#iggy (maximum ride)
Iggy (Maximum Ride)
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[Art by @vintrage]
[Image Description: A digital art drawing of Iggy. Iggy is drawn as a young white man with red hair and pale blue, almost white eyes. His hair is short and straight. He has freckles on his face and two light brown speckled wings emerging from his back. He is wearing a red, green, and gray jumper and holding a mug in his hands. End ID.]
Iggy is blind.
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emoquack69 · 1 year
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I randomly had this idea a little while ago, to draw an emo/scene max, but I never decided to draw it until now, lol. I’m quite proud of these drawings, and I want to draw more emo max again lol.
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casually-dreaming · 7 months
What’s your thoughts on Maximum ride?
i like iggy! and angels okay shes a bit too much sometimes/too treacherous but also max... mmmm i'd steal her from fang
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emorish-avian · 2 years
maximum ride au where the mcu is a thing: in which iggy crash lands on matthew murdock’s roof at four am in the morning. fighting, banter, begrudging respect, bonding etc ensues.
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cm2tfemotd · 10 months
Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon is Iggy from Maximum ride!
she is an autistic aroace demigirl that uses she/they!
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not-kat · 5 days
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i can't be the only one who still thinks about maximum ride
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allynabean · 7 months
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Re-designed the Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment book cover for a class assignment!
I loved these books so much as a kid- the flock deserved better <3
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spicy-mang0 · 5 months
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I hope you all head into the new year surrounded by the people you love most💗
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witch-trials69 · 5 months
Happy new year, I drew the maximum ride kids (help)
Idk! I have art block and this was fun, I think the designs are definitely inspired by the comics but I added a lot of personal head cannons + a couple more bird features.
Just headshots but I assigned each of them a specific bird too. Some are basically canon and some I took more liberty with like Angel being a white heron. I think it’s neat! Still fits her pure white wings, but I think it fits all of Angel’s weird aquatic stuff nicely. Also; herons are predators and I enjoy making her uncanny. I considered owl too, more similar to Gazzy and possible more in line with all the mind stuff but I just think herons are cool and kinda spooky.
There’s my ramble goodnight <3
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definitely-not-a-wasp · 7 months
All of Iggy's power-boosts become much more acceptable if you decide that they're not actually power boosts, but instead Iggy "canonical genius who fucks with dangerous things he definitely shouldn't touch" Griffiths taking a page out of Jeb's book and doing horribly unethical science through the first three books.
He only started acting upset about being blind after leaving their home, because it was at that point that being blind became a liability in his life. This grows through books 1-3, until the entire flock is kidnapped and conveniently brought back to the School, where sure, Iggy's a prisoner, but suddenly he has access to supplies and research. And then, oh so conveniently, he starts being able to sense color and have limited sight on white backgrounds (see: in bright lighting).
I think Iggy was gathering information from the Institute for Higher Living (mostly what he could glean through "innocent questions") and from his own memories of the School, to try to give himself a boost. In fact, I think it started in SoF, and that's why Iggy had a breakdown over being blind— what he was trying wasn't working, because he didn't have a full laboratory full of resources or all of the puzzle pieces he needed. And he's not about to talk to anyone else about it, because not only would they probably freak the fuck out about him using himself as a test subject, but he also knows that... frankly, they probably wouldn't be able to help him. Nudge is great with tech, Fang is an investigator at their core, Max is an excellent tactician, but when it comes to biology, to chemistry, to anything that strays to the School, he's the person who handles those subjects.
What's that? They're breaking back into the School? Iggy is 10/10 on board.
What's that? They're getting kidnapped by the School and Angel betrayed them? Not great, but he's been during disadvantages into advantages for most of his life. He can do it one more time.
They're breaking into ITEX now? Even fucking better.
Sitting in the dining room of the Martinez house, after ITEX is distroyed, after several sleepless nights of injections and eyedrops and saying it's going to work this time, he can see pinpricks of light at the edge of his vision. By the time he boards the Wendy K, he can see light. Sometimes, when he focuses until his head aches, he can pick up movement against bright backgrounds. Not much, but enough that he can move out of the way of an oncoming attack. And that's all he needs.
Then he picks up a plastic cup and tastes something on the back of his tongue that he can only describe as blue, and tastes bad, and wonders what the fuck else he accidentally caused.
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maxtothemax · 2 months
remember that time iggy told an fbi agent that he went blind from staring directly at the sun? he was so real for that.
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wolfie245 · 7 months
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The Flock from the books of James Patterson, illustrated by the manga artist NaRae Lee.
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emoquack69 · 1 year
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Fang. He’s emo. Deal with it. (Yes I know I suck at drawing backgrounds. It’s… not my strong suit.)
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annakxrenina · 6 months
i found the first maximum ride at a local bookstore for $2 so i bought it since i was completely obsessed and addicted 10 years ago. bitch i’m addicted again!! this book is the worst and the writing sucks and the plot is INSANE and what’s up with the one page chapters???? i read 230 pages yesterday.
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tourette's swag tournament — round three, part one
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[ID: side by side photos of Iggy from Maximum Ride and Jay Walker from Ninjago. /End ID.]
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papcrrings-arch · 8 months
Closed Starter : Max & Iggy ( @grcycosmcs ) - 20 - Living corn attempting to eat characters. It is still the size of regular corn
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"Whoa, what the hell!" Max yelled, jumping quickly away from the corn that tried to take a bite out of her. She bumped right into someone from behind and turned, "Did you see what I just saw? That corn is trying to eat us, right? I'm not hallucinating?" she asked the supposed stranger.
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