#i’m adorning you with pink paper hearts
pfhwrittes · 1 month
Hiii do you mind if cis readers reblog/interact with your works that have trans characters or trans readers? I know some ppl might have a preference but I just wanted to check in with you just in case <3
hi friend! thank you for asking, that’s very thoughtful of you.
please feel free to reblog, like or interact as you see fit. i’m more than happy for anyone (as long they’re over the age of 18) to interact with my fics/drabbles/blog 💜
i hope you’re having a good timezone wherever you are in the world
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myerssimp21 · 6 months
Knife's Canvas (Pt. 1)
Yandere Poly!Ghostface x Reader
warnings: mention of torture (not reader), planned stalking.
prompt inspired by @jadedstarlight03 's prompt to @creepyyanderegirl on yandere stu with artistic reader. I liked it and took my own spin with it since I simp for Billy too.
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"I admired your sketch!"
The cursive note, adorned with a smiley face, stared back at you, earning an A+ grade on your inaugural in-class creative writing assignment at Woodsboro High. As a newcomer, you had hoped your depictions of characters like Garfield and Scooby Doo would endear you to the teachers, and it appeared they did. Sketched in red pen and colored with pastel pink highlighter, your drawings grinned up at you, surrounded by tiny glitter hearts.
"Oh, those are wicked!"
The cute blonde girl seated behind you leaned over your shoulder, her minty breath fanning into your face as she praised, "Do you draw a lot? Did you do those in class? It's pretty fast if you did."
"Yeah! I started doing art last year, but you get better and faster with practice," you replied with a warm smile, eager to make your first friend. "I think these took about 3-4 minutes each."
Your face warmed as she leaned closer, her chest lightly pressing against your back as she inspected your paper. She pointed to the little hearts, "Those are so cute!" Her approving face turned toward you as she introduced herself, "I'm Tatum."
"I'm ____," you replied, pleased to make introductions effortlessly. The teacher's allowance for 5 minutes of free time before class's end was a welcome opportunity for socializing.
"You should join my friends and me after our next class for lunch; maybe some of us will be in your classes!"
"That would be so nice," you said, relief evident in your voice. "I'm honestly pretty shy, so making friends can be intimidating."
Her dazzling smile accompanied her words, "Perfect! If you have Chemistry next with Mr. Scott, I'll show you where it is if you don't already know."
"Um," you leaned down to your backpack, sifting through your new student documents to find your schedule. "Oh, it's actually history with Ms. Johnson."
"Hmm," Tatum leaned back, crossing her legs as she thought. "I think Billy has that class. Maybe if you leave a little early, you can catch him. He's the guy with the, uh," she seemed to struggle for words, "grunge hairstyle? I think he's wearing a dark red t-shirt today if that helps. He's a little grumpy sometimes, though, so if you're too nervous or he's mean, we'll look for you at lunch."
The bell rang, and students not already congregating by the door got up to leave. You neatly tucked your graded paper into its designated folder and stood, slinging your backpack over your shoulder as Tatum rose in tandem.
"I'll try!" you said with a giggle, even though meeting Billy made you nervous. "It was nice to meet you."
"You too," Tatum said, pulling a pack of gum from her bag and offering you a piece before you left. "I think your next class should be in that building, right? I’m not sure if you had it yesterday or if it’s a Tuesday-Thursday class."
Thanking her again, you made sure your Discman had the CD you liked the most before connecting your headphones and heading off in that direction. You'd only have a few minutes of music, but it was worth it!
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After finding your next class, you lingered around the door since you were early, hoping to at least place who Billy was from Tatum's description. After a moment of trying to not look awkward as you stood around, you spotted him.
He did have a grungier hair style, reminding you of a movie star you'd seen on TV recently. It threatened to fall in his eyes as he stalked towards the door, a bored look on his face. Now that you noticed him more, it was hard to ignore that he had a pretty face. Trying to not overthink it now that you realized you thought he was kind of cute, you pulled your headphones down from your ears until they hung around your neck as he came closer to the class.
When he noticed you looking at him as he drew closer, his eyes narrowed suspiciously, the scowl on his face deepening and making you feel even more nervous.
"Hi," you said somewhat sheepishly, "I'm ___. I'm new and met Tatum in my last class. You must be Billy."
His eyebrow raises and his eyes soften, but the scowl remains, “Oh?”
“Yeah…” you trail off a little, unsure of what to say since his response was sort of dry, “I’m from the more southern part of the state and we moved up here for my dad’s new job. I hear you guys experience the seasons up here so I’m excited to see them! The leaves never change in the fall where I’m from.”
His dark brown eyes have been boring into yours as you speak, making your face feel warm for the second time today. They dart down to the folder in your hands and he smirks as he says, “That’s cool.”
For your history folder, you’d tried to paint torsos and busts like the ancient historic statues from Greece and Rome you’d seen in a National Geographic magazine on the cover. They were naked torsos, but you had tried to make the nipples on the women look less prominent to avoid getting into trouble. If you had any sense, you’d have depicted something else to entirely avoid the possibility of getting into trouble, but you’d gotten irritated at the idea of censoring art.
“Oh, thank you! I hope I don’t get shit for the nudity, but I guess I could probably give them all clothes if I need to.”
He nods towards the classroom and you notice the hallways are getting quieter, “We should head in. There’s a couple empty seats near me.”
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Ms. Johnson's strategy to get the kids interested in history was to start with the brutality of the medieval age, it seemed; with diagrams of the torture methods they created being the highlight of her second class after syllabus day.
The history class, guided by Ms. Johnson's unwavering enthusiasm, delved into the unsettling corners of medieval history. As the lesson progressed, she took a moment to present an image of a haunting artifact, projecting it onto the screen for the entire class to see.
"Now, can anyone tell me what this is?" Ms. Johnson asked, gesturing to the screen. It was a grotesque device, an iron contraption with a cold, heartless design. Sharp spikes protruded inward, forming a cage around the wearer's head. The unsettling silence lingered as the class peered at the image, growing discomfort palpable.
To everyone's surprise, ____ confidently raised her hand, her eyes betraying an unexpected depth of knowledge.
"It's called the Scold's Bridle," she answered, her voice steady. "An oppressive device designed to silence women who dared to speak their minds. The spikes prevented any speaking, ensuring their voices remained stifled."
Billy arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "How do you know about that?"
____ shrugged, a nonchalant smile playing on her lips. "I read a lot. History isn't just about dates and battles; it's about the struggles people faced, especially women, and respecting the challenges they went through."
Billy's skepticism softened as he nodded slightly. "Guess history is more twisted than we think."
____ leaned towards him slightly, a smile on her face that didn't quite reach her eyes and made his spine tingle slightly, "Oh, you have no idea."
"Ah, ____," Ms. Johnson said with genuine admiration and ____'s attention snapped back to her, "Impressive knowledge there. I'm eager to see your thoughts on this in more detail, perhaps in an essay. It's always refreshing when students connect with the material on a deeper level."
"Now, let's delve further into the complexities of medieval society. How these devices were not only instruments of physical torment but also symbolic of the societal norms of the time."
The lesson continued, and ____ slowly flipped through her sketchbook to find a fresh page, seemingly reviewing her previous art briefly as she did so. Billy faced the board, but his eyes were turned downward, toward ____'s hands. He caught a glimpse of previous drawings – a mix of cartoon characters and a few creepier depictions.
Angry faces splattered with red marks resembling blood and figures wearing intimidating masks (or just freaks with the scariest faces ever) caught his eye. Intrigued, he discreetly watched as she began absentmindedly sketching the torture devices described in class as she listened, switching out her pens to smear red ink on them. He caught his scoff before he uttered it when he realized she was drawing the devices in glitter pens, her eyes flickering from the images on the screen to back down at her paper.
He must have been too obvious, leaning in too closely or being too pointed with his staring now because she had flipped to a fresh page and locked eyes, an unreadable expression across her face. There was a pause before she tucked her sketchbook into her bag and turned her attention back towards the board.
Billy felt a mischievous idea forming in his head as he let his eyes linger on her, knowing she could probably see him staring in her peripheral. If she wasn't thrilled about him seeing her portfolio, perhaps there was more hiding in that sketchbook than just cutesy cartoons. It could be amusing for him and Stu to explore her place once they found out where she lived, hunting for more art she wasn't ready to showcase while they scoped out their new potential victim. If the glimpses of what he saw when she had flipped through it implied there was anything more beneath her vanilla exterior, Billy was confident that he and Stu could uncover it.
As the bell rang, she turned to him with what he'd call friendly eyes, the strange demeanor now gone, "Are you hungry or what? Is the cafeteria food at Woodsboro High edible or would I be better off hunting a bird?"
He huffed, "You'd be better off starving." Nodding towards the door, he started towards it, hardly waiting for ____ to collect her bag, "Maybe Randy will be enough of a simp to offer you whatever his mommy made for him."
Noticing the disdain Billy seemed to have for Randy's mother but feeling too tentative about the potential for conflict to ask more about it, ____ decided to leave it alone and hurry after him into the now bustling hallway.
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justalonelybitch · 8 months
Idiots In Love
Yunjin x F!Reader
Genre: goofy
Warnings: poor attempts at cooking
Buy Me A Coffee :)
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Yunjin rubbed her eyes tiredly as she wandered into the dorm's kitchen, a yawn escaping her as she approached the tortuously loud sounds that had kept her from relaxation. The ghost of a smile crept onto her lips when she reached the threshold, eyes landing on you. Your brows were furrowed in concentration as you hurriedly stirred a pan of sizzling food. Various ingredients were scattered around the area, your focus wavering as the boiling pot of water began to bubble up. Completely ignoring the chaos before her, Yunjin carefully tip-toed towards you, a menacing grin adorning her lips. 
You jumped in surprise, a yelp ripping from your throat when Yunjin’s arms looped around your torso. “Fuck! You scared me,” you exclaimed, one hand resting over your thrumming heart and the other playfully slapping Yunjin. “Sorry,” your girlfriend chuckled against your neck, not an ounce of remorse in her tone. Shaking your head in disbelief, your eyes flickered back to the dish you’d almost momentarily forgot about. Yunjin grumbled at the lack of attention, hugging you tighter as she pulled you impossibly closer. Unable to resist the bright smile breaking out on your face, you clumsily turned off the stove. Spinning around in her arms, you lazily slung your arms around her neck, coming face to face Yunjin’s smug grin.
Only the sleeve of your hoodie caught the pot handle, knocking it off the stove and spilling the boiling water across the hardwood floor. Thankfully, the spillage narrowly missed the two of you. “Bro..” Yunjin uttered incredulously, pink lips parted in shock. “Shit, sorry.” You muttered apologetically, frantically searching for a paper towel. “Let me help you,” Yunjin offered, swiping the tea towel laying discarded on the bench. “Thanks,” you murmured, cheeks flushed red at the mess you’d created. You had no doubt that Chaewon would kill you had she been there to witness you in the kitchen. It definitely wouldn’t be the first time she’d tried to ban you from cooking.
Once the two of you had successfully cleaned up after your near catastrophic clumsiness, Sakura swooped in to save your poor, but appreciated attempt to cook dinner for everyone. You and Yunjin landed on the couch with a huff, exhaustion finally catching up on everyone. Silence enveloped you, Yunjin’s head falling to your shoulder where it would rest as you two watched the sun fall beyond the horizon. “Jennifer.” You mumbled, your girlfriend's eyes snapping opened at the mention of her English name. Dear lord, she was in trouble, but whatever for? 
“What did you call me before?” You questioned, brows furrowed as you stared down at her expectantly. Yunjin hesitantly raised her head, slowly- fearfully turning to face you. “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about,” Yunjin winced when faced with your intense glare, tongue poking the inside of your cheek. “I think you do,” you stated seriously, eyes narrowed in her direction. “I promise I don’t, please tell me,” she frowned in confusion, relentlessly racking her mind for anything she may have done to upset you. 
“...bro. You called me bro.” You stated in disbelief. Shaking her head softly, Yunjin allowed a breathless laugh to escape her lips. “Seriously bro?” Your girlfriend allowed the playful pet name to tease slip past her lips once more, receiving a distasteful glare. “I’m not your bro. I’m your girlfriend,” you complained, forehead creasing in an adorable frown. “I’m sorry baby,” Yunjin mumbled between bouts of laughter, not even trying to hide her amusement. “Jennifer,” you scolded sternly, but to no avail. “You’re so cute,” was all she managed to utter, squishing your cheeks when you pouted. 
Shifting away from her, you crossed your arms over your chest, eyes narrowed at the wall. “Y/nnnn,” Yunjin dragged out, shuffling closer to you, a goofy grin plastered on her features. She repeatedly poked your cheek, but you refused to give in just yet. “Bro…..” Yunjin groaned, smiling innocently when you turned to face her- if looks could kill. “....romantically.” Yunjin finished proudly, and this time you couldn’t resist the smile that tugged your lips upwards, rolling your eyes fondly. She was never gonna let this go. 
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i was in such a goofy mood while writing this
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huhsyg · 10 months
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stars. | a love story that began and ended with stars. childhood lovers to high school lovers.
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"(y/n). can we ... do this?" the white-haired child, seemingly at the age of twelve, swiftly took hold of your hand and interlocked his fingers with you, grasping it as if it was a promise to never let go. the rosy tone of pink adorned his pale cheeks along with a pursued lip, giving it a cute look一 to which you adored upon seeing them.
you chuckled heartedly, allowing nagi to hear your soothing voice that felt like a lost tale to him. tiny stars decorated the night sky that resided behind you一 almost like a breathtaking cutscene that appeared in every quest he played.
nagi’s lips corners tugged upwards, displaying a smile that even he couldn’t understand how it happened一 it was all your work, managing to get him to adore your every action without an effort.
you were the one in a million for him.
“nagi,” despite it being his boring name that you called out, your tone made it heard as if it was special. “do you think the stars gaze back at us?” you pointed to the stars above the two of you, hand still holding his warm one.
“of course,” he affirmed. “if they didn’t, then they wouldn’t be there.”
you were so young, and so was he. yet, you two found love in each other’s hearts, making them beat way faster with slight affection. even though the concept of love was still confusing for both of you, you found it easy to love over time.
nagi seishiro loved you from the deepest part of his heart.
“hey, look.” a pair of smoke-colored orbs traveled to the night sky once more, now taking in the sight of a shooting star. “make a wish, nagi!”
he scoffed, “what is there to wish?” he already had you, what more could he ask the gods to gift him? how troublesome.
Your smile didn’t falter a bit, instead, softened at the comment.
your (h/c) strands swayed with the wind, along with a sheer cold embracing your figures. you trembled slightly, letting out a shaky breath. the warmness of his hand didn’t help you. you squeezed his hand, staring at nothing but the star that left a shining trail.
nagi couldn’t bear you getting cold, always insisting that you should stay close to him. his arms wrapped themselves around you, head resting on top of your shoulder. he noticed how much you yearned for his comfort at the moment, wishing for nothing but a longing hug.
nagi seishiro wished to be with you in every lifetime.
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"nagi, you came.” you exclaimed, eyes shining upon seeing the white-haired male. he brought his headphones down, focusing on you now. a smile emitted his strawberry-tinted lips, arms open for you to hug him tightly. you waited no time to wrap yourself around him as he petted your (h/c) hair.
“i’m here.” he assured. the fresh fragrance of his met your sense of smell, immediately addicting you to it.
“i made a paper crane, see.” your hand reached out to your coat’s pocket, pulling out a white origami that was neatly folded. nagi’s heart melted at your excited voice, his eyes softening a bit. “it looks like you.” you put the paper crane in front of him, carefully displaying it as if it was a piece of art made by the most important artist.
for nagi, you were an artist. an important one.
he chuckled, "it does look like me, you're so skilled at this, (y/n).” the white-haired male watched as you blabbered about your experience, commenting on it from there to there. honestly, he could listen to you all day if it weren’t for the small things breaking his conversation with you.
he loved it when you brought small gifts such as chocolates or a handmade accessory一 or anything in general, he just loves whatever you bring him. nagi peered at your (h/c) eyes, finding tiny stars illuminating every time you spoke.
nagi seishiro loved you, but didn’t know if you felt the same.
the paper crane you gifted nagi just now resided inside his large pocket, not a single wrinkle on it. he’d rather die than harm something you’ve given him. the appealing landscape of dawn was present in front of you two, colored in bright colors such as orange, yellow, blue, and purple. the sun clearly blinded your eyes, but you paid no mind to it.
seeing the dawn of after-school was like a miracle in hakuho high school, considering how late the students went home. since it was rare to catch the dawn, the hakuho students created a rumor一 that whoever watched the dawn with someone, they’d belong to them for an eternity.
if that were true, then why is nagi seishiro standing in front of your grave, denying your death?
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nagi pressed the icon of the voicemail, clearing his throat as he blinked.
“good night, (y/n). i know we haven’t talked for the past, what一 two days?” he paused, was it two days? or two months? “i miss you, a lot. it’s so hard to continue on without you, y’know. i got invited to blue lock, reo said that we could do some tricks from here to there. it was so troublesome, at least without you … i know i’ve been saying this for the last three voicemails but一 uh, but, i love you. i hope you love me back too, because if you don’t一 if you don’t … i’ll be very sad … yeah, sorry.”
he inhaled, cold air entering his lungs and freezing him. it was a bad idea to head off to the park where it all started一 where he met you, his crush.
smoke-colored hues traveled to the stars above, watching them as they shined brighter than usual一 was it because they gained another star? if so, then nagi wants his star back. he was selfish, wanting more than he could have. but, it was what made him human, right?
his thumb wandered around the icon once again, tears threatening to spill. he glanced at the white paper crane in his hand, a lump formed in his throat, forbidding him from forming the most basic word. the voices inside his head told him to not do it, how it’d just bring more pain to him and hurt your feelings even more. he didn’t care as of now.
“(y/n) … why一 why did you leave me? didn’t you tell me to make a wish? did the stars lie to us? ... i miss you, more than you could ever believe.” a pause, inhaling a shaky breath. “can we一 can we watch the dawn once more? before you leave …? i promise, i’ll keep my promise一 i’m not like those selfish stars. i’ll meet you there, really …”
His thumb pressed the icon for the last time. “(y/n), please don’t leave me.”
and from now on, nagi seishiro had no trust left for the stars.
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maggiedanikka · 2 years
Let Me Go
Pairing: Hangman x f!reader, (eventual) Rooster x f!reader
Warnings: none, very brief mention of sex, Angst, pregnancy
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: Reader is married and shares a child with Hangman, Life and circumstance drives reader into Rooster’s arms, but Hangman isn’t giving up that easily
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Author’s Note: Hi y’all, I am back from the dead. Truthfully, I haven’t written anything fiction for a freaking long time. I’m a political science major so I have been writing only research papers and journals for the past 3+ years. Please bear with me here, I don’t have an  editor or anything, will probably just make my little sister read it (but she’s the meanest person ik so it would basically be like having an editor). Anyways, I have recently become OBSESSED with Top Gun: Maverick and basically fell in love with the characters and their universe. This idea came to me as I was getting ready for work and I disassociated the entire drive thinking about this specific plot/story. Next thing I knew I was at work with no recollection of driving there lol. But I am deciding if this will continue to be a one-shot or if it should be a little mini series, let me know!
Rooster Playlist:
Hangman Playlist:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Italics is past
“Mommy! I can’t find my dress!” Your 4 year old daughter screams from her bedroom.
“Sweetheart, you have plenty of dresses, just pick one!”
“Not just any dress! I want the dress with daddy’s planes on it!”
You walk into her room, covered in pink pastel wallpaper with a gigantic pile of dresses greeting you and a missing 4 year old.
“Astrid! Where are you sweetie? Your dad is gonna be home soon and we need to clean this mess up.”
You see your daughter planted face down on the floor of her closet.
“Daddy is gonna hate me forever, if I don’t wear my dress!” She cries with a muffled voice.
You laugh as you shake your head, your daughter may look like you but definitely inherited her father’s flair for the dramatics.
You pick her up and sit on the ground, placing her on your lap.
“What makes you think your dad is gonna hate you if you don’t wear the plane dress?” You ask your daughter as you wipe the tears from her face.
“Because Daddy loves planes! That’s why he goes away all the time, so he could fly in the air! If I wear the plane dress then Daddy will want to stay here with us.” Astrid pouted.
Your heart breaks for your little girl. Jake’s job often took him away for sustained periods of time, often not knowing when or if he’s coming back. You never wanted to stand in the way of his dreams, and the arrangement was fine for a while. You kept busy with your job as an attorney at a large law firm, trying to pay your dues and work up to a partner. Then, on the special occasion that Jake would come home the reunion was always explosive.
What you had with Jake just worked for both of you. You were both deeply passionate and ambitious about your careers and it was comforting to know that you found someone who understood your drive. Most importantly, you loved Jake so intensely. Being with him felt like being on fire. It was the kind of love that had you screaming at each other at the top of your lungs at 3am, cursing his name, only to end with you under him as he fucked you on the nearest surface.
Getting pregnant changed that dynamic. Your mind wanders to when you first found out about your daughter.
The 3 ClearBlue Pregnancy tests sat on your bathroom sink, all adorned with the same terrifying word, “Pregnant”.
Your best friend breaks you out of your lull. “So no doubt, you are definitely pregnant, what are you gonna do?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out,” You reply. “This is coming at such a bad time, I’m up for an important promotion at work… and then I'm gonna have to go on maternity leave…and I can't drink alcohol or coffee!! I LOVE COFFEE. I can't stop drinking coffee! And then-” My bosses will NEVER Your best friend interrupts your tirade, “Okay (y/n) you need to breathe, stress is bad for the baby.” She says jokingly. You glare at her in response.
“Besides, you’ll have Jake right?”
“Oh shit, Jake. I forgot about that. What am I gonna tell him? This was not at all part of the plan. Kids were not even on the table!”
You suddenly hear the front door open and Jake’s booming voice as he travels up the stairs. “Hey sweets, I’m home!”
“Oh shit I forgot that he was coming back today. Quick! Hide the tests!” You toss the pregnancy tests to your best friend who fails to catch them.
“Eww no, I’m not touching those! You peed on them!”
“Come on work with me here! I don’t want Jake to see them!”
“What’s going on here? What don’t you want me to see?” You freeze as you hear your husband’s voice behind you. Jake looks on the ground to see the three discarded pregnancy tests scattered on the floor. He furrowed his eyebrows.
“Are those pregnancy tests?”
“Well this signals my exit, call me later (y/n). Jake, always a pleasure.” Your best friend says as she leaves the room.
Jake looks back and forth between you and the tests on the floor, you stand frozen in front of his gaze. Both of you break out of your daze when you hear the front door close.
“Jake…” You begin to say
“(y/n), please tell me those pregnancy tests aren’t yours.” Jake interrupts.
“Well I can’t because they are…” You reply with a sigh.
“So you’re… we’re pregnant?” Jake asks.
“Yes…” You respond meekly, bracing yourself for an argument and possibly a yell. Instead you were surprised to feel a set of strong arms around you.
“I can’t believe it, Sweets! I’m gonna be a daddy!” Jake smiles into the hug.
“You’re…happy?” You were very, very, confused. “I thought you didn’t want kids?”
“I know we haven’t talked about it, but I want a family with you (y/n). And I know that things are hard because I’m always away and you’re busy kicking ass as a lawyer, but I think we’re ready” Jake admits, giving you a soft smile.
“Jake, I’m scared. What if I’m not a good mother, I’m too career focused and I can’t be the doting wife and mother that you and our future child deserve.”
“Don’t say that (y/n) you are the smartest, most passionate, caring…” “And the hottest woman I know.” Jake adds with a smirk “You have been an amazing partner and I know you'll be an even better mother.”
You smile as you embrace Jake and pull him down for a kiss. “I love you Jake.” You tell him after you pull away. “I love you too Sweets.” He replies “And I promise I will be around more, even if it means saying no to missions. I wanna be able to see our baby Hangman grow up”
Except he didn’t keep that promise. He did take a leave after finding out you were pregnant and was home throughout most of your pregnancy and the birth of your daughter. But when he got called back to Miramar for a special detachment, he couldn’t say no. He came back from the mission still the cocky and self assured man that you loved but something had changed. After not being chosen to fly the mission and left as reserve he felt like he had something to prove. So every mission, every detachment, anything the Navy would give him he’d ship out. He had to prove that he was a better pilot than Rooster. Bradley Bradshaw, of course you knew your husband's rival, but that’s something to think about for later.
This resulted in huge rifts in your marriage. You were passed on for promotions and big cases because you had to miss meetings and retreats to take care of your daughter. Everytime Jake promised you he would come home, a new mission would come up that he couldn’t pass up. He missed out on Astrid’s first steps, her first words, the first day of kindergarten. So when he told you a month ago that he was coming home you honestly did not expect him to actually come.
You were used to Jake not coming home when he said he would, but your daughter whose eyes were full of hope and adoration for Jake still believed his empty promises and you did not want her little heart to be exposed to disappointment just yet. So if Jake bails again, you will actually kill him.
You pull yourself out of your thoughts and reply to your daughter.
“Sweetheart, your daddy loves you too! Not just planes, and you know all he wants to do is spend all of his time with you. Your dad just has a very important job and he does it to keep you safe.” You tuck your daughter’s stray hair out of her face.
“Now no more tears, you don’t want your daddy to see you crying and think you’re not happy to see him right?” You teasingly say to your daughter. Astrid gets up with the renewed energy only a toddler could have.
“No! Of course not mommy!” She screams as she runs back into her bedroom.
You pull yourself off the ground and follow your daughter into the room. You spend the next 20 minutes folding the giant pile of dresses and your very eager daughter putting them back in the closet. This pays off because you eventually find the infamous plane dress. Your toddler breaks out into squeals after seeing that you found her dress.
“THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I'm going to put it on before daddy gets here!!”
You smile to yourself as you watch Astrid run to change.
You walk downstairs to make sure that the rest of the house is in order, while Jake never complains about the mess, you know as a Navy man, cleanliness and order is hardwired into his brain. When you see that the house is to your standard, you sit on the couch, happy for a minute of peace after a busy morning.
After a few minutes you hear keys unlocking the front door signaling Jake’s return. You watch as Jake pulls his pack into the house and takes off his shoes, he stops as he feels your gaze on him. He gives you his signature cocky smile “Sweets!”
You were about to reply but instead was interrupted by the loud boisterous yell of your daughter.
Astrid runs down the stairs and throws herself into her father’s arms.
Jake catches Astrid and spins her around in his arms.
“Well hi there Pixie! Did you miss me?” Jake smiles at your daughter.
Jake had a big sweet tooth, he loved chocolates and candies like he was an 8 year old boy. It was something you noticed when you first started dating, which is why he gave you the nickname “Sweets”. He couldn’t resist a Hershey’s bar when he was on leave and his love for Reese's cups was unmatched. You later found out that his favorite candy (for the life of you, you could figure out why out of all the candies in the world this was his favorite) were pixie stix. He always told you that he avoided candy whenever he was on mission, leaving it as a sweet treat at home after a job well done. But you couldn’t help but sneak a pack of KitKats and of course Pixie Stix whenever he left for deployment, staying true to your nickname.
When Astrid was born, you couldn’t believe how much love he held in his eyes for the little pink bundle, and you knew that she would have him wrapped around her finger forever. He nicknamed her Pixie, after his favorite candy.
“Look at my dress daddy!” Astrid exclaims as Jake places her on the ground. She twirled and ran around the room and you wondered how such a small human can have this much energy.
“Are those F-18s?” Jake asks you. You chuckle while nodding your head. “Where the hell did you find a dress with F-18s made for children?” Jake asks amusingly.
“I think you seem to forget how good I am at online shopping.” You reply with a smile, “and your daughter here INSISTED that she just HAD to have a dress with her daddy’s planes on them.”
Astrid smiles as she hugs her father’s legs. “Well you have a good eye there (y/n)”
“Thanks Jake.” You reply before sitting up from the couch and patting down your work skirt.
“Well I have to head out to work, I have a big case with lots of depositions to go over so I probably won't be home until after 7.” You inform him.
You crouch down to your daughter's level. “You’re gonna spend the day with Daddy. Remember to not let him eat too much candy, and make sure you don’t mess up your room again, okay sweetheart?” Astrid nods in response.
“Why aren’t you spending the day with us mommy? Daddy just came home!” Jake gives you a sad look.
You open your mouth to reply but before you could answer Jake tells your daughter “You know how daddy has to go away for his job sometimes? Well mommy also has an important job defending good guys so she has to go away for a few hours, but she’ll be back in time to tuck you in.”
Astrid looks down in disappointment but nods. “I just want to be with both of you, it’s been a long time since you’ve come home daddy.”
Your heart stings in pain knowing that your daughter didn’t know the rift that is currently between you and her father.
“I promise, after I go to work today, I will spend the rest of the week with you and your dad, okay sweetheart?” Astrid’s pout finally turns into a smile “Okay mommy! And we could all play and watch movies and bake cookies…and-”
You laugh as you pull your daughter into a hug. “Of course! I love you and I will see you later okay baby?”
“OKAY!” Astrid screams as she runs to her room to get her toys to play with. You and Jake watch her run up the stairs and disappear down the hallways.
You start to give Jake instructions
“All her snacks are in the pantry, there’s some chicken nuggets and fries in the freezer, but if she doesn’t want that you can always get her pizza or get a can of chicken noodle soup, she loves soup for some reason..” You stop your monologue when you notice Jake staring at you.
“I missed you Sweets” Jake says softly looking at your face.
You finally stop to look at him, still handsome as ever with his muscles apparent under his white shirt. He looked good, a little sadness in his eyes but you remind yourself that it would be a mistake to ask any questions.
You offer him a small smile as you put on your work pumps.
You open the front door and walk out of the house. You hear him ask a question that stops you in your tracks,
“You’re going to see him aren’t you?”
You feel a heavy weight settle on your chest, tears welling up in your eyes. Gathering just enough strength to look back at him,
“I’ll see you later, Jake.”
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jiminiecrickets · 11 months
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summary. jimin hates it when others lust after what’s his.
wc. 2.5k (nsfw under the cut)
tags. smut | dom bottom!jimin, sub top!reader, vampire!jimin, blood + blood drinking, riding, edging + begging, unprotected sex, creampie, jealousy + posessiveness (jimin)
[ part one ]  [ requested ]
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fear belongs to him. love belongs to fear, a subset of heart-hammering and bone-shattering primal instinct. thus, love belongs to him.
you belong to him.
he's the one draped on your arm, but nobody in the classically-beautiful bar mistakes it for ownership. they're all beautiful, glossy hair and paper-white teeth that shine a little too sharp when they smile. they know jimin and they know his history, and they keep their seductive touches fleeting and light, even if their red eyes trace your veins with rich, dark intent.
soon enough, you will fall, and jimin will scratch off another mark for his body count.
jimin interrupts a vampire without care for propriety, swaying towards you. "baby," he sighs, a little too high-pitched to not bring his moans to mind. "i'm hungry."
he reads the surprise as easily as anything else. he snakes his arms around your middle and props his cheek on your chest, a familiar pout adorning his primrose lips.
"oh," you manage at last. "okay. well, do you want to go—"
"no," he hums, gaze flicking up to meet the other vampire's. his smile is gloating. "i'll have you right here. i'm sure there's a booth with enough room to hold the both of us."
you glance helplessly back at the vampire you had been speaking to as jimin wraps his fingers tightly around your wrist and pulls you along, as if on a leash. the vampire rolls his eyes, turning to mutter with a blonde, and you catch a few words before you're too far away.
 —newest pet won't survive...
jimin leads you up the stairs and bodies part for him like the red sea. you meet the eyes of a young man in the arms of a taller, foreign woman, and something like understanding passes between you.
you are not the only red-blooded individual here tonight, and you are trophies.
his eyes lower first. you take home the gold medal.
like a gentleman, jimin pulls back the heavy red velvet curtain with a playful bow, letting it flow shut behind him. it feels off, heavier than most. sound struggles to break through.
he only uses one hand to push you down onto the loveseat, but it's more than enough to overwhelm you. you gulp as his eyes blaze like flames as he smiles, pink tongue dragging slowly over his fangs.
"pretty baby doesn't know who he belongs to," he coos, tracing your jaw with his fingertips. you lean into his touch and he smiles. "seeing those carrion-eaters touch you like that... you didn't even reject their advances. i'm disappointed, baby."
"peaches, wait—"
"that'll be 'sir' to you tonight, my love." his fingers drop down to tug out your buttons, shearing through them easily. your heart quickens at the display of strength and you don't dare cover your exposed torso, wide eyes trained on his.
eventually, he leans back with a hum to survey his doings. he places his hands on his hips. "much better. see? you know how to be quiet when you want to be. if only you stopped flirting with them earlier – then i wouldn't have to show them whose lips are allowed to touch yours."
he prowls on the loveseat like a predator honed in on its prey, his floral and woodsy cologne masking the scent of blood that clings to him like death to a surgeon. his thighs encase yours and he cups your cheek in his snowy palm, small and deceitfully gentle.
he tilts your head, pressing apart your shoulder and your jaw. for now, he controls himself, but you haven't a doubt in your mind that he can tear you apart like tissue paper.
he hums and makes himself comfortable on your lap, his tight leather pants stretching around his thighs and clinging to his firm calves oh-so prettily. he leans in, his clothed cock pressing against yours, and the visible bulge sends a thrill of desire through you. you reach for it.
he slaps your hand away. his nail cuts a thin red line along the base of your thumb.
"no," he nearly growls, that soft voice of his hardening like ice as he shoves your head against the backrest, licking his lips at the sight of your adam's apple bobbing with each harsh breath and gulp. he presses his thumb against it, giving it an intoxicating kiss that has your body shuddering of its own accord.
"i don't want to hurt you," he whispers against your throat, "but i will, if i must. whatever helps you remember who this body belongs to."
"it's yours," you whisper hoarsely. your hands itch to grab his slim waist and pull him against you, but the reward is not worth the risk. jimin's hips press down in a smooth roll, harder than the rest, with a forgiving smile, and you gasp as he briefly shoves the heel of his palm against your cock. your hands ball into fists on your thighs. "i'm yours! oh, fuck, jimin—"
his fangs slash into your neck. you grunt and one hand shoots up to clutch his hip but he doesn't seem to mind the breach of protocol.
jimin's fingers twist in your hair and he yanks your head to the side, moaning as the thick coppery twang of blood floods his mouth. his cock throbs against yours and the chill of his body clashes with the burn of yours, leaving a throbbing residue of aching pleasure wherever he touches.
your head spins. he takes more than usual, faster than usual, and he isn't so fussed about the delicate nature of mortals and how they can die from the shock of blood loss alone.
he has faith in you. you won't die – you're stronger than that. that's why he hunted you down in the first place.
"sir," you breathe as his cold fingers flutter along your hipbone and into your pants. he grips your cock and it jerks in his palm, leaking and eager. "please, let me see you – sorry, 'm sorry, won't do it again—"
jimin likes this side of you: face warm, pupils blown with lust, your body on display for his eyes only.
under his heavy, roaming gaze, you flush, attempting to pull your shirt over the many marks he loves to leave behind. a rosary of bruises litters your neck just below where your shirt collar sits.
he pulls your hand away, sliding his palm against yours as he pumps your cock, pulling it out of your pants. he hums appreciatively at the sight, blood pulsing from the two little pinpricks on your neck when the seal of his lips breaks, and your breath hitches. it soaks into your shirt.
at last, he draws the flat of his tongue along the length of your jugular, and the bleeding slows to a stop. he kisses the warm marks, curling the slick sweetness into his mouth with the tip of his tongue.
trapped in his fist, your cock leaks over his pretty, pale knuckles. slim and small, his hands are clear of the injuries that make a person – no bruises, no scars. he's flawless as a diamond, and yet despite the allure of perfection, it's the same thing that brings him down.
his body carries no stories. no history. no scars on the knees from childhood tumbles, no pockmarks of teenage acne.
"i love you," he whispers in your ear, and the whole world falls away. everything burns except for him – his fiery touch, his gleaming eyes. the heat of a forest blaze has never been more enticing. you lean into him.
he smiles, your blood dripping down his lips and chin. he swipes his thumb over the corner of his mouth, placing it between his lips with a moan.
jimin pushes you onto your back, turning fluidly with you. he gestures, an elegant flick of his hand, and smiles as you quietly cross your wrists above your head, compliant and tracking his every move with lust-blown pupils.
he leans down with a palm on your chest, slick and serpentine. his lips near your ear.
"good... hands stay there," he whispers, and he lifts his crimson gaze to yours.
the strength of his will snaps against yours like a magnet. yours falls to its knees.
you find that you can't lift your wrists. he's caught you – the fly in his web. your pulse throbs, rare and rabbit-hearted, and he smiles in dark satisfaction as your expression tightens. he strokes you slowly, dragging his tongue against the oozing pinpricks in your neck. he grabs your face with sharp nails and forces your chin down, smiling as you do your best to look him in the eye, lashes fluttering irregularly as the pain and pleasure clash down your spine.
he kisses you softly. his plush lips sting with the coppery twist of blood. "you have such a pretty cock, you know that?" he says gently, pumping it faster and humming as your stomach tenses under his palm. "so pretty... makes me wanna eat it right up," he giggles, scrunching his nose playfully as he shifts on your lap, tossing his platinum hair out of his eyes.
he pouts. "mm... you're so quiet now. don't be shy. you were so happy earlier, yapping away with vultures who would snap your neck in a heartbeat – are you scared, baby? are you scared of me?"
 "no," you manage to choke out, the quick, slick sound of your cock in his fist prickling a hard flush up your neck. "n-no, sir – i-i just – ah!"
he loosens his grip. "look at me when you speak to me, baby," he whispers. "don't you know it's rude not to?"
your gaze struggles its way up his exposed chest and pale neck. your jaw aches to clamp down on that pretty stretch of flesh between his neck and shoulder, to fuck him down on your cock and call yourself his.
with a smug glint in his crimson eyes, jimin lowers himself onto your cock, sucking in a soft breath of pleasure. he cups your chin in his hand, forcing your eyes to stay on him, watching him, as he slowly, painfully slowly, buries your cock inside him.
"don't come," he murmurs, and begins to bounce.
his well-loved hole clamps around your cock, wet with lube. you hadn't realised he'd prepped himself. you also hadn't realised he'd stripped off his trousers and torn your shirt and jacket entirely, and that they now puddled carelessly in the corner of the booth. your mind had been too busy swirling with the hot, instinctive, consuming desire to do whatever jimin wished of you.
he moans softly as he speeds up, knees squeezing your hips to keep you from bucking up into him. your nerves feel licked by flames and vacantly, you hear yourself gasping and groaning pathetically, begging him with slurred words and half-syllables to fuck you harder, faster, deeper...
you cry out as he wrenches your head to the side and pierces your jugular, reopening the wounds. his ass slams against your hips with the obscene sound of flesh on flesh and you screw your eyes shut as his tight hole scrapes your cock, his soft walls suffocatingly hot. he gulps down mouthful after mouthful of blood, teeth bared and chin smeared with your thick, hot blood – his claws scrape your temple, stinging and drawing beads of red that drip down the side of your face.
"they can't take care of you as i do, my heart," he hisses, his cries of bliss loud and shameless. "you're mine – mine! you'll moan like this for no one else – do you understand?"
somewhere between the expanding, white-fire throbbing of your cock and the embarrassing sounds slipping from your lips, you agree, babbling obscenities and pleas and apologies for things you can barely remember. your blood feels sticky and warm against your chest, the white shirt glued to your skin. you swallow harshly as jimin smashes his blood-slick lips against yours, panting against each other's lips as his ass clenches irregularly, hot wet walls pumping your aching cock.
"i'm yours, 'm yours, all yours—" you bite down on his shoulder, hips involuntarily chasing his heat "—please let me come, please, sir, please, 'm sorry, 'm s-sorry—!"
"is that right, baby? you're sorry? you won't flirt with worse men right in front of me?" he pants, his reddened cock slapping your stomach and dripping a pool of precum that runs, warm and dizzying, down your sides. "how do i know you're telling the truth?"
"i'm sorry – mngh – won't do it again!" you can't tell where you end and he begins. "please, wanna come, you f-feel so fucking good, i c-can't—"
jimin smiles, fangs poking out over his lower lip, and giggles breathily at your pathetic pleas. you're so silly, he coos to himself – his sweet baby, who loves him more than anything else in the world, who'd allow someone like jimin to rip out your dignity and every shred of power you once had. panting, groaning, perfect body exposed for him to bleed dry – how can he say no to something so cute?
come for me.
the words echo between your ears and your vision whites out as he moans, high and satisfied, in your ear, clamping down around your base as heavy warmth fills him up. he comes hard onto your stomach, glazing it over so prettily – as god intended.
your ears ring as you slump back, nothing but comfortable wool behind those eyes. lazily, jimin strokes your chest and shoulders, rocking his hips slowly to drag out your highs. something clicks in your subconscious and your hands fall to your sides, limp and yours to command once more.
jimin rests against your chest, warm breath puffing shallowly against your neck as he strokes the nape of your neck with slow, mindless circles. he hums, dragging his fingertips against the still-hot blood. he lifts them to his lips and swirls his tongue around them, extracting them with a wet pop.
"you're so pretty when you beg," he whispers, closing his eyes and listening to the strong and steady pumping of your heart. the myocytes, the intercalated discs, the valves – all busy at work to calm you down. if he concentrates hard enough, he feels he can isolate the faint, electric hum of nerve cells, firing constantly across the tiny gaps and zinging down the factory line. “but i can’t have others play with my toys, you understand? what if they break them?”
you mumble something that sounds almost like an 'i’m sorry', and jimin smiles as you shakily wrap your arms around his waist, burying your face in his neck.
"i believe you, baby," he whispers sweetly, kissing your jawline. "but if i see you enjoying someone else's touch once more, i won't go to the trouble of finding a curtain to hide behind again. am i clear, my heart?"
you nod rapidly, squeezing him close. he feels your pleasurable tremble and smiles to himself, stroking your hair gently.
this little game isn't so boring, after all.
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claireelle18 · 11 months
She’s a Gem - Vince Dunn
Shoutout to @cellythefloshie for gushing about this man, and encouraging this write. Hope everyone enjoys it!
Vince bought her some sort of sparkly gem for every major occasion that happened between the two. The tradition started after he won Lord Stanley, because she deserved something shiny. Paper rings were what he made her on every date leading up to the first gem. The St. Louis 2018-2019 team won the Stanley cup. He got his Stanley Cup and the ring to go along with it. He bought her Sapphires. This was the first major gift he ever gave her. The two only had been dating a little under a year when he did this. He said it was because she needed to rock something blue to go along with his gear. She wore the set every game, even during the bubble series. It made her feel closer to him, even though he was in Toronto, and FaceTimes were the only form of face to face either got of each other. Her shadow box with the paper rings he made her sitting next to the new box containing her first gem.
When news broke he was going to Seattle during the expansion, she was the first one to cheer on the new opportunity, even if that turned them long distance again. In the bubble, she moved home to Florida to be around her family. Due to the world turning back to some weird level of normal, the couple was allowed to see each other again. He wasn’t in the bubble anymore. He presented her with Aquamarines to match his new team’s jersey color. “You need to be able to coordinate correctly, loves,” he explained. A small promise to her that she had his heart. Her box of paper rings, more added to the collection of both because again he continued the original tradition for every date. She took the move to Seattle right before the fall season, right before the hockey season started up. She had been out of the Florida heat for a while, but her wardrobe was bright, cheery, Key West colorations. What did he get her? Pink Ethiopian opals. They reminded him of her so much, matching her personality (and her clothes). October 23, 2021 - Vince Dunn scores his first goal as a defensemen for the Seattle Kraken. The following day, he took her out and bought her black pearls. “What? I can’t celebrate my first goal with a new team by spoiling my hunny with some new jewelry?” “I’m not saying you can’t, but Vince this is about you!” “And it wouldn’t be for me without my number one cheering me on from the sidelines.” A paper ring adorning her ring finger at that time. “Vince Dunn! You better not tell your mother you just said I’m your number one! She’ll be heartbroken!” ‘Ha,’ he thought. His mother would be estatic, knowing that there was good reason behind that statement.
She landed a new job in Seattle, finally, after being out there for a couple of months. Peruvian blue opals for her new job, and because it was another reason for him to gift her with something to reminder her of him. “What? Can’t spoil my girl?” “Vin, it’s your birthday celebration!”
“So? My beautiful girlfriend will now have something to wear and think about me while she rocks the new job!” She rolled her eyes, and thanked him again. The opals came in back to back sets, along with the pearls, due to the fact that their birthdays were days apart from each other. That paper ring collection larger than imagined when the tradition started. He couldn’t resist giving her options and reminders of him, every major chance he could. Whenever she wore them, it made his heart swell with pride. She loved it because he took the time to choose each item, each one holding so much meaning to their relationship. Maybe one day these would be passed down to their children, and then their children, and so on. The two had talked multiple times, at length, for the future, what it held for the couple - marriage, children, a real house. Over the off season break, he put his next plan of what celebration the two would have. The biggest decision for him. That ring. Not her paper rings, not the other rings that matched the sets of jewelry previously gifted. He had been giving it thoughts for a year now. First season completed in Seattle, he was ready for that next step with her. She donned his name multiple times for years, stitched into all the jerseys. She had stuck through it all with him. Every twist, turn, bump, and loop-de-loop life threw at them. Glued to his side. The ups and downs, highs and lows, every moment. That old box of paper rings proving every day their commitment. He knew she kept them all. He finally settled on the perfect ring for her. A 3.5 karat diamond with a titanium band. Classic, with minor flare. A little more flashy than the others in her now decent size collection, but she deserves the attention. The most important piece she’d own.
He found it by accident while out with the boys back in Toronto. Home for him is with her, no matter where they are. The group had popped into an antique based shop, and as she was more of a timeless, classic girl, he took a peek at what the case held. Nestled in red velvet, sat the ring. Then and there he saw her with that particular one adorning her finger. A little more shiny and sparkling, definitely a conversation starter. Similar to her grandmother’s ring that she said she adored growing up. The marquise cut, flower set diamond ring. Immediately he rang his mother, followed by her mother. Both were in agreeance. That ring was meant to be hers. Without a second thought, he bought it.
He had the girl of his dreams. He now had the perfect ring. All he needed was the perfect place to ask her that all so important question. She wasn’t the type to care for the general cheesy proposals. He needed something more meaningful, more unique.
He held onto that ring until their trip to the Bahamas with some of the other teammates that weren’t selected for the All Stars series. Sunset on the balcony of their hotel room with drinks, and a hidden bottle of champagne to celebrate with further after he asked. His phone hidden and recording to keep this moment forever.
Her back facing the camera, she was admiring the fire painted sky. He came up, hugging her from behind. The box in his pocket feeling heavier than before. “Hey hunny…you know that I love you, right?” He asked her.
“Yeah, of course I do loves. Why do you ask?”
He was already nervous, a little giddy even. He never thought he’d be there, ready to ask her to be by his side forever. He took her hand making her face him. “I say that because…be…because…I want to spend the until the end of time with you.” He drops down to one knee, his ocean tumbled curls falling into his eyes. “For years already you’ve worn my last name proudly across your back, but now I want you to share that last name. Our last name across your back. I want those future moments we’ve talked about time and time again. Will you marry me?” He pulled out the velvet box, that ring glinting, reflecting the scorching colors.
Her eyes sparkled with tears that threatened to tumble down her cheeks. “Of course I’ll marry you Vince!” He slipped the ring on, she pulled him in for a kiss.
After dinner and celebrations, back in the hotel room. “You picked a wonderful ring. Knowing me so well for this shiny one,” she commented to him. “But you know I’d marry you with paper rings if it came down to it. You’re the one I want.”
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folkloreintime · 1 year
7 Days of Taylor Smut - Christmas Edition
Day 5 - unwrap me
summary: Taylor gives you an early gift.
warnings: smut, fem!reader, slight humiliation kink?
word count: 733
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You let out a frustrated sigh as you clumsily fiddled with a roll of tape. You were sat on the floor of your apartment you shared with your girlfriend, Taylor, trying to wrap some Christmas presents. Today had been such a perfect day, you woke up together, had a lovely breakfast and then spent the whole day in a quaint seaside town shopping for gifts for your loved ones.
Angrily, you flung the tape to the side, your frustration making your cheeks go red and bringing forth an unceremonious ache in your head. “Hey, Tay? Can you come help me?” You yelled out, looking down at the mess of wrapping paper and tape before you. No reply. “Babe?” You called out in confusion as you had thought Taylor was right in front of you this whole time.
“I have a gift for you, my love. Think of it as an early present.” Taylor shouted out from another room, her voice had an air of enthusiasm and a slight giggle. You furrowed your brow, unsure what to make of the situation. “Close your eyes!” She yelled, still not entering the room.
You shut your eyes and waited, your heart beating a little faster. You heard small footsteps and the crinkle of paper as Taylor stepped in the room. “Shit!” She yelled as she bumped into the chair. You wanted to open your eyes, “Are you okay?” You asked incredulously. “Yes, I’m fine. Open your eyes.” She said, seductively.
You slowly opened your eyes and stood before you, was Taylor. Underneath, she was completely naked but she had wrapped herself in festive wrapping paper. Her makeshift bra was made up of green paper with tiny snowmen on it, her lower section was but a thin strip of paper that barely covered anything, adorned with cats with Santa hats on. Her golden blonde hair was tousled and she had a Santa hat on her head.
“Come unwrap your present.” She whispered, amorously, her blue eyes bored into yours. You were shocked, not expecting her present to be so naughty. Your feet carried themselves as you walked over to her. She smiled at you as you tentatively began to trace your hand around the paper emblazoned on her.
Suddenly, you quickly ripped the paper open, it wasn’t hard as it crumpled to the ground, exposing her breasts. She gasped as the cold air hit them, her pink buds became stiff peaks and her milky flesh became painted with goosebumps. You didn’t touch her though. Relishing in her being in such a vulnerable state, you merely watched her chest breathing up and down.
Her mouth hung slightly open as you moved down to her paper skirt, you pressed your hand directly over her pussy and the slight crinkle of paper was the only sound that filled the room. You began to slightly tear bits off, one by one, teasingly dropping them on the floor in an exaggerated fashion. Her eyes became heavy with temptation and you felt a small flutter of wetness.
As you began to reach the last bits of wrapping, she arched her chest forwards, her nipples brushing your arm. The desire was palpable and her exposed nature was delightfully thrilling. You ripped the last piece off of her, fully exposing her pussy. She gulped, watching your every move.
You reached a hand out to her center and began to slowly rub the pads of your fingers around her clit, not touching her anywhere else. She was already devastatingly wet, her slick immediately gathered on the tips of your fingers. She was defenseless in your care as you began to speed up your movements and then slow down when she let out a gasp or a moan.
She closed her eyes and tilted her head back as you began to hasten your inclinations. She braced a hand on your shoulder as she reached her climax, her moans became louder as the wave of pleasure came crashing over her. Her breathing was taut and rigid as she came down from her orgasm, she could barely keep steady on her feet.
“Thank you for my present. I loved it. Can’t wait to play with it all day.” You said, teasingly. She looked at you as she caught her breath and said “You didn’t think that was your only present did you?” with a tantalizing smirk on her face.
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denjjisgf · 2 years
thinking about... meeting eren at a halloween party. 
cw: alcohol consumption, suggestive content
[note: it’s nice to be back; currently contemplating a part 2..]
“yeah. i’m coming! listen- i’m locking the door right now,” you lower the phone speaker to the door handle, so your friend on the phone can listen to the jangle of keys against the lock. you tuck your phone in the space between your ear and shoulder to re-situate yourself. you fumble with your backpack, deciding to sling it over one arm and speed walk out the door. 
“are you in your costume yet?” they ask. 
you check yourself out in the window reflection, “of course i am! i got ready in the bathroom during work.” this halloween, you were a fairy, adorn in a tight black dress with a small pink butterfly printed on the swell of your breasts and pink matching wings to pair. your friends gave you the idea to lace satin pink ribbon up your legs, tied at the top of your thighs with a bow. a nice touch, you think. 
“see you soon. don’t forget to send me the address!” you tell your friend and end the call. you chirp your car alarm to unlock it and slide in the front seat. your phone vibrates from the incoming text and you respond with a “cool, i’m on my way.” 
you pull into the open spot alongside the house’s curb. faux spiderwebs are strewed across the grass and plastic cups litter the porch railing. opening the door, you kick your sneakers off onto the pavement and slip into your black pumps and adjust the bows one last time. 
once inside, you’re hit with the overpowering smell of cheap brown liquor and the heady scent of sex and bad decisions. the bass reverberates against the worn hardwood and you can feel it in the walls as you weave through clusters of people in the hallway. your vision fades through shades of red and blue when you round a corner and collide with your group of friends, all of them dancing and bubbly from the alcohol. 
“oh my god! i’m so glad you made it,” one of them shouts over the music. you smile and shout back, “i’m so glad i made it too! where’s the booze?” 
they all laugh and your best friend pulls your ear to their mouth. 
“in the kitchen! the host is in there playing bartender!” 
you throw up a thumbs up and a cheeky smile before you make your way through the swarm of grinding bodies and into the kitchen. you push open the swing door, greeted by yelling and the shattering of a bottle. 
“eren! be careful!” 
“you’re such an idiot! that my pink whitney, you bitch!” 
“oh suck a fuck, jean.” 
“suck a fuck? why don’t you just-”
“both of you need to grow up! chill out, seriously.”
you stifle a laugh behind a closed fist, shift your weight onto one side, and take a closer look at the comedic intimate scene you walked into. what an interesting group of costumes, you thought. 
standing around the island centered in the kitchen is what you can only assume as a close group of friends. a bright-eyed blond boy was dressed in a rapunzel wig and a puffy princess dress. next to him was a tall, ash brunette dressed to match in a white dress shirt, unbuttoned twice and cuffed at the elbow. he was wearing a green, corduroy vest and khaki skinny jeans. 
closest to you were two girls, one with an elbow resting on the counter watching the bickering disney couple with amusement, the other soaking up sticky pink liquor with paper towels. in the middle of it all is a sly smiling cruise director, dressed in a cheesy white suit and a captain's hat, with “captain” printed in gold embroidery on the top. he has loose chocolate brown hair that caresses the tops of his shoulders and beautiful green eyes. 
“what can i getcha little lady?” he says, his voice warm and baritone. he meets your gaze and your heart skips a beat when you smirk and he responds with a stellar smile that would make anyone melt. 
“what’re you serving, captain? i heard about the tragedy,” you feigned sympathy with a frown at the flynn rider look-a-like. “no more pink whitney tonight.” 
the group laughs and they introduce themselves. you learn that armin, or rapunzel, is the unlucky victim of the night after being tricked into thinking it was a princess-themed party and untimely couples costuming with flynn rider jean. the two girls, mikasa and her girlfriend came matching in skeleton t-shirts and skull face paint. 
and lastly, there’s the handsome host and resident bartender, eren jaeger. 
everyone eventually splits up to do their own thing, leaving you and eren to make small talk in the kitchen. he oozes charisma when he talks, letting out breathy laughs as he mixes a concoction of kool-aid and mystery bottle number four. with playful mischief emanating in his aura and a suggestive glint in his eyes, you take the solo cup and down the contents. 
the night spins by to the rhythm of the party in the other room, yet you found yourself settled comfortably on a bar stool in the kitchen, talking to the stars and eren about anything and everything. after a few drinks and teasing touches, the friendly banter between the two of you turned sexual, the tension thick in the air. 
flirty quips flip to dirty talk and suddenly your hands are knocking eren’s stupid hat onto the floor and your fingers twist into his hair to deepen a kiss. you nip at his lips, twisting your tongues together in a mess of alcohol-tainted saliva and light pants. he tugs at your body, his hands roaming over your exposed skin and memorizing every second.  
you get up from the stool and let your hand fall from his neck to rest flat on his chest. he knocks his nose against yours and ghosts his lips alongside your cheek. he puffs warm air onto your skin, making you shiver. 
“where are you going?” he pouts, heavy lids with thick lashes dazing at you longingly. his fingers thrum at your hip, digging into your side and holding you close. 
“hmm, i don’t know,” you loll your head to the side and notion towards the door, “maybe somewhere we can get a little closer. wanna have a little fun?”
eren smiles at you and twists his hand to grip your wrist. he leads you behind him, out of the kitchen and into the strobe of throbbing lights. squeezing your hand, he leads you out to the center of the party, spinning you around in a circle, his innuendo of a dance invitation. 
you press your back against his chest, his hard-on stiff between your ass. you giggle and toss a teasing smile over your shoulder while he brings a hand to your waist and brings your closer. 
jesus fuck, gorgeous. where have you been all my life?
god, you look so hot grinding on me like this. 
don’t stop.
eren’s praise rolls out of his lips like a mantra as you dance together, like the party didn’t exist and the curious eyes in the room aren’t focused on you two alone. he holds you out in front of him and turns you to meet him, his face a breath away. the world slows when you exhale, 
and those eyes- he stared back at you with deep intensity, the corners crinkling in tandem with a smile and his pupils blown, rounded by a ring of emerald. his gaze drops to your lips, his mouth opening slightly, and heat spreading over his cheeks. a hand comes to cup the side of your face as he brings to speak in your ear. 
“we need to get out of here, i need you alone. now.”
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maries-gallery · 10 months
I’m predictable but does Rio Ortiz and Acts of Service sound good? 🫣 (I hope you’re doing well! Sending much love to you 💖💖💖)
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PLEASE I LOVE THAT WE ARE BOTH PREDICATBLE ON OUR RIO SUPREMACY CARD! But please yes, oh god, Acts of Service sound so good for him. Honestly I see him as having all five of them but he is definitely huge on that one.
Sending you all the love too <3 And hope you're taking care!
genre: fluff, hints of comfort
warnings: none
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Rio always makes it his number one priority to help and support you in whichever way he can, whenever he can and as much as he can. Not only because he feels indebted to you for saving his life and giving him a taste of humanity, but also because he wants to. 
He wants to take care of you, to support you and to show his love for you through any way he can. Speaking about his love for you is not enough, nor is showering you in kisses and gentle gestures or spending every waking hour by your side. Rio needs to show you with actions. 
After all, isn't that what loving someone is all about? To make the burden of everyday life a bit easier and lighter on their shoulders? To help them navigate through life and stand by their side to hold them close in front of adversity? 
So Rio never misses an occasion to do just that, his love for you bleeding in every little thing he does. And more often than not you don’t even have to speak the words for Rio to serve, knowing exactly what you need, when and why. 
You call this a sixth sense, he calls it love. A love that stretches so far and wide nothing can stand between him and your needs. As Rio knows you too well, like the back of his hand, for anything to escape his attentive gaze.  
Often this translates into him helping you with your work. Doing research in the background, giving you pieces of knowledge and information he has gathered on your behalf, filing papers for you when you’re overwhelmed by other tasks or taking care of your work when you are sick. 
Simply because he never wants for you to overwork yourself, not if he can help it. 
“I’ve got this. Focus on the issues at hand and I’m taking care of the rest.” He reassures you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “And remember, there is nothing you can’t do!” 
He also enjoys drawing you a bath at the end of a long and tiring day, helping you unwind with warm water and sweet scented bubbles, his hands on your shoulders working at the tension in your sinews. 
And he loves how your lips part in a blissful sigh, how you lean in his touch and let yourself go, the troubles of today vanishing into thin air. 
“Just let it go, my love.” Rio whispers in your ear, dutiful fingers massaging your shoulders and arms, “You’ve had a rough day and your Rio is here to make it all better!”
You chuckle at this, the sound welling up in the air and filling his ears like an angel’s bell. The most lovely sound and one that never fails to make his heart swell. 
He also loves cleaning the house for you, washing the dishes, organizing and dusting. Of course Rio does not like cleaning, much like anyone else, but he loves it when it is for you. When it guarantees him that you’ll come home with a smile on your face and a peaceful mind. Not having to worry about this and that after a busy day. 
And sometimes he even cooks for you to welcome you with your favourite dish, a cheerful smile on his face as he puts the plate down in front of you, pink gingham apron still tied around his waist. Proud of his work and eager for you to have a taste. 
The door opens to the comforting scent of food cooking in the kitchen, your lover hard at work as he expertly runs through a recipe you know all too well. Your joy only grows when Ri turns his head to you, a bright smile adorning his lips. 
“Oh you’re right in time for dinner!” He greets you with a light kiss to your forehead, helping you out of your coat. “Now sit down and let me do the work, it’s almost ready!”
So you do, sitting on the kitchen counter to watch him and tell him about your day. Your heart warm with the prospect of a good meal and the knowledge you are loved. The knowledge that someone loves you enough to go out of their way to make your life a bit easier. 
But on especially hard days, helping you also looks like just sitting by your side and listening to you, to your thoughts and what troubles you, letting you cry in his arms and rubbing soothing circles on your back as he holds you tight. 
It is letting you know he is here, no matter the circumstances. That he is here for you and no one else. And that he is here to stay, even on bad days. When you smile, laugh or cry. 
“You can talk to me, you know? In fact I want you to come to me when something troubles you, because then I can help.” He says, holding your hands in his as the two of you sit on the bed, eyes darkened by a determination you sometimes forgot he possessed. A determination he often displayed when it came to you and your well being. 
“I’m sorry, I just-”
He presses a gentle finger to your lips, “Don’t. Don’t apologize for this. Just let me help you, okay?” 
And you do, much like he lets you help him when in times of need. 
taglist: @aquagirl1978 @randonauticrap @pockcock @vioisgoinginsane @altairring @candied-boys and all Rio lovers out here!
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Scavenger Hunt
Riddle x GN Reader/Yuu
I was possessed and had no choice but to write this or DIE
Also I made each of those fucking riddles by HAND AND IT WAS SO MUCH EFFORT FOR NO REASON
cw: none, just fluff :)
Treasure hunts, Riddle thought, were wastes of time. The idea of choosing to embark on a wild goose chase, for whatever reason, just didn’t click for him. Its supposed thrill never sat well with him, because who voluntarily gave themselves stress? If they found time to fool about, they certainly had time to do something more productive.
Yet on the rarest of occasions, today his schedule lay barren. It wasn’t as if it was the only box empty on the calendar, but his students seemed to be more than willing to take slices off his workload. Even Ace and Deuce, the troublemakers they were, forced bright grins, crisp uniforms buttoned and collars flat. Something was definitely up. 
Trey, as reliable as he was, could only smile placidly. Knowing the housewarden, the sudden shift in everyone’s attitude would only cause needless worry; yet Yuu insisted that ‘he’ll love it!’ This little surprise took days to plan, with them dipping in and out of the dorm’s halls to plan this one perfect day, and a small card along to go with it. He wasn’t so rude to open it, but even if he wasn’t one for theatrics, there were a few guesses on what was written. Waving the white and red envelope, he adjusted his eyeglasses. “Riddle, the Prefect left you a note, if you want to read it.”
“Oh, so this was their doing.” Even if the vice housewarden needed glasses, he could plainly see the way Riddle’s face softened, as if it was obvious now. Gloved digits plucked the letter delicately, admiring the rosy sticker decor that kept it sealed. Letters should always be sealed with hot wax and a stamp, then opened with a proper letter opener outwards from the body; but he’ll forgive their minor blunder, on account that Yuu didn’t own any wax or stamps. Perhaps he would gift them some, so such an oversight wouldn’t happen again. The letter itself was penned on thick stationery, velvet under his touch and adorned with the same glossy rose stickers. 
To my Rose Ruler, 
Good morning! I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. You must forgive my informality, I’ve never actually written a letter, so this is kind of embarrassing for me. I’m not sure what to write, and I pen down all the words that come to mind first, like how I wonder what you look like reading this. Are you confused? Perhaps even smiling? 
Just as they mentioned it, Riddle felt an unfamiliar tug in his cheeks. As if it was Yuu that stood before him instead of his vice housewarden, a fist obscured the pink in his face as he cleared his throat. Grey eyes continued to read their letter, quietly noting their astuteness. 
I have a feeling it’s the former, so I will fess up – If you can find me, that is. Below is a riddle for you, 
I hide amidst friends   Around twists and bends. Bring me my favorite Riddle, I wait for you in the middle.
 Yours Truly, 
Yuu :)
Ah, a puzzle, was it? The riddle was simple enough, cheeky even, just like something Yuu would write. ‘Around twists and bends’ and ‘I wait for you in the middle’ had to reference the maze. The Rose maze, of course. ‘Hiding amidst friends’ was obviously a play on the phrase ‘rose buds’. But the third line made his heart jump. Their ‘favorite Riddle’, could it really be… him? No, well yes! He couldn’t just overthink like this, but between the riddle on the paper and the Riddle holding the paper, he would obviously be the favorite! Or so he hopes. 
It would be smart to bring the letter just in case. 
When busy, he would find moments of peace between the pages of work, where his gaze fixes on a single sliver of blue sky. When he was younger, perhaps there was some compulsion to enjoy its beauty, but on the day he once longed for, he couldn’t spare a single glance. Because they were waiting for them, right where they said they would. 
“Hey there, Riddle darling.” Their grin infectious, accompanied by a wave of a hand so carefree. “Let me guess, you solved it in less than a second?”
“I… yes, but to your credit, you did stump me on a part.” Riddle cleared his throat, a habit that seemed to pop up just about every time Yuu was mentioned. “But I’m here, So if I may…”
“Yes yes, apologies for my assumptions, but you’ve looked especially stressed these past few weeks, and I wanted to give you a day of break, just a little fun or something.” Another wave of the hand, dismissal instead of greeting, yet with magic (or some directional illusions), a slip of paper appeared between their fingers, cardstock, was it? 
“Is this… a treasure hunt of sorts?” He raised a brow, eyes trained on their bright smile. 
“Well, treasure isn’t exactly the word I would use to describe it, to be honest. More like a Scavenger hunt, but here’s your next clue. Don’t solve this one in one second please-”
Quieter than ghosts, 
A building with the most stories it boasts.
Where knowledge flies higher than birds,
In a pile of words.
“The library.” This one was eons easier than the last, and the first was already pretty simple. All he needed was the first two lines to solve it, but seeing their expression, should he have at least pretended to think about it? 
Recognizing their plight, Yuu only shrugged. They didn’t look as distraught as Riddle worried, thank goodness. “Well, I must have made it too simple. Do you want to hold onto the card?” 
“I don’t think I will need it.” While he found the concept a little ridiculous, he would never just abandon their hard work. The card is situated in his pocket, right beside the magic pen, where all important things go. 
The library fell near the center of the school grounds, a bit of a walk to be honest, but he never minded it. Now it feels just too long, and far too quiet. Was he supposed to say something? Anything, really. As unbothered as Yuu looked, perhaps they found him boring? No, who would go out of their way to do all this for someone they found boring? “Prefect, I appreciate all that you’ve done, but you never had to go to these lengths.”
They eyed him, and at first he worried that he hurt their feelings. No one wanted to be told that their work was a waste! He should know this, beyond anyone else! Yet an angel of kindness they were, smiling at him like he was the silliest person in the world. “Oh you, I never had to, but you make me want to do all these things and more, Riddle.”
Ah. Well doesn’t he feel tweedledee and tweedledumb. A hand moved to cover his mouth again, cloaking the red of his cheeks under the guise of clearing his throat. They must think he’s getting sick with how often he does that. He looks over at them again, feeling like his heart was in full bloom by just how sincere they looked. Best to not tell him just how red his ears are. 
The library included several rooms to house different sections, but only the west wing had the floating books mentioned. Regal candlelight chandeliers lit the hall in a dim green, pillars of wood breaking away to the quiet abode of the history section. Yet nothing seemed different. Well, it shouldn’t if there was something he had to find, but he didn’t know what that was, it was a situation worse than finding a needle in a haystack. “This was the answer, wasn’t it?”
Yuu only shrugged, fingers running over the leather backings of old texts. A sly smile crossed their face, and he knew that oddly enough, he got bested. “You have the clue, there's no saying you can’t look twice.” 
Fishing the card from his pocket, once more grey eyes cross over the words. On closer inspection, certain letters were written over twice to stand out. L I G H T. Light? What could that have to do with anything? A quick glance at Yuu gave not a single hint, and he approached one of the small wall-mounted lanterns. Hesitantly, he held the card up to the flame, and he peeked once more, relieved to see their smile. 
Through the paper, two tones glowed. His heart burned a flame of pure exhilaration at the sight. Another rose emblem, carefully cut out and sandwiched between two pieces of paper so that it wasn’t noticeable unless… Red hair whipped to the side as he scanned the books floating in the air. This intoxicating delight, it felt as if it was smothering him in anticipation, bursting with an audible gasp as he finally found the one book emblazoned with the very same rose. He could hear his heart in his ears as he fumbled with his magic pen, desperate to get his prize.
“You’re breezing through these way too fast, Riddle.” Yuu finally spoke up, obviously delighted to see his excitement. “It’s a storybook about the Queen. You said you’ve read all the classics, and not a lot else, so I thought… I thought you might enjoy it.”
There was a hint of hesitance, he could recognize that same careful tone that his students would use. But he adored this little gift, his first storybook, given by the one that cared so dearly. “Yes, I… Thank you. I will be sure to treasure it.” 
Inside the first page, another paper slipped out. Much thinner so there were no more light tricks, but that was fine, he was having a ball. Even now he could still feel the endorphins blazing through his body. More? Really? Could his heart handle all this thrill? 
Three face four;  
Proud and tall, 
Look above all.
The one you’re under
Will it hold the next clue I wonder?
This one was far vaguer than the last. But certainly not impossible. Certainly not, once reread the first line. 
“The seven statues on Main Street?” Already beelining to the door, Yuu trailed behind, barely keeping up with the surprising speed of the dorm leader. “Is it by the statue of the queen?” 
“Well I can’t tell you, that ruins its purpose, doesn’t it?” 
Thank goodness it was just outside, even if the stretch felt longer than what could possibly be normal. The queen’s statue stood closest to him, carved stone echoing the same face present in all history books. Her chin tilted up towards the sky, bathed in the warm sun, yes, this had to be the answer. Just beside her stone figure, a small table cloaked under a red cloth with porcelain tea cups and where a slice of strawberry tart sat under a glass dome, along with the next clue. “Prefect? Is the tart for me…?”
They had to jog to stay with him, folded over to catch their breath from the unforeseen exercise. For someone with short legs, he sure was fast. Not that they would ever mention it aloud. “Well gee, I don’t think I would have made anyone else a tart, Riddle.”
“You made it?” Perhaps it was rude to sound so surprised; Trey bakes sweets all the time for Unbirthday parties and the sort, but this was different. Yuu wasn’t a patisserie, nor were they obligated to bake for him. “Yourself?”
“Yes, with lemongrass tea and two sugars to wash it down. Rule 393.”
It was actually rule 339, but he couldn’t even bother to tell them so, using his fork to cut off a corner of the crust and bring the slice of tart to his lips. That buttery and crumbly crust, the creamy filling that tasted just slightly too sweet, and a delicious fruit glaze, he almost wished all tarts tasted just a little too sweet. 
The last card sat pretty, pinned under a teacup and a cube of sugar. Lifting it from under the two, he brushed off a few sugar granules to read its contents. Thank goodness he wasn’t drinking his tea at the same moment.
I live behind your magic pen, some say I am made of gold.
I give you this, something you cannot hold. 
I wish this game would never end
But I think it’s time to say, I like you more than a friend.
Again and again, he read those four lines, as if the light was playing a silly trick on him. Each time he was sure that something would be different, but he knew the answer. Both answers. 
“It’s heart,” Riddle mumbled, clearing his throat louder than he ever had before. He couldn’t look Yuu in the eye, adamant that something within him might explode if he did. With how red his cheeks were, perhaps something already did. “And, I also, like you… More than I can admit.” 
“Yea, I know.”
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therealhazelcallahan · 4 months
!!THE HAZEL FIC RAAAHHH!! (Please be nice guys this is my first fic I’m it’s not that good 😭)
Hazel Callahan, a bright and passionate high school student, was eagerly anticipating Valentine's Day. This year, she had something truly special to look forward to—celebrating the day with her girlfriend, (Y/N). As the day approached, Hazel couldn't contain her excitement, and her mind was filled with plans to make the day unforgettable for both of them.
On Valentine's Day morning, Hazel woke up to the soft glow of sunlight filtering through her window. She sprang out of bed with a smile, ready to begin the day's festivities. With a flourish, she arranged a small bouquet of (Y/N)'s favorite flowers, wrapped it in delicate pink paper, and placed it on her desk. Hazel couldn't wait to surprise (Y/N) with the thoughtful gift later in the day.
At school, the hallways were adorned with heart-shaped decorations, and the air buzzed with excitement and romantic anticipation. During lunch break, Hazel nervously glanced at the clock, counting the minutes until she could meet (Y/N). When the bell finally rang, signaling the end of classes, Hazel rushed to the school courtyard where she had arranged to meet her girlfriend.
As she approached their meeting spot, she spotted (Y/N) standing there, a radiant smile spreading across her face as she saw Hazel approaching. They embraced, their hearts beating in sync as they exchanged affectionate glances.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Hazel," (Y/N) greeted her with a hug, "You look amazing."
"Happy Valentine's Day, (Y/N)!" Hazel replied with a grin, "I got something for you." She presented the bouquet of flowers to (Y/N). "I hope you like them."
(Y/N)'s eyes lit up with delight as she accepted the flowers. "They're beautiful, Hazel. Thank you so much."
The joy in (Y/N)'s eyes was all the confirmation Hazel needed, and they shared a tender moment before setting off on their Valentine's Day adventure.
Their first stop was at a cozy café, where they shared a decadent dessert and laughed over lattes.
"This is so sweet, Hazel," (Y/N) commented, "I love spending time with you like this. It's perfect."
Hazel smiled and reached for (Y/N)'s hand. "It's even better with you by my side."
They exchanged small, heart-shaped gifts, each one a testament to their love and unique connection. With every shared smile and stolen glance, Hazel felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and contentment, knowing that she was exactly where she was meant to be—by (Y/N)'s side.
After their delightful café date, Hazel suggested a walk through the nearby park, where they could enjoy the beauty of nature and the serenity it offered. As they strolled hand in hand, (Y/N) pointed to a patch of wildflowers and suggested they gather a few to make personalized flower crowns for each other. "Hazel, look at these flowers!" (Y/N) exclaimed, "Let's make flower crowns for each other. It'll be so much fun!" Hazel beamed at the idea, and they spent a carefree moment crafting the crowns, giggling and stealing kisses in between.
The day continued with a visit to the local art gallery, a place both of them cherished for its ability to evoke emotions and inspire creativity. "This painting, Hazel," (Y/N) said, "It reminds me of us. Two souls entwined in love, just like this." Hazel placed a gentle hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, feeling a surge of warmth in her heart. "It's beautiful, just like our love."
To conclude the evening, Hazel surprised (Y/N) with a private picnic in a scenic spot overlooking the city. The sunset painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, casting a warm glow over the world.
"This spot is amazing, Hazel," (Y/N) said with awe, "I'm so lucky to have you in my life."
Hazel smiled, her eyes reflecting the affection she felt. "I feel the same way, (Y/N). Every moment with you is a treasure."
As the day drew to a close, (Y/N) nestled into Hazel's embrace, and they watched the stars twinkle in the night sky.
"Thank you for this wonderful day, Hazel," (Y/N) whispered, "You've made it magical."
With a contented sigh, Hazel realized that the magic of Valentine's Day lay not only in the grand gestures, but in the cherished moments of togetherness and love. As they said their goodbyes, Hazel knew that the memories they had created on this special day would be etched in their hearts forever.
For Hazel Callahan, Valentine's Day was a celebration of the love she shared with (Y/N), and it marked the beginning of a lifetime of beautiful adventures filled with joy, romance, and the promise of a love story that was uniquely theirs.
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kookieswan · 2 years
Red Light - Bubblegum Pop
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Nightmare!Hoseok x Psychologist!Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Genre: Horror AU, Monster AU, Psychological horror, a tiny bit angsty, fluff???
Warnings: None really, another tame chapter.
It should be noted though that this story will contain themes of horror/psychological horror and also explore obsessive behaviors and codependency. Many characters are morally gray. Please be warned!
Summary: The other doctors seem sure that your new Nightmare is problematic. You, however, aren’t convinced.
Notes: Meeting the new Nightmare finally! I hope everyone likes this chapter ♥️ This takes place directly after ‘Best of Luck’!
This is the 13th part of the Red Light series. Find the Masterlist here ♥️
Stepping through the door, you clutch your notes to yourself as you gaze deeper into the room. Yoongi isn’t around at this point, still likely locked away in isolation. However, the once empty cell now contains a man with dark hair and even darker eyes… and you dare say he looks the most human of them all. You get so lost in your thoughts that you newly jump out of your skin as the door slams shut behind you.
“Hello, I’m your new psychologist. You can call me Doctor _____, or just doctor is fine.” Stepping closer to take a seat, you note that the lighting is a bit dimmer than usual. The Nightmare that sits before you simply nods his head in acknowledgment, flexing his broad shoulder to make them crack like a ripple.
“May I ask your name?” Pulling out your notes, you watch as a small smile adorns his handsome face, eyes calm and he stares directly back at you. Certainly not shy, but he also doesn’t seem terribly aggressive.
“061304, though most around here tend to call me other things.” Perhaps that’s why you had never heard his name uttered. There’s always talk of different Nightmares, how one is worse than others, so he could have any name. Tapping your pen against the paper lightly, you give the man a small smile of your own.
“What do you like to be called then? A given name perhaps?” He raises a perfectly arched brow then, blinking as if he heard you wrong. After giving it time to marinate, his face relaxes yet again before he sits closer in his seat.
“I go by Seokjin.” Seokjin, a name you can’t say you’ve heard before. A million questions run through your head, but you refrain from asking them. This meeting is about just that; meeting the Nightmare and getting to know him. You’ll ask about is relocation some other time.
“Alright, Seokjin it is. So, can you tell me how you feel right now in this moment?“ A standard question to start with, but it still makes him chuckle pleasantly. He tossed his arms out to the side, looking around the room before tapping the wall with a long nail
“I feel fine doctor. My need to rip humans to shreds is sated for the time being, no need to worry.” Light hearted, something you don’t really experience with the other Nightmares. Jotting down a note or two about his disposition, you hum in response before asking another.
“Okay, and how do you feel being back on this floor? It’s been over a month now, yes? That’s a good while to be away.” Sudden change can cause issue for anyone, human or Nightmare. Your don’t miss the way his lip twitches downward momentarily, but again, he shrugs as if it’s nothing.
Finishing off your notes, you glance up fully after a minute… Only to note that his hair is a different color. It was black before, but now it’s a soft shade of bubblegum pink, eerily similar to the color of your blouse. He doesn’t mention it though, and so you don’t either. Not for now.
“I feel the need to be cautious. The deeper levels can be harsh, yes, but I believe the people residing in this one are harsher. Either way, I suppose I am satisfied to be back.” Cautious… Cautious isn’t the feeling you were expecting. He’s not wrong though, he can’t be when every Nightmare you’re charged with has warned you to watch your step. Before you can ask another question, he clears his throat quietly and asks his own.
“You ask many questions, so I’d like to ask one in return. How is 061312?” This makes you give pause. Never have you had any of your other Nightmares ask about their peers. Namjoon hadn’t mentioned Seokjin once, but then again, Namjoon doesn’t seem particularly concerned about anything around him.
“Namjoon? He’s fine, didn’t even leave his cell during the last code red which I found very curious.” The truth, but also a leading statement to get more out of your newest patient. Seokjin cocks his head to the side, eyes widened and clearly very interested in what you have to say. It’s peculiar that he doesn’t mind you knowing about his interest in Namjoon though…
“Did he say why?“ A curious one… but you do feel bad. He’s been out of the loop for a month now, and for whatever reason, he must care about Namjoon. You indulge him, albeit somewhat cautiously. Seokjin wasn’t prone to cause issue in the past, but you still don’t know what set him off in the first place. You certainly don’t want to be the one responsible for doing so again.
“… He said he didn’t feel like it. To counter your question, is there a particular reason you’re worried about Namjoon?” There’s nothing wrong with flat out asking. Readjusting yourself slightly, you cross your legs as Seokjin crosses his arms, small smile morphing into a smirk.
“You seem to be somewhat smart at the very least Doctor. I’m sure you’ll figure it out sooner or later.” You will, but having it spelled out for you nicely would have been great too. You don’t make note of him asking about Namjoon, because doing so could lead to trouble. What kind of trouble, you’re not sure of, but there’s still too many missing puzzle pieces and you aren’t going to unknowingly give away free answers.
“You changed the color of your hair while I wasn’t looking. Can I ask why that is?” You can’t help yourself, none of the other Nightmares had ever shifted around you, at least not noticeably. Seokjin, instead of making himself grotesque, went for something simple and soft.
“Why not? Does it make you mad doctor? Get you riled up?” The smirk is lined with teeth now, as if he’s ready to eat your anger alive. But you don’t have any anger to give him, so you just shake your head bouncily.
“No, I can’t say it does. You’re the first one to do so in my presence, so thank you for that.” You know that Nightmares can shift and have even done extensive research. The teeth disappear just as soon as they came about, Seokjin’s aggression turning to confusion rather quickly. So quickly that he can’t stop himself from emoting before he speaks back slowly.
“I’m the first to do it because it’s not allowed. The other doctors don’t like it, it bothers them.” It bothers them…? You’ve never heard a rule about the Nightmares not being able to shape-shift, but you suppose it makes sense. All nightmares can change things about themselves, but only to a certain degree. It’s not like Yoongi or Hoseok could turn into completely different people or anything.
“Well, it doesn’t bother me. Do it as often as you’d like while we have our appointments.” Seokjin blinks once, twice, and then he’s laughing. Full bodied laughs that sound like squeaks, loud and boisterous. It’s enough to make you chuckle quietly, disbelieving that the others went as far as to warn you about him. When he calms, he wipes an imaginary tear from his eye.
“… You’re odd.” And he steals your line. Every Nightmare you had met on this floor was off in one way or another. They don’t show signs of conforming to what the standard Nightmare should be like… It never occurred to you that they might find you odd among the sea of assholes you work with. But still, you want to know more.
“How so?“ The Nightmare almost looks far away as he stares at you, like he’s both thinking and completely blanking, conflicting thoughts dancing about. His words come out sure though, like he’s more than positive about what he’s thinking.
“You’re not like the other humans down here.” You’re glad he thinks that way, because you never want to be like your colleagues. Snorting quietly, you jot down a few more notes about how pleasant he’s been, not noting any bad behavior. Honestly, some of the doctors down here can be such prudes… Glancing up at the clock, you’re shocked to see how much time has passed already.
“I try my best not to be… Is there anything else you’d like to discuss? This was just a quick first meeting, but I’ll be readily available almost any time you’d like to talk. We’ll also have regularly scheduled meetings every week.” Seokjin just nods, and you watch in astonishment as the pink of his hair slowly fades back into its original inky tone. He observes you marveling with a look of satisfaction before shaking his head with a wink.
“I believe I’m all good doctor. You take care of yourself out there, hm?”
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and finally another rockstar!eddie because I am a hoe for this au..... list 2. prompt 31?? 🥺🥺
regan's 1k follower celebration
anything for you babe <3 this one might be a little familiar, wink wink
(same as the last one, this is from the rockstar!eddie x groupie!reader au i'm working on, a full fic will be coming soon)
pairing: rockstar!eddie x groupie!reader
prompt: doing a pinky swear
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this is the manip that inspired this blurb, but i cannot for the life of me find the original creator, if you know pls tell me so i can credit them!!!
You had been wandering around the city, searching for a sub shop – Eddie was craving a cheesesteak and was determined to get one – when you spotted the small record store. You had jokingly pointed it out to the disguised rockstar, who’s sunglasses only do so much to hide him – even tied up out of his face, his hair is a dead giveaway. You hadn’t expected his face to light up, and suddenly you were being pulled into the tiny shop.
You amble around the store, fingers skimming the cardboard of the various albums. Eddie predictably heads straight for the rock and metal sections, happily mumbling to himself as he picks through the records. It’s times like these, when the two of you are off on your own adventures, away from the crowds and the parties and the craziness of tour life, that you find yourself slipping into those fantasies that you usually try not to dwell on. Fantasies of a life away from tour buses and screaming girls and non-stop drinking and drugs. You and Eddie just exploring a city, finding hidden treasures. Finding a quiet spot in a park and Eddie strumming his acoustic, singing a song he wrote about you. 
But that won’t ever happen. You’ll continue to play this game until eventually your heart will give out, and you’ll go back to your old life while Eddie continues to see the world and live his dreams.
For now, you try to focus on the sight of him before you, sunglasses now hanging loosely in his t-shirt collar, allowing the smallest peek at the curls that adorn his chest. His eyes sparkle as he thumbs through the records. You let out a sigh as you meander over to him.
Eddie notices you approaching and shoots you that killer smile.
“Find anything good?” he asks.
“Lots of stuff,” you lie, you’ve barely paid attention to the selection. “But I don’t think anyone on the tour has a record player lying around, so it’s not like I could listen to anything here.”
Eddie hums, his eyes falling back to the section he was looking at before.
“I wish we could,” he says. “I don’t mind cassettes, but there’s just something about vinyl that just…sounds better.” He stops for a moment as his fingers fall onto a record.
You take a step closer and Eddie meets you halfway, the leather covering his bicep pressing into your shoulder as he holds a record up for you to see.
“This one right here,” he says as he admires the album. “This record changed my life.”
Your eyes trace over the album artwork, the purples and pinks, reds and oranges. An angel sits in a fiery hellscape, his large wings looming over his figure.
“Ever heard it before?”
You shake your head.
“Well, we have to change that,” Eddie declares as he spins on his heels and heads to the register. You practically have to jog to catch up to him.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
“What does it look like?” he counters, fishing his wallet out of his back pocket. “I’m buying you the record.”
You feel heat in your cheeks and you try to ignore the fluttering in your stomach. Sure he’s bought you food and drinks plenty of times. But this…this you’ll treasure more than anything.
“But –” you try to argue as the cashier wraps the album in some paper.
“And you have to promise me,” he interrupts. “The second you’re anywhere near a record player, you put this baby on.”
You’ll do anything he says, so you nod feverishly.
“I promise.”
He turns to you, holding up his ring clad hand and sticking his pinky out.
“Pinky swear me,” he demands, a teasing smirk on his lips. You can’t help but giggle, but knowing Eddie like you do, you know he’s serious.
You loop your pinky around his and he squeezes it tight.
“I swear, I will listen to it as soon as I possibly can,” you say, unable to hide the delight in your voice.
He uses your joined hands to pull you closer to him.
“And then as soon as you’re done, you come find me and tell me what you thought of it,” he adds. You’re overwhelmed being this close to him, but you manage to nod once more.
“I will.”
He lets you go, a pleased grin on his face as he hands you the packaged gift and heads towards the front door.
“Come on, I’m still hungry!” he calls over his shoulder. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, pull the record close to your chest, and follow after the chaotic rockstar.
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Heart Shaped Wound
Chapter 30
Author’s note: enjoy! Trying to be regular with updates before this starts getting into the super creepy yandere territory!
   (Your name) paled at the note that hung on her classroom door for her. The nearly folded white paper with messily drawn hearts on it brought dread to the pits of her stomach. Who on earth would leave such a menacing note?
     Her hands shook as she pulled the piece of paper off the door. The tape making a soft ripping noise, causing goosebumps to crawl up her skin. She knew this wasn’t from any of her suitors. She’d recognize the drawing and writing style if it was. 
      Hanayama wrote small and neat while Jack’s hand writing was big and messy. Katsumi’s writing was simple and easy to read. And Kureha had some of the prettiest handwriting she’s ever seen a man have. 
      But the poorly written style of her name was unfamiliar. Not to mention how the contents of the note were pieced together with magazine clippings. Even if she had an idea of who it could be, it would be impossible to identify them using graphology. 
      The note was ominous and creepy. Did she perhaps have a stalker?
     (Your name) gulped before reading the strangely crafted note, the young woman doing her best to ignore how weirdly sticky the more was.
To my angel,
      I’m too shy to approach you. You’re far too beautiful for someone like me. I can only admire you from a far. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen… you’re my Angel.
                                                  Your secret admirer 
      She really hoped this was just a sick prank and she didn’t have one… but the way the letters were all different fonts from different magazines, she knew she did. Why else would someone spend so much time making her a creepy note like this?
      (Your name) glanced around, making sure the perpetrator was gone. (Your name) clutched the note to her chest with a sigh. She should probably dispose of this once she’s home. Last thing she wanted was to upset her secret admirer. She didn’t know who they were or what they were capable of.
      (Your name) headed into the classroom, completely unaware of the figure standing outside of the school. 
     The muscular man adorning an olive green hoodie and jogger set. His dark eyes sparkling when he saw his angel didn’t throw away his note.
       Maybe he had a chance after all… if she likes his notes then he would keep sending them to her. He just wanted his angel to notice him.
    Katsumi made his way towards (your name)’s classroom. A large bouquet of white carnations, white roses, pink roses, and pink hydrangeas in his arms. He had been wanting to gift her flowers for awhile now but he wasn’t sure what to get her. Thank goodness his mother gave him sp gifting advice. 
     Natsue was thrilled to help him out. She was extremely fond of (your name) and constantly asked about his girlfriend all the time.
     “Hello, (your name).” Katsumi greeted (your name) who smiled warmly at him. His heart racing from how pretty she was. Be still, his heart. “I bought you some flowers.”
     (Your name) smiled at the delicate bouquet. Of course Katsumi would get her a bouquet that symbolized innocent love. He was the cutest. 
     (Your name) inhaled the sweet, floral aroma with a content smile. Katsumi blushing as he continued to watch her.
      “Ooo! Karate sensei bought sensei flowers!” Satoshi piped up from his desk, the other students chiming in.
      “Are they gonna get married?!” Yuki squealed as the other kindergartners began to giggle. 
      “Marriage is a ways a way.” (Your name) laughed as she held the bouquet up to her chest. A bright blush on her cheeks. “That’s a lifetime commitment.”
     Katsumi wanted to tell her he was willing to make her a lifetime commitment but he felt as if it was too soon to share his true thoughts with her. They’ve only been together for a few weeks now, but Katsumi was certain he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. 
      Katsumi wanted to spend every waking and breathing moment with her. He was obsessed and he knew it. (Your name) was a drug he could never get enough of.
      “Earth to Katsumi.” (Your name) leaned her face close to Katsumi’s. The young man flushing in embarrassment for being caught off guard. “What we’re you thinking about?”
     “You.” Katsumi grinned, (your name) giggling at him. Seems Katsumi could be smooth sometimes.
      “How sweet. Were you wanting to do anything today?” (Your name) asked curiously. She knew the karateka loved spending time with her no matter what they did together but she wanted to see if he planned anything other than the two of them relaxing together at each other’s houses. She needed some excitement.
      “Well I was going to ask you if you’d like to join me at an amusement park later today?” Katsumi asked, his cheeks flushing. “The lights are really pretty at night.”
      “I’d love to.” (Your name) smiled at Katsumi. An amusement park sounded like a lot of fun. She’d have to ask Zaria to help her pick out an outfit.
      “I’ll pick you up at six, then.” Katsumi beamed as he began to herd up his students. 
     Katsumi chased Satoshi around the desk, a certain note catching his eye. Katsumi examined the creepy note for a minute before he felt his stomach churn. Did (your name) have a stalker?
      Katsumi brushed it off. He would ask her about it later, last thing he wanted to do was have the children tell their parents about it. He didn’t want them to be scared.
      “Alright kids. Let’s get going.” Katsumi successfully herded up all of his students like little lambs. Their yellow kindergarten hats bouncing with their little bodies as they all giggled.
     “Good bye, sensei! Have fun on your date!” The children giggled as they made their way out of the classroom. Katsumi giving (your name) a soft look.
      “I’ll see you soon.”
       “Goodbye, Katsumi.” (Your name) made her way over to the desk, her tongue clicking in realization. Katsumi definitely saw the stalker’s note. Hopefully he didn’t make a fuss of it. Last thing she wanted to do was upset this mysterious secret admirer she had.
     After all, one can never know what someone else is truly capable of.
Author’s note: thanks for reading. I am so happy to finally debut your personal stalker. Always need that one character that is so creepy, it makes your skin crawl.
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biostris · 2 years
Uninterested? :prologue + Ch1: {Mark Beaks x reader}
A/N: did i forget to post this like half a year + back? yeAH. enjoy, ill post the other chapters in the following days.
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The sound of frantic mumbling echoed around a dimly lit living room, fast clicks of heels paced from one side of the room to the other, The sound was beginning to become monotonous to his ears. Mr. Fontaine glanced over his phone, his hands trembling ever so slightly as he tried  to contain his worsening anxiety which grew with each Ding from the mobile device. He watched as thousands by the thousands of dollars left their business bank account threatening to start taking from their savings and Childs college funds.
The number wasn't going to stop dropping anytime soon, Mr.Fontaine stood up pinching  the bridge of his beak as his eyebrows furrowed frustratingly. He slowly turned his head to look at his wife whose fluffed up cheeks were still stained with tears from a total breakdown earlier that evening. An accident had happened at one of their planned events, the building that they had rented for the client ended up catching fire that night. And despite it all it all fell into their hands. “I just don't know how or w-why? We checked every area of that place and it all came back in the reports as a safe environment for everyone!” Mr. Fontaine watched his wife battle with herself and  reason, but like the now long gone servants and maids, he knew he wouldn’t be any better.
Instead of staying in the room he left to explore the now quiet halls, he looked up at the varying paintings and photos that adorned it before stopping at the door to his office. He opened the door making a soft click before opening up to scattered bills, news articles and various other papers that laid on nearly every corner of the room. He shifted some of the mess off his lowered leather desk chair before sitting down in it not caring that his desk was now up to his beak. An old piece of pink construction paper caught his eye and he sat up just a bit to grasp the craft paper.
A drawing adorned it, it showed him and a little bird with the sentence  ‘Happy Father’s Day from your little bit!’ Written in a pristine hand contrasting that shaky kid like drawing on its surface. Mr.Fontaine smiled solemnly at the paper reminiscing when his little bit truly was little, but his smile slowly changed as he began to ponder over all his options.
He set the paper in his lap in front of him as he twiddled with the phone in his hand, he began to have an internal clash over what he was about to do but as always with sides one is victorious. He sighed and dialed a number, his shoulders tense and haunched as he stared down at the floor, the ringing echoing through his ears. A familiar ‘hello?’ Finally broke the monotonous noise, he picked his head up slightly and huffed out a sigh before speaking. “Hey it’s me, I’m willing to accept your offer.” Silence stirred through the air as a solemn voice hit his ears that still had a twinge of excitement. “Yeah we can meet next month, see you then.” He set the phone down next to the drawing on his desk not even daring to look it’s way, ashamed at what he just did. Instead he picked up the drawing, delicately folded it and stuffed it in his pocket for safekeeping before shutting off his office lights and heading to bed with a heavy heart and a heavy sigh.
(Y/n) was returning home from a college lecture, A slight pep in their step, They were beginning their final project for graphic design , which was the final class they needed to get their degree. (Y/n) Arriving at home eager to start, they slipped off their shoes at the door before booking it through the various winding halls of their home reaching their room with a slight screeching halt.
They had reached their desk booting up their graphic tablet and pc but before they could even jot some ideas down in Ms paint their was a loud knock at the door causing them to jump slightly and groan. “Come in.” (Y/n) started trying their best to hide the annoyance in their voice. Their father and mother stepped in the room not long after getting confirmation to come in. It was still shocking to them that their parents had started spending more time at home, especially since they were usually very busy with planning or clients. “Uh… Hey??” (Y/n) stated with a slightly nervous grin.
The way their mothers crest twitched was a hint that there was something going on especially since the older woman was usually level headed, “Hey little bit! So as you’ve probably picked up on by now your mother and i have been struggling just a little bit” cooed Mr. Fontaine cooed with a large amount of emphasis on the ‘little’. “But! Me and your Mom were thinking, How about going out for dinner tonight? '' At your favorite place?” The offer seemed tempting, after all they haven't gone to (y/f/r) in a hot minute. “Yeah sure we can go, but can I ask why now??” Both adults just smiled sheepishly. “Oh no reason, We just know how hard you’ve been working at school so we wanted to treat you!!” They were still suspicious but decided to look on the bright side, they would get to hang out with their ma and pa like the good old days again!! “Alrighty then text me what time! I want to get started on this project while I still have the free time!!” (Y/n) stated with a soft smile before turning their back on their parents to get to work. Unknowing that behind them their parents' smiles had immediately dropped as they stood up to leave.
It was getting later and later and soon (Y/n) Began to store away and save their project files to begin getting ready, Their favorite restaurant wasn't too fancy but they didn't want to under dress either. Picking out a rather plain yet elegant outfit they selected an elegant yet casual combination of black leggings, a black tee and a (Y/f/c) jacket and any accessories they decided to put on that night. Their parents waited for them at the foyer and smiled as their little bit came down excitedly from the stairs. “Ready muffin?” Cooed Mrs. Fontaine pinching (y/n’s) cheek. “Yeah ma im ready” grunted (y/n) in annoyance before gently pushing their mothers hand away and pushing past them to the car that was waiting for them at the end of the gates.
The car ride wasn't long but it was long enough for (Y/n) to gladly info dump everything about their project and how they are almost done with their college career. “ And I'm just gonna be so relieved yet so happy once I'm able to walk across that stage and receive my diploma. All my hard work will finally have paid off.” Mr.s Fontaine smiled grievously as they looked their child up and down “We're so proud of you little bit, you deserve nothing but the best.” They all shared a smile before the car stopped in front of (Y/f/r). The family clambered out of the automobile before it drove off to lord knows where next. They all went inside, but before (Y/n) could request to be seated the waiter smiled warmly and began to usher the family to a quiet table in the corner. Confused (Y/n) Quickly fell behind to follow her father. 
When they stopped (Y/n) was astonished to see Miss.Glamour, the older lady stood up and swung out of the lush booth seat to greet her former business colleagues and current friends formally. “Fonti darling, it's so good to see you again!!” she kissed both mr. and Mrs. fontaines cheeks fondly and let out a small gasp before pushing them out of the way gently to meet (Y/n), “Why darling it’s been so long!! When I last saw you, you were half the size of my boots!!” (Y/n) was enveloped in a tight hug before being ushered by the gray parrot towards the booth “come come come!! I want you to meet my son!!” with a hand on (y/n)' shoulder they stopped in front of Emma's side of the booth before Emma alongside their parents took up the opposite side of the booth. 
“Darling this is Mark, mark this is (y/n)” the two birds turned to look at eachother, “he-” before (y/n) could let out a word they were bombarded with an arm around their neck and flashes from a phone camera blinding them for a slight second “Hey (Y/n) it’s nice to meet you im mark, mark beaks can't wait to get to know you!” he looked down and began to type away leaving (Y/n) Dumbfounded  “Hashtag night out!!” cheered the energetic parrot. (Y/n) shook their heads and furrowed their brows in annoyance “ yeah nice to meet you too.” (y/n) huffed. Emma, looking slightly annoyed, stated sternly “Mark put the phone away were here to discuss something.” The older gray parrot then turned to (Y/N) with a softer look on her face “Sorry darling, He's a bit addicted to technology, but you’ll soon get used to it.”
“So what do you mean we're here to discuss something?” (y/n) questioned cautiously while combing their fingers through their hair / feathers. The adults all paused and gave each other the ‘we know something you don't’ look before turning to face the two young birds again. Mrs. Fontaine cleared her throat before softly speaking “ Well honey, as you know me and your father have sustained a major loss of money, we never said how much because we didn't want to worry you but desperate times sadly call for desperate measures.”
 (y/n) felt a lump rise in their throat and bit inside of their cheek as a nervous reaction, meanwhile Mark looked indifferent on the outside. “What your mother is trying to tell you Little bit, is that We alongside Miss Glamour here have come to an agreement, The agreement is she will help fund our company alongside help us re build it till it’s stable but in return she wants a suitor for mark, that suitor being… you. '' It took a minute to process, but the moment the lightbulb lit in their head they felt their blood begin to boil “What..”, both adults looked down, almost ashamed of their actions. While (Y/N) looked like they were about to pop a blood vessel, Mark still seemed unphased but deep down he felt a fear he's shoved down begin to bubble back up especially as he got the courage to eye the person who would soon become his fiancé. “But what about what I want?!” hissed (Y/n) as they stood up slightly, “ you literally said i deserve nothing but the best!! This isn't the best!! No offense mark-'' Mark pressed his beak into a thin line and looked at (Y/n) slightly offended but for once in his life could understand where someone was coming from. Mrs. Fontaine looked down as if she was about to cry. Mr.Fontaine slowly stood up to shut down his child's angry cries “(Y/n) that's enough, we all dislike it even us but it must be done.” (Y/n) seemed as if they were gonna cry “Will i at least beagle to finish college??” Mr. Fontaine sighed he had already shattered so much of his Little bits heart but he couldn't lie. “ I personally don't know, that will be up to how fast we can get this wedding through and over as well as how much it will cost.” (Y/n) Sat down in their seat harshly, crossing their arms in front of their chest. Emma did her best to console and explain that all would be fine but (Y/n) only zoned out trying to put the pieces together. They only snapped back in when their father called their name, “We packed you a bag.” (Y/n) looked up at them confused and emotionally distraught “For what?” They asked, trying to conceal an angry undertone lacing their voice. “Tonight you’ll be staying with mark at his apartment.” (Y/n) was sick of fighting, they sighed and reached over taking the bag roughly from their parents side of the table before slouching into their own seat. The air was heavy and awkward before Emma chimed in, “Well before anything else happens let's eat!”
The rest of dinner was long and awkward and before they knew it (Y/n) was inside a waddle car, one of Mark’s many inventions, being driven to a new place they’d be forced to call home for the indefinite future. They were huddled to one side of the car hugging the backpack that contained all the stuff they needed until they could move over the rest of (y/n)’s stuff. Mark on the other hand was on his phone as if nothing happened but he kept glancing over to his new companion. He sighed sick of the silence and the electrified air that hung around the two, it was even putting the robot driver off, he put his phone down for once and looked to (y/n) opening his beak to speak but closing it before pondering. He eventually tried again but cleared his throat beforehand to get (y/n)’s attention before he began to state what was on his mind. ”Look this isn’t ideal for either of us, especially me because like I want to look for this. I mean i'm sure you weren’t either but I'm a very busy business man so it's like doubled for me.” (y/n) glared at him as i he had a third eye smack dab on the middle of his forehead. He furrowed his brows and avoided making eye contact with the disgruntled bird across from him. “However, it happened much to both of our dismay. But since you’re staying at my place I have a few rules.” his plan wasn’t working and the silence was actually killing him. He twiddled with his thumbs wanting some kind of confirmation but alas he just kept going so the silence was at least deafened by his own voice.
He looked (Y/n) in their eyes so they knew he was serious. “First rule, you're allowed to visit me at work if you want but no going into my office without me. Secondly, no going into the safe in the garage.” (y/n) finally spoke which made the whole thing less intimidating for him personally. “What's in the safe?” (y/n) asked slightly curious. “Well not money i’ll tell you that but either way it’s none of your concern.” Both of them jerked slightly as the car parked momentarily outside of Beaks' modern styled mansion. “Lastly do not and I repeat do NOT go into the garage from 11:30 to 12:00 am thats my time capiche??” (Y/n) was sort of baffled by these rules but nonetheless they could abide by them for now, as soon as they nodded their head in agreement both birds got out of the car.
(y/n) was exhausted from the night and was just ready to hit the hay, Mark had let them have one of the guest bedrooms for the night knowing that neither of them wanted to sleep in the same room as each other, at least for now, (Y/n) put away some clothes in the drawers and instead of changing collapsed on the bed. There was still a lot to process like how bad was their parents financial situation to cause this, why specifically them and what is going on in the safe? All questions better suited for the morning however as their mind began to wind down for the night eventually taking (y/n) to ponder all of these in their dreams.
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