#idaho 7
auraeseer · 1 year
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Or any other time she wants . . .
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creaturefeaster · 1 year
What’s the farthest you’ve traveled out of your hometown? My sis is currently on her way to Washington D.C for a field trip, we live in Ohio and from here it’s about a 9 hour drive
A few different directions. I live in the very NW parts of Washington State, and I've been down to Arizona a few times in my life-- about 22-24 hours worth of driving. That's probably the furthest distance-wise I've been. (Although I also used to live in Texas, I am taking this question in relation to where I live currently.)
I've been pretty high up into B.C. (Canada) a few times as well, and into the islands too where ferrying can take quite a few hours.
Oh! And in about a month, I will be visiting two states I've never been to before-- Into Montana and Wyoming to visit family. Really excited to go through the Rockies, I've only ever seen them from a distance in Idaho. This will be the second longest distance traveled for me, as it takes about 16-17 hours to get to our Wyoming destination.
I probably elaborated a little more than you asked for, but I really love traveling!
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piedoesnotequalpi · 11 months
ok for the au thing !! i got Western AU and Dark AU !!
Thank you for the ask! I got distracted talking to my partner!
Anyway a bunch of this is yoinked from a book series I never finished due to it being a bit too politically conservative for my tastes (specifically the book Nowhere to Run) and I also spent far too much time browsing Wikipedia for locations. Not sure if this is what is meant by "dark AU" but it's late at night so
TW for some mild gore and death
Carbon County (MT; there's also one in Wyoming) game warden Jack Kelly was reassigned to temporarily work in Granite County, MT and he's finally almost due to go back to his normal post in Red Lodge. He'd left it in good hands--the Stillwater County game warden (Finch) and county sheriff (Charlie) have most of his duties covered and give him near-daily updates. But he'd rather be back in Red Lodge, where he knows most of the people and their habits and can use his friendship with Katherine, the editor-in-chief of the local newspaper, as an excuse to stop by the office and flirt with one of the staff writers.
However! The week before he's supposed to leave, he starts getting reports of disappearances and campsites being attacked and mysteriously murdered wildlife in Lolo National Forest, so he very reluctantly goes in to investigate. He has a penchant for getting caught up in far more murder mysteries than any self-respecting game warden should, so he's resigned himself to dealing with this nonsense yet again. On the other hand, despite the looming threat of who (or what) ever's behind all this, it is kind of nice to be out camping in the woods.
Jack had made plans with Sean Conlon, the game warden from the neighboring county, to separately make their way through the national forest (both on horseback) and meet somewhere in the middle, with the goal of covering more ground and hopefully finding more information about whatever's going on. But he's struggling to get a hold of Sean, so he resigns himself to investigating alone--he hasn't run into anyone so far--even though part of him knows he should turn back.
The day he decides to turn around, he finally finds Sean, accompanied by a backpacker with a mischievous smile who won't give his real name.
"I've been looking for you everywhere," Sean says. "We have murders to prevent."
"I've been helping," the backpacker says. "We have murders to prevent."
Jack is skeptical of the backpacker, but he's annoyingly charming and Sean seems to trust him, so what else is he supposed to do? They start investigating together, and the backpacker, who still won't give them a name beyond "Racer" and won't say where he's from beyond the UP ("What's that? The Union Pacific?" it's the Upper Peninsula of Michigan but Jack and Sean haven't paid enough attention to Michigan to realize that), brings them to a campsite, where they find a whole bunch of dead elk and also the bodies of a couple of the people who have gone missing. There aren't a ton of clues, but it's the first new information they've gotten the whole time, so they're feeling a little better about the whole thing. Being game wardens, they're used to seeing dead animals, but the decomposing human bodies are a little (a lot) unsettling.
The problem is, when they try to signal the local authorities with the location of the campsite, their radios keep running into technical difficulties. Racer seems unbothered by the whole thing, weirdly, but they decide to note the coordinates as best they can, keep going, and see if they can find anything else.
The thing is, Jack and Sean have been feeling the effects of all this time outside--they're getting sunburnt, they have scrapes everywhere, and they're definitely going to need a shower when they get back. After they find the campsite, they start to notice that Racer is as pale and clean and un-scratched as he was when they first met. And now that they think of it, they haven't seen him eat or drink anything the whole time he's been traveling with them...
And now they're in the middle of nowhere together, with malfunctioning communication gear, and it's been a week since they entered the national forest, and they haven't encountered any other living humans during that time.
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liberaljane · 3 months
Women's Not So Distant History
This #WomensHistoryMonth, let's not forget how many of our rights were only won in recent decades, and weren’t acquired by asking nicely and waiting. We need to fight for our rights. Here's are a few examples:
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📍 Before 1974's Fair Credit Opportunity Act made it illegal for financial institutions to discriminate against applicants' gender, banks could refuse women a credit card. Women won the right to open a bank account in the 1960s, but many banks still refused without a husband’s signature. This allowed men to continue to have control over women’s bank accounts. Unmarried women were often refused service by financial institutions entirely.
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📍 Before 1977, sexual harassment was not considered a legal offense. That changed when a woman brought her boss to court after she refused his sexual advances and was fired. The court stated that her termination violated the 1974 Civil Rights Act, which made employment discrimination illegal.⚖️
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📍 In 1969, California became the first state to pass legislation to allow no-fault divorce. Before then, divorce could only be obtained if a woman could prove that her husband had committed serious faults such as adultery. 💍By 1977, nine states had adopted no-fault divorce laws, and by late 1983, every state had but two. The last, New York, adopted a law in 2010.
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📍In 1967, Kathrine Switzer, entered the Boston Marathon under the name "K.V. Switzer." At the time, the Amateur Athletics Union didn't allow women. Once discovered, staff tried to remove Switzer from the race, but she finished. AAU did not formally accept women until fall 1971.
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📍 In 1972, Lillian Garland, a receptionist at a California bank, went on unpaid leave to have a baby and when she returned, her position was filled. Her lawsuit led to 1978's Pregnancy Discrimination Act, which found that discriminating against pregnant people is unlawful
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📍 It wasn’t until 2016 that gay marriage was legal in all 50 states. Previously, laws varied by state, and while many states allowed for civil unions for same-sex couples, it created a separate but equal standard. In 2008, California was the first state to achieve marriage equality, only to reverse that right following a ballot initiative later that year. 
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📍In 2018, Utah and Idaho were the last two states that lacked clear legislation protecting chest or breast feeding parents from obscenity laws. At the time, an Idaho congressman complained women would, "whip it out and do it anywhere,"
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📍 In 1973, the Supreme Court affirmed the right to safe legal abortion in Roe v. Wade. At the time of the decision, nearly all states outlawed abortion with few exceptions. In 1965, illegal abortions made up one-sixth of all pregnancy- and childbirth-related deaths. Unfortunately after years of abortion restrictions and bans, the Supreme Court overturned Roe in 2022. Since then, 14 states have fully banned care, and another 7 severely restrict it – leaving most of the south and midwest without access. 
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📍 Before 1973, women were not able to serve on a jury in all 50 states. However, this varied by state: Utah was the first state to allow women to serve jury duty in 1898. Though, by 1927, only 19 states allowed women to serve jury duty. The Civil Rights Act of 1957 gave women the right to serve on federal juries, though it wasn't until 1973 that all 50 states passed similar legislation
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📍 Before 1988, women were unable to get a business loan on their own. The Women's Business Ownership Act of 1988 allowed women to get loans without a male co-signer and removed other barriers to women in business. The number of women-owned businesses increased by 31 times in the last four decades. 
Free download
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📍 Before 1965, married women had no right to birth control. In Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), the Supreme Court ruled that banning the use of contraceptives violated the right to marital privacy.
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📍 Before 1967, interracial couples didn’t have the right to marry. In Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court found that anti-miscegenation laws were unconstitutional. In 2000, Alabama was the last State to remove its anti-miscegenation laws from the books.
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📍 Before 1972, unmarried women didn’t have the right to birth control. While married couples gained the right in 1967, it wasn’t until Eisenstadt v. Baird seven years later, that the Supreme Court affirmed the right to contraception for unmarried people.
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📍 In 1974, the last “Ugly Laws” were repealed in Chicago. “Ugly Laws” allowed the police to arrest and jail people with visible disabilities for being seen in public. People charged with ugly laws were either charged a fine or held in jail. ‘Ugly Laws’ were a part of the late 19th century Victorian Era poor laws. 
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📍 In 1976, Hawaii was the last state to lift requirements that a woman take her husband’s last name.  If a woman didn’t take her husband’s last name, employers could refuse to issue her payroll and she could be barred from voting. 
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📍 It wasn’t until 1993 that marital assault became a crime in all 50 states. Historically, intercourse within marriage was regarded as a “right” of spouses. Before 1974, in all fifty U.S. states, men had legal immunity for assaults their wives. Oklahoma and North Carolina were the last to change the law in 1993.
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📍  In 1990, the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) – most comprehensive disability rights legislation in U.S. history – was passed. The ADA protected disabled people from employment discrimination. Previously, an employer could refuse to hire someone just because of their disability.
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📍 Before 1993, women weren’t allowed to wear pants on the Senate floor. That changed when Sen. Moseley Braun (D-IL), & Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) wore trousers - shocking the male-dominated Senate. Their fashion statement ultimately led to the dress code being clarified to allow women to wear pants. 
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📍 Emergency contraception (Plan B) wasn't approved by the FDA until 1998. While many can get emergency contraception at their local drugstore, back then it required a prescription. In 2013, the FDA removed age limits & allowed retailers to stock it directly on the shelf (although many don’t).
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📍  In Lawrence v. Texas (2003), the Supreme Court ruled that anti-cohabitation laws were unconstitutional. Sometimes referred to as the ‘'Living in Sin' statute, anti-cohabitation laws criminalize living with a partner if the couple is unmarried. Today, Mississippi still has laws on its books against cohabitation. 
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trusoulchristmas · 6 months
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trianglart · 2 years
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[”Abortion will soon be banned in 13 states. Here’s which could be next.”
Trigger ban to take effect within a month: Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky
Likely to ban: Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina
Uncertain: Arizona, Montana, Nebraska, Kansas, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida
Likely to remain legal: Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Alaska, Hawaii, Minnesota, Illinois, New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine]
[”Thirteen states have trigger laws that will ban abortion now that Roe is overturned. BUT only three of them go into effect immediately: Kentucky, Louisiana, and South Dakota. If you have an appointment in those states, CALL YOUR CLINIC NOW. They can help you go somewhere else.
Idaho, Tennessee, and Texas have trigger laws that go into effect after 30 days. If you have an abortion appointment in those states, DO NOT ASSUMED IT'S CANCELED. Call your clinic now. You may have 30 days left in your state. Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah, Wyoming also have trigger laws but they require a government process step to go into effect. If you have an appointment in those states, DO NOT ASSUME IT'S CANCELED. There may be time. Call your clinic NOW."]
It is still legal to travel to states where abortion is legal. The FDA allows abortion pills to be available by mail, and they are approved for the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Telemedicine abortions will banned in states where abortion is illegal, but international groups like Aid Access will offer online consultations and mail pills to all states.
Your internet activity can be used against you in court. Delete any period tracking apps and do not disclose your pregnancy online. Learn about internet privacy to keep your abortion private and secure.
National resources for info and access to abortion:
Aid Access: https://aidaccess.org/en/ 
Find an abortion provider: https://www.abortionfinder.org/
National Abortion Federation: https://prochoice.org/#
NAF Hotline (Monday - Friday 8 am - 7 pm EST, Saturday & Sunday 8 am - 4 pm EST): 1-800-772-9100
Now is the time to donate to your local abortion fund. If you live in a state where abortion is likely to stay legal, clinics expect an influx of people from other states looking for healthcare. 
National Network of Abortion Funds: http://abortionfunds.org
List of abortion funds in states likely or certain to prohibit abortion: 
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reality-detective · 3 months
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It's going to be biblical 👇
The only conclusion here is: AMERICA....REPENT!
Think the coming eclipse is nothing? I did, too, until I discovered all these FACTS!
I don't claim to know what all of this means, exactly, but I believe it's important enough for all of us to be aware that this is happening and pray for wisdom.
On April 8th, 2024, there will be an eclipse. One eclipse is already amazing but this one is actually the last in a 3-part series that has SO much meaning behind it. It is important that we recognize that God said that He would use the sun, moon and stars to communicate with us:
Genesis 1:14- "Then God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years..."
Luke 21:25 - "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea."
So now we know that God said that He would use the sun, moon and stars to communicate with us, so let's break down this 3-part eclipse series:
1) With the path of this last eclipse, combined with the first 2 eclipses (one in 2017 and the other in 2023), it will create the Hebrew letter over America that is "Aleph Tav" and in Greek it is the "Alpha and Omega" - both means "The beginning and the end." God said in Revelation 21:6 that He is the beginning and the end and this Aleph Tav is like His signature. Why would He use an eclipse to put His signature over America? Let's dig deeper:
2) God has used eclipses to warn nations of coming judgement so that the nation can repent of their sinful ways and come back to Him. This happened with the story of Ninevah. God told Jonah to go to the wicked nation of Ninevah and warn them about coming judgement. Jonah ran away from the assignment and while out at sea got swallowed up by a huge fish and was in its belly for 3 days. Jonah repented of running away so the whale spit him up. He then went to Ninevah and warned the people but there was something that also happened while he was warning the people...an eclipse came over the land.
In the 19th century, ancient tablets were discovered that described an eclipse called the Bur-Sagale eclipse where the totality of the eclipse landed right over Ninevah while Jonah was there preaching of the 40 day warning before the coming destruction. Because of this, the people realized that this was a sign from God that what Jonah was saying was true and they repented and God spared their nation.
It is amazing how much America mirrors Ninevah. (If you don't see it, you may be part of the problem.) To make this even more clear, this last eclipse on April 8th will be going over 7 cities here in America called - yep you guessed it - NINEVAH! I honestly didn't even know that we had any city here in the U.S. named that but here we are - with this eclipse going over these cities (and there will be an 8th one that it goes over also called Ninevah in Canada.)
Here are the cities: 👇
Nineveh, Texas
Nineveh, Missouri
Nineveh, Indiana (this will be the highest magnitude of eclipse Mag 1.023, the local time predicted for it to occur is at 3:07 PM)
Nineveh, Ohio
Nineveh, Pennsylvania
Nineveh, Virginia
Nineveh, New York
Nineveh, Nova Scotia (Not in the US)
Could this be that God is warning us just as He warned Ninevah? There have been many "Jonahs" in the past few years warning the nation that we need to repent and add in this sign above our heads - we can't turn away from the fact that it is not a coincidence. But if you need more proof, let's keep going...
The first part of this 3 part eclipse series was in 2017. The path of that eclipse went over 7 cities named Salem, which is short for Jerusalem (Ps. 76).
Salem, Oregon
Salem, Idaho
Salem, Wyoming
Salem, Nebraska
Salem, Missouri
Salem, Kentucky
Salem, South Carolina
The mathematical "chances" of there being 7 Salem's with the first eclipse and then 7 Ninevah's for the 3rd eclipse is unthinkable. But what about the 2nd part of the eclipse?
4) Perhaps the most striking piece of the 2nd eclipse is that the precise center-line of eclipse path exits the USA directly over Corpus Christi. Corpus Christi means the "Body of Christ" and is one of the only towns named that in the world!
But let's go back to this upcoming eclipse and dig even deeper...
4) Jonah was giving a 40 day warning to Ninevah during the eclipse. If you look at our April 8th eclipse and fast forward 40 days then you will get to May 18, 2024 - the day before Pentecost. The history of Pentecost is that is the last Spring Feast that the Lord has given us (there are 4 in the Spring and 3 in the Fall). This is the day that the Lord sent the Holy Spirit down to all those who have accepted Christ. We are told that the "Restrainer" (many believe this is the Holy Spirit) will be removed before the Tribulation could it be that this is a warning for that? I'm not sure as that is a worldwide event and this eclipse will be just over North America but it is something definitely to think and pray about for more clarity and wisdom. No matter what, there are too many things lining up for it to not be nothing and so my job is to get the information out to you all so that you can at least be aware of these signs that God is giving us so that you can pray about it.
But let's keep going...
5) From the start of this 3 part eclipse to the end, it will be 7 years. God uses numbers a lot to communicate with us, and 7 has a ton of meaning. A few examples are - He created the world in 7 days, there will be a 7 year tribulation, 7 is used for completion, etc.
) Going back to how this correlates with Jonah & Ninevah's story -at the time of this eclipse, there will be another sign in the sky...it will take place under the constellation, Cetus, which is the whale constellation! And not only will it pass through the 8 cities in North America named Ninevah, it will also pass through Jonah, Texas! Speaking of other towns that it will pass through, these are some of the other city names that it will go right over:
Rapture, Indiana
Williamston, Kentucky - this is where the Ark Encounter is located. The Ark Encounter is a full size replica of Noah's Ark.
Eagle Pass, Texas - where we are having so many border issues.
And the point where it crosses the 2017 eclipse to mark the center of the X is an area in southern Illinois called Little Egypt. What is even more fascinating about this is that Little Egypt is sandwiched in between 2 other cities called Alpha, Kentucky and Omega, Illinois - both having the 2017 eclipse come over their cities. Furthermore, the intersection of the 2017 and 2024 solar eclipses occurs directly over the New Madrid Fault Line, a major seismic zone. An earthquake along this fault line could potentially destroy the U.S., making it one of the most perilous fault lines in the country. I have no idea if this will happen or not, but there are too many things here that are all literally lining up to not share with everyone.
7) One more interesting fact is that there are 2,422 days in between the 2017 eclipse and the 2024 eclipse. If you look up 2422 in Strong's Concordance, an Bible concordance that has every word of the KJV, takes us to Exodus 1:19 which says,
"The midwives answered Pharaoh, "Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive."
Why would this be of any significance? Well, to me, it reminds me of how Jesus said that His return would be like a woman in labor with the signs of His coming growing stronger and closer together. We are at a point in history where we are seeing all of the signs that He gave us happening before our eyes. In fact, we are even seeing things that will happen during the tribulation get setup now. If we are seeing those things being setup now, that must mean that we are super close to it actually happening. Going back to God saying that He uses the sun, moon and stars to show us signs - and then Jesus saying that the signs of His coming will be like a woman in labor, well this information leading us back to Exodus 1:19 explaining that the Hebrew women have labor fast is so interesting to me! Could we be on the brink of the rapture and tribulation!? I don't know exactly when it will happen but Jesus did tell us that we would know the season and I do believe that we have been in that season for the past few years and are pushing closer and closer to it!
It is no secret that this world has gone mad and everyone knows that there is something happening behind the scenes that feels really uncomfortable. If you have that feeling, you are right! There is a major push for things to happen that were predicted to happen over 2,000 years ago. Most people seek their understanding in the wrong place though. They look to the news and the world to guide them; however, these sources will only bring more questions, not answers. It causes people to live in fear, anxiety and depression. However, Jesus didn't want us to live that way. He gave us the information so that we would know what is happening when we see these things. The first piece of living in His knowledge is accepting that God sent His son, Jesus, to die for our sins and on the 3rd day, Jesus rose from the grave and conquered death. The second piece is to repent to God of your sins and turn away from your sins. Most churches only teach how God loves you but don't teach repentance anymore and that is a HUGE part of your faith. Jesus said that there will be many who come to Him and say, "Lord, Lord, I knew you." But because they didn't repent of their sins and seek Jesus' ways instead of their own, He will reply, "Get away from me, I never knew you." We cannot just live however we want without any consequences. Even little children understand this concept, but it has been lost on most adults. This is why Ninevah was going to see destruction - because they were a self- serving, sinful nation - just like America is today. You can't change the heart of this nation, but you can change your heart and lead your homes to do the same. Third, pray for wisdom in these areas.
I know this has been incredibly deep but just like Proverbs 25:2 says, "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter." This sign in the sky will be right over your head in just a few weeks - will you have the eyes to see what it really means?"
You Decide 🤔
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artfilmaesthetics · 8 months
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100 ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰɪʟᴍꜱ
7/100 — my own private idaho | 1991
dir. gus van sant ༄
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just for fun, here's all of the gay parts of 2d's private journal, aka the official lyric booklet for the gorillaz album "The Now Now" (written in character from 2d's perspective)
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1: humility's pages, featuring a page with a messy heart and scribbled and underlined words that read "see the state I'm in." as well as the opposite page underlining "I don't want this isolation" and adding the additional line "I see the state of you now."
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2: the page between hollywood and kansas, that has "my soul" written in one corner and a picture of murdoc with his face scribbled out in the other
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3: the pages for kansas: one repeating the text "Am I incapable of healing the memory of my fall from grace in your heart," and the other scratching out "I don't want to cry" to replace it with "I'm not gonna cry"
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4: the page between idaho and lake zurich, featuring the word "selfish" in one corner and a picture of murdoc's face scribbled out and (seemingly) surrounded by hearts in the other
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5: the page for magic city having text that reads "About us? About you!"
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6: the pages for fireflies: one modifying the lyrics to read "Sometimes I follow a firefly; He takes me into the night baby," and the other page having a note that reads "you = are/were = everpresent"
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7: pages in the break between lyrics that feature a torn free murdoc sticker, and a note in the corner that reads "where have you gone"
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8: pages in the break between lyrics with notes that read "you gotta have fate" and "I'm sorry too"
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9: the page for souk eye with a doodle of two people in a car on the road and (what appears to be) a robot shark (both reminiscent of the stylo music video, referencing murdoc and 2d being in the front seat of the car, and the car later turning into a robot shark at the end), and notes emphasizing the lines "I will always think of you" and "I'm a renagade"
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Additional Notes about the album and surrounding media !
1: the souk eye live visual. these were the visuals created for the song, intended to be projected during concerts. the live visuals for souk eye heavily feature footage of murdoc (from phase 3, 4, and 5). both calling back to phase 3 (like the book had done) And seemingly stitching together a narrative of murdoc breaking out of prison (interspersing footage of murdoc driving from a phase 4 commercial with police chase footage)
here's a fan recreation of the visuals:
2: both interviews and the free murdoc chat confirmed that the album was written (by 2d) About murdoc, and most probably because of his incarceration
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3: pages from 2d's private journal being scattered on a desk in murdoc's winnebego. particularly "I am an island" and what appears to be the modified lyrics for firefly (featuring "he"). likewise, murdoc has appeared to have framed 2d's booty shorts from the humility mv and hung them up on his wall.
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Bonus: my playlist of visuals for the now now
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auraeseer · 3 months
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A poem for this beer:
Cry, oh me, aye?
Revere, hey!
See eye,
Pee, yay?
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starblaster · 1 year
hey please go check your freezers if you've bought any bags of frozen strawberries, frozen mixed fruit, or fruit smoothie blends from Walmart, HEB, or Costco; the brands Great Value and Rader Farms (plus Rader Farms: Fresh Start) had products recalled for hepatitis A contamination (source):
Willamette Valley Fruit Co. in Salem, OR is voluntarily recalling select packages of frozen fruit containing strawberries grown in Mexico due to the potential for Hepatitis A contamination. To date (June 13th, 2023), there have been no illnesses associated with this voluntary recall.
Company name: Willamette Valley Fruit Co Brand name: Great Value and Rader Farms Product recalled: Frozen strawberries and frozen fruit blends containing frozen strawberries Reason of the recall: Potential for Hepatitis A contamination FDA Recall date: June 13, 2023
Products were distributed via the following retailers:
Walmart: Great Value Sliced Strawberries, Great Value Mixed Fruit, and Great Value Antioxidant Blend distributed to select Walmart stores in Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, Nevada, New York state, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Wyoming from January 24th, 2023 to June 8th, 2023
Costco Wholesale Stores: Rader Farms Organic Fresh Start Smoothie Blend distributed to Costco Wholesale stores in Colorado, Texas, California, and Arizona from October 3rd, 2022 and June 8th, 2023.
HEB: Rader Farms Organic Berry Trio distributed to HEB stores in Texas from July 18th, 2022 to June 8th, 2023.
Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease that results from exposure to the Hepatitis A virus, including from food. It can range from a mild illness lasting a few weeks to a serious illness lasting several months. Illness generally occurs within 15 to 50 days of exposure and includes fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice, abnormal liver tests, dark urine and pale stool. In rare cases, particularly consumers who have a pre-existing severe illness or are immune compromised, Hepatitis A infection can progress to liver failure. Persons who may have consumed affected product should consult with their health care professional or local health department to determine if a vaccination is appropriate, and consumers with symptoms of Hepatitis A should contact their health care professionals or the local health department immediately.
Recalled products include the following:
Walmart: Great Value Sliced Strawberries are packaged in a 64oz (4lb) 1.81kg plastic bag with the following codes: Lot: 4018305; Best By: 7/19/2024 Lot: 4019305; Best By: 7/20/2024
Great Value Mixed Fruit, packaged in a 64oz (4lb) 1.81kg plastic bag, with the following codes: Lot: 4024205; Best By: 7/25/2024 Lot: 4025305; Best By: 7/26/2024 Lot: 4032305; Best By: 8/3/2024 Lot: 4033305; Best By: 8/4/2024 Lot: 4034305; Best By: 8/5/2024 Lot: 4035305; Best By: 8/6/2024
Great Value Antioxidant Fruit Blend, is packaged in a 40oz (2lb 8oz) 1.13kg plastic bag, with the following codes: Lot: 4018305; Best By: 7/19/2024 Lot: 4019305; Best By: 7/20/2024
Great Value Mixed Fruit, packaged in a 64oz (4lb) 1.81kg plastic bag, with the following codes: Lot: 4024205; Best By: 7/25/2024 Lot: 4025305; Best By: 7/26/2024 Lot: 4032305; Best By: 8/2/2024 Lot: 4033305; Best By: 8/3/2024 Lot: 4034305; Best By: 8/4/2024 Lot: 4035305; Best By: 8/5/2024
Great Value Antioxidant Fruit Blend, is packaged in a 40oz (2lb 8oz) 1.13kg plastic bag, with the following codes: Lot: 4032305; Best By: 8/2/2024
Costco Wholesale: Rader Farms Fresh Start Smoothie Blend, packaged in 48oz (1.36kg) plastic bag containing six 8oz plastic pouches. With the following codes: Lot: 4224202; Best By: 2/11/2024 Lot: 4313202; Best By: 5/10/2024 Lot: 4314202; Best By: 5/11/2024 Lot: 4363202; Best By: 6/29/2024 Lot: 4364202; Best By: 6/30/2024 Lot: 4017302; Best By: 7/18/2024 Lot: 4018302; Best By: 7/19/2024 Lot: 4042306; Best By: 8/12/2024 Lot: 4043306; Best By: 8/13/2024 Lot: 4060306; Best By: 8/30/2024
HEB: Rader Farms Organic Berry Trio distributed to HEB packaged in a 3lb (1.36kg) plastic bag. With the following codes: Lot: 4153205; Best By: 12/2/2023 Lot: 4283202; Best By: 4/10/2024 Lot: 4284202; Best By: 4/11/2024 Lot: 4058302; Best By: 8/28/2024 Lot: 4059302; Best By: 8/29/2024
Consumers are urged to check their freezers for the recalled product, not to consume it and either discard the product or return it to the store for a refund. Products that have different lot code or purchase dates are not subject to this recall.
In case you experienced Hepatitis A symptoms, it is important to report it. It can help to detect [and] resolve issues and prevent others from being harmed, and it enables better surveillance [of food contamination-related illnesses].
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thegroovyarchives · 1 year
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80′s/90′s M*A*S*H Station IDs/Bumpers 1. WBIR-TV, Knoxville, Tennessee, 80s 2. WHAS-TV, Louisville, Kentucky, 1988 3. WTAE-TV, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1984 4. KIFI-TV, Idaho Falls/Pocatello, Idaho, 1991 5. KIMT-TV, Mason City, Iowa & Albert Lea/Austin/Rochester, Minnesota, 1990 6. WFLD-TV, Chicago, Illinois, 1984 7. WKRN-TV, Nashville, Tennessee, 1989 8. WPRI-TV, Providence, Rhode Island, 1985 9. KREM-TV, Spokane, Washington, 1990 10. WTTG-TV, Washington, D.C., 1993
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ragazza-whintigale · 2 months
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓾𝓵 𝓐𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓼 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
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𝔒𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔞 ➵ Dune
𝔄𝔳𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔷𝔢 ➵ Comportamento yandere, Fem reader, relazione tossica, matrimonio forzato (menzionato), tentato omicidio, avvelenamento, aborto, relazioni extra coniugarli, tradimento, utilizzo della voce, manipolazione psicologica, instabilità emotiva, ricatto, tocco non consensuale.
𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔢 ➵ 3170
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I corridoi a quest’ora della notte erano quasi del tutto vuoti, fatta eccezione per i soldati di guardia e della figura leggiadra della bella donna chiamata (nome) Alithea e in futuro Atreides -se mai il matrimonio fosse andato a buon fine naturalmente-. La bellezza della figura meritava per certo il soprannome che gli era stato affidato quando era ancora una bambina. La principessa degli Alithea. Come unica figlia femmina fino ai suoi 12 anni era stata amata e adorata quasi al pari della contessa che una volta era stata sua madre.
La sua bellezza e purezza non era ancora caduta in disgrazia secondo il pubblico.
La sua bellezza, la sua educazione e il suo carattere mansueto avevano permesso tale nomignolo. Poco si potrebbe immaginare che dietro quella bella facciata si potrebbe nascondere una donna non più diversa.
Una donna fredda e crudele, cresciuta fino a riconoscere la sua unica utilità come scambio tra famiglie. Il nome e l’importanza degli Atreides per una donna fertile ed educata che avrebbe mantenuto alta la discendenza.
Si era quasi stancata di sentire tali voci venire dall’esterno, oramai quasi tutti i servi al servizio del Duca e della sua famiglia avevano familiarità con il caratteraccio della donna.
❝ Mia signora cosa ci fate sveglia a quest’ora? ❞ La donna si fermò barcollante nei suoi passi. ❝ Dovreste essere nelle vostre stanze a riposare. ❞ (nome) ha un aspetto malaticcio nei suoi lineamenti morbidi. Il colore della pelle è sbiadito quel tanto che bastava per farla sembrare tra la vita e la morte. I capelli (colore) scompigliati, sono sciolti dal solito complicato intreccio, permettendo così delle morbide onde ad accompagnare il suo viso. Il piacevole movimento delle ciocche seguiva il suo viso una volta che decise di poter onorare questa persona con le sue attenzioni.
Duncan Idaho era in mezzo al corridoio con aria solenne. La postura eretta e impeccabile è proprio qualcosa che ci si poteva aspettare da casa Atreides e da uno dei suoi fidati.
Lo sguardo dell’uomo affronta con sospetto il corpo gracile ea mala pena sostenuto della sua signora. Non c’è traccia di ostilità verso qualcuno, solo il suo solito io viziato. O almeno è quello degli ultimi 7 anni. Quando d’improvviso la dolcezza della bambina venne sostituita con il gelo caratteristico di casa Alithea.
Duncan non ha mai diffidato di lei. Non che potesse in qualche modo, è una donna talmente fragile e minuta che si poteva dubitare potesse ferire qualsiasi componente della famiglia Atreides. Solo non poteva che notare il cambiamento di carattere durante la sua crescita al fianco all’erede Atreides. Davanti agli occhi ha visto come qualcuno potesse sprofondare nell’oscurità poco a poco.
Lo sguardo affilato della donna cadde sul soldato, fidato agli Atreides e vicino a quello che sarebbe diventato suo marito. ❝ Niente di importante Sir, cerco solo di raggiungere il mio futuro marito nelle sue stanze. Mi ha chiesto di parlare in privato. ❞
Duncan dubitava che Paul potesse essere così dannatamente maleducato da scomodare la sua fidanzata che fino a qualche giorno fa era in letto di morte. Poi nessun -nemmeno Paul- gli aveva parlato di questo incontro e per quanto potesse essere un incontro tra innamorati, di cui dubitava molto, il ragazzo avrebbe comunque avvertito qualcuno della cosa.
In genere lady (nome) non era nemmeno una persona da incontri romantici al chiaro di luna, ne di una avventura in camera da letto. Quindi era ben presumibile stesse architettando qualcosa che avesse a che fare con Paul. Duncan sperava vivamente che questo non li avrebbe messi nei guai.
❝ In tal caso lasciate che vi accompagni.❞ Il suo onore gli impediva di lasciare la sua signora andare in giro per le sale di Castel Caladan alla ricerca del futuro marito, quando nemmeno riusciva a camminare correttamente.
Stava anche tremando a tratti sotto la stola in lama.
Lo sguardo della donna si assottigliò lasciando brillare le pagliuzze argentate annegate nel (colore) delle sue iridi. (Nome) era abbastanza furba da non tentare una discussione per una tale sciocchezza. Per quanto irrispettosa potesse essere, il tutto sarebbe diventato solo più sospettoso. ❝ Se è ciò che desiderate.❞ Duncan camminò fino a sorpassare (nome) e guidarla verso la sua destinazione.
La stanza di Paul non era molto lontana, di conseguenza il viaggio fu breve. La principessa bussò con eleganza alla porta e Paul rispose aprendo la porta. La sorpresa era palese dai suoi occhi verdi, ma si riprese l’attimo dopo aver notato anche Duncan. Salutó l’uomo con un cenno e poi si rivolge alla donna di Alithea ❝ A cosa devo la visita della mia signora? ❞ (Nome) ridusse la sua espressione a puro disgusto e entrò nella stanza lasciandosi alle spalle Duncan e la sua espressione disperata dai capricci e dalle bugie della donna. Paul non fece altro che un’espressione di scuse al compagno fidato chiudendo la porta intimandolo di continuare con i suoi doveri.
❝ Spero ci sia un motivo valido per disturbare il tuo riposo e Duncan. ❞ ❝ Non gli ho chiesto io di disturbarsi. ❞ Lady (nome) ha tralasciato le sue condizioni precarie mentre si fermava nel mezzo della stanza incrociando le braccia al petto. La stola e la vestaglia morbida annientava ogni curva che la donna potesse possedere. Un sospirò lasció le labbra di Paul mentre si avvicinava a lei per avvolgere le braccia intorno alla figura della donna, ❝ La vostra crudeltà non appassisce mai mia signora, nemmeno quando siete malata. E dire che quando eravate piccola possedevate una tale gentilezza. ❞ Il calore della loro pelle che si tocca era qualcosa che (nome) ha detestato, e sapeva che in futuro non gli sarebbe bastato questo da lei.
Si crogiolò segretamente nel tepore del loro abbraccio, forse avrebbe dovuto prendere una stola più pesante ma non è riuscita a trovarla da sola. ❝ Io inizierei a ritermi il colpevole di tale comportamento se fossi in te, Paul.❞ Il suo nome aveva una cadenza sprezzante ma L’Atreides, in qualche modo contorto, sembrò apprezzare. Paul stampa un bacio sul suo collo, incurante dello strato di capelli che si sovrapponeva alla pelle di (nome). Rabbrividì disgustata.
❝ In ogni caso non hai risposto alla mia domanda.❞ Si staccò da lei andando a sedere dall’altra parte della stanza. Si versò qualcosa da bere e lo stesso fece per lei. (Nome) sapeva fare di meglio che cedere a tali galanterie. Era considerata una bellezza a tal punto che in molti hanno cercato le sue attenzioni con trucchi meschini.
In realtà Paul sapeva perché era lì e da cosa era dovuto il suo turbamento. C’era una incrinatura nella sua solita corazza, lasciando intravedere spiragli di rabbia e nervosismo. Aveva letto attentamento i suoi movimenti e le sue parole. Come si soffermava su qualcosa troppo allungo, come teneva coperto il ventre con la stola e come si graffiava i polsi.❝ Devi lasciarlo andare. Lui non ha colpa.❞ ❝ mmh? ❞ Prese un sorso di bevanda tenendo gli occhi su di lei. Sapeva di cosa stava parlando, non c’è stato bisogno di avere conferme, eppure lui ha continuato a fingere di non comprendere. Se lady (nome) non lo conoscesse, avrebbe potuto dire che si stava divertendo a vederla così.
Paul la conosceva a sua volta abbastanza da sapere che: niente avrebbe potuto agitare la donna se non la consapevolezza di aver condannato qualcuno per un suo errore. Non era così crudele come tutti l’avevano dipinta, e Paul lo sapeva meglio di chiunque altro. Sapeva che probabilmente le occhiaie nere sotto i suoi occhi erano solo la causa delle notte insonne per il senso di colpa.
Senso di colpa.
Forse nessuno a parte lui sapeva che Lady Alithea era capace di provare simili emozioni. Era davvero brava a mascherare le proprie intenzioni dietro la sua freddezza, non sempre ma quasi, questo Paul glielo avrebbe concesso. Forse se non fosse per le sue abilità di Bene Gesserit nemmeno lui l’avrebbe notato. ❝ Non vedo perché dovrei, (nome), dopo quello che ti ha fatto.❞ ❝ È TUTTA COLPA MIA! LUI NON C’ENTRA-❞ L’urlo lasciò trasparire tutto il risentimento che aveva nei suoi confronti. Era uscito così spontaneo dalle sue labbra che è riuscita a fermarlo solo dopo aver sfogato in parte. Certamente si era fermata ad un certo punto e una parte di colpa andava allo sguardo che l’erede degli Atreides le ha rivolto. La turbava ancora, anche a distanza di anni e nonostante la loro differenza di età. ❝ … e tu hai utilizzato l'occasione a tuo vantaggio.❞
-Nemmeno i rivelatori di veleno erano riusciti a rilevarlo. Era stata attenta. Talmente attenta che quando il sangue iniziò a colare giù dal naso e dalla bocca una confusione generale riempì la stanza. Alcuni soldati si sono precipitati lì, altri hanno chiamato il dottore Yueh e di seguito arrivò anche Hawat. Era una delle poche volte che anche il Duca era presente, forse tutta quella confusione era dovuto anche a questo.
Nessuno era riuscito a scoprire chi fosse stato e meglio come avesse fatto. Ma Paul aveva un idea. Un’idea che si era rivelata più che giusta. Lo aveva visto chiaramente. -
Le braccia della donna scivolarono dritte lungo il corpo mentre stringeva il tessuto della vestaglia tra i suoi pugni. Non era ben chiaro se si fosse pentita di averlo urlato o se avesse solo temuto per lo sguardo di Paul. Ma il resto della frase è comunque stato ridotto ad un sommesso sussurro.
Forse si sentiva colpevole. Lui non l’aveva mai toccata prima senza il suo permesso. Non le aveva mai fatto del male. Eppure lei aveva agito contro di lui. Prima ha cercato di uccidere Paul mentre dormiva con coltello di fortuna, ma fu troppo codarda per portare a termine l’impresa e crollò tra le braccia di Paul. Non aveva detto una parole ne aveva mostrato paura. Poi aveva cercato di avvelenarlo… ma cambiò obiettivo. Forse ha sperato qualcuno contestasse la sua unione con Paul, forse non ritenendola all’altezza di diventare Duchessa e un’Atreides. Ma non accade. A Paul bastó immagazzinare le informazioni , analizzarle e valutare come risolvere al meglio la situazione. Il suo attentato al giovane Duca non fu mai scoperto, e il suo auto avvelenato fu solo deviato alla soluzione più semplice. Il ragazzo così vicino a Lady (nome) da averla avvelenata per gelosia.
Questo le fece pentire in primo luogo di averlo scelto e portato con sé su Caladan, di essersi compromessa con lui e di essere stata costretta ad abortire per conservare l’onore di entrambi. ❝ Forse avresti dovuto pensarci prima a coinvolgere qualcuno di esterno.❞ È stato stupido ma lo sapeva già. Non lo amava nemmeno come meritava.
Ed è abbastanza palese che Paul stesse giocando con questi sensi di colpa.
Non le avrebbe offerto uno scambio, lui non ne aveva bisogno per farle fare tutto quello che voleva. Non c’era modo che avessero parlato di scambiare la vita del ragazzo con qualcosa che andasse a vantaggio di Paul e Lady (nome) lo sapeva abbastanza bene.
❝In ogni caso ora non dovrai più temere di coprire quella gravidanza indesiderata e io non dovrò tenere un bastardo.❞ Un erede bastardo. Era qualcosa di ironico adesso, agli occhi del giovane Paul. Non gli ricordo minimamente sua madre, che diede al Duca Leto l’erede che tanto desiderava.
La donna era colma di rancore, colpe e imbarazzo, per questo non proferì altra parola. Non cercó di salvarsi o giustificare i fatti evidenti, lui era l’unico oltre a lei a saperlo e poteva dedurre fosse solo grazie alle sue predizioni. Nemmeno il povero Elias era a conoscenza dell’avere messo incinta la futura sposa di Paul. Forse era meglio così.
❝ Dovresti essere grata. ❞ La voce di Paul perse l’affetto e il rimprovero. Divenne solo fredda come se avesse perso la possibilità di provare sentimenti. Si avvicinò alla forma della sua signora prendendo a coppa il suo viso dai tratti morbidi tra le mani. La principessa si sentiva disgustata. ❝ Per cosa? ❞ ❝ Per non averti condannata con lui. ❞
In un lampo di rabbia (nome) spinse le mani sul petto del ragazzo, allontanandosi quel che bastava.
In primo luogo pensava glielo avrebbe concesso, nel suo stato attuale, lui era più forte di lei. Perciò la distanza era quella che lui gli aveva concesso a prescindere. ❝ Avrei preferito morire a causa del mio stesso veleno che rimanere qui con te. ❞ La principessa strinse i denti ad ogni crudele dichiarazione mentre si dirige verso la porta con l’unico intento di andarsene.
❝ Non uscire dalla stanza. ❞ (nome) si fermò nei suoi passi, con la mano sulla maniglia e un piede pronto a dare il primo passo per uscire. Sapeva che Paul era in grado di usare la voce, aveva sentito parlare della cosa molte volte da sua madre mentre si esercitavano. A riguardo c’era un tacito accordo. Lui non avrebbe dovuto usarlo su di lei.
Per quanto non fossero mai stati messi termini e condizioni lui lo aveva fatto solo una volta, esclusa questa. Forse è stata quella volta a convincerlo ad non utilizzarlo. Lei aveva dato letteralmente di matto, urlando e cercando di attaccarlo direttamente.
Nessuno ha saputo dare una risposta a tale comportamento e la situazione tacque in pochi giorni, lasciando un’alone di mistero sulla vicenda.
Lo sguardo della donna era intriso di rabbia e sanguinaria voglia di fargli del male. Paul la guardava a sua volta con una sorta di sfida nei suoi occhi. Sarebbe stata sopraffatta dalla voce o sarebbe stata rinchiusa per aver attentato alla vita di Paul?
Era quasi sicura che nella seconda avrebbe sofferto più lui che lei, per questo quando mosse i suoi primi passi verso il fidanzato lui socchiuse le labbra. Pronto a richiamare qualsiasi ordine l’avrebbe riportata al suo posto. Ma lei si fermò ancora prima di poter fare unaltro passo.
Lo sguardo di Paul era ancora su di lei. I suoi capelli ondulati ricadenti sulle sue spalle cadenti. La sua vestaglia argentata e la stola che era caduta dalle spalle e ora si reggeva solo alle braccia della ragazza. Una visione dannata e patetica proprio come era la sua signora quando nessuno poteva vederla a parte lui. L’orgoglio e la vanità erano scomparsi a favore della dolce disperazione e dai sensi di colpa. Ma in fondo l’Atreides non avrebbe potuto desiderare altro che essere l’unico spettatore di tale vista.
Nessuno avrebbe potuto ammirare la luce fioca e semplice di una donna, che aveva imparato a mantenere le apparenze di freddezza e nobiltà, sfaldarsi davanti a qualcosa che la stava mandando in frantumi poco a poco.
Paul era quella cosa ed entrambi lo sapevano.
I primi passi di lui furono intercettati dalla donna che indietreggiò per mantenere la distanza iniziale. Un sospiro tra l'esasperato e il divertito ha lasciato Paul mentre parlava nuovamente. ❝ Devi smetterla con queste scenate. Non ti serviranno a molto soprattutto se sono l’unico ad assistere.❞ I loro occhi erano fissi l’uno sull’altro. Niente sarebbe cambiato nel comportamento della donna, lo sapeva. Eppure i suoi occhi erano ancora attenti a qualsiasi cosa lui volesse fare di lei. Avrebbe mantenuto le parole eppure lei non era ancora disposta ad avvicinarsi. ❝ Spiegami come posso farmi ascoltare, senza per forza darti un ordine. ❞ Quel potere non era un semplice ordine! Se fosse stato solo un ordine lei avrebbe ignorato il tutto e poi sarebbe andata avanti per quello che credeva meglio. Ma in quei momenti il suo corpo smetteva di essere una sua proprietà e faceva ciò che quel coro di voci le diceva di fare. Cacciata e privata della sua stessa volontà. È così che si poteva descrivere.
❝ Non puoi. semplice, no? Basta solo che mi lasci stare, e che lo scagioni da quelle accuse, e per un po’ continuerò questa recita, per un po’.❞ Per un po’… Non significava per sempre. Non si sarebbe calmata e questo sarebbe solo qualcosa di temporaneo. Era come una pietra che colpiva il vuoto. Non faceva alcun rumore. Nessuno dei due aveva un discorso collegato con quello dell’altro eppure continuavano a parlare sulla medesima linea. Lei era lì per un motivo e poi avrebbe voluto andarsene il più lontano possibile. Anche il fondo del mare di Caladan le sembrava più accogliente e invitante di quella stanza soffusa di luce. Mentre lui desiderava cercare di convincerla a rimanere, nella sua stanza e nella sua vita. Non che lei avesse quella gran scelta in questione ma lui desiderava ancora che lei lo volesse almeno un po’.
Fece un altro passo e poi un’altro e un'altro ancora, verso di lei, in silenzio. Ma lei si allontanava ancora, ancora e ancora. I passi erano traballanti e non si poteva escludere l’eventualità che potesse cadere. ❝ Sai davvero essere crudele mia signora… soprattutto con me. ❞ A Paul sembrava piacere evidenziare come le sue parole taglienti perdessero L’affilatezza in sua presenza, intrecciando le proprie parole con terribile sarcasmo. Lei inciampò su qualcosa e cadde seduta sul letto del ragazzo. Non poteva sapere cosa, ma ha immaginato fosse colpa di Paul. Era sempre colpa sua anche quando non lo era, ai suoi occhi.
Non sapeva esattamente come fosse finita lì, ad un'estremo della stanza, opposto a dove era. Quanti passi senza guardarsi attorno aveva fatto? Quando si era persa troppo in profondità negli occhi di Paul e dell'odio che provava per lui.
❝ Ti odio. ❞ Lui rise alla conferma delle sue parole. Questo era odio. Un odio patetico che gli si addice magnificamente. ❝ Lo so. ❞ Si avvicinò al suo volto, lasciando poco spazio tra loro, tanto che ogni respiro sfiorava le pelle del loro volto. Gli (colore) della donna erano spalancati in cerca di una soluzione, di un indizio o di qualche bagliore, negli occhi del futuro marito. Una qualsiasi scintilla ma niente. Lui era impassibile e illeggibile come lo era sempre stato, e questo l’ha terrorizzata. Come nei loro primi incontri, come nel loro primo incontro. ❝ Cosa vuoi in cambio? ❞ Dopo un lungo silenzio lady (nome) si decise a parlare. Di solito durante i loro scambi di parole non si parlava mai di scambi o mediazioni. Nessuno dei due avrebbe ceduto qualcosa per averne un altra. Specialmente (nome).
❝ Rimani. ❞ Era decisamente generica come risposta e la ragazza si trovava spazientita da tanta indulgenza. Se fosse stata solo una notte potrebbe anche essere un buon affare. Se fosse trasferire le sue stanze in quelle di Paul per il suo ultimo periodo qui a Caladan prima di tornare a casa per organizzare i preparativi per il matrimonio, era eccessivo ma ancora glielo poteva concedere. Aveva chiesto un prezzo molto alto in fondo, per quanto lei stessa non volesse ammetterlo. Ma se intende per tutta la sua vita era troppo. Lei per quando crudele e fredda potesse essere aveva sempre mantenuto la parola data e per questo raramente faceva promesse soprattutto quando non voleva o non poteva mantenerle.
❝ Tutto ma non questo. ❞
❝ Prendere o lasciare, (nome). ❞
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nevgovhater · 28 days
Since u all fw marching band wttt then here u go except I'm only doing the states cause gov would def be the director who has to deal with them
Also these headcanons r real I swear I'm right (by a trombonist)
all in alphabetical order btw
1. ALABAMA — probably would do bari-sax
2. ALASKA — percussion. thats it. just percussion. (Up for interpretation)
3. ARIZONA — flute or bass clarinet, one of those.
4. ARKANSAS — flute
5. CALIFORNIA — he would be a fucking clarinet, no exceptions. He just gives off clarinet vibes, or just woodwind in general
6. COLORADO — tenor drums
7. CONNECTICUT — piccolo or mellophone
8. DELAWARE — flute
9. FLORIDA — cymbals or piccolo, one of those at the very least.
10. GEORGIA — trumpet. 100% trumpet player
11. HAWAI'I — glockenspiel or marimba
12. IDAHO — trumpet
13. ILLINOIS — euphonium or bass drums
14. INDIANA — saxophone
15. IOWA — alto saxophone
16. KANSAS — trumpet
17. KENTUCKY — trumpet or saxophone
18. LOUISIANA — trombone. (Sorry to all those saxophone loui lovers.. but i feel like his instrument would be the trombone,, it's still a jazz instrument so ykyk)
19. MAINE — bass drums or euphonium
20. MARYLAND — clarinet
21. MASSACHUSETTS — oh he's a flute, that's for sure. 😭😭
22. MICHIGAN — tenor sax
23. MINNESOTA — mellophone
24. MISSISSIPPI — trumpet
25. MISSOURI — vibraphone
26. MONTANA — cornet
27. NEBRASKA — trumpet
28. NEVADA — I'm sorry but he'd probably do tenor sax
29. NEW HAMPSHIRE — piccolo
30. NEW JERSEY — snare drum
31. NEW MEXICO — cornet
32. NEW YORK — snare or tenor drums
33. NORTH CAROLINA — trumpet
34. NORTH DAKOTA — flute (sighs)
35. OHIO — trombone
36. OKLAHOMA — alto sax
37. OREGON — marimba
38. PENNSYLVANIA — glockenspiel
39. RHODE ISLAND — sousaphone/tuba. im fucking SERIOUS about this man he would love this
40. SOUTH CAROLINA — clarinet
41. SOUTH DAKOTA — saxophone
42. TENNESSEE — tenor sax
43. TEXAS — sousaphone/tuba
44. UTAH — flute or bass clarinet
45. VERMONT — flute. (dear god help me)
46. VIRGINIA — flute (guess what)
47. WASHINGTON — flute (im going insane please stop)
48. WEST VIRGINIA — cymbals or drumline
49. WISCONSIN — xylophone
50. WYOMING — euphonium
I'm literally right abt this i swear ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
"You're wrong about—" SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP GET OUT OF MY HEAD ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
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Films watched in 2023.
Top 10 May.
1. My Own Private Idaho (Gus Van Sant, 1991) 2. Scorpio Rising (Kenneth Anger, 1963) 3. Suspicion (Alfred Hitchcock, 1941)   4. All I Desire (Douglas Sirk, 1953) 5. One Girl’s Confession (Hugo Haas, 1953) 6. Fumer fait tousser (Quentin Dupieux, 2022) 7. Les Signes (Eugène Green, 2006) 8. El asesino de Pedralbes (Gonzalo Herralde, 1978) 9. Always for Pleasure (Les Blank, 1978) 10. Sabishinbô (Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, 1985)  
(My list on Letterboxd -click here-)
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successionbracket · 9 months
Tumblr's Rankings of every Succession Episode
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1. This is Not For Tears (2.10) 2. All the Bells Say (3.09) 3. Connor’s Wedding (4.03) 4. Nobody is Ever Missing (1.10) 5. Safe Room (2.04) 6. Too Much Birthday (3.07) 7. Tern Haven (2.05) 8. Which Side Are You On? (1.06) 9. Church and State (4.09) 10. With Open Eyes (4.10) 11. Hunting (2.03) 12. DC (2.09) 13. Chiantishire (3.08) 14. Retired Janitors of Idaho (3.05) 15. Shit Show At The Fuck Factory (1.02) 16. Argestes (2.06) 17. Austerlitz (1.07) 18. The Summer Palace (2.01) 19. Prague (1.08) 20. Honeymoon States (4.04) 21. Secession (3.01) 22. Dundee (2.08) 23. Sad Sack Wasp Trap (1.04) 24. America Decides (4.08) 25. Pre-Nuptial (1.09) 26. Return (2.07) 27. Lifeboats (1.03) 28. What It Takes (3.08) 29. Vaulter (2.02) 30. I Went To Market (1.05) 31. The Disruption (3.03) 32. Living+ (4.06) 33. Tailgate Party (4.07) 34. Mass in Time of War (3.02) 35. Celebration (1.01) 36. Kill List (4.05) 37. Rehearsal (4.02) 38. The Munsters (4.01) 39. Lion in the Meadow (3.04)
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