#i'm guessing two columns each with one of them but then i have to match up the conversations
tls123 · 1 year
wei wuxian scolding jiang cheng in the burial mounds about not remembering what the wen siblings did for them vs jiang cheng earlier on standing up for him in front of all the sect leaders saying "you all might not know this but the person wei wuxian saved and his sister helped us a lot during the war" and getting promptly shut down by nie mingjue (the wen clan that massacred lotus pier? is literally what he says, out loud, to everyone)
edit: now with visual aids !!!!
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sergeantpixie · 19 days
okay I'm dumb, I know, but what do you mean by Daphne and Marina being foil characters?
Asking questions makes you the opposite of dumb, dear anon!
So character foils are a literary device: basically it's when two characters (sometimes more!) have parallel or contrasting character arcs! A foil is written to highlight certain characteristics of the protagonist.
Daphne is the protagonist of season 1, so Marina is her foil, not the other way around. Lady Whistledown tries to make them rivals by saying Marina is prettier than Daphne, the diamond of the season, thus putting Daphne's season in peril. Marina's unexpected pregnancy does the same to her. While Daphne's transgression with Simon is solved by a hasty (lol) marriage, Marina is first exposed and humiliated before she's rescued by her lover's brother with a suitable marriage. Daphne is privately humiliated in her marriage by her lack of proper sex education. Both of them take desperate and arguably immoral actions in order to secure their futures (that being said, I understand what Marina did way more than Daphne, and I love Daphne.)
Despite being compared by the gossip column, Marina and Daphne don't interact until Daphne decides to help Marina because she sympathizes with her, feeling that she's also been left to fend for herself. Notably, as Duchess, Daphne holds one of the highest positions of power a woman in that era could, whereas Marina is not only an unwed mother, but a poor one with little to no status. (Daphne has always been higher status than Marina, even when Penelope was trying to make them competition, Daphne still had more money, status, and pedigree). Also Marina is the only unwed debutante who knows what sex is and Daphne is the one who's lack of knowledge blows up in her face.
(oh and Daphne ultimately makes a love match while Marina marries for convenience.)
I could go on, but that's a basic summary of what it means and how they parallel and contrast each other!
thanks for asking, anon! I love character foils!
oh and I guess here’s a link to the ask where I called them foils, for context to what prompted this question in the first place!
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whennnow · 10 months
A Pair of Pieced Pockets
February 11, 2021
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[Image ID: a photo of the pieces of the prepared pieces of the pockets. There are two quilted muslin shapes on top of two similar blue shapes, plus two bundles of white ribbon.]
One of my sewing goals for 2020 was stash-busting (yeah, I started this a few months ago). Making a pair of pieced 18th century pockets was a chance to use up some smaller scraps!
I started, of course, by raiding my fabric stash. I pulled out scraps of two different printed cottons for the pieced outer layers. For the lining I pulled out my first attempt at a Regency shift, which was made out of unbleached cotton muslin.
I drafted a simple pattern from the gridded pattern in "Put On Thy Beautiful Garments: Rural New England Clothing, 1783-1800," but there are also plenty of patterns and tutorials online.
I cut out four of that pattern from the muslin. Two pieces were cut along the side seams of the old shift, one of which required a bit of extra piecing in the corner, and two were cut from the front and back. For the piecing, I used a spool of brown thread and I used a combination of light blue cotton and navy polyester thread for the quilting and construction. The little machine sewing I did used white poly thread because it was already on my machine and wasn't going to show.
Part 1: Piecing
I didn't have large enough pieces of the blue cottons to cut full pocket pieces, but I was able to get a few halves - I got two halves from the darker blue atlas-print cotton and three from the lighter blue floral cotton. I paired up one half from each fabric to get one full piece, then repeated that for a second full piece. (That was a confusing sentence to write, and I'm sure even worse to read, so check out the photo below to see what that looked like in the end.) Those two half-and-half pieces became the backs of the pockets.
I pieced together a third half of the dark blue fabric using two wider strips. That and the remaining half piece of the light blue fabric each became half of the front of one of the pockets.
Then the piecing encroached onto quilting territory.
I had decided on using 2" squares, and I grided it out on my pattern and realized I would need at least 42 squares. I cut two templates from a cereal box - a 2" square to mark sewing lines and a 2.5" square to give each piece a quarter inch seam allowance.
I got 38 squares from my scraps, with roughly twice as many dark blue squares as light blue. Which meant I was four squares short.
I decided to try triangles, which could be pieced into squares. I cut out two templates again, this time a 2" right triangle and a 3" right triangle (because seam allowance math is weird with triangles I guess). I managed to get four triangles out of each fabric, which meant four squares total, so I was set!
With everything cut out, I got to sewing. The triangles went first, pairing one triangle of each fabric into a square. Once all four of those were done, I backstitched four 'columns' of eight squares each (because that's what fit my pocket pattern height) and two 'columns' of five squares each.
Those columns, in turn, were seamed together, doing my best to match up the seam lines between squares. As I was making two separate halves, I made two pieces each consisting of two eight-square columns and one five-square column.
Once those were done, I switched my attention back to the un-pieced front halves. I used a pen to draw a seam line along the straight center edge and made a mark roughly halfway from the top to indicate where the opening will start/stop. Then I brought the heavily pieced and less pieced halves together and lined them up along the center front seam. The seams were backstitched below the marker for the opening and basted above to hold everything in place for ironing.
I ironed all the seams, paying special attention to the seam allowances of all those squares. There were empty spots on my heavily pieced halves, as I expected, but I filled those in using pieces I trimmed away from other places.
With that last bit of piecing done and ironed, I could turn my mind to other prep work.
Part 2: Preparation
I was a bit worried about how all that piecing would hold up, so I decided to 'quilt' the inner and outer layers together for strength and stability (and to use up some blue thread). I decided to use a running stitch like I did on my housewife, except the pattern was more square this time.
It was at this point that I started thinking about what I would need to actually construct the pockets. I had some 1" cotton twill tape from Burnley & Trowbridge for the waist ties, but I didn't have enough to bind the opening or edges of the pockets. So back to the stash I went. I didn't have enough bias tape either, so I decided to cut strips (not on the bias) from scraps of the white cotton fabric I had used for my Regency petticoat and to line my white Regency dress bodice. Those strips were ironed to resemble double-fold bias tape, and then I could finally put everything together!
Part 3: Construction
I carefully pinned some of my cotton strips around the pocket slits (right sides together) and machine stitched them into place. Then I stacked the front and back of each pocket wrong sides together and pinned the binding into place with the right side of the binding facing the right side of the front piece. Once those were machine sewn, I was able to fold the biding around the pocket and slit edges and whip the back side of the binding into place.
(As a side note, I had originally intended to hand sew the pockets completely. I started them in September after finishing my white Regency dress and wanted a simple little hand sewing project to work on. Piecing was a lot more work than I thought it would be and I put the project down for long periods of time. I didn't get to the actual construction until January and was just ready for the project to be done, so I gave myself permission to machine sew the binding and speed up the process a little.)
With the binding done, all I had left to do was to attach the pockets to a waist tape! I pinned the pockets to the twill tape and checked the position by tying it around my waist. One edge of the twill tape was back stitched to the back of the pocket (though the stitching went through all the layers) and the other edge was whipped to the front. As a final touch, I folded and stitched the ends of the twill tape to keep it from unraveling.
And then they were finally done!
I'm pretty happy with how they turned out, but frustrated with how long they took me to make. I'm also baffled about why I started the project in the first place - I don't do 18th century! I've only done Regency so far and I'm getting into the 1890s, and while I'd like to do some 1700s stuff, it's all pretty far down the line. They're done though, and I did some stash busting, and that's all that I really care about right now.
Stay warm. Stay safe. Stay healthy.
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[Image ID: a waist-to-knees photo of a person dressed in black with blue 18th century pockets tied around their waist.]
0 notes
seacottons · 4 years
— christmas with ateez
notes: fluff, mildly suggestive dialogue.
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— park seonghwa
"But it's not fair! I gave you your present early!"
The male merely spun around, ignoring your whines as he adjusted the flickering lights over the fireplace. The wood crackled merrily in the fire and casted a brilliant orange glow onto the man's chiseled face.
"Yes, and I love it, but I never agreed that I'll give you your present early," he spoke as he jabbed the wood with the poker stick, sending bursts of sparks in the air, "Just be patient, love. Only a few more days."
"Okay, but," you grumbled as you sat crossed leg onto the couch, arms crossed and lukewarm coffee long forgotten on the table, "It still isn't fair."
With a sigh, your lover stands up to walk into the bedroom, before towering over you with a palm sized gift box. Taking the cover off, he dipped his hand inside, "Alright, fine. Since you won't stop acting like a baby, I guess it's only fair if I return the favor. You're going to love this," your eyes grew wide in anticipation as he simpered mostly to himself. He drew out his empty hand, only to shoot you a heart with his index finger and thumb. You guffawed momentarily, jaw dropping and heart sinking. Disappointment washed over you as he nearly doubled over with laughter.
"Park Seonghwa! You're not funny!"
You attempted to push his chest away with your fuzzy sock-clad feet, only for him to settle down in between your legs, hand propping his face up as he gazes at you in amusement. A mischievous glint sparkled in his orbs, one that you matched with a subtle glare.
"I was going to save this for Christmas, but you're so stubborn and insistent," reaching back, he pulled out a tiny, blue velvet box, hands working it open to reveal a ring, its brilliant, prismatic colors beaming against your shocked face as it caught the bright lights overhead, "I take it you know what this is for, right? I've been thinking about this for a while now, really, and I wanted to wait for the perfect opportunity to ask you, will you marry me?" His face fell instantly as tears streamed down your face, his brows knitting in worry as you broke down and wrapped your arms around his throat, nearly cutting off his air supply and circulation as you nodded aggressively against the column of his neck, voice hoarse and weak from the onslaught of overwhelming emotions, "Oh, you're such a big baby. My big baby."
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— kim hongjoong
The sound of spools and scissors clattering down onto the floor snapped you out of your train of thought.
"This is too hard," Hongjoong flops down onto the floor of the living room, a whine escaping his throat, "I give up. I can't make an ugly sweater!"
Numerous colors of thread, ribbons, felt, and pom-poms littered the floor. The sound of snipping pierced the silence, and you smiled as you finally cut out the shape of a snowman. "You're just too much of a perfectionist, baby," you smile as you reach down to fluff his hair, "It's not supposed to look good. That's the point."
"But I can't help it," he whined as he rolled over so that his head rests in your lap, "It needs to look good! Even if it is supposed to be ugly. It still should look decent."
Rolling your eyes playfully, you lean down to place a peck against the tip of his scrunched nose, "Relax, Joongie. Just have fun with it."
You munched on gingersnap biscuits as you amusedly watched him as he fringed the edge of a red ribbon for the cuffs of his sweater. His brows furrowed in concentration as he added more stitches and pieces of fabric scraps onto the emerald-green article of clothing. An hour passed and you grew tired, hands trembling while readjusting the thread on the spool. Hongjoong was still going at it, stubborn hands picking and taking away at decorations he had already added onto his sweater.
"Stop, it looks great like that," you nudged him playfully, a yawn escaping your mouth as you leaned your head against his side, "Hurry up and finish, Joong. I'm sleepy."
He contemplates momentarily, hesitant hands outstretched over his sweater on the floor. Dropping his hands in his lap, he glanced at you for a split second, hands reaching to brush the hair out of your face as your head nodded with drowsiness, "Alright. I'll take your word for it, baby. Now let's get you into bed before you sleep on the floor again."
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— jeong yunho
"Come on! The last store is closing in thirty minutes!"
The snow crunched beneath your boots as you pulled along your best friend through the numerous window shops. Lilac and blue shadows danced along the snow-covered sidewalk as shoppers briskly walked about in droves to shop for holiday gifts. Twinkling lights hung along eaves of the buildings, lampposts, as well as the bare trees in town. A variety of holiday songs can be heard throughout every turn, each shop displaying sparkling wreaths and flashing lights to beckon customers in.
Giant candy canes flanked the streets, leading to a monstrous sized evergreen tree in the center of town. Yunho's cheeks and nose flushed red from the cold, and despite trembling in his boots from the onslaught of sharp flurries beating against his face, he takes one look at your beaming expression and is instantly filled with a strange warmth that not even a crackling fireplace can provide.
He'll admit, maybe today wasn't the best day to get dragged by his best friend to go window shopping for all your mutual friends, but his soft spot for you prevented him from disagreeing. While you rambled on and on about how it would be cute to buy Jongho a muscly teddy bear and Mingi a sparkly crown, his mind drifted to when you stopped at a particular store and suddenly ceased your talking to gaze open-mouthed at a large snow globe filled with iridescent glitter, sparkling snowmen, and penguins. The afternoon sky was flecked with shining amber and pink clouds that illuminated your sparkly eyes, and the smell of cinnamon tea and roasting chestnuts filled the town's air.
He smiled to himself, already mentally preparing the gift wrap color and ribbon. Hopefully, this year his wrapping skills will improve. Maybe he'll just let Seonghwa help him out.
"Yunho, are you even paying attention to me!?"
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— kang yeosang
You woke up to an unusually bright light, brows furrowing and eyes scrunching shut. Peeking your head over your lover's sleeping frame you noted the piles of snow gathering against the window you decorated with silly, little window clings last night. Frost stretched into arabesque patterns on the glass window panes, the crystals glistening gold in the morning sunlight.
The second your foot grazed the icy tiles of your bedroom, you opted to remain in bed and steal some of Yeosang's body heat. Lifting his limp arm, you tucked yourself into his hold, face buried against his chest. The shift in movement stirred him from his slumber, and he sat up bleary-eyed and confused.
Peering down at your frame silently, he settled back against the bed, tugging you closer and placing multiple pecks onto the crown of your head. Mornings like these were your favorite. You loved to cling onto your lover like second skin as the two of you slept soundlessly. He was always so, so warm and soft, and his embrace always felt like home.
The extra hours of sleep felt like mere minutes, and by the time you peeled your eyes open for the second time, Yeosang was no longer in the center of the bed spooning you. Sitting up with a deep inhale, you grimaced at the glistening snow outside, the icy wind howling and sending tuffs of ice scattering about. The sound of padded footsteps caught your attention, and you were suddenly overwhelmed with the scent of cocoa.
Yeosang stood in the doorway with an unamused expression, two steaming mugs of hot chocolate in hand and chocolate stains on his beige, fleece sweater, "Oh good, you're awake. You slept like a rock while I nearly set the kitchen on fire."
"What did you do.." you mumbled, fists reaching up to rub at your eyes, "Should I even ask?"
You're suddenly aware of the faint smell of something burnt in the air and the thin haze of smoke lingering throughout your apartment.
"Don't worry," he mused as he handed you the red mug of hot chocolate, your eyes instantly drawn to the dollop of cream and marshmallows floating on the surface. He settled onto the bed beside you, leaning in to give you a chocolate-stained kiss, "We needed a new microwave anyway."
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— choi san
"See, your shower wasn't that bad," you cooed gently as you swaddled your boyfriend's cat, Byeol, in a fluffy blanket, carrying her out to the living room. You bumped into a hard chest, Byeol instantly taking the opportunity to dive out of your arms to scurry away. Snapping your head up, you were met with a smirking, cardigan-clad San who leaned against the doorframe.
You dropped your gaze to the dangling mistletoe in his hands, scoffing playfully at the sight. Throughout your entire apartment, mistletoes hung from every doorframe and corner with San's stubborn insistence. Leaning forward, you cupped his dimpled cheeks bringing him in closer to slot your lips against his own in a chaste kiss.
"I told you, you don't need a mistletoe to ask me for a kiss," you murmured against his mouth as he placed numerous pecks onto your glossed lips. Pulling you taut against his chest, he burrows his head into the crook of your neck, and you feel his lips twitch up into a knowing smile.
"But I've been getting more kisses thanks to all the mistletoes," he laughed against your skin, arms coiling tightly around your frame, his hands fondling your rear, "Even more than Byeol. So, I think I might just keep them hung up even after-"
The sound of glass shattering startled him, his frame jolting up instantly, eyes wide as saucers.
"That better not be my new snow globe."
Peeling himself from your hold, San scrambled to the bedroom, the sounds of his cries reverberating throughout the apartment. Reaching down to pick up the forgotten mistletoe, you laugh as he scolded Byeol, who in return dashed out of the room without a care in the world.
San stood in the doorway with a broken snow globe in hand, a pout eminent on his features, "I'm giving Byeol coal for Christmas," he spat angrily as you walked over to him, eyes rolling and hands working on unbuttoning the cardigan he had on to continue what he had previously started, "I knew she should've been on Santa's naughty list."
He suddenly ceases his rant, peering at you with a questioning gaze.
You raised your arm high in the air, and the mass of green dangled in front of San's curious face. His eyes flickered from the mistletoe to your face repeatedly, before his crestfallen expression morphs into one of mischief, "And you are most definitely on San's naughty list."
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— song mingi
Mingi lets out a loud shriek as the roof of his gingerbread house topples over into a mess of frosting and gummy treats. Peeking over from your side of the table, you nearly laugh at the sight of him apologizing to the fallen gummy bears smeared with excess frosting, "Ming-Ming, try adding more frosting! It'll help."
"This is a lot harder than it looks!" he complained as he delicately squeezed a line of vanilla icing onto the edges of the cookie, "I nearly killed the gummy bear family. My hands are just too big and clumsy-"
He squeezed his eyes shut as he once again placed the remaining piece of gingerbread cookie onto the house, one eye peeking open to stare in awe at the stabilized cookie house. His eyes glimmered with joy, mouth stretching wide into a contagious grin as he silently points at his creation in fear that his voice will send it crashing down for a second time that night.
Mingi's gingerbread house was cute, you'll give him that. Smears of frosting stained the sides and the roof, and excess frosting dripped from the seams connecting all the pieces together. His hands scrambled to pick out the first of his decorations.
"Let's see," he hummed in satisfaction, "Baby, help me out. Peppermint candies or gum drops for the wreath on the door?"
"I don't think your gummy bear family will approve of their kind being used as a wreath," you giggled, your sock-clad feet intertwining between his legs underneath the table as you reached into the bowl of treats to plop a few in your mouth, "Pass me the red icing, please."
"You're absolutely right," he says in a matter of factly, eyes wide and curious as he squeezes dollops of icing onto the sides of the gingerbread house, "The gum drops will be the flowers around the house. Y'know, just like Spongebob's house?"
When he wasn't met with a reply, he peers up curiously, mouth dropping instantly with a loud gasp, "No! Stop! Don't eat the gingerbread men! I need those!"
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— jung wooyoung
Crouching down, you admired the way the frost glistened in the sunlight, your fingers reaching forward to trace the arabesque patterns on the tree trunks and leaves. A flying mass of white flung over your head and onto the tree bark, another hitting you square on your bum. A high-pitched scream rung out almost immediately from your throat, your frame stumbling onto the snow littered ground.
You whipped your head back at the source of laughter from behind you, and your eyes instantly squint in aggravation at the cackling male behind you. Wisps of ebony locks peek out from his red beanie, framing his amused face and cheeky grin. He trudged towards the snowmen you two built ( the same one with the goofy, crooked smile he insisted looked like you ) and struck a pose on one leg, arms stretched high to form a heart as he winked at you, his long, lilac shadow stretching onto the expanse of soft snow.
"Baby, haven't I taught you to never turn your back on your enem-" He startled as a tiny golf-sized snowball slammed and crumbled onto his nose. Brushing off the snow and clenching his jaw, he then released a huff through his nose and whined, boot-clad feet stomping into the snow, "Ah! I was being cute for you! Don't ruin my moment!"
His nose grew considerably more flushed from the impact of snow, and he drew back, threatened, when you stomped your way towards him, a sheepish smile finding its way onto his features. Attempting to assert dominance, he cleared his throat, eyes smoldering as he leaned in close towards your face with a faint smirk, "It's okay to be a sore loser, you know?" Reaching down, he pats your bum free of the remaining snow, snickering to himself when you slap his hands away, before releasing a loud cry of surprise when you push him back to land on the smaller of the two snowmen.
"No!" he whined instantly, "Baby! You made me crush your twin." He scrambled up to assess the damage as you cackled beside him, his eyes practically slits as he pulled you in by your scarf, "That's what you're going to look like too, after I'm done with you."
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— choi jongho
This year, your boyfriend disagreed to all your attempts to buy a faux tree for your living room, and instead flaunted his strength as he single-handedly chopped one down and dragged it to his car. The pungent smell of cedar was overwhelming in your tiny apartment, but you thought it was well worth the trip to see Jongho so proud and satisfied with himself for doing all the hard work with no aid.
He carefully stood on a stool as he wrapped golden tinsel around the tree, his brows furrowed on concentration, "Tell me if it's crooked, baby," he crouched down as he reached the end, hand outstretched in a silent gesture for the scissors. You placed the box of hand painted ornaments and ribbons down, hands reaching in to grab at a few, only to be stopped by Jongho, "No, no. It's okay, I can do it. Don't worry, love."
"But I want to-"
"Ssh," he places a finger to your pouting lips and stops your futile attempt to persuade him, "Let Macho Jongho do all of the work, princess."
Crossing your arms with a roll of your eyes, you watched him tie multiple bows of ribbon along the edges of the tree. Jongho always regarded you like delicate glass, never allowing you to do any tiresome work if he was around. In the beginning, it was quite endearing, but moments like these you wanted to pull on his ear and demand him to accept your help. Besides, decorating the Christmas tree was the highlight of the entire holiday.
A muffled cuss caught your attention, and you perked your head up to gaze at the frustrated male across the room. You watched as he struggled with the fairy lights, the thin metal coiling around his arms and fingers, "Babe," he called out in defeat, "I need help."
"I thought you'd never ask."
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lovingmyselfcore · 3 years
(and it dies) a million little times
Part 1 of 2:
For you I would ruin myself
I have to post something so I still feel like I'm accomplishing things while I write (what was going to just be the other half of this) the second part of this. And also while I wait for inspiration so strike for Protect You or Skate Into My Heart because I promise I haven't given up but I have commITMENT ISSUES LEAVE ME ALONE
ANYWAY this is for@the-love-yourself-journal (or I guess @perseusjackson-jasongrace) who is the literal queen of Jercy idc. She got me to ship them in the first place so thanks babe
Ps Percy isn't white because canon Percy isn't white fight me
It felt wrong, hiding such a secret from her. He and Annabeth had always been honest with each other, it was why they had been drawn together from the moment they met.
She was definitely the best marriage option he had seen. Despite that, despite being able to converse with each other in a way that most married couples they knew could not, there was something missing.
When he’d met the blonde-haired boy, he realized what it was.
Percy had struggled his entire life with this. This sickness. It had always been drilled into his mind that people experiencing what he was experiencing was wrong, sinful, in fact. So he never spoke of it. Never spoke of being attracted more to the boy next door than the girl. Never spoke of the fact that aside from his wedding night, years ago, he’d never had sex. He couldn’t. Not with her. Not with any her.
Laughing blue eyes, annoyingly perfect teeth.
He couldn’t tell her. At best, she’d laugh, then ignore it. At worst, she’d tell everyone, and he couldn’t imagine what would happen to him then.
A horrific death on the street, most likely, followed by a long, agonizing stay in Hell for his sins.
A small, faded scar on his upper lip from his childhood.
Percy was sitting at his desk in his office, pretending to work while actually waiting for him to appear. As always before he actually showed up, Percy’s mind ran rampant. His own brain spat insults at him, his gut twisted at what he was doing. What he was doing to Annabeth. His heart screamed at him for not being able to stop himself, from not fighting harder to go back to being in love with Annabeth, despite knowing he’d never been. His soul longed for its other half.
The way his nose would scrunch when he laughed, the laugh only Percy could draw out of him.
Percy shifted in his chair. His tie was too tight around his neck, he was going to suffocate. Maybe he should. The clock continued ticking, as it always did.
The feel of his hands, on his face, his hips, his back.
“He is here to see you, Mr. Jackson.”
“Send him in.” Voice professional, practiced, despite the lurch in his gut. His brain, his heart, his soul all screamed louder, arguing their own points. Waging their violent war within him.
As always, the sight of him quieted them all.
Percy stood, adjusting his tie, and made his way over to the man leaning against his now closed door. His throat bobbed as Percy approached.
Percy lifted a hand and traced that scar, his voice barely above total silence, “I’ve missed you.”
Jason Grace’s breath was hot on his hand. His voice matched Percy’s, “You will be my ruination.”
“You are already mine.” Then Percy lunged forward, capturing his lips.
Looks like his soul had won this one. Again.
Piper McLean fidgeted uncomfortably with the hem of her skirt. She’d ruined many perfectly good skirts like this. Sitting. Waiting.
“Sooner or later you’re going to completely unravel one of those.” Piper looked up and was met with gray eyes. The same gray eyes that had been staring at her all day. She’d been staring right back.
“The children’s break is short,” Piper murmured back, standing from her stool.
“Indeed,” Annabeth replied, moving forward to take Piper’s hands.
“What are we doing?” Piper’s voice was hoarse, scratchy. “We have husbands.”
“Indeed.” Was all Annabeth said again, her grip on Piper’s hands tightening.
“I love Jason,” Piper said, mostly to herself.
Annabeth’s lips pursed, “I love Percy.” She took another step forward, Piper was almost completely pressed against her teaching desk. She dropped Piper’s hands to cup her face, and Piper’s eyes fluttered closed in response. “But not like I love you.”
Piper opened her eyes, “We are going to destroy each other.”
“I would gladly destroy myself for you, moya solnishka.”
“Don’t you feel bad?” The distress in Piper’s voice forced Annabeth to pull back. Her eyes held a level of concern that made Piper’s breath catch.
“I do,” She conceded after a moment of silence, “For lying to Percy. For lying to everyone in my life. For having to hide you. For having to hide us. But I do not feel bad for loving you.” Her voice held a note of desperation, she was begging Piper to understand. “Do you?”
Piper didn’t respond for a beat too long, Annabeth pulled further away, her face flushed.
Their time was up, the laughter of the children echoed through the schoolhouse as they returned.
“I’m sorry,” Piper said.
Annabeth shook her head, “No, Piper. I’m sorry.” Her eyes were miserable, “Forgive me.”
For what? Piper tried to ask but the lump in her throat stopped her.
“I have ruined you,” Annabeth said simply. “I am forcing you to go along with my sins.” Her back was straight, her face was empty, but Piper could see how hard she was fighting to keep it that way.
Piper shook her head but Annabeth didn’t see it, she was walking out of the door already.
Oh, gods. What had she done?
“How was your day?” Jason asked his tone the same forced lightness it had been for months.
“It was good! Nothing out of the ordinary.” Her tone was the same.
Jason nodded from his seat at the couch, “Good. That’s very good.”
“What about you?” Piper’s hands were shaking as she laid the plates on the table.
“My day was the same,” Jason said as he slid into a chair at the table.
Piper looked at him for a long moment and came to a decision.
“Jason?” She asked, clutching her fork tightly.
“Yes?” He looked up from his plate.
“I would like to visit a friend after dinner.”
Jason nodded, “Of course. I’ll invite over one of my coworkers while you’re gone.”
As they resumed their meal, they seemed lighter than they had all evening.
Piper knew she couldn’t very well just appear on Annabeth’s doorstep, so after she washed the evening dishes she called her.
Her fingers were heavy as she slid the ring to dial the numbers she had long ago memorized.
Piper’s hopes were answered when Annabeth was the one to pick up the phone.
“Annabeth,” She was breathless. “I-” She remembered Jason and her voice dropped low, “I need to see you.”
Annabeth was speechless and Piper wished she could see her face, “May I see you?”
Annabeth’s voice was just as low with an edge Piper couldn’t name, “Yes. Yes. Meet me.”
She didn’t have to say where. Piper knew. The place they’d always meet at. That secret place, filled with their sin. Their secrets. Their agonized love.
Piper hurriedly stuck the phone back in its place and pulled her coat over her shoulders. She kissed Jason on the cheek and was out the front door before he could respond.
Jason sat, bouncing his leg until Piper had been gone for long enough. (It may not have even been long enough, it was just until he could not wait any longer.)
He raced to the phone and dialed the number engraved on his heart.
“Hello?” Percy asked. Thank god. Jason hadn’t thought of a decent excuse to give Annabeth if she’d been the one to answer.
“Can you get away tonight?” Jason asked.
Percy waited for a beat, as if in thought, before responding. “Yes, I can.”
Jason smiled, “Piper is out for the evening. You could come here.”
“I’m on my way.” Jason laughed at how quickly the words fell out of his mouth and the hurried click signifying he hung up.
Annabeth trailed her lips up the column of Piper’s throat, and breathed deeply through her nose, “Is that a new perfume?” They were in their spot, a dark, shadowy corner in between two factories, hidden away from the rest of the world.
Piper dug her fingers into Annabeth’s shoulders, “Yes,” She knew what Annabeth wanted to ask, but knew she wasn’t going to put Piper in that place. “It’s for you.”
Annabeth froze and pulled an inch away from her spot on Piper’s jaw. “It smells good,” Her voice was hoarse and she resumed her ministrations along Piper’s jawline.
“Annabeth, about this morning-” Annabeth cut her off, shaking her head.
“No. It’s alright, sweetheart. You don’t need to apologize for your feelings, ever.”
“The rest of society would disagree.”
Annabeth understood her meaning and ducked her head to hide her face. “How long can we keep doing this?” Desperation.
“I don’t know,” Piper wrapped her arms around the other girl’s shoulders and pulled her flush against her.
Piper breathed deeply, feeling the warmth of Annabeth’s body, a stark contrast to the metal of the factory wall at her back. “All we can do is live in the moment.” Piper pulled Annabeth’s face away from her neck. “Damn the rest to hell.”
Annabeth nodded, “Damn the rest to hell.” Then they were kissing again.
When the doorbell rang Jason raced to answer it, feeling like an excited puppy.
Percy was leaning against one of the pillars on the porch. He was beautiful; Jason had yet to see a time where he wasn’t. Shining green eyes, so painfully alive, that black hair Jason knew he frequently fought with to make it ‘work appropriate’. The lean, toned body that Jason often found himself staring at, or thinking of.
Percy was surveying the neighborhood, the picture of unruffled aside from the tightness in his lips. When he heard Jason open the door, that tightness vanished, replaced instead by the grin that Jason had fallen in love with in the first place.
Whoa. Reel that back in. Calm down, Grace. No love here. Just a drug that always gave him the high he needed. No love. That makes it too serious. This is harmless fun. Well, not harmless.
“Jason?” Percy interrupted his spiral and Jason realized he’d been staring silently, that he hadn’t let Percy inside.
He shook his head, “Sorry.” He stepped back, opening the door wider. Percy walked in and threw himself on the couch, looking perfectly content and at home. As if what they were doing wouldn’t result in pain, physical and emotional.
He could always go back, he reminded himself. There was always an out. He was addicted to the poison that was Percy Jackson, but he could always escape.
The click of the door closing was a death sentence.
He could always get out, right?
It had been a few days since Annabeth and Piper had seen each other, the two women were teachers at the same school, yet they always seemed to miss each other. In the hallways, the break room, before and after classes, they could never catch more than fleeting glances and the swish of hair and hips around a corner. Annabeth was determined to change this.
She saw a flash of brown hair that she immediately registered as Piper, glancing at the clock to make sure she had enough time before her students were expecting her, she nearly sprinted after the other girl.
Piper was leaning against the wall when Annabeth found her, grinning. Her eyes, shards of multicolored glass Annabeth always found herself drowning in, were glittering in the harsh light. Annabeth stalked closer and Piper’s grin didn’t fade.
“Oh no,” She drawled, leaning enough to rest a hand in the curve of Annabeth’s waist, attempting to tug her forward. “You caught me.” Annabeth couldn’t resist Piper’s smile and met it with her own, the smile she only gave Piper. “What will I, this poor damsel, do?”
This was risky. This was really fucking risky. They were basically out in the open, where another teacher or staff member or even the students could easily find them.
Piper reached up and drew the pad of her finger against that crease in Annabeth’s brow and Annabeth knew she was done for. Piper smiled, this one soft and adoring, and Annabeth melted through the floor.
Annabeth gave up on trying to stay as unaffected as possible, pressing her lips to Piper’s. Piper pressed herself closer as if she was trying to mold them into one person. The soft, smooth contours of Piper against Annabeth’s sharp, hard edges of Annabeth was like some kind of poetry. It was probably a metaphor about who they were as people, blah blah blah. She didn’t have time to think about damn metaphors. Not while Piper was here, kissing her like she actually wanted this. Like she’d do anything to keep this. Annabeth knew it wasn’t true, knew Piper wouldn’t ruin her life for this. (She didn’t blame her, but it was nice to pretend sometimes)
Piper smiled into the kiss and mumbled, “This is nothing like how the fairytales normally go.” Annabeth let out a surprised laugh.
Piper pulled away, staring unflinchingly into Annabeth’s eyes, the storms she was responsible for keeping at bay. “Gods,” She turned her head and Annabeth had no idea where this was going with this. “This is better than any of those fairy tales.” Then she moved, winding her hands into Annabeth’s hair, and kissed her again.
Gods, she’d fallen for this girl. She had no idea when it had happened. Maybe 30 seconds ago, maybe the first time they’d met, three years ago. Maybe it was when Percy was on business trips, which meant that Annabeth could work without anyone to make her sleep, eat or anything ‘healthy’ and Piper would come over. Make her take breaks from her work. Listen to Annabeth rant about things she knew she didn’t understand. Annabeth had so many plans, to escape this hell town, fight for her rights, build something permanent somewhere she loves with someone she loves and be unafraid to live. She also had even more impossible dreams; to build something. Piper humored her, always listened to her, attention never wavering. It was more than Annabeth could ever ask for.
She was more than Annabeth could ever ask for.
Annabeth pulled away, telling her as much and something flashed in those kaleidoscope eyes but she didn’t respond.
“Piper?” Hazel’s voice echoed into the hallway they were in. Piper leaped off of her, hurrying to straighten herself.
Hazel rounded the corner right as Piper and Annabeth had gotten themselves together.
The woman smiled at them and looked at Piper when she spoke, “Leo needs to see you,” Piper opened her mouth but Hazel cut her off, “I have no idea why.”
"Okay, thanks," Piper said, definitely too out of breath for it to be anything but suspicious. Piper hesitated a second longer, fighting to not look back at Annabeth but finally, she walked off.
Annabeth smiled awkwardly at Hazel and the other girl grinned but it quickly turned somber, "I don't know what you're doing, Annabeth." She shook her head, "I don't want to know. But I want you to know this," She stepped forward and clasped the other girl's hands in hers. "I care about you. I care about Piper. Be careful, please." Her wide gold eyes were begging, "Be careful, Annabeth."
"I'm trying," Annabeth tried to say but it came out a choked whisper. "I'm trying."
Hazel nodded and leaned forward so they were touching foreheads. "I'm scared for you."
Annabeth wanted to reassure her, but the words got caught in her throat. They both knew Annabeth couldn't promise anything.
Percy was staring at Jason.
This wasn't a rare occurrence, the opposite, actually. Percy could often be found staring at Jason.
But there was something about Jason Grace under the moon and her stars that was absolutely breathtaking.
His head was tilted back, eyes closed, breathing deeply, a small smile on his lips. The starlight seemed to wrap around him, shielding him from the world, announcing him as one of them. His blonde hair was damp from their earlier shower and the moonlight danced through the silky strands. Gods, Percy thought, taking him in, he's ethereal.
He was leaning back on his hands, ankles crossed over the edge of his porch.
They were in Jason's backyard, sharing a smoke; Percy took a long drag, trying to ground himself. Piper would surely be back soon, he didn't have much longer. He needed to come back to earth and distance himself from the star that was Jason Grace.
When Jason's eyes fluttered open and he turned those crystal-blue masterpieces on him, his smile growing into something wide and soft and fond, Percy knew he was done for. Fuck coming back to earth.
Jason reached over, and plucked the cigarette from between Percy's lips, and brought it to his own. He leaned back to stare at the sky again and Percy leaned sideways until his head was pillowed in Jason's lap.
Jason kept one hand on the deck to prop himself up and ground the cigarette out, dropping it to comb his free hand through Percy's hair.
"We should leave," Percy said suddenly, breaking the peaceful silence.
Jason's hand stilled briefly. "What?"
"Leave town, together."
"Where would we go?" He didn't sound angry (thank the gods), he kept his voice soft, but Percy could hear that note of disbelief.
"Anywhere," Percy replied and Jason huffed a laugh above him.
"That's not much of a plan. Besides, we have lives here."
"You're all I need," Percy said, way too sincerely, tracing a pattern on Jason's knee with his index finger.
Jason's hand stilled again and Percy cursed himself and everything that existed to make him say that. Now I've scared him away, Percy thought bitterly and got off Jason's lap.
Jason was staring at him with a look Percy couldn't decipher, his lips parted slightly. Percy wanted to kiss him; this wasn't the time to kiss him. Keep it together.
"Jason!" Piper's voice carried out the back door and wrapped around the two of them like a vice.
Jason went considerably pale and Percy stood up. "I'll see you whenever I see you?" Percy said.
Jason just nodded, still staring at him.
Percy opened the backdoor and stepped inside, saying a brief 'hello' and 'goodbye' to Piper before finally making it back to his car.
He slammed his hands on the hood and cursed, "Stupid, Jackson. That was stupid." he opened the car door with considerably more force than necessary and sat down heavily. "Fucking idiot." And now he had to go home to Annabeth and pretend nothing was wrong. Great.
It started with the notes. Sticky notes with slurs scrawled on them (against his race, his orientation, anything they could get a hand on), in horrible handwriting, stuck to his desk at work. Jason didn't mention any, but when he took his coat off and draped it on Percy's couch, one fell out, crumpled as if Jason had furiously shoved it in his pocket.
Percy had picked it up, saw what was written there, and knew that this wasn't a coincidence. Someone knew. Someone knew about them and wasn't very happy about it.
He'd briefly wondered if it was Annabeth, but no, she didn't seem to be angry at him or disgusted, but she had been colder lately. When the notes started appearing in places that weren't as public as his desk, Percy got more concerned.
He still hadn't talked to Jason about it; the notes and what had transpired on Jason's porch either.
They'd elevated too. Notes in his car, calling him a disgrace to his family and god. But Percy wasn't as worried as he probably should've been. After all, this person was hiding behind ink and paper, if they had something to say, they could do it to his face.
But when they started threatening him, Percy finally spoke to Jason about it.
"Have you been getting notes?" He asked.
Jason was sprawled on Percy's bed, sans shirt, arm thrown over his eyes as if shielding him from the light.
Percy himself was sprawled next to Jason, head on his chest, legs twined together.
Jason peered down at him, blinking wearily. His glasses were sitting on the side table. "What?"
"Notes," Percy said as if this explained everything. "That are calling you-" He swallowed and Jason's eyes tracked the movement.
"Yeah," Jason said finally. "I haven't been too concerned." A lie. If Percy knew Jason at all (and he did) the other boy had been worrying himself to death over this, afraid to tell anybody, panicking and overthinking alone. The thought made Percy's chest ache.
"I wasn't going to mention it," Jason said.
"Me either, but this recent one," He trailed off, already doubting if he should be worrying Jason over this. But it did technically involve him.
Percy pushed off of Jason and the other boy made a whining noise in the back of his throat. Percy grinned as Jason flushed in embarrassment.
Percy pulled the crumpled note out of his discarded jacket and read aloud to Jason, who was still on the bed, "I know all about your illicit affairs-"
"Oh, how proper."
Percy snorted, "Tell me about it." He cleared his throat, "Anyway. -with Jason Grace." Jason stiffened. They knew his name. "If you don't do what I want I will tell Annabeth and Piper all about it. And maybe more than just the two of them, too.”
“Mhmm. And we believe them?”
“I’m not sure,” Percy said tossing the note onto the nightstand and belly-flopping onto the bed next to Jason.
“If you did, you wouldn’t be here,” Jason said, practically.
“And how do you know that?”
“Because I know you.”
Percy smiled, "Yeah, I guess you do."
Jason smiled back, only for a few seconds before his face fell; Percy felt his heart jump to his throat. "What are we going to do?"
"You already have an idea," Percy said, staring at him.
"You're not going to like it."
Percy sighed, "Let's hear it."
"We can't see each other."
Percy shot to his feet. "No! I'm not letting some heathen," He pointed angrily at the note. "Bully me into staying away from the man I love."
Jason went deathly still and Percy's brain finally caught up to what just happened.
"'Man you love'?" His voice was quiet and Percy didn't know how to read that.
"Yeah," Percy whispered. "Yes."
Jason wasn't looking at him and every second that passed, Percy felt his heart chipping away.
"I-" Jason swallowed and wet his lips. "I love you." His voice was hushed as if he was scared to be heard.
Percy stared at him for a beat of bated breath before lunging at him. Jason laughed as his back collided with the mattress.
Jason held Percy's face in his hands and looked him over, drinking everything in before kissing him.
The notes could wait.
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Head Hunting Firms - The Biggest Lie In Head hunting Firms
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Headhunting Firms - Are Executive Recruiters Worth Your Spare Time?
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Head Hunting Companies - Perfman Hr: Job-Hunting? - The Best Story Always Wins
The challenge today usually keep your job and make yourself indispensable. Is such a thing possible there is a volatile economy? The answer is yes surely. But a person are do around that, at this particular time for are still employed happen to be in the driver seat.
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Head Hunting Company - Boost Your Head hunting Firms With These Tips
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Head Hunting Agencies - The Lazy Man's Guide To Head hunting Firms
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I can think 1 exception, on the other hand. It's a client of mine from the U.K., they will are a rarity.
Was Jack Canfield lucky with his Chicken Soup for the Soul school books? No, I assume so. Jack contacted 144 publishers along with idea for Chicken Soup for the Soul before someone gave him a chance. He heard comments like, "The title is gullible." "Nobody is going to buy alot of stories," Etc. Where do believe Jack would be if he had stopped after contacting 100 publishers? Jack had function with very tough to get that lucky. 
In this profession, people are usually acquired launching any search techniques. Two types of models are contained in executive search firms. The particular retained search and contingency search. In retained type of search, a retainer is paid about 33 % of the fee. Other two areas of fee are paid after thirty and sixty events of launch. These companies can also pay full fee at some point or ahead of the work start, but the hired person is legally restricted by complete the search process and its launch even with getting the full fee. In contingency search process, all of the fee to your hired body's paid for the job is done and implemented. On the contingency search, a hired person has more positive factors. Firm can pay the personal dues of an employee also in case of contingency search type. 
There are exceptions; some headhunters have such good long term relations using clients that they can say ' trust me you need to see this patient. they will be a fine.' but they can only state that confidently should they have met somebody. And they won't waste their time meeting you if you meet a selection of their criteria in a spectacular system. So you're back to the fact that you needs to be a real near match to their specification or have a sensational achievement in at least one part of the specification. 
Consider have a wfi connection. How can you be happy where you are? Can you enjoy your career goals own atttained? What about continuing to operate hard enough to equipment current position relative to the rest of the planet and to earn your pay? Do you really want or need become king with the mountain take pleasure in career riches?
 Author Name: Shreya Mehta
Address:- 104 Esplanade ave 120, 
                  Pacifica, CA
Mobile No:- +1 917-668-8461
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