#idk if youre a follower or just someone that happened to stumble upon my tags well sorry i said that i just though of my friends
basslinegrave · 11 months
adults in children’s spaces should feel weird tbh you have a responsibility as an adult to protect those children and care for them and that should be your priority not fetishizing characters from the shows llmfaaoooo?!?!!!!?! also you’re 24 why are u standing up for imaginary evil 44 year olds??? go smoke some weed or see a movie or something christ
omg hi ok did you read all of my tags... i literally said they should keep it separate and if they want to be weirdos to keep it in their own space and make sure that no children see it and that they, yeah agreeing with you, not be in childrens spaces
and i only made that comment as many adults (30+) get hate only for being old in fandom spaces even though they arent like this, so just as a reminder
and some people just like cartoons, even for kids, many of them have messages for everyone no matter your age, even though i myself dont watch bluey, i know people who do and just enjoy it (not in the weird way) and also am friends with adults that happen to be in fandom spaces and are being hated on for being older, that came to mind when i saw that post first (then i realized mid writing tags it was most likely a jab at the princess thing, which is a great example of gross people and should be shunned)
maybe im just dense cuz i like sonic and cartoons which are only for kids? /s
also i just went to see a movie! saw barbie it was great you should go watch it too
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
OKAY NERDS iM BaCk! Soo if they all escaped like the whole power outage happened and all of that. Y/N got out of the facility before any of them could get to her (IDK HOW MAN BUT YK, Y/N IS A BADDIE SOO) So after like a month passes and Y/N is like jogging or some shit idk but how do you think each one of the guys would capture Y/N?
Oh ho ho, Mochiiii I love this. Aight let's get into it.
These are NOT cannon to the story line.
Warnings: Yandere Headcannons ahead. If you are uncomfortable with these types of things, DO NOT READ. Proceed with caution, as I do not feel bad if you choose to do so while being warned.
Tokoyami- He was disappointed when you ran away but he didn't go all crazy. He just accepted that he'd have to find you again and make you see he wasn't as insane as the rest of them. But day after day, it became harder to be without you. His light... The star that lit up his night... He was upset. So so upset. So that one night when he saw you for the first time after a month, he didn't even try to hold Dark Shadow back as it reached for you, pulling you into his darkness for good.
Kirishima- Where are you Where are you Where are you, Where is his Pebble?! Kirishima would be tearing down the facility trying to find you. Finally figuring out you were gone, he would stop at nothing to get you back. What he didn't expect was for it to take a MONTH! So when he saw you jogging one night, his immediate instinct was to run. Run after you as fast as he could til he caught you. He hardened his arms and that's when you knew you never again could escape him.
Hawks- Oh baby bird~ Where did you run off to~ He practically sings as he searches for you. Once he figured out you ran, he wasn't too bothered. He was a mafia leader for fucks sake. As soon as he escaped, he had his people do some digging. Eventually they found your location and he set off. He found you taking a jog one night and without hesitation, he immediately swooped down and grabed you in his arms. Don't struggle, my baby bird. There's no where for you to run anymore.
Tamaki- Oh no. Nononononono. Bunny?! B-Bunny, where did you go?! He immediately had a panic attack when you left. How could you?! The only one who was ever nice to him, accepted him. You were his, he was yours. He had to find- H-he had to f-f-find you! But it took a month. A month without you. If he was insane before, he's a maniac now. So when he finally stumbled upon your jogging figure, it was instinct. It's almost like his body had a mind of it's own. Well... his tentacles, anyway.
Overhaul- Huh. That was weird. His little germ is...gone? Where did you go? You should be on your knees below him. But no, you weren't. It took him a whole month to find you, with the help of his followers. That's when he decided to pay you a little visit, waiting at your house til you came home from your jog. He threatened to kill every person in your neighborhood if you didn't come with him. You agreed with reluctance. And once again, he had you on your knees before him. This time, you weren't going anywhere.
Shoto- Y/N? Where'd you go? Poor boy is so lost. You left? Why? His eye twitches as he searches the facility for you but you were nowhere to be found. Did he do something? Why would you suddenly leave him? Did he scare you? For a month, he couldn't figure out why you left him. It haunted his every move. After he escaped, he walked the streets, nothing on his mind but you. So one night, when you took off for your routine jog, why were your feet suddenly encased in...ice?
Dabi- Oh, mouse wants to play a little game, hm? Well, guess he could be the cat in this game of tag with you. He is amused, to say the least. He enjoys games where he knows how the outcome will be. So the moment he sees you jogging down the street, he knew he won this game. You were shocked, to say the least, when a wall of blue flames block your path. But the shock turned into terror when you felt a hand tightly grip the back of your neck.
Bakugo- Where. THE FUCK. Did you go? He completely rips apart the facility trying to find you. And the moment he realizes he can't, all hell breaks loose. He's probably the reason the entire facility burnt to the ground. His angel, gone. No where to be found. What if something happened to you? What if someone hurt you? He wasn't going to stop til he found you. Well, it came as a shock to him when he found you perfectly healthy a month later, on your nightly jog. Within a split second, you hear explosions going off behind you and before you could react, your body was thrown to the ground, a growling blonde on top of you.
Denki- Sad pup. Very very sad pup. You left him?! Why?! He's such a fun person and would be an amazing boyfriend! He pouts around the facility, sparks crackling around him. Even more pouty when he couldn't find you. But he never gave up. He was finally able to escape and go searching for you. A month later, you think you're safe. So you leave the house to go for a jog. But you barely take 5 steps before a crackle of lightning hits the ground in front of you. Before you can turn around, you feel arms wrap around your middle and a shock runs through your body, before blacking out.
Midoriya- His darling left him and he is so very worried. Very worried. Are you hurt? Were you scared of him? Did...did someone take you for themselves? He investigates every person in the facility but no one had you. Day after day, his mind gets worse. His worries increase. So, about a month later, when he actually finds you outside? He can't help but let out a squeal of glee. He's fast, very very fast. The next thing you know, you're tackled to the ground in a tight embrace. And god... is it TIGHT.
Shinso- Oh, kitten. You made a very. Very. Bad decision. He doesn't know HOW you got away from him in the first place but he WILL bring you back. The longer it takes to find you, the angrier he becomes. After a month of nothing, he was finally, FINALLY able to locate you with his connections. You think you're out for a late night jog? Well, when you hear your friends voice call to you, you didn't expect your mind to be wiped clean. All you can see is him step in front of you with a manic grin. But you can't do anything. No movement, no noise. Nothing except silent tears falling down your cheeks.
Read the story these headcannons are based off HERE!
All works are mine (bakuhoes-dumbass), do not copy or repost anywhere.
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tohokuu · 2 years
happy new years !
uh, so i saw a lot of these appreciation posts and wanted to do one for the moots that i'm close with. i appreciate you all and thank you for fixing up my terrible half of 2021. you guys made me laugh all the time and i couldn't ask for more.
@bajimi @kocoir @suget : you guys come in a package. all three of you are so funny and sweet. thank you so much for being some of my oldest moots. i appreciate you guys for being here. you're all amazing
@seraphdreams - heres to my oldest mutual. you've been here since the first couple days i've had this account. thank you so much for keeping me in check when i was having a rough couple of days. we don't talk much but you're the sweetest. and you're the prettiest girl ever <3
@svnzus - you're just so funny. we hardly interact but i just wanna get high with you. you seem like someone who you could get high with and i appreciate that vibe very much
@nymphobunnie - you've also been here for a little while now and i think you're so sweet. i had a nosebleed the first time i saw you. you're so pretty and you talk so cutely. im in love with you
@yunhoflrtz - our friendship was made in the funniest way. i was so sus of you at first, bro (im sorry) but you were so insanely sweet i felt bad right after. it's a funny memory now but i'm glad it happened. your works are amazing, your theme is amazing and i love talking to you so much. biggest yunnie simp i know <3
@mitsuxii - my little whore, arba. i love talking to you. i feel like when i ramble about some stuff, i;m not 100 percent annoying you (i might be) but i don't feel bad about talking about my interests when i'm with you. i can be comfortable when talking to you. thank you for always defending me against hate anons and talking to me about the shady things on this app
@atozfic - you're deadass amazing. i was so scared of you at first. you were so intimidating and i thought you;d step on me at any given moment, but youre actually so sweet and you're also absolutely fucking hilarious LMFAO
@bobateastay - you were like one of my first ateez moots and i was so surprised when you followed me. i was in love with all of your works and i went thru all your masterlist in just a couple hours. i am absolutely in love with your work and i love the tags you leave when you reblog my fics. whenever im scared of positing something you always say the nicest things and it just makes my heart soar. thank you so much
@getoswhore - my little key-sucky fucker <3 i love you so much. your fics are the absolute best and i love everything about you. you were also one of the first ppl i met on here and managed to stay connected with for this long. i appreciate everything about you and i think you're absoltely hilarious. those videos in your camera roll... the toe sucking one ... sends me every time
@nateezfics - nat nat nat omg. i feel in love with your writings and i was stalking your blog for quite some time before we became moots. it started with me sending a whole bunch of hj photos in your ask box and then you did the same. and then our exchange of hj content started. i remember the scream i let out when i found out that you liked that one hj fic i posted. the one with the mirrors. you're so funny and easy to talk to. ty for letting me get to know you, even if its just thru hj pics LMFAO
@woahhwa - you're so cute, ru. like i was just in love with your blog. your work is always so good and it made me so happy to get to know you more. i need to know how you manage to be so cute ?? you make my cheeks hurt from smiling and i just wanna take you on a trip back home to the mountains and eat gol gappay with you. you're so amazing
@fallinforgyu - your blog is so cute. i just stumbled upon it and i read a couple of your fics and just fell in love. they're so well written and you're blog gives me cloudy rainy morning, with a cotton scented candle and white bedsheets and a book vibe. idk how to explain it but i feel so safe on your blog
@kurosism - you have the prettiest blog. its so so pretty. it gives me such good vibes. its so well formatted ?? idk how to explain it. but your fics are amazing and i love talking to you. you're very sweet :)
@dairyminki - your blog is so pretty. your fics are so good and we don't talk all that much but i enjoy your work and vibes. thank you for sharing your content with us <3
@devilzumi - i met you a while ago too. you were just so cool to me, i was very very intimidated and i was like :0 but you're actually so sweet. you act tough but you're actually just so cute. wanna kiss your nose. teehee <3
@yxnkigi - you're so fucking funny bro. i love every interaction with you. you're the cutest and i was so shocked to find out that you were also brown. you took interest in any of my desi writings (theres only one) but the thought of that made my heart soar. conversations with you are always fun <3
that took a while LMAO but i meant every single word i said. thank you for being apart of my 2021 and i hope our 2022 is great as well <3 !!!!!!!
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dreamties · 4 years
Slashers W/ a Punk S/O
T/W- q*eer is used a few times- in a positive, self affirming kind of way. But I can add other trigger warnings if needed. :)
A/n- Literally no one asked for this, but I wanted to make more HCs like the soft pastel one...so I just went wild and made them. 
I included a little bit of punk culture into this as well, because it’s not just about the fashion, but since there’s such a vast variety within punk culture I mostly stuck with my experiences in the community, and some bits and pieces from documentaries(mostly live footage from “The Decline of Western Civilization”).
Characters: Billy/Stu, The Lost Boys, Norman Bates, Michael Myers
Will make one(s) for Brahms, Amanda, Helen or Daniel if asked
Billy Loomis + Stu Macher
so early 90s, the Riot Grrrl movement emerges
bands like Bikini Kill, Bratmobile, Heavens to Betsy or Sleater-Kinney
it’s a very female-powered oriented movement, but I notice that a lot of minorities tend to be drawn to this music and community (LGBT folks, people of color, etc).
both boys, and yourself, being outside of the norm and all (polyamorous relationship, gay/bi) are sort of drawn to it!
and sure there’s a lot of really great queercore/homocore bands, and there’s probably a good LGBT+ punk scene out there somewhere, but in a little town like Woodsboro? Hell no. Sticking with this fem punk movement, while again mostly a space for women in music- it’s the most accepted the three of you have felt outside of you’re relationship. 
you’ve always been pretty into the music, stuff like Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, or the short-lived Germs- but it wasn’t until you stumbled upon Riot Grrrl that you really got into it. 
the music, making zines about local-ish political issues(probably not so much Woodsboro stuff, more Cali in general and neighboring towns) and a few ones with queer themes and hand-drawn illustrations of your partners, and DIYing all your clothes
since you’re so experienced with DIYing your clothes and sewing on patches, you’ve helped repair the Ghostface costumes on numerous occasions. they kind of adore this(Stu is the only one that will- and does, frequently- admit that)
Let’s face it, the three of you do everything together- but you especially enjoy when Stu tags along for thrift dates. 
he’s the more fashionable one, and he makes the whole experience more enjoyable- cracking jokes and just being his all-around goofy self.
Woodsboro is a very little town, so they don’t have much...but they do have a few small stores- usually you’ll make a whole day/date out of it though. driving to the next town or so over, since they have more stores and a better selection, and spending hours looking for cheap, old t-shirts, belts, clothes with funky patterns. heading out for pizza after.
Billy’s more likely to get into the music and everything with you(he’s kinda,, angsty, no offense to him)- will definitely go to shows with you.
just- imagine Billy in ripped jeans. and he’d have like one or two patches sewn on to it- one of them is your all time favorite band, and the other is a band that he found on his own time, and actually really enjoyed.
Stu is dragged along with you guys, you can’t just leave him at home- he’s gonna feel left out and sad. :(
He’s mostly there to keep y’all company- he really likes the energy of the shows though!
the two of them are such a chaotic duo though, so much so that you have definitely been kicked out or banned from a few venues. all for varying reasons. good grief these men can not be tamed.
The Lost Boys
as we all know, these vampires are total punks. so they’re gonna appreciate having a s/o who’s also into that whole scene.
How you meet:
you’re a baby punk, and it’s your first show ever, and you look so nervous. you’re dressed up in pretty plain clothes, a single homemade patch for your favorite band barely hanging to your jacket side(you were mid-way sewing it, when you realized you were gonna be late if you didn’t leave asap).
it’s a few local bands, ones you’d never really heard of really. you look anxious. but when they start playing? you look so unapologetically yourself, you’re so in the moment dancing- it’s completely mesmerizing to the boys. the music isn’t even that good, but you seem to be having the time of your life.
they greet you after the show, and you’re a tiny bit flustered- cause gosh, heck, they saw you. dancing. so embarrassing. 
David is the one that introduces himself and the group, and initiates conversation. Dwayne’s a pretty quiet guy, so he just listens to what you have to say. 
Marko’s pretty excited about you, and initiates in some small conversation, he may have complimented your little patch(Marko- patch jacket KING, complimenting your jacket?? more likely than you’d think) 
and oh, oh- Paul is out there being a total chatty-cathy, and is absolutely bombarding you with questions. like, okay, Paul is pretty talkative, but the other vamps are a little worried that he’s scared you off. and you had seemed so cool :(
you end up pretty engaged in your convo with Paul though, even if all the attention is overwhelming. He ends up snagging a date for the five of you the following week.
once you start hanging out/dating:
y’all just hit it off so well those first few days. they all love how sweet & shy you are- but also how much of a badass punk babe you are.
Marko helps make your patch jacket(collecting ones for bands you enjoy, how to make your own, sewing them on, etc). you probably could have done it w/out his help, but my gosh- you weren’t going to pass up this opportunity. Marko gets really soft around you sometimes, since he doesn’t really do this activity with anyone else, it’s saved for you. 🥺🥺
Dwayne likes listening to you talking about the local scene(outside of the shows you go to- mostly about stuff he can’t attend, protests and meetings during the daylight.)
all of them(especially David) are very protective of you. I mean, generally. but also when you go to shows. they let you do whatever the heck you’re gonna do, but the mere second that someone even thinks about starting shit w/ you?? well, y’know. those vampire instincts kick in.
the four of them obviously share a lot of similar tastes in music- but they all have different favorite bands, & fave parts of the community. which, they can’t even fully participate in,, but it’s okay.
they, individually, introduce their favorite bands to you. and they get it in their head that oh, they said they liked it. they must like it as much as I do. and awkwardly coming out to the four of them, as they argue about your favorite band, “Well, actually- this *insert band they’ve never heard of or barely listen to* is my favorite.” and their just kinda like, oh, okay. please tell us more about them. 
so it’s sorta like,, you’ve been learning all this cool knowledge from them, now you get to share cool knowledge with them.
idk. I think it’s cute. 💕
Norman Bates
so first off- let’s just pretend Psycho was in at least the 70s/80s for a moment. because realistically- the punk subculture didn’t really exist back then.
baby boy is absolutely fascinated by the way you dress (mother is less thrilled though)
imagine your jacket is getting a bit weathered, and needs some repairs- so he helps you to sew edges closed, and make sure the patches aren’t on too loose, etc
he enjoys hearing your stories of all the past shows you’ve gone to. you always get so excited about them, and he finds that so endearing. But he pretty much leaves the actual punk scene to you because of these stories.
he was already worried from the stories, and made sure you were well prepared for any trouble every time you left for a show.
but one time, you were able to get him to join you. never again though. he was so nervous!
the music was too loud! and he could hardly understand what they were saying- it was so confusing!
you stayed with him most of the night, standing near the back, holding his hand. he’d gently bob his head to the music occasionally. 
but you accidentally found yourself swept into the crowd, but you looked so blissed-out in the moment, that he figured it would be okay for you to dance* over there for a little bit...right?  
*Norman is still unsure if you’d even call that dancing.
Thankfully, nothing bad happened in the mosh pit.
you gotta give him lots of attention and reassurance afterwards though- you almost scared Norman half to death D:
He’s happy enough helping you out and listening to you though- and that’s okay for you, too. you still love each other lots, even if this particular interest doesn’t overlap.
Michael Myers
he thinks you’re outfits are pretty interesting. 
he’s a little worried at first, when you start experimenting with putting things like safety pins in your ears. cause like- that’s not supposed to be in your ear, Y/n, what the fuck
if you make zines at all, Michael really enjoys watching you make the illustrations for them(not that he’ll admit to it though), and helps to find newspaper and magazine clippings to incorporate into the spreads.
you always show michael the final booklet before distributing it
he doesn’t talk a lot, so he doesn’t ask questions- but he often does the little head tilt once you give it to him. since he’s not very privy to current events, and a lot of your zines are political, you spend a lot of time explaining them in depth.
he has no use for any of this knowledge, but he listens on, intently.
Important note:
dear god do not bring this man to concerts and local shows with you.
it is a nightmare, to say the least
Michael is sort of,, emotionless sometimes, doesn’t really care for people at all, and if he does? definitely not in the same way most people do. 
so imagine combining that part of michael, the fact that he’s also a giant stabby man, with super loud, energetic- almost aggressive- sounding music and a bunch of strangers that aren’t respecting any personal boundaries. 
you need to keep him at the back of the venue- lest your local scene may go missing.
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You’re Not Mine | Peter Pevensie x Reader
Tumblr media
Warnings: Jealousy ig? A lil angst if you squint
Time/Era: Golden Age
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: When two foreign royals take interest in Peter and Y/N, jealousy arises. 
Requests: 1) hi :) i was wondering if you could maybe do a jealous!peter x reader ?? not enough of those hehe thank u so much  
2) If possible can you do a peter pevensie x reader where the reader gets jealous clingy due to another queen from another royal kingdom flirting with him if that makes sense idk if it does but yeah 😂
A/N: Hi! I hope it’s okay I combined these two :) They’re quite similar so I thought they would work well together! Enjoy! Also, the Prince and Princess obviously don’t exist in canon, but they do in this story lol.
masterlist | narnia playlist | read on ao3
It was an unspoken agreement that Peter and Y/N only had eyes for eachother. Their arrangement was never made official nor spoken about but by their actions, it was more than obvious. High King Peter was infatuated with Y/N, and he was wrapped around her finger. Whether it was due to her unbelievably inviting demeanor or her ability to listen to Peter speak for hours, the poor king couldn’t get enough of the girl. Y/N was always there to offer support, without offering advice unwarranted, and she managed to crack Peter’s shell quite quickly. 
Y/N wasn’t a royal, nor was she a member of the official staff at Cair Paravel. Rather, she was just a normal girl in her late teens that happened to stumble upon Narnia, much like the royal family. Peter envied that she didn’t have any real responsibility or ties to the Kingdom; she was just a normal citizen who happened to befriend her rulers. What Peter didn’t understand was that she did have a responsibility. And a big one at that. She offered support to her Kings and Queens as normal friends, rather than monarchs who had all of the answers. Y/N kept her friends sane and relaxed. Her job could be seen as one of the more important jobs in the kingdom for that sole reason. 
“I’m not too excited about tomorrow, if I’m being honest,” Peter spoke hesitantly, sharpening his blade. The king sat upon a large rock in the courtyard, whereas Y/N was perched on a nearby bench. 
“And may I ask why?” Y/N hummed, her hands working on a daisy chain. She glanced up at her friend, unbothered by the shrill sound of the sharpening metal. Taking care of his blades was a coping mechanism Peter had taken up, so anything that helped him clear his mind didn’t bother Y/N in the slightest. 
“King Lune is bringing Princess Alexandra and Prince Frederick along to the deal,” Peter’s hands worked on his sword, his brow scrunched in frustration. “Which means more Archenland soldiers in Narnia. The more foreign soldiers in Cair Paravel, the more on edge the entire kingdom appears. I don’t want them to think we fear them.” 
“Ah, I see. Hand me that flower will you, Pete?” Y/N pointed at a daisy near his foot. Peter plucks it from the soil and hands it to Y/N. “Thank you. What deal are you trying to make?” 
“Ed and I are trying to get them to sign a peace treaty, which may or may not be a good idea.” 
“Isn’t there a third Prince? Prince Rub The Rash or something?” Y/N’s voice resembled a giggle. 
Peter snickers, “Rabadash, yeah. Apparently he has important matters to deal with and won’t be attending. A blessing, if you ask me.”
Y/N holds her daisy chain up in the light and observes her handiwork. The stems were woven around eachother securely and each flower was on perfect display. She grinned and fastened the ends together so it formed a crown. 
“So, a peace treaty. That’s good, yeah? More allies, or whatever.” 
“Yeah, that’s a good way to look at it. We’re just not too positive about what they want in return. Something tells me that’s why the Prince and Princess are tagging along.”  At these words, Peter makes a sharp movement and the metal of his sword emits a high pitched screech. 
“You mean marriage?” 
“Yeah, marriage. Susan and I, most likely.” 
Y/N sucks in air through her nose harshly. “Oh, I see.” She stands from the bench and stands right in front of her king. 
Y/N delicately pulls his crown from his head, placing her daisy chain in its place. His dirty blonde hair smooths against his forehead and Peter looks up with his beautiful blue eyes. Y/N always adored his eyes; no matter how his body language looked, his eyes always displayed his true emotions. 
“You look nice with flowers in your hair, my king.” Y/N’s voice was soft, making Peter understand what she was feeling immediately. 
“Thank you, but you know you don’t have to address me with formalities.” 
The two were extremely close in this moment; just observing the other’s faces. Peter hand a stone-cold look on his face, but his irises were filled with doubt and sadness. Y/N sighed, taking a step back and diverting her gaze. 
“Well, you are my king. I don’t see anything wrong with addressing you as such.” 
“I’m more than just your king, Y/N. You of all people should know that.” 
“What’s her name again?” Y/N had turned her back to Peter. She heard Peter set the objects in his hands on the grass and stand. 
“Who’s name?” 
Y/N tightened her grip on Peter’s metal crown. “The princess you are set to marry.” 
“Why does it matter?” The jagged edges of the crown dug into Y/N’s palm. 
“What is it, your majesty?” 
“Alexandra. Princess Alexandra.” Peter’s large hand fell to Y/N’s lower back and he guided her to sit on the bench. 
“King Peter and Queen Alexandra, that has a bit of a ring to it.” Her gaze fell to the metal between her fingers, her thumb running across a small red jewel. 
“Y/N, stop it. If it’s marriage we’re not going to go through with it. Ed and I have already spoken about this with Susan.” 
“Peter, I don’t think you understand something very important,” Y/N moved her head in one fluid motion to lock eyes with Peter. “You’re not mine, and you never will be. You’re High King of Narnia. I’m just, well, me. And we can never change that.” 
Peter rose his hand and adjusted the flowers atop his head so they wouldn’t fall off. “I have all the power needed to change that, Y/N.”
“But why would you? Why would you risk the safety of Narnia for me?” 
Peter sighs. “How about this, you come to the agreement, yeah? We’re holding a ball beforehand so we can ‘mingle’ and scope out their intentions.” Y/N nods solemnly, handing the crown back to its owner. 
“Flowers really do suit you, Peter.” And with that, Peter’s favorite girl stands and walks back towards the castle. 
“How’s the punch? I heard it’s not very good,” A voice pulls Y/N out of her trance. She was currently watching a very handsy Princess Alexandra feel Peter’s biceps and giggle. 
“Pardon?” She looked up to see a very handsome man leaning against the wall. He was rather tall and lanky, with long ginger hair that was swept into his eyes. Atop his head sat a golden crown, very similar to Peter’s, and his face was twisted into a grin. The man was extremely attractive, with his slightly cocky body language and flirty tone. 
“Is the punch good? Tasty? Pleasing to the tastebuds? I heard it wasn’t.” In his hand, he held a small clear cup filled with red liquid. He raises it to his pink lips and takes a gulp. 
“Seems like you just answered your own question.” 
“It was alright,” He smiles. “It would be better if I knew your name, though.” 
“Your drink would be better if you knew my name?” Y/N laughs, growing more comfortable in the presence of who she assumed was Prince Frederick. 
“Well, it would make my day, night, week, month, year, life better. My drink is just a part of that,” He winked and took another sip. “I’m Prince Frederick, but someone as pretty as you can call me Fred,” The royal held out his hand for a handshake. 
Y/N giggled and shook it. “Y/N, I’m a close friend of the Narnian Kings and Queens.” 
Y/N couldn’t help but be charmed by the mysterious prince. He was funny and flirty, which was probably exactly how he wanted to appear as. Peter, on the other hand, hated what he saw. He was across the room but watching Y/N’s body language ignited a fire inside his stomach. 
“You’re so strong, King Peter,” Princess Alexandra squeezed his upper arm. Peter glanced at her then back at Y/N. 
“Thanks,” He responded shortly, tight jawed with his hand on the hilt of his sword. His eyes glanced over the pair and his gaze took in the subtle changes of his love. She was facing Frederick head-on while throwing her head back to laugh at whatever he’s saying. 
“Who are you looking at?” Alexandra said, placing two fingers on his cheek and turning his head to face her. 
Peter pushed away from her presence and walked over to the pair. “Excuse me,” The two turn their head towards Peter. Y/N’s smile faltered at Peter’s expression; he looked almost angry and was staring daggers into Fred’s skull. 
“Hello, my King,” Y/N bowed, acting formal as there were guests in the room. 
He ignores Y/N and turns to Prince Frederick. “Who are you?” 
This doesn’t seem to faze Fred as he lazily sips his drink. “I’m Prince Frederick. You must be King Peter, I was just talking to your friend.” He moves his cup to gesture Y/N. 
“I can see that,” Peter mumbles. A similar look of disdain falls over Y/N’s face as her eyes follow the path Peter took to get to her. At the end stood Princess Alexandra, now speaking to Edmund.
“How is Princess Alexandra?” 
“Oh, she’s doing great. Thinks I’m very strong.” 
“Oh, good.” Y/N responds passive-aggressively. 
“Yeah, it’s great. She was just feeling my bicep. Said it was the biggest she’s ever felt, mmhm.” 
Fred looks between the two awkwardly, raising his eyebrows and taking it as his cue to leave. He pushes off the wall and meets his sister in the middle of the room. 
“Fred, he said I can call him that by the way, just got done calling me pretty before you got here,” Y/N looked up at Peter, her eyebrow quirked and arms crossed over her chest. 
Peter glances over at Edmund and nods before grabbing Y/N’s arm and dragging her out of the room. He pushes her against a wall a little bit away from the ballroom. 
“I told you I wasn’t marrying her, why are you doing this?” His breath fanned her lips as he spoke. 
“Doing what?” 
“Flirting with Princey,” Peter’s body pinned Y/N’s against the stone brick wall. “I saw how you were talking.” 
“Why were you flirting with Miss Princess if you weren’t planning on marrying her?” 
“I wasn’t!”
“I saw her feel you up, Peter!” Y/N huffed in frustration, her hands coming to push and his shoulder. However, Peter was a wall and held his ground with little to no effort. 
“She felt my arm for, like, 10 minutes. Big deal. You actually flirted back.” 
“I did no such thing, thank you very much. I was too busy watching you flirt with whats-her-face to even notice Prince Frederick!” 
Peter slammed a fist into the brick before pressing a sheering kiss to Y/N’s lips. The kiss was hot and rushed; both parties putting all of their emotions into the one action. Teeth clashed and tongues wrestled until Peter eventually pulled away breathlessly. His lips were swollen and red, and Y/N assumes she looked the same. 
“I don’t want to marry her, Y/N. I want to marry you. I am so fucking in love with you,” Peter shook his head, walking in a small circle before returning to his place. “And seeing you with Princey really made me understand that I need you.” 
“Then, what are you waiting for, My King?” 
“Well, a yes would be nice.” 
Y/N giggled, and all tension seemed to dissipate. “Well, I haven’t been asked anything yet.” 
Peter’s grin matched Y/N’s. “Well, Lady Y/N, would you marry me and become my queen?” 
“Yes, Peter. Took you long enough.” 
The two laughed once more before pressing their lips together once more. Unlike the last kiss, this one was feather-light and full of love. Peter caressed the sides of Y/N’s face with his rough hands and pressed his lips against hers with much certainty. 
“There you are!” Edmund rounded the corner just as the couple pulled apart. “Good news! You two managed to weird out the Prince and Princess so much that they’re backing out of the arrangement. King Lune was convinced to sign the treaty with no further complications.” 
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shsl-otaku · 4 years
Where Greed Goes, Despair Follows: Chp. 38
Pairing: Ban & Y/N
Anime: Seven Deadly Sins
Genre: Adventure, Romance
Warnings: ⚠️Syringes, injections, slight torture? idk if it can be called that, but there's a bit of screaming⚠️
Tag List: @asgleo16 @yuri-2018 @vialuciferscage @commanderawkward @chidayasays @misfitgirlwrites @amberfoxcosplay @catlover7722 @shiggi-trash @softiekage @happynoodle @milkysamu @kageyamis @yogurthdecoco @alysplxnet @chanderefk @furryavocadoowo @nellieleverlin @djdestiny23 @kelseyleia98 @demise-dies-dead @giyuustears @callmeunstable @jaybeingweird @lizzy101 @wishfulcoconut @80strashbag @crownedcupcake17 @rinzyx05 @cinnamonbun332 @smolmacbean @lalalol17 @rintheemolion @lostgirl2007 @god-of-the-universe @whorianscum @ihaveaproblem98 @ariknj @liawinchester67 @sunnsettee @beccawinter @stxtch72 @starrykeigo
You let out a gasp, your e/c eyes flashing open. You breathed heavily, staring up at what seemed to be the top of a dark cave. Panic and adrenaline rushed through you as you remembered what had just happened.
"Elizabeth?" you yelled. You tried to get up but couldn’t. You looked down to see that you were tightly chained down onto some sort of stone table. "Elizabeth?!"
"She isn't here," a voice said.
You turned to the voice to see a man with cold, turquoise eyes and hair the color of periwinkle. You scowled as you saw that he was wearing armor. "Who are you? What did you do with Princess Elizabeth?"
"Shouldn't you be more concerned about yourself right now?" The man asked, walking to you.
You scoffed in disgust. "Answer me!"
"She is being detained elsewhere," the man said. His cold eyes scanned over you. "So, this is what the famous Raven Sin looks like."
"What do you think you're doing?" you said, glaring harshly.
"It appears you are physically unscathed despite what you went through during your last encounter with Jericho," the man said nonchantly.
Your eyes widened and cold dread washed over you. "What?"
The man tilted his head, his eyes boring into yours. "That means that my hypothesis was correct."
"Hypothesis?" you repeated. "What hypothesis?"
"You really don't know then, do you?" the man said. You stared up at him impatiently. He shook his head. "I've been studying records of the Demon race for quite some time now. The different types, their blood, their statuses. However, I happened to stumble upon something incredibly interesting."
The man looked back at you, a glint in his eyes that made you feel uneasy. "A scroll that mentioned of a human who had demon blood in them. A person who could possess power as great as the Demon King himself. Someone who the Demon King could channel himself into and use as his way to see and live in our world."
Your breathing grew uneven as emotions swirled within you. "You... You think that that person is me?"
The man smirked. "Haven't you wondered why you're still alive despite Jericho stabbing you with her sword being covered in that substance?"
You stared at him, shocked and confused. "I..."
"What about your abilities?" The man continued. "No normal human being is able to summon stalagmites from the ground. No normal human being is able to trap someone's consciousness in their own mind. No normal human being's eyes glow red when they are enraged. Have you really never considered that you might be more than what you've been told?"
The man walked over to a small table and picked up a syringe. You could barely breathe when you realized what it was. It was filled with the same black substance that was on Jericho's sword when she stabbed you.
The man walked up to you, holding the syringe up in his hand. "This is a syringe containing the Demon King's blood." Your eyes widened. "Jericho's sword was covered with the blood of a different demon but after long and desperate searches, I finally found this."
You stared at it, frozen in fear. "No. How did you even get that? How did I never know about this? I was raised by a human family, I—"
"All memory of what you are has been erased since the beginning," the man said. "You were never supposed to know until you had the Demon King's blood flowing in you." He positioned the syringe on the left side of your neck.
"W-Wait—! No!" you screamed, tears forming in your eyes.
The man looked down at you, his cold, turquoise eyes being the last things you saw. "You'll feel better when it's over."
He pressed the syringe into your neck and began injecting the blood. You let out a cry of pain as your e/c eyes began glowing a bright purple, the two symbols reappearing on the backs of your hands. A new symbol was now glowing on your forehead as well. The man continued to inject the blood into your neck as your terrified and agonized screams echoed in the cave.
"Don't let Meliodas use Full Counter," a Holy Knight yelled, charging towards Meliodas with an axe. "Use your weapons to stop them directly!" He swung his axe at Meliodas, Meliodas deflecting every hit with his sword. He quickly punched the Holy Knight, sending him flying away.
Another Holy Knight tried sneaking up on Meliodas, only for him to be punched down by Ban.
"Don't think you can beat us without using magical power, dumbass," Ban said, glaring down at the Holy Knight. "Well, it'd be futile even if you did." (gODDAMN HIS VOICE IN THE SUB WAS SO HOT WHEN HE SAID THAT JFC. OKAY I’LL LET YOU GET BACK TO THE STORY LMFAO)
Ban raised his hands up, looking at the group of Holy Knights charging at him and Meliodas. "Geez, they just keep coming!"
"So we're gonna have to wipe them all out after all?" Meliodas said.
"Let's be efficient about this," Gowther suddenly cut in, walking between the two. He raised his hands up, summoning his Sacred Treasure. "Sacred Treasure, Double Bow Harlit!"
"Sacred Treasure?" Meliodas exclaimed, eyes widening.
"Where the hell was he hiding that," Ban asked, staring at Gowther in confusion.
"Rewrite Light," Gowther said, shooting arrows of light through all the Holy Knights. The arrows all passed through each of them without causing them to die or bleed.
"Hey, Gowther," Ban said, looking at him. "The effect is like zero!"
Suddenly, the Hoky Knights all dropped their weapons and began running towards them.
"Meliodas, my son," a Holy Knight yelled.
"Ban, my bro! I really missed you, man!" another Holy Knight said.
"Huh?" Ban and Meliodas said, surprised.
"Gowther, what is this?" Meliodas asked, blinking in confusion as he was hugged by a Holy Knight. Ban was being carried up by a group of Holy Knights, trying to process what was going on. Gowther was being held close and patted on the head by another Holy Knight.
"Right now, the Holy Knights see us as their dead family members, friends, or lovers whom they haven't seen in some time," Gowther said, pushing his glasses up.
"Did you rewrite their memories?" Meliodas asked.
"Shh," Gowther said, turning to face him. "It's merely a simple stopgap. Once they notice the inconsistencies in their memories, they'll go back to normal. Moreover, their memory of being under this spell will be deleted."
"Don't you ever use that on us!" Ban and Meliodas yelled, appearing in front of Gowther.
"Roger that," Gowther replied, looking at them blankly.
The three of them managed to get away from the crowd and go deeper into the city.
"All right," Meliodas said, now hiding behind what appears to be what was once the wall of a building with Gowther and Ban. "We managed to get into the capital, but what are we gonna do now?"
"We can't just recklessly start battling in the city," Gowther stated.
"Man, that's gonna be a drag in itself," Ban groaned. "Who knows where those bastards could be hiding Y/N?"
"With all these Holy Knights around, it's not gonna be easy to search for traces of Elizabeth or Y/N," Meliodas said.
"Hey, let's head to the castle," Ban said, grinning mischievously. "You know how in fairy tails, the princess is always locked up in an underground dungeon in the castle?"
"Don't you mean the top of a tower?" Gowther asked. "Also, do you mean to refer to Y/N as the princess?"
Ban let out a cough to hide his shock, cheeks starting to flush. "Shut it!"
"The castle, huh?" Meliodas murmured, staring up at the large castle of Liones. Suddenly, a wave of pure fear and pain washed over the kingdom, making Ban and Meliodas' eyes widen.
"What... is this," Ban gasped, tears forming in his eyes. "I... can't move..."
"It appears to be Y/N," Gowther said nonchantly. He brought a hand up to his face, touched it, then looked down at his hand. There were tears on his fingertips. "Fascinating."
Meliodas looked up at the two, tears also streaming from his eyes. "You don't think...?"
Ban's eyes widened in realization. "Something's happened to Y/N."
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
This is my first time writing to you ever😱 I've been following you for a couple of weeks and read through a lot of your work on your masterlist and OMG I LOVE IT! ESPECIALLY Good Intentions - I've read some chapters like three times already, it's so good
I love how you write the boys and how you describe everything - I can envision everything that's happening so easily. You are truly such a good writer, but hopefully you already knew that❤
I saw you were doing your ask friday and read something about Valentine's day present from one of the boys? I would really love to participate in that, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna do it right haha
I'm just gonna write it here: my fave color is petroleum blue (like a deep turquoise), my favorite flowers are roses, random fact is I'm 5'10. I'm struggling with which boy bc I can't really choose between the triplets, I love them all so much, but I feel like I'm in a Kylo mood atm
Pls let me know who your favorite triplet is, I need to know for "research purposes"/curiosity
Hope you're having a great day/evening/whenever-you-see-this✨ I will be more active here from now on now that I've built up the courage to send this haha
Love, Sierra
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Matt Organa-Solo:
Oh baby-Matty wants to give you anything in the world. If you wanted the moon he would throw a lasso over it just to see you smile.
Matt’s favorite color is blue too! Who would’ve thought? Everyone always gets him stuff that's orange, but he only wears it because in art class he learned that it was a complimentary color to blue.
He really wants to make today special... he knows he’s not the most eloquent when it comes to his feelings for you but he wants you to know he's listening to you. He’s been working really hard on the perfect Valentine present, that you’ll cherish for the rest of your lives together, which Matt is planning on forever so jot that down.
A beautiful bouquet of roses will find its way to your work/school, rivaling anyone else's that were received earlier in the day. Along with a note that explains for you to get dressed in the outfit he laid out when you get home. A stunning blue set sprawled on the bed, your favorite color. Along with some deep blue earrings to adorn your ears, Matt wants them to twinkle, for when he bites them later.
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Ben Solo: 
Sweet sweet Benny boy... the most precious boy who needs all the attention and affection you can give him. He thrives on it okay, don't make him beg, because he will crawl on his hands and knees just for an ounce of your attention. 
For Valentines? 
He spent so long on his present for you, a beautiful painting made of you. Scandalily clad in deep hues of blue, complete with blue butterflies around your body on the canvas. He absolutely loves it, and has a copy of it for himself, he thought about getting professional photos of himself naked for Valentines' but his brothers gave him a hard no... so. next year. 
A beautiful blue stone set in gold, perfect to wrap around your finger, a symbol of his love for you. 
You really thought he wouldn’t propose on Valentines? Think again! 
Why not? 
its a romantic day, and he loves you more than anything. 
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Kylo Ren: 
Ummm... wtf is Valentines' day? 
is this something he should’ve known about? 
why is everyone wearing pink? 
someone kissed him because he was wearing red but he SWEARS he didn’t ask for it okay. 
Kylo gets you a rose GARDEN. Filled with exotic and hybrid Roses that come in every color you can imagine. Just because he got overwhelmed at the florists when they asked about the size he wanted. There's no size of flowers that can amount to his love for you, so a garden seemed like the next best step. 
He has hidden gifts throughout the walkway, which he pretends to not know about when you stumble upon one. Wrapped in black velvet, a big red bow atop. 
A fucking tiara. 
Along with tickets to fly to the ocean because he knows your favorite color is a deep ocean blue, which whatever. Red is far superior but he will let you live under the guise of blue being good. So he can walk on the beach with you, hand in hand while the waves crash against your feet on the shoreline. 
Also sex. 
My Favorite Triplet????? 
geeeeee idk....
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i don’t know... 
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there's so many options man 
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idk dont make me choose babe. 
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads​​ @onlykyloscenes​​ @candycanes19​​ @historyandfandoms50​​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​​ @ghoulian13​​ @mrs-kylo-ren​​ @millenialcatlady​​ @mrs-zimmerman @relationshipwithmybed​ @dancingmicrobes​​ @wayward-rose​​  @contesa-lui-alucard​​ @daydreamsofren​​ @insufferablelust​​ @ohdamnadamm​​ @mariesackler​​ @caillea​ @safarigirlsp​ @jalexunderthestars​​ @shesakillerkween​​ @glassythoughts​ @zimmermansbrat​ @not-the-teen-witch​ @jynzandtonic @roanniom 
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seonghwa-is-babie · 4 years
What we've been missing (pt. 1)
Ateez x hybrid! Male reader
Part 1 of idk how many
Note: I have to split this up into multiple parts otherwise it would be hella long and take too long to make
You can find the whole thing with the tag 'what we've been missing' (once there's more parts)
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"yunho! We're out of snacks again, can you go buy some?" the tallest looked up from his spot on the couch to the voice coming from the kitchen. He quickly got up and went to put on his coat, backpack and shoes, then grabbed his phone, wallet and house keys" I'll be back in a few!"
He quickly made his way to the grocery store, getting various snacks that all of them liked, paying for them and putting them in his bag. Trying to get back to the dorm as quickly as possible, as he knew how some of the members act without snacks
As he was walking back to the dorms, practically speed-walking to not get wet by the sudden rainfall, he heard a small sniff that stopped him in his tracks. He gazed to where the noise was coming from, a dark alleyway
He carefully walked into the alley, spotting a wooden crate, turned on its side so it could be used for shelter. In the crate, was a small boy, wrapped in a thin blanket, cat ears atop his head. 'it's a hybrid' yunho realised, he knew that even if they had some rights now, most of them still suffer from abuse and a lack of shelter
He crouched down before the crate, making the boy hide his head in the blanket "hey buddy, don't worry, I won't hurt you" his reassurances seemingly did nothing "are you hungry? I could give you some food" yunho tried again, taking his backpack and finding a suitable snack
The boy still hasn't moved, but was extremely tempted since he hasn't eaten in 2 days "here, you can have some of these cookies" yunho tried to offer the food, but the boy was still very hesitant, looking up at the man in front of him "it's alright, they're safe to eat, I promise"
eventually, the boy took the cookie taking a small bite to make sure that if it was poison, it wouldn't effect him too much. After feeling like it was safe, he practically devoured the thing "you must be really hungry" yunho handed him another cookie "so what's your name? how did you end up here?"
They boy froze up a bit, wondering if he should even tell a random human what happened. He did trust the man a lot more than past humans "y/n, my owners used beat me a lot, then one day, they went further and threw me out, this is my home now" Yunho frowned at that, he really despised how some people treat hybrids. To him, they are some of the most precious people on this earth and doesn't understand why others can't see it like that
"I'm sorry you had to go through that, no one deserves that" yunho noticed the rain getting heavier by the second "looks like we're getting a rainstorm tonight" he looked back at y/n, how would he ever survive this weather?
"how about you come with me? I have a home where you can stay warm and dry up, you don't have to stay long if you don't want to though" y/n weighed the options, go home with a seemingly trustworthy stranger or freezing out here?
He decided on the first option and slowly got up, not having the best balance, stumbling a bit "are you okay? Do you want me to carry you?" yunho went to help the male by grabbing his hands to keep his balence. Y/n slightly tensed up at the touches, but allowed them "I-I'll be fine"
Yunho glanced at the hybrid struggling to stay up "you don't look in the best condition to walk" he took his backpack and put it on his chest instead "you can get on my back" the young hybrid was a bit fascinated by how determined the man was to help him, he's never experienced something like this before
Carefully, he climbed on yunho's back, wrapping his arms loosely around his neck, and his legs around the man's waist "I'm not too heavy, am I..... ?" yunho giggled, realising he didn't tell the hybrid his name "yunho, and of course not, now, let's go home"
By the time yunho arrived at the dorms, y/n had fallen asleep. He unlocked the door, trying to not make too much noise so y/n could peacefully sleep. He was however, greeted with the usual loudness at the dorms
"finally you're back, what took so- what's on your back?" San asked confused as he saw yunho walk in with an unconscious boy on his back "I found him in the alley, he needs a place to sleep for tonight and some food. So if you guys could be quiet and let him sleep that'd be fantastic"
To say the other boys were confused as well seeing yunho come in with a hybrid on his back was an understatement "wha-" yunho quickly shushed mingi, unwinding y/n from his back and onto the couch, where y/n immediately balled up
"why do you have a hybrid with you?" wooyoung whisper yelled "I found him on my way back, he needs a place to sleep for tonight and some food, I don't think he's eaten in a few days"
"I'll go get seonghwa, we can make a meal for him" wooyoung got up and went to the older's room. "he looks so peaceful right now" Yunho mumbled to himself whilst smiling "so cute" San said, leaning against yunho's shoulder to get a better view of the hybrid
When wooyoung returned with seonghwa to cook something for y/n, Hongjoong came down as well, wanting to know what was going on. What he didn't really expect was yunho and San looking over the hybrid, while the other three observed them from the other end of the couch
"yunho" said male turned his head to his leader "the clothes he has look pretty torn up, should I give him some of mine?" he nodded, happy to know the other members are willing to help him as well
Y/n woke up to the smell of food, getting slightly shocked at all the new people. He clung to the only person he could trust, Yunho "hey, it's alright, they're my friends, they wouldn't hurt you" he hesitantly raised his head from yunho's chest to look up at the strangers. One by one they introduced themselves
"oh right, y/n, Hongjoong laid out some clothes for you in the bathroom, you should take a bath or shower first though" y/n nodded and let yunho lead him to the bathroom "can you wash yourself or do you need to help?" "I-I can do it myself, thank you" yunho nodded and left the bathroom
Once y/n washed up and put on the clothes Hongjoong had given him, which was a hoodie and some sweats. He quietly made his way back to the living room
The members currently seated on the couch turned at the sight of the smaller male returning, some of them San cooed at how cute he looked. Y/n got a bit nervous and went back to yunho's side "what's wrong?"
"don't like people staring" yunho hugged the male and he immediately snuggled into him "you know you still have to eat, right?" y/n nodded
"yunho, the foods ready" seonghwa said as he came into the living room, his eyes lighting up and smile growing when he spotted the hybrid and how cute he looked cuddled up to yunho "hi y/n, I'm seonghwa, I'm the oldest here. We made some food for you, do you wanna come and eat it?" seonghwa asked gently as he sat down near y/n "c-can yunho come too?" seonghwa nodded "off course, now let's go, you must be hungry"
Y/n followed seonghwa with yunho in tow to the kitchen, where wooyoung was already setting the food on the table. When he noticed the three enter the kitchen, he smiled at them, more specifically, y/n. "hey y/n, I'm wooyoung. Me and seonghwa made some food for you, hope you enjoy"
After the food, they all went back to the couch, y/n snuggling back up to yunho "he's really attached to you" mingi pointed out "I think it might be because he's had a rough past.... I think I'm the first person he actually trusts" a single tear slid down yunho's cheek
"y/n we have to go to bed, where do you wanna sleep?" yunho asked the hybrid "um, I think the couch is just fine for me"
"are you sure? I can always let you sleep on my bed if that's more comfortable" y/n shook his head "no thanks, I uhhh wouldn't want to bother you more then I have to"
"y/n you're not bothering us, but if you wanna sleep on the couch that's fine, we'll get you a blanket then" as if on cue, Yeosang walked in with a soft fluffy blanket "oh, thanks Yeosang" yunho smiled as Yeosang handed the blanket to y/n
Y/n tried to sleep, he did his absolute best to, but nothing could stop the nightmares from the past. It even got so bad he unconsciously shifted to his cat form. He needed something, someone there to comfort him, he had no choice but to wake one of the people in the house for comfort
Still in his cat form, he hopped of the couch and into the hallway. Now, y/n's initial plan was to just go to yunho's room, but he has no idea which room it was, they were all closed, so he couldn't see inside to check if yunho was in there
Deciding any of the members would be better than going back to have more nightmares, he started scratching on a random door, hoping someone would open it.
The door eventually opened after a few moments, a black haired man peeking through who y/n didn't seem to recognise at first, nonetheless he still slipped into the room
Upon further inspection, he noticed it was San that opened the door for him "y/n? Is that you?" y/n nodded "what's wrong, I thought you were sleeping on the couch?" y/n didn't make anymore sounds, jumping on San's bed, waiting for the latter to join
His gaze softens as he realised y/n probably didn't have the best sleep "didn't want to sleep alone?" he crawled back in bed as y/n laid down on his chest. San carefully reached out his hand towards y/n, quietly asking for permission to pet him
Y/n responded by putting his head in San's palm, giving him permission to continue. San did so very gently "it's okay y/n, I don't know exactly what you went through, but I want you to know we're nothing like the people who mistreated you" the hybrid started purring, eventually falling asleep "good night y/n"
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elenamiria · 4 years
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader The morning after spending the night together the two of you talk until you have to sneak away to get ready for the celebration on Naboo.  Five years later you and Anakin sneak away to a speeder race and get caught upon returning by Obi-Wan.
Part 4 of my Obi-Wan series (which is still unnamed because I’m a mess)
Parts 1,2,3: Beating the Heat*(2.67k)  -  Dessert*(3.8k)  -  The Naboo Sun* (7.89k) Masterlist here  Word count: 4.7k Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, smut - oral (m receiving, rough), dom obi, mild exhibitionism, unprotected sex, penetrative sex (fem!reader), praise kink Here we go again! I hope you all enjoy this chapter of whatever this fic ends up being called (I’m thinking pleasing heat but idk is that stupid, who knows.) Let me know if you want to be added or taken off of my tag list (for this work or all works) Tags: @fishswimbetterunderwater​ @blxwjobsforclones​ @lynnie51​ @a-dorin​
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After your confessions to each other you had slipped back under the covers, intent on staying with each other for as long as possible. Slipping into a comfortable silence the two of you basked in each other’s presence content to watch the sun slowly cast its golden light in the room. Once the sun started to fully rise you knew you had to sneak back to your room before any of the council were out and about. Regretfully you started to pull away from Obi-Wan only for him to tighten his grip on you and haul you back into his lap with a playful laugh. You giggled and turned to smile up at him, he had an amused smile on his face that quickly turned to concern as you gasped and shot back up. “Obi-Wan! I have to tell you something”
Once you noticed his face you softly grasped his hand and gave him a soft smile, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad. But I believe we’ve developed a force bond.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes widened for just a second before furrowing his brow in thought, “Darling, what makes you think that?”
You took a deep breath before speaking, choosing your words very carefully not wanting to revive any negative feelings for Obi-Wan.
“When I was back on Coruscant and you were here on Naboo yesterday, I felt these emotions - strong emotions. They weren’t mine.”
You trailed off and Obi-Wan nodded in recognition, then something crossed over his face and he looked down. Voice low he asked, “So you know?”
You paused for a moment and whispered his name questioningly, unsure what he was referring to. When you received no response you reached across the gap between you to rest a hand on his shoulder, “I know what Obi?”
He looked at you, face filled with shame, “You know that I shouldn’t be a Knight!”
Confusion filled your face at his words and you thought back to the emotions you were feeling the day before. Your eyes widened as you looked back at Obi-Wan, who was looking back at the sheets again and you once again called out his name softly. He didn’t respond apart from his hand reaching to nervously tug on the padawan braid which was now absent and instead of letting it drop you moved your hand off his shoulder to weave your fingers together.
“Obi-Wan, I know what you felt that night and it’s nothing to be ashamed about. You witnessed something terrible happen to someone you loved very much so of course you would be angry. It’s only natural”
Obi turned back towards you, eyes hard as he muttered “Yes well I let that anger fuel me and it was more than that. If what you’re saying is true then you know I let hate drive me, I wanted to kill him. I think you know as well as I do that those emotions are not the Jedi way.”
Sadness had once again filled his eyes and you felt a small frown cover your face before you spoke again.
“My love, even though you felt those things that doesn’t make you any less of a Jedi. Even though we’re always cautioned about those as a path to the dark side and you used your feelings to defend yourself. Plus you are still a Jedi, you didn’t succumb to the darkness. You are not like the Sith, you know that you can still have darker emotions and be a great Jedi. Look at my master, he channeled those negative emotions into his fighting - you did the same thing.”
Slowly the cloud looming over Obi-Wan’s countenance lifted and he looked at you, biting his lip. He looked deep in thought and you remained quiet to allow him time to process your words. Finally he nodded and looking to you once more he offered a small smile. Leaning forward you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek and gave him a smile back.
“No one is more deserving to become a knight than you, not only did you defeat a Sith but you did it while using your emotions and you haven’t held on to them, you let them go. That’s a lesson so many of us are still trying to learn, Master Jinn would be very proud of you. Now, no more being down on yourself, Obi! We’ve got to get ready for the celebration and I’ve got to sneak out of here before any of the council are up.”
At this Obi-Wan laughed and followed you up off the bed. You fixed your nightgown so it looked slightly less rumpled and sighed deeply hoping no one was wandering the halls. Just before you left Obi lightly grasped your arms and pulled you into a chaste kiss. Breaking apart he whispered to you, “Thank you, Darling. I truly mean it, you’ve always been there for me and you always know just what to say - something I admire greatly. I’ll meet you when we have to go down for the parade.”
Stroking his cheek fondly you two shared another soft kiss before you snuck into the hallway. Returning back to your room was thankfully very easy as it was still early and it appeared no one had ventured from their room yet. Stifling a small yawn you decided you could chance a small nap and still have time to get ready, plus it would be best if your bed looked slept in. Though the beds were on Naboo were wonderfully comfortable you couldn’t help but think you would fall asleep so much easier in Obi-Wan Kenobi’s embrace”
Pulling your boots on and zipping them you stood back up and looked over your appearance before grabbing your robe and opening the door. When you walked into the hallway you heard voices coming from Anakin’s room, door wide open. You wandered into the room and the sight you were met with caused an affectionate look to cross your face. Obi-Wan was just finishing up shaving Anakin’s head, except for what would become his padawan braid, and the young boy was happily chatting away. Once he finished Obi-Wan brushed off Anakin’s back and shoulders to get rid of any remaining hair and he then passed the boy a folded tunic with the soft instruction to go put it on. Anakin scampered off to the bedroom you made yourself known. Stepping forward you moved to help Obi-Wan clean up the mess with a small chuckle of, “Well that has to be one of the sweetest things I’ve seen in a long time.”
Obi smiled up at you and nodded in agreement. He was about to say something in return when a small voice called out his name and Anakin stumbled out of the bedroom, tunic in disarray. You had to stop yourself from laughing at the poor boy who managed to get his arm stuck in one of the many loops of fabric on the tunic. Obi-Wan immediately went to help him and kind hands gently guided Anakin’s arms out of the tangle he had gotten in. You felt your heart swell at Obi-Wan’s gentle words and actions, if only the order allowed you to have children Obi-Wan would be a great father. He taught Anakin which pieces of fabric laid just so and helped him secure his belt into place before he stood up and backed away to make sure everything was indeed in place. Nodded to himself he then bent down again to quickly braid Anakin’s hair, officially marking him as a padawan. The moment was so sweet and you couldn’t help but grin so wide it hurt your face, you had never felt more at home than you did now. The moment was interrupted by a knock on the wall next to the open door and your masters voice echoing out that it was time to go to the celebration. At this Obi-Wan’s face dropped slightly in anxiousness. You were going to wait to ask him what was wrong on the way to the steps of the palace but Anakin beat you to it with a simple question of “What’s wrong Master Kenobi?”
Obi-Wan smiled and offered the boy, “Im just a bit nervous is all. I guess I’m still a little shaken by everything that happened.”
Anakin nodded sagely in a move that made him seem much older than he was before he responded, echoing your words to him from the previous day, “Don’t worry, I’ll be there for you no matter what!”
You chimed in with, “Yeah me too.”
And Anakin as well as Obi-Wan shot you big smiles. Obi-Wan rose to walk with Anakin and you to the door as he replied, “I feel much better knowing I’ve got both of you by my side, thank you my young padawan.”
As Anakin’s smile grew prideful it put some pep in his step and he was soon walking ahead of you and Obi-Wan. With a small grin you turned to Obi-Wan, “He’s right you know. You’ll always have us, no matter what.”
Obi hesitated for a moment, looking down, but when he looked back up you could tell he believed your words and the first truly brilliant grin you had seen since arriving to Naboo covered his face.
                                                     5 years later
“Shhh, Anakin! We’ll get caught by Obi-Wan, I don’t know how but I’m sure he’ll find us”
The 14 year old had to stifle a laugh as the two of you snuck back into the Jedi temple. You had caught Anakin sneaking out earlier to go into the city for a speeder race (a rather illegal one at that) and knowing it would be impossible to stop him you instead went with him. In the years since Anakin had come to the temple it was clear how headstrong the boy was and he had definitely mastered the art of sneaking out of the temple. You couldn’t count the amount of times Obi-Wan had gone searching for Ani in the depths of Coruscant to drag him back to the temple. You found it rather amusing that Obi probably knew just as much about underground racing in Coruscant as Anakin did. Your thoughts were interrupted by Anakin bursting in excitement as he recalled one of the more thrilling parts of the race, it was clear he was replaying the whole event over again in his head. This time it was you stifling a laugh as once again you hushed him, “I’m serious Ani, Obi-Wan will definitely find out-”
“Find out what exactly?”
At the amused voice echoing in the near empty hallways you and Anakin froze. Anakin’s eyes grew comically large and you bit your lip to keep from laughing at your hopeless situation. Anakin was the first to turn around and you followed shortly. Obi-Wan was lounging against one of the large pillars of the hallway, some Jedi you were for not even noticing him, his face was fixed in a stern expression but you caught the gleam of amusement in his eye. Anakin started to mumble out an apology before you stepped in.
“It’s my fault we were out, Anakin wanted to go and instead of sending him back to his room I accompanied him into the city.”
You flashed Anakin a small smile as his whole body relaxed slightly. There’s was a pause were Obi-Wan stared at you narrowing his eyes slightly before you added, “I am sorry...Master”
At the last word a smirk curled over your lips knowing how it affected Obi-Wan when you called him that and indeed you caught the way his eyes darkened, body tensing slightly. His gaze slid to Anakin before he stood straight up with a sigh of, “Very well, why don’t you retire for the night my padawan and I’ll see you in the morning for training.”
Anakin gave you a thankful glance before hurrying off towards his quarters. Once his disappeared from sight you turned back towards Obi-Wan who motioned you towards him and you closed the distance between you two. You were dangerously close to Obi despite the fact that the hallways were deserted around this time of night however you were still startled when Obi-Wan firmly gripped your lower jaw and hauled you around to the backside of the pillar. Enveloped in shadow he pushed your back against the pillar and a small annoyed huff of air left him before he spoke, “My sweet girl, what to do with you. Sneaking out with my padawan and not even having the decency to tell me. I was looking for you for hours.”
His dominating role left you breathless and you bit your lip letting a soft whine escape your throat, but you couldn’t help but question your lover “Why didn’t you just use our face bond to find me Obi?”
His facade fell slightly as he looked at you with a slight crease to his brow, “That would have been an invasion of privacy Darling.”
His care for you and unwillingness to cross any boundaries, even when it wouldn’t have bothered you in the least, warmed you body. You leaned forward attempting to kiss him but slipping back into control Obi shook his head before stating, “You don’t get to kiss me yet little one, I still have to punish you.”
A thrill shot straight to your pussy at his words and you felt your breath hitch too, “Punish me, how are you going to punish me Master?”
Obi-Wan groaned softly at the way you drawled out the title master and he glanced around either side of the pillar before hissing, “On your knees, little one”
Your eyes widened, faltering for a moment as you whispered, “Here? What if we get caught?”
A deep laugh filled the air around you as Obi-Wan trailed his other hand, which had been resting on the pillar next to your head, down your body to grope at your breasts over your brown tunic. A dark aroused expression covered his face as he spoke again, “What if we get caught? Well you’d certainly like that wouldn’t you? I think you wanted me to catch you sneaking back in so I’d give you exactly what you deserve and I think you want the thrill of the possibility of being caught right now. I bet if I snuck my hand into those pants you would be absolutely soaked for me. Now, be a good girl and get on your knees for me.”
You couldn’t deny that every word he spoke was true, your whole body tingling in anticipation. Biting your lip you made a show of slowly sliding to the ground, holding eye contact the entire way down. It was only when you settled on your knees that you let your eyes wander to the bugle barely visible in the dark light. Obi-Wan finally let go of your neck only to firmly grasp the back of your head. Leaning forward you nuzzled at the outline of his member pressing on his pants before kissing it and then trailing kisses down his inner thigh as you reached up to undo his pants. You pulled them down just enough to pull his cock free and your mouth watered at the sight. You decided to get right to it instead of teasing him and so you sucked his tip into your mouth, getting it nice and wet before you sunk his length further into your mouth. Obi seemed desperate for you as he tugged your hair slightly pulling you to take him deeper into your mouth. You started bobbing your head up and down slowly each time you tried to slip him deeper into your mouth, when he hit the back of your throat his hand pressed firmly holding you there. A small whine was muffled by his cock in your mouth and you heard the quietest moan before Obi-Wan growled out, “I’m going to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours and you’re going to take it sweet girl, is that alright?”
You nodded best you could and at your consent Obi slowly pulled his hips back before thrusting forward. He never fully pulled out before pushing back into the wet heat of your mouth and when it was clear you were taking him well he sped his pace up. His hand tangled in your hair encouraged your head forward to meet his thrusts and you were trying to keep your choking noises to a minimum as you reminded yourself that you were in the middle of a hallway.
Obi-Wan was quite a mouthful and you did your best not to scrape him with your teeth as he fucked your face, sinking as deep as possible. As you grew more confident you relaxed your throat and Obi-Wan was able to sink into your throat. At the feeling he moaned holding you there. Your throat spasming around him caused his hips to jerk and your eyes shot up to his face as you looked at him pleadingly, your oxygen was running rather low. Another moan slipped past his lips at your expression and he held you there for just a second longer before pulling fully back, you softly gasped for air, head turning slightly, and then a squeak left you as Obi tapped the side of your face firmly with his rigid length and a command of, “Open up.”
You felt your pussy clench at his words and obediently opened your mouth wide, he plunged his cock back in setting another harsh pace.
You couldn’t help slinking your hand down your body and under your pants to rub at your wet panties, a moan left you as you toyed with your wet folds and Obi’s hips stuttered once he realized what you were doing.
“Oh my desperate girl, couldn’t even wait for me to finish could you? So needy, so..” His words faltered as you took him back into your throat again and he forgot what he was about to say when you moaned. Bucking his hips as his head fell back in barely contained pleasure he came down your throat. You whined again as you swallowed down his hot cum and looked up at him as you frantically plunged two fingers into your pussy. You had just started a steady rhythm when Obi-Wan recovered and pulled out of your mouth. He tugged your arm gently and you removed your hand from your pants with a grumble before rising from the ground. He tucked himself back into his pants before guiding your fingers to his mouth to suckle the juices off your fingers. Pulling them out of his mouth with a pop he then captured your lips in a sweet kiss. Once he pulled away he whispered against your lips, “My quarters 10 minutes, I’ll take care of you darling.”
As he spoke his hand came to cup your heat over your clothing and a whimper left your throat before you nodded, repeating back ‘10 minutes’. He pressed another soft kiss to your lips and then he pulled away and after ensuring no one was there he strolled down the hall towards his quarters like he didn't just cum down your throat. You waited another minute before emerging from the pillar and heading the opposite way, taking the long path towards the living quarter, body thrumming with excitement. When you slid into his quarters exactly ten minutes later Obi-Wan stood up abruptly. You shot him a questioning look and he simply shrugged, there was no way he was going to tell you he spent the last five minutes trying to find an enticing pose for when you entered but then got too self conscious - hence him rising quickly when you entered. Shaking off his small display of insecurity he pulled you close to him once you were within reach and slotted his mouth against yours. You trailed your hands over his chest and started to work his clothes off his body, impatient and needy. When you broke apart again Obi let out a breathless laugh at your rapid pace, "And here I thought I was the one missing you. I really was looking for you all over." You laughed slightly as you smiled up at him and replied, "Oh no I missed you very much and I'm very eager to make up for lost time my love""Well, I can't argue with that" Obi chuckled as he started to undress you as well. Clothes were flung away from your bodies as your mouths collided again in a heated flurry. Once Obi had undone your trousers and pulled them down he teased at your still covered heat with his hand. At your delighted noises he slipped his hand past your underwear and rubbed at your wet lips. He made a satisfied noise at the clear arousal and he felt his length twitch as he started to harden again. Slipping two fingers into your drenched folds he pumped slowly before scissoring lightly, ensuring you were fully prepared to take him again. You pulled apart to nip at his neck and you bit at his shoulder as you moaned out, "I want to be on top Obi, let me ride you." Obi-Wan slid his fingers out of you and the two of you stumbled to the edge of his bed, lips locking again as if you couldn't bear to be separated. He sat down heavily on the edge and tugged you down onto his lap. You ground against his semi-hard length, coating him in your juices, and at your touch blood pumped to his cock rapidly. You gave him a few firm pumps before lifting your hips and angling him towards your entrance, Obi's hips gave an involuntary jerk and his cock slipped past your entrance and poked at your ass cheek . A breathless giggle left your lips at the blunder and you realigned him before sinking down slowly. You both moaned out as he drank in your warmth and you reveled in the stretch that you felt no matter how many times you took him in your cunt. Once you lowered your hips all the way and felt him bottom out inside you a small whine slipped through your lips and you nuzzled into Obi's neck, the feeling of being connected overwhelming you for just a moment. His hands gently trailed down your sides to grasp at your hips and gently started to pull your hips in slow circles. Your head fell back at the feeling and finally needing to move you started to raise yourself up and down his cock. At Obi-Wan's gentle moans of encouragement you picked up the pace, the firm slap of your thighs meeting his every time you slid down on him. You were grateful for the firm grip on your waist as Obi-Wan helped bounce you on his hard length as you could feel your thighs starting to burn. Leaning forward Obi captured your mouth in a searing kiss and quickly plunged his tongue into your mouth, asserting his dominance, while you made out he adjusted his grip, one hand sliding down to your ass in order to help you speed up your pace. As you broke apart his mouth nipped at your neck before moving to your chest and capturing a nipple, sucking slightly. When he pulled back he blew cold air on the spot wet with his saliva and your nipple hardened quickly, which he then teased softly with his teeth. Your hands which had been resting on his shoulders for leverage came to bury themselves in his hair. With the length Obi-Wan had let it grow to you were able to tug on his hair to direct him to your other tit, craving the attention. After giving your other nipple the same treatment Obi-Wan picked you up quickly to flip positions. Now standing above you it gave him a better angle to fuck into your wet heat faster and freed his hands to roam your body. As he picked up his pace his breath came out in short pants and in between breaths he stuttered out, "Sorry my love, I know you wanted to be on top, I just couldn't help myself" You were just as breathless as him and gave him a small laugh indicating it was fine, you could hardly find it in yourself to complain - not when he was pounding into you so deliciously. Your hand flew down to toy at your clit as Obi raised your legs to rest on his shoulders so he could get a clear view of you. Moaning loudly at the way your body jiggled every time his cock slammed into you he grabbed onto your hips once again, intent of making it so you couldn't walk without thinking of him tomorrow, and pulled you into him. Your other hand slid up to cover your mouth as you cried out loudly as you rubbed your clit, your orgasm coming quickly. Having been so worked up for so long your release was short but blinding. Your walls clenched tightly around his long hard cock and your whole body tensed, Obi-Wan felt your leg muscle tightening and as he continued his rapid pace, seeking his own release, he turned his head to press soft kisses to your calf. He also took over rubbing gently at your clit as your hand had become rather useless and he whispered to you comfortingly, "That's it my sweet girl, you're doing so well. You look beautiful cumming all over my cock like that, such a good girl." Whimpers flew from your mouth as you came down from your high and you raised yourself on your forearms slightly to watch as Obi plunged in and out of your heat. You trailed your eyes up his body to meet his and you bit your lip before moaning out, "You feel so good Master Kenobi. You're fucking me so well" Obi-Wan's head fell back at your praise and you could tell he was getting close from the way his hips faltered in his pace before speeding up again. You let out another small whimper, knowing just how to push him to cum, and you whined "Oh, Obi-Wan you're incredible, I love you so much. I'm yours, no one else would ever make me feel like this, just you!" At your words Obi pulled out to pump his cock quickly as ropes of white cum flew out of him to coat your body. Obi-Wan's orgasms were never quiet, the air filling with his moans and whimpers mixed with reverent whispers of your name as he milked every drop out of himself to drip on your beautiful stomach. When he finally came down from his high he was met with your soft smile and you couldn't help but whisper out, "You look so incredible when you cum." Obi-Wan blushed at your compliment and suddenly grew shy again, it was cute how dominant he could be but still grow shy around you. He didn't reply instead retreating to get a damp cloth to clean you up.  When he returned you pulled him into a soft kiss, pouring your feelings into your bond and you felt him light up with similar feelings as he allowed his walls to lower for you. Pulling away you nuzzled your noses together, your force bond thrumming with feelings of love and you fell into your post sex routine easily. After being together for so long you knew exactly what the other needed. Tonight you settled against Obi-Wan, sitting in between his legs - back to his chest. You laid at an angle where you could look up at him as the two of you talked about your days, content just to be in each other's company. You pointedly avoided talking about your little excursion with Anakin to the city but you knew at some point Obi-Wan would bring it up to chastise you for encouraging Ankain's rebellious tendency but it appeared he would leave that until morning as a big yawn left his mouth. You chuckled and pressed a kiss to his jaw with the murmured suggestion of sleep. Obi-Wan nodded and lazily slid down under the sheets, taking you with him. You rolled off of him and to the side only to cuddle up against him, his arm slinging around your shoulders in a warm embrace. You sighed and closed your eyes and just before drifting off to sleep you thought 'I love you, Obi-Wan' and the last coherent thought you had before drifting off to sleep was him responding through your bond, 'I love you too darling'.
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omgkalyppso · 3 years
Number 4 for the romance lyric prompt for any variation of the ot4!
4. ‘Cause girls like you run 'round with guys like me 'til sun down.
The lyric is from Girls Like You by Maroon 5 (idk how obvious this is without me saying it), and was added to the playlist specifically for Claude x Hilda though a lot of the lyrics have to be taken at face value because it could be interpret extremely negatively, though not that line, and not my intent. I'll try writing a few words of the stage-production au.
I didn't read over this when I finished.
Here's the first post of the stage-production au: [HERE]
Most of the cast were gone for the day, though the actors who had agreed to go out afterwards had lounged in the audience. Dimitri and Edelgard stood on opposite step ladders, as crewmen held them in place, going over the lines of their final battle with a choreographer and the director.
Dimitri would be atop a large dragon puppet someday, and Edelgard would be in her Hegemon construction, but for now, they were in t-shirts and jeans and trying their best to imagine what the final product might look like.
Hubert and Dedue stood by their sides, and had stopped crouching after the fourth recitation of their lines. By now had been brought chairs to sit upon, from which they each spoke their one line, to be shouted in production, as they supported the song shared by The Rightful King and The Flame Emperor in their epic moment.
From the orchestral pit, the production's vocal coach, Yuri, played an upright piano to guide their tune and tempo.
Hilda sat between Claude and Ferdinand in the audience. Each man whispering along with the song with a bounce of his head while she sunk into her seat, amused, and embarrassed by the prospect of joining them.
It was the most genial cast Hilda had ever worked with, and when Ferdinand, Edelgard, Manuela, Seteth and Lorenz had spoken of not drinking for seven weeks before a show, the bulk of the cast had agreed to go sober for the duration; though when they'd spoken of different dietary restrictions in the week leading up to production, there'd been very little consensus. Regardless, tonight would be the last hurrah for those who drank, as Hilda didn't anyway, and they were waiting to take their friends out for the night.
It was still relatively early as far as nights went, barely seven o'clock, but that was still late enough that people were missing dinner. Hilda could hear the crinkling of a paper bag from behind her, where Mercedes and Dorothea snacked on sweet and sour chicken balls.
After three more runs of the scene, Sweetpea, their stoic mint-haired director, declared, "I think that's it." They did their best to turn to address the rest of their team, in the wings and in the audience. "I'll see most of you in four days when we join Yuri for a, hopefully less chaotic, rendition of The Storm of Myrddin. Great work."
Hilda whistled loudly in support of her castmates, while her friends applauded and hollered. Dimitri bowed to their audience, and Hubert bowed to Edelgard who rolled her eyes and laughed as she exaggerated with one hand thrown skyward as she and Dimitri made their way down their respective stepladders.
"Thank you, Yuri," called Edelgard.
"Yes, thank you, Yuri," Dimitri agreed.
"We'll practice those low notes next time," Yuri answered, before waving up out of the pit to soften his implied criticisms. "You're welcome! We're getting there. There's a lot of range to cover."
Dimitri was still insecure by the time he joined his castmates in the aisles as they marched to the exit, "Did it sound that bad?"
"No," Claude snickered.
"It's Yuri's job to strive for perfection," Dedue observed.
Hilda held her hand in front of her lips for a moment, considering her contribution. Once they were outside, she jut her elbow into Dimitri's stomach so he grunted in surprise, stumbling back into Felix.
"Hey, watch it!"
Hilda shrugged. "Just remember that sensation?"
"Don't be mean," Sylvain exaggerated with a whine, giving Dimitri his sweater he'd been holding onto.
"No, I—" Dimitri tried to mimic the same position his mouth had been in, tongue drooping forward in his mouth as he sought the pitch of his exclamation.
"You broke him," Hubert declared, his brow furrowed, at the same time that Claude, Edelgard and Dedue were following Dimitri's example and carrying a deep monotonous tone.
Edelgard even turned it into a line that Yuri had probably been concerned with, that she would sing below The Rightful King's pleas, "So that none will suffer I must forfend—"
Dorothea answered her with The Rightful King's following line, "Living and dead, I will not forget those whom I defend."
"We're not doing that," Felix said, flat.
"Right," Annette agreed, which seemed to surprise him. "Resting voices."
"Resting voices," several people echoed.
They followed Dedue to a Duscur place for dinner, and wolfed down their wraps as they waited in line at a club that might be large enough to accommodate their large group.
"You didn't bring your date?" Lorenz asked Felix.
"We're not dating," Felix said, as if on instinct. He thought a moment. "Wasn't this just for cast?"
Lorenz shared a frown with Hilda before he assured Felix, "I doubt anyone would have complained even if you'd brought someone unrelated to the production. We'd have been happy to—"
"Don't listen to him," Claude said, turning from Leonie so he could wrap an arm around Lorenz. "Or I mean, do, because you could have brought anyone you'd wanted, but also don't because Lorenz just chickened out of asking the other make up artist to join us and hoped they'd have tagged along with Mia."
Felix snorted.
"That's not what happened," Lorenz objected.
"Oh, sweetie," Hilda contributed with a pout. "That's exactly what happened."
"We just got to talking, and I got distracted," Lorenz contributed.
"You forgot?" Felix asked, aghast. Hilda brought her hands to her lips, failing to hide her amusement.
"It didn't come up," Lorenz countered.
"That's not better," Claude said, shaking his head. Lorenz shrugged him off and flicked his chest with all four fingers.
"Fat lot of good friends like you are."
The second floor of the club was open to the elements, archways acting as windows to the brisk wind of evening, and the bright shine of sunset. The breeze and drinks were welcome, Mercedes, Dorothea and Hilda taking turns sitting with their pitchers, yellow with alcohol and pink without, to protect them just in case.
Hilda found herself distracted throughout the night, watching Claude as he dipped Lorenz, and nearly dropped Dimitri, and joined Dorothea in a samba that she and Annette were soundly better at.
They danced together only twice, the first time early in the evening before the dancers and the night had hit their stride, when there was more laughter and embarrassment in their fun than indulgence. The second time had been later in the evening, when he was flush and tipsy, to a ballad that had them swaying slowly with his hand politely between her shoulders. She'd thought about stepping closer into his space, resting her head on his chest, facing the brunt of his sweat and his cologne, but hesitated — partially because of their working relationship, but mostly because Sylvain and Mercedes had whistled about the way Hubert had held the small of Edelgard's back and she'd stretched back in a smooth, flowing dip.
It was maybe an hour later that Claude found Hilda seated at a table by a south-facing archway, the dim red of the western horizon a memory of the now fallen sun, the deep blue to the east twinkling with a few visible stars over a small lake and parkland.
"You having a good time?" Claude seemed more sober now than earlier, unlike some of their friends, and Hilda smiled softly, glad of his attention.
She nodded and ran her fingers under her eyes. "Just tired. Worked early before practice, and will again tomorrow."
"I'm glad you made it," Claude said sweetly, and Hilda rolled her eyes as she sucked on a straw from a cup that was mostly ice.
"No one would have missed me," she contributed, her gaze darting to where most of their colleagues were gathered, some of their friendships spanning years and others only as long as auditions, but generally they seemed to feel closer to each other than she really felt to them. So far, anyway.
She felt slower at forming these deep friendships that others seemed instinctually born with. She wondered if she'd know any of these people long enough for that to matter.
"I just said I would've," Claude insisted, crossing his arms as he leaned into the table. His hair was wilting around his face, framing thick eyebrows and dark lashes that half-hid his green eyes. He needed to curl them, Hilda thought idly.
She blushed and pushed at the ice in her glass with her straw. "You just owed me a few drinks for improvising with you in your audition."
Claude chuckled and hid his smile in his elbow for a moment. "That was kind of you," he allowed. He looked at her directly, and promised, "But it's not just that."
"No?" she peeped, half teasing, waiting on the joke or the reveal.
"No," he said at a whisper. "Would you want to come over to my place on one of our free nights? I could make you dinner? We could just run lines, or...?"
Claude blushed and they both snickered softly. He shifted back and forth against the table, forcing himself to sit up, running a hand over his chin, clean shaven for his part in their production.
"Or whatever you like."
His smile widened as she considered it, and she wondered if it was because he wasn't facing instinctual rejection or because he could tell that she was interested. When she nodded, his shoulders fell, as if suddenly relaxed. A lot of people had rules about not dating people they worked with, the risk of rejection and the pain of a breakup always had a chance of hurting a production, but she could see the value of taking a few moments of flattery too far. Even if Claude tucked his heart away from something more, even if they only ran lines, she was looking forward to it.
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griffin-wood · 3 years
pairing: kent zarneki x f!button, maia wiseman (mind blind)
summary: Maia surprises Kent with flowers at the end of the day.
a/n: a self indulgent fic of my babies, and a huge thanks to @wayhavenots and @kelseaaa for all the help! It's quite a serotonin ride hehe, enjoy! 💖
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It was her first thought, as both herself and Nick went out to have lunch together. The word ‘flower’ itself, somehow become a permanent fixation of her day – as they passed by a local florist on the way to the café.
Button, nick called through his mind – a never-ending gesture for them both as Maia has finally returned back to reality.
“I’m here!” She answered as she was met with Nick looking at her with a knowing smirk. Maia tends to get into these states especially thinking of a certain someone.
She was about to say something before the waiter come by collecting their plates and leftover – as Nick passes on the bill. They left the restaurant afterward, as Maia’s steps faltered in front of the local flower shop. The shop itself has a welcome atmosphere. The outside of the store was decorated with various types of flowers – some she knew from the heart, some were new. There were bundles of sunflowers, daffodils, roses, and many more that bring out the color of the store.
The door of the store was opened, as an elderly lady appears with a smile due to their visit.
“What can I help you both today?” Her voice sounds kind, soft to the ears – as Maia smiled at her, returning the friendly gesture.
“I am looking for something special.” Her voice sounds confident, as Nick raises an eyebrow at the sudden decision. He tries his best to recall for any birthdays that will be happening today, but nothing came to mind – until, an oh left his lips earning Maia’s attention as the lady went inside to fetch a couple of supplies.
“Is it for Kent?” The smirk never leaving his face, as the blush started to crept onto Maia’s face – her gaze falls onto the bouquet of colorful orchids in front of her.
“I knew it! But, what’s the occasion?”
She just shrugs her shoulder,
“I feel like doing something good for him today since he told me about a meeting with his dad today which…sometimes, won’t end well.” A sigh escaped her, as she recalls how much his mood changed at the thought of meeting his dad again.
Nick smiles, placing an arm around her shoulder,
“Well, let the flower hunt begin.”
They spent a few hours at the store, searching every inch of the store, they even learned there were much rarer species of flowers from the owner herself. They managed to chat for a while, as the owner who is known as Mrs. Stewards who has been living in Chicago and working on the flower shop for the last few years.
She found it, the perfect flower.
The flower itself was pleasant to look in the eyes, however – the meaning behind it stuck with her as Mrs. Stewards' story took a place in her mind, it was her way of expressing what she had been feeling for him. The feeling of love, joy, and everything in between. Those are some words to express how much life changed for her after meeting an unexpected human named Kent Zarneki who managed to capture her heart in a matter of time.
“This is perfect Mrs. Stewards.” The words left her mouth as she held the bundle in her hands, it was beautiful.
They said their farewell to her, with the promise to come back soon before leaving the store. The sun is setting as they walked together making their way back.
“Anything, I’m a text away alright.” He reminds her as always, as she lets out a sigh.
“I know Nick-Nack.” There was a hint of annoyance in her voice, which was met with a chuckle from Nick himself before they were separated.
She smiles to herself, before making her way to his house. She could hear the barking from the yard which made her happy, they would always play together during the evenings. The weather was not too hot, and not too cold – it's quite perfect.
The door was opened before she could even knock, giving her a sense of déjà vu to the time when they first met. It was quite a view for her, which she secretly enjoys.
The shi tzu’s immediately run her way, as Maia scoots on their level – rubbing their bellies as their barks gave serotonin induce to her. She stood up, as she was met with Kent himself who smiles at the sight of her, however, an eyebrow raised at the bundle of daisies she is holding in her hand.
“What’s that for?” He gestures at the bouquet in her hands, as the blush on her face starts to creep up again.
“I actually brought this for you.” She smiled before passing the bouquet to him, in a split second – she was met with a surprise expression before it is gone.
Kent was silent, as the bouquet somehow caught the attention of both Annie and Cass who looked at it with such curiosity.
“I know you had that meeting with your dad today, and I know it’s never easy – so, the flowers are somehow like maybe some serotonin afterward which I hope so…idk...urm” She stops herself from blabbering before she says anything non-sense.
The chuckle that escaped his lips followed by a hint of a smile on his face says everything she needs to know, as he invites all of them inside for the evening. The daisies had been transported into the empty vase, as they were watching a romantic comedy on her request, which Kent surprisingly accept followed by a snuggling session with Annie and Cass. As the night grows late, Kent offered to walk her home – with the thoughts of the gift still whirling in his mind, he felt touched by the gesture. She stopped in her tracks and smiled at him before pulling him into an embrace, as he lands a kiss on her forehead - a familiar act for them both.
“Good night.”
“Good night.”
He waited for a couple moments before making his way back home. As he started to get ready for bed, he stumbles upon the note on the table where the flower was placed.
“They say a flower a day, keeps the doctor away right..? No...yeah, it’s a bad attempt of a joke..but, okay just ignore all of that! There was a story about daisies, and one of them is how they symbolize joy – and I’m not much of a poet to say but, I hope it makes you as happy as you make me, even just for a moment." – Love, Maia.
There was an urge in him to fight a smile as he reads the note over and over again. A thought crossed his mind, as he held the note in his hand - doesn't she know that he doesn't need the flowers, her presence in his life is enough to make him the happiest he's ever been.
tags: @fhauvilles , @wayhavenots , @winterkeys , @homeformyheart and @fantasyoverreality98
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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lyssa, when did you first fall for shoto?? ik a lot of ppl talk abt how it happened once they found about the utter hell he’s been put thru, but for me it happened in the license training arc when camie did her thing and i saw that bright ass smile…..like a bitch (re: me) was never the same AND WHEN IT THAT WAS ANIMATED?!?!??! NAH NAH NAH U CAN’T TEASE ME LIKE THAT AND THEN HAVE HIM GO BACK TO HIS STOIC SELF??!?1?!? like eyE—- anyways, it was at that moment that i think i fell the hardest for him, given everything we knew about him and how he started to really re-examine his life with fresh eyes and move forward like a trooper….i just couldn’t *not* love him anymore at that point yk? idk what this is, but i was just curious bc im re-reading the manga and that frame hit a lil too hard and i needed to simp a lil bit — 🐻 anon
okay, so I tried to find some thing from my old chats with my ex on discord to find out when exactly I fell in love with shouto, but tbh... by the looks of it and by my memory it took awhile.
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july 23, 2019 is the first time I openly admitted my love for todoroki shouto to my ex. now I can’t tell you if it started around that time or before, but I will say that it was not immediate. so first thing to know about me is that I started with the anime originally, my ex had tried to get me to watch bnha for about half a year before I caved, and because he literally was like “we’re gonna watch it, no choice” because I was a “omg anime is for nerd weebs” kinda person. anyways to your question!
to be very honest, I did not like shouto that much. I thought he was an asshole, a possible unhinged psycho bitch in that first season. the first time I saw him on screen I deadass said “zuko vibes” which was probably more towards his scar than anything else. season one ended with us knowing nothing about shouto except that he was willing to kill men for information and that he was a powerhouse.
upon watching season two he seemed to become even crueler and I was not for it. midoriya was also my fav for a long time because he is so cute and from my limited knowledge of anime, hes a big difference from the happy go lucky idiot who powerhouses through everything with the power of friendship. so I was like “canceled, I hate you.” with finishing the sports festival and  understanding why shouto was the way he was, I still couldn’t find it within myself to forgive him. I understood that he was a victim of abuse, but I am a solid believer of not allowing other peoples behavior affect who you are. I think no matter what you go through, your hardships and pains, you don’t have the right to be mean to other people. and to me, shouto was being mean. so while I understood and pitied him for it, I couldn’t come to forgive him.
the stain arc was like “oh, cool, he’s actually growing and letting himself not let his past define who is with others!” I started liking him more at this point but it was still nowhere near the intensity it is today. I still didn’t consider him a top 10 character.
season three came and we had the training camp arc, the provisional licensing, and the mirio fight. at this point he still just didn’t interest me. I saw that he was growing, but with my “well you were an ass,” I couldn’t see him as anything but someone who felt guilty. 
season four wasn’t out still so I didn’t have the supplement classes to judge him on. so what I did instead -- because the first time I watched it I couldn’t tell you any characters name outside of midoriya, bakugou, and all might -- was rewatch the entire series again, and again.
I came to a see the characters and who they were, no longer focused on just those three people but observing them all, and the thing is... todoroki started to stand out. I am a girl who has a... tendancy for falling for people with parental issues and AHAHAHAHA TODOROKI SHOUTO IS EXACTLY THAT!!!
I remember reading the manga and it just hit me when I was watching what will be an arc for season five and feeling ready to throw hands for shouto and I was like “...now wait a fucking second...” and it hit me that in some way he had become my favorite character in the series. which lead to that screenshot I put in the beginning. I also had tumblr -- and the day that I decided that it was time for my to delete it after having it for a free months -- one of the old blogs I followed reblogged and tagged something with my hero and I came across the fandom.
it was also the first time I had stumbled across the x reader tag and I was drawn in immediately. I read all the shouto fics I could and eventually there wasn’t enough updating and content to read so I started writing my own LMAOOOO and yeah... almost a full year later and he’s still my favorite! and aint nobody ever gonna top him in that regard.
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rnegitsune · 4 years
Ok so I thought I'd put together some horror stories from my time as a babymetal fan bc of how drastic the shift in the fandom has been the past year or so. For context I got into babymetal in like june of 2014 (all 3 girls were still underage at the time, I was 22; when I first got into them I thought I would be considered an older fan lmao the naivete, the innocence of new fan me wow I know now I'm not at all in the older half of the fandom esp considering I was born the same decade as su and moa), and I made this blog in I think may of 2015.
I've had people say I should compile men being gross into a post and I just couldn't do that out of fear for my own mental health but this will be pretty close. These are all my experiences with this fandom over the years; I'm definitely missing some but what I do remember should do well to cover most of how this fandom used to be vs now. It's gonna be a lot and tw for men being gross about minors.
Back in my first year or so of this blog I on multiple occasions got dms from men asking to be friends. At the time my bio only said my name and my pronouns. I've always been cautious of dms so I'd ask their age and every single one was considerably older than me. I wouldn't usually answer after that bc no thanks but they would generally try to continue convos til I blocked. The only one I still had was this one
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After I put my age in my bio, which was 23 at the time, I never got a dm like that again; take from that what you will. But if you're young please be wary of this hell fandom even now. And if you're an older fan and esp an older male fan reading this, don't dm people trying to be friends. I was over 18 and it still creeped me out to no end.
One of my real first men in this fandom are disgusting moments was a blog back in like 2015 or 2016 who I had some contact with due to common interests; he was a huge yui stan and made bm content. He was like 28 or 29 at the time and I eventually noticed he would tag idols, mostly kpop girls, by their body parts (legs, butt, etc) which is disgusting enough as it is but then I saw him do the same for literal minors, like tzuyu from twice. I messaged him asking what the hell he was doing objectifying women but also actual children and he blocked me lmao. He later unblocked me to let me know that's just how he tagged things and it was my fault he had anxiety and then he blocked me again.
Back before the tumblr purge this fandom was repulsive to a degree I cannot even begin to describe. Someone would reblog something from me, I'd go to their blog and it would be underage jpop idols and japanese p*rn all the way down. I even stumbled upon a man editing underage su into p*rn gifs. Obviously no proof of that but I did go find my initial reaction to it
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The number of times I'd get a follow from someone then go to their blog and it would be as mentioned above or their bio would be the most misogynistic trash I'd ever read was staggering. I genuinely considered giving up and deleting this blog so many times bc i felt oberwhelmed and outnumbered by these gross old dudes; and so the fact that this fandom has evolved into a bunch of chaotic wlw?? Amazing, I could cry.
Fun phenomenon of women running bm blogs was men sending messages asking if we liked babymetal. No joke. I think this happened to me two or three times but I spoke w other female creators at the time and it had happened to them as well. My entire blog is babymetal, and yet???
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He said the weird guy idk bc he sent some random ass messages vaguely insulting me and when I responded coldly, he acted confused so I said you're some guy idk, hence the above message starting as such. Also that pic and the one up above that has my current pfp bc I just took those screenshots. Like I said I typically blocked weird dms but I guess these passed me by so I still had the messages.
Most people know the sub reddit is the worst and don't need me to tell you but it's a hellscape and I highly recommend avoiding it. A short list of things I've had to see as a result of going there: men discussing at length kano and momoko's appearances and how they look in costume vs in normal clothes. Men discussing at length the hope that the girls would marry men who aren't Japanese, a thread that was from when all 3 girls were underage. They aren't gonna marry you dude they're really not.
The insulting of billie Eilish, a 17 year old at the time, was horrible too. Su and moa got to meet her, something they were extremely excited for, and they posted a pic; the comments were disgusting as you can imagine. The yui rumors were terrible too, fatshaming, slutshaming etc all based on nothing. Some man saying the rumors about yui leaving bc, no joke this was a real rumor, she "got too fat" couldn't be true bc "look at saya." Saya being a barely 18 yo back up dancer who covered the third spot after yui left but before the avengers. Not to mention the upskirt shots from when they were minors, the constant editing of their faces onto explicit photoshoots etc. I remember being a new fan looking for a su pic on google and being horrified at the fact that one of the top suggested results after her name was “bikini;” she was 16 at the time. Also, the uptick in massively creepy posts and messages sent to bm blogs as each girl, but esp moa and yui, approached 18 was disgusting.
Now for some personal nonsense. A big reason why I haven't touched my youtube channel in months is bc I got tired of dealing with the men of this fandom. I poke fun at metal and get told I deserve to die. I say ped*philes and creepy men are gross and get a swarm of middle aged men cursing at me. Had a guy cry about how men are shamed for liking bm and then he turned around and said some gross shit about wlw. Had a guy call me racist for liking a band he also likes (and despite him having no way of knowing my own race) and tell me the babymetal fandom doesn't need my kpop feminist bullshit, which is honestly a great description and I thought about putting it in my yt about lmao. Had a middle aged man unironically say he'd never seen a man be creepy towards bm but fans su and moa's ages calling them hot was creepy. The disillusionment....the level of unawareness is astounding. If you want to see screenshots of some of these comments they are fairly recent in my don't mind me tag; I don't want to see them anymore tho bc they're infuriating so I'm not going to look at them to post here.
Essentially I haven't looked at my channel since may bc men are exhausting and rude and refuse to examine the fandoms they're a part of no matter what. They're told by a woman of the fandom that she's had bad experiences personally and they all start crying about how it's either a lie bc they haven't seen it or unimportant. I did stop reading comments in may and I will never read another one again probably as a result of this shit. Trash men being trash are not worth my time and I refuse to give them anymore of it. I do plan on making more videos tho and let my ~feminist kpop bullshit~ live in their minds rent free.
I will also continue to make fun of metal and the creepy men in this fandom bc it's important and I'm a spiteful asshole who likes disrupting these dudes perfect bubble of a fandom. It genuinely brings me so much joy seeing all the new fans recently (which sidenote if you got into them recently I am kinda curious as to how you found them; I've gotten tons of new followers and considering how inactive they are rn I'm curious). People sending messages about how they finally feel like they belong or that they have a safe space....like I don't even know what to say and I never feel like my responses fully convey how genuinely wonderful that is and how thrilled I am that this is where we're at now and I have had at least some part in it. As this post shows, my experiences have been negative for the most part so the shift recently is such a relief I cannot even begin to explain my gratitude.
So to anyone who read all of this and hasn't disintegrated from the male bullshit, thank you. Keep being yourself and fighting for your place in this fandom, esp if you're a young woman; keep making fun of the creeps and keep making wlw memes!! Babymetal's music is in such a huge way meant for girls and to see more and more finding their way to this previously hellish beyond belief fandom is incredible.
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: Pit Madness (Part Two of Angst)
Day Sixteen of being committal, went to the drive in, saw The Exorcist and The Shining, so yeah thats why this is a touch late, Part three continued on the eighteenth
Jasonette July: Master List
The Master: Master List
When he came back, Red was standing above him, staring at him. “What happened?” He asks.
Jason sits up and looks around while saying, “Marinette, she’s gone. She was sent by Talia to earn our trust.”
“Was it all fake?!” Tim exclaims. 
“In the beginning, we have to go free her,” Jason says, standing. 
“What! Why would we do that?”
“Because I love her!”
“First, cringe, second, how do we know she’ll even want our help?”
“Because she loves me too,” Jason says, turning to run back to the manor.
It took a couple of hours to convince Bruce and to find where Talia would’ve take her.
She woke up to bright room, strapped down to a chair. “Welcome back,” the important-looking woman greets.
“Where am I?”
“You’re home, I am your mistress,” She responds, unclasping the restraints.
“Who am I, Mistress?”
“You’re a tool in the journey to better our world,” Mistress explains, holding out a hand to helping her off the chair. “You are who you are because of me, what do you say?”
“Thank you, Mistress, for giving me a purpose,” she responds, bowing her head.
“Why can’t I remember anything?”
“Well, a bad man hurt you, and you couldn’t bear to live with the memories, so instead of getting rid of you like he wanted to, I gave you a new purpose,” Mistress explained.
“Thank you for giving me a second chance,” She says.
“To repay your debt to me, there is a mission I need you to complete,” Mistress says, holding out a picture for her to take. “This is the man that hurt you, he is a liability to the mission. He’s going to come find you to kill you, you need to finish him before he can finish you.”
“What do I need to know about him?”
“He’s in trained multiple fighting styles, he’s a skilled marksman. He will try to manipulate you, you can’t let your defense fall around him,” Mistress explained.
“Yes, Mistress.” 
The next day is when she was called to gear up and be prepared for the man’s attack. What she wasn’t expecting to see was a man in a red helmet. 
“Mistress, is that him?”
“Yes, deal with him quickly and remember I’m watching. I need to make sure you are worth being apart of out cause.” “Of course, Mistress.”
“Marinette, please come home, we can work this out.”
“Who the hell is Marinette?” She asks, the man takes off his helmet to reveal the man from the picture.
“Do not let him manipulate you,” Mistress stresses through the coms.
“Yes, Mistress,” She says before rushing the man. She threw punch after punch, some he would catch others he would take. He never threw a punch or kicked her back.
“Marinette, please stop this, I won’t fight you. I love you,” he says, dodging a kick.
“No, you want to kill me,” she growls back.
“Why would I want to kill you? I can’t live without you!” He says, sweeping out her legs so she will fall.
“You’re lying to me, Mistress, had to wipe me to forget the pain you put me through,” She screams, standing back up.
“Do not speak to him.” Mistress commands.
“Yes, Mistress,” she responds, not noticing the hand flying at her face. He took her com and smashed it.
“Pixie, it’s just you and me now, tell me what’s happening.” After a bit of no response, he pins her. “It’s me Jason, last time you saw me we were in this position, but you were sobbing because you were called back. Mari, it’s me. Remember all the good times? We went to the circus, you took me to that vintage book store because I love English. You made me authentic Mexican food because you knew I missed my Abuela’s cooking.” The dead stare in her face made him want to cry, it was like the person he loved was gone. “Please remember me,” he sobs out, kissing her forehead.
It was like a barrier was broken. She stared up at him and tears started to form in the corners of her eyes. “Jay?”
“Pixie!” He exclaims, hugging her to the best of his ability. “Do you remember me?”
“I have bits and pieces, but it’s all blurry,” Marinette says, hugging him. They stand to find his brothers when she hears her.
“I guess, we’ll have to try this again, just leave the problem to me,” Mistress says, standing on the balcony. The shot was fired too fast, but she couldn’t lose Jason just after trying to murder him. She didn’t know what happened, but the next thing she knew was immense pain followed by spots in her vision. There was another shot and a lot of shouting, and maybe even some sobbing, but she’s too tired to remember. 
She lifts her hand to the person in front of her, they’re to blurry to make out, but she touches their face, hoping it was Jason and says. “Hey Jay, I may not remember you much, but I remember loving you, I wish we had… more… time, but I must…. Go.”
“Marinette! Keep your eyes open! Somebody get help!” Jason shouts.
“Bye, my love.” Blackness covers her vision.
“Todd, we must move if you want to be able to help her,” Damian commands.
“What! How can I help!”
“The pit.”
He picks her up and runs to the green liquid, forgetting everything, just thinking about nothing other than holding his love in his arms once more. He ignores the shouts of his family as he places her in the pit.
She sees a green light surrounding her, it didn’t take long for her to realize she couldn’t breathe. She burst up from the water and sees Jason and his family. It was too loud, too much light, too much everything… She jumps out of the green liquid and can’t remember much after that, she remembers someone tried to touch her and she freaked out. She threw a punch and she can’t remember if it landed or not, all she knows is that she has to get away from everyone, she has to find someplace to curl up and just be still.  She wants the world to be quiet and to be still, she doesn’t want to feel anything but darkness.(i tried to write like a sensory overload idk if you can tell)
She got as far away from everything as she could, she stumbled upon a cabin. She decided since it looks likes nobody has been there in a while to crash there till she could think straight before she could take on all the life of the city and seeing him again.
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quackeroos · 4 years
spring day (teaser) | p.parker
Pairing: peter parker x  hanahaki! reader
Summary: flowers bloom in y/n’s chest due to the unrequited love by one peter parker. and after years of pining and keeping it to herself, she suffers the consequences of the pain of the sees of unsaid feelings.
Warnings: all through out this story there will be mentions of blood, death, and will contain pining and angst.
Words: 817 
A/n: yep. so here’s me. releasing another mini-series when i haven’t even finished two! (wattpad series are not included lol) i just can’t wait to release this oh my gooooodd. so a little background story on why i started this mini-series: i was scrolling through a bunch of fics recs, hoarding as much fics as i can, and i stumbled upon @euphoria-parker​ ‘s hanahaki fic! time skip to today, i got inspired and started writing my own peter parker x hanahaki! reader fic. idk when i’m gonna release the first part. maybe in a few days? we’ll see!
*gif is not mine
General Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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She saw it coming, but she ignored all the signs and kept going.
Y/n Stark is an intelligent person. Some people might call her crazy, some call her a genius, and sometimes a bit of both, just like her father. Yet when it comes to love, Y/n Stark is an absolute idiot. She wasn’t inexperienced in the Love Department. She had her fair share of relationships in the past, a lot of them, yet none of them had cured the pain in her chest. Because her heart only yearned for one boy. Y/n didn’t know when she had started loving Peter, but all she could remember was the feeling of something warm in her chest and the want of just being by his side forever.
But that crumbled until this very moment. 
Y/n watched from afar. MJ and Peter, happily united, talking and finally…kissing. As she watch the scene unfold before her, the feeling of her chest tightening, and the lack of oxygen came back. She could feel it slowly, the roots spreading across her chest, stems growing bit by bit, and the flowers starting to bloom. It wasn’t until later that she felt herself choking and the need for oxygen. First, she coughed up one petal, then two, until it became a pile scattered on the concrete floor. She immediately went behind a bus to hide from her two friends and continued her coughing fit. Her mouth sputtered more yellow petals and blood. They couldn’t see her like that. She doesn’t them to see her like that.
Yellow Carnation - the meaning of rejection in the flower language. Y/n laughed at the thought of how such a beautiful flower could symbolize something so painful.
Rejection. Y/n Stark had experienced it two times in her life. The first, being the rejection of her mother, hence why she now lives with her father. And the second, was Peter’s. She hadn’t confessed to Peter, but she knew even before, he already had his heart set on someone. And that someone wasn’t her.
“Miss Stark, would you like me to take you to the nearest hospital? I am seeing some restrictions in your trachea, which is making you hard to breathe.” Edward, her A.I., spoke through the earpiece she wore.
“I’m fine Edward. Just- Just get me out of here.” she managed to speak out in labeled breaths.
“But your wounds, Miss. You need to tend to them, it would le-”
“Just get me out of here Edward!” Her head was immediately wrapped in her nanotech helmet and she flies across the sky as fast as she could. She didn’t know where to go, her mind was completely elsewhere. But when she saw a nearby building, she didn’t hesitate to land and release herself from her suit. She knelt on the ground, shaking. Her body felt so fragile she could feel herself breakdown from the physical injuries she had taken, and the emotional ones taking over her body.
The bracelet buzzed on her wrist, indicating an incoming call. She opened the holographic screen, and Happy’s contact picture appeared. She pressed the green button.
“Kid!” his panicked voice rang in her ears. “Are you alright? Where are you? Your suit is sending me an alert!”
She sniffled and sobbed out, “Happy. Ha-Happy it hurts. Please pick me up.”
“It’s okay kid. I got you. I’m coming for you so stay there. Okay? Just hang on!”
The call ended and she curled up in a ball. The comfort of the wind blowing past her made her feel a bit better. She closed her eyes in hopes of getting rid of the pain. Although her body received a lot of physical damage, the pain couldn’t be compared to the pain she felt inside.
His hand held her shoulder while hers were place on his neck. The kiss was soft, and blissful. Peter could’ve sworn he was dreaming had MJ not been holding on his neck as a gentle reminder that it was indeed real. He couldn’t believe it. He got the girl..
They broke away from each other, both teens with a smile and awkward stances as they stood.
 “I-uhm. I should probably head back to the class.” she cleared her throat and started walking backward slowly.
“I-I should too. Go check… Uhm- some stuff.” he replied with a hearty grin.
“I’ll see you later then.”
“Y-yeah. I’ll see you.”
A grin was etched on his face as he looked back to take one last look at MJ. Peter had a skip in his step while walking back to the other side of the bridge. He couldn’t be happier. Out of everything that has happened in this trip, this was the best. He played with the torn mask in his hand, Definitely gonna have to repair this once I get home, he thought.
He stops in his tracks when he felt something on his shoe. It felt icky and bit slippery when he glided it against the concrete. He looked down to see what he stepped on. 
 A pile of yellow petals covered in blood.
part one Spring Day
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vicunaburger · 4 years
Gonna blame @hoodoo12 for her amazing vampire!Dewey fics for this so... THANKS. <3
Vampires + Soft Dewey Finn kicked down my door, punched me in the face and screamed “BUT WHAT IF THIS?” Will I do another one? IDK. Maybe. This is a weird AU to play in and I kinda dig it.
Fandom: School of Rock: The Musical Pairing: Dewey Finn x Vampire!Reader Word Count: 1,308 Warnings: Blood, Vampirism, Mild violence
Wild Things
Instincts were troublesome.
Especially when they decided to kick in at the most inconvenient of times: like when you were trying to enjoy a peaceful evening with the man you adored above all else. The two of you were in bed after a long, rowdy night at a local concert; he was dead asleep, but you were wide awake, keenly aware of how slow his heartbeat had become.
The alcohol was making him sluggish, no doubt; a trait you thoroughly enjoyed when you were feeling hungry. But this wasn’t your meal, this was Dewey Finn.
Although there was no rule that said they couldn’t be one in the same.
You slowly crawled your away across the bed, pressing yourself against his warm side, your face settling into the crook of his neck. One, two… one, two… one, two… You started counting his heartbeats like the bass track of a rock ballad.
His blood was loud, rushing though his veins like a drainpipe, taunting you to just reach out and take a little for yourself. Just a little… he wouldn’t miss just a bit…
At once you were leaping out of bed, plastering yourself against the nearby wall, trying to put distance between yourself and Dewey. The movement jostled him awake, and he sat up, confusion replacing the tiredness in his expression.
“Huh- wha- honey bun?” Dewey’s gaze settled on you, concerned as he watched you back yourself into the far corner of the room. “What’s… what’s the matter?”
“I have to go out,” you announced, nearly teleporting yourself to the closet, scrambling to find something to wear over your nightclothes. “It’s nothing. Go back to sleep, Finn, I’ll be back soon.”
He stumbled out of bed, turning on the desk lamp, and shuffling toward the closet, “Go out? It’s… late? Why are you going out? We just got back from going out.”
You narrowly avoided his outstretched hand, hissing through your teeth, “Not… not that going out. Call it early breakfast.”
Your admission sobered him up immediately, but he didn’t move from his place beside you, “…oh. Well, that’s the most important meal of the day, you know?”
His face was flush with embarrassment at the bad joke, and you could hear the blood rushing to fill the capillaries in his cheeks. It was so distracting, you dropped the jacket you were holding and just stared at him in the dim light. The glow caught your eyes as your turned, reminding Dewey of how a cat’s eye catches even the faintest trace of light. A predator trait.
“I know you don’t like it,” You were whispering now, desperately trying to ignore his closeness. “But the alternative is not an option.”
“Why not?” Dewey asked suddenly, his voice tinged with a bitterness you had grown used to in the months since you moved in together. “I can handle-”
“No you can’t.” You snapped, bearing your fangs for emphasis.
The look on his face damn near broke your heart, and you quickly covered your mouth with your hand. Unlike most media on vampires, you didn’t have a cute little set of large canines; your incisors and canines were sharpened to thick points, and the teeth on the bottom row matched. They were for tearing and holding onto prey, not gently taking a few mouthfuls of blood during a romantic evening.
You knew you frightened him.
Maybe that’s what hurt you the most during these arguments, seeing the look of terror flit across his rounded, soft face when he caught sight of something you couldn’t hide fast enough. As much as he professed to not care about your monstrous nature, you could read his face like an open book when he wasn’t paying attention.
“Please… just let me be the judge of that, okay? Do you know how much I worry about you going out when you’re like this? When you’re near starved because I’m selfish and keep you here at all hours? I… I hate having to think about you seducing someone into following you into a dark alley or some other shady place. That you smell like nasty body spray some dude bathed in before hitting a bar…” Dewey was pacing now, running a hand through his perpetual bedhead in frustration. “Just… just use me.”
There was that heartbeat again, drumming against his chest, “You’ll hate me.”
“How could you think that? After we’ve been together this long? I think I’ve been pretty goddamn chill about the whole bloodsucker thing, honey.” He groaned, “Just let me heellllp. That’s all I want. Gimme one chance to prove that I can handle things. If I act like a jackass… then… you can do what you want. You can yell at me, hit me, even b-b-break up with me and I’ll take it like a man.”
You watched as he knelt down next to you, slowly, as though he were approaching a feral animal. So soft, so kind… so trusting.
In a flash you had him pinned to the floor, the difference in your statures irrelevant as your strength kept him from throwing you off like a bucking bronco. You ripped the collar of his t-shirt to expose his skin, diving toward his neck with practiced precision, sinking your teeth in deep.
Feeling the warm liquid slide down your throat like a finely aged whiskey, you could feel him start to fade beneath you, the fight literally being drained out of him with each passing second. Before his pulse became too weak against your lips, you dislodged yourself from him, not wanting to be greedy however tempting his offer had been. With a renewed sense of vigor, you dragged him over to the bed, sitting him upright upon it and wrapping him in blankets to get some warmth back into him. Luckily, you always knew to keep a well-stocked medical kit nearby, just for such occasions. You had been at this for… well, a very long time before you met the enthusiastic rock star.
A wild animal can’t be blamed for being wild.
At least that’s what you told yourself as you dunked your shirt into the kitchen sink, scrubbing with the harshest cleanser you had in the apartment. You frowned, watching the stain go from red to pink, the water doing more harm than good as it carried the coloring through each fiber of the garment. Pity; it was one of your favorites he had let you borrow for the night.
Abandoning your task, you made your way back to the bedroom, stretching your arms up wide hearing a satisfying pop. On the way, you gathered up a needle, thread, and scissors from your sewing kit. It was handy thing to have around whenever something needed mending. Your overall mood had improved tenfold; you had so much more energy, and that awful, painful hunger had vanished completely.
The same couldn’t be said for your partner.
Knocking on the bedroom door quietly, you slipped into the room, going over to sit on the edge of the bed closest to him. He was sweating, tossing and turning in a fitful sleep, mumbling words you couldn’t quite understand despite your excellent hearing.
You placed the back of your hand against his forehead, his body flinching at your touch, “I know… I know… your body will come out of shock soon, Finn. Just try and breathe for me, okay?”
Dewey shook his head, whimpering as he aggravated the wound at the junction of his neck and shoulder. Reaching over, you checked the bandage you had placed there, happy that the worst of the bleeding had already subsided. A few more hours and the gashes would begin to close on their own.
“I hate to say it, Dewey, but I did warn you this would happen.” You leaned down, nuzzling your cool skin against his warm cheek. “But don’t you worry, it won’t hurt as much next time. Promise.”
Kissing his sweat covered forehead, you settled yourself beside him in bed, taking the shirt you had ripped earlier and beginning to stitch up the collar.
Writing Tags: @mr-geuse @paxenera @leiasolo77 @go-commander-kim @ashemspirit @asriells
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