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The Story The film is a parody of the first two Twilight films. The film manages to put the two films together and not make it feel like two films together. Also, I know humour is subjective, but this film had me laughing from beginning to end. I don't care what other critics say! This film is funny! The Characters The Characters do a great job at making the original characters as daft and as silly as possible. It is so hard to make such bland characters funny, but these guys managed to do it! Oh and, the guys in this film are FAR more attractive than the guys in the original film, just saying. The "Holster bag" look isn't very attractive! The Special Effects The film's special effects are actually pretty good for a parody film. You can tell they had a much bigger budget than most parody films and it shows. You just don't know what they are going to throw at you next! Final Thoughts Overall, this film is definitely for those who love or hate twilight! If you're looking for a laugh, this film is for you! The Story 4/5 The Characters 4/5 The Special Effects 5/5 Overall 4/5 Also, BBFC, WHY did you give this a 12a rating? The film has blow up sex dolls and BDSM outfits in it! We're you just high that day?
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The Story The Story is about storks who deliver packages, until they have a baby on their hands. The film is the most hilarious animated children's films I've ever seen. It is more of a parody of kids films and makes fun of all the tropes. For a film reviewer like myself who has seen a LOT of animated films, this just kept me laughing all the way through, and very few other films have made me laugh so hard and for so long! The Story is basic, yes, but it is so full of witty humour that it makes up for it! And I love how inclusive the film is. We see parents from all strokes of life, straight couples, mixed race couples, single parents and even LGBT parents. It's one of those "blink and you miss it moments" but it's just so nice to see in a film aimed at children to show all types of families. Of course, some religious groups slammed this movie for this reason. Saying it's "unnatural"and "evil". Look, you religion promotes peace and tolerance right. Then stay by your words! Be accepting of these people who have already gone through so much hardship, don't make life any more harder for them than it is already. And if your religion doesn't promote peace, tolerance and love, I'm sorry, but you need to speak to a doctor. And for those saying it's "unnatural", there are actually a lot of animals who are LGBT. Dolphins are well known to have same-sex life-long mates and there is a pair of homosexual penguins (named Roy and Silo) who looked after a chick in New York Central Park Zoo. And also, snails are hermaphrodites, So don't go saying it's unnatural when even nature has LGBT couples. And I haven't even started with Banobo chimps! Humans CLOSEST relative! (It's a myth that our closest relative are chimpanzees) The Characters The Characters are just full of personality. I just love them. And the villain. OMG, he's just the kind of EVIL you love. He is just so diabolical! And the wolves are just so funny! The Animation/Special Effects The Animation is REALLY good. It is so colourful and fluid. The only issue I have with the Animation is that all the babies look the same. They are all just pallet swaps of each other. They just changed the hair and skin colour. Final Thoughts This is one of the best animated kids films I have seen. It is definitely a masterpiece. It isn't deep or too thought provoking. It just shows what matters. It is all about families, weather they are related by blood or if your adopted. Family is family and that's all that matters. This is definitely a film for all ages, even if you don't pick up on the subtle film trope jokes, you will definitely love the slapstick and just the fun time this film provides. It is definitely an instant classic! In fact, it is better than Disney's most recent films (yes, I just said that) this film feels more "Disney" than actual Disney films being made nowadays, now your just going to see it. The Story 4.5/5 The Characters 5/5 The Animation/Special Effects 4.5/5 Overall 4.5/5 Told you it was good!
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The Story
The Story is about two devils helping people.
The manga goes for the episodic approach, but the stories in this manga are BORING! They try to be funny, but the comedy doesn't work so all you are left with is a boring manga.
The Characters
Unless you have read or seen the original DxD series, you will not know who these characters are as the manga POORLY explains who these characters are! Only Asia gets a small introduction but the other characters are given NOTHING!
The Art
The art is just UGLY. The Characters look like obese squirrels and the backgrounds are given minimal detail. This is just LAZY!
Final Thoughts
Overall, this manga is just a cash-grab off the original series. Even Yen Press gave it an M rating, even though it contains no explicit content. No bad language, no violence, no nudity it does have some sexual innuendo, but nothing that would give it more than a T rating. Seriously Yen Press, are you THAT desperate to get money that you try to make it look like a hard ecchi like the original series!?
Seriously guys, just skip this one!
The Story 1/5 The Characters 1/5 The Art 1/5
Overall 1/5
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WARNING: This is a review of a Hentai! That means it's porn. This manga is NOT suitable for minors. Readers discretion is STRONGLY advised!
The Story
The Story is about a young man who gets his debt paid by a terrorist who tries to take over the world, while claiming to be the reincarnation of one of the characters from "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".
The Story is just wacky and hilarious! It is genuinely VERY funny! The Story feels more like an ecchi manga than a story in a Hentai. In fact, you could remake or reboot this manga to make it an ecchi title instead of a Hentai.
The ending of the manga could of been better though. I thought the manga would end with ALL of the girls pregnant, or the ACTUALLY do take over the world. But no. If you have watched any ecchi anime, you KNOW how it's going to end!
The Characters
The characters are all very interesting, well developed and likeable! I couldn't believe that these characters are more developed than some none-Hentai manga! You will easily find a favourite character! (Mine are Genjou Kakouton and her husband, Enzou)
The least interesting characters are the incestuous twins. They only pop-up in one chapter, have a threesome with Yokutoku and are not mentioned again. They feel pointless.
The Art
The art is actually REALLY good. But I do have some slight issues with the Art. First, when the characters have sex, their character designs keep change so all of the "sex" characters look EXACTLY the same with different hair. The art is inaccurate with one of the character's cowlick when she changes personalities (the cowlick tells you who she is at the current time) and sometimes they forget to DRAW it!)
The Hentai
The sex scenes in this manga are very well done. The manga is only 90% censored, with just a thin, black bar covering very little of the genitals, so it's not COMPLETELY whited out like MANY of Project-H releases.
The sex scenes themselves is FANTASTIC! But the best one is between Genjou and Enzou. They are so cute and funny together and the sex scene between them is fantastic. I wouldn't mind seeing a Spin-off Hentai just about these two!
The ONLY issue I have with the Hentai is the twins.
Even though Project-H has a disclaimer that "all characters is sexually explicit scenes are at least the age of consent or older", I am NOT convinced that these two are the age of consent. They act like little kids (when they are NOT being horny and sadistic), they talk like little kids and they act like little kids.
If the manga said that they only look younger than they actually are (like Honey from Ouran High School Host Club), then I wouldn't of minded, but they don't. Even the other characters call them "kids"!
It doesn't help that their sex scene is very fetish-y, with a threesome and female-on-female pegging watersports (basically, passing yourself, for those who didn't know!) and bondage.
I know they're just drawings, but asking whether enjoying this sex scene makes you a pedo isn't exactly what you want to think when reading a PORNO!
But if that issue doesn't bother you, you should be fine! It doesn't say how old they are, but I still have to point it out for those who don't like Loli's and Shota's.
Final Thoughts
Overall, this is a great Hentai. It is definitely a favourite of mine (even with the flaws it has). They even made a Hentai OVA series based on the manga, so it definitely was popular enough to be turned into an anime, and I can see why!
It is the BIGGEST and THICKEST none-omnibus manga I have seen (it has no page numbers, but by what I can see comparing it to my other Project-H books, it is at least 350 pages LONG!) so you will have plenty of fun with this Hentai! I HIGHLY recommend it!
The Story 4.5/5 The Characters 4.5/5 The Art 4/5 The Hentai 4.5/5
Overall 4.5/5
0 notes
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A corporate film (and I don't mean in a good way!) The Story The Story is about a young boy who finds out the secret to his new baby brother. The Story has some very creative ideas, but it does very little with it. We know NOTHING about how baby corp makes the babies, we know barely anything about how there world works other than the business side and the boys "imaginary scenes" makes you wonder if this entire film was in the eyes of the boy, but someone at DreamWorks thought it was too "risky" of an idea so threw that sub-plot out but kept those scenes in. And some of the scenes are very uncomfortable to watch, in particular, the 100s of "baby bottom" shots. If this movie was an anime, people would be accusing this film to being pedophilic. But since it was made by DreamWorks, everyone thinks it's okay! I mean, the scene in the beginning with the babies getting ready on the "family or business slide" (they don't even give these contraptions names!) they even have a joke involving a dummy going up a baby's rectum. What do you even say to that? Who came up with that? Whoever did needs to see a psychiatrist! The Characters The best part of this film is the growing relationship between the young boy and the baby. But everyone else is so forgettable. Even the main villain (who had an interesting backstory) wasn't interesting or felt unique compared to other villains in DreamWorks films. The relationship between the boy and his parents isn't explored very much. It only makes the minimal effort to make them seem three-dimensional. The Animation/Special Effects The Animation in the "imagination" scenes are superbly and creatively animated. To the point where I think the "boss baby" and the "imaginative boy" films were slapped together by DreamWorks to save money. The Animation in the rest of the film is alright, but there are SO many Animation mistakes that even average movie viewers would notice. Also, the voice of the main character is REALLY annoying. He doesn't emote and actually sounds like he is voice by a kid with his emotions removed! EMOTE KID! EMOTE! Final Thoughts Overall, I think the film should of got rid of the imagination scenes and be aimed at a more mature audience. Think about it, if this film was more along the lines of South Park, with really racy jokes about where babies come from and how office life with babies work and how peoples fascination with baby bottoms. And it does feel like that sometimes that it wants to be that, but it can't. I feel like DreamWorks interfered with the film and made it as corporate as possible. This could of been DreamWorks's best film, but instead, they decided to go for the common denominator and make this film as bare minimal as possible. The film isn't as BAD as everyone has made it out to be. It still has some very good things about it. If it's on TV and nothing else is on TV, I see no harm in watching it (if you don't mind seeing a lot of baby bums!) The Story 2/5 The Characters 3/5 The Animation/Special Effects 2.5/5 Overall 2.5/5
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The Story
The Story is about a young man who is turned into a woman by a space goddess.
The Story is structured more like a Yaoi manga than a Hentai, as in, the story is the driving factor of the book, not so much the sex like in regular hentai.
The Story is just a casual read. You can read a chapter and not read another one for a few weeks and know what is going on.
The Characters
The characters are on the blander side of things, even for a softcore porno. And the portrayal of men being nothing but horny rapists is REALLY off putting...
The Art
The art is definitely above average. The backgrounds are great and the main female/male lead is great. The other character designs (especially the other males) is really ugly and off putting.
The Hentai
We get quite a lot of sex scenes in this manga, not in EVERY chapter, but there is plenty of sex. I am surprised about the variations of sex this manga has, it even has Yaoi(kind-of) in it!
It is soft core, so you won't see any explicit genitals, but the cartoony penis on the main character is great. His penis has a fun personality(even though it doesn't say anything, but its reactions to stimuli is just adorable and really helps to set the mood!).
The only issue I have with the sex scenes is that some of them get interrupted part-way through, which is annoying!
Final Thoughts
Overall, this is a fun gender-bender Hentai! I have read better Hentai, but this is definitely one to check out if your interested!
The Story 3.5/5 The Characters 2/5 The Art 3.5/5 The Hentai 4.5/5
Overall 3.5/5
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IMPORTANT NOTE: This manga is NOT a yaoi. It is a genre of erotic manga called Otokonoko, which fetishise men dressing up as women, usually for sexual reasons. These types of manga are aimed at straight men, anything aimed at women are not considered Otokononko. So if you are wondering why there is no 'yaoi' section in this review, now you know!
The Story
The Story is about a young man who summons a devil to take his virginity, but little does he realise, he has fallen into a "trap"!
This manga's fanservice is toned down compared to other Otokonoko titles released in the West (such as "My Cute Crossdresser"), but the fanservice isn't the main focus of this manga, it is the comedy. And how does it hold up?
It is the most hilarious manga I have EVER read!
I am NOT kidding, this manga had me laughing from beginning to end with all different elements of comedy that only manga can pull off! You will definitely find at least 6 jokes in this funny, with its huge variety of humour, you cannot predict what the manga will throw at you, which makes The Secret Devil-Chan much more fun!
The Characters
The characters on their own aren't very interesting, but what the manga has them do is masterful. Having these character tropes put in these hilarious situation makes you forgive the manga for having characters a little below average.
The Art
I love the background detail of this manga, it definitely makes the manga stand out from the ecchi crowd! The earlier chapters mess up on the character art a bit, but it becomes unnoticeable as the manga goes on, but the actual character designs are great nonetheless.
Final Thoughts
This manga (even though it is only the first volume) has become an instant-favourite of mine. It is my favourite Ecchi manga! The comedy is actually REALLY funny, and it You Want some sinful fun, summon The Secret Devil Chan!
The Story 5/5 The Characters 4/5 The Art 4.5/5
Overall 4.5/5
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A Hentai Anthology manga!
Wife in Short Shorts
The Story
The Story is about a married woman giving her husband a great birthday present, herself in short shorts!
The Story wastes no time on getting to the action. The Story itself is very sweet and leaves you in a happy mood after reading it.
The Characters
These two characters are just adorable with one another. You can tell that they love each other and it is very romantic.
The Art
The Art is REALLY good! The printing job is the best I have seen for a larger project-H book. It looks like they took a lot of care with this title.
The characters designs are just lovable and the positions the guy gets in will please any girl reading this!
The Hentai
This manga wastes no time with the sex scenes, and they are great ones as well! The positions are really well drawn and realistic (no crazy acrobatics in this one!)
The sex scenes are censored, which is disappointing, but the sex is still sexy!
Final Thoughts
Overall, this is one of my favourite Hentai stories I have read so far. The Story and characters are cute and likeable, the art is great and the sex scenes are great. Definitely recommend this one!
The Story 4.5/5 The Characters 4.5/5 The Art 4/5 The Hentai 4.5/5
Overall 4.5/5
I Wanna, like, Kiss and Have Sex...
The Story
The Story is about a couple dating, but the guy is too nervous is too nervous to make a move.
The Story takes AGES to get anywhere. The date and the set up is just BORING to read!
The Characters
The guy is too nervous for my taste, but since he is a virgin, it is more likeable. The female main lead acts like a spoilt brat! She knows he's a virgin, so doesn't guide him on how to have sex.
We could of had a GREAT femdom here, but instead, we get a bitch (there is a difference)!
The Art
The Art could of been better. The guy looks fine, but the female lead's weight keeps changing, one minute, she's fat, the next, she's really thin! It's really annoying to see the Art being so indecisive about her weight!
The Hentai
The sex scene is definitely the highlight of the story. But the camera angles aren't that great. It is below average fluff which goes on for a decent amount of time.
Final Thoughts
Overall, I didn't really like this one, the story was boring, the girl's a bitch and the art is indecisive. It isn't the worst Hentai I have read, but you should Definitely skip this one!
The Story 1.5/5 The Characters 2/5 The Art 2/5 The Hentai 2.5/5
Overall 2/5
Natsuki's Drunk
The Story
The Story is about a guy looking after his drunken girlfriend.
The Story is your typical affair. Girl gets jealous, gets drunk, then dominates her boyfriend. Many people would usually point at this manga and say it promotes date-rape. But the story is so absurd and the events are so crazy, that it makes the story feel unrealistic and makes this usually creepy setup work.
The Characters
The guy is very cute and caring, but I am not a fan of the girl. She is a grumpy, jealous tsundere who doesn't take no for an answer.
The Art
The illustrations in this manga are definitely well drawn, and the character design of the guy isn't half-bad either, and excellent chibi-work
The Hentai
The absurd plot makes the sex scene great! It isn't the best I've seen, but it is still very enjoyable.
Final Thoughts
Overall, this is a great story for fans of tsundere girls! If you love them, this is definitely for you, if not, there is no chance of you liking this.
The Story 4/5 The Characters 3.5/5 The Art 4/5 The Hentai 4/5
Overall 4/5
The Company Underground Data Vault
The Story
This is just a quick story about two coworkers having sex in the office.
It doesn't have a story, it goes straight to the sex. Not much I can say here, I guess...
The Characters
We know NOTHING about these two. Are they a couple? Are they friends with benefits? What are they!?
The Art
The art is well detailed in this one. The backgrounds have been given special attention in this one.
The Hentai
This is a public sex fantasy. The angles are really well done and the sex is really enjoyable. To bad the censorship gets in the way of enjoying this manga!
Final Thoughts
Those who have fantasies about having sex in a public environment, this one is DEFINITELY for you! Even vanilla fans will love this one, as well. It is a Hentai for everyone!
The Story N/A The Characters 1/5 The Art 4/5 The Hentai 4/5
Overall 3.5/5
Tonight You're Creaming Your Pants!!
The Story
The Story is about a married couple who have contests each night to see who makes the other cum the most.
It is very funny and lighthearted, with plenty of funny moments, it feels more like a Rom-com than a Hentai sometimes. It is definitely lighthearted fun!
The Characters
The two characters in this story are very likeable. You can clearly see that they love each other and care about one another. The husband is definitely the better character of the two. The length he goes to try and make is wife cum is just hilarious.
The Art
The printing DEFINITELY affected this one. The art is all blobby again, by no fault of the artist. It's just Project-H doing a poor job at printing quality.
The Hentai
The sex scenes are just sweet, funny and fantastic. Project-H forgot to put a "bondage" tag listed on this book on their website, since this story does have a bondage sex scene in it, and even has that wacky sex toy (even though they NEVER end up using it in the story).
The censorship is still annoying, but since this story is more lighthearted and vanilla (even with the bondage scene), it doesn't bother me as much.
Final Thoughts
Overall, this is definitely worth checking out if you have the chance. It is a quick, sexy romp that will warm the cocks of your heart!
The Story 4.5/5 The Characters 3.5/5 The Art 2/5 The Hentai 4.5/5
Overall 4/5
Mika's Sweet Curry
The Story
The Story is about two step-siblings having fun after one of them broke their arm during a bike accident.
This is one of those incest storylines commonly found in Hentai, so if the topic of Hentai grosses you out in any way, don't read this one. But for those who don't mind, this is actually a sweet little Hentai story.
The Characters
The characters in this are very sweet, in a sibling sort of way. They do squabble a bit, but they clearly care for one another without a doubt.
The Art
The art is very good. The character designs look a bit too generic for my tastes (especially the guy), but other than a few pages being affected by Project-H's crappy printing, the art is good enough.
The Hentai
The sex scene in this manga is fantastic. We get a masturbation scene which I wish as a bit longer, handjob and blowjob scene which was great. I wish it was uncensored, because the scene was great.
Final Thoughts
Overall, this is a great Hentai story if you can look past the incest sub-plot(?) you will definitely enjoy this sweet, homemaking fun!
The Story 4/5 The Characters 4.5/5 The Art 2.5/5 The Hentai 4.5/5
Overall 4/5
Let's Consult with Ms.Terada
The Story
The Story is about an office worker who asks his boss's advice about his oversized penis.
The Story is a good setup for a porno. It isn't deep, but it works.
The Characters
The Characters are sweet enough. I love the virgin boy with the massive knob. He's so adorable. The lady isn't half bad either. She is a sweet enough character who is also a virgin.
The Art
The Art in this story wasn't affected by the bad printing. The Art itself is very good, all apart from a couple of things which we will cover in...
The Hentai
The Hentai sex scenes are good. But I have two problems with the Hentai scenes.
1. It is censored (even though you can se the outlines of the guy's penis.
2. This is the biggest problem, stomach bulges.
For those who don't know what I mean, sometimes Hentai will have a male with a large penis create an outline of his penis around the girl's lower tummy to try and exemplify the guy's MASSIVE size.
I HATE these stomach bulges. I think they are gross! Every time I see a stomach budge in a Hentai, I keep thinking that the poor girl will be ripped open by his penis or that an alien is eating her from the inside out, which isn't a pleasant thought when you're reading a porno!
Final Thoughts
Overall, this isn't the best Hentai available. But it is a great Hentai for those who love office ladies. Definitely check this out if you are interested in ANYTHING you have read in this review!
The Story 3/5 The Characters 4/5 The Art 3.5/5 The Hentai 2.5/5
Overall 3/5
My Belly's Flabby
The Story
The story is about a married couple going to a swimming pool, but the wife is too embarrassed about her chubbyness!
This Hentai is clearly made for women who are a bit on the chubby side, but not classified as obese. (such as myself), and it is a very cute and enjoyable manga!
The Characters
The husband is very sweet and very supportive of his wife, and the wife clearly cares for her husband, which makes a great Hentai setup!
The Art
The printing didn't effect this story too much. It is still a bit noticeable, but the art isn't effected.
The Art overall is well detailed and well drawn. Too bad about the censorship, though..
The Hentai
The sex scenes are good, but they are both too short! They feel a bit rushed to me. But they are still very enjoyable.
Final Thoughts
Overall, this is a sweet Hentai for the LADIES! Even men will enjoy this one! Give this sweet story a try if you want girls who are a bit on the chubby side!
The Story 5/5 The Characters 5/5 The Art 3.5/5 The Hentai 3.5/5
Overall 4/5
Secret Under The Blue Sky
The Story
The Story is about a nurse known as the "ice queen" who is secretly a nudist.
The Story feels like it could cover an entire manga volume, but it is only a one-shot story, which makes it feel a little bare-bones and unfulfilling.
The Characters
The female character is given enough personality to know who she basically is, but the guy is as bland as they come. And the love confession just comes out of nowhere, which makes the sudden mood swings make you suffer from tonal whiplash!
The Art
The art is great. The detailed backgrounds and the female character's designs looks great. But the guy's character designs looks bland and uninteresting to say the least.
The Hentai
The Hentai scene is good, there isn't too much of that "censorship whiteness" going on. It is pretty much vanilla, so everyone will enjoy it!
Final Thoughts
Overall, this manga feels like the prologue to a volume-long story, but got cancelled at the last minute. But as a one-shot, it's okay. It's nothing special, but it's a good time waster.
The Story 3/5 The Characters 2.5/5 The Art 4.5/5 The Hentai 4/5
Overall 3.5/5
Overall Thoughts
Overall, this is a decent Hentai Anthology manga. Project-H advertised at the back of the book that it has 10 stories. But they lied! There are only 9 stories and the afterward. The printing job didn't affect this manga too much, but it is sadly censored. So unless you are starting out with Hentai, I cannot recommend this to the typical Hentai reader.
But if you are looking for some sweet, vanilla lover, this one is DEFINITELY for you!
Wife in Short Shorts 4.5/5 I Wanna,Like,Kiss and have Sex... 2/5 Natsuki's Drunk 4/5 The Company Underground Data Vault 3.5/5 Tonight You're Creaming Your Pants!! 4/5 Mika's Sweet Curry 4/5 Let's Consult with Ms.Terada 3/5 My Belly's Flabby 4/5 Secret Under the Blue Sky 3.5/5
Overall 4/5
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The Story
The Story has a lot of sub-plots in it. Some work better than others.
The main storyline is alright, if a little weird. I liked the subplot between the parents and their soon-to-be wed daughter. The two Tigers subplot of wanting kids should of had a bit more focus, but the worst storyline in this film was Scrats! OMG it is SO STUPID! UFOs. REALLY!?
The Characters
They brought Buck back and he is as energetic and as fun as he was before, the mammoths get a lot of development. I wish Sid and his girlfriend had a bit more screen time together (and that she stayed old and stuck with Sid (to stick with the odd-couple theme)) and that Scrat didn't have the STUPID UFO storyline! Why couldn't of they brought the female squirrel back from Ice Age 3!? Maybe they could of become a couple instead of Scrat having a nut fetish (it's wrong BOTH ways you look at it!)
The Animation/Special Effects
This film LOVES buttock shots! Seriously! All the camera ever wants to focus on is the character's behinds! Is this some creepy fanmade video that you would find by typing "Ice Age Rule34"!? (Don't google it!)
The Animation seems to have a smaller budget that the previous film. The fur isn't as detailed and the designs of the characters look a bit cheap compared to other films released during 2016, and the generic, cartoony sound effects makes the lack of effort in the Special Effects department all the more noticeable...
Final Thoughts
I know many other critics are going to stone me for saying this. But I don't care, so I'll say it anyway...
I think the film is alright.
Okay, it isn't as good as the first or third film, but it isn't as bad as the second or the fourth other (I HATE Ice Age 4!) it sit perfectly in the middle. It honestly does have some REALLY funny jokes (even one of the toilet jokes ACTUALLY made me laugh!)
There are MUCH worse films out there, and this film ISN'T the best out there, but it doesn't hurt to give it a look...
The Story 3/5 The Characters 2.5/5 The Animation/Special Effects 2.5/5
Overall 2.5/5
2 notes · View notes
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The first Hentai reviewed on this website! And it only took 9 years to get there!
The Story
The Story is about two lovers who work at two different companies and are forbidden by their respective companies to date one another.
If there is one thing you need to know about Hentai manga, it is that the plots are weird and crazy in a way that only Japan can pull off. The craziest in this manga is toned down quite a bit, so it is a great entrance Hentai to start off with.
The Characters
There is only one main girl in this Hentai (no harem in this title), and she is an okay character, nothing really stands out, the main male lead is your typical Hentai guy, nothing really special about him. Just two lovers who REALLY love each other. What more do you need in life?
The Art
The art is okay, but the printing job of this manga is AWFUL. The picture quality is blurry and blobby and ruins the artwork!
Also, this title is heavily censored... (BOO!!!)
The Hentai
The manga is very softcore. There are no crazy fetishes, it is vanilla all the way through.
There is one chapter with this other woman trying to get into the main character's pants, and the ending to that chapter is just hilarious!
Final Thoughts
This is a perfect "my first Hentai" manga. The Story isn't too crazy, the characters are sweet and the sex scenes are very vanilla, so there aren't any nasty surprises.
If you are a more experienced Hentai reader, this won't impress you, but if you are starting off or want to give Hentai a go, this is one of the best manga for you.
The Story 3.5/5 The Characters 2.5/5 The Art 2/5 The Hentai 2.5/5
Overall 2.5/5
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I have never wanted to punch this yaoi novel right in the gonads! It's not because it's the worst yaoi I have ever read (but it's still bad), but it had so much potential to become a great BDSM yaoi. But instead we get this pile of crap. Well, I guess you'll get to see me suffer this Valentines Day special, eh?
The Story
The story is about a young man who is taken to becomes a human pet after his mother tries to commit suicide, gets a mental breakdown and his sister wants a higher education, even though they are high in debt. But his master offered to pay off the debts and make his family happy if he becomes his master's pet for seven years.
By that description alone, you should see the problem...
It's fucking depressing!
If this went in the same direction as NO.6, I would be more forgiving. But this novel is a sexual-based yaoi, meaning it's trying to turn the reader on! But the story is far too depressing to even do that! Who wants to read about dysfunctional families while getting off?
The novel even has the guts to kill of a few of the characters! I know there must be a fetish for that, but that is a really small minority that will most likely ignore this novel because it says nothing about dying in the description!
The Characters
The only likeable character in this is Itsuki. You just feel really sorry for him for what he has to go throughout this entire novel. But other than that, he is as bland as they come.
Itsuki's master starts out being really unlikeable, but once you get to know him better, he is actually quite a nice guy. That doesn't mean he's as likeable as the main protagonist, but I can see what the author wanted to do.
And finally, we have the artist Itsuki stays at throughout most of the novel and he is the reason I hate this novel so much!
The biggest problem with him is that he is one of the worst semes I have ever seen. He is almost as bad as Xiu from Midnight Stranger. This guy abuses him in the most disgusting ways possible. He rapes him over and over again throughout the novel. He even took Itsuki's virginity while his legs were broke so he couldn't get away.
He even forces Itsuki to get a haircut by the hairdresser but then the hairdresser decides not to do it because he respects Itsuki's wishes. But then we get the most disturbing scene in this yaoi. The artist yells at both of them then grabs the hairdressers scissors like a madman and grabs the poor guy's ponytail and just cuts his hair while Itsuki yell at him to stop.
The scene was so horrible, that I considered stopping, which is something a very rarely do. But for your guys sake I continued, but it only got worse from here.
The Illustrations
Okay, the illustrations in this novel are actually quite good. The characters do look a little wonky in a couple of the illustrations, but apart from that, they are nice to look at.
The Yaoi
The entire yaoi is just rape and abuse. It's borders Midnight Stranger. The only reason it isn't as bad is that there were no children getting traumatised. Other than that, they are just as bad as each other.
The only reason Itsuki stays with this abusive prick for so long is because he had broke his legs and he is basically snowed in and can't walk on his own.
The storyline about Itsuki and the artist's history only makes the sexual content worse. The guy starts out nice, but a bit aloof. But then once they met again 7 years later, he is a completely different person and we never learn why. The whole story make Itsuki's trauma feel a lot worse and it hinders the sex scenes a lot. And it doesn't help that the rape scenes are described in a lot of detail. It's so bad, that some people might get a PTSD attack after reading one scene!
There are no real consensual sex scenes in this novel. None whatsoever. Contrary to popular belief, many yaoi are not rapey. Many people think that Yaoi is like this novel, but they really aren't. There are so many examples of consensual yaoi titles that are too many to count. Most yaoi I have review on this have consensual sexual scenes and I have been reading yaoi for many years. And yes, while you do get shit like this novel, most are actually fun, sexy and consensual.
And in case you are wondering, we don't get any sexual fetish scenes between Itsuki and his master. They even explicitly say that they never had sex. So that's a whole lot of sex scenes gone to waste!
Final Thoughts
THIS YAOI IS HORRIBLE! And what's really a shame is that it had so many elements that could of made it a great BDSM title! If we get rid of the artist entirely and Itsuki's depressing backstory and the rape, this could of turned into one kinky yaoi that wasn't too extreme with its content.
But instead, we got PAIN!
I know there is a shory story at the end of the novel, but I'm not going to bother with it! It's all about the artist and I already hate him enough now!
Just stay away from this novel. It's not worth the cheap price tag!
The Story 1/5 The Characters 2/5 The Illustrations 3.5/5 The Yaoi 1/5
Overall 1.5/5
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I just watched the 1990s classic again, but poorly made!
The Story
If you have seen the original film, you have seen this film. But THIS version adds scenes that are either filler, or make plot holes the size of Mount Everest!
The film copy's the original word-for-word, which would be fine if they improved the film, but the ENTIRE film copies every angle, every character, every word. Just, everything. And nothing is improved. In fact, they ruined a beloved classic (while I don't think the original film is a masterpiece, I do see why people think so).
The Characters
They could of improved on the characters personalities and develop them more than the original did, but they failed to do that! Apart from Bell's father, none of the characters are memorable or likeable. In fact, what happened to Gaston?
In the original film, Gaston was a bit arrogant and full of himself, but he was still a likeable and redeemable character. In this film, they made him as horrible and unlikable as humanly possible. They made him even try to kill Bell's dad by tying him by a tree and feed him to wolves.
Why can't Disney make good villains, nowadays?
But the prince at the end looked HOT! Why can't there be more long haired guys in films? Gimme the Eye-CANDY!
The Special Effects
The CGI in this film looks like something made in 2007. 10 YEARS AGO! The CGI characters(especially the Beast) look like they were made on a REALLY small budget and look fake. This would be understandable if it was made by a small, Indie company. But this film is from Disney! I expect more from a huge company.
The cinematography is also really bad, when they are not copying the 1991 original, the camera angles in the new scenes are amateurish at best. Scenes are not focusing on important things long enough to lead an impact and the camera moves none-stop, making the scene a blurry mess.
In fact, the death scene of the villains is really bad as well! Instead of Gaston falling to his death by stabbing the beast and his hand slipping from the rail because of the rain, causing him to fall to his death (for one frame, you see skulls in his eyes! Very clever, Disney) like in the 1991 original. The "new" movie has Gaston shooting the beast from a far away pillar and the bridge he stands on collapses for no reason whatsoever!
A villain's death is by far the most satisfying thing in a Disney film. They find creative deaths that are caused by their mistakes with the hero not trying to kill them. But this death is not creative, it's just lazy.
The Songs
Want to hear drunk karaoke of your favourite songs from the movie? Have no worry! This film has that! And the original songs are average at best. Nothing memorable whatsoever in this film (other than the bad karaoke).
Final Thoughts
I am just puzzled why they re-made a film that didn't need remaking! They have plenty of money to make original films, and films that actually need remakes.
I am not against remakes, particularly when the original film is relatively unknown or the film can be improved by remaking it with better special effects. But the 1991 film DIDN'T need a remake!
I am not a fan of the original film (you can find the review on FILMCLUB's website), but I knew it didn't need remaking anytime soon.
And Disney is still making these cheap remakes of films! Can you STOP please and make original content that we have not seen before, or improve a classic film, like Robin Hood?
The Story 1/5 The Characters 1.5/5 The Special Effects 2/5 The Songs 2/5
Overall 1.5/5
Also, why is THIS film rated PG and not the original? The original had blood in it and this one didn't! So why is this version PG and not the original? They are practically the SAME film!.
I don't get the BBFC sometimes...
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This is not going to be easy...
Plague Dogs is one of those films that that leaves an distinct impact on you after you watch it. Very few films leave you so emotionally drained after seeing it. And the book has also been praised by pretty much everyone who has read it, and it is also hard for reviewers to properly review it without having an emotional breakdown.
I two, struggled to write a review, not because of the emotional impact. It's because... I don't like the original novel...at all.
Yes, I said it. The film adaptation is better than the novel, and there are many reasons why the film succeeds and the novel falls by the wayside. And no, it's not because it was a sad novel. I have read much more darker and depressing novels than this (E.G. NO.6 by Atsuko Asano).
The reason I hate this novel is for reasons that are shocking and makes you wonder how propaganda like this still runs rampant even to this day...
The Story and Characters
The story is about two dogs that escape an animal research centre and try to survive out in the wild.
But the novel doesn't focus on the dogs, only less than a third of the book actually follows the dogs. No, the main part of this book is to describe backgrounds in the Lake District and to make humans look like the worst thing in existence.
I am not kidding when I say that none of the human characters are likeable. Not one are redeemable in any way. One of the Characters, Digby Driver, is one of the most Despicable characters I have EVER read about. If your curious, read his backstory on Wikipedia! The novel makes his actions 10x worse here than a webpage can describe it.
The dogs are given no memorable traits. They are just blank slates that the readers can project their dogs onto. Which gives the novel a sense of manipulation.
From the very first page when the dog drowns in the tank, the reader knows that this is not going to have a happy ending and that it clearly has a left-wing, PETA-Like agenda against ALL forms of animal testing.
Yes, some animals are poorly treated in these facilities, but most of them are given suitable habitats, and other than the test that they will go through, they live relatively normal lives.
Before you PETA fanatic go at me and call me an animal hater, let me make one thing clear...
I have lived with a lot of animals since childhood and I am currently taking an animal care course, and a science GCSE. I have read a lot about the different experiments they have given to animals, and all the animals have one thing in common...
They are healthy test subjects.
If the scientists had cruelly treated the animals and they were already sick, how would they know that the test (in this novel's case, medicine and disease control) was successful or they need to go back to the drawing board and try again.
Would I rather see other means of testing medication, of course I do. But until that day comes, we need to preform this necessary evil for the good of all. Clearly Richard Adams didn't do his research!
The entire novel only gives you one side of the argument without actually giving any viable reasons to agree with them. The author is so immature about the subject of animal testing, that he gave the animal research centre the acronym, A.R.S.E (a British slang for you buttocks!).
The fact that a reader complained about the ending of this novel speaks VOLUMES about this novel and how happy he was to give the work a "happy ending", people say that the first printing keeps the original ending. Luckily, my library has the first edition, and it is simply not true.
I did a bit more research and it was at the manuscript phase that the novel was changed to give the dogs a happy ending and add a scene where a girl who is seriously ill talks about the good of medical research in a childish way with her father.
The worst thing by far (other than the clear manipulation through guilt) is the character, Tod. What have they done to you, Tod? He is the only reason I read as far as he did, but the final nail in the coffin was his death.
The film gave The Tod a heroic death when he is trying to lead the police dogs away from the two main leads. In the book, he is killed by the gunman who gets eaten by the dogs.
It is the most disgusting scene I have ever read, not only did Rowf go out of character and eat the man in explicit detail. The Tod is captured and killed by the dogs, the gunman looks at his body, and throws at his hunting dogs to tear apart...
I am the only person disgusted by this novel? I mean, I know where Richard Adams is coming from, and I'm sure he had only the best intentions in mind, but why did he let the dogs die?
Well, if (and when) the dogs survived, they would of stopped being a construct and started becoming actual characters. They would of had to go through survivors guilt and Snitter recovering from his brain operation. It would of made it harder to project their own animals onto the two dogs. It would become Snitter and Rowf's story, not the reader's beloved animals. So the two dogs drown and all their troubles in life die with them.
The fact he wrote a "happy" ending angers me. He doesn't focus on the dog's recovery or what happened after they were rescued by the boatmen. The ending focuses on a father and little girl reading DR.Dolittle.
Richard Adams didn't care about the dogs, all he cared about was the message, and it isn't a good one.
The Illustrations
The illustrations are the only redeemable thing in this novel, the detail on them is beautiful. But later prints are removing the illustrations in later prints is confusing.
Even though they are only backgrounds and don't really fit into the story all that well, it is respite from the slog that is this novel. But now they are gone unless you hunt down an old copy, and they are getting harder to find for a reasonable price.
Final Thoughts
I am amazed that the film became a masterpiece despite the odds, and I still enjoy the film even after reading this novel.
The novel is a stark reminder how even today, people can easily manipulate you. And with a controversial topic like animal testing, we need someone with more of a neutral opinion about this topic, and not a left-wing activist preaching the word of PETA and god outside of these facilitie, harassing the workers who look after these animals...
The Story 0.5/5 The Characters 0/5 The Illustrations (No Longer Available)
Overall 0/5
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I have seen many bad films, but only a few have made me THIS ANGRY! The Story The Story is about Dory suddenly remembering her family. The Story is just a mess. No only do they get their biology facts WRONG, They even get simple PHYSICS wrong! The original manuscript of the first film had flashbacks, but the creator decided to cut them out because "if your story has flashbacks, your doing something wrong". If that's the case, why is this film FULL of them!? Seriously, there are too many flashbacks! It gets annoying and makes the story too predictable! The Story itself is one you heard 100s of times before! And it's done poorly! It has a LOT of filler and even KIDS will get bored by it! Also, the disability jokes and how the topic was handle was so bad, they went straight into cringe territory! Seriously! Are you saying that disabled people are there to be made fun of? The Characters You know the Characters you remember? Like that turtle and the "tank gang"?. Well, they are just pointless cameos now! They do NOTHING to surge the plot and are just there for the sake of being there! The new characters are also the most one dimensional characters I have seen. The only memorable(?) character was the octopus, but even he is overall dull! You know how the previous film had a vendetta against fish owners? Well this film has a vendetta against sea life sanctuaries. But the arguments and portrayal of them is weak and clearly propaganda! Hey, if I wanted to see a sealife centre scandal, with concrete evidence and clear love for helping animals in need, I would watch Blackfish! I have been to a couple of sealife sanctuaries myself, and the care they give them is amazing! They are just so passionate about helping animals, while this film wants all the fish to be left out to die! No point saving endangered species! It's better for them to be out in the ocean, even though losing them will effect the ecosystem drastically! Do you see WHY I'm ANGRY? The Animation/Special Effects The Animation still looks like it was made in 2003, in fact, some of the old characters look WORSE! Remember that squid girl at Nemo's school? Well, she looks like a skull with barely any skin over it! It looks friggin SCARY! Final Thoughts Pixar is now a sellout! They are just pumping out sequels to get a quick buck! There is NO effort in these films nowadays! This film is the WORST Pixar sequel I have seen! Yes, it's even worse than Cars 2! I am NOT kidding! Take my advice and SKIP this one! The Story 0.5/5 The Characters 0.5/5 The Animation/Special Effects 1.5/5 Overall 1/5
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The Story
The film is an adaptation of the classic children's book... gone HORRIBLY WRONG!
The book's story was nonsensical, but it was a book that used rhymes to help young children learn to read. And with an adaptation, you need to change a few things so the story works as a film. But what the film does to this childhood classic is make a 30 minute film out of a 5 minute bedtime story, and it shows!
The story is given no explanation on why the witch is letting the animals on the broom. Or better yet, why the animals want to go on the broom in the first place!
If the witch had a taxi-like service for animals, that would be fine, but we are given no evidence of this and we don't know where the witch is taking the animals too. Maybe she's taking them to her witch cult and use them as sacrifices to their devil overlord? It's a valid reason because we are given no reason at all!
The Characters
The animals are all unlikeable, as soon as they get on the broom, they refuse to let the other animal on the broom. WHY? It just makes them look like jerks and you just want the dragon to eat them.
The other two characters (witch and dragon) are not given any interesting personalities or anything!
The Animation/Special Effects
The Animation is the worst part of this film. The frame rate is horrible, it doesn't go faster than 20 frames per second. Even the original Mario game runs faster than this short made over 30 years later!!!
The dragon is the worst thing I have ever seen an animated adaptation. In the book, he is an intimidating, red dragon with horns and a furry body. In the short film, they make him fat and give him a unicorn horn! He looks as intimidating as a pug snorting!
The rest of the character designs don't work well, either. The 3D art style (I can't tell if it's CGI or Claymation because it's so ugly!) doesn't suit the story, it would of benefited from a 2D art style. It would be closer to the Art style of the book and it would look less ugly!
Final Thoughts
Overall, this is one of the worst adaptations I have seen for a children's book. The story makes no sense, the characters are jerks and the animation is just UGLY!
If you want your children to experience the story you grew up with, just read them the story at bedtime. I know it's easier to show them this film, but trust me, it isn't worth it!
The Story 1/5 The Characters 1/5 The Animation/Special Effects 1/5
Overall 1/5
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The Animation/Special Effects
I just want to get this part out of the way first, the voice acting and animation is Hilariously bad! The frame rate goes as slow as 5 frames per second and some of the characters are constantly smiling, even though they are supposed to be sad and/or worried.
I couldn't stop laughing at the badly edited scenes. They were just hilarious!
The Story
The story is about a prince who leaves his home to find out more about the world.
At first, I thought it would be a Mulan rip-off like many other of Golden Films's library. But this film managed to do its own thing.
Okay, the story isn't the most original out there, and the majority of the jokes in this are bad. But the film told its story surprisingly well for a bargain bin film and there were a couple of lines that did genuinely made me laugh.
The Characters
The characters are not the most complex out there,but the prince and his father, the emperor, are actually quite interesting characters (when you get over the terrible voice acting) that have interesting personalities and you do root for them to be happy.
The love story in this is definitely rushed. After a single song, they are like a married couple who have known each other for many years, but even Disney is guilty of that one!
The Songs
The songs in this are not very good. There are about three of them and the lyrics and tune of the songs are more cringy that memorable, and you do forget them very quickly.
But the actual lyrics spoken do suit the scenes of the film very well, if only they hired a better songwriter for this!
Final Thoughts
This is a film definitely aimed at very young children, very few adults would find anything of value in this film. But as a film to keep your children occupied for just under an hour, there are FAR worse films out there. You can easily find this on Amazon Prime and many other streaming websites. Even though the Animation is bad, this is just a harmless little film for even littler kids.
The Story 3/5 The Characters 3/5 The Animation/Special Effects 1/5 The Songs 1.5/5
Overall 2.5/5
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IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a review of the manga series only and does not reflect the thoughts of the original games. They are two different entities and I will be treating them as such.
The Story
The story is about Link as a pirate.
That is the only thing that is interesting in this. The rest of the story is really predictable and boring. Even kids will find this manga dull.
The Characters
The characters are very bland, uninteresting and two dimensional. You know what's going to happen to them at the end, thus, making this manga really BORING!
The Art
The art has a very cartoony style, which is very unique, but the art can get REALLY lazy sometimes. With characters standing in a white void most of the time.
Final Thoughts
Overall, this manga was REALLY boring. The story is predictable, the characters are two dimensional and the art is really lazy! Even kids won't enjoy this manga, honestly, just SKIP this one.
The Story 1/5 The Characters 1/5 The Art 2/5
Overall 1.5/5
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