with how busy reo is. bf who admires you openly and freely.
‘don’t go where i can’t follow’ bf (he’s so dramatic).
reo is a mix between clingy and independent - he’s always open to spend time with you, but if it’s space you want, he’s more than ready to give it to you.
has no problems entertaining himself and not worrying about whatever you might be doing. he's not controlling and in fact, loves a partner who is independent too!
100% a gentleman so expect a lot of gifts from him. never lets you pay- not that you’re complaining, but if you even think about fishing out your wallet, he’s grabbing both your wrists in one hand and tapping his card on the machine instead. 
it’s a slow relationship, you’re both just trying to take your time to learn more about the other before things begin speeding up, and even though reo has been wanting you- wanting this for the longest time, he’s content with the pace. so long as he has you. 
the photos of you two are INCREDIBLE. mirror selfies are a must, but you’re definitely the kind of relationship that’s more on the private side. reo makes sure that your face is hidden save for side-profiles, silhouettes, or ¾ angles, but it’s just for media peace of mind that he was taken.
that said, if you’re going to an event together, he absolutely loves showing you off. your ultimate hype man.
also loves bringing you up whenever he can. ‘how’s practice?’ ‘oh amazing, i love going home to y/n.’, ‘what’s your favourite cheat day meal?’ ‘one of y/n’s childhood favourite dishes, i have like five plates in one sitting’, ‘where’d you get this from? it’s nice’ ‘y/n saw it in a magazine’.
asks you to move in with him five months into the relationship when you both realise you’re over way too often. when there are too many trinkets of yours left around his penthouse that his heart aches at your absence, yearning for your presence through little things that are attached to you.
reo gets so ecstatic when you accept, practically scoops you into his arms, unable to contain his excitement and glee.
ABSOLUTELY the couple that’s like ‘your secret is safe with me… and my partner!’ 
gossip sessions are a weekly occurrence. every saturday you sit down and begin revealing everything. doesn’t matter if you have a party to attend to, you will be gossiping at the party or leaving early to have it at home. you could literally be having a shower and reo would join, seated atop the toilet seat whilst rambling and you’d listen intently.
nothing comes in between your gossip sessions!!! don't even think about interrupting. nagi is more than welcome to join, he knows quite a bit of tea himself so ;) the more the merrier in his case.
chigiri, bachira, and isagi are also all-time favourites. ALL THREE of them are nosy ass fuckers and cannot keep their mouths shut.
it’s like the second you walk into his apartment, he’s giving you a kiss in greeting before sitting you down on the couch, hands and legs pressed together and he begins with ‘i have more to tell you about otoya and his fling’.
and you immediately throw your stuff away and lean into his couch, ready to listen.
speaking of parties, you would absolutely be that couple. the ones who always look flawless and will never be caught lacking !!!!!!!
he’s so proud to be able to walk by your side; that he’s the one who gets to hold you and show you off. so proud in fact, that he never likes to stray too far from you. 
could be doing shots with bachira and stumbles around to find you when he’s done. you have the time of your life filming him in this drunken state. 
definitely had the ‘only my partner is allowed to touch me’ conversation with him once. 
reo is the definition of all five love languages, there is not one of them that he does not like - words of affirmation? absolutely. a must. . physical touch? he’s not ashamed to be needy. gift giving? who do you think he is? acts of service? loves doing things for you and vice versa. quality time? can never get enough of it. 
so yeah. sticking to his ‘thing’ about being a chameleon, he’s very adaptable and willing to listen to your needs.
(i’m going to throttle him he is so perfect)
also reo just really really adores taking care of you- those he loves in general too, but especially you because you’re at the top of his list of favourite people (suck it, nagi)
takes care of you and loves doing so too. whenever you’re sick, he’s at your beck and call 24/7. if he has a meeting or practice to attend, you have to literally force him out of the apartment, threatening him to go but as soon as he returns, he’s back at your side, probably came back with a bunch of things for you as well.
if you take care of him though? goodness he’s ready to pop the question even though you’ve never even discussed marriage.
suddenly cough medicine is a lot easier to drink if you’re the one offering it to him, and the soup you made him must have super healing properties because he thinks he can jump up and run a few hundred laps (goodness reo, please, sit your ass back down and rest). 
OKAY HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE: reo never learnt how to drive because he’s always had a chauffeur, but since dating you, he’s had to get a licence lMFAOOOO let you pick out his car too xoxo such a considerate boyfriend 😣
he suggested as a joke to get a personalised number plate and even though he was clearly goofing around to make you laugh, you couldn’t help but sense there was some sort of truth in his statement… just a slither.
also reo’s definitely the slow-dance in the living room kind of guy like… not a lot can change my mind on this. 
you could literally be putting away the dishes and he’d drag you by the wrist into the living room- he bought a vinyl player just so he could turn on some romantic songs and slow dance with the love of his life. 
he’s not a good dancer btw.
HE LOVES SHOPPING WITH YOU. 1000/10 BOYFRIEND TO GO SHOPPING WITH, doesn’t mind being your personal coathanger when browsing and also doesn’t mind carrying any bags you may have. 
it’s cause reo loves shopping too. loves it even more if you think about him whilst shopping. you could go buy some home appliances and if you returned with the silliest hat with bunny ears and he’d wear it for the next few hours.
return with (expensive) necklaces of each other’s initials and reo is never taking his off, proud to wear the letter of your name around his neck at all times.
takes it off during practice though because if he broke it then goodness is he going to go emo. 
no date with him is a boring date! partly because he’s a considerate and thoughtful person who plans everything out, but also because reo’s company is a fun one to have. every moment with him is fun (except when he’s checking his stocks. you’re kinda left to just wait for him to finish).
(that’s also an ick- that he checks his stocks on dates but whatever 😒he still gives you attention though so it’s fine)
adores going out and staying in! prefers going out though just so he can show you off but also hates going out because he loves to see you dressed up only for him. he’s a perfect paradox.
speaking of staying in, off days with reo are very domestic. you both promise to use this as a work-free day, reo can’t check his business statistics or stock patterns and you’re not allowed to answer any calls or emails. he is allowed to workout though and you have quite a bit of fun blatantly admiring him. you're too comfortable with each other at this stage to get embarrassed.
but other than that, the day is just spent lounging around and doing nothing- a nice reset from how hectic both your lives are.
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“there are still some chocolate chips left. wanna snack?” you ask once you put a tray of cookies in the oven, going over to see how many pieces were remaining in the bag.
reo hums, wrapping his arms around your figure, his sturdy chest meeting your back as he plays with the fabric of your shirt. “sure. might as well finish them.”
“bet you can’t catch 10 in a row with your mouth.”
“okay. bet.”
he ends up catching 12 successfully and the rest of the waiting time is spent with you throwing chips into his mouth. there’s a heap of chocolate on the floor but neither of you really mind when the home is warmed with laughter and giggles.
when you wait for the cookies to cool, you somehow end up on the counter with reo in between your legs, holding you closely to him whilst making out to pass the time. the cookies are cold when you get to them.
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reo’s jealous. like very jealous. and a little (lot) possessive - do you see the way he is with nagi… c’mon. 
but it comes from a place of good intentions, he's genuinely just in disbelief that he managed to bag someone like you (as if he's not a one in a million too)
he’s very into hickies ;> doesn’t matter if it’s on you or on him, it feeds into his possessiveness all the same. ok next headcanon. 
reo’s got a little bit of an ego to him (he’s a leo. ofc he does) so he secretly loves it when people fawn over him, but not just exclusively you. 
which has been the cause for quite a bit of arguments between you where you were uncomfortable because of the way someone was treating reo and he’d dismiss your concerns, stubbornly rooted in the belief that you knew that you were different. definitely thinks that his love and adoration for you makes it obvious that you’ll always be superior to anyone else. which, you are, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt when you don’t see him brush off anyone.
genuinely doesn’t see the issue with this, even when the media is being invasive and speculating too much.
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it’s loud.
it’s so very loud, tormenting you as the hurricane of your thoughts can’t seem to quiet down, rattling even stronger as you keep scrolling through the ‘#reo mikage’ tag that was currently trending. each time you see the pictures, your chest constricts even more.
unbelievable how a bunch of pixels could have this much of an effect over you. how your phone mockingly presents several photos of reo and one of japan’s golden models spending time together at multiple events, the headlines only worsening rising assumptions. she’s all over him in each photo, whether it be decked out in formal gear at a promotional event, after a dior runway where reo was invited backstage by the creative director, or- most recently, at a brunch he was invited to by blue lock friends, she seems to love invading his personal space.
the worst part is that he doesn’t seem bothered at all by it.
you know reo and you know how much he valued your presence in his life. you know that before each event, he asked you how his outfit looked and if you approved. before each event, he threw a mini-tantrum over you're inability to accompany him to each one. that he only stopped whining when you promised that you’d be waiting for him after each one.
but you don't know the feeling of betrayal that settles in your gut and it terrifies you.
“y/n?” comes a voice from down the hallway, one that causes your breath to hitch in your throat, all words lodging themselves in your windpipe. reo’s head appears from behind the bedroom door frame and he smiles widely upon seeing you, immediately walking over so he could lean down and place a kiss on your forehead.
it doesn’t do much to stop the tornado in your brain. 
“are we going to watch the latest episode or what?” asks the purple-haired, whose doe eyes are looking at you so innocently- so lovingly. 
“we are,” you whisper, voice slightly broken and ragged, turmoil settling itself crystal clear in the heavy air of your shared bedroom. 
reo notices your pained tone and immediately looks at you with concern gleaming in his eyes. “what’s wrong?” 
so innocent. so ignorant. you wonder if it was appropriate to shatter his purity. but a relationship rooted in honesty will have more positives than negatives and even if it seems like being open with him will be detrimental, you should fix the cracks now before it worsens; splits apart too much to the point of it being unfixable. 
“pictures of you and a model are circulating online,” you mutter, scouring through what’s left of your sanity to express what you’re feeling, but you can tell you’re already failing through the perplexed scrunch of his eyebrows. “and y’know, it just got me-”
“-why are you looking at them?”
you flinch at his defensiveness. “wh-what?”
“you know that they’re just some pictures, don’t you? it’s not that big of a deal.”
something’s telling you that this conversation won’t progress how you want it to so you give up, dropping your shoulders in defeat. “okay, sure.”
he’s not happy with your response. “what? what did i do?”
“it just feels so… horrible looking at these,” you mutter, dragging a hand over your face. “whatever. let’s just go watch the episode or something.”
“let’s not. are you seriously pissed right now? over some photos of me and someone else? i didn’t think you’d be this insecure.”
“i’m not insecure!”
“yes you are! you’re getting angry and upset over me being seen with someone else as if you know they’re nothing more than just a friend! am i not allowed to hangout and be seen with whoever i want?”
“it’s not a matter of being seen with them, reo! it’s about how okay you seem being that close with someone! she’s practically all up in your personal space and you’re okay with it!”
“why wouldn’t i be okay with it? you’re the only person i actually care about for it to mean something.”
“that’s not how it works!” you exclaim abruptly, curling your hands into fists. “it’s so disrespectful seeing this, it’s clear that she has no respect for our relationship and our status as a couple, can’t you see?”
“why should we care what she thinks? everyone else knows. ‘s all that matters.”
“sure, but she’s actively trying to pursue you! and you’re not doing anything to solidify any boundaries against it! do you know how demeaning that feels? especially against someone who is so well-known by your fans too.”
reo narrows his eyes. “so this is a conversation about insecurity-”
“you’re not listening to me!” you cut him off, trying to maintain your composure despite the way anger and frustration brewed freely in your stomach, threatening to spill over. “i’m not insecure! i’m upset because you’re not valuing our relationship publicly, and as a result, it’s stirring up so many unsolicited assumptions online!” 
“you shouldn’t care about them because i only have eyes for you, fuck what the internet is saying.”
“no- that’s,” you ball your fists even tighter, “that’s not the solution to this problem!” 
“then maybe you should just get over it!”
“is asking you to be a little more assertive about brushing off people like this too much?”
“it’s natural, y/n! these people just want me for my fame and reputation! there’s no point brushing them off when they’ll just continue this shit,” there’s a hint of insincerity in his tone, and from the way he’s evading your request makes your stomach churn.
rubbing your temples, you decide to surrender. “fine. if you just want people to fawn over you then they can. just, leave me out of the picture.”
swiftly standing up from where you were seated on the bed, you’re even faster brushing past the purple-haired, shutting the door behind you with a noncommittal slam.
realisation pours over him like cold water and he’s awoken into action. immediately, he turns to rip open the door and rushes into the hallway, panicked as fear strikes him like a lightning bolt. it’s like the rational side of him had finally woken up after a night of dormancy and he curses himself for its horrible timing as he prays he can make it to stop you in time. 
reo feels stupid. so, so stupid.
you’re in the living room already when he catches up, phone in hand as you quickly try to make a beeline for your shoes before your boyfriend can stop you.
unfortunately for you, you’re too ambitious, and reo manages to step in front of you, hindering your exit. the anxiety he’s feeling is expressed clearly in his eyes and devastation is plastered all over his face, a sight that makes you stop in your tracks. 
“where are you going?” he whimpers, no louder than a whisper.
you glance down at your phone to see the time. 10:41. “away. i need to cool my head.” 
“you can do that here, can’t you?” he’s trying to sound sensible, really, he is, but the fear of losing you is too strong that his voice cracks. “i’m sorry, i’m really sorry, i was being stupid and i wasn’t listening to you, i realise that now-”
“-it’s too late for that,” you grumble, trying to sneak past him only to be stopped by a hand on your shoulder, one that you brush off. “don’t touch me!”
only a few, simple words yet they hurt reo like spears to his heart. his palms itch with the need to hold you because being able to feel you would remind him that you’re here, that you haven’t left just yet. that reo still has a chance to fix the mess he just created.
“i’m sorry, i’m really sorry, you're right.”
you probably don’t want to hear it, but he grovels nonetheless, contracting his fingers to stop them from reaching out to you. he doesn’t want to make you feel even more disrespected than he already has tonight, especially when you so clearly stated that you didn’t want to be touched.
“don’t go,” the purple-haired pleads weakly. “we can figure this out.”
“so now you want to talk about it?” you ask, all ounce of pettiness you had left melting into your tone. you to cross your arms. “i’m tired reo, and i need some time.”
“i’ll give you time, space, whatever you need, just please don’t leave.”
the penthouse is so quite and devoid of its usual vibrancy, the one that your relationship brings to the home.
reo doesn't want to think about what the place would be like if you leave. he doesn't want to think about what his life would be like if you leave, so he repeats 'please' over and over again, scrambled with some apologies here and there as he leans closer to you.
the urge to be as close as you'll allow him is irresistible.
the breath you exhale is shaky and you can’t look him in the eye as you think about what to do next, gnawing your lip in contemplation. what captures your attention is the feeling of his fingers ghosting over your hands, causing you to glance back at him with a surprised expression.
traces of love frame his expression and he’s looking at you like he’s savouring this moment, as if it'll be his last few with you, but he can only plead and pray that that's not the case. desperately, he succumbs to the force of his affection for you with the light thud of bone meeting floor. it’s a sound that makes you cringe briefly before reo experimentally takes your hands in his, waiting for a reaction. 
there is none.
so he holds on to you like a lifeline and your resolve crumbles, fury and irritation melting away a lot quicker than you would have liked it to. it’s ridiculous what reo’s capable of.
“stay,” pleads the purple-haired, resting his forehead in your hands as he tightens his grip. “please.”
in front of you is a man on his knees. not just any man, but a world-class soccer player who came from 24k gold, real diamonds, and an unfathomable amount of trust funds. yet, something's telling you that he's willing to give it all up for you.
“reo,” your call of his name is broken and entirely wobbly, but he looks up at you nonetheless, eye shining as he waits for your next move. waits for either a strike of the palm or an affectionate kiss, both of which he’d readily accept. 
neither happen as you sink down to be eye-level with him, hoping to help him stand up but like a tidal wave, he consumes you, wrapping an arm around your waist with a strength that indicated he had no intention of letting up. “reo,” you delicately repeat, holding yours and his weight up with one hand whilst the other goes to play with his hair. “i’ll stay.”
the sigh of relief that he releases causes his whole body to shudder. “thank you,” he whispers.
you’ll talk about your problems soon, but for now? you'll continue holding him as he silently weeps, hands clutching your sides like you'll disappear and slip away from his grasp.
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yeah. i think reo would be the type of person to get too overwhelmed by his own emotions and ego that he doesn’t consider the other party's feelings, but the moment that he realises he’s fucked up, it hits him like a truck. 
has abandonment issues (from nagi) that he never addressed and as a result, has a huge fear of losing you. 
that said, this argument ^ happened within the early stages of moving in together so this was probably the first big argument that really established how important communication is. sure reo may be confident and assured, but he’s self-aware and more than willing to change and constantly better himself, especially if it’s for you.
back to your regularly scheduled hc, reo doesn’t spend a lot of time on his phone, so he’s not very active on social media. he’s too busy attending to his stocks, reading business books, and spending time with you to care about the internet, so a lot of drama that circulates around online doesn’t reach him until two weeks later.
not that he cares LOL.
speaking of social media, here's what his private account looks like!
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yourlocalfinancebroreo close up that the love of my life took
yn: smash ╰┈➤ epicgamerseishiroooh pls no horniness on the priv ╰┈➤ yourlocalfinancebroreo hmu cutie xx ╰┈➤ epicgamerseishiroooh guys pls ╰┈➤ yn nagi what the 😭😭
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OH AND he’s so interested in all of your interests. listens intently and rambles passionately, he truly is just perfect :( 
anyways, encourages anything you want to do and is often the one who helps you make the terrifying jump. reo supports you so much in your day-to-day and whatever achievements you accomplish, no matter how big or small, he wants to hear about it from you.
never shy away from being honest with him!!!!
also because the support you show him makes him so happy every time. whether it’s showing up to a soccer match and cheering him on to dropping off some tea and a platter of fruit when he’s stuck in front of his monitor for too long looking at big numbers, he wants to reciprocate this energy and make sure you know just how special you make him feel.
the whole world could be praising him yet none of it could compare to when you do it.
y/n and me vs the world forever type of beat when it comes to you two. 
yeah. i think that’s all i have for now. so, to sum it up: PERFECT, INCREDIBLE, AMAZING, ALL YOU COULD EVER ASK FOR boyfriend. give it up for mikage reo everyone <3
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skzstannie · 7 months
Seonghwa x fem!idol!reader where they try to keep their relationship secret but fail miserably? Take ur time mwa mwa!!
"Well, this is really unfortunate"
Ateez OneShot -> SeongHwa x idol!fem!reader
Genre: fluff
cw: none :)
wc: ~2200
Thank you for your patience! I hope this is what you were wanting!
Happy scrolling!
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"Well, this is really unfortunate," you scoff at Seonghwa's words, trying to pull your arm up from where it's stuck between the two of your bodies.
"Ya think?" He gives you a breathy chuckle.
"It could be worse, we could be stuck in, like, a port-a-potty or something." He glances up at the ceiling of the supply closet.
"There are literally no circumstances in which I would lock myself into a port-a-potty with another human being," you tell him. Although, not that you'd ever admit this to him, if, and that's a big if, you were ever to be trapped in a port-a-potty with someone, you hope it'd be with him.
"How long do you think we need to stay in here?" He asks, glancing down at you in exhaustion.
"Until the coast is clear, we can't risk it again." He huffs in response, slouching down to rest his head on your shoulder.
So, how'd you get into such a predicament? Well, it all started with you and your boyfriend, Seonghwa, going on a late-night date to the local bowling alley. You've been dating for a good 6 months now, and everything is going swimmingly.
Except for the fact the you have decided to keep your relationship a secret from literally everyone. While you both can keep a secret, you realize it is getting increasingly harder to hide from not only the public, but also each other's members and families.
With a few silly disguises, like Seonghwa's hot pink sunglasses and your baseball cap, you've always been able to stay under the radar when going on dates, and this time was no different.
You guys left the dorms around 8:00 pm, planning to arrive at the bowling alley around 9:00 pm to participate in "cosmic" bowling. Another reason you both felt particularly confident in your disguises for the evening, as it'll be dark, with only black lights to illuminate the building.
You wait in your car in the parking lot, waiting for Seonghwa to text you, letting you know he's here. You look up from your phone upon hearing the blasting music coming from across the street. It appeared to be an outdoor club of sorts, not like anything you've seen before. You look to the left of the entrance and see a large "Grand Opening" sign hanging from the archway. "Hmm, that looks cool. I'll have to take the girls there sometime." You comment to yourself, opening your notes app to add it to your running list of 'Fun places to go'.
You close your notes app, ready to go back to jumping between Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, but you receive the text from Seonghwa saying he's parked.
You send him back a quick thumbs up and put your baseball cap on. You step out your decorated Jeep, your back windshield fully decked out in random car stickers you found cute. Your eyes scan the parking lot for your handsome boyfriend, and you spot him near the entrance, expectantly waiting for you.
"Hi jagiya, I've missed you," he walks to meet you, enveloping you in his arms for a tight hug.
"I've missed you more," you protest, squeezing him back. "I suppose we should head in, I'm ready to kick your butt in some cosmic bowling," you joke, elbowing him playfully in the side.
"Oh we'll see about that," he counters, holding the door open for you like the true gentleman he is.
Upon entering, you can already tell it'll be a fun night. With the place relatively empty (probably because of the party going on across the street), you won't have to worry too much about getting caught.
Walking toward the counter where you rent out the lanes, Seonghwa asks you about your week. You haven't seen each other in a about a week and a half due to all the work you're both putting into your new comebacks.
"You know that one sweatshirt I love? The one with the cute panda on the front?" Seonghwa hums, adjusting his grip on your hand. "Well, Ahn had the audacity to spill her coffee all over it the other day." You jokingly huffed. You're indifferent about the situation now that Ahn agreed to buy you a new one, but you still want to share your weekly struggles with your boyfriend. "She's gonna buy me a new one, though, so I forgave her."
"Sounds like the situation worked itself out quite nicely." Always the peacekeeper Seonghwa was.
"Yea, but you're supposed to console me for losing my prized possession. Tell me how great of a person I am for forgiving her." You're obviously being facetious, but it's fun to be dramatic sometimes. Being the oldest member in your group, same as Seonghwa, you're expected to be mature and level-headed. Quite frankly, sometimes you didn't want to be level-headed. Sometimes, you wanted to be able to have silly mental breakdowns about your favorite sweatshirt. It wasn't all bad, being the eldest, that just means you have to go to your boyfriend with all your problems. He doesn't mind in the least. Being the beautiful soul he is, he will console you and your problems any day of the week.
"Oh, my bad," he holds his hands up in surrender before gently grabbing your head with both his hands. He forces your head down to his shoulder, patting your ear. "I'm so sorry, baby. What can I do to help? Do I need to wipe your tears?" He presses a wet, sloppy kiss to the side of your face, making you groan in disgust.
"We're in public, are you being for real right now?" You pull away, looking at him in disbelief.
"There's no one here, it's fine." He brushes you off.
Having finally made it the counter, you both ask for the correct shoe size and Seonghwa pays for your lane. You politely ask for a lane in the back, wanting to have as much privacy as possible, to which the employee happily obliges.
You and Seonghwa make your way to the lane, stopping to grab your choice of bowling ball on the way.
Throughout the night, you guys end up playing three games. You won the first, he won the second, and, not to your surprise, he also wins the third. "Did you go easy on me in the first game?" You question.
"No, I was just warming up," he answers. Grabbing up your and his shoes, looking to return them to the front desk.
"Sure you were," you reply back, rolling your eyes.
Having successfully returned your shoes, you guys start to make your way towards the door. You let out a shriek, however, when Seonghwa suddenly grabs your arm and pulls you into a nearby supply closet.
"What the hell?" You gasp, lightly hitting his shoulder. He's quick to cover your mouth with his hand, shushing you with his other. Your eyebrows furrow, the anger dissipating into confusion.
He mouths, 'Listen,' so you do. He removes his hand from your mouth, and you press your ear to the closet door. Your eyes widen upon hearing the tell-tale cackle of the one and only Wooyoung.
You sigh, wondering how you were going to get out of this situation. You two stand in silence, listening carefully as the loud shouts of Seonghwa's members slowly dissipate to the back of the alley.
"Well, this is really unfortunate," you scoff at Seonghwa's whispered words, trying to pull your arm up from where it's stuck between the two of your bodies.
"Ya think?" He gives you a breathy chuckle.
"It could be worse, we could be stuck in, like, a port-a-potty or something." He glances up at the ceiling of the supply closet.
"There are literally no circumstances in which I would lock myself into a port-a-potty with another human being," you tell him. Although, not that you'd ever admit this to him, if, and that's a big if, you were ever to be trapped in a port-a-potty with someone, you hope it'd be with him.
"How long do you think we need to stay in here?" He asks, glancing down at you in exhaustion.
"Until the coast is clear, we can't risk it again." He huffs in response, slouching down to rest his head on your shoulder.
You check your watch for what feels like the tenth time, seeing only 30 minutes have passed. "I can't stand here much longer," Seonghwa whispers, a slight grimace to his voice, "it feels like my legs are gonna lock out."
"Ok. I mean, we can just make a run for it. We haven't heard them for awhile; they're probably preoccupied anyway." Seonghwa nods, stretching his arms up into the air. "Ready?"
"Yep, let's do this." You grab the door handle and open it slowly, peeking your head out the crack. You see his members on one of the middle lanes, cursing to yourself. 'They'll definitely see us if we're not careful.'
You turn back to Seonghwa, signaling your about to walk out.
You both step out of the closet and begin to stealthily make your way towards the exit.
Unfortunately, Seonghwa still finds his legs asleep, tingling from not moving for so long, and his third step results in the buckling of his knee. Whether he meant for it to be or not, he dramatically drops to the ground, yelping when he uncomfortably lands on his wrist.
Your eyes widen, glancing to his members. Of course, recognizing Seonghwa's voice, they're already staring over in confusion by the time your eyes meet theirs.
"I'm fine," Seonghwa mumbles, standing to his feet. He brushes himself off, and looks up to be met with 7 people he knows all too well.
"I thought you were supposed to be with your grandmother this weekend," Wooyoung calls him out, the rest of his members' expressions ranging from amused smirks to confused pouts.
"Well, I, uh-" Seonghwa stumbles over his words, his neck and ears growing redder by the second.
While you're focused on trying to help Seonghwa explain what's going on, you hear an all too familiar voice come from the front door.
"Ah, Y/N, we knew you were here!" Mina squeals, quickly approaching with the rest of your group members. "We were just hanging out at that club across the street. It's so cool! We have to take you sometime." Your head whips up to them, your mouth dropping at the situation. You see your members tilt their heads as they get closer, recognizing the Ateez members.
"Well, isn't this just great," you give everyone a tight-lipped smile, your shoulders slumping in renounce.
"Don't be mad at us. If you wanted to hideout in bowling alleys without us, next time take the obnoxious stickers off your Jeep. It's so obviously yours." One of your younger members, Juni, known for her sass, responds back.
There's an awkward silence as your members join the semicircle in front of you and Seonghwa. Everyone's looking at you two expectantly, obviously waiting for an explanation.
Knowing Seonghwa gets easily flustered and overwhelmed in these types of situations, being the good girlfriend you are, you decide to take the lead.
"Ok, I guess we owe everyone an explanation." You look to Seonghwa, and he gives you the smallest nod, giving you the go ahead to tell them what's really going on. "We're dating. We've been together for about six months now. Please don't be mad," you finish your confession with an innocent smile, watching everyone's expressions carefully. Some of their jaws drop to the floor, eyes quickly switching between you and Seonghwa, while others (your members and Wooyoung) have an excited look, Wooyoung even going as far as hopping up and down and giggling.
Everyone's expression makes sense, except for the ever-mysterious Jongho. One of his eyebrows is raised, his smile one of amusement. You're not sure of how to interpret his expression. "Everything okay, Jongho?"
"Oh, yea, I've just known about this for months now. I think it's amusing," he chuckles lightly, giving you a genuine smile. "I was wondering when you guys were gonna get caught."
Now it's your turn for your jaw to drop in shock. "How did you find out?" Your accusatory tone fills the air, not entirely believing him.
"It's nothing crazy. I was out to dinner with my mother a few months back, and I saw you two at the restaurant. You weren't exactly hiding that you were together; I think you were even holding hands over the table." He shrugs, giving the two of you a knowing smirk.
You blush at that, realizing there may have been a couple times where you and Seonghwa weren't necessarily the most secretive.
"But what about our disguises? You recognized us even with them?" You question. You never have any fans come up to you in public, so you figured they were good enough at hiding your identity.
"A pair of hot pink sunglasses isn't the greatest disguise. If anything, they actually drew my attention to you guys," he answers, chuckling at your gawking expression.
You turn to Seonghwa and squint your eyes at him, "I've always told you those sunglasses were dumb."
His face blushes deeper, no doubt burning to the touch at this point. "Sorry."
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 2 months
How would the yanderes react to reader having super bad anxiety?
I didn't know if you wanted generic yandere subtypes, or specific characters, so I just chose a few of my favorite OCs!
Listed from (arguably) best yandere to worst (when it comes to dealing with anxiety) Some NSFW towards the bottom ❤️
Kirtch (10/10) expert
❤️ Knows all about anxiety (he is an expert an humans)
✨ Might seem a little cold, but that's because he will go into immediate nerd doctor mode
❤️ He would prefer to solve your anxiety issues without the use of the collar
✨ So expect a lot of pampering and note taking, presenting you with different solutions he's read about in outdated psychiatry books while watching you diligently
❤️ Baths with snacks and deep breathing exercises
✨ Would neglect his duties for you, and when you eventually look to be doing better, he's baby monitoring your room so he can leave work the moment you look like you need him <3
Lydia (9/10) too clingy
❤️ Undead, weighted blanket
✨ She doesn't understand what "anxiety" is, but knows it makes you look sad? Scared?
❤️ She doesn't like it, and it makes her mad that she can't kill it for you
✨ Since you won't tell her how to fix it, she keeps you inside the apartment
❤️ Expect a lot of kisses, everywhere
✨ The second it looks like you're hyperventilating, she's wrapped around your torso like a monkey, squeezing you as tightly as she can
❤️ She'll whisper words of love and affirmation into your ear as she constrains you, until you finally calm down
✨ Even after you calm down she'll still cling to you, murmuring (more to herself) about how sweet and lovely you are
Baby (7/10) what anxiety?
❤️ The second there was even a flash of adrenaline, that weird tingle that races down your spine, before your heart even starts to speed up: Baby would shut it down
✨ What anxiety?
❤️ He's literally controlling your mind at every second
✨ You don't need to worry; about anything
❤️ Unlike Kirtch who hesitates to use the collar, Baby has no issues manipulating your brain's chemistry
✨ And he sees nothing wrong with it, because it's all for keeping you happy <3
❤️ Of course, it'd make Baby a little upset that the anxiety showed up at all..
✨ But he can fix it
❤️ So don't worry <3
Cain (5/10) short fuse
❤️ His emotions (although oft hidden) always takes precedence over yours
✨ He understands what anxiety is, but because he's the type to kidnap his darling, he assumes the anxiety is his fault
❤️ and that pisses him off
✨ Assumes every and any negative emotion you feel is because of him, even if it's something you were diagnosed with long before the abduction
❤️ If he is feeling remorseful he may shift into a giant lynx to cuddle, trying to soothe you with his giant warm body
✨ If he's already upset he may respond in one of two ways:
❤️ Leaving you alone for hours to go hunting
✨ Fucking you into submission (if you're too exhausted to cry, that means he won, right?)
Xyleth (0/10) either the best or the worst...
❤️ It depends on if you need a distraction or if you're the type to need a calm environment
✨ Because his species doesn't experience anxiety, they'll treat you how they treat one of their own when they are feeling blue
❤️ And they only feel blue after losing a fight
✨ Xyleth would parade you around the village (even while shaking, hyperventilating, crying, hitting him..) so that everyone can "cheer you up"
❤️ Everyone would be passing around their favorite little human, petting your head and trying to gift you with weapons and meat
✨ Children would be offering to find you animals to kill
❤️ It would be overwhelming
✨ An entire community of monsters trying to cheer up their leader's mate, genuinely out of love
❤️ If receiving words of encouragement, affirmations (about your strength), and food help your anxiety, then Xyleth is 10/10
✨ If you need a quiet room with someone helping you with deep breathing and grounding, he's a -100/10
Now, honestly, a good chunk of the guys would not be good at all for anxiety, they don't even rate out of ten haha
Some of them are sadistic enough to purposefully try and trigger panic attacks when they learn you have anxiety, like the Living Death. Now, he's a pervert, but I feel like he would enjoy your anxiety because he could feel more in control of you; it would help him isolate you further. If he could manipulate you into never leaving his cabin, he'd be the happiest man on the seven seas
But some guys like Dr. Campbell would enjoy seeing you crumple before him for more nefarious reasons. I can imagine him mocking his darling as he fucks them, telling them how much he loves it when they act hysterical because they clench him so good. He's a complete sadist who would get turned on the second he knew he was the one causing his love anxiety. There would never be even a second of comfort for you in his home, Ichabod would do everything in his power to keep you on edge all the time.
And finally, my lovely bedbug monster ❤️ he definitely cares about you, but only in a primal sense. You are his mate, you shall carry his spawn, and you shall stay at his side. He wouldn't understand what anxiety is, since he keeps you in a constant state of pain and fear. Yeah, he may be cuddling your side, but you're never not covered in blood; and not all of it is your own. If you're struggling, it's no different than when he's tearing into your abdomen to pump children direction into your body ❤️
I hope your day is going well, and if you suffer from anxiety, I hope that your days are stress free, and that you're able to have a good week without anything triggering you ❤️ Sometimes, I get a random shake, a random rush of anxiety even when absolutely nothing has happened, so I know you can't avoid triggers all the time, sometimes anxiety just happens, but regardless, I hope that you can enjoy today anxiety free ❤️
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hopefulromances · 11 months
Character A is worried about coming off as too clingy and first. Once Character B realized how much A thrives on physical touch, they make sure they set aside enough time each day to just hold them + Jamie Tartt, plz.
Lmao two of yall requested this one at the same time. I'm in a touchy mood but I feel like Jamie is a touchstarved individual what do yall think?
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(Like) crying
You noticed it slowly. At first Jamie was all over you. Not even in a sexual way but just a touchy way. He loved a good cuddle before bed or even just having a hand on you when he could. Holding your arm or hand, keeping a hand on your thigh or just somewhere on you at all times. He'd rest his head on your's, hug you tight when he said goodbye, literally anything. Like he'd never been held gently before in his entire life.
But after awhile, you noticed that he'd slowly stopped touching you as much, especially in public. Sure, at home he'd give you a cuddle or squeeze before bed but even then, it'd almost completely gone away. You thought it was you. Maybe he was getting tired of you or your body.
You stared at yourself in the mirror, lifting your shirt up to look at your stomach, running a hand over the bumps and curves. Was it you? Were you the problem in the relationship.
"What you doing?" Jamie asked, coming into the room. He walked right past you, not even giving you a kiss on the cheek.
"Jamie!" You whined, letting your shirt drop. "What's wrong... did I do something?"
"What are you on about?" He asked, turning back around to face you. You wanted to reach out and hold on to him but now you were afraid to do it.
"I... is it my body? I know I gained a little weight," you told him, closing in on yourself. "But I can be better!"
Jamie shook his head, coming over to hold your shoulders, though very delicately. "Stop, stop, stop, no. That's crazy talk, love."
You look up at him through your eyelashes and big watery eyes. "Then why did you stop touching me?"
Now it was Jamie's turn to pull in on himself. He removed his hands from your shoulders and brought them close to his chest, like he'd be struck and needed to protect himself.
You furrowed your eyebrows, recognizing the change in his demeanor. You softened moving forward to touch his face, hold it in your hands. "Jamie, honey, what's going on?"
Jamie's hands came up and held on to your wrists, rubbing the tender skin on your hands. He looked so scared, so worried, like he was afraid if he let go, you'd disappear.
"Jaim, c'mere." You sat down on the bed, letting him lay down next to you. He laid his head on your shoulder, opting to stare at your knees instead of your face. "Talk to be, bub."
He frowned, a finger tracing outlines on your leg. "I jus'... was worried that I was gettin' too clingy."
"Oh, Jamie," you cooed, bringing your arms to wrap around him. He immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, shoving is face into your stomach.
You realized that it wasn't him that wasn't touching you, it was you not touching him that was the problem. Jamie was his mother's son. Meaning he thrived on giving and receiving physical touch. And you'd completely overlooked reciprocating that love. "I'm so sorry, no, please don't ever think that."
You laid there for a moment, letting him hold on to you as tight as he needed to for as long as he needed to. It wasn't often you'd seen Jamie so vulnerable. He was usually the one comforting you, but a man has his limits and Jamie had reached his. You combed carefully through his hair, smoothing out some of the out of place pieces.
"I'll be better," You said, softly. "We're gonna do this every day."
"(Y/N), we don't have to-"
"Oh, but I want to," You cut him off, pulling away to look down at him. "You think I don't want an excuse to hold you for as long as possible." You chuckled slightly, and Jamie finds it in himself to start to smile as well. You kissed his head, letting your lips linger on his forehead. "I love you so much, Jamie."
He leaned into you, and you could already see so much tension leaving his shoulders. "I love you, too."
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misteria247 · 2 years
2012 Leo is the oldest out of the turtles including the rise ones and he’s also somewhat of a mom figure. If he were to ever get angry or scold the rise turtles how would each of them react?
Ooooooo I love Mom Leo omg-
Okay so as we all know 12 Leo takes quite a bit to get actually upset and angry with people but should he actually get angry or scold at the younger turtles such as the Rise boys it'd probably go something along the lines of:
Rise Raph being downright surprised pikachu meme. Rise Raph is the oldest out of his brothers so he's a lot of times in the place that 12 Leo holds which is the scolding parental disappointment. So he's not used to being on the receiving end of this kind of thing. Our large turtle boy would essentially be stunned by the scolding and then most likely apologize for the thing he'd done to upset 12 Leo because surprisingly the smaller turtle can be quite imitating especially with the trademark disappointed mom vibe. Once he got scolded good and well he'd probably do things like keep the other boys in line or help keep the lair in order to get back into 12 Leo's good graces, which wouldn't take long for it to happen. 12 Leo's a forgiving mom lol. Once they got things cleared up Rise Raph and 12 Leo would be just fine (aka Mom and Dad would be an iconic older sibling duo once more lol).
Rise Leo if he got scolded by 12 Leo would undoubtedly be super bummed, sad and a bit frustrated by it. Rise Leo somewhat looks up to his older counterpart and like many young lads who admire someone he'll want to only make 12 Leo proud and happy. So having 12 Leo scold him would leave him feeling pretty crummy. He may even get annoyed with it at first however once it was over and he thought about the situation he'd eventually go back to the older turtle and awkwardly apologize for causing trouble. 12 Leo of course is very quick to forgive his younger counterpart and they'd probably spend a bit of time together to talk about the situation and figure out how to avoid it in the future. (They'd also talk about Rise Leo's self esteem issues and 12 Leo would explain that just because he scolds him doesn't mean that he doesn't love him, he does it because he cares and he likes his younger, taller companion just the way he is and would smother him in his trademark Motherly Affection).
Rise Donnie would definitely have an internal breakdown if 12 Leo scolded him. Our soft shell boy thrives on parental praise and encouragement. He literally strives to be the best he can be just to get some of that sweet, sweet validation that he craves and 12 Leo is one of his main sources for this kind of thing. So to be scolded by the older turtle would lowkey make him a mess on the inside. On the outside he'll act unbothered and nonchalant about it but on the inside he'd be having a trademark BREAKDOWN, BREAKDOWN. It'd only be after it was all said and done and when everything had settled down that 12 Leo would seek out Rise Donnie to talk to him and explain that he only scolded him because he was worried and that he was still proud of him. Rise Donnie would be back in good spirits after that. After all he got his mom to still be proud of him and that's all that matters to Rise Donnie in the end. (He may also get doted on by 12 Leo in trademark Motherly Affection for a bit much like his twin).
Rise Mikey if he was scolded by 12 Leo would be the definition of a kicked puppy. I'm talking the big sad eyes and the shimmying foot against the ground and the bowed head of shame type of ordeal. Rise Mikey hates having parental figures be upset at him and to have the mom of the group scold him for something would make him very sad. However things would be fixed shortly afterwards because much like 12 Mikey, 12 Leo's got a soft spot for the babies of their small clan and seeing the kicked puppy look on the smaller box turtle would make him internally battle himself on whether he should remain firm in his scoldings or if he should just let it go because omg Rise Mikey looks so sad and he hates it when Rise Mikey is sad because he thinks of 12 Mikey and in the end he ends up losing said battle and letting it go.
It drives 12 Raph and 12 Donnie nuts when he does this lol. 12 Mikey on the other hand would find it hilarious.
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nogenderbee · 1 month
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕦𝕟 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @nenes-numberonefan request: REQUESTS ARE OPEN YIPEEE (dumbledore said calmly)
what’s popping can i get a niigo x reader (separate) with a reader who’s like emu (idk i’m still ill and this is the only idea i can come up with)
take your time drink water and don’t be a #sicklyvictoriangirl like me!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ OMG YES!!! I hope you don't mind that I kinda did Emu here literally- like, instead of name "Y/N" I just did "Emu", since it's kinda the same?? Just the difference in name... except for Len, I left Y/N since it kinda feels wrong to ship it.. HOPE YOU DON'T MIND!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ N25!Len completely didn't expect you in the SEKAI... it's Empty SEKAI, every Vocaloid here is so timid and yet you.. how did you even got here?
✧ he starts to think there was some error between SEKAI's and you got trapped here while the n25!Vocaloid was in your place!
✧ but when it turns out, that's not how it is and you really belong here... he's confused but obviously not gonna do much about it
✧ at first, he was very startled by your loud personality and constant rambling and need to run all around
✧ but give him some time and instead of hiding from you he'll just sit with a gentle smile as he watches you being energetic like always
✧ the fact that you're so energetic actually makes it whole lot easier on getting to know each other!
✧ it's definitely a challenge to break theoguh his shyness, but it's honestly enough if you stop minding it and he'll be more at easy around you!
"Uh.. yes, I want to hangout. If you.. want of course..."
✧ your non platonic relationship is pretty similar... you also have to take the lead with affections BUT there are times when he tries and you can see it!!
✧ there are times when he reaches for your hand shakily and worried but it usually ends on you just grabbing it because boy, he's moving it back faster than it goes forward and if you'd want to wait for him it'd take around an hour...
@superstar-ethereal @nenes-numberonefan - come get your banana boy!
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✧ Emu and Kanade meeting is very rare due to white haired girl coming out of her room rarely.. but they'd most likely first meet at Phoenix Wonderlands in evening hours or at Emu's way back from said place
✧ if they met at Phoenix, Emu would immidietly approach Kanade with "Wonderhoy" because it's Mafuyu's friend!
✧ tho they ended up talking quite a bit or so it was more of Emu rambles... so both girls remembers each other!
✧ their relationship is also very slow to develop due to meeting rarely, but if not counting long breaks, you could say it develops fairly quickly!
✧ I feel like Emu would try being sweet at first and kinda just hinting she likes Kanade, while Kanade also throws few hints but she'd be the first to confess since she felt like this mystery was confusing her slowly more and more...
✧ once Emu gets allowance to come to blue girls house, she'll pop up at the most random hours, just wanting to hangout and maybe plan their dates together
"Good evening Kana!! I just brought some Taiyaki with me so we can share them! And if we want more, we can go to the booth I bought them from together! Or I can just run whole you write! Oh! Or...!"
"Yes, that sounds like a good idea... but.. can we please not run..?"
✧ and Kanade's gonna agree on every single one of her ideas, unless they're clearly highly risky.. but if they're just a little risky and Emu is happy about it... she might as well try, right?
@prsk-krow @modyuki @virtualpoison @miguelito-maruti-blog @hakulivesformusic @hayillaaaaaaa - come get your noodle lover!
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✧ Mafuyu and Emu already know each other from school, and it's easy to say their relationship is pretty interesting...
✧ pink haired girl always tried to make her smile but only received the one that make her shiver... and purple haired girl, despite showing so little true feelings, couldn't brush the warm feeling in her chest
✧ so Emu tried harder and Mafuyu eventually got used to her new lively friend, sometimes even breaking out of her act...
✧ this relationship is definitely growing very slowly but sweetly~
"What a soft feeling... Huh? Oh don't worry about me, Otori! I'm just.. revising some of my material..."
✧ it take good few years, in best scenario a year so both of them can realize they fell for another...
✧ first one to fall is Mafuyu but first one to realize her feelings and confess is Emu!
✧ I feel like Emu would be at first a bit startled when she sees Mafuyu's real side but later on, it also motivates her to keep going and make her smile for real!
✧ and she doesn't hide now her worries from Mafuyu too~
"It's fine to be sad from time to time, Mafu! All that matters is for you to not let it ruin your whole day!"
@prsk-krow @modyuki @virtualpoison @miguelito-maruti-blog @bl4cktourmaline @nenes-numberonefan - come get your aquarium lover!
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✧ Mizuki had to meet Emu in Kamiyama! I just feel like pink haired girl would just run around corridors and bump into some other pink haired person who was trying to sneak without uniform to get their stuff!
✧ they'd both first laugh when they hear each other stories and that's how their silly friendship started~
✧ after Mizuki got to know Emu works in amusement park, they just couldn't help their curiosity and went with Nightcord there go check it out!
✧ I just feel like their chats would be infinite since they're both big ramblers
✧ so it shouldn't be surprise that they started to hangout a lot, and during one of the talk, they blurted their feelings at the same time!
"I have something to tell you too! Let's say it at 3! 3..2..1.."
"I love you!"
✧ in their relationship, Emu is definitely more clingy but Mizuki never pushes her away. How could they when their girlfriend is just so cute?!
✧ they both hide their real feelings more or less, but I feel like that'd get them both to open up to each other at some point, and both would receive the comfort they need
@prsk-krow @modyuki @virtualpoison @miguelito-maruti-blog @written-by-kafka - come get your cuties lover~
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wawanakwawritings · 1 year
Can I get Brick, Scott, and Zoey with a s/o that's very flirty and likes to pick them up bridal style?
Brick, Scott, and Zoey with a flirty S/O that likes carrying them bridal style
a/n: thanks for the fun request!
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Someone who's very flirty & forward is one of the best potential matches for this boy! He's spent his whole life training, but dating is something no manual could ever prepare him for. An s/o that takes initiative and constantly affirms their feelings for him helps him feel secure in what's definitely his first relationship.
It's easiest to fluster him when you two are in the infancy of your relationship; a simple smile or compliment sent his way is enough to make him lose his focus. Please have mercy on him, S/O. He's prepared to deal with enemy distractions, not S/O distractions!
Thankfully (for him), you flirt with him so often that he eventually gets used to it, at least to the point where he no longer trips over his own feet when you comment on his muscles. Now he only trips over his words! Maybe his drill sergeant will allow you to attend his training sessions again.
One thing that never changes is how happy it makes him to be literally swept off his feet. He swoons every time. Even if he's injured! He was pretty worried the first few times it happened though; he's a heavy guy, S/O, are you sure? He'd hate for you to get hurt because of him.
If it's a regular thing for you, he comes to expect it. He's prepared to jump into your arms at any given moment — just give him the order!
You're going to make Scott insufferable with how much you're inflating his ego. For example, someone thinks his voice is annoying? Well, you once said you could listen to it all day and as far as he's concerned, yours is the only opinion that matters. Why should he care what some loser thinks?
He likes to think he takes the flirting in stride, but he gets so red when you do things like hold his gaze and confidently tell him his blue eyes are the prettiest you've ever seen. He does his best to return the compliments, but fumbles and mixes up his words more often than not.
Keep the flirting directed at him. If you're flirty in general, it's going to cause problems in your relationship until you have a discussion with him about it. Underneath all that scheming and general mean-spiritedness lies an insecure farm boy who worries he's not a good enough boyfriend for you!
It honestly wounded his pride a little the first time you easily scooped him up in your arms. He's got some impressive upper body strength, y'know, you could hop in his arms next time!
Scott gets a little frustrated with himself if you can do something for him that he can't do for you, so the best course of action here would be to take turns carrying each other. He gets to enjoy some time off his feet in your arms and you get to do the same. It's a win-win, hun.
VERY easily distracted by you and your flirting. You think her perfume smells nice today? Wow, thanks, S/O! It's not actually perfume, she's trying out this new berry body wash and... well, she's glad you think it smells nice! She was worried it'd be too strong. Everything else seems to melts away when you shower her in compliments.
It makes her especially happy when you flirt with her in front of her peers. She spent a long time thinking she's too plain to be noticed by anyone, it's so nice to have a S/O that's unashamed of being with her. She hopes she makes you as happy as you make her!
Don't worry, she's not the sole receiver of sugary words in this relationship. Zoey's way of flirting is more lowkey and earnest, but no less sweet. You styled your hair differently? She's the first one to notice and tell you it looks amazing. Is that a new shirt, S/O? It really suits you! And so on.
Like Brick, she swoons every time you sweep her off her feet. It's a little cheesy, but in a good way! A really good way. Just give her a head's up beforehand, okay?
She tries to carry you too! Keyword: tries. She's decently strong, but her arms and legs give out ten minutes after she's picked you up. It's nice to have you in her arms once in awhile regardless.
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shmothman · 10 months
hello! i've had thoughts in my brain about THAT blonde guy and i don't know where else to scream them so i thought i'd share them here where vash receives a lot of love from his fans 😊 but like theres a ton of fic where he's in heat right and those are BOMB fr but what if vash's PARTNER was in heat instead of him 🤔 i dont necessarily mean like biological heat cycles it could also be like they ovulating or sum lmao but i just think it'd be funny if he had to deal with that xjsbxjsbzjsbx
btw ur fics are my Fav ever thank you for posting!! 🩷
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^the blond guy in question
first of all, thank you so much!! I’m honored to be the one you come to to share vash thoughts 🥰🥰 second of all:
(nsfw below the cut, 18+ only)
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Sjdnsjdjsjdj listen i do already have a few ideas written down that are at least tangential to this, from “Vash’s pheromones are capable of kickstarting something like a heat in a human bc independent plants are bioengineered to be the Biological Bridge between plants and humans” to “literal sex pollen” and by god do i want to explore those in a fic (and plan to!! but i write pretty slowly and i have So Many Ideas, including Yet Another Heat Fic But With Feathers This Time). BUT I will jot some things down here and maybe hopefully come back to this soon 🤣
The thing is, if Vash triggered it in you, he’s going to feel a bit guilty. He knows how inconvenient—and sometimes painful—it can be, and the last thing he wants to do is make anything harder for you. But… well, he’s not going to lie and say that this isn’t the hottest thing he’s ever seen. The love of his life, suddenly insatiable with need? Blushing and fidgeting and hardly able to string words together in your desperation? His pants are already off, don’t worry. He’ll give you whatever you need, for as long as you need it—you don’t even need to ask. Though, he’s drooling almost as much as you are as he asks if you need another, as he takes you apart in every single way he knows how, pushing himself beyond the point of exhaustion just to make sure you don’t have a moment of discomfort, reiterating the entire time how much he loves you. He’s got you, and it’s going to be okay.
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your-local-enigma · 2 days
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i think it'd be neat if she was trans
stephen king ass explanation below (aka just copium mania)
i think pearl's very feminine yet rebellious nature, especially in the sense of her fashion (the whole 'princess' theme) is what got me hooked into seeing her as a trans woman.
i see as that pearl learned about the concept of being queer at a very young age, and came out so as a result. i think this because she's dressing very femininely at the youth-folk singing contest in s2 sunken scroll #1. sure everyone here knows the story, pearl fucked up the contest reception with her voice, yadda yadda yadda
but, i think pearl's attendance at the contest gives more material to work with here. speaking from experience, if you've just come out and immediately receive positive feedback, especially at a young age, you'll feel super gay and/or trans and really wanna get in touch w/ that side. pearl has a natural talent for singing despite her destructive voice, and her high might have caused her to forget that whilst performing, leading to her accidentally destroying the reception. we don't really know if pearl and her family knew abt her verbal abilities before the contest, but i'd say yes for simplicity's sake.
while this theory has been widely debunked and proven to be untrue, i actually hc that the electro-magnetic waves produced by pearl's voice combined with the speakers stunted her height, and that's the reason why she's so short.
in the news dialogue of s2, it seems that pearl has a very close and supportive family who likely would support her coming out in anyway they can. but, i would assume that there are a few nasty relatives that keep in touch w/ the houzikis bc they're literal millionaires.
in rich/powerful families, there is a trend of placing a lot of pressure on the eldest son and bascially wanting him to be the most attractive person there is. pearl's an only child as far as i know, and her coming out has already soured her reputation among her distant family, but now that she's permanently a good 'ol 4'11, she really would have received a lot of flack for it.
falling into a depression cuz of her relatives and her public reputation after the contest, which heavily misgendered and ridiculed her for dressing femininely, pearl basically says, "fuck y'all imma go find my own path", turns full heavy metal as seen in that one pic from OE, and practices her singing on mt. nantai, hoping to find solace alone.
then she meets marina.
and you know they meet form a pop group do news get famous save the world get engaged go on tour get stuck in the matrix save the world twice get married adopt a baby ai over the span of seven years yk how it goes sapphic ass shit
but i want to emphasize marina in my hc, because she plays an extermely important role in helping pearl come to terms with herself.
if those two didn't meet, oth wouldn't exist for one, and pearl would have less opportunities to express herself how she wants like we discussed before. but pearl would also stay the same as she was. lonely, distant, and afraid to face her problems and internalized hatred head-on. like pearl said in that one interview, the best gift she's ever received is the "chance to meet marina".
marina canonically is an extremely caring gal, with her often worrying for the safety of her peers/teammates and especially pearl. i could imagine that in the early stages of oth, pearl would have eventually opened up to marina due to her gentle and nature and come out to her as trans.
side note: as an extra theory, marina is very well-versed in terms of queerness, with her canonically showing dang fruity signs of being gay and acht being her friend and sharing their likely conflicting feelings of being enby. the two shared and vented with e/o before marina got transferred.
with this, marina easily accepted pearl for who she was and allowed her to vent all her feelings abt her identity, public rep, and family.
pearl mentions having a few fans during her heavy metal era, but with her and marina blowing up as oth, pearl's reputation gets repaired and she starts warming up in general. she publicly comes out as trans, and later as sapphic/lesbian along with marina. both closet resignments get pretty well-received, and pearl resolves her lifelong conflict with her gender with her octoling partner.
thanks for coming to my trout talk. happy pride asshats.
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soraviie · 1 year
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At some point in this new life of yours, you've slipped into a parallel dimension where everything looks like as you know it but doesn't act like it. Because how come you're walking side by side with the love of your life and the air is shrouded by a frigid silence. How come, out of all the people in the world, it is the wall-like bodyguard, Kwang-min, that is urging you to talk?
"Sir, perhaps you should listen _____________ out?" he suggests, trailing slightly behind as he escorts you both back to the car.
"If ___________ wants to say something, they can tell me so much themselves."
His answer by now is nothing short of expected but still you can't concel the flinch that comes hearing the sharpness of his tone. Naturally, receiving such a curt reply Kwang -min, the teddy bear of a man and your most favourite of all the Jimin's bodyguards turns to you, expectant. But...Jimin started it.
"Please, tell Mr Park that I have nothing to say to him. I'd find a spider infested wall crack a more pleasurable company than I do of him."
From the corner of the eye, you can see how unkindly Jimin's eyes glimmer underneath the neon-lit streets. His jaw is ticked and he stalks forward, clearly mad out of his mind. Admittedly, calling him with such distant title outside of bedroom activities was a low blow. Still, you've grown obstinate about this whole thing and every single interaction with this annoying, aggravating, extremely complicated man has been grating your nerves to a pulp.
"They said—"
"I heard," Jimin interrupts with an irate hiss. "Thank you, Kwang-min."
Even the well-meaning bodyguard gives up.
Nearing the SUV you weigh on your options. Spending another intensely silent ride with Jimin at the end of a tiresome night of pretending everything to be alright was exhausting already to think of, so when he grabs the handle of the door, you linger back, letting Kwang-min run into you.
"Are you alright?" he asks you concerned but you brush his anxiety away, easily faking a smile. You've been doing a lot of those.
"Just fine. I think I'll take the taxi instead."
Immediately, sweat makes fine beads on top of the poor man's forehead. You know as well as he while he's technically employed as Jimin's bodyguard, Jimin himself would personally chew off his head if anything should happen to you. Or at least he would have. Now...with a sad feeling washing over you, you fully realize that now you're not so certain anymore.
"That's not safe," his mouth makes a diplomatic suggestion while the eyes plead. You know that look.
Years back, in the right dimension if you will, he used to give you that look as you came bouncing back home from your "unsupervised dates with yourself" a.k.a. you broke Jimin's rules of not going out without a bodyguard. When the news broke of him dating, it was a massacre, not a literal one thankfully, and he'd been worried sick about you. You don't know what Jimin told Kwang-min that one time he'd caught you sneaking back home with a lollipop in between teeth and clearly with no bodyguard in sight but since then the kind-hearted giant had lived in sheer terror. Regardless that after marrying Jimin, the public had calmed down a bit, you were more than certain they would rejoice hearing that there were problems in the paradise. That there was a possibility of your husband not loving you anymore.
"I'll manage," you shrug, fiddling carelessly with the ends of your thin jacket. A bit cold for the night but it looked the best. Tonight the duty called and you had to hold your husband's hand and smile for the cameras. Some kind of movie premiere not that you gave a fuck. If only they knew you'd both go back home and head straight into your separate bedrooms, not exchanging a single word between here and there.
Needless to say, it'd been deathly quiet in your home.
"Please consider," poor Kwang-min looks close to tears but you really can't stand any more of this anger.
"No, I—"
"____________ get in the fucking car or help me God," Jimin suddenly growls, the decisive wrath in his tone cutting any and all debates you could have had. A moment passes where both of you simply glare at each other but in the end, begrudgingly but still, you relent.
As expected — silence.
Listlessly, you gaze out of the tinted window until a sneeze rips out of you.
"Bless you," comes your husband's quiet greeting and you nod in acknowledgment of it. Koreans didn't typically use "bless you" but you suppose after all these years of being together, something has rubbed off on him and as nothing follows this small interruption of the ongoing cold war, you disregard the small phrase being anything else other than force of habit he'd picked up from you.
You close the doors to your bedroom with a deeply miserable sigh, sensing an itch at the back of your throat. Just what you needed. When the tepid knock trembles your door, you're in the middle of trying to get the zipper open at your back and occupied by the task, you forget to tell him to fuck off.
"Come in."
Changed into his homewear, Jimin slides in, holding a steaming mug. Your favourite mug in fact. Though his expression remains impassive you can smell the concontion he's holding in his hand. Honey, ginger, lemon. A medicine for an oncoming cold.
Wordlessly, he sets it down onto the nearby desk.
"Thanks," you bid, suddenly meek.
"Do you need help with that?" he croaks, suspiciously raspy, pointing at where your fingers still try to reach for the damn zipper.
You nod and turn your back to him, every nerve in your body jolting with repeated flashes of anticipation. It was some new-age blouse your stylist had thrust onto you. The woman was nuts and you never met her outside those times where you had to make a public appearance but in this moment you praised her choice of clothing. Just the faintest of brushes of Jimin's fingers has you reeling, wholly grasping how isolating the dragged out fight had been for these past two weeks. You hear him suck in a breath as inch by inch your back is revealed. As if you hadn't fucked raw every other day.
"Done," he coughs awkwardly, taking a step back and you hold the shirt so that it doesn't slip away entirely.
"Thank you."
In the low light his eyes catalogue through a variety of emotions. It's so much to consider, too much and you see him swallow, gaze flickering unsurely all over your face. In the end he settles on simply wishing good night.
"Love you," he adds, in the still moment between where the door is open and shut, half-glacing at you over his shoulder.
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yeah I kind of outsold with this one
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fanficsandfluff · 2 years
Tickletober 2022 - Day 22: Monster
A/N: This one's from my lovely friend @goblinden for sending a prompt with Steve, Eddie, and Dustin in to me! No one has sent me any requests to see a Steddie pairing so I am very happy to have received this. I hope I've done it justice! Also a disclaimer, I know NOTHING about the world of Dungeons & Dragons, so anything I've written is from my friend's help or just purely nonsense out of my brain. Any mistakes aren't my fault lol. Enjoy!
Fandom: Stranger Things
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson
Steve was stuck babysitting once again, but this time it wasn't him and 6 freshmen. It was him, Dustin Henderson (so one freshman) and Eddie Munson. For now, at least. Dustin invited Steve to come to one of Eddie's Dungeons & Dragons campaigns, not even asking Eddie for permission first because he figured the guy would say yes to anything he wanted. The perks of being as lovable as Dustin Henderson... And Steve's been reluctant for the few years since actually being close with the group to sit in on any 'nerd' stuff. But now that they had Eddie and his awesome campaigns, Dustin figured the ante was upped and it wasn't a child's game anymore. Steve could handle this.
But the thing was, they were early. Way too early, apparently. So Dustin and Eddie got to talking as they set up their game table together. And Steve plopped himself on the nearby sofa, literally tapping fingers on his knee or picking at his cuticles. Fun times. Right.
Steve tuned in to the end of a conversation Dustin and Eddie were holding as those two sat at their respective seats at the gaming table.
"... but the gelatinous cube could be better than any of the ones we're naming here," came from Dustin's mouth.
Gelatinous cube... disgusting way to say Jell-O, Steve thought.
"How so?" Eddie asked, leaning back in his chair and hiking one leg up to rest over the other.
"So we know the Froghemoth, Roper, Cyclops, even. The first two have the tentacles, which we've mentioned before," Dustin smiled knowingly towards Eddie and continued, "And the other has the brawn we're looking for. But!" he pointed a finger in the air, "Gelatinous cube can't take damage as easily and once you're stuck in that thing, you probably ain't getting out," he said like he just won an argument.
Eddie leaned forward in his seat now, fully intrigued, "You may have something there, Henderson..."
The two curly haired party members turned their heads simultaneously when they heard a scoffing sort of laugh from Steve Harrington, sitting on his lonely little couch.
"Something funny, Steve?" Dustin asked, taking the reigns from something Eddie probably would've said.
"Noho, nothing's funny. Well yeah, a little-- Don't worry about me, just keep talking about your snot cubes and sasquatches."
Eddie rolled his eyes, "Why did you bring the nonbeliever here again?" he flicked his eyes back towards Dustin.
"I told him it'd be fun. He needs a little fun in his life," Dustin argued, "I'm the only fun he's got left--"
"Not true," Steve immediately cut right in, "I have a life, dipshit, thank you very much."
"Yeah, but is it fun without me?"
Steve took a pause too long and Eddie started to laugh.
"Whatever," Steve huffed, folding his arms over his chest and choosing not to look their way, "Enjoy all your dumb nerd games and forget I'm even here, alright?"
Dustin shook his head, never understanding how Steve could say things so hurtful and then still act like he was the victim who was sorely affected. Eddie, however, took this sullen turn as a window of opportunity.
"Fine. Henderson and I haven't even gotten to the good one," Eddie looked right at Dustin again and he smirked, "Nightgaunt."
Dustin tilted his head to the side in confusion at first, "I mean, I get it from the tail angle? Similar to the tentacles on the Roper, but I don't really get another--" Eddie's remaining smirk finally tipped him off. A huge smile sprung to Dustin's face.
"The nightgaunt," Eddie pulled out a little hint of his DM voice, "Similar in build to the bats from hell," he meant the Upside Down, "Mixed with the size of the dogs from hell," again, Upside Down.
Steve would never admit it got to him, but Eddie using his DM voice immediately sparked intrigue in him. He wanted to turn and lean in closer, just like Dustin was doing. But he said what he said and wasn't turning back now, still avoiding any kind of eye contact with those two. That didn't mean he still couldn't eavesdrop.
"And their tail?" Dustin asked, continuing to fabricate the story with Eddie, wanting him to get into details.
"Ah yes, their extra long tails with the spearheaded tip," Eddie held his arms up and mimed aiming a spear, really getting into the spirit of it, "Pliable, strong... perfect for grappling with!" Eddie lunged and laced an arm around Dustin's neck, dragging the kid over towards Steve.
"Hey!" Dustin uttered his surprise but knew it was all part of the act... or maybe it was under the guise of the act, but Eddie took his chance to physically annoy him.
"Imagine it, the tail wrapping around your neck so you're scarce for breath; your arms come up to try and pry the tail off of you, but now the tail wraps around each of your arms and pins them, too," Eddie kept narrating and Dustin was helping him by acting it out.
Steve was watching them, failing at his attempts to ignore the two of them. And god dammit, he was almost feeling anxious from all of their intricacy.
"You're gasping, you're not strong enough to break free," Eddie flicked his dark brown eyes Steve's way and grinned to see him enveloped in his tale, "And all the while, that lengthy tail is wrapping itself around your arms, your waist, your legs, even. Oh yeah. It's long, Stevie boy," he finally directly made eye contact with the ex-jock, now crouching by Dustin's legs, "And when you think that it can't get worse, that your end is in sight...!" Eddie paused for dramatic effect.
He launched himself right for Steve on the couch, the suddenness making the guy jump back and brace himself, gripping one hand into the back of the couch and the other on the armrest. His eyes were wide and Eddie's face was inches from his. And Eddie had a wild look in his eye, matching his wild hair and demeanor.
"Go ahead and ask me what happens next, big boy," Eddie encouraged Steve.
Steve swallowed before asking, "Wh-What happens next?"
"The nightgaunt, with all its claws and horns and horror..." Eddie righted his head and positioned his body over the couch, flexing his fingers so unnoticeably to Steve since the man was staring right at his face. Perfect, "... it fucking tickles you, man!" Eddie practically screamed and his face shifted entirely to pure joy as he hopped himself up on Steve on the couch and dug his fingers into the man's ribs.
Steve looked shocked at almost the sheer volume of Eddie's words and didn't even absorb what he said so much before he let out a scream of his own and coughed out a laugh, flailing to cover up.
"Wahait! Wait--Wait wait ack! F-Fuhucking-- EDDIE!" Steve tried growling but he was on his back on the couch with the damn freak straddling him from above and spidering his fingers in any spot of torso he could reach.
Dustin was now laughing, too, ecstatic their little show had this kind of payoff, "Ha! Still gonna call us nerds?"
"Or our games dumb?" Eddie threw in with a grin, pinching right into Steve's hips while he had the opening. Steve bucked and the most genuine laugh they'd heard yet flew from his lips.
"OHOho shhhh---" Steve was ready to curse some more but he was laughing too much, "Y-Youhu guys suck!"
Eddie smirked, "So it's a no, then," he vibrated fingers into Steve's belly while his other hand kept Steve's fighting arms at bay. Steve jumped up again on the couch and his laughter jumped in pitch.
"Just picture the nightgaunt focusing all its energy riiiiight here," Eddie taunted more as he kept the tickly pressure on Steve's belly. He did it so precisely that he got Steve to snort after a few extra seconds of tickling there. Hearing that got Dustin laughing again. Eddie could safely say he was happy, too.
Dustin ran up to the side of the couch now, exclaiming, "I roll! I cast hideous laughter!" he pointed his finger in Steve's face and laughed as evilly as he could before poking more into Steve's ribs and he occasionally got a good poke in his armpit. Steve squeaked when that happened and now Dustin was using all his energy to try and pin one of his arms but it wasn't working.
"Hang on, hang on, allow me," Eddie saw Dustin struggling and he reached down and fluttered a few fingers against Steve's neck.
This tried and true hack caused Steve's shoulders to hunch, his arms to raise, and now Eddie snatched one up and pinned it above him against the couch. A bonus was Steve's bright giggle that came forth from the neck tickles.
"Hideous laughter commencing, bard," Eddie grinned at Dustin and put all his effort in keeping Steve's hand right where it was.
Dustin scratched at Steve's now exposed armpit. And Steve practically exploded in laughter. It was loud and at times squeaky. He was trying to squirm, but Eddie's weight kept him down. His next effort was to use his free arm to block access to his sensitive underarm. But then Eddie got his stomach again and confused his senses so he couldn't decide which to fend off.
"OHO FUHUCK OHOhohofff!" Steve cackled.
"Sorry, Harrington. Hideous laughter practically immobilizes you. Makes you unable to do anything because you're laughing to ha-hahard--- hey!" he giggled himself when Steve's new use with his free arm was to try and tickle back.
Steve pulled his other arm out of Eddie's grip and pushed Dustin away, "Seeheems like your spell's got a flaw in it. Not immobilized," he poked and squeezed at Eddie's belly and sides to get him back and off of him now. It only lasted briefly until Eddie was giggling and no longer straddling him.
Steve pulled himself to the opposite end of the couch and caught his breath, running a hand through his hair to try and fix it. It had gone wild from the attack.
Dustin smiled at Steve like he meant the world to him... and then Steve looked at Eddie at the guy shared the same stupid smile. Now Steve was smiling, Jesus Christ what has become of him.
"Enough monsters, okay? Save them for your game-- campaign."
"He can be taught!" Eddie cheered triumphantly and he patted Steve's leg as he stood up off the couch, "There's an extra seat for you at the table, you know. So you won't have to be relegated to banishment on the sad stoner couch," he grinned.
Steve chuckled and shook his head fondly. Within minutes, the rest of the party was here and they began their campaign. Steve sat at the corner next closest to Eddie and watched as the story unfolded. Hey, it was pretty fun. Even if he didn't understand more than half of the terminology being used. But the kids were having fun, Eddie was a riot, and so he could learn to have a little bit of fun, too.
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
Slogged through V9E6, thoughts are under the cut
As always, I am worried that Jaune’s arrival means he’s going to start sucking focus away from the other characters again. Here’s hoping the writers remember he’s best used as a supporting character.
Jaune why did you grab the weird thing that looks like a clock what did you think was going to happen
Don't touch weird shit you idiot it's like rule #1
I hate the Ever After so much
So did he just sit there for years until he got DILFed? Lmao.
I'm sure this change will have long-lasting ramifications for both Jaune's characterization and the narrative as a whole.
Well, this was a wonderful, touching moment until it was immediately ruined by Weiss’s daddy kink
Like seriously who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have Jaune admit that he’d gone through a horribly traumatic experience and been incredibly lonely for what’s indicated to be literally decades based on his physical changes and then have Weiss immediately start thirsting for him like we literally see his eyes watering and then not seven seconds later Weiss is looking at him with do-me eyes
These writers genuinely have zero understanding of tone or how to set and maintain it effectively it’s amazing it's like they watched the MCU and the only lesson they took away from it was that every moment that might possibly have any kind of emotional impact needs to be undermined by a snappy quip as quickly as possible because otherwise someone might make the mistake of assuming your show is sincere about anything
Anyway girliepop’s showing her whole ass right now way to keep your fetish under wraps Weiss
Yang’s looking at her like “I know what you are”
Nice try Yang like I didn’t see you eyeing up Jaune too feast on the crumbs my fellow pan Yang truthers
Miles is genuinely never beating the “Jaune is a self-insert” allegations holy shit
Like if you want people to believe that the character you voice, who's received a disproportionate amount of narrative focus throughout the series already and has received repeated criticism for it, who's already been presented as attractive on at least one occasion, isn't a self-insert, maybe don't have one of the mains openly thirsting after him once you've written an excuse for him to be aged up so that he's both closer to your age and significantly older than she is after you've already posed for a picture with a body pillow of an underage girl from the show you write for and your coworker has posted that picture online with the caption "She's still only 16, don't get too comfortable". Like maybe consider the optics for 5 seconds. It'd be 5 seconds longer than you typically think through your writing choices, at any rate.
Wow, finally someone is engaging with the fall of Atlas, Team RWBY’s part in it, and the ramifications of both the previous things. Only took half the fucking Volume.
I actually like the pretty distinct perspectives and the conflict between Weiss and Blow. Weiss is the one who has the most reason to be attached with Atlas and Blow has the most reason to feel negatively about that Kingdom, so having them be the ones arguing here is a good choice.
Yeah, Weiss, you did fail, but it wasn’t just you. Most of the blame rests on the shoulders of Ironwood and these dumbass fucking writers.
That said, you guys didn’t exactly pass your trials with flying colors.
Good point, Ruby.
Yang is the first one to engage with Ruby’s distress again, even if she’s not exactly on the money here either in terms of her actual position on Ironwood or how to help Ruby.
I feel like this is one of the few moments of actual substance we've gotten this Volume and I really wish we'd spent more time digging into it. Unfortunately, He-Jaune, Master of the Universe, cuts it short. Not a fan of that choice unless we pick this up again at a later date.
He-Man’s a little bit of a jerk. Interesting. I kinda want to see where this goes.
He also doesn’t seem to like the Cat. He gets points for that.
He-Man, Master of the Jauniverse, does not want them going to the Tree. Given what apparently happened to the Herbalist, this implies something sinister about the Tree and Ascension.
You read my mind, Weiss.
Jaune has a very different perspective on Ascension than the Cat. On the one hand, the Cat is a denizen of the Ever After and probably knows more about how it works than Jaune does. On the other hand, Jaune is far more inherently trustworthy as a character we’ve known for 8+ Volumes, whereas the Cat is sinister as fuck. They've been creeping me out since their introduction.
Once again, Ascension is equated with death – you lose your memories, lose who you are. Whatever you used to be is gone.
Good pun, Yang.
Who the fuck is Lewis?
Oh, wonderful, Alyx had a brother. An irrelevant character had another irrelevant character to hang out with. Can we please stop expanding the cast?
Go off, Weiss (and Yang)
What the fuck did the Cat just do
I love you Weiss. There really is just no end to the Ever After’s bullshit, is there?
Where the hell are Blow and Yang?
You walked right into that one, Weiss.
Love how He-Man’s just done with everything. I am too, buddy, I am too.
Here it comes, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Maybe we’ll get something decent out of this Volume after all.
I could cross that shit and I don’t even have superpowers
You have perfectly good ropes right there
Yes I get that it’s a metaphor for taking the next step in their relationship blah blah blah but the metaphor is shit
This Volume really likes presenting challenges as insurmountable when Team RWBY has regularly handled far more difficult ones it keeps breaking my willing suspension of disbelief
I'm normally pretty willing to buy into what a show is going for but I just can't do it for this Volume
Was that Summer in the reflection?
Looks like the reflections show everyone’s issues – Summer for Ruby, Penny for Jaune, Atlas for Weiss
Oh, so Alyx was a little shitter, huh? I’m sure there’s nothing negative about the choice to portray a (female) character of color this way, especially in a show known for being racist produced by a company known for being racist.
Okay yeah Jaune you probably fucked up here trying to railroad her into the book’s storyline. Somebody’s never played D&D before and it shows
Poor guy’s really hurting though, can’t blame him for feeling like a failure
I’d like the show to unpack all this but I don’t even trust it to handle Team RWBY’s issues (or even address them in a meaningful way) so we’ll see
I feel like we have to take everything Jaune says about the Cat and the Tree and the Ever After with a grain of salt, but the Cat is genuinely creepy as shit, so I feel like there’s some validity to this, at least.
So Jaune thinks the Cat fed Lewis to the Tree. Is he right? Who the fuck knows?
But it does set up some sinister implications about the Tree, the Cat, and the nature of the Ever After. If the Tree’s not an option, how does the gang get home?
I get the feeling that Jaune is at least partially wrong about how the Tree works, but what he's saying makes sense based on what he knows.
Yang you fucking dork
Anyway if Blow has a really good brain it’d be nice to see more examples of it beyond “she’s the bookworm”, I’m sure setting her own house on fire was a great demonstration of intelligence. I feel like this is another indication that I’m right when I say that RWBY would’ve really benefited from another Beacon Volume to really build the relationships between the core cast that the show tries to convince us exist.
Also, Yang is smart even if Blow makes her brain turn to mush. She seems to have figured out the trick here. She sounds so sweet and sincere when she mentions liking Blow’s ears, though I feel like this is another instance where the show isn’t taking Blow’s status as a minority seriously, what with the potential elements of fetishization here. Still, I’ll try to go with the writing’s intent here.
Honestly it probably wouldn’t even bother me if this Volume hadn’t insisted on continually comparing Blow to a cat
You did, in fact, nail it, Yang. Such a fucking dork I love her
Okay, Blow, maybe you do have a really good brain after all. Again, would’ve been nice to establish this a bit earlier, but oh well.
Yang you fucking dork lmao
Damn, Blake went hard here. Yang went with the surface-level stuff and was probably expecting the same in return and Blake just started pouring her heart out. I love the way Yang’s eyes and face just softened the moment Blake said she was an extraordinary person. Girlie was not expecting that at all.
“I like that you’ve never been intimidated by me” BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yang she fucking flinches like a dog expecting to be beaten every time you raise your voice around her she’s the only one in your friend group who’s ever been intimidated by you even Jaune is fine around you and that boy’s afraid of his own shadow
Jk I lied the other abuse victim on your team also has negative reactions when you act aggressive
Anyway I guess we know why we got that line about Yang not being scary (even though she could be if she wants to) back in Episode 1.
Yang how are you missing with every line Blow gave up on Adam and the White Fang and that was a good thing because it let her escape his abuse hello?
Oh and she sure as hell gave up on Qrow and Ironwood when Qrow crawled into a bottle and Ironwood decided to raise Atlas, and she was literally the only person on her team who didn’t believe in Yang’s innocence when Cinder framed Yang during the Vytal Festival (guess who was ride or die for Yang in that moment? I'll give you a hint: her name starts with a W), and she ran away from her entire team when Weiss was racist for two episodes. Finding her was the whole fucking plot of the V1 finale. Like I’m not even arguing that she was wrong or unjustified for any of that but if you want her to be the one who never gives up on anyone then maybe fucking show her never giving up on anyone
Does Blake really know what matters to her, Yang? It sure as hell wasn’t Faunus rights during the Atlas Volumes.
That fucking lighting lmao
Just spit it out you idiots lets get this over with my expectations are dropping with every line
God Yang is such a fucking dork I genuinely love this for her it would’ve been so easy to make her the cocky flirty one all the time and they didn’t
For all my frustrations with this show I do genuinely like that.
I like how Yang hesitated a bit and didn’t quite commit but Blake went full-bore.
Oh my God it’s so sappy and cheesy and romantic
I can understand why people love it even if for me it crosses the line to narm like honestly this scene just feels ridiculous but that's just a personal taste thing, it feels too over-the-top for me but there's some charm to it as well
I feel a little bad for the Cat but honestly they strike me as manipulative more than anything
Every scene just gives me bad vibes
Damn, they were makin out, hands changed positions and everything
Nice little leg pop Blow
You and the fandom both, Jaune.
Kinda wonder when you figured it out though because you were not picking up on it in Volume 8 ("Ruby?" "Yeah... Ruby.")
Good to know the Bees thought confessing their feelings was more important than getting home or stopping Salem. I like both characters less every time they treat the Ever After as a vacation.
The little hand touch is cute though.
Okay, Ruby is not reacting well to the return of Crimson Rose, probably because it represents the burden of being a leader and a Huntress.
She's pushing her insecurities down again. That's gonna burst out sooner or later.
Jaune thinks Alyx traded Lewis to the Tree in order to leave. My guess is that either Jaune or Ruby tries to trade themselves to the Tree so the others can go home.
Damn, Ruby’s rejecting Crescent Rose pretty emphatically there.
Music is still forgettable I don’t think there’s been a single song that I’ve remembered a not of when it’s not actually playing for 6 whole episodes
Miles gave a solid performance here and so did whoever voices the Cat.
Okay, so, here it is: the scene we’ve all been waiting for since Volume 2 at the latest. The Bees are an item now, and it’s really obvious that it meant a lot to CRWBY. They put a lot of love into that scene, and it shows. Visually, it’s gorgeous, the voice actresses clearly put their hearts and souls into it, the music is meant to scream romance...
Unfortunately, I don’t like it. Perhaps this is just a nitpick on my end because I’m a stubborn ornery cantankerous bastard who hates being told what to do, but this confession doesn’t feel organic. It feels like they were forced into it by outside factors (the stupid fucking punderstorm that wouldn’t let them leave until they told each other their feelings. If I'd been in their place, I would've sat my stubborn Texan ass down and told that fucking weather condition that it could let me out right now or move along on its own time, but I'm staying right here until it does. Ain't no fuckin rain clouds gonna tell me what to do).
I don’t like that in and of itself, but it gets worse when you consider that both characters are A) queer and B) were only coded and not explicitly confirmed as queer within the show prior to this scene. It feels like two queer characters are being forced out of the closet, which would be bad enough on its own, but gets infinitely worse when the company behind the show named itself after a homophobic slur and then built a company culture around bullying and bigotry and the lead writer on the show has been openly biphobic and fetishized bi women in the past. Good job, morons, you managed to take a ship I’ve supported since the characters involved met in the Emerald Forest and make it feel gross to me. Between this and Blake’s jokes about Yang’s arm in Episode 2, I’m officially not a Bumbleby shipper anymore. You’ve fumbled the bag that badly. Please never hold a job in any creative industry again.
Overall rating: Horrendously Bad And Specifically Disappointing On Top Of That/10
Amazed that I can't definitively declare this a bottom three episode of the Volume because 3 of the 5 others I've watched so far were also this fucking bad. Truly an accomplishment.
Everything that wasn't Weiss's thirst for DILFs and the Bumbleby confession was okay (not amazing), but the writers fucked up so badly with the parts that sucked that they accomplished something incredible: they executed a scene I've been waiting for for ages so incompetently that I don't ship Bumbleby anymore.
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
Omg thanks to your "Eddie throws himself a funeral party" post I literally cannot stop thinking about Stripper! Steve. (absolutely no pressure to do anything with this btw! I'm just aaaa! at your idea)
Like omg. Did Steve get into stripping bc he got cut off and disowned by his parents and desperately needed any job that would take him? Did he seek the job out bc he thought it'd be fun? Why should he be ashamed of exercising, entertaining, looking hot, dancing, and then getting paid to do it??? Fuck yeah
Side note the image of best friend Robin stealing a pair of Steves clean tearaway pants bc she wants to know what it's like to rip them off is very funny to me. She has them on over her jeans. She's had a glass or two of wine and is standing in the middle of Steve's living room awkwardly trying to rip off a pair of tearaway pants that are far too big for her
AHAHHA!!! Please come join me!!! There’s enough stripper Steve for everyone! Funny story Robin actually got the call handler job first through a college friend but obviously platonic soul mates cannot be separated so Steve applied for a job there too. He wasn’t fussy about position, just handed his CV in and hoped he’d get to keep working with Robin.
The employers took one look at Steve when he came into the office and told him he has hired. As a stripper. He took a moment to adjust but thought if it means he gets to work with Robin, he’d do it. (That’s what he tells people, the truth is the ego stroke at the immediate job offer was enough to sway him. He thought it would be a fun job and he was tired of retail).
And Robin plays with ALL the stock! She’s got horrendously ugly nipple tassels that she stuck to Steve’s chest and they both ended up almost crying trying to take them off him without waxing his chest (Robin tears might have been from laughter shhhh). She’s got a feather boa that she loves and wears in the office because she feels it gives her a ‘better phone voice’ nobody’s argued with her yet.
As soon as Steve finished any gig he’s on the phone to her, giving her the run down of any drama or funny stories. She gets a little worried when she doesn’t hear back after the Munson party, tries to call the person who booked and gets Eddie on the phone ‘hello, Eddie’s fun funeral, Gareth speaking’ and Robin thinks she must have the wrong number, she must have written something down wrong but all her records tell her she’s right???
‘Hi. Um…im sorry, this is going to sound so insensitive and im so sorry but…did you hire a male stripper for your event?’ Robin is smacking herself in the face as she says it. Knows she’s going to get in trouble from her manager
‘Sure is! Can’t spell funeral without fun! He’s a little busy with the man of the hour though’ she can hear laughter and loud music through the receiver. Steve is stripping at a funeral, for the dead guy?
‘Ummm I’m sorry but I don’t think company policy allows for stripping for corpses. I’m going to have to refund your booking. Please send Steve back’ Robin is way out of her depth. What the fuck is going on? How did she let this happen?
‘Ah no dude he’s alive, very alive by the looks of things. And sos your employee. I dont know who’s having a better time to be honest’ Gareth sounds sane but Robin doesn’t know if she can really make that call over the phone for a guy who books strippers for funerals where people aren’t dead.
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