#i will go to war for c!phil
sqwdkllr · 1 month
no cause that post awoke something in me
c!phil was going through his own personal hell and couldnt do shit about it. Ppl always saying phil was too mean to ghostbur or some shit- ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THE SAME GUY? The man who murdered his ONLY blood relative in thousands of years only for this twisted sickly sweet version to pop out without a single memory of anything. Sharing the same face, same voice, and the wound phil had made. And phil had to just suck it up and be polite to him
and you cant even say that "oh but phil wasnt sad during this time tho" HE WROTE A BOOK WHEN GHOSTBUR ASKED HIM TO WRITE ONE FOR HIS LIBRARY ABOUT HOW DEPRESSED HE WAS. He tried to be so SO polite and get away from having to see him all the time so he wouldnt blow up on this ghost version. He was barely keeping it together during the time he was reconstructing and when he was with techno
And then he gets locked in his own home for not selling out his friend to execute in front of him and has to burn his leg cuffs off on a magma block. And he just sucks it up and decides he can take it ! ((obviously techno did NOT take phil's treatment as well as phil himself did but-))
the only time he opened up to another person about this was with ranboo basically confessing that he cannot stop thinking about that day he killed him basically reliving it daily and then- shoving his feelings aside ONCE AGAIN oh and when he lost his wings! and repeatedly tried to get himself off the ground and just kept failing. The way he confesses that he feels so used by everyone around him EXCEPT techno. His devotion to techno goes so far to ALLOW him the permission to use him like some object because he loves him so dearly
AND THEN- HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH SAM- FUCK this guy he immediately becomes so alert around the moment they interact like he has to be prepared to fight or run because of their history together that hurt each other deeply. Sam telling him that phil NEEDS him becoming downright possessive of him because he had begun to idolize a version of phil that would be proud of him for breaking the laws of life itself. Something phil has told to sam directly that his immortality is not a blessing, and something sam should not desire
nevermind guys i think c!phil should have killed more people honestly- how that guy kept it together for so long to be less of an inconvenience to everyone is insane
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pjo-dumpster-fire · 2 years
Luke Castellan wouldn’t have turned to Kronos (the titan of time and by correlation, space) if he had any sort of father figure in his life. However with Kronos’s powers, Luke could be able travel dimensions and therefore could meet Philza Minecraft, the father figure to those without a good father. In this essay I will
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I've been randomly thinking about c!Dream as a bird—something about the flightiness and the freedom. Not literally a bird, just like symbolically. Maybe it's the kind of comparison that c!Phil would draw after getting to know him better. I don't really know where I'm going with this so I've decided to make it your problem.
nah nah i think i gotchu
/dsmp /rp
philza thinks he must've looked a lot like dream in his youth.
so many years have passed that he doesn't quite remember what the mirror used to show him, and it was too long ago for there to be any pictures of him. there was a painting done of him, once, but the paint has aged and grown muddy with time. there was a time before he was gifted his wings, before Her touch, that's almost completely lost to him.
almost. tying dream's hair back woke a deep muscle memory-- he used to tie his hair this way.
philza has seen his crows decimate a robin's nest. they plucked the chicks from their home with their long talons-- babies small enough to swallow in one gulp, their cries for their mother silenced quickly. philza, too, has cut the throats of cattle to give himself dinner. philza, too, has killed children in the chaos of war. philza, too, ran his sword through his son.
he knows dream has inflicted the same pain on others, like any bird of prey. he's also heard dream cry like a chick in the night, as though plucked from his nest. philza thinks he must've looked a lot like dream in his youth.
there's some poetry, philza thinks, in caring for this boy's ruined body while burdening useless feathers on his back.
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akingdomscrypt · 2 months
War is Over (and what have we done?)
Part Four
Pairing; Graves x m!reader (slow burn)
WC; 2.9k
Summary; Graves is tired of being ignored.
Warnings; not really any? Not yet at least. Minor flashback stuff where it's implied he's trapped in the tank when it caught fire, mentions of death/pondering
A/n; probably my shortest chapter yet. I spilt what was originally one part into two because it just felt??? Off?? To put them together as one thing?? Idk but I felt like it called for more than just a few paragraph breaks
(also thanks to @/rousseau-vargas and @/embry-garrick who are my biggest motivators rn, next half of part will be out soon)
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(idk how to explain it, but I love how his mouth moves..)
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---"more than he bargained for"---
Phillip was bored out of his goddamn mind and a prisoner in his own fucking base. Which, to be fair, he had definitely anticipated would happen when he came back.
He had known he’d fucked up; he knew you would be angry. It had been a long time, Phil had been gone for nearly an entire year. Him suddenly appearing again after being presumed dead? That was sure to stir up some unsavory feelings; he had expected a bit of rage, some lashing out here and there.
He, for some unknown reason, hadn't predicted this.
You, trapping him in his own goddamn base.
Phil doesn't know how long he's been stuck within these same four walls—thankfully he'd been detained in one of the spare rooms, one with a small bathroom, and not where the temporary prisoners were usually kept—, but he does know that, especially if he stays here any longer, he's about to lose his damn mind.
He thought he knew you. Figured you'd eventually calm down—like you always did—and come back to collect him. Maybe chew him out a bit more, which would be well deserved, but then let him go. Reconcile. That's what usually happened when you two had a minor scuffle.
But this wasn't just a small mishap, some little blip on the timeline because Phil had gone a bit too far once again. Been a bit too snappy; had said the wrong thing. Was it?
With every day that passed, every second that dragged on, Phil was starting to believe he didn't know you as well as he had thought he did.
It's hot. It's so fucking hot. Phillip should have known better than to actually be in the damn tank when all this started, you, his dear co-founder, had warned him against it. But what was Phil to do? He'd rather face this heat a thousand times over, relive it again and again as much as it took, than have one of his own soldiers trapped in this chunk of metal.
Did he really think he would win? Well.. maybe. Phil had his doubts before this, you had your doubts, but he had insisted. And now he was going to pay for it stuck in this gradually melting, scalding hot box.
Another few raps of his knuckles on the wall, and still no answer.
Phil was really starting to get annoyed at this point. He was more than tired of being ignored, which only manifested in an uptick of his provocative behavior.
The hallway is on the other side and you, his dear Phantom, wouldn't leave him unguarded, would you?
Definitely not. So, again, he follows his obnoxious knocking with a shout of, “V! For Christ’s sake, I know you're out there!”
And he did, who better to have stand guard outside his door than your most trusted soldier?
He may not know you like he used to, and you may never admit it, but Phil could pride himself in the fact that you were at least a little predictable. And you had always been fond of their dearest Venn.
But, as had been the norm of how ever fucking long Phil had been trapped in here, there is no reply.
Phil had warned them. He had tried his damnedest to get those damn 141 boys to stand down, his orders hadn't been against them. Not originally. Not until they, as per usual, stuck their fucking noses into shit they don't belong in.
Was this what hell was like? Was this him paying for the horrid massacre he had commanded?
Phil could have gone against orders. He could've told Shepard where to shove it and be on his merry way—with his family Shadows alive. No one had to die. No one but Hassan and his goons had to meet their end.
But, goddammit, so many had. So many innocent lives were wasted.
Phil had been doing this shit for years, doing the dirty work no one else would, the kind the average military couldn't.
That didn't make it any easier.
He often put on a front; he had to. For his family's soldiers sakes’. If he was afraid, if he shied away from the blood and the gore, the screams and the terror, then he wouldn't be the strong, unmovable rock his soldiers relied on. Now would he?
He should have said no. Or maybe made some sort of compromise. But he hadn't, and there was no point in ruminating over what had been done. He was going to die here—it is what he deserved—, stuck and helpless.
Just like the innocent people whose lives he had stolen.
He knew you were just being stubborn. You would come around eventually- right?
Phil had never doubted you before. Having started this damn company together, just two wayward souls searching for something to call their own, tired of being tied down with yards upon yards or red tape—oh, the irony of that sentiment. You two had never been free.
Even when he pushed you away. When he left you the morning after—every damn time—to wake in his bed alone and cold. Not a trace of the warmth from the night before left behind.
Even when he refused to admit what you truly meant to him.
Phil had always assured himself that it didn't matter, he could say and do whatever he pleased, because you would always come crawling back to him. And you always had. No matter what.
Until right now.
Until you didn't.
“V! Goddammit, open the door!”
It was so fucking hot. He could barely move, mind fuzzy and breaths coming out in short, labored gasps.
What little movements Phil could make were sluggish and weak. The latch didn't work, and subsequently that meant the door didn't either. He was well and truly stuck.
Phil thought he was starting to make peace with that. Dying. It had been a long time coming, hadn't it?
After all the bloodshed. After all the things he had done in his life—all the blood and gore, the purposeful ignorance and choice to look the other way. To pretend not to care.
He deserved this, right? He was getting what had been coming for him. Finally.
It should have come sooner. He had lived plenty; he had done enough harm in his time.
Phil's tactic at this point was simply to be as obnoxious as he could possibly be, and annoy Venn into inevitably opening that damn door.
And after a few more harsh pounds of his fist against the wall, and several more calls of her name, Phil gets his wish.
In the form of a frustrated shout and the door slamming against the wall so hard it's a surprise the poor thing stays on its hinges, but he gets his way nonetheless.
“What.” Venn spits when she finally gets inside, arms crossed over her chest and one boot tapping furiously against the floor.
“That's no way to speak to your Commander, V.” Phil sing-songs, all upbeat and shit, against his own better judgment.
Ah, yes. Let's piss off the one direct line you have to Phantom more than you already have.
That's sure to get him his way.
“You're not-” Venn cuts herself off, sighing heavily and starting over. “What do you want, sir?”
She says the word with none of the respect she used to and, honestly, that was fair.
“Better.” Phil still hums. Because he's an asshole. And because he can't seem to stop himself, apparently, the snark seems to be hardwired into his brain or some shit.
“What. Do. You. Want.”
“You know what I want, V.” She makes a face at the nickname, and Phil pretends not to feel that little twinge in his chest. It's not like he doesn't deserve it. They used to be close. All of them.
“Not going to happen.” Venn snaps immediately. Defensive. Predictably.
“You know I'm not going to stop asking.”
“And you know it's never going to happen.”
“Fucking hell, V, why not?” Because he doesn't deserve the right of seeing you. Because he already fucked this up before it had the chance to be great.
“Because he doesn't want to see you.”
She's told him that before, several times over, to be honest, but Phil still can't hide the slight grimace that pulls at his features when Venn says it again. Says it with so much confidence, so much conviction, like it's an obvious fact everyone else has been made aware of and he's just been too stupid to pick up on it.
Phil has already been made well aware plenty of times. He just didn't want to believe it.
But what about you?
Would you be okay without him? Would the others? Phil knows you have never been the most.. well put together. But after you two got out of that wretched regimen, when you two banded together and created this little pretend family, things had been better.
Phil had been able to get you to open up more. To get you to behave more as yourself, and not like the shell of a man who he’d met when you two were still green.
You talked to him more. Got a bit better at talking with your fellow Shadows. Let him touch without flinching first, let him get to know the person beneath the aloof exterior.
Even though he had given nothing in return.
Would you make it out if this? And if you did, would you forgive him?
When you dug up those pieces of metal from the wreckage, those little markers of his identity, no doubt having melted to be nearly incomprehensible, would you bury them with his singed corpse? Or would you keep them safe? Tucked into a pocket of your vest, above your heart?
Would you tell his grave the stories of your future when the ashes settled? Would you bring flowers, or would you spat over the very earth he rested beneath?
Would you leave the stone unmarked, or with those few precious words you two had agreed upon all those years ago?
When he was gone, would you mourn? Would you miss the warmth of him above and beside yourself? Those whispered confessions spoken under that blanket, amidst the cover of night, would you forget them?
Would you forget him too?
“And he told you this?”
Venn goes silent then. One thing about her; though her moral compass was just as fucked as the rest of theirs, though her hands were bathed in the same amount of blood, Venn was a pretty shit liar.
“He doesn't even know you're in here, does he?”
More silence.
“Oh, you poor thing. First lying and now going against your Lieutenant's direct orders? What has become of you, V?”
“I don't need him to say it to know it's true!” Venn huffs, sending Phil a scathing glare.
“So you're making assumptions now? Dearest, Venn, you know what they say about people who assume..”
“The same way you assume he'll want to see you?”
Phil opens his mouth to protest, say something, but he draws blanks. What if she's right? What if you really didn't want to see him? Hell, did he even cross your mind anymore? Did you even remember you'd put him here?
Phil clamps his mouth shut and there's an audible clack of his teeth snapping together.
He hasn't seen you since that fateful day when, like the absolute dumbass he is, he had sent you storming out. Taunting and prodding, as Phil usually did, but you truly had been acting differently that day.
Or maybe it wasn't just that day. Maybe you had really changed, and Phil didn't know that man beneath the shell anymore.
He should've seen it more clearly when you walked in dressed head to toe, even that pretty face of yours masked. You didn't like shit like that. Always used to complain to Phil how much you hated them, being so covered up, made you feel claustrophobic or whatever.
But these days you wear it like a second skin.
“I deserve to see him.”
You had always been so calm, and he would often compare you to the soothing waves of the ocean washing over the cool sand of a beach after midnight.
But even calm waters can turn deadly in the blink of an eye.
“Deserve? You think, after what you did, you deserve anything?” Venn isn't masked, so the disbelieving look she gives him is quite obvious. Paired with a humorless, and honestly a little off-putting, laugh. “You don't deserve shit, Graves. And you definitely don't have the right to seeing him, not when-”
She cuts herself off then, and, if Phil had been thinking clearly, he would've asked for clarification. For her to continue because maybe, maybe he wasn't the only one privy to see that you weren't the same man you used to be.
But he doesn't look deeper, doesn't dip below the surface of that pretty ocean blue.
He never does.
“You can't keep him from me forever-”
“I'm not keeping anything! He hasn't even come down this way all week-”
“But he has come down here-?”
“Yeah- but not for you-”
“Just get his ass over here, V-”
“No! Why are you so stubborn? He doesn't want you!”
Ouch. But he's heard worse. From you—to be completely fair, Phil had usually said his own scathing handful of words beforehand. “You don't know that!”
“I understand you two started this shit together, so you assume you've got some weird, cryptic claim over him-”
“-that's not what this is about-”
“But he is his own person, Phillip! You two may have been friends before, but things have changed. You don't own him-”
“It's not like that-!”
“Oh, really? It's not like that?” She's up close and personal now, face to face, mere centimeters away. Huh, Phil never noticed the few inches she had on him. “How is it not? All you talk about is how you deserve to see him-”
“I do!”
“That's not a good enough reason! You can't just say “I do” and expect me to drag him down here. He's a very busy man!”
“You don't understand, V-”
“Then tell me! Help me understand what could possibly earn you the right to deserve seeing the man!”
“Because I fucking love him!” He shouts. “and I deserve to see my fucking boyfriend, for Christ's sake!”
Phil doesn't realize the words that had accidentally tumbled out of his mouth until Venn is pulling back, brown eyes widened in shock.
Oh. Oh shit. Ohhhhh shit.
You were going to kill him.
Seriously this time. Phil was a dead man.
“You-” she stutters. “Him- what. I- huh??”
“Shit- V-” Phil rushes closer, hands fidgety and hovering awkwardly around Venn as if wanting to grasp hold of her shoulders. He backs off and opts to pace the same nine foot strip of carpet instead, hands fisting into his hair. Tugging a bit here and there until he manages to settle enough to cross his arms instead.
Still pacing, pulse jumping.
“You can't tell him I let it slip, alright?”
One dark eyebrow raised, she asks, “Why not?” and rightfully so. Phil probably looked like he was losing his damn mind right now.
“Because-” because he had never said it before. Had never had the courage to admit it. To name what he had with you. What he wanted with you.
Because despite that so clearly being what you wanted from him, written so openly on your face when you looked at him. The most obvious you ever had been, about anything—and it was him who caused that.
Still, he had never put a label to it.
“Because he doesn't need to know.”
“Bullshit.” Venn scoffs, curiosity now flipped back to protective anger.
“It's not that big of a deal-”
“If it weren't, you wouldn't be acting like this. Would you?”
Ah. She had him there.
“Listen, Venn,” he says, voice low, tired. “You don't know Phantom like I do. This won't blow over well if you tell him.”
“I think I know him plenty well...” She says, more so like that of a stubborn child.
“If I get him-” Venn starts, hesitating. For a moment Phil thinks she's going to give him some big speech about not doing anything, blah blah blah, or she'll send him to an early grave or whatever. She exhales deeply through her nose, shutting her eyes briefly before looking at Phil again.
He doesn't think he's ever seen her look so damn exhausted. Suddenly seeming much more like the grown woman she is, and not the rambunctious teen they usually tease her for behaving like—all in good fun, of course.
“Just..” she trails again, as if weighing her options on whether to tell him or not. “Be.. gentle.. with him. He's not–not the man you used to know. He's.. changed.”
He had figured that much, but Phil surprises even himself when he utters an, almost soft, “okay.”
Venn gives him the barest hint of a smile before dropping the expression entirely, a far away look in those dark brown hues.
After a moment of silence, she turns to walk away. Appearing unable to even gather the energy to speak a goodbye, the door shutting inaudibly behind her; Phil can't even blame her for that one. Seems he wasn't the only one to pick up on your odd behavior, and he had only spoken to you once since his return.
He wonders what you had been all this time with no one to report to, under zero supervision—then he considers that he may not want the answer.
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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alternative reasons to avoid bringing your brother in law into a conspiracy or a conversation between caesar and cassius
this scene is set sometime after Brutus and Cassius have switched over to Caesar's side during the Pompey-Caesar conflict.
in a different comic, I wrote about about how cassius isn't a dog that needs to be tamed, but that depends on which side of the playing field you're on. if you're Caesar, Cassius is someone you need to leash down immediately, and the complicated social web of debt is one way to do it!
Cassius is inescapably tied to Brutus: the sandbox bond of childhood best friends, brothers-in-law with Servilia bringing Cassius into the family, and a third time with Brutus asking for Cassius' life. if you're going to bring a man who clawed his way out of a horrific defeat that killed your patron and later joined up with your rival in a civil war (twice aligned with the other two heads of the three headed monster you were a part of!) under your heel, reminding him of the only bond that could hope to rival with his family ancestry is one way to do it!
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Cic. Phil. 2.26
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Brutus, Plutarch (trans. Scott-Kilvert)
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The Defeat of Rome: Crassus, Carrhae and the Invasion of the East, Gareth C. Sampson
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Civil Wars, Caesar, III. 101 (trans. A. G. Peskett)
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Servilia and Her Family, Susan Treggiari
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Caesar and the Dangers of Forgiveness, Barry Strauss
tbh, there's probably an additional subtext (there is, I was thinking about it) on how Crassus used 'softer' means than force to bind people to him (again, the politics of debt and patronage) and how Caesar takes after him in some ways here. it didn't last, tho. in 45 BCE Cassius voted against giving Caesar honors. (Cass. Dio 44.8.1)
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tobi-smp · 6 months
you know, I think the thing that made c!phil's writing kind of janky and discordant is Also exactly what makes cc!phil's Strength as a roleplayer
the best way to put it is that phil is the epitome of Yes And. wilbur tells him to kill him and it was a Choice, there was no script that told him that wilbur Had to die that night. but wilbur asked him to and so he did.
wilbur Also asked him to look after tubbo and tommy, So He Did. he fought for l'manberg on the 16th (fought Against dream and techno), and agreed to become a part of l'manberg's government as a mentor figure.
but techno was his friend and they wanted to spend time together when they were online so why be anything else in lore? of Course they're old friends, of Course they spend time together.
the problem arise when there's Conflict between these two groups. because phil Must choose what to do and say and believe at any given moment, to justify Why he would choose to do whatever it he is about to do. but at the end of the day that choice Mostly comes down to what would be cool or fun or interesting in the moment.
and I think ! that there's absolutely nothing wrong with this, and it's actually a Really good mindset to have in the context of this kind of roleplay. and it worked really well early on. it's Interesting that phil Would have a completely uncomplicatedly loyal relationship with techno right away when he Did explicitly stand against him on that first day. it Says Something about their relationship. maybe even implies that they've fought each other before, but it doesn't impact their relationship with each other.
the problem is when it starts contradicting and Twisting and being weird. mainly when it comes to characters that he Both has major conflict with And want to have a positive relationship with him. it becomes a question of Why phil would do something that would hurt them if he cares about them.
after all, it's not just hurt feelings, it's war. even if they had no Intent on killing anybody, it still Could Have ended with people dead.
and again ! that's not an inherently Bad Thing. it actually opens to the door for a lot of interesting character conflict and introspection !
phil is a Very old being, his best friend is famous for being unkillable, his wife is Actually Death who casually possesses him sometimes. having phil be somewhat out of touch with humanity in a way where he doesn't Really understand the emotional weight and Danger of what he's done would make sense ! and of course, that's just one possible explanation that could be replaced with or coincide with another reading.
but it's all complicated Further by there being a very strong ideological bend to the conflicts he's involved with. because it Feels like for him to engage with said conflict Meaningfully he must weigh in with his own take on the ideological conflicts. he's playing a supporting role to technoblade after all, and on paper his entire character Is one big ideological conflict.
but what phil's ideology actually Is shifts to suit whatever story line he needs to support at a given moment, rather than being set in stone First with his role in those story lines being chosen based on a preexisting belief.
and honestly I really Don't blame cc!phil for this, because On Paper the jump in justification for these supporting roles he's played don't look very different. and in fact, you can See where one follows the conclusion to another.
but "choose people" above all else, to the point of being Shocked that tommy might hesitate in the conflict with dream that has the weight of protecting the entire server riding on it, really Does Not gel with whatever happened on doomsday or with letting dream out of prison.
moreover, it only highlights a conflict in ideology between phil and techno. the use of violence as default Even Against active allies or people who'd been considered allies 5 minutes ago doesn't seem to gel with whatever phil had going on in the post-prison break out era.
having phil enable dream to torment tommy during doomsday feels very contradictory to phil's shocked offense that dream would torment A Child the first chance he got after breaking out.
and again ! none of this is inherently a Flaw, it could all be very interesting as set ups for character conflict and as an examination for phil's Own character flaws. having contradictions like this isn't inherently Bad writing when it can so easily be Interesting. open up the door for Richer character writing.
the problem isn't even that none of this was intentional at the time that it was happening, but rather that nobody really seemed to notice it at all. so rather than it being used as a tool to bounce off of For that character examination and conflict. it just kinda. Is.
I think ! what phil needed, and what the server As A Whole needed, was stronger Direction. it's what made the early arcs work as well as they did, because Everyone knew the what the core story Was and could figure out ways to cohesively bounce off of them.
the revolution, the elections, the civil war, they were all Strong skeletons with clear factions and ideologies at play. and so even when people were doing their own things it all Felt Cohesive.
and of course, the dream smp Stopped having a key writer for the those big plot moments with the intent of giving people more personal freedom in their writing. but I think it only served a Lack Of Identity. people who didn't already have a stake in the key conflicts that were already on the server struggled to find their way into them. and struggled to find relevancy Without them.
and I think this was felt the most in the way that people were both afraid of stepping on anybody's toes while Also getting in each other's way like a football field.
like, I Loved tommy's death and resurrection arc. and the sheer Surprise of it and the aftermath was truly incredible to see.
but it was also Weird that people weren't given the chance to react to it on their own terms. like, why did they plan the syndicate meeting months in advance just to have it dropped on them with no way to prepare for or modulate their responses?
phil and techno's reactions to tommy's death are So Weird when we consider their relationship with him both before And After. and it's difficult to reconcile because it's Understandable that the cc's didn't want to derail their planned lore to make it About tommy's story line. But It's Not Like We Can Pretend It Didn't Happen Either.
and there's lots of ways that people have tried to reconcile this, lots of ways that I've even personally Enjoyed. but in terms of what's actually In the source material It Just Kind Of Is.
phil cares about tommy, he wants to guide him and protect him because he recognizes that he's a child in a dangerous position, but he also laughs when he hears dream beat him to death in prison and he also laughed while dropping bombs on tommy's head with dream at his side. and these all just kind of Are.
I can't even tell if this is all weirder before or after canon sbi was retconned.
and so these inconsistencies tug at all of the major story beats that phil's character is involved with, all while all of them Mostly work well in isolation. and it's so easy to see how this could've been avoided with stronger direction and story planning.
in other words, It's Dream's Fault.
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missycolorful · 1 year
The discussion of Niki and the struggles she and other Dream SMP streamers go through makes me appreciate Niki's time with the Syndicate more and more. Because it wasn't just about the character.
One hand, yeah, the Syndicate was a catalyst for her character to heal from the trauma she dealt from all the wars she endured, from what she endured during Manberg, from not feeling heard. That compounded with tragedies such as losing c!Wilbur fucking broke her. But then c!Techno came along, gave her a seat in the Syndicate room, and she felt like she belonged in a place in which she can heal. We would not have gotten that tearjerking “I’ve started baking again” without that group.
But it was ALSO about Niki, the person, the streamer, being reached out to when she felt she was ignored by the server as a whole. She made that as part of her character because it reflected her true feelings, and that hurts to watch. She’d get talked over, ignored, not really regarded for any lore at all lore. Even when she made a new city, that wasn’t even respected! She wasn’t respected! And I still think about that clip where she was sooo happy about joining the Syndicate. Because Techno, Phil, and Ranboo let her use her voice, gave her the chance to be heard! She could speak up around them. And she confessed how she just wasn't used to that, and it broke my heart that something as simple as having a voice seemed impossible for her, but also solidifies how the Syndicate was the best goddamn thing for Niki in the Dream SMP, as a character but most importantly, as a person.
And I wanna scream at people that would try to say c!Niki joining the Syndicate was bad or forced or whatever the fuck like first of all you're wrong but even if that was the case, no one cares, bucko, Niki the streamer the real goddamn person is happy and that's all that matters.
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elmhat · 6 months
Dreblr Survey Results Pt.3 - Confessions.
So. The time has come. There was a section at the end of the survey where it simply said to "say something unhinged," and you really did! Here are some of the most entertaining ones.
Again, I'm pasting these directly from the form. If anyone thinks I wrote this stuff myself I think I'll go and sit under the sea for several hours.
⚠️ A lot of these are NSFW. I'm serious, please be responsible :)
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People being really really funny
something unhinged
Something unhinged
Ur mom is unhinged
Calls for violence against everyone who has ever wronged Dream
I want to blend (with a blender) c!q and c!sam and throw the substance to the wolves
Quackity should have died
I think Tommy should have stayed dead
Dream should have actually tortured tommy
Exile was hilarious. :)
Calls for… forgiveness?
they should've made up with c q in the finale streams
I forgive Q. We don't know what really happened behind the scenes.
Sam, both c! and cc!
Sam is Daddy and I know for a fact he reads AO3 fics that man is NOT normal
cc!sam closeted c!awesamdream shipper
I don't think anything I say can top Sam having a scrapbook of sexy criminals
you know how sam has a bunch of clones of himself to inhabit. alright now imagine him doing that with dream. this is how the awesamdream baby can still win.
c!Sam and c!Dream are fundamentally very different characters with very different wordviews but one of the few things they have in common is praise kink.
I don't think this counts as shipping but that's what I'm calling it
c!dnf gay sex post prison arc happy ending (REAL) (I SAW IT ON THE SCRIPT DOCUMENTS IN DREAM'S COMPUTER)
um um c!dnf in gay love idk they are the only ones for each other sorry
DNF kiss real
If c!dreamnotnap had slept together i think dream would have stayed sane
i think s apnap fucks d ream with his small dick and they both love it and love each amen 🙏
i want to get c!sapnap pregnant
The most superior ship is Dream/Technoblade/Punz/DreamXD/Foolish/Kristin/Philza Because in this household we love big polycules
i think dream should've done more crime and fucked awesamdude
Dream and Sam fucked in that prison
Dreblr's overwhelming preoccupation with c!Awesamdream is getting kinda worrying ngl
dream and quackity are what I seek in a relationship
c dreamity is my otp i love those unhinged bastards kissing eachother
Dreambur needs more love and I’m tired of it being pushed aside
is it even unhinged to assume that Dream fucked Fundy, Fundy's dad (Wilbur) and Fundy's Grandpa (Phil) I feel like that's just a regular sentimet on dreblr by now
dreamza prevails
Dnb best ship
Doomsday trio deserves to fuck nasty imho
He fucked that old man
c!Dream needs to get dicked down I think that would solve a lot of problems post nut clarity if you will
NSFW so don't feel like you need to put this in any compilation i completely understand BUT whenever the c!sam cuck chair crosses my dash, in my head it's traditional dynamic omegaverse c!dnb. c!sam's an alpha who wanted to show off to omega c!dream before claiming and mating with him for their mutual first time. he decides to do this by challenging alpha c!techno to a fight, but to his shock, lost. badly. he has to watch alpha c!techno mate with and claim c!dream right in front of him, because watching such a clearly superior alpha demonstrate his abilities causes c!dream to go into heat and c!techno is happy to help him with that. he's been looking for a mate anyway and c!dream just so happens to be his type. meanwhile, c!dream wants to give c!techno as many litters as his body can handle and barely remembers who that other guy in the room even is, even after his heat calms down.
Dream harems? I guess?
c!Dream has/should have a harem
Dream is a pretty boy and should have taken off his mask to start a harem to prevent war.
Things that I really don't think are that unhinged around here, given their competition
i was such a crazy c!dream apologist in 2021 i actually had a dream about it
I have a spreadsheet with every tag, character and relationship tag for every dsmp fanfciton I read and liked/found interesting.
I know people will say it is/was kinda cringy but I will never think that or regret being part of the fandom (that's not really unhinged I couldn't think of anything sorry lol)
I know its delulu beyond belief and i will never say this not anonymously but sometimes i fantasize about if i was able to be friends with dream team
Wilbur wasn't a hero or "good guy" at any point in his storyline.
Doomsday was 100% justified. (...is that unhinged enough or do I need to pick something else?)
People being too polite for this question
Sorry I am not THAT unhinged
no, but i thank you for the opportunity! I am sadly to hinged, normal even
And more!
George is the main character and we got robbed by not having him meet c!Dream again!! but in meta it is because they are together in real life and who needs their depression character anymore in that senario.
c!DTeam reconciliation arc was always intended
c!drunz are necrophiliacs.
Okay. Okay here me out here OK. So. Imagine Norman (bald guy) is c!schlatt and Pat (white haired dude) is c!Phil OK yw ENJOYYYYYYY : https://youtu.be/b7Bj1dBMYBE?si=Cz79CEISAg6EcMYS
Techno's age of 3 is actually canon and New L'Manberg comitted infanticed
C!Tubbo is the best faction leader. The bar isn't high but I think Technically he did well
c!foolish rights unlimited forever. he deserved blood sacrifices
Cc Sam and Dram were the most normal about the prison
I think quackity should have gotten to do more on screen cannibalism
If c!Quackity had taken hormones to balance his insane lust (Wilbur, Technoblade, Schlatt, etc) he would never have gone crazy send post
I think a Daedalus arc with Quackity instead would've been such a downhill for Dream's sanity. Send tweet.
in a server where we have a c!dream made of oreo cream au . quackity eats him in prison . there is fanart .
Please sir please sir please no more
✨️truama ✨️
all of dreblr contains more competency in media literacy than the rest of tumblr combined
i love how these characters hate each other, keep hurting each other, but tied to each other in a way they just can't shake off.
the only way for c!Dream to be properly Redeemed is to live out the worst thing he subjected another person to: *cue his tropical island paradise getaway arc, sunbathing on the beach with no one to bother him except for friends occasionally visiting* #trust
c!Dream was building an underwater stone temple to satan in order to pray for the apocalypse change my mind
C!Dream is very anthy himemiya coded
c!dream is a cow hybrid and has 4 beautiful tits
I feel like the only cc!dream enjoyer who's also a c!tommy enjoyer
C!dream eggs Monday is the flag of dreblr 🥚
Reminder that C!Dream is a stripper
Dream spoonfeeding post
i think dream should've been worse. as a treat. let him murder more minors please.
Prison feels like cc!Dream’s little whump arc. Also, prisontrio favorite grouping. The best angst and whump in town.
Whenever I write whump fanfics it feels like I’m sticking my blorbos in an empty pickle jar and shaking it like a kid holding a snowglobe for the first time
Todo es un invento del gobierno
Today's culinary special is teeth cake
i think we should all collectively gaslight people/edit the wiki to try and convince people omegaverse was canon to the DSMP. or make a fake second wiki.
*grabs you by the shoulders* ok so after wilbur died and fundy was alone and grieving he kept getting picked on for being an orphan by the rest of the server, for example puffy built an obsidian box around his house in new lmanburg and labelled it an orphanage. fundy was already dealing with the loss of his dad + the appearance of a ghost that was supposed to be his dad but didn't remember half of his life, and now he had to deal with this too. so he starts to mine it meanwhile jack manifold is trying to cheer him up, not helped by the fact that ghostbur keeps hanging around despite fundy not wanting him there. Jack tries to get fundy to look on the bright side, he says that the obsidian box around his house could function as protection from tnt, and so, to prove that's bullshit, fundy places a tnt beside the house he spent so long building and blows up a portion of it. Destroys his own work, a part of his home just to prove a point. It's a self destructive act of defiance. Ghostbur and jack both agree that was unnecessary and jack maintains it could protect the house from outside attacks. fundy continues to take the wall down. Ghostbur fixes the hole in fundy's house, but leaves evidence of the explosion. He puts a sight down saying "-CAUTION- Fallen debris". Now, I need you to know how insane I am over the fact that after doomsday, after the entirety of new Lmanburg was decimated, that sign was the only part of fundy's home that remained unbroken. A sign, surrounded by the rubble of a fallen nation, destruction as far as the eye can see, warning of fallen debris. A sign for a self destructive act of defiance. I am going to eat drywall about this
Okay, one more. People I'm hugging
i miss technoblade
I really want to be a part of dreblr but I feel like they're all cool kids and I'm the quiet weirdo kid hiding in the corner. It feels like if you weren't there for the Founding of the Great Dreblr, there's no way in now. Kinda like you can't get hired as a restaurant janitor as your first job if you haven't already owned the place for 5 years prior
I am in your walls
Thanks everyone for forcing my eyeballs to see this! Reading your responses was certainly an experience I'll be stuck with!
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a-moth-called-mof · 7 months
Me rambling about the fandom atmosphere during November 16th:
With November 16th hitting the corner, I thought now would be a good time to finally post this post that's been in my drafts forever
I genuinely am of the personal belief that November 16th is one of those things where you had to have been there to fully appreciate and experience it at least in my opinion. I feel like the tense atmosphere leading up to the actual event is something that is not widely talked about in the fandom. A brief reminder for the fans that are new here or that missed the stream where the November 16th War was announced: during stream C! Dream revealed that there was a traitor hiding amongst Pogtopia and said it was someone that you wouldn't expect. This one line lead to multiple fan theories going around the fandom ranging from plausible to very far fetched. The fandom turned into one big game of Among Us and EVERYONE was a suspect.
Here's an old post of my mine that I think does a good job showing the mentality of most fans going into November 16th:
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There were so many theories and speculations leading up to it and you genuinely had to be there to see everyone's different theories about who the traitor would be and the couple aus I saw come out of it. It made it so that when the event did happen, no one in the fandom knew who trust and NEITHER DID THE CHARACTERS. It was amazing watching characters debate whether or not to trust eachother live. It made it feel like any discoveries or possible leads that were made were realised by the character and the fandom at the same time, especially love that one scene where C! Tubbo and C! Quackity decide they sort of trust eachother and talk about who they don't trust. I distinctly remembering switching between povs and watching the dashboard lose their shit and how current character mains would be like "OH [CHARACTER] IS ACTING SO SUSPICIOUS :0" or just liveblog whatever characters were doing and it was a really fun way of keeping up with most of the characters even if I couldn't physically watch all their povs at once
This is less about the atmosphere but more something I feel like people don't talk about enough: Phil wasn't on the Dream SMP before November 16th and we had no concrete indication he would be there. There were a lot of fan theories and headcanons about him joining and I remember seeing all the art of him joining on November 16th and at the time thinking "Oh that's really cool but I doubt they'll actually do it" SO I CAN'T DESCRIBE THE SHEER EMOTIONS I FELT WHEN HE JOINED?
I honestly still don't think I'll ever forget watching C! Wilbur press the button and watching everything go to shit at once after such a tense buildup. Whenever I tell my irl friends I once stayed up till 5am on a school night to watch a live minecraft roleplay event, most of them joke or express (VERY UNDERSTANDABLE) concern but I honestly don't regret a thing. I'd do it 30 times over just to experience that again and watch my dashboard go apeshit. November 16th will always be one of my favourite events in any media ever.
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philhoffman · 2 months
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John C. Reilly shared some very sweet memories about working with Phil and their friendship in a recent interview 💙
He was an incredible actor — I call him a lion among men. He really had this gravitas, even as a very young guy. This presence I was always in awe of: I've never seen someone who had such an easy command of an audience. He could hop on a countertop and get a huge laugh, and I'd look at him and say, 'He's not a clown. Not in the way I am. I know what I'm doing when I'm going for something with an audience' — but he had a way of doing it invisibly. I was fascinated. How does he do it?
We did True West together on Broadway, where we played brothers, switching roles every three performances, so it was this really intense thing, and it forged us together in a way I've never had with anyone else. It was like being in a foxhole together in a war, what we went through together as young men — at the time we were both untested on Broadway, no one really knew who we were.
So I remember that we were in conflict a lot in that play — the brothers are kind of battling each other for each other's identity. And I knew I couldn't feel like I was actually in conflict with Phil. So before every performance, every night, I'd take him in my arms and hug him, and say, 'I love you, brother.' It was a really special thing. I miss him a lot.
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anonymous-dentist · 8 months
One of the weirder things to come out of the dsmp I think is like. An over-reliance on fanon? Not that that’s a bad thing, because that’s about all dsmp fans had after summer 2021, but it’s weird.
Because you’ll have these tumblr polls going around and it’ll be like “Benchtrio versus Cumduo” and the propaganda for Benchtrio is that people really like the fics written about them. Same goes for any poll involving c!Tommy or the rest of SBI.
Even when it’s supposed to be a poll explicitly about canon, you’ll see the propaganda be like “I love reading fics about them they live in my head rent free” despite the characters never really interacting beyond fanfiction or headcanons, and they’ll win the round because they’re popular and they have a lot of fics written about them
Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily. Sometimes fanon is all you have, and that’s fine, it’s how things have worked for all of human history
What really confuses me though is the erasure of canon dynamics in favor of feel-good fanon. Take Benchtrio as an example: c!Tubbo and c!Ranboo were married, and c!Tommy felt left out and lowkey resented them for it. But in fics you see them all living and sleeping together as best friends and roommates/traumatized orphans. Or c!SBI: c!Phil and c!Techno literally nuked L’Manberg, which was c!Tommy and c!Wilbur’s pride and joy, and Phil killed Wilbur, and Phil would barely even look at Tommy in-lore, and Wilbur and Techno barely interacted outside of Pogtopia and even then it was. Not healthy. But then you look at their fics and they’re a nuclear family who have no problems with each other
It’s just a little weird to me when people take these fanon ideas and get pissy when people don’t take them as canon. I mean, if you go around saying c!SBI wasn’t a happy little nuclear family you’re liable to get death threats and insults and everything.
Are these fans the only ones like this? Absolutely not. There are people who send death threats over saying c!tntduo never canonically happened. There are c!Dream or c!Techno stans who get ANGRY if you say that they weren’t poor misunderstood angry babies because, in fanon, that’s what they are usually seen as. Fanon romantic c!Beeduoers versus fanon platonic c!Beeduoers is still an active war zone, and even trying to get close to c!DnF is a death wish
I’m a fanfiction writer, I know exactly how awesome fanon is, and I know just how important it is. It’s what’s left after the end of it all, and it’s beautiful in its complexity. But like. Sometimes people go weirdly overboard to the point of erasing actual canon and harassing people when they talk about actual canon dynamics or relationships.
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (19)
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(c!technoblade x fem!reader) (?who knows at this point..)
(*SCREAMING UNTIL MY VOICE IS GONE* hahahaha i'm finally done with this devil forsaken chapter! I literally cannot articulate HOW hard this chapter was, for who knows what reason! I don't know why but this chapter was a struggle. like some trial a fucking greek god would give me to make me stronger or whatever. but.. I did it finally. PLEASE reblog and comment so I can feel like the pain I went through was worth it y'all 😭🥺👉👈)
That’s been his general state of things for about.. I don’t know, maybe 5 months? At least since he’d finished taking part in that last pvp tournament on the championship battle server. But the battle season has finished and he’s not found anything new to hold his attention. 
And Phil was busy working on a new build that's taken up his attention. And Techno would help but he knows Phil wants to do it himself, the man is so picky about his builds so Techno just leaves him be. Usually by now someone would have got in contact to hire him for his war faring services. Some kingdom or warring faction, looking for someone well versed in battle and strategy to help them turn the tides. But-
A yellow feather fluttering into his field of vision followed by the sound of flapping wings made the red eyed hybrid look up to see an incoming parrot holding a rolled up letter tied to its leg.
“Well, speak of the devil or whatever,” Techno said in his usual monotone drawl as the parrot landed on his shoulder.
It held its leg out and he took the offered scroll before reaching into his inventory to grab some seeds to feed it. Then once it was happily munching away he unrolled the letter, wondering which server it could be from. Probably some new upstart one inhabited by a bunch of idiots with conflicting opinions who don’t realize they can just go separate directions and end it. That was usually how it went. People were all the same. They find out their opinions don’t match up, they bicker over it, they fight, someone invariably gets killed, they wage war, and then rinse and repeat. 
But as he read the letter he realized it wasn’t from just anybody. It was from Wilbur, Philza’s kid. Jeez, he hasn’t seen him in what feels like one hundred years. 
Huh, when was the last time he’d seen the bespectacled boy? He actually can’t recall. He thinks back, far back, scouring his memory for instances with Wilbur. He remembers his round glasses, his warm yellow sweater, and his love for anything music. Techno recalls how Wilbur had always detested battle, fighting, anything like that. Hell, he hadn’t even liked wearing armor, even when it was for his own good. Which Techno thought was both foolish and endearing. He himself was always suited to battle, falling into it like how a bird takes to the skies. But he’d always seen Wilbur as so far removed from being suitable for violence. 
All the younger man had ever said he wanted to do was sing, play music, and write. He truly had the heart of a poet, that was for sure. Getting him to learn some basic defense so he could travel to the nearby villages on his own without being a sitting duck had been similar to pulling teeth for Philza, his son always treating the lessons like a chore. But he and Phil had managed to teach him enough self defense so he could be safe out on his own, at least from the mobs. And once that was handled then Philza didn’t feel so worried leaving his boy home alone, meaning he and Techno could go traveling again.
And Wilbur hadn’t been bothered by this either, seeming to enjoy having some time to himself when his father and Techno were out. They always came home to Wilbur playing his guitar either outside in the yard, enjoying the sun, or inside by the fire to stay cozy. He’d been perfectly content. 
And then one day they came home and Wilbur hadn’t been alone like he’d always been before. He’d had some kid with him, a little boy who actually bore a strong resemblance to Philza, what with his blond hair and blue eyes. That had been more than a shock, he’ll admit. Walking in and seeing Wilbur with some random kid they’d never seen before, just sitting on the floor in front of the couch like it was no big deal.
Yeah, that had been Tommy, and according to Wilbur he’d found him eating out of the trash in the village so he’d brought him home. Of course. When Philza asked where Tommy’s parents were, the kid had wrinkled his nose and said they were probably at home. That had turned into them grilling the kid, trying to figure out where their house was so Wilbur could return him. 
But Tommy had kicked up a huge fuss, shouting about how he left on his own and he was never going back. From how he’d described it, his parents hadn’t been the best. Not even close actually, they’d sounded like shit to be honest. I mean if your toddler is willing to up and leave with zero intention of going back to you, like 100% willing to eat out of the trash instead of staying with you then yeah you’re probably a shit tier parent.
Wilbur had begged Philza to let Tommy stay with them. He had nowhere else to go and leaving him out on the street seemed messed up and he was so little, it’s not like he’d take up much space anyways. Yeah, Wilbur admitted the kid kinda ate a lot but no more than he guessed all kids ate… But they had a huge garden and some cows so it wasn’t a huge deal, right? 
Techno had been against it, they’d JUST started getting back to traveling again since Wilbur was old enough and capable enough to look after himself now. He’d argued that they didn’t need another little gremlin running around touching their stuff. He’d been eyeing the little blond boy as he stared openly at Techno’s own enchanted sword that was strapped to his belt. He’d tucked it into his inventory to keep it away from the kid and his no doubt grimy little fingers. 
But Philza had always been such a sap when it came to Wilbur and his ‘sad boy eyes’. So he’d ended up folding like a house of cards pretty quick, though he’d warned Wilbur that the kid, Tommy, was his responsibility. Philza wasn’t going to start looking after him when he’d not had any hand in taking him in. So Tommy’s well being was now solely in Wilbur’s hands. 
Phil had actually been really serious at that part, asking Wilbur if he knew what he was getting into? Because Phil knew how hard it was to care for a child, it was exhausting and sometimes thankless, and you can’t just stop whenever you want because someone defenseless now relies on you.
Wilbur hadn’t been dissuaded though, and pulled the shorter boy close in a half hug, saying he’d be the best big brother ever! Nevermind the child had started gnawing on the arm Wilbur had around him.. Techno couldn’t help but roll his eyes back then and even now as he remembered that promise. But Wilbur seemed happy at least, and neither Phil nor Techno would have to take care of the kid so it hadn’t been so bad. And later when they were alone Phil shared that he was actually glad that Wilbur wouldn’t be alone at home anymore. He’d felt bad leaving his boy all alone, even though he could defend himself. 
Techno assured him that Wilbur was a big boy now, practically an adult himself. So he didn’t need Phil worrying about him so much. Phil had laughed and said that was true but he couldn’t stop worrying, it was a parent thing. You never truly stop worrying about your kid. Techno figured that made sense but still told Phil that that was one of the reasons why he wasn’t having kids, too much stress. Techno’s a busy guy, he can’t be losing sleep over some helpless nerds. That had gotten Phil to laugh, which had been Techno’s goal. So, goal accomplished. 
Things had been good after that. At least that’s how Techno remembered them to be. Him and Phil would travel and explore to their heart’s content, coming back to the house every now and again to take a break and check up on the brunet and blond. The kid grew like a weed, looking taller and taller with each visit. Him and Wilbur growing closer in height as well as their bond, soon acting like true brothers. 
Wilbur had been so happy, and Techno remembers the last time he’d seen him. Him and Phil returned home for another short time between tournaments. They’d walked up to the forest surrounded property they’d called home to see Wil lounging against the porch, guitar in hand with Tommy chasing around a bee, trying to catch it.
They looked so peaceful. And Techno thought that’d never change.
..But reading his letter now made Techno’s stomach sink a bit. 
Wilbur was asking for his help. His professional help.. Looks like he’d joined a server not too long ago and started his own nation; L’manberg. Technoblade couldn’t help but close his eyes in annoyance while pinching the bridge of his nose at hearing that. Nothing good ever came from governments, if he’d said that once he’s said it a million times. To the point where if he were a cartoon character from the 80’s then it’d be his damn catchphrase. But people just keep making and joining governments, even Wilbur it seemed.. 
And from the tone of the letter it looked like Wilbur was in big trouble. 
Techno scrubbed his hand down his face, his snout scrunching as he turned the letter over in his mind a few times before sighing and taking out his ender chest. With some mild annoyance he decided to help Wilbur out with his war. Better than sitting around being bored out of his mind at any rate. So he composed a letter back to the brunet, letting him know his services wouldn’t be cheap just because they knew each other, but he’d gladly help him turn the tides. Once that letter was done he handed it over to the parrot, watching it fly off back to Wilbur.
Then on a whim he decided to compose another letter, this time to Phil, letting him know what his son was up to. But knowing the winged man, he’d probably just find the whole thing amusing. 
“Well.. I better get packed while I wait for Wilbur’s reply,” Techno said before heading back to his house.
You carried Azo in your arms as the four of you walked back to L’manburg from the nether portal. Internally you were still seething at Wilbur, you knew what he’d done, to a child of all people. You knew Wilbur, deeper and more intimately than he would ever be comfortable with. But you’d held out hope he’d never sink so low as to harm a child.. You’d really clung to the sliver of hope, despite everything you’d seen him do in the lore streams..
But now you knew with a sad certainty how low he was willing to go for what he wanted. And you wanted nothing more than to sink your teeth into his throat and rend his esophagus from its place in his neck before crushing his skull between your palms. Your jaws ached with the fervent desire to cause the vile bastard as much pain physically as he’d caused you and your children mentally and emotionally. 
Though instead of succumbing to those feral desires you instead took a long measured breath in through your nose before letting it out through your mouth, just trying to calm your white hot rage since you needed to focus on the three kids you had with you and not the dead man walking over in fuckin Pogtopia~
You all got to your house and you mentally focused on how too small it was for your family now. Tommy and Tubbo already had their own rooms at your place despite each having their own homes elsewhere. You noticed they usually stayed here at night to sleep, which you were fine with. You preferred it actually, knowing they were safe in bed at night under your roof. But with Azo staying here full time you’d need to make her her own bedroom. 
Planning that out calmed your rage thankfully. Turned the magma level heat into a soft manageable simmer. Looking down at the little piglin in your arms made you feel so much better. Things weren’t perfect, no, but you’re just so glad she’s okay. You almost lost her and the thought makes your heart feel like it was being tugged out of your chest. But she’s okay. Things are okay. 
You remind yourself of this as you carry your baby through the threshold of your, and now her, home. You breathe and stop at the kitchen, telling the three it’s around lunch time and you’d make them some food. Both boys cheered and sat at the table, while you sat Azo on your hip with one arm while using the other to grab some stuff out of the ice box you kept around to hold food for the two teens. 
Azo watched you pull things out with curiosity, not sure what any of them were. Which sent a pang of sadness through you because you know you’ve let her try most of these before but she clearly didn’t remember it. Though you cheered yourself up with the knowledge that she could just try them all over again, rediscover her favorites and least favorites. You still remember the way her little snout had wrinkled up in distaste when she’d first tried a slice of lemon. That had been hilarious and you’d wished you had some way to record it to keep the memory forever, but oh well. 
“Mum, can you make us some of that fruit flower tea?” Tubbo asked from his spot at the table.
You smiled and said sure, and reached into the cabinet for the jar of tea you’d made for them not too long ago. You figured a warm meal and warm tea would be better for Azo right now since introducing her to cold stuff in the Overworld, which was already colder than the Nether, would be too much too soon. You noticed with a frown that she already seemed to be chilly. So while the tea was steeping you went over to the couch and grabbed the wool throw off the back and wrapped it snugly around her shoulders. She snorted happily at the sudden barrier from the chill this new world seemed to have.
“We’re gonna have to get you some new clothes, kiddo. Some that keep you warmer than your current ones do,” You said as you went to put some meat skewers onto the smoker and some potatoes in the furnace to bake.
You hummed and swayed your hips back and forth slowly as you watched the food cook. Then the tea was ready and you took Azo to the table and pulled a couple books from your inventory before sitting them on the chair, then you set her on top of them so she could reach the tabletop. She snuggled into the blanket around her while you went to fix the tea.
After giving each kid a cup you finished up the food and sat with them so they could eat. You idly listened as Tubbo and Tommy both talked to Azo, telling her all about L’manberg and their friends, and how they were going to show her around soon maybe.
You just let yourself zone out, taking comfort in your kids all being safe in one place right now.
Quackity had thought over what he and Reader had discussed the day they started rebuilding the White House. She said he had to make a decision since Schlatt had basically bailed on L’manberg. And she’d also said he’d deserved better than how Schlatt treated him. He’d honestly not wanted to think about that. Because thinking about her words made him throw his entire relationship into question. Did he deserve better than Schlatt? He wasn’t sure how to answer that. If he did then why did he deserve better? 
He didn’t want to start dumping on Schlatt, because they’d honestly had so many good times together. Great ones. They’d vibed so well while dating, Quackity can’t count how many times the ram had made him laugh his ass off. Just them two hanging out, sharing some drinks, spending nights out on the town in other SMPs, it was some of the best times of Quackity’s life. Even now, thinking about those times brought a smile (and soft flush) to the duck hybrids face. I mean Schlatt was charismatic, funny, and knew how to make his knees feel like jelly. Plus he had a few other good qualities he didn’t want to focus on too much in public..
But his smile faded away as those sweet memories made way for the not so sweet ones. Things had been great, yeah, but only when Schlatt wasn’t in a bad mood. Now that Quackity actually thinks about it there was always the worry of Schlatt’s good mood evaporating looming over their relationship. If he wasn’t happy then his bad mood sucked the good atmosphere right out of the room. It could be suffocating. The first few times it happened he’d try to give the ram hybrid some space, figuring he’d get over it. But that usually led to arguments, Schlatt asking if Quackity planned to leave any time things weren’t going perfect. That’d made him feel like shit, so he’d started doing all he could to keep the good vibes going.
Quackity isn’t sure when he’d gotten used to it but soon things fell into a rhythm of things being super great and awesome followed by something pissing on Schlatt’s good mood, then him being an asshole, Quackity doing everything he could think of to cheer him up, and then everything repeating in that cycle. It could feel exhausting at times but he just supposed that was just how relationships were supposed to be. But after what Reader said.. he was starting to question if that was right or not. He’d been so conflicted that he’d broken down and asked Karl for advice for a ‘friend of his’ who was having relationship issues.
He’d lied and said it was for a girl he was friends with on another server who was having issues with her girlfriend. Karl had listened to his edited version of events and told Quackity his friend was in a not very good relationship and she should break up with her girlfriend before things got even worse. That had just made his stomach sink further but he played it cool and thanked Karl for hearing him out, and he’d talk to his friend later and tell her what he thought she should do. Karl gave him a sweet smile and wrapped his arm around the dark haired male in a side hug before replying,
“Don’t worry, man. That’s what friends are for. Tell your friend if she needs any help leaving then she can come to us, we’ll help her out of there no problem.”
Quackity couldn’t help the smile hearing this gave him and said he’d let her know.
That’d been hours before and he knew he needed to message Reader and tell her where he stood. It wasn’t good to leave things ambiguous with her, not regarding his allegiance to L’manberg.. She’d messaged him earlier that morning, asking if he was doing alright. He hadn’t replied, wanting to talk to someone else about what he was thinking first. But he knew he couldn’t leave her on read for much longer. 
But just as he was getting ready to open his communicator.. it chimed.
He sighed, thinking it was Reader. But when he checked it his throat closed up.
‘Schlatt whispers to you: can we talk?’
Quackity gulped, trying to dislodge the lump in his throat as he read and reread the message at least 7 times. Curses ran through his head as he sat up on his couch, still staring down at the device on his wrist. He tore his eyes away, harshly scrubbing his hand down his face, just trying to calm his racing heart as he tried to focus on one thought at a time. Okay, okay, okay- he needed to relax, just- He jumped when his communicator chimed again. And when he looked back down at it anxiously he paused..
‘Schlatt whispers to you: please babe, come on
‘Schlatt whispers to you: i miss you
The duck hybrid stared down at the screen hard, biting his lip enough to draw a drop of blood as he did. Then with shaky hands he started forming a reply…
@lady-bee-fechin @kacchasu @putridjoy @lunawritesstories @galaxypankitty3030 @paradigmax @zachariethememerie @killmewithafanfic @trinity-1002107 @hufflepuff-demigod @truthdaze @exorcisms-with-elmo @redbloodtea @heythereimhaylz @olyink @jackalopedoodles @nikkineeky @artsimatsu @reverse-iak @corpiet @beepa99 @anxiousnarwhale @bananaaddictmilkshake @realitycanbeajerk @lostandsouciant @thegeekisheere @sparkling-gayyy @woman-soot @xxtwizztedxx @fall3n-vo1d @coolleviauchihadreamerlove @jaciahbabes @lucian-kinnder @deadroses2021 @victory-is-here @where-thesundoesntshine @itsberrydreemurstuff
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lookinghalfacorpse · 1 month
Itwall c!doomsday trio prompt ideas: 1)Techno plays dress-up with steve and Dream and Phil are the judges or 2) Techno convinces Dream to play dress-up and they go show Technos masterpiece off to Phil
"Philza Minecraft."
"Yeah, mate?" Philza was lounged on the couch, his slippered feet propped on an ottoman close to the fireplace. Despite Technoblade's gameshow-host-esque tone, Phil's eyes stayed locked on the book in his lap. A hound's furry white head also occupied his lap, unbothered by the book cover on his forehead, and a crow was nestled carefully at his thighs. This old man wasn't going anywhere.
But Techno still had to try.
"Philza Minecraft!" He tried again, "If I may have the honor of your eyes upon my great creation."
"Oh!" Phil tore himself from the page, keeping a finger on his spot. "Great creation. Yes. Show me."
"You see, Phil," He extended an arm dramatically, summoning his best showmanship, "I am a man of many talents--"
"I am a man of many talents, Philza, and while I'm most often concerned with the art of war, I am, of late, involved in the war of art. The battles of self-expression. The eternal struggle to create something beautiful. Philza Minecraft," he said, "I am entering the world of fashion."
"You always do dress very well, mate."
"I-- Well-- Thank you, Phil, thank you. I appreciate your immediate recognition of my genius. But fashion also means knowing how to dress more than just my peak-performance body. My perfect musculature. My piglin-ousity"
Philza nodded sagely.
"And you denied me an opportunity to play dress up earlier, so I am now taking back my right to express myself. My artistry. Through fashion. I present to you: Dream!"
Dream walked out through the shadow of the doorway, the dim light of the fireplace slowly illuminating the absolute mess that he was dressed in. He was dressed, exclusively, in Techno's clothing. Techno's crown hung limply at his gaunt shoulders, while the lacy white shirt was slowly sliding down his torso and revealing the skin all the way down at his ribcage. The pants, too, appeared to be sliding, ready to cascade into the oversized boots.
Dream had a massive grin on his face.
The crow fluttered away and the hound whined as Philza hopped to his feet.
"Nope! Nope!" Philza said, though he was fighting laughter, "No, no, no," He rushed over to Dream and gathered fistfuls of fabric in his hands, trying to pull it all up and keep the young man covered. "I told you it wouldn't fit! Lad, this is all gonna fall off you in three seconds."
Dream's face was red, but his smile remained. Despite Phil's efforts, the clothes had no chance of staying on. He felt the pants drop completely, though the length of the shirt kept him partially covered. A few weeks ago, he was embarrassed of his scarred skin, but there was nothing left to hide from either Techno or Phil anymore. "You bathed me earlier today, Phil--"
"We are in the living room! The windows are open! We don't get naked in the living room with the windows open! Mr. war-of-art doesn't know how to measure his models, eh?"
Techno stood with his arms across his chest, looking awfully proud of himself. "I think it's his best look yet."
Phil sighed, his shoulders falling as he realized how badly he was failing to preserve Dream's decency. Yet, there Dream was, smiling, looking absolutely dwarfed in Techno's clothes and almost half-naked as gravity took its toll. He had some color to his face, and his eyes were shining. He looked, for the first time in a long time, like he was having fun.
"Credit where it's due, mate."
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qprsmackdown · 10 months
c!Emerald duo propaganda:
Let me tell you. We've got two guys. They live together. They live miles away from everyone else but they live in a little cabin in the snow together. They would die for each other. One HAS died for the other. One is in a monogamous relationship with the personification of death and the other is one of the most widely headcanoned aroace characters and it in no way ever devalues what is considered as one of the most unshakable relationships in the story
"For you the world" — Technoblade to Philza. They are so loyal to each other, legit the healthiest and strongest relationship in the fandom
"For you, the world, Phil." -Technoblade "Sometimes one friend is all you need." -Technoblade “I’m following Techno to the gates of hell... and if he wants to take over the world, god dammit I’m gonna help this man.” - Philza “I followed him to the ends of the earth, through fire and flames.“ - Philza (about Technoblade)
They live together. They kill together. They're raising a polar bear and a very anxious enderman hybrid. They committed so many war crimes and looked good doing it<3 "For you, the world" quote my beloved. Anarchism swag😎
Silly guys of all time! They took over the entire world together once <3 (pre-dsmp but still canon to dsmp) they blew up a country together <3 gotta love 2 guys who commit Literal Actual warcrimes. Also the way they trust eachother just unconditionally is just soo ouuuugggghghhhh i love them. iirc I remember a part where techno was basically just talking about how he'll basically never trust anyone again. TO Phil. Who was very obviously an unspoken exception to the "never trusting anyone" thing. It's been a while so idk if I remember it right but aaaouuuugggg their relationship was so good. Also "for you the world phil" AAAAAUUUUUUU (although the context of that line is much sillier than people usually remember but they are silly guys <3). Ooouugghhh I have so much I could talk about but it's late so I can't think of it right now but they are sooooooo important they are everything to me. This is kinda bad propaganda bc I don't know if I'm even remembering things right and am vaguely incorrect but AUGH. EMERALDDUO
Consider: the fanon immortals being very old friends thing which is a trope i will never not love, and also taking over the world with your qpp is so pogchamp of them
Two anarchist immortals who have been besties for an indeterminable amount of time, but at least for hundreds of years. Took over the Earth once just to show that they can. Back-To-Back Badasses. Each other's consciences and also enablers. Lived together in the middle of nowhere tundra biome, in connected little cottages with their bazillion pets.
THOSE BITCHES WERE LIVING IN THE ARCTIC TOGETHER IN THEIR GAY LITTLE COTTAGE WITH LIKE 100 ANIMALS!!!! They’d both often talk about how they’d kill and die for one another, they’ve been together for centuries despite Techno being all but confirmed Aroace and Philza being married to someone else!! I think they definitely had a QPR going on because like. The person you’re closest to and have lived alongside for god knows how long u gotta at least have SOMETHING going on there imo.
They are both imortal livelong best friends who have been there for each other through war and and other personal hardships They are partners in crime, both arnarchists who took down a nation together and both live in retirement together They only trust each other wholeheartedly (aka they both belive the other wont betray them) and Phil is the only person Techno feels he can be himself around (aka be soft around).
Apparently their qpr had drama in the past bc of this one fic but tbh i dont really get why These two are literally just. The best. There's absolutely no romance between them, but they're the closest of friends, and they care about each other so so much. And they deserve all the things. They live together in a house in the arctic in a commune for anarchists. Basically everyone in the Syndicate are their adopted children. 'For you, the world, Phil' -Technoblade (Just like to say this too, Techno is not Phil's son in the DSMP universe. It's been canonically confirmed.)
They’re two dudes who spend all their time together, built their houses next to each other (and connected it w a bridge), started a commune together, took over the world together, have FRIENDSHIP EMERALDS, and are genuinely such good friends (these are the characters but the irl guys were really good friends until techno died too)
Just a bird and his pig chilling as kings
"for you phil, the world" is treated like this big dramatic line as they take over smpearth but in context its bc they were arguing over something silly and techno laughed and conceded to him and like... just look at then they're ride or die besties emerald duo ftw (on a sadder note i constantly see philza wearing techno's merch on streams and videos and just... man i miss seeing them together)
immortal warriors who have promised to follow each other to the ends of the earth, through fire and flames. they are each others most trusted person without a doubt. when trying to retire from the wars that plagued the server, they both retired in an arctic tundra where they lived together.
These guys cant be seperate from each other anymore than like three days. Like, on top of also doing the antarctic empire together in earthSMP, they just moved to the arctic together to just enjoy life and retirement together. They understand each other like no other bc they've known each other forever. Also bc if we take the titles of bloodgod and angel of death literally you get something something being willing to spend eternity with the other because you care abt them. These two are fine being isolated from everybody else and chilling on their own bc thats all they need
Their relationship is defined by a connection that has lasted for centuries. Despite everything, they always go back to each other. They live together in a cabin in the arctic. They also like murdering together a little too much.
old men committed terrorism and then they settled down :)
For you Phil, the world Immortal best friends spend thousands of years together, conquer the world, found a empire. Phil has a kid with his goddess wife, Techno wind up joining the kids rebellion against the country he founded. When that goes wrong they start a commune called the Syndicate. They are so ride or die. I love them
please they live together theyre best friends theyre immortal together they love each other and phil is married to a god PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
Wolfy I remember some sbi thing where you linked each of them to one of The Oh Hellos four winds album things (is it the time loop fic? Can't remember). What was your reasoning behind each of those? Super curious you always have those tasty parallels and thematic things that work so well
Uhhh well I did do that on the time loop fic yeah but I also made a post a while back about it
Zephyrus for Phil is the most obvious, but I also associated it with him way before syndicate was made just because it fits, y'know?
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I mainly associated it with his hardcore world, especially these lyrics. But these ones also feel very c!Phil. Immortal and doomed to love and lose. I think that's the most human part of him.
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If you watch his hc streams it pretty much makes sense on its own. I love s4, the way he's able to build something so clearly magical in a way? I described his world once as a world for gods to walk in, and I think that's a pretty neat descriptor for it.
For Techno I picked Eurus, because one it's gives that nice little duo of West and East for emduo, but also Eurus feels like a song about wanting. I think it fits pretty well with Techno's constant cycle of violence, despite the fact that he's tried to sit back and retire. He's a warrior, a god's vassal, and so Fortune's wheel spins with every battle and war, every time he cheats death.
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For Wilbur and Tommy, I was picking between Notos and Boreas for them because both fit, but in the end I picked Notos for Wilbur.
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The lyrics themselves are pretty self explanatory, and I think works really well for his spiralling and paranoia. The way the tides lapped him up until he couldn't breathe, and in the end all that water came gushing out into a destructive explosion. And he let go
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So that leaves Tommy with Boreas, which I think is a pretty good song for his character especially as the story progressed.
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His story is a lot about sacrifice. His discs, friends, home, he gave a lot. I remember comparing him to a fire once, in my fic.
He never truly knew Tommy. Not like Techno or Wilbur did. He learned of him through Wilbur's letters, and then from the brief time he's spent living under Techno's home. Every version was different. The letters described him like a fire, bright and boisterous and lively. The boy that lived under the floorboards felt like embers, snuffed out and a dying dim red instead of bright yellow. And when he had first met Tommy, back after the explosion, he was like candlelight, as if a vigil held to mourn the lost, standing in front of the caved in room with a pickaxe and a shovel, tears streaming down his soot smeared face, looking as if he wanted to dig out the body that was no longer there.
And I thought that was also pretty fitting haha. He's a very lively kid, but time and time again his flame has been close to being snuffed out. And time and time again, he's shown that in the end, he's willing to give and give even if it means there won't be much of him left. Because he loves, to the point of ruin
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nekole-doodles · 2 months
For today's DMSP AU, Imma talk about my Fullmetal Alchemist DSMP AU, one of my many AU mash-ups! Here we go!
Obviously, this is heavily based on Fullmetal Alchemist(The original manga plot and the FMA: Brotherhood series btw) so here are some of the roles the characters have:
Tommy - Edward Elric: They both have similar personalities but one is tall while the other is made fun of for being short which is hilarious in my opinion :) Also, Tommy joined the military when he was 12-14 and he's currently 16.
Ranboo - Alphonse Elric: I had to think about this one a lot since Tommy and Ranboo wouldn't be blood brothers like in the original and Ranboo would not be a suit of armor. Ranboo is the adopted brother of Tommy and they're still really close. Ranboo's soul was transferred into a sort of large organic doll/chimera that was the experiment of Phil(who takes the place of Von Hohenheim, I'll get to him in a bit). It's basically a lot like C! Ranboo's body but it's incredible durable/has tough skin(as in bulletproof), can't digest food(the body will reject and Ranboo would end up having to spit it out), can't sleep, and can't feel anything(he can hear, see, and smell, but not taste, feel pain/feel anything physical). His original body is basically Ranboo in real life but younger. The body Ranboo's soul is in has a lot of complexities to it that will be explained for another time.
Tubbo - Winry: He's an automail mechanic, it suits him. He also won't hesitate to clonk Tommy's head with a wrench if Tommy gets careless with his automail. He's surprisingly strong(as in probably being able to pick Tommy up and throw him) and hates feeling powerless despite always being left powerless.
Phil - Von Hohenheim: Still immortal and still left his family. Tommy doesn't like Phil because he left them but Ranboo feels more neutral about Phil. Basically like in the original FMA. Phil's wife is, of course, Kristin(RIP). He also doesn't have wings. Idk what else to say for Phil, he's really similar to C! Phil and Von Hohenheim.
Wilbur(not related to cc! Wilbur) - Roy Mustang: It just fits so well in my brain. His title is the Dynamite Alchemist and yes, he is sane. He's a lot like L'manberg era Wilbur but much less naive since he's seen what war is. ALSO, his uniform is extremely similar to the L'manberg military uniform in C! DSMP(but without the hat), I just really like that idea :)))) He and Tommy have a similar relationship as Ed and Roy in FMA but if you added more friendship and fondness because I love Crimeboys in AUs and DSMP :]
Techno - Scar: I debated VERY HARD on this one between Techno taking the role of Scar or General Armstrong/Olivier Armstrong because both fit so well for me. In the end, I decided on Scar but with a different backstory. Techno is a piglin hybrid because I added hybrid races to this world. So far, there are Enderians(I'll talk about them more in another post) and Piglins but there might be more. Techno is an anarchist still and he's very strong and good in combat. I still haven't figured out how he'll gain the destructive alchemy ability but I know that at some point, he'll be able to do more reconstruction, even being able to change the physical appearance of a person(that'll be elaborated on later). Techno did not kill Tubbo's parents btw, so Tommy doesn't have as much anger towards him besides the fact he keeps trying to kill state alchemists and succeeding most of the time. When Tommy and Techno had to work together, they had some surprisingly nice joking moments but it still took a while for Tommy to be comfortable around him since, y'know, Techno tried killing him on several occasions. I think he'll still have the voices which will be a major part of his backstory that I'm still piecing together.
Okay, it's late and I'm tired so that's all you're getting right now.
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