#if anyone wants to make a Pokemon/Layton au
quibbs126 · 2 years
So I’ve been thinking about Pokémon today, as well as Pokémon in the Layton universe just because, and it got me thinking, there are Ghost Pokémon who were originally human before dying and being turned into Pokémon, yeah? So you could potentially have dead characters exist as Pokémon. But more along my thought process, I was thinking about how this can also include children. And how Des has a dead daughter
Imagine if in a Pokémon au, Des just had a Ghost Pokémon who’s his dead daughter reborn. Like a Hisuian Zorua or something, considering the circumstances and all
That’d be kind of messed up
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spicyicetea · 6 months
YOOOO PRE-ORDERS FOR THE APOLLO JUSTICE TRILOGY ARE LIVE. I’m high key so excited, like I’m not sure if everyone here has the same likes as me game-wise but 2024 is truly bringing some of my favourite games back. We have the Apollo justice trilogy coming out early in the year, A new professor Layton game is being teased for 2024 and, although it’s currently unconfirmed, we might be getting a Pokemon Black and White remake which is my favourite game in the series (B&W 2 is at least). Honestly next year looks like it’s going to be bloody sick and I’m high key excited.
I had actually planned to have more good news in this post but sadly I have no more. I very briefly spoke of a Pokemon au I was writing a while ago. In my drafts I have some more information on new characters and the region I was making. (It would have had no new Pokemon as it was meant to be like a man made island so it has no native life, also I can’t draw animals like at all-). My friends and I had actually really liked the idea and began working on it as a fan game. I have most the beta sprites for the new characters, all of their teams and most of the story written. However the project seems to have come to an indefinite hiatus. My friend who was doing the coding and well the stuff to make it actually work dropped out of the project due to college, I don’t blame him I’m actually glad he knew not to push himself. So, because of my lack of bitches game making abilities I doubt I will be able to make this au come to life the way I wished it would. I could still Rework the au into a story but I feel like it doesn’t hit the same if you don’t get to play through it yourself.
That’s all I have to report about for now. I wish this didn’t have to turn so depressing but I needed to get all of this messy project out of my head. I’m probably going to shift my efforts to writing again, but for anyone who was interested in this project, feel free to ask me about it. I’m super proud of the characters I made as I believe they’re by far the most well written ones I’ve ever had and the story was fun to brain storm. Or if anyone wants to just talk pokemon in general whether it be for xReader requests or just general stuff my asks are always open.
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101flavoursofweird · 3 years
Fic Questionnaire
Thanks for @sixtyfourk for tagging me! I’m putting the questions under a cut because it’s quite long :’)
I’ll tag @northernscruffycat, @northelypark, @edward-elbowlick, @vermontwrites, @asa-liz, @yoshi-g-teh-first, @call-me-rucy, and @aquamarineglow but if there’s anyone else who wants to do this, please go ahead!
How many works do you have on AO3?
107… but a lot of these are just reposts or prompt-inspired fics that are 10 lines long!
What's your total AO3 word count?
378242 words
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Professor Layton, PLvsAA, Layton Brothers Mystery Room, Rhythm Thief, Voltron: Legendary Defender (I only watched the first two seasons, haha…), The Ancient Magus Bride (I was in it for the cute dragon mage— not for the main romance), Steven Universe, Ace Attorney (only as a part of PLvsAA), Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, My Hero Academia
…10 fandoms altogether, but some like PLvsAA and LBMR fall under the PL category.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Aizawa Doesn’t Give Hugs - MHA- 1111 kudos - (Why can’t I update my most popular fic?)
Fireflies - Steven Universe - 221 kudos - (Again, WHY DID I NEVER UPDATE THIS?)
Reset - PL - 134 kudos - (This is the one I feel the worst about because it’s an ongoing long fic for my main fandom and I’ve had so much support from readers but I just can’t find the strength to update it…)
Worth Fighting For - PL - 86 kudos - (My incomplete Whumptober fic!)
Mending - Voltron - 85 kudos - (I think this was one of the first fics I posted on AO3 and I was really happy about the response it got! And for a fandom I’d never written for before!)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I usually respond to comments pretty quickly because I want to show my appreciation for people who take the time to comment :) If I’m ever slow to respond it’s probably just because I’m busy or I’m trying to formulate a long response. If a person leaves a longer comment, I try to make my response longer!
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
That’s probably ‘To Boldly Flee’. It’s a fic I originally posted on FF.net but it’s now part of an Aurora & Luke oneshot series called ‘Looking Foward’ on AO3. The fic stars Aurora and Luke in an AU set during Azran Legacy. It diverges from canon after Descole steals the Azran keystone in the Nest. Aurora doesn’t want to go to the Azran sanctuary and face her ‘duty’ as the Azran emissary— she also doesn’t want to get STABBED IN THE HEART— so she decides to run away with Luke.
Aurora receives even more angst in this AU than in canon. After Descole’s betrayal, she starts to doubt herself and her friends, aside from Luke.
With a bit of help from Rook and Bishop, the two of them fly to London and then to Misthallery when they hear Targent have taken over the town. During this time, Aurora has her identity crisis about being a golem and having the fate of the world resting on her shoulders. She eventually decides to help Luke save his hometown because Luke is worth the world to her.
This all culminates with Luke getting fatally(?) wounded and taken to the Golden Garden. Aurora is so distraught by this point that she almost ‘floods the whole world’ in a kind of failsafe doomsday device the Azran may have implanted in her. Luckily, Descole and Layton show up to assure her that Luke is alive— but just barely. Aurora returns to her normal self and they get Luke to hospital. Aurora waits by Luke’s bedside for him to wake up. Aurora mentions that Emmy’s fate is unknown, but they still mourn for her.
In the original FF.net ending, Luke wakes up.
In the AO3 ending, Aurora just keeps waiting for Luke. ‘She could not age, so she would wait until he awoke. Even if it took forever...’
If I ever did write more of this story, Aurora and Co would probably go to the other Azran sites (Ambrosia, the Infinite Vault of etc) to search for a cure for Luke. But at it is, the fic is left open-ended as to whether Luke ever recovers.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really hate but there was one anon review that may have been ‘too brutal’ (their words). I can’t say it hasn’t affected the updates on that particular fic.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I wrote a couple of light smut fics back when I really shipped Layton/Emmy. I think I’d cringe if I went back to read those fics (but then again, I do that with a lot of my old writing). I can’t see myself writing smut now.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I can’t say I’ve had a fic stolen, but I was reading a fic a while ago and the wording was veeery familiar. I’m not sure why because the fic was already good up to that point? Why would they bother copying my writing? XD I can’t complain, though! We’re all technically stealing the original creator’s characters and concepts by writing fanfic.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, for my Rhythm Thief AU, Déjà Vergier! In this AU, 16-year-old Raphael gets taken in by the Vergier family. A Deviantart user called BakApple kindly translated my writing into French. With the help of Google Trabslate, I started translating their French Rhythm Thief fic— ‘July the Fourteenth’— into English, but I didn’t get around to finishing it. My translating skills are nowhere near as good as BakApple’s!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I wrote a PL fic with called ‘If You Only Had Time’ with an awesome writer called Glowbug. It’s an AU (of course) where Rachel Bronev survives and she runs away from Targent with eight-year-old Emmy. Glowbug doesn’t seem to be active online anymore, which is a shame, but I don’t mind! I’m just glad we were able to write 6 chapters.
I don’t think I’d co-write any more fics now… but more for the co-writer’s sake than mine! I’m notoriously bad at updating long fics and I struggle to write under pressure or within a time limit. There’s a reason why I don’t enter Big Bang events, as much as I’d like too :’)
Writing fics is a hobby first and foremost. If I don’t feel like writing something, I’ll leave it and come back later, hopefully with renewed inspiration.
But I’m always happy to discuss fic outlines/ideas/characters’ with other people!
What's your all time favorite ship?
Apparently the ship I’ve written the most fics for is Janice/Melina on AO3?
There seems to be more content for them recently and that makes me SO HAPPY.
Ranhengela might be a close second favourite… Sometimes I literally forget both of these ships aren’t canon.
My favourite characters tend to be those who are so selfless and would sacrifice their lives for the ones they love— e.g. Janice and Henry— even if their significant other is presumed to be dead. I want these characters to be happy but I also want them to through ANGST.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I don’t want to say Reset… but maybe Reset? I haven’t given up completely but I’ve lost a lot of confidence with this fic. What I wanted most out of this story was for Luke to bond with other characters aside from Layton— his parents, Arianna, Emmy, Flora etc.— and to give these characters a chance to shine. But I guess I realised I can do this without all the crazy plot twists and time travel mechanics… like in Ready Now, for example. Most of that fic is just Arianna bonding with Luke, Layton and the others, and it’s hopefully giving Flora her chance to shine too! I guess after giving Arianna her own chapter in Reset I just really wanted to write about her, haha.
What are your writing strengths?
Someone mentioned in a nice review that I often fuse canon with fanon? That’s usually just me poking fun at the series— like when Arianna’s mother asks about Flora’s age and her adoption status, Arianna and Tony just shrug at her comedically. Who knows, really? :’)
I’ll often just make two character sit in a room TALK about their feelings.
Dialogue is an easy one, but I like writing dialogue for characters and getting their voices down. (I will forever portray Dalston with his official Yorkshire accent— not the fake posh accent they gave him the the US version of Miracle Mask.)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it’s cool! …If it’s not used to mock another language— apart from English. Please make all the English jokes you want. I’ll probably agree with you and laugh at them.
I remember when I was re-reading Goblet of Fire and I cringed every time J. K. Rowling wrote about a character who wasn’t English.
I’ll occasionally throw French words or sayings into Rhythm Thief fics especially because that’s what they do in the game. It’s hilarious how Charlie has an English accent but then she’ll sprout a random French phrase.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Pokemon, but that short oneshot is long gone.
What's your favorite fic you've ever written?
I’m going to be boring and say Bonds Left Unbroken— an AU where Layton and Desmond both get adopted by the Laytons. I think I enjoyed the earlier chapters more, focussing on younger Desmond and Hershel, and especially their time in Stansbury. The later chapters don’t really branch out from canon that much, aside from the fact that Hershel and Desmond are on the same page during Azran Legacy.
I feel bad that I never got around to finishing the ‘bonus’ episodes, but it kind of just felt like the original series with Desmond phoned in :’) But I’m still proud of the original fic!
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northernscruffycat · 3 years
Tagged by @101flavoursofweird
I’ll tag @pandirpus @krokonoko @my-artblog-is-ssjumi @yallemagne @amberrgalaxy @swamp-y and anyone else who wants to do this. But this is a pretty long one, so don’t feel like you have to :3 (On that note, I’ll be putting most of this under a cut for exactly that reason)
How many works do you have on AO3?
131 at the moment. But some of those are different oneshots from FFN that I posted into one fic when porting over to AO3, so I’d be fascinated by what the actual amount of fanfics I’ve written is.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
1242922 words
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Just counting what’s on AO3, so far I’ve written for 17 fandoms. They are: Free!, Professor Layton, Hades Game, Steven Universe, Pokemon, Ace Attorney, Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Yu-Gi-Oh 5d’s, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario, Dr. Stone, Tintin, Night in the Woods, GetBackers, Good Omens and Cooking Mama What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
‘just wanted to write a fic where senku says ‘get excited’ during sex’ (My SenGen oneshot that gets a wave of attention whenever a new chapter or episode of Dr. Stone comes out)
‘laughable’ (An Ares/Hypnos oneshot I wrote purely as a sample for a zine app and underestimated how popular that ship is lol)
‘the prince with specific tastes; the king with specific regrets’ (THAT Theseus fic. My absolute fave thing I’ve ever written)
‘Shallow Grave, Shallow Bae’ (A Reigisa fic based on Octopimp’s 50% Off! abridged series of Free!; I honestly do think this fic slaps and I’m glad folks like it)
‘Barrel of Monkeys’ (The AsaIku & KisuHiyo collab fic I wrote with Amber that was a lotta fun and I’d love to do something like this with them again one day for a different fandom. Also, I feel like we captained the small KisuHiyo fandom with this fic back in the day)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I generally respond to comments. Almost always, unless I really can’t think of anything to say in reply, which is pretty rare. Comments make me so happy and I just want to let people who do comment know that I appreciate them.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I think the angstiest fic I wrote was a Free! fic called ‘Moves Across the Land’ - the premise of which is that Makoto died as a young adult of an illness and each chapter is a different person in his life receiving a letter that he wrote for them before he died. But that one had an optimistic ending, with Haru and Kisumi unexpectedly finding a newly strengthened friendship in sharing the grief of Makoto’s death. So I guess technically the angstiest ending I wrote was a short Archie/Maxie oneshot where Maxie gets killed by Kyogre lol
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, but I ended up agreeing with it! Waaay back (probably more that 10 years ago at this point), I wrote a bunch of Layton/Rosetta oneshots that I now don’t stand by. One of them, in my naivety, I went too far with and breached uncomfortable territory. I got a couple of comments about how uncomfortable it was, so I ended up deleting that particular fic and felt better after it was gone.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I am a fledgling at writing smut, which is probably obvious to anyone who’s read my smut haha. When I do write it, I prefer to focus on the dialogue between the characters - I like a banterous smut scene. Also, they’re usually pretty tame. I like writing about handjobs, blowjobs and wanking the most when I do write smut.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not that I know of, but that would be awesome! A few years ago, a kind person messaged me about potentially translating my Layton fic ‘Grasping Liquid’ into French, but I don’t think they went through with it in the end. Though honestly, the dialogue and slang in that fic is pretty much illegible in English, so I reckon it’d be a tough fic to translate.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, the aforementioned ‘Barrel of Monkeys’ that I co-wrote with @amberrgalaxy It was a lot of fun and I love it :D
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Hmm... I don’t think I have a single all time favourite. I jump through a lot of OTPs and they always mean a lot to me, but it wouldn’t seem fair to pick out a single one that’s always shined brighter than the others, because that’s not really how my hyperfixations work. But my current favourite ships are Momus/Heracles (to be narcissistic) and TheseZag from Hades Game. While my oldest ship that I’m still invested in is Yami/Seto from Yu-Gi-Oh DM.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Shockingly, I don’t have any right now. A few years ago (I think 2018?), I made a point of going back and finishing ALL my old WIPs that I’d left hanging but intended to finish, even for fandoms I didn’t plan on going back to. So that freed my conscience of them and felt pretty good. At the moment, my only WIP is ‘if found please return to the underworld’ - an AU where Zagreus does make it to Olympus, so Hades sends Theseus, Asterius and Meg to try to get him back. But I’ve only just started writing that one, so I do hope to stick with it until it’s finished.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. Definitely dialogue. I’m told that I capture the canon voices of characters pretty well and that’s always what I’m trying the hardest to get right, so it means a lot to me. I also feel like I’m good at keeping a fic flowing, without being bogged down by too much detail. But the downside of that is that I often sacrifice description, so I still hope to find the balance. Since Hades Game has more flowery prose than I’m used to, I think getting into that series actually helped me with this.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I do not think I am experienced enough to be able to pull this off well and would worry too much about making mistakes.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
It was Pokemon, but those fics aren’t online anymore. The oldest fics you can still find buried somewhere with my name attached to them are Sonic fics.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
‘the prince with specific tastes; the king with specific regrets’ - Sometimes I look back at that fic and wonder if I actually wrote it, since I avoided falling into all of my usual traps: I researched it properly and frequently, I kept the focus on the five main characters instead of getting distracted by introducing a million other character like I usually do, I plotted the fucker out from start to finish instead of winging it, and I worked the flashbacks into it in a way that balanced the present-day out instead of distracting from it. Also, I got the whole thing written in about two months, instead of staling for years. ...Whatever possessed me when I wrote that fic, please come back. (It was the first time I’d had two weeks off together in about three years, so I think that had a lot to do with it) OH YEAH and that same kinda villain OC who I recycle in every fandom I’m in actually landed this time. It brought me so much joy to see how much people loved to hate Momus. Those two months when I was posting that fic are easily a highlight of my life. :D
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what gaming consoles do you think the stranger kids gang would love the most?
I don’t have  bunch of knowledge on retro consoles so I’m gonna go with modern au. I don’t think any of them would be console purists but they would have different preferences.
Lucas loves strategy games and battle games so he’s probably a PC gamer, has put a bunch of hours into civilisation. Probably plays overwatch and tf2 with Dustin and Max. Also probably loves fire emblem for the ds. Secretly loves the sims.
Dustin would love all sorts, but probably leans towards more fast paced games so probably xbox or play station. Plays cod and halo with Max (she usually wins), loves skyrim (never finished it just fucked around for like 80 hours). Loves some old school Sonic and Mario. Probably only bought a ds to play Pokemon.
Max probably loves any sort of competitive game rather than story based so xbox or playstation so cod, left4dead, halo but also loves platformers like cuphead. Would dominate in mario kart.
Will is a nintendo boy 100% he loves the art styles, bright colours, just wants to have fun. Loves him some mario platforming, put hours into making mario maker levels, loves kirby and plays every Zelda released. He would love minecraft, being able to create whatever he wants.
ELEVEN LOVES HER PASTEL PINK 3DS AND WOULD DIE FOR HER NINTENDOGS! Plays animal crossing everyday, cries whenever anyone moves and puts her citizens birthdays in her calendar. Might play a bit of professor Layton. Usually just watches the others play any sort of competitive games.
Mike is also probably a nintendo guy, loves zelda, professor Layton, portal and some platformers too. Also plays story based games like skyrim but would be focused on the story rather than sideqeuests. The only competitive games he plays are like super smash and would fight Dustin and Max.
They would play games all together, they would probably have a minecraft server together, Dustin, Max and Lucas would love exploring and mining while Will and Mike would probably be more focused on building, El would probably backseat play telling Mike what to do over his shoulder or just watching. Max, Lucas and Dustin would probably play overwatch and other team games and take it super seriously. Mike would probably take any of his friends playing world of warcraft as a personal insult because they still all play d&d together and Mike is touchy about team based fantasy games. Will Mike and El would spend entire afternoons playing animal crossing together. Will would probably laugh at the others trying to finish his mario maker levels.
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101flavoursofweird · 4 years
Fanfic Writer Game
Tagged by @Samcybercat! Thank you!
How would you describe your fanfic style?
If in doubt, I always write character dialogue first before adding in physical descriptions and body language later.
This is a line from my most recent fic when it was in the planning stage—
‘Bruno (some body language, show how he’s getting older). “I’m not going to be around forever.”’
I also need to make reminder notes so I remember where certain items/characters are:
‘Go to Percy’s book stall.
Where’s Claudia? Is Kat holding him? Did he get back to Lady Dahlia? Where the hell is Claudia?!
Flora needs to get her bracelet back.’
What tropes would you never use?
*Hisses-* High school AU... unless it’s done for comedy.
What tropes do you ALWAYS use?
AUs... in the canon divergence sense. I love canon divergence fics so much. I love seeing twists in character arcs, events and two characters cross paths when they didn’t even meet in canon.
Also, child characters getting adopted. So many adoption fics.
And Aurora Lives AUs. There can never be enough of those!
Where do you write?
Outside when it’s sunny or in coffee shops when it’s raining/cold!
How many names do you write under? Why?
Usually some version of TheMockingJ or just MJ. It’s inspired by the mocking jay from the Hunger Games! (Although, ironically Mocking Jay is my least favourite book in that trilogy...)
What’s your usual rating level?
G, mostly. My one M-rated fic was a crack fic that didn’t even warrant that rating.
First fandom you wrote for? Professor Layton! I did write my own Pokemon fics when was younger but those are lost to the sands of time.
How long did you read fics before you started writing them?
Er... A couple of months, maybe?
Do you usually write chapter fics or one shots?
I write both, but I’m awful with updating my chapter fics. (I’m so sorry, anyone waiting for updates...) I’ve started using the series option for a lot of fics on AO3. I can still write oneshots but they could be part of a bigger series overall, so people are constantly waiting for updates. They could still get a stand-alone story!
Your fandoms: Professor Layton, My Hero Academia, Rhythm Thief, Steven Universe and The Ancient Magus Bride are the ones I currently write for or feel like I could write more for if I wanted to!
Tagging: @edward-elbowlick, @wiz-witch and @sixtyfourk!
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