#i'm going so insane over them... lives in head rent free etc
averlym · 9 months
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,,, wdhdnfhffjjf
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baileybeez · 2 months
My Top Ten Favorite Bumbleby Moments (My Opinion Obviously)
10. All Fight Scenes
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I know I'm technically cheating on this one but whenever these two fight, I know I'm in for a good time. And all of them have been superb. These two are in sync without even communicating with each other. They know each other's abilities and know how to work together well in combat.
9. We're Protecting Each Other
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This was a 'you had to be there' moment. It was insane. Even knowing these two would eventually confront Adam, the way they did it blew my mind. I loved seeing these two stand up together to confront Adam and become each other's strength's. They had each other's backs in this moment and were going to do it together.
8. We Were There For Each Other
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This moment lived in my head rent free for months after the episode came out. They held hands before this to comfort each other during stressful times. Like Blake reaching out to apologize to Yang when she lost her arm and Blake reaching out when Yang's hand started to shake because of Adam. But this time, Yang reached for Blake in a moment of peace. After everything that happened, she forgave Blake and accepted her after everything they went through together. And all she wanted to do was just hold her hand again.
7. Volume 8 Reunion
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The amount of gushing I and many others did during this moment was crazy. We were starved for Bumbleby interactions in Volume 8, especially after Volume 7 did so many with them both. After 24 hours of craziness, the two are at peace once again. Blake at first is worried since they did separate missions Yang might be mad that they didn't work together. But all Yang did to reassure her was smile and the two touched foreheads and later embraced each other. It was such a sweet moment.
6. Date Night
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Volume 7 had so many good little bee moments that were adorable and I'm a sucker for fluff. Blake getting her new hair and Yang struggling to compliment it, the selfie, Blake falling asleep on Yang's lap with Yang holding her etc. But the two going to a club and off handedly mentioning they're gonna ignore Team FNKI just to have their own fun. You two can just call it a date, we won't judge lol. With Yang trying to teach Blake how to dance and Blake struggling to learn while laughing. I love how whenever Yang cracks a joke, she looks at Blake because she wants to make sure she see's Blake laughing. Not to mention Nora's comments later in the episode.
"Blake and Yang are off doing they're own thing again."
"Friends huh? Just friends?"
"Two people who have gone through that much? I think there's more going on."
And I will forever be mad RT didn't show us them at their date.
5. The Burning Candle
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Ya'll this was the spark that ignited the ship. Not only is the Burning Candle just a great episode but it's an amazing moment for Blake and Yang. We get to see these two open up and communicate their wants and desires. With Yang telling Blake about her past and trying to help Blake so she doesn't push herself too far. And then of course at the end Yang gives her that wink and says 'I'll save you a dance'. Then we later see the two dancing. It was also the first time we saw Blake laughing and happy and it was all because of Yang. Yang who just asked for a dance in return for helping Blake and opening up about her past. I was sold on this ship when this episode came out.
4. How Disarming ~
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The gay in my brain would not stop buzzing at this moment. It's amazing seeing how much Blake was the one openly flirting and initiating playful touch. There's a great post by @wixhing0nastar going over Blake's body language throughout the volumes. How a lot of the times Blake is more closed off in her posture, like how she holds herself. But here, she's leaning into to Yang's space and just playfully nudging her. She's not holding back. Also I swear I could hear Blake purr when she said 'How disarming'. Like my breath got caught in my throat. And then when Weiss said 'About time'. I knew this volume had to be the one where they finally get together.
3. Volume 9 Reunion
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This is my favorite reunion of Bumbleby. Especially since we had to wait for so long for these two to be reunited. Blake was distraught last volume as she failed to save Yang and thought Yang died in front of her. Yang who had always been there to help her and fight by her side. And the first thing Blake does when she gets a free chance is to tackle hug Yang and hug her tightly. Softly whispering Yang in both disbelief and joy. And Yang simply holds her to reassure her like she did in Volume 8. Honestly, if Weiss and Ruby weren't there they would have probably stayed like that for hours lol.
2. I'm Not Gonna Break My Promise
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This used to be my favorite Bumbleby moment of all time and for good reason. Blake and Yang had killed Adam. The first thing Blake does is weep and fall to her knees. She's gone through so much and much of it had to do with him. Her torment of him is over and the person she once knew was dead. And Yang wordlessly just holds her and lets Blake cry. Blake finally gets out that she won't break her promise and swears it. Earlier Adam had mockingly told Yang that Blake made a promise to him once and that she didn't follow through with it. And even earlier in the volume Blake had promised to be there if they faced him. Yang has seen Blake stood by her words with her actions. And just reassures Blake she knows Blake won't break her promise. No more words are exchanged as the two just hold each other and Blake just cries more.
The Confession and Kiss
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Was anyone really surprised? I know I wasn't. I loved the number 2 moment on my list so much. But I knew as soon as we got the confession and kiss scene it would more than likely take my top spot. It was all a matter of how it was executed and it was done spectacularly. There's many essays and write ups on why this scene was so good so I apologize if I don't add much to the conversation.
But Blake and Yang are stuck in a punderstorm and are trying to figure out how to get out. With them eventually figuring out they need to say things about each other they've never said before. At this point the two have only really said cute things to each other and then Blake comes out with.
'I think....you're an extraordinary person.'
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Honest to god I was already getting emotional from just that as Blake goes in some more. Talking about how Yang does what she says, she brightens others around her and is always brave even when she's scared. The looks and the song Worthy playing in the background only add to how monumental this moment was for me. With Yang talking about how she liked how Blake wasn't intimidated by her even back when they didn't get along. She also talks about how Blake doesn't give up on people even when other people hurt her and she never gives up because she knows what matters to her. Blake has tried to help others and has sometimes failed but she has tried to push through despite labeling herself as a coward. But Yang see's a person always trying to do what's best for the people she loves.
Then we get this moment.
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These are my favorite expressions of the whole scene. It's so wholesome, pure and full of love in every detail. At this point the two know what needs to be said but Yang is at first hesitant and the bridge between them widens. Blake asks if Yang thought of something then didn't say it and Yang is so bashful as she is realizing she needs to say those three words. But Yang is scared, she compares it to a cliff and if she goes through with it she'll fall. I've always headcannoed that Yang's greatest fear is letting those she loves down. And that ties into how she fell at Beacon and fell in Volume 8. It can also tie to her with the aftermath of Mercury and feeling she let her team down. She's scared she won't be good enough and will lose it all. It also similarly ties into her abandonment issues.
But Blake points out, they're already falling. Their emotions aren't going to go away just because they're scared. They're already worried for each other when they're fighting to save the world and two thought they were dead last volume. With Blake thinking Yang died and she failed to save her. So Blake encourages Yang gently by telling her to say it.
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And after a heavy sigh, Yang confesses with Blake jumping in before she can finish as the two say I love you. The bridge that separated them is gone and they're together. They look at each other with blushing cheeks with Worthy playing in the background. They pull into each other, Blake slowly smiling as they get closer and kiss each other. White lilies sprout from under them as the while lily symbolizes rebirth and rejuvenation of the soul. The flowers are also used at weddings and can also mean purity. It's such a perfect flower to fit this perfect this scene.
And there you have it, my top ten Bumbleby moments. There were lots of moments to choose from and so many of the ones I love unfortunately didn't make it on this list. So here are some honorable mentions down below.
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delulu-with-wandanat · 9 months
International Affair
Welcome to my shameless self-insert series🤭 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Last
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Reader Description: Masculine style, They/He, AFAB, International Student, 20 Years Old. Sometimes will be describe using masculine terms (man, boy, handsome, etc)
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x InternationalStudent!Reader
Warnings: Specified age gap (Wanda is 34).
Summary: For their summer break, Y/n decided to spend it in a little town called Westview. It was there when they met Wanda Maximoff. A woman in her 30s with two kids, who seems to be attracted to the college student despite being married.
New York University's tuition was fucking ass. It really is, at a whopping $64,000 tuition fee per year. And that's only the tuition fee, the total estimate of studying in NYU plus living cost was probably over $90,000. Exactly it's fucking insane. Despite receiving a sponsorship from their parent's good friend and also financial aid from NYU, he still needed to figure out how to pay it back.
Sometimes they feel like smacking their head for choosing to study in a city where it's known for its back bank breaking living cost. Can you blame him though? Those tall buildings, shining lights, bustling nightlife, sounds of gunshots, and a huge opportunity for a creative person such as themselves, along with a dash of capitalism. Y/n couldn't help but be fascinated. That American dream that he had been chasing since he saw the Devil Wears Prada.
It was now summer vacation. Instead of going home for the summer, Y/n decided to join this Homeshare Summer program. Basically an elderly person provides home for students to share during the summer. The benefits are plenty, but most notably, cheaper housing rent. His roommates also joined this program, together they sublease their apartment. Adding extra funds to their breaking bank account.
In return, the students must help their elderly host with basic domestic needs. Mostly light household tasks; preparing and sharing meals, tidying up, chores, walking a pet, etc.
Y/n ended up matching with someone in a small town called Westview somewhere in New Jersey. As much as he loves New York, he wanted to spend his summer somewhere else in America.
He matched with a lovely widow named Melina Vostokoff. He learned that she has 2 daughters, both whom are adults with their own respective career. She needed a companion, understandably so, and Y/n was more than happy to assist her in anyway she might need.
"Y/n." Melina called.
"Yes, Mrs. Vostokoff?" Y/n looked up from their laptop, they were sitting on the dinner table editing some footage.
"Oh dear, please, I told you to call me Melina."
"Sorry, Melina. Force of habit." He said with a smile. "What's up?"
"Would you please send all this batches of cookies around the neighborhood? I already have a list of houses on where you can drop them." Melina is known for sharing batches of cookies for free around the neighborhood. Why? Out of kindness.
And also the fact that she loves baking, but ended up not being able to finish it all. So she shares them around the neighborhood.
"Sure, Melina! I'll do that right away."
So he sets of to drop off delicious dessert for Westview citizens. Melina had told them that this was a good chance to ask around for a summer job as well. Which is what he had initially planned to do anyway. Finally they reached the last house, Maximoff Household. They weren't so lucky with the other neighbors, but last one's a charm right? He rang the doorbell.
A person then opens the door. "Hello, I was just-" Holyfucking shit. This woman was absolutely gorgeous.
"May I help you?" She ask, god her voice is sexy.
"Uhhh..." Snap out of it! "Sorry! I'm Y/n, I'm the student staying over the summer at Mrs. Vostokoff. She told me to drop off her Bi-Weekly batches of cookies."
Wanda wasn't stupid, she noticed their nervousness and found it adorable. "Lovely to meet you, Y/n. I'm Wanda, Wanda Maximoff." She offered her hand.
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Maximoff." He shook her hand.
"Do you go to Westview University?" She was rather intrigued by the younger one.
"No, ma'am. I actually go to NYU, I'm studying film production."
Wanda raised an eyebrow and smiled. "How impressive. Though I must ask, why choose to spend your summer here?"
Damn... her smile.
"Mainly a much cheaper living cost, other than that I figured It'll be good for me to explore other parts of America. New Jersey is not far so it's a good place to start."
"Ah, an International student I see. Is it one of those Homeshare programs?"
"It is!" The student beamed.
What a charming smile he has, Wanda thought to herself. "Say, how old are you, Y/n." She ask while leaning against the door frame, her tone was... rather flirty.
"Um... I'll be turning 21 this year." Wanda hummed at the answer. For what reason Y/n doesn't know either. "Here are your cookies, ma'am." Well shit, he was getting nervous again. Obviously, Wanda staring at him with a look he can't quite pin.
"Oh! Thank you, dear. My sons absolutely love Melina's cookies." She took the container from them.
"Well that's no surprise, I could live off from those cookies alone." They said while laughing lightly. "So I take it you've lived here for a while?"
"Yes, I've lived here for years with my twin boys and husband." Damn it, they thought. "Anything you would like to know?"
"Yes actually! I've been looking for a summer job, but I haven’t had any luck."
"Well, lucky for you, a friend of mine who owns the Cafe in town is looking for a new Barista. She just recently opened the position."
"That's great news! Thank you so much for letting me know, Mrs. Maximoff." They said with a smile, Wanda had another idea in mind.
"However, I think they're only offering part-time. If you're looking for some extra work, I may need a few... help around the house. Would you be interested?" She asked with a devilish smile.
Y/n, being too excited at the possibility of finally landing a job, failed to notice the flirty undertone in Wanda's sentence. "Absolutely!"
"Splendid! Come over to my house tomorrow and we'll discuss the details."
"I will see you tomorrow, Mrs. Maximoff. Thank you again!" The young man said with a bright smile, he started walking backwards onto the sidewalk.
"See you tomorrow, Y/n." Once they turned their backs on her, Wanda bit her lip. She had multiple things in mind for Y/n to help her with.
I did a quick research on the law of international students working in the US. I didn't get into detail but it basically said yes but there are restrictions. So ignore the actual laws, and y'know just - whatever man it's a fanfic :') When I saw the estimated cost of studying in NYU i almost cried-
Also I hope you guys don’t mind I go with a more masculine reader for this one (i really want to be called a good boy by Wanda)
I hope the reader description doesn’t confuse you guys, if it does. Its ok, i self inserted myself and im very confused abt my gender-
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foggieststars · 16 days
how do u think a younger!charles and older!max dynamic would be different than same age!lestappen? ever since u mentioned ur new wip… i’ve been going a little insane
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yeah. me too anon...
ok i'm putting a cut in here because i rambled for SO long abt like. just lestappen to be honest
honestly i think my fic is probably not the right place to like. properly explore this because it's a time slip au so like. charles knows what His max is like and they've still grown up together etc but his big dilemma is trying to marry that together in his head with older max. because charles knows like. pre-world champion borderline mad max era max and then when he's confronted with a more mature older max it's difficult for him to reconcile......like i've been doing research for the winner's room au and in 2019 seb and lewis were still publicly saying that they race max differently to others because he's fucking crazy so LMFAO
but also charles in 2018 was still very much. a bit of a hater.....like i know for the past couple of years they've been all smiles and like oh we have a good relationship! in the past it was tense :))) but we're all good now! but in 2018 charles was very much like. i can't say we have a good relationship but I'm Not Here To Make Friends .... and max was literally silent abt it....so from the perspective of an age gap it's very much charles trying to be like. how the fuck is my older self in a relationship with MAX VERSTAPPEN and also why's he so soft and goofy and genuine and charming oh......dear.....what if he fucked me so i can get back to my original timestream.......
but honestly for a proper age difference au i struggle to say. bcs so much of lestappen to me is their history so divorced from that i think their dynamic would be very different and like. i hesitate to say not as compelling.....like. i'm so sorry to quote jos verstappen but this quote about them during their karting days lives in my mind rent free
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A PROPHECY................ like to me this is why age gap lestappen is honestly for me. purely about getting to write older max fucking sauber charles. because sauber charles was still like. not that charles is exactly a rippling muscle monster now but like. in 2018 he was a tad more twinky....and max is like. Bigger now. so for me it's about aesthetics literally just because of the fact that like. to me it's always about the History.
ALSO i can't remember who said it i think it was one of my mutuals so full credit to whichever big brained beauty said this. but they pointed out that like. when max started driving lewis and seb and kimi etc always described his driving as over the line but charles has ALWAYS described driving against max as 'on the limit' and like. they know each other well from their karting days and they know how to race each other.............god. much to think about
however i think a true age gap au would have max being irritated by charles treating him exactly how max used to treat older drivers and just being fucking crazy. because max might have the mad max rep but like. charles is not exactly the epitome of safe sane and consensual racing himself.....anybody remember monza 2023
having said all that. please go and read frechheit by @additiva . i find lestappen age gap SO unbelievably compelling in this fic like. it is absolutely delicious and i think will satisfy your need for age gap lestappen and like. still somehow draws in all the regular lestappen insanity....being soulmates and knowing exactly how to race each other even sort of divorced from their history and it is just Brilliant !!
sorry for not answering your question at all. i'm so glad ur excited for the fic though ily <3
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nukenai · 10 months
I bring this up occasionally but that post about letting someone you hate live in your head
I had a friend who cut ties with me bc I unfollowed a friend of theirs on Twitter. It hurt but I eventually got over it. I got very weird occasional anon asks here that were really aggressive and nasty. But they were so scattered I didn't think much of it bc it was like 2015, people were angry 24/7.
So then this person came off anon and started reblogging posts I made about it (the posts were like "wtf is going on"). I completely forgot what they were even screaming at me about which shows how important this was lol. They had changed urls and actual names like 12 times so I went to their blog bc I had no idea who they were?? They had an IP tracker so they immediately screamed that I was stalking them, changed their URL more, etc. They told me who they were on Twitter by calling themselves the name I knew them by. Then when I called them that name they made a tumblr post saying "GUESS WHO'S DEADNAMING ME NOWWW" and then wrote me a callout post that got 17 notes
Eventually I was like ooookay man you're clearly going through shit (this was FIVE YEARS since we had last spoken) so uh, I hope you're doing well, take care. Their response was "I'm NOT, but thanks for the FAKE SYMPATHY"
I guess what I'm saying is if you focus on shit like this and obsess over someone you hate (bc they didn't want to rp Pokemon with you every day on MSN messenger, for example), you may eventually turn into an insane miserable goblin of a person who sends anon hate to someone for FIVE YEARS and call them racist for unfollowing someone on Twitter.
I don't let this person live "rent free" in my head, I don't hate them or anything, I just keep it in my pocket as a cautionary tale for where that 2012 tumblr insanity led for some people. I'm glad I got out of that friendship when I did even if it hurt at the time. It's obviously one of the wackiest things to ever happen to me bc I tend to surround myself only with people who aren't out of their fucking minds.
This story kills at friend get-togethers with people who actually go outside. It's fucking unfathomable to them lol.
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yinyuedijun · 6 days
HAHA i’m sorry for putting such a combustible idea in your head but it’s just so good !!! i’m glad i shared it, i hope the writer you are looking to commission opens their slots and you get your meal 🗣️ and i’m so sorry i really don’t remember the name since it was so long ago.. </3 truth be told ive forgotten so much and my memory is just small blorbs here and there :(( but i’ll try searching around for it, it was really famous back then so i think i might have some luck and as soon as i find it i’ll make sure to share it with you !!
trust me we are under the same spell i too have been thinking of the whole fox!aven owning human reader in an insane way. it’s actually physically affecting my daily life. i Cannot do simple tasks anymore without getting distracted. LIKE THE POTENTIAL IS JUST ENDLESS !!! i vaguely remember details of that world where hybrids owned humans, and an important part was that even within the hybrids there was a class system where the strong ruled over the weak (taken from the natural animal kingdom). but humans were the lowest of that class still. being born to be 'owned'/used and no way out. whereas for the 'weak' hybrids they still has better chances even if they were born in environments that could be against them — there’s still glimmer of hope for hybrids and they have a better chance of survival in a world centered around them.
tying this to aventurine.. it could be he too was once part of those that were owned by other/stronger hybrids/corps for hybrid trafficking reasons etc. and even tho fox hybrids aren’t necessarily 'weak' even animalistically — but few here and there do get caught, especially when they are in unlucky circumstances. but foxes are notorious for their trickery and overall bad rep (again.. ties so much to the canon universe aventurine it’s crazy) and how he was once a slave as an hybrid so he does understand the feeling of being chained and owned... and now that he owns a human...... and he Knows how the experience is.. mmm yumm... the inner conflict yet the carnal need and natural animalistically desire that he Cannot control ....AAAA the potential is endless i wish i could telepathically send you formations of every thing in my head because lord knows i cannot type my thoughts out or give them any form 💔 sorry if this ask is all over the place
— that fox aven anon !!!
ARQDLFWJDKZJAK I'm sorry anon for taking so long to reply to this but I can assure this ask has been living rent free in my mind the whole time... the writer(s) I've been wanting to sponsor is sadly not taking comms 💔 but I shall simply read and reread your asks instead. the backstory for him is so sad and parallels canon so well 🥺 but also AWFLVJSKDDJ THE ANIMALISTIC DESIRE HE CANNOT CONTROL... thinking abt him going into a rut bc it's mating season and all he wants to do keep mounting you but your poor human body can't take it 💔 do foxes have knots perchance .....I want him to have a knot 💔
also yes PLEASE share the manga if u come across it awglsjskw I need it for ....scientific purposes
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zzoupz · 1 year
oc questions !!! feel free to answer all or none :))
1. tell me about your favorite! (/pos)
2. tell me about your least favorite! (/pos) (stinky awful garbage man *gender neutral)
3. anything living in your head rent free? story concept, single scene without context, oc concept you wont get around to making?
4. tell me about your favorite relationship (friendship included!) between ocs!
5. do you have a favorite oc name? what is it and how'd you get it?
6. anything driving you truly batshit? going insane over them?
7. tell me something sad about an oc!
8. tell me something sweet about an oc!
9. any ""retired"" ocs you still think about?
10. pick a favorite character n tell me three songs you think theyd like!
hihi! sorry this is a bit late I want to get back on my pc for this
1. oh damn I have multiple favorites! I think ones that I enjoy the most (at the moment) are them
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(yellow: Lee Harrison | blue: Bryan Dickinson)
they are basically a (in the 2000s) newbie punk band formed by two friends who are like brothers to each other. they bonded over both having not so great families (not like tragic-backstory awful but yknow. the average traditional family)
yeah I still can't figure out what their band name would be. yeah since 2020. sorry. such is life.
while they're not the ones I've wrote the most about, as in not much at all, I just really like them :)
2. Bartholomew. I used to like him then I realize how generic he is so I hate him now (/j) (yeah I actually do want to post about him less though)
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3. been thinking about the dynamic normal human x immortal who finds them in every life. so simple and common but I go insane over it every time. I think it would be fun
4. ohohohoho man ok here are some in no particular orders
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Time & Denial core, Denial/Dan (black hair, also the last image) is by @/ akamavarii
they were basically our coresonas, but they've became their own characters at this point so I think it counts
friends who commits OSHA violations together!!!
they share 1 brain cell and takes turns over it like an Xbox (quote from ami himself)
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Iandithas & Lumeous (if you noticed one of the name changed its bc I did)
a bard & a wizard duo who are retired and are now a shopkeeper & a chemist
its funny I care about them this much bc Lumeous was supposed to be a dad and a side character to my other oc and Iandithas was a doodle of a random guy and now they mean the world to me
there have been like 5 people who pointed out that they look like a couple and you're right and I fucking hate that you're right. and they were roommates etc
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Overseer / Conqueror
this one is new very obviously but I've been thinking about them for a LONG while.
friends to lovers to enemies heehoo heehoo heehoo heehoo heeh
can you tell I like it when queer relationships
5. Fakzky HAS to have my favorite origin. fun fact there's a bot on facebook that would combine the names of their followers (only if they request, don't worry) and it was my source of inspo for my fantroll names in 2020, Fakz is the only one I took completely from it and the post is still there!
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6. the 35 awesome and cool animatics that exists in MY mind
7. oh man I don't wanna say something sad :( mostly bc I'm bad at it and it would sound cringe :(
8. I have a plague doc oc and she has 3 pet rats ^_^ they're all named after murderers from the bible but yeah whatever
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(Dias Cain Jael in that order btw)
9. hmmm them I think. I make stuff about them way less nowadays but still draw them time to time. Cath is from 2018 and funnily is originally a fusion of two characters. and Danya is from early 2021 when I was just trying stuff out. I made them friends just cuz I think they look like they would do drugs together
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10. I have no idea man I created them not know them (I am so so bad at this)
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mymaleficaria · 10 months
mthedm ---> mymaleficaria
Hi gang! I've had this blog since high school, but somewhere in college it fell into disuse and disrepair. I've been itching to get back on here, as a space on the internet that's not...ya know *gestures at the Twitter-sized elephant in the room*. But I also wanted to go in with a fresh coat of paint and reintroduce myself to y'all, maybe even make some new friends (or enemies. That could be hot.) A lot has changed!
Wait, why do I follow you?
Statistically, you followed me because of Wolf 359! I was big into podcasts back in the day, WTNV, Wolf 359, all those. I also wrote some Wolf 359 fics and was semi-active on the discord. Still fondly remember the show and might reblog fanart once in awhile, but it's not the direction this blog's going to go, so feel free to unfollow if what up I'm to now isn't your jam.
What's this blog about now?
Wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy? Frankly, I'm ADHD as fuck, so that'll vary by the day, but I have a few fandoms (do we still say fandoms in the year of our lord 2023???) that I've been into lately.
Dimension 20: I started watching D20 a little less than a year ago, and it entirely took over my life. It's just a series that's so robustly funny, wonderfully told, and never fails to make me smile. I'm especially fond of ACOC and Fantasy High.
Dracula Daily: I'm in this shit for the long haul! I think Lucy and Mina should kiss, but that's neither here nor there.
Game of Thrones/HotD: This show ended in a trash fire, but it literally lives in my head rent free. The political intrigue, the drama. Ugh. I'm a targ girlie through and through, so I've been eating up HotD, though it's nowhere near as good imo. Am also currently reading the 1st ASOIAF book.
YA lit/Whatever I'm reading/watching: I've read almost 50 books this year so far, and am frankly, insane. Bonus points for queer reads! Not many people to talk about books to irl, so might ramble about them on here instead. Also watch a lot of random TV drama and some anime.
Writing: I'm a fanfic writer, and a fiction writer in general, so I'll post stuff about writing--complaints, story snippets, link to my fics, etc! Headcanons and all will be found here. I've also copyedited before, which is like writing but if you get even more nitpicky about it.
Personal/Whatever the hell I feel like/My D&D Games: Life happens and sometimes you want to scream into the void. Ramblings, jokes, whatever. I transed my gender in the past few years and sometimes I'm mad about it! I also just graduated college! Madness! I play a lot of TTRPGs, and I'm usually on brainrot for one of my characters at any given time.
Why's your new username that?
One of my favorite book series is The Scholomance by Naomi Novik, and in the series, Maleficaria are the horrifying monsters that threaten to kill the students every day, and what is tumblr if not a place full of vile, evil beings? Plus, it means you all can call me Mal.
Anything else?
Nope! Other than to feel free to drop me a line and say hello, especially if you want to scream about D20. I'm p alone in this brainrot irl, so I'm pretty much always down to talk about the Bad Kids... especially Adaine and Fabian. I'm also always down to take fic suggestions in my asks! This show genuinely lifts me up when I'm down, so sharing it with people is one of my favorite things.
My fics (shortlist):
In Sweetness, There is Violence: Angsty ACOC one-shot about if Ruby had made a different choice in the finale. Obligatory Caramelinda Caramelinda-ing.
the words i speak are wildfires: A HOTD one-shot I intended to be smut, that ended up instead being more like a romantic sapphic moment of healing between Alicent and Rhaenyra. What can I say? I like childhood friends to enemies to lovers.
Stay Stellar: An unfinished (and, very likely, discontinued) 15-chapter high school AU for Wolf 359 that I wrote with an old friend. Featuring some truly crazy shenanigans, a lot of embarrassing Kepcobi moments, and a surprising amount of theatre.
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biggie-chcese · 6 months
Oooo the positive fandom questions sound fun how about 1, 8, 11 and 13?
list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
i did just answer this same question here, but i think ill challenge myself to list 3 new things.
the sheer amount of toxic yaoi and toxic yuri appreciation in the rain code fandom. yall are so fucking real for this
the tgaa fandom's uncanny ability to bring out the most banger character analyses. just, genuinely amazing. whether it's character study fanfiction or essays written out on tumblr, i eat it up because so many are legitimately compelling. this is especially a shoutout to @hikari-kaitou's many posts about translation differences and general analysis that really changed my perspective on some characters, as well as one of my favorites- this novel length kazuma analysis. these things live rent free in my head and i always admire people who are able to articulate so many complex thoughts around stories and characters like this
i've gained some really amazing friends through both of these fandoms. just, people i genuinely enjoy talking to and that in turn makes me enjoy the source material even more
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
found family where the roles are really nebulous. don't get me wrong, if people enjoy the classic "these are the parents and these are all the siblings they adopted" that's fine and dandy enjoy your media however you want! i even enjoy it often enough and think it's cute
but. on the rare occasion i see it depicted in a way that's hard to label, it makes me so extremely excited and filled with glee. i'm sorry im gonna ramble for a moment
so for example, yakou and yuma. as much as i also enjoy the yakou fathero headcanon, i've gone insane over the one or two times i've seen them depicted closer to canon's explicit dynamic of "shitty boss and intern who are also roommates and mentor/mentee, except who is the mentor and who is the mentee changes at the drop of a hat and they BOTH fucking suck at it!!! yakou is yuma's savior, and yuma is (unintentionally) yakou's nuclear hazard level threat. the game very subtly implies that these two go out for drinks together, and yuma "millions in debt" kokohead still has to pay often enough for him to be surprised at the idea of yakou offering to do so. yuma respects yakou greatly, but of the NDA, yuma is snippiest with yakou and quickest to call the man out on his bullshit. it takes more time for him to act this way with shinigami than his own fucking boss. there are more things i could say, but they're spoilers so dont worry about it.
yakou is almost the arataka reigen to yuma's mob, but i can't even confidently make that comparison because they feel more equal than that. they feel more casual than that. i struggle to put a label to it and that's what i love about them. i would love to see more of this in general, for both fandoms i'm in, because it's fun as hell whenever i do see it
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
you know what, i'm pretty proud of my latest art, because i've finally drawn a background i dont mind looking at! ^w^
13. your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc)
gotta say ship week, since it's the only one of these listed that i've actively participated in. prompt memes and gift exchanges are amazing too! i think i'd wanna get in on those someday. i dont celebrate christmas so secret santa's out of the cards for me. it'd be cool to see more similar events that aren't themed around holidays.
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ignify-caligo · 2 years
For the ask game-
I'm gonna go with The boy, Pavel.
First impression:
Honestly, I went completely blind when I first watched the Metro Last Light gameplay - like I truly thought of Pavel as the “aid from the opposing faction” kind of character. Got splendidly fucked over by his “betrayal” in the Theatre chapter - which surprisingly was something I haven’t experienced since the best Disney twist villain Rourke from Atlantis. Solely that made our Pasha hijack the top place amongst anti-hero/villains for sure!
Impression now:
Now, I just - jjfkhsbfhddghiejie LOVE HIM SM! Like he’s just - *Pasha*! My feelings for him have only grown and I just love all the headcanons, fanart and everything that relates to him. Especially things that my metro mutuals like yourself or @molotovmetro make for him or about him just brighten my day really!
Shortly said tho? Pavel is one of those special blorbos that jump around my head like some sort of pin pong ball and live rent-free in my mind. 
Favourite moment:
In all honesty, all of his scenes are just perfect! Tho, I love those small details in them so much, like how he sits so politely during the first part of that bar scene or whenever he went ���blin” or “chuvak” while they were travelling through the surface! Those little tidbits of personality shining through - splendid shortly said! 
Idea for a story:
Oh, there’s so much in my mind that I haven’t really thought good enough through lmao. I definitely see something with my OC Florian being written, like whatever it be interrogation-esque shit or just a mini interaction - also obligatory partyom fics with them just being repressed dumbasses bc, let’s be real here - that’s what tyoma and pasha are. 
Also feel like Pavel would be the perfect specimen blorbo besides Hunter to write musings fic with, like the morality of his actions and choices and so forth! 
Unpopular opinion:
Tbh don’t really know much of the fandoms opinion to know what is unpopular etc? Like I have been in a bubble consisting of mutuals posting and haven’t seen much big discourse or anything of that sort - so Imma just throw smth? 
Pavel and Artyom are to me around the same height? Like I feel they would be around the same in size but maybe Pavel would be a little shorter? Like not even a whole 2 centimetres - just a tiny difference which would drive him insane lmao. Tyoma just simply stating the fact “I'm taller when u” and pasha going Napoleon. 
Favourite relationship:
If it wasn’t obvious throughout my whole nonsense - it’s Partyom all the way. Maybe a sprinkle of angst-filled Korbut being an unholy dick to pasha but the main goal is Partyom. 
Favourite headcanon:
Kinda canon tho but I love the fact Pavel was all over referencing classic literature with the D'Artagnan and Athos symbolic thing going between him and Artyom. Like my boi here is a secret non-secret bookworm! 
Also if he had a TikTok or other social media I feel like he would give out recommendations and reviews on his reads. 
Send me a Character Game
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amiharana · 1 year
something i LOVE abt your writing is your creativity, like you fr come up with prompts that I've never thought about or never seen other ppl apply to revalink, and it's just so refreshing to see them in unique scenarios bc it gives me new things to brainrot about 🫶 I always love seeing your new au ideas because they're just so !! much fun to read !!!! not to give spoilers abt your wips but the one you showed me for the upcoming revalink week has been living in my head RENT FREE like how do you come up with such great ideas 😫✋
also I guess this isn't your Writing but I love the way you text AJSBAJDB the way you say everything is just so funny and I aspire to text like you 😞
(ask game from here)
hi oomfie 🤍🤍 thank you for blowing up my ask box like always /gen
but yeah i make connections to media i feel is so obscure on tumblr dot com like barely anyone interacted with the post i made about revalink au based off of the k-drama 'goblin' because probably no one in these spheres really watches k-drama 😭😭 i think one oomf rb'd knowing exactly what i was talking about but it's like COME ON GUYS IMAGINE THIS SCENE WITH REVALI AS THE GUY AND LINK AS THE GIRL AND LINK PULLING OUT THE SWORD AND [redacted because spoilers if you haven't watched the drama ㅠㅠ]
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just the other day i was thinking about an orpheus!revali x eurydice!link au because i was listening to 'wait for me' from the musical 'hadestown'. what about a percy jackson au with revali as a son of apollo who resents link because he gets claimed by a powerful god that no one would have ever guessed would have children. i have part of a scene drafted in my informal-concepting style of a fucking writer!link x editor!revali au. i cannot stress to you enough how insane and Not Normal i am about these two, i will stretch so far to make every connection to revalink i can, i might just get a little taller!
BUT TEEHEE i'm hoping i can get That™ Revalink fic out on time for revalink week 🥺 i stopped writing it for a bit because i got some writer's block and i felt like i was putting too much Plot for a oneshot, but we'll see how it goes! i planned some other stuff based on the prompts, but with the way this semester is going, i doubt i'll be able to write full-fledged oneshots on time for each of them so i may end up just uploading them later on after the semester is over (late may, june, etc)
LOL to that last bit, idk....... i've spent so much time on stan twitter and the internet in general i've developed a very particular way of talking. i'm someone who, if you say a certain word or phrase around me enough, i'll start adding it to my vocabulary without really thinking. like the reason why i type 'not' and 'sorry' as 'nawt' and 'sawry' sometimes? my stan twitter bestie lele (i'm not gonna tag her but she's on here as well i know ur seeing this bff i love u sm). how sometimes my emoji usages are random? also partly lele and other stan twitter mutuals who liked to use random emojis that had nothing to do with the topic because it was funny. i feel like the way i type things online expresses exactly the tone and flow i would use irl too 🤞😽
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royally-wilde · 2 years
"Imagine trying to push the BS even on the day of the funeral!! Give everyone a break." -- Spot on! Imagine Megs trying to push her BS "One tear, left eye, GO!" fake crocodile tear on the day of HM's funeral!! She met HM a handful of times and barely knew the woman. MM should've given give the whole world a break from her narc melodrama during the funeral of the iconic EIIR, but nooooo...
Oooooh a scorned Tintan has followed me to my blog 😂 I'm so scared!
First of all, dare ya to come off anon because you're just a coward rn 🤷‍♀️
Only you and your gang have been pushing the fake tears agenda down our throats, and nowhere else has been. Well obviously nobody would invite someone like you to a funeral so you can't relate to the emotional whirlwind that occurs, but yes people flippin' cry at such events, shock horror. Funny her tears *have to* be fake, but Charles', Eugenie's, Sophie's, Edward's, etc. ain't. Curious that huh?
Cause she's an actress? Well but I've never seen people claim say Meryl Streep faked anything she did off-screen - but she's an actress too, no? Same "logic". I did drama at school, does it mean I'm fake too? 🤔 Quit embarrassing yourself.
Mate you claim she "barely knew" HM, but did you?? 😂 You've never even met her at all so take several seats. Stop playing BRF police because nobody asked or authorised you to.
Unsurprisingly she got invited the funeral whether you like it or not. You haven't. BRF don't need to ask permission or opinion of some random middle age crisis karens online. She's still their family get over it. Funny your little admiration circle and all your duplicate and triple accounts (we're not stupid, we know y'all have several, idiolect's the same though so it's not difficult to suss out which are the same person) never peeped a word about Autumn not being there though. Still waiting… No? Wonder why…
It's you who chose to focus on Meg instead of the funeral. She lives in your head rent free and you need to do something about it, and posting insane quantities of crap about her online is not the way to go about it, dear.
Now to wrap this up, allow me to quote A., another normal person who's very eloquently responded to one of your brethren under “Independent” comments,
“[Insert name] you seem to think you know these people and what they are feeling when you don't know them. I think perhaps you need some help.”
Stick that note on your fridge please, k bye
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feisaru · 1 year
I have 2 questions: - What got you into Inazuma Eleven and into shipping SaruFei and -What is your MBTI?
I like those two asks a lot! I've been waiting for someone to ask me about it for ages. Thank you!
First, about my MBTI. I am one pretty solid INTJ, I have a tendency to lean towards ENTJ in certain aspects tho. (As a little trivia on the side: I'm interested in MBTI and so have been researching functions etc. for quite some time now)
What got me into IE?
Simple. My brother. Summer 2018, he was always watching that annoying soccer show on TV at our grandparents' house, always asking me to come join him. And you know what? One day, I did, and it was one of the best decisions throughout my entire life. The show (only the first season back then) grew onto me rapidly, especially its lovable characters. Heck, IE had me in such a chokehold that I even played soccer with my brother bc of it. At the very beginning, Afuro was living in my head rent-free. He specifically helped me through some very rough times and I will never forget that. He will always be dear to my heart. I did get "out of" IE at some point for reasons, but I always wound up coming back to it cause turns out, no other franchise has ever quite given me as much comfort as this one. Across the last few years, I've been always returning to it with my thoughts whenever it got especially bad. I'm glad I managed to properly come back to it and have it be a big part of my everyday life (hyperfixation be damned (very lovingly)).
Now, imo, Chrono Stone deserves a honorary mention. The CS game (and later the anime) made me feel approximately ten times better than the rest of IE, and that's something. Long story short, I picked up the game from the store the first time I was into IE right after I had done research and learned that this franchise is actually based on games. There was no other game there, so I thougt this would do, too. Then I didn't touch it until 2021. The reason I started playing it was that I desperately needed to escape reality and CS succeeded at distracting me excellently. Coming home in the evening to open my Nintendo was the single highlight of my day.
How did I become insane over Sarufei?
Good question, anon. I cannot really pinpoint the moment it happened, but I can tell you it was pretty quick. Their first bits together already caught my attention in the most brain-tickling way possible, like this one:
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The CS manga panel where they let Saryuu cry after he lost and Fei reassures him played into that too (I bought the manga solely for that, but turns out it was overall good). I could go on and on about their psychological aspects that spoke to me right off the bat, but I'll spare you that. Before I knew it, I was trying to search out content of them at 3 am on a week day (good content of them is pretty hard to come by with, in my experience at least). My head was really really really full of them, as it is now as well. They're pretty much the reason I picked up drawing & content creating again after years. The first thing I did after I finished playing CS was draw them and create a social media account so I can post it, so I can find someone to talk about them to. I had to channel how unhinged I'm over them somehow. They're also the reason I still keep on drawing. They make so fucking ill and I'm rotating them in my head at all times.
In conclusion, thanks for letting me go wild through text although this is by far not the best thing I've ever written
(I have. So much to say its jarring but sharing my stuff makes me anxious sometimes nonetheless)
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patchesproblem · 2 years
I have the strong urge to ramble about Tes and Eins so here I am. Slight warning that my writing may get confusing, so I'm very sorry about that. There'll be my personal headcanons plus other things I feel like talking about. There'll be a few jokes because I need them for my own sanity.
Rambling under the cut
Slight edit while I'm writing: I accidentally hyperfocused on one specific part so oops. I could fix that but I'm not so have fun reading my novel. I'll end up having to make a second post to finish my headcanons off because it's almost eleven and I'm still not done with them sobs.
These two have been living rent free in my head and they're driving me insane.
Tesla is 100% softer in private with Einstein and I will die on this hill. She's still an absolute menace to society, but a gentler one. What I mean by this is that she's more 'open' in a sense.
She lets her guard down purely because she trusts her and knows that she wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Things like feeling safe enough to not wear her glasses / contacts, being vulnerable, showing affection, etc. However if Eins ever teasingly brings it up in front of others she gets flustered and defensive and tells her to shut the fuck up.
Both Tes and Eins are extremely stubborn as well and I will also die on this hill. Literally they'd been in love for years and just refused to admit it because they were embarrassed. Though they were both also horrified that if they did it'd completely destroy their friendship if the other didn't feel the same way, so that played a part in it.
Funniest part is that everyone else knew they were dating before even they knew. They'd been living together for literal years and shared a bed. Totally best friend behavior right there.
Eventually Einstein was the one who caved, though it wasn't intentional and she wanted to disappear off the face of the earth at first.
An important thing to note is that over the years they both created their own way of communicating. They'd essentially developed their own language through the sheer power of mathematics. For a brief explanation on how, they assigned meaning to each string of numbers / equations. To go along with it there was a specific indicator. This helped distinguish messages from their normal work. It was originally made because they wanted to be able to send each other messages when they needed something, but they also just used it to talk to each other without anyone knowing.
The reasoning I bring this up is because it was ultimately what brought them together. At some point Tes was out for a meeting the majority of the day (probably arguing with and or insulting senators or something idk) and Einstein was home for a majority of the day. It was in the middle of winter and the heater for the dorms went down leaving everyones rooms cold. Eventually the cold caused her to become sentimental and made it where she couldn't ignore the repressed feelings, and combine that with the fact Tesla wasn't home she just kinda emotionally died.
Eins journals, and while Tes is aware of it and doesn't care, she keeps a hidden one she doesn't know about. Although at this point both of them were fully comfortable talking to each other about anything, it was one of those things that she still needed sometimes. Writing was (still is) one of the main ways she copes with difficult events / emotions.
Considering at this point neither was sure what the other thought she couldn't just talk to her about it. This was one of those moments where she needed to either write or talk with someone, and she didn't want to bother anyone. After a while she eventually dug out her second journal and started writing (basically rambling) using theire math language (because it was less embarrassing, plus if anyone else found it they'd think it was just part of her work). Originally she had planned to just put it up before Tes came home, but unfortunately for her she just completely forgot time existed for a few hours.
Tes did end up coming home around ten at night and sat down by Eins, exhausted and just wanting to be with her. She eventually glanced down to see what she was working on. Although it took her a minute to process what she was reading, she eventually realized and went completely still and channeled her inner lobster turning bright red. Eins eventually realized she was there and when she turned to tell her hi she quickly realized time was actually a thing and that Tes was not, in fact, completely illiterate.
They just stared at each other neither knowing what to say, and Einstein just wanted to disappear off the face of the earth. Eventually she decided to make an attempt at speaking, though she couldn't really get it out without stuttering. "T.. Tesla I-"
Tesla just kinda sat there before forcing herself to say they needed to talk, and proceeding to stand up and immediately tripping trying to go back to their room.
After about twenty to thirty minutes of Einstein just pacing back and forth preparing herself to get absolutely murdered and freaking out internally, she forced herself to actually go talk to her. Though Joachim probably got several texts along the lines of "Fuck. She knows this isn't a drill please help me." and him just essentially replying with "lmao good luck" and proceeding to go to bed. (Tesla had texted him less than ten minutes before freaking out. He was just happy they both were being forced to talk and he could be left alone. Both him and Joyce deserve financial compensation because they were both stuck in the middle of this for years. Joyce only escaped because he decided to just die on them and hid himself specifically so he didn't have to deal with their insanity.)
Eventually she poked her head into their room to see Tes just sitting on their bed. Just staring at the picture of them that was normally on her nightstand looking like she was about to cry, not even noticing her there.
Eventually she just said "Tes can I come in." Causing Tesla to get startled and look up before just nodding her head and looking down. The insanity continued, with Einstein trying to apologize and Tesla just telling her to stop, meanwhile on the verge of tears. After a few minutes of silence, Tesla eventually looked up and just asked her if she meant what she wrote. Einstein said yes, crying insued and they were finally together officially.
Joachim was now faced with a new problem of them being happier than ever and refusing to shut up. The Welts never win.
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