#if that’s the case be nice to me it’s almost 6am and I have yet to sleep
pansysgothgf · 28 days
I’m thinking about how this season THEYRE revisiting everyone’s worst traumas: (spoilers)
Bobby- his family’s death (the cruise and 7x08 from the trailer and episode descriptions)
Athena- Harry being involved in an incident at a convince store that could’ve ended up with him dead, similarly to how her fiancé died at the connivence store (correct me if I’m wrong, it’s been a hot minute)
Hen and Karen- their adoption going through, the same way it did with Nia
Chimney- Kevin and Doug (in 7x06 specifically)
Maddie- Doug (in 7x07 specifically)
Eddie- the Shannon of it all
Which leads me to like, what’s in store for Buck? I would say maybe it’s already been addressed (we’re seeing his fear of being replaced (with Eddie in 2x01 and then with Tommy in 7x04) and then his abandonment/intimacy issues in the context of his relationship with Tommy) but…
When I think about Buck’s biggest traumas, I don’t necessarily think about Abby or Ali or Taylor.
When I think about Buck’s biggest traumas I think about him getting blown up. I think about the embolism. I think about the tsunami. The lawsuit. The shooting. The lightning strike. And of those ones, I think his relationship with Christopher is a big part of why they’re so impactful. Christopher gives him the card before he throws a clot. Christopher is with him when the wave hits. Eddie tells Buck that the lawsuit is affecting Chris. Eddie gets shot and Buck finds out that not only would he have been Chris’ temporary guardian while Eddie was in a coma, but his legal guardian in the event of Eddie’s death. While Buck’s in his coma, the person who Buck feels the most guilt over leaving behind in that twisted reality is Chris (not his parents, who finally love him. Not Daniel and Genevieve who will cease to exist. Not Maddie who doesn’t know there could be better. Chris, who asks Buck for help and for the only time so far in the show, Buck has to refuse. Because that’s not his Chris. He needs to get back to his Chris, because that’s the boy he promised to always be there for).
After the truck bombing, every major trauma Buck lives through is at least partially centred around Chris, and we see how their relationship develops through these traumatic experiences.
So, pray tell, what the hell is going to happen to Buck and Chris and how the fuck is Eddie going to cope with it when we’re already watching him devolve into… madness? The death of his moral compass? Desperation? Whatever it is, it’s dark.
(I would also argue that Eddie’s biggest trauma after the death of Shannon was his s5 breakdown, so. I wouldn’t be surprised if we revisited that)
(Also also, I think Hen’s biggest trauma pertaining to the job was the civilian who she hit with the ambulance, and I would LOVE to see that touched on again for angst’s sake. Or you know: Hen’s dad, Eva, Denny’s bio dad, Karen’s journey with infertility, that time Karen got a little blown up, Hen’s med school friends, that time Hen seriously considered letting go of her morals to watch Eva die because that would be the only way to free her family of the mess she created. You know, any of these could work. All I’m saying is that ABC home of Grey’s Anatomy and 9-1-1 and its love of secret siblings and half siblings COULD throw us a curveball and give Hen a secret half sibling on her Dad’s side. For the drama)
TLDR: if we’re gonna talk about the 118’s trauma, Buck’s needs to centre around Chris. Burn down the loft with Buck and Chris in it, Tim. I dare you.
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writingchalamet · 2 years
I'm happy for you... Reconciliation
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Christmas morning had come, and there you were alone in your apartment, still dawned in the same sparkly dress as the night before, you hadn't moved from your spot on the sofa and hadn't slept a wink. You finally mustered up the courage to move around 6am to turn on the christmas lights on the tree so you were no longer sat in complete darkness. You couldn't quite pull your head around what had happened earlier and the words just spun around your brain like a carousel, "I still love you" you almost didn't believe him. You even broke your social media blackout to check. And there it was, his instagram posts had been deleted, no recollection of her, no record, as if it never happened.
You finally move from the sofa and shuffle through the house, barely lifting your feet from the ground, you enter your once shared bedroom and stare at a box under the bed, bending down to reach for it, once it's in your hands you remove the lid and a tear slips down your face in an instant. You see Timmy's face staring back at you, with his beautiful gleamy eyed gaze you loved so much. You had managed to throw away everything, apart from the photos. The photos held so many wonderful memories, and you hadn't looked at them since you had shut them away in this box, almost forgetting about them.
Your phone buzzes next to you making you jump, you sigh wiping your tears dry, answering the phone. "Hey mum, merry christmas... Yeah I'm okay, thank you for the present's... tell everyone I said I love you, and I'll come home and see you all soon okay... No I'm alone right now, but It's okay I'll see my friends later or something, I'll be fine, It's actually, uh, its nice... No I haven't eaten yet it's 8am here you guys are 5 hours ahead remember, right mum I've got to go, but I love you and I'll see you real soon okay, love you buy" You sigh hanging up the phone and dropping it onto the bed. There is an abrupt knock on the front door.
Confused you don't open and stay in the bedroom, until the person knocks again only this time louder. You are confused as to how they got into the building and to be honest a little scared.
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"Coming" you open the door with the chain on, just in case, only to find Timothée stood the other side, head hanging slightly, also wearing last nights clothes. "Hey" he gives you the slightest smile he can muster, scared of what you'll do next. Your hand automatically moves to the chain to open the door properly. You nod your head towards him, gesturing him in the house. "Sorry for just dropping in like this, but..." You stare at him blankly for an answer but he continues to look at the ground.
"it's not Christmas unless it's with you, I know I messed up, but I can't waste another minute being without you" The breath is stollen from the air and you forget to breathe for a moment. You nod to him and walk through the apartment, into the living room, where you had decorated for the festivities. You weren't gonna lie to yourself, you had never been happier to see that face in your life, especially after all the pent up emotion from last night. You sit on the sofa and takes a seat right beside you, this is the closest you had ben to one another in almost an entire year. "You didn't sleep either I guess?" You pointed towards his clothes, he laughed awkwardly and nodded his head yes.
"How did you get into the building? who let you in, I mean?"-
"I never left, I sat on the stairs of the stairwell just sort of thinking, I still can't quite put into words what I need to say though" You stare at him in disbelief. That stairwell is freezing, especially in winter, there is hardly any light and the stairs are pure concrete, you can't imagine how uncomfortable he must have been. "You mean to tell me that you sat out there all night" he nods "I just wanted to the chance to speak with you one more time-
Your impulses took over, the build up of not touching him or having him near for months had finally gotten to you, in an instant you smashed yourself into him, your lips on his, arms encased around his neck and fingers through his curls. His delayed response you hoped was due to shock, but eventually his arms wrapped themselves in their natural place around your waist, where he pulls you closer so your legs are across his lap. You pull back for a breath and stare into his eyes, the swirls of green, flecks of yellow and blue, something you had truly missed staring in and looking at the different hues of his eyes. You stroke your hand across his soft cheek and into his curls again, just sitting there basking in him.
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The pair of you showered, the stickiness and smell of last nights party and wallowing was finally starting to take it's toll. While you got dressed into a comfy jumper dress and tights, Timmy was about to put on his dirty clothes from last night when you stop him, taking them from his hands. "Let me wash those for you, I think I still have some of your clothes in the wardrobe, let me go check." Timothée couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his face, but then it quickly fell, knowing she had stayed so faithful, hopeful this entire time.
You returned with a pair of joggers and jumper of his, handing them over with a smile. "I kept a couple things, just in case... you know" He just smiled in return and left a kiss on your cheek. "Are you going back to your mums, or do you have plans?"
"Trying to get rid of me so soon, well I was kinda hoping I could spend the day with you... If you would want that?" a small smile crept itself onto your face, you lightly put one of your hands on top of his, still holding his pile of clothes, and brushed your fingers against his knuckles. "I would like that very much".
The pair took a walk around New York City, the weather was bleak for a Christmas day, snow drops fell from the sky, the streets were glistening and glimmering from the fairy lights hanging on each building. The pavements shining from the reflections of the light. The people walking the streets today weren't the usual rude New Yorkers, they were jolly, and enjoying the festivities.
The two of you walked hand in hand, or glove in glove, it almost felt as if no time had past at all, as if nothing had happened. You glance towards Timothée and smile, his eyes filled with so much joy and wonder as he basks in the sights around him, you'd forgotten how much he loved Christmas. He catches you staring and sniggers "what?" he stares at you with a cheeky grin.
"nothing, I just love you" your proclamation of love makes him stop in his path. he turns to you, slipping his glove patted hand around the back of your neck, pulling you in close for a kiss, you meet in the middle hands around his waist, lips touching softly, you could feel the passion through his lips, he pulled away and pressed his forehead against yours, "I love you, Y/N. I love you, please be mine again?"
You raise your eyebrows at him the excitement filling your entire body. “Hmmm, and what if I say no?” You tilt your head. He pulls you closer if that’s even possible. “There’s just simply no other option than yes” you lean in and press your lips to his once more, nodding your head in the process, you give him a squeeze around the waist, and pull away.
You hadn’t felt this happy or content in months, just walking the streets of New York with Timmy, hand in hand holding each other close. You were finally happy, and you could tell he was happy too. With soft smiles and shared kisses as you continue your walk in the snow, you finally feel at peace.
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poifect · 2 years
frustrated 12/4/22
let’s go backwards
I just got home from going bowling with my family and their friends...
I saw my best friend’s story of her and other girl friends going out in their cute ass fits and make up and the only thing I wanted more than anything was to look as good and hangout with the hot girl group :’( But I couldn’t because I was with my family and we were going home and that was that. I don’t have the option to do things at my own choosing. It has to have had consultation from everyone I’ve ever met in my life and their grandmothers blessings.
I thought about if I had no rules and no one’s opinion to consider, the only thing I wanted to do was to go out with my bestie and her friends and be a hot girl and have jun flaunting being a hot girl. 
Yet, here I was in the back of the family SUV almost at our one way road and I knew I had no choice. I had no control. If it wasn’t my mom, it would be my boyfriend. Which is the perfect segue to transport us to a conversation a few hours ago...
“Okay I have to tell you something and uhhh **** called me at 6 in the morning today because she was in the hospital from being drugged at Ricks last night. Of course I wasn’t awake at that time to answer the call, but she texted me and said she was hospitalized. I hope you’re not mad.”
Here’s a question for you reader: Would you have thought that entire situation would have made me mad? Do you think I would be mad about that? Why the fuck would I be mad about that? Unless you fucking roofied the girl yourself.?
I said that exact sentence to him and he said why am I acting like this? My voice and tone are being mean. “Bulgan, why are you being like this? 
Excuse me, what do you mean, sir?
So I try to pull myself together and just mutter things like okay and sure. After quite a few roundabouts in the conversation world, we seem to be making headway for wrapping this conversation, and I say “ I am glad she’s home and I’m glad she’s okay”. “Are you sure?”
Another question for the reader, would you have answered that as “Yeah, me too” rather than “Are you sure”. SO you’re probably thinking holy shit she wouldn’t want this girl to be okay? Jesus something really bad must’ve happened and this girl wants revenge. 
(Un) Fortunately nothing of that sort has happened. Although maybe it has. It is pretty unclear.
But because I’m writing this, I’ll tell you my side. This girl who’s 7 years younger than my partner has been in love with him and has wanted to use every single use to contact him and to have him by her side. He has. Because they’re good friends. But I think her motive is much more than just friends. But my partner apparently just doesn’t see it. In his eyes, it’s just this nice friend needing his help for the most ridiculous things like borrowing a pencil for her exam that she’s running late to or having him create a playlist blend together because he simply did not enough about metal rock!!! “WHAT? YOU’RE 27 AND DON’T KNOW ABOUT ROCKKK???? NO WAY I AM SO YOUNG AND I LOVE ROCK. IT MAKES ME SUPER FUCKING UNIQUE AND I AM JUST SO DIFFERENT FROM EVERYONE ELSE! WE SHOULD WATCH BREAKING FUCKING BAD CAUSE IT’S THE LONGEST SHOW ON EARTH WHICH MEANS I CAN SPEND AS MUCH TIME WITH YOU AS FUCKING POSSIBLE.”
“uh ok yeah sure dude whatever I’m high”
That is a snippet of how I imagine their interaction goes. But also I have no fucking idea and perhaps my partner lets go on things more than he says he does. 
Final question, but in 2 parts.
1. Would you be reaching out to a guy friend you haven’t really talked to in a few months who has a gf, at 6am, saying you’re at the hospital?
1.a. If so, why would you? unless...?
1.a.b.If you’re the author’s partner, what do you make of this? Would you not be suspect that this girl really needs and likes you? Wouldn’t you want to make it clear that is not the case since you’ve clearly found your soulmate that she shouldn’t really think of him as her emergency contact??? 
1.a.b.c LOL idk how the sub labels work but idgaf. Wouldn’t you be updating your partner as these messages and calls are arriving? Not continuing talking to this female (lol I purposely chose female smd) and then telling your partner 8 hours later and somehow still making it her fault?
2. I don’t remember.
I am sad and I feel trapped without any choice in my life. 
Goodnight, strangers. 
My bf is asleep and not talking to me in the evening hours because somehow he just accidentally goes to bed without knowing how tired he is. 
Fuck this shit. 
I am drunk and high writing out my feelings. yay. 
go 25 me :P
suck my fucking asshole and suck my fucking clitoris. 
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ssa-daddyhotchner · 3 years
Undercover - Chapter 1
Story Warnings: Smut, rape, mention of suicide, murder, domestic abuse, sexual assault, mention of abortion, addiction, torture, kidnapping.
Just a mention that these are serious topics and are not promoting anything and those topics are specifically for character development....
Chapter Selection
I walk into the building and feel a rush of cool air. Dammit I wish I brought a sweater. When I walk into the office I get called by a man wearing a black suit with a red tie, 
"Agent y/l?" I turned my head and walk over to the man that called my name; my Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner. "Yes?" 
"Can I see you in my office." He asked in a clam stern voice. I walked up to his door and walked inside.
He gestured for me to take a seat. "I see that you have a degree in criminology and criminal psychology."
"Yes sir." I started to rub my thump over my fingers. "Why the BAU", I couldn't read the emotions on his face. He was like stone. "I've always been interested in criminals and their behavior the why was the question I constantly asked myself when I'd see or read a story of a crime." 
He doesn't say anything he just looks. His brows furrowed with his eyes focused on my body language.
"Okay", Hotch stands up and holds out his hand. I follow his movements and shook his hand. He walks out from behind his desk and walks to the railing outside. "I'd like to introduce you to Agent y/n y/l."
A crowd of 6 people came around from all over the bullpen. Hotch pointed to all the people; "This is Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Spencer Reid, David Rossi, and Penelope Garcia,"
We all made conversation about how it was at the BAU and the types of cases they had gotten in the past. They were quick to disperse having paperwork to do. Hotch showed me to my desk and Garcia helped me get familiar with the system. 
"Hey you need some help." Morgan approached me. "I'm already in the system and I have nothing to work on." He looks a me. 
"I can show you around the building if you want; I'm already done my paperwork and I don't get off till 5 so." I shrug I've got nothing better to do. 
JJ walked into the bullpen with a file at hand, "We've got a case." Everyone files to the round table taking a seat. Emily looks around taking notice at y/n and Morgan's absence, "Where's y/n and Morgan." 
"He took her on a tour of the building, he was done his work." Reid says. 
Me and Morgan were walking back into the bullpen when we notice everyone at the round table.
Hotch gave Morgan a disappointing look and showed me no emotion. "Don't be late. Garica." He wanted her to start. 
Garcia starts ,"16 yr old Julia Martin went missing in Georgetown, Delaware Tuesday night at 10:32pm. She goes to Sussex Central High School, she is a sophomore and keeps to herself, she has a few close friends. She doesn't go out very often." 
Now it's common knowledge that with cases like these it's time sensitive. "Wheels up in 30", We all head out to get our go bags, getting into the SUVs and heading to the jet.
We start to go over the case again. Hotch starts, "Prentiss, Morgan and I will go to the police station to set up, Reid and JJ go talk to the family. 
Y/N you're with Rossi I want you guys to go to the school and talk to her teachers and friends."
The plane lands and we all get into the cars.
Rossi gets into the driver's seat. "So how do you like it so far." He continues to look at the road. 
"It's great I've always wanted to be in the BAU since I was a kid." I look at Rossi, "Is Hotch always so serious?" He glances at me, "Most of the time but he'll warm up to you."
The rest of the car ride is filled with small conversation. 
We get to the school and walk and start talking to her teachers. I asked "What was Julia like in class? Did she talk to anybody that she usually didn't and how were her grades?"
"She didn't really talk to anyone other than a few of her friends. I would try and help her to talk but she would end up doing the work independently even with a group and she would do all the work and as for her grades they were great. She was an A, B student for the most part."
The rest of the teachers said the same thing as the first. 
"Okay so if nothing was going on at school and there were no suspicious people hanging around then they must have grabbed her at home."
 I told Rossi as we walked back to the car. Someone caught our attention. There was a boy leaning against our car. 
"Can we help you", Rossi asked. "I might know what happened to Julia, she was talking to this guy online... she might have mentioned that she was gonna meet up with him." 
"Can you come by the station later we're gonna need to talk to you", I said and he agreed. 
We drive back to the police station and the rest of the team is there. "So apparently Julia was talking to someone online and her friend thinks that's who might have taken her." Rossi says. 
"And she's never met this guy. He doesn't even go to the same school according to her friend" I continue, "The friend's name is Kevin Philips and he's coming by tomorrow."
"Okay everyone we have a long day tomorrow let's get some rest." Hotch tells the team.
We go outside to the cars and drive over to the hotel. "There were only four rooms left so we're gonna need to share.
 JJ and Emily I'm assuming you two are gonna share, Morgan and I will share so that leaves Hotch and y/n." Hotch stares at Rossi
"So you just get a room to yourself?" "Exactly." He walked off going to his room. 
Of course.. "Are you ok with that, you can just share a room with JJ and I." 
"No really it's fine." It wasn't fine. It was my first case and I sharing a room with my boss. Not just my boss but someone I found attractive. 
Hotch grabs the key and we walk to the room. He walks in, drops his stuff on the chair and I just look at him then the bed. "What is it?"
"Um there's only one bed."
He looks at the bed and then the floor. "If it bothers you I can sleep on the floor I dont mind." 
"No, it's ok, it's a large bed." He then turns around, grabs a towel and hops into the shower. I heat up our leftovers from lunch; I know he hasn’t eaten since this afternoon. 
I put on some music and I start to change into a black crop top and grey sweatpants when he walks out of the bathroom. 
I don't notice him at first but I can feel his eyes traveling up my body. I turned around and he's looking at me and I was staring at him. 
He was buff, not ripped, but perfectly toned. You could clearly tell he had abs and a V line that went straight to..... I hadn't put on my clothes yet I was only in a black lace bra and some matching underwear.
He kept staring and I was too lost in thought to do anything about it. "I'm sorry", and he turned around and walked back into the bathroom out of embarrassment. "It's ok Hotch really." 
"You sure." "Yes I'm sure." He walked back out with just the towel when I finished changing. While I was eating at one of the desks. 
There was a mirror in front of me and I could see him perfectly. While I was chewing I could hear a faint voice. "y/n...y/n" I snapped to look up at his eyes through the mirror. 
"Uhh you were staring." I didn't answer but I didn't have too. The brush rose to my cheeks and he could tell.
"You made my food?", "Yeah i knew you hadn't eaten so I figured."
Once I finished I turned off most of the lights as Hotch was still awake; I crawled under the covers and drifted off to sleep.
Aaron POV
I finished up eating the food she made me. I noticed the music she had on was still playing, the song was Brian Crain - Earth. 
She was already sleeping...she looked so beautiful and peaceful. I turned off the music and crawled into bed. She didn't move and I went to sleep. 
I woke up at 2am and her arms wrapped around my torso. Her head was laying on my chest; I slowly got up and went to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and saw the sweat through my shirt so I took it off.
I went back into bed and right as I put one foot in she grabs my hand and pulls me toward her.
I'm now laying next to her with my arm wrapped around her back with my hand on her waist. She pulls me closer to her, puts her head back on my chest, and put a hand at the base of my neck. 
"Where'd you go", she whispered into my ear. I got chills that ran up and down my spine.
"I had to go for a second but I'm back now", my voice was soft and low almost a whisper as I didn't wanna wake her even more. It was nice, I did like her. 
She nestles her head in the crook of my neck. I felt her breath on my body. We both just drift in each other's arms.
She's just so beautiful... everything about her. The dips and curves of her body to the sound of her voice.
I notice something though, the scars running down her back. Like someone had dragged a knife down it.
I woke up first again this time; it was 6am. I didn't wanna wake y/n so I just stayed in bed laying down looking at her. 
This time she wasn't holding me, she was almost on top of me; I could feel her heart beat at a steady pace. Her legs were on mine, her face nestled into my chest and her arms around my body. 
I put my hands on her holding her close. After about 10min she started to open her eyes. "Hey", I said with a soft tone. Surprisingly she looked at me and didn't visibly freak out but her heart rate was picking up, she closed her eyes and tightened her grip. 
"How'd you sleep", I asked her and she looked down at my chest. "It was good", She said lazily. Y/N let out a loud sigh and got up into the bathroom. 
The heat that was next to me started to fade away as her side of the bed got cold. I heard the shower turn on when I went to get some food. 
When I came back she was out of the shower and dressed. "I got you some coffee." She took it from my hand and waited for me to get ready for work.
Oh my god, I was sleeping on my boss....all night. I enjoyed it- he didn't get up when he saw me. Did he enjoy it too?
I get out of the shower and Hotch is gone. I started to get changed; I put on a white dress shirt and a black slacks with black heels. I hear someone knock at the door. 
It was Hotch holding some coffee and two muffins. "I got you some coffee." He said holding it out.
I start eating my food and he started asking me questions. "So what made you wanna join the FBI?", that was one question I didn't really wanna answer right now. 
"It was my sister for the most part but also the fact that basically my whole family was involved in the government."
"Why your sister?", He looked at me studying seeing how I was reacting. When he asked that question my heart sank into my stomach. "She-", I was trying not to cry; I took a big gulp. 
"She was murdered when I was teenager, I was the one who found the body...It was a long time ago but it still hurts", tears started to fill my eyes and my face was getting red. I looked up for a moment trying to blink the tears away. 
There was a flash of regret in his eyes, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get upset." 
"No it's okay you didn't know." I was trying to hold it together clearly it wasn't working when he walked over to me, he put his arms around my waist and back and hugged me. 
I was caught off guard by the sign of affection but I put my arms around him and hugged him tight. 
"it's okay, I'm sorry." A few tears managed to escape from my eyes; they rolled down my face they were absorbed by his shirt. He cupped my face and wanted me to look at him. 
He didn't say anything, he used his thumb to wipe the tears that were still falling from my face and hugged me again.
I started to calm down in his arms listening to his breathing. I felt protected, secure, and warm. Being in his embrace was like a shield; nothing else mattered. 
Time skip
While waiting for Kevin to get here we all are gathered around talking. I walked over to Reid; he has his nose buried in a book, "Hey." He looked up at me. "Hey", "How's it going." I was getting a little nervous running my thumb along my other fingers. 
He seemed to notice when his face softened a bit. "Good"
"Look I'm sorry in advance I'm not really good with conversation." I said as he stood up from the chair. "It's okay neither am I, I always worry if I'm saying too much or saying the wrong thing." 
Knowing there was someone else on the team that was also awkward it was comforting. "Well since we'll be working together a lot how about when we finish this we go get a cup of coffee." 
His shoulders eased and his eyes lit up. "Yeah I'd like that." I can tell the corners of his mouth were turning up and his cheeks were slightly pink. 
Reid sat back down when I walked away he looked slightly disappointed but resumed reading. I was about to talk to Morgan but Kevin walked into the station. 
JJ walked up to him, "Kevin?" He nodded. "Follow me", JJ brought him to a back office and sat him down. "Before Julia left did she say anything to you."
Kevin started, "I might be her best friend but she didn't tell me much only that she'd been talking to him for a few months and that he wanted to meet up with her. She said his name was Danny. He went to another high school but she didn't say which one, he was 17, and lived near Middletown or New Castle; I don't remember which. If it were up to her she wouldn't have told me at all, I was bugging her about it and she finally let it out." 
Morgan called Garcia, "Hey baby girl, Do you think you can trace her phone?", then Garcia started talking "Honey if you don't think I can do that then your in for a surprise on what I can do." Morgan laughed. He's obviously the flirty one. 
"Her phone is off best I can do is get the last known location....and that is in...New Castle Glasgow Park, its roughly an hour and 30 away." "Alright thanks babygirl"
"I'll call you back if it goes online." She ended the phone call and told the team.
Reid looked at Hotch, Morgan and I. "Either that's where they took her or she really didn't wanna get caught", I stated. 
"Y/N and I will drive up there." Hotch glances at me and nodded his head towards the door. 
The drive with Hotch was nice. We talked and I learned he had a brother in New York that works as a chef. His dad was a lawyer and his mom was a nurse. He likes dogs, Bon Jovi, and the beatles. 
I told him more about my sister, how my mom was a Marine and my dad was a detective. I told him I liked the beatles, cold weather, and Elvis. 
When we got to the park we noticed there was no one there, it was silent and secluded. "Walk with me", I tugged his hand gesturing to follow me. "Were on a case", "I know were just looking around." 
His eyes looked down at my hand on his, I let go and my cheeks blushed, he took notice; the corners of his mouth turning upwards. There was no one else on the trail.
Trees surrounding the majority of the area. "What did you do.. ya know before this." As we were walking he averted his gaze from the ground to me. "Before the FBI?" I turned slightly. "Yeah", "I was a prosecutor." 
I slowed my steps, "Why'd you stop, you were still putting the criminals away. Why'd you lose interest." He smiled a bit when he looked to the side to see me already looking at him. 
"I don't know, I guess it was because I was tried of it. When those cases came to me they had already committed the crime. I guess I thought I wasn't doing enough. I wanted to get them before those cases reached my desk." 
We were approaching some of the wooded pathways that broke of in two directions.
That's when we stopped, I walked in front of him and kept my eyes of the ground before looking up. 
"Well sir congrats you were successful. I mean think of how many lives you've saved based on that one decision you made." His eyes softened and his face eased his shoulders dropped, he was relaxed. 
"What's that", he points to the ground in front of one of the gates by the woods. I bend down and grabbed it, "It's a phone. Still has power, no password." 
Hotch calls Garcia, "Hello sir what can I do you for." "Can you run a number for me...302-555-4276." After a few seconds and the sound of typing she speaks. 
"The number is registered to a.. Julia Martin. Sir, that's her phone" Hotch ends the call. 
"The phone was in front of the woods if you were taking someone to a public park to meet with them the woods would be an easy exit", He states. 
Hotch gestures me to continue walking into the woods I look at him then the woods. "No you're going first", I put my hands up and he stares down and chuckles. "You scared?", I shrug and grin, "Maybe."
"Think about it in the movies where do the people go missing" I pause before continuing, "the woods and I'm not gonna be one of those people." 
While he's stiffing a laugh I follow behind him. It's starting to get dark so we pick up the pace. We go on for 2 miles before I stop him, "Right there", I point to a broken house at a clearing.
I remove my gun, he takes the back while I stay in the front with my gun raised. 
I hear Hotchs footsteps through the house, I walk in the front door; seeing nothing but broken chairs, torn wallpaper, and rotting wood. He signals me to go upstairs. 
The floor creaking below me feeling like it's going to fall any second. I get to the top and check the rooms. There's a chair in the middle of the room, blood on the walls and clothes covering the floor but they are worn and discolored. They've been for awhile. 
As I go back downstairs I fall through into the basement, "Fuck!". "Y/N what happened, are you okay." "I'm fine", I say strained. I slammed my back on the concrete knocking the wind out of me. 
I hear something moving in the room with me. "Hotch there's something down here." I call out to him yelling in a whisper. 
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sweetyyhippyy · 3 years
Part of You. Spencer Reid x OC! Character. Chapter 4.
Chapter 4: 864 days
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(Not my gif.)
Summary: Bridgett brings a date to a party at Rossi’s house. Spencer gets extremely jealous and angry. While working a case with Bridgett, he says some words he doesn’t mean. He goes to Bridgett’s apartment to apologize, and those 3 little words are finally said. 
Pairing: Season 5 Spencer Reid x OC! Plus size character, Bridgett Mendez
TW: Alcohol mentions, Spencer being mean, language, I think that’s all!
Word Count: 4k
A.N.: This is season 5 Spencer, like tail end of season 5. Please reblog! Italicized words are inner thoughts. 
“So Rossi needs a headcount for how many people are coming over tonight. He said he hasn’t heard back from only you, Bridge.”
JJ says, joining Bridgett and Garcia gossiping at Bridgett’s desk.
“Oh yeah sorry, I was kinda waiting to hear from… this guy I’m bringing along tonight.”
Both of the girls eyes get wide, staring at Bridgett.
“You’re bringing someone? Who is he?! I need to know everything, now.” Penelope squeals, leaning back in her chair.
Bridgett laughs, knowing that this was going to be the hot topic of the day.
“It’s this guy I’ve been dating for like 2 weeks. His name is Angel.”
“Okay, okay, Angel. Angel and Bridgett… Bridgett and Angel. Doesn’t necessarily roll off the tongue but keep going.” Penelope says.
“I met him at the coffee shop by my apartment. It was that one morning Hotch needed us to come in at like 6am so I grabbed some coffee and they were getting a delivery while I was waiting and the delivery guy noticed me, I noticed him after the third time he passed me by. So I smiled at him and he stopped to talk to me on my way out. We've gone on a few dates and he’s really nice.”
“Just nice? Are you not completely into him?” JJ questions.
“I don’t know, he’s nice, and he is cute. But I don’t know it’s weird, I know you’re both going to say I’m selling myself short but he’s out of my league. Our connection is good when we’re together but I can’t help but think that maybe he’s just putting a front on. It’s all probably just in my head… right?”
“If it’s only been a few dates this is all still new. The both of you are trying to figure each other out. I wouldn’t discredit him just yet, sweetheart.” Penelope interjects, rubbing her shoulder in comfort.
JJ’s phone rings from her pocket, her groaning and leaving out the door to the elevator.
“Do you think it’s a good idea to bring another guy tonight? I’m not judging, I just don’t think that there’s *someone you didn’t think about.”
Bridgett knew who she was talking about as soon as she said it, and she was right, Bridgett didn’t think about Spencer.
“You don’t know for sure if Spence likes me, Penelope.”
“Um, Earth to madam profiler! Bridgy, the boy is beyond in love with you. You don’t see what everyone else in this office sees when you talk to him, or when someone talks about you.”
Bridgett sighs, rubbing her temple with her fingers lightly.
“What am I supposed to do? I’m genuinely asking I’m not trying to be a bitch but, am I supposed to wait, god knows how long, for him to make the first move? I don’t make the first move. Ever. That’s not me and it makes me want to physically puke even thinking about it. What if he never does it? Then what?”
“I know, beautiful, and I didn’t mean to make you question dating other people, but I just want you to think about it.”
Bridgett felt off the rest of the day after her talk with Garcia. She almost wanted to just call Angel and tell him that there had been a change of plans and she wasn’t going to the party anymore. But he had told her on the phone a few nights ago he had gotten a special outfit for the night.
Bridgett sits on the couch, her hair flowing down her back, makeup fresh on her face, and a dark maroon dress clinging to her body, the dress ending mid thigh. While she was staring at her phone deciding on whether or not she was going to call Angel and cancel, it starts ringing, his name appearing on screen.
“Hey you, I’m on my way to come get you. I’ll be there in about 5 minutes.”
Her stomach turns, but in a good way.
“Okay. I’ll be waiting. See you in a bit.”
She slips her heels on, leaving them for the last minute knowing they were going to kill her feet by the end of the night. She paced back and forth, double and triple checking she had everything in her clutch. there’s a knock at the door in a rhythmic pattern, one that Angel frequented when he came over to pick her up. Bridgett walks to answer the door, opening it with a smile. He smiles back, handing her a single red rose.
“For you.” He smiles, kissing her cheek. Bridgett’s cheeks get warm, a nervous laugh coming from her mouth.
“Thank you. You look very handsome.”
He looked so incredibly handsome in the dark brown button up tucked into black dress pants he was wearing, everything head to toe was on point and it made her swoon a little bit.
“Are you ready to go? I’m definitely going to need directions to your coworker’s house.”
“This is going to sound very shallow, but how much money do FBI agents make? This house is huge.” Angel whispers to Bridgett, walking up to Rossi’s house.
“He used to work for the FBI back in the day, he retired and wrote a couple of books and he started doing book tours and signing, lectures. So he always hosts parties because this is his house. He’s a great guy, you’ll like him.”
Bridgett was beyond nervous for everyone to meet this new guy. Especially since he was so new in her life. And since the conversation she had with Penelope, she was nervous if she was right how Spencer would react.
She rings the doorbell to the large house, waiting for someone to answer the door. Derek opens the door, a surprising look on his face.
“Hey Bridge. Come on in.” Derek studies Angel up and down.
“Derek, this is Angel. Angel this is Derek. He and I work together at the Buerau. He’s our resident badass and big brother.”
The front of the house fills with the rest of the team members; Emily, JJ, Penelope, Hotch, Rossi, but no Spencer. She introduces everyone to Angel , Rossi handing both of them a drink after the introductions are done.
The mood was light while everyone was inside sitting around a large table, everyone talking and laughing.
“I gotta use the restroom. I’ll be back, if I’m not back in 10 send a search party.” Angel jokes, making Bridgett laugh.
“Hey pretty boy made it!” Derek calls out, everyone’s attention turning to Spencer. He smiles and waves awkwardly, coming to join everyone else. He had a nice plum colored button up on with a skinny solid black tie, and of course his converse on. He looked really handsome. Bridgett waves at him from her seat, Spencer walking over and sitting on the opposite side of her.
“You’re late. What took you so long?” Bridgett teases.
“The subway. It randomly broke down right before I was supposed to get off for 15 minutes.”
“Well hey, don’t worry about taking the subway home, I’ll just take you. I’m sticking to one glass tonight, I’m not going to be drunk.”
Spencer smiles at her, nodding his head as he takes a drink from his glass, “Yeah that would be great thanks Bridge.”
Bridgett feels the chair on her other side slide back, Angel touching her bare shoulder as he sits back down. Spencer’s eyes fixate on the stranger, his eyes flickering back and forth between him and Bridgett.
“Who’s this?” Spencer questions.
“Oh I’m Angel, I’m Bridgett’s date.”
The room fell quiet, everyone watching the exchange. Spencer’s jaw clenched, taking a longer swig of his drink.
“Date huh? Nice.” He says under his breath.
Bridgett’s cheeks getting hot, getting through this dinner was going to be interesting.
Spencer was beyond fuming, but in the back of his mind he knew he had no true right to feel this angry.  But seeing that the girl he’s in love with be touched and goggled over made him seethe with rage.
If you weren’t such a goddamn wimp, maybe Bridgett and you could have gone together as a date, but no you have to be afraid of fucking everything.
Spencer knocks the glass of wine back, asking Rossi if he had anything stronger., to which he offered him his best scotch and Spencer took. He quickly shoots that one down, instantly regretting it once he feels the fire in his throat.
Bridgett watches him cough after hearing him swallow the shot, in the few years she’s know Spencer, he’s had maybe half a sip of champagne, and again… it was half a sip. “Woah, slowdown, I can’t carry you out of here.” Bridgett comments, laughing slightly.
Spencer pours another shot full, keeping his eyes on hers the whole time while he slowly sips, finishing yet another glass.
“Slow enough for you?”
Spencer didn’t speak one word while everyone was eating , anytime Bridgett spoke to him, Spencer wouldn’t look at her, he just nodded his head and take a heavy drink. He got more and more angry throughout the night, nobody else could tell if it was the alcohol or Angel.
Not too long after dinner was over some of the team started to leave. Angel wraps his arm around Bridgett’s waist, kissing her cheek.
“What do you say we get out of here?” Angel whispers in her ear. Bridgett giggles, smiling at him.
“Okay. I told my friend Spencer I would take him home, so I need to drop him off before I get home. Let me go find him.”
Bridgett walks to the backyard to try to find Spencer, not finding him with the rest of the team that was still here. She walks back inside, finding Derek and Penelope before they leave.
“Hey, have you seen Spence? I was supposed to give him a ride home.”
Derek sighs, throwing his jacket on. Penelope stares at Derek then back at Bridgett.
“He uhh… got a call from his mom’s care facility. He left like 10 minutes ago.”
“Oh my god is she okay?”
“He didn’t say. He was… upset.” Derek states, rubbing her shoulder in comfort. “I’ll see you Monday morning, mama.”
Bridgett walks to Rossi and Emily chatting with Angel, her coat in his hands.
“Hey, Spence took off because of a family emergency. So if you still want to head out, we can.”
Angel nods his head, helping Bridgett put her coat on and saying his goodbyes to the pair before walking hand and hand out with Bridgett back to her car.
Bridgett walks through the elevator, pulling the door open to the dugout. She spots Spencer at his desk, not expecting him to be at work this morning.
“Hey, you’re here. How’s your mom?”
Spencer barely turns his head to give Bridgett a dirty look, going back to scribbling something in his notebook.
“Fine.” He says plainly.
“Garcia said that you left Rossi’s party the other night because you got a call from your mom’s care facility that something happened. And you didn’t answer my phone calls all weekend. I was worried about you.”
Spencer gets up from his desk with a sigh, whizzing past her toward the conference room. Bridgett stands there, completely confused why he wasn’t speaking to her.
“Hey mama, we have a local case, Hotch said a briefing in 5.” Derek says, passing by her quickly.
Bridgett sets her bag at her desk, taking her notebook and pen with her to the conference room, sitting in her usual spot next to Spencer.
“Hey, are you okay?” She asks quietly.
Spencer visibly rolls his eyes, fidgeting with his pen between his fingers.
“Yup. Just fine.”
Bridgett opens her mouth to ask him another question but everyone grabs their seat as JJ begins briefing everyone on their case.
Hotch had Bridgett and Spencer partner up to examine the crime scene and Spencer was beyond annoyed. Bridgett could feel the anger and tension between both of them the car ride to the crime scene. She wanted to ask what his deal was but she didn’t want there to be more anger in the air when they got to their destination.
While they were examining the crime scene and talking with the town sheriff, Spencer undermined every single thing she asked, said, or thought and it was pissing her off.
After a few hours they were ready to head back to headquarters and Bridgett was furious.
“Hey, Spencer, could you have me a tissue please?” Bridgett asks, motioning to the glove compartment. Spencer sighs loudly, opening the drawer and slamming the door closed hard. That was it.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” Bridgett yells. “Why are you being such a fucking dick? What did I do to you?”
“What are you talking about?”
Bridgett bites her cheek, putting her turn signal on and pulling off to the side of the road.
“What are you doing?” Spencer asks, raising his voice.
“No, what are you doing?! I don’t know why you’re pissed off at me, but you making me look like I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about when we’re working is not okay. This attitude you’ve had with me all morning is starting to piss me off and I’m over it! What did I do?”
Spencer sits quietly, gathering his thoughts.
“I don’t want to talk to you about it.”
Bridgett was about 2 seconds away from screaming in anger, her hands grip the steering wheel, knuckles white.
“So instead of being a fucking adult you’re choosing to act like a child and not tell me why you’re angry with me? Real mature Spencer. You know, for a genius, you can be real dumb sometimes.” She fires off at him.
“Nice to know that’s what you think of me.” Spencer says quietly, grabbing his satchel, opening the car door and walking away from the car.
Bridgett sits dumbfounded. She gets out of the car, running after him. “Spencer! What are you doing?!”
He has his back turned to her, his cell phone pressed to his ear.
“Spencer, Spencer, Spencer, Spencer.” Bridgett repeats his name over and over again, getting under his skin.
Once he hangs the phone up he begins walking away again.
“Goddamn it! Where are you going?” She shouts, Spencer stopping in his tracks.
“Going back to work. I’m not riding with you back. I called a cab”
“Why are you being like this? What did I do Spencer?!” She was pissed, getting upset, and tired.
“You’re being a shitty friend!” Spencer yells, visibly taken back at what he even just yelled.
Bridgett stares at him, tears clouding her vision. “I’m not a shitty friend.” She says with a light voice. “You really think I’m a shitty friend? All the nights I spent on the phone with you because you were having bad nightmares, the time I went to your house at 3:30am because you called me inconsolable, was there for you because you got a call that your mom was having a bad day and you felt guilty for putting her in a mental hospital. All of that I was there for you and you still have the audacity to call me a shitty friend? Really?”
Spencer doesn’t make eye contact with her, his feet kicking the pavement under him. Bridgett walks back to the car, tears flowing down her cheeks at his words. She sits in the car, watching Spencer sit on the sidewalk, waiting for his cab, his head turning every so often to see the car still parked several feet away. Bridgett openly sobbed in the car, she was sensitive enough as it was, but having her best friend call her a shitty friend broke her. She waits in the car until she sees a yellow cab pull up next to Spencer and him get in it. Even though he just pissed her off, she didn’t want him to be by himself in the middle of nowhere. Once she sees him get in she drives off toward the office, still sniffling and the occasional tear rolling down her cheek.
Once she pulls into the parking spot back at the office, she slowly walks inside, trying to get her mind together before having to go back and face the rest of the team. She walks through the doors, throwing the case file on her desk and grabbing her bag to go home.
“Hey, where’s Spence?” Derek asks, popping up behind her.
“Fuck if I know.” Bridgett mumbles, turning to walk out for the day.
“Wait! Where are you going? What happened? Are you crying?” Derek rattles his questions off one after the other.
Bridgett continues walking out, ignoring Derek talking to her. She presses the elevator down button, waiting for it to come. She feels someone next to her, Derek. She sighs, folding her arms over her chest. The doors open, both of them walking in.
“What’s wrong?”
Bridgett clears her throat, choking back a sob.
“Spencer and I got into it… he got out of the car on the way back and called a cab to come get him because we were yelling at each other. He called me a shitty friend.”
“He’s going to kill me for saying this, but the reason he left on Saturday was because he was angry that you brought that kid with you to the party. He sort of has a thing for you.”
“Everyone keeps telling me that, you, Garcia, but he hasn’t made a move on me. I’m not going to wait for him to do it. I know that sounds mean but I can’t wait forever.”
Derek nods his head. “I know. I’ve been trying to tell him. And I told him the other night too. I’ve never seen him so mad. It definitely didn’t help that he was drinking everything in sight. But I can tell you that you’re not a shitty friend. Spencer just says what’s on his mind when he’s mad.”
“So that means he has it in his head that I’m shitty to him.”
Derek shakes his head, giving her a tight hug.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying. Let me talk to him. See if I can get him to calm down. Go home, I’ll tell Hotch you got sick on the job and take the rest of the day to make yourself feel better, alright?”
Bridgett nods, giving him a hug.
Bridgett grabs the plate of her favorite comfort meal, breakfast food drenched in hot sauce, and takes it over to the couch, flipping through the tv channels to find something to watch for the night. Her favorite movie was already loaded into her DVD player from the last time she watched it, and that was probably what she was going to settle for. As she takes a huge mouthful of eggs there’s a soft knock at the door. She groans, quickly chewing her food, opening the door quickly. Spencer is standing there, his head down, fidgeting with the leather strap across his chest.
“Hi.” He says quietly.
“Hello.” Bridgett responds, a hint  of attitude in her tone, still a little bitter at him for his earlier outburst.
Spencer bites his bottom lip, awkwardly fixing her doormat with his foot to straighten it out.
“I was wondering if I could talk… if we could talk.”
“What about?” She asks, crossing her arms over her chest, still not letting him inside.
“I wanted to tell you I’m sorry.” Finally looking into Bridgett’s eyes.
“Oh really? Okay well I’m listening.”
Spencer sighs, tapping his fingers on his bag.
“Derek told me that you went back to work crying… about what I said to you and I didn’t mea-“
Bridgett interrupts, just to get under his skin. “What did you say to me? I forgot.” She questions, her voice thick with sarcasm.
Well she isn’t going to make this easy.
“I… I called you a shitty friend. And I didn’t mean it, Bridge. I was angry and I should have never said it because it’s far from the truth. You’re the only true friend I’ve ever had, and I feel like such a dick for saying it to you. I probably can’t ever apologize enough to make up for it, but my apology is genuine.”
Bridgett continues to stare at him for a few seconds, she could tell he really was sorry for his harsh words, and even if she wanted to, she couldn’t be mad at him.
“Come in.” She moves from the middle of the doorway, letting Spencer in. He walks in, following her to the couch.
“I want you to be honest with me, because I already know the answer to the question.”
Spencer nods his head, playing with a loose string on her throw pillows.
“Do you have romantic feelings for me?”
Spencer’s eyes grow wide, almost in a cartoonish way. He drops eye contact with Bridgett, his heart beating a million miles per hour.
Tell her. Tell her now. She already knows. Tell. Her.
“Yeah.” He says, no sound coming out of his mouth, his vocal chords frozen. He clears his throat, “Yeah, I have feelings for you. I have for a while now.”
“How long is a while?” Bridgett questions, feeling a bit of relief that he finally admits it.
“476 days. Since the night at the hotel… in Idaho. Well actually 388 days before that, it’s kinda why what happened in Idaho… happened. So 864 days total.”
Bridgett nods her head, trying to hide the smirk on her face, remembering very fondly of what happened in Idaho.
“And why did you feel the need to hide the fact you had feelings for me that weren’t just sexual feelings? Why do you think that you couldn’t tell me you liked me in a romantic way?”
“I don’t know. I was scared that you were going to laugh in my face when I told you that I fell in lo-.” He stops himself before he says the word.
“Fell in love with me?” Bridgett asks, finishing his sentence.  
He nods his head, afraid to say the words.
“I wouldn’t laugh at you. And to be honest with you, I would be lying to myself if I said I didn’t like you too. I haven’t been in love with you for 800 days, but I do love you.”
Spencer stays quiet, smiling to himself. “864 days.”
Bridgett rolls her eyes and elbows his arm playfully.
“Oh, so sorry 864 days. Since we’re talking about how many days we’ve been in love with each other, I've been in love with you for about…” Bridgett pauses as she does the math in her head, not anywhere close to how fast Spencer’s brain worked. “730 days.”
Bridgett nods her head, “Yeah, it’s kinda hard not to love you. You know what solidified my love for you? Do you remember when we were flying back from Seattle, and you were exhausted, we were sitting together, we had barely been in the air for 20 minutes and I felt your head rest on my shoulder. I looked over at you and you were passed out. I put my head on yours and I fell asleep too. When I woke up, Emily had a picture on her phone she had taken of us and I knew that I loved you.”
Spencer touched Bridgett’s cheek with his thumb softly, staring at her deep brown eyes. He takes Bridgett’s hand in his, holding them close to his chest.
“I love you Bridgett, and I really want to make you happy.”
She lets go of his hands and places both of them on each side of his face, giving him a smile.
“I forgive you.” She says softly, kissing his lips. “And I love you too.”
“So does this mean you’re my… girlfriend?”
Bridgett kisses his lips softly, smiling at him lovingly.
“Yes, yes it does mean I’m your girlfriend. You good with that?”
“Very. I’m very good with that.”
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ciderxi · 3 years
She was supposed to be mine Pt. 4
Title: She was supposed to be mine
Chapter- 4 Unfaithful
Pairing San x Reader X Yeosang
Word Count:1.5k
Yeosang, how could you do this to me? I'm your best friend, and this is the respect I get???
San gritted his teeth as he continued walking home, knowing that him not leaving would end up with him doing something he would regret. At least in front of you. He wouldn't show you this side of him, not unless he had to of course. San stormed back to the house, slamming the door upon entry. Scarring a half awake Seonghwa, causing him to drop some of the food he was cooking.
Sannie, what's wrong?"he rushed to his friend and gently pulled him in a hug. Slowly bringing him out of his blind rage. Seonghwa, being the good mom he is, took him to sit on the couch. "San what happened?"
San takes in a deep breath before figuring out what the best course of action was. "Y/n..." San mumbled as tears threatened to fall from his eyes 
"Is she okay???" Seonghwa asked with a concerned expression. Tears began to fall as he held onto Seonghwa's hand, using it for comfort "She cheated on me with Yeosang, in the woods behind our house" Seonghwa stared speechless as he was wondering how you could do such a thing "You guys have been together for the month that you've known each other, and she already cheated on you??? When are we going to confront them?" Seonghwa was visibly upset, yet not wanting to believe you would actually do such a thing, especially to San, considering how much he adored you.
"I'm not going to, we're not going to. I don't want to lose her"
Seonghwa embraces him, not being able to stand the sight of his friend crying. "Whatever you want to do, I'll support you, why don't you go take a shower to freshen up while I make everyone breakfast. Everyone is asleep, I won't tell anyone unless you want me to" he gave him a smile and helped him up.
"Thank you, I'll figure out what to do later" San wiped the tears from his face and left to go shower, leaving Seonghwa in the kitchen to angrily cook.
How could Yeosang and Y/n do this?
Finishing up any remaining dishes, Seonghwa hears the front door open only knowing who it can be at this time of day.
"Yeosang. Y/n. I need to talk to you."
Not understanding the tone in his voice you and Yeosang follow him to the kitchen. They all seated at the table, Seonghwa looks at them seeing if he can read their expressions, "So what was it that you wanted to talk about with us."
The quietness was only growing more and more tense, unable to breathe through the dense air, You squirmed in your seat as Yeosang cleared his throat.
Seonghwa finally spoke, although his tone towards then was a bit stern, "Where were you?" Unable to answer right away you and Yeosang looked at one another as both became flustered.
"Oh I went out on a coffee run and ran into Yeosang while he went out to get snacks" Seonghwa didn't look like he's buying it as he looked at you and Yeosang, noticing the nervousness in your voice as you spoke to him, had she lied to him?,No she isn't like that, why would she cheat and lie to me about it? She's probably just winded from her run. or maybe they don't know much about her to begin with.
"Yeah I ran into her while I was coming back from getting some snacks and thought I accompany her with a little morning walk. She wanted to burn off the calories from her coffee, she likes it really sweet."
Seonghwa wasn't buying their story as they both have the same nervous energy. Just as he was about to call them out of it, Wooyoung walked into the living room. Essentially saving both you and Yeosang from any more questioning Mom Seonghwa, Wooyoung enters wearing an energetic expression. "Ah Yeosang you're back! Thanks for getting me those snacks, I really didn't feel like going out today. I owe you one" he flashed a smile and winked at them while Seonghwa faced the nervous couple.
Turning his attention to Wooyoung, Seonghwa still as skeptic, only deciding to no longer interrogate the two as they weren't coming out with the truth. "Very well, go clean yourselves up then come back for breakfast."
Leaving as quickly as possible, out of Seonghwa's earshot, Yeosang thanked Wooyoung with a hug. He had only told Wooyoung, he trusted him the most after all. As he was the only one who knew of his plan, he asked him to cover him in case anyone had gotten suspicious. He needed to make sure you didn't get in trouble for him not being able to stay away from you. Especially not after the way San reacted to her bathroom conversation
Walking to his own room, Yeosang gives one final glance to you as he raises one finger to his lips indicating to their shared secret. Smiling back to him with a nod, you walk into your own room locking the door behind you so you can really go clean yourself up and change,
My clothes already smell like him~ I don't want to take them off~.
Seonghwa didn't see much of the truth nor could he really detect their lies even if they were both nervous and awkward. But he decided to let it slide if they were guilty, they would get caught.
San waited in his room pacing back and forth wondering what Seonghwa did after the two came back together, wondering what lies they told to his face, what lies will you tell him next, and what more lies will they come up with...together. San then decided that he'll go to your room to visit. His anger still ready to burst, but he made sure to maintain his composure before he makes his arrival.
"Hey babe! Where have you been, I wanted to take you out to breakfast" San said as he barged through her door with a smile plastered on his face. You panickingly dropped your phone after being startled by his arrival "San... how did you get in. I'm sure I locked the door behind me." San averted his eyes, keeping his hands behind his back while tucking away a key in his back pocket. "Are you sure? If you did then I wouldn't be able to get in."
"Well at least I think I did..." she said as she bent down to pick up her phone.
San stared at her ass, the yoga pants not leaving much to the imagination. His sudden lust turning into a seething anger.
"Yeosang got to see her in those pants before I did, he got to hold her and kiss her while he practically got to see everything" he clenched his fists as his own thoughts built upon his anger.
"Breakfast sounds great, where did you have in mind?"
"I made a reservation at this nice private restaurant, so we won't have to worry about people seeing us" he forced a smile as his anger slowly dissipated, loving the way her eyes smiled along with her. "Great~ should I wear something fancy? Ooo I could wear my black off the shoulder dress!" she said excitedly, trying to ease the anxiety that she had.
"How is she lying to my face so easily, you would have fucked Yeosang in the woods if you guys had time, right Y/n??????"
"Wear something ...hm.. Sexy~" he wrapped his arms around you as he hugged her from behind, still being able to smell Yeosang's cologne.
"San you're holding me a bit too tight" you said in a half joking, half panicky manner, was he angry? What if he had caught them?
San slightly loosened the hug, allowing you to breathe a bit more. "I just love you sooo much Y/n, you know that right??" You could sense a bit of accusation in his voice, but put it down as just being paranoid.
There was no way he caught them, it was 6am, and no one else knew about Yeosang's secret getaway. No reason to be paranoid Y/n.
"I know, I love you too Ye-San" you pulled him into a kiss in the hopes that he didn't hear you almost say Yeosang's name.
San cocked an eyebrow in disbelief" Did you just say Ye-" your lips collided into his before he could react. San quickly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you deeper into the kiss, his tongue exploring every crevice of your mouth. Noticing the slightly minty flavor that was left over from your 'coffee run'.
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jimmys-zeppelin · 3 years
chapter five
(table of contents)
(chapter four)
march 17, 1976
Ellie groggily rubbed at her eyes, 'still on the plane, I see', she thought to herself. She wasn't even sure how long she'd slept, but knew she should probably get back to it so as to avoid jet lag, according to Jimmy. Her throat was dry and she reached for a water bottle that was lodged in the seat-back pocket in front of her. The water bottle crackled loudly in the silence of the packed airplane.
Jimmy stirred next to her, his right hand was atop her left and he gripped onto her a bit tighter at the sudden noise. "Els?"
"Sorry, I was getting some water." she whispered, uncapping the bottle and drinking whatever was left in the quarter-full bottle. She'd have to remember to get another one in case she got thirsty.
"We're in first class, you can just ask a flight attendant for a glass." Jimmy whispered.
"I didn't want to bother anyone. Plus I had my water bottle." Ellie replied, "how much longer do you think?"
Checking his watch, Jimmy did some quick math in his head before answering, "I don't know, like five more. My watch is still on Pacific time."
"Ugh, I don't know how you can do this all the time," she said, leaning back into her chair, "This is just making me nervous, I don't know what to do. I'm so bored."
Jimmy lifted his hand from Ellie's and he took her hand off of the arm rest that separated them. Lifting the arm, he invited her to lean into his chest. "If we were on the Starship," Jimmy whispered once her head laid in the crook of his neck, "I don't think you'd be bored at all."
"Do tell, James." Ellie said suggestively, urging him to indulge on his thoughts.
"Not here, love." He answered—she could tell there was a smile plastered across his face. He patted her head, placing a light kiss on it, "go back to sleep, we'll be there in no time."
Ellie spit out her toothpaste in the Gatwick Airport bathroom. Washing it down the drain, she took some water and splashed her face lightly. Waking herself up so as to adjust the best she could to the drastic time difference. Looking at her watch, it read 10PM, but in actuality it was 6AM in London. It was a new day in her new location, whereas she would just be getting ready for bed—or a party—back at home.
Drying her face with a paper towel, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was a hot mess. Her hair was in need of a brush, her eyes were puffy from sleeping for most of the flight, and her favorite dress—a lime green shift dress that hit her just above the knees—was wrinkled. And her feet were freezing. And although she was wearing a thin layer of tights, they weren't enough to warm her with the penny loafers she was wearing.
Deciding she looked good enough to at least get out of the airport with Jimmy, she ran a damp hand over the flyaways on her head and straightened out her dress before making her way out. Upon exiting the bathroom she was met with a swarm of people. But they weren't surrounding her, they were surrounding Jimmy. He'd been standing outside of the bathroom and naturally people recognized him. Ellie pushed her way through the small crowd and saw Jimmy at the center, talking with other people—presumably Zeppelin fans—when he looked up and Ellie caught his eye.
"Okay, it was a pleasure to meet you all, but the lady and I have to go." Jimmy announced. A few flashes went off as the two walked away along with a couple of groans at the fact that they were leaving. Ellie was mildly stunned. She was famous, of course, but not at all on the level that Jimmy was. People didn't swarm her like they did him.
"Does this happen often?" she whispered once they were a ways away. Jimmy wheeled both of their luggages behind him and kept a quick pace as they walked through the airport.
"Unfortunately." was all he said as they walked out of the airport where a car was already waiting for them. They hopped into the vehicle and were able to take a breather.
The radio played faintly behind them as Jimmy's hand started up Ellie's thigh. She smirked up at him, "what are you doing?"
Smirking back, he answered, "nothing. I'm happy you're here."
"Cheeky thing, you." Ellie giggled, kissing him sweetly on the lips before scooting closer to him and resting her head on his shoulder yet again.
"Since when do you know British slang?" Jimmy asked with a chuckle.
"How long have we been dating?" Ellie asked back.
"Two years." he said, playing along.
"Well, then that should answer your question."
"Yeah, okay, but I don't say cheeky. Or at least not often enough."
"I guess I picked it up from my other English lover, then."
"And who might that be?"
"Not you." she said with an amused dullness to her voice. 
"Oh, now you're just taking the piss." Jimmy laughed.
"Wait, what does that mean?"
After thirty-five minutes or so in the car, Ellie felt like she was going to throw up from going through so much transportation. "Jimmy, are we almost there?" Ellie asked almost as impatiently as a toddler.
He reassured her, "Yes, just wait a few more minutes, I promise you won't have to get into another car or plane for the rest of the day.
Ellie breathed out a sigh of relief, "thank you."
Jimmy showed her a few more interesting sights as the driver went through some more twists and turns. Eventually, they slowed to a stop outside of a large, estate-like house. Ellie looked around after getting out of the car and taking in the fresh air. She got used to the sensation of walking again as she took a few steps around the car while Jimmy took care of the luggages and tipping the driver. Then the man drove off, leaving the couple out on the empty driveway.
"Here we are...home sweet home." Jimmy said after their quiet walk up the drive of the gargantuan house. He unlocked the door and let Ellie inside first.
"Wow, Jimmy, this is beautiful. And I thought my house was big. How come you never showed me?"
"You know I'm not one to show off. C'mon, I'll show you around."
Ellie had lost count of the number of bedrooms Jimmy's house had. She wondered how he was ever comfortable at her house when she didn't have nearly as many rooms or couches or as nice a kitchen. Everything was bigger and better at Jimmy's house.
"Now, don't let the size intimidate you. It's very comfortable here. I want you to feel at home." he said, taking a look around for himself, seemingly admiring the home he'd created for himself.
"Y'know, Jimmy. Taken out of context, one could think you were talking about something else." Ellie joked, holding a completely serious face as she said so.
"You dirty, dirty, girl." he shook his head with a light chuckle, soon changing the topic of conversation, "Are you hungry? I made some arrangements for breakfast at a tea house a couple minutes from here."
"Do they have coffee?" Ellie asked.
"Darling, it's a tea house."
"Right. But should I ask?"
"Absolutely not."
"Got it." Ellie said, "Can I shower and then we go?"
"Of course. There's a bathroom in my room if you wanna go there."
"Okay," Ellie said, starting in the direction of Jimmy's bedroom, "I'll be back in a jiff." she smiled, kissing him on the cheek before heading further into the house.
masterlist | playlist
Taglist: @diaryofafan17 @tophats-n-lespauls @witchesdust @jonesyjonesyjonesy @paginate54 @hejustsatisfiess @salixfragilis @princesspagey if you want to be added to the list lmk!
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infernwetrust · 3 years
To Take Care Of [Duncan Shepherd x Jim Mason] Part 2
Summary: Duncan comes to visit Jim in California one last time.
Warnings: PURE SMUT, fluff, angst, swearing, drug use, emotional
WC: 3.0k
A/N: I can’t believe I literally cried writing this at 6AM lmao. If anyone likes to listen to music while they read for a real tear-jerker, I was listening to Show You by Kasbo the entire time that I was writing this. Thank you for reading! -Juno
GIF by langdonsblood
Tumblr media
The entirety of dinner, Duncan and Jim never once stopped speaking. What they could eat in an hour turned into 2 because they always had a lot of catching up to do when Duncan was back in town or if Jim went down to D.C. It was a sight to see and the both of them couldn't stop giggling about it; how completely opposite the two dressed in the styles that they taught each other about. And when Duncan got up to stretch before clearing the table, Jim's eyes shot straight down to the print between his legs. Jim was always staring at Duncan when he had the chance. Whether it be because he simply adored the man or because he was beyond horny, he could almost never take his eyes off Duncan Shepherd if it was just the two together.
After dinner, the two made their way into the parking garage of Jim's apartment complex and into his car where they shared a joint or two... or three. It's a good thing that Jim always kept a case of water bottles in his trunk because both of them had a very serious case of cotton mouth.
"Fuck, I can't drink it fast enough." Duncan said as he gulped his water down and his cotton mouth still wasn't going away. High off his ass, Jim bursted into giggles at his boyfriend's failed attempt to get his mouth and throat wet. Mouth full of water because he happened to be drinking, of course he sprayed most of it all over his dress shirt.
"Guess I gotta take it off now." Jim said, still giggling.
"No, no." Duncan replied, licking his lips and watching as the water soaked through the material, exposing Jim's toned chest. "Leave it on."
"Okaaaaay." Jim threw his head back, sighing happily before returning his gaze back to Duncan. "So how long is this trip?"
"It isn't." Duncan answered, his eyes glossy from his high.
"What do you m-,"
"I'm not going back to D.C., Jim. I- I'm leaving everything behind. So that we don't have to keep doing this. I miss you a lot when I'm gone. No amount of texts, calls, and video chats can compare to just being here with you."
"Duncan are you se-,"
"Yes. Remember when I told you a couple months ago that I was working on something huge?"
"Yeah." Jim answered, his voice trying hard not to crack.
"I sold what I could and packed what I could. I'm having a couple things shipped down here. And I knew that if I told you while I was back in Washington you'd try to stop me, so I just did it, slowly. I'm discussing buying a house with a couple property owners out here, just have to go see them in person. I was hoping that you would mo-," Jim cut Duncan off, slamming his lips against his in a fiery kiss as he finally let some of his tears go.
"Duncan..." he said as he pulled away, leaving his forehead against his. "I always could of just moved to D.C. You know I'd drop everything for you."
"I know, but I didn't want to. You have a nice little life here in LA and out of PV. It's simple. You're away from the lime light. Private life. DC was so hectic and I was so stressed all the time. Being here with you and loving you, the sand in my toes, a whole lotta margaritas and vodka cranberries, and some of the best sex I've ever had." Jim blushed at Duncan's words.
"California is an interesting place, I can say that for sure. I love it here."
"That's something someone not from California would say." Jim chuckled, causing Duncan to laugh.
"Besides." Duncan continued. "You're still so young and full of life, Jim. DC will suck that right out of you. It's only good for a visit, I promise you that. I've never felt so fucking old."
"Duncan you're only 33."
"And you're 27."
"You're not old, Dunc. At all."
"Oh, I know that now that I've actually been doing things other than working." He winked at Jim.
"And when you're like 76 and I'm like 70, you'll still be my sexy young man."
"Very funny."
"Duncan, I love you." Jim said, turning his body slightly in his seat so that he could face Duncan a little bit better.
"I love you too."
The two sat in silence for a while, staring at each hazy eyed before their gazes finally drew their lips together again, but this time they kissed hungrily. They were handsy.
"No. Not here." Duncan moaned out as Jim's lips made their way to the side of his face and down to his neck.
"Okay. Okay. Fine. C'mon though." Jim quickly hopped out the car, Duncan following behind him. Locking the doors behind them, the two ran through the parking garage like teenage boys; giggling as Jim looked back at Duncan who was hot on his heels. When they got in the elevator, Duncan pinned Jim up against the wall, putting his lips back on his in a breathy kiss filled with hard pants and their hands roamed freely once again. Duncan gripped Jim's ass tightly, pulling him closer, when the elevator dinged. Jim grinned against Duncan's lips before taking off again down the hall. Another chase that Duncan somehow managed to keep up with. How he managed Jim's level of energy he was unsure of, but he loved it anyway.
Jim couldn't get his keys in the door fast enough, pushing it open immediately as soon he heard the click. He tossed his keys on the counter and Duncan pounced on him again. This time, he picked Jim up, Jim wrapping his legs around his waist in yet another steamy kiss, Duncan carrying him to the bed. Jim left his shades open, the moonlight that shined brightly through his window being the only source of light they had to guide them. Duncan set Jim down by the bed, quickly pulling his hoody over his head before ripping Jim's shirt clean off. Jim, too high off marijuana and Duncan's love, didn't seem to care as he fumbled with his belt before finally unbuttoning his slacks and pulling them down.
Duncan pushed Jim down onto the bed before pulling his sweats down. He climbed on top of him, sinking between his legs, planting soft kisses along the surfer boy's neck as he grinded against him through the material of his boxers. Soft kisses were soon turned into harsh sucks and love bites as Duncan left behind a few hickeys on his neck and chest. Jim whimpered underneath him, thrusting upwards for a little more friction, but Duncan planted him back down, thrusting right back. The both of them loved the feeling of the other growing hard in response to each other's touch.
Jim's breathing got heavier as Duncan trailed his tongue down his chest down to his abdomen and just above the hem of his underwear. He slowly pulled them down, leaving kisses and bites on Jim's thighs. Jim let out a low hum in approval before Duncan put him inside of his mouth.
"Mmmmm, Dunc." Jim moaned as he got to work on him. Duncan moved slowly at first, swiveling his tongue over the head. Jim propped himself up on his elbows to get a better view. He bit down on his bottom lip as his breathing became uneven. He gripped the bedsheets beside him, slowly moving his hips to try and match Duncan's rhythm. But then Duncan sped up, completely throwing Jim off. And he was a mess again, slumping back down into his mattress as he let out a deep moan. He grabbed a nearby pillow, throwing it over his face attempting to keep himself from getting to loud, but he knew was pointless. Duncan pushed Jim all the way to back of his throat, allowing for Jim to thrust even further upwards as he bit down hard on the pillow.
"Fuck." he growled as he sunk his hips back down, allowing for Duncan to start bobbing his head back up and down. He was sloppy now, slobbering all over Jim as he moaned, groaned and whined. Tossing the pillow to the side, his hands found their way in Duncan's hair, tugging gently as he brought him closer and closer to the edge.
"Fuck, baby. I'm so close." Jim moaned out, but Duncan didn't stop. Using one of his hands he massaged Jim's balls. His stomach twitched and he knew he was close and when he was right there about to spill over, Duncan stopped, flipping him over into his stomach. He quickly pulled his boxers off, getting his hand wet enough and stroking himself a few times before pouring himself inside of Jim.
"Shit..." Duncan mumbled as Jim's walls wrapped around him, inviting him in. "Still so nice and so warm." Jim bit down on his pillow for the second time tonight. Duncan slapped his ass before he began sliding in and out of Jim whose leaking erecting rubbed back and forth against the soft and warm sheets.
"Missed you so much.." Jim said, barely above a whisper, but Duncan heard him.
"I missed you too." Duncan replied in his ear, speeding up his pace, his hips rocking back and forth. Pure nostalgia filled Jim as he Duncan fucked him with the same intensity he did the first night they met, the second time they got to see each other, and the night that they made it official. Submerged in a world of pleasure, Jim closed his eyes and replayed that memory again, vividly.
"Wanna go for a walk along the boardwalk?" Jim asked Duncan as he shoved his last piece of fried Oreo in his mouth. "And I don't knooooow, maybe tell me what's on your mind? You've been awfully quiet since we sat down to take a break."
"Yeah, come on." Duncan got up rather quickly. Jim got up too throwing his trash away before the two began their walk. They walked closely together, so close that Duncan managed to slip his hand into Jim's and the two intertwined fingers.
"So you're not mad at me for something?" Jim questioned, looking over at Duncan.
"Mad at you?" Duncan asked confused before finally sighing and stopping all together, standing completely in front of Jim.
"Well yeah, you haven't been-,"
"Jim, I love you."
"I know Dunc, I love you t-,"
"No, Jim. I LOVE you. I am IN LOVE with you. I can't keep visiting you and having you visit me and not letting you know how I feel. And you know I'm not all about labels, but this is a label I want. It's a label I need." Duncan poured out. "Every moment I spend with you, I've never felt so alive. Every call we make, every text we send, every time your name or face pops up on my phone, I'm flooded with nothing, but good memories.
"And I know I can come off as a little passive sometimes or shut down, but it was never because of you Jim. I have my own issues that I'm working on. Every time I have to leave or you have to leave, I start counting down the days until I can see you again. Jim you make me so so so happy." Duncan continued. "Fuck this is a lot, just be with me Jim. Please?"
Jim threw his arms around Duncan, pulling him into the tightest hug he could manifest and when he pulled back he pushed his lips up against his in an effort to not start crying in front of all these people.
"Duncan I-," but Jim couldn't even finish his sentence before he hung his head low, arms still wrapped around Duncan's neck.
"There you guys are!" Jim's sister, Medina shouted as walked over to the two. "We've been looking for you guys for a while." Duncan drew his attention away from an emotional Jim, to smile over at Medina.
"You just told him didn't you?" she questioned, smiling right back. When Duncan had landed in California a few days before he already knew what he wanted to tell Jim, but he was nervous and they had gotten so comfortable without their label, he didn't want to ruin that. So when the opportunity presented itself, he sat down with her and poured his heart out, to her, about her brother. She did nothing, but encourage him to go ahead and tell Jim how he was feeling. She wasn't going to let him know how crazy in love Jim was with him too. She wanted Jim to do that himself.
"You knew about this?" Jim snapped his head up to look around at his sister.
"I did."
"She did. She helped me, actually. This confession probably would have been waaaay worse had I not sat down and talked it out with Medina." And for a moment, Jim let go of Duncan, throwing his arms around his sister and lifting her up off the ground in a bear hug.
"Why are you so good to me?" Jim asked her.
"Remember when all we had was each other?" she asked back. "Everyone deserves a shot at happiness Jim and you helped me find mine, so why not bring you closer to yours, hm?" Jim chuckled as he put her back down, giving her boyfriend, Calvin, a fist bump before returning his attention back to Duncan.
"Duncan, I love you too. I'm in love with you." Jim breathed out quickly before his tears could catch back up to him. "And I have so much more to say, but I'm trying so hard not to cry. For a fucking brick wall at times you sure are a tear-jerker. And be yours? I was already yours, Duncan. In my heart, I was already yours. No one was ever going to take me away from you."
"Picture pleaseeeeeee." Medina squealed as she took her phone out of her backpack. "This is too good of a moment to not capture on camera."
"Think you can hold your tears back one more time for a photo, boyfriend?" Duncan questioned, Jim's heart fluttering at the word.
"Shit, I don't know, but it has to be quick." Jim said, a mixture of laughter and a cry. "Because it's coming."
"Jim?" Duncan called out, pausing his thrusts as he held onto Jim's hips. "Why are you crying? Am I hurting you? Do you need me to stop?"
"God, no, Duncan." Jim said. "Keep going. Please. You make me so so so happy." Those words alone were enough for Duncan to realize that he and Jim were thinking about the same memory. And with our further question and without pulling out, he flipped Jim over, so that he was now on his back.
"Just like old times, huh, ocean eyes?" Duncan asked Jim, biting his lip at him. The familiar nickname gave Jim goosebumps. The moonlight illuminated the both of them to each other perfectly, casting shadows around the rest of the apartment.
"Mhmmmmm." was all Jim could get out before Duncan kissed him, slowly, tenderly, and sloppily as he slowly began to move himself in and out of him. Jim's hands tangled their way into Duncan's hair as the kiss deepened and so did Duncan's movements. He took long, deep, and slow strides in and out of Jim, wanting him to feel each and every one of them. They whispered sweet words to one another between their heavy breaths and moans.
Jim wrapped his legs around Duncan as his own pre-cum pooled and pooled against his stomach and he wanted nothing more than for Duncan to take him there again. Duncan took this as an invitation to speed up, moving a pillow behind Jim's head so that it wasn't slamming into the headboard. It was messy now, erratic, Duncan's movements. The both of them were struggling to keep themselves together, struggling to keep each other together with how good they felt. Jim clawed everywhere, especially at Duncan's hips, in an attempt to pull him right back into him when he would thrust out.
"Right there... right there... right there." Jim moaned every time Duncan slammed into his spot and before he knew it, he was coming undone underneath Duncan, hands free. Duncan noticing, grabbed Jim's cock pointing it upwards so that it painted him instead of Jim, stroking him fast as an aid. Duncan's name left Jim's mouth repeatedly as he let go, gripping at Duncan's thighs as hard as he could to stop himself from shaking uncontrollably.
The sight alone was enough to send Duncan over the edge and threw his head back, moaning out Jim's name in return as he pushed all the way in, holding himself there, releasing all of himself deep inside of Jim. He rode out his orgasm before pulling out. He was going to grab for a towel when Jim yanked him back down on the bed, climbing on top of him. He slowly trailed his tongue across Duncan's chest, getting up every last bit of himself.
"Faster clean up." Jim mumbled against Duncan's lips before laying against him all together. Duncan pulled the covers up over them before wrapping his arms around Jim, when Jim heard him sniffle. "Are you crying now?"
"No." Duncan said, obviously lying.
"Uh huh.." Jim said propping his head up on Duncan's chest to look at him. "I love you."
"I love you too. But, um, above moving in with me once I get one of those houses; would you?"
"Of course. If it means that I don't have to go a couple months without seeing you, then of course." Duncan smiled, kissing Jim on his forehead.
"Never have to worry about that again."
"Good..." Jim mumbled, beginning to doze off. Within a few minutes, Duncan found himself asleep, right along with him. Home.
Taglist: @jimmason @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid @9layerdevilfoodcake  @xavierplympton @guiltyfiend @mikhalxngdon​ @theneverendinghunger​
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coreastories · 4 years
The Clock
Part 8 of Days and Nights of Forever
The turning point. She had already said yes. He only needed to hear it.
Ties in with Corea News, Modern Royals: 10 Times the King and Queen of Corea made ahjummas ugly-cry over their romance. The true story of the hug at the clock.
ON AO3 for download and kudos ;) 
“I’m here. How are you? Where are you?” 
Just like that, Tae-Eul felt the day’s tension leave her chest. She could breathe. She felt a smile tug at her lips but she repressed it because Kang Shin-jae was actually glaring at her for her audacity in answering the phone in his august presence. Jerk. 
She turned away from him and walked out of his office. She leaned against the wall and propped her foot on it, not caring if her shoe left that white wall less than pristine. She hoped it did. 
She had missed Gon. They hadn’t been able to see each other last week either. She spoke softly, “I’m sorry, I’m still on that case. We have a breakthrough now. This might end soon. But I might not be able to leave yet.” And that frustrated her more than the case and the helpful bastard in the office did. It was almost five. She should have wrapped things up by now if it weren’t for Mr. Uncooperative. 
“I can come to you. Maybe I can help?” 
Tae-Eul grinned, imagining Gon here facing off with Shin-Jae. “I’m sure you can. But this involves industrial espionage and they’re already iffy about letting us in on it. They want the investigation done by private firms. But their suspect is also our murder suspect so they need to cooperate.” 
And honestly, she didn’t want Gon here, not with this Kang Shin-jae’s brand of condescension. She needed leads, not bullfights. “Look, can you wait at the hotel? I’ll come as soon as I finish.” 
“All right. Saranghae.” 
“Nado.” She knew he was still on the line--he always was, always waited for her that way-- but she ended the call. Then jumped a bit when someone spoke beside her. 
“You expect me to trust you with this case when you take personal calls while on it?” 
Tae-Eul pursed her lips and slowly put her phone back in her pocket. Stupid pocket. When she finally found her pocket-- and when she felt like she wouldn’t snap at the civilian-- she looked at him and smiled. She hoped it looked like a smile. 
“Look, I understand your reluctance, sir, but I’d like to remind you that you might be this entire building’s lord and master but you’re not the boss of me. And you are not trusting me or my team with anything-- it’s our case too whether you like it or not. You need to cooperate if you don’t want us to charge you for obstruction of justice. Let’s get back to it, shall we?” 
They got back to it. Their warrant came and that gave them more leeway in requesting documents and other materials. She tried not to flinch whenever she felt Kang Shin-jae’s gaze on her. He was Kang Shin-jae, the KIT Company’s vice-chairman and pain in the ass who wouldn’t let them have what they needed because it was entangled with the company’s current R&D project. 
He wore an expensive suit--something she could recognize by sight by now because of Gon-- and looked and acted like he owned the place, which he did. Everything about him was different. Definitely not her former hyeong-nim. 
“If you sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, I’ll give you what you’re asking for. You. Just you. Not your entire team, or the NDA just dissolves itself.” 
Tae-Eul raised her eyes to heaven for the-- she’d lost count how many times. “As we told you already, sir, we can’t do NDAs. We might need to disclose something for the investigation.” 
“And we’re back where we started.” 
Tae-Eul smiled and bowed, gritting her teeth. She motioned for Jang-mi and the rest to drop everything. “Thanks so much for your time.” 
It was 10pm. Five hours of looking through files and getting nothing new except the confirmation that their suspect had killed their victim because the victim had found out what the suspect was doing. Typical motive. She could close this case if only she hadn’t come up against this wall that had the face of her former best partner. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful,” Kang Shin-Jae said, and Tae-Eul paused at the door, nearly walking into Jang-mi’s back, because they had all paused. 
She heard Jangmi’s stomach growl. She slapped the guy on the back in second-hand embarrassment. 
“I really am,” Kang Shin-Jae continued. Tae-Eul felt her heart soften a bit, because this man might not be her hyeong-nim--of course he wasn’t-- but he was a good guy. Just a little stiff about his R&D. Understandable enough. “I’ll let you know if we find anything of his whereabouts, or anything that might help you at all. If you go to the cafeteria, they’ll serve you dinner. It’s free. They’re open 24 hours so there’s no need to hurry.”
“Thanks. That’s nice of you.” She inclined her head at him, and he smiled and looked like he wanted to say something else, but she pushed Jangmi forward and followed him out. 
She just wanted to get to the hotel and to Gon.
She was tempted to attach the police beacon on top of her car so she could speed her way there, but she could use the drive to calm down. It wasn’t like she wasn’t used to cases taking their sweet time. She was just… she missed Gon. 
Last weekend, this case had broken wide open with national news coverage. The victim had been a beloved teacher for decades-- with the nosiness to match, which got her in trouble-- and the public were rabid for blood. So Tae-Eul hadn’t been able to get away. 
She missed Gon. 
So when she got to their suite and didn’t find him, all her frustration returned and she felt her eyes grow hot with tears. 
He had left a note on the counter. 
“I’m so sorry, nae sarang. I’m checking on something. If I’m not back and you find this note, it means I had to take care of it. I’ll be back tonight, or tomorrow morning. If you like, you can meet me at the obelisks around 6am. If that’s too early for a Sunday, just wait here. I’ll be here when you wake up. There’s dak-galbi in the microwave.”
She slapped the note back on the counter and went to shower, trying not to be furious that he hadn’t waited, that it had taken her five extra hours to get here, that he wasn’t here, and… 
She wished she could just go to him. 
She loved what they had but it grated at times like this. It grated so much that she couldn’t go to him or simply meet him at some late night restaurant whenever she got off work. 
And something she tried not to dwell on was the fact that if anything happened to him, she wouldn’t even know, unless Jo Yeong decided to have mercy on her and cross the worlds to tell her. If he could even use the flute at all. 
It always made her chest and stomach clench, and she tried not to think of it. They hadn’t talked about it yet, not when they’d just gotten together, in an unspoken understanding of not voicing what they feared. 
What was Gon checking on, and what was so bad about it that it had taken him away from her? Was he all right? 
She waited what seemed like all night. Before closing her eyes to fatigue, she looked at the clock: 2:14am. She woke up again around 4am. At that point, she got out of bed and dressed to go home. She was too wired. She could use a workout at the dojo before heading to the bamboo grove. 
When two hours came and went without Tae-Eul coming through the door and without a phone call, Gon sighed and pinched the nerve flicking between his eyes. 
This was one of those times he really hated that he lost Jo Eun-sup in this new timeline. Gon had no one to call to ask about Tae-Eul. He couldn’t ask her dad-- Gon had tried that once and lost three hours to samgyupsal. 
He turned on the TV and flicked through the channels, stopping on the evening news when he thought he saw Tae-Eul-- and it was. Tae-Eul and Jangmi and two other detectives enter Kang Shin-jae’s building. The footage wasn’t the best but he’d recognize her anywhere. 
And it was Kang Shin-jae on the news. Well, his company. A source had leaked to media that the recent murder case in Jongno was linked to KIT Company. The suspect was a former employee.  
The news cycled through its short footages. Gon saw the blurred and yellow-taped murder scene, the Jongno police station facade, the KIT building exterior, and then that footage again of Tae-Eul and her team in plain clothes entering the building this afternoon, confirming the news item’s claim that KIT Company was connected somehow. 
Gon turned off the TV. He took a deep breath and also tried to turn off his returning and now absolutely ridiculous resentment of Kang Shin-jae. 
He didn’t resent the man. Why would he? He went to the kitchen and fixed something. It was a good night for stir-fry. He took too much satisfaction chopping the vegetables. 
When another two hours went without Tae-Eul, Gon was at the end of his patience. 
He didn’t like what he was feeling. It was ugly and making his jaw clench and he didn’t want Tae-Eul to come to him in this state. She didn’t deserve it. 
So he dashed off a note and left before he changed his mind or decided to do anything stupider, like go to the KIT building. 
Back at the palace, a couple of court maids dissolved into tears when they made the mistake of getting in his way. He had only looked at them venomously, but that was apparently enough. Lady Noh should hire women with more backbone. He snorted. Lady Noh said nothing and only looked at him in reproach. But she didn’t pry. She did bring in a plate of petit fours. 
He ignored them and carried on working until he realized the light in the room had changed. His neck was stiff and his eyes were sticky and fuck it all, it was a quarter to five a.m. 
He’d told Tae-Eul she could meet him or he’d go to her at six. 
He stood in the shower and tried to get his thoughts in order. He turned the water cold because there was a heat in his chest he couldn’t dislodge. He hadn’t seen her last weekend and this one was nearly over and here he was wasting time feeling what? Grouchy that he hadn’t seen her? How old was he, fifteen? 
Jealous that she’d spent half the night with Kang Shin-Jae? 
Christ, it sounded ridiculous in his own head. Kang Shin-Jae was practically a stranger to her.
He was going to fix this. 
Secretary Mo was in his suite’s living room, just about to peer into his bedroom to see if he was done in the shower. Gon swore. “No.” 
“I’m sorry, Pyeha. A Japanese vessel apparently sank a Corean fishing vessel. They’re saying it’s an accident and they’ve rescued the passengers but now Japanese officers are trying to bargain for the release of our fishermen. The Minister of Defense is on the line, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister are also waiting.” 
Gon took the calls in his bathrobe. He asked questions and gave answers. If Secretary Mo noticed he was more curt than usual, she didn’t say anything. When he reached the Prime Minister, he only told her he trusted her completely and ended the call. 
Despite all that and Secretary Mo's matching terrifying efficiency, it was still already a quarter past seven when he finally came out of the obelisks. He found Tae-Eul seated in one of the benches in the grove. 
Glaring at him. And with dark smudges under her eyes. He knelt in front of her. “I’m so sorry. There was an incident that kept me. A Japanese--” 
“Let’s just go. And I’m tired. Maybe we can sleep for a bit?” 
Gon stroked the smudges under her eyes with both thumbs. “Haven’t you slept?” 
She pursed her lips, which she did when she chose not to say what was on her mind, still looking at him darkly but her expression softening by the second. “You look like you haven’t either.” 
That just reminded Gon of his idiocy. He was furious with himself. 
He took Tae-Eul’s hand and stood up, gently pulling her with him. She leaned on him once she was on her feet. His chest tightened with love for this woman and he tucked her against his side with his arm. He walked them toward the obelisks. “We can sleep at the palace.” 
The manpasikjeok hadn’t sent them to any other time for awhile now, and he was glad it didn’t choose today to surprise them. Tae-Eul napped on the boat, and even with that she was still so sleepy, shielding her eyes from the morning’s sunlight when they docked and then made their way to the palace. 
By this time, Gon had devised a completely private and empty route to his chambers, so Tae-Eul didn’t have to hide as she half-walked, half-leaned on him, half-asleep with her cheek on his shoulder. She really was exhausted. 
If his guilt was a pinch before, it was a vise now, squeezing him.  
In his--their-- bedroom, Tae-Eul turned down the covers for herself, took off her shoes, then shimmied out of her jeans. He half-smiled-- those long, gorgeous legs would never stop taking his breath away-- and then tucked her in, bending over to kiss her on the forehead, her tired eyes, her nose, her cheeks, and finally, her lips. 
She kissed him back sleepily, her thumb anchored at his cheek and her fingers doing a lazy, gentle stroking on his neck. This was what he’d needed. He felt the vise in his stomach losing its hold, he felt silly about every other ridiculous thought that had passed through his head. 
But she was sleepy, and he drew back to look at her. Her eyes were already closed. Without opening them, she patted the space next to her on the bed. 
He was just about to get in when the phone in the living room rang. Tae-Eul winced slightly at the noise. 
“I’m sorry. That’s probably Secretary Mo. Something’s happened this morning.” 
Tae-Eul had opened her eyes now. “Is everyone all right? Are you all right?” 
Discounting my fit of idiotic jealousy? “Of course I’m alright, and our people should be,” he said. “Let me answer the phone. I’ll be back.” 
Except he wasn’t able to come back for twelve hours. 
Tae-Eul woke up to Lady Noh peering down at her from beside the bed, having gently shaken Tae-Eul awake. The old lady was also feeling her forehead and cheek now. 
“Are you ill? Why are you so sleepy?”
“No. Just sleep-deprived.” Tae-Eul realized she could smell food. “I brought your lunch. Come and eat.” “Where’s Gon?” 
Lady Noh no longer flinched at that, but she did look at Tae-Eul in sympathy. “He went with the Navy to try to intimidate those idiots into releasing our people.” Lady Noh picked up the tray and placed it before Tae-Eul before she could protest. “Eat. Then sleep some more.” 
Tae-Eul groaned at how the older lady was looking at her. “Lady Noh, I’m not pregnant.” 
“We don’t know that,” Lady Noh said, then she smiled impishly and left, leaving Tae-Eul blushing on the bed. 
Gon hadn’t even slept yet. She knew that sleep-deprived look. She reached for her phone--in this world-- and called him. He answered immediately. 
“Have you just woken up?” 
“Like a ba-- yes, I did. Are you on your way back?” 
“That’s what I want to know myself,” he said, his voice snappish, something she had never heard before. “Can you wait a bit more?”
“It’s not like I have a choice.” 
“Yes, you do. You can cut ties with me.” 
“What?” She had said what she’d said as a joke. Waiting was like their brand. They waited for each other. She scratched her neck. But he was.... angry? And apparently he wasn’t done. 
“Yes. That case that took you away for two weekends now. Maybe you like that case so much because you get to spend it with Kang Shin-jae in his palace.” 
Tae-Eul took the phone away from her ear for a second and stared at it in disbelief. Then she put it back. “I’ll talk to you when you’re making sense.” 
She hung up on him. That would teach him. 
She told herself she was amused and not… not angry. 
She vented it on her food and mutilated her fish and side dishes before eating them all because feeling like this made her hungry. 
Lady Noh came back and seemed inordinately satisfied with her spotless bowls. Tae-Eul felt like pulling her hair. “Lady Noh, I’m not pregnant. What happened with Gon?”
Lady Noh would never sit down on the king’s bed, but she did lean a hip on it, since it was just at the right height. “We got news this morning that a Japanese boat had sunk a Corean fishing boat. Accident, they say, and they rescued everyone onboard. But then the Japanese Navy got ahold of them and someone in that godforsaken government is trying to use the fishermen as a bargaining chip. Ridiculous.” 
“They’re okay? The fishermen? No casualties?”
Lady Noh nodded. “It seemed too neat, if you ask me. Accident, my foot.” 
“What are they trying to bargain about?”
“Who knows. We have so much they want.” 
“Wait, you said you got the news this morning? Not last night?”
“Yes. Well, I don’t know. He was really furious last night. I thought it must have been because of this, because it kept him from you.” 
Tae-Eul blinked at the old woman, trying to make sense of what she just heard.  
When Lady Noh saw Tae-Eul wasn’t going to say anything else, she left with the tray. Tae-Eul got up from bed, went to her dresser, and put on silk pajama bottoms, and then unconcealed the television in the living room suite. 
Either the news outlets were less informed, or they were truly saying Corea only got wind of the “accident” this morning, and assuring the people that the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs had acted quickly. 
The king was with them now to lay terms himself and act on the royal family’s long-standing promise to be the country’s first line of defense from foreign maneuvering and malcontent. 
So Gon must have had another pressing matter on top of this one? Add to being sleep-deprived and no wonder he was snappy.  A fraction of her mind-- a tiny fraction-- was wondering if that other “pressing matter” was named Kang Shin-Jae, but since it was already making her eyes roll, she hoped not. 
“Yes. That case that took you away for two weekends now. Maybe you like that case so much because you get to spend it with Kang Shin-jae in his palace.” 
His brain was already backfiring and imploding with warning even as his mouth actually finished saying all that. Suddenly, the railing of the navy vessel looked so inviting. He could hit his head on it. Or he could climb it and jump overboard and maybe the Pacific could knock some sense into him.  
“I’ll talk to you when you’re making sense.” 
The line went dead. 
Gon’s arm dropped like dead weight at his side and it was only thanks to his phone’s ribbed case that it didn’t slip from his slack hand. 
And he could see Yeong giving him his most judgmental side-eye to date. 
Gon closed his eyes. 
“I can’t believe you said that,” said Yeong quietly. 
Gon closed his eyes harder. “I need sleep. I need to get out of here. I need to go beg Tae-Eul to forgive me for what I said. I need to--”
“Shut up,” said Yeong, more quietly. Gon turned around to see the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs approaching. 
For the moment, he ignored the fact that his Unbreakable Sword had told him again to shut up. Gon straightened his back. “Everything to our satisfaction, gentlemen?” 
“Yes, Pyeha, they just want their own minister to arrive first and officially hand over the passengers.” 
Minister Kim leaned back from Gon’s quiet growl. “They want to make it official. Since Your Majesty is here, they couldn’t be completely without a representative from their own government.” 
Gon was about to say he can bloody well leave when he realized he couldn’t, and shouldn’t. “Very well. Are they coming by air?” 
“By boat, Pyeja. I’m sorry for the delay. The minister apparently has an ear condition that doesn’t let him travel by air.”
“Then why is he coming in the first place-- why couldn’t someone else-- fine.” 
He was whining so he stopped. He looked at Yeong to get some sympathy but only got another glaring side-eye. 
“Go ahead, let me have it, then,” Gon said, when he and Yeong were alone again. 
“Pyeha, I’m sure nothing I tell you is worse than what your own head is already spewing. What did she say?”
“Only said she’ll talk to me when I’m talking sense.” 
Yeong nodded in what seemed like agreement and approval. 
Gon pressed his fingers against his eyes.  
“Can you really see yourself living with that option?” Yeong asked quietly, not looking at him but at the horizon. 
“The one you told her. Breaking things off with you. Choosing Kang Shin-Jae in his palace.” 
“You don’t need to quote me.” 
Yeong just cut his eyes at him. 
“No,” said Gon. “No.” 
And that was it, wasn’t it? That possibility, that threat, no matter how implausible with Tae-Eul’s love for him, was enough to shake him and send him incoherent and mindless with rage. 
His jaw clenched. It would be so simple. Tae-Eul could have a good life with no complications, no obligations. She could have someone daily, not on weekends, and she could go to the man anytime she wanted, and they could have that domestic simplicity of living together, waking up together, every day. 
Everything Gon wanted but couldn’t give her at the present, not with their separate worlds and separate lives. 
He was a mathematician. His brain could see and calculate figures in an instant. Kang Shin-Jae was a better equation for Tae-Eul. He was in her world. That alone was a figure Gon couldn’t match. 
His phone buzzed in his hand, and it brought him outside his own head. 
The text message was short, to the point. Tae-Eul. With her amazing ability to read through him, apparently even across the ocean when he was at sea. 
His eyes stung. And he convinced himself it was the salt air. Not his profound awe of this woman fate had given him. 
I love you. I’ll see you at the clock.
Lady Noh had brought Seung-ah over when Tae-Eul saw the latest update on the situation Gon was smoothing over, so both women heard Tae-Eul swear vehemently. 
She blushed. But they took it in stride. 
Seung-ah grinned. Tae-Eul thought the girl was just too fascinated with the king’s secret girlfriend just now. Lady Noh had wanted Seung-ah and Park In-yeong, who were sort of like her protegees, to know of Tae-Eul, because Tae-Eul needed it. 
It was like a shield against scandal: Tae-Eul had the highest court lady who was practically the king’s grandmother, the Royal Public Affairs Office, and the only female member of the Royal Guard, on her side. Tae-Eul saw the sense in it. 
And right now, she was thankful for it. 
“He’ll be stuck there for another five hours?!” she ranted. “They’re waiting for the Japanese Defense minister.” 
“They’re posturing. His Majesty soundly kicked their ass-ets again in this round,” said Seung-ah, adjusting her vocabulary when Lady Noh looked at her. “So they’re posturing to save face, making the king wait.”
Tae-Eul sighed. 
“Do you want to take a walk with me?” Seung-ah asked. “I can show you around and you can tell me more about your cases.” 
“Cases” often included questions about Gon, just bordering on invasive but never actually crossing the line. Tae-Eul was trained as a detective and she still learned questioning techniques from Seung-ah. 
“All right. I can’t stay here all day. Just let me get dressed.” 
Inside the en suite, she debated for a couple of seconds whether she should call Gon. She was worried about him, sleep-deprived and out on a ship under the sun and she wanted to let him know she was behind him one hundred percent, whether or not he was in some snit about Kang Shin-Jae. 
Especially if he was in a snit about Kang Shin-Jae. 
But if she was in a snit and stuck somewhere she’d rather not be, she wouldn’t want him to bear the brunt of her temper either. So instead of calling, she should send a text. 
I love you. Don’t worry about me. Don’t think about Kang Shin-Jae. You’re the only one I want and I’m happy to be right here with you even if you’re far away from me. I’m going out with Seung-ah. I saw everything on the news so I know you’re still stuck there. I’ll see you at the clock. 
She frowned at that message and edited it to the most important bits that would actually accomplish what she wanted for him. 
She didn’t want him to think Kang Shin-Jae was still on her mind. She didn’t want him to dwell on the fact that they weren’t with each other right now, another weekend gone. She didn’t want him to worry, period. About the men in her world or her going out and about in his.
I love you. I’ll see you at the clock.
It was dark and the clock was like a moon in the street when she saw his tall form coming toward her. Members of the Royal Guard were already scattered around them, probably long before she even saw Gon, which would explain the privacy and quiet they suddenly had, even in that public and much beloved part of the palace grounds. 
She stood up as he neared her and her arms came up almost of their own accord when she saw his face. When he pulled her into his arms, hers came around his waist, and she held him tight, feeling him shake a little and then go still as he sighed against her hair. 
She felt his hand cradling her head and heard him whisper, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said.”  
She patted his back and squeezed him over his soft coat. “Of course you didn’t.” 
“I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.” 
“Will you be my queen? Will you let me be the one to fill your days?” 
He had asked her that question so many times now but Tae-Eul still felt her heart clench every time he did. She used her grip on his coat to push him a little so they could part enough for her to see his face, and for him to see hers when she said, “Not today.” And just before his face shuttered at her usual reply, she added, “But soon.” 
He didn’t smile like she’d expected, didn’t speak, only looked at her so intensely Tae-Eul felt her blood pound on her chest, neck and cheeks. 
When she was about to tug him at the waist again to demand he say something, he brought one hand to her cheek and said, “Do you mean that? Will it make you happy?” 
And Tae-Eul felt herself soften in his arms, felt her eyes brim with love for this man fate gave her. Because when she said Soon, she’d expected him and his mathematician mind to ask, When?
But no, he was only-- he only ever thought of her happiness. And maybe she should, too. Her happiness and his. Because he deserved it. 
She nodded, nodded hard and with conviction because she was daring any gods out there to interfere. “Of-- of course it will,” and her voice trembled a little. So she cleared her throat and said more firmly, and simply, “Yes.” 
He smiled. 
Added that line from the novel. But pretty much completely the original outline. Whew. Let me know whatcha think. Homestretch. :) 
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lowkeyleaffan · 4 years
Doctors Orders - Morgan Rielly part 2
A/N: no one really asked for a part 2 but I love Morgan and wrote on anyways :)
Words: 2985
warnings: a couple swear words
Sunday Nov 17, 2020
Morgan and you have been texting constantly since the date, he had asked you to go out again tonight and of course you agreed right away. There was something about Morgan that drew you to him. Although you couldn’t pin exactly what it is yet, you didn’t care that Morgan was Jake's teammate although you probably should. Jake was a great brother but he was overprotective. Being his only sister he wanted the best for you, so anyone you brought home was never good enough for you, or well him. You add the fact that Jake would often get his teammates from the Kings to intimate dates as well, it wasn’t fun. You are well aware that you should probably tell Morgan that he plays with your older brother, you can’t help but feel it’s too early and would scare him away. 
You were brought out of your thoughts by a knock on your door. You go open it and see Morgan standing there smiling holding flowers. Lily's to be exact, your favourite kind of flowers. You step aside and Morgan walks in.
“Hey, you look beautiful.” Morgan says as he gives you a quick hug and he kisses your cheek.
“Thank you, you look quite handsome.” you say.
He wasn’t dressed up by any means, just a nice pair of jeans and a white button down but it’s Morgan and he’ll look good in anything he wears. He hands you the flowers and you can’t but blush.
“These are for you.” he says.
“Thanks, let me put them in water.” you say before you go to the kitchen and get a vase. Morgan followed you in and suddenly you’re thankful you don’t have any pictures of you and Jake or your family in your living room. You filled the vase with water before you put the flowers in.
“I hope you like lily's.” he says laughing awkwardly “my mom said most girls do.”
“I do, they’re actually my favourite flowers.” You say smiling and you see him relax.
“Should we get going?” he asks and you nod. 
The two of you walk towards your door and you get your purse. You leave the apartment and walk to the elevator. The ride down and the walk to the car was quite but you didn’t mind. When you got to his car your eyes widen as you see the car of your dream in front of you. He opens the door to his BMW and you get in before he shuts the door, he goes around the car to get in the driver seat. When he gets in he pulls away and starts to drive.
“Can I know where were going?” you ask laughing.
“Nope, it’s a surprise,” he says glancing over to you quickly before he looks back to the road “my teammate Jake recommended it though.”
Great! So Jake knows Morgan is going on a date, and he knows you're going on one because he asked you to babysit so he could take Country out. Sometimes it’s a good thing Jake isn’t the smartest person in the world.
“How was work today?” Morgan asks. 
“Oh it was good, nothing crazy.” You say shrugging.
“Nothing crazy?” He asks laughing.
“Yeah, I just had a few labs and charts to go over. 6-6 isn’t the best shift but I’m used to them.” You say shrugging.
“Wait, 6pm to 6am?” He asks and you nod.
“Yeah, I was on overnights last week, I have tonight and tomorrow off before a week of 6am to 6pm. So I do 6 days on 2 off 6 days.” You explain as you pull up to the restaurant.
“Man I couldn’t imagine that.” Morgan says as he parks the car and turns it off. 
“But you can risk your body every night?” You asks as you unbuckle and Morgan opens his door. He doesn’t answer you before he shuts his door. He comes over to your side and opens the door for you extending his hand.
“Yeah.” He says shrugging and smiling softly as you take his hand. He helps you out do the car and shuts the door. 
He let’s go of your hand and puts it on your lower back as the two of you walk towards the restaurant. As you get closer you see that you’re at Sotto Voce, you can’t help but smile because this was the restaurant Jake and Country took your family to when they told everyone Country was pregnant with Luna. 
“I’m assuming you know this place?” Morgan asks looking to you before he opens the door and you walk inside.
“Yeah, my brother took my family here when he told us his wife was pregnant.” You explain as you get to the hostess. She looks at the two of you and smiles. 
“Hello do the two of you have reservations?” She asks and you look at Morgan. 
“Yeah, two under Morgan.” He says and she nods before she grabs menus and you follow her to a table. 
Morgan was quick to pull your chair out for you before you sit and he goes to sit across from you. He thanks the hostess before he looks at the menu.
“So tell me Y/N, are you a white or red wine kind of girl?” He asks smiling at you over the menu.
“I like beer more if I’m being honest but a good white is always welcomed.” You say smiling as the waiter comes over to the table.
“My name is Eli and I’ll be your waiter for the night, can I start you guys off with something to drink?” He asks and Morgan smiles.
“Can we get a bottle of white to share?” He asks and Eli nods before he walks away. 
There wasn’t much conversation as the two of you figure out what to eat. But when Eli returns with a bottle of wine and the two of you place your orders Morgan picks up his drink.
“Would it be too cheesy to cheers?” He asks sending you a small smirk causing you to pick up your glass.
“Only a little.” You say laughing. 
“In that case, cheers to a fun night.” He says and the two of you cheers your glasses before guy smile and take a sip. 
“So what made you want to become a doctor?” Morgan asks as he sets his drink down as you do the same.
“I always loved kids and wanted to be able to help them. I thought about being a kindergarten teacher but I got into science so my brother suggested I go be a pediatrician.” You explain and Morgan looks at you like in a way you can’t explain. Almost as if he’s holding onto every word.
“You mention a brother a lot is there only one?” He asks. 
“Yeah, it’s just two of us.” You say and he nods.
“What’s he like?” Morgan asks and you start to get scared. How close are Morgan and Jake?
“He’s great, he's 5 years older than me so he is very protective. But he missed my teenage years so even now he’s trying to make up for it.” You say.
“Why did he miss him?” He asks. Yeah Y/N why did he miss?
“Oh. He moved away when I was like 11.” You say. 
You can see Morgan about to question you more on it and you quickly cut him off.
“What about you? Are you an only child?” You ask and he shakes his head as he drinks more.
“I have a brother, Connor.” He says putting his drink down.
“What’s he like?” You ask.
“He’s awesome, he's probably the smartest guy I know. He’s always been super supportive and is always there when I need to rant.” He says smiling.
“Is he older?” You ask and he nods.
“By 2 years so he’s 28.” Morgan says as your food is brought to the table. 
The two of you ate well talking about your families. You quickly learn that Morgan loves his family. And I mean he loves him, the way he talks about Connor and his writing or his mom and the amazing work she did as a cancer researcher, who now owns her own company to the way he talked about his dad. It was just filled with so much love that you instantly wanted to meet them. You told him about your family. Mainly your parents because you didn’t want to give away that your brother plays with him. When he asked what Jake did you simply said he travels and Morgan left it at that clearly sensing you don’t want to talk about your brother.
You had told him about how you grew up in Woodstock and what it was like in the GTA. He has told you all about growing up in North Van. He had told you about how he left home to go play hockey in Saskatchewan because being an NHL player was all he ever wanted to do. You told him about how once you had your mind on being a doctor you focused on studying. 
When the waiter brought the bill over Morgan paid and the two of you left the restaurant. He had opened your door for you and you sat down before your phone goes off.
From Leah: I’m not home tonight ;) have fun with Morgan
To Leah: get that wink out of here asshole 
You shut your phone off as Morgan gets in the car and starts it up. 
“Is it actually 10:00?” He asks laughing and you shrug.
“I guess so.” You say laughing.
“I don’t know if you have plans tomorrow or not but do you wanna go get ice cream?” He asks and you nod.
“Yeah i’m off tomorrow but don't you guys fly out tomorrow?” You ask and he looks at you smiling.
“Yeah but not till like 10am.” He says before he pulls out of the parking lot. 
The drive to McDonald’s was quite only filled with the radio but it was nice. As soon as you got to McDonald's Morgan orders us ice cream sundaes before he pays. As soon as get them, Morgan drives us to a park and stops the car. The shuts the car off and hands you the ice cream. The two of you eat the ice cream in silence but once you’re finished he looks at you
“Follow me.” Morgan says getting out of the car.
You quickly follow him and he leads you to a random tree. He sits down and you sit beside him. He puts an arm around you and you lean into him. You spend the next two hours just talking and enjoying each other's company. Sure your topics of conversation weren’t anything crazy, it just turned into random questions. What’s your favourite type of cookie, what’s your favourite pizza topping, the best movie you’ve ever seen but honestly it didn’t matter. You could spend all night just listening to Morgan. You don’t know exactly what time it was but you were staring at Morgan as he talked about why dogs are better than cats. You weren’t exactly paying attention you were just watching him and admiring him.
“You’re not listening to me are you?” He asks with a goofy smile on his face and you shake your head. 
“No I zoned out.” You say and he laughs which makes you laugh. As soon as he stopped laughing you let your eyes fall to his lips before you look back to his eyes.
He seemed to get what you hinting at because he started to lean in. You did the same and right as you were about to kiss his phone went off causing you to pull away. He let out a sigh before he pulled it out and gave you an apologetic look.
“Hey Kerf.” He says as he answers it. So Alex was calling him.
“Wait hold up, you’re where? And I need to pick you guys up? Can’t you ask Muz or Micthy?” He asks clearly annoyed as you send him a soft smile “fine fine okay. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
He hangs up and gives you a sorry smile.
“I’m really sorry, but Tyson’s is apparently piss drunk and almost crying.” He says and you can’t help but laugh.
“Let me guess. Team dad?” You ask.
He nods before he gets up and puts his hands out. He helps you up but he doesn’t let go of your hand as you walked to the car. He opened the door and you got in. He shut the door before he got in the drivers side.
“I can drop you off at your apartment if you’d like first? I mean you can come if you’d like but you don’t have to come with me to-” He say before you cut him off.
“It’s fine. I don’t mind.” You say and he smiles before his phone dings and he opens maps turns out the club they were at was near the park you’re at so it was a quick drive. 
As soon as you pull up you can see Tyson sitting down and Alex standing beside him. Alex spots Morgan car the second it pulls up and tries to get Tyson to send up. It doesn’t work which makes you laugh but Morgan just rolls his eyes and puts down his window.
“Tyson Barrie get your ass in my car now.” Morgan says the tone of his voice suggested there was no other option. 
Tyson huffs before he puts his arms up and Alex helps him up. Alex opens the door and gets Tyson in before he buckles him up and shuts the door. He goes and gets in the other side before he looks at you.
“Oh shit. Tonight was your date wasn’t it?” Alex asks and Morgan just sends him a look through the mirror.
“Yes it was.” he says though gritted teeth. “Y/N this is Tyson Barrie and Alexander Kerfoot. Kerf, bears this is-” 
“Guys what am I gonna do?” Tyson asks interrupting Morgan making you giggle as Morgan looks at you shaking his head.
“What’s your problem?” Morgan asks as he sets off towards your apartment building.
“People will laugh at me.” Tyson says sounds like hes about to cry. 
“Kerf? What the fuck?” Morgan asks.
“He’s upset he doesn’t have a goal yet and he’s worried people will laugh or call him a failure if he doesn’t score before the game agents the Avs.” Alexander explains.
“Not people. What will Gabe think?” Tyson says as we get to a red light and Morgan turns around.
“you got me to interrupt my date to come pick you up because you got too drunk all over being sad what Gabe will think?” He asks and you can tell hes annoyed.
“Duh!” Tyson says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“It’s green Morgan.” You tell him softly before he rolls his eyes and turns back to the road. 
“Is this the same Y/N you were telling us about the other day? The doctor?” Tyson asks and you can see Alex hit him “what the fuck Kerf?”
Tyson then hit Alex back which lead them to slapping each other a bunch. You can see Morgan is losing his patience and is about to freak out. So, you took over.
“BOYS!” You yell out and two of them stop “I’m assuming I’m the same Y/N because yes I am a doctor.” 
“Can you fix a broken heart?” Tyson asks which makes you laugh.
“For the love of god Tyson.” Morgan mumbles under his breath. 
“Don’t worry Tyson, you’ll score before the Avs game. I believe in you.” You say and his face lights up like when you tell a family they can go home from the hospital. 
The rest of the ride was silent until you pull up to your apartment. Morgan parks the car and looks at Alex.
“I’ll be right back.” He says grabbing his phone and Alex nods.
“Nice meeting you two.” You say waving before you open your door.
“I’m gonna score a goal for you!” Tyson says before Alex rolls his eyes clearly growing annoyed with his friend.
“I think he meant nice meeting you too.” Alex says. 
You get out of the car and meet Morgan at the doors of your building. He holds the door and walks you to the elevator. The ride up was silent, in fact so was the walk to your door. As soon as you’re at your door however Morgan speaks.
“I’m sorry about that. I really didn’t know that would happen.” He says and you laugh.
“It’s fine Morgan.” You explain.
“Listen, I’m gone for like a week, but would you wanna go out again when I’m back?” He asks and you can’t help but smile.
“It’s a date.” You say kissing his cheek before he pulls you into a hug. 
As soon as you pull away you find yourselves leaning in again but once again his phone goes off. He picks it up and rolls his eyes.
“What?” He asks “tell him to put his shirt back on and get back in the car! I’ll be down in a second!” 
He hangs up and sends you a sorry smile.
“You bring your children home Morgan.” You say and he laughs before he gives you another hug “good luck this week.”
“Thank you.” He says once you pull away and you unlock your door. You go to head in as Morgan is walking away.
“Text me when you’re home?” You call out but it comes out more like a question than a statement.
“I will. Get some sleep!” Morgan says before you close your door and smile to yourself. 
It hasn't even been a week and this boy is slowly creeping into your heart.
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cloudywriter · 4 years
vanilla pudding cups - 3
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A/N: so sorry it has been a little bit, i just have been so busy with school. also sorry about the minimal feysand interaction in this chapter too but i’m trying to build the relationship ya know? anyway, enjoy! also leave comments too, i love feedback!
masterlist + AO3
Feyre hadn’t talked to Rhysand since they had met a couple of days ago, but his eyes seem to have taken up a permanent residence in her mind. That much was evident by the sheer number of various shades of blue and even violet colored pencils that were surrounding her on the beanbag in the corner of her room. She could never get the combination of colors to look quite right though, she itched to go and make him sit down for her just so she could study the colors that make up his eyes. 
Luckily, the sane part of her mind that kept reminding her just how creepy swatching the colors of a stranger’s eyes was held her back from doing such a thing. But no matter how much she reprimanded herself in her mind, her infatuation with him didn’t cease. There was just such a depth to him that reeled her in. 
Okay, maybe it also had to do with the fact he was absolutely beautiful. He was the kind of guy she could see in the grocery store who’s too gorgeous to approach but would definitely mourn the thought of probably never seeing again in her life once she left.
She had hoped to attempt to talk to him, to get a better feel for him, but had yet to find the right time. Alis had refused to tell her much about him, only saying that his cancer had relapsed and that was why he was here in the ward. Her heart fell when Alis told her that. Feyre knew that pain and wanted him to know she understood, that he wasn’t alone. But it was also the fact that she knew his pain that kept her from reaching out. He needed time to process without her bothering him, he needed his space to breathe and come to terms with it so Feyre made sure to maintain her distance for the time being. Maybe he’d even come to her.
She smiled at the thought. 
Rhys woke up to the fluff of a pillow hitting him in the face repeatedly, he opened his eyes immediately, a little dazed, a little panicked; standing over him was just his ass of a friend, Cassian.
Cassian peered down at him with his signature shit-eating grin, his hair pulled back in a messy bun of sorts.
“Wakey, wakey, sleeping beauty,” he basically sang.
“It’s like fucking 6am, what are you doing?” Rhys rolled his eyes.
“We are getting your sorry ass out of bed and down to Rita’s for some breakfast,’’ he responded.
“At 6am?”
“Gotta get it while it’s hot,” Cassian claimed as he turned around and started picking through clothes in Rhysand’s bags that he had yet to put away. “Mor, Az, and Amren are down waiting in the car. The nurse lady only let one of us come get you because it’s technically not visiting hours.”
“Right and it seemed appropriate to send the loudest one they could?”
“Don’t act like you’d rather wake up to anything besides my face,” Cass batted his eyelashes for emphasis. 
For some odd reason Feyre’s face flashed through his mind. 
He would be lying if he said he hadn’t at least thought about her, the image of her atop that ladder radiating ethereal beauty never entirely left his head. He was even a little disappointed when that streak of charcoal dissipated.
Cassian throwing a pair of dark jeans and a black t-shirt interrupted his mini pining session. “Come on, get dressed. I’ll be in the hall.”
Rhysand huffed as he departed from his warm cocoon.
Rhys, Mor, Cassian, Azriel, and Amren sat outside on the trails with their takeout breakfast tacos from Rita’s wrappers scattered around them on the benches. 
“Okay, seriously, why did you make us wake up at 5:30am for Rita’s breakfast just for us to get takeout?” Amren questioned Cassian.
“Just eat your taco. I asked them to put extra children’s tears in it just for you, little one.”
“Call me little one again and I’ll nail your balls to that tree, you brute.”
The way Cassian cautiously crossed his legs escaped no one’s notice. 
The group had mostly returned to their normal dynamic, Cass being loud and making jokes, Mor giggling, offering her own sarcastic retorts, Rhys mostly laughing, watching, and adding to the conversation at times. Azriel continued his usual observing, letting out small smiles occasionally while Amren went back and forth between scowling and telling off Cassian. 
At the moment, Mor and Cassian were arguing over who got to eat the last taco, “Mor I am literally three of you put together.”
“And? A girl’s gotta eat.”
Cassian and Mor continued their pointless bickering, each swiping the taco out of the other’s hand and chasing each other around the benches. Rhys’s stomach hurt from laughing at their antics. He was feeling good again.
He found himself looking back up at the hospital towering over the little park, maybe to ground himself, it served as a reminder that this isn’t his whole reality anymore. He is still sick and one day Mor and Cassian will be running after each other without him around to watch. 
Mor’s breathless giggles and Cassian’s obnoxious shouting faded into the background as he began to get sucked back into that blackhole that had started growing again when he heard his most recent prognosis. It wasn’t an unfamiliar blackhole, he knew it well, but it had become so miniscule as his life returned to what it should be. But even in space it’s hard to make blackholes truly disappear. 
That’s when Rhys noticed her. A flash of golden-brown hair reflecting the fresh morning sun’s rays. She was sitting on a light wooden stool in front of an easel, her position pivoted at an angle to face out the window. He could make out the back of a white canvas sitting on the easel and a paint palette balanced in one of her hands. At such a distance he couldn’t make out her face fully, but he just knew it was her in his heart. He could almost imagine her face, her nose scrunched up in concentration as it was in those brief moments he saw her focused on hanging up sketches. 
Maybe she even had a paint stain on her cheek. 
Once again, she brought him back as he began to sink. 
Rhys wasn’t even sure how long he just stared at her, observing her in her own little world, wholly focused on the painting in front of her. She would swipe her brush around and then pull back, studying what she had done before going back in. He might’ve been content just watching her for hours.
Rhys’s attention was drawn behind him to Cassian frantically shoving a whole taco in his mouth while Mor fumed behind the bench parallel to Cass. 
“You’re such an ass, Cass. You’re an asshat, that's what you are. Asshat Cass.”
Amren raised her brows at that. “Asshat Cass does have a nice ring to it,” she observed, picking at her nails feigning disinterest. Mor just huffed and crossed her arms, but never broke the skank eye she gave Cass who only smirked in return. 
“Oh, I’ll get you for that one, Mor,” Cass grumbled, his mouth full of taco.
Rhys allowed himself one more glance at the girl in the window. This time though, he could’ve sworn she was looking back. 
“How about Mor the bore? Snory Mory?” He suggested. 
Rhys gave a little smile just in case, perhaps, she was actually staring right back. 
“Wait, I know, Mor the whore!” Cassian exclaimed with a dramatic hand gesture. 
No one even noticed Rhys’s utterly distracted state, entrapped by the angel in the window. 
mini taglist: @awkward-avocado-s & @booksofthemoon
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barkadasesh · 3 years
“Breaking news: Deadly viruses that can be a cause of death of a single person for over a week
are spreading within the not known city here in our country. It is the cause of apprehension
around the said city especially in Cupang that set as the nearest place to it”.
Three months earlier…
JOSH: “Hi guys! I miss you all so much! I’m taking my leave as my past operation has
succeeded. Christmas holidays was coming. I’m here in my hometown. What’s our plan?
I clicked the send button. And after a minute my phone rings, at first I wonder who it is, so I
quickly answered it and found out that Vanessa is on the phone. Another five faces pop up in
the screen, my heart was very overwhelmed as this conversation is a treasure and memorable
because these people are not only my friends, yet a family. They speak one by one, gave their
schedules and free time for us to plan our next travel, hang out and for the celebration of
Christmas Eve.
MARVIN: “Bye guys! Hope to see all of you soon. I am just busy these past months because
bunch of patients arrived and I know you all understand me since it is our duty. Love you all!”
Minutes after Marvin said those words, we ended the call. So me after I realized that sun is
about to set, I prepare my meal. I cooked my favorite adobo dish, but since I’m alone because
my parents passed away when I’m in college and my siblings have their own families. It will be
my meal for two days. I used to go here in the place where I grew up for the memories that I
want to remember. I can say that those experiences here are unforgettable, since it was the
reason why I continue life and still reaching my dreams, especially to serve my fellow
countrymen. It is the reason why I’m a professional doctor and has a mission to cure and protect
people around me with my full capacity and ability.
Around four in the morning I woke up, I packed my things and ready myself for a long ride travel
because this day we will be going to the place where many people dreamt of. We will go to
Palawan as we decided to have a vacation there. At 6am we arrived at the airport, we also have
our tickets and waited for our flight. Jewel volunteers herself as our tour guide since it’s her third
time going to Palawan.
JEWEL: “So guys! Don’t worry about this vacation. I assure you that this will be going to be our
best vacation ever. I’m handling the hotel and all of our destination in Palawan, but for now just
relax and wait for our flight.”
As the excitement sparks on what Jewel said, the only reaction we gave to her was laugh, smile
and a sign of approval.
VANESSA: “Noted sis, we know that you will take care of us and what else that we became
doctors, if we weren’t aware in the word care.”
JOSH: “Yeah, I agree. That’s true.”
After those discussions and conversations, the time has passed and our flight is about to begin.
We picked the long abreast chairs in order to support each other and share our snacks. I offer
the sweets and chocolates I have to regain some energy along the whole travel time. I always
have candies and mints when I have a long ride because it makes me feel alive and energetic,
especially when I feel dizzy and sleepy. I also offered my extra jacket with them.
JOSH: “Hey everyone? I have here an extra jacket, just tell me when you need it.”
CAMILLE: “Bro, can I barrow? This jacket of mine was slightly thin and I’m freezing right now.”
JOSH: “Yeah sure! Don’t worry about it. You’re all free to use my stuffs here.”
MARCO: “Thanks bro! You’re truly a reliable and one of a kind person I have ever met.”
CAMILLE: “Yes, I agree with you bro Marco.”
Due to a cold temperature brought by the air condition, almost all of us fell asleep. We woke up
before the airplane landed on our destination. After a few hours, we arrived at the hotel where
we will be staying to have some rest before we start the true resting point and relaxation. We
also took our lunch so we can arranged our things and clear up all we need in the remaining
time. We will stay here for almost 2 weeks and the only thing in my mind was to enjoy every
moment and unwind myself from the challenges of life. Time was ticking so fast, every single
day was the most special day of my life. The waves are so relaxing, the sunrise and sunset was
incredible, the places and the foods are so good and most especially the people are nice.
We really enjoyed staying at Palawan, 2 weeks is worth relaxing for us. Me and my friends has
each own memorable experience, for sure we will go back to this place. On the last day of
staying at Palawan, we had a sharing of our different experiences in life. We had a sharing for
us to connect to one another and hugged each other before we leave this place. As we are in
the plane, we are watching television and breaking news flashed about virus spreading in the
city of Alabang.
“Breaking news: Deadly viruses that can be a cause of death of a single person for over a week
are spreading within the city of Alabang. It is the cause of apprehension around the said city,
especially in Cupang that sets as the nearest place to it”.
“Reporter: According to the experts, the virus is an airborne that can give severe rashes to the
skin if not prevented or given first aid kit”.
CAMILLE: “We need to hurry! I think a lot of work and patients are waiting.”
VANESSA: “For sure we had a lot of work to do.”
Our plane landed in the airport and waved goodbyes to each other. Before I go home, I went to
the convenience store to buy some food stocks and necessities. As I came home, I had a
headache probably because of the jetlag. I went to sleep to rest because I don’t feel well. The
next day, I woke up with a heavy feeling and feel cold, that is why I decided to go to the hospital.
I message my friends to inform them that I am in the hospital, I am not feeling well. The doctor
took some test on me and they found out that I am one of the carriers of the deadly virus. I was
isolated, given first aid kit and told me that no one can visit me unless cured.
“Breaking news: Asian Hospital has one new confirmed case of the new deadly virus. According
to the doctor, the patient went to Palawan and the last place he went is a convenience store
near his house. They say that he got infected in the convenience store”.
MARCO: “Hey guys! Did you hear the latest news? It’s him.”
CAMILLE: “OMG! I knew it! Based on the descriptions of the reporter I know it’s him.”
VANESSA: “I also had goose bumps when I heard it’s in Alabang, he is the one near on that
On the next day, my friends planned to meet to talk about helping a friend. But the others didn’t
agree and back out because they know that they could risk lives if they help a friend.
CAMILLE: “I agree to help, his our friend so it is just the right thing to do.”
MARCO: “I’m sorry guys but I couldn’t risk my life just to help a friend.”
VANESSA: “I would like to help but it may risk my life. I had a lot of things to do.”
JEWEL: “It is our job to assist patients caused by virus. So why can’t we help our friend?”
“Breaking news: Increase of confirmed cases and death amidst the virus spreading in the City.”
Jewel and Marco assists the patients. Vanessa contacted his connection and other friends in
helping the invention of vaccine. Camille is talking with the government regarding their needs in
fighting the virus and looking for a cure. Marvin assists his friend in the hospital. After all the
arguments and realizations, they decided to help their friend and their community in order to
prevent the spreading of the virus. After a month of struggles and challenges, with the help of
people’s kindness, they invented a cure. A day after, they started to vaccinate the people to
their community, however, a bad news came to them and startled them because their friend
Month has passed and things get back to normal, this is the only chance they had to visit the
grave of their friend.
MARVIN: “Hey Josh! Long time no see. What happened was terrible.”
JOSH: “Yes, it’s true, especially for what happened to our friend. Yet, it is a pleasure to tell the
story of his life. ”
MARVIN: “Yes his life is worth living. But I can’t accept that Vince will leave us too soon.”
JOSH: “Vince’s life story was unforgettable, memorable, and inspiring because he is one of the
best persons and family that we ever had.”
VANESSA: “Let’s just pray for the soul of our friend. We did everything that we can to save his
life and the others.”
CAMILLE: “His inspiring story will be remembered.”
JOSH: “The most important thing right now is that we achieved the right decision and
destination of our lives, I know that Vince is happy and proud at this moment on what we did.”
For the last time, all of them wished that his soul will be at peace and bid goodbye to their
(Short Story by Joseph Osal)
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Reaction: Y/n having philophobia (the fear of falling in love) [Hyung line]
Requested by @agustdbaby93​​
A/N: This is my first time ever doing a reaction and it took me ages to figure out how to make it work for me, but I really liked writing it! Thank you for requesting this, @agustdbaby93​! Maknae-line will be posted tomorrow! Enjoy!
My masterlist can be found here!
Post for the maknae line
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You still awake?
The message had ticked in around 11pm. Not too late. But still. Definitely too late for an idol who was bound for an international flight at 6am the next day. Still you couldn’t help the feeling of dread and nervousness from spreading in your chest, almost cutting off your oxygen-supply. 
You’d planned to slowly minimize the contact with him and then just ghost him when he went abroad. You were sure to get your heart broken anyway so there was no use in even trying to get this working. Whatever this was. 
Really it was still nothing. You had been texting back and forth after meeting at a bar a few weeks ago. He had chatted you up and you had been absolutely sure he’d done it as a dare. But he had been unbelievably sweet and considerate, and despite not really being able to meet up afterwards because of the risk of him getting recognized, you had had a few virtual dates where he had ordered food to your house and facetimed with you while you both ate. It had been a bit unorthodox though still very nice and more than anything sweet of him to go through such lengths to figure out a way to meet up casually and not put too much pressure on either of you.
However, he had put up a much bigger fight than you had thought he would, when you started withdrawing yourself. Somehow he seemed to sense what you were planning, cause suddenly he was calling and facetiming you constantly, sending your small messages throughout the day of what he was doing, always with a goofy photo sure to make you smile. 
So when his message came in it seemed too much of a coincidence, but you had your plan and you were sticking to it. 
Placing your phone face down, you turned back to the show playing on your computer as you tried to concentrate on the drama once again only to jump out of your own skin in surprise when your doorbell rang. 
For a moment you were stunned, simply staring towards the still locked door with wide eyes and a thundering heartbeat as if the door would magically swing open and reveal whoever was on the other side. 
When it rang again you were finally kicked into action, quickly lifting your laptop off your lap and scurrying to the door answer it. 
Before you’d even reached the door, you had a sinking feeling in your chest and when you pulled it open to reveal Jin on the other side with an RJ-plushie under his arm and a tub of ice-cream in his hand, it felt like your heart actually stopped for a second. Despite how you’d tried to avoid him, your heart didn’t seem to care and was current trying to peck its way out of your chest. 
“So I don’t know why you’re avoiding me, but I am not leaving the country until I figure it out,” he spoke softly, though there was a clear teasing tone to his voice and flicker in his eyes as he sent you a shy smile. “I bought ice-cream as an excuse for being a jerk. Cause I know you don’t like this stuff. This stuff being feelings,” he clarified, making you roll your eyes in feigned annoyance as you waved him into your apartment. 
“I’m not avoiding you...” you started, though you knew it would be hard to keep up the act in front of him. Especially since he had already grabbed two spoons from your kitchen and was making his way to the couch, where he immediately made himself comfortable with the ice and his plushie, sending you a patient stare along with a soft smile as if to say: “I know that’s not true, but I will wait until you admit that yourself.”
Huffing in slight annoyance, you walked to the couch and accepted the spoon he handed you, digging out a spoonful from the tub of ice cream and popping it in your mouth. Eating in silence for a few moments, you finally give in to his stubbornness with a sigh. 
Finally lifting your eyes, you immediately found his already trained on yours with a slight concerned frown to his face that he was trying, and failing, to hide. 
“Alright fine. I might have been avoiding you,” you admitted with a sigh as you quickly occupied both your eyes and hands with getting another spoonful of ice-cream, too afraid of his reaction. 
The question was justified and definitely to expect and yet it suddenly made you unsure of the situation. Had you been overthinking it? Was there even anything to avoid? 
“Cause I thought we really had something good here,” he interrupted you as he popped another spoonful of ice-cream in his mouth and eyed you with the observance of a hawk. “Hmm?” 
Unable to disagree with him, you simply nodded with wide eyes, too afraid to speak. 
“Are you avoiding me because you don’t want something more? Cause if that is the case, then just tell me and I’ll back off,” he offered with a curious eyebrow, pausing for a second to see if you’d disagree. 
“No,” you whispered timidly, huffing in annoyance with yourself for letting him in. 
In your apartment or your heart?, the voice in your head snickered. 
“Why then?” 
“Jin, this isn’t gonna work anyway, and you seem way more interested in this than I do and -”
Feeling the rest of your arguments dry up on your tongue, you looked up to find him calmly returning your gaze causing you to cock your head in confusion. 
“What do you mean?” 
“What does it matter if I’m more interested in you than you are in me?”, he asked, RJ plushie secured in his grasped and patient eyes against your anxious ones. 
“Well, it’s not fair. And you’ll end up getting hurt...”
“Ah, but that’s my decision to make, isn’t it?” 
Again his calm voice interrupted your thoughts, making you halt and furrow your eyebrows in confusion. 
“I have no problem with you not being sure about what this is yet,” he shrugged as he took another spoonful of ice-cream. “I know what I want, which is you and I don’t mind waiting til you make up your mind,” he finished before eating the ice-cream. 
“And what if I decide I don’t want you?”, you whispered timidly, suddenly wishing you were the one with a plushie to hide behind. 
“Then I’ll leave you alone. As I said, it’s my decision if I want to risk my heart or not. But for you, I don’t mind waiting,” he smirked as he winked at you, making your hear gallop away as you tried to make out his words. 
“Look, I know you’re scared, but this really doesn’t have to be a big deal until you’re ready for it to be,” he spoke softly, as he reached over for your hand, his still cold from holding the tub of ice-cream. His cold hands against your skin pierced through the fog in your mind and suddenly made you aware of how close you were sitting. Eyes snapping up to meet his brown orbs staring into yours, every argument you’d ever used against such a situation died out on your tongue. “Can’t we just enjoy this while it unfolds instead of dreading the possible end of it?”, he whispered as he leaned even closer, his breath now ghosting your skin. 
“Either we stay together forever or we break up,” you whispered with closed eyes when you felt his lips ghost your cheek, still trying to find reason in a heartled situation. For him or for you, you weren’t sure. 
“So?”, he chuckled against the shell of your ear as he pressed a kiss against the sensitive skin just below your ear. “That’s a 50/50 chance. I’m willing to take that risk.” 
Pulling back enough to see your eyes, he seemed to search them for an answer to an unvoiced question before he slowly leaned in again, eyes locked with yours as his lips halted an inch from yours. 
“Aren’t you?”
Unable to put words to your thoughts, you followed the commands of your body as you closed the distance between your lips, answering his question not with words but with actions.
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“Marry me?” 
Despite the words being a common exchange between the two of you, today you really didn’t have the mental capacity to deal with it you thought with an annoyed huff, immediately pushing yourself off his chest and off the bed, leaving him naked and uncovered on the mattress.
You had started of as friends.
Not best friends, but still very close. 
You’d know each other for a long time and were comfortable with each other. And it was meant to be a one time thing only.
Despite the number of girls throwing themselves at him, Yoongi still needed an emotional connection with the person in order to enjoy sex with them. 
Hence, you came into the picture. 
In the beginning you’d really enjoyed it - excellent sex with a gorgeous man. What’s not to like, right? 
Exactly those two words; marry me.
It was a joke between the two of you. That if the public ever found out, you would act like you’d been married all the time. It was all in good fun and the sex definitely added to the fun, but things had gotten out of hand.
The marriage thing started as a joke, but lately Yoongi had gotten very loose with the words, throwing them around every time you came over. 
The rest of his members only laughed it off, already sure that your were dating and thus it was a harmless inside joke to them.
But to you it hit home.
Cause you weren’t dating. You were only fucking. 
And in your world there was a lot of steps between fucking and marrying.
“Why on earth would you think I wanted to get married to you?”, you cackled in a mocking tone, as you flitted around the room gathering your clothes off the floor, desperate to avoid eye-contact with him. 
“Well, you never want to talk about us actually becoming a couple..”, he trailed off, lazily eyeing you as you moved about the room. 
“And you think the solution is to propose to me?”, you snorted out, eyes still trained on the floor as you tried to calm your racing heart and your shallow breaths.
“I don’t know, Y/n. I’m running out of options,” he complained in a huff as he pushed himself off the bed to pull on his pants. “You didn’t want to go on a date, you won’t even allow me to buy you dinner. What do I have to do for you to see this as an actual relationship and not just us hooking up?”, he whined with a huff as he pulled a t-shirt over his head, glaring at you as he did.
“Well, I’ll give you a clue. Marriage isn’t the solution!”, you shrieked as you whipped around to face him, voice shrill and your eyes widened in panic. “Things are fine as they are!”
Angrily pulling on your coat, you grabbed your purse from the table and stalked to his bedroom door, whipping around to deliver one final comment, only to find him directly behind you with a stubborn look on his face. 
“I don’t care if things are fine, Y/n,” he grumbled as he reached around you and pulled open the door. Ever the gentleman, even in the middle of an argument. “I want more. I want you. And if I can only get that by marrying you, that that’s what I’ll do.”
Rolling your eyes at his comment you stepped out of his room and walked down the hall towards the living room and the front door. 
“I know it might be hard to get through your thick skull, Min Yoongi, but not every girl on the planet dreams of marrying you,” you shot back as you finally made it to the living room, where 3 pairs of eyes met yours the second your stepped in.
Great. Seemed like the Maknae-line had heard everything. 
“Then what do you want, Y/n?”, Yoongi drawled in an annoyed voice as he reached for your wrist only for you to retract it as if he’d burned it. Despite the hurt he felt at your actions, he reached out for your hand once more, this time intertwining your fingers and yanking you back towards him. “What do you want?”
“I don’t know!”, you screamed at him, unable to take it anymore. Feeling your breathing getting uncomfortable shallow, you let your body collapse on the floor and squeezed your eyes shot as it all became all too much for you. 
“I don’t know,” you repeated in a sob, as you tried to ignore the itching feeling of people watching you. 
As your heartbeat droned on in your ears, your felt more than saw Yoongi’s figure crouching beside you for a second, whispering something in your ear, though it was impossible for you to hear over your own blood rushing through your veins. 
When you didn’t answer he plopped down beside you, crossing his legs under himself before reaching out for you. Long slender fingers gently massaged your painfully tense arms away from the gridlock around your knees and coaxed your body limp and compliant into his laps where his soothing voice filled your mind, finally droning out your heartbeat.
Whispering sweet nothings against your skin as you came down from your spike, he held you close in the middle of the living room, not even once paying attention to the crowd on the couch. 
When he finally convinced you to come back to his room to rest, he sent the maknaes a very telling glare of “we do not mention this ever”, before he gently coaxed you back to his room with the words: “I hope you’ll stop panicking about us soon. I really want this to be more.”
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“So I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, Y/n,” he spoke in a sincere voice, keeping your gaze capture with his as he reached across the table to take your hand in his. 
He’d invited you over for dinner on your 5th date, pulling out all the stops; home-cooked meal, chilled wine, strawberries dipped in chocolate for dessert. 
You knew what was coming. Honestly, it was quite clear. He had been hinting at it every since your first date. 
So you were more than ready. 
Might even had rehearsed some lines in your head, as you applied your winged eyeliner before coming over.
Swallowing the wine you’d just sipped, you put down the glass and smiled at him as you reached out to meet his hand on the table between you with a sweet smile. 
“I’ve really enjoyed the time we’ve spent together,” he spoke clearly and confidently, evidently pretty sure of himself. “And we’ve been dating for a while now and I really want to make this exclusive.” 
Though spoken in a sure voice and with no signs of hesitation, you didn’t miss the questioning look in his eyes or the suddenly too-aware loose grip on your hand. 
The signs were all there and though you had been expecting them, it still pulled on your heart as you sent him a sympathetic smile and gave his hand a small squeeze. 
“No thank you,” you smiled sweetly at him as you pulled your hand out of his and stood up from the table, not missing the way his entire face crumbled in one second to cloud over in the next. 
It would only be a matter of seconds before he called you a tease and threw you out of the apartment. You were sure of it.
“Thank you for the dinner and everything else,” you spoke sincerely as you walked over to press a kiss to his cheek. 
“Why not?”, he simply asked. No anger in his voice, just pure curiosity it would seem. 
“I don’t do relationships, Hoseok,” you purred honey-sweet against his ear, before straightening up and walking to the mirror, leaving Hoseok annoyed and confused at the table.
“Where is this coming from, Y/n? I thought you felt the same way? Is it because you’re feeling insecure? You know you’re more than enough for me...”
Your cackling laugh caused his head to snap up in surprise which was quickly replaced with annoyance at your cocky stare thrown over your shoulder.
“Oh, honey. Me being insecure? Not happening. I know I am a freaking catch,” you hummed with a confident smirk to your own reflection in the mirror as you tied up your hair, sending a wink to man sitting stunned at the table behind you through the mirror. “This has nothing to do with my confidence, Hoseok.”
“Clearly,” he scoffed, standing up from the table and running his hand through his hair with a deep sigh. “Then why?” 
“I don’t do relationships,”  you repeated, still smiling sickeningly sweet at him as you tried to avoid the panic in your chest as you shrugged your shoulders. “I told you that from the start, Hoseok. Did you really forget?”  
Trying to keep your smile casual as his face remained quizzical, you cocked your head arrogantly to imply he was taking up too much of your time.
Why wasn’t he getting angry though?, you asked yourself as you struggled to figure out your next move. 
It was easy when they got angry. They practically threw you out themselves. 
But this? Hoseoks analyzing eyes on you as he seemed to weigh every simple word you’d ever said, was pure torture. 
You didn’t want to hurt him. That was exactly why you did as you did. Why you got out while it was still possible.
“Us being exclusive is hardly a relationship,” he scoffed with narrowed eyes as they traveled across your form, seemingly analyzing everything once more after your change of heart. 
“Maybe not,” you hummed as your turned towards him again, defiantly meeting his gaze. “But it is for sure the step right before, Jung. And I am not about to risk it.” 
“Aren’t you being too dramatic right now, Y/n?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“It’s not like anything is going to change. Unless you’re dating and screwing a bunch of men while dating me then sure, some things will change,” he smirked in a challenging voice knowing you would never back down from an insult like that. 
Narrowing your eyes at him, you couldn’t help the flutter in your stomach when his gaze met yours so shamelessly. So cockily. 
“You know, I wouldn’t do that,” you spoke through clenched teeth, getting nothing but a cocky smile back from Hoseok. 
“Then what is it? Are you afraid I won’t be able to satisfy you in bed? Cause believe me, you’ll have trouble finding someone after me,” he grinned annoyingly. “I’m simply too great an act to follow. It’s okay if you can’t keep up to begin with. I’ll slow down til you learn,” he sneered confidently. 
Not even aware it was a pressure point of yours before he mentioned it, you gritted your teeth in annoyance as you closed the distance between the two of your in a few steps and smashed your lips together.
“How are you this annoying and hot at the same time,” you gasped, when you pulled away from the kiss, only to yelp when he forcefully pulled you against his chest again. 
“It’s a gift,” he smirked before connecting your lips once more, not allowing any more complaints from you. 
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“I’m home,” you called as you opened the door to your apartment, knowing full and well that Namjoon would be there. After all you had asked him if he wanted to come over and he’d asked if he could use the extra key to your place to come over a little earlier. Something about practice ending early, though that sounded very unlikely in your ears, and when the smell of scented candles and food hit your nose, you couldn’t help a gloating smirk as you pulled off your shoes and walked into the living-room.
“You gotta stop doing this,” you laughed, when your eyes fell on the candles lit all over the room and the man standing in the middle with a bouquet of flowers.
“What? Why?”, he asked, his face scrunching up in confusion but allowing you to step into his arms never the less and pulling you closer as if on reflex as you nuzzled your face against his chest.
“You’re only gonna make it harder for me, when I have to leave,” you giggled, as you leaned up to press a kiss to the soft skin of his neck before drawing back with a chuckle to pour yourself a glass of wine from the bottle standing on the counter.
Drawing a sip of the bitter drink, you felt Namjoon circle his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder with a sigh. 
He knew you were right. You were sure of it. 
You had been honest and open about your short-term contract from the beginning. Never promising him more than you would be able to give. And he had never pushed that.
Until today it would seem.
“You know, you could just stay here.”
Feeling your blood run cold at the mere prospect of what he was suggesting, you shrugged it off with another chuckle.
“You know, I need to move in a few months,” you reminded him with a hum as you grabbed the wine bottle and poured a glass for him as well, though he didn’t accept it but settled for snuggling deeper against the crook of your neck. 
“Why do you need to go? Couldn’t you get your contract extended here?”
“I could but then I would have to stay here for two more years,” you shrugged, refusing to follow his reasoning.
Namjoon nodded excitedly at your words, pulling back a bit to see your expression.
“Exactly! Two more years here with me,” he stated in a happy tone as he pressed a sloppy kiss to your neck, making you roll your eyes and step out of his grasp leaving him looking after your like a lost puppy.
“Sure,” you snorted out in ridicule, wincing slightly at the hurt-puppy look he sent you. “More like a few more months with you and two years of me being stuck in a place because of a guy who left me. No thanks.” 
“Y/n,” Namjoon’s soft voice pleaded, making you halt in your steps and turn back towards him. “You know it actually hurts my feelings, when you just assume I’m gonna end up hurting you like that.” 
His eyes were sincere and hurt, but he was tense and he actually seemed angry, making you cock your head at him in confusion as you let your eyes sweep over his form before snapping back up to his face which had gone a lot softer in the meantime.
“Sorry, I’m just speaking from experience,” you shrugged, trying to play off how your heart was galloping away. 
“I know. And it’s honestly the only thing I hate about you,” he answered brazenly making you scrunch up you nose in annoyance at his words, until you heard his reasoning. “That you’ve been hurt so bad that you expect no one will ever treat you well again.” 
Unable to find an answer, you were left searching for the words as your eyes followed how he stepped up to you again, hands gently cupping your face as he placed a feather-light kiss on your lips. 
“I know you want to run. Because you think it’s easier to run than to trust. But I want you to know that even if you don’t trust me yet, I would never do anything to hurt you. And if you feel more comfortable with running, I want you to know that I will still wait here for you if you do choose to go. Still, I hope you chose to stay here with me. I won’t disappoint you. I promise you. You just have to give me a chance,” he whispered against your skin as he kissed away the tears, you hadn’t even known were falling.
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xnoctua · 4 years
Playlist titles that doubles as prompts, feel free to use them
I got lost in finding names for things again. 
There is a lot, so I’ve put it under the cut.
Tag me or send it to me if you ever publish something inspired by this. I want to see and read it.
The “those are straight up lyrics not titles/prompts” obligatory ones:
- Wake up you need to make money (Twenty One Pilots)
- I used to think the sky was made of blue flowers (The Seige)
- In the summer silence I was getting violent (Glass Animals)
- Would you be my little quarantine? (Twenty One Pilots)
- Everybody want a box of chocolates (Florence and the Machine)
- Since the death of god there’s been a vacancy open, you can fill that void (Captain Murphy)
- There’s really just one thing that we have in commun, neither of us will be missed. (Lincoln)
  It’s all about the feelings it gives you and the memories it brings back:
- In the backseat of your parent’s car at night with the radio on
- Alone in the train
- Drawing a perfect circle on your first try
- Sitting in class with cheap coffee at 6AM
- Dying your hair at 4AM
- The year is 2007 and emo anime hair is trending for no good reasons
- Cooking for others
- Finding a seat in the shadow in summer
- That summer when you were 4
- Early winter morning
- Home alone at 2AM
- Swimming 20 meters below the surface
- Sleeping with your windows open
- Playing that game for three days straight and not touching it for the next 6 months
- 36 hours without sleep
- Climbing rocks and trees when you were a kid
- The fork fell from your plate and threw food all over your clean bed sheet
- (You’re starting to think karma have bigs plans for you)
- You found your favorite childhood toy that you’ve forgot about
- The smell of rain on concrete
- Meeting with a friend you haven’t talked to or seen in years
- Punched by a leaf
- Printing pictures you took with your phone on polaroid paper
- If not for good lyrics I wouldn’t be where I am today
- That time I wrote from 1AM to 5PM non-stop
- It’s almost midnight and dinner hasn’t be served
- 43 hours without sleep
- Summer nights
Things that...
Sounds nice (to me):
- Stargazing from the bottom of the sea
- Reverse gravity
- Floating on the ceiling
- Fighting giants with a sword
- Last sunset before the bomb hit
- Drowning on air
Unnecessarily ominous:
- Your roommate isn’t thinking out loud
- Don’t give your name to people
- The streetlights just went off
- People disappearing once you turn your head away
- You’re not supposed to be here
- Stop screaming and close your eyes
- Killing a mosquito with your bare hands
- Turning in the wrong paper
- This isn’t nail polish.
- You’ll come back, I know it.
- Are you sure you locked the door?
- Using « legends say » to refer to common knowledge
- Time as no meaning here, it’s a good thing- Can you stop screaming please?
- Semi-consciousness
- The city’s empty, I can finally breathe.
- The feeling of forgetting something but not knowing what
I might need to chill:
- Then beg.
- Is there a patricide-like word for gods?
- Bring back the guillotine
- Staring contest with the sun
- Binge reading Wikipedia
- The king is dead the people are feasting
- We’re all born at the wrong time because there’s never been a right one to begin with (probably not from me, can’t remenber if I thought of it or not. So just in case tell me if there is an original author I’ll tag them in)
- You’re not born in the 80′ and thoses songs aren’t from it so stop saying that
I definitely…
Should go to sleep:
- Did you forget something?
- Why did you come in here?
- You haven’t blinked in 8 minutes
- Is it Tuesday or Saturday? Never mind, it’s July
- Did you eat today yet?
- What’s a “today”?
- The sun is already up
- Wait no, it’s starting to get dark again 
Should get therapy:
- Ending friendships because you’re afraid of the friendship ending
- The constant need to be in control but letting others make the decisions
- Are you dreaming or is all of this actually happening?
- Something is wrong and i can’t find what it is again
- This isn’t real, right?
Actual prompts:
- Alternative Univers
- Go home you’re drunk
- What’s your name again?
- Someone’s knocking at the door but you’re in space
- Someone’s knocking at the door but all humans are dead, you made sure of that
- Someone’s knocking at the door but it’s the closet and you’re on a boat
- People knocking on doors
- People who don’t knock on doors and still come in like they own the place because they’re your parents and they do, in fact, own the place
- Mutinerie in the spaceship but you’re the captain
- The plane is crashing, again.
- Mafia boss who have an affair with the bodyguard of the rival family
- I had a dream where I warned you about them, I’m sorry it wasn’t real
- Maybe burning everything is the right solution to all your problems
- Most people wouldn’t go back in time to fix their mistakes if you told them they’ll have to return to school first
Bad ideas:
- Whales in the sky
- Crocodiles in forest
- Birds of prey underwater
- Blob fish instead of rabbits
- Rabbits instead of mosquitoes
- Mosquitos with claws
- Swimming in lava
Yes, this is a ref:
- Michael and Helen in the corridor
- Daisy with a gun
- This tiny 15 yrs just punched god in the face
Facts (???):
- Magenta doesn’t exist and yet we can see it
- You have no way to prove that the color you call red isn’t someone else green
I need to send a message playlist:
- i ain’t straight ma’am. A playlist for you’re in a car with dense straights
- I’m gay too, please notice. A playlist for when you’re in the car with your closeted friend or are the closeted friend
Yes, I do name my playlists and chapters this way.
YES, don’t hesitate to add more to it or suggest songs or OST that filled these names.
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I Tried // Adam Milligan X Reader
A/N: I remember seeing Jake Abel in ‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif’ and loving him. Then when I found out he was in Supernatural about a few years ago I flipped bro. He didn’t deserve all those years stuck in the cage, I feel so bad for him :(( bUT NOW HE’S BACKKK
Requested: No
Warnings: Mild angst, some talk about death, cursing
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Not my gif!! (Please tell me if you, the owner, would like me to take the gif down!)
Five years ago...
You sat at your computer in the bunker’s library. The library was dark, the only light being emitted from your screen. It was almost 6am and you weren’t getting anywhere with your research. You angrily closed a tab in your computer and rubbed your face, fighting sleep.
You took a deep breath and went back to your research. Just then, the lights of the library turned on, making you jump. You looked over to one of the entrances and saw both Winchester brothers standing in the doorway.
“(Y/n)?” Sam asked. “What are you doing up so early?”
You stammered, trying to look for an excuse or right words to say.
“I-I was looking for a case. We haven’t had one in at least a week so I-I figured I would do you guys a favor and search for one.”
Dean sighed, knowing you were lying.
“Hey,” The elder brother pulled up a chair next to yours. “What’s going on?”
“I already told you. I’m searching for a case-” You lied.
“Tell us the truth.” Sam pressured.
You sighed in defeat and pushed your laptop over to the men. They were able to see the many tabs you had pulled up about different types of spells for something.
“Do you remember what day it is?” You asked them.
Dean suddenly looked at you in panic. “Oh god, it’s not your birthday, is it? I could have sworn it wasn’t for a couple more months-”
“No, Dean. It’s not my birthday.” You interrupted him.
Sam, who was still looking through the tabs on your computers, looked back to you.
“Then what day is it?”
You gulped, forcing any upcoming tears or sobs that were trying to make its way out.
“It’s May 13th, the day that Adam was thrown into the pit with Michael.” You told them.
A harsh silence echoed throughtout the whole bunker. The three of you stared at each other while you waited for an answer from the two brothers. Sam could see memories flashing in his mind about the day that he threw himself, Lucifer, Michael and Adam into the pit. Guilt wallowed inside of him, remembering that he and Dean were forced to leave their half-brother in the cage.
They never really tried to get him back, thinking that they couldn’t bring him back or save him at all. It’s been five years now, and not a day didn’t go by when you didn’t think of the boy.
You had only known each other for a couple days before he said yes to the archangel. He was a sweet and funny guy even if he did have that Winchester attitude, the two of you got along very nicely since you were just a couple years younger than him. You weren’t together, but flirtations were exchanged, it was definitely one weird relationship.
When you were told by the brothers that they couldn’t save Adam too, you were crushed. It was strange, you barely knew Adam but your heart still ached knowing that you couldn’t save him.
A small tear slid down your cheek until you wiped it away as fast as you could, pretending as if nothing happened. You grabbed your laptop back from Sam and went through a couple tabs.
“It’s been five years now, and we haven’t brought him back yet. I’ve been up for the past few nights trying to search for another way to bring him back...”
“I know that I’m this close to finding the solution to getting him out of the cage, I swear it. I just need more time to find it and-”
“(Y/n)!” Dean called out to you, causing you to turn your head to him.
Dean had a guilty and bleak expression on his face, Sam looking at the floor, away from you.
“We can’t bring him back, you know that.” His words sympathic.
You shook your head. “No, no we found a way to bring Sammy back, didn’t we? If we brought Sam back then we can find another way to get Adam.”
“(Y/n), we were lucky to raise Sam out of Hell. You heard Cas, one person out and that’s it.” Dean insisted.
“We got Sam out! We can get Adam back out too! We have to get him out of there, he’s been there for five years now and...” You choked out, shielding your tears from the boys with your hands.
Sobs came from you and the two men slowly, but surely, wrapped their arms around you in a hug to comfort you. Tears cascaded down the two brother’s cheeks as well, a heavy pit in their stomachs from the constant guilt.
“He’s never coming back, is he, guys?” You whispered in between sobs.
Sam and Dean took glances between each other, sadly.
“No. No, he isn’t, sweetheart.” Sam admitted.
You felt like a failure. You were the one who was supposed to keep Adam away so he couldn’t say yes and now he was stuck in the cage for the rest of his life. He’d be totured for eternity all because you couldn’t save him.
The only sounds in the bunker were your cries.
Present time...
Somewhere inside a small diner, Jaci’s Red Wagon, a man sat at a booth waiting for his food. A waitree brought him his first order, a cheeseburger with fries. She sets the food onto the table and left the man to eat.
The man, Adam, grabbed his food and took a large bite into the burger, hungrily. He moaned in satifaction at the taste and happily chewed on his meal.
“You know that stuff will kill you, right?”
“Worth it.” He replied to the voice. “Michael, I haven’t seen a burger in 10 years.”
A hand from the other side of the booth grabbed a french fry from his plate and inspected it. Michael, inside of Adam’s mind, chuckled a bit and set the fry back on the plate.
“Go for it, kid.”
“You know, I know I don't need to eat. It just tastes so damn good.” Adam said as he picked up a fry and ate it.
“I wouldn’t know. I don’t know much about any of this. You'll be my guide.” Michael looked around the diner to all of the people eating and talking to people.
Adam saw the same waitress come back with a pan of pepperoni pizza, pushing his burger plate aside to make room for the pizza. The lady gently set the food onto the table in front of Adam, whose breath hitched at the sight of the delicious food.
He quickly thanked her and she responded with a smile and nod. Once she walked away, the blonde boy sniffed the amazing aroma of pizza and started to shake on some parmesan cheese and pepper.
“So, what about you? You gonna go back to heaven?” He asked the archangel.
The angel inside Adam’s head pursed his lips.
“I don't know. My brothers are dead. My father never returned. In so many ways, I'm alone.” He answered.
Adam thought about his own family. His mother and father were dead, and his half-brothers that didn’t even care about him.
“Yeah. Same here. It’s not like I have family waiting to see me.”
“You have the Winchesters, your brothers.” Michael added, a little confused on why he didn’t think of them first. “I met them once, and they let me rot in Hell.” Adam corrected him, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
“What about the girl? (Y/n) (L/n)?” The angel pondered.
Adam remembered the kind (h/c) hair colored girl who was a close family friend to the brothers. She was about his age, maybe a couple or few years younger, but he remembers liking her a lot. (Y/n) always made sure he was comfortable and occupied, and man did he feel guilty about disobeying her to say yes to the archangel inside him now.
“I...I don’t even know if she’s still them. Most likely she is since she was friends with them first but,” Adam thought carefully about his next words. “I doubt she even remembers me anymore. It’s been 10 years, anyway.”
Adam and Michael looked at each other knowingly. Both having similiar situations and because they had been left in the cage for so long, the two had become almost like friends. They’d created a sort of relationship within each other, neither completely taking over the other.
“Family.” Michael scoffed.
“Family sucks.”
A little while later after finishing all his meals and then ordering some cake for desert, Adam laid back in the comfy booth, looking around at all the people. He glanced over to some of the waitresses working, picking up plates and cleaning tables for their job.
“Maybe I should pick up some kinda little job.” He blurted out.
“A little job?” Michael asked, a little confused.
“Yeah. Yeah, I mean, these are the same clothes we went to hell in. We're gonna have expenses, right? And whatever change I had, I spent on food, so, it's not like I can go back to college,” Adam chuckled. “Not with an archangel inside of me.”
The man hadn’t noticed someone sneaking up behind him, and a hand rested onto his shoulder. Adam looked up to the person and saw a blonde haired woman smiling down at them.
“Hello, Michael.”
Adam’s eyes glowed a bright blue, signifying that he was no longer at the wheel, but instead the angel.
“Lilith.” He growled.
The woman let go of his shoulder and walked over to the other side of the booth.
“You’re dead.”
“Was. Now,” Lilith turned to him and swung her hips. “I’m back, baby.”
She sat down at the other seat, her face turning serious. “And I’ve been sent to fetch you.”
“I'm not accustomed to being fetched. Who sent you?” Michael questioned, his voice low.
“You have to ask? Your daddy. God. Yeah, he'd like a word.” Lilith answered him, Michael’s expression turning to mild shock and confusion.
“You're lying.”
“Really not.” The demon took a finger full of cake frosting into her mouth.
“Then why would he send you, a demon, a speck of infernal bile?” He spat at her.
Lilith’s face turned mockingly sad and offended. “One, ouch. Two, maybe because we worked together before. Remember? Setting off the Apocalypse?”
“To try and bring God back.” Michael corrected her.
“Right. Didn't work then, but then he came back on his own. So, win?”
Michael’s face grew closer to her but remained emotionless.
“If that's true if...he can come talk to me himself.”
The female demon just rolled her eyes.
“Yeah. Except, I'm not supposed to leave without you.” Lilith told him, staring into his eyes.
“Get out.” He threatened, voice dripping with venom.
“Michael,” Lilith reached over and grabbed his wrist firmly. “I can’t fail him.”
Michael stared hard at the hand at his wrist then turned to face Lilith, eyes glowing blue once more. The demon started to glow a bright yellow and bright light, enveloping the whole diner.
Once it had disappeared, all that was left in Lilith’s place was a piece of black clothing. Michael carefully looked around the resturaunt to see everyone staring at him in awe. People started to whisper about what had just happened and the archangel sighed.
“Remember nothing.”
With that, he snapped his fingers and all the customers and workers went back to doing what they had done before, as if nothing had even happened. Michael and Adam pushed away the plate of cake, no longer hungry.
Michael and Adam could hear Castiel praying to them, well mainly Michael but technically it was both since they shared a body. Michael felt himself get angry at Castiel’s words about his father. He believed that God, their father was their enemy? The archangel could only scoff at that.
Still, he sent a message to Castiel through the angel radio. He told him to meet them at a warehouse, someplace where they could talk alone and privately.
The trenchcoated angel was walking around the warehouse, waiting for his brother. He could sense that he was near, but not visible yet.
“Michael?” Castiel called out.
The sound of flapping wings came from behind him so he turned to find Michael, still inside Adam’s body, standing there.
“Thank you. Thank you for coming.” The archangel only stared at him. “Do you remember me?”
“You called me ‘ass-butt’ and set me on fire. And then you helped send me to Hell.” Michael replied, menacingly.
Castiel looked down awkwardly at the floor, remembering the moment. “I did.”
“And now what? You've come to tell me that God, my father, creator of all things, is my enemy?” Michael glared hard at the angel. “Or maybe you just came to beg for forgiveness.”
Castiel lightly smirked.
“Oh, I didn’t come to beg.”
A lighter flicking open in Cas’ hand caught the man’s attention. He dropped it onto the floor of the warehouse and a ring of fire began to burn around Michael, trapping him inside.
Michael looked around the fire in a slight panic before returning his gaze to Castiel, whose face showed slight regret. The sound of plastic curtains moving made him turn towards the entrance, three figures emerging from the dark.
Adam and Michael could see the figures turn into Sam and Dean Winchester, but what caught Adam’s eye inside of his own mind was the (h/c) short haired female standing beside them. (Y/n) had definitely aged, but not too much, still looking as beautiful as the day he met her. Her hair much short and a little taller than before.
Your breath hitched as you saw Adam, or Michael since that’s who was in control at the time. Ten years and he hadn’t changed that much. Older, yes but he still looked like the boy you left in Hell all those years ago. Keeping a straight face, you held up a pair of angel cuffs and showed it to him.
Knowing what was about to happen, Michael turned to his brother with a sneer.
“Castiel, what have you done?”
After capturing Michael and taking him back to the bunker in cuffs, you all stood in one of the interrogation rooms. You could feel the tension was so thick that even an angel blade couldn’t cut it. The four of you stood on the opposite side of the room, facing a powerless archangel as he stared back at you.
“Even for you, especially for you, this is stupid.” Michael commented.
“Good to see you, too Mike.” Said Dean, sarcastically.
Michael looked at each one of you, looking at Dean then to his brother.
“Sam. You look well. Last time I saw you in the Cage...”
“Yeah, it doesn’t matter.” Sam said in an almost whisper.
You could feel Michael’s eyes on you as he came closer to you all. There was a brief silence as you felt his eyes staring down at you. All you could do was just look away, wanting to see Adam, not Michael.
“We need your help. God-” Sam began to say until he was interrupted by the archangel.
“I’ve heard. Repeatedly.” Michael glanced over to where Cas stood as he sat down in the chair.
“Well then you’re aware-”
“I’m not aware of anything. You're asking me to trust you. You, who doomed me, you, who let Lucifer walk free while your own brother sat in hell.” He barked, feeling protective of the youngest Winchester he grew close to.
You were close to crying. You had tried for years to get Adam back but failed. Eventually, the brothers had convinced you that there was no way of getting him out. Dean looked down at the floor in guilt.
“Doing what we do, we've had to get used to losing people.” Sam tried to tell him.
“Probably a little too used to it.” You added, speaking for the first time.
Cas glanced over to you in concern, but you just looked to him with your lips in a thin line then back to Michael. Adam, inside his own head, could feel himself getting a bit jumpy inside after hearing your voice after so long.
“With Adam, we said goodbye because we thought we had to. We were wrong.”
Michael stared down the man with hard eyes. He always wondered if the brothers ever tried to get Adam back, but apparently not. But if the Winchesters didn’t try, did (Y/n)?
“Well, don't tell me.” Michael said, shaking his head. “Tell him.”
You all stared at him, confused, not understanding what he meant by that. Suddenly, his eyes flashed a blue glow, his body straightening up. Adam glanced to Dean, to Sam, then finally you. He pulled his lips into a short smile.
“Hey, (Y/n),” He then looked to his brothers. “Sam, Dean.”
Your lips formed into a wide grin, happy to hear the real Adam’s voice. It was deeper than when you first met him but that didn’t matter. You just wanted to go up to him and give him the tighest hug ever then never let go.
“Adam.” You said in a small whisper.
You were just about to go run up to him when you were stopped by the arm of Castiel. His eyes telling you stand down and wait until they were done talking first. Hesitantly, you silently agreed. Adam felt a bit upset, he wanted to hold you more than anything as of right now.
“Adam?” Asked Sam, trying to confirm it was really him.
Adam jokingly raised his hands, pretending as if he was about to attack. You would have laughed if it weren’t for the current situation.
“Wait, Mic-Michael lets you talk? I mean, he lets you be?” Questioned Dean.
You were actually just as surprised as the boys, remembering when Dean said yes to Michael to kill Lucifer and he ended up being overriden by the angel for a while.
“Uh, yeah.” Adam nodded. “In the Cage, we came to an agreement. We only had each other.”
Needless to say, you were kind of impressed, actually. You’ve never seen an angel and a vessel come to an agreement or be at peace within each other. It was always the angel being the one at the wheel, never really the vessel.
But it also pained you as you heard Adam’s words. It was just the two of them for so many years, only them in the cage after Sam and Lucifer left. If you had tried harder, maybe they both could have gotten out earlier.
“Adam, look, I know we bailed on you, okay, and there is nothing that we can say to fix that.” Dean admitted to him.
The blonde just sighed.
“How about an ‘I'm sorry’?”
After being trapped in Hell for so many years, all he wanted was an apology from his family. Your heart broke, thinking of the toture he must have gone through and how much pain he felt about being abandoned. Adam was strong, a humble man for only wanting an ‘I’m sorry’.
Adam’s eyes glowed blue for a moment and he grunted, moving around in his cuffs and seat. Michael was back now.
“Enough. Why am I here?” Michael questioned.
Cas spoke up after being quiet for a while. “Michael, we needed to speak with you because God is back. You didn't think the Cage just opened on its own, did you?”
“If my father is back, he will usher in Paradise.”
“No, he won't.” Michael turned to you. “Because Paradise is boring, and your dad...he's just looking to be entertained.” You explained, recalling about when Chuck killed Jack.
“Which means we're his puppets. All of us, especially you.”
The archangel stood up furiously, his face brooding.
“I won't hear this. You're lying.” Michael pointed each and every one of you. “I don't know what your agenda is, but you're lying.” He swore, not wanting to back down on his loyalty to his father.
“Michael...” Cas began to say until Adam managed to switch back with the archangel.
“Hey. It's Adam.” He chuckled, you smiling softly at him.
“I'd give it a rest. He's not listening.”
You and the boys sighed in defeat. Michael was too loyal to his father, not wanting to believe anyone who questioned God’s orders. This was going to be tough.
Later, after the you and boys had left Adam and Michael, Adam, still in the angel cuffs, tried to convince the archangel about joining his brothers.
“So, I've been thinking. Maybe they're not lying.” Adam said as he sat down at the desk in the middle of the room.
Michael, standing on the side, scoffed at his words.
“H-Hear me out. Sam, Dean and...(Y/n) try to be on the right side of things. They actually do. They tried to talk me out of taking you on, for example, out of all of this.” Adam began.
“So, you forgive them?”
“Oh, hell no! No. But that's not what this is about.” Adam faced Michael. “It's...look, if they tell you something's off with God, it's because they believe it's true. And if they believe it, it probably is true.”
You were about to come into the room to talk to Adam with a couple beers, you could hear him talking to someone. But you knew no one else was in the room because no one was replying to him, it was just his voice. You paused before entering, waiting.
“You and I have been together for years. My father and I have been together for eternity. I exist because he willed it.” Michael exclaimed, though you couldn’t hear it.
“So he's having a mid-eternity crisis!” Adam turned to his friend. “Or!...Or, maybe you don't know your dad as well as you think you do.”
You snickered under your breath, now realzing he was probably talking to Michael in his mind. He made a point, Michael didn’t know his father all that well, just like how you and the Winchesters thought you knew him too.
In the room, Michael was about to go off on Adam but instead just turned to face the wall. He walked up the small pairs of steps up to the upper floor.
“The point is parents keep secrets, right? Does it hurt to ask the question?”
Gripping the railing tightly, Michael snapped.
“Yes! It would! It would mean that I doubt him. The good son, the favorite, doubts his father.”
Adam leaned in as close as he could to Michael.
“You still care about that? After he left you in the Cage?” 
Adam knew he had truly set off something inside of Michael. He could see his nose flaring from anger and his neck began turning a slight red. Hearing no more talking, you took your chance to enter the room.
“Glad to know that at least one of you believes us.”
Adam looked away from Michael to see you entering the room, two beers in hand. He straightened himself up in his seat, smiling slightly.
“I brought some beers, hoping we could maybe talk.” You asked, setting the alcohol onto the table.
“Yeah, I guess I could use a beer after not having one for 10 years.” Adam teased you.
It wasn’t very funny to you, though. Ten years without Adam, ten years he had suffered. Five years ago when you officially gave up on trying to bring him back, you remembered Sam and Dean telling you how nothing could be done. You lived those next five years thinking you would never see him again. And now, here he is.
“Did you ever try?” You looked up to him, his expression more serious. “Did you at least ever try to get me out?”
“Oh Adam, if you knew the amount of times I tried to make a deal, looked up a spell- hell anything that would even have the slightest chance to get you out of the Cage...” You stopped for a moment. “I didn’t give up until Sam and Dean had to get me out of my spunk. I spent so many nights of research for you that I still have the eyebags.”
Adam laughed at your joke, you joining him as it echoed throughout the room. When it died down, a comfortable silence replaced it. You and the blonde male just took a moment to stare at one another, taking in each other’s presence.
“I tried, Adam. I really did. But...it was never really enough. I was never enough to save you. I am so, so sorry.” You cried softly.
A tear escaped down your cheek and your controlled breathing was the only sound. Adam could see it in your eyes, you really did try. His brothers, the ones who didn’t even try, were the ones who convinced you otherwise. Out of the corner of his eye, Michael stood behind you, looking at the blonde. He lightly smiled and nodded.
“Well...you did try more than I think my brothers could,” You peeked at Adam through your tears. “I forgive you.”
You stared at him in shock, he just forgave you that quick? If that were you, it would have taken probably years to accept an apology from being left in the Hell. Adam was really something.
“Now, you gonna share a beer with me or are we just gonna sit here all day?”
You giggled. “You’re still in the angel cuffs. Am I gonna have to hold the beer for you?”
“Or you could just hold my hand and I hold the beer.”
The two of you laughed together, you blushed at his words.
“Then you wouldn’t be able to drink, idiot.” You countered.
“Any excuse to hold your hand is fine to me.” He winked.
“You’re so weird.”
“You love me, anyway.”
You smirked. “Of course I do. I didn’t wait for you for 10 years to end up not loving you.”
“You love me?”
You haulted in your tracks. Fuck, you really just outed yourself didn’t you?
“Well then,” His mouth formed into a grin. “I guess I love you too.”
A/N: Tbh, I don’t really like how this ended but it’s the best I’ve got so deal with it lol. Stay safe, loves!
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sasarahsunshine · 3 years
Soak Up The Sun - Fun Things/Facts
My favorite thing about writing my fic so far is exploring the relationships between my OC and the team. For example, I LOVE writing Emily and Derek the most, because they definitely have brother/sister vibes, and they remind me of my relationship with my own brother. I also want that for Kassidy: to have them there as her older “siblings” in a way. I especially love how close Kassidy and Emily are becoming. 
(I’m going to be writing a lot about Kassidy’s relationships with the team so I’m gonna put a read more thing here now.)
Emily and Kassidy stay up too late talking on the phone, talking about boys (and girls) they used to like when they were younger, telling stories of embarrassing things they’ve done. They go on breakfast dates all the time, sometimes inviting the other BAU girls along, but sometimes it’s just the two of them. Emily convinces Kass to adopt a cat so her apartment won’t feel so lonely. The two of them like to go to pet stores and buy matching sweaters for their cats. They also constantly text each other dumb things that are on their minds. “I saw a fat squirrel today” “!!!no way!” Kassidy helps set up a private facebook for Emily so they can share pictures to each other (this is placed in 2010/2011 so they don’t get instagrams just yet). They love taking selfies with their cats, as well as taking pictures of the sunsets they see when on the jet. They start collecting postcards from the towns they visit and write them to each other, so when they get home they have fun mail to look at. Emily’s ringtone is the Kim Possible theme song.
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And then there’s Rossi, who’s one of the team Dads(TM). I like to think Rossi sees Kassidy as the child he never had (SPOILER ALERT before Joy gets introduced to the story LMAO), so he’s extra sweet on her- and spoils her rotten. She never asks him for anything but eventually he starts buying stuff for her and paying for groceries to be delivered to her apartment and she’s like “???? what are you doing?” And he’s like “you’re my daughter now I am taking care of you.” LOL. Of course later on when Joy joins the BAU fam Rossi introduces her to Kassidy like “Joy this is my other daughter” and Joy is like “Cool I have a sister!” And Kass is like “I’m not actually his daughter tho-” “shush Kass you’re my kid, now smile for the camera.” She puts up with it and accidentally calls him “dad” once in front of everyone and it’s that whole scene from Brooklyn Nine-Nine and she’s like “no i didn’t why would I do that” lol. Rossi puts her in his phone as “Sunshine” since he’s the first one to ever call her that. She has him in as “Team Dad.” His ringtone is That’s Amore by Dean Martin. “When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore~”
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And then Hotch is like the other Dad(TM) who just wants to watch Kassidy and Spencer succeed at life and must protect them at all costs. Kassidy babysits for him a lot and freaking LOVES Jack. She becomes his unofficial “big sister” and lives for it. She loves taking Jack and Henry to the movies and park and is the best babysitter JJ and Hotch can find. Hotch has found her sleeping on his couch one to many times and just puts a blanket over her and lets her stay the night. He gets her coffee in the morning as a thank you for watching his son. At first she was embarrassed but eventually she gets a key to Hotch’s apartment, since he has a key to hers, and she just shows up sometimes just cause she can. She’s bad at buying groceries for herself but you bet your last dime she’s buying healthy foods for Hotch and Jack. She stocks their pantry FULL with foods, often showing Aunt Jessica where she hid the snacks so Jack (and Hotch) don’t try to get to them. She ends up with her own drawer in Hotch’s room that has some of her clothes and shower stuff in it cause of how often she’s over there. Her ringtone for Hotch is the COPS theme song LMAO.
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Morgan is Kassidy’s certified Big Brother(TM) and he will hurt anyone who hurts his baby sister. He takes on the role so naturally around her and loves her for making him feel life can be normal sometimes. He has to tease her a lot about her crush on Reid, but that’s what big brothers do, ya know? The two of them like to go out for drinks and dancing when they get home from cases. Gotta remind themselves that life is beautiful and fun too. She buys Morgan a bunch of books and DVDs that she thinks he’ll like, and he always promises that he definitely read/watched them, but she knows he didn’t. Except when she buys him Tangled on DVD, telling him that it’s her FAVORITE Disney movie of ALL TIME. She knows he watched that one because she hears him humming some of the songs that got stuck in his head. They also hav the complete opposite taste in music, often fighting over what station to listen to when in the car. Usually Hotch or Emily has to tell them to knock it off or they’ll end up hitting each other (nicely). Kassidy HATES running, but she gets up at 6am on Saturdays to run with Morgan. She’s getting more stamina because of it, but she won’t admit it. Her ringtone for him is her favorite song, “Soak Up The Sun” by Sheryl Crow. 
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Penelope and Kassidy are besties for sure. They have girls night once a week when they can, binging on ice cream and watching lame rom-coms (Kass can’t handle secondhand embarrassment movies but she’ll watch them if Penny asks- hiding her face in her hands when those scenes are on). They like to go shopping together, hyping each other up in dressing rooms and picking out cute/colorful clothes. They always do brunch when they go shopping. They spend a LOT of money when they’re together, and have no filter whatsoever. Kassidy tends to get drunk by the end of the night if she was with Penny, which is always odd considering at the beginning of the day she swore she wouldn’t drink anything. She ends up taking a whole small chest for herself at Penny’s apartment, keeping clothes and toiletries in there. Penelope joked once that Kassidy had her stuff scattered all around the state of Virginia. She wasn’t wrong. Kassidy’s ringtone for her is “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina & The Waves. They also text cute pictures of baby animals to each other a lot. 
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JJ and Kassidy love getting mani-pedi’s together. And when they’re together it’s either a whole spa day, or they’re at the firing range- there is no in between. No matter what they do, a lot of money will be missing from their accounts at the end of the day, much to Will (and Rossi’s) dismay. Kassidy see’s JJ as a sister too, but more like a twin/super close best friend type of sister, not an older sister like she see’s Emily. She’s totally a Jemily shipper (as a joke, but like <w<). They like to lay in the grass in JJ’s backyard and stare at the clouds, talking about all the places they’ll visit someday. One time they planned a whole trip to Greece, pulling out their phones and looking up ticket prices for the plane ride, hotel, sight-seeing and more. They haven’t fulfilled that trip yet, but they sometimes mention it to one another, reminding themselves that they will go. Someday. JJ’s ringtone is the opening Disney theme to every movie ever.
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And then there’s Spencer <3 From the beginning she felt kind of drawn to him, his mannerisms, his love of knowledge- all of it. They like to get coffee together on their days off and trade books (Kassidy had to buy a bunch of new books recently so she had more to trade with him). She’s been to his apartment quite a few times, watching French movies and Earth Documentaries. They just like being in each others company (uwu). Kassidy probably texts Spencer the most, even though he detests texting- but that doesn’t stop him from replying. Her text tone for him is R2-D2 beeping (even though he says he’s not really a fan of Star Wars). During cases they’re almost always paired up together to work on geo-profiling and victimology, sitting close at the table with their legs just barely touching, their feet lightly pushing into each other every once in a while to remind the other that they’re still there. They’re totally NOT playing footsie (they totally are). Her ringtone for Spencer is the Star Trek opening theme. “Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship, Enterprise.”
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Kassidy hasn’t met some of the other fun characters of the show yet, but eventually she’ll love all of them too <3 This fic takes place in season 6, after Hayley dies and right before Emily “dies,” ;) ANYWAYS I wanted to rant about this a little so um, thanks if you read it? LOL. Let me know what you guys think? <3
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