#i wish we knew who abused him and threw him onto the highway so i could kill them
depresseddepot · 2 months
to avoid thinking about my cat's surgery I've been painting and I am so fucking bad at mixing colors lmao
#im bad at matching colors too#like usually im painting from some random picture i find online but this time im really trying to focus on what im doing#(to avoid thinking about the surgery)#and i am so so bad at color matching lmao#i even used a color match site so i could see what the color of an area REALLY is but even when i do that my colors are wrong#theyre like...the right tone but theyre all too dark#and lightening them with white makes the tone go off#is this color theory? /gen lol I've heard people say you need to learn color theory but i never knew what it was#anyway. for my next trick i will think obsessively about my wip. (to avoid thinking about the surgery)#okay i cant avoid it any longer. i am so fucking glad his surgery is tomorroe#hes having knee surgery and his knee has started CLICKING while he walks#im so nervous i feel like i could go into cardiac arrest but frankly i wish it had been yesterday or the day before#i wish we had taken him to the vet last thursday. i wish i had trusted my gut sooner instead of letting my mom talk me out of it#i wish i hadn't let him walk around with a torn ligament for over a fucking week#i wish we had the vet do xrays on his knees when he was a kitten so we could have prevented all of this#i wish i had a shorter bedframe so he didn't have to jump so high. i wish i could sleep on the floor so i could sleep with him in his cage#i wish i had desensitized him to car rides and vet visits when he was a kitten#i wish we knew who abused him and threw him onto the highway so i could kill them#i wish we had put him on anxiety medication earlier#i wish i was a trained veterinarian so i could do my own exams on him instead of taking him to a place he's terrified of#i wish i was confident enough to give him the injection he needs without fucking it up#god i fucking hope everything goes okay#pretending to laugh about how he'll have a nakey chicken leg isn't even working anymore#wip save me. save me wip
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banditthewriter · 5 years
The Delos Name - Logan Delos
Prompt: Your fic prompt, should you choose to accept it: A Logan Delos fic, where the reader drops the bombshell of "Maybe you should be less concerned about what kind of man your father is... and more concerned about kind of father you're going to be." Or something of that tune.  Prompter: @beautifuldesastre
Tags are at the bottom. Let me know if you would like to be added to one of my tag lists!
*gif not mine*
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The dinner had been a disaster. You’d known from the moment Logan got to your place that it was going to be a trainwreck, but you had failed to guess just how bad it would get.
Somehow you hadn’t imagined James Delos throwing a drink in Logan’s face and telling him to get out of his house. You hadn’t imagined Logan laughing as he wiped expensive scotch off of his face with the cloth napkin that had been folded on the table next to his own drink. You hadn’t imagined Logan standing and calling his father a bastard.
You hadn’t imagined James would backhand Logan so hard that your jaw hurt.
At that point, the dinner party was a wash. The people that weren’t immediately disgusted or terrified from the display stayed and sipped their cocktails, desperate for the gossip. The ones that hadn’t been able to stomach the Delos men at each other’s throats left before it got that far.
You went to Logan’s side and grabbed his arm, careful not to show how much you’d like to punch the elder Delos. Instead you made Logan look at you so that you could be sure there wasn’t any blood. Once you were satisfied, you made your excuses to a mournful Juliet and her wide eyed fiance. Then you led Logan out to the car.
More like dragged him. He was laughing by time you got him out through the large French doors.
“A strange reaction to casual child abuse,” you mumbled as you continued to push Logan towards the car.
James Delos was in pretty good shape for a man his age and with his decadent lifestyle. And while Logan had spent a good portion of his formative years surviving on drugs, alcohol, and sex, you didn’t want to see what would happen if they two of them ever actually came to blows.
“He’s a fucking coward,” he yelled in the direction of the house, his voice ringing out in the night. A few people that were exiting the party look surprised by his outburst. “If you hadn’t been here,” he began as he slumped against the side of his ridiculously expensive car.
“Yeah, yeah, you would have wiped the floor with him,” you rambled as you checked your purse. “Do you still have the keys? You’re too drunk to drive.”
He lazily checked his jacket pockets and then his pants. He grinned and tapped his right pocket again to make the keys jingle together.
“Come’n get ‘em.”
You raised your eyebrow at Logan before you rolled your eyes. He wasn’t in any state to do anything about it, so you stuck your hand in his pocket to grab the keys.
“Little to the left,” he mumbled into your ear as his lips brushed against your cheek.
“Pretty sure your dick is out of commission right now babe,” you said with a quick kiss to his cheek as you unlocked the car. “Get in and let’s get out of here.”
He was pouting from your comment about his dick even as he slumped into the passenger seat. You knew he’d either be sobered up or half asleep by time you got back to the city, so you directed the car towards your place instead of his. He always slept better at your place.
There were times that you hated James Delos. Mostly you were ambivalent towards the man; he was a good businessman, a pioneer really, but he was also one of the most hateful men you’d ever met. At least towards Logan, but that was your only real point of connection to him. You’d met Logan and half fell in love with him before you’d even known his name.
If you knew how much trouble he was, you weren’t sure you’d have let him buy you that first drink. Or maybe you would have made him buy you a second one before you dragged him into the restrooms for a very loud and very good bout of sex.
What had started as casual sex turned into something more. You told Logan that you weren’t interested in sleeping with someone who was sleeping with the entire western seaboard and he had done well to curb those particular appetites. Well, not curb exactly. He just directed all of his sexual desires onto you.
You didn’t mind one bit.
A look proved that he was half asleep before you even hit the highway. You reached over to squeeze his hand and focused on the road.
You wished you could make things better for him. Somehow.
“Juliet thought she was pregnant,” Logan stated as he came into the bedroom where you were applying lotion to your legs. “She was freaking out. I had to take her to a clinic two hours away so they could test to see if she was or not.”
“Why would you take her two hours away? Her doctor is just down the road.”
Logan unbuttoned his shirt and laid it over the chair where he always hung up his clothes that needed to be dry cleaned. He looked over at you and raised an eyebrow.
“Because her doctor knows her as Juliet Delos so she couldn’t use a fake name there.”
Your hands stilled at the bottle of lotion as you let that sink in.
“She was going to ask for an abortion.”
You weren’t sure why you were so certain, but you knew that was why Juliet had asked to be taken out of the city. She didn’t want anyone to know.
“I had the number and address to a clinic that doesn’t ask questions and takes cash, but it doesn’t matter. Doctor said she’s just stressed and that’s why her period is late.”
That made sense, although you still weren’t sure why she would have wanted an abortion. If anyone wanted kids, it was Juliet. You resumed putting on your lotion while you pondered that.
“Not gonna ask why I had that number and address on hand?”
You didn’t even look at Logan as you rubbed the lotion into your thighs.
“I’m not rising to the bait, Logan, so get over it.” He huffed out a laugh as he crawled over the bed, pressing his lips to your neck. “Did Juliet tell you why she would have wanted an abortion? I just can’t see her wanting that. I mean, her and William are about to get married. It’s not inconceivable that they’d have a kid together.”
Logan made a noise in the back of his throat as he pulled the sleeve of your tank top down so that he could kiss your shoulder.
“I guess she’s not so certain about her and Billy-boy making it to the altar,” he surmised as his lips trailed across your skin.
You weren’t sure if he was trying to distract you on purpose or if he was just horny. Either way you rolled your eyes and leaned into his chest so that he could continue kissing you.
“Need some help rubbing that in?” His hands fell to your thighs and traced up, higher and higher, until his fingers were half tucked under the hem of your shorts.
He was insatiable. But you loved him for it.
“He’s going to fucking ruin the company,” Logan complained loudly as he threw the folder across the room, papers slipping out and littering the floor. “This is the best fit, the next step, and he won’t fucking take it. Just sits there in his office thinking no one is going to make these advances before we do.”
He had been ranting about his father for the last thirty minutes. Usually you let him have at it, knew he needed to get it off his chest, but you were horribly impatient tonight. You had been waiting, wanting to divulge something to him for a while now. But he had barely taken a breath.
“And he tells me that I can’t be his son and his business partner, that I don’t know what I’m doing. This is the one thing I’m sure of,” he said as he threw another folder across the room, this one a little heavier so it thunked against the wall before it slid to the floor. “He wants to listen to what William has to say as if that wet blanket has ever had an imaginative thought.”
“Logan,” you started but he whirled around to face you, anger and heat still in his eyes.
“He thinks I’m nothing. He doesn’t have it, he’s lost the fucking game and he doesn’t even know it,” he yelled, words nonsensical. “He’s a horrible father, the lesser man. Why do I bother sticking around?”
You weren’t sure why you snapped, but it had been building for a while. He’d cut you off time and time again to continue his rant, his words directed at his father and shouted out as if the man was in the room with you. The more he ignored you, the more you had grown restless and it finally snapped out of you.
“Logan, would you just stop listening to your own voice for two seconds?”
You never yelled; you hated raising your voice. That was why Logan looked so startled when you finally screamed the words at him. He blinked and raised his hands as if to calm you down.
“Maybe you should stop complaining about what kind of man your father is and think about what kind of father you’ll be,” you spat out quickly, hands shaking at your sides.
The startled look melted away in favor of confusion. And then it was something else.
“I’m not going to be a father,” he tossed out with a shake of his head, turning to look at the mess he had made. “I was raised by James Delos; I don’t want to be a father.”
It felt like you were slapped. Holding back tears, you went over to your purse and grabbed the three thin objects you had carried over with you. Then you walked over to the table and put them down one by one.
Pregnancy tests, three different types. All of them said that you were pregnant.
Logan looked shocked. There was true panic in his eyes as he looked between the tests and your face. You watched as he swallowed, obviously trying to find the words. You let out a laugh and wiped your eyes as you turned away from him.
“Do you… do you need the number to my clinic?”
You felt like you were drowning, but then you took a breath. He wasn’t telling you to get an abortion. He was asking if that was what you wanted.
You rested your hand on your stomach for a moment and shook your head.
“I’m doing this Logan. You don’t want to be a father, that’s fine,” you said as more tears started to slip down your cheeks, “but I’m doing this. I just thought you should know.”
The two of you had never talked long term. Sure, you were exclusive, but it wasn’t like you’d talked about forever. You didn’t know how he felt about marriage and before tonight, you hadn’t known how he felt about kids.
Maybe it was for the best that this was how it went. You could do it alone. Even if you really didn’t want to.
You didn’t say anything else. With everything out in the open, you made your way to your bedroom.
It was late. You shifted in the bed a little uncomfortably. Usually you had an arm around your waist or a leg tangled with yours. Logan had a certain breathing pattern when he was falling asleep and that noise had been your lullaby for months. You were pretty positive that this was the first night you’d slept without him in almost six months.
You’d heard the front door open and close at some point. Was he going to go get drunk? He didn’t do the hard drugs anymore, just some weed now and then, but maybe tonight was the night that he would make an exception. Or maybe he was going to find someone else to sleep with; someone who wasn’t pregnant with his child.
Your hand flitted towards your stomach but you curled it into a fist and tucked it under your arm instead.
This child would know nothing but love. You would focus all of your love on the child since it seemed you wouldn’t have their father to love.
The bedroom door creaked open and you froze. Logan had left; or had he? Maybe he had come back and you hadn’t heard him.
You listened to him as he shed his clothes, dropping piece after piece on the floor. When the bed dipped behind you, you sucked in a breath and held it. He didn’t even hesitate before he slid in behind you.
“I don’t know how to do this,” he whispered, his breath tickling your neck. “I didn’t want kids. I didn’t want to be tied down; didn’t want the white picket fence or the two point five children. I just wanted…”
His hand gently moved over your side before it could settle against your stomach. There was nothing to feel yet since it was so early, but he didn’t seem to care. He moved closer to you, his thumb rubbing the area right above your belly button.
“Maybe down the line we would have talked about this and I would have been ready, but tonight? God, I wasn’t ready,” he said with a bit of a laugh as he rested his forehead against your back. “I was raised by James Delos. What do I know about being a father?”
With tears in your eyes, you slid your hand to cover his. It made him jerk a bit. He’d thought you were asleep but that movement alerted him. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
“James Delos fathered two kids,” you said quietly into the dark of the room, your heart pounding behind your ribs. “It doesn’t take much to create a baby but it does take a lot to be a parent, to be a dad. We never talked about that, about what we wanted in the long run. It wasn’t that I thought you’d be happy, I just… I didn’t think you’d be that set against it.”
He tugged your shoulder until you rolled to face him. He leaned in to kiss you, the most chaste kiss you think you’d ever shared with the man.
“I love you.”
The words shocked you into silence. He’d never said it before. You’d said it to him once in the middle of a fight, but neither of you had mentioned it again. And now he was telling you that without any lead up, no fanfare?
“Logan, I–”
He kissed you again, a little harder this time. You raised a hand up to tangle in his hair as you held on as tight as you could.
“I love you. And this kid will be half you, right? So of course I’m going to love the kid. And yeah, I’ll probably fuck up,” he said with a grin that grew when you let out a soft laugh, “but you’ll be there to help. And I’ll have a pretty good idea of how not to raise a kid from my own childhood.”
You shook your head, pressing your hand against his sternum and pushing so that you could put a little space between the two of you.
“Logan, if you don’t want to be a dad, I’m not forcing it. You didn’t want to be a father; you literally just told me that just a few hours ago.”
He cupped your cheek and pulled you forward so that he could rest his forehead against yours.
“I don’t want to be a father, I want to be a dad. I want to raise this kid with you.” He leaned back and gave you a wide smile that stole your breath. “Just because I’m a bit broken doesn’t mean I’m gonna break everything I touch, right?”
Joy spread through you immediately. You rolled on top of Logan to kiss him, mumbling I love you’s against his mouth as his hands held you close. When you pulled back, his already dark eyes had gone a shade darker and you could feel him growing hard under you.
“How far into the pregnancy can we still have sex?”
You laughed as you leaned in to kiss him harder, your hand moving over his chest to cup his jaw. You poured your love for this man into the kiss, smiling fondly as his hand rested against your stomach for a second before he started to tug on your clothes.
At least this much hadn’t changed.
Logan was at your side the night you went back to James Delos’s house to tell him the news. Juliet was there without her fiance. He’d been gone a lot lately and you weren’t sure, but Juliet looked happier.
James hadn’t said a word to Logan the whole night, but he sure had a lot to say when he heard you were pregnant.
“Are you going to marry her or just disgrace the family name some more and have a bastard?”
Logan shot out of his chair but didn’t need to do anything. You had already flung your drink in the man’s face before the last word was fully uttered.
His shock and anger was directed at you. Logan moved to stand by your side, ready to protect you in the event that his father decided to get physical with you. You held your breath but also held your ground.
Finally James smirked. He looked at Logan as he pulled his pocket square out to wipe his face.
“You got a good one there, finally,” he said as he threw the wet cloth down onto the table. “About time you two got your acts together and settled down. She’ll make the Delos name proud.”
Logan wrapped his arm around your waist and shook his head.
“I’m keeping the Delos name as far away from my kid as I can get it, my sister excluded.”
You met Juliet’s smile with one of your own. Then you looked up and met James’s stare. He looked almost regretful.
“If you decide you want to be part of your grandchild’s life, you’re going to want to start to act like a human being. Until then, we’ll send you pictures.”
“Seeing you throw a drink in his face? I could have fucked you on the carpet right then and there,” Logan mumbled as he kissed your neck, his hands slipping under the hem of your dress.
“You’re easily impressed,” you said with a gasp as his fingers dragged your panties down. “Seriously? Against the car? We’re less than ten feet away from the front door. Someone might see.”
“I’ll be quick,” he promised with a grin as he dropped to his knees onto the asphalt. “And if he comes out, just pretend I’m proposing. That’ll shut ‘im up.”
You were so in love with this man and you couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your life with him.
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marvel-mega · 5 years
Sinister (Bucky x reader)
The arrangement part 2
authors note: hey guys thank you so much ! for the amazing feedback on my fic! I appreciate it so much so here you guys go I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
word count: 2.1
warnings: abuse not to detailed though
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Y/N and James had been hanging out in the safety of the Stark’s resident more often, Y/N father was kinda paranoid as to what his enemies could do. Y/N had convinced him one weekend to sleepover while your dad was doing ‘business’ and watched Harry Potter with James. You were completely lost in one of the scenes you didn’t even notice James watching you with so much admiration in his eyes. “James are you watching this is when Dumbledore thinks Harry put his name in the Goblet of Fir-” you stopped mid-sentence because he was just smiling at you. “What? Oh my gosh I probably sound like such a geek to you don’t I?” James just chuckled, “No, not a geek at all. Im getting super nerdy vibes though.” Y/N gasped at James and hit him lightly on the arm before resting it there. “Wow James I had no idea you were so strong.” You gripped his arm and sat on his lap. Because of the oversized t-shirt you had on, your warmth was right above James cock but there was a pair of sweatpants in between the two of you. Bucky’s eyes got darker as you slowly moved back and forth on top of him. “Princess if you keep moving I won’t last very long.” James said, his voice deeper than normal. “What if I don’t want you to stop?” Y/N said knowing very well she was winning at this game. “Let’s get married.” Y/N was taken aback for a second, “James were already engaged, I didn’t think I made you so horny you forgot things.” Y/N winked. “I know that, honey. What I’m saying is let’s go to Vegas. I want to take your last name.” Y/N laughed. “Okay then let’s go.” 
Y/N hoped into James dark suv. And as the two of you just got on the highway you were getting frantic texts from your father. “Ugh James,” James turned to you quickly before turning his eyes back onto the road “What, sugar?” “My dad is tracking me.” James laughed out loud, “I get where he’s coming from youre a diamond. Just call him and tell him were going on a weekend vacation in Vegas it’s not a complete lie.” Y/N shrugged and told her father just that and he belived it and told her ‘Not to come home knocked up. Because what happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas it’ll turn two in March.’ Y/N gasped, “Hey I was born in March!” Your father just laughed and hung up. When you arrived at the hotel with Bucky you could sense something weird, something that was off. James noticed “Whats wrong?”. Y/N looked up at him, “Nothing” she smiled. ‘Yea it’s nothing’ she told herself. 
James’ Pov
That night the two of you got dressed to go to the chapel and be married by Elvis Presley. James wanted to surprise his fiancé with some of her favorite flowers. So when he got a call from the lobby asking if someone could come down and sign for the flowers, he was just heading into the shower so he asked you to go, saying it was postmates or something. 
Y/N’s pov 
Y/N didn’t question it and went down to the lobby. As she signed for the flowers the delivery guy kept flirting with her. “So what’s a pretty little dime like you doing alone in Vegas?” “I’m not alone.” Is all that Y/N wanted to tell this sleeze, but he kept persisting. “Im here to get married okay weirdo.” Y/N started to walk away when the guy told her to come outside to pick up the flowers she reluctantly followed him. ‘It’s a crowded Vegas hotel what’s gonna happen’ she thought. As she bent down to get the flowers, a spray went into her face, “Hey wh-” Y/N tried saying before she fainted into the delivery guys’ arms. She was placed in the back of an SUV before blacking out completely. 
James’ pov
“Y/N? Y/N did you like the flowers?” James said as he stepped out of the shower. He looked around the room for you but couldn’t find just then the phone rang. “Hello?” “Ah James. Funny of you to think I’d give up my ‘babysitter’ so easily. Y/N is a real gem. I’m not letting her get married to you.” James panicked, ‘babysitter?’. Then it clicked. “Rogers. You sick bastard. You let my fiancé go right now.” “Oh please fiancé she’s just a little business ploy to you.” James was fuming but he had to keep Rogers talking knowing how much of an idiot he was he’d have to spill where he was taken you at some point. “Oh yea Rogers? What is she to you? Something to mark as yours? Last time I checked you were married.” Rogera laughed at that, “Natasha? Oh please she’s my nanny at best. I was waiting for Y/N to be at least 21 before I threw her into our lifestyle Barnes. But you just couldn’t wait could you nasty fuck.” James was gripping the phone so hard his knuckles turned white. “If you touch her-” “I’ll decide what I want to do with her alright? Maybe I’ll just tell her about all the disgusting things you did to get to your position, pal.” Rogers’ voice was dripping with venom. He knew what Barnes was capable of and was using that against him. “Let me keep her and no one gets hurt alright? But if you try to find me, then that future you wanted with a big family might be taken away from you m’kay?” James slammed the phone against the wall. He immediately called your father not knowing what else to do, Stark started to track your phone. Barnes was thanking what god was up there because you being such a millennial of course you had your phone with you everywhere you went. "Stark find her." Barnes growled into the phone. "Yea yea barnes you don't think i'm freaking out? she's my only daughter my only child at that! i can't lose her. you should've never left the house what is your problem, huh? you think i keep her locked away at home for fun?" Barnes was fuming. "You don't think i know this is my fault! You don't think i'm running through everything that could be happening to her right now Stark! You don't think i wish i was in her shoes right now!! i don't care what you think i love your daughter she's taught me that there's more to life than this mob bullshit. she's more than just a business deal to me she's my sun." Stark was silent, "Barnes we got a hit he's at the Mandalay Bay hotel. Don't go al-" Barnes hung up the phone. 'God you think i'm gonna wait for you goons? so you guys can talk it out or what?' Barnes thought himself as he opened the safe he had in the bank and pulled out a medium sized handgun. 'I guess this'll have to fucking do.' he said under his breath. "I'm coming princess and i'm hurting anyone who stands in my way." 
Y/N pov
     "He's gonna find you. You'd think you would at least leave the Vegas strip dumbfucks. You're only a few miles from our hotel." 'Keep stalling Y/N' you thought to yourself, 'give dad sometime to track you' Rogers walked in with a sinister smile, "Oh princess you think he's gonna come get you don't you? Daddy dearest can try all he wants i've got you. And that's all i've wanted do you think your father would risk a full-blown war just for Barnes to keep you? No way. You mean nothing to barnes, you're just a fucking plea deal." Rogers said as he slapped you when you started to protest. "Oh yea and what do you want me for? because this seems like a bit much just for a goddamn babysitter Rogers." Rogers chuckled darkly, "Oh you think this is still about just being my babysitter princess?" You spat in his face, "Stop fucking calling m-" You got cut off because rogers punched you, he really punched you and hard because you thought you die right there because of the pain you felt in your stomach. As you were crouching over your knees or as much as you could because you were tied to a chair, wheezing. He laughed at your despair, "Sweetheart even if Barnes tried to come and 'save you' he won't make it in time. ill ruin you so you know who you really belong to." You felt sick from the blow to the stomach and from him words. "Why? This seems more like a revenge plot than two rivaling gangs." Rogers stared at you emotionless. "Well since were gonna be together for a while let me tell you baby. Me and Barnes both grew up in New York. We were the closet of friends all until Barnes had to work his charm on MY girl Peggy. That bastard made her scared of me because he mentioned the gang i was apart of. all to get my sweet Peggy out of my arms to just steal her virginity and leave her on the curb." You couldn't believe what he was saying but it seem really because of how much it hurt Steve to talk about it. You really don't know much about Barnes to begin with. 'I know nothing about his past so i can't even defend him' you thought. You were beat and bruised all for a guy you didn't even know anything about. "Whatever he's told you it's a lie. He wants to get in your pants then you won't even be a wife to him you'll just be a play toy to show off to his friends." His words and beatings were really getting you, what if he's right i mean he already did it to one girl that you knew of. "What about Natasha?" You finally said. "Natasha agreed to trade with you. She gets barnes and you get me. Natasha's infatuated with barnes she would love to play house with him. And you're already so great with becca it works, my love. We work together." His words were starting to make a lot of sense. "Um okay. Ill do it just don't let Barnes see me. I don't want to see him." "Let's seal this contract with something my dove. Come give me a kiss." And you did and when you kissed him he untied you. And he lifted you up and deepened the kiss and that's when you heard gunshots and the door open in front of you. You hide in Rogers neck. "Get out barnes can't you seem me and my love are having a moment?" 
Barnes POV
"Get out barnes can't you seem me and my love are having a moment?" His whole world stopped. A moment? My love? That was his love that was his girl. But she didn't want to see him as she cried into Rogers' arms. "Come on can't you see she doesn't want to be apart of your game anymore?" Barnes tried all he could to steady his voice he couldn't lose you, "Y/N?" his voice shook. Slowly his angel lifted her head to look and him and that's when he knew he had to kill Rogers. Her beautiful beautiful face was broken, bruised and bleeding as she looked at him with pleading eyes. Then the unimaginable happened Y/N pulled out a small pocket knife and stabbed Rogers in the leg and went he dropped her Y/N came running to Barnes or so he thought. She ran right past him out the door. And Barnes was not able to be on the receiving end of Rogers anger so of course left too. But on the way out Y/N ran to Barnes' car ? Of course i'm not gonna question it Barnes thought to himself, I've got my girl back that's all that matter he thought as he drove his little diamond home. "Baby can you talk to me?" Barnes said. He reached over to touch his love before he heard her say, "Who is Peggy, James?" And Barnes almost stooped the car. How did she know about Peggy? Fucking Rogers what a bastard. Barnes was just silent as Y/N went to sleep after all her pains had settled. 
tag list: @white-wolf-buckaroo @queen-of-elves
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justanoutlawfic · 7 years
Where The Heart Is: Chapt. 8
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Story Summary: The sequel to “I Won’t Let Go”. 22-year-old Emma is back home in Storybrooke. Just when she thinks she has things all figured out, she gets a very unexpected surprise. Mary and David are still by her side, trying to help their little girl deal with the real world.
Chapter Summary: Mary and Emma do some shopping to get the latter ready for the baby. However their mother/daughter bonding takes a nose dive when someone from her past returns.
Trigger warning: mentions of child abuse and rape.
Also on AO3/FF
Emma was doing her best to keep her pregnancy a secret from the town, until the last possible second. She didn’t feel that any of them needed to know quite yet. After all, what if something she happened? She couldn’t bare the looks she’d get from the well-meaning town. It was easier for the small group who knew to keep it under wraps until it was time. She knew she’d have to tell Ralph and Belle, she doubted Baelfire was going to. They had a right to know their grandchild. Even so, she wanted to wait. Every time she thought of him, she wanted to break down and she couldn’t handle it.
 Weeks passed by and Emma had another appointment. Before she knew it, she was starting to get a tiny bump. It was covered by sweatshirts or whatever else she could use to cover it up, but it was there. She stood in front of her mirror one morning, standing to the side with her hand on her stomach, examining it. Mary watched from the doorway with a smile.
 “He or she is definitely in there,” she said.
Emma nodded, rubbing her tank top covered bump. “My clothes barely fit anymore. I didn’t think I’d need new stuff so soon.”
“Well to be fair, you’ve always been a twig,” Mary teased, stepping forward. “I know you hate shopping, but why don’t we go and pick out some new stuff?”
Emma sighed. “Do I have to?”
“It’s that or walk around in those skinny jeans that you can barely button up in the morning.”
Emma’s mouth dropped open. “I…they so fit.”
“I saw you on the bed this morning, struggling to button them.”
 She pulled her tongue at her mother, which just made Mary laugh.
 “Alright, alright,” Emma relented, pulling David’s sweatshirt over her. Hers no longer fit anymore. “But no pink and nothing cutesy.”
“I’d expect nothing less. Come on, we have some time before I have to pick up Neal from that birthday party.”
 Emma grabbed her purse and followed her mom down to the car. She wasn’t surprised when Mary started driving out of town. Ashley’s shop sold maternity clothes, but they tended to match her style which was pretty girly. Mary had already looked into some hip stores that sold blacks and reds, they weren’t a far ride.
“So, promise me you won’t shoot this down,” Mary said as she turned onto the highway.
Emma sighed. “I told you, I’m not doing a gender reveal. They’re so lame.”
Mary laughed. “I know. But, what about a baby shower?”
“Come on, it’d be fun. We won’t do any corny games. There will just be lots of food and hanging out. It doesn’t even have to be that big.”
Emma raised an eyebrow. “Once the town finds out, they’re all going to expect an invite.”
“Well, the more the merrier.”
“I don’t want them to feel bad for me…I…I don’t really need anything. I can buy all the stuff on my own.”
 That had been a sore subject in their household. David and Mary had offered to buy furniture for the nursery, but Emma wasn’t exactly on board with that. She had only been out of college for under a year, but she didn’t want anyone to think she couldn’t hack it. Since she lived at home, she was able to save up some money. This was her baby, her responsibility, not her parents’. Yet, they were insisting on helping as much as possible. She was grateful, knowing not many would have the offers she did, but it was still weird for her.
 “Em,” Mary pulled to a red light and gave her a soft look. “It’s common for pregnant women to have baby showers. No one is going to think less of you for having one. If you really don’t want one, that’s fine. I just think it’d be nice for you to celebrate this baby. It is a good thing, planned or otherwise.”
 Emma chewed on her lip. She knew her mother was right. She was so young and had been expecting her parents to finally get angry with her for being so irresponsible. It wasn’t her fault that the condom had been faulty, but if she had just been on the pill…
 Then she wouldn’t be having her baby and she wouldn’t trade him or her for the world. She already loved them so much.
 “If it’s a girl, no pink,” Emma decided.
Mary snorted. “Deal. You can pick the color.”
She sighed, rubbing her small bump. “I had a dream the other night, it was a boy.”
“But I read online that sometimes dreams mean the opposite.”
“Don’t listen to that stuff. I remember when I was trying to get pregnant, they said that if you didn’t take folic acid, the baby would have three heads.”
Emma snorted. “And you believed it?”
“We were young when we started trying!” Mary defended herself. “I was freaked out of my mind. Your dad ended up promising me that if our baby did have three heads, he’d just cut holes in all their shirts.”
“Good ol’ Dad.” Emma was once again silent for a minute. “Do you wish…I mean, I know you wouldn’t trade me and Neal for anything…but do you ever wish you had gotten pregnant after adopting him?”
Mary didn’t even have to think about it. “No. I mean, your father and I talked about it, even after we had just gotten you. What we would do if I was hit by a miracle and got pregnant. We’d of course love the baby, it wouldn’t change how much we loved you. Yet, I didn’t need that, I still don’t. I have you and your brother, I love you both so much.”
“And you never thought about having more children?”
She shrugged. “We talked about it, adopting again. We were just happy with you two. Now, we’re going to be grandparents…before we turn 40.”
Emma couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be, I’m excited.” She rubbed Emma’s arm. “This baby is going to be so loved, don’t doubt that.”
 Emma didn’t. She knew she was going to love the hell out of her baby, there was no way she was going to let him or her feel how she did, ever.
 Soon, they were at the shop Mary had found on the internet. Emma was surprised at how many of the clothes she actually liked. For the first time in all her 22 years, she was actually picking stuff out willingly. In the back of the shop, she came across a red leather jacket. It was a little big, but it’d work for when she got further along in her pregnancy. Trying it on, she remembered back to 9 years prior…
Mary guided Emma over to the racks of teen clothes and she started to sort through them. She wasn’t used to shopping. Normally, she just got older foster sibling’s hand me downs.  The only thing she spotted was a red faux leather jacket. She picked it up and looked at the size. It was too big for her, but that just meant there’d be room to grow. Her foster mother saw her eyeing.
 “That’s so cute and it’s perfect for spring and fall. It looks like it’ll be a little big.”
 Emma felt a small smile go across her face. She still had that jacket, it just didn’t fit like it used to now that she was pregnant. In fact, she had to buy another one before she even found out she was, because of how old it was. She still loved it, it meant the world to her. That shopping trip had been the first she had gone on that she was allowed to pick stuff out. Mary had spent so much money on her, not even flinching at the totals. Normally, she was forced to get hand-me downs or had to stand back while a foster parent picked out the cheapest thing, so the money could go to something “more important” (like their other children).
 Mary walked over and grinned. “Should’ve known you were going to pick out something like that.”
“These have always been my favorite, pregnant or not.” Emma slid it off and threw it into the cart. She then noticed the large collection in Mary’s. “Mom…”
“I knew you were going to go easy here. All of this is on me.”
“No, wait…”
“I won’t take no for an answer. You need new clothes, Em, and I’m your mother.”
“I’m 22.”
“Does that make me any less your mom?”
 Emma sighed, knowing there was no getting out of it. She pushed her own cart to the check out, paying for her small amount. Mary did the same with her overflowing cart. She had gotten things for when Emma would be further along. She knew Emma would be happy rewearing the same things over and over again, so she had to step in.
 When they were done, they headed to a little café nearby. Mary was very surprised when Emma ordered a salad.
 “In all my years of knowing you, you’ve never done that,” Mary said.
Emma sighed. “The baby has been craving vegetables. It sucks.”
She laughed. “Who knows, maybe they’ll be a health nut like their grandma.”
“They better like grilled cheese.”
Snow smiled. “And hot cocoa, that’s a deal breaker for this family.”
“Of course.”
Neal was having a lot of fun at this birthday party, it was really taking his mind off of everything. Mason was a new boy in his class and he had invited everyone to try to make some new friends. There were clowns, face painting, a bounce house, even cotton candy! He was running around with Gideon and Mason, having a ton of fun.
 The one drawback of Neal not knowing Mason very well, meant that his parents didn’t know his own that well. Mrs. McNulty had only met Mary when she dropped him off that afternoon and had yet to get to know David yet. Neal didn’t realize this, however. So, when Mrs. McNulty yelled into the backyard, “Neal, your father is here!” he thought nothing of it.
“Aw man, do you really have to go?” Gideon asked.
“Yeah.” He made a face. “But I’ll see you guys on Monday.”
 Heading through to the front of the house, he spotted Mrs. McNulty, but didn’t know who the man she was standing with was. He was older than his own father, with graying blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He took a step back, but before he could tell his new friend’s mother that this was definitely not his father, the man wrapped an arm around him.
 “Thank you for having him, we’ll see you soon.”
 When they got outside, Neal tried to fight against him, but it was no use. The man kept a tight grip on him as he lead him to his car, shoving him into the backseat. Looking for a way out, Neal realized the door handles and buttons to pull down the window had been torn off. His heart began racing as the man got up front.
 “You’re not my dad!” He shouted.
The man simply laughed. It wasn’t like any he had ever heard before, from a real person anyway. It was almost like a cartoon villain, along the likes of Jafar or Hades. “Oh Neal, yes I am.”
Neal recoiled in his seat. “How do you know my name?”
“Like I said, I’m your daddy. How else would I know?”
“My daddy is the sheriff! You’re not him!”
“Neal, Neal, Neal,” the man shook his head. “I don’t know if you were told, but you were adopted.”
Neal paused. How did this man know that? “Yeah, so?”
“So, in order for you to be adopted, it means you’d have to have another dad first.” He flashed him a smile. “We’ve never been properly introduced. My name’s Ed, Ed Swan. I’m your daddy.”
 Neal’s eyes widened. Ed. The man that had hurt Emma, he’d touched her in places he wasn’t supposed to. Neal tried to get out of the car, but it was too late, there was nowhere for him to go. Ed sickly smiled back at him, before zooming off. He was going so fast, that Neal almost fell over a few times. He quickly put on his seatbelt, not knowing what else to do. Where was Ed taking him?
Emma and Mary pulled up in front of the McNulty’s, walking up to the door. Beth, the mother, opened the door with a confused smile on her face.
“Mary,” she said. “What are you doing here?”
Mary cocked her head to the side. “What do you mean? I’m here to pick up my son.”
“Your husband already did.”
 Mary knew that couldn’t be right. David was working a double shift at the station. He rarely did them, but they came up every now and again as sheriff. Maybe he had convinced Graham to take over for him? Pulling out her cell phone, she quickly called her husband.
“Hey, honey,” he said when he answered.
“David, are you still at the station?”
“You didn’t pick up Neal from that birthday party?”
“Was I supposed to?”
 Mary’s heart sank in her chest and she could feel Emma staring at her with wide eyes. If David hadn’t picked up Neal, who had? Why would they be pretending to be him in the first place? She gulped and gripped Emma’s hand.
 “No, but I just showed up to get him and Beth said that his father already did,” she said.
David’s voice grew serious. “What?”
“I’m going to be at the station in 5 minutes.”
 As Mary hung up, Emma was scrolling through her pictures and finally came across one. She practically shoved her phone in Beth’s face.
“Was this the man that picked him up?” She asked.
Beth took in the picture of David. “No, definitely not. The man was older.”
 Emma shut her eyes, willing herself to not jump to conclusions. Soon, she was looking through articles in Safari. She could barely hear her mom saying they had to go, her heart was pounding loudly in her chest. Finally, she came across the article that came out around the time Ed had gone back to prison. It included his mugshot.
“Was this him?” She asked.
Beth slowly nodded. “Like I said, he looked a little older…but that was definitely him. I’d know those eyes anywhere.”
 Emma felt as if she was going to puke. How was it possible?!? Ed had been sent back to prison for raping a woman, they said he was going to be in prison for the rest of his life. She grabbed hold of her mom’s arm and dragged her back to the car. Both were silent as they jumped inside, Mary zooming to the station. She couldn’t believe this was happening. Ed had her baby boy, he could do anything to him!
 The drive to the station would’ve normally taken longer, but Mary sped as fast as she could. The car was barely parked, when Emma jumped out and raced into the station. David placed his hands on her shoulders.
David shook his head. “Emma, honey, Ed’s in prison…”
“NO!” Tears spilled down her face. “Beth said it was him. He has him! Daddy, he has Neal!”
 David’s jaw clenched and he swallowed, hard. Mary raced into the station and he pulled his girls into his arms. Just then, Graham walked over to them. David had filled him in on his son being missing before they showed up.
“I’ll call for an AMBER alert,” he said. “I’ll have Leroy head out to get a statement from Mrs. McNulty. We’re going to find him, don’t worry.”
 Emma pulled away from her parents and ran her fingers through her hair. She thought back to when she was 5-years-old and had been in the system for a few months. Ed was out on bail, awaiting trial. She had been at her new school, playing on the playground when she caught the familiar sight of his car. Running over to her teacher, she filled her in on everything. She was brought inside and hidden in the office. Police found Ed a block away and figured out what he was trying to do. He wanted to kidnap Emma, hurt her once again.
 She slid down into her desk chair and brought her head in between her legs, trying to breathe, but she barely could. This wasn’t happening, it couldn’t. Ed had hurt her enough, he was never supposed to be able to touch her brother, he was going to die behind bars!
 “How the hell did this happen?” David demanded. “He’s supposed to be locked up!”
Graham settled down into his own desk, looking over some files on the computer. “It seems he got pardoned for good behavior…again.”
“What the actual hell? The last time he did that, he raped someone!”
“We’re going to find him, Dave, don’t worry.”
 Emma looked up and saw her mother on the verge of tears. She walked over and wrapped a tight arm around her.
 “Graham’s right, but we won’t do it by just sitting here,” she announced. “We need to split up. Leroy’s talking to Beth, we need to look over Storybrooke. There’s no way he could’ve gotten far.”
Mary tightened her grip on Emma. She knew she was a rookie on the force, but she didn’t want her other baby anywhere out of her sight. “Emma…”
“Mama, I know. I love you, but I need to do this.”
“I need to know where you are.”
Emma thought for a minute. “The tracking app, I never took it off my phone. You two don’t use it anymore, you can now. I’m going to be okay.”
 Mary and David exchanged a look. The latter wanted Emma to stay behind too. Not only was she pregnant, but she was their daughter. He was worried enough about Neal, Ed had to be looking for Emma too. At the same time, she was a grown adult, she was going to do what she wanted.
 “Be careful,” David told her. “Answer your phone when I call. If you don’t, I don’t care where you are, I’m coming.”
“I know you will.” Emma gave him a quick hug before turning to Mary, who had tears running down her face. “Mom…”
“Just…please be careful.”
Emma threw her arms around her. “I will, I promise. I’m gonna get Neal back.”
 Mary let out a shaky breath and squeezed Emma tightly before letting go. Graham tossed Emma the keys to one of the squad cars and she took off. David hugged Mary tightly, kissing the top of her head.
“I’m going to bring our boy home,” he promised. “And our girl.”
Mary let out a shaky breath. “You be careful too, I can’t lose any of you.”
“You won’t. I promise you, by tonight we’ll be a family again.”
 Mary watched him head out the door. From the window, she could see her husband and daughter hug once again before getting into their separate cars and take off. She sunk down into a chair, feeling very faint. Graham handed her a cup of water, rubbing her back.
 “They’re going to be okay, Mary Margaret,” he assured her.
 She wanted to believe him, but for once…her hope was dwindling.
Emma sped down Main Street, trying to think of where Ed could be taking Neal. There was no way he’d be stupid enough to go back to Boston. As she came to a red light, her phone began buzzing with a FaceTime request. She didn’t recognize the number, but answered it anyway. She nearly jumped at the image on the other side.
 “Well, well, well,” Ed said with a smirk. “Hello.”
“Where are you, Ed?”
“I wouldn’t worry about it. I’m getting my second chance to raise a family.”
“Like hell you are! Where’s Neal!”
“He’s fine, just resting.” Ed directed the phone to Neal, who was sleeping on a bed.
“What’d you do to him?!?”
“Would you relax? I have no plans for him…for now. If you want to see your baby brother again, you better follow my instructions carefully. You showed up a few years ago, saying you were all big and bad. Prove it. Come take his spot.” He paused. “And another thing, no cops. If I see your precious daddy pull up, this whole thing is over and well…you can go back to being an only child. I’ll text you the address.”
 The phone dinged and Ed’s face disappeared. A moment later, she got a text containing the address. She knew she should text her parents, but she couldn’t risk it. Plus, she knew her father would be calling her. When she didn’t answer, he’d come for her.
 She just had to hope things would go according to plan.
 Emma placed a hand on her baby bump. “Come on, it’s time for your first real adventure.” She hit the gas and headed off.
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Lewisham, London 1977: Notes on fighting fascism | UK
London, England – “It was the one time in my life I assumed I might in all probability die. I could not breathe,” says 71-year-old Balwinder Singh Rana.
He recollects the mass of our bodies pressed collectively as police separated anti-fascist protesters from 500 Nationwide Entrance marchers gathered on the backside of Clifton Rise within the South-East London borough of Lewisham.
On the concrete wall above him, a small maroon plaque reads:
Remembering The Battle of Lewisham Hundreds united right here in opposition to racism and fascism 13 August 1977
It is an October afternoon: shiny solar and naked bushes. Throughout the road, skaters observe kickflips. Noon visitors hisses by. An aged lady rests on a set of sculpted concrete seats, her wheeled grocery bag plastered with a Jamaican flag.
However on the day memorialised, the world grew to become a rallying level for the far-right Nationwide Entrance, as individuals tried to march by way of New Cross and Lewisham, ostensibly to protest in opposition to a spate of muggings police had attributed to members of the native black inhabitants. In response, hundreds of anti-fascist protesters rallied in close by Ladywell Fields.
Rana, a broad, heavyset man with pitch-dark eyes, immigrated to England from India along with his household when he was 16. He is been an anti-fascist his total grownup life, founding Britain’s first Indian youth organisation, The Indian Youth Federation, in 1969 earlier than becoming a member of the Anti-Nazi League in 1977.
Strolling these streets, he begins to recount the occasions of that day.
A memorial plaque in Clifton Rise remembers the occasions of August 13, 1977 [James Rippingale/Al Jazeera]
The Battle of Lewisham
It was 11:30am when he and 6 pals arrived at Ladywell Fields, becoming a member of the hundreds of anti-fascist protesters already gathered there.
Two separate umbrella teams deliberate to oppose the Nationwide Entrance march. The All Lewisham Marketing campaign Towards Racism and Fascism (ALCARAF), whose enchantment to the British Excessive Court docket to ban the march had been rejected, favoured a peaceable demonstration. The Anti Racist/Anti-Fascist Co-ordinating Committee (ARAFCC) and Socialist Staff Occasion (SWP) sought to blockade the fascists who’d amassed, beneath heavy police escort, on close by Achilles Avenue.
“One among my comrades from the SWP approached me and gave me a few flares which I wrapped up in a newspaper and hid in my belt,” recollects Rana. “He requested me to take a dozen individuals quietly and make our means right here,” he provides, gesturing in direction of Clifton Rise, now awash with pigeons.
“Then we observed a whole bunch of different individuals had been attempting to do the identical.”
As protesters moved alongside Achilles Avenue, police horses and riot officers blocked roads. Clashes started virtually instantly. Orange smoke bombs snaked by way of the crowds. Police pressured protesters again onto New Cross Highway, clearing a path for the Nationwide Entrance’s march and forming three protecting strains both aspect.
“We let the police go, we let the [National Front] honour guard go and after they acquired to about right here,” he says, motioning to an area on Pagnell Avenue, “we began chucking the whole lot we might. Rocks, bottles, flares …”
New Cross Highway, the positioning of clashes between anti-fascist protesters and supporters of the far-right Nationwide Entrance in 1977 [James Rippingale/Al Jazeera]
A number of of the adjoining homes had been derelict. Antifascists hid on the higher flooring and behind backyard partitions threw bricks on the marchers. Rana chuckles to himself as he recollects members of the Nationwide Entrance cowering in doorways.
In central Lewisham, one other group of protesters had amassed, blocking the Nationwide Entrance’s end line. Unable to proceed they held a short rally in a carpark on Cressingham Highway and had been escorted swiftly again to Lewisham station.
“We thought we might gained … it was incredible,” says Rana. “Folks had been so completely happy. We would crushed the Nationwide Entrance!”
New police ways – and a blow to the Nationwide Entrance
However round half an hour later, police geared up with riot shields and batons descended upon the protesters.
“Individuals who had been sitting in their very own houses had been all of the sudden concerned – younger or previous. Individuals who’d been watching TV. They got here out … I even noticed some black previous women from upstairs home windows throwing cauliflowers on the police.”
“Now it had change into an actual group battle.”
The images taken that day present bedlam and rage. A black teenager in a police chokehold. Helmets, batons and smoke. Vans with home windows smashed in and protesters scrambling atop avenue indicators.
Based on researchers at close by Goldsmiths College, 2,500 police had been dispatched with 214 arrests and a minimum of 111 individuals had been injured, together with 56 law enforcement officials. Seven police coaches had been broken. It was additionally the primary documented use of police riot shields within the UK outdoors of Northern Eire.
August 1977: An injured policeman is carried from Lewisham riot by colleagues [Getty Images]
“Though police attacked us and we had been preventing again, even then everybody felt so completely happy. We had been exhilarated that we might crushed the fascists,” says Rana, ambling up a tree-lined avenue off New Cross Highway.
The day dealt a heavy blow to the Nationwide Entrance.
The 12 months earlier than, it had secured 44.5 p.c of the vote, alongside a breakaway faction known as the Nationwide Occasion, throughout an area by-election in Deptford – a outcome that wasn’t adequate to beat the Labour Occasion however which did push the Conservatives into fourth place.
Now, they’d been forcibly ejected from an space through which they believed that they had help. Later, Conservative Occasion chief Margaret Thatcher would capitalise on paranoia over immigration to attract lots of its members in direction of her celebration.
We thought we might gained … it was incredible. Folks had been so completely happy. We would crushed the Nationwide Entrance!
Balwinder Singh Rana
A path in direction of activism
Sitting at a small cafe, Rana explains his personal path towards activism.
“As much as the age of 14 I had by no means seen a white particular person. I had by no means suffered from any discrimination. So after I got here to this nation on the age of 16 it was fairly a giant shock.”
Rana’s household relocated from Punjab to Gravesend, a small city 21 miles downriver. On his brother’s recommendation, he started searching for manufacturing unit work.
“I did not communicate a lot English and the boss of the manufacturing unit was subsequent to a barrier … I went as much as this man and I mentioned to him ‘job, please,’ as a result of that is all I might communicate. And he mentioned to me “your individuals are not allowed to cross this barrier’.”
His brother instructed him to not fear. This was regular.
“I observed that a number of the older individuals had been accepting it as a result of they’d offered the whole lot that they had in India to come back over right here and plenty of of them had households over there they usually had been fairly susceptible.”
Seventy-one-year-old Balwinder Singh Rana arrived within the UK from India when he was 16 years previous. He has been an anti-fascist his total grownup life [James Rippingale/Al Jazeera]
Over the subsequent 5 years, as Rana labored completely different manufacturing unit jobs, the informal racism remained a relentless.
“For them, it was only a little bit of a joke. If you happen to argued in opposition to them they’d cease. One or two I really grew to become pals with … You did not really feel there was one thing behind it – that they had been a part of an organisation or something.”
The Indian Youth Federation
In 1969, Rana arrange the Indian Youth Federation whereas finding out for his A-Ranges at Gravesend School. His motivation was Enoch Powell’s 1968 Rivers of Blood speech, which ferociously declaimed the “preventable evils” of immigration, spawning a wave of racist assaults throughout England.
“We got here out of a pub and three or 4 [men] got here and abused us verbally. My brother’s two pals had been from India. They had been pretty massive males and school educated. However they did not need to battle again. I wished to battle again.
“From that second on I assumed ‘I am not going to simply accept this’.”
Quickly, the Indian Youth Federation grew in numbers and confidence.
“There was this pub we knew that did not serve Indians. We met someplace and we marched right down to this pub. There have been 50 of us. I went to the bar and I mentioned ’50 pints of lager please’,” he says laughing. “Earlier than, they’d say ‘go away’ or if individuals would go in they would not serve them … Now, they had been dashing round like loopy.
“When the Nationwide Entrance began marching, that was completely different. That was one thing a lot deeper. There was a philosophy behind it.”
Three months earlier than the Nationwide Entrance marched by way of Lewisham, it had staged a march within the predominantly black space of Wooden Inexperienced. That had been a departure from the Asian areas it sometimes focused and had helped to unite black and Asian Londoners in opposition to the far proper [James Rippingale/Al Jazeera]
‘Defeating fascism collectively’
Shaped in 1967 by A Okay Chesterton, the Nationwide Entrance gained momentum in 1972 after a large-scale merger between British nationalist teams.
Three months previous to Lewisham, they marched by way of the predominantly black Wooden Inexperienced, a departure from the Asian areas initially focused. This helped galvanise the black group in opposition to them.
“That gave us Asians actual encouragement. Now, we’re collectively. Now, we are able to defeat fascism.”
After the Battle of Lewisham, Rana labored full time for the Anti-Nazi League.
Though the day is seen as a victory, he says little has modified. To his information, 216 marches by far-right teams just like the English Defence League, Britain First, Nationwide Motion and Generational Identification happened in 2018.
“Marching could be very, essential for fascists,” says Rana. “Once they march in giant numbers, even a small worm seems like a dragon.”
Anti-fascist Rana remembers the day in 1977 when Lewisham took on the far proper [James Rippingale/Al Jazeera]
Based on his expertise, figuring out the hardcore members of such teams and separating them from the casuals swept in by rhetoric is vital. As is taking note of city landscapes: small stickers or slogans plastered on partitions and lampposts which ordinarily go unnoticed.
“Use social media as a lot as you may, however opposing them on the streets is essential. In any other case, they achieve the streets … You at all times should take small steps from the start and begin to take motion in your native space: begin protesting and begin organising.”
In the present day, Lewisham bears little resemblance to the scenes of August 13, 1977.
However on October 13, 2018, Rana was in Central London with the Anti-Nazi League, protesting in opposition to a 1,500-strong march by the Democratic Soccer Lads Alliance (DFLA) in opposition to “returning jihadists” and “hundreds of Awol migrants,” based on their Fb web page.
“That is the primary time I might seen 1,500 fascists,” he says, shocked.
“It is essential that individuals in communities know what’s occurring and realise it isn’t one thing that occurred prior to now. It is occurring proper now.”
Throughout Europe, the far proper is on the rise and it has a few of the continent’s most various communities in its crosshairs.
To the far proper, these neighbourhoods are ‘no-go zones’ that problem their notion of what it means to be European.
To those that stay in them, they’re Europe. Watch them inform their tales in That is Europe. 
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from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/lewisham-london-1977-notes-on-fighting-fascism-uk/
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