#i'm iffy on number 2 ben
alirhi · 2 years
I really just need an entire season of TUA that's nothing but Klaus and Five getting each other into and out of random hijinx. Every time they interact it's like a dose of pure serotonin flooding my brain
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Fucking ow
OK so some of you recall me asking for boot recommendations.
I bought Keen's. I bought super custom insoles for them. I still had foot pain.
I gave in and went to the work clinic today.
I have plantar fasciitis in both feet and Achilles tendinitis in the right foot.
I got my script for the prednisone filled at the clinic for free. Then I went to work for 8 hours. The NFL can kiss my very firm, miserable white ass. I go in hurt. I go home hurt. I can only get 8 pain pills at a time for the 10 day script. I'll play the full 8 tomorrow and 10 Saturday and I won't make millions complaining.
That said my stats:
Weight, in full work gear: 215 lbs.
Weight minus work gear: 207 lbs.
BP: 1st time was 86/50, 2nd try was 91/60.
Pulse: 41-43 depending on if I was talking or not.
O2: 100%
Body fat by the scale was estimated at 28%.
As I was only being seen for my feet I wasn't taped.
So my own measurements.
Wrists: left - 7.25"; right - 7.125"
Forearms: left - 8"; right - 8.625"
Upper arm resting: left - 13"; right - 14.5" (I'm not sure this is right, I have limited dex in my left hand right now so accuracy is iffy at that angle.
Chest (around boobs): 46" [this has gone up due to increased muscle mass in my upper back, but upper chest has decreased by 6"
Waist: 40"
Hips: 48"
Quads: 3" above the knee and 6" above the knee left - 24", 27"; right - 22", 27" (there's scar tissue and differences in tracking of my left patella due to quad reconstruction a decade ago - was told I'd never see south of 32" at 6 aotk on the left...they were wrong)
Calves: left - 15", right - 16.25" (right is swollen because of the lower foot issues, they're normally nearly exact.)
Ankles - again both swollen but left is 9" right is 10"
Still"severely overweight by any chart you go by, but the rear doesn't lie.
When I started trying to be healthier in 2015 I was 280#. My waist was 52". My quads were 32". My chest was 54". My bp was anywhere from 70/40 to 110/60. My pulse was always 75+. My O2 was seldom over 96%.
I was wearing men's big&tall jeans at 54" waist. I was in a men's 5x T-shirt.
I still take a 2x work shirt because I have broad shoulders. And I like them longer.
But mundanes I bought a men's large T-shirt last week, it's a perfect fit.
Current diet is: make myself get to 2500 (at least of the 3500 calories I'm burning daily) some days I fail at getting to 2000 let alone 2500, 3000 or 3500.
I drink water, Gatorade and tea like it's going out of style. Because I can drain 2 gallons of fluids in a night at work.
And the nurse put me on prednisone... So I'll lose more weight and have no appetite for 10 days. (Abnormal outlier) I average 25-3ps loss during or after prednisone.
So.. Yeah. I made the nurse very happy that she didn't get to counsel me on bp, pulse, or weight. In fact with the stress she's surprised my pulse and things weren't higher.
I do my job as best I can, on unreliable equipment, managed by a forgetful supervisor and I, the still noon know more than any full-fledged set up tech on my shift about my line. I have consistently bettered numbers than 1st or 3rd shift and I AM the girl and I am the only shift without help on my lines.
I run 3 lines. Solo. Sometimes I run great, some nights I eek out what I get. Some days I make the maintenance guys blood pressure rise,some nights I get Wade to laugh. Tonight sucked. Feet hurt. Lines struggled to run smooth. It started out like that. It ended with me gifting 7 parts to 3rd on line 3 because 0 runtime looks better than -2 minutes.
I did it though. I'll do it again tomorrow and Saturday. And a week from now, I'll get Ben here with me. And maybe by then my feet won't hate me quite so much.
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