#i was so down bad for that boy it's unbelievable
creatediana · 9 months
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An untitled free verse poem written 3/10/2015, with metaphors I would one month later shape into this poem
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freckleslikestars · 2 years
I kinda want to do some writing to celebrate getting my tumblr back, but also a whole tonne of shit went down at work tonight and I’m physically and emotionally drained, and my head is starting to hurt.
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iholdwhatican · 23 days
pairing: art donaldson x reader x patrick zweig
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length: 3.8k
tags: y/n is art donaldson's wife ; birthday party ; surprise visit from patrick ; art is down bad ; patrick wants y/n ; possessive!art ; the boys are fighting ; no use of y/n ; pining ; sexual tension
summary: you want to make your husband's birthday special, so you invite his attractive, charming, estranged childhood best friend in the hopes that they'll make amends. surely nothing will go wrong, right?
author's note: i can't stop thinking about them i am so ill. this is the first of presumably many challengers works. and yes i did make a new blog just for this, don't judge me. this is a drabble that was stuck in my head but I do have more for it should it be wanted! preferably something that leaves you sandwiched in between them :3
originally posted by iholdwhatican
You told yourself this whole thing happened out of the goodness of your heart. You’d just wanted to be a good wife and make your husband’s birthday the best it could possibly be. Because Art Donaldson was the most amazing person you’d ever known, and he loved you, and he deserved the world. There was nothing off limits when it came to him, no line you wouldn’t cross. 
You knew how much Patrick had meant to him, how much he missed his best friend. Your cheeks hurt from how wide the stories made you smile, how happy he sounded when he recounted the things he’d gotten into with the eccentric tennis player. And you knew how sad Art was that they didn’t talk anymore. 
So what better time to remedy that than for his birthday? That was a wonderful surprise, right? Right?
Upon meeting Patrick Zweig, your first thought was how the hell this man got along so well with your Art. Not to say he was a bad person, but he was just so… much. He was cocky, indomitable, the kind of person that knew what he wanted and what he was worth and wouldn’t settle for anything less. He was a force not to be reckoned with, no matter what. He was also unbelievably charming (and not bad on the eyes, which you would never admit), and you hated the way his sweet-talking got under your skin. 
He asked you how Art was. You told him he was fine. Retired, now. Making the most of a quiet life. You’d just celebrated 3 years of married life. He asked to see wedding photos and you didn’t miss the sadness in his eyes at missing the event. You happily obliged. It was the most romantic day of your life, after all. 
And you couldn’t help but internally pat yourself on the back. Patrick missed him too. You could mend the broken bridge between them, and your husband would be thrilled. He’d reward you for your good work. 
You asked Patrick to come to Art’s party. To make contact again. To come back into his world. He only hesitated for a moment, asked if Art knew and was okay with it. 
The lie slipped off your tongue easily. Of course, he’s wanted this for a long time. It’s a surprise, but a most welcome one. You didn’t have details on what happened between them- only knew of a falling out while Art was in college- but it couldn’t be that bad. Anything could be overcome, right? 
Patrick accepted and you hoped the lump in your throat was from excitement and not dread. You thanked him for meeting you, told him you’d forward him the details, and went back to your husband. 
The day of the party came, and you were so nervous you could hardly take it. You’d spent the last couple of days working yourself into a frenzy, convinced that this reunion was a terrible idea and your husband would hate you. You had no right to bring an estranged friend back into his life, on his birthday no less. And without saying a word to him. 
God, what the hell was wrong with you? 
You gripped the edge of the kitchen counter and downed your third glass of water. It did nothing to soothe the dryness in your throat. Or the pounding of your heart. You wondered how fucked you’d be at the party if you took a Xanax right now. Or five. 
Just then, Art peeked his head into the kitchen, donning a sweet smile when he spotted you. He looked as handsome as ever, sporting a well-fitting polo shirt and khakis. His hair was growing out again, starting to show those boyish curls you’d fallen in love with all those years ago. He made his way over to you, wedding band sparkling on his finger, and your heart melted. 
You loved him so much. Had you ruined his birthday with your stupid meddling? Maybe even ruined your marriage? 
“Hey, beautiful.” He greeted, sliding a hand around your waist and kissing your head. It was a familiar gesture, a normal one. He loved touching you, keeping you close. You loved it just as much, “The cake was just delivered. You went way overboard, as usual.” 
You pretended you weren’t overcome with dread and cupped his cheek, “Shut up. There’s no such thing as overboard. You deserve this, okay? You deserve to be celebrated.” 
Please, please don’t be mad at me for inviting him. For bringing him into our world. Please still love me. I did it for you. I’d do anything for you.
His eyes crinkled as he smiled- in that perfect way you adored so much. He leaned down to kiss you again, this time on your lips. It was gentle and caring and everything you were to each other. It made you want to cry. Art was everything. All you wanted was to give him the same. 
The doorbell rang, breaking you two out of the moment, and your husband pulled away. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Well,” He spoke, looking at you like there was nothing else in the world, “That must be our first guest.” 
You hummed happily, “Guess it’s time to celebrate you, Birthday Boy. Shall we?” 
“We shall.” He teased, doing a mock bow as he offered you his hand. You took it, laughing, and the two of you made your way to the front door. 
You took a deep breath and tried not to focus on the unhappy way your stomach was churning. 
The first hour of the party went by with a pleasant lack of reunions-turned-altercations. Patrick had yet to show his face, and you wondered if he might not come at all. Part of you was relieved at the idea, while the other couldn’t help but be frustrated. 
He said he would come. What if the surprise didn’t end up being a bad thing? How would you know if he never showed? 
God, you needed a cigarette. 
You’d spent the entirety of the party so far glued to Art’s side, being his doting wife as you made conversation with everyone. Your eyes continued to stray to the door, looking for a certain dark-haired man. Every single time, you were disappointed. Disappointed, yes, but not surprised. From what you’d heard, Patrick wasn’t really someone who could be counted on a lot. 
Maybe this whole thing was just a big mistake. And maybe the part of you that truly felt let down at not getting to see him again was something you should never, never look into. 
You patted Art’s chest and stood on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear, “I’m gonna check on the food. I’ll be back.” 
He nodded, smiled, and pressed a kiss to your temple. His arm released its grip on you and he continued his conversation with an old Stanford buddy without missing a beat. He was fucking incredible. At everything. You were crazy about him. 
The food didn’t actually need to be checked on. The caterer was high-quality, and they knew better than to fuck up one of your events for your husband. You had full trust in them- you honestly just needed a breather. This whole night had felt like a cold fist clenched around your heart. 
Instead, you grabbed yourself a large glass of wine and made your way to the patio to enjoy some cool night air. 
The area was blessedly empty, allowing you to slip out of the hostess facade. You were more than happy to do it, especially when celebrating Art, but the circumstances tonight were making it much harder than usual. Which was, of course, entirely your own fault. Way to go, you! Knocked it out of the park tonight, didn’t you? 
You sighed, leaned against the railing, and took a long gulp of your drink. The weather was slightly chilly, and it felt amazing against your heated skin. Already, you were finding it easier to breathe. And think, for that matter. 
“Shouldn’t you be at the party, Mrs. Donaldson?” A familiar, spine-tingling voice spoke, breaking you out of your peaceful moment. 
You whirled around, eyes landing on Patrick fucking Zweig leaning against the wall of your house. A lit cigarette hung from his lips, his hands nonchalantly tucked into the pockets of his dark jeans. They went well with the button-up shirt he wore, a stark contrast from the shorts and hoodie he’d had on when you first met. He looked good- really good. Enough to make a pit grow in your stomach. 
“I thought you weren’t coming.” You blurted out, thankful that the darkness was shrouding your red face. His face was just barely illuminated by the orange glow of the cigarette, and you watched as he looked you up and down, “Also, how’d you get back here? I didn’t see you walk into the house.” 
Patrick kicked off the wall and walked over to you, pulling the cigarette out of his mouth. His curls fell over his forehead, and you found yourself fighting the urge to brush them out of the way- the same way you always did to Art. You swallowed deeply. What the hell was wrong with you? 
“I told you I’d come, didn’t I?” He responded matter-of-factly, blowing a puff of smoke into the air. The smell made you nostalgic. You and Art had made a pact years ago to quit together, but God did you miss it sometimes. You licked your lips and tried (and failed) not to stare, “I snuck in through the back. Thought it’d be less messy that way.” 
You had no idea how he’d been able to get back here, but you decided you weren’t gonna ask. It didn’t matter in the long run, anyway. Besides, he was probably right. You had no idea how Art was gonna react, and it was smart to have it happen in an isolated area. 
“Probably smart.” You muttered, taking another swig of the wine. The feeling of his eyes stayed on you, burning into your skin, but you didn’t meet his gaze. You didn’t want to think too hard on why. 
“He doesn’t know you reached out to me.” It wasn’t a question, but you responded to Patrick’s words regardless. He’d find out eventually. 
“No.” The admittance came out with a heavy breath, like you were releasing the weight that had been on you all night. In a way, you were. You ran a hand over your forehead, “I don’t know what happened between you two, he doesn’t talk about it. But I just- I’m terrified he’ll hate me for bringing you.” 
Why the hell were you pouring your heart out to this stranger? What was it about him that drew you in so much and made you want to bring down your walls? How was this charming man already under your skin from one damn meeting? And how the fuck were you supposed to explain any of this to your husband, his estranged best friend? 
You needed another drink. Or ten. 
“You really love him.” Again, not a question. But you answered. You had to. 
“More than anything else in this world.” 
Patrick offered you his half-smoked cigarette and you took it without thinking. The sting of the smoke in your lungs was like coming home. It was so good it almost made you cry. But lots of things made you want to cry right now. You could taste mint on the cigarette, like he’d been chewing gum before lighting up. The same kind Art always chewed. 
It made something flip in your stomach. 
“Well, from what I can tell, you’re pretty great. Super caring, based on how far you went in an attempt to make him happy. Shit, you tracked me down, which is a feat in itself. And you’re gorgeous, obviously. I’m surmising that you’re basically the whole package.” He spoke calmly, as if every one of those words didn’t make your heart jump into your throat. You chugged your drink to use it as an excuse for your rosy cheeks, “So I don’t think there’s any way he could hate you. Even for inviting me here.” 
You were speechless for five long seconds as he took the cigarette back and inhaled. Then you finally got your brain to stop lagging, “You don’t even know me.” 
“I know enough.” He countered, continuing the pass back and forth of the cigarette, “And I know Art. He wouldn’t marry someone beneath him. The fucker somehow always gets the ones way out of his league.” 
You didn’t comment, but you knew what Patrick was referring to. Tashi Duncan. The now pro-tennis player that he’d had a thing with back in the day. You didn’t know the details, but you knew she was a point of contention between the two men. 
Honestly, you tried not to think about Tashi. She was gorgeous, super talented, and an overall seemingly great person. Art had passed up on that for you, and it got to your head a lot. You wondered if he regretted it. Or at least wondered what his life could’ve been like. 
You didn’t think you were out of his league. In fact, you thought the opposite. Not that you needed to tell Patrick that. Your insecurity and jealousy issues could stay yours alone. 
“Well, I don’t know about that.” You murmured.
The cigarette began to dim as you took the last drag, flicking it off the balcony and down into the grass below. With both the alcohol and nicotine gone, you started to think you probably needed to get back to the party. Your husband would be looking for you, and you didn’t want to keep him waiting. You just had to figure out how Patrick would fit into the equation. 
“If you weren’t taken, I’d be trying to charm the fuck out of you right now.” 
The statement caught you completely off guard. You looked over at him, eyes wide, and tried to keep your cool at the sexy smirk on his face. God, he was so fucking attractive. 
You blinked once, twice, a third time, “What?” 
His smile grew at your flustered state, “I have great taste in women, and I’d flirt with you if I could. So I’m saying you’re definitely a catch. And totally out of Art’s league.” 
You licked your lips. Subconsciously, “I’m pretty sure that was flirting.” 
“Was it?” He didn’t even have the decency to look ashamed, “Oops.” 
You ran your finger over the rim of your wine glass, trying to think of something to say. You came up empty. You were married- to this man’s childhood best friend. To the love of your life. He shouldn’t be flirting with you. And you definitely shouldn’t be enjoying it. 
“There you are! I was starting to worry.” Art’s voice broke the tense silence, and you turned around to watch him making his way to you with a smile. Then he spotted Patrick and his smile dropped as his face filled with recognition, “You- what the hell are you doing here?” 
You opened your mouth to speak, to explain and mediate the situation, but the dark-haired man beat you to it. 
“Your pretty little wife invited me.” He said, which was probably the worst thing he probably could’ve chosen. You internally buried your face in your hands. 
Art’s jaw clenched and his eyes lit up. It took you a moment to realize that the expression was anger. Honestly, it took you by surprise. It was extremely rare to see him angry, and never was it directed at you. And though he was looking at Patrick, you were terrified that in this instance it was. 
“Let me explain.” You immediately choked out, clutching your empty wine glass like a lifeline, “I really just thought that-” 
“She thought you missed me and wanted us to reconnect. As a birthday surprise. Isn’t that sweet?” Patrick butted in, throwing an arm over your shoulders. Art looked ready to murder someone (probably the tennis player holding you), “I doubt it was easy contacting me, but she managed. All for you.” 
You laughed nervously, ducking your head, “Well, that’s not-” 
“Let go of her.” Art demanded. His voice was cold and dangerous. Possessive. It made something twitch in your core. Oh, you liked that. 
The brunette didn’t hesitate to do as he was told, holding his hands up in surrender, “My bad, man. I just feel like we’re already such close friends from hanging out together. Don’t you think so?” 
The last part was directed at you, and Patrick nudged you. You gave him an incredulous look. 
The charming, sweet man you’d just been talking to was gone. He was replaced by a cocky, near-disrespectful antagonist who was trying to egg your husband into some kind of altercation. And he was using you as the bait. 
You couldn’t lie that you were frustrated, but it did feel a bit nice to be in an almost tug-of-war between the two men. You liked being an object of affection or desire. 
“You should head inside, baby.” Art spoke to you, though his furious gaze never left Patrick, “Our guests will wonder where the hosts went. I’m gonna talk to Patrick for a minute.” 
You’d be damned if you told him no. Even though this situation felt like a mess that was definitely all your fault. Damn you for inviting Patrick. Damn him for being so captivating. And damn Art for loving you so much that the sight of another man touching you made him see red. This entire thing was like a whirlwind. 
“Okay…” You whispered, moving towards your husband and the house. You gave Patrick a small smile, hoping to convey your thoughts to him. Please don’t hurt him- he’s my world. Then you stopped at Art’s side and placed a hand on his bicep, “I’m sorry if this was a bad idea. I just wanted to make your birthday special, is all. I didn’t mean to fuck it up.” 
He finally looked at you, just long enough to give you a loving smile and a shake of his head, “You didn’t ruin anything. I’m so proud of you for doing all this for me. Don’t worry.” 
Then he kissed you, only to stop and pull away, “Is that- were you smoking with Patrick?” 
You sucked on your teeth and nodded, “Yes, a little. I’m sorry. I just-” 
But then he was kissing you again, hard and needy. Like he wanted to fuck you right then and there. Your face burned bright red, and you could feel Patrick’s eyes on the two of you. Art had never acted like this in all the time you knew him. But right now, within thirty seconds of being around his old friend, he was putting on a show to prove that you were his. 
You belonged to him. And he wanted Patrick to know it. 
You really, really fucking liked this. 
When he pulled away, you felt dizzy. From both the kiss and the wine you’d downed. You barely had time to take a breath before he was lightly patting your cheek and sending you inside. You managed to take a look at the two men before rejoining the party. They just stared at each other, like they were in a standoff. 
It was unbelievably hot. 
As you went back to your guests, lips still tingling, only one thought was coming to you. 
You wondered how long you could keep Patrick around, just to see what it would do to your precious husband. 
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midnightorchids · 1 month
Even more Jason Todd headcanons
- He’s a really fast typer, like unbelievably fast (this is so hot) and this is both while texting or on a computer
- Speaking of texting, he sucks at texting back. He’s a horrible texter, super dry, boring and extremely late. If you need something, just call him
- I know everyone says that his everyday shoe is a pair boots, but I would like to argue and say that its actually a really beaten up pair of sneakers (maybe adidas gazelles or a pair of vans)
- Also, he has an accent, it’s not super thick when he talks normally, but when he’s tired or angry, it definitely comes out more
- He blasts music while he’s gearing up for patrol, he subconsciously raps/sings and dances along to the song (and he looks SO fine doing it)
- He feels lonely in his apartment so he doesn’t spend much time there, it feels like the quite haunts him sometimes
- He gives really tight hugs almost as if he’s afraid the person is going to disappear if he hangs on too loosely
- He gets nightmares and they’re bad. They’re not frequent but they’re bad - wake up in cold sweat with tears pouring down your face type of bad. He rarely talks about it.
- Okay enough angst lets talk about something silly
- He says sorry to inanimate objects and animals when he bumps into them
- He’s a hoarder. Anything from books to clothes to tupperware
- He also doesn’t use normal bookmarks, it’s almost always an old receipt or a scrap piece of paper that he scribbled random shit on
- I know SOME people also love to headcanon him as this big broody ominous nonchalant dude - he is not
- Jason is a chatty boy and he rambles a lot (but like only once hes comfy with you)
- Also, super random, but his fav food is probably shawarma
- He’s had his nose pierced once and then got punched in the face and it hurt like a bitch so he took it out immediately
- He’s the type of guy to drink really boring soda flavoured slushies like coke or sprite
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twi-liight · 9 months
Petty Jealousy ❣
Tav's companions cannot fathom them potentially having other friends. ❥ Astarion/reader, Astarion/Tav, but also Companions/reader. I'm a Tavrem supremacist. ❥ Contains my own personal headcanon for why the companions call them "Tav" instead of their first name, which is justification for me loopholing the eternal problem of xreader writers having to wince when they use "F/N" or "Y/N". ❥ They/them pronouns for Tav/reader!
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“Look,” Astarion hisses, “look at that!” 
5 pairs of eyes land on the offender of the night (which, to their surprise, isn’t Astarion) who conversed pleasantly with the leader of their party. A half-elf with a sharp jaw, proud brow, and mirthful eyes looks extraordinarily ordinary compared to their merry band of freaks. 
“Who is that, again?” Shadowheart asks absently. “Tav suggested I rest for today instead of mapping out the Underdark with the party, and the next thing I know, they’ve brought back another little companion.” 
Astarion’s jaw twitches. He snaps out, “Companion or complication?”
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Gale crosses his arms, shrugging, used to Astarion’s temper running hot then cold. “His name is Nilmorn - a luthier. Tav took an interest in his wares. He makes a living selling stringed instruments in the Underdark. Strange place to sell such things.” 
Ugh. Astarion sighs, shaking his head. Leave it to Gale to traipse over the obvious. A sharpened mind like his would surely know that this Nilmorn has no place here, if not to be a bloodbag for him to slurp on. Beyond that, what use does this pretty boy have? Nilmorn sells wares that are utterly useless to them. He’s quite boring and one-dimensional, too, a character that strays too much into the side of “moral good” for Astarion to tolerate. 
 “Yes, yes, Gale, but have you considered how strange it is that he has invited himself to our camp?” Astarion flares out his hand towards the wizard, as if handing him common sense on his palm. 
“I,” Gale begins, blinking his wet, beautiful brown eyes at Astarion, “invited myself to this journey, Astarion. I am quite hurt you forgot. I thought what we had was special!” 
“Yes, but you’re weird!” Astarion exclaims. “You’re a freak with a bomb in your body because of your situationship with Mystra! That,” Astarion points an accusatory finger in the direction of Nilmorn, in which 5 pairs of eyes look at him again, “is someone so unbelievably normal he doesn’t even have any, any…” He gestures, articulates with his hands to placate his words. 
“No dubious motives?” Shadowheart offers, a smirk coyly playing on her lips. 
“No complicated backstory?” Wyll pipes in. Astarion’s eyes flicker to him, and irritation seeps into his skin when he finds Wyll smiling wryly, as if the warlock is in on some joke he is not picking up on. “No, I don’t know, god that has let him down in some way, shape, or form?” 
“Certainly no skills for fighting.” Lae’zel, thank the gods for Lae’zel. Her smooth voice hides none of her displeasure, and those sharp, slitted eyes stare across the fire to dig daggers into Nilmorn’s back. “Useless. We have no need for string-ed instruments. Let Tav pick one, and send this half-elf on his way.” 
Yes. Yes. Astarion nods eagerly.
“Hmmm. I almost envy his mundaneity,” Karlach adds,  “but I mean, he’s not that bad, Astari. Man’s just trying to make the world a better place, one string at a time.” 
Astarion almost throws up. He looks to the other companions helplessly. “Darlings. Please tell me you are not going to let Karlach get away with saying something so putridly motivational.” 
Karlach tosses her head back and cackles, much to Astarion's chagrin.
“Something is obviously bothering you,” Shadowheart states bluntly. Her green eyes watch his expression carefully in the firelight; she finds something there, but does not say it outright. With an exhale through her nose, as if it is painful for her to attempt a conversation with him, Shadowheart decides to throw him a bone: “Are you jealous?” 
He does not catch the bone. The bone slams right into his head as he stares at Shadowheart, slack-jawed and scandalized. Him? Jealous? “You must be joking.”
“Aw,” Shadowheart croons, another one of her insufferable smirks toying on her lips, “you are.” 
If he had mindflayer powers beyond reading her reprehensible surface-level thoughts, he would make Shadowheart’s head explode. Or something. 
He must establish his dignity in the group once more. He cannot handle more of this, especially not with Wyll grinning so wide, not self-aware enough that if he did not have a sexy demon controlling his life because he didn’t read the terms of conditions of a motherfucking contract, Astarion would bully him more.
“That is not the point here. Look,” he says. “I am just saying that our Tav is desirable in every way. Physically, we can all agree that Tav is attractive. Yes?” 
Yes. They all nod their heads. 
“Tav is a little strange, but they are our leader, and they got us this far somehow. Who knew caring about other people could go a long way.” 
Yes. They all nod their heads, except Wyll and Karlach, who look amongst the group with sheer disappointment on their faces. “Gods,” Karlach groans into her hand, “we– we need to unpack that later, gang. That’s just really sad.” 
“Lastly, Tav is strong. Strong enough to split apart the mountains and the sky, I imagine.” Strong enough to bury Cazador into the ground, hopefully. “Strong enough to face a god unwaveringly. Strong enough to persevere. Strong enough to be kind, despite everything. Despite what they think, they are charismatic, and they are the entire package. The only person who does not know of their value is Tav themselves.” 
They watch Tav’s lips quirk into a smile as Nilmorn holds a lyre out for them upon his smooth hands. Smooth, no sign of scars, no sign of complications. Just so unbearably mundane. Unbearably good. Unbearably kind. 
Unbearably unaware of their true nature.
Nilmorn does not know why they nicknamed them Tav, despite their name being [F/N]. Their unstoppable quench to loot everything and anything set back their timeline by weeks, no doubt. Reaching into barrels, reaching into the pockets of bandits, reaching into damn silk cocoons, reaching into whatever their curious little hands can salvage. It annoyed Astarion at first, but then Tav would find all of these weapons and armors and foods and coins and books. Normalcies and luxuries that made camp life feel less of a drab and more exciting. 
The gleaming, golden dagger at his side? They found it. The boots, the armor, the enchanted rings and necklaces they either found, bartered, or killed for their companions. Thus - Tav, short for tavara, the word meaning wares and merchandise; a clever little nickname Gale came up for their leader who is too good for all of them combined. 
“Any other party could whisk them away, you know,” Astarion says. “Tav could find a party of good, decent people, unlike any of us, without the mess and complication and hurt we cause them, and leave. Remember, my dears. It is not us who is irreplaceable. It is Tav.” 
How long would Tav tolerate him? Not long, he thinks. Long enough until he has expended his use for them, surely, but not forever. That's why anyone who wants Tav beyond sex or strength is a threat. If he hadn’t seduced his way into their heart, he wouldn’t be here where he stands, with a group of people who make him feel a little less alone. 
No doubt he would be in a cage on the back of a covered wagon that belongs to that disgusting gyr, Gandrel, his chain to Cazador growing shorter and shorter.
Silence. Tense and still. They watch as Tav laughs lightly, eyes alighting with amusement as Nilmorn cracks another joke. 
"You should meet my other companions," they hear Nilmorn offer, "I just know they would love to have you."
Revelation slams into each and every one of them like a magic missile.
“He’s not that funny,” Shadowheart mutters. She bends down, hands gripping tightly around the handle of her mace. “I don’t know why they are laughing that hard.”
“He can try to leave with his head on his shoulders,” snarls Lae’zel, “just say the word, Astarion.” 
“What-” Wyll turns to Gale and Karlach. “We should stop them, shouldn’t we? There are no implications of this man trying to steal Tav away, he's just being nice, you worthless cunts! This is not fair to him!” 
“We’re in the Underdark, aren’t we? Super deep. Doubt anyone who cares for him will come looking for him.” 
“Astute observation! To make this all a little easier on us, I can most certainly put this man to sleep.” 
“Go on, Lae’zel,” Astarion grins wickedly, “attack!”
“Oh, hells,” Wyll stumbles back, then turns quickly to the other direction towards Halsin. “Halsin! Halsin - they’re trying to murder someone again!” 
❥ Additional links: kofi | ao3
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hs-is-loml · 2 years
Don't Make Me Say It Again. (x.t)
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!Addams!Reader
Summary: blurb! xavier is close to snapping when you don't realize what he has been hinting.
Warnings: mutual pining, fluff
a/n: okay, another one before i go torture myself in actually reading my textbook that i haven't picked up in weeks.
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“Shouldn’t you be with your sister?” Xavier questioned as you tied on your apron.
“No, she wanted to work at pilgrim world for some odd reason. I would rather die than dress up as a colonist,” you informed the boy.
“That doesn’t surprise me.”
“Hey, Y/N! Need a hand?” Tyler called out from behind the counter as you and Xavier cleaned the tables.
“Already got one,” you replied back pointing to Thing wiping the table.
“I thought I told you and your sister that he was bad news,” Xavier whispered to you as he reached over to grab a mug on your side of the table.
“Twice actually, but I couldn’t care less about him. Wait. Enlighten me,” you turned to face him.
That was when you noticed how close you two actually were. Though you were standing around a foot away from each other, it was concerning how he seemed to step closer to talk.
“It happened last Outreach Day. I was working on a mural for the town then he and his friends come up and start attacking me. They destroyed the mural and left me with bruised ribs. People like him don’t like people like us,” he explained.
“It’s not like you would care anyways, right?” Xavier scoffed walking off to the next table.
“It seems like he’s changed, quiter softer now, which is disappointing,” you admitted as you followed Xavier. “Why do you care so much if I talk to him though?”
“You’re kidding.”
“Why would I kid?” you blanked.
“Open your eyes, Y/N! I have been here on your side this entire time, and you still don’t get it?” Xavier snapped banging the table with the tub full of plates and mugs taking a step closer to you. “Sometimes it’s unbelievable how little empathy you have for others.”
“Xavier,” you breathed out taking a step back.
“I like you, Y/n. What do I have to do for you to see that?” he followed in taking a step closer.
“You know I don’t actually like Tyler, right? You might be an imbecile and infuriating but-” you hinted.
“Really know how to make a guy blush,” he let out a small laugh.
“It’s the attributes I like about you though,” you muttered under your breath.
“What was that?” he mocked.
“Don’t make me say it again,” you deadpanned looking down on the floor avoiding his gaze.
“No, I don’t think I heard you the first time,” he joked he lifted your chin with his hand. “What did you say?”
“I’m not saying it again.”
“You gonna let me kiss you?”
“Depends,” you answered.
He moved his hand from your chin to the back of your neck pulling you into a kiss. You found yourself kissing him back wrapping your arms around his neck. You could feel him smile into the kiss. You didn’t kow how long you to stayed there for until you heard a cough behind you.
“Seems like you’ve had fun working,” Wednesday said unimpressed as she pulled you away from Xavier. In which he just laughed as you tried to get your arm out of Wednesday’s grip.
"Wednesday, why do you always have to grab the same arm," you whined as she dragged you out.
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callanton · 4 months
“girlfriend effects” ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) 
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habits that they develop from dating you.
pairing. bf!riize x fem!reader. warnings. insane usage amount of the word 'like' mentions of food, dizzy, cursing, kissing and marking (not heavy though!) marriage on anton one! rara's letter. giggled to much on the seunghan's one..
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— shotaro & buying things that remind him of you.
he would buy everything that reminded him of you.
and prolly would update you even when you're asleep.
taroro <3: look what i got :D this kinda reminds me of you!!
he would buy literally ANYTHING even when it's so expensive that out of his budget.
especially when he's on vacation in his hometown.
having a bunch of plushies and keychains that look exactly like you.
keychain on his bag, sticker on his laptop, plushies all over his room.
then he'll buy a keychain that looks like him for you!!
you MUST hang it on your bag or wherever you want just, please, show it off.
he loves it sm.
this boy will giggle all day until you're tired.
— eunseok & bringing your essentials with him everytime.
like i said on my previous bf headcanons!
he would, and he has everything!!
your hair tie was missing? don't worry, he has one on his wrist.
your lips dry? he'll pass the chapstick, lip balm or any lip treatment without you asking.
omg what if your keys are gone somewhere??? bae he has your keys all the time in his bag.
you're just clumsy, but luckily your perfect boyfriend would come to the rescue everytime!
you felt dizzy all of a sudden? girl, he has a whole bottle of water and the medicine prepared.
the members would probably ask why he has a hair tie on his wrist.
all of them are just like they didn't believe that the song eunseok. carrying your items everywhere?? unbelievable.
and, no. he wouldn't take it off, even though the members were teasing him to death.
it's important for you!! why would he take it off?
— sungchan & kissing you everytime he got a chance.
this man has an obsession with your lips.
trust me when i say he has, he has.
i might throw the "chance" aside..
bro is that down bad 😭🙏🏻
he doesn't give a fuck, even when his members are teasing him for being too clingy.
he just loves you too much, and maybe that counts for your lips too.
wouldn't be ashamed if your lipstick stuck on his lips.
it's the other way, he absolutely loves when your lipstick marks him and would be proud of himself.
he can't stand the fact that he hasn't kissed you yet.
like everytime, i mean everyday, at least three kisses before he can go on with his day perfectly.
even when he's far away from you, a virtual kiss would do.
bro has a whole album of kissing memes.
— wonbin & doing your hair.
he loves it when you talk about how your day went.
bcs those faces that you make when focusing are just so cute.
but then a hair piece falls in front.
he will tuck it behind with a school girl in love kind of smile 🥹
like he's felt like falling in love all over again.
it felt like a romantic movie that he never expected to have.
everything is like a slow motion to him.
he loves it when you decide to tie up your hair!!
then he loves to braid, wash, dry, and brush your hair.
especially when you had a busy week and had no time to wash or do your hair.
he'll let you rest and let him do your hair.
everything is on him, don't worry!!
— seunghan & back hugging you.
this mann T^T
okay now imagine you're in the same house as him.
when you wake up just to see this fine man hugging you from behind.
legs and hands all entangled with you.
buttt if you're not next to him when he wakes up.
be prepared to get the tightest hug from behind.
yeah, the kdrama scene.
which the female lead is cooking or preparing breakfast for the male lead.
then boom, back hugs.
place kisses all over you. neck, cheeks, forehead, and the temple of your head. hair. the back of your hands.
"i'm expecting you to be by my side when i wake up.."
so whinyy
how much you love him for this, but he gotta let go!!
or else no breakfast for the day.
— sohee & everyday text with you.
it's a must for him.
you're asleep? good.
bcs you'll wake up with a whole ass paragraph from him.
really really love sending you pictures of him doing almost everything.
eating, practicing, even before sleeping.
he'll update you everytime he gets the chance!!
absolutely adore when you decide to send him the pictures of you back to him.
asking how your day went.
when you say it was suck, he will go straight to your house without warning.
he's far away from you? not a problem.
face timing is the solution, so go!
would never end the call, even when you've already fallen asleep after telling him your whole day.
screenshots of your pictures and put them as his new wallpaper ^3^
— anton & planning almost everything.
you know, how was this man obsessed with planning everything??
like he has everything organized.
so you don't need to worry that your date is on the same day and at the same time as your work or school.
bcs that would never happen!!
try to think of anything that you would never think of happening.
marriage ‼️
like yeah, he would have a whole note about the wedding theme.
what types of or where would you both go for the honeymoon
man is so delusional.
he's so in love with you that he has already planned everything, even though there's still a long way to go :(
it's the summer time for him!!
your favorite snacks? check. your favorite place to go? check. your favorite activities? check.
you just need to pay him back with a lot of kisses and cuddles.
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© CALLANTON. all right reserved. do not copy, use, steal my work and post. ౨ৎ
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zincbot · 1 year
koga's muk reblog if your ass is beat
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hwashotcheeto · 4 months
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𝑽𝑰𝑷 𝑨𝒄𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔
Part Two: Premium Access
Park Seonghwa X afab!gn!reader
Summary: You finally get railed backstage by your boyfriend while he's still in his stage persona.
WC: 2.3k
CW: Smut, filthy ass smut, fluffy aftercare, no gendered names are used on the reader
Smut warnings: Kissing, dirty talk, mild degradation, backstage sex, spit play, oral sex, (idol receiving) face fucking. (reader receiving), hair pulling (reader receiving), fingering (reader receiving), unprotected PIV sex, breast play (reader receiving) orgasms for both
Hwa uses names on reader (Slut, baby, jagi, fucktoy, gorgeous)
AN: Ever since I saw the pictures and videos from Towards the Light D-1, I wanted SO BAD to write a one shot about it (I'm so weak for this man, oh my fucking God-)
@shinestarhwaa made a fic about this already (this one) so please go read it, it's amazing 💜
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Since you'd started dating Seonghwa, you'd wanted him to rail you while he was still in his stage persona.
And honestly, who wouldn't?
He turned into a creature of intensity, a force of nature.
A demon.
And yet, in all your time together, you'd never gotten the chance. Usually, Seonghwa and his members were wiped out after a show, so most times, it wouldn't happen regardless.
Aside from that, you nor the members could convince the staff to let you or anyone else backstage. It was an understandable obstacle, but still annoying.
Until tonight.
Somehow, the stars aligned, and you were finally given VIP access to see your boyfriend and his members backstage.
You were backstage for the entire performance, and fuck, you were floored.
The boys had kept everything secret from you, you didn't know anything about their performance. So seeing Seonghwa's dance was an unbelievable surprise.
And a pleasant one at that. One that had you soaked through to your pants.
The whole concert, you were of course, proud of your boyfriend and the other members, seeing them clearly enjoy being performers, and do it really fucking well.
But you were also incredibly fucking horny for your boyfriend.
The concert felt like it was years instead of hours. Years until your boyfriend came backstage, panting heavily, drenched in sweat, with that goddamn top, whatever it’s called.
Seonghwa had never looked hotter.
He pulled out his ear monitors, looking around the backstage area, until he finally found you by the dressing rooms. His eyes zeroed in on you, and shivers ran all over your body as he stalked up to you like a predator cornering his prey.
Seonghwa took you in his arms and kissed you, hard, pushing you against a door. You squeaked in surprise as you reached up to grab onto his arms, but by then, the door was opening, and you two were stumbling inside.
As soon as the door was slammed and locked shut, you were pressed back against it, Seonghwa's hands all over your body. Your hands went up to run all over his chest and stomach. This damn shirt they put him in left little to the imagination.
(Just how I like it)
You ran your hands up to push the short jacket off his shoulders, which he quickly tossed somewhere in the room, and then he pinned your hands against the door above your head.
“Quit moving,” he commanded against your lips, pressing his body up against yours. A whimper leaves your lips before he kisses you again, forcing his tongue in and down your throat.
You squirmed in his grip as you pressed your thighs together. Seonghwa noticed it and groaned as he pulled back. “You don't wanna listen tonight?”
“Hwa, I'm soaked, I-” You tried to protest, but he forced your mouth open, pushing his thumb past your lips and holding your tongue down, spitting down your throat, and forcing your mouth closed after.
“That's not what I asked,” he said lowly, his lips hovering over yours. “Now swallow.”
You were almost embarrassed at how your heart fluttered as you swallowed.
Seonghwa pulled you away from the door and forced you onto your knees as he sat down on the couch. You watched as he wiggled his pants down to his thighs to free his painfully hard cock from the tight confines. Your mouth watered at the sight of him, and you moved closer between his spread legs.
“So eager to have my cock, baby?” Seonghwa asked, slowly pumping himself a few times. “Is that what you thought about while watching me? That you wanted me inside you?”
You nodded enthusiastically with a whimper, shifting around again, trying to relieve some of the pressure between your thighs. Seonghwa couldn't help but smirk as he took his other hand and pulled you close.
“Get to work then.”
You didn't need to be told twice.
You leaned forward and took the first half of him into your mouth, reaching up to pump the half that wasn't. You watched as Seonghwa rolled his eyes back and groaned at the contact, gripping onto your hair. He guided you up and down, having no patience (or time) to go slow today.
“You can take it,” he muttered. “Good sluts can take this. You wanna be good, don't you?”
You nodded and hummed around him, moving your head faster and sucking harder. You pressed your tongue against him and he shivered under you, biting his lip, stifling the groans that were growing more whiny.
What you didn't know is that Seonghwa was thinking about this during the entire performance.
Especially during his solo dance with the chair. Thinking about fucking up into your mouth, imagining how you’d gag when he did, seeing the spit and cum dribble down your chin, the tears on your cheeks.
You choked as he did just as Seonghwa imagined, and your hands flew up to cling onto his thighs. He looked down and smirked, seeing exactly what he wanted to see.
“That’s it, there we go,” he groaned, gripping onto your hair with both hands, shallowly fucking your throat. You kept your head still as he did, making yourself breathe through your nose instead.
Seonghwa slowly worked up to moving his hips faster, pushing deeper, fucking into your throat with reckless abandon. Tears freely fell from your eyes with every choke and gag, your whole neck covered in the mess that spilled down. Seonghwa kept his eyes trained on you, trying to keep quiet.
You were too, and not just because you were choking on his cock.
You were thoroughly soaked, all the way through, and it was beginning to grow painful. You slipped your hand inside your pants to rub your clit, moaning at the relief. But Seonghwa heard it.
He yanked you off his cock and sat up to look at you, and you froze with your hand still down your pants. Seonghwa couldn’t help but smirk.
“Getting yourself off while you choke on my cock? You’re filthy today, jagi.”
He pulled you off the floor and onto his lap, smashing his lips onto yours while his hands fumbled to get your pants and underwear off. You helped him get them off, and he flung them both somewhere in the room, joining his discarded jacket on the floor.
Before they even hit the floor. Seonghwa was running his fingers along your cunt, teasing your entrance. “Oh, look at you,” he murmured against your lips. “You’re fucking soaked. I really did that to you?” He couldn’t help but smirk, his tongue poking out from between his teeth,
“Yes, Hwa, you do. You always do.”
“No, this is more than usual.” He pushed two fingers inside and your body lit up in fire. “I bet you fuck yourself at home when you watch me perform if you’re this wet for me when I’m on stage. Do you, little slut?”
He pumped his fingers inside you with a brutal speed, which was easy with how much slick was pouring out of you. “Do you? Or did you not hear me because you’re already fucked out?”
“I do!” You cried out as he curled his fingers into your spot. “I do, Hwa, you’re so fucking hot!”
“I know I am, jagi.”
Seonghwa pulled his hand away and leaned back, holding his cock up for you. You didn’t need him to tell you what to do.
“Come o-” He cut off with a choke, throwing his head back as you slowly sunk down onto him. He didn’t pick his head back up until you were flush against his lap, making some of his hair fall over his half closed eyes.
“So eager,” he breathed, gripping onto your hips. “Go on then, fuck me like you want to so badly.”
And that’s exactly what you ended up doing.
You gripped onto his shoulders and fucked him like you never had before. The fire in your bones burned hotter than it ever had, dropping down on him hard enough that people outside undoubtedly could hear the sinful noises you made.
Seonghwa rolled his eyes back again, then smiled as he closed his eyes, melting back into the couch. “Fuck, that’s good. Keep it up, jagi.” His fingers dug into your hips, seemingly trying to pull you down even harder. You whimpered as you struggled to fuck him harder despite the burning feeling creeping into your thighs.
The effort you were putting in was already making you tremble. But hearing Seonghwa let out all those groans, watching him smile and bite his lip, his tongue peeking out every now and again, it motivated you to keep going.
It also made you clench down on him.
Seonghwa gasped when he felt it. “God, what are you thinking about, clenching like that?” He looked up at you and you whimpered again, all words leaving you. He knew what he did to you, and he loved it. “Come on, tell me.”
He pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, holding you tight against him while he leaned back on the couch and spread his legs to fuck into you instead.
“Tell me what’s in your filthy little brain,” he whispered, his lips pressed up against your ear.
But you couldn’t form words with how he was pounding into you. Hell, you could hardly form a thought. All that came out was whiny babbles and cries as you clung onto him, your nails digging into his skin. You felt Seonghwa shiver as you did.
“Such a good baby,” he muttered. “So good taking my cock, all in your pretty hole, being my good little fucktoy.”
His words made you clench tighter and cry out louder, tears forming in your eyes. Seonghwa choked and whined. His resolve was crumbling, you were breaking him down.
Seonghwa suddenly flipped you and put you down on your back, spreading your legs wide, pushing them back up to your chest before he went back to fucking you. He was as deep as he possibly could be, hitting the sweet spot inside you every time he went back in.
“That’s it, jagi, take it all,” he muttered, starting to ramble, his words slurring together. He was panting now, his pupils blown out, all composure he had thrown out the damn window. His tongue rolled out of his mouth, and the sight alone nearly made you come right then.
Seonghwa slipped his hands under your shirt and ripped it off, stripping you down until you were bare, then dove down to your chest and ran his tongue over your skin. You cried out again as his mouth wrapped around one nipple and his hand came up to play with the other.
You clenched down tighter, nearly sobbing at this point. When you dared to look down, you squeaked. He looked up at you as he ravished your chest, his eyes half closed, his tongue sliding all over before his mouth closed around the nub again. All the whines and breathy moans he let out were only bringing you closer and closer.
Your climax was right there, so close, you just needed a little bit of a push. Seonghwa knew what it was, he was right there with you.
He reached down with his free hand and rubbed your clit. It was only seconds from there that you came all over him, screaming his name, sobbing, clinging onto his hair like you’d fall out of existence if you did.
Seonghwa came right after you did, pulling back from your chest to let out the prettiest, whiniest moans as he rolled his eyes back, pumping you full of his release, riding it out as he chanted your name.
You both sat panting for a while before Seonghwa finally pulled out of you. He reached out and held your cheek, wiping away the remaining tears. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“No, not at all,” you mumbled, your brain still mush. Seonghwa smiled, sharing the same sentiment. His brain was fried after today.
He helped you sit up, and you both cleaned up as best you could before you got redressed.
After you did, Seonghwa pulled you into his arms and hugged you tight. You laid your head on his chest, and his heart was still pounding loudly against his ribs. You smiled as you nuzzled into his skin, squeezing him tight.
“I wish we could do that more often,” you said softly. Seonghwa laughed and shook his head.
“This took everything out of me, I feel like I’m gonna pass out right here.”
“Then let me take care of it next time.” You looked up at him, and he looked down at you, his eyes still doubtful. “I don’t mind. I like it when you’re the bottom anyway.” His cheeks turned red as he looked away, and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“I mean, maybe, I don’t-”
Hongjoong threw the door open at that point, glaring at both of you. Your heart stopped dead in your chest as you clung onto Seonghwa.
“Seriously?! This is why we can’t have people backstage!” Hongjoong threw up his hands and tilted his head back, his tone exasperated. “Seonghwa, get to your dressing room, we’ve been waiting for you!”
“Okay okay, fine, breathe, Hongjoong.” Seonghwa pulled away from you, but leaned back to hold your cheek and press a sweet kiss to your lips. It was over far too soon, but he smiled at you as he pulled away. “I’ll see you later, gorgeous.”
As much as you hated watching him walk away with Hongjoong, you knew you’d be back in his arms tonight. And you could have your sexy, talented, adorable, sweet demon boyfriend all to yourself.
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Thank you for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed! 💜
This is a work of fiction written by me. This does not represent the idol(s) in any way. Any re-upload is not allowed and will be reported.
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privitivium · 3 months
delinquent bully yan hate-fuck... he keeps on trying to pretend that he hates it and degrade you but he's the one crying and begging in the end
yandere delinquent hate-fuck. dom male reader
both amab, cw;; degredation from both of you, anal fingering, dumbification - fucking his "womb", mild dacryphilia, uhgh,,, bulge from tummy. mild? feminization
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it was him who came to you. not the other way around!
y-you really thought you were going to fistfight with the way you were handling each other so roughly - jerking him around and snarling like a rabid animal as he insults you for the last fucking time you tell himㅡyou don't remember what started it... it was just joking banter; ripping on each otherㅡmaking fun of one another before you decide that he was going a little too far and he says that no, he wasn't going to stop just because you were a sensitive little baby who couldn't take a joke. obviously - this makes you more upset... and it only proves his point. FUCK HIS POINT!
"sensitive? little?" you echo - unbelieving that he got under your skin so quickly, grumbling nonsense as you push him back by his shoulders to try and initiate something with fists - "look at me. there's nothing little about me, you little prick." and glancing downward - briefly. meaning your own dick... that tells him everything he needs to know!! and i mean, he already knew about that anyway... stalkerㅡ"y'sure?" he laughs, nearly haughtily - "still so sensitive... all because of a little banter, bro? how much of a little girl are you?" - was he seriously trying to goad you? talking down to you...
"damn, look at that." you scoffed, smug as you glanced downward to catch a glimpse at his dick bulging through his skinny jeans. "you gonna let that thing breathe?" you drag out - hand gripping his wrist so hard you think it would snap - but you knew you weren't exactly that strong... pushing against you, he scoffs. squirming in place as he crosses his meaty arms over his prominent chest... "ㅡyeah, you fucking gave it to me so it's only fair you do something about it, right?" he snarks, visibly flustered yet upholding his cruel, "bad boy" demeanor...
ㅡ"yeah, i'll show you what i can do about that..."
having him bent over the desk so quickly he thought he was daydreaming again. he barely fucking fought you on it - yet he's still the one grumbling. breathless on howㅡ"you feel so fucking gross... y-you..." it was a true wonder how he was still going! such a damn whiner!!! "ㅡdon't fucking touch me there, you idiot." snapping so cruelly at you as you had gently rested your hand on his hip as you aimed... cmon, you deserve a little credit... bullying the bulbous tip of your thick cock past his unused hole you made sure to finger and prod around beforehand - trying to feel for his prostate. he was fluttering around your fingers... and you were imagining what it would feel on your cock, aching and leaking as you imagine before-
you couldn't hold back. you fucking wouldn't-! he deserved a little pain, no? treating you so cruelly, bullying you with those nasty insults about you and your friends... and now look at him. "fucking disgusting... cock... have you any experience? fucking amateur- ah, mmh.." ㅡ hah.. still insulting you, yes - but after a few quick tugs of his own weeping cock in-between his thick, muscular thighs by your nimble hand - he was broken rather quickly. pushing back... burying his ass into your groin and whining breathlessly... a complete contrast. now, this is what you like to see. gently, methodically humping into him, burying your face into his neck - as your hand worms underneath his shirt to grope his titㅡhe gasps so daintily... let's see if he makes any other girly noises that you can then exploit...
"gosh, look at you... fucking eager like a prostitue hungry for money." you grumble nastily into the shell of his ear - gripping his hips that he once smacked your hands away. "is that what you are? do you whore yourself out for damn near anyone?" you were having so much fun... making him a stupid crying mess on your fat cock, taking such pleasure in seeing him shake his head and whine that no, no he wasn't... he just wants you... youyouyouyou- "sure seems like it... seems like you're a goddamn whore you opens her hole to anyone, huh?"
ㅡ"nn-nuh,,, no..!" he looked so good like this... eyes blurry with tears ... clenching on your fat prick stuffed inside him... to think that this was the little freak chewing you out just before-! "m' n-not a p-prostitute... n-not a wh-nh-wh-hore..."
ㅡ"sure seems like it." you tease. pinching his hardened puffy nipple and rubbing it betwixt the pads of your fingers - ugh, the soft slap of your sack against his as you quicken pace of his spit lathered hole making your own hole clench - the feeling of his gummy walls clamping onto your cock trying to keep you inㅡ"sure seems like you're pretty eager for me to fill this womb of yours, huh?" grumbling to yourself, mindlessly - just to fuck with his already fucked out mind. thoughtfully caressing over his abdomen as you fill him up for a moment completely - just to feel a little bulge... the tip of your cock... you experimentally pull back and sure enough... disappearing. reappearing when you fuck into himㅡ
"a-augh, pl-please - ye-es yes, fuckㅡ" babbling straight nonsense... his gummy walls fluttering so deliciously around your prick as tears slip fluidly down his darkened cheeks. something about seeing him sobbing on your cock just made you feel so... alive. after acting so damn bratty and like you're the most vile fucking thing on earth that's ever been in his taut little hole - here he is, acting like a stupid fucking whore begging for you to fill up his nonexistent womb. fucking idiot.
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bcyhoods · 2 months
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synopsis : after a date at the carnival, steve gives you your first kiss! (prompt: “was that your first kiss?”)
word count : 1.6k
author’s note : repost from my old blog! i fixed her up a little bit, endured changing past to present tense just for you so….
“Those games were totally rigged,” Steve huffs as he prods at the small teddy bear clutched in his hands.
You’re situated on the hood of his car, smiley lips tinged blue thanks to the half-eaten cone of cotton candy in your hands. Steve stands in between your legs with a pout as his free hand rests beside your thigh, finger itching to graze your skin as it taps the metal of his car. The summer sun has just dipped below the horizon, but his face is illuminated by the multicolored lights of the fair behind you. Even with a sullen attitude, he just looks so pretty.
It was only your third official date — excluding the weekly, hour-long visits to Family Video, which Robin made sure to tease him for — and Steve figured it was time to rattle his feathers, so to speak. He wanted to impress you by showing off his athleticism, and carnival games provided an exemplary opportunity to do just that.
He envisioned your arms full and occupied by the array of giant prizes he won for you. You’d watch with an endearing grin on your face every time he beat a game. The night would end with your arms thrown around his shoulders and the perfect kiss that had you both swooning.
With fireworks in the background, obviously.
But luck had strayed far away from Steve Harrington’s side. Far, far away.
“Oh, they were, were they?”
“Definitely. ‘You can only throw it with an underhand,’” Steve mocks the game attendant with a husky voice — a terrible impression, really, but he knew it’d make you laugh. “That’s a made up rule. For sure. I’ve never heard that rule before. Ridiculous.”
The boy sighs defeatedly, letting you take the bear from his hand before running his fingers through his, now disheveled hair. The brown locks had endured the torment throughout the night as he increasingly became more and more stressed. And he didn’t want to admit he was embarrassed, it felt entirely dramatic and silly. But he was, and the way he avoided your gaze while his teeth worried his bottom lip was enough of a tell.
He laughs meekly at himself and squeezes the bridge of his nose. “Sorry, I was trying so hard to win one of those gigantic bears — too hard.”
You hum as your eyes scan over the stuffie. It was no bigger than the length of your hand. Its body was stiff and straight and a tuft of cotton spilled out from under its right arm due to a couple frayed stitches. The ribbon around its neck was barely being held together with a glob of hot glue.
“I like this one, it’s cute.” At his scoff, you double down, “I’m serious! It’s got a lot of charm to it. It’s perfect.”
You move your attention from the bear to Steve only to find that he’s already looking at you. His gaze is incredibly soft, smile lines decorating the corners of his lips as his tongue is coyly tucked into his cheek. His eyes are brimming with love, you think you might burst the longer they’re on you. He finally lets himself graze the skin of your thighs as a subtle thank you. The attention was all-consuming, it made it hard for you to focus. It was hard to do much of anything really, with him looking at you like that.
Quickly, you clear your throat and look up into the sky in abrupt thought. “I think I’m going to name him…Eve.”
“Eve? Eve the bear?”
“Mmhmm,” you affirm with the wave of the cotton candy, “Eve ‘The Bear’ Bearington.”
A huff resembling a short laugh leaves his mouth as he drops his chin down. Lowly, he mutters, “You’re unbelievable,” before looking up at you again with a doting grin. He moves to shake the bear’s hand gingerly, holding it between his thumb and his index, and bowing his head.
“Nice to meet you, Eve. You’re looking a little rough, bud. Bad hangover?”
You scoff and protectively pull Eve into your chest as if it were a child. The chuckle that reverberates through his chest encourages your heart to dither as heat rises to the tips of your ears. “That was very rude, Harrington,” you reply, feigning shock while trying to fight off the smile creeping onto your lips. It doesn’t work.
“What? No, Eve didn’t think it was rude. I’ve been there before, I’m sure he appreciates my empathy,” Steve argues, eyes momentarily flitting to the cotton candy that sat untouched in your hand for the past few minutes. As he nonchalantly stretches his hand out to pull a piece of the sweet, you move your arm out of his reach.
He glares at you with a tilt of his head. You raise your eyebrows to challenge him.
“Bullies don’t get sweets.”
A small gasp emanates from him before his lips are twisting into an impish lopsided smile. He tsk’s and takes a small step back. “Well, that’s too bad…because it just tastes so,” he looks away innocently, “…much,” he pauses.
”…Better!” He lunges forward earning a yelp from you as one arm wraps around your waist while the other moves to grab at the cotton candy. His fingers curl into your sides, eliciting a fit of laughs and giggles to fall clumsily from your sugar-coated tongue which makes it that much harder to fight against him.
Albeit, you don’t cease, pushing against his shoulder and still trying to stretch your arm as far away from him as possible. But it was no use as he slightly lifted you up off the car for just a moment to pull you flush against him. Your legs reflexively wrap around his hips and once you drop the bear, your unoccupied hand grips a handful of his polo for stability. The action had taken you by surprise, being too distracted to push him away when he ducks his head down to take a bite of the candy floss.
“Yup, just as I thought. Ten times better,” he preaches, letting it dissolve on his tongue to savor the flavor.
You’re sure you look a mess. Your eyes must be glazed over complimented by your lips still parted in shock. Your chest is rising and falling in a quick, inconsistent pattern as you try to collect yourself. Again, Steve has thrown your train of thought completely off course.
“You suck,” you manage to say. It was a lame attempt at an insult. But the words were practically dripping with adoration, all he could do was smile.
You nod meekly.
You’re certain he can feel your heart thumping wildly against your ribcage, certain that even through the background carnival noises and both your uneven breaths, he could hear it, as well.
And despite being so sure of your dumbfounded expression, Steve thought you looked so beautiful like this. In disarray, your sweater fell off your shoulders to hang loosely on your arms and your hand is holding his shirt so tightly like it was a lifeline. His eyes dart to your lips to trace over your cupid’s bow before glancing back up to find your eyes.
And you thought he looked just as pretty. His nearness was entirely disorienting. You could smell the saccharine hint of stolen cotton candy mingled with his ever-prized Calvin Klein cologne. His hair had fallen handsomely over his forehead. The moles and freckles scattered across his face are more fascinating than ever as you count them until you reach his lips. How soft and inviting they looked.
You’re so completely enamored, you don’t even register when he leans in, brushing his lips against your own in a feather-light kiss. Your breath hitches in your throat and before you can even bring yourself back down to earth, he begins to pull away.
“Sorry, I thought…”
He moves to step away from you, but your legs tighten around him to keep him in place as your fingers wrap around the wrist on your waist.
“No! I’m sorry, I…it was nice, it’s just I haven’t…I mean, I’ve never…” You swallow down a lump in your throat as you feel your eyes start to water.
The second you glance up to gauge his reaction, you regret it. You watch his eyes widen in realization and feel his grip on your waist go slack. Hiding your face behind clammy hands, you groan and drop your head to his shoulder. Your entire body felt like it was on fire and you wished the floor would open up and swallow you whole.
“Was that your first kiss?”
You nod timidly, dragging your hands down to your lap to wring out your fingers, your gaze immediately following. And Steve is not malicious, he’d never laugh at you, but you feel just a little mortified that you froze up.
“Hey,” he cooed, delicately cupping your cheek and lifting your head. “It’s okay. Don’t be embarrassed.” The words are hushed and soft, a sweet reassurance that causes your insides to melt.
“Was it…was it good?” he asks.
The question makes you giggle, “I dunno, I didn’t really get a chance to return the favor.”
He nods, the beginnings of a wide smile slowly making its way onto his blushing face. “Right…do you maybe, wanna try again?”
You mirror his expression before you’re the one leaning in this time, a kiss that he reciprocates feverishly. His lips slot against your own as his arm tightens around your waist once more. Your fingers dip into hair and he hums against you at the feeling before pulling away.
You giggle at the dazed look on his face and his kiss-bitten lips.
“How was that one?” he asks, eyes shamelessly journeying over your face.
“It was perfect.”
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junicult · 8 months
!! the bachelors as fathers
contains ; sfw! sooo much fluff. fem!farmer. unnamed child. established relationships — marriage. your child is implied to be around kindergarten age. men that are good w kids hehehe. not proofread / slightly rushed in some parts. i’ll edit it later LOL.
note ; i get asks on this topic at least twice a week. i’m finally caving. here’s my birthday gift to you <3
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- he was honestly made to be a father.
- despite his taller stature, there was something about him that felt so comforting.
- if a child had walked up to him all alone, sobbing with snot down their nose, he didn’t hesitate to kneel and help them find their parent.
- soothing them, grabbing their hand and asking questions to calm them down.
- no, it wasn’t a daily occurrence but it’s definitely happened to him a couple times. and each and every time he was able to help them relax, and easily reunited them with whomever their guardian was.
- he’s good with kids. always has been.
- he probably even had a babysitting job every now and then when he was younger.
- there’s was no doubt in his mind that he wanted to have his own when he grew up. and when you just so happened to stumble into his life, marrying him with the same ideals…well.
- you obviously knew he wanted kids before you got married.
- and when you realized you wanted him to be the father of your child; was another one of those instances where you got to see just how good he was with them.
- hearing how sweet he’s always been to vincent during his doctor visits, especially when the boy was younger.
- he’s a girl dad. say what you will, but he is.
- he’ll sit at the unbelievably tiny table, cramped in the tiny chair with his knees up to his chest while he tips back the empty teacup and his pinky in the air.
- he’ll even wear the tiara.
- zero complaints.
- you and his daughter would literally be the most important things in the entire world to him. he’d do anything for you two.
- like…ugh. oh my god.
- sometimes you’d come home late, and you’d walk down the hall to hear his gentle voice animatedly in your daughters dark bedroom.
- and you’d peek in, and there he was sitting at the end of her bed, quietly reading while she sleepily listens all tucked in.
- or even times when you’d wake up in the middle of the night to an empty bed, confused.
- so you’d walk out to go find him, having no clue where the hell he was so you check your daughters bedroom,
- and well, there he is. long ass limbs tucked and haphazardly strewn about to make room for your daughter who lays next to him sleeping peacefully in her toddler bed.
- he’s not asleep (obviously), but he lays with his eyes closed until you gently creak the floorboard.
- “she had a nightmare.” is all he says, and it’s enough to make you smile.
- even though he’s already so health conscious…it only grows after you have a child.
- “did you brush your teeth? make sure to get the gums.” “a balanced breakfast is the perfect way to start the day!” he sounds like a elementary classroom poster.
- the minute someone in the house sniffles…he’s checking everyone’s temperature.
- during the winter, he’s at the door wrapping your daughter in multiple puffy coats, scarves, earmuffs, gloves, before letting her step outside.
- you’re not off the hook either, but you never bundle up the way he wishes you would.
- “why doesn’t mommy have to wear this?” she pouts while he’s helping her in her thick boots.
- “why don’t you ask her that?😊” (he’s instigating.)
- i’m telling you, girl dad.
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- his own kids weren’t on his radar when you guys first started dating.
- but he’s always liked them. especially when vincent was born.
- he was that lowkey irresponsible but very responsible older brother.
- like, he’d be in his teens telling his very impressionable younger brother to say bad words and then would act shocked when he got in trouble for saying them.
- but when it came to being the oldest man in the house while their dad was away, he really showed maturity in helping jodi and being there for them.
- and while you both established a committed relationship, that one day you’d want to be married and have kids—he idealized it a bit more.
- but then again, it was still one of those things you both needed to really think and talk about before you even acted on it, especially since you got married young.
- lol i feel like jodi or marnie forced u guys to watch jas and vincent for a weekend once.
- and after how well it went, that was kinda when it clicked that you guys were ready.
- he’s both a girl dad and a boy dad.
- he’d literally jump for joy for either outcomes. he was just excited to finally be a dad after years of daydreaming of it.
- as much as i don’t wanna say it, i still feel like he’d be much better at the fun stuff then the parenting stuff.
- i just think it’s bc he thinks with his heart more then his head, and when his child is sad and pouting, he’s too sympathetic to hold his ground.
- he wouldn’t leave it all for you to do, but he’d definitely be worse at scolding if you aren’t by his side.
- like, she colored all over the walls or something. his initial reaction would be to freak out and find a way to clean it before you’d find out (he doesn’t wanna add more work to your busy day), but then he’d scold.
- “no, don’t do that. wall, bad. paper, good. understand? nod if you understand,” …well he’s trying.
- then you’d come home to see him scrubbing the walls while your child blissfully doodles in her coloring book on the floor beside him.
- if he had a son, he’d have a little bit of practice from those few years where he babysat vince.
- lol, there’s a lot of features your son would inherit between the two of you.
- but personality wise…your son is definitely a mini-sam.
- and imagine one day, it’s the early stages of spring so sam’s typical allergies start to act up.
- you’ve always known how to handle him when he gets really sick. but picture your red-nosed, leaky-eyed husband standing behind you while you rummage through the medicine cabinet,
- and all of a sudden you hear a familiar sniffle from down the hall.
- you just freeze, slowly turning to face sam who’s making the same face that you are. until he starts to laugh.
- yeah. so now here you are, both of your boys snuggled in bed with the same sickly look, mumbling about how grateful they are that you’re there to care for them.
- and here’s the thing. if your son is sam’s mini-me…then i can assure you you’re stuck with two of the clingiest boys by your side.
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- he never really thought he’d get a loving, happy family of his own.
- but he definitely daydreamed of it in times when he really just wanted an escape.
- he was always the best with jas.
- he doesn’t necessarily treat her like his daughter. but it’s not like she gives him any reason to.
- he doesn’t treat her like a child, per say. just kind of like another person. probably bc of their trauma bond lol
- he cares for her like an older brother cares for his little sister.
- so even though he has jas in his life, someone he cares for so strongly, he still doesn’t think of himself as being a good father.
- when he met you though, and you were so reassuring and sweet, that thought definitely changed.
- it went from him seeing a life alone, to pondering a family of his own.
- when he finally had the motivation to clean himself up, it approached a couple years since he’s been sober and it was definitely in the forefront of his mind to start a family with you.
- i also think of him as a girl dad. i can’t picture him as a boy dad at all not even gonna lie 😭
- like he’d be the kind of dad that would dress as the supporting character in your daughter’s favorite movie for halloween (spirits eve wtvr)
- also the kind of dad that’d join in on tea parties as well, just with the most plain look on his face despite him not minding being there.
- also…let me tell you there would be a whole inside joke swear jar thing in ur house.
- when your daughter was old enough to decipher what words were “good” and “bad,” the swear jar became very important.
- i think it started when you were pregnant.
- “ah fuck, i think i cooked this wrong. damnit.” he’d mumble.
- “we should probably stop saying those before the baby comes.” you hum, and he looks at you all confused.
- “saying what?” bc they’re in his daily vocabulary to the point where he forgets they’re “inappropriate.”
- so there came the swear jar. and every now and then it’d be a little inside joke when he swore, you’d look at him like, “drop a dollar in the jar😁”
- and when you’d say one, he was so petty matching your exact tone and smile.
- your daughter just grew up with it. it became an even bigger inside joke when you were all sitting at the kitchen table one night, he leans in to take a bite of food and, “shit! that’s hot.”
- before you even said anything your daughter smiles exactly like you would, “that’s a dollar in the swear jar, daddy.”
- ur both STUNNED. and also very proud in a sense.
- you just burst out laughing while he tries to think of a counter, but really, he’s too amused to even say anything back (thus drops a dollar in the jar!)
- 😓😓he’d be the sweetest when it came to his daughter all sad about something.
- no matter what it was. even if she as much as scrapes her knee, he would be so affectionate.
- he’s not the “walk it off” kind of dad.
- if she came to him sobbing, he’d immediately calm her down by picking her up and propping her on the couch, searching for the stuff you use for wounds in the cabinets.
- “it’s okay, you’re okay. it was just a little scrape, you won’t even feel it tomorrow.”
- and he’s wiping her tears, pressing a kiss to her forehead before going into the freezer and getting her ice cream (before dinner😨) saying, “don’t tell mommy, okay?”
- although you try finish up work early enough to tuck your daughter in bed, sometimes you end up running late.
- so uh…shane sometimes forgets to put her to bed, and of course she’s not gonna say anything!!! bedtime is a child’s worst nightmare!
- and usually when that happens, you’d end up coming home to the sight of the two of them, knocked out sharing the same blanket on the couch, cuddled up together while the tv’s still on.
- and when that happens, well, you find it a little hard to take that sight away.
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- girl dad. sorry i just had to start with it.
- maybe i could see him with a son, but honestly…no i can’t.
- but i’m not gonna lie to you,
- for a while i feel like he didn’t want kids. not really at least.
- he’d think about them and it was always a nice idea, until he really thought about it and all the mess that babies come with lol.
- plus at the point in his life when you two met, he just wasn’t ready. for a while at least.
- when you talked about it, the topic of children was only on the table. you knew you wanted them, just not yet.
- it took a good handful of years before you actively started trying.
- even though he was prepared during your pregnancy, i feel like it didn’t hit him he was a father until after ur baby was born.
- he fell in love. swear.
- like…that tiny, wrinkly little lump was his. he helped make that. and not only was it his but it was also the woman he loves’.
- it took him a while to get into the system of it all when it came to caring for the baby. i’m talking changing diapers, feeding, burping, things like that.
- but when he was left alone with her, he was kinda in his own little world. he could hold her all day and never get tired.
- and that was a concept so crazy to him bc he didn’t get that kind of love from a father growing up.
- which is exactly why i feel like he’d actually be such a great dad.
- he could be stern when he needed to be, but never strict.
- “eat your greens,” kinda dad LMAO. especially if you were the one to make them.
- when she’d come up to him with the messiest doodle of your little family on a piece of paper, he’d think of it as a masterpiece.
- he’s not very expressive tho LOL like he’d look at the drawing and only smile, a little “thank you,” in a sweet tone.
- that’s just how he is lol. on the inside he’s sobbing.
- it would always end up on the fridge.
- he spends a lot of time at home.
- which results in a lot of time he spends with your daughter, even while he’s doing his own thing on his computer working.
- but nearly every day he was greeted with a, “daddy, can we go somewhere? what’s mommy doing?” and depending on where you were, he’d help get her shoes on and take her out on a walk to go find you.
- she got her outdoorsy side from you, that’s for sure. but because she needs a guardian, he’s gotten much more used to being outside.
- it was often you’d be working on your crops outside, wiping sweat from your forehead & turn around to your daughter eagerly wanting to help.
- now, this is not to say that your relationship w sebastian was poor before you had your daughter, i’m not saying that at all,
- but because of her adventurous personality, and clinginess to the both of you—your bond grew even more.
- “she wanted to see you.” he’d sheepishly smile, leaning to press a kiss to your forehead while you both turn and watch her feed the chickens.
- “didn’t you have that website to finish?”
- “…okay i wanted to see you too.”
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- absolutely wanted a family. holy shit there’s zero doubt in my mind.
- he’s kinda wanted a more traditional household, probably based on the ideals he grew up with.
- but he absolutely didn’t mind you being the breadwinner. he honestly enjoyed it much more.
- he’d spend hours daydreaming about living on the farm with you. carrying one child on his shoulders and holding the other’s hand while guiding them around the town’s fair.
- and lowkey, i feel like one of his favorite topics of conversation was discussing how your children would be raised lol
- talking in bed at night like, “i think our son would be a gridball fan. maybe even grow up to be a player himself.” while he sighs longingly.
- which also ties into me believe he’s a boy dad. you know he is.
- i definitely feel like he’d have a boy and a girl. it’s his dream.
- he’d be fine with two boys or two girls but when he daydreamed about his future, it was always you, your son & your daughter.
- it’s just once again the traditional picture of a household and even though i don’t really think he’s that old fashioned after he met you, i still believe he’d want 2 kids.
- he would seriously daydream it all the time. the months of your pregnancy, when you found out it was a boy he really saw his future fitting like a puzzle piece.
- after a couple years, your son (who may i add was literally his mini-me) got a bit older, you both discussed it was time for another.
- and when you found out it was a girl…god. i definitely think he cried, disagree all you want.
- he’s such a caring dad. i believe he wants the best for his children, and he knows what it was like to be neglected so i can never imagine him being like that.
- first of all, you already know every single day of the summer he’s bringing them down to the beach.
- packing a bag, (that takes him halfway through the day before he realized he forgot towels) propping up beach chairs & an umbrella for shade.
- he’s never opposed to a good sand castle. especially when he remembers to bring the little molds that help with the foundation.
- kneels in the shallow end, standing close to his kids when they want to swim.
- and he’s always a fan of recapping it with you at the end of the day.
- “tell mommy what you found at the beach,” he ushers, bouncing your daughter on his hip while your son eagerly begins.
- i feel like after having children, not only is he a good dad, but he becomes an even better husband to you.
- he just loves how hard you work for him and your family, so you can bet on mother’s day, or your birthday, he’ll be all about making it special for you.
- all of them wake up earlier then you, making breakfast (well, watching him make breakfast) before they put it all on a plate and deliver it to you in bed.
- ur the kind of parents that other parents are jealous of, y’know?
- he’s just so in love with you, and the kids you made. it makes him love you even more.
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- he’s always wanted kids. he would find himself daydreaming, even when he was in his early twenties, about one day raising a child with the person he loves.
- when he met you was the start of his writing career.
- at that point, it was a little underwhelming, which was the perfect opportunity to get start a relationship with you.
- you were both fairly busy, but the thing about his job was he could lounge in your cottage while you were off working,
- and when you were able to spare a few minutes, you could stop in and see him.
- while your relationship progressed, you began the discussion of getting married and having children one day.
- it just so happened to be right when his career was taking off when you finally settled into your lives together.
- which postponed trying for a little while, but eventually you were able to.
- lol, i’m gonna say it;
- without a DOUBT a girl dad.
- oh my god he would daydream of having a little you running around, tuft red hair with your sweet smile.
- and with how melodramatic he is, imagine that projected onto your daughter LMAO.
- if you couldn’t find him in his typical writing room sometimes, all u had to do was walk to your daughters room where he propped up his own little desk.
- just so he could be near her.
- he also is just entranced at all times, he loves holding her, just looking at her.
- he’s extremely helpful.
- for the most part, he was always immediate to react if your newborn needed something. the second she’s cry, he was up on his feet telling you to stay put.
- he’s just very understanding with how busy you are, and he never minded spending more time with his daughter.
- if it was the middle of the night, and she needed something, he’d always shake his head to you pushing off your blankets, whispering, “i got it, my love. go back to sleep, i’m sure she’s fine.”
- especially on days where he knows you’re particularly stressed, he’s not letting you lift a finger.
- anyways, it carried on when your daughter got older, too.
- she’d walk in all, “mommy, i threw up,” & he was on his feet to help before you even registered what happened.
- he’s just always been fantastic help.
- one of his favorite things to do is read to her.
- similar to harvey, except ten times more.
- he’s acting out each part, using different voices for different characters, making a grand show of it all just to hear his daughter giggle.
- it’s become a habit every night, and since you’re typically busy most evenings, it’s often you’ll come in to find him mid-storytelling.
- even if you intend on reading to her, you always end up stopping to let him finish. he’s so entertaining with it that even you’re interested in this plot line for 2 year olds.
- he’ll never skip this routine.
- and when he kisses her goodnight, he tucks her in, pushes her hair from her forehead and bends down to plant a soft kiss.
- “goodnight, sweetheart. sweet dreams.” he always says.
- he’s gentle with you, he’s even gentler with her.
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oikasugayama · 5 months
MDNI, this is a NSFW series for adults
pt 1. Fyodor, Poe, Chuuya | pt. 2 Fukuzawa, Kunikida, Dazai | pt. 3 Ranpo, Akutagwa, Ango | pt. 4 Sigma, Mori, Tetcho | pt. 5 (Finale) Atsushi, Nikolai
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such a sweet boy... he's so down bad for you.
it's very obvious to everyone, including yourself, that he has a crush on you. he blushes every time you come in the room, he greets you overly-politely and always offers to run errands for you while he's out, and when you have to go on missions he makes sure to tell you good luck and he hopes you come back safely. he stares at you when you're working, eventually gathering the courage to tell you that he thinks you're very pretty, and he even admits that he likes you when ranpo and dazai threaten to tell you.
he tells you no pressure, don't worry about saying anything back, he doesn't intend on asking you out or anything because you're too good for him... but you surprise him and say you'd like to get to know him better as friends and maybe eventually you could go on a date.
he's over the moon!!!!!!!! and so you start spending time together outside of work, which was never an issue until you accidentally fall asleep at his place one evening.
you wake up on the couch and atsushi is nowhere to be seen. you rub the sleep out of your eyes, get up, and shuffle to the bathroom because you really have to peeee
and before you open the bathroom door, you turn your head to look at the source of a noise and see into atsushi's bedroom. he's sitting on the edge of his bed, his eyes are screwed tightly shut, and he's rubbing his cock quickly. you're in awe, unbelieving that you've caught him doing this while you're visiting, and with his bedroom door open.
and then something shocks you more.
he cums, using his free hand to catch his mess, and you hear a very whiny, shaky moans of your name come out of his mouth.
you gasp, and his eyes snap open, his head turning to you.
"oh shit-- [y/n] i-- i'm so sorry, please dont--"
you run into the bathroom, locking yourself in. you have to gather yourself for a good couple of minutes before you can act normally again.
he knocks softly on the door, and you don't answer. he knocks again.. and again... he calls for you, and finally you open the door as he's about to knock another time.
his face is beet red, his eyes full of guilt. he tells you he's sorry, something came over him and he just couldn't help himself. he wasn't trying to being gross or weird and he's so so so so so so sorry
he's very surprised when you shrug and say you've thought about him while masturbating too.
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you think you have the wrong hotel room when you open the door to find a white-haired man spread out on your bed completely in the nude, but then you notice a pair of your panties in his hand, wrapped around his hard cock
"i'm calling security"
"no need," he sighs happily. "i'm sure you'll find they're all on my side."
you try to call his bluff, but he's surprisingly fast and he springs out of bed, grabbing you and closing the door before you can get away.
"i've been waiting for you for so long! you can't go away yet!" he crowds you against the door, locking you in with his body
"it's you... you're the one who's been following me through town."
"you're just so beautiful," he says, trailing a finger down your cheek. "I had to have you to myself."
"who are you?" you ask with a shaking voice.
"i'm Nikolai, and i'm your man for the evening. once i've had my fun i'll leave, but i have a feeling you'll want me to come back" ;)
833 notes · View notes
alliddewrites · 11 months
Your pervy character HCs are starting to grow on me… especially the ones where Ghost and König steal readers panties and cums in them and puts them back 👁️👁️ Those gave me the horniest idea!!!what if after the boys ruin the panties after a jerk session and puts them back for reader to find, they then are creepin on the reader and she finds the pair… and reader notices them watching and then reader puts the used panties on!!! Asdfhfghhjkk I need to go to nasty horny jail
We all need to go to horny jail lol
Sorry I only did König, I didn't know how to incorporate both of them.
Reader catching Pervy!König peeping
Content disclaimer:
Wearing cum stained underwear ig??,
Awkward König boyo,
Female reader
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You noticed the first time it happened. How couldn't you? Unknown white stain on your panties that weren't left there by you, while König is acting even more awkward than usual around you? Yeah… It was pretty obvious…
Now, you weren't mad. Quite opposite actually, you were into it. The thought of the big bad Austrian desperately jerking off with your own already used panties, made you so turned on it was unbelievable.
Before, you didn't do much with the supposed 'gift'. You found it, put it in the wash with the rest of the laundry, then proceeded to get off in your room to the thought of him soaking it in his cum, while your clothes were being cleaned.
But that's not what happened this time…
You had run out of clean underwear, so you were looking for a not so dirty one you could wear for the time being.
What you noticed however, was slight movement in the corner of your eye, exactly where the door to your room was.
You knew it was König… He's been lurking around your room and the showers when you were occupying them. He wasn't as subtle as he thought he was.
When you took a slight glance in the door's direction, your suspicions were confirmed. Through the crack, you were able to see his pretty blue eyes behind his beloved hood.
So he wants a show, huh? You'll give him the show of a lifetime…
You slowly bent down towards the laundry basket, purposely sticking your butt out as much as you could. Reaching towards the cum stained underwear, you picked them up by the sides, stretching them a bit for show.
Right after, you quickly bend down, panties still in your hands, lift one of your legs up and slip into them. The moment it happens, you hear a choked gasp from your doorway.
When you hear the sound you turn towards it and stare right into his eyes.
While you did that, you lifted your other leg up and put it through the other hole, then proceeded to completely pull up the dirty piece of underwear.
Still keeping eye contact, you were able to see the panic in his eyes mix with arousal. It's now or never…
"See something you like, my king?"
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I'm glad people like my nasty writing lol
Sorry it took so long :c
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taiyaki-o · 3 months
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synopsis: your new next door neighbors are…interesting, to say the least.
gojo x gn!reader, non curse AU
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You live next door to a strange pair.
Not strange in a bad way, but strange as in they seemed more like brothers or distant cousins rather than father and son. Their attitudes and personalities were polar opposites, not to mention they looked nothing alike.
You’d met Gojo Satoru and Fushiguro Megumi the day they’d moved in, your doorway having been blocked by a couple boxes belonging to your new neighbors.
“Um, excuse me?” You tap the white haired man on the shoulder as he’s rummaging through a box, his back turned to you. He whips his head around, peering up at you over his round sunglasses with a questioning look on his face. You chuckle awkwardly. “Sorry, could you just move these out of the way? They’re yours, right?” You point to the boxes.
A look of slight embarrassment crosses his face and he laughs sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, they’re ours. Sorry about that, uh…”
You figure that he’s pausing for your name, and you give it to him with a smile.
He extends a hand out with a smile of his own. “Gojo. Gojo Satoru,” he says, and you shake his hand. “Here, let me get these out of your way.”
You try to help as he starts moving boxes, only to be met with what you could only assume to be an entire set of Olympic weightlifting equipment with how unbelievably heavy it is.
“Jeez, what do you have in here?” You ask in a slightly incredulous tone. “And how are you picking that up so easily?”
Gojo laughs at your bemused expression.
“Been going to the gym recently. Guess it’s paid off,” he says with a confident smirk.
As he opens his mouth to speak again, a small, monotone voice interrupts him.
“Did you get my books yet?”
You turn around to see a spiky haired kid with a slight scowl standing in the doorway. Gojo jumps as he’s startled, before quickly clearing his throat and recollecting himself with a laugh.
“Just wait a bit longer, Megumi. I’ll get them as soon as these boxes aren’t blocking the nice person’s door,” he smiles, but the kid continues to scowl at him.
Megumi then looks at you: his face doesn’t soften, but you can see in his eyes that he simply doesn’t know how to talk to new people, especially adults. You greet him with a smile and a polite wave.
“Say hi, Megumi. Be nice,” Gojo scolds him lightly. Megumi bows his head, averting his eyes.
“Hi,” he finally says softly.
“Hi Megumi,” you smile at the boy softly. “You like reading?”
The boy nods shyly after a moment.
“Well, I’ve got some books you could borrow if you want. What kind of genres do you read?” You squat down to his eye level as Gojo continues moving boxes.
“…I like science books. And history.” Megumi twiddles his fingers, still not making eye contact.
“That’s so cool! You must be really smart,” you chuckle. His cheeks flush a little. “Wait right here,” you say, disappearing into your apartment before returning with a stack of National Geographic magazines, science books, and a number of other genres that Megumi hadn’t mentioned. You catch the way his eyes light up a bit at the stack, and you smile.
Gojo lets out a relieved huff, having moved the final box into the apartment and away from your door. He walks back out, but the scene in front of him makes him freeze, his jaw going slightly slack.
You and Megumi are sitting on the floor, open books scattered around the two of you, a gentle breeze from the still open door gently stirring the pages. Megumi’s expression shows the most emotion Gojo’s seen since meeting the boy, as his eyes widen in amazement as he reads over the words on the books. His gaze eventually lands on you, and he swears time stops.
The sun hits your face at just the right angle, the glow of your skin damn near angelic as he basks in the light and warmth of your soft smile. He thought you were pretty when he first saw you, but here? You laugh, and all he hears is a choir of the gentlest bells and the sweetest music. He could look at this forever, he thinks.
“Gojo! You’re back!” You notice him standing farther down in the entryway. He snaps out of his trance, the tips of his ears turning a shade darker.
“Y-yeah. Um- what are you- what’s going on?” God, he hates how you’ve reduced him to this. You haven’t even done anything!
“Megumi likes reading, so I thought I could let him borrow some of my books!”
“Really? Cool, yeah, very cool-“ Come on, Satoru, get it together!
You bid farewell to Gojo and Megumi eventually, and Megumi clutches his new hoard of texts as he watches you go back inside your own apartment. He waddles away, dumping the books on the recently set up couch and burying his nose in “A History of Greek Sculpture”. Gojo lingers at the door.
Was that your perfume he smelled? Or was it just the flowers blooming outside? What’s your favorite color? Your favorite food? What do you do in your spare time? What are your hobbies? Are you single? Can he be your boyfr-
“Oi. Grandpa.”
Gojo whips his head around incredulously. “Who’re you calling grandpa, you little brat?!”
Megumi, stoic as ever, looks at Gojo dead in his eyes. “Close the door. You’re letting bugs in.”
Gojo shuts his mouth and then the door.
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pt 2?
as of 3/23: pt 2 here!
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horrorxweasley · 3 months
gojo and fem reader are best friends with a heavy sexual relationship— like so bad that when Satoru sees his bestie all his blood rushes to his cock. add a lil jealousy to that to spice it up
More than friends
Satoru Gojo x Fem! Reader
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Warnings: SMUT 18+, MDNI, Jealous Sex, Oral (male receiving), Choking, Dom/Sub, Bondage/Restraints
Word Count: 2,638K
Summary: Y/N and Satoru are best friends….with benefits. None of their other friends know this, so when they all go out to the mall and Geto starts flirting with Y/N, Gojo gets heated and wants to show her who she belongs to.
It was a nice bright and sunny day in Tokyo, and it was a weekend which meant one thing. No school! Y/N, Gojo, Geto and Shoko were out on a trip to the mall for a well deserved break from school. The four had been friends since their first year at Jujitsu High, Y/N was a transfer student at the time but soon found her peace with these crazy three. 
Y/N and Shoko were leading the way, laughing at whatever they were talking about. It was good to get a bit of girl time while Gojo and Geto struggled behind carrying you and Shoko’s bags. There weren’t that many, you’re convinced they're just being dramatic. 
Gojo and Geto didn’t mind really, they were just putting it on. Part of their “cool guy” personalities you know? Gojo couldn’t concentrate on anything other than staring at you anyways, he could feel the blood rushing to his cock just from the sight of you. He had to quickly cover his crotch with the bags he was carrying, suppressing a blush. As you and Gojo had been secretly fucking behind closed doors for quite some time. Not dating, no, just fucking. Sometimes Gojo would often dream that you two were actually dating, he would love to show you off, spoil you, kiss you freely without fear of getting caught. He often wondered if you felt the same way. 
“Guys! That new ramen bar is open just down to the right!” Y/N yells back at the boys “Lets go try it!”. Ramen was always your favourite, you would eat it 3 times a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner if you could. “Yeah sure, I'm getting quite hungry myself anyways, what about you Satoru?” Geto asks, “Yeah I'm down” Gojo smiles looking straight at you. 
The four of you were sitting in the booth at the new Ramen place. Get was sitting next to you, Gojo across from you and Shoko next to him. Normally you sat next to Gojo but he decided he wanted to look at you as he ate this time round. 
“My my Y/N, not often I get to sit next to such a pretty lady such as yourself” Geto purred next to you, playfully flirting due to the change in normal seating arrangement. You almost choke on your ramen as he says this stifling a laugh clearly knowing that he was being playful. 
“I could say the same for you, sitting next to such a handsome strong man” You smirked leaning onto his shoulder. Both of you are smiling and chuckling slightly. Shoko laughed along with you as well, you knew she had a thing for Geto but at least she wasn’t jealous of your playful flirting. 
Gojo on the other hand was faking a smile as he continued to eat his ramen. He knew it was just a joke but hearing you talk that way to another man, never mind that man being Geto of all people, stuck something inside of him that made him unbelievably jealous. If his eyes weren’t such a bright blue you couldn't have sworn they would turn red with rage. Geto put his arm around you kissing you on the head laughing. This image continued to play in Gojos mind for the rest of the day. 
Once you had all finished eating your ramen til you were so full you could barely move. You all agreed it was time for you all to head back to your apartments. Geto and Shoko lived in the opposite direction as you and Gojos apartments. So half way back you both said your goodbyes to each other.
“Goodbye beautiful” Geto winked, blowing you a kiss. You pretended to catch the kiss and put it in your pocket “Bye Suguruuuu” you sang. Then you hug Shoko goodbye before turning round and beginning the silent walk home with Gojo by your side. 
Once you got back to your apartment, you were expecting to turn round to say goodbye to Gojo but instead found him following you into your home. Although you weren’t expecting this it wasn’t at all unusual for Gojo to join you in your home after a day out. So you let him follow you in without a question. 
As soon as you lock the door behind you, Gojo drops your bags (you forgot he was carrying) and pins you to the door. Your eyes widen as he does this, “Toru?” you begin to talk but Gojo cuts you off with his hand over your mouth, a whine leaving you as he does this. 
“What was that all about back there with Suguru huh? You're just gonna whore yourself out to anyone now?” He growls. 
“I-it was just for show Toru, we don’t actually feel that way for each other”
“Is that right? Seemed pretty convincing to me” He was clearly angry and hurt.
“Why do you even care, it's not like we’re dating”
“Oh i wanna change that real fucking soon darling, but first i’m gonna fuck you”
Gojo’s lips crashed down onto yours before you could even protest. The sweet taste of him coating your lips causes you to melt into the kiss. He had one hand on the back of your neck, the other on your waist as he pinned you to the door with his body. Your hands were laying on his muscular chest, gripping onto his t-shirt. 
Gojo forced his tongue into your mouth, shoving it so far down your throat you gag a little bit. That noise drives him even more crazy. You feel your knees buckle from beneath you and Gojo takes advantage of this, lifting you up easily as if you were nothing. His hands rested under your ass as your legs wrapped around his waist as you made out. 
Gojo growled and moaned into your mouth as he could feel your heat just resting over his crotch. All these noises coming from your best friend were sending you into a place you've never been before, your panties were so incredibly wet they could probably rip in half. 
The soft feeling of the bed hit your back as Gojo threw you, instantly climbing on top of you only breaking your kiss to take a breath every now and then. “Fuck Y/N, y’make me go crazy” Gojo moans onto your mouth. You could feel his hard cock through his trousers pushing down onto you, it hurt slightly due to how big he was, but it was a pain you craved when he wasn’t around. 
His touch felt like lightning against your skin as he pulled your shirt over your head, almost ripping it with desperation. Skillfully taking your bra off with one hand discarding all of your clothing onto the floor. Leaving you and only you, naked and vulnerable, just how Gojo liked you. Gojo stands up from the bed and knowing your place you stand lying down. 
“Fuck look at you” he laughs “you’re fucking beautiful you know that?” 
His sincerity almost made you tear up as you watched his bright blue eyes swim all over your naked form. 
“And you’re all fucking mine, you got that whore?” his eyes darken as his jealousy over earlier today begins to front. 
Gojo walks over to the drawer in your bedroom where you keep all of your toys. He skims the contents for a few minutes before pulling out a stretcher bar and handcuffs. The stretcher bar clips on to your ankles to keep your legs spread wide open. Gojo approaches you with the restraints smirking darkly at you. He forces your legs apart and straps you into the stretcher bar, then trails his hand up your body making you shiver before handcuffing you. You stare up at Gojo, his bright eyes glowing in the dimly lit room. 
“Who owns you?” 
“Y-you do ‘Toru” 
“Good girl” he purrs
He begins to strip from his clothes. Starting with his shirt, pulling it over his head, his muscles flexing as he does so. Gojo was fit, really fit, his abs were so defined it had you drooling. Then his trousers, he brought his fingers down to the zip and slowly pulled it down, he knew what he was doing, he was teasing you. You whine at his teasing and he chuckles in response. He drops his trousers and all that's left is his boxers, his hard cock begging to be released from behind the fabric. 
“Take them off…please” you say, squeezing your legs together trying to get some sort of friction from the sight before you.
“So impatient” he laughs
His boxers fall to the floor releasing his cock, it hits his lower stomach with a slap. You moan at the sight, the tip of his cock, red and dripping with precum. 
“Gonna be a good girl f’me and suck my cock?” 
All you can do is nod your head, not wanting to waste time on words, you needed him and you needed him now. Gojo laughs at your patheticness and walks over to the bed. He pulls you to the edge, hanging your head over the side of the bed, at the perfect height for him to shove his cock down your throat. 
“Go on, open that pretty little mouth for me” 
As soon as you do, Gojo thrusts into your mouth, slowly pushing until you take all of him. You can feel his tip hit the back of your throat and you gag. Gojo moans loudly at this, your warm mouth feels so good around him. It had been weeks since you last hooked up and you were both desperate for any type of action making you sensitive for each movement. 
“Oh my - fuck Y/N you take my cock so fucking well in that pretty mouth of yours” 
He grabs onto the sides of your head, grasping your hair slightly to help him thrust into your mouth. The wet noises of your spit covering him echoes around the room. You manage to tap Gojos leg to indicate to him that you needed air. He pulled out of you, letting go of your head. 
“Awww was that too much for you to handle, needed a breath of fresh air did you?”
You can only nod as you are gasping for air, normally you can take him no problem but the angle means you are being suffocated by his balls each time he thrust into you fully. Gojo flipped you back round onto the bed properly and climbed on top of you. He quickly smashed his lips against yours, he could taste himself on your tongue. The vibrations from his groans shaking through your whole body. Complete euphoria is what you were feeling, it felt like you were on cloud nine. 
“M’gonna fuck you now, m’gonna fuck you til you can’t even think straight, teach you a lesson” he growled into your ear sending shivers down your spine. 
Gojo pulls at your thighs, his fingers digging into your skin most likely leaving bruises, bruises that would show others who you belong to. He swipes the tip of his cock through your folds, lubing himself up before he slams into your hole. 
“Nhhhhgg FUCK TORU” 
You weren’t expecting him to be so rough, he’s normally always so gentle…….you liked it. His cock moulded perfectly with your insides, it was like you were made for him. Gojo was big, very big and with just how rough he was benign you could already tell he was bruising your cervix, walking would definitely be a challenge tomorrow. 
Your mind was so foggy as he pounded into you, it was hard to think of anything other than him. Your eyes rolling into the back of your head now and then, almost dipping out of consciousness with Gojos hand round your throat, pressing at just the right pressure. One of Gojo’s favourite sights was his hand round your throat. He could see that you were unable to think straight, he was fucking the thoughts out of you and he loved it. He loved how much dominance he had over you and how you just fully submitted and let him use you. 
“Not thinking about him are you huh? It’s not his cock deep inside of you is it?” 
He really was jealous of you and Geto flirting earlier. Even though you and Gojo weren’t officially dating, you could see it in his eyes at the ramen restaurant and now you could feel it with how he was fucking you. If this is how he reacted to you flirting with other guys then you need to start doing it more often.
“From this day forward you’re my fuck toy and only mine. Got it?” he growled, not even slowing his pace. 
“Y-yes T-toru, on-ly yours OH MY GOD” you screamed the last part as you felt his thumb start to draw circles on your clit, stimulating you fully pushing you closer and closer to an orgasm. The pure overstimulation from touch and the fact that you were completely helpless under him, unable to move any of your body was sending you over the edge. 
“Mmmmnnghh fuck, s’fucking tight just f’me, can feel you getting closer. You gonna cum?”
“Ye-s yes m’gonna cum please let me cum” you begged, which was music to Gojo’s ears. 
“Go on then, cum for me, cum all over my cock before I fill you up” 
It didn’t take long after his words before you reached your orgasm and came, squirting all over him, soaking his lower body and the bed beneath you. You really should’ve put a towel down. 
The feeling of your pussy pulsing as you came also sent Gojo over the edge, with a loud groan, his body tightened as he released all of his cum inside of you coating your pussy. 
He slowed right down riding out both of your highs slowly and gently, before coming to a complete stop. He collapsed on top of you, both of your breathing so heavy no words were exchanged for a good few minutes. 
After a while, Gojo rolls off of you, breaks you free from the restraints and lies down beside you, laying on his arm and eyes closed. 
“That felt so good” he breathed
“Are you really that jealous of me and Suguru FAKE flirting?” you asked cocking your head to the side to look at him. Gojos eyes opened to meet yours. He had been battling the fact that he had absolutely fallen in love with you over the time that you have been hooking up. He was dreadfully terrified of confessing incase he lost you completely. 
“I- uhm” he started and propped himself up on his hand. 
“I have a confession…..a few weeks into us starting to hook up here and there, I- uhh- I began to develop feelings for you” He was avoiding eye contact scared in case he was met with not only rejection but a lost friendship.
Your eyes opened wide, you  couldn't believe it, Gojo had actually developed feelings for you?. This whole time you were absolutely in love with your best friend and finally he admitted that he too felt the same way. It felt like you were dreaming again. 
Panicked by your long silence, Gojo spoke again.
“Y/N i’m sorry if i’ve ruined everything I just hmmmppff” 
You cut him off with crashing your lips onto his, your hands resting on his sweating muscled chest. A smile spread right across your mouth. Gojo melted into your kiss, his heartbeat slowing down the anxiety leaving his body as he got your message. 
Glad that you both felt the same way you both fell asleep wrapped up in each other's arms. Smiles permanently spread across your faces. You were finally his and he was finally yours. 
taglist: @writing-wh0re
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