#if someone is trying to bait you in your asks then delete it you are not obligated to answer every stranger's questions
udurghsigil · 11 months
can't stress enough that you guys don't have to answer every single ask you get. in fact you can just delete them. especially if they are causing you psychic damage.
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huntinglove · 11 months
How to get away from antiship spaces (mostly)
Warnings: Long post, antis mention, mentions of pedophilia, rape, self harm and gore (none show, not descriptive)
Have you recently learned that you align yourself with the proship label? Would you like to get away from antis as safely as you can? Here's what I've learned, as an ex anti:
1. It may be hard, but try to get rid of/abandon your accounts where you used to interact with antis.
This is one of the hardest steps because having a lot of followers can be discouraging, but it's the safest approach in this situation, because if antis see you following or interacting with proshippers they WILL question you about it and depending on how you tackle their asks they'll throw you to the wolves and publicly "warn" people about you so people can mass report your account/harass you
This applies to anything; Tumblr blogs, Twitter profiles, Discord servers, if you've interacted with antis block them and delete your account if you decide to adopt the proship label
Antis constantly claim that they don't harass people but as soon as someone drops the anti label they dogpile them and call them "traitors" as well as their usual buzzwords to catch people's attention, it's better to pull the plug directly than just rebrand your account
1.5. If you REALLY want to keep your account because you've used it for a long time or because it works as a portfolio, please create a different account to post about proship content
If you make a new account remember to block your anti mutuals/followers from your main account before you start posting, art styles can be very unique and easy to spot similarities in, as well as typing patterns and reoccurring emojis/symbols
If there's the option to, keep your profile private until you've built a steady environment for yourself, if you prefer to keep your profile private permanently that's also a good option!
Remember, your safety matters more than numbers on a screen!
2. This one should go without saying but, please don't share much of your trauma/mental health issues/triggers with people online in general, but especially not with antis
I used to talk about my struggles and vent publicly a lot, antis would stalk my accounts and send me all types of fucked up content.
I've had people send me rape videos and threats, people telling me I deserved the abuse I went through, people would send me gore and self harm images, as well as suicide tutorials.
They can and will use all of it to their advantage, they're restless and will dig up even decade old posts if they feel it'll be useful for them. It can and will take a toll on your mental health, so please save yourself the trouble and only open up with people you genuinely trust and feel safe talking to!
You're not alone, but please don't let dangerous people take advantage of you when you're at a bad spot
3. Keep an eye on your followers, especially if your profiles are public. There are always some things to look out for to make sure your followers aren't antis pretending to be proshippers
According to my personal experience, here's some red flags to look out for:
A.Antis think that the word proship means problematic ship, so they'll refer to pairings as "a proship"
Most proshippers dislike this terminology because it comes from an incorrect definition and usually avoid it
B. TikTok antis specifically come up and use a lot of emoji combos, creating meanings for them and usually adding one or two combos that are actually known to proshippers, along with some never seen before
A lot of the time they use it to identify themselves, a sign that means "I'm not actually a proshipper, just baiting"
I've also seen antis use the clover emoji in combos, inspired by the "clovergender/cloversexual" scam that 4channers came up with, to make it seem like the LGBTQ+ community was welcoming to offending pedophiles. Antis do this because they assimilate the proship label with problematic ships, mostly age gaps/underage content
C. Their account is brand new but they already follow a lot of proshippers. This is usually because they'll follow proshippers who've been posted on a blocklist, usually in the exact order that they've been listed too
If they're on Tumblr, they'll usually keep the people they follow public, so that other antis can find and harass those proshippers
D. Keep an eye on their follow list. Like stated above, they'll usually keep it public and 9 times out of 10 there will be an out of place antiship account, it's most likely their main profile/account/blog
E. They'll use their usual buzzwords on their own posts
For example, if they're trying to mimic a proselfship account they'll post pictures of underage characters and caption it things like "omg i'm such a pedo" and tag their post with proship related tags
Of course this doesn't apply to everyone, so it's always important to take context into consideration, as well as how many of these red flags may apply.
And lastly, please remember that the block button is your friend.
If someone's interacting with you and something about them seems/feels off, block and move on
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morallyinept · 4 months
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A full transcribe of MARCUS PIKE'S dialogue/lines from the TV show THE MENTALIST
Includes full dialogue, and dialogue from any deleted/additional scenes available.
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to read the dialogue. 🖤
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☝🏻Dialogue has been fully transcribed by myself using reference to original scripts (if available), audio subtitles and using my own two ears. Therefore, mistakes can be made, however I have tried to be as fully accurate as I can. If you spot an obvious mistake, please kindly let me know. Where audio is not clear, I have marked with *inaudible* Scenes are separated for ease of reference.
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Mrs Hennigan, why was your husband trying to save this painting in particular? 
We’ll do our best to get it back for you. 
I’m special agent Marcus Pike, this is agent Searles. You’re… Patrick Jane, right? Abbot’s guy?
What makes you say that?
Sure. I’ve heard good things about you. We’d be happy to have your input. These guys, they’re… they’re really good. And our cases don’t usually lead to homicide. 
Art thieves used to be about sneaking. Night time break-ins. Not anymore. The new generation prefers guns. This guy is the leader. He does the talking, runs the show. But until yesterday morning, he’s never killed anybody. They’ve done about six jobs between Dallas and Phoenix in the last two years, taking down about one hundred million worth in art and artefacts. 
Stolen art can take a long time to sell. So our guess is they’re sitting on a lot of the art, including the paintings from yesterday's heist. 
Well, they’ve only slipped up once. We found a glove a few blocks from a gallery they robbed in Phoenix. We managed to get a partial print and we got a hit. Aaron Polaski. Time for armed robbery and battery, he’s also the former middleweight boxing champ at Fulsom prison. 
Yeah, we brought him in for questioning but he lawyered up quick and told the CIP. These guys are pros. 
We do, but nothings popped. Doesn't seem to have a lot of friends. He hangs out a lot at a bar on sixth street. 
So, how do we do that?
I don’t know what any of that means. 
I always feel a little bit like Aladdin right here. 
It’s stolen.
Sometimes we just get part of a haul. We sit on the art so the crooks don’t know we have a lead and we keep it here while we investigate the rest of it. 
Well, we keep a pretty tight lid. Our own secret museum. 
No. Just, once or twice… 
Well, I-I don’t wanna second guess you, Mr Jane, but if you wanna use these paintings as bait, the guy running this crew knows a lot about art, he’ll know this stuff is stolen. 
We ready?
What the hell’s that?
He asked him for some napkins, so?
No, he's gonna do it… watch. 
There you go. 
Pass the rice, please. 
It’s a drug forfeiture. On loan from the DEA. So, what’s the story with Jane and Lisbon? 
No, I mean are they in a relationship? A couple?
It’s going good. You got a nice red cross. 
This is Pike.
Okay, well, we, uh… we shut down the inside cameras, so you don’t have to worry about any more prying eyes, and just so you know there is someone outside the house, we’re guessing it’s another one of McCabe’s crew. 
No, we’ve got eyes on ‘em. Don’t worry. You’re safe. I wouldn’t lie to you. 
Well you’re… you were real good. 
Well, that’s a shame. There’s a pretty good diner just down the street from you. Biscuits and gravy, if that’s your thing. 
Alright, well what about pancakes? 
They have about six kinds; chocolate chip, banana, all that good stuff. 
Maybe, just a… little bit. I can have some sent over to you. 
No, you’re right I won’t tease you anymore. I won’t even mention the waffles. 
Right, well I don’t know what a canape is, but bon appetit. Goodnight, Lisbon. 
This is the part I don’t understand; we’re not gonna rob the museum?
Why not? I mean, he robs the paintings from the museum, we catch them red handed, case closed. We all go home. 
Then why is he at the museum with Jane?
How is it?
You probably like that Chicago style stuff, right?
Hmm… I'm not really in the mood for pizza. You know what sounds good? Those pancakes we were talking about before. 
Do you wanna go?
Yeah. Dinner is the best time for breakfast. What do you say?
Look, if you don’t wanna go, just say so. We’re cool. It’s good, but I like you, and I think you’re a hell of a good looking woman and I’d love to get to know you better. 
Let’s go. 
Uh… well, uh… Y-you-
I made you breakfast. 
Well when there’s a guest, I like to make a fuss. 
It’s just work stuff. Listen, I was wondering if we could get dinner tonight? Or… is that weird because we went out last night? Is-is two nights in a row weird?
Okay, good. I’ll make a reservation. 
Well, like I said, I like to make a fuss. 
I came looking for you, but they said you’re still in the woods. I’m disappointed. 
No problem. What’s holding you up?
Have your people tried accessing a forestry satellite? They’re imaging that area all the time looking for fire outbreaks. 
I used one once to find a guy who was running with some stolen Frederick Remmingtons. 
No, it’s okay. I took another girl out to dinner last night instead. 
Gladys. Eg-Eg-Egbert. 
It’s the best I could do in the spur of the moment. 
Oh, well, I’m glad. I’m a lousy liar, so you’re right. Actually, there’s uh, something I wanted to tell you. 
That work stuff, it’s actually a promotion. The Bureau is forming a task force to deal with international art theft. It’ll be working with Scotland Yard and a few other agencies. Long story short, they, uh, they-they want me to run it. Yeah, but they want me to run it from DC. 
So, I’m telling them no.
Well, I’m allowed. 
I’m not a kid. I’ve been married and divorced. I know when something’s real. And when it could get serious. I feel that way about us. Do you… feel that way? 
Look, one thing I know is that when you feel that way about someone, you gotta hang on ‘cause… because it doesn't happen very often. 
I know. It’s okay. 
What if you came with me? 
I’m asking what if we went to DC, you and me, together? What do you think of that, Teresa? 
You fell asleep. 
So listen, urm… turns out my old band’s playing a gig downtown tonight. Do you wanna go? 
I never told you I was in a band?
Bass. Vocals. 
Okay then. We need a cab. 
Was that “do you like butter with your popcorn” or “will you come with me to DC?”
I understand, a hundred per cent. Take your time, there’s no deadline. 
You’re welcome. 
Go ahead. 
I got some Thai from that place over on South Congress. 
I know. 
Not really, I have an ulterior motive. Just trying to make DC look attractive. 
Yeah… yeah… 
Guess what? That show we missed the other night. They’re playing another one in forty-five minutes, we can catch it if… if you guys are done?
See ya, Patrick. 
Am I interrupting?
I heard about your grand jury. I’m pulling for you. But I think you did what any good father and husband would do. 
Oh. Oh look, Casablanca’s on. “Here’s looking at you, kid.” You know Bogart made that line up? It wasn’t in the script. 
What? Are you serious? 
This is not an old movie! This is a classic, you gotta watch this. You’re gonna love it. 
Is everything okay?
Well, Teresa, I may not be able to read minds like Jane, but even I can tell when something’s going on. 
Do you wanna talk about it?
Just wanna say that I know that moving to DC is a big thing and it might raise issues you don’t feel totally comfortable talking to me about, but I just want you to know it’s okay. You go through whatever process you need to, just… let me know when you make a decision. I’ll be here. 
Well, various things, but basically it’s a love story about a woman who has to choose between two men. There’s also a baseball game on. 
Yeah, let’s do that. 
Yeah. Teresa! It’s, uh… It’s Jane… 
So… what are you thinking?
Well, Abbot’s right, it’s a great job. And Don’s the best. 
Look, Teresa. I’ve been patient. But… I kind of went out on a limb for you. Pushed Don to pass on other candidates so that I could have you with me in DC. I mean, I know it’s a big decision, but it’s a decision you need to make. 
There you are. Ready to go?
Look, about, uh, DC. I know it’s a lot to take in and I didn’t mean to pressure you. 
Yeah, I did. Maybe a little. But, it’s your life and… I just wanna be a part of it. 
Are you sure?
Wow…. wow, I wish we were somewhere more romantic, but… but what the hell. Will you marry me?
Don’t freak out. 
I know, I know. You need time to think about it. 
There’s no pressure, okay?
You’re a tough date. Have you told Jane that you’re leaving yet?
Oh. He’ll understand. 
I’ll be downstairs. 
Hey, sweetheart, How are ya?
Okay. Alright, alright. Text me your flight information and I’ll be there. Teresa, it’s gonna be great, you’re gonna love the neighbourhood. It’s-it’s full of restaurants, your favourite kind, I got a number to an excellent… (fades out)
I was, uh, looking for Teresa. 
Yeah, she probably is.
It’s for an undercover thing. So, it’s, uh… you and her. 
I know. I know that. So do you have a plan? 
Well, I was offering her a life. A home, a family if she wanted one. A future. Have you thought about any of that?
Well, what are you offering her? I mean, other than Patrick Jane?
Well I was upstairs, giving a deposition. I thought I would say hi. Stupid idea. 
Anyway, It’s good to see you, Teresa.
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
People going to you to say they didn't like a book instead of just posting that in their own blog and blocking the rabid fans is so fucking sad to me. Is this where we're at? Instead of blocking the sea of lost teens and 20-somethings in the dark academia tag who try to use "dark academia" as a substitute for having to develop their own interests and hobbies, we're now going to whisper on anon, "I don't like this one book"? That's how scared of negative interaction people are? It's the dark academia fandom. They're morons. They don't even argue with you that The Secret History is good, they reply with your post quoted and emojis inserted inbetween every sentence and think they're big smarty smart-smarts who showed you, or they say you didn't get it. "The fandom is absolutely insane" by what metric? Speaking as someone who's been sent suicide bait, death threats, rape threats, pictures of dead animals, Holocaust pics and actual CSEM by other fandoms, if you're too afraid of someone replying, "wow lmao ur not smart like us u no get it" or spamming your original post's text with emojis, maybe you're not old enough to be on tumblr or be reading a book aimed at adults.
The fact that people are now so afraid of pushback that they won't even say they dislike something off anon is honestly really pathetic. This is like people on Reddit who say, "I wouldn't say this if I weren't deleting my account later today, but I don't like MCU movies." It's the same vibe and I have the same question: you know you can just block people if they cry about shit you say, right? I got sent a dead rat once by a Yandere Simulator fan and the police + a restraining order is basically blocking but for RL, but most people in the fandom for The Secret History aren't going to actually interact with another person. They don't even usually bother to write fic or make art for it, they just repost quotes from it with some pics they swiped off of Pinterest for it.
Those are the people who you're so afraid of that you can't even say, "I don't like a book" lest they hurt you. You're afraid of Pinterest moodboard makers who ask things like, "what religion is the most dark academia? I want to convert to that" with a straight face who think wearing a white button-down shirt and brown pants makes them the embodiment of wealth and class and quiet luxury.
As someone who's actually had interactions with crazy fans IRL - especially Star Wars fans, as they're almost all frothing at the mouth to rant about how much they hate Star Wars - I am happy to report that this is a survivable thing and not one you need to be so afraid of that you don't dare mention it for fear of backlash.
Speak freely. Block people. Move on. Their tears are embarrassing for them, not you.
I spent some time in anon spaces, and it felt like a nice break at the time... but I have to say, I really notice the difference now that I'm findable again. For all the shit that comes my way, a hell of a lot of people have tried to befriend me over the last few years. I wouldn't have met any of them if I hadn't been visible.
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slashers-and-rats · 6 months
Hi! I'm the same anon who asked about you writing for 2006's Billy!
If it's not too much to ask, I would like to request fem reader and Billy based/inspired by this deleted scene from the movie: https://youtu.be/dpk6BttmD1E?si=FyuTekOL3DU1TluC&t=279
Hope you get better soon, btw! <3
rat chat: this ask was from awhile ago, but I’m still sick, so thank you still for the wishes!! i hope this is enjoyable.
billy lenz x fem!reader | sfw |
the memory was faint. it was foggy around the edges, and hurt to focus on too much since it was during a time he had worked so hard to forget, but he could pick out some little details. he remembered not actually reading it; he just looked at the pictures and traced his fingertips over the pages. he liked the princess in the book. he remembered she pricked her finger, only a single drop of blood coming out before she fell into a deep slumber. he remembered it was a curse, whatever that really meant, and the only way to make her wake up was to kiss her. but, it had to be someone she loved, or else it wouldn’t work.
in his mind, in this moment, you were his sleeping beauty.
you laid facing away from him. it reminded him of his story book’s drawings, where the princess looked so fragile as she slumbered and waited for someone to come kiss her awake. he wondered if you were waiting for him. you had to be. in his mind, you had to have known what he was doing. you couldn’t just be sleeping, not someone like you, you had to know you were tempting him. you were bait to a trap you didn’t even know you had set.
he couldn’t help but pad across the floor, making sure to avoid any squeaky spots. he’d done this waltz a million times by now. he enjoyed watching you at night when your guard was down, and when you didn’t even know of the danger lurking in the corner of your room. it felt right. in these little moments, you were in your most natural state. you weren’t burdened by the world or by the fear that the man over the phone might make good on his promises- all you cared about was whatever you were dreaming out. he hoped it was him.
he found his place kneeling beside your bed. his hand inched up the side of it, gliding easily underneath the soft blanket, and up towards your figure. he watched your breathing, making sure it stayed slow and steady while his fingers connected with the fabric of your shirt. he nearly groaned, annoyed at how many layers were getting in his way, but he held back. instead, he gathered himself, and kept patient as his hand slid easily under the back of your top and finally connected with the warmth of your flesh.
for just a second, you stirred. it made him freeze up, and he had to hold himself back from ripping his arm away from you. if he had done that, you surely would’ve woken up. instead, he stilled himself, and breathed in perfect rhythm with you, until he saw you settle back down into your slumber. a soft sigh escaped his nose, and he continued his journey. his fingertips glided up your spine, running along the curve of your back and between your shoulder blades. he licked his lips, leaning further over the edge of the bed and towards your body.
he wanted so badly to just climb in with you. he wanted to cuddle up to your side, and squeeze you in his arms, and press his wet lips all over your skin. he wanted to watch you stir awake, and hear you scream and try to fight him off. he wanted to hold you, and squeeze the life out of you until you were nothing but a doll for him to snuggle. he wanted to kiss you, and see you wake up and realize it wasn’t a prince charming coming to rescue you. no, it was billy. billy was good too, wasn’t he? he’d be good for you, that’s for sure.
the thoughts made him salivate, and drool dripped down his chin. he ran his touch back down towards your waist, dipping just passed the waistband of your pyjama pants. he could feel the curve of your butt begin. he closed his eyes as he touched you, imagining what was underneath that blanket, and mapping out the image in his head.
though, once again, as he fiddled with the waistband of your pants at an attempt to fit more of his hand down, your breathing changed. he paused, watching you closely. this time you were awake. he could tell by the way you froze, body pulled taut due to his touch. you knew something was there, touching you, and your fight or flight response was delayed from fear.
billy held his breath, blinking in the dark. he couldn’t escape, there was no way. he needed to think, and fast. he held his hand as still as possible, shrinking silently back down to his knees at the edge of your bed. he made sure that he was hidden, at least somewhat, near the floor.
he didn’t expect you to sit up so suddenly, grabbing something from the table beside you. despite his own fear bubbling hot inside of him, he took the chance to slip away fully, and slide himself underneath your bed. he was lucky there was just enough room for him to scuttle to the middle, and clasp a hand over his mouth to keep himself completely quiet.
he heard the mattress over top of him creak with your weight. he liked the sound, wishing it was creaking for other reasons. he was sure you were looking around for him, probably curious as to where he had gone. part of him wanted to clamber out from under the bed, grab you by the ankles, and listen to you scream and kick at him. at least you’d be giving him attention. but once again, he restrained himself, and waited. you stood up, and he watched your feet closely as you paced around the room for a moment, before leaving out the door. he counted your footsteps down the hall and towards the stairs. you were most likely off to get a drink and cool down.
he took this opportunity to slither out from under the bed, and rush out back towards the attic. that was much too close of a call for him, but he knew it wouldn’t deter him from being back. he had to keep seeing his sleeping beauty, after all.
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rainba · 10 days
I was wondering what would happen if like another person was flirting with darling? Like they know your OCs have a crush on darling and is trying to piss them off just because?
(Btw, LOVE your OCs! They are so cute! I wish they were plushies so I could squish them!)
-🇰🇷 anon (Is it ok if I be 🇰🇷 anon???)
(Awww,, TYSMM!!! I wish so badly they were plushies too, sobbb… I’ve tried looking everywhere on how I can get them custom made, but I’ve been completely out of luck >_<;;;;;. And yes, you can be 🇰🇷 anon!)
As is obvious, neither Kairos nor Luka would appreciate a person flirting with their darling >_<. I’m assuming this is before they’ve confessed their love to darling, so… That changes things up quite a bit~
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If Kairos sees someone flirting with his darling, he’ll be absolutely heartbroken and devastated. He wishes so badly to stop the other person, but he can’t just walk up to the two of you and demand that they leave you alone...! No, he’d look like such a weirdo for that. So, what does he do instead...?
Well, his first instinct is to break down crying. (つω`。) The memory of that other person flirting with you will replay in his head over and over again until he basically cries himself to sleep. He tries to forget about it the next day....
But, if the third person knows Kairos has a crush on darling and is trying to piss him off? Kairos won’t break down crying over that. No– he’ll seek revenge. (¯▿¯)
He’ll be too scared to directly confront the person, so he goes about it in other ways. Slashing the other person’s tire, sneaking a non-lethal amount of poison into one of their drinks, breaking into their house and putting hair dye/bleach into their shampoo so that they'll be too insecure to ever flirt with you again… Kairos dishes out whatever punishment he sees fit. ^^;;;;;;
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As for Luka… He doesn’t react as strongly as Kairos, sort of. If it’s a complete stranger flirting with his darling, he’ll get upset, but he won’t do much of anything. It’s not worth his time to linger over it and get all worked up. ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
But if the person knows Luka has a crush on you, and flirts just to get under Luka’s skin? Oh, he’ll be mad. If it’s bait that’s being put out, Luka fully takes it. He balls his hands into tight fists as he grits his teeth in rage, almost impressed by the sheer audacity of the other person to try and fuck with him like this... >_<
((To be honest, Luka is basically getting a taste of his own medicine… Mr. “I like to see how darling reacts.”)) ( ˙꒳​˙ );;;;
So, later on that night, Luka will most definitely be paying the other person a visit… And will make them sincerely regret their actions. (o˘◡˘o)
((Also, I totally didn't answer this entire ask while thinking that you meant Kairos and Luka were already with darling... I totally didn't delete the entire response and start over once I reread the words "crush on darling". 😭))
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beeben · 1 month
hi, i was a previous victim of ultimatehater/realultimatehater, i can go message you off anon if you wish
i have a gif aesthetic side blog and in my main blog i post media edits. i posted a gifset from each hh on my main, and reblogged some of them to my aes blog bc i have more followers there.
anyways RUH sent my over 50 death threats that i decided not to acknowledge at all. i did delete them so i have no evidence. many of them felt ai generated, just generic 'your edits are ugly, no one likes you, kill yourself' messages. nothing really outside that, i didnt receive any doxxing/rape threats
anyways i DID answer one ask, and then she proceeded to claim i somehow edited the ask???? that is literally not possible, and more concerning people believed it???
BUT ALSO before ultimatehater was deleted, if you went back enough to her blog, you can see her original url was a bunch of numbers. before getting to hazbin discourse she baited scott vs the world fans, calling them pedophiles. it seems she just wants drama and rn she's making some bold statements in her new blog, that i'll be completely honest and also is just my opinion, i think she is lying.
I feel the same thing ngl.. i don't like to discredit someone's trauma but shes been copy pasting the things she's said to me and then sending them to other people unedited. I genuinely think shes a troll, and attacking random people with fandom blogs hoping to lure in and harm a child. It seems that way from the types of media she obsesses over (hazbin hotel/helluva boss, she ra) ive never heard of scot vs the world but id guess it's probably in that same category tbh. Im really not worried about her claiming to doxx people, claiming to add people to a hit list, i dont believe it. What i do worry about is children interacting with her and thinking she is legitimate. Thats what i mean by luring children. Shes goading people into responding to her and hoping they take her seriously. Children online who watch shows like hazbin hotel (most likely with unrestricted access to the Internet) are EXACTLY the type of "im more emotionally mature than my peers" type of kid that gets pushed into these harmful and frankly predatory groomer esque situations. Even if she's a troll and this is all fake, traumatizing children isnt. She's trying to perform a power play on these kids who are just beginning to understand themes like rape or abuse or racism or brutality and care about them so emotionally as children do, and trying to use it against them. Trying to hurt them
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blubushie · 8 months
Casual reminder that I reserve the right to answer asks in my own good time or not at all for any reason and without explanation. You're in my house, you obey my rules. Don't flood my inbox asking where the answer to your ask is. I rarely delete asks so if it's been deleted rest assured that I have good reason and an explanation is not owed to you.
This list is subject to updating whenever someone pisses me off.
Also, heads-up: if I answer an ask and only say "blocked" it's my equivalent of rolling my eyes at the ask (typically in jest). I am not actually blocking you. (If I do, you wouldn't get a response at all and the ask will be deleted instead.)
ABAD (short for Ask Blu Anything Day) is a monthly event on the first weekend of every month. ABAD is your licence to go nuts in my inbox, and I have to answer all asks honestly. The only asks that are deleted during ABAD are ones that break orange or red rules.
Anything highlighted in green means it is exempt during Ask Blu Anything Day.
Anything in yellow is a case-by-case basis. These asks will be posted on ABAD but may be presented without comment.
Anything in orange means your ask will be deleted EVEN DURING ABAD but you will not be blocked.
Anything in red is a blockable offence.
Everything is acceptable. Ask away. I especially love asks about nature and my whole bushman thing or when I used to be a stockman or hunting. Asks regarding my work with people will be treaded far more lightly.
Your ask will be deleted if you:
Send hatemail. I'll handle some rude shit (it's fun to dick around) but genuine hatemail will be deleted. I might answer hatemail if it's funny though, so if you want that shit published you better make it worth my while. Suicide baiting will be blocked and reported.
Try to debate the ethics of hunting, consuming meat, or owning firearms. Why are you on the firearms and hunting blog? You're not changing my mind. Piss off.
Ask me about furries.
Bring up the topic of me crossdressing.
Mention mirrors to me at all.
Mention me sitting in anyone's lap.
Bring up the topic of feminisation with me.
Bring up politics. I don't engage in politics except as they relate to firearms.
Trauma-dump or vent in my inbox. I am not a therapist.
Ask me anything relating to how to inflict violence on someone else. I'm not going to be responsible for some innocent person ending up in hospital. Questions about self-defence are ok but I'm also not an expert and everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt.
Ask me how to make weapons, because I'm not telling you.
I'll discuss just about anything including kinks I'm not necessarily into, but I do draw hard lines. Your ask will be deleted if you:
Ask me about mummy/daddy kinks.
Ask me about petplay or aspects relating to petplay (animal ears, collars, leads/leashes).
Ask me about crossdressing.
Ask me about feminisation.
Ask me about anything involving choking in relation to sex.
Ask me about anything involving mirrors in relation to sex.
Ask me about scat. Pissplay is Not My Kink but I won't delete those asks. I might hang shit on you though. Send at your own discretion.
Ask me about DDLB/DDLG or anything involving littleplay.
Call me "puppy" under any circumstances. "Dog" is also unacceptable, but not a blockable offence. "Dingo" is just fine, I actually like that one.
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geddy-leesbian · 7 months
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(screenshot because I accidentally hit post while trying to copy paste something and had to delete it oops)
first off, the timeline is different than the actual game. Luis is able to get some suppressant for Leon before any shit gets burned.
Luis gets captured again, and taken to Saddler. He had injected all the suppressants he had with him just before getting carried off, so Saddler couldn't re-infect him. But it turns out that isn't even Saddler's plan.
“That Agent Kennedy is proving to be quite a thorn in my side, much like you. I need him to live long enough for him to appreciate his gift and go home to spread it to the rest of the world, but he's starting to cause too much trouble. You like him, don't you?” “This isn't about him. Say whatever you want about me, but keep his name out of your mouth.” “But you'll want to hear this. He's quite fond of you. He doesn't want to admit it, but I've been in his head. He likes it when you tease him. He trusts you. You could send him on wild goose chases over and over, and he'd keep following you until time ran out.” “No. Never.” “It doesn't have to just be wild goose chases. Doesn't he owe you a dance? If you were to tell him that he had more time than expected, that he needed a break to relax before moving on, he would listen.” “You really think that I'm that selfish? That I'm willing to trade his life for mine? That I'm willing to trade his life for a dance?”
“Do you really think that you're not? You already chose your life over his. He doesn't have any suppressant. You used all of it on yourself, just so that you couldn't be re-infected. If you were willing to die for him, that was the time. Had you left all of it behind and accepted your own fate, he would have enough time to escape with his life and mind intact.”
Then he gets handed over to Krauser, who is pissy and a lot less concerned about Leon staying alive. So he gives him an ear piece, puts a tracker on him, chains him up again somewhere and says that he can either call Leon to come rescue him and Leon won't get hurt, or Krauser will abandon Saddler's plan and use Luis as the bait in a trap for Leon. (And ofc beyond that point he says he'll kill Leon if Luis isn't cooperating with the plan, and brags about being the one who taught Leon everything to the extent that Luis is actually worried.)
Luis just plays along, thinking that he'll be able to outsmart Krauser and somehow get Leon to the machine. Then Krauser sends him some pictures: His machine completely smashed, as well as everything being set on fire. It's 100% impossible to save Leon, and he breaks down sobbing and admits everything.
Leon's already made peace with the fact that it was a matter of when, not if, he'll die on a mission, so he's pretty chill about the whole thing and just asks Luis to kill him before his infection gets too bad 🙃
DON'T WALK AWAY is angsty but not that fucked up. it all started one night when I was listening to one of my many Serrennedy playlists, and forgot to loop it so after the last song spotify decides to autoplay Don't Walk Away. a song that I had never had any strong feelings about. but then I realized I'm a Fool because it is so Serrennedy and I've been sleeping on it
I know just what you're doing. You don't want to put the hurt on someone. You've been trying to convince yourself you're better off if you just turn and run.
But I'm gonna hold on tight. I've got a feeling you'll only happen once to me. And no one, not even you, is ever gonna make you wrong for me.
Don't walk away! Or are you looking for a price to pay? Is that your master plan? Don't walk away! I'll do everything to make you stay. I've got to make a stand. Don't walk away! I'm not afraid. Don't walk away!
so yeah the fic is just right after RE4 when Leon and Ashley are waiting to get picked up, and Luis is trying to slip away because he thinks he's a shitty person who doesn't deserve Leon, and Leon's like fuck that you're coming with me
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greatwyrmgold · 5 days
Your tags made me curious; what was it you misread in RWBY Volume 1, that 2 proved wrong, that soured your feelings on the show? I'm pretty neutral on it myself, but interested to know more.
TL;DR: I assumed it was a character-focused series more than an action series.
This sounds dumb, but my experience with RWBY went like this:
Someone showed up to a college club Halloween party in Ruby cosplay and showed the Red trailer so that literally anyone would know who she dressed up as
I forget the Red trailer
Someone recommends RWBY to me after Volume 1 wrapped up
I binge Volume 1 twice
I binge the scant supplemental material available and remember seeing the Red trailer before
Depending on how you count, something like 80-90% of the trailers are just the four titular characters kicking ass in flashy ways. That sets your expectations appropriately for most of RWBY. But I'd forgotten the one trailer I'd seen, so my expectations were set by episode 1:
Exposition about the world's mythology and magic things any reasonable author would have called magic
A relatively brief action scene, with beats meant to establish our protagonist's personality
An interrogation scene which establishes her place in the world (and more of her personality)
A brief scene with her and her big sister
Combine that with how many episodes of Volume 1 focus on character drama over action (basically every episode outside initiation), and the impression I had was that action was a secondary focus of RWBY. It's impressive, but it was mostly bait to get you to invest in its character arcs and stuff.
And volume 1 seemed to be setting up pretty good character arcs! Weiss alone got two—she's starting to accept a subordinate role instead of the leadership she expected from her pedigree, and she's starting to confront her internalized racism against faunus.
Anyways, by the start of volume 2 Weiss is basically just nice. I slowly realized that volume 1 wasn't the start of those character arcs, but the entire arc. "And then she wasn't racist any more." Similarly, in volume 1 I assumed that RWBY was setting up some kind of nuanced exploration of racism, but that got harder and harder to believe every season.
I remember making a post on a RWBY message board comparing and contrasting the first episode of volume 2 with that of volume 1. The tone and focus were wildly different, volume 2's putting more time and effort into a fight scene that matters way less, it's just an excuse to include some goofy action. On the character side, we're technically introduced to Emerald, Mercury, and Neptune, but not in anything like the depth volume 1's first episode gave Ruby, nor the mystique it gave Ozpin.
Everyone thought I was making a mountain out of a molehill. But I was vindicated in the end. Also, that message board is the one where mods deleted a thread I made asking a question because they thought the answer was too obvious to need a thread. Fuck that forum.
TL;DR: I assumed it was a character-focused series more than an action series.
P.S. The first time I watched RWBY, I saw Blake for a split-second in the theme song bit at the end of episode 1 and realized she was one of those faunus things the news lady had mentioned. I did not realize she was trying to hide this, which meant the foreshadowing for her Reveal fell kinda flat and Weiss badmouthing the faunus race to her face came off way worse than it was supposed to. I think this is a hilarious story, but a surprising number of people don't believe it. (How was I supposed to know they'd color the inside of cat ears differently? Ruby's skin tone is #FFFFFF and the background characters are silhouettes!)
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toddstool · 2 months
I started looking into radical feminism a little over a year ago while I was rebuilding and repairing the damage to my life caused by men. It gave me a sense of belonging and made me think critically about a lot of things I had always taken for granted. I especially enjoyed how everyone seemed to encourage one another to question everything consistently. It was very good for my outlook and mental health.
Over time, the posts seemed to shift from educational to sensational. Im not saying this was the fault of the posters, I’m just saying what I experienced. It went from primarily discussing nuanced topics with no real answer which i thoroughly enjoyed since it encouraged thought, to primarily posts highlighting the depravity of men. I tried to filter these out as the thought of women being brutalized can cause me distress and panic.
The biggest shift, however, happened when I expressed my opinion on female separatism. I am quite pro and strongly believe that it is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your female loved ones. I did not understand in the slightest how women who claimed to be radical feminists could marry a man while continuing to hold their beliefs and values. I expressed this. I was blocked by a few mutuals and even more radfems I had never even spoken to. I knew upon making a “radblr” account that I would be blocked by half of tumblr but I didnt think it would be by the same people preaching to question everything and have open nuanced discussions. I considered deleting then because the website became almost unusable.
Instead, i found other radfems to follow. I became less likely to express an idea i was unsure of. I started step back from radblr as a place of learning and discussion and viewed it as an anonymous social media website. I was overwhelmed with the amount of posts detailing abuse and femicide. I understand that these events need attention for things to change, but as they were it felt more dirty. Like exploiting their stories for rage bait.
So with little to no traction on posts trying to discuss nuanced feminist topics and an overflow of notes on any silly dumb argument post, I, without intending to, began to seek out more fights. I noticed that I became more prone to showing my ass by replying with what i knew would get the most attention. I am not perfect. I crave attention and community like anyone else. When I became aware of what I was doing, I deleted the tumblr app. I felt weirdly empty and only managed to stay off tumblr for about three days. After that three days I saw the “I love men” post that I showed my whole ass on.
After that interaction was done, I started getting anons asking me how I could use the “dont forget your birth control” line since it was so obviously misogynistic and lesbiphobic. This would have been the ideal type of nuanced discussion i love if that’s what it had been. Is that line misogynistic? Why or why not?
But thats not what happened. What did happen was mutuals calling me names and blocking me. Radfems talking about how they always suspected I was lesbiphobic. I guess that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I realized that, at least for that account, everything I enjoyed about radblr was all but lost and everything I hated about the fandom/tra account I had was there. At this point I am just trying to stay off social media entirely, but it has become obvious that I am addicted to it. Pretty evident since I’m even typing this huh?
I may come back. I may not. Idk rn. We’ll see but for right now, I just wanted to tell someone why I deleted. I thought about making a post but that would be kinda dumb right? Haha.
I’d love to find a new place to discuss and philosophize but I dont think social media is the place to do it. Its not whats rewarded here.
Good luck and happy discussion, critical thought, and feminism!
-the blog formerly known as @lookupmedicalmisogyny
*for context: a while ago i made a post asking what happened to lookupmedicalmisogyny and she found it and sent me this anon :)*
not 100% sure if I should or shouldn't post this but hey it's whateva.
i totally agree that a lot of radblrs most popular posts nowadays are ragebait/sensational type posts that feel heavily focused on women's suffering or arguing with others on here, rather than educating or respectful discussions between our community. i don't really mind as I just scroll past stuff like that if I know it'll emotionally stress me out or if I find it uninteresting. these past 2 years anyway I've just used radblr to have fun with my mutuals/keep up with them and have a configurated feed to scroll made up from like-minded and or funny women. of course this works for me because I already got to experience and read well written and thought out posts when i was first getting into radical feminism. i mean one should read theory from genuine essays and books, but you can't disagree that quite a lot of girls and young women are first being introduced to radical feminism from social media ("properly" ig opposed to just thinking about it themselves). i think what a lot of women need are irl communities, and they replace that with online communities, because in person can be scary or difficult to do.
anyway kinda off topic there. i didn't see the post that you're talking about, so I'm not sure about any lesbophobic allegations. im not sure how "don't forget to take your birth control" could be considered lesbophobic according to a radblr prospective so idk 🤔 i do miss your educational posts. i remember them bringing topics to light that I had never known about when i was first getting away from liberal/capitalistic "feminism" that i was indoctrinated into as a kid. perhaps you could have one blog for writing serious/important posts for the feminist community and another more personal one that's for fun and to talk about mutuals. while I don't think online community is exactly the best, I wouldn't entirely discredit it. after all it allows us to connect with women all over the world and learn about their experiences! that's pretty awesome. and i can imagine men don't like the idea of women learning about our historical and worldwide oppression, connecting with women everywhere, and understanding intersectional feminism lol. i guess to sum it up as long as you have in person community that's involved with your local government and helping women near you, then i think online stuff is fine and actually a positive thing as well.
do what u feel is best for yourself! social media can be extremely damaging nowadays so take it easy and I hope everything gets better :·)
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Pat: "the panel was a J2 love fest."
Cool, since I've now distributed the M&G to several hundred people to the point you can't trace the source, are you going to lie to all of them about Watching Over Me, Jensen's admission of his subconscious driving the lyrics about cas, his coyness in refusing to spoil the confession's address, about the Not Volume 3 song being used in the Winchesters, or about the fact that he confirmed this is both a prequel and a sequel like I told you? oh and the. how many blogs or theories are right. oops. Gayle fucked up and didn't tell you shit, I guess. remember I said people hear only what they want to out of the M&G?
This shit right here, he just outright deleted everything that would prove him wrong, probably because Gayle didn't bother to communicate half of it. One of the people he's relying on to back him up and lie and say this didn't happen is about to get banned from conventions for threatening physical assault on hellers for daring to ruin her M&G. in public. like, with receipts. people sent creation receipts.
His source may be soon as well depending how angry gary gets. otherwise we wait for creation to react and remove xmiamigirl forever, and possibly others engaging that conversation. Say goodbye to half the Jared M&Gers if Creation goes that far, but they're probably just taking out miami. and gayle for her NDA violations if gary has a say. these people think investing in mantra and silly shit will make them safe but just you wait until a business feels you're a liability they could get sued or lose contracts over.
the J2 love fest is actually a report about miami girl. She was openly drinking tequila inside the meet and greet and interrupting everyone, be them heller or jensen, to bitch/moan/wax poetic about jared, and was reported as incredibly obnoxious and causing the familiar jensen jaw-set more than once. I imagine the tequila was a factor in her being dumb enough to threaten to cut hellers up for ruining her M&G, in public, but alcohol just makes you looser so they just be like that. They're big mad the whole thing became a heller show, tried to interrupt, screamed and bitched and threatened to kill hellers for ruining it, but sure Pat, it was great, heller-free, all-about-jared, yup.
This definitely isn't you, as a salty jared stan and wincel that pretends to ship other shit, doing the same reality deletion you do all the time. It was obviously great and no heller stuff whatsoever and miami totally didn't turn into a raving death threat cunt in public. Why do you guys do this to yourselves? You know you're lying, you see the writing enough on the wall to throw tequila and threats at it, but you guys just won't let go. Let go of the goddamn stuffed bunny, guys
it's funny because they're trying to bait me to "prove" to creation that a heller leaked and, like, no guys. When you're a drunk raving bitch threatening to cut people, other people talk. Now if you wanna look at leaks, you can check teamfreewill2pointo's blog, and narrow down which M&G attendants have been able to be at every con he's gotten news from. Hint, it's Gayle. It's Gayle, and it's not hard to figure out. because 2p0 is an incompetent slob and feeds his followers her line every weekend, leaving a long confirmable paper trail.
Sweetie you should know better than any heller in that M&G being mine, they would have never asked IF Jensen was doing the confession, but rather when or how they had talked about it looking. But you might wanna check your buddy rings real close and see how they run their mouths in the main room. technically that whole group was immediately complicit in NDA violation. someone else in that room knew the song. use your noodles. this game of yours is over.
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stars-of-kyber · 2 months
well it maybe sound stupid but do you think kanthony fandom is dying
Look, I've been actively participating in different fandoms for the past idk 13, 14 years. It's not unusual that things die down a bit between seasons/after the movie/show ends, the longer it takes to get new content if you do. (You should have seen the Sherlock stuff, it took us three years to get a season with 3 eps lol) There's always the more diehard fans who stick around for years and years and years, but some just go find another fandom to interact with. I still follow people who post Sherlock fics even after all these years, and some others have completely changed fandoms. That's absolutely normal.
I think, with season 3 coming and we getting some Kathony new material, things might pick up again.
But I have to say this: Fandom is supposed to be a fun experience. It's a hobby, something you do that is not an obligation, you interact in your free time (or in times when you're not really free but let's not go there lol) for your pleasure and enjoyment.
It stops being fun the moment people are mean and rude simply bc they don't agree with your take on smth. This is not only on the Kathony/Bridgerton fandom. I have received death threats on Anon for almost a year about Star Wars and I almost abandoned the fandom as a whole three different times (the only reason I didn't was that the hyperfiction was stronger than my annoyance at these people).
So, yeah. I can see why getting hate messages on your blog or rude comments on your fic might drive people away from the whole thing. You're there trying to enjoy your faves and someone is bitching about you and being super rude bc they don't like your ship or they don't agree with how you portray them (Honestly guys, these are fictional characters. Just close the fic, block the person and move on with your lives! It's not that hard, people do it all the time!)
Particularly during that SW Reylo fandom hate time, I came to this interesting realisation that I usually share with my friends when we talk about it. I will not allow a sad, sorry person who has nothing better to do than bully people without even having the guts to show their face and who thrives in seeing someone else miserable to drive me away from something that I love and that makes me happy. I am here bc I love the characters, I love the story and I love writing. I'm not going to stop bc someone is miserable enough that they need to make me miserable too.
Don't engage with bullies. Delete their asks and comments, let them shout to the wind. Use the block button with gusto if you see smth you don't particularly care for. Use the AO3 tag filter, it's your best friend. Don't hate-read. Tag your stuff properly and don't open smth with a tag you don't care for. Don't rage-bait. Don't leave mean comments on fics you didn't care for. Ship and let ship.
That's the only way to create a nice fun space and make sure the fandom stays alive with loads of people interacting.
We're here to have fun. Let's enjoy ourselves.
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lindszeppelin · 3 months
to the stalkers on my blog, make sure you send over the entire post.
something has been brought to my attention and i cannot keep my mouth shut about this. i will not stand for molly to insult my intelligence on her gossip blog and start a lynch mob against me for something that is not even true to begin with.
the anon that came to me sometime ago who asked me if i wanted to know where she went to law school...as soon as i got that anon in my inbox i knew that person was attempting to bait me. i don't give a fuck about molly to want to know her personal information. hell i don't even know the personal information of my actual friends in the fandom besides basics lol. and while i might despise the scumbag that she is, i would never dox anybody. doxing is serious and has permanent after effects, and it can cause trauma. so knowing that this anon was trying to make me look a certain way and make me fall into their bear trap, i set up a bait for their bait on purpose. I wanted to know who that anon was so i could put them on blast to the community as a PSA. i didn't actually believe they had her personal information. im nearly 30 years old and have been around the internet for a long time, i wasn't born yesterday.
if that anon remotely knew personal information about any one of us and they were to dox someone, that is breaking the law and we do NOT need a person like that in this fandom. so i went to find the rat and lure them into my trap. well the coward came back to me on anon with a "nice try" response, so i obviously wasn't able to get them into a private message and figure out who the user was, which was my goal. and i knew how this would be perceived. but i have nothing to lose by being candid and honest about my genuine thought process. and like i said, no matter how much i dislike molly, i would never dox her as if im some disney channel villain.
as always, all that molly cares about is pointing the finger at me to her followers and inciting a lynch mob against me. and as for the other thing she said about me recently...i have been receiving dozens of anon messages all the time about the crazy things she says about austin and people on anon venting to me about her. but i delete them, and i have done for a hell of a long time. i can't even remember the last time i even mentioned molly by name as a response to someone's message, it must be months at this point. so you are incorrect when you tell your followers that i have started a hate campaign against you and talked about you for the last year. but hey, you basically have done the same to me on your blog, and you actually cannot keep my blog out of your mouth. so in your eyes it's okay to start drama because you're exempt from the backlash. got it.
you are not worth my time, the breath i have in my lungs, or the mental capacity to give a shit about anything you say or do. but when you try to go on your gossip blog and say that i purposefully tried to dox you, you're a fucking moron first of all, and as much as we hate eachother i would never put someone's life at risk like that. but i guess that is just simply out of the realm of possibility for you, because what other thread do you have to go on to hate me besides the fact that i think Austin and Kaia are not endgame? give me a break.
but circling back to one last thing i forgot to mention...after we had our issues with each other where i had to block you because you refused to do something as simple as have the common curtesy of making a separate austin tag so we didn't have to see kaia content in his main tag where you basically said "deal with it"...so many people came to me on anon sharing their experiences with you in the beginning of me turning on anons, and they came to me out of fear that you and your friends would bully them out of the fandom for daring to speak up against you. i am proud to have cultivated a purported safe space for people in the fandom to freely speak their mind and share stories free of judgement. i will never silence anybody for speaking about their personal stories of bullying and harassment. you got an issue, take it up with the many victims you have under your belt. you are not the innocent princess you like to try and portray yourself to be. and while nobody is perfect, there is no excuse for the shit you have put people through in this fandom. on here and on twitter.
that is my truth. whether you choose to take your blinders off and believe me and put this stupid shit aside is up to you. i am not holding my breath because your words are predictable. but i was not raised to be a narc, i was not raised to be a snitch, i was not raised with off-base morals where i would harm people for fun. i speak the truth and i have nothing to lose by being honest. but i was raised to stand up to bullies like you.
i know my intentions and i can sleep well at night knowing i was trying to do the right thing and expose a cockroach in the fandom. clearly that person still is a degenerate, and if they are your friend then you better be careful of who your friends are if they were willing to sell you out to me for shits and giggles. i know you will always believe that i was trying to actually dox you. and while i am not here to break bread with you, i was looking out for a fellow human being, regardless of what my feelings are for you.
oh and by the way, can you say that you ever do the same for me? absolutely not. when i came back to tumblr after a few days break when i had a fucking mental breakdown at the spiteful, venomous anons that came to me to send me hate after a shitstorm that you started, what did you say in response to me coming back? basically "yeah good look trying to block anons babe, they will never stop". if the shoe was on the other foot and an anon sent you my personal information, no doubt you would not share the same cutesy to me of trying to expose that person to the fandom for their snake behavior. you do not take accountability for the horrible things you say to people and how you purposefully start online wars with those that dare to disagree with you about austin. you have a fucking wrap sheet of people you have hurt and offended on tumblr and yet your response is "i don't think i have done anything wrong". just because you think you didn't hurt anybody doesn't mean it didn't happen. it's called taking accountability.
so you're welcome for trying to expose the shit stirrer. while my attempt to expose the person didn't end up working, i gave it my best efforts and i am okay with that. why don't you take your anger out on the person who acted like they were actually going to leak your personal information to your enemies instead of me, the person who was actually trying to expose the shit stirrer? because you never will. my integrity means a hell of a lot to me, so you're dumber than a sack of hammers to think that you can talk about me like this and expect me to not respond to you. you have once again brought this one on yourself.
happy valentine's day, pookie.
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lulubelle814 · 3 months
Regards, Loki - Chapter 2
Master List
It had been 6 days, and Louisa felt she was proved right.  Only a few hours to go.  While she counted down the hours and minutes, she fixed herself her own spin on ramen: boiling the noodles until soft, draining the liquid, then adding the seasoning packet and some sour cream thus creating a type of cheap casserole.  
Putting on a movie, she settled in, ate her food, and enjoyed the distraction.  Looking down into her ramen casserole, she realized that, deep down, she secretly wanted someone to reply but refused to let that hope surface.  It was ludicrous to ask someone to pay for conversation.  With only a couple hours to midnight, she put on another film.  This time she chose Labyrinth.  It was a comfort movie for her.  If she couldn’t dream of a sugar daddy paying to chat, she could at least dream of dancing in a ballroom with Jareth.
The eleventh hour hit, still with no responses.  Soon, the movie was over.  Still twenty minutes to go.  ‘One hour to go……  I could shut it down now and not tell Cora.’  Mulling over it, she didn’t want to lie to her friend, even if it was just an hour shy of the agreed deadline.  Instead, she put on her movie soundtrack playlist while washing dishes.  When she finished washing the dishes, she moved on into cleaning her kitchen (it was overdue).   It wasn’t until her favorite song from the ballroom scene came on that she realized midnight had come and gone.  
It was time.  Well, it was past time with the agreement she made.  Pulling out her old laptop, she brought up the website and logged in.  She received updates over the past few days saying how many people viewed her profile.  Looking at it, she saw the total count: 108 views.  Unable to find where to delete her profile, she sought out google for help.  Just as she found the directions to delete it, there was a ping.  Doubting what she heard, she went back to the website and started following the directions until she received an email notification.  It was probably some spam, but that tick in the back of her mind that told her to check it.
Opening her email, the message was from the sugar daddy site notifying her of a received message.  Stunned, she went back to the site and looked at her message inbox.  Sure enough, she had a response from someone who called themselves Loki and thought they were messing with her.  Part of her wanted to delete it, but that tick in the back of her brain saying “what if” got to her.  Worst case, it was a prank message and she’d delete it.  Best case?  Maybe someone was interested.  It seemed beyond absurd, but she clicked on the message before she’d change her mind.
Dear Sigyn,
I ran upon your profile and found myself intrigued.  While I think it is unusual to have such limitations, it’s precisely what I’m looking for: conversation and no commitment.  
I admit.  The thought of anonymity is enticing. While fake names are typically used for meet ups to help conceal a person’s true identity, this does not appeal to me.  I understand it may seem strange, and it’s quite possible your profile is a farce.  But with the knowledge that you do not know who I am, nor you I, I feel it is worth taking a chance.
I do realize the hour is quite late, and my proposal will take a little time to contemplate as it’s quite possible you have changed your mind.  I will give you 24 hours to think about it; however, it would be appreciated if you would acknowledge my request when you receive this message.
I look forward to your response.
She couldn’t believe it.  Someone really wanted to pay her just for conversation.  But why didn’t he just go to a therapist?  They’re bound by patient / therapist confidentiality.  What if this was Cora just trying to bait her into staying on the website?
There was only one way to find out.
Dear Loki,
Thank you for your interest.  I was highly doubtful anyone would be interested in paid conversation when this type of setup is more typical of a prurient.  I want to be upfront that my profile is honest.  I am not seeking a sexual relationship as part of this and also wish to retain an incognito status.
I appreciate your offer of 24 hours to consider.  I will give this serious thought.  Until a decision is provided within the given time constraint, would you be open to inquiries?  I will admit this is a first for me to seek out this type of relationship, if that’s what you would call it.  
Please let me know your thoughts.  As you mentioned, the hour is late.  I figure you likely sent the message before going to sleep.  I look forward to your response.
Taking a deep breath, Louisa sent the message before she could change her mind.
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todomitoukei · 2 years
Okay, yeah, I didn’t contradict your interpretations with the intent to be rude, I was trying to actively forment discussion with someone who I think has an interesting interpretation of the characters, that perhaps might lead to even more in depth discussion of these issues and how they could play out not only within the story at hand, but by also examining the situation within several hypothetical spaces. Like, nature versus nurture, and what your takes perhaps are on how much that can affect a person’s sexuality, their openness and awareness, as well as freedom to explore themselves as opposed to feeling like they have to hide themselves. I didn’t make my own post, as it were, because a discussion of such issues is just that… a discussion. As someone who has an excellent bead on the character, as well as their own very clearly held takes, it was less about purposefully ‘disagreeing’ with you and far more in the interest of starting a dialogue. I simply stated my own take as a starting point, a place from which a discussion could go, as I was feeling curious about what led to your particular reading of Touya. Not everything that doesn’t agree with your own stated opinion is meant as a disavowment of that take or to antagonize or belittle your take on a character. I kinda thought people post and ask questions and such because we like talking about characters, exploring their dynamics, exploring the things about them we connect with, or the things we feel reflect ourselves. I could understand your ire if I had used rude language or was deliberately trying to bait you into an argument, but all I did was start with how I had personally seen Touya and then presented the question of seeing Touya through a different lens, how his possible development could have otherwise have happened, and explored that scenario. I also presented the question of what we can interpret of Fuyumi from the little we’re given of her, and how the Todo-kids seem to mostly eschew romantic pursuits in general, except notably, the one kid who received the least attention from their father. I simply thought it was an interesting point.
Maybe in the future just delete those questions you dislike rather than making earnest people, just interested in discussing the characters and the opinions of others, feel like total dicks just for being interested in what you have to say.
It seems you missed the part in my previous response where I said "I don't see the point in arguing with people's headcanons, especially when I didn't ask." - I'm still not asking. Me making posts or answering asks is not an invitation for other people to share their opinions. I did state that to me, Dabi and Shouto are aroace. Nowhere did I imply that I was interested in what other people think about this topic.
Headcanons are often very personal to people, especially when it comes to sexual/romantic/gender orientation because more often than not, people project their own identities onto characters, which is why it is so very frustrating that there is not a single post of someone interpreting a character as ace, aro, or aroace without there being at least one person saying "No, they're clearly something else" - again, there are many reasons as to why I find this problematic, starting with the lack of representation there is for aro/ace people. And even when people aren't outright disagreeing, then they're still often trying to "negotiate" so that their characters are still shippable. "Yeah, maybe they're ace, but they could still fall in love-" "They're ace, but then they meet THIS character and-" and many many more arguments that absolutely piss me off because yes, not every ace person is aro and both asexuality and aromanticism are spectrums, but people tend to make these arguments to justify completely ignoring the ace/aro aspect of the character and ship them with other characters, which is not the point of representation. So when I say "X character is aroace to me" and someone says "But-" it's an immediate red flag to me because I've seen this conversation too many times.
My headcanons aren't me trying to state facts. I'm not saying that either Dabi or Shouto is 100% aroace in the canon story. That is simply my personal headcanon and partially so because that is my identity and I relate to these characters in ways that I can't with other characters and that gives me comfort because it makes me feel less alone. And when someone tries to argue with my headcanon, it's just like people IRL dismissing my identity and that's not a fun experience. So whether or not it was your intention, it came across as rude and you don't get to argue with that unless you're actively trying to be an asshole.
Again, this is my headcanon. You can have a different one, but that's why I said make your own post. In that post, you could say "this is my take, what's yours?" and actively ask for people to share their opinions. But that's not what I did. In fact, there have been multiple occasions before, where I told people to make their own posts instead of arguing with my interpretations on my posts. Believe it or not, not everything people say online is an invitation for a discussion and if you disagree with someone, keep it to yourself or make a post without shoving your opinion down someone's throat.
What's more, when someone says that they didn't ask for someone else's opinion, the right thing to do is to just apologize and move on. Instead, you decided to send me another ask, claiming that I made you feel bad, whilst it's obviously you trying to make me feel bad for not humoring you.
For some reason, you were allowed to share your opinion on the matter without my consent, but now you claim that I am in the wrong and hurting your feelings? Then go find a blog that will just agree with everything you say, but this is not the blog. Never has, never will be.
"Maybe in the future just delete those questions" see, that's the thing with sending an ask, though. While me making a post isn't an invitation for other people to share their takes, sending an ask means you expect me to reply. But you don't get to choose what that reply is. This is my blog and if I don't like an ask, the tone someone uses with me, etc. I get to say and do whatever I want. You don't get to just walk into someone else's home, say "I don't like what you've done with this place" and then get offended with how they react. If you don't like people setting boundaries and whatnot, don't send asks. It's as simple as that. You don't get to be butthurt over this and I suggest you think a bit more about how you interact with people and that maybe it's you being the asshole and not the person you came to.
If you think you made an interesting point, make the post. But I don't care why Dabi is aroace. I don't think it matters if Endeavor hit the sexual and romantic attraction part right out of him, brainwashed him into being aroace to focus on becoming a hero, or whatever else you think happened here. The Dabi we see in the story with everything that has happened to him is the Dabi I'm talking about. Not a fanon version of him. In my interpretations, I focus on canon because I want to understand his character as best as possible, and thinking about fanon versions doesn't add anything to it because it's simply not relevant. It may be interesting to you, but it's not to me and that is something you simply have to deal with.
That being said, I kindly ask you to fuck off. Further asks will be deleted/blocked because I've said everything there is and if you still can't accept that or respect my boundaries, it's a you problem and I'm not gonna waste any more time on you.
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