#i'd like to get it up before bed but we'll see if I can handle the mouse
"Do you think Philza's okay?"
Fit rolls over to look at Pac, his roommate staring up at the ceiling. He reaches over, cautiously offering his hand. Pac, of course, takes it just as hesitantly.
"Cell's back, maybe after you, and you're worried about Phil?" Okay, so Fit is worried too, but his point is well made. Pac had only told him some of the situation, in whispered tones and terrified whimpers a few hours ago, and he was worrying about someone who was at least safe?
Pac turns his head, and looks Fit dead in the eye. "You're with me. I know you won't let anyone hurt me. But who's with him?"
"He's safe enough," Fit says. "Physically at least."
"He just didn't seem, ah," Pac struggles with his words for a moment. "Well?"
"It's not really my place to say," he replies. "But he's Philza. He'll be fine."
"Will he?" Pac asks, fretting already. "If the Federation is inside his head, making him see things..."
It's a worry Fit has too, one he really doesn't want to think about. He wants to pretend that his old friend is fine, that going and murdering blazes and magma cubes will have fixed everything. He needs to believe it, because the alternative... The alternative is there's nothing he can do.
"Do you really believe him?" Pac asks. "That there was a book there."
Fit sighs, and sits up. He turns on the lamp and stretches, looking around his room of missing texture flooring and ugly walls - the safest place he could think to bring Pac when he heard the news.
"It's not the first time," Fit says. "Phil... He swears it was a dream, that he was just sleeping. He wasn't. Tubbo and me? We checked every corner of his house. He wasn't there. Then he takes us to where he thought he was taken and he swears there's nothing weird about it? But it's full of parrots - they shouldn't have spawned there. Tubbo even found an avocado sapling."
"Philza has a lot of avocados," Pac agrees. "You think the Federation took him?"
"I'm not sure, it's not their usual behaviour," Fit frowns. "But I don't know who else it would be?"
"The codes?"
"Maybe." Fit cracks his head to the side. "But I know Phil. Whatever he saw? It terrified him. And anything that scares Philza Minecraft is nothing you ever want to see."
"Should we ask him if we can visit?" Pac has a calculating look on his face. "I can cry scared all over again, I just need to remember why. And his bunker is very safe. They might look for me in your house, but they'd never think of his."
"Why? Is my company not good enough for you?" Fit is mostly teasing.
"No! No, no, no," Pac waves his hands in a desperate attempt to be understood. "I just... I'm worried, you know?"
"Yeah..." Fit sighs. "Yeah, I'm worried too... I'll ask him."
Pac nods, and Fit types.
You whisper to Ph1LzA: Can I bring Pac over? We might need to stay the night.
Ph1LzA whispers to you: sure mate
Ph1LzA whispers to you: is everything okay?
You whisper to Ph1LzA: We'll explain when we get there
That's the end of that; Fit shows his communicator to Pac, who agrees.
"I'm not really faking the tears," Pac promises, already tearing up. "I just don't think about it, and then it isn't real."
Pac's not the only one acting like that, Fit presumes; Philza's constant denials even with evidence in front of him... Whatever the fuck happened in that forest, it's nothing good. Something so terrible believing his memory is at fault is somehow better.
"To Phil and Missa," Fit reminds Pac, not really needing it.
They warp together, and at the same time.
Philza is waiting at the top of the hatch when the pair arrive. To most people he would look entirely normal, but Fit can see the way his eyes flitter as he waves. Pac waves back, while Fit gives his traditional "oi!!!"
Philza laughs, and leads them down into the basement.
"What's up?" he asks the two of them. "Need more toast or something? I thought you were both asleep."
"No, um," Fit looks to Pac, realising they didn't quite work out what to say.
"Bagi told me more about the murders," is what Pac says, his voice dropping very quiet as he does. "She thinks... We think someone from my past is on the island."
"Shit," Philza closes his eyes for a moment. "How bad is it?"
"Last time I saw him," Pac's pace picks up; Fit squeezes his shoulder as he sees panic come in. "Last time... He nearly killed me. And the messages..." Pac grabs the hand on his shoulder and squeezes it back. "Some of them might be addressed to me."
Philza doesn't ask questions, he just glances around his children's bedroom, then looks at Fit. Fit meets his eyes.
Philza sighs, and caves.
"Alright," he says. "Do you want to sleep in Chayanne's room? I can adjust the door to just the three of us, Missa, and my eggs for now."
Fit knows it isn't for Pac's sake that Philza is changing the doors, he knows it for sure.
They get their beds set up, tucked behind the chests where a casual observer cannot see. Philza doesn't have a bed, but Fit makes them for him and Pac, placing them tucked away.
"Would you stay with us?" Fit asks, before his old friend can slip away.
Philza looks genuinely surprised by the request, "why, mate? I'll just be in the eggs' room."
"Safety in numbers, right?" Pac asks, glancing between the two. "I would... Feel safer if you were here too."
Fit knows its a manipulation tactic to convince Philza to stay, to make sure the old crow is not alone. It still rings so very true - and so very against everything ingrained within Fit's soul.
It's fine. For a few nights he can manage it, if its what his two closest friends need.
"Alright," Philza hesitates, but comes over and sits on the edge of Pac's bed. He takes off his backpack, and leans his scythe just in reach. Pac and Fit take the opportunity to remove their prosthetics, hastily reattached to travel over here, and stretch.
When Philza stands again, both of them can see how unstable he looks.
"Let's push our beds together," Fit says. "If we put Pac between us, there isn't an angle they can get him from."
Philza looks at Fit, and knows exactly what he's doing. Still, Philza crafts up a third bed, and squishes it between the two.
He nearly falls as he walks around to do it; Fit catches him, helps him steady, but is brushed off before he can say a word.
"Alright," Philza says. "Pac in the middle then. You won't get too warm, will you?"
"I'm Brazilian," Pac says. "It's always too cold here now Mike is gone."
They both see how heavily Philza drops to the bed, curling himself back to Pac and defensively ready. Fit, on his side, curls close to Pac - his one arm over him.
It's not really a surprise how quickly Pac falls asleep, with the sheer trauma and strain of the day on his back. He quickly falls into dreams, and Fit can only hope they are kind.
"Phil," he asks, once he knows Pac is asleep. "Won't you sleep?"
"You needed a guard," Philza says.
"You know we don't. You and I? We'll wake if anything so much as tests the hatch."
It's true, and they both know it.
Philza, however, doesn't speak.
At least, not for a long time; Fit considers conversation a lost cause and is about to give up and call this good enough when he hears Philza again, voice broken just like it was in the garden.
"If I sleep, will I wake?" is what Philza asks, whispered almost silently. "How will I know when the world is real again? What will I see this time?"
"I'll make sure you wake up," Fit promises, because he can. "And I'll do something to make you absolutely certain its really me."
Philza sounds so weak, so small like this. Fit... Fit cannot stand it, not at all. He reaches a little further, and manages to put his hand on Phil's shoulder.
Philza's own hand reaches over, clinging to it.
"I promise," Fit says. "We'll wake you if we leave. We won't let anything weird happen, its just sleep."
Philza turns, and his eyes do not seem to trust Fit. But they are also exhausted, and desperate, and terrified.
"Go to sleep, Phil. I won't until you do."
"I'm sorry," Philza whispers, sounding absolutely broken. "Thank you. Both of you. I know... I'm sorry."
Fit squeezes his shoulder again.
"It'll be alright," Fit replies. "I've got you. I've got both of you. It's going to be okay."
Nothing else is said before they eventually fall asleep.
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judeswhore · 1 year
can u write spencer angst about maybe a break up or going on a break because he’s never home? it’s okay if not i just really like ur writing and i’m in love with spencer!!
thank u!! i’m really glad u like my silly little ramblings, it means a lot <3
"hey, your suitcase is in the hallway? you didn't say you had a trip planned, are you going to see your mom?"
spencer sounded a little confused when he appeared in the kitchen, his fingers already working to tug his tie loose, the buttons on his dark cardigan already undone. he looked tired, dark circles evident beneath his eyes and a shadow of stubble starting to dust across his jaw and as much as your heart tugged you couldn't go to him, only set the keys you'd been gripping down on the counter top that separated you.
"i can't do this anymore."
"you can't- can't do what?" you swallowed through the rising lump in your throat and willed yourself to remember at least one of the things you'd planned to say. despite the evening hour the air was quiet, only making the usual soft ticking of the clock hanging on the wall sharper, each second passing pressing a heavier weight on your chest. spencer had come to a stop in the doorway, his hand lowering from his tie now hanging limp around his neck.
"this. us. i'm tired, spence." you shook your head, dropped your gaze from his to stare at a spot just over his shoulder, unable to say the next words while he was looking at you the way he was. "we need to break up."
"break up?" he echoed, his tone soft, higher in pitch than usual and again confused, a crease appearing between his eyebrows. "i don't understand." it was his turn to shake his head and you watched as he made his way closer, walking around the kitchen island and ignoring the keys you'd pushed his way.
"this isn't a relationship anymore, spencer. you're never here and when you are it's like i'm a second thought. you're either reading up on new things or going back over cases and by the time you remember i'm here you're already packing up to leave again."
"that's not-"
"i love you, so much but this isn't working anymore and it hurts." spencer reached out, his fingers brushing yours before tangling together, tugging you a little closer despite the look in your eyes and the shake of your head. his gaze cut into you, pressed even harder against your chest and it was almost as though you could feel the crack forming in your heart. "i can't be with someone who feels like a ghost."
"i don't.. you knew how my job worked, when we first started dating i told you it was time consuming, i told you i'd be away a lot and you said it was okay. you said we could handle it, we could make it work. i thought we were making it work."
"how can we make something work when it barely exists?"
"when was the last time you kissed me? i mean really kissed me, spence. when was the last time we went on a date? or even spent the night in watching one of those ridiculous animal documentaries? i go to bed and you're gone, sometimes you don't even text or call, i wake up and you're still not here and i have to call jj to make sure i didn't lose you while you were halfway across the country." you drew in a breath past the lump of tears clogged at the back of your throat, gently untangled your fingers and took a step back. nausea was rolling over you in waves, spencer's eyes shining beneath the dimmed lights, soft and open, more attentive than you'd seen in months. "i knew what i was getting myself into, i thought i was okay with only having half of you but i'm not."
"i can take some time off, i have some days left over. we can-we can go away, wherever you want to go we'll go."
"i know i've been busier than usual these past few weeks, we've had so much going on and then hotch left and we had to figure things out. but i can call emily now and we can take a vacation."
"spencer, stop. it's more than just these past few weeks. i feel like you've been pushing me away from the start, letting me in just enough to make me happy but never enough that i was completely yours." he'd been reaching for you again, ready to cup your cheek in his hand but he stopped halfway there, his mouth twisting into a frown.
"that's not true. i love you."
"i know that but sometimes i feel like you don't love me enough. your job always comes first and that's okay, you save so many people, change so many lives and i'm so proud of you but i can't be in a relationship with someone who's never really here." you wrapped your arms around yourself, a protective gesture to stop yourself from reaching for spencer. he was watching you through lowered lashes, his brows drawn in tight, a downward curve to his mouth and the tears that were gathering in your eyes were mirrored in his. "being together like this isn't fair to either of us and maybe one day we can figure it out again but right now, it hurts more than it ever should."
"don't. i- please don't go."
"we need a break."
"i can be here more, we can fix this."
"that's not a promise you can keep, spence. i need time and space and i need you to give me that."
"please." spencer's throat bobbed on a swallow, a tear slipping down his cheek that he swiped away the sleeve of his cardigan and you felt the sob bubbling in your chest.
"i can't lose you."
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Love You Through It (Dad!Eddie x Mom Reader)
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Summary: When you're struggling with postpartum depression, Eddie brings in some help. Just a little blurb.
Warnings: depression, anxiety, mention of pregnancy, Stancy is canon
WC: 915
A/N: I've struggled with depression, but not PPD. I tried to draw on my own experiences and what I've heard from others, and I hope I did this request justice.
On a Sunday morning, you wake up to the sound of Eddie's voice crackling through the baby monitor.
"Good morning, Melly Bean! Today's gonna be a beautiful day," he coos. You want to smile, soak in the way your husband dotes on your two-month-old daughter, but you just can't. It feels like there's something blocking you from feeling happy.
You roll over in bed, pulling the covers up to your chin. Eddie's baby talk fades from the monitor but gets closer to your bedroom door.
"You wanna go see Mommy? Show her how much you love her?" he asks, even pausing as if Melody can give an answer.
"Hi Mama Munson," Eddie calls to you from the doorway. "Someone wants to say 'good morning.'" His sweet smile morphs into a frown when he sees you burrowed into the blankets. "Sweetheart? What's going on?"
"Nothing," you insist, voice muffled by the layers covering you. "Just wanna sleep."
Eddie looks at you, concern evident all over his face. "Okay, love," he says finally, "we'll be in the living room if you need us."
You wait until after he closes the door to sob into your pillow.
"Hello?" Steve answers the phone groggily, glancing at the time. Only 7:30 AM; who could be calling at this hour?
"Harrington," Eddie''s visibly relieved by the sound of his friend's voice. "There's something wrong with Y/N."
Steve sits up immediately at this news. "What do you mean?" he asks, panicked. "Does she need to go to the hospital?" Eddie hears Nancy's quiet voice, and Steve repeats what Eddie just told him.
"I don't--I don't know if you go to the hospital for this," Eddie tells him. "She stays in bed all the time, she doesn't want to be with the baby, she barely eats..."
Nancy takes the receiver from her husband. "Eddie?" she says. "Hon, that sounds like postpartum depression."
Eddie's eyes widen. "What do I do? I've been trying to handle everything but I'm just so...tired," he admits. "It's a lot, but I don't want to make her feel worse."
"I'm coming over," Nancy says, throwing off her covers. "Give me half an hour, okay?"
Eddie nods before realizing she can't see him. "Thanks, Nance," he whispers.
Your bedroom door is nudged open, but instead of Eddie, Nancy's standing there.
"Can I come in?" she asks, and you nod slowly. It seems like everything is happening in slow motion these days.
She takes a seat next to you on the edge of the bed. "Eddie called us," she explains softly, rubbing your back. "He's worried about you, babe. We all are."
"'M fine," you lie, but it's no use trying to pull one over on Nancy.
"No," she shakes her head, "you're not. You should talk to your doctor, but I think you have postpartum depression."
"But how?" you cry out, voice catching in your throat. "I'd get it if I was alone, or there was something wrong with Melody, or the delivery..." You start to cry again, and you're genuinely shocked that you haven't dehydrated from all the tears you've shed. "But Eddie has been amazing, and the baby is happy and healthy, and my delivery was fine."
Nancy offers a small smile. "Unfortunately, it doesn't always work like that," she says. "It can happen to any new mommy, regardless of the circumstances."
"Nance, I feel so guilty all the time," you confide in a hushed whisper. "I want to do more, but it's like my brain and my body won't cooperate. And then it all falls on Eddie, which makes me feel even worse. Like..." you pause before allowing the truth to spill out, "like I'm failing at being a mom."
Your friend squeezes your arm gently. "You are not a failure," she reassures you. "We're gonna help you get through this, okay? This isn't your fault. If anything, it's Eddie's fault for getting you pregnant in the first place." she says with a giggle.
"I heard that!" Eddie calls out, peeking his head into the doorway. Nancy stands up when he comes in.
"You two get some rest, and I'll make some breakfast." She scoops up the baby monitor on her way out. "Don't worry about Melody; I'll take care of her if she needs me."
Eddie snuggles into bed behind to you and presses a soft kiss to the back of your neck. "You know I adore you, right?"
"Of course," you reply. "I'm sorry I haven't been showing you how much I adore you, Eds."
"My love, you carried our perfect daughter for nine months. What else can I ask for?"
"I don't know," you reply tersely, "maybe a wife who can take care of her baby, who can take care of herself?"
"And you will," he tells you, wrapping a strong arm around your waist and pulling you impossibly close. "But right now, we're gonna sleep. And when we wake up, Nancy is gonna help us find someone you can talk to. Like a therapist or something," he clarifies.
You take his hand and kiss it. "Do you think Melody hates me?" you whisper.
"Hates you? Oh, baby, absolutely not," Eddie gives a little laugh. "She loves her mommy. And she knows how much I love you, too."
"And how much is that?" you tease, snuggling into him.
Eddie's peppering kisses all over your face, his curly hair and hint of stubble tickling your cheeks.
"Does that answer your question?"
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billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
Traumatic for all Parties
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : Billy is left to babysit Max, he sends her away with Steve for a day and invites you over.
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Warnings : Swearing, almost smut?, Max is traumatized, quick mention of someone dying
Word count : 917
He let you inside as you noted the truck wasn't in the driveway. "Where's Neil?" Billy took the cigarette from his lips, "California with Susan, someone to her is apparently dying," he said as he shrugged, shutting the door behind you.
You nodded and took your jacket off, hanging it up as you followed him to the couch. "Where's Max?" He shrugged, "Left her with Harrington, see how good he really is at babysitting." You laughed and nodded, reaching for his face and he smiled before planting his lips on yours, leaning you back as he deepened the kiss.
You bit his lower lip, pulling a groan from his throat as he squeezed your hip. He pulled away, a string of saliva connecting both of your lips and he rubbed it from your lip. "Come on, I rented a movie. We'll fuck later, I got a new mattress to test out." You laughed and he pulled you up before you laid your head on his short-clad thighs and he hummed and messaged your scalp as the movie began.
Anytime there was a jump scare, you'd jump while Billy would flex his thighs under your head, making you rub your thighs together. Halfway through the movie, you got bored. "Billy." He hummed, eyes glued to the tv. "Wanna make out?" He looked at you and laughed. "Horror movies really do it for you, huh?" You rolled your eyes.
"No, I'm bored. Movie kinda sucks." He nodded, "Yeah it does, no wonder it was so cheap to rent. He pulled you up so you were straddling his lap and he smiled at you. "You're so fucking beautiful." You smiled and thanked him before leaning in and kissing him, your fingers immediately seeking purchase in his hair as his hands went down to your waist, one going inside of your shirt, placing his hand on your belly.
You hummed at the warmth of his hand, moving your hips against his, gently tugging on his hair and he groaned, tightening his grip on you. He tugged your shirt a little, "Can I take this off," he asked as he pulled away from you. You nodded and he quickly stripped your shirt off, leaving you in a lacy bra.
He looked at it for a brief second before quickly pulling your lips back to his. The speed of the kiss picked up quickly as he tried to take your jeans off, having already popped open the button and pulling the zipper down. He put his hands in the back of them, grabbing onto your ass.
Maybe you guys were too caught up, maybe your senses were just filled with each other or maybe, Billy made the mistake of giving Max his house key. You didn't hear her come in until she screamed. "Oh my God!" She covered her eyes, nearly running into the wall as she tried to run away.
"Billy, I think we just traumatized, Max." He snickered and put his own shirt back on before zipping your pants back up and buttoning them. He put your shirt back on for you. "Come on, let's go talk to her, make sure she's not drowning herself in bleach." You laughed and nodded and followed him to her room.
"Hey, shirt bird. Open the door." She opened the door and the two of you walked inside. She sat on her bed, her magazines open. "So, when mommies and daddies really love each other." You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend. "Don't listen to him, Max. We're sorry that you walked in on us like that." Billy grumbled, "I'm not sorry that we were doing that."
You looked at him and he put his hands up, leaving the room to let you handle the situation. "You okay?" She nodded, "At least he wasn't naked, I think I'd run into oncoming traffic." The two of you giggled and you opened your arms and she hugged you tightly. "Where do you get your bras from?" You laughed at her, "I don't know, your brother gets them for me." She gagged and you both laughed.
"You're not scarred for life are you?" She laughed and shook her head, "I've heard my mom and Neil having sex through the wall." You scrunched your face, "Gross, okay, didn't need to know that." She laughed.
Billy leaned against the door frame, "Don't tell my dad that you saw us, okay?" Max nodded, "I won't, I promise but in return, I do require you to go pick us all up pizza," she said, smiling at him widely. He rolled his eyes, "Fine, give me my key back." She handed it back to him. "I'll stay here with her." He nodded and left the house.
"Me and Lucas never do that." You looked at her, "Cause you guys are young, making out is like a whole other step that you don't need to be worried about right now." She nodded, putting her magazines away before laying on her bed. "I also heard you and Billy once, El heard you guys too." Your jaw dropped.
"Is that why she says happy screams when she sees us?" Max laughed and nodded, nearly rolling off of her bed. "I explained to her that he wasn't hurting you and they were happy screams." Your head dropped into your hands as she laughed.
Soon, Billy came back with the pizzas and the three of you sat on the couch, you in-between them as he restarted the movie.
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oliversrarebooks · 11 months
The Rare Bookseller Part 3: Oliver's Car Ride
September 1925
TW: Kidnapping, drugging, restraints, slavery
Oliver slowly opened his eyes, his head foggy and his mouth dry. There was an odd rumbling noise all around him, and when he reached for his blanket, it wasn't there. A jolt caused his head to hit something hard, and that's when he sat up.
"Awake?" said a cruel voice.
He sat up properly and immediately regretted it, his head pounding. He wasn't his own bed, and the memories of what had happened to him came crashing back along with the fear. He was in the passenger seat of a car driven by a vampire kidnapper, on his way to be the merchandise at an auction house. Outside, the city lights had been left behind, the moonlight illuminating pine trees and overgrown fields.
"Don't try anything. I can freeze you immediately."
Oliver took a deep, shaky breath, remembering what it had been like to have his entire body paralyzed. He glanced at the car door, hoping that an inward door handle had suddenly manifested. No such luck, and even if he did manage to get out of the car, he'd be half-drugged in unfamiliar wilderness with a vampire pursuing him. The odds of success of trying to attack her were also not great, given her powers and strength.
Not knowing what to do, he figured he could at least try for some information. "Where are we?" 
"This auction house is about an hour and a half out of the city proper," she said, surprising him by being so forthcoming. "It's mostly wilderness here. A great place to avoid prying eyes."
"What's going to happen to me there?"
She sounded amused. "Are you sure you want to know?"
"I'd rather be prepared," he said, and mostly meant it. 
"Well, we're going to check you into initial processing."
"And then it's just under a week until the auction itself, so we're going to keep you in a cell until then. It'll be comfortable enough, and you'll be fed, and there will be some additional preparations. And then on the day of, we'll dress you up nice and send you out there to be bid on."
Compartmentalizing all of this, pretending it was just a story and wasn't actually happening to him, was the only way that Oliver could make it through this conversation. A part of him still wanted to just curl up and go back to sleep, but he knew if he did that, he'd just as likely wake up on an auction block for vampires. If he even ever woke up. "And then what? What happens once I'm... once I'm sold?"
"It depends on your new master. Some simply use their freshly bought humans as mere blood bags, or fodder for their sadistic urges. But your blood is far too rich to waste like that. You're more likely to be bought by a vampire who wants a long term thrall. A pet or a servant, perhaps."
A bitter fate, if being a lifelong servant to a monster who feeds on his blood was the best possible outcome. He stared out the window at the trees whipping by. "So, that's it, then? I'm never going to be free?"
He expected her to cackle and gleefully tell him no. Instead she actually considered the question. "It's happened before. There's the rare escape. Or a hunter or accident could kill your master. But even if that ever happens, you'll probably be too conditioned --"
"Oh, did I give part of the game away? Don't worry your head about it. It's going to be easy for you."
"I will not be 'conditioned' easily, if that's what you're implying," Oliver said, trying to retain at least a scrap of defiance. "My mind is my own."
"Sure, tell yourself that. But I've processed hundreds of humans, and I know a pushover when I see one."
He scowled, and stared out the car window. There was still no apparent way to open the car door, no escape from the monster who casually spoke of conditioning him, whatever that was supposed to mean. Some sort of torturous training, perhaps, or mind control. With no physical escape, he wanted to at least think he could keep his mind.
Of course, she could be lying about anything she'd said. "Why even tell me all this?"
"To pass the time. It's a dull drive," she said. "It's not as if it matters to me one way or the other. Besides, I like my job, and I like talking about it."
"You like kidnapping and selling people?"
"It's very lucrative, and I'm very good at it."
"I hope you burn in hell."
"I will. No doubt about that. That's why I'm having some fun first."
Oliver couldn't stomach this conversation any longer. He'd probably gotten most of the useful information out of her, anyway. Instead, he discreetly examined the car door for evidence of a latch, of any way he could open it and roll out, even if it was the longest of long shots --
"Here we are!" the vampire announced cheerfully as they rounded the corner, an enormous brick mansion coming into view. There were many cars parked out front, and every window was boarded. 
An auction house full of vampires. Oliver's hands grew clammy. It was hard to believe that it was true, that it wasn't just a nightmare he was going to wake up from, but deep down, he knew better.
The car took a dirt road to the back of the mansion, where a garage door was being guarded by a blank-eyed man in a suit. The vampire rolled her window down.
"Welcome back, Mistress Colette," said the man, his voice as dull as his eyes. "What can I do for you?"
"Tell them I'm bringing in merchandise. Lot Seven, the potential AAA grade we discussed. He's woken up, but they'll know what to do."
"Very good, mistress," he said with a bow. He cranked open the door to allow the car passage, a dark entryway leading to a ramp underneath the building. 
Oliver swallowed hard, realizing that this might be his last possible moment, thinking he could perhaps scramble out the driver side door if he were quick and nimble enough...
"Freeze," said the vampire, locking him in place again. "A good thought, but it's too late."
By the time he could move his body again, the door had closed behind them, and they had parked in a small basement lot.
"Let's make sure you can't do anything stupid, now," she said, producing leather handcuffs from her purse. Oliver was still too stiff and paralyzed from her ability to fight her off, and the cold cuffs were wrapped around his wrists and secured with a bar between them, the buckles locked with a key. He pulled at them, trying to wriggle his wrists free.
"Don't go hurting yourself. I'm using the nice leather restraints for a reason. You're too valuable to damage."
"You keep saying I'm valuable," he said as she rummaged through her purse. "Why? What makes my blood so special?"
"Who knows? You might have magic heritage. Magic makes blood extra delicious, you know. But sometimes people are just born with especially nice blood." She pulled out a thick leather collar and leash.
"No, don't put that on me," he said, the paralysis lifting and allowing him to shrink away against the door.
"Don't make a fuss, or I'll freeze you again," she said. "Now hold still so I don't hurt you."
Oliver fought the temptation to thrash and fight, knowing full well that she'd just immediately freeze him and his struggles would be pointless, apart from maybe injuring himself. The leather was silky smooth, but he hated the restrictive way it felt on his neck and wrists. He hoped he wouldn't be constrained like this all the time from now on.
And despite his valid reason for not fighting, he hated how subservient he already felt, how there didn't seem to be any reasonable way out of all of this.
The vampire exited the car and went around to his side, opening the door. "I'm going to remind you that you're in a mansion filled with top tier vampire society, and that I can freeze you in an instant if you try anything."
He refused to answer, looking away.
"I'm going to take your leash and lead you inside to be processed. Don't fight, or you'll just make both of us regret it."
Oliver reluctantly allowed himself to be pulled out of the car. The vampire led him to a door with a light over it, and when he dug in his heels instinctively, she pulled the leash hard enough to choke him. "What did I just say?" she said, opening the door and dragging him through.
He was in a long, nondescript hallway with white walls and many doors. "Here we are in processing. Welcome to the auction house, Lot Seven."
Part Two >> Masterlist >> Part Four
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Cuddle Puddle
My first real one shot, A good 1550 words. Did my best to keep MC gender neutral, hope you enjoy!
Thank you, @honeybadgerdontcare394 for being my inspiration mirror and just chilling with me while I wrote this
fic inspired by this pic
MC has been haunted by nightmares of the battle with Ranrok going horribly wrong and living with the guilt of her dear friends dying due to her failure. Cue the Legacy Crew coming to the rescue.
Sitting straight up, gasping for air I look around the dorm. trying to grasp onto the reality that I'm surrounded by my sleeping housemates who are very much alive and well. The inkling of my nightmare still at the forefront of my sleep riddled mind, any normal person would get a drink of water and lay back down.
Yet knowing myself, I'd have better luck roaming the halls or taking care of the beasts in my vivariums. Slipping out of bed, I put my house shoes on and quietly make my way through the common room. House elves, animated portraits and ghosts are the only wayfaring occupants of a sleeping Hogwarts, making my way past the Central Hall fountain as the sound of a door opening comes from behind me. Not a moment after ducking behind a mermaid, in hopes that it's not Madam Scribner or a Prefect, a certain troublesome Slytherin sneaks by.
“At this time of night I should have known it would be you coming from the library, instead of Scribner herself.” I mutter just loud enough for sebastian to hear me, a half hearted laugh escapes as he nearly trips from spinning around
“I was so focused on getting back to my dorm, I didn’t even see you hiding so poorly” the Slythern chuckles before looking at me “Actually, why are you awake and wondering about?” 
I should have expected the big brother of my friends to pick up on anything abnormal about my own wandering schedule, “for the most part, I”m fine. Just a bit of restlessness.”
If Sebastian Sallow was good at anything mundane, it was making people fidget from his unnerving staring, which is why the water pouring from the fountain has my attention, because I know the guy isn’t buying my lie. Along with the fact I can’t lie to save my life when it comes to him or Ominis. Damn Slytherin boys.
“You’re having nightmares. Aren't you MC?” he sighs as the sound of feet move and suddenly his arm is around my shoulder and I'm being pulled against his side.
“That’s not fair! I get that I’m horrid at lying, but Ominis can’t even see, yet points it out like a red thumb in fresh snow!” I groaned as sebastian laughs and guids me up the stairs of Central Hall
“Either way, I take it you were heading to the Room Of Requirement?” His smirk is annoying, the itch to zap it off his face is enticing, nonetheless, the warmth radiating from him settles my nerves. A further tie to the reality that not only am I but those around me that I care about, are safe and very much alive. 
The walk to the Astronomy Tower was mostly a blur, save for the few ducks and dodges from a certain poltergeist, I gaze at the stairs till the darkness swallows them. “I don’t feel like being alone, I don’t think my mental state can handle it.” turning to look at the boy next to me, his face shows an emotion that I’d seen a handful of times.
“Then you won’t be, we can make it a slumber party. Invite all of our friends even!” Sebastian softly declares as he takes my hand and guides me to the seventh floor of the tower,  once we stop in front of the slowly appearing door he spins around and smiles
“I'll head back to my dorm and get Ominis, we'll send owls to the rest. While we do that, you and deek can set up however you feel is necessary” with a smile and a nod he's off down the stairs 
Taking a step inside I smile softly at the warmth the room gives off, a home within a home. “Deek, I know it's late but I could use your assistance” I say as I round the corner seeing the sweet house elf sweeping by the hallway “Deek would be most happy to assist you, what is it that you need?”
“I think that should be plenty, what do you say Deek?” I ask while looking at Merlin knows how many pillows and blankets, scattered in a somewhat organized chaos.
 “Deek thinks that it looks like the perfect place to spend time with friends and take a nap” I smile while turning around to the sound of the door opening. Ominis and Sebastian are quick to enter and while I have to say Ominis in anything but his daily tidiness is odd, it suits him nonetheless. A warm hug from the Slytherin Prince and a flick to my forehead before Sebastian throws his arms over both of our shoulders. 
“Is there a good reason as to why you didn’t come to either one of us, or any of your other friends in that matter, about the nightmares you’ve been having? Or do you think we don’t care or love you enough to listen and help?” His face shows all the emotions his voice doesn’t. 
“Neither, nor anything. I’m sorry but it wasn’t because I didn’t trust or think none of you cared, if anything the exact opposite. I didn’t think they would last so long or begin feeling so real” I say looking at the floor, a burp comes from behind and a smile forms as I look behind me.
“Ew, Garreth. That was right next to my face!” Amit bemoans as his hand waves frantically in front of him, Poppy and Natty are doing their best to not laugh as they come through the door
“We got Owls saying that a particular someone is in need of cheering up” Poppy states as she comes over and hugs me “The freaky thing about nightmares is realizing that they were created by your mind. Don’t stop dreaming, just because you had a nightmare” her embrace is warm and lean my cheek against the short Hufflepuff
Natty comes over and joins in the hug, next moment I’m suddenly the center of a very large hug, laughter bubbles from my lips as I try (and fail) to wiggle around. Amit is the first to pull away and looks around “Are there enough pillows? Other than food I think we’re all set” 
I chuckle as I side eye Garreth who’s already eating a random muffin, innocent smile and shrugged shoulders thrown my way before I walk around the pillows and my friends. “We can always sneak into the kitchens, that is if Amit is willing to be lookout?” A smile and an open door is all that's needed to urge the mixed matched group of pajama students to take action. Or maybe it's the mention of food?
“Are we in agreement that if a house elf shows up, we leave Garreth or Sebatstian as the sacrifice?” Ominis snickers at the harmonized ‘hey’ as we file past the portrait, Poppy is already grabbing muffins, mini mincemeat pies and scones. Natty is in the back by the kegs, no doubt stuffing the charmed bag she’d gotten for Christmas with the mini kegs of butterbeer. I grab a couple of apples and a basket of dinner rolls, soon we’re heading back to The Room.
Once back in the room and a table placed in the center of pillows, we slowly empty bags and robe pockets of the food and snacks, Natty places two kegs at the center of the table while I conjure mugs. A glance at Deek as he comes to join at the beckoning of Natty and Poppy, the tendrils of the once recurring nightmares are quick to fade from my mind. Laughter and chatting fill the late hour air, shortly followed by yawns and groans of full bellies. 
“Personally, I am ready to pass out. Not sure about the rest of you.” Amit states as a yawn escapes him, a unified agreement rings among us and we’re quick to vanish any traces of food and drink. Natty and Garreth are quick to go curl up with Amit as they quietly chatter about odd interests, Poppy and I curl up with Sebastian layed out behind us acting as a pillow, Ominis finding my lap once settled myself
I spy Deek at the steps of the hallway leading to the lower room, and smile softly at him as he nodes back at me, a smile of his own, as he's been a pillar of his own since my nightmares started. A yawn slips past my lips as my eyelids grow heavy and the tendrils of the once recurring nightmares are quick to fade from my mind. 
I love the unexpected friendships I’ve made this year, for if not them being here. I’d have lost myself in a way no one would return from. A smile paints my face as I fall asleep, knowing I’ll never be alone.
“There's something about kindred spirits, you meet them and for a moment this world - no matter how ugly- makes sense. They bring a sense of freedom and clarity to the conversation; just enough to remind you of who you are.” 
Nikki Rowe
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darkstar225 · 8 months
Twice's 10th member throws a tantrum ft Red Velvet's Irene as GF
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friends Thira3 and LyraHarris8 who gave me these very similar ideas on Wattpad like it! :)
The requests: Hey I want to request where y/n is dating irene from red velvet and one day y/n throws a temper tantrum and the members ask irene to help calm y/n down and put her to sleep.
Hey I want to request where y/n is dating irene from red velvet and one day y/n was hit by a ball that scm was playing (she was crying) and the members ask irene to help calm y/n down and put her to sleep.
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The sun was beginning to set over Seoul, casting a warm, golden glow over the city. Inside the cosy apartment shared by TWICE, the members were enjoying a rare moment of relaxation. Y/N, the youngest and 10th member of the group, sat on the couch with her girlfriend, Irene from Red Velvet, by her side. They had been dating in secret, trying to keep their relationship under wraps due to the pressures of their respective careers.
The couple was cuddled up together, sharing whispered secrets and soft laughter. It was a precious moment of intimacy that they treasured. The other members of TWICE were scattered around the living room, each engrossed in their own activities.
In one corner, Sana was engrossed in a game on her phone, while Jihyo and Nayeon chatted quietly on another couch. Meanwhile, the trio of SMC (aka Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu) were playing with a beach ball they had found in the corner of the room.
As they batted the ball back and forth, their laughter filled the air. Y/N and Irene watched the playful scene with smiles on their faces. They were content to simply be in each other's company, enjoying the serenity of the moment.
But serenity was short-lived in the world of TWICE. As fate would have it, the beach ball took an unexpected trajectory, sailing through the air with unexpected force. The maknae had been distracted by her conversation with Irene and didn't see it coming until it was too late.
The ball collided with her head with a painful thud, and Y/N let out a cry of pain as she clutched her head, tears welling up in her eyes. Irene was instantly by her side, her concern evident as she gently cradled her girl in her arms while she spoke.
Irene - Love, are you okay?
Y/N shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. 
Y/N - It hurts, babe. It really hurts. *pouts*
The commotion caught the attention of the other members, and they rushed over to see what had happened. Sana put her phone aside, while Jihyo and Nayeon looked concerned.
Jihyo - What happened?
Jihyo asked with her eyes scanning the room.
Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu exchanged guilty glances, realizing that their game had taken a dangerous turn. They hurried over to join the group, looking apologetic.
Dahyun - We're so sorry, sis. We didn't mean for that to happen. *frowns*
TWICE's fireball sniffled, still in pain from the impact of the ball. Irene shot the trio a disapproving look before turning her attention back to Y/N.
Irene - We need to get you to bed... *kisses forehead*
The older girl talked softly, brushing a strand of hair away from her baby's tear-streaked face.
Y/N nodded, leaning into Irene's comforting embrace. She was still crying, the pain and shock of the incident taking a toll on her.
Sana, always the caring soul, spoke up. 
Sana - Irene unnie, can you take care of our child? We'll handle the rest here.
Irene nodded with her focus solely on Y/N. 
Irene - Thank you, Sana. We'll be in the bedroom if you need us.
With that, Irene carefully helped TWICE's sunshine to her feet and guided her towards the bedroom they shared. Y/N's sobs continued as they walked away, leaving the rest of the members feeling a mix of guilt and concern.
Once inside the bedroom, Irene led the younger girl to the bed and gently sat her down. Y/N was still crying, her hands trembling as she held onto Irene's hand for comfort.
Irene sat beside her, her touch gentle and soothing as she wiped away her sweetheart's tears with her thumb. 
Irene - Shhh, it's okay, darling. I've got you.
Y/N hiccupped as she tried to calm down, her breathing uneven. 
Y/N - I-I'm sorry, unnie. I don't know why I'm crying so much. *sulks*
Irene - It's okay to cry, lovebug. You were hurt, and it's natural to react this way. *smiles*
Y/N nodded, sniffling as she leaned into Irene's embrace. Irene wrapped her arms around the youngest, holding her close and providing the comfort she needed. They stayed like that for a while, the room filled with the soft sound of Y/N's sniffles and Irene's soothing words.
Eventually, Y/N's tears began to subside, and she let out a shaky sigh. 
Y/N - Thank you, my love. I don't know what I'd do without you.
Irene pressed a gentle kiss to her girlfriend's lips. 
Irene - You don't have to go through tough times alone, honey. I'm always here for you.
Y/N closed her eyes, feeling safe and loved in Irene's arms. 
Y/N - I love you, Irene.
Irene - I love you too, Y/N.
As Y/N's exhaustion finally caught up with her, Irene continued to hold her, her fingers gently stroking her partner's hair. It wasn't long before the maknae's breathing grew steady and deep, and she fell into a peaceful slumber.
In the living room, the other members had gathered to discuss what had happened. SMC looked remorseful, and the guilt weighed heavily on their hearts.
Chaeyoung - We should apologize to our dongsang when she wakes up.
Dahyun and Tzuyu nodded in agreement. 
Tzuyu - We didn't mean for this to happen. *frowns*
Sana placed a comforting hand on their shoulders as she talked. 
Sana - I'm sure Y/N will understand. Let's just be more careful in the future. *pats Dahyun on the head*
Jihyo and Nayeon exchanged a knowing look. They had been silently observing the situation, and they were grateful that Irene had been there to take care of their kid.
Nayeon - Irene is a wonderful partner. She's exactly what our babygirl needed at that moment.
Jihyo - Irene's presence and care helped her calm down and feel safe. They're lucky to have each other. *nodding*
As they talked, the members made a silent pact to be more mindful of their actions in the future. They knew that accidents happened, but they wanted to ensure that their dear maknae always felt loved and protected within the group.
Hours later, Y/N woke up in Irene's arms, feeling more rested and relaxed. The pain from the incident had subsided, and she was grateful for the love and care that Irene had shown her. She knew that with Irene by her side, she could overcome anything, even unexpected beach ball mishaps with her playful group of sisters.
And as the maknae left her room and looked at her sleeping unnies, she had only one thought in mind:
I'll love my dear older sisters forever.
A/N: I'm sorry for any errors. English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there is something wrong, ty for reading <3
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
Tumblr media
Media Love Actually
Character Sam
Couple Sam X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
Concept New Daddy
"You sure you two will be okay?" I asked getting my handbag and fixing my skirt for work, I hated doing this but I didn't have much of a choice my landlord was fumigating the whole building so we had to be out for two weeks, and my usual daycare was closed today due to them having a massive pipe leak, I really didn't want to do this I felt awful but what choice did I really have? 
"We'll be fine won't we munchkin" Sam smiled as little Ivy ran over to him still in her PJ of course and he happily picked her up sitting her on his hip
"You sure it's not too much trouble-"
"Not your fault is it, you're already staying here and I don't have anything to do anyway. It's fine we'll have fun won't we little munchkin?" 
"Yeah!" she giggled 
"We'll be fine, don't worry about us"
"Okay well I'm just a phone call away"
"I know, but I'm sure I can handle it," he says "Go say bye-bye to your mummy," He tells her setting her down 
"Bye bye mummy" she smiled hugging my leg
"Bye-bye darling, you be good for Uncle Sam alright? I'll see you when I get home"
"I will I promise" She smiled before she ran off towards the spare room we were sleeping in 
"Any problems-"
"I know, Have a good day at work"
"Thanks, Sam" I smiled grabbing my keys and heading off to work for the day.
It had been a very long day one of those days where nothing quite goes the way you want it to I was home later than I wanted to be but such is the way some days. I headed inside seeing the place rather dark and quiet Sam got up from the sofa shutting the TV off as he came over "Hey, how was work?"
"Ughh don't" I sighed
"Sorry, dinner's in the microwave for you"
"Thanks, Sam" I smiled "How was Ivy?" I asked grabbing the plate from the microwave and taking a seat at the small table
"Aww, she's been a little angel,"
"Oh? What did you do then?"
"Well we went to the park she had a nice play on the swings for a while, then we went to the museum and learnt about dinosaur bones and whales,"
"Aww That's sweet Sam"
"If we're going to spend the day together she might as well learn something, and I may have treated her to a little present from the gift shop"
"You didn't have to do that"
"I know, but I like to treat her sometimes" 
"That's why she thinks you're fun Uncle Sam" 
"Five-pound admission and a ten-pound spend in a gift shop is a small price to pay for her to have some fun, and she gets to go back to daycare next week with lots of dinosaur facts" 
"How'd dinner go?"
"Very well she helped me cook and even did the drying up" 
"She's a good girl,"
"How was work?" 
"You know how it goes, paperwork, Luke being Luke" 
"I don't know why you don't quit that awful place"
"What else would I do Sam? I have to take care of Ivy somehow"
"...what if, you two came and stayed with me? on a more permanent basis?"
"and what would I do all day?"
"Take care of Ivy, help me with the house. look after the place when I go on tour"
"That's very sweet Sam, but I can't," I told him taking my plate to the sink
"why not?" he asks coming to stand with me
"We couldn't ask that of you"
"You're not asking it of me, I'm asking you." he says "I know you hate being away from her, and I know you hate shoving her in a daycare, I'd handle stuff money-wise you get to be home all day with her"
"I can't -"
"why not? I'd be happy to and I know I wouldn't be sending you two back to that awful flat"
"even so, where would we sleep?"
"well, Ivy can have the spare room as her bedroom and... I figured you could bunk with me"
"Oh? At the foot of your bed?"
"if that's where you're comfortable, I thought more snuggled up with me but it's up to you"
"That's sweet Sam but it's not even like we're-"
"Then we can be, if you want a label on it I'm more than happy to put one and it makes it easier for little Ivy" He explained "Unless you, don't see me like that?"
"Well... I uhhh" I stuttered 
"Don't tell me you haven't thought about it?"
"I might have" I blushed of course I had thought about it, I had thought about Sam like that for as long as I'd known him but I suppose I'd always just tossed those feelings away
"Because I have, far more than once. You two are always welcome here you know that" he says giving my hand a little kiss 
I blushed hard but I gave his lips a soft kiss he happily kissed back wrapping his arms around my waist as my hip pressed against the counter top I smiled and stroked his shirt a little till he pulled back rubbing my nose as he did 
"How about you get you're nightie and come stay in my bed tonight?" 
"That does sound nice" I smiled "Did you have anything planned for Ivy tomorrow?"
"Yeah I promised I'd take her to the seal sanctuary and the beach for ice cream, You're more than welcome to blow off work and come too. It could be a lovely day just the three of us" 
"she loves seals, that sounds lovely Sam" I smiled giving him another kiss 
He chuckled a little as he pulled away "You know, she told me a little secret today"
"Did she now, what was it?"
"Ohh a top-secret, really high levels of classification I really shouldn't even be telling you this."
"I don't already know?"
"No, she told me this is so secret even you don't know" 
"Oh? What is it then?"
"she told me that for a good while now she's secretly, wanted a little brother"
"She has?"
"Ummm she wants a little brother very badly" he explained "And I think I'm in agreement with her"
"Are you?"
"I think she needs a little brother, and if that's okay with you? I'm more than happy to... help supply her with one" He smirked grinding his hips against my own. 
"Ohh would you now?"
"I would,"
"I assume you'd want something for this help? some form or repayment"
"Well, you're already moving in with me so how about I help give Ivy a little brother and I get to fill the family role as the dad? not just fun Uncle Sam."
"You'd really want that?"
"I would, I love Ivy, I love you. If you'd be willing to have me I'm more than happy to step in where Danny bailed out" 
"Aww Sam" I smiled tearing up 
"Hey, hey no little tears" he says kissing my tears away 
"It's okay their happy tears"
"Good, now you go get your nightie and give Ivy a kiss goodnight, I'll go wait up in our bed and get ready to help with her little brother" he smiled 
"Okay" I smiled giving him a sweet kiss before I headed to the spare room where Ivy and I had been sleeping seeing she had taken up all the double bed where I was gone with her blanket and a dinosaur book from the museum open in front of her where she must have been looking at it before she fell asleep, I smiled sitting on the bed and fixing her hair, tucking her in and giving her head a little kiss which woke her a little 
"Hi little one I thought you were sleeping"
"I was a little sleeping" she giggled what she often says when she was half asleep or faking it "Mummy?"
"Yes, Ivy?"
"Could Uncle Sam be my new daddy?"
"We'll see Ivy," I told her "Now you get some sleep if you need anything you call okay and either me or Sam will come help you"
"I will, goodnight mummy"
"Goodnight sweetheart"
"Tell Uncle Sam I said goodnight too"
"I will do" I laughed grabbed my things and headed out leaving her door open a crack, I headed across the locked-up house to Sam's room seeing the bed made and the ensuite light on so I set my stuff down and kicked off my heels and changed into my nightie 
"she tucked up tight?"
"All snug as a bug" I smiled, "She says goodnight"
"she's a sweetheart," he laughs coming from the bathroom shutting the light off now down to just his boxers "Whoa..."
"You look beautiful"
"Thank you, Sam,"
"so? You're okay in my bed tonight"
"If you are"
"Most defiantly" He smiled coming and sitting beside me but leaving a respectful space "If you just wanna get to bed that's fine I don't wanna make you do anything you don't want to"
"That's very sweet Sam" I smiled kissing his head "But if it's all the same to you" I cooed holding his hand 
"Ohh believe me y/n I don't need to be asked twice" He smirked pushing me down on his bed flat so he could hover over me 
"Ohh Sam" I blushed wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss 
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invisibleraven · 2 months
"You'll be back soon, right?" for PeterPatterLina, and I am Concerned this is under the Angst prompts.
Julie looked in awe as the car passed the gigantic trees of the forest-so much taller and different than the palm trees she was used to. She kept her eyes peeled for deer, squirrel, and other wood life creatures that were reported to live inside forests.
However, she saw no magical creatures-instead she saw the looming gate and lines of cabins that made up Camp Aurora-her home for the first few weeks of summer.
Her parents had told her it would be a learning experience, she would learn to ride horses, do crafts, enjoy a bunch of campfires, and make new friends. Julie was a bit unsure though-aside from sleepovers at Flynn or Carrie's houses, she never spent the night away from her parents.
Carlos had already been dropped off to his camp-one for baseball instead of the general one Julie was attending. Her parents promised there was a focus on performance, but Julie would still rather stay home. Yet she had overheard her aunt say that her parents needed a vacation, some time for just them outside a rare date night. Thus summer camp.
The camp looked nice enough she supposed-with big cabins full of bunk beds, lots of happy faces, a beautiful lake, and Julie could see some horses off in the stables. That didn't stop her from clinging to her parents when they told her it was time for them to go.
"You'll be back soon, right?" she asked, her bottom lip quivering as tears filled her eyes.
Rose had to hold back her own tears as she hugged Julie tight. "Of course mija, it's only a few weeks. You'll have so much fun, time will fly and we'll be back before you know it."
"And you can write to us if you want," Ray added. "They had tons of stamps, and we'll send you mail back if you like."
"I'd like that," Julie sniffled. She hugged them once more, watching them drive off for a while.
"You okay?"
Julie turned and there was a boy there in a cut off shirt with a band logo that she recognized from her mom's albums. He had shaggy brown hair and a kind smile.
She swiped at her eyes. "Yeah... it's just hard to say goodbye to my parents," she replied. "I'm Julie by the way."
"Luke," he said, shaking her hand. "It gets easier-my first year here I bawled like a baby."
"Really?" she giggled.
His smile grew wider, as if making her laugh delighted him. "Oh yeah, you can ask Reg here-" he paused looking around and sighed.
"You lose your friend?" Julie asked.
"He's with the horses again," Luke replied. "He lives on a honest to goodness farm in Georgia, so he loves the things-they spook the bejeebus outta me."
"I've never been close to one," Julie confessed.
"Well let's go, you gotta meet Reggie anyways," Luke said, pulling her towards the stables where a boy that Julie assumed must be Reggie was sitting on the fence. He was wearing a faded Star Wars shirt, covered in freckles, and had a crooked smile for Julie when Luke introduced them.
"You're handling it better than Luke here," Reggie quipped, pointing at his friend. "He bawled his eyes out first year."
"He said as much," Julie tittered. "Not you?"
"Oh I wept like a baby," Reggie confessed, a tinge of pink painting his cheeks. "But I found the horses and then I was okay."
"They look beautiful... but really big," Julie admitted.
"See!" Luke cried out.
"Hush you big baby," Reggie scowled. "I'd be happy to introduce you Julie, you'll see that they're not scary."
"I'd like that," Julie said, grinning. "And Luke, you can show me all your favourite parts of camp too!"
"That would be music class," Luke replied. "You play?"
"Sweet!" Luke exclaimed. "I play guitar, our friend Alex plays drums, and Reg here plays everything."
"Bass, I play bass," Reggie interjected. "Plus banjo and piano."
Julie grinned, her worries and sadness melting away-maybe this summer wouldn't be too bad.
In fact, a few weeks later, she ended up not wanting to leave. Making tear filled promises to Luke and Reggie to write, and a vow from the three of them to be back again next year.
A vow they kept until they aged out, but by then they all lived in LA, so they didn't have to wait to see each other. And a decade or two down the line, they sent their kids to camp as well-making sure to promise Luna and Danny, that yes, they would be coming back.
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austinsgirl · 11 months
Rather Die | Chapter 18
Tumblr media
word count: 3405
warnings: talk of pregnancy, mild language
master list
It's Black Friday morning. Austin, Victoria, & Ashley go out to The Grove, which is an outdoor shopping center.
It's all decorated for the holiday's; Christmas music plays in & outside of every store. It's Victoria's favorite time of year.
"So, what are we shopping for? Or who, I should say." Ashley asks.
"I'll be shopping for my family, Mila, Ashton, and the baby. I know she won't be here for Christmas, but if I see anything on sale that I like, I'm getting it." Victoria says.
"What? Not buying for me?" Austin asks her.
"I mean, I will, but not today. Can't buy for you while you're with me, Aus."
"We should stop into Pottery Barn Kids & look at furniture for the nursery." Austin mentions.
"Oh, definitely. We haven't even decided on what we want yet though. Like a color scheme or a theme."
"Do you have any ideas?"
"I was thinking maybe an accent wall with floral wallpaper, and the walls being a color to match the wallpaper. Probably like a baby pink or something. White furniture."
"I like that. Let's go see what furniture they have."
The three of them headed into Pottery Barn Kids and started taking a look at everything they had.
"Vic, do we want a bassinet or a crib?" Austin asks.
"Um, I'd say for the nursery, we get a crib, and a bassinet for the bedroom. She'll be sleeping with us in the bedroom for the first six months or so."
"With us? Like, me & you? In the same bed?"
"Maybe the first few nights we'll do that while she gets accustomed to being home. We can get a portable bassinet, take turns on who gets her during the night, and we can transfer the bassinet back & forth from my room to yours."
"Yeah, that would work. Especially if we both have relationships, we'll want nights off to spend with said relationships."
"Exactly. You think you might find someone?"
"Maybe. You never know. I might start looking, but if it happens, it happens."
Vic nods her head in agreement.
"Good. Maybe he's moving on from me." she thinks to herself.
"Do we like this bassinet? It's on wheels and seems pretty basic. We don't need anything too fancy." Austin asks.
"Yeah, I like that. Seems perfect to me. Do we want to buy the stuff today and take it home, or order it?"
"Uh, we can order it. I don't think I'd have enough room in my trunk to put everything."
"Okie, that works. Let's take pictures of everything so we know what to order."
They go over to the furniture sets and right away Victoria spots a dresser/changing table she loves.
"Austin, look at this one! I really love the gold handles on this."
"Oh yeah, that's sharp. I like that."
"Let's just get this one then with the matching crib, which is 4-in-1?! Woah. That's so worth it. She can have this like her whole life if she wants to. Eventually she'd just make this into a bed."
"Bab-Vic, let's look at the others before settling." Austin almost called her babe, but caught himself before he did.
They continue to look at the sets, but nothing was speaking to them more than the 'Ava' set.
"Are you good with the 'Ava' one? Or do you want the 'Larkin' one?" Vic asks.
"I'm good with 'Ava'. I really like those handles too. What do you think, Auntie Ash?"
"I think it's a good choice." Ashley says. "I love the handles too. It's different."
"Alright, furniture is picked out then! What about a rocking chair?" Vic says.
"Oh yeah, let's look at those."
Victoria sits in one and practically melts into it. "Oh my god. Good luck getting me out of here. This is too comfy."
"Let me try it, Vic." Austin says to her.
"Okay, but you're gonna have to pull me up."
Austin grabs onto her hands and pulls her up.
"Already getting hard to get up?" Ashley asks.
"Sometimes, yeah. Depends on the seat. Also it's just really comfy & he'd have to pull me up anyways or else I'd just stay there for awhile."
"Okay, yeah. This is super comfy. Goodnight." Austin jokes, making himself comfortable, stretching his legs out onto the ottoman the chair comes with.
"I think that should be it. We'll look online at everything else and add it to our registry when we have the wallpaper & paint picked out."
They headed out of Pottery Barn Kids, and hit up some clothing stores to get some family members some gifts.
"I have to stop into Victoria's Secret to get some new bras. The girls are filling up with milk and are getting bigger. Also want to get some perfume for Mila." Victoria mentions.
"I'll go in with you. I should get some new panties." Ashley responds.
"I'll go into Barnes & Noble while you're doing that." Austin says.
"Alright, want us to meet you in there?" Vic asks.
"Yeah. I can kill a lot of time in there, so take your time. I'm sure it's hectic in there so it'll be awhile."
"Okay, sounds good."
"I'm going to drop my bags off in the car. Want me to take yours?" Austin asks the both of them.
"Yes, please." the girls say in almost unison.
Austin takes the bags from them and heads out to the car to drop them off, then heads to Barnes & Noble.
He starts at Starbucks inside the store, getting himself an oat milk latte before walking around the store, seeing what new books he could find.
He picks up a book he's been wanting to check out, "City on Fire" by Don Winslow, a couple others before heading over to the parenting books.
A worker stocking shelves in that section, female, average height, medium length blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and freckles, wearing a white button down with jeans, notices Austin looking intently into the back cover of one of the most popular parenting books.
"That's a good book, by the way. I mean, I assume so. It's a best seller in this section." the girl says.
"Oh, really?" he looks over to her.
"Yeah." she chuckles. "I've cashed out a few of those & have restocked it a couple of times."
"Well, I guess I'll get this one. I have one already, but wanted something different, that more goes over every little thing. The one I have is just super basic info. Thanks for the advice."
"No problem. I'm Juliet, by the way."
"Austin. That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." he holds out his hand to shake hers.
Juliet blushes, "Thank you. I thought that's who you were. Butler, right?"
"Haha, yeah. That's me."
"It's nice to meet you." she smiled.
"Nice to meet you, too." Austin smiles back.
I loved your new movie by the way. You were incredible. I took my grandma to see it as she loves Elvis, and she cried."
"Aw, that's so sweet. Thank you. You'll have to say hi to your grandma for me."
"I will."
"Or maybe, one day I could say hi to her myself? That's if you'd like to go on a date with me & we hit it off."
"I'd really like that." Juliet smiles. "You're not dating Victoria right? I just want to make sure."
"Oh, no. We're not."
"Okay, good. I did see the announcement you guys made, but I just wanted to make sure nothing had changed since."
"Yeah, we're still just friends and co-parents."
"That's great, because I'd really like to take you up on that date."
"How does tonight sound? I can pick you up when you're off work? Maybe get some take out & hang at my place?"
"Actually, that sounds perfect. I've been having to uber lately with my car being out of commission. I'm off at eight."
"Cool. I'll see you then. And I can give you a ride home later. Let's exchange numbers so if there's change of plans or anything."
"Yeah, let's do that."
Austin & Juliet exchange numbers and said their goodbyes so she could get back to work.
"Hey, Butler!" Vic calls out as she seems him when she walks in.
Austin turns around with a smile on his face & walks to them.
"What are you all smiley about?" she asks.
"I may have met a girl, and got her number, and set up a date with her for tonight. She's coming over to hang out & get take out. I hope that's okay with you."
"Oh, um, yeah. That's fine. I'll just hang in my room for the night & watch some chick flick Christmas movies."
"So, who's this girl?" Ashley asks.
"Her name is Juliet. She works here in the store. She was stocking books in the parenting section and the book I was looking at, she had told me it's a best seller & we just got to talking a bit."
"Aw, that's good you met someone, Austin!" Ashley says.
"Yeah, that's great, Aus. Love that for you." Vic mentions.
"Thanks, guys. She seems really nice and she's insanely gorgeous. Blonde, blue eyes, so many freckles."
"Well, I'm sure we'll get to meet her & see her beauty for ourselves if it works out." Ashley says.
Austin cashes out at the register & they all head out to finish up their shopping trip.
By the time Vic & Austin drop off Ashley at her house & get home, there's not much time until he has to go out and get Juliet from work.
He takes his shopping bags into his room and puts them all in his walk in closet, then changes into black jeans and a blue button down shirt. He makes sure his hair looks good & sprays some cologne on before heading back out.
"Hey Vic, I'm about to go pick up Juliet, then we're stopping for food. Want something from whatever we get?" Austin asks her, stopping by her room.
"Oh, yeah. That'd be great. You know my usuals." Vic responds.
"Alright. I'll be back soon."
Austin heads out the door and drives back out to The Grove.
He sees Juliet waiting for him outside of the store.
"Hi!" She says getting in the car.
"Hey! How was the rest of your shift?"
"It was good! Just finished stocking and then put away the things people didn't want."
"Sounds easy enough. I'm glad you had a good day. No shitty customers? I know working retail on black Friday you can come across some crazies."
"I didn't have to deal with any, but my co-worker said there was this lady who thought these certain books we're half off but it was buy one get one half off. The lady would not give up on it, even though the sign was right."
"Damn. Not surprised though. I remember when my mom was working as an aesthetician, she would complain about clients not understanding the pricing and sales on the products they sold in the spa she worked at. Even my dad working in real estate would deal with 'Karen's'" he chuckled.
"Yeah, any kind of retail sucks. I can't wait to get out of it."
"What do you want to do when you get out?"
"Well, I really want to be a writer. Well, I am a writer, that has yet to be published. So, once I get published, and if I do well enough, I will leave retail."
"That's really cool. What genre do you write?"
"I write young adult romance, mainly. I've also written a romantic thriller. This girl is super obsessed with this married man, and she tries everything to get the wife out of the picture. I saw the movie 'The Crush' and was inspired. Have you seen that movie?"
"I don't think I have."
"This teen girl who is apart of a rich family, get's a really hot guy renting out their guest house. She gets a highly obsessive crush on him and tries to sabotage things in his life because she isn't getting what she wants, which is the guy."
"That sounds really interesting."
"We could watch that tonight if you want."
"Yeah, that'd be great." Austin smiles at her. "Any food recommendations?"
"Oh gosh, I'm not sure. What's good around your place?"
"Um, there's this really good Japanese place that has really good sushi."
"Ooo, that sounds good."
"Okay, we can do that then. If you want, you can look up their menu & see what you want, then I'll call them and order."
"Alright. What's it called?"
"Aji Ten."
Juliet looks up the menu & decides on what she wants, then Austin places the order.
They get to the restaurant with about ten minutes til their order is ready for pickup.
"So, Juliet. Tell me more about you." Austin says as they wait in the car.
"Okay. Um, I'm 27 years old. I'm from Anaheim-
Austin cuts her off, "Wait, you're from Anaheim? So am I!"
"Oh my gosh, really? That's so cool."
"Yeah, I grew up right by Disney Land & Knott's. My mom would take my sister & I all the time."
"We went a lot too! We probably crossed paths at some point."
"Probably! What else is there about you?"
"Hm, well you know where I work and what I want to do for a living. I have 2 older brothers & a baby sister, my parents are divorced."
"My parents we're divorced too."
"Yeah. My mom, passed away, when I was 23. They divorced when I was 12, I believe."
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Austin. That must have been so rough. I can't imagine going through them divorcing and then having to go through losing your mom. I can't imagine losing a parent."
"Thank you. It's definitely gotten better, but I still miss her a lot."
"Oh, I'm sure."
"Looks like the food should be about ready. I'll go in and get it. Be right back."
Austin goes inside and picks up the food, then they head back to the house.
"Welcome to my humble abode. Make yourself comfortable." Austin says, leading into the house.
They go into the kitchen and see Victoria unpacking bags and sorting the new baby stuff in the living room, which is connected to the kitchen.
"Oh, hey Vic. This Juliet. Juliet, this is Victoria." Austin says.
Victoria waves, "Oh, hi! Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." Juliet says.
"I'll be right back, I'm going to use the bathroom." Austin says. "Vic, we got Aji Ten. I got your usual, small miso soup & Cali roll with extra avocado."
"Perfect. Thanks, Aus."
"You're welcome!" He calls out as he heads to the bathroom.
Victoria looks over Juliet as she takes some plush bunnies out of a bag, watches her as she looks around the house waiting for Austin to get back. She sees Juliet take off her jacket and unbutton more of her top to reveal clevage.
"Horny bitch." Victoria let's her thoughts slip out of her mouth.
"Hm?" Julia asks, being caught off guard.
Vic looks down at the plush bunnies and starts talking for them, playing it off. "No, you're a horny bitch! Nooo, you're a horny bitch!" she laughs it off nervously.
Juliet laughs nervously as well, playing along.
"I'm back! Let's get this food." Austin says walking into the kitchen.
"I guess I'll grab my soup and sushi, & get out of your guy's hair." Vic says.
She gets up and grabs her food, along with a Sprite from the fridge.
"Have a good night, guys. Nice meeting you." Victoria says nervously before heading off to her room.
"What the hell just came out of my mouth?" she thought to herself.
She sat down at her desk, and propped up her phone to Facetime Mila as she ate.
"Hey girl, what's up?" Mila answers.
"Austin has a girl over."
"He has what now?"
"A girl. A really hot one too."
"Oh my. Do you think he's over you now that he's met someone?"
"God, I hope so. But you know what I did? You know what I fucking did?"
"I was watching her look around the house while Austin was in the bathroom, and she took off her jacket, then she unbuttoned her top more to show off cleavage."
"Okay, and?"
"Then I just out of no where, blurted out, "Horny bitch."
"You didn't...."
"I did. Thankfully I was holding these plush bunnies we got for the baby and I played it off as they were fighting on who's the horny bitch."
"Wait, why is that funny?" Mila laughs.
"Oh my god, stop. It was so embarrassing. Like why did I just blurt that out?"
"Maybe he's over you, but you aren't over him. Kinda sounds like jealously." Mila takes a sip of wine.
"Is that wine?"
"Lucky. I can't wait to drink again. Gonna be pumping and dumping when we go have a much needed girls night out after this pregnancy."
"Oh, yes. Once your body is up for it, we'll go and get LIT."
"Please, I need. But, let's not go to that one club though where we went for the cast parties. It's been Eliana's hangout."
"Oh, yeah. We'll go somewhere else."
"But back to you saying it sounds like jealousy. I am not jealous."
"You sure? Because I don't think you'd call the new girl Austin is seeing a horny bitch for showing off her titties a bit."
"I'm sure."
"Oookayy. If you say so."
"It was probably just pregnancy brain."
"I'm not jealous."
"Uh-huh. What does she look like?"
"She's about my height, blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles."
"She sounds cute. What's her name? I wanna look her up."
"Juliet. I don't know her last name. She works at Barnes & Noble."
"Got it."
"That was quick."
"Eh, I've always been good at finding people. You know, before I got into acting, I was kind of a geek and was really good at tech stuff."
"Really? I don't think I knew that."
"Yeah. I worked at Best Buy once upon a time, selling computers."
"Wow. I don't think you ever brought it up."
"Mhm. Anyways, she is pretty. Her last name is Moreno. She's from Anaheim. Big family. Italian."
"Damn, you're good."
"Aren't I?" Mila flips her hair.
"Austin's from Anaheim. I'm sure they've bonded over that."
Mila gives Vic an eyebrow raise.
"Jealousy, jealousy."
"Stooopppp, I am not!"
"Okay, okay. But are you sure?"
"Oh my god, yes Mila."
In the morning....
Vic walks into the kitchen to see Juliet wearing Austin's Mighty Ducks muscle tank, revealing some side boob.
"Good morning." Juliet says to Vic, as she makes herself a cup of coffee.
"Would you like some coffee?"
"Oh, no. That's okay. I can't have much caffeine and I usually just have a protein shake in the morning. Thanks though."
"No problem. I really hope we didn't get off on a rough spot..."
"Oh, because of what I said? That wasn't-
"Victoria, I saw you looking at me when you said it. I could tell it was about me."
"Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I didn't even realize I said it until it was too late."
"You would have thought it either way though, right?"
"I don't know, but I'm sorry."
"I just hope you know that's not my intention with Austin."
"Good to know. Speaking of, where is he?"
"He's still in bed."
"No, I'm not. Good morning, ladies." Austin says as he walks in, shirtless in just his underwear.
"Good morning." Juliet smiles at him.
He kisses her sweetly. "I had a lot of fun last night."
"Me too." she giggles.
Victoria lowkey rolls her eyes & grabs a protein shake from the fridge and a banana off the counter, and goes to sit in the living room.
"I'll be heading out soon. I have to work in an hour and a half, and I want to stop at home first to get ready." Juliet says to Austin.
"Alright, sweetheart. Want me to give you a ride home?"
"No, that's okay. My roommate is going to pick me up on her way back from her hair appointment."
"Okay, sounds good."
When Juliet was leaving, Austin was saying his goodbyes.
"Call me?" he asks.
"You know I will."
He kisses her & sparks fly. Maybe he is over his feelings for Vic.
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iantimony · 6 months
tuesday yet we persevere
what a week lads
listening up to partizan 18. the exchange of jack: "is inertia when you're stopping or going?" austin, very confidently: "it's when you're going" had me shouting NO at my phone, thank god art chimed in to clarify and actually define inertia. i love you art. been listening to a lot of breaking benjamin while i marathon-focus on trying to finish my poster by. tonight. yeouch.
reading fallow
playing pokego! it's become my fun little morning activity while i lay in bed waking up. like. ok i need to be awake. i will drowsily catch the 3 pokemon that spawn around me and spin the pokestop across the street. ok time to get out of bed i guess.
watching hbomberguy new four hour video reigns supreme. i've had it on periodically while i do chores, cook, etc.
making pottery! basically everything came out of the kiln at once! some finished objects:
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the mugs (more like teacups, really, shrinkage strikes again) came out cute, despite the orange one getting a crack in the handle. i really love the way the white bowl came out with the koi, i'd put lillypads inside but they really didn't show up at all so i didn't bother photographing. that little black vase was done with a dark blue glaze that came out. black. so i probably did too many layers, plus it was on red clay, so oops. the little ramekins came out cute, i tried one of the stoneware glazes on the left one and it came out really matte which surprised me, but otherwise some standard lil bowls! and finally i hate the striped object behind the ramekins. i forgot to cover it up after making it and didn't get to trim it before it was bone dry so i just had to let it be was it was so it's really bottom-heavy. and i hate the way the glazed stripes came out. such is life. my roommate likes it so i might give it to her LOL.
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dragon mug underglaze came out interesting!!! i used two different brands of underglaze and one of them came out. shiny?? so putting clear normal glaze over that texture proved a real challenge, especially for the handle. i used another underglaze (a chocolate brown, same as the one on the handle on the right) to fill in the background/inside/some linework details, then covered the whole thing in clear, so we'll see how that turns out! the little tree teacup i just covered in clear and put back on the kiln rack, i didn't want to add anything else to it, it came out sooo cute :)
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did more underglaze stuff on two bowls, eye motif!!! one as a scratched out and one as painted on. excited to see how they go for the first firing. i had some Big bowls to trim and they were still a little wet but i was like eh i bet i can. i could not. look how i've massacred my boy (bottom left). it totally spun off the wheel but thankfully it's still soft enough that i was able to just sorta nudge it back into a circular shape. i did ragequit trimming for that day because of it though and did the eye underglaze work instead hahahah. hopefully will be able to trim them on wednesday! it's just so dang cold in the area where the pottery is stored to dry out so it takes forever in the winter.
finally, i finished the winter headband for my roommate's mom last night! image is not the finished one, i forgot to take a picture yesterday but i'll just do that after i block it later this week. i took the photo a few days ago because i actually made a mistake in the pattern and was trying to judge how obvious it was and whether or not to go back 10 rows and redo it. i don't think it's that obvious so i decided to keep going. can you spot the mistake :b
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misc oughhh aughgghghgh academic poster. my advisor was really difficult to communicate with yesterday but made up for it this morning. her husband stressed me out for no reason but it's fine. i think i can finish it before the poster session tomorrow but odds are in the air as to whether i can get it Printed before the poster session tomorrow. woof. and then i need to figure out what i'm wearing at this conference and pack by friday.
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brian-in-finance · 2 years
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Caitriona Balfe is never short of something to say.
Caitriona Balfe in Quotes: Here are 13 funny and interesting things the Outlander star has said about fame, acting and love
She’s won multiple awards for her role opposite Sam Heughan in hit time travel drama Outlander – and the show is just one of the subjects she’s happy to have her say on.
Born in Dublin in 1979, Caitriona Balfe always planned to be an actor, studying drama at the Dublin Institute of Technology.
But at the age of 18 she was scouted by an modelling agent at the age of 18 while collecting charity money at a supermarket and quickly became successful – closing fashion shows around the world for the likes of Chanel, Givenchy, Dolce & Gabbana, Moschino, Alberta Ferretti and Louis Vuitton.
A minor role in the 2006 film The Devil Wears Prada saw her return to acting and she moved to LA in 2009 to focus on her first love, winning parts in films including Super 8, Now You See Me, and Escape Plan.
Global fame beckoned when she signed up to play Claire Fraser in the Starz historical drama series Outlander in 2014. Since then the six series of the hit show filmed in Scotland have earned her a British Academy Scotland Award, an Irish Film and Television Award, two People's Choice Awards, three Saturn Awards, two Critics' Choice Television Awards nominations, and four Golden Globe Awards nominations.
Here are 13 interesting quotes from her many interviews.
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Photo: Lia Toby
1. Caitriona Balfe on...visiting Glasgow
"I was at a restaurant in Glasgow, and I was walking down the stairs. A woman passed me and said, 'Oh my God, what are you doing here?' I didn't know who she was, and I was like, 'Sorry?' She goes, 'Oh no, sorry, I follow you on Twitter. I just didn't expect to see you here.'"
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Photo: Roberto E. Rodriguez
2. Caitriona Balfe on...the Highlands
"The Scottish Highlands are incredible. There seems to be magic and poetry everywhere."
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Photo: Mike Coppola
3. Caitriona Balfe on...love
"There is a moment in your story when you can pinpoint the exact time you fell in love, be it with a place or a person. I can remember both like it was yesterday."
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Photo: Jeff Mitchell
4. Caitriona Balfe on...loss
"How do people move on after they've lost the love of their life? It's a really interesting thing to look at. It happens to people every day: you see people... even in the worst, most war-torn places, people get up and continue with their lives. And it's a fascinating thing about human nature. That ability to just continue on."
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Photo: Joe Maher
5. Caitriona Balfe on...her Outlander character
"While 'Outlander' is a brilliant period show, Claire represents so many qualities of a 20th century modern-day woman: someone who is forging her own path, fighting for what she believes, and doing so with integrity."
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Photo: Paul Archuleta
6. Caitriona Balfe on...sleep
"For me, if I have the choice between an extra 45 minutes in bed or getting up at 4:30 A.M. to go to the gym, I will always choose bed."
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Photo: Phillip Farone
7. Caitriona Balfe on...progress
"The people who used to hold the purse strings were a select group of white, middle-aged men, but that's changing, and the more it continues to change, the more we'll see inclusive stories get told."
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Photo: Momodo Mansaray
8. Caitriona Balfe on...modelling
"Modelling wasn't a passion of mine, so that made it get old kind of quickly. I was getting very frustrated."
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Photo: Vivien Killilea
9. Caitriona Balfe on...having a career before acting
"I'm just so glad that I started acting when I did because I had this wealth of life experience. I don't know if I'd have been able to handle it had I gone out to LA at 22."
This is where Brian reached his 10-photo Tumblr limit. 🙄
10. Caitriona Balfe on...being a modern woman
"I think women today are really struggling with these dual roles: How do you have a full-time career and be ambitious and still take care of your family?"
11. Caitriona Balfe on...Paris
"It's true, you never forget your first love, and, for me, that will always be Paris."
12. Caitriona Balfe on...starring in a period drama
"I never thought of myself doing period. When you're in your acting classes, and you think about the kind of roles you want to play, it's always 'modern relationship drama'-type things."
13. Caitriona Balfe on...women in film and television
"Every so often, we - women in film and TV - get annoyed and frustrated. We kick up a fuss and make some gains. But then we become complacent, and things slide backwards again until the next generation comes up and gets frustrated again."
The Scotsman
Remember… for me, if I have the choice between an extra 45 minutes in bed or getting up at 4:30 A.M. to go to the gym, I will always choose bed. — Caitríona Balfe
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I would love to see that dinner scene with Lenny flirting shamelessly infront of Joel
Lenny makes good on his threat to flirt with her through dinner.
His warm hand settles on her thigh, just above her knee, under the skirt of her dress the moment she sits down, and Midge finds it hard to be annoyed about that.
And she has to admit, she's never seen that look on Joel's face before. It's as if someone pressed the reset button on his brain.
Eventually the hand leaves her leg, instead his arm wraps around her chair, and his fingertips brush her arm as they both chat with the family around the table.
"I'm surprised the two of you could get away at all for this trip," Rose comments. "You're both so busy with work and the children."
"We needed a break," Midge shrugs with a grin. "Lenny just wrapped up his memoir for Knopf, and Gordon put the show on hiatus for the rest of the summer. It was time."
Lenny nods in agreement. "I'm not the biggest fan of the Catskills, but I'll take the excuse to spend as much time with my beautiful wife as I can."
Midge beams. "Aw, he missed me."
"Of course I missed you, holed up in my office, pouring over memoir pages, having to watch from afar as you killed on television, my poor heart couldn't take much more distance," he confesses charmingly.
"Oh, that's so romantic," Shirley gushes.
Joel, rolls his eyes. "You live in the same apartment. How much distance could there have been?"
"Ships in the night," Midge shrugs innocently. "I'd get home from the show and get ready for bed, and by the time Lenny was done in his office, I was already asleep."
"He coulda woke you up," Joel points out.
"Just to be tired in the morning when we had to get the kids moving," Lenny counters.
"I do not miss those days of having to herd children around," Abe agrees. "Exhausting creatures."
"Midge and I are sitting right here," Noah reminds him.
"And you're both over twenty-five, thank god," Abe groans.
Moishe laughs. "Well, I think it's wonderful that you kids are having a good time."
"It's been great, it's like a second honeymoon," Midge smiles, shifting closer to cuddle in against Lenny.
Joel just about gags.
Astrid gasps. "Are you two thinking of having another little one?"
"We're so busy," Midge laments. "And four is already a ton to handle."
"Never say never, though," Lenny shrugs.
"Please say never," Joel mutters.
"We'll see how things shake out in the next year or so," Midge shrugs. "Probably not, but..."
"Still trying for that boy, Lenny?" Joel comments, looking smug.
"Gender is a myth," Lenny says.
"And you'd know, wearin' all those dresses in the navy," Joel snaps back.
"And my ass looked spectacular," Lenny clips back.
"Which is saying something, because your ass is flat as a pancake," Midge teases him.
Lenny smirks, lifting an eyebrow. "You like my ass."
Rose huffs out a breath. "Honestly, you two. We are in public."
"Makes it more fun," Lenny grins.
"And nauseating," Joel grumbles.
Midge smiles and disentangles herself from Lenny when the food arrives. She eats some, and shares bites of her food with Lenny, feeding him from her own fork. She catches Joel's very green face watching, and pretends not to notice.
Eventually, Lenny gets up to get another drink, and Noah leans in to talk to Midge.
"The two of you are laying it on a little thick tonight, don't you think?" Noah asks quietly.
Midge leans in as well, keeping her voice low. "Joel called me a junkie's whore. Lenny's pissed."
Noah freezes. blinking rapidly as he looks from his sister to Joel and then back, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear.
"You know sis, I just think it's so great that you and Lenny are so in love."
Midge does her best not to laugh.
"Love is the best," Noah keeps going, haphazardly. "And I'm so glad you found someone who takes such good care of you."
"She's the one normally taking care of me," Lenny chimes in as he sits back down, setting his drink down to place his hand on Midge's thigh again, his thumb gently caressing just above her knee. "She's Superwoman."
Midge smiles slowly and rests her head on his shoulder, gazing up at him. "Wanna dance?"
Lenny nods, kissing her temple.
She settles her head on his shoulder again as they dance, closing her eyes. "I know we're doing this to make Joel vomit, but the flirting is nice."
"I'm having fun," Lenny tells her. "Beyond pissing off your ex, I just enjoy showering you with attention."
Midge smiles and holds onto him tighter. "I love you, Mr. Weissman."
He grins, his lips pressing to her temple. "I love you, too, Mrs. Bruce."
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lailyn · 8 months
Going Under
Summary: If there was one good thing about the TVA, it was Mobius.
Set in the middle of S2E3
"Hey, B-15's called us for a briefing." Mobius poked his head into the darkened room. "Thought you and I could grab something to eat before she chewed us out, you think you're up for it?"
"You go right ahead," a weak voice answered from somewhere underneath the blanket. "I'm feeling a bit unwell."
"What's wrong? You seemed fine an hour ago."
"Well, they don't call me the Amazing Loki for nothing," the lump on the bed mumbled. "I am, after all, the Master of Illusions."
Mobius took in the dimmed light, the curtains drawn, and made an educated guess. "Is it your head?"
A shock of unruly dark hair abutting the top half of a high forehead appeared. "To start with, yeah."
Mobius sighed. "I'm not surprised. You took quite the fall in front the whole of Chicago. I'd be too embarrassed to get out of bed too."
He sat down gently on the bed. "Can I get you anything? Tylenol, aspirin, something stronger?"
More of Loki's face emerged, and Mobius found himself wincing; the god was so pale Mobius could see the veins pulsating at his temples.
"I've taken the liberty of plundering your medicine cabinet. If I were any more medicated, I would be radioactive," Loki muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Mobius clicked his tongue in sympathy, for he knew just how high Loki's pain threshold was.
"That bad, huh." After an awkward pause, "She looks tiny but I guess her blows packed quite a punch."
Loki groaned. "Enough rubbing my nose in it, Mobius."
"I wasn't making fun of you," Mobius said quietly.
"Feels like you were."
"You were trying not to hurt her. I get it now."
Loki gave a little scoff. "A lot of good that did all of us. Victor still got away."
"Hey, we found him once, we can find him again."
"And Renslayer." Loki peered at his friend blearily. "You seem to be handling it well, seeing her again."
"You know me. Diplomacy first and foremost. Failing that, guilt-tripping."
"There isn't a shred of guilt to be found in that woman. You had every authority to take her in by force."
Mobius shrugged. "Sometimes holding back is a sign of strength. I learned that from you."
Loki rolled his eyes and immediately regretted it as pain exploded behind his temples. "Yeah, tell that to Sylvie. I tried your cerebral approach, and all I got to show for it is a concussion."
Mobius' eyes were deep wells of sympathy. "You'll live."
"I'll live," Loki agreed wearily. "I always do."
"Attaboy." Mobius slapped Loki's blanket-clad thigh lightly. "Rest up. When you feel like eating, let me know. I brought us back a little treat from the fair."
Loki made a face. "Not Cracker Jack again."
"Are you kidding? Who goes to the same concession stand twice?" Mobius asked incredulously. "Wait till you try it. No one does beef like Chicago. No one did better beef than Chicago 1893."
"You sure it's fit for consumption?" Loki eyed his partner warily. "It's nineteenth century meat."
"You had no problem eating Kablooie," Mobius pointed out. "That was sixteenth century, at least."
"That was candy. Candy's different."
Mobius snorted lightly. "Of course it is."
They shared a chuckle before it was abruptly cut short by Loki's little gasp of pain. He reached for his head, only to find that Mobius had beat him to it.
"You don't have to - " he started, but Mobius shushed him.
"Shh." Gentle fingers massaged his temples in slow, circular motion. "Just close your eyes, and try to relax."
"I need to get through to her, Mobius," Loki mumbled. "I just don't know how."
"We'll work it out," Mobius said soothingly. "Together."
"I'm so tired," Loki whispered. "But I can't afford to be, can I?"
Mobius did not answer for a long time. "This is not on you, Loki."
This is on you, Sylvie had said, when Victor Timely made his escape, and fools of them all.
Who should I believe, then? Loki asked silently. You or Sylvie?
"Stop it," Mobius admonished. "Stop thinking."
"I'd sooner stop breathing. My mind is all I have."
"You Lokis are so damn stubborn," Mobius muttered under his breath. "Not to mention reckless. How y'all managed to live this long I'll never know."
"The Norns have a twisted sense of humour," Loki said bitterly. "Just read my file. It's not for the lack of trying that I'm still living."
"Stop." Mobius' voice was harder now. "Enough with this, Loki. Have some goddamn sense of self-preservation. You're alive for a reason. Find it."
Loki opened his eyes slowly. "Sorry."
"Don't apologise to me," Mobius grumbled. "I'm not the one doubting myself."
Loki drew in a deep, shuddery breath. "I'll try harder. I promise."
"Yeah, that can wait," Mobius said kindly. "When you're feeling better."
He stood to leave, but when Loki tried to do the same, his eyes narrowed. "What do you think you're doing?"
"The briefing - "
"I said," Mobius articulated each word so there was no mistaking his meaning, "- the briefing can wait."
"But we have to - hey!" Loki's protests fell on deaf ears; despite being the smaller of the two, Mobius somehow managed to manhandle Loki back into bed.
"I've got it, Loki," Mobius said firmly. "I work here. You don't."
Loki swallowed hard to quell his nausea and frustration both. "Mobius…"
"I've got you."
Be it from the weight of Mobius' hand on his chest or the sudden cold compress on his head, Loki felt instantly comforted. Despite his disequilibrium, a calmness befell him, and with it, a stark realisation that throughout his long life, there had not been many he could trust, but this man right here, with his sad eyes and kind smile?
Loki trusted this man with his life.
"Okay, Mobius," he conceded with a sigh. "Okay."
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blackheartvore · 2 years
Epsilon Alpha Tau - End of Hell Week (Part 3)
Part 1 Part 2
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The next two pledges sent down were the twins. Leo noted that the abs they'd had at the start of the party were now more of a gut. The two also sported a couple big grins as he asked the question.
"And how are you two going to prove how much you want to join Epsilon Alpha Tau?"
One of them, Evan, chuckled, "Well, we've already handled a couple guys from Sigma Nu Kappa."
"Go on..." Leo looked between their clearly full stomachs.
The other twin, Aaron, started, "Well, we were grabbing drinks for ourselves after dropping some off for a couple brothers. These two guys were hovering over us."
Evan continued, "Yeah, they kept talking about how Epsilon found some nice tight asses and big dicks this year. Said it was a shame we didn't rush Sigma. They could have shown us just how much they appreciate a fit pledge."
"Did they now?" Leo shook his head.
"Yeah," Aaron said, "So, I said 'What's stopping you? It's our job to make sure everyone at this party has a good time.' after that they couldn't get us upstairs fast enough."
Evan slid a hand over his belly, "Of course all that talk about our tight asses was just macho posturing. Once they had us alone all we had to do was fondle each other a little and they were on their knees ready to take over with their throats."
Aaron's cock had started to chub up as he reached over to play with his brother's thickening length. Leo's own meat was getting hard as the story continued and he could see Todd and Jason were enjoying it too. Even the brothers behind the couch were getting a rise out of the twins' tale.
"So they choked on our dicks for a little while before we bent them over on the bed." Aaron's stroking had gotten his brother hard, "We did fuck them for a bit."
"Love watching my bro pound some ass." Evan added as he reached over to give Aaron's stiff cock some attention.
"But we didn't eat before the party, so we were real hungry and fucking only made us hungrier, you know?" Aaron licked his lips.
"I think we all know how that is." Leo laughed and some of the other brothers laughed along with him.
"So, we weren't gonna pass up two free meals right in front of us." Aaron stopped stroking for a moment to pat his and his twin's stomachs, "Snatched up those little snacks and started gulping those sweaty jocks right down, head first."
"They acted like they didn't like it," Evan smirked, "at least, at first. But their dicks were definitely hard the whole time we were swallowing them."
"A little tongue action and mine came right in my mouth." Aaron looked like he was tasting it all over again.
"Bro, mine too!" Evan offered up a high five with his free hand and Aaron slapped it.
"Didn't take much longer to get their thighs and calves down. Finally blew my load when I watched my bro slurp down his snack's feet." Aaron was leaking a bit as he got to that part of his story.
"So you two just decided to eat a couple guys at our party?" Leo narrowed his gaze at the two of them.
"You did say to make sure our guests enjoyed themselves and from the load he blasted in my mouth he definitely did. Plus, we figured rival frats were fair game." Evan shrugged.
"I wouldn't call Sigma rivals, but you're not wrong. Especially them. Basically went out of their way to label themselves as snacks. Sigma Nu Kappa? That's just asking for it." Leo shook his head.
"So, does that prove we belong here? That we want to be brothers?" Aaron asked.
Leo looked around the room at his fellow brothers who had clearly been excited by the story, "Can't say it's what I expected when I asked about you two proving yourselves, but I'd say it looks like everyone here is eager to have you to join us. Welcome to Epsilon Alpha Tau brothers." Leo gestured for Todd and Jason to get up, then patted the empty seats next to him, "Here come sit with me and we'll see if any of the remaining pledges can help us out."
Leo pulled in the two new brothers once they sat down. That close he could still feel a bit of movement in their stomachs against his arm when he reached down to give their hard cocks a squeeze. He was definitely glad to have the twins join them and even more glad they seemed to enjoy playing together. They were definitely going to be fun.
The next pair of pledges sent down were hopeless. Took them far too long to actually get the hint about proving they want to be there. Leo and the twins passed the pair around a bit. Leo finally unloaded in one pledge's mouth while he watched the twins filled the other one from both ends.
"So, are we in?" One of the exhausted pledges asked.
"Almost." Leo chuckled as he signaled Todd and Jason with an added wink.
The pledges stared at the approaching brothers with wide eyes. Todd and Jason seemed to communicate something with a couple nods and glances before each of them grabbed one of the pledges heads and shoved their hard cocks into the pledges well used mouths. The pledges gagged and choked on the frat brothers' thick meat until the two brothers gestured to each other one more time.
They pulled the pledges off their cocks at the same time, each holding the pledges hair with one hand while the other hand stroked their now quickly growing members. The pledges didn't even get a full question or confused comment out before Todd and Jason had shoved their faces into the now huge cocks. Leo was getting hard all over again as the two pledges were pulled slowly towards the frat brothers' balls.
The look of ecstacy on Todd and Jason's faces showed just how much they were enjoying their cock snacks. Copious amounts of pre leaked down the pledges bodies to ease their trip into the monster shafts that pulsed each time they pulled their meals in a little more. Leo loved watching his brothers eat, didn't matter how they did it. And he was glad his brothers enjoyed their reward for giving up their seats.
The two pledges were harder now, while they were being eaten, than they had been the entire time they'd worked on Leo and the twins. Of course, once their cocks slipped inside Todd and Jason the rest of the trip went pretty quickly. The frat brothers' dicks both returning to a more manageable size once they'd slurped up the pledges feet and deposited them in their balls. Leo almost laughed when Tommy rushed over to help massage the brothers' heavy sacks. Chad's little bro was clearly eager to please and definitely had a taste for what was in their balls. Leo glanced over to Chad who just shrugged with a smile.
Leo settled back into the couch, a twin at each side again. There were only a few pledges left. He figured he could refill his own balls with a pledge before the night was over, but he also hoped at least a couple more were member material. He gave Todd and Jason a chance to get settled before calling in another pair of pledges.
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-15 Years Ago (3)-
Kaidan: *knocking on the door of Merlyn's home* Merlyn! Me and the twins are gonna train together! Do you wanna come with us?
Saviren: *answering the door* Huh? And who the hell are you?
Kaidan: Er, Kaidan, sir. Who are you?
Saviren: I'm that little brat's father. How do you know of her?
Kaidan: I broke her lute on accident a couple of weeks ago. We play together outside sometimes now.
Saviren: I see. And when exactly does she come outside to play?
Kaidan: Um.. Around midday?
Saviren: ... I'm afraid she won't be able to play with you anymore.
Kaidan: Huh? But-
Saviren: *slamming the door in Kaidan's face* MERLYN! Get your sorry ass out of that room right this instant!
Merlyn: F-Father? What-
Saviren: Don't you say a fucking word! Why are the village kids saying you've been playing with them?! I told you that you are forbidden from leaving this house! Ever!
Merlyn: *trembling* I-I'm sorry father! I didn't m-mean-
Saviren: Quit the fucking stuttering! On top of that, the little shit said you had a lute! After I've told you thousands of times that I won't hear that obnoxious noise anymore!
*the sound of a slap can be heard from outside*
Kaidan: Merlyn! *he runs back down the road towards Jorrvaskr* Brynjar! Kodlak! Merlyn's in trouble!
Kodlak: Slow down, lad. What's happened?
Kaidan: I just wanted to ask her to play with me and the others, but her father answered the door. He- He started asking all these questions about her coming outside and then he shut the door and I could hear him yelling at her. It sounded like he was hurting her!
Vilkas: You WHAT?! Kodlak, you have to help her, please!
Kodlak: Alright, everybody stay calm. I'll gather some of the men and get them down there with us. Everything will be alright.
Kaidan: *watching the Companions gather their weapons and leave the mead hall* ... Is it my fault she's hurt?
Brynjar: *patting his head* No, lad, it's not. We'll figure this out, just stay here.
Farkas: ... We should go, too.
Vilkas: They told us to stay put.
Kaidan: But Merlyn's not gonna be able to talk to any of the Companions! She only talks to us!
Vilkas: ...
Farkas: Kaidan, you didn't know about her father, did you?
Kaidan: No! If I had known, then I wouldn't have gone to her house! Or I would have, if only to take her away from there!
Vilkas: He's always been like that. Some sort of noble, so the guards won't touch him. Don't think anyone's seen him in years, though. It was only ever his wife, Glenna.
Farkas: .. I'm going after them.
Vilkas: Farkas!
Farkas: You can sit here and follow the rules all you want, Vilkas, but I'm going to protect my friend!
Kaidan: I'm going too!
Vilkas: Oh for the love of- Wait up!
Kodlak: Break the door down if you must.
Brynjar: *swinging his axe at the door handle* ... I think I got it.
Kodlak: Steady yourselves. I can smell blood.
Brynjar: The girl's?
Kodlak: Yes. And another's, it's.. *a woman lies dead on the floor near the door* Glenna!
Brynjar: Gods, what happened?
Kaidan: Brynjar!
Brynjar: Kaidan? Stay back, boy!
Farkas: Merlyn! *running inside*
Vilkas: Didn't you just hear him say stay back?!
Kaidan: Where is she? Merlyn! *he runs through the house, checking every room* Merlyn? Where did you go?
Farkas: Kaidan.. *kneels next to a lute he found under Merlyn's bed* She never leaves without her lute..
Kaidan: She has to be here!
Kodlak: Boys, get out of there!
Brynjar: Kodlak, what if..
Kodlak: Ask the guards if they saw Saviren leave the city, and if there was anything strange about him.
Skjor: They said he left with a big sack on his back.
Kodlak: Send out search parties. He can't have gone far.
Skjor: Kodlak, if he killed his wife, he'll kill the girl. If he hasn't already.
Kodlak: I'd suggest you be quiet before-
Kaidan: She's not dead! There's no way! She was fine until I came!
Brynjar: Don't say it like that, Kaidan.
Kaidan: But it's true! If I hadn't tried to see her she would have been fine! She has to be okay!
Brynjar: *grabbing his shoulders* You are not to blame for this, y'hear? Her father is a horrible man and will get the pain he deserves. Go back to Jorrvaskr with the twins and try to calm down. We'll find her.
Farkas: *holding Merlyn's lute* Kodlak?
Kodlak: Listen to him, you three. Run on home, we'll be back soon.
Vilkas: Come on. *leading Kaidan and Farkas back to the mead hall*
Brynjar: ... I'm of a mind with Skjor. A search may be useless at this point.
Kodlak: We still have to try.
Brynjar: I never said we shouldn't.
Kaidan: *trying to hum the same tune Merlyn did*
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