#if only because he's secretly/not so secretly an emotional man who wants his needs met desperately
cozage · 11 months
Hi hope you are having a good day
I wanted to know what would it be like if, Mihawk, Shanks and Buggy had a female s/o that was basically like inosuke from demon slayer, they are a bit dumb but will pick a fight with everyone, and they only wear a bandaged top with like shorts or smt.
You guys have been asking me lots of questions and making me feel loved so here is this!!! (And maybe more spicy things to come later this week 👀)
Characters: female reader x Mihawk, Shanks, Buggy Wordcount: 850 CW: the last bullet point in all of them that are a little spicy
She’s Kinda Stupid, but…
This man is literally so tired. He’s so tired. 
Will very often say things like “I didn’t know I was in charge of three children.” (yes Perona and Zoro are his CHILDREN okay) or “Are you acting your age today, or are we pretending you’re six years old again?” or “I’ve met dogs more behaved than you.” (it’s all coming from a place of love and he knows you won't take offense because you don’t take offense to anything)
You’re a brat and he knows it (and loves it). He loves you but god you are so much work when the two of you are out in public. He feels like he can’t take his eyes off you or you’ll end up in a fight with some random guy because he looked at you funny. 
Most of the time he doesn’t acknowledge your shenanigans. When you fight with someone, he’ll grab your wrist and physically pull you away from them, usually with some kind of snide remark. 
Sometimes you’re justified, though. And when that happens, he gives the guy who wronged you five seconds to apologize before he sets you loose. Most of the time the guy sees Mihawk and apologizes, but the swordsman secretly hopes the guy won't apologize. And on the few occasions they don't apologize, he smirks as he releases you. 
He always has to pull you off the guy because you just don't know when to stop. In all truthfulness, it kind of gets him hot and bothered, but he always pretends to be irritated. “You’re psychotic. Do I need to teach you how to behave?” he scolds, his gold eyes scanning your body. “I can think of a few ways to get you to listen.”
Shanks adores you. Cheers you on. Loves watching you cause absolute chaos. Why? Because you are him without a conscience. 
Shanks knows when he needs to flip the switch from polite to fight, but you don’t. You are always at 100%, your most authentic self 24/7. And he absolutely adores that about you. Even if that means that sometimes you take it a bit too far. 
Sometimes Shanks will even use your emotions to his advantage. “Can you believe that guy just did that?!” or “Talk about rude!” knowing full well you’re ready to throw down whoever wronged you or him. 
The absolute only time that Shanks will stop you from fighting someone is when you all are in a building. He’s had to pay SO MANY owners back for you destroying glassware and furniture and plenty of other damaged goods. You learned pretty quickly that the first words out of your mouth should be “Wanna take this outside?!” because if you were outside then Shanks didn’t stop you. 
The first few fights, he watched carefully, making sure he would be able to jump in if he needed to. The next couple of fights, he watched you with an amused look, excited to see how you were going to beat up the guy (and just to make sure you would win). Nowadays, he doesn’t even feel the need to go outside with you, but sometimes he does just to cheer you on. 
After your victory, he always rewards you with a bunch of kisses and sings your praises. He pulls you onto his lap at the bar, making sure everyone knows you're his. “You did so well. I loved how you stomped that guy into the dirt,” he’ll coo, dotting kissing across your neck. “How about later I show you just how proud I am of you, okay?”
You never cease in stressing this man out. He is always on high alert now because of you. 
Stealth missions? Forget it. Normal day in town? Absolutely not. He BEGS you to be a normal human being in public. To have an ounce of self preservation. But you cannot comprehend that. People who talk shit deserve to get hit.
He is constantly running after you, screaming at you to stop fighting people for no reason. Sometimes he’ll even jump in front of your punches to try and de-escalate it (which of course doesn’t work and results in you just punching him in the face). You don’t even feel bad, you just scream at him to get out of the way and beat up the other guy even more since he made you hurt your boyfriend.
If anyone makes fun of him, he doesn’t even have a chance to scream at them anymore. You’re already pounding their face into the ground. And every time you do, he falls in love with you a little bit more. 
“That’s right, that’s my baby!” he screams, watching you smugly walk away from some guy’s beaten body. “Let’s go celebrate, you can do whatever you want.” He grabs your hand, practically pulling you back to the ship.
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simpforboys · 10 months
dating canon!rafe…
warnings: mentions of aggression, mental health issues, swearing, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and sexual themes. please seek help if you or someone you know is struggling.
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you two met a kegger, and his deep blue eyes drew you in immediately
he was drawn to your body and looks for the most part. he truly believed you would be a cute little accessory on his arm, someone he could manipulate and use
he was high off of cocaine when he approached you, seeming completely out of it
but he was so persistent on taking you out, you accepted the kook prince’s advance
on the first date he was very touchy
he would touch your hips, thighs, arms
you didn’t really mind though, because it’d been awhile since you got laid and rafe was one of, if not the most attractive man on the island
you’d heard plenty of rumors and stories about the Cameron family, but didn’t really pay attention
you two slept together on the first date.
and then it became a regular thing. he would hit you up in the early hours of the morning, and every time you would go.
and he was an amazing fuck, so you didn’t really mind, but when you realized that all he cared about was your looks you freaked out on him
“don’t call me! don’t fucking text me, dick head!”
“oh save it, bitch!”
it took a couple weeks… until Rafe showed up at your house unannounced
you had your shirt taken off, another man kissing down your chest when Rafe literally busted the door down
he literally almost killed the guy. multiple punches thrown, kicks, and broken bones.
“get the fuck out, you worthless piece of shit! look at her again and i’ll kill you!”
that was the first time you’d really seen anyone have pure rage, and it scared you
Rafe finally asked you to be his girlfriend, and knew that you were scared to decline
a few months in, you met Ward, Rose, Wheezie, and Sarah. but it was very brief, as Rafe secretly didn’t want his family to ruin you
while at first he saw you as someone to benefit from, he started caring more and more about you
he would constantly need to know where you were. your location, who you’re with, etc.
if he finds out you lied he gets pissed
but the sex after is like….. meow
when all the pressure around getting the cross gets too much, and all the drama w his dad, he would get colder with you
like stop responding to your messages and just basically become distant
he would smoke and drink a lot to try to contain his emotions
but one night you showed up to Tannyhill unannounced and saw Rafe crying
his dad had basically just told him to “man up” for expressing that he isn’t okay mentally
and you were fucking pissed
your first thought was to show Ward Cameron your two fists, but you realized how bad Rafe was
for the first time ever, Rafe broke down in your arms
“i try so hard… i’ll never be one of his precious daughters. and it- it fucks me up. i’m not okay, y/n.”
“i know, Rafe. i’m here, okay? i’m here to help you.”
you held him all night while he sobbed, and the emotional side you saw to him made you reevaluate yourself
while you knew how fucking toxic he was- you couldn’t help but grow to love him
there were some moments where he was sweet. he would buy you flowers, gifts, shower you with affection
but then he would grow distant
you had a strong suspicion he was a sociopath, but you knew he was struggling
so you stayed. and every time you stayed
he only had gotten physical with you once. you were shouting rude things about his dad and he grabbed you roughly, his eyes full of rage
that was the first time you truly were scared of him, and he knew it
he would glare at you momentarily, then realize what he was doing and let you go
the next day he would bring you breakfast
he began to fall in love with you when he saw you with your little cousin
seeing how nurturing you were with your cousin made him realize how truly lucky he was to be with you, even through all the shit he’s put you in
so basically… rafe is toxic af but he kinda cares so
yes, i would marry you rafe. thank you. bye.
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happy74827 · 6 months
I'm not sure if requests are open but I just wanted to ask if you could write Gideon graves with a bossy/dominant reader
Also I absolutely love all of your fics they are so good!! ☺
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[Gideon Graves x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Gideon had always made people believe he was the man in charge with his brashness. But when he goes too far, you decide to put him in his place.
WC: 2255
Category: Spice/Lime
Hopefully by bossy/dominant reader you meant Gideon being a begging mess… because that’s what I wrote lmfaooo
Gideon Graves sat across from you in the upscale restaurant, the clinking of cutlery and the soft murmur of conversation forming a soothing soundtrack to the night. He looked handsome in his tuxedo, the sharp lines and high-quality material only highlighting his strong shoulders and narrow waist and his long, lithe body that had so often pressed against yours. He watched you across the table, his dark eyes following your movements as you lifted your glass and took a small sip.
"The food is delicious," you said. "But then, I should've expected that. You always have to show off."
Gideon's lips quirked, his gaze lingering on your mouth.
"What?" you said.
"I'm enjoying myself," he murmured, reaching across the table for his own glass of wine. "We haven't done this in a while. I'd forgotten how much fun it is."
"That's because you're the most insufferable person I've ever met."
"Is that why you keep me around?"
Truth be told, there were a lot of reasons. He was attractive and charismatic, with a sharp mind and a quick wit, not to mention a tongue that was just as wicked as it was talented. But that was all surface, and what really kept you around were the things he kept hidden. The way he would smile and his eyes would soften, the way he'd sometimes rest his chin on your shoulder, his arms wrapped around you as you watched a movie, the way he would kiss you like he needed your breath to live.
"Something like that," you said.
You leaned across the table, and his eyes glittered, anticipating a kiss. But you stopped just short of his mouth.
This was Gideon’s reason for “keeping” you. The thrill of the chase, the game of dominance. You were both the hunter and the hunted, the cat and the mouse. Though, on paper, he was the one with all the power, all the money, and influence, but you knew who was really in control. And you made sure to remind him of it whenever the opportunity arose.
He watched you, his expression unreadable, his face impassive. You waited, not moving a muscle, watching him watch you. It was a battle of wills, a game of chicken. He broke first, leaning forward to close the gap between you, but you leaned back just enough so his mouth missed yours, catching your bottom lip between his teeth instead. You held his gaze, watching the dark fire in his eyes, the hunger in his face. You waited a few moments until his expression grew impatient, and then you pulled away, leaving him grasping at air.
He smiled, the edges of his expression turning dangerous.
"Dessert?" he said.
You grinned. “Yes, actually.”
Gideon chuckled, that pissed-off smile still in place. He snapped his fingers, and a waiter hurried over. You hated it when he did that, but you had to admit, it was effective.
"Hey, man," he said, looking down his nose at the waiter. "Say…what do you have for dessert here? You got anything chocolate?"
"Chocolate mousse, sir," the waiter said.
"Cool, yeah, I'll take one of those. What about you, Honey?” He knew how much you hated it when he called you by pet names. That’s why he did it. “I know you love your chocolate. Oh, but not too much, now. We have to watch our figures."
You were absolutely livid. You glared at him from across the table, but his smirk didn’t waver. He could read your emotions like an open book.
"I'm going to the bathroom," you said.
"I'll call if our food arrives," he said, giving you a wink. As you got up, secretly fuming, you saw the waiter glance over at him, a nervous look on his face. Gideon caught the look but simply told the waiter to add another chocolate mousse to his order.
At least he knew what you liked.
The bathroom was a welcome escape from the tension. You splashed water on your face, breathing deep. When you had calmed down enough, you exited the bathroom, only to find Gideon waiting for you by the door.
"I ordered some champagne for you," he said, and though his tone was innocent, his expression was not. “I thought it would help wash the chocolate down."
You exploded. All that was on your mind was the memory of the bathroom being completely empty. With the assurance that no one else was around, you grabbed his lapels and shoved him into the bathroom. He barely had time to gasp in surprise before you shoved him against the wall, pinning him there.
All the sarcasm and snark left him, replaced by a wide-eyed stare and flushed cheeks. His chest rose and fell rapidly, his breath coming in short pants.
"Are you out of your mind?" He managed to say, but his voice shook. You had him right where you wanted him.
"What, Gideon? Did I ruin your little game?" You pressed yourself closer, the heat of his body radiating through his clothes. His skin was so warm. You felt the outline of his body through the fabric, the hard line of his waist, his chest. You slid your hands along the edge of his coat, feeling his ribs, his heart.
"No," he said. His eyes were wide, and you could feel him trembling. He was always like this, at the mercy of his own desires, his own wanton lust. It was so easy to play him, to manipulate him. You didn't even need to use your powers; it was his own weakness. He was putty in your hands. "Not yet."
You moved your hand down, over his stomach, and lower, between his legs. He moaned, his head falling back against the wall. His skin was so hot, you could feel it through the fabric. He was hard, and his hips twitched, seeking more contact.
"Don't stop," he said, his voice strained.
"Why shouldn't I?"
He didn't answer. He was just a panting, desperate mess, a slave to his own urges.
You pulled away, and his face fell, the flush draining from his cheeks. This was his punishment, and you loved every second of it.
"I think we should go back," you said. "Before our dessert gets cold."
"I'll buy the whole restaurant," he said.
You raised your eyebrows, and his expression darkened.
"Anything," he said. "Anything, I'll buy it. You want the fucking moon? It's yours."
You laughed. "That's not how it works, Gideon."
"Please," he begged. "Let me..."
You leaned in close. His breath was hot against your cheek, his heartbeat racing. Gideon was the picture of desperation, and you were the only one who could bring him this far, the only one who could make him lose control. You kissed him, and he groaned, his hips bucking into your hand. He was so eager, so pliant. He was at your mercy.
"I want my mousse," you whispered. “And I want all the teasing to stop. I've been a good girl, haven't I?"
He whimpered. "Yes."
"So, I think you owe me a reward, don't you?"
"Yes, yes," he said, nodding quickly.
He shuddered, closing his eyes. You could see his chest rising and falling as he took a few deep breaths, calming himself. He swallowed and opened his eyes again; the fire returned to his gaze. He gave you a smile, a real one, the kind of smile that made your stomach flutter.
“Home, then? I imagine.” He ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing the disheveled strands. He took a step towards you, and you moved away. His smile widened.
"Nope. You’re not getting anything tonight. You'll have to prove to me that you can behave, or I'll leave you in the cold."
His expression fell.
"And, no, that's not a euphemism," you added.
"That's not fair."
"Well, life isn't fair, is it?"
"I'll take a cab home," he said, a slight growl to his voice.
"You won't. Because I know that the second I leave, you're going to get yourself off."
"You can't tell me what to do," he said, and a small smirk spread across his face. He was trying to get a rise out of you.
"You're right. I can't. But I know that if you don't listen to me, you'll never get what you want. And if you want me, then you better be a good boy."
He bit his lip, his eyes flicking over your body.
"Okay," he said, finally. "I'll be a good boy. Promise."
"Good. Now let's go have our mousse."
Gideon groaned, his expression pained.
You giggled. "I mean, unless you'd rather just go home..."
"No," he said quickly. "No, no. Mousse is good. Great."
You smirked. "That's what I thought."
The two of you headed back out, and Gideon took his seat, looking more composed than before, though he was still flushed.
"You okay, there?" You said innocently.
"I mean, if you'd like, I can ask the waiter for some water or-"
"I'm fine," he snapped.
"Good. I'd hate to see you suffer."
He looked at you, and his expression was pained. But you ignored it. The mousse was placed in front of you, and you dug in. It was rich and smooth and absolutely delicious.
“Thanks, honey," you said, flashing a smile at Gideon. You might’ve slammed him into the wall and practically choked him with lust, but the mousse was delicious, and you had to thank him for that. You’ve always been good with manners.
Gideon smiled back, though it was clearly forced.
"You're welcome," he said.
The rest of the night was pleasant despite his suffering. He kept quiet, his eyes lingering on you, watching your every move. You finished your mousse and asked for the bill, and Gideon paid for the entire meal. You felt slightly bad since the check was more than the down payment for your apartment, but Gideon assured you that it was fine and that money was no object.
He escorted you out, and the valet brought the car around. He opened the door for you, and you slipped inside. You watched him walk around to the other side and climb in. He was so graceful, like a dancer or a model.
"Where to?" He said.
"Yours," you said simply, with a soft smile.
He paused, his eyes widening with surprise. And then, his expression softened, his features becoming relaxed. His smile was warm, and he nodded.
"Of course."
Gideon might’ve kept his cool in front of the valet and the staff at the restaurant, but the second the two of you stepped inside his apartment, his composure began to crumble just as you knew it would. His eyes were glazed over with desire, his breathing was shallow, and his cheeks flushed.
This was the Gideon you wanted. This was the Gideon you craved.
He followed you inside, and as soon as the door closed and you allowed him to, he pushed you up against the wall. You let him kiss you, his mouth warm and soft, his tongue darting out to tease yours. He was eager, his hands gripping your hips. He was still holding back, trying not to let himself go, but you knew he couldn't resist.
"Touch me," you demanded, and he groaned, his lips sliding down to your neck. He kissed your throat, his teeth scraping lightly over your skin. He was gentle, but you could tell he wanted more. You tilted your head back, giving him access to the smooth expanse of your neck, and he obliged, his tongue and teeth working together to tease and torture.
You sighed, letting him pleasure you. He was so talented, so skilled. It was hard to believe that the man who could give you such blissful, agonizing ecstasy was the same man who could make your blood boil and your skin crawl.
"Fuck," you breathed as he nipped at your collarbone. He knew all the places to touch, to tease. He could play your body like a finely tuned instrument, drawing out every last note.
He lifted his head, his eyes dark and hooded. His lips were swollen, his breath coming in hot pants.
"I want you," he whispered.
"I know."
"Let me have you."
"Not yet."
"Please.” He was begging again. You loved it.
"Be patient, Gideon."
He whimpered. You could feel his hands trembling, his hips twitching against yours. He was straining against his clothes, aching for release.
And unfortunately for him, the night was only just beginning, and you happened to love it when he was begging and pleading for release.
So, with a coy smile, you pulled away and started towards his bedroom. He was frozen in place, his expression dazed and his cheeks flushed. His gaze followed you as you moved, watching as you undressed.
You removed your blouse, letting the silky fabric slip off your shoulders and down your arms. You tossed it aside and unclasped your bra, letting it join the pile of discarded clothing. Your skirt followed suit, pooling at your feet. Gideon swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing.
You stepped out of your clothes and turned around, heading towards the bedroom, leaving him behind. He didn't follow. You heard a low moan and the soft shuffle of clothes. You couldn't help but smirk.
The bed was soft and warm. You stretched out on the covers, running your fingers through your hair.
And with one simple word, you made him forget everything.
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incesthemes · 23 days
dean gets aggressively sexual in his comments about meg in 1.16 shadow immediately after finding out that sam met her while they were separated in 1.11 scarecrow, in a way that he isn't with sam's other love interest in the first half of season 1, lori in 1.07 hook man. it's rather more reminiscent of how he acted during his brief moments with jessica.
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his first interaction with her is to "compliment" her boobs, right in front of sam—it feels as though he's trying to stake a claim, put her down (in her place, perhaps), assert a sense of dominance over her. in shadow, this weird, sexual fixation surfaces again with meg, and dean can't stop pressuring sam to fuck her or insinuating that sam has already fucked her.
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the only noticeable difference between lori, jessica, and meg is that dean was present for the formation of the relationship with lori. but meg—sam never even mentioned her. they met when dean wasn't around, when sam was living his own life. on top of that, meg accused dean of treating sam like "luggage" and dragging him around—implying that sam would leave if he could.
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comparing lori and meg, it comes off then that dean is feeling threatened here, abandoned yet again by his brother, and indeed the insults meg slings at him in the beginning of the episode resurface during their emotional conversation when sam says he plans on going back to school. meg has come to represent sam leaving him, and throughout the episode he overcompensates for his insecurity by channeling it all into this invasive sexual commentary.
what this ends up implying is that dean wants to fuck his brother.
dean’s fear of abandonment presents as such that he always feels sam is one wrong move from leaving him and going off on his own. it’s a deeply anxious attachment, and he ends up overanalyzing every interaction they have and misinterpreting any attempt on sam's part to put or maintain distance between them as total, unambiguous abandonment.
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and in scarecrow, sam really did abandon him by splitting off from dean and making his way to california (or at least, that was the intent). scarecrow is the realization of dean's core fears: sam will eventually leave him, sam wants to leave him, and in the end they’re only together out of convenience.
and now dean finds out that sam met a girl while they were separated.
the conclusion he must have reached is that sam will inevitably leave him in favor of a girl: at stanford he had jessica, here he has meg. both times he and sam were apart, sam found a (pretty, blonde) girl to get close to. the girl therefore comes to represent sam's abandonment, or rather the goal of sam's abandonment: to find what dean can't give him.
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because if sam secretly doesn't want to be around dean, then dean isn't providing an environment or a relationship that sam would want to be in. sam wants to leave, so dean is somehow inadequate.
that feeling of inadequacy, both in the pilot and in shadow, manifests through a sexual lens, just as sam's abandonment is represented by the girl. by putting these examples together, dean is seeing the impetus of sam's abandonment as something sexual: sam wants sex with girls (and a stable relationship beyond one-night stands), so he is leaving dean to find that. this connection is so strong to him that he's ignoring sam’s actual feelings and displacing his own biased perspective onto sam.
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dean cannot fathom sam interacting with meg platonically, and this is rooted in his feelings of inadequacy and fear of abandonment. dean believes he can't satisfy sam's needs to an extent that will prevent sam from leaving him, which according to dean are sexual in nature. he can't (or won't) put out for sam, so sam is going to leave him. and to hide these fears (from sam, from himself), he gets sexually aggressive about the women who threaten to steal (or succeed in stealing) sam away from him.
or: dean won’t fuck his brother, so sam fucked off and found a girl who will.
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minniepetals · 1 year
cry me a river | the apologies
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— summary: how many apologies have you heard in your life? too many to count
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: angst, mafia!au
— word count: 5.7k
— warnings: none
— PART 21 / previous post / masterpost
“Do you know how much we panicked when you didn’t come home and fell out of the radar?” When Namjoon finally gets a moment amidst the whole chaos of Yoongi finally back with you still unconscious even after the successful surgery, the door is closed and locked, and no one except the seven of them stands in the room of the hospital that is still hosting you. They can finally confront Yoongi about what happened.
“I thought I knew Min Yoongi but the moment you were kidnapped, everything that I thought I knew about you fell out of place when I tried connecting everything to see what happened, who you angered, the people you were around before you joined me, but I came up with nothing. You’re not someone who’ll go out there secretly meeting up with leaders and pissing them off, I know that, and I trust the person that you are now, right in front of me, so I knew whoever was trying to hurt you couldn’t possibly be someone we know, and that’s when I figured there’s been something you haven’t told us. Perhaps it doesn’t matter now, and perhaps it’s all in the past for you, but Min Yoongi, I have to know everything because the moment you get hurt again, I won’t stand for it.”
“There isn’t anyone else,” Yoongi says, quick but truthful, and so they listen in to what he has to say. Yoongi hesitates for a moment, remembering what you asked him in the alleyway a few days ago, how you asked whether Namjoon would care now, and because he knows the answer, he takes a deep breath to let the truth tell itself. “I am,” he pauses, “was, the heir of the Viper gang.”
They react with dumbfounded expressions, and Yoongi knows it’s a shock because how would anyone have figured that out? He’s always been quiet, stood back to let others handle things, dislikes watching people getting tortured, and does everything the opposite of what an heir does.
Every child that’s born under a mafia ruler is taught to stand formidable, act a certain way, and talk a certain way. No one has ever been an exception, so of course it comes out as a shock when Yoongi reveals to them that not only is he related to the Vipers but was the son of Min Junmyeon.
And he had a sister.
“Junmyeon never said anything because I was like a child thrown out of the throne that was meant to be his. Although I wasn’t kicked out.” He looks up, a small, bitter smile curling up just slightly. “I didn’t lie when I said I ran away from the life I was born into. I did run. I ran because I was invisible and because no one cared. They didn’t care to search for me and force me back so I didn’t return. For some time I was content with that life. I wasn’t happy but I wasn’t sad. I was okay with it. When Nari was born, Junmyeon took a whole 180-degree turn and flipped his switch. His whole life was dedicated to her but I never came to resent the way she stole the attention of everyone in the gang. I didn’t care, but I did want to seek approval. What sort of child wouldn’t? I was a good brother, protected her when needed, but eventually I grew tired of being invisible to everyone and just ran. When no one came searching for me, I returned once to see how things were, to see if they had cared but just had a hard time looking for me. But in the end, no one sought out for the lost heir, they probably didn’t even notice, so I took off to the streets and decided it was better there than to live a doll life, invisible to everyone.”
When he speaks of his past, the sort of person he was before he met them, Yoongi doesn’t speak with emotions. He isn’t that man who was filled with emotions days ago when they brought you here, when he didn’t want anyone close enough to touch you, when he took his promise to you to heart. 
Perhaps it was his guilt toward you, perhaps it was his way of apologizing, and no one would blame him for that.
Yet this Yoongi is different. This Yoongi is the usual Yoongi everyone sees, the Yoongi who looks so lifeless, who looks as if he has no heart or anything he desires in this life.
“We were enemies then,” he tells Namjoon, and this time there’s a bit of life, a small little crease in between his brows. “Your gang and the Vipers didn’t get along and, I knew who you were when you saved me that day from those thugs, yet I still followed you because you were the first person who saw me. You saw me and you saved me, while back in the Viper’s manor, I was kidnapped along with Nari and took a scar down my back for her but no one cared. They never cared, and when I received my first kindness…I decided to follow you. But I was too guilty to tell you the truth about who I was and where I came from. That’s why I never said anything.”
“But the Vipers stopped mattering to me a few years after we met,” Namjoon points out. “Why did you never tell me then?”
“I…” He catches himself, pausing, and takes a brief glance at the others. “Everyone else…went through something much worse than I,” he says. Softly. They watch him with confusion though let him keep speaking. “I grew up alright. I grew up privileged. The only thing about me was Junmyeon’s neglect and being invisible to everyone in that manor. Compare that to what everyone else went through? I didn’t want to bring my problems in, I didn’t want to inconvenience anyone with my useless worries. You all had people after you, wanting to actively hunt you down and hurt you.”
“Just because you didn’t have people actively trying to kidnap you doesn’t mean you were safe from the abuse,” Hoseok cuts in as he strolls down to take Yoongi’s hands. He was there when Namjoon saved him, he was right there to have seen the scars Yoongi retained and the pain in the little boy’s expression that night. Yoongi may act like he never cared back then but he did. And both Namjoon and Hoseok have seen it to remember the story otherwise.
“In the end, you were still kidnapped. They showed up years too late but you still ended up hurt.” Seokjin places a hand on his face, brows creased when he runs a smooth thumb over the bandage wrapped around his eye.
“This wasn’t because they went out of their way to hurt me,” Yoongi admits, the good eye meeting the floor with a little tilt in his head. “I actually got hurt because Nari was about to kill Y/N and stepped forth trying to stop her and in the process, she got my eye.”
So they really did have intentions to kill you.
“You watched her too, didn’t you?” Taehyung asks. “It wasn’t just Sunoo. You saw it too.”
He wonders how he would have felt being in his hyung’s position, watching the woman he once loved going through such torture right before his eyes, all the while knowing he could do nothing. In the end, Yoongi was able to save you. In the end, Yoongi carried you out and ran you to safety with the little kid who had been the reason the both of you couldn’t get out that soon.
You both sacrificed something.
Namjoon holds Yoongi’s face in his hands and presses their foreheads together, closing his eyes as he tries to envision the pain. Yoongi will only be able to use one eye from now on, and although it will take a moment, he’ll adjust and he’ll get used to it. But for now, they’re here for him, through and through.
“From now on, no more secrets,” he whispers into the silence that walks in. “I don’t want to know how it feels to lose someone else. I can’t.”
Silence saved by the beeping on the monitor that indicates you still live, that your heart is still racing. Yuna, still seated on the floor but now on the floor of the room you’ve been relocated to, sits still to hear the sound, not moving an inch because if she cannot see, she can hear. It’s the only thing that’s keeping her sane.
Mingyu sits on a chair by your bedside. Dasom stands against a wall beside the door, arms crossed, eyes closed. Yeonjun sits on the couch along a wall, watching Sunoo who had refused to leave until he sees you wake, and in his stubbornness to sleep when needed, he’s finally managed to fall asleep with the sleeping dose Yeonjun used on him.
A few more Reapers stand outside the door, watching, waiting.
A finger twitches, subtly, but it doesn’t leave the hawk eyes of your right hand man. 
“Boss?” He calls, standing.
A heartbeat.
Then before he realizes, an arm extends out of nowhere, leaving him in a chokehold with a grip that has lost much of her strength after the event she’s gone through.
“Boss, it’s Mingyu,” Dasom quickly says when she runs to your side and Yuna has followed along.
Your eyes which had been deadly and alerted with suspicion, loses their glare once you realize who the person that had been by your side was. 
You loosen your grip around Mingyu’s neck, brows furrowing slightly as you take a look at your hand, realizing there are white bandages wrapped all the way up to your neck You stare at your fingers, noticing the pain in your wake, before something hits you and you feel a strong headache pounding hard.
You look over at Mingyu when you get up with the help from Dasom, feeling some sense of deja vu, though you can’t explain why.
“Have I…choked you..before?” You ask. As ridiculous as it sounds — because you’d never lay a hand on your Reapers — something about it just feels a bit…familiar, for some reason. Maybe you’re still dreaming, maybe the madness is spreading and you’re just making things up now but why, for some reason, do you feel as if you’ve held Mingyu by the neck before?
Mingyu doesn’t hesitate nor does he look away when he answers; “No.”
You have your reply and yet it still feels odd when you bring your hand to your head, slowly and gently rubbing your temples as you close your eyes. But then something suddenly hits you and you open your eyes again.
“Where am I?” This isn’t the manor or any place that belongs to you. You’d recognize it if it was.
“It’s a small hospital that belongs to Bangtan,” Mingyu explains. “It was the closest place they could get you to for help.” Your eyes widen in alertness but he’s quick to continue before your heart rate can increase. “As far as I know, Mr. Min was the only one to have touched you. He fended off anyone that tried to get close.”
Yoongi went to the extent for you?
You look down at yourself again, dressed in something you’ve never worn before and it almost feels as if you’re playing some patient in a mental ward. Father never cared to send you to hospitals when you were hurt, you were always taken care of by the medic team or during times when he’d punish you by not enlisting their help, it was your Reapers that had to find what they could to help you.
You’ve never been bedridden in a hospital bed before.
What a sight to behold.
You hate it.
When you throw the blanket off you and try to pull the uncomfortable IVs from your wrist, Mingyu takes your hand to stop you. “Look at your legs, boss, you can’t walk. And you’re still in pain everywhere.”
Wrapped legs. Wrapped arms, torso, and chest.
You look like a mummy.
“I’m not in pain,” you deny. “I can walk—”
“No, you can’t.” He stands tall, refusing to let you do what you wish and you know Mingyu only does this when you’re putting your health at risk otherwise he’d never go against you.
Still, you shake your head when he tries to put you back and they hear the way your heart rate increases. You look over at the sound of the monitor, falling with even more loathe because that thing is like a window to the things you want to hide. You try to push Mingyu off, a lump in your throat because it feels like you’re a prisoner and you don’t want to be here.
You don’t want to be here.
“I don’t like this,” you breathe out but Mingyu holds your shoulders and leans in close.
“That isn’t for you to say and this isn’t the place to panic,” he reminds you in a low tone and you know. You know this isn’t the place, you aren’t safe here, you aren’t safe to express and panic and get upset and do whatever it is you want to do but that’s exactly why you don’t want to be here.
You aren’t safe.
“I want to go home.” A shudder comes through you, a tremor in your hands.
The monitor continues updating.
Beep. Beep. Beepbeep—
“Stop it. Please, stop it. Don’t let them come in.” You know it’s alerting whoever can hear it outside this room. You know the door is about to open because you’re a patient and patients mean listening to what the doctors say and what the nurses say and what everyone else says. “Don’t let them come. Don’t let them come.”
“Yeonjun.” He takes Sunoo in his arms upon Mingyu’s command, leaving out the door. “Yeong.” Mingyu speaks into an earpiece and Lisa, Haneul, and Yiseul rush in.
Mingyu, Dasom, and Yuna back off to let them do their job while outside the door, Yeong and Jae have stepped up to stand guard.
“What’s going on?” Namjoon asks when the two Reapers hold their hands up, refusing to let anyone else in. From where he stands, along with the curtain covering the one window of the door, he can’t see what’s going on.
“We cannot let you in,” Yeong says strictly. “Please. For our boss’s privacy.”
“Is she hurting again?” Sunoo, who had woken up amidst the chaos, asks with worry shaking him once again.
“It’s not what you’re imagining,” Yeonjun tells him straightforwardly in a blunt tone, before looking up at the group that has gathered as if telling Namjoon he should know exactly what he means.
Upon that subtle confirmation, Namjoon backs down, nodding at his people to leave you be, before he walks off with Yoongi and Jungkook following behind.
On the other side of the wall, you must be awake and not taking things well. You’re panicking perhaps, losing your composure, and only the Reapers are allowed to see anything of that relating to you. No one else.
Back in the manor when you had confronted him and pretended to be the bad guy in his life, he saw a brief moment of you losing your composure. They all did. 
The moment you realized you had touched Namjoon, the moment everything started coming down so you walked over to a corner away from them all. You held yourself well despite everything threatening to tear you apart and Mingyu came in time to get you out of there, but in this hospital where you’ve undergone surgery and cannot move around so carelessly, there is only so little your mind can do to trick you out of panic.
And perhaps because it’s failing to protect you from the eyes of strangers, from the eyes of people you don’t trust, maybe that’s why the Reapers have all come into defense mode and have refused anyone to go near you.
“I want to go home.” Meanwhile, you repeat those words inside the room, feeling your throat clogging up and something scratching it so hard you wish to just tear it out. “I want to go home. Take me home.”
The monitor is still going off while you try to shake the hands that try to hold you down, kicking off the blanket, struggling to stay still.
“I want to go home..” Soon your voice dies down, quieting, quieting, until it turns completely silent and you’re simply doing nothing but trembling uncontrollably. You let your knees kick up to your chest, head lowered into them, hands coming around to cover your ears and they know. They know what’s happening.
You’ve never been loud. Not ever.
And although the silence, coldness, and the dark scares you more than anything else in this life, it is the only thing you succumb to when you feel as if everything has gone out of control.
Your silence tears your Reapers apart because it is your silence that tells them you aren’t okay.
That you’re in your most frightened state.
Lisa lets Mingyu come close when you succumb to the silence and they all stand back to watch him work his magic.
He dips the bed when he takes a seat, and when he reaches out to give your arm a tentative touch and you don’t flinch away, he allows himself closer. He puts both his legs onto the bed and pulls you in like you’re nothing but a small little child who needs calming down. Mingyu brings you into his lap and takes your hand from your ear, letting your head rest against his chest so you can hear the beat of his heart, and wraps his arms around you in a soft, soft embrace.
It takes time but eventually, the shaking stops. Eventually, the tension falls away and you allow yourself to welcome the embrace and let your limbs fall loose.
Too tired to hold up.
Too tired to keep strength.
Your heartbeat slows as it follows after the one you’re listening to as if it is the only sound in this world that can save you from the depth of the sea.
The sound of the whale singing you a lullaby and bringing you to fall asleep once again.
“Deal with them. I don’t know what Yoongi wants but it’s not my call to have them dead.”
Days after sending that letter off to Namjoon once things started to calm down on your end, you hear news of the remaining members of the Vipers completely wiped out. You’d been back at your manor for a good time now, ever since waking up for the second time and finding relief in knowing you weren’t at some unknown place. Luckily. 
Your Reapers always know just what to do when a situation calls for it and you’re glad you have them by your side.
With you bedded and unable to walk and do much on your own, you let them follow you through words alone. The Academy is to set up training lessons on both combat and weapon skills. Initially, when building the school you thought against the idea, but since Sunoo’s been used against you as leverage, you figure giving them some life skills should come in handy in the future. They won’t become your little assassins per se but if they want to survive in this world, they have to learn how to fight it. It’s for their own survival, you can’t have a situation with Sunoo repeating again. They should at least know how to defend themselves if anything.
You’ve also told your Reapers the names of the people that have hurt you before, the ones they don’t know of, the ones from before Yuna arrived. It’s a secret you’ve always kept in the back of your memories, not wanting them to return, but if another situation comes out in a similar fashion, you’d rather be prepared.
They have to know, even if it’s just names.
At least then they won’t be led into the dark if you’re taken away again and will have a better chance at suspecting who.
When you’re good enough to stand on your feet and when Mingyu stops becoming so overbearing, the first place you visit is The Academy where Sunoo stays in his dorm alone, isolated from the rest.
“What’re you doing not playing with your friends?” His head perks up when he hears your familiar voice, that look of dread and loneliness brightened up if even for a moment. You see the way his eyes light up, widening, his feet meeting the floor when he jumps down from his bed, quick on his knees with a head lowered down to the floor before anyone can tell him anything.
You freeze in the moment, silent, before signaling to Yeong to have the door closed so that only you and Mingyu remain.
Your second in command walks off to the side, leaning against the wall to give you space when you approach the little boy whose shoulder trembles when lowered before you.
“Sunoo,” you call, and he flinches a little. “It is during times like this you should surround yourself with your peers, otherwise—”
“I’m sorry,” he cuts you off and you simply stand there again, not approaching any further.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Yuna, age thirteen, tears rolled down her working eyes when you ran to room 157. “I just…I just want to make it all better.” Apologizing because she was incompetent.
“I’m sorry.” Mingyu, age twenty-six, uttered the only words he could find when you told him one could not break a broken person. “I want to save you.” But he can’t.
“I’m sorry.” Yeonjun, age ten, handing you a cup of rose water, his jaws clenched after your father’s Reapers left the room. “It’s tea,” he says. “It isn’t poisoned,” he says. And you drink it.
“I’m sorry.” Dasom, age twenty-four, blood on her face, blood on her hands, knelt before you with a head lowered, shoulders trembling. “I won’t make the same mistake as he did.” Killed the first Reaper that almost spilled your secrets.
“I’m sorry.” Nakyum, age seventeen, accepts his fate with a smile, eyes only looking your way with the rest of your Reapers surrounding him. The first to lose control, the first unable to restrain himself. “I hope in my next life, I can run to your side without having to hold myself back. May we meet again…in that life.” Dead.
Someone apologizes when they can do nothing. Someone apologizes when they’ve done something. In the end, fate will always pull the people around you into the hell you’ve been born into. No matter how much you push them away to escape it, to live the life they so deserve, they remain still and stubborn, vowing to always stay by your side no matter what.
Yuna lost her eyes. Nakyum lost his life.
No one else.
No one else.
You sit on the floor in front of Sunoo, crossing your legs together and close your eyes. You take in a deep breath, in and out, head tilted to the sky as if sending a prayer to Nakyum, asking him to continue his duties in watching over you all. You’re still selfish to this day, wanting to hold onto the dead.
“You did well,” you say into the silence. “You did well.”
Sunoo shakes his head, still unable to look you in the eyes. Perhaps feeling unworthy to do so. “You almost died.”
“But I didn’t,” you affirm and you see the way his hands ball into fists, turning knuckle white. “One day, perhaps, you can be like that gentleman that stepped in to take the blade for me. One day you will be strong to protect the ones you care about. But until that day comes, you have to accept the fact that you’re weak. Do not dwell on what could have been, dwell on how you could have done better. You acted well and played your part. Nari wanted you to scream and lose control, she wanted you to beg her to not hurt me, she wanted to watch you fall apart. If you had fallen victim to her play, she would have done worse on me, Sunoo, I know she would have. There are people who exist to make things harder on others. There are people who exist to laugh in the face of tears.”
“Even still—”
“Even still,” you cut him off, repeating those two words with more emphasis, “you are a child. And you cannot expect to do anything more than to stand and watch. Sometimes being a good bystander is all there is to do. Sometimes being a good bystander is all you can do. You protected me, Sunoo, so do not apologize for doing what I had asked you to do. But if you find yourself still dwelling on the fact that you should have done better,” you lift his head from where it sits, resting a cold hand on his face when he tries so hard to keep the tears back for your sake, “get stronger.”
Sunoo bites onto his lower lip, eyes kept wide and unblinking because he knows that if he wishes to not cry, a single blink will allow the rain to fall. “Yes, my lady.”
You pat him on the head and stand from your seat before simply walking off. 
When the door closes behind you, only then does he finally allow himself to cry.
“I’m sorry,” his voice breaks when Mingyu approaches him on the floor, hands rushing to wipe his tears yet they keep on coming. “I’m sorry I…I don’t know how to stop. The lady hates tears and yet—”
“You did well.”
Sunoo shakes his head. “I still showed her my tears. I..I-I’m not supposed to—”
“Boss was born in an environment that forced her to block all her emotions out. Her own father was a manipulating man who is incompetent of feeling. You are seven.” He places a hand on Sunoo’s shoulder and gives him a gentle squeeze. “Boss built you a place under her rule so that children like you do not have to live the life she led. She will forgive you if you cry.”
And so he does.
He cries. 
This time without hands pushing the tears away, this time with snot and hiccups and sounds. And as Mingyu watches the little kid who was forced to hold a weight upon those shoulders, he wishes he could see the same with you.
And not succumbing to the silence.
“Should you be walking on your feet so casually like that?”
One question still remains. One question that has you questioning everything else.
Why the hell does Namjoon seem so cool about everything?
I mean you didn’t provoke him any further and made jabs at him but why are the two of you okay enough to send letters to each other regarding the Viper situation? Isn’t he supposed to be mad at you for Jungwon? And the fact that you got Yoongi hurt to the point of him only being able to see through one eye now? Namjoon’s protective when it comes to his loved ones getting hurt so why aren’t you being yelled at? And why was he cool enough to send you to their private hospital and even had doctors on standby? You didn’t use them but that’s beside the point.
Is it because you were on the verge of death? But Namjoon never cared about that when it came to his enemies.
You look over at Yoongi not so discreetly, a tilt in your head, confusion plastered on your face, and in his own confusion as to why you turned to him in the first place, he simply gives you no response.
So you turn back to Namjoon, shrugging at his question. “It’s been over a month, I wouldn’t let just anyone take me down like that.”
He hums, agreeing, and you take another look at Yoongi who doesn’t avoid eye contact. The last time you saw him he was all bloody, blood dripping past the wet cloth you placed over his eye. The last time was when you were in that alleyway, telling him to not let anyone touch you.
He kept his promise, according to Mingyu, and perhaps that was his showing of apology for what he’d done to you all those years ago. You wouldn’t deem Yoongi as someone to have ignored the little trust you had put in him.
“I have a question, Kim Namjoon.” You turn to the man in charge. “Did what happened the last time we met each other fly past your head? Because it awfully feels as if it’s not affecting you one bit. Unless this is all just a ploy to lure me in and kill me afterwards.”
He raises a brow. “You think I like playing things out in the long run?”
Right. When it comes to Namjoon, whatever he wants, whoever he wants dead, they usually die within a week of his declaration. He doesn’t do the waiting game.
“Then why am I still alive?” You ask so casually it’s as if you were speaking of the weather. “Are you a fool?”
“I’m not a fool, Y/N, and that’s precisely why I will not kill you, whether you try to force my hands or not.” He gives you a pointed stare and you look away, arms crossing over your chest. Namjoon continues under your silence. “Did you know that in a moment of weakness, you let your mask fall? Did you really think I’d continue believing you so easily? After that act you played and went into madness?”
You ball your hand into a fist, ready to cut back. “I—”
“You didn’t kill Jungwon, but you know exactly who did it.” Those eyes of his, when you look at them, dares for you to refute the claim he just made and it brings a shiver down your spine. He’s never been one to play around, rarely cracks jokes, is always aloof, and has that resting glare on his face. Perhaps you shouldn’t have chanted those words so much you brought yourself into madness.
It was your fault your mask fell.
“And until you’re willing to tell me, I won’t accept your deal in wanting to cut Bangtan off your allied forces.”
You frown at his proposition, confused. “Wha—”
“You need me, Y/N,” he cuts you off, getting straight to the point and you sit there, simply staring with a dumbfounded expression. “I have more power and influence than the Reapers do. I have ways to get dirt over anyone and I have connections. That’s why you approached me in the first place; because you needed to use my power. I will continue to give you that. I’ll allow you to use me. And when you’re done using me, you can throw me out after giving me the truth to who killed Jungwon.”
Seokjin, who had stood beside Yoongi this whole time, slides a paper over to you and when you look at it, you realize it’s a contract. A new one.
You only have to glance at it for a brief moment to understand the words that are written there. “You’re giving me quite the advantage, Namjoon.”
Total control to be able to use him whenever, as long as you’re able to provide him information on his brother’s death once you are done with him. In translation: he was allowing you to treat him as a pawn.
“You know all I want is the truth about my brother, and you’re the only one who can provide me with that.”
The last person to have seen Kim Jungwon. The only person besides Namjoon to have been close to him.
You raise a brow his way, suspicious. “All for some information, you’re willing to become my pawn.”
“You believed I had treated you as such all those years ago, would it not be fair?”
He doesn’t say it straight out but you know just what he’s trying to imply. You were once a pawn in the chess game he played with your father, used as a leverage, and free to ask anything of you. And being the sort of person that you were all those years ago, you could never say no to what Namjoon asked of you. Three years passed, he grew tired of you, and discarded you to be eaten up by the enemy.
This is, in unspoken words, his apology.
You take the pen from the table to scribble out your signature before standing up to walk out without another word.
Though you pause right before you can open the door, turn a step around to address Yoongi, giving him a small bow. “Thank you.” And walk out.
Yoongi’s way of apology meant a lot more. You don’t want some discreet way of apology, you don’t want to play fire with fire even though that had been your intention from the very beginning. But even then, it was never your intention to take revenge back on Namjoon just to use him as a pawn.
It’s not what you want.
You want him begging on his knees the way you had done. You want him begging you for forgiveness and actually mean it.
You can accept Yoongi’s apology. You won’t forgive him yet but you can accept it. He stepped up when you were on the verge of death, stood in front of a blade, and had his own eye blinded. He then picked both you and Sunoo up in his arms and took revenge back on the Vipers, successfully killing them off in one go. And with the little trust you gave him in your moment of weakness, he kept his word and warded off anyone that tried to get close to you.
The Reapers were contacted, rushed to your side, and took care of you.
In the beginning, Yoongi was just a victim who had to fall prey into making a decision he hadn’t wanted to make.
Kim Namjoon’s taking a step but he’s still lightyears away from forgiveness.
Feelings cannot be forced, feelings are something you will not blame him for, but because he lied to you and betrayed your trust, you know you won’t let him off easily.
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bsverryin · 10 months
: ̗̀➛ Playing hard to get with Genshin men
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╰┈➤ Kaeya, Wanderer, Diluc, Alhaitham, Ayato
╰┈➤ They confessed to you but you're acting hard to get.
✎ HEADCANONS ONLY!!! This is really short!! This is kinda like my warm up cuz I'm gonna be working for a short story that I'll send for school I'm kinda nervous but I really need to learn more as a writer for like a better grammar 🥹 huhu someday I won't be able to keep It simple and use fancy words🫡 jkjk but for now i cannot assure you of perfect grammar but enjoy!!
: ̗̀➛ KAEYA
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You didn't expect that Kaeya would really confess to you, he's playful and flirty and you'd always think he's like that to everyone. Other than being flirty, Kaeya was a hard working and gentle man. You disregard your feelings for him before so why is that he had to confess when you thought you've moved on?
You didn't say yes or no when he confessed. You wanted to get to know him better before officially starting to date him, but you knew it yourself that you liked him back but where's the thrill if you'd answer him that fast?
You started to hang out with him often and let him do things for you. He compliments you and does everything just so you could feel confident about yourself. He didn't realize that you liked him back after one month when you're showing signs, you compliment him more than he does and became more flirtous with him. When he realizes what you're doing and finds out himself that you liked him back, he immediately meets up with you and when you're about to talk he kisses you, only because he loves you.
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You didn't process when you heard wanderer confess to you, You didn't know that he could feel human emotions because you knew from your friends that he's a puppet. When you asked him why he did, he didn't answer and waited for your other response which you didn't give because it didn't feel right, you didn't know it was possible at all.
Wanderer was disappointed because you couldn't give him an answer that day when he confessed, so whenever you met him he looked like his usual self where he looked annoyed and you were shy around him because your heart was always beating fast, he hated those moments where you're shy that he wished he didn't confess to you to keep you comfortable.
When you finally had that alone moment with him, the silences were killing you both that you had no choice but to confess out of nowhere, he teased you when you said you loved him and laughed about it but he felt joy secretly as you let him hold your hand for the first time.
: ̗̀➛ DILUC
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Diluc was confident when he confessed to you but he felt embarrassed when you couldn't give him an answer. You couldn't answer because of two reasons, one because you were so happy. Two because you didn't know what to say. Either way, you couldn't answer because Diluc was so popular that everyone has been greeting him and you didn't know what to do.
You liked him too but you didn't know if you're mentally or even financially stable enough for him. Diluc gave you all the time that you needed and all you did for weeks was think about his confessions and you were scared that if you won't answer sooner he'll get tired but you knew he wasn't that kind of person who changes feelings overnight.
So when you think that you're finally ready to face him and tell him about how you feel he was more than happy. He knew that you liked him but still he gave you time because he didn't want to make you feel overwhelmed with everything. All diluc wanted to do was to make you the happiest that you can be and you really wished you played more hard to get just to see his cute reactions.
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When alhaitham confessed, all you thought about was playing hard to get because your heart, mind and soul knows that you loved alhaitham. Ever since the first day, alhaitham got your attention and you were so focused on him that you didn't think that he'd like you because of that.
Alhaitham knows that you're really trying hard to make him jealous and get him things to do for you, he doesn't mind because he lets you do everything that you want him to. Sometimes, he teases you by making you jealous just like what you do to him. It makes you want to answer him and tell the world that you're dating him but it's fun playing hard to get.
You didn't realize that you're building bonds with him by your moments together. You both knew that you like each other and completely forgot about the dating part because you already act like couples. He'd take you to beautiful places and buy you everything that you set your eyes on and you'd do the same for him. When you're both visiting a place with beautiful scenery, you initiated the first kiss to give him a sign that you're officially dating.
: ̗̀➛ AYATO
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Ayato felt sad when you couldn't give him the answer that he wanted to hear because he thought that you liked him too. Ayato is your long time crush maybe you liked him for about five years and him confessing was the happiest day of your life, it didn't feel real that you ran before you could even speak you knew that it wasn't the right thing to do but you would always run around like a puppy when you're happy and he knows that but this time, he misunderstood you. He thought you ran because you didn't like him which made him very sad.
You were already imagining how you and Ayato would be like as couples, you even tried to be all naughty and hard to get around him but you'd always fold when he does the most gentle man things he usually does only to you. Your playing hard to get plans didn't work on him because he was busy to even realize that still, he balances his work and you.
One day, you woke up touch-starved that you decided that, that day was the day you're gonna finally answer him. Ayato was happy when he finally heard what he had been wanting too. After that, he lets you stay at his office, he would kiss your cheeks every minute holding your hand while he's working.
343 notes · View notes
shorthaltsjester · 1 year
sometimes people will say “going dark” and then what they’re actually talking about is just people no longer presenting a carefully constructed version of their emotions and experiences.
like. emotional turmoil is not the same as darkness. laudna in this Fictional Universe that has tangibly different stakes wrt to death and killing than our own, is at best like . morally neutral for what she just did like. man has been secretly trying to kill you, and then just tried to do so again, killing him back is a fair choice. and even if i was someone who is excited by delilah’s inability to escape from the narrative, this shit isn’t about delilah. laudna made a choice. if delilah is back or whatever it’s a choice that laudna made because something in that grants her more control than her existing conditions did. this isn’t some Delilah Takes Over, it’s Laudna Expressly Makes The Choice To Call Forth Something within Herself to remedy the lack of control that’s been thrust upon her. if y’all want to Continue to limit Laudna’s agency (as the cr fandom is so, so want to do when a female character makes a choice that isn’t Good according to some weird system of virtue ethics) go ahead.
likewise with orym. little guy is not “going dark” because he has finally made direct action about his emotional turmoil in dealing with a situation which has similarly left him without control and has also placed him in a position where his stalwart conviction towards protecting and honouring those he loves and has lost alike is constantly met with other people he cares for going well.. what if they had a point/we are killing other peoples loved ones/etc. which like . yeah that might be frustrating and in fact might lead him to go, actually, i can’t afford to try and maintain some abject morality where I carry a locket that will literally only provide guilt. orym is completely committed to his beliefs, the locket and what it represents has never been a limit to what he will do, only a reminder of the consequences of what he might cause in those actions. but they Are at war and orym has a billion things on his plate. he can put down the locket. especially when bor’dor is the explicit manifestation of that locket’s symbolism. the subtext rapidly became the text and orym doesn’t need a reminder. it’s there in the fact that team issylra is walking away with two friends, not three.
these are character who have at every turn denied their own emotions in various forms while still being acutely aware of what they deny, whether that awareness was/is fully realized or not. many of laudna’s early convos with ashton show us that there is some awareness to the lighthearted spooky goth girl and how that persona fades when she thinks too much about what has led her and maintained that reality. likewise the entirety of orym’s story thus far is defined by his grief in a very literal sense, it Has extended from that grief to also the commitment he had to the purpose of figuring out the assassination attempt on keyleth but as we have seen, that purpose has fallen apart. paired with the quasi-reopening of his grief that was getting to see will again only to have to turn away, i don’t think there’s a lack of awareness in orym of how much he hurts. but between his actions and 4SD, that hurt tends to get buried under guilt or Responsibility.
and now, finally, both of them have admitted to that Not in the safety of small introspection or one-on-one conversations but with actions that they cannot shy away from or deny. laudna killed bor’dor and orym encouraged her to. and it Is a complex situation but truly I don’t really think it’s a “going dark” one. because they’re not giving into some overhanging Darkness of Morality™, they’re admitting that they are hurt and have long been hurting.
or, y’know, tldr for those who continue to deny laudna and orym agency or fully villainise them for whatever weird reasons . you could listen to laudna and ashton’s conversation that pretty much lays it out explicitly. laudna claims she’s weak for having chosen to kill bor’dor. ashton denies that and affirms instead that, no, she’s hurt.
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blackroseguzzi · 3 months
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A new Joel Miller x female!OC story!
Summery: Unfortunate events lead to the meeting between you and Joel Miller, but the spark between you both ignited a fire.
When Joel becomes worried he can’t give you what you deserve you both do and say things you’ll eventually regret- one In particular incident leaves you with intense guilt and loneliness. You decide to strike up a deal with Marlene. You would bring that kid to where she needed to go as long as you could get information on Tommy, to secretly give to Joel. You hoped that would lead him to forgive you, and your disappearance wouldn’t be for nothing. Life had other plans, as you’re now bringing Ellie to the fireflies with Joel as your companion. After all, there was hope that your fragile and broken relationship might just be able to be fixed?
Enjoy! I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments ❤️
You’re transfixed with the dancing flames, lost in your own thoughts. Joel knew that you were trying to suppress the tears that  threatened to spill from your eyes. Tess was gone.
He wanted to stand, walk over to you as he watched you hugging your knees close to your chest. He yearned to pull you to his warm embrace, whispering promises you that he would protect you. Except he knew that he couldn’t do that because you were both strangers now. He was the last person who knew how to protect anyone he loved. He had learned that from experience. He cursed himself when he let his guard down the first time he met you.
“You got a lot of freckles.”
You were so close to his face, and other than an occasional wince, his eyes were now studying your face as you worked.
His observation caught you off guard, and you suddenly felt a wash of embarrassment run through you. You had always been self conscious of your freckles- inherited down to you from your father. The two of you were the only ones with an array of thick brown dots scattered about your face. 
He must have sensed your discomfort, “My Momma, she used to tell me girls with freckles were kissed by angels.” 
“Oh is that so?” 
“Yes ma’am, and if you were kissed by angels you bring good luck.” His eyes landed on the ceiling, prepping for another ping of the needle, but you were already done. You watched him for a moment. His skin tanned from the sun, and his dark eyes full of mystery. You were anything but lucky, but you were thankful for the one thing that had made your junior high years relentless torture had made this man feel something good for a moment.
“I.. I flinched,” He suddenly spoke, his chest rising and falling as he took a deep breath.
“You don’t need to explain yourself, but for what its worth I’m happy you did.” 
He hummed a response and closed his eyes when your needle dug into his head.
“Just be happy it’s not Tess doing this. You’d look like Frankenstein when she was finished with ya.”
Clearing your throat from your own emotions, you patted his shoulder, letting him know he can raise from his lying position on the couch. For a few seconds there was complete silence between the two of you. His eyes landed on your lips you felt your face flush red.
“Thanks…Freckles.” He whispered before slowly getting into a sitting position on the couch. He winced as he adjusted to the feeling of the stitches. 
He remembered that day to the very last detail of every second of the day. It was on one had the very lowest he had ever been. Entering the QZ, meeting Tess, getting into smuggling. All after the shit he had been through to get to Boston and he was still traveling down the darkest path. He remembers the way the barrel of his gun looked. It was etched in his mine because he thought it would be the last thing he would ever see before the permanent darkness took over. 
But he had flinched, and then he saw you. The way your eyebrows turned down in concern as you approached him. Your white tank top, showing your sunburnt skin and the way a little sweat beaded at your collar bones from being in the stale heat of his apartment. 
Now, so many years later you still had those perfect freckles. The ones that he would memorize as you slept next to him in his twin bed after you had sneaked out after the Zone’s curfew. He could have sworn that those freckles made out the Cassiopeia constellation across your right cheek. It would only make sense, because you were so full of love, yet you fucked him like a comet- otherworldly, and always gone too fast.
“I’ll take first watch,” Joel spoke out in the darkness across from his two female travel companions. 
Ellie grumbled, already half asleep as she  snuggled into her sleeping back and facing away from the fire.
The silence between you became louder than the crackling wood and distant cricket songs in the night as Ellie fell into a deep sleep.
You started to get up from the ground, avoiding his eyes.
“Where you think you’re goin?” Joel questioned, that yearning to warm you up against his chest rising inside of him again as you tugged your jacket closer to your body.
“I know you’re not my biggest fan, Joel. I’m… I was trying to make things right.” 
His breath hitched, and that burning feeling that had been overcoming his chest was starting to creep up as you finally made eye contact. He was frozen. It wasn’t from fear, or anger. He was frozen from guilt. 
“Just please…” A tear escaped her eye, and if the back of her hand hadn’t swiped it away so fast he wouldn’t have even noticed at first. “Please don’t be a dick to me in front of the kid.”
The burn was like fire now, sitting in his ribcage. He pressed his lips together looking over at Ellie and nodded slowly. 
You walked over to the pile of all of your gear. You reached in your black backpack and pulled out a thick flannel, retreating quietly back over to Ellie who curled up in the fetal position. You laid the thick jacket over the young girl and her sleeping bag before getting into your make shift bed, “Night Miller, wake me when its my shift.” 
But Joel kept his eyes on Ellie, his old Flannel he had left at your place in the QZ now dropped over her.
Maybe not all hope was lost.
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edenmemes · 2 years
wednesday starters
❝ i’ve learned so much from you. part of it is admittedly criminal behavior. ❞ ❝ use the words  ‘little’  and  ‘girl’  to address me again and i can’t guarantee your safety. ❞ ❝ i knew you didn’t have what it takes to be a murderer. ❞ ❝ i promise that whoever did this to you will suffer. ❞ ❝ you really suck at this. cheering people up. ❞ ❝ are you feeling okay? you look a little pale. ❞ ❝ there’s nothing quite like the feeling of being proven right. ❞ ❝ your secret’s safe with me. ❞ ❝ why should i bother telling you anything? you've already decided i'm lying. ❞ ❝ to tell you the truth, i’ve never really fit in anywhere. ❞ ❝ how i missed those accusing eyes and youthful sneer. ❞ ❝ i’ll be keeping my eye on you. ❞ ❝ you’re hurt. can you walk? ❞ ❝ try anything and you’ll lose limbs. ❞ ❝ i should have known you were behind this. ❞ ❝ do you always speak in riddles? ❞ ❝ for someone who claims to have no friends, you certainly protect them. ❞ ❝ i refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else’s corrupt game. ❞ ❝ any plans you have of running away end right now. ❞ ❝ or you can just glare uncomfortably. whatever works for you. ❞ ❝ i don’t have time to explain, but you’re in danger. ❞ ❝ i didn’t realize we were back on speaking terms. ❞ ❝ no man chooses evil because it is evil. he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks. ❞ ❝ emotion equals weakness. pull yourself together. ❞ ❝ there’s a monster out there, but everyone believes i made it up. ❞ ❝ how long do you intend on giving me the cold shoulder? ❞ ❝ if you die, i will kill you. ❞ ❝ whoever you are, show yourself. ❞ ❝ how long have you been lurking? ❞ ❝ believe nothing you hear and half of what you see. ❞ ❝ as usual, you underestimate me. ❞ ❝ i don’t believe that i’m better than everyone else. just that i’m better than you. ❞ ❝ i hope that one day, you’ll finally be able to accept me for who i am. ❞ ❝ i don’t want you to be a stranger in my life. ❞ ❝ i don’t plan on staying here long. ❞ ❝ not a hugger. got it. ❞ ❝ you’re soft and weak. you’ll never survive without me. ❞ ❝ do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of everybody? ❞ ❝ if he breaks your heart, i’ll nail-gun his. ❞ ❝ you are a brilliant person, but sometimes you get in your own way. ❞ ❝ my personal philosophy is kill or be killed. ❞ ❝ breathe a word of this to anyone and i will end you. ❞ ❝ have you ever shot a bow and arrow before? ❞ ❝ i don’t bury hatchets. i sharpen them. ❞ ❝ you can’t get rid of me that easily. ❞ ❝ i act as if i don't care if people dislike me. deep down...i secretly enjoy it. ❞ ❝ there’s just something wrong about this place. ❞ ❝ i want to assure you i remain as cold and heartless as the first day we met. ❞ ❝ i have no interest in following in your footsteps. ❞ ❝ you used to love my killer instinct. ❞ ❝ sometimes the monsters we least expect are the most dangerous. ❞ ❝ would it kill you to not think the worst of me for once? ❞ ❝ is that your professional opinion as the child of a murderer? ❞ ❝ you always had a unique perspective on the world. ❞ ❝ i don’t know what kind of sick joke you’re playing, but i’m out of here. ❞ ❝ at least it’s turning into a beautiful day. ❞ ❝ being your friend should come with a warning label. ❞ ❝ there’s no time. leave me. save yourself. ❞ ❝ we were good together. ❞ ❝ oh, great. i guess you can add ‘thief’ to your resume. ❞ ❝ whatever did this wasn’t human. ❞ ❝ the last thing i remember i was walking outside feeling a mixture of rage, pity and self-disgust. ❞ ❝ i’m not above breaking a few fingers. ❞ ❝ once again, you have underestimated the situation. ❞ ❝ i see the world as a place that must be endured. ❞ ❝ this will not end well for you. ❞ ❝ stop making enemies and start making friends. you’re going to need them. ❞ ❝ it’s been a long night. i’m tired of your games. ❞ ❝ never lose that. the ability to not let others define you. ❞ ❝ i make one mistake, and you can’t forgive me. ❞ ❝ my deviousness has finally rubbed off on you. ❞ ❝ you could have been seriously hurt or worse. ❞ ❝ my vengeance will be swift and true. ❞ ❝ no matter how hard i try, there will always be people who look down on me. ❞ ❝ danger is on its way. no time to delay. ❞ ❝ please, flattery will get you nowhere. ❞ ❝ do you have a death wish or something? ❞ ❝ i’m the villain in your fantasy. ❞ ❝ i just want you to know all i want is the very best for you. ❞ ❝ you know what your problem is? you don’t know who your real friends are. ❞ ❝ i did a terrible a thing, but i swear i’m not a terrible person. ❞ ❝ the world isn’t always black and white. there are shades of grey. ❞ ❝ where you see doom, i see opportunity. ❞ ❝ friends are a liability and can be exploited. that makes them weaknesses. ❞ ❝ i’m just gonna come out and say it. i want us to be more than friends. ❞ ❝ that’s so sweet. you didn’t have to get me anything. ❞ ❝ think you skipped where you apologize for acting like a jerk last weekend. ❞ ❝ you’ll use everyone to get what you want, even if it means putting them in danger. ❞ ❝ every time you get involved, people get hurt. ❞ ❝ there’s a biting sense of humor that i always adored. ❞ ❝ what does it feel like? to lose. ❞ ❝ i  have  great  admiration  for  well  executed  revenge  plots  but  yours  was  a  bit  extreme. ❞ ❝ what’s your excuse from creeping around in the middle of the night? ❞ ❝ i’ll survive alone. i always have. ❞ ❝ when you give me that death stare of disapproval, you remind me of your mother. ❞ ❝ are you all right? i can’t imagine witnessing something like that. ❞ ❝ i’m tougher than you think. ❞ ❝ the more you listen to them, the more their claws sink into you. ❞ ❝ people like me and you, we’re different. ❞ ❝ i would rather dye my hair pink than ask my mother for advice. ❞ ❝ i’ve never seen someone so blinded by rage. ❞ ❝ could we please do without the overt display of emotion? ❞
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issillage · 11 months
18+ Xiao — Kidnapping AU. “Today he will be a demon, desires and sins have prevailed over Alatus.”
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One day, Xiao left an anonymous note on the board of the Wangshu Inn :
«I coped with the desire and decided to keep my distance, followed through the fields and mountains and secretly cleared the road so that nothing would happen. But every time I noticed this person with someone else, my heart was filled with anger. How can I allow such betrayal?»
The note is still hanging, but no one takes the secret admirer seriously, and even more so, they don’t realize that this is a Yaksha, in whose heart a vile feeling has settled — jealousy.
And yet someone answered him. The anonymous message certainly contained a humorous context, but not advice. However, Xiao doesn’t understand human humor well, it is difficult for him to distinguish whether it is a joke or not.
«So what's the problem, huh? Kidnapping - and the issue is solved! Then this person will only be yours~»
“What the…Nonsense.” - After reading the answer then, Xiao was indignant — the idea seemed wrong, dirty and doesn’t fit with moral principles of Yaksha.
And he’d have already forgotten about it, if only Xiao hadn't met you again, in the company of another man.
Who are you smiling at so charmingly, y/n? Isn't that a blush playing on your cheeks right now? Why did you put a lock of hair behind your ear, are you flirting with this person? Watching from afar, Xiao clenched his palm into a fist — again your smile addressing to the wrong person, that blush on your cheeks should be because of him, and only he should see your playful side.
That was a moment, when stern Yaksha finally broke down. And you know, that anonymous tip wasn't so bad, y/n. To have you all in his hands and only, Xiao could only dream about it. He will no longer need to come to you at night while you are sleeping, watching as your chest rise and fall from heavy breathing. If he gets you — he won't have to hold back.
Xiao is a vigilant Yaksha, that teleports to any point to exterminate demons. But today, he will be a demon, desires and sins have prevailed over Alatus.
When he emerged from the shadow of room, you was standing with your back to him and packing things into a suitcase. So you are going to leave LiYue… Oh, not today. Never. A lot of movements from the Adept were not needed — it was only necessary to hold your mouth and nose with one hand, and wrap the other around your body so that you would fall into his arms after losing consciousness from lack of oxygen.
Xiao didn't want to, he swears, but it's your own fault. What were you thinking, having such a nice conversation with others people?
When heavy eyelids opened and the darkness was replaced by light, you were bound. Lying on the bed, the red ropes were tightly wrapped around your wrists and ankles — unable to move, unable to escape. Your mouth was open, Xiao will give you the opportunity to shout and swear at him, and when you calm down, he will put something other than a gag in your cute mouth, something long and thick. I assure you, you will like it, y/n.
“Stop twitching, it won't help.” - As always unemotional, Xiao lacked eloquence and expression of emotion, but preferred actions. He was standing against the wall with his arms crossed and looking at you as if you are guilty, you were very, very bad.
“Were you going to leave the Harbor? By any chance, not with that idiot?”
Jealousy boiled in the yaksha's blood, he glared like an evil husband who caught you cheating. And there is no need for excuses that the two of you don't even have a relationship — Xiao doesn't need these human stigmas, you are his and this doesn't need an explanation.
He broke away from the wall, came up to you, who lying in a bed like a porcelain doll wrapped in gift paper… Oh, he'll open you up soon, you just wait.
“Whatever. You're not going anywhere and not going to see anyone.”
If that anonymous adviser knew how he helped Yaksha to finally make up his mind. And the fact that it was a joke — doesn't matter.
To chat with bot:
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b-lessings · 10 months
A couple of years ago, I forgot who actually said it but I was listening to a khutbah or something on YouTube, and the speaker said that once you reach a certain level it's like you unlock a channel with Allah swt and you start hearing what He swt is trying to tell you, you start seeing the signs, you sort of become in a constant communication with Allah swt even in the simplest of ways, etc etc. And that always fascinated me, the thought alone, like imagine being able to communicate with Allah swt in very simple ways without needing much steps or idk.. anyways, fast forward today, right now, I got on Tumblr and wanted to write a post about my struggle with music now that I am spending the summer in Tunisia, and how the culture, especially in summer, with all the festivals and the weddings and the parties, revolves around music and you find yourself exposed to that constantly, and most often unwillingly.. and how it was so much easier for me to control my exposure to music back home. But then, I discarded the mental notification that told me to write the post and kept passively scrolling.. a few scrolls down I am met with one of my most favorite verses from my most favorite surah :
و ألقيت عليك محبة مني ( سورة طه )
So I automatically smiled and was about to reblog it as my initial reaction to it, but then I felt like it was a message from Allah swt reminding me of the time of my life I was so obsessed with surat Ta Ha, I would listen to it religiously, on repeat, I even managed to learn parts of it just from listening, and it reminding me of those times where I would use the time I am commuting to listen to my daily Qur'an playlist, and it did feel that Allah swt is answering the post I haven't even posted, He swt acknowledging and resolving that only existed in my thoughts, and it gets better! He swt chose my favorite surah as a reminder because He swt - the All-knowing - obviously knows my attachement to surat Ta Ha and knows it would invoke such a positive emotional reaction in me. Now tell me this isn't a proof of this verse from surat Ta Ha as well:
وَاِنۡ تَجۡهَرۡ بِالۡقَوۡلِ فَاِنَّهٗ يَعۡلَمُ السِّرَّ وَاَخۡفٰى
20:7) Whether you speak out aloud (or in a low voice), He knows what is said secretly, and even that which is most hidden.
And a reminder of this verse from surat Qaf
وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ وَنَعْلَمُ مَا تُوَسْوِسُ بِهِ نَفْسُهُ ۖ وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ (16)
(50:16) Surely We19 have created man, and We know the promptings of his heart, and We are nearer to him than even his jugular vein.
The point is, indeed Allah swt is closer to us than we can ever imagine or perceive with our human abilities, all we have to do is listen.
Alhamdullillah for such a beautiful religion 🥹.
- A. Z. 🤍🍃
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tyuns-world · 5 months
Can’t help but wait~
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Unrequited love!hueningkai x reader
Genre: angst no comfort, unrequited love
A/N: this obviously based off the song can’t help but wait .. no I do not like the artist or his actions.
Summary: Kai patiently waits, in vain, for you to realize that your current boyfriend is an asshole and to choose Kai over him instead.
Word count: 621
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Kai can't help but wait for the moment when you realize your current boyfriend is not the right fit for you. He's a reoccurring presence through your breakdowns, smiles, and frustrations with the bastard. Even right now, Kai is sitting crossed leg on his bed listening about the latest thing your boyfriend has done, unable to bear the sight of tears streaming down your cheeks during the emotional episode in his dorm room.
While not inclined towards violence, Kai briefly considers punching the guy after hearing how distraught you are over him forgetting another important anniversary. Kai yearns to comfort you, to kiss away the tears, and envelop you in his strong, muscular embrace. He wishes you'd gather the strength to leave the unworthy boyfriend for good, but instead, he murmurs soothing words, pats your back, and reassures you that everything will work out.
Days later, like clockwork, despite your resolute vow to never return to the bastard, Kai observes you and your boyfriend on a bench in the college courtyard, entangled in affection. It pains Kai to see you missing out on how much of a star you are. If only you were to break free from his sorry ass. You’re worth much more than the occasional empty ‘I love you’
Kai is acutely aware that he could treat you better than a boyfriend who forgets your favorite color, the day you met, and even your birthday. Kai hasn't known you for long, only meeting at the beginning of the second semester. Yet, he's the one organizing "friend dates," thinking of you, showering you with thoughtful gifts, remembering anniversaries and special events – all because he listens, cares, and waits. Alas, he doesn't want to come between you and your boyfriend, so he can only wait to pick you back up and piece you together when he undoubtedly disappoints you again.
Despite the discomfort of secretly pining for you, Kai can't help himself, especially as he listens to you excitedly whisper-shouting about your new favorite show in the library. When your smile fades and your voice trails off, Kai reaches his hand to touch yours in concern. All you can do is look blankly at the scene behind him. Kai turns his head, discovering your “boyfriend” kissing another person, and Kai's protective instincts kick in.
He charges towards your boyfriend, easily pinning and towering over your cheating boyfriend against a bookcase. You try to pull Kai off, but he is stronger and taller. The confrontation intensifies, and a crowd gathers with camera phones at the ready.
“Woah, woah,” your boyfriend says. “What the actual fuck, man.” You don’t miss the flash of pain on your boyfriend's face as Kai pins him harder into the bookcase. “Kai, no wait, it’s not a big deal, it’s fine,” your boyfriend finally notices you and just smirks. “Call of your lovesick pup, Y/N” You scoff, and Kai glares at the bastard.
Kai frees up one hand, ready to punch the daylights out of your boyfriend when you stop him. “Kai, please don’t do this. Look,” you gesture over to the crowd and the librarian currently calling the campus police. Kai shoves your boyfriend one last time and stalks off, leaving you torn between addressing your cheating boyfriend and chasing after Kai.
Kai hears the patter of your running as you try to catch up with his long, angry, fast strides. Despite being secretly happy inside that you chose him this one time, he hides it. As you catch up with Kai and express concern, he stops abruptly, revealing his impatience. Kai declares that if you choose to go back to your boyfriend after this incident, you need not bother visiting his dorm again.
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valentine-writes · 2 years
Hello hello!!! I heard you were taking request so...
May I please have some HCs about how GR Freddy and the rest of the gang would be as S/Os? 👉👈
i could use a love of some kind
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↳ ft. the glamrocks + sun/sunnydrop, and moon/moondrop
「 gn! reader, romantic relationship <3 」
author's note: the song iz just.... so sweet ^_^ i thought it would b nice 2 listen 2 while writing this, so i added it so u can listen while u read!!!! if u wanna!!!!! ty anon 4 tha fun req, and i apologize 4 not writing it sooner luv <3 also he/it moondrop my fav ever.....
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GLAMROCK CHICA headcanons:
▸ she's your best friend before anything else. the minute she met you, she couldn't help but get attached
▸ ultra energetic whenever you're with her. your presence really refreshes her. can't help but be buzzed with energy when she's with you
▸ chica is beyond sappy. you two are an adorable duo, it's undeniable- but man do roxy and monty tease you so much. this does Not Stop chica at all
▸ enjoys being physically close. you don't even have to be actually touching- even like. sitting near her makes her happy
▸ adores you. chica is the best hype girl ever and will b ur cheerleader when u need it!!! gives you that extra bit of motivation when you need it.
▸ she may not be all that threatening, which is expected, since she's sweet as sugar and incredibly friendly- but swears she would throw hands for you.
▸ likes receiving gifts! even if it's something small and simple like a trinket, giving her something tells her you were thinking of her. small gestures like that mean the world to her
more hcs under the cut !!
▸ in my head, the healthiest relationships you could have are with chica and freddy. i think it's mainly because these two aren't so emotionally constipated- for lack of better term (´꒳`;)
▸ so completely genuine and honest. willing to communicate when there's something wrong and is very gentle w/ u
▸ that being said, maybe he's just a little. tiny bit. protective. not incredibly or overwhelmingly, but definitely needs to know that you're doing well for his peace of mind.
▸ pays attention to you. remembers the little things you tell him about yourself. he especially likes hearing about what type of music you enjoy! if there's anyone who knows your music taste as well as you- it's him
▸ likes dancing with you!!! idk why i just feel like this is a thing. if you insist you can't dance- he'll try to teach you!!!! (he wants 2 spend more time with you so badly (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) freddy's rly trying &lt;;/3)
▸ incredibly patient with you. if you're in emotional distress of some sort, always willing to comfort you first.
▸ secretly gets very nervous around you. he has this natural ability to have good conversational skills, doesn't have trouble getting along with others, and is generally likeable- he doubts ALL OF THAT around you. just a little. he seems to falter or get flustered very easily. freddy gets a little shy around u aw ^_^
ROXANNE WOLF headcanons:
▸ her insecurities can sometimes turn into jealousy- roxy just needs that extra bit of reassurance when it happens, she just wants to be good enough for you </3
▸ it's a little hard for her to let her pride down and actually express her emotions for you. her "i love you"s are often in the form of gestures and not verbal
▸ only ever really shows her soft side to you. it takes some time but she really does seem to melt around you. she's scared of being overly vulnerable with you- but give her time and you'll be the first person she opens up to when she needs some comfort
▸ WOOO SCARY ROBOT WOLF GF PRIVILEGES!!! if you ever feel in danger or uncomfortable in a situation, roxy 2 tha rescue!!!!! :] if someone's messing with you, they're gonna have to deal with her.
▸ she just thinks you're the cutest thing to ever be on the face of planet earth. likes watching your face light up when you tell her about things that you're passionate about- even likes how expressive you get when talking about things you despise. a good listener when you need one.
▸ compliments. so many. just casually. she wants to appreciate you like you appreciate her. she's a little bad at giving them at the start but give it time. they're from a place of sincerity.
▸ misses you very easily when you're not around. you could be gone for a day and the next time she sees you, she'll act like you've been away for decades.
▸ ough boy i write for this silly guy so so much. i am runnin outta monty juice but oh babey!!!! u two are just tha perf pair
▸ actually starting the relationship was the hardest part..... he's kind of emotionally guarded. slowly but surely he learns that he can trust you
▸ it might not be easy at the start- like, actually trying to get to know him. he's got some issues with anger and is very short tempered. little things throughout the day irritate him so much and he takes his anger out by thrashing his room and on people who don't deserve it.
▸ if he ever gets mean to you becuz of this anger tho?? oh man. he'll struggle through a million apologies just to make you feel better again. he wants to be nice 2 u, really. he's not bad. just a little troubled :(
▸ once he trusts you, you're one of the only people he's really soft for. you really just melt him into a sappy puddle. but also. still wants 2 b cool in ur eyes. so tries to hide it. (it does not work!!!!! he cannot hide how much he adores u)
▸ you get a million names and are always called them. like. always. so much so that like the entire pizzaplex probably thinks ur lil nickname from him is ur legal name. he likes recieving sweet little nicknames too :] however. he loves to hear your voice saying his name most.
▸ bonus: when talkin abt when u first saw each other, he's all like "it was love at first sight ;]" and ur like "...u looked like u wanted 2 kill me the first time we met." he recalls being absolutely head over heels. you recall how he stared intensely as you walked past, wondering what you had done to make him glare daggers ur way. (he remembers that heart eyes were practically forming under his shades. perhaps thats for him 2 know.)
SUNDROP headcanons:
▸ ok so he's fully and completely in love. his words, not mine. probably because that was one of the first things he said when meeting you. kidding! i think. but it's certainly no secret sunny liked you the minute you met. and how couldn't he?
▸ he tried so hard just to be friends with you. drew you a million drawings of you and him holding hands just to get the message across. guess it worked eventually!! and better than he thought it would <3
▸he puts so much effort into the relationship you two have- he secretly fears being replaced for someone better but shh its not the main reason he does all this- because he's never had this type of thing with anyone. he make sures to cherish you and give you all the attention and care you need. you will never go neglected by sun.
▸ you will however, have to be there for him too. he can get a little erratic and he needs someone to get him to calm down. offering him some patience and time is really all he asks for when he's being a little much.
▸ physically affectionate!!! so much!!!! he's not very shy about wanting a hug 24/7 or holding your hand- but if you aren't a very touchy person, he understands!! looming over your shoulder like a terrifying shadow works for him too. he just wants u there with him.
▸ knows every little detail about your likes and dislikes! keeps a list probably. just like. a t-chart with one side that says "good! fun!" and the other that says "ick! not enjoyed >:[ !!" stuff like favorite colour, genres of music you listen to, movies you love are there, yeah- but there's also like. specifics. incredibly niche details about yourself you've mentioned once or twice which he will keep and remember! the list was just for sun to keep track of what could be good conversation starters to talk to you when you two first met aw
▸ can get a little protective. again, he's a bit worried he's too much for you, or that you'll find someone better. he doesn't get jealous in a possessive sense but he def needs a bit of reassurance. he'd hate to be something replacable in your eyes. this is the first time someone has cared for him like this- losing you would hurt more than anything in the world.
MOONDROP headcanons:
▸ BASTARD WHO STICKS HIS COLD METAL HANDS ON THE BACK OF UR NECK. it's his way of showing affection. or bothering u. same thing when it comes to moon /hj
▸ i don't know how you managed. but hey congrats. you're stuck with it now! and moon fully intends to let you know that. clingy, yes- but not in the way sunny is. ok. kind of like how sun is. but more of the "looming-over-your-shoulder-like-a-terrifying-shadow" sense rather than the cuddles and handholding.
▸yes, when the lights are out, he will be following you around. he likes being in your presence. he doesn't undestand what draws him to you at first, but finds himself trailing your footsteps often. (this is. very anxiety inducing for you, who probably hadn't even talked to him at this point. like?? where are those weird bell noises coming from?? are those... eyes in the distance or- oh no wait it's gone in a blur wtf)
▸ though very reluctant to talk to anyone, you two somehow become close. it likes the fact you never really gave up on it- despite the fact it can be a bit offputting and unnerving.
▸ likes picking you up. greeting ritual where moon just kinda- hoists you into the air on sight. he decends down on his wire when he sees you enter and just. swoop.
▸ will fight and kill and murder and bite and slaughter for you- just. your dynamic:
moon: why do you think i don’t like you? i do. i would kill for you. 
moon: ask me to kill for you. 
you: ...first of all, calm down-
^^THATZ U TWO. ITS CANON NOW. so like... yeah his chill is. very low. moon just tends to be very intense in every way possible and it shows. he's got the right intentions (for the most part) with all his fervour. he puts all that energy into showing you and letting you know you are loved and safe with him :] no one will hurt you. no one can.
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
so we heard ur thoughts on leona, but as a fellow vil lover, would u happen to have any thoughts on him being top/bottom or dom/sub 👀 i headcanon him as top bc he’s just so hands on, but either way, i don’t think i would survive seeing vil’s smirk much less any part of him in close proximity
Ooooooh I indeed have many thoughts 🌶️!
So like, I think we all can agree that Vil is a bit of a control freak (understatement of the year). Which lends itself to two very different directions! Because on one hand, I can see that making him very dominant and assertive. He knows what he wants, he knows how he wants it (and you), and he's going to get it. On the other hand, there's a reason there's that cliche around people who are super high-strung being a bit, erhm, opposite sometimes when it comes to bedroom activities. I think Vil would be a bit of a weird pseudo mix, because on one hand, his assertiveness does go hand in hand with a deep-seated fear of his own inadequacies, but on the other, he does seem to genuinely enjoy being in control. Like in every event/vignette etc he's in, he kicks ass, and seems to get plenty of smug satisfaction out of being able to do so. Like the fucking Bean Day Vil? You cannot tell me that's not a man who enjoys putting other people in their place lol So like that kind of counteracts the whole trope of 'oh control freaks often like to secretly be controlled/give up their obligations and power, and that's why they can be more submissive in the bedroom' thing, because it's not only that he's being controlling because he has to in order to maintain an image, but also because he very much enjoys being in charge. So the plot thickens.
But but but, I think he also would really like being praised -- not only being told he's the best, or lovely, or whatever other stereotypical garbage comes out in the bedroom. But like, full-out super sweet compliments about all of him. I think particularly if he was having a super shitty week, trouble with his work, Neige problems, etc. then he would more easily fall into the role of the one being coddled. Never in like a super subby way granted--or at least, he would be a big ol fucking brat. Very demanding, very petulant, very 'do better and do it the way I say.' Which in a way, like, still makes him the more dominant of the pair, I suppose? Because you could be the one hovering over him all you like, he'd still be the one giving the orders. Off of that, as someone who wants to prove himself, I think he'd be super pushy about making it a point to turn his partner into an absolute wreck. Because like, talk about an ego stroke. Particularly for someone like Vil who's obsessed with being the best, being able to completely take over someone's thoughts, emotions, physical state, all of it, until he's the only thing left--even if it's for only that short amount of time--I think would be like his absolute kryptonite. Particularly because sure his looks/appearence certainly play a part in his appeal, but like, this would be a lot about action, and the skills that he has worked to perfect. So like, all his validation needs? Met. Whole. 10/10.
So I suppose a TLDR on that whole chunk would be that positions and actions might vary, but I think at the end of the day, he's still very much the one in charge of things. Like, if he's being taken care of or in a more stereotypically submissive position, it's because he is allowing you to. I see him being very much Service Dom who's a bit softer than most at the end of the day (because he wants to be praised, be the best at everything, including this), and would be someone to demand or cajole the occasional spoiling, rather than letting himself be coddled into it.
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nimata-beroya · 1 month
1, 13, 19, 25 for tbb ask game!!
1 - What’s your favorite thing about the show? In other words, what made you fall in love with the series? 
There are so many things. If I name them all I'd never end. But, one of my favorite things is that, on its core, the show was always about family. That even when external circumstances and pigheadedness from people involved made the road super rocky, the batch fought united and that's what made it possible for them to get a life they wanted and deserved. I love that it fairly realistic in the sense that sometimes you fight with your family, that even want to shake them to put some sense in them, you can have loses, but in the end, if you stay together, got each other's back, you can make things that seem impossible, possible.
13 - What jobs do you think each of the Batchers would have in a Modern AU? 
Hmm, let's see:
Tech, predictably, would work in computer science. But in which side of the law? There's room for him to be with a foot on each side. Probably, he'd have a normal job in a HighTech or inventions Company (his own perhaps) but also would have a side, "hidden" life as a hacker; not with malicious intentions or anything, just to prove his superior skills hacking into places he shouldn't be... and maybe doing some cyber-vigilantism? You know, righting greedy corporations wrongs.
I see Wrecker as a veteran turned teacher. Hear me out! He'd be that kind of Super Cool High School Chemistry teacher, that it's a little crazy or unhinged, but who's adored by all his students. Everyone would want to be in his class because he always makes the subject interesting and let students do cool experiments (safely!). He hates failing anyone and he gives extra attention to students who are struggling.
Echo would be an Army man, through and through. No matter in what galaxy he is in. After retirement, probably he'd work with his Army buddies (Rex & co) in a Security Company or something like that.
Crosshair would be a secretly famous romance writer. Every novel he writes becomes number 1 in every list, but nobody knows he's the author, except Omega. She keeps the secret. And Crosshair is just as snarky and grumpy as ever but romantic at his core.
Hunter would do work in a youth center as the manager or something like that. Maybe that's where he met Omega and ended up first fostering and then adopting her.
19 - What are some headcanons you have about Crosshair?
As you read above, he's a romantic at his core, and in-universe, I think his dirty pleasure is to read romance novels. He'd die before admitting it. Also, he'd extremely romantic with his SO, but only when nobody else is watching and once he has finally accepted that he has feelings for them. He has a super thick armor around his heart and not everyone can make it crumble away, but the person who manage to do it will have an unbreakable loyalty and faithfulness from Crosshair for the rest of their life. He's not someone that will go from relationship to relationship.
25 - What are your favorite things about each Batcher?
Wrecker: His zeal for life, for having fun. How he focus on the positive and not the negative. And most of all, his emotional intelligence. Yeah, he's boisterous most of the time, but he also knows when he needs to be the one giving support to others.
Crosshair: I love everything about him. I wouldn't change anything about him, not even his worst traits. It's what makes him, him. And I know that that prickling, abrasive exterior is to protect himself, to protect his soft heart.
Tech: His bluntness. I guess because I can relate to that. I also can be blunt, so I get him.
Hunter: I love how protective he is with his family. He'd anything for them, to pull them out of the way from harm.
Echo: The strength of his convictions. How much he gives of himself to fight for what he believes in.
Omega: Her capacity for love, for seeing good in everyone, always willing to give second chances.
Thank you my dear @annwayne!! 😘 It was really fun to answer this.
Bad Batch Ask Game!
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stiricidewrites · 21 days
The Damage You Do: ch 25, pt 3
“Lan-laoshi?” he asked, trying to toe the line between seeming sad in the context of the scene and completely, totally, 100% okay in real life.
lwj blinked slowly down at him, and wwx couldn’t help the shudder that vibrated through him at that look. Every feature on his dom’s face slowly fell away from the heartbreak that had been written over it back into perfect blankness, and by the time the other man opened his eyes again, it was like he had righted whatever had been turned over in his heart.
“wy,” lwj said, voice smooth despite the emotions that had just rolled through him—assuming wwx had been reading him right. For all he knew, he hadn’t been heartbroken because of his sad expression, but because his dumb sub had been fucking up the scene so much.
“Today has been rough,” the man said, startling wwx because he had no idea if he was talking about this entire situation or if he was referring to whatever was going on within the scene. It was confusing, and he pressed his lips tight, trying not to just come out and ask for context. If lwj wanted to break the scene—to point out that this entire yoga thing had become a broken scene with too many twinning lines—wwx would let him, but he wasn’t going to point that out.
Life was messy. People often had no idea what the people around them were thinking, or what train of thought had led them into the current conversation, so why should an impromptu sex scene be any different?
“Yeah,” wwx sighed, sagging further into lwj’s hand.
“Do you believe you can still relax, despite everything?”
wwx blinked wide eyes up at the man.
An out. It was an out. An offering to end the scene, if he didn’t think he could relax into whatever lwj had planned. An offering to clarify what he wanted—what he needed—from the scene.
It was kind—considerate in a way wwx wasn’t used to. Usually, people put him last. It was just the norm, and even when he wasn’t put last… Well, he was used to not being considered. It had been normal for him to put himself last most of his life. Some people, like the Wens and nhs tried to make him prioritize himself, with varying success. The only ones who generally succeeded were Wen-popo and nhs because damn if those two weren’t scary as fuck when they wanted to be. They both knew they couldn’t do it all the time, though. Forcing him to prioritize himself was for special occasions… like his birthday, and shit like that.
To have lwj, someone he barely knew, reaching out with that kind of kindness towards him—his employee? Someone he barely knew? Someone whose history he knew almost nothing about?
It broke wwx’s heart a little, that it—this thing between them—wasn’t real. Not in the way that mattered, anyways. He was this man’s sub. Yes, they got along, but this wasn’t a relationship, even if wwx ached a bit for it to be one.
Ached for it to be real—for them to have met under different circumstances. Maybe in a different world, they would have met through the mob and secretly hooked up. The leader of the Lans and the Jiangs… whatever. He had had a career track, one he had been good at, but never really enjoyed the way he did other things. He didn’t miss the job he had been set to inherit, and when he did freelance…
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