#i’ll post more later anywya
possessedartist · 2 years
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don’t read blue beetle you’ll get hit with a sickness called hyperfixtation
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my clown ass yesterday was literally like self harm relapse yeah nbd it literally doesn’t matter who cares and summer’s almost over anyways it’s fine. then i got asked to go to the pool this weekend 🥸🥸🥸🥸
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jinkiesmariz · 2 months
Made a little sona for Our Life: now and forever !!!! And since we only got a bit of step 1 and a preview of step 2 for the demo I’ve gotta admit I’m absolutely destroyed this game is comin out next year LOL!!! Immediately whipped and in love with all the characters and now I’m stuck in dev hell so !! I drew this and will probably draw more moments of what I think might happen or just moments outside of the set script in the game
(Don’t mind rhe homosexual shit going on in the corner idk what happened, must’ve been a ghost)
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Unfortunately I’ll be hit with the emo Ray but there’s not much you can do, I accidentally based it off of stuff I’d wear in middle school before remembering step 2 is set in the beginning of highschool (fml I only realized now while making the post like “wait a fucking minute” and I’ll reap what I’ve sewn ig) and I just wore pjs and sports clothes, like whatever was comfortable so the emo clothes stay for the ref… they’ll change later. (I was also mainly thinking about how skinny jeans were “in” in middle school even if I hate them now, I wouldn’t even dare to wear them in highschool man inaccurate as hell 💔)
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Also these are like the initial doodles of the little avatar I made (I actually had a cherry red jacket irl but my ma donated it long ago so I was a bit happy to see it as a clothing option :3) but I think this little moment in the demo where qiu was explaining why I should join the club and I got like stunlocked by that piece of dialogue, esp with tamarack joining in I was like “if I was 10 I would’ve been COOKED” LMFAO.
But I thought it was silly cuz the dialogue option when I first met him I thought it would’ve been cute and on brand to be like “woah You’re so pretty” and then want to explode when the words leave my mouth. Erm Anywyas I’m really tired I’d say a lot more about my thoughts and already blooming love for the game but I’m tired so hopefully I can blabber more with more art next time yippieee
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only-angel-28 · 2 days
heyy…hi..how y’all doing….🤡🤡
no listen i genuinly owe you guys the FATTEST apology ever like pls im so sorry i haven’t uploaded since like OCTOBER last year….
it’s june..
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anyways good news is, i only have one more week left of gcses (thank God, im so sick of this) and i finish my last exam on june 14th🥳🤪🫦🎀✨🙌👥😘⁉️😂💯🇮🇹‼️
which means i’ll be uploading on the “regular” again‼️‼️‼️
anywyas for now like until next friday i did write a bit for chapter 11 and like its fine to read by itself but its not a massive chapter it’s quite short so do you guys want to read it now or shall i just add chapter 12 in it too and make it proper long?
pls lmk and remember to drink water‼️‼️ (pls also pray for my exams im so terrified rn😂🔫)
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