#if this flops I'm lighting myself on fire
petitemistletoe · 1 year
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader, Sirius Black x Reader, Remus Lupin x Reader, Wolfstar x Reader
Warnings: smut, angst
Word Count: 4K+
A/N: She-Wolf by Shakira is such a Marauders song thank you Shakira for your contributions to society
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S.O.S. she's in disguise
S.O.S. she's in disguise
There's a she wolf in disguise
Coming out, coming out, coming out
“Alright James?” Remus asked as he set his books down on his bed, Sirius and Peter trailing in behind him. 
“Yeah, Prongs, what the hell are you doing?” Sirius asked, flopping down on his bed and watching James throw away a cluster of chocolate frog wrappers. 
“I’m cleaning after you animals.” James rolled his eyes playfully. 
“Why?” Peter asked. 
“My cousin is coming to visit and I got permission for her to stay here.” James held up a set of a dirty robes that had been hidden under Peter’s bed and gagged. 
“Your cousin? I thought she was up in the Pyrenees at Beauxbatons.” Remus bent down to help James pick up discarded candy bean packages. 
“Is she still a foul little bitch?” Peter said, flopping onto his bed and scowling.
“Whoa Wormy! Didn’t know you even knew that word!” Sirius laughed. 
“Don’t tell me you’re still upset with her for your little quidditch incident when we were seven.” James laughed.
“She hit me with her broomstick and broke my nose.” Peter sulked. 
“That was years ago, Peter. Beauxbatons has a holiday for some French event and I got Dumbledore’s permission to stay. I need everyone to be on their best behavior because she’s going to meet Evans for the first time.” 
“I will not be nice to her.” Peter crossed his arms.
“Yes, you will.” James’ words were clipped. Sirius was going to fire off some other ugly compliment when there was a knock at the dorm door. 
“Professor Dumbledore,” James took a step back from the door. 
“Hello gentlemen. James, your cousin’s chariot has landed by the black lake. She’s in the great hall now, waiting for you.” Dumbledore smiled. James, Remus, and Sirius bounded down the stairs while Peter sulked upstairs.
Remus was absolutely knocked back when he saw you. Sure, you were absolutely gorgeous but there was something about you, something he couldn’t quite name that had him enraptured by you. 
You were seated at the Gryffindor table in the great hall, talking to Mary. You hand was light on Mary’s arm, your head thrown back in laughter at something Mary had said. 
“Potter! You didn’t tell me your cousin was so hilarious.” Mary grinned as the boys sat down next to you. 
“It’s so good to see you, James.” You gave your cousin a tight hug before looking at the two boys seated next to him. “I imagine you must be Sirius and Remus. James never shuts up about you.”
A domesticated girl that's all you ask of me
Darling, it is no joke, this is lycanthropy
The moon's awake now, with eyes wide open
My body's craving, so feed the hungry
“Guilty as charged.” Sirius winked.
“Where’s Peter?” You asked. 
“He’s still cross with you about the broomstick.” James rolled his eyes.
“Oh my God that was like ten years ago.” You laughed and rolled your own eyes. 
“So how long will you be staying with us?” Sirius asked. 
“The whole weekend!”
“That long?” James looked alarmed. He had told the boys that you were only staying for the night.
“Is that alright?” You cocked your head. 
“Of course, of course. Moony, Pads, can I talk to you for a second?” James stood from the table and gestured for the boys to follow until they were out of earshot of the table. 
“So she’s staying for a week?” Sirius glared at James. 
“I didn’t know! What are we going to do?” James moaned. 
I've been devoting myself to you Monday to Monday and Friday to Friday
Not getting enough retribution or decent incentives to keep me at it
I'm starting to feel just a little abused like a coffee machine in an office, ah
So I'm gonna go somewhere cosy to get me a lover and tell you about it
“Do about what?” Peter asked, joining the group. 
“James’ cousin is staying for the entire weekend.” Remus sighed. 
“What about the moon on Saturday?” Peter asked. 
“Yeah, that’s the problem Pete.” Sirius rubbed his temples
“I knew there was nothing good that could happen with that girl around.” Peter shook his head and made his way back over to the table.
“Alright Peter?” You grinned up at the boy. 
“Potter.” He glared down at you. 
“Don’t tell me your still upset about the broom!”
“It’s all he’s talked about for the past two weeks.” Mary said with an eyeroll. “You’re coming to the Three Broomsticks tonight, right?”
“Am I?” You looked up at James. 
“Yeah! We’ll do dinner here and then drinks at the pub and you can meet Lily. I think you’ll love her.” James smiled. 
There's a she wolf in the closet
Open up and set it free
There's a she wolf in your closet
Let it out so it can breathe
“Excellent! When’s dinner I’m starving?” You asked. 
“About an hour. I think James and I are going to do a quick spin on the pitch if you’d like to join. I’m sure Wormy would love it.” Sirius grinned at the thought of you being around Peter again with a broom. 
“I appreciate the offer but I actually was wondering if you could point me in the direction of Madame Pomfrey’s office.”
“What do you need to see Madame Pomfrey for?” James was immediately concerned, his hand going to your forehead to check your temperature. 
“I’m fine,” you laughed, “I’ve been wanting to explore the world of healing after I graduate and I hear that Poppy Pomfrey is one of the best medi-witches in the UK.” You explained. 
“I can walk you down,” Remus said, getting up and extending his hand to help you up. 
“See you all at dinner!” You waved to the group and walked down to the hospital wing with Remus. 
Remus left you in the hospital wing and made his way back up to the dorms, expecting to find it completely empty. He was surprised to see Sirius lounging on Remus’ bed, playing with a snitch. 
Sitting across a bar, staring right at her prey
It's going well so far, she's gonna get her way
Nocturnal creatures are not so prudent
The moon's my teacher, and I'm her student
“What are you doing up here?” Remus asked, sitting down hard on the bed and sighing. His body was sore, the way it always was in the days leading up to the moon. 
“Peter threw another hissy fit so James is calming him down. I didn’t want to hear him moan anymore so I thought I’d come here and hear you moan.” Sirius smirked, grabbing Remus by the back of the neck and kissing him hard. Remus chuckled and reciprocated, his teeth clashing against Sirius’ as he pulled off his shirt. Remus could feel Sirius growing hard beneath him and he chuckled, 
“You’re so needy for me.” Remus grinned. Sirius moaned into Remus’ open mouth and whispered, 
“You’re always so hot near the moon.” Sirius flipped Remus over so Sirius was on top and started to kiss down Remus’ jaw, then his chest, then down his stomach towards his cock. Sirius took Remus into his mouth and relaxed his mouth, trying to take in as much of Remus as he could. Remus knotted his fingers in Sirius’ dark hair and moaned, 
“Fuck yeah, Black. God that feels so good.”
Sirius moaned around Remus’ cock, taking out his own cock and jerking it as he sucked Remus off. Remus knew the moon heightened his emotions and impulses but he felt like his skin was on fire. It felt like every nerve ending was exposed and as he came he released a strangled, 
“Oh Potter.”
Sirius jerked his head back, his mouth still full of Remus’ cum and quirked an eyebrow at him. Sirius swallowed harshly and said, 
“You just killed my hard-on.”
To locate the single man I got on me a special radar
And the fire department hot line in case I get in trouble later
Not looking for cute little divos or rich city guys I just want to enjoy
By having a very good time and behave very bad in the arms of a boy
“I-” Remus was bright red and trying to make sense of what had just happened. 
“You don’t have a crush on James, do you?” Sirius joked. 
“No, no, not James…”
“It’s his cousin! I knew it! You’ve been acting weird ever since she got here.” Sirius was a little annoyed now, “I thought you were gay, you big liar.”
“I am! I don’t know what it is about her…something I can’t quite explain. Hopefully it’s all just related the moon.” Remus shook his head. 
“Maybe you should fuck her,” Sirius shrugged. 
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah. Get it out of your system. We could have a little threesome!” Sirius laughed. 
“With James’ cousin? He would murder us in cold blood.” Remus shook his head. 
You were making your way back up from the hospital wing when a girl started walking in stride with you. 
“Can I help you?” You asked her. James had warned you extensively of steering clear of the Slytherins and this girl wasn’t wearing her house tie so you were a bit concerned. 
“Sorry! I’m Lily, James’ girlfriend. You’re his cousin, aren’t you?” She stopped and stretched out her hand. 
“Oh hi! How did you know I was James’ cousin?” You asked, shaking her hand and resuming your walk.
“He’s talked about you for two weeks straight, I think I could’ve drawn you from memory. Also your powder blue Beauxbatons uniform makes you stick out like a sore thumb.” Lily giggled.
“Oh,” you released a laugh yourself, “I guess you’re right.” You fiddled with the sleeve of your uniform as you walked with Lily to the great hall. 
There's a she wolf in the closet
Open up and set it free
There's a she wolf in your closet
Let it out so it can breathe
It was far more alive than it had been just an hour ago when you had arrived. The four large tables were packed, each one was practically overflowing with students who were talking loudly and over each other. You expected a clear divide between each house, after James’ comments about Slytherin but it seemed like there was a fair amount of intermingling. The Slytherins generally kept to themselves but other than that you saw people of all tie colors sitting together, chatting, eating, joking around. You saw Mary sitting in the lap of a boy with a yellow tie at a table that was not Gryffindor’s. You couldn’t help but stare at the Slytherin table as you walked towards the Gryffindor table. There was a boy at the table that was staring daggers at you. He had impossibly pale skin, a large hooked nose, and long dark hair that seemed overdue for a wash. He was seated next to a boy who bore a striking resemblance to Sirius and you seemed to remember your Aunt Effie mentioning something about taking in Sirius after a fall-out with his family. He was a Black, if you remembered correctly, and even though tensions about blood status were not as high in France as they were in the UK, you were well aware of the Black legacy. Perhaps this boy was Sirius’ brother. Regardless, he wasn’t the one staring at you-that was the greasy haired boy. 
Lily had something to you that you hadn’t processed and she followed your gaze to the boy. To your surprise, her face split into a grin and she waved at the boy who only blushed red and dropped his head. 
“That’s Severus. He’s…an old friend of mine. James doesn’t like that we’re friends. I’m sure he’s told you all about how awful and foul the Slytherins are.” Lily’s voice and an edge to it. 
“He has,” you nodded, “but James has always been very passionate about what he believes in.”
“That’s an understatement,” Lily nodded as you sat. You two were the first of the group to sit at the table and you relished the few moments of quiet where you could talk with Lily uninterrupted. 
“I’m not going to say anything bad about James,” you said, diplomatically, “but I have no business in writing people off before I can make my own sound judgement about them.”
“Oh,” Lily seemed to have been released of an intense weight on her shoulders, “I’m so glad to hear that. It’s rich coming from James, too, considering that Remus-” Lily’s eyes went wide and she immediately sucked in a deep breath. 
“Remus has all those scars, right? Must make him a target for bullies.” You supplied. 
“Yes, yes exactly.” Lily said gratefully. Before she could say anything else, Sirius and Remus waltzed into the hall, followed closely by James and Peter.
“Look at that! My two best girls are already acquainted!” James shoved his way between you and Lily and wrapped his arms around you both. 
“Oh God,” you gagged, wiggling out of James’ grasp and covering your nose with your hand.
“James you smell disgusting!” Lily also scooted away from James and gave him a playfully disgusted look. 
“I was on the pitch!” James said with mock shock, “Don’t act like you don’t love it Evans!” He practically tackled Lily, peppering with kisses as she pretended to retch. 
“Are they always that lovey-dovey?” You asked Sirius, who sitting across from you.
“Unbearably so.” Sirius rolled his eyes. 
“So how was your talk with Madame Pomfrey?” Remus asked. It seemed like every time you turned your head Remus was staring at you with his deep, inquisitive eyes. 
“Great! She shared a lot of great resources about healing.” You nodded and took a bite of your food. The blonde girl at the table, Marlene, whipped her head around.
“Are you interesting in healing?” She asked excitedly. 
“Uh, yes. I was thinking about pursuing it after I graduate.” You replied cautiously. 
“So will I! I’d love to pick your brain about it.” Marlene had a wide grin on her face. 
“Absolutely,” you said with mock confidence, “another time though. I’m here to spend time with my cousin, if he can bear detaching himself from his girlfriend for a moment.” 
The table came alive with that, everyone laughing and hollering as James and Lily broke apart both red faced and sheepish. James was informing you of the evening’s itinerary when you felt a foot trace its way up your leg. Not too far up or anything, but it was definitely there and it definitely belonged to one Sirius Black. He was looking at you with a smirk as his fingers danced around the rim of his goblet. It took an active effort for you to tear yourself away from his gaze and pay attention to what James was saying. 
“Hold on a second,” you held your hand up and looked at James in astonishment, “you want to hit the pitch tomorrow at seven in the morning after getting pissed tonight? Are you insane?” 
“I’m giving you an extra hour of sleep!” James was wearing a face of true astonishment at your protests. 
“Didn’t you know that James Potter has never ever been hungover in his life.” Peter said with a head shake.
“He’s absolutely insufferable after a night of drinking.” Sirius chuckled. His foot was still tracing up and down your leg. 
“Oh I bet he is.” You chuckled but your eyes never left Sirius’. 
“Where will you be sleeping?” Marlene asked. It seemed like dinner was finally coming to a close and you are were all just sipping at your goblets. 
“The boys’ dorm. I think Dumbledore was kind enough to set up an extra cot but we always used to sleep in the same bed when were little.” James pinched your cheek. 
“If you’re going to be insane about Quidditch tomorrow though I’m not sure I want to share a bed with you.” You chuckled. 
“You could always take Moony’s bed, he spends most his nights in Sirius’ bed anyway.” Peter shrugged. Someone breathed in sharply and everyone’s heads shot towards Peter like he’d said something out of turn. James’ gaze was stony, which was odd, you hadn’t known that your cousin had had a mean bone in his body. But here he was, glaring down his oldest friend. 
“You’re together?” You asked, looking between Remus and Sirius. 
“Yes,” Sirius said. James looked like he was ready to launch into a speech but you only shrugged and said, 
“You make a cute couple.”
There was a collective sigh as it seemed that the group was able to drop their guard again. You wondering how many people knew about Sirius and Remus’ relationship. You also found Sirius’ game of footsy all the more confusing. 
You had been a bit suspicious of the Gryffindors when you heard that James wasn’t prone to hangovers. You had assumed that the Gryffindors probably all passed around a bottle of spiked butterbeer and went to sleep a little warm and giggly. You were not expecting the rounds of shots, the drinking games, the chugging contests, the Weed. You were drunk out of your mind. Sirius was playing footsy with you again, being less subtle this time about the way he stared and ogled you. But everyone else was drunk too. Remus was staring, that was nothing new, but you figured maybe he was mad at you for capturing the attention of his boyfriend. But you could’ve sworn you had Remus’ attention first. 
“I’m gonna get another round.” Remus slurred, standing on shaky legs and walking over the bar. 
“I’ll go help,” Sirius followed Remus, slapping his ass hard as he made his way to the bar with his boyfriend. 
“Cheers Moony!” James laughed. His glasses were lopsided on his head and his jaw was covered in red lipstick kiss marks. Lily was perched comfortably on his lap and was resting her head in the crook of his neck. Marlene, Mary, and Peter had tapped out and returned about an hour before with their respective partners, no doubt trying to find unoccupied areas of the castle for a liquor-fueled hookup. 
“James I gotta question for you,” you giggled, knocking over an empty bottle of firewhiskey. 
“Anything for you, love,” James sent a wide grin your way. 
“Why do’ya call Remus Moony?”
“It’s actually a very interesting story,” James took his glasses off and pointed them your way but Lily slapped her hand over James’ mouth.
“I think you’ve had much too much to drink, James.” She said with a panicked laugh. Remus and Sirius returned with the tray of shots and you turned to the boys, 
“Remus, why does everyone call you Moony?” You asked him directly. 
“Just a nickname.” Sirius was casual, relaxed. An odd change from Lily. 
“Mooooony.” You crooned the entire way back to the dorms. “I like that. It has good mouth feel, you know.” You giggled at the sound of your own voice. James was brushing his teeth now, Lily had returned to her dorm and you were laying in James’ bed, just a blink away from falling asleep. 
S.O.S. she's in disguise
S.O.S. she's in disguise
There's a she wolf in disguise
Coming out, coming out, coming out
“I quite like when you say my name,” Remus said, quickly and smoothly in your ear. His voice sent shivers down your spine. And then, you would tell yourself in the morning that you imagined it because you were so drunk, but you could have sworn that Remus licked up the side of your neck. 
When you woke up the next morning, your brain was pulsating inside your skull. You heard someone retching in the bathroom and you turned and found the bed empty. You tried to remember if James had even returned the night before or if you had left him in the pub when he sauntered back in, sweaty from a few rounds at the pitch. 
“There’s no way you aren’t hungover.” You groaned, turning over onto your stomach and wrapping your pillow over your ears. 
“Why don’t we get some breakfast? You’ll feel better.” James teased gently, trying to pull the covers off you. 
“Shut the fuck up James!” Remus snapped from behind his curtain. 
“Alright Moony, don’t yell just because it’s your time of the month. I have a bad enough headache as it is.” Peter was rubbing his temples as he exited the bathroom. He must’ve been the one vomiting earlier.
“Time of the month?” You asked. 
“Breakfast time!” James said suddenly, clapping his hands around your head. 
“Go away!” You groaned again, burying your head in your pillow until you were able to fall asleep again. When you woke up it was just you and Remus in the dorm. You dressed quietly as Remus explained that you two had slept through breakfast but you would be able to make lunch. Sirius and Peter had left just a few minutes before and James had already showered and finished an essay and was now waiting for you downstairs. You two made your way together down to the great hall where you wrapped your hands around a cup of coffee and nibbled at a piece of dry toast. Remus had loaded up his plate with a variety of lunch foods and you were staring at him in astonishment. Other than Remus, James was the only one with a normal appetite. 
“How are you not hungover?” You were flabbergasted, shaking your head at James. 
“You inherited Aunt Camille’s Veela status, I got her ability to avoid hangovers.” James shrugged. 
“So! I was thinking that you could spend the night in the girls’ dorm tonight. We’ll have a little sleepover.” Lily said with a grin. 
“Oh I’d love that but I actually want to spend more time with Jamesie here.” You smiled. Lily shot James a panicked expression that you weren’t able to fully understand. Remus leaned over and looked at the boys, sharing a knowing look that meant they all needed to talk. Luckily for the boys, you and Marlene were going to head to the library which meant the boys had free reign over the dorm for the foreseeable future. 
“Maybe it’s not a good idea for you all to come with me to the shack. We can’t risk your cousin finding anything out.” Remus sighed. 
“No! Moony we’ll figure it out, don’t worry. We can give her a strong sleeping draught tonight and sneak out after.” James reassured Remus. 
Remus was even more on edge than usual. Having you nearby and the approaching moon had his skin on fire and he just wanted to get the moon over and done with. Luckily for everyone, you had decided that your hangover was still plaguing you so you decided to spend the night in the hospital wing. 
S.O.S. she's in disguise
S.O.S. she's in disguise
There's a she wolf in disguise
Coming out, coming out, coming out
The moon had been incredible. More than that. Remus had never felt so amazing and free. He was surprised, however, that he wasn’t back in the shack when he came to. He was shaking when he saw Sirius, James, and Peter staring over him concern written all over their faces. 
“What’s wrong?” Remus asked. 
“There was another wolf. You couldn’t keep away from each other. We have no idea where she came from.” Sirius was wringing his hands. They helped Remus up and were starting to head back to the shack when they saw someone stumble out of the woods and collapse at the edge of the clearing. 
“That must be the other wolf.” James said. The boys all ran, with Sirius supporting Remus still, over to the collapsed figure. 
“Oh my God.” Peter gasped. 
“There’s a she-wolf in disguise.” Sirius looked up at James, who could only stare down at your unconscious body below them. 
There's a she wolf in your closet
Let it out so it can breathe
2K notes · View notes
joeys-babe · 6 months
Joey B Imagines: Ring of Fire*
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Summary: The night after getting engaged in Portofino, Italy on Valentine’s Day turns into one of the best nights you and Joe have ever had.
(Part two to - Part 1)
Warnings: Smut
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
February 14th, 2023
Joe had gotten dinner delivered to the Airbnb, and soon after we were done he couldn't wait much longer to get down to business.
He had just taken the empty take-out boxes into the kitchen fully clothed but by the time he walked back into the bedroom he was just in his boxers.
“Lose a few things on the way there?” - you giggled
“I’m a good multitasker.” - Joe shrugged
“C’mere goofball.” - you
Joe didn't waste any time crawling on top of me to fiercely press his lips to mine.
He shifted around till more of his body was on top of mine so he had something to grind himself on.
I could already feel his familiar erection through his thin cotton boxers, and the more he ground against me the deeper the ache of wanting him grew.
“Joey.” - you whimpered into his mouth
“What is it, baby?” - Joe
“Wanna touch you.” - you
Joe groaned as my hand wandered down his torso, making a beeline straight for his crotch to run my fingers over his bulge.
“Okay before we do anything, I need to admit something.” - Joe
“What’s that Joe?” - you
“I have fantasies about this night for years, and I kinda uhm… I don't know…” - Joe
“You already have a plan for how you want to have sex tonight.” - you finished his sentence
“Exactly. You don't have to, but I really want this to play out a certain way.” - Joe
“After everything you've done for me the past two days, I think sex your way might just be the perfect repayment. Just tell me what you need, and I'll do it.” - you
Joe nodded and stood up from the bed. I watched him grab the full-length mirror from one side of the room and set it up against the wall in front of the bed.
He quickly discarded his boxers and flopped onto the bed where he was sitting directly across from the mirror.
“Come here.” - Joe
I was about to stand up from the bed thinking Joe wanted me on my knees for him, but he stopped me and told me to sit behind him.
“Take your clothes off first… please.” - Joe
Giggling at his remembrance of manners, I discarded my clothes and scooted to sit behind him. My legs were on either side of his and my chest was to his back.
“So… no head today?” - you
“Nope.” - Joe
“What do you need, baby?” - you
“Your hand.” - Joe
“Oh okay… uhm should I take my ring off?” - you
“Hell no! Oh and… please use your left.” - Joe
I was slightly taken aback by Joe’s request because I couldn't remember the last time he asked for a handjob.
“Please, baby.” - Joe
He seemed whiny as if he wasn't able to wait any longer, and when my gaze flicked down to his fully erect cock… I understood why.
Joe’s shaft was fully red and throbbing, precum dripping out of his tip and onto his stomach practically begging for attention.
Now I needed to touch him.
After spitting into my left hand, I immediately wrapped it around his cock.
He groaned as I gave one slow pump but as soon as my pace got quicker, his head fell back onto my shoulder.
“Fuck, y/n…” - Joe grunted
It felt weird in this position with him. Joe was always dominant in bed… but right now it felt like the roles had reversed.
The mirror was such a hot move. Just watching myself stroke his dick as he looked completely blissed out.
Joe’s eyes were clenched closed, his glistening chest was progressively heaving, and his top teeth were sunk into his bottom lip.
He knew that if he opened his eyes and saw your hand, and that engagement ring, around his dick, that he'd immediately cum.
And a few minutes later, that's exactly what happened. Joe opened his eyes and immediately moaned when that ring he put on your finger sparkled in the light. You felt him harden even more and he immediately warned you of his upcoming climax.
“Shit! Fuck, I'm cumming!” - Joe
I let go of his slowly softening erection and rubbed over his chest. His breathing was irregular and I just wanted to get him calmed down before the next round.
“You good, baby?” - you
“Mhm. Just… gimme a minute.” - Joe
I took this time to get up and grab a washcloth to wipe off my hand and clean Joe up.
A few minutes later Joe was ready and he quickly crawled on top of me after laying me down.
“You drive me crazy…” - Joe whispered in your ear before he slowly kissed the side of your neck
“You drive me crazy.” - you laced your fingers into his hair
Joe slowly kissed my neck before he started moving his lips down my body.
Once he was close to his prize, Joe gently grasped my thighs and spread them.
“You are gorgeous.” - Joe groaned
Not long after that, he dropped his head and connected his lips to my dripping core. He gave a thorough suck to my clit before thrusting his tongue between my folds.
“Joe! Fuck!” - you moaned
Despite eating dinner just ten minutes ago, he ate me out like a starved man.
“You taste so good..” - Joe moaned
He was working me so well, continuing his assault with that fucking magic-like mouth. God, calling plays isn't the only thing it's good for.
“I’m close!” - you
I whined out of protest when he pulled away from me but just a second later he easily sunk two thick fingers into me.
“Oh god!” - you moaned
Joe leaned up to where his face was just inches from mine, and I could feel his breath on my lips.
“Can you take another one of my fingers?” - Joe
“I-” - you moaned
“Words, baby.” - Joe
“Yes!” - you
He slipped in a third finger and started rubbing me with his thumb.
“Joe…” - you whined
“Come for me. Come on my fingers.” - Joe
Not long after that I felt the built-up feeling in my stomach snap like a rubber band and I came hard.
Joe softly kissed my cheeks and lips to calm me down, and gently pulled his fingers out.
The sight of Joe sucking my essence off of his fingers was so fucking hot.
“God… you taste like candy.” - Joe leaned forward and pressed his lips onto yours
Tasting myself on his lips caused me to moan and arch up into him, feeling his hard cock on my thigh.
“Come here. I need to get inside you.” - Joe
He gently pulled me down to the edge of the bed where we were earlier and sat me on his thighs.
“I want you to ride me reverse cowgirl and watch how hot you look while doing it in the mirror. Sound good?” - Joe
There's the dominant Joe I know and love.
“Yes…” - you
Joe sat me on the ground and turned me to where I was facing the mirror before picking me up and setting me back on his lap, this time my back was to him.
He had me to where I was just barely hovering over his cock, Joe would tell me when to take him.
“You look so pretty, baby.” - Joe looked at you in the mirror
I watched him move his hands from my thighs to my stomach, then he moved them even higher till he was eventually cupping my breasts.
“Ride me.” - Joe
Sinking onto him, both Joe and I moaned when I was fully seated.
“You're so tight.. and so fucking wet for me.” - Joe
My eyes met Joe’s in the mirror and I watched his flick down to my engagement ring. When it did his cock twitched inside of me and I knew we both weren't going to last long.
“Who’s making you feel good?” - Joe
“Y-you.” - you
“Who?” - Joe
He reached down and pinched my clit, making me see stars and clamp down onto him hard while getting closer to my climax.
“Joey!” - you
At some point, Joe and I were both watching his thick-length move in and out, in and out, in and out.
“You like that? Watching my cock?” - Joe
“Joey... please.” - you
“Please what?” - Joe
“Make me come.” - you moaned
Without telling him what I specifically wanted, he nodded and started thrusting up inside me as I bounced on his lap.
“Fuck.” - Joe groaned into your shoulder
I slid my hands up my own body to cover Joe’s wanting to have even more contact with him.
“Who’s are you?” - Joe grunted
“Yo-your’s.” - you
“Exactly. You're all mine.” - Joe
My head fell back onto Joe’s shoulder as he continued pounding into me, I knew I was going to have an orgasm soon.
“Joey I'm so close!” - you
“Me too, baby. Almost there.” - Joe groaned
He laced his fingers with mine and grunted loudly as his thrusts started getting more sporadic.
A moment later, Joe dropped one of his hands to use his thumb on my clit, and after one certainly planned hard thrust my walls clamped down onto him hard.
“Joe, I'm cumming!” - you
“Fuck, y/n!” - Joe
We practically came in sync and I wasn't at all surprised when Joe collapsed backward and I tumbled on top of him.
Joe gently rubbed over my stomach for a few minutes, letting both of us catch our breath before he pulled out and laid down next to me. He pulled me into his chest and softly kissed my forehead while whispering words of praise.
“You did so well, my love.” - Joe gently stroked your cheek
“I love you.” - you nuzzled yourself into his neck
“I love you too.” - Joe wrapped an arm around your back
Minutes later Joe ushered me into the shower. I protested even getting up but he told me he'd do everything for me while we were in the shower… and he did.
Joe had an arm around my waist just in case I fell asleep standing up and washed my remaining makeup off before shampooing and conditioning my hair. He had to let go of me to wash my body, but the feeling of his hands softly rubbing over my body made up for the loss of contact.
Soon we would be leaving the warmth of the shower. The feel of the cold tiles on my feet made me shiver so Joe immediately wrapped a towel around me that had been on the warmer. I was so grateful to have such a great boyfriend fiance.
Joe slipped one of his large T-shirts over my head and put on a pair of boxers before ushering me into the bed.
As soon as he was under the covers I snuggled up to him, wanting to be close enough to him to feel the warmth his body emitted.
“Pretty girl.” - Joe moved a hair out of your face to kiss your forehead
“Handsome boy.” - you buried your face in his chest
“I love you.” - Joe
“I love you too, sheisty.” - you
“Goodnight.” - Joe chuckled
“Wait can I ask you something?” - you sleepily mumbled
“Of course.” - Joe
“Does my engagement ring… turn you on?” - you
It was a serious genuine question, so when Joe chuckled loudly I cut him a look that had him giving me a sheepish smile.
“No, the ring itself does not turn me on. Seeing it on you, knowing that I put that rock on your finger that physically shows that you're taken… turns me on.” - Joe
“Really?” - you giggled
“Yes. Guys will see that ring and be like… ‘damn she's got a nice fiance better not mess with her’ and I think that's so goddamn hot.” - Joe
“Sounds like insecure possessiveness.” - you
“Wait I didn't mean it like that… its hard to explain but…” - Joe
“Babe, I'm kidding. I just can't believe that I made you come that hard from a handjob earlier.” - you
“For real. I think I understand what Johnny Cash meant when he sang about a Ring of Fire.” - Joe
“Joseph Lee!” - you giggled
A few jokes and giggles later, I fell asleep in Joe’s arms. We fell asleep not as boyfriend and girlfriend, but for the first time, a couple engaged to be married.
Authors note: on the 8th day of Christmas I gave y’all some smutty smut smut ❤️
Hope you enjoyed!! 🤍
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vikersund · 8 months
Hi! I hope this post won't flop </3
first of all I wanted to finally reveal myself on this platform - many of you know me as Himbeertee_ on tiktok and twitter, Hello! Yes, I'm also here :P
I felt like last few days were like a fever dream - so I decided to write a summary/recap of my journey to Stozice.
It was not my first Joker Out show, last month I was in Żalec and both times I traveled by train and bus, so if anyone wonders how to get to Slovenia from Poland - the cheapest way is by Flixbus, but the fastest is by plane. I spent 5 hours in train and 11 hours in bus and it was only one way ride.
Me and my friend arrived at the arena around 4pm and we were 24/25 in the queue and we ended up at barricade in front of Kris, thanks to long catwalk and very long barricade. (I wanted to be at Kris' side, because duuuh i'm a Kris girlie).
If it comes to new merch - there were new winter beanies, new shirts, hoodies, socks, UM and Demoni CD's, condoms, new notebook (juhuhu hahaha), new tote bags and if you ask me... well.. those shirts didn't look good at least for me, but the rest of it was fine. I bought baby boos socks, because (to the unpopular opinion) I love the name xD
If it comes to the show alone, I will try to describe few songs. As you might have seen on twitter I managed to get the setlist (which was leaked at least day before - and unfortunately i saw some of it so I didnt experience the surprise).
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The live-from-backstage intro was so cool, like I had chills, the screen was turning from the backstage to black screen or to joker out sign with the music that made your heart beat to it, it definitely built an atmosphere, we saw Jo getting ready to rock the stage, Kris leading the 5 of them to the stage from backstage, then they finally came from behind drums, which was such a cool entrance!
First song was Sunny Side of London - and now I understand that they picked it as an opener because of the "welcome" at the beginning, but when I first heard it i was kinda sceptical why is this the first song. People from the brass band joined them for the iconic balcan solo (dare I say - Kris outwhored himself during the solo).
Then we screamed for the record and we beat it, but honestly I think that the result should be higher, but because it was such an open space, the device didnt gather the sound as good as in smaller venues.
Then gola and bele sanje - honestly don't remember much of it because I was enjoying myself, maybe a little too much, but the guitar transition from bele sanje to plastika was sooooo good.
Plastika oh plastika! This song is made for concerts, everyone were screaming their lungs off and Bojan was everywhere, including the cat walk.
Proti toku - what can I say other than justice for Proti Toku! Like i dont understand why they abandoned this song at the shows...
As you already know I was at Kris' side and I had the best view on him, let me tell you. This man didn't hold back during dopamin, his moves were electric and there should be another twitter account "Kris shuffles to:"
Padam - Bojan sang the song laying on the catwalk for the entire length of the song and for a moment I was so confused where he went, because I didn't see him at first.
Then after Padam we had a small break, that included screenings of pre-eurovision clips from their vlogs and during that everyone was lying on the stage (not sure about Jure tho).
Then demoni happened and the Iconic scream was... well... demonic xD Bojan ended up almost on all fours in front of 12k audience. You're welcome or something.
Katrina - is another song which was made to being played on stage. I loved the red and white lights especially, bojan was very slutty and we were introduced to releasing fumes from the pyro stuff (not real pyro or fire on their show in Stozice).
ASTP - AMAZING intro played by a dude with trumpet, I had chills, Bojan was sitting on his knees on the stage, listening to it. I'll try to upload it to tiktok later! It is one of my fav songs. Great vocals from Bojan and Kris, the second one was very slutty af during the song (who is surprised at this point?). No Janace ending, Jan ended the song playing at the end of catwalk, nice moment between Nace and Bojan.
Omamljeno Telo - well this is the only JO song that I am not that much a fan of, but they definitely delivered their perfomance, especially when everyone went to the catwalk. We had Kris/Nace moment during the song.
Kot Srce Ki Kri Poganja - will you banish me If I tell you that I have never heard any of their unreleased songs?
Anyway I LOVED THIS SONG, can they release it on new album please? I already knew that Martin will join them because I saw pics from backstage before the show, but I was surprised to see Matic there. This songs slaps and I fell in love with the vibe martin gave while playing the bass. I couldnt stop staring at him, he was magnetic and so happy to play with others. I might cry a little when Nace gave him his bass. I loved how everyone was hugging each other before and after the song. Such a heartwarming moment, even if Martin doesnt play anymore, you could definitely see that he is still part of the family <3
Metulji - amazing perfomance, again they delivered, love the song, also amazing Jan solo at the end of the song, kinda improvised i think? At least I have never heard those sounds before.
Vse Kar Vem - well, you know who I was focused on xD I guess I have a new Vse Kar Vem iconic video for you xD
NGVOT - before the song I was wondering if they will do Tavastia 2.0 with ngvot and the scream i I let out when I saw that Bojan was far from the mic, far enough to be late to start singing the song if he had to, and then I turned to look at Kris and I already knew. This is all I've been asking for. I'm so glad that Kris is more comfortable to sing the first verse, his voice was more relaxed, less shaky than in Tavastia, I loved the way he sang "ti pa barvo las" the way Bojan does. But I still think he has to work a little bit on his voice, because I know he CAN sing (from other videos). I wonder if they will leave this song as a duet for other shows in the future or If it was like one-time thing.
Vem Da Gres - all I remember was Nace on our side and how handsome he looked. I'm not a Nace girlie, but I can definitely see why others are, and his new hair and the outfit... asdfgrew
Ne Bi Smel - this time Jan joined our side and he had a nice moment with Bojan
Ona - Another time when men from brass band joined and it was the song which had changed arrangement. I loved it. the whole vibe of the song stayed the same, but the brass instruments elevated it. (If i think about any fuck ups during the show - it happened here - the mic of the Saxophone guy didnt work at first, I've heard him from the front row, but idk if people in the back have heard him). During this song they also showed me and my friend on the screen and i cant stop thinking about how the hell it happened xD Now i am immortal in joker out stozice lore xD
Tokio - honestly don't remember what was happening - probably I was just screaming and singing.
Umazane Misli - i loved it. I LOVED IT. The way Bojan was demanding the audience who and when should they sing, and then he came down to us and let 2 people sing, and he received the THREE KAKSI ANANAS LONKERO shirt and he loved it so much, he was so smiley and took this shirt with him on the stage.
Novi val - I almost cried. This is my fav song, and thanks to Joker Out Subs and Spela the project came true, the coloful lights flashed beautifully above boy's heads. We and them were touched and it was such a special moment. At the beginning of Novi Val Jure came to our side and we could see his outfit from the closer proximity, and dare I say it was second best after Kris'.
Last but not least - Carpe Diem. After novi val they left the stage, but everyone knew it wasnt over. The break was too long and It just clicked in my head that what if they are changing into their Eurovision clothes. AND THEY DID. I just predicted it seconds before it happened. It was unreal - like i just travelled back in time 5 months.
Overall it was the best night of my life. Everything was perfect. The lights were amazing. The stage was amazing. Clothes - god, the amount of details on each outfit! Personally I think Kris and Jure had the best outfits. I couldnt really see Jan and Nace outfit details, but the looked GOOD. But if I have to complain - not a fan of detachable sleeves on Bojan's shirt.
They all delivered their performances. Not a single mistake - i am so impressed because thats a skill.
We all agree that Kris outdid himself that night. The way he moved, the way he sang, the way he was SO CONFIDENT. Like he was born to be in that exact moment.
I also loved every single interaction between boys, the group ones, or the doubles. Maybe there was no Jan and Nace astp ending but they had few moments. It was so nice to see Jan and Bojan jamming together, Kris and Nace doing their thing, Bojan and Kris' little shenanigans and even Jure and Jan had their moment when Jan ran to him at the beginning of the show.
I also love how they had movie-like credits. Everyone from their crew was credited, every person who worked on the show, team of photographers etc.
Other thing was how nice it was to being supplied with water all the time. The people behind barricade were giving us cups with water all the time, and even at the end of the show we got whole bottles.
Please don't take this post as a proper review - these are just my thoughts of the show <3
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mushiimune · 25 days
when was the first time you watched newsies and what made you love it? :)
God I don't even remember anymore😭 I'm SOOOO OLLLLDDDUHHHHHH
I do remember that livesies was what first pulled me in. I remember scrolling tumblr endlessly and absorbing the art of crystallizedtwilight. "I want to draw like that," I thought, "I want to captivate an audience like that with my visions of these characters that I love."
I fantasized always about how great my art could be if I really pushed myself. About how much I wanted to gush about these things that I love and have strangers gush with me, drawn in by the work I put out there.
and through my tumblr escapades, I spotted the first mentions of 92sies.
I HATED newsies 1992 at first. I HATED IT I thought it sucked and was totally lame and for losers! what is this monstrosity which I see before me? an unabashed fest of loserdom completely taking my favorite characters and unraveling them to neutral tone Guys???
but I started to dwell on 92sies. I started to think more about the changes to the story, the characters, how this one came first. something about it just captivated me. it captivates so many. and to some it may seem like just a silly box office flop about a 19th century strike that happens to include Christian Bale, but it's so much more, isn't it?
it's a story of courage and adversity. it shines a light in the dark where no one else in history ever really cares to look. the characters were so HUMAN. there were quiet and solemn moments, stakes that had you on the edge of your seat, and such strangely witty and period-typical dialogue that never really made it to Broadway.
there's delusion, there failure. there's wanting something to be real so badly in a time where hope ran short that Jack tried to weld fiction and reality together. there's higher stakes and realer danger, strikebreakers were so much scarier and Snyder made my skin crawl.
David had so much more depth. He wasn't just some shy goody two shoes, he was boyish and loquacious, just looking for a place he fit in to really open up and reach his potential. he was rough and tough and jumped into the battle feet first to fight for justice. we meet his parents, we meet his family, and we watch Jack softly sing Santa Fe on the fire escape.
There's so much longing. There's so much reaching out, hoping for another hand to reach back and be there to break your fall. There's no trust on the streets, but there is. They're not brothers or blood, but they're here together, and that's what matters.
There's no leader. The only thing that Jack wears to stand out from the rest of the newsies is his bandana. His dream puts him apart from the rest– rather than sticking around and working with what he was given, he wanted nothing more than to run away. A testament to what he'd been doing for all his life, running and hiding from the demons out to get him.
...and then David comes along, and teaches Jack courage. Maybe... if David can stand up for himself, so can he.
It's not that Jack has "nothing to stay for"... he's too scared to stay. What he doesn't have in New York is PEACE. And David gives that to him.
TLDR: I found newsies through Tumblr and I love the wordless lessons they teach through characters' actions and the story of triumph it tells even when the very circumstances of your birth are against you also historical fiction ftw
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this was so fucking long I'm so sorry anon you didn't deserve this once I started writing I just couldn't stop.... . . . .
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ordinaryschmuck · 9 months
So I finally saw Pixar's Elemental.
A projected box office flop turned frickin' SLEEPER HIT as this movie went from Pixar's lowest opening weekend to one of Disney's biggest financial hits in a WHILE. There are arguments as to why this happened, with some saying that it's because good word of mouth made more people want to see this movie more, while more CYNICAL individuals saying that it's because other choices at the time were either The Flash or Ruby Gillman. And whether you like THOSE movies or not...other people tend to agree that Elemental was the better choice. The question is, where do I stand? Do I think this movie was so good that more people went to see it or was it just a bit of good timing?
Well...Honestly, I'd say it's really that good. Or, at least, ALMOST that good. The meat of the story is about immigration, where this fire family moved to Element City, only to realize the town wasn't built for people like them in mind and their left struggling to make a life there with their community having their full support. Needless to say, this is definitely a movie with a specific target audience in mind and it's an engaging angle to go about the concept of sentient elements. And it's definitely more interesting than being a romcom about how opposites attract. Don't get me wrong, Wade and Ember have their cute moments, but not enough to sell me as a couple as they don't have enough chemistry (ha) to make something endearing. By the end of the day, I find myself fascinated more by Ember struggling to make her family proud and keeping the light (haha) of her heritage alive despite the things she wants to do with HER life. Ember finding a man? Nah, I could be fine without that. Especially when the movie does the whole "We're in love despite knowing each other for a few days" thing. Not my cup of tea when it comes to romance...
But where the story tends to struggle, where Elemental succeeds in is the animation. I'm sick of this belief that Pixar having great animation isn't a compliment anymore, because LOOK at this film! It's one of their most gorgeous projects to date, having breath taking visuals, fantastic expressions, and movements that nail the physics of fire and water PERFECTLY. Did a story about immigration or opposites attract NEED to be animated? Probably not. But a story about fire and water falling in love? Absolutely, because while the story doesn't do that opposites attract concept justice, the animation does. There's this great scene where they touch for the first time and, visually, they perfectly capture that fear and excitement that comes from holding the person you love for the first time. It's sight to see, and I was left in awe through so much of this movie because of it.
In a way, I can totally buy why people went to see this movie, making it the hit that it did. The immigration side of the story had to have struck a chord with so many people and the animation made the love story more beautiful than it had to. That combined had to have been elemental to the films success.
I just hope studios learn something from this film.
"That you should leave movies in theaters longer to make them a success instead of throwing them onto streaming?"
THAT, and that the only way this movie exists the way it does is through the HUMAN experience. Only a human can convey the feeling of wanting to move to a new country, wanting to make a life only to feel as though they don't fit in. Only a human can accurately convey the beauty of love through the beauty of fire and water.
Computers can NOT. You can use AI all you want to make movies with NONE of the heart and talent that make hits like these. But studios will quickly learn that none of that will lead to a financial success like this.
(And if you're wondering where this stacks in my Pixar ranking, I'd say...#15. Right between the first Toy Story and Turning Red)
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do-it-for-the-fandom · 6 months
The Announcement. Christmas 2023.
Rick flopped down on the couch beside his wife, leant his head back against the soft cushions and closed his eyes.
"I don't think I'm going to make it to bed tonight," he mumbled. "Don't think I could pull myself off this couch even if it were on fire."
Kate laughed - just one short huff of air through her nose, she was too exhausted for anything more than that.
"If I have some sort of brain malfunction and offer to host Christmas Dinner next year, would you please be kind enough to remind me of this moment?"
"Happily." Kate leant against Rick's side, rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, taking a moment to soak up the silence.
After a minute, she spoke again. "It was nice, though."
"Good to have Alexis home again," Rick added.
Kate hummed in agreement. "And Sam's family is wonderful."
Alexis had married her boyfriend of two years, Samuel Morrison, in April and moved across the state just a few months later. She was just a few hours away - and made an effort to call her brothers and sister every night before bed - but the distance had been a big change for all of them to adjust to. Having her and Sam home for a few days was better than any gift they could have asked for.
In order to make the most of the few days they had been given, Rick had offered to host a joint Christmas dinner. Rick, Kate, Lilly, Reece and Jake were joined by Martha in the earlier hours of the day, soon followed by Jim. Alexis and Sam arrived later in the afternoon, bringing Sam's family (his parents, his sister and her husband, and their two kids) with them. It was a beautiful (albeit exhausting) blending of families - the first since the wedding - and even though Rick felt like he could probably sleep for a week after the day's festivities, he didn't actually regret a single thing and he would do it all again in a heartbeat.
"She picked a good one," he said sincerely.
"Thank you, Sir."
Rick and Kate peeled their eyes open and turned to look over the back of the couch. Sam and Alexis stood at the bottom of the stairs, hand-in-hand with bright smiles on their faces.
"The boys are fast asleep," Alexis informed them. "Lilly is finishing one more chapter of the book Jim got her but she has promised to turn the light off and go to sleep as soon as she does."
"So I'll sneak back up in about ten minutes to see how many chapters she's actually read," Sam laughed.
"Reminds me of someone else at that age," Rick said pointedly, looking at his eldest daughter.
"Thank you for putting them to bed." Kate pulled herself to her feet and walked toward the kitchen. "Do either of you want a tea or coffee? There's plenty of cocoa left."
"No thanks," Alexis answered on behalf of them both. "We were going to head back to the hotel, actually. We just wanted to give you both your gift first."
She looked at Sam and nodded, signalling for him to retrieve the gift from where she had hidden it in the office.
Rick rose from the couch. "You didn't have to get us a gift."
"I know you had to sacrifice some of your decorations to make room for everyone today," she said as she moved closer to her father. "Notably the tree. Kate mentioned that you were going to get a smaller one, but couldn't find one you liked."
"I may have been unnecessarily picky," Rick confessed.
"We found one that we thought you might like," Sam said as he stepped out of the office and placed a small flocked tree in the centre of the living room.
The tree was 4ft tall, adorned with bright white twinkle lights, gold ribbons and transparent baubles. As Kate and Rick both moved closer to inspect their gift, they realised that each bauble had a photograph inside of it.
"How did you manage to sneak this in without us seeing?" Kate asked.
"Lilly was more than happy to provide a distraction for me," Alexis said with a smirk.
Kate smiled. "Of course she was."
Rick drifted around the tree, studying each image carefully. It seemed that they were all from Christmases passed: he and Kate in front of the tree on their first Christmas together; Alexis at the ice rink as a child; Lilly, Jake and Reece's first Christmas photos; even Sam's first Christmas with the family. Each new photograph tugged at his heart-strings, brought tears to his eyes. He missed his girl; but he was eternally grateful that she was with someone who nurtured her softer sides, her thoughtful, kind heart.
Kate gasped. He looked up and met her sparkling, tear-filled eyes over the top of the tree. The smile that peeked out from behind the cover of her hand was more than enough to tell him he needed to see whatever it was that had caught her so off-guard. He hurried around the tree to stand by his wife's side.
He didn't know how he had missed it before. Right in the very centre of the tree, in a bauble just like the others, was a tiny print out of a sonogram. The words Baby Morrison, June 2024 were printed along the bottom edge of the image.
He turned to face his daughter. Her husband stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist and hands rested on her belly.
Despite the flurry of thoughts swirling through Rick's mind, not a single one managed to form into words.
"I can't tell if you're happy or not," Alexis said through a nervous chuckle.
Rick nodded and rushed toward his daughter. She stepped out of her husband's embrace and into the welcoming arms of her father.
"Over the moon," he whispered into her hair as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and squeezed her tight. "Congratulations."
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eventinelysplayground · 5 months
Happy Birthday Jean
It's Jean's birthday and so I had to write something for him. Your plans for Jean's birthday didn't turn out quite the way you wanted but in the end it doesn't matter. I tried out a different pov (reader) style for this one from what I usually do. It's also not smut but dang is it suggestive. WC 718.
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You had so many plans for today but none of them worked out right. You woke up late, ripped your new skirt, broke a glass while washing the dishes and burned yourself taking the macarons out of the oven. If all that wasn't enough you tripped on a bit of upturned rug and sprained your ankle pretty badly. This day was supposed to be special and now it's ruined.
“ Thank you for carrying me upstairs.”
You feel Jean's strong arms relax around you as he gently sits you on your bed. He joins you on it sitting close enough your thighs are touching and you can feel his body heat through your clothes.
“ Also I'm so sorry.”
“ Why are you sorry?”
“ Because I wanted to make today special for you but I just messed everything up.”
You sigh and flop back onto the bed. Jean looks down at you, his eyebrows furrowed in thought.
“ I don't think you messed anything up, everyone seemed to have a good time at dinner and the marorons were very tasty.”
“ See that's part of what I'm talking about! There was supposed to be more of them but I kind of forgot about the others after I burned myself taking the first tray out of the oven.”
“ I thought your ankle was injured?”
“ That came after I burned myself.”
“ I see.”
“ It's just, I know you didn't always like celebrating your birthday and I really wanted you to have fun and enjoy today but instead there were barely enough macarons and you had to carry me everywhere tonight.”
You cover your face with your hands in frustration and embarrassment wishing you could hide away. As you lay there mentally cursing at yourself you feel Jean's hands take hold of yours and gently pull them away from your face.
“ Look at me. If what you wanted was for me to enjoy myself today then you achieved that. I always enjoy myself when I'm with you.”
Jean tightens his grip on your hands as he pulls you to sit upright then kisses you softly on the lips.
" Did you really enjoy yourself?”
Jean's gaze moves away from yours for a moment and you can feel your heart clench.
“ I knew you didn't really enjoy it.”
You go to flop back down onto the bed but Jeans grip holds you in place.
“ I did enjoy it it's just that…”
Suddenly you feel Jean's touch caressing the bandage on the bottom of your palm.
“ I could smell faint traces of your blood all night and it was hard to control myself.”
“ Oh.”
Your eyes widen and heart beats faster as Jeans fingers start to make their way up your arm to your neck.
“ Well we're alone now, you don't need to control yourself any longer.”
You look into Jean's night sky eyes and can see his passion and concern for you fighting with each other within them. Not wanting to wait for a conclusion you reach out cupping Jean's cheek and kissing him hungrily. Your kiss deepens and you feel his tongue licking at your lips seeking entry. You open your lips slightly and he takes hold of the back of your head as his tongue seeks out yours. When the kiss is finally broken you only see desire in Jean's eyes.
“ Hold still, I don't want you to get hurt any more today.”
Jean adjusts his hold on your head while he leans towards your neck. He places soft kisses along your collarbone and up the length of your neck each one sending a jolt of pleasure through you. He kisses and licks his way back down to the base of your neck and you put your hands on his broad chest in anticipation of what's to come.
Jean whispers your name in a husky voice then you feel his sharp fangs pierce your skin.Your whole body pulses and sings with pleasure. His one hand still holds the back of your head while the other tightly grips your waist, his rough fingers digging in and lighting your skin on fire. You feel yourself becoming lost in the pleasure but before you're too far gone
“Happy Birthday Jean.”
Jean groans at your whispered words and sinks his fangs in even deeper nudging you closer to blisses edge.
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gatzilksis-2 · 2 years
Online Stranger
I stood at the edge of the parking lot to await a silver Hyundai. I looked again at my dating app. The guy coming to meet me was hot as fuck, muscular with clear, pale skin and brown hair combed back. He was clean-shaven, abnormal for me.
The SUV arrived, and I pointed to an open parking space in the dark. He parked and got out. I gasped. He was even more attractive than his picture in a cutoff yellow shirt, black shorts, and flip flops.
"You're Cal, right?" I asked, though it was clearly him.
"In the flesh." Cal held out his arms with a smile, displaying himself.
"Cool. Follow me." I walked inside, and the attractive man followed.
I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. As I turned on the TV, Cal sat at the other end. "You can pick the movie."
I picked one quickly and looked to him, muscles bulging under his shirt. "You can come closer. I'm not gonna jump you."
Cal chuckled, a sexy sound. He scooted onto the middle cushion and slipped his feet out of his sandals. Like the rest of him, they were big and wide.
The movie started, and we were quiet. I kept glancing at him, waiting for him to make a move.
A grumbling sound was muffled into the cushion. I fought not to react. It was unmistakably a fart, and I smelled it in a couple seconds.
I figured it was a mistake. Farting was a natural human thing, but during a date?
Cal didn't react to it, either.
The movie continued, and I began to forget the fart. We got closer to each other inch by inch, over the course of twenty minutes. His right thigh brushed my left.
He farted again, and this time it slightly vibrated the couch.
I breathed out, trying not to smell it. "Uh, was that a fart?"
Cal blushed but looked to me with a smile. "It's hard to hold it." He resituated, and the smell sprang up from the seat. It was warm and nasty, like a dumpster on fire.
I blinked in the stench, and he laughed. "Don't tell me you're one of those fart haters."
"On a first date?" I covered my nose with a sleeve over my hand.
"It's like a test." Cal got to his feet, still a gorgeous muscled man. However, the hanging smell of his fart dialed down the hot factor considerably. He squatted. BWAAAART!
I pushed the hand harder over my nose. The new smell was coming through, twice as bad as the last. I got up, too, walking to the kitchen to escape his farts. "I guess I'm failing the test. You don't think you should hold it?"
"Never do." The bulky brunette stepped into the kitchen, smile overly jovial. "Come on, man. It's just a little gas."
"Um, I don't think this is gonna work out." It was sad to let go of such an attractive man, but I couldn't stand his farting.
He stared me down, silence hanging between us as his smile turned dark. "You can't be serious."
"I am." I crossed my arms.
He stepped closer, close enough for his body heat to fall over me. A foot suddenly wrapped around my ankle. I tripped forward, catching myself before faceplanting.
Cal squatted over my face. His big ass blocked out most of the light. I freaked, scrambling to get away. But he grabbed my arms. He was too strong for me to get free. "Don't!"
"This is your fault." Cal dropped his ass as I turned my face away. FWRRRRR-BRWAAAAARRR-PT!
He rubbed his crack against my nose. I started gagging and coughing. I couldn't believe he'd just done that! No one had ever farted even near my face, and it wasn't something I cared to relive.
Cal got up and released my arms. He hurried to his sandals and put them on, then walked to the door. I couldn't even move, shocked beyond belief and sick to my stomach.
The apartment door opened, but Cal stuck his smirking head back into the kitchen. "We should do this again sometime!"
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
I’m the anon who requested the Robin x Male reader, gender neutral works!! I would love to see it with yours writing style <3
Alrighty then. I'm on it! Thanks for requesting! Aged up to 16! Love ya!
"Hey, Y/N!" Robin yelled. "Oh what's up Robin?" I said. "Can you help me study for the English test on Friday?" he asked me, smiling so cutely. "I would love to! Come over in 30 minutes?" "Ok! See you there!" he said, running off to go walk home with Finney.
He was so cute! I have had the biggest crush on him since I was 11 years old. Now that we're 16, my crush on Robin has grown insanely. But nobody knew how much love I truly felt for him. The only 'person' I've told is my diary. I've written everything I feel about Robin over the past five years in that diary. I started the walk home to get ready to study with Robin.
"He's gotten so much hotter as we've gotten older. Its insane how in love him I am. But I'm sure he doesn't feel the same. Gotta go! Love, Y/N" I wrote in my diary. I heard the doorbell ring downstairs and I shoved my diary under my pillow. I ran downstairs and opened the door to see Robin. "Hey! Come on in!" I said, beckoning him inside. "Hey! Thanks again for doing this. You didn't have to." He said. "I know. But I want to." I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom. "Are you hungry or thirsty? Do you want some food or a soda?" I asked. "Oh, a soda would be great, thanks." He said. I walked downstairs to grab some food and sodas.
Robin's POV
As I flopped down on Y/N's bed, I felt something hard under the pillow. I pulled out a book saying Y/N'S Diary. Do not touch. I know I shouldn't read it but I was curious! "He's gotten so much hotter as we've gotten older. Its insane how in love him I am. But I'm sure he doesn't feel the same. Gotta go! Love, Y/N" That was from just today! They don't think I have a crush on them? I've had a crush on them since I was 10! I just thought they didn't feel the same. But I guess they do. Perfect.
I walked into my room to see Robin. On my bed. With my diary. Just thinking about what he was reading made my face burn with shame. Oh god now he knows how I feel. Shit. Shit. Shit. I jumped on the bed, ripping my diary out of his hands and throwing it across the room. "So, Y/N." Oh god! Oh god! I'm gonna die from embarrassment. I can't do this. I can't. He was burning holes into me with his eyes. I tried to shove him off my bed to get my pillow so I could bury myself in pillows and wallow in self pity but when I tried to do that, he flipped me on top of him to where I was straddling him.
Aw shit. My face was on fire and he was smirking with amusement. "So you have a crush on me aye?" I looked towards the door. It's not to late to run. But he must've seen the glance so he flipped me to where he was pinning me underneath him. I was extremely intimidated and embarrassed. "Five years of being in love with me and you never told me." "I-" He cut me off. "Y'know, I've been in love with you for six years." Wait. Just a minute. What in the Reese's peanut butter fucks? "So you're telling me." "We could've been dating this whole time?" We said in unison. I started laughing and so did he.
"Ok. Here is something I've been wanting to say for 6 years now. Y/N Y/L/N, would you like to be my girlfriend/boyfriend/preferred?" I blushed and said "I would love that." He smiled at me and I smiled back.
He gave me a light feathery kiss on my lips and said,
"I love you, Y/N Y/L/N."
Hope you love it! Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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syddsatyrn · 2 years
Looks That Kill (EddiexFemreader)
☆Pairing: - Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
☆Warnings: Fluff, swearing, drug use, cigarettes, bullying, Characters are all 18+ Minors DNI, scram!
☆Words: 3k
☆Summary: Eddie takes you out to meet is friends, when things get quiet, he confesses how he really feels. Your relationship is getting interesting and you cant stand to be away from him for too long.
☆Notes: This is Chapter two! Please read the 1st chapter below for some context. Keep an eye out for chapter 3, because that one might get spicy.
Chapter 1: A Piece of your Action
Chapter 3: Heaven's on Fire “So, do you get milkshakes thrown at you weekly? Orrrr…” You inquire. Eddie laughs and pulls into your driveway. “Sometimes. Only when I really piss them off.” He jokes. “Got a pen?” You ask Eddie as you retrieve the receipt from your purchase earlier. He hands you a stray pen stuck between his dashboard and windshield. You write your number down on the back and hand it to him. Eddie seems to be taken by surprise. He looks down at the paper, all the digits are actually there. “Thanks for the ride. Call me sometime, Munson.” You exit the van and waved goodbye, but when you spun around on one heel, your mom was sitting in the front doorway. “Oh here we go.” You get about half way up the driveway before Julie starts playing the game ‘twenty questions. “Y/N, Who was that?! What are you covered in?” She asks frantically as she moves some of your sticky, milkshake soaked hair away from your face. “Don't worry about it, I'm fine, Mom. It's just a milkshake.” You respond with a calm tone. Julie is puzzled as you make your way into the house, she trails behind you.
“Who drove you home?” she asks again, noticing the avoided question. “Just a friend.” You say with an upward tone. Mom has resorted to giving you “the look”. “It's nothing!” you brush off any significance. Mom softens her face and you take the opportunity to discontinue this conversation. “I’m gonna go shower!” You announce as you fly up the stairs. All you could think about was the interaction between you and Eddie. It’s your second day here and you’ve already made a friend, a really cute friend. You attempt to focus on showering, but it's proving to be difficult. Eddies POV: “No way did I just talk to a girl without making a fool of myself.” He asks himself in disbelief. He starts the van and takes off. He looks back down at the receipt and grins from ear to ear. “YESI” Eddie shouts and slams his hands on the steering wheel. He presses a couple buttons on his stereo, turning up the volume allowing “Hallowed Be Thy Name” by Iron Maiden to blare through his speakers. Pulling up to his trailer, Eddie notices his uncle isn't home. He hops out of the van and places a joint between his lips. Usually Eddie doesn't have much to look forward to besides his Hellfire DnD club and band practice. He lights his joint and walks inside, the living room is a little messy. Beer cans and a full ashtray litter the coffee table. “Whatever you do, don’t fuck this up.” He says to himself. “Shit, when should I call her?!” He's not used to this kind of feeling, he definitely doesn't want to come off as desperate. He makes his way to his bedroom and flops back onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. You're like a breath of fresh air, someone he can relate to. Plumes of smoke escape his lips as he lets his mind wander. “I wonder what her favorite band is…”
Day 3 in Hawkins You decided to stay home and organize your room. There are still boxes you still need to unpack, and several letters you need to write for some friends back home. The house is rarely quiet so you take the opportunity to sit down and write. Placing your headphones over your ears, you hit play on the portable cassette player your dad got you for graduation. 🎵“You're fire, taking me higher Don't burn me, don't let me down You need me now, I'll teach you how Come on and go all the way Get your piece of your action Ah uh Get a piece of your action”🎵 Despite how loud the music is, you can hear your mother knocking at the door yelling about something, you pull the headphones off. “Y/N, phone call!” She shouts and you’ve never hopped out of your bed so fast. Your mom had a phone installed with a long telephone cord in the upstairs hallway so you could easily take it in your room to ”receive calls from colleges.” “Hello?” You answered, pressing the phone to your ear while taking the receiver to your room. You shut the door behind you and a familiar voice greets you back. “Hey there, milkshake.” Eddie teases. “Whatever, Munson. That treat was for you and you know it.” You clap back and Eddie tries to suppress his laugh. “What are you doing later?” He inquires, your eyes get wide. “Uhm, nothing.” You reply nervously. “That’s what I thought. Wanna come to band practice with me, loser?” “Oh?...you play?” You question, trying to cover up your excitement. Eddie can't help but smile on the other end of that landline. “Yeah, lead guitar. Can I pick you up at eight? Or is that past your bedtime.” “I dunno, will your folks let you borrow the van for that long?” You snicker. Eddie chuckles at your ability to hold your own. “See ya then, milkshake.” Before you can protest the nickname, the phone clicks and you hang up. Your first date since moving to Hawkins. You’ve dated a couple guys here and there, but the relationship usually fizzles out mutually. Most guys are really put off by your clothing and music choice, but you don't have to worry about that when it comes to Eddie. You can't help but hop around your room, you're almost floating. You don't think you’ve ever been this excited about a date. Is this a date? It's definitely a date.
You finish up your letters, even though you're extremely distracted. You add stamps to the envelopes and head downstairs, practically skipping to the mailbox. You place the letters inside and put the red flag up. When you return inside, you’re greeted by your interrogation. “What’s got you in such a good mood?” Mom asks, cocking her head to the side. “Nothing! Oh! I'm going out later.” You reply, trying to downplay the whole thing. “Is that boy in the van picking you up?” She asks, you can tell she's teasing you. “Yeah he is, why?” You question her judgment. Julie has always been pretty open minded, but she can be terribly over protective.  “Just be careful! You've only been here for three days, don't go get yourself into trouble.” Julie says in a worried tone. She’s always worried, and you know she means well. But sometimes she drives you crazy bonkers with her doting. 
"I'll be fine, mom." You reassure her as you head back upstairs. 
Your eyes dart between two outfits. You choose a black pleated skirt, with black thigh high socks. You previously altered a black t-shirt by cutting off the sleeves and the collar. You dig through your closet and find your leather jacket. To top off the look, you add some messy eyeliner.
When you go downstairs, your boots are always a loud announcement. Eddie's headlights pull in and brighten your driveway, he's right on time. "Don't wait up for me!" You call out before shutting the door behind you.
You take a deep breath as you walk in front of his van and open the passenger side door. You plop yourself down into the seat. 
"You didn't have to get all dressed up for me." Eddie says with that dumb smirk plastered across his face.
"What are you trying to say, hm?" You respond as you shoot Eddie a look.
"That you..uh…look nice." He faltered with a cheeky grin, dimples now on display.
You pull up to an old car repair garage. There are a few guys in the front smoking cigarettes, one of them punches the other in the shoulder.
"My buddies dad owns this place and lets us play here." Eddie says, "No jocks here."
You both get out of the van and one of the guys yells Eddie's name. "You're late, Munson!" Suddenly all eyes are on you. 
"Stop gawking or your face will get stuck like that." Eddie says. "This is Y/N. She's new in town." He says and looks back at you. "So let's act like fucking gentlemen!" He says, smacking one of them in the stomach. "This is Jeff and Gareth." He introduces, pointing at each member.
Eddie opens the door and ushers you inside the garage. You take a good look at each instrument. The bass drum says "Corroded Coffin" on the front. "Wow…sweet setup. I'm impressed, Munson." You compliment and take a seat on the nearby couch. 
"Then prepare to have your mind blown." He says, cocky as ever. You rather enjoyed seeing him shake his tail feathers as an attempt to impress you. The boys take their places and tune up.
When they start playing you're surprised they are not complete shit like other garage bands you’ve heard. Despite all the excitement, you're still focused on Eddie. You’d be lying if you said you didn't have a fluttering feeling in the pit of your stomach. He’s gorgeous and you couldn't help but stare. His ring clad, calloused hands skillfully pressing on specific strings. You find yourself daydreaming about how those hands would feel against your skin. How his long, curly hair would feel between your fingers. Oh and those lips- “Hellooo, earth to Y/N.” he waves his hand and you snap out of it, your cheek bones stained red. “There you are, milkshake!” He says with a smile as you descend back to earth. “Sorry, I got lost in my own head. You guys sound pretty good for a bunch of posers.” You joke and the band cackles. This makes you smile a bit especially when Eddie’s band mate says “Where did you find this one, Ed?!” They played a few more songs. But there was one in particular that caught your attention. It's a song from your favorite album “Shout at the Devil '' by Mötley Crüe.
🎵“Now listen up She's a razor sharp If she don't get her way She'll slice you apart Now she's a cool, cool black She moves like a cat If you don't get her name Well, you might not make it back” She's got the looks that kill, that kill, oh She's got the looks that kill, that kill, oh She's got the look (She's got looks that kill She's got looks that kill)”🎵 The entire time he and his friends played that song, Eddie kept sneaking glances at you. You nervously smoothed out your skirt and spun your rings around your fingers. Seeing Eddie in his prime, in his element, made you look at him differently. He’s not just some comical outcast with a bad boy streak. He’s passionate, creative, and very talented. They finish the song and Eddie puts his warlock guitar on a stand. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his vest pocket, but the box is just for show. He pulls out a joint and lights it. You’re not really surprised. You breathe a sigh of relief, you don't have to explain to him how much of a stoner you are. “You smoke?” he asks, extending his arm. You get up from the couch and take it, inhaling as much as your lungs will allow. When you exhale you close your eyes. “I ran out the other day,” you say between a few coughs. “Y’know anyone who might give me a deal?” “You’re lookin’ at him.” Eddie says proudly, his smug face making you laugh even more. You hand the joint back and raise your eyebrows. “I knew I liked you, Munson.” You say while gently bumping your shoulder into his. Eddie was trying to play his cards right. There is something about you he can't shake from his mind. He feels like you’ve infected him with some sort of virus. This feeling is foreign to him, you’re ‘different’ in all the good ways. In a town full of cheerleaders and jocks, you are his breath of fresh air. Eddie realizes he’s spaced out. “Uh, lemme uhhh go get you some of the good stuff.” He says trying to retreat to his van to compose himself. You can tell he's a little flustered, maybe he's just high? His bandmates call out “Hey dude, we’re gonna bounce.” Jeff says. “Give you some privacy with your new lady friend.” Gareth mocks, followed by a laugh. “Same time next week?” He asks. “Yeah, same time next week.” Eddie confirms. “Don't be late next time!” Jeff gets in the last word and slams his car door shut, engine already running. The three boys take off in the same car. Eddie grabs an already bagged up ounce of weed and shuts the van door. He returns and hands you the bag, you open your backpack and take out your wallet. “Don't worry about it, sweets. Consider it a welcome gift.” He smiles and you take the plastic sandwich bag from his hands and place it in the inside pocket of your backpack. You’re not the kind of person to turn down free weed. “Thank you! You are really sweet for a degenerate.” You smile back and he chuckles. Eddie takes two steps closer to you and your body stiffens. “I should probably take you home, huh?” He says towering over your small frame while your eyes immediately lock with his. Such dark brown eyes, like two warm cups of black coffee. Eddie brings his hand up and moves a few hairs away from your face. He drags his thumb down your jawline and tilts your chin upward. You couldn't handle this tension anymore, you felt frozen in time. The tension between you both has been building from the start. Your face gets hot and you ball your fists. Without any warning, you stood on your toes and crashed into Eddie’s lips. He combs his fingers through your hair and holds the back of your head. You bring your hand up to his chest and take a handful of his shirt. His cheap cologne mixed with the smell of cigarettes is intoxicating, it surrounds your senses as he leans into you. This soft kiss evolved into something needy and desperate, turning into a short make out session.
Eddie breaks away with wide eyes and a shade of pink spreading across his cheeks. “I…” He attempts to form a sentence but you cut him off. “Look, I’m not gonna feed you a line of bullshit or beat around the bush. I like you Eddie, like…a lot.” You admit, and he can't help but smile and kiss your forehead. “I like you too, sweet stuff.” He replies and you wrap your arms around his neck, one of your hands begins to twirl and play with his long curly locks. Something you’ve been wanting to do ever since he lit your cigarette in front of Family Video.
Eddie opens both of the back doors to his van and you have a seat, legs hanging off the edge. Regardless of the jacket you brought, maybe a skirt was a bad idea. The temperature dropped significantly throughout the night, a shiver runs up your spine. Eddie places his warlock guitar gently in the back of the van and hops back out. “You ready to go, lovely?” He asks and you nod followed by another shiver. “Not used to the Hawkins weather yet, huh?” He asks with a chuckle. He hops back into the van and retrieves his spare denim jacket with a large Metallica patch on the back. “This outta fix it.” The metal head promptly covers your bare legs with the jacket and gives you a quick peck on the cheek. 
This particular act of chivalry made your heart flutter. Eddie holds out his hand, “We should get you home.” You make your way to the passenger seat and Eddie takes his seat and starts the van. You shakily light a cigarette and tuck the jacket around your thighs. Eddie pulls out of the driveway and gently places his hand on your thigh, giving it a light squeeze. “As much as I love your outfit, and I mean it, I really do. Next time wear warmer clothes hmm?” He suggests with a sympathetic tone in his voice. “You’ll catch a cold.” He adds. You give him a quiet “Okay” and hand him the cigarette you were camping with.
As he pulls into your driveway you feel a little sad that this night has to end. But he turns to you and puts the van in park. You try to return his jacket and he shakes his head. “Hold onto that for me, okay?” He requests while leaning in closer to you for one last goodbye kiss. You meet him halfway and press your lips against his. All of this attention was new and foreign to you. “I could get used to this…” You thought to yourself as Eddie placed his hand on your cheek.
“Can I see you tomorrow?” He whispers just loud enough for you to hear, his lips ghosting yours.
“Absolutely.” You say with a smile and take Eddie’s hand. “I hope I can wait that long.”
Eddie places a few kisses along your knuckles. “Goodnight lovely.”
After making your way into the house quietly, you take off your boots and silently walk up the stairs. The alluring metal head is clearly all you can think about and you wonder how someone could have so much charm. You enter your room and shut the door carefully. Time curl up in bed with his jacket draped over you, surrounded in his essence, and drift off to sleep peacefully.   
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The Karaoke Bar
"Please, please, please, please, please?" he desperately begs, his voice loud enough to be heard from underneath your thick comforter. It's so excessive that you have to use your hand to start counting exactly how many 'pleases' leave Bucky's mouth. "Please!"
"No, no, no, no, no, no," you begin, counting down with each of your raised fingers. "And one more for good measure, no."
"But why not?!" he dramatically groans, flipping the blanket up so it no longer covers his face. 
"We have to go," you firmly state, grabbing his hand in a futile attempt to pull him out of bed. You're momentarily successful as he sits up, only for him to carelessly flop back down when you let his hand go.
"No, we don't," he whines, tightly cocooning himself back in the comforter. "We hung out with them last week."
"That was three weeks ago," you correct, pulling the blankets off of him. "We skipped the last two Fridays."
"I don't want to. Please?" he begs, sticking out his lower lip as a desperate last ditch effort to get you to skip the weekly team get together. Most of them were fine, but this particular night he'd been dreading - karaoke night.  
"No, we have to go," you repeat.
"But it's karaoke. I can't even get drunk."
"So what?" you shrug.
"No one sober has ever enjoyed karaoke!"
"Well, you should've thought about that before you talked me out of going to movie night last week."
He thinks about that for a moment, and you're probably right, but he can't concede without being dragged to a karaoke bar. He'd made his way through denial and anger, now was the time for bargaining, "We could stay here. Watch Tangled. Order a pizza. Build a fort?" he offers, taking your hand in an attempt to lure you back to bed. "Me and you. All alone."
"You drive a hard bargain, but we have to go," you say, unwinding Bucky's arms from your waist. "It'll look bad if we miss a third week."
"Who cares?"
"I am a compulsive people pleaser. I care. And that means we're going."
"Well, I'm not going," he huffs, childishly crossing his arms. 
"Okay," you sigh, dramatically shrugging as you move away from your bed to grab your bag. "I'll go to that bar all by myself, have a few drinks. Maybe I'll take a nice, long night-time walk afterwards. Take a few shortcuts through some dark alleys. Just me, all alone. Or better yet, maybe I'll make some new friends. Yeah, I think that's what I'll do."
"And I'm up!" 
"Can we go home now?" Bucky whispers in your ear. 
"We've been here ten minutes," you chuckle, playfully pushing him away. 
"And no one's here yet. We'll tell them we waited, and they can't prove it otherwise. That'll fulfill our duties as good teammates for the next three weeks. No one will ever know," he insists, intertwining his hand with yours. 
"I'm literally right here," Sam scoffs, sitting on the other side of you in the booth. "I can hear you."
"You don't count," Bucky snarkily replies. 
Sam makes a strange, smug expression, and with narrowed eyes he nods once at Bucky. "Okay."
"It's not as much fun when he doesn't bicker back," Bucky tells you. 
"Oh, don't you worry. You'll get what's coming to you," Sam cryptically comments, shaking a petulant finger at Bucky. 
"Okay...." you interject, sitting further up to act as a buffer between the two. "Well, it's always nice to see you two getting along."
"Sam Wilson is not going to bicker back anymore," Sam definitively announces, slapping his hand on the table. "Sam Wilson is going to fight fire with fire."
"Sam Wilson should stop talking about himself in the third person," Bucky snarkily quips.
"You're an asshole, you know that?" Sam retorts. 
"Hey!" you enthusiastically greet, ignoring the two men bickering over you as several people walk into the small room reserved for tonight's team outing. The room was dark with colorful lights strung all along the ceiling and a rickety karaoke stage at the very front of the room, and it was all but empty as you waited for everyone to arrive. 
"Look who actually made it this time," Steve playfully announces as he enters the room. 
"Ha, ha," you sarcastically chuckle. "At least we were on time. I expect more from you, Steve."
Steve playfully rolls his eyes, then nudges his head to Sam and Bucky who are still intensely bickering behind you. "What's up with them?" 
"I don't know," you sheepishly admit. "I learned to tune them out after a while."
"Can you teach me how to do that?"
With other scattered arrivals and greetings as the team slowly trickles into the room, it's only an half an hour into the night before most of the team is finally settled into the private room. You've barely finished exchanging greetings and some small talk when Bucky whispers in your ear again, "Now can we go?"
"Not even close," you whisper back, patting his leg.
"Alright! Who's up first?" Steve asks, clapping his hands as he looks to the room to try and keep the night on schedule. 
That was always Steve's informal role during these events, making sure everyone got a turn, witting or otherwise. Making sure everyone was here on time. And everyone had a designated driver. 
Unlike a game or movie night, there's no enthusiastic volunteers. Instead, the entire room looks around at one another, awkwardly waiting for someone to bite the bullet. 
"Or... what if we get some drinks going because I'm not embarrassing myself sober?  Who wants drinks?" Sam poses to the room. 
The awkward silence fades away as he gets scattered, enthusiastic murmurs of agreement as he stands up from the seat next to you. Much to Steve's annoyance, the room is in disarray for another 30 minutes with various members of the team walking in and out of the room with different drinks in their hands. 
"I'm going to grab a drink. Do you want anything?" you ask, turning to Bucky.
"No, it's okay," he insists, quickly standing up. "Let me get it for you."
"Aw, thank you!" you chirp. Before he can walk off, you wave Bucky closer to you so you can whisper in his hear. He leans down far enough for you to reach his ear while still remaining seated, "If you don't come back, you're sleeping on the couch."
"Noted," he sighs in defeat, giving you a resigned thumbs up. 
When everyone, aside from the super soldiers, in the room is sufficiently buzzed from the free-flowing, generously poured drinks, the question is once again raised about who's going to be the bold first volunteer.
However, this time there are no awkward, averted glances with Clint and Sam both enthusiastically throwing their names in the ring.
Clint and Sam are the first volunteers to scribble their names on the sheet along with their song request. You watch as they stumble onto the small karaoke stage in the front of the room. You're not familiar with the song, and if the teleprompter is any indication, they get a good portion of the lyrics wrong, but they sing with every ounce of chaotic energy and enthusiastic passion they have.
It goes on like that for a while, your teammates drunkenly belting out their favorite songs in a way they would never do sober. It was always nice to see them relaxed and at ease instead of their normal guarded disposition. 
You laughed as various team members, each at least once, walk up on the small stage and giggle and slur their way through entire songs. You watched them go up in different pairs, in groups, some of which you were dragged into, but mostly you were content to be a spectator right next to Bucky, whose head rests on your shoulder as you both watch the drunken chaos.
He didn't say much as he sat there with a hand draped on your thigh, only occasionally chuckling and offering quiet huffs of laughter. A few times you tried to get him to go up there, but you didn't press the issue, especially considering he finally stopped asking if you two could go home already. 
It's a few hours into the night when Tony begins stirring the pot. He announces he's going to get another drink and then returns with a fresh drink and a mischievous grin.
"Er..." the karaoke attendant grumbles, obviously a little annoyed at attending to a room full of less than sober superheroes. "We've got a Peter? Peter."
You can see the moment Peter freezes with a furious blush on his face as his name is unexpectedly called. "Oh, I didn't. I'm not gonna-"
"You have to, kid!" Tony playfully orders, jabbing his thumb in the direction of the stage. 
"No, I'm good, Mr. Stark," Peter politely declines. 
"No," Tony objects, his words slightly slurred. "You're a part of the team. This is being a part of the team."
"Do I really have to Mr. Stark?" Peter cringes. "Bucky hasn't either."
Bucky's head snaps up from where it was resting against your shoulder to glare at Peter. "Did you really just throw me under the bus?"
"Er..." Peter stammers, looking flustered as all attention is on him. 
"Come on, Peter," you encourage, sticking your hand out to him. "I'll go up with you."
"Thank you," he sighs in slight relief, taking your hand as you walk up the small stage with him. 
"You're welcome!"
Bucky supposed that if there was one good part of being dragged to the Avenger's karaoke night, it was getting to see you and Peter belt out to some Taylor Swift song about short skirts and cheerleaders. He hears the two of you belt, terribly off-key, 'Oh, I remember you driving to my house, in the middle of the night..."
He wasn't paying to much attention to the actual song with the way you were forcing Peter to dance with you on stage - though, to be fair, forced was probably too strong of a word with how much fun it looked like the kid had jumping around with you on stage.
"How did you even get in here, kid?" Bucky asks when the two of you return to the booth with brilliant smiles and faces flushed with absolute delight. 
"Do you really want to know the answer to that?" Peter deflects. 
Bucky's about to respond when he hears the screeching feedback of the microphone again. 
"Alright," the disgruntled man says with the mic in his hand. "We've got a Ducky next. Ducky?"
"Bucky," Sam loudly corrects. 
"Whatever," the man scoffs. "Whenever you're ready."
Bucky once again jolts from his resting place against your shoulder. His eyes frantically look around the room, maybe there's another Bucky that signed up tonight. It takes him approximately half a second and seeing the glib smirk on Sam's face to know how exactly this happened. 
"Go on, Bucky," Sam urges, clapping a hand on Bucky's back. "Sing your heart out."
Bucky glares at Sam, his metal hand curling into a fist, "You're a bitc-"
"Oh, what's that, Bucky?" Sam loudly goads, cupping his ear for dramatic effect. "You're too scared?"
"I'm gonna kick your-"
Sam cuts him off again, obnoxiously clucking like a chicken to antagonize Bucky. 
"Stop it," Bucky orders, sinking further into his seat as the team starts cajoling him to get onstage. 
"Chicken, say what?" Sam mocks. 
"Wh-" Bucky starts, promptly shutting his mouth before the entire word can pass his lips. 
"Come on, just try," you cajole, shrugging the shoulder his head rests on. "It's fun."
Bucky crosses his arms with a look of determination on his face and huffs, "No, I'm not doing it."
"Please? For me?" you softly coo. 
"No, you can't just say 'please? for me?' and think I'm just going to do whatever you say. I'm not doing it," he vehemently objects. "It's not happening."
"Please? For me?" you repeat, lightly stroking his cheek.
"Ugh...," he sighs dejectedly, dropping his arms. "Fine."
"Yay!" you playfully cheer.
"I told you I could get him up there," Sam mutters to you as you watch Bucky shuffle to the stage.
"It was worth every penny," you say, sliding him the twenty dollar bill. 
*insert that clip of Sebastian Stan belting 'Hungry Eyes'*
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Grumpy Sunshine Series Masterlist
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lorellaishc · 1 year
Those who Help Themselves
((Daily Writing Challenge May 2023, Day 5, Miracle/Tension, @daily-writing-challenge , CW: None))
The fiery explosion rang out amidst the chaos of battle as Lorellai threw her self away from an incoming fireblast, rolling up to her feet just in time to see the Shadowflame elemental unleash a torrent of the cursed flame at her. Even as she tried to move away, a flash of steel appeared before her as Quelatha and Frejas dove in, Quelatha raising a magic-breaking shield from her runeblade to deflect the blast while Frejas hammered her weapon on her shield, getting the the monster's eyes away from the girl.
"Back on yer feet, or else I'm callin' yer ma to take ye home!" the woman yelled, before turning back to the firey beast, bashing her shield against the elemental's armor and forcing it back. Lorellai could only nod as she gathered up her spear and tried to get back in position. The elemental was like nothing she'd faced in the isles before, even when fighting the Primalists in the Vault of the Incarnates. It was all she could do to avoid the blasts of shadowflame that flew around the room, trying to find openings to attack. People were shouting, Fatalion was trying to hit it with a piece of the wall she'd ripped out, Rokishan and Banagann where yelling for everyone to stay close enough for them to protect, the chaos of the fight was making her head swim.
A memory came to mind, unbidden, from back in Ironforge. She'd been asking her parents about their adventures, and how they always managed to triumph.
Darlain had smiled. "Faith, lass. Faith in the Light, but also faith in our friends, and your Father, and myself. Faith that we were fighting for what was right and good, and that we weren't doing it alone. That's where miracles come from."
"Aye, faith is important." her father had agreed. "But there's also bein' clever. Many times we triumphed because someone caught something that could turn th' tide, if acted on quickly. Keepin' yer eyes open, and acting when you see an opening, that's how yeh beat th' baddies!"
Lorellai blinked, and looked around. Faith in her friends, keeping her eyes open, but what could she- Her inner monologue was cut off by a battle cry as Fatalion was backhanded by the elemental, flying into the chamber's stone roof, before the massive dracthyr planted herself in the stone and hurled herself straight back at the beast, leaving behind a large crack in the roof. "Wait, that's it! FATE! FASTBALL" she yelled, grabbing a detpack off her belt and pointing at the roof Fate had just damaged. For all her battlerage, Fatalion was an incredible soldier, and instantly picked up what Lorellai wanted, swooping around the elemental to grab the dwarf. With a full double spin, Fate hurled Lorellai up towards the roof. Lorellai fired her chainhook, impaling the stone near the damaged section to pull herself in, and hit hard. Shaking her head clear, she hit the big red button with her nose and slapped the pack onto the cracking roof, adhering it with the glue pack. She let her chain extend, swinging down, and landing just outside the kill zone. "Get it over here!" she hollered, and felt wind blow past her as two of the other evokers swept forward, scooping up Quelatha and Frejas, dragging them back towards Lorellai, incurring the fury of the enraged shadowflame. It surged towards them as the detpack blew, shattering the roof and bringing tons of stone down on the creature. It roared in rage as the worked stone smashed down on it, damaging its armor and smothering part of its flame. Thus weakened, the team dove in, mages shifting the flow of time to speed everyone's attacks and put the monster down for good.
Well and truly spent, Lorellai flopped down on her butt, unable to contain her smile even as Stroganoff bounded over to give her happy hornswog licks and others patted her on the back for her quick thinking.
Faith, and open eyes. It was just like they'd said.
((Big thanks to @commanderbragh, @mremaknu, @rastiladelnore, @dwyndel, @darbiebot and @itsadile, and the whole raid gang for inspiring this piece, and helping with their dialogue where appropriate))
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blorbocedes · 2 years
okay, so. you love brocedes, you love lestappen. the arcs seem so polar-opposite so here go essay wild should you wish (mainly bc i would love to read it. and feel free to talk about carlando as well bc that too is a wildly different dynamic to brocedes and lestappen.)
what makes you love each?
do you have a favorite between the two (or three). does one pull on your heartstrings more than the other?
are there similarities?
hi Xiao ☺️ here's my carlando essay so I'll focus mainly on the brothercedes and lest we stappens here. strap yourself, im about to maxplain
first thing about me: my favourite trope in the whole world is friends to lovers (crowd booing) it's having a shared history, the familiarity, how you can only truly hurt someone you love [and the possibility of reconciliation, to come back home insert seb clip about rbr]
brocedes is actually why I got into f1 fandom! i saw ONE (1) Richard Siken edit and it was over for me
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literally. i have not used tumblr in 7 YEARS i used it just for lurking and that goddamn edit compelled me to write my first fic (during the writing of which I found out they still lived in the same building??? i lost my mind and have not found it since)
lestappen was a see it to believe it moment, I watched miami gp and saw these two championship rivals being Cute and Max's earnestness to talk to charl got to me. i was like oh yeah okay I see it. i don't choose anything I like, I either see The Vision or I don't -- and while brocedes is like I'm an archeologist excavating a fallen city trying to figure out what happened piece the lore, lestappen is happening In Front Of Our Eyes we're witnessing the stars getting crossed, the history in the making <3
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I might have the most confusing layout cause I'm a max girlie whose pfp is charles, and header is brocedes named blorbocedes while I pray on merc's flop era 😭 (ending but never forgotten), while rooting for redbulls [sorry but I've seen my Ferrari girlies SUFFERING, I'll stick to my world champion 🥰]
in many ways, lestappen and brocedes are like a foil to each other (crowd booing, we get it u did literary analysis in highschool once) where brocedes were a childhood friendship gone wrong, lestappen are childhood rivals turned tentative friends. there's just something very compelling about a world champion and his main rival trying to keep a friendship alive while directly competing, and having years of shared history to get there. brocedes DREAMING of becoming teammates, world champions together; both max and charl saying how they have a mutual respect now that they'd both made it to f1. And that's before even touching the cut throat life and politics of getting into f1, the concept of being golden boys.
my favourite lestappen and brocedes parallel is that lewis and nico's first karting race nico led the whole race then on the final lap, lewis crossed him and won the race; and compare with the Inchident™️ but Nico & Lewis became best friends, whereas Charl held an admittedly one sided grudge against Max during their karting days.
brocedes is everything that went wrong, lestappen is how it can go right (we can learn from lovers past who didnt make it)
do I have a favourite? yes. brocedes. i, yeah. they light my brain on fire.
HOWEVER, I enjoy brocedes as a reader and consumer, whereas as lestappen I am compelled to write for them (also I'm the only one who gets them and everyone else is wrong 😤) I suppose it is a bit passé to say anything outside of "ahh I write for myself and inherent love for writing" fuck that lol I write for attention I like it when people read my shit and we can talk about it 🥰🥰🥰 I also disagree with popular fandom interpretation with lestappen (which is fine, it has a huge audience so it clearly works for a lot of people) but that's why I have to write my own food for them. I have so many lestappen wips 😭
(like I don't think charl is a soft fragile thing who needs taken care of, even tho I also mine charl pain for content so like I Get it but also no one else gets it, and don't fucking get me started on the 'jos verstappen's A+ parenting' tag that's another essay in itself)
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sennaverstappendiary · 6 months
australian grand prix ✩ 02.04.2023
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SOOOOO HERE WE FUCKING GO‼️‼️‼️ my journey into f1 has finally started. now, is it because i'm dutch and max is slaying? well, that has something to do with it, but! i actually have to instead thank the other driver in my username for getting me into f1! 🥰🥰🥰
🗓️ march 23th, 2023. i was in bed, trying to sleep, and i simply couldn't. i don't know why - might have to do with recovery symptoms, but i COULD NOT sleep. and my now ex was sleeping next to me, so couldn't watch video's. what did i do instead?
wikipedia deep dive. 😁😁😁
i'm not sure how it happened, but eventually i found myself on the... "crashes in formula one" page. and being the morbidly curious little freak that i am, i scrolled through everything. one of them caught my eyes though, more than any other.
💕💕ayrton senna💕💕 - the last driver to pass away during a formula one race. i clicked on his page, and, woah. it was like something clicked inside of me as i scrolled through it. especially his rivalry with 💕💕alain prost💕💕 seemed so interesting to me... like what happened there...
needless to say: i was hooked. more than hooked, to be honest. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
i ended up scrolling, reading more and more, and i only slept when it was 5 am. the days after that were a blur of FORMULA ONE FORMULA ONE FORMULA ONE. it was genuinely the only thing i could think of/talk about. genuinely felt like i was on cr4ck... 💥💥💥
funny thing: my brother, who had introduced me to f1, wasn't even home at the time i got hyperfixated. sometimes i wonder how that would've gone. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
another funny thing: i was very sad to find out that the prosenna community wasn't thriving on tumblr 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
another VERY funny thing: i literally laughed the first time i saw lestappen. like in a mean way. i have no clue what happened but about 2 days later i was reblogging it and it was becoming my fav modern ship alarmingly quickly ���🤯🤯🤯
so yeah. went kinda (really) fucking crazy the week before this grand prix. of course i decided to wake up at 7 am to watch it 😁😁 god bless. i didn't gaf about fp at the time (smartest thing ive ever done, like, i should stop caring about fp now)
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qualifying was just... confusing for me seeing as i didn't understand too much. i do vividly remember how AWKWARD the picture with the top 3 was 😭😭😭 i was very sleepy and i think i accidentally woke up my (now) exin the other room PLEASE 🤣🤣🤣
the race was... i'm both shocked and glad that this was my first ever race. waking up at 7 for it was fun as fuck i can't even lie i LOVE me an early race 💕💕 i was so hyped for it!! i didn't understand much, and i didn't have any friends to chat with yet, but it was fun. if i had been into f1 longer i would've probably been more scared of the mercs leading lap after lap, but i was blissfully unaware AND very very faithful in max... just kept repeating to myself "i'm not gonna worry about it lol" which DID work in the end. i rewatched this race for this post and man. i remember not really giving a fuck about charles dnf because i wasn't THAT much into any modern drivers yet except max LOL. 🥲🥲🥲 and i remember alex's crash being way later than it actually was in the race? maybe because of the crazy fucking red flags PLEASE 😰😰😰 george's car lighting on fire... nyck flopping... my first impression of carlos being his fucking complaint about the SUN i'm screaming... what a crazy fucking race.
after the race i was gleefully telling my dad everything (his ass was NOT waking up at 7 for this which i respect greatly) and shakingly eating breakfast (i was so excited fdjhgdhfgdfh)... and then i realised... 4 weeks without f1 😵‍💫😵‍💫 whilst in the height of my hyperfix!! how did i survive!!!
anyway i'm so glad this was my first race, even though it was a really weird one dfhghdg 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 AUSTRALIA 2023 U WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS TO ME‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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✩ song of the race: Industry Baby - Lil Nas X
I just fuck heavy with this song LMFAO. also it's kinda maxcore if u think about it... i certainly think about it... 😭💕😭💕😭💕
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the-fools-route · 1 year
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THE ARCANA: fanfic 3,503 words
Chapter 1
At first, it was an indescribable nothingness. And then, it was everything. I'm drowning.
When did I get here?
How did I get here?
Why am I here?
I'm pushed around like I'm oil in a machine, but what am I fueling? The churning fluid weighs down my bones. Exhaustion. I try to open my eyes, and I am rewarded with nothing but stinging lingering pain.
" I'm like a fly. " I think to myself.
" A fly that fell in an inkwell. " I give up struggling, I'm going to wake up anyway.
" I'm never falling asleep on the bus again."
I sink with burning lungs. The fire breathes untamed in my body, licking through limbs and fingers.
Wake up
I observe my surroundings blindly. The bus is no longer in motion. I don't hear humming or the rattling of the windows. I'm laying down but I don't feel the stiff seats of my school bus. Instead, I'm very warm, and face down in something gritty.
Wake up
First, Sound returns to my ears. Shrieking seagulls greet me first, then lapping waves and distant creaking. Second, my sight. The light blinds me, the stinging is worse now. My eyes water and my mouth tastes of copper. My bones feel like lead, weighing me down.
Wake up
The white light dissipates into a dirty yellow. Sand.
" OK, one thing at a time. "
I lift myself to my knees to get a better look around. My backpack, slung around my shoulder, falls to the sand making a dull loose thud. I brush the sand off my arms and torso. I'm on a neglected beach, ruined wooden buildings lie in front of me on a raised cobblestone platform. Might as well explore, who knows when I'll wake up.
My dirty shoes squeak on the slick cobble, echoing off the empty buildings. The streets are dirty, filled with barrels, planks, distant conversations, and empty bottles. The street is divided, the middle has a water canal, likely for boats. Then the sidewalk is planks and cobblestone. As neat as it is, it's honestly depressing here. I hum to occupy myself, but it doesn't distract the fact that I'm being followed. At least, I think I'm being followed. I feel eyes on me, I don't feel alone. I don't feel safe. I quicken my steps, I feel my heart pounding, I need to wake up already.
" Come on dream, what's the worst you have for me? Giant spiders? "
Immediately, I am answered. A loud crash startles me, it was close. An alleyway I passed was the source of the sound. I backtrack and peek around the corner to see the greatest creature in all existence. A cat. It was puffed up and hissing, it looked like a plank fell and scared the poor thing. I sit on the ground, so as to not scare it further. He's a black and white short hair, majority white with a black back. The last 3rd of his tail is black, As is the right side of his face. He's a chonky boy.
" Are you who was following me? "
I stench out my hand and wiggled my fingers to hopefully catch his attention. Thankfully, I did. He cautiously tip-toed toward me to smell my hand. However, instead of smelling me, he skips my hand completely and flops in front of me. He wants attention.
" Aww, I'm keeping you. No arguments. "
I pick him up.
" You're a chunky boy aren't you, you weigh 1,000 pounds. "
He blinks owlishly at me, not really caring what I have to say. Now bored of me holding him, he climbs to sit on the top of my backpack, resting his front paws on my head. He purrs contentedly, definitely proud of his new perch.
Wood blurs into stone and marble, beautiful towers and spires compete with stained glass and bells. The roads are clean and filled with people swaddled in silk, fine fabrics, and jewels that catch the light perfectly. I feel out of place. My hair is up in a messy bun, my glasses are crooked, I'm wearing my dirty signature gray hoodie, busted up red shoes, and my tie dye backpack. The passerbys glance at me as I pass by, the mystery cat seems to enjoy the attention however. I was his throne and the people were his subjects. He kneads my head, catching some of my hair in his claws.
" You know what mystery cat, you need a name. A nice name. "
He chuffed in acknowledgement, at least I think he did.
" How about Candlewick? I like it. What about you? The end of your tail looks like a burned wick "
Candlewick shows no signs of protest.
" Perfect, Candlewick it is! "
I didn't even realize I had walked into some sort of market, I had been walking around subconsciously. Stores and carts filled to the brim with products owned by barking vendors. The street is narrow, it looks like everything is sold here. I see a stall filled with jams and preserves that catch the light, causing a light glow. And a tent with candles, some of them are long and thin. Some are short and some have flowers in the wax. The light scents perfumed the air with smells of sandalwood and of sweet vanilla. I don't want a candle, I want something to eat. Candlewick seems to have the same idea because he jumps off my bag and trots to a nearby fish stand.
The man working the stand is butterflying fish and putting them into a barrel of salt. Preservation. Small dried fish are loosely wrapped in wax paper, Candlewick is sitting on the counter looking at me, he's hungry too.
" How much for 2 of these dried fish ? "
" 5 coins each. "
" I'm sorry, I don't have any change. I have 10 dollars though. "
I pull out my wallet and take out a 10$ bill. As I hand it to him, he makes a sour face.
" That's not money, come back when you have something real. "
A pit forms in my stomach. That's funny, this usually works.
" But, I'm dreaming. You shouldn't care about what currency I have. It- it's money. "
Now the man looks upset. The pit in my stomach grows, filling me with dread.
" Oh um, alright. I'll go. "
I feel confused, I don't understand. My dreams aren't like this. I lucid dream, so "realistic details" don't faze me. But this? This is a first. I completely forgot about Candlewick wanting food too, he seems to have grown tired of me waiting because he takes a fish from the paper and runs I to the crowd.
" Candlewick stop! That's stealing! "
I apologize profusely about the fish, the vender yells at me to get it back or he will report me for stealing.
I weave between pedestrians chasing Wick. I can't believe it, I'm a criminal now. Great.
People blur into colors in my peripheral vision. Candlewick skids around the corner to the right, I didn't even see the person walk out in front of me. We collide with a great force, sparking my headache from earlier. He drops a small bag of what seems to be roots of some sort, spilling them everywhere.
" I'm so sorry, let me help you. I should have been watching where I was running. "
I drop to the ground to help with the mess, he grabs my hand to stop me. The man has fluffy white hair, like a cloud. He's wearing a colorful traveler's cloak.
" Don't worry about it. It was an accident. "
A slick purple snake glides out from the inside of the stranger's sleeve, bobbing it's head. It startles me at first, but it must be a kind snake to be kept in a sleeve like it is. The snake tilts its head, assessing me. Must have taken a liking to me, because it stretches out from the man and gets real close to my face.
" Friend? "
My jaw drops in astonishment. Did this snake just speak to me? That's impossible. Snakes don't talk, right?
" The snake just spoke. To me. Right now. "
He smiles in amusement.
" She must like you alot to have spoke to you. "
" Snakes don't talk where I'm from. "
He starts picking up the mess, I hastily begin to help.
" Where are you from? "
" Excuse me? "
He gestures loosely to my clothes.
" I've been all around and I've never seen anyone dress quite like that. "
" I don't - "
I pause.
" I don't know anymore. I thought I was dreaming, but now I'm not sure. This all feels too real to be a dream. "
He looks at me puzzled, but he doesn't ask any more questions. I don't like the silence.
" What are the root things for? "
" Well, I am conducting an investigation on behalf of the Countess. And I need ingredients, hence the roots. "
" Can I meet her? I have some questions, I don't know where I am. "
They smile, and I swear the snake did too
"You're in Vesuvia, first time here? "
" I guess it is. " I try to avoid eye contact.
" I'm not sure if I can help you meet the Countess. but if you want, I can answer your questions. "
I give them the rest of the roots and smile.
" That would help a lot. "
He smiles back.
" My name is Asra. "
" My name is - "
I turn around to see 2 large men in armor standing over a large broken crate, a woman is scolding them.
" How dare you break that, do you have any idea how much money was that worth? "
The poor guards look a little uncomfortable now. They raise their hands in defense.
" We are just trying to find a fugitive, the broken crate was purely an accident. "
The vendor doesn't look any happier.
" You break it, you buy it. "
Are they here for me? I'd really rather not find out.
I stand up quickly, almost falling over. I apologize to Asra and then I book it. I turn into the alleyway that Candlewick darted into, but I don't see him. I keep running. I lose track of how many buildings I dart between, my lungs are on fire. I stop and lean against a brick wall to take a breath. Panting, I look up to see Candlewick licking his lips.
" You do realize I'm an accomplice to a thief now right? I'm going to have guards after me, I'm a fugitive! And you don't care, because you are a cat. "
Candlewick indeed, does not seem to care.
" Jerk. "
We walk to less populated streets till only a few drunks remain. The buildings are old but still well loved from the looks of it. Some windows have flower beds. Some windows glow, hinting to the life inside. But the thing I notice the most is the smell of food, my stomach growls and feels tight. I'm still hungry. Candlewick rushes from my side to a smaller building to the left of me. The stained glass windows glow orange and faint laughter rings from the inside. The hanging sign reads, The Rowdy Raven.
Wick sits in front of the door, looking at me.
" Don't stare into my soul like that. Ok we can go inside. "
I am engulfed in warmth as I walk in. It smells of alcohol, fruit, and stew. All walks of life are here, I see people in silks and rags, and a few with scars and eyepatches. I see tall people, short people, skinny people, and some built like brick walls. They all seem so familiar with each other. They're playing poker, card games, drinking, dancing, and sharing stories. Like a large strange family, kinda like mine. Candlewick makes himself at home in front of a fireplace, rolling on the rug. I occupy a booth to the left side of the bar. Wooden round tables are placed haphazardly to the right most side of the building, the bar is in the back. Strings of bells line support beams in the ceiling. I won't lie, it's pretty homey here.
I take this time to reflect on what has happened. I woke up on a beach, found a cat, became a fugitive, and found somewhere to stay warm. But most of all, I'm not dreaming. I think this is real. I'm not home, and I dont think I'm in the past.
I pick at my fingers and nails, a nervous habit of mine. The pain is dulled from years tearing and picking. I never know when to stop, but my fingers are usually left raw and bloody.
As I think about my situation, I must have been spacing out because I didn't realize a man was trying to get my attention.
" Er, hello? Excuse me. I don't mean to be a bother, but your hands are bleeding. "
He has to bend over to talk to me, he's very tall and lanky. A " bean pole " if you will. He has curly auburn hair hiding an eyepatch on his left eye. He looks very sleep deprived, yet he has a distinguished look about him.
" Your um, hands? "
He points at the blood beading from my fingers, I didn't even feel it till he said something. The pain stings, but only a bit. I'm used to it now.
He slides into the seat across from me, his long legs struggling to get comfortable.
" I'm a doctor. " He begins. " Well, ex doctor. But still just as good. May I look at your hands? "
" Ex doctor huh? " I give him my hands for inspection. " Were you fired? "
He flips my hands over a few times and has me flex my fingers.
" I'd um, rather not say. How long have you been picking at your fingers? Your cuticles are in terrible condition. "
I look around the room, the crowd has calmed down a bit. I hear someone a few tables away playing a violin, just out of my view.
" Since I was at least 3 or 4, a terrible habit really.
" And how old are you now? "
The violin fills the room with a calming atmosphere. People are slow dancing, but most people are drinking now.
" 17. "
" Huh. "
" What? " I look back at him now.
" Well, you look a few years younger. I mean no offense of course. "
" None taken. I'm a pretty small person. "
Candlewick trots over and jumps on the table, demanding attention.
" Is this handsome little fellow a friend of yours? "
Wick lays on my arms, trapping them on the cold table.
" Yep, this is Candlewick. Because of him, I am now a criminal. He stole something and I don't have money to pay it back because money is weird here. "
" What were you trying to use? The money, I mean. "
I sigh.
" A 10 dollar bill. My money doesn't exist here, I dont think I'm supposed to exist here either. "
He raises a thick brown at me.
" Not supposed to exist? "
Maybe I shouldn't have brought that up.
" I dunno, it's weird. One second I'm on a bus going to school, then I'm on some beach in some city named Vesuvia. Money's weird, snakes talk, almost everyone looks incredibly rich and - "
He interrupts me hastily.
" Talking snakes? "
He looks almost concerned.
" I just told you that I'm from a different world and you are more worried about a snake? But yes, a snake spoke to me. Is that not normal? "
" Well - "
He pauses.
" Not typically. Was the snake with anyone ? "
I recall the poofy white hair.
" She was with someone named Asra, I met him in the market. "
" Asra? "
He recalls the name with such familiarity.
" Do you know them? "
He looks somber.
" I used to. It's been so long now. "
Old friends I guess.
Dropping his frown he grabs my attention.
" You know - "
He scoots a little closer.
" I never told you my name. "
He straightens himself and readjusts his blouse.
" Dr. Julian Devorak at your disposal. "
Julian stretches his hand out toward me. I weasel my hand from under Candlewick and take hold.
" Call me Leigh. Just Leigh. "
We firmly shake hands.
" Well "Just Leigh" from another existence, do you have somewhere to stay tonight. "
" Nope, I didn't really plan this far ahead. I originally thought I would have woken up by now. "
Julian begins to speak but is cut off by a frazzled drunk.
" Th-the guards are coming! "
The bar immediately flew into chaos, over half of the people there were freaking out and trying to hide.
" Oop, that's our call, we have to go. "
I fasten my backpack and grab Candlewick, he squeaks in protest. Julian grabs hold of my shoulder and pushes me in front of him, leading me to a back door.
" Why are we running away? "
He glances back to the front of the bar.
" Not all of us are not exactly favored by the law. "
I didn't realize how dark it had gotten while I was Inside. The sun no longer hung in the sky, I'm pushed into a cold alley littered with boxes and led elsewhere. Julian leads me around in a very specific manner, a pre-planned path. Is he on the run? We walk for a while before anything is said.
" So, what is a bus? "
" Well. "I begin.
" It's kinda like a long yellow carriage that usually transports students to school for free. But your parents need to sign you up first. "
" A yellow carriage? I don't know, isn't that - "
He pauses.
" Tacky? "
We walk into a garden, meticulously tended to.
A small house lies in the middle. Julian strides straight to the door as if he owns the place. He opens the door and greets in a sing-song voice.
" Hello? "
He holds out the " O " for a few seconds. No answer. It's a small quaint house, short ceiling. Colored bottles line shelves, plants are hung to dry, it's really nice here. Julian seems right at home, he starts rummaging through cabinets and checking bottles.
" Is this your house? "
He opens a bottle and sniffs it.
" It is not, but I know who lives here. "
I still don't understand why he trusts me, I could have lied about everything.
" Why did you believe me? "
He stops, then puts down the bottle without closing it.
" Because I have a good feeling about you. And you certainly don't act like you are from here, too many things lean toward the fact that you aren't lying. "
I guess that makes some sense. I drop Wick and set my bag on the table. I sit on an overstuffed couch as Julian grabs a small glass cup. A small woman busts through the door, pointing a wooden spoon at Julian.
" Ilya, you better not be in my good whisky! "
" Malzinka darling, me in your whisky? Perish the thought. "
She smiles.
" Then why is it open on the counter, hmm? "
She hasn't seen me yet, will she be upset that I am here? I didn't exactly ask to visit.
Julian shamefully puts the cork back in the bottle.
" Ilya? Is Julian not your real name? "
All eyes on me now, I shouldn't have said anything.
" Hello. " I wave awkwardly.
" I'm Leigh, sorry for the intrusion. "
Mazelinkas eyes soften, but only for a second. She marches over to Julian and pinches his ear, pulling him to her eye level.
" You bring a guest into my house and don't tell me? Have you even fed her yet? No, you were too occupied with the alcohol. "
Julian is a sputtering mess, I chuckle. They are definitely family. She turns him loose and points to a small room, closed in by a curtain. He slinks away defeated, rubbing his ear.
She pulls something from the ceiling, something that was drying. Mazelinka gently grabs my hand and leads me to the middle of the room. She kicks a rug to the side revealing a trap door.
" It's very late, you can sleep there for the night if you need. "
She slips dried meat into my hand and opens the door, leading me to the bottom.
It's a small room filled to the brim with quilts and pillows, like a secret little nest. Candlewick follows me down.
" I'll leave the door open a smidgen for some light. If you need something, ask. "
I relax my body into the pillows and cocoon myself in a few blankets. I'm particularly excited about the jerky though, I still haven't eaten. It's tough, but savory. Peppered.
I can't believe I'm here, Vesuvia. In a cellar. Strange place. I start thinking of home, and if I'll see it again. I start to pick my fingers again, but I stop. I hold my hands to the sliver of light, casting a shadow on my face. There is no pain, no stinging. My fingers are healed. Did Julian do this? Candlewick crawls on my chest and layes down quite lazily. I hold him, grounding myself.
" Goodnight Candlewick. "
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rimouskis · 8 months
is there some way we can bribe you for track by track thoughts on whatever albums you listen to? my personal vote would be for four, an album of some of the silliest songs in the world and grade a certified bangers
no bribery all I ask is that you listen to one song I love in return. so first go listen to Yippie Ki Yay by Hippo Campus and review it back to me then you're allowed to look beneath the cut
wait. I changed my mind. also you're not allowed to get offended at any of my meaningless opinions on an album from almost 10 years ago. capisce? I promise whether or not I like any of these songs is not an indictment of your personal music taste. love and light to all 1D fans
Steal My Girl: I like what this track initially put down. Really loud and stadiumesque bass, which is generally a one-way-ticket to "bec likes this song"-ville. but it keeps backing down for them to sing their verses, and personally I prefer constant auditory assault from said stadium-shaking bass+beats, but the loud chorus makes up for it. it's a little slow and plodding, but it's definitely a happy song. enjoyable! not likely to be on heavy rotation for me, but I won't skip it if it comes up. I do appreciate a good "na na na na nana". Banger. ✅
Ready to Run: the opening of this song is so nostalgic ahahah it sounds like that whole slate of acoustic guitar songs from the late 2000s. I like that! I wasn't as big of a fan when the full instrumental backing came in!!! leave it acoustic! is there an acoustic version of this song? that's what I want
Where Do Broken Hearts Go: now here's a big loud stadium chorus. yes. I wish to be top row in some enormous basketball stadium and hear this beamed directly at my head with the force of 1000 fighter jets while a strobe light whites out my eyes.
18: here's my secret, cap... I don't like ballads. like sure it speeds up about halfway through but I just have to accept about myself that I don't like this type of pop music. it's slow it's lovey and I need about 15 more levels of loud bass for this to work. this is also why miss swift's folklore and evermore albums didn't work for me [don't throw tomatoes at me okay I TRIED TO LIKE IT AND I DON'T. I NEED LOUD GUITARS.]
Girl Almighty: YES A SONG I KNOW! I KNOW THIS ONE! MY FRIEND HAS A TATTOO ABOUT IT! I do think the "save a savior" line is silly but this song is so bouncy and delightful that I'll forgive it. also "let's have another toast to the girl almighty" is such a delightful lyric. I need to add this song to my skiing playlist. Banger. ✅
Fool's Gold: snnznnnnznznzzzzzzzzzz another slow song. ballad BANISHED (it's not a bad song I just achieve normal person levels of dopamine via fast music)
Night Changes: [points] look ma it's the song from the meme! does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes! would you believe me if I told you this is the first time I've heard this song in its entirety? because it's true. it's not a bad song! not super to my taste, but I was willing to sit through the whole thing. I really enjoyed the vocals in this one.
No Control: I like the guitars here. I do NOT like the chorus, which is too bad. the verses are good. not a flop, but not a banger :(
Fireproof: at this point I think I'm beginning to experience 1D fatigue. their voices are all starting to blend together. pop overload. this song blends into the background. I feel like I'd hear this song at the state fair playing on some speakers. inoffensive. it smells like popcorn and deep fried oreos here. a vehicle from the dirt rally catches on fire. the speakers crackle. louis croons, unbothered.
Spaces: ballads BANISHED!!!!!! BEGONE
Stockholm Syndrome: I rather enjoy the "WHOA!!!!" noises in the chorus here. I fear the rest of it does not overly stick out to me. more perfectly innocuous pop music
Clouds: this song is sadly SUPER not for me ahaha. it's strange bc I think the bones are there but something about the production isn't for me. I feel like if the sound was rawer and it was produced in a more rockish sense it would absolutely bang. like, strip this down to ONE boy singing the chorus, make the singing a bit grittier, and fuck with the instrumentation a bit, and then we're in business
Change Your Ticket: christ this album is long. [it is at this moment that Bec realizes she selected the "Deluxe" version on spotify. "fuck," she says to herself. well, in for a penny, in for a pound.] I like this one. not in a "it's gonna make it onto my playlists" kinda way, but in a "oh yes this is a fun pop song" kinda way. 7.5/10, would bop around if this was played at a wedding reception.
Illusion: nooooooot for me
Once in a Lifetime: BALLADS B A N I S H E D. but also this song is about the pens core thanks.
Act My Age: ANOTHER SONG I KNOW! AND HAVE LISTENED TO FREQUENTLY! I ENJOY THIS SONG GREATLY. MY FAVORITE PART IS UNFORTUNATELY THE FIRST FIFTEEN SECONDS, WHICH I WISH TO LISTEN TO ON REPEAT. I COULD DO WITHOUT THE SINGING. I'M REALLY HERE FOR THE FIDDLE. FIDDLES4EVER. But also I really like the slower chorus breakdown here aha. I think it works very well, and then it slams so harshly back into that fiddle segment. ugh. so good. don't love the verses here but all is forgiven for the sake of the fiddle.
mission accomplished 👍
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