#ill have a bit of time at home this weekend with not much else to do so. ill see how wiped out i am
possiblytracker · 1 year
rolling on the floor and weeping bc i do not have the time in the day to sit down and work on art that takes concerted effort and thought (especially not now i have very recently learned i have until friday to get most of my stuff out of this house) i am playing a neverending game of "am i going to be able to pull this off or am i going to have to weigh up whether it'd be ruder to make commissions as artfight attacks or wait til august"
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russellsppttemplates · 2 months
Lando when reader gets Covid (self indulgent)
Note: I hope you feel better soon! 🫶
Cw: reader has Covid-19
"We had a deal, Lando!", you grumbled before coughing a bit more, "I would quarantine with you in my spare room if you kept the distance and always wore a mask!", you scolded.
You almost never got sick, and in the three years you have been dating, Lando could count one instance where you had been ill. It was during a race weekend when you ate something that didn't settle well with you. So, when you woke up in the middle of the night with a fever and a cough that wouldn't budge, you thought it would be best to test yourself since Lando would be coming to Monaco to spend some time back home before the Chinese GP and you didn't want to accidentally pass something to him.
Still, when your boyfriend heard that you got tested and it came back positive, he insisted he would help you when he got back. So far, he had cleaned your apartment, and you were now on day five after your positive test.
"I'm wearing a mask, baby - the "best boyfriend in the world" mask", he joked as he looked for one in the cabinet.
"Not the time to be funny, Lan", you argued softly, "I'm serious, I don't need you to catch this too!", you groaned.
"I have it, I have it!", he called as he stepped inside the room, "here's some soup, and some other foods too, they'll be good for you. I know you can't taste much, but they'll be good for you", he assured.
"I really want a cuddle right now but I can't do it", you pouted under your mask.
"Here, hold my hand, then", Lando said as he stretched his hand out, "I'll disinfect it as soon as I'm out of here and touching nothing else", he assured.
Feeling his fingers lace in yours, you sighed as for now that would have to do and satisfy your needs for now, "you're the best", you cooed.
"I know, my other mask said it but you insisted I put this one on - is it because you can't see my face?", he joked, making you laugh despite your illness.
"Shut up - you know I love your handsome face, almost as much as I love you, Lando", you looked into his eyes.
"I love you too, beautiful girl, even when you're coughing your lungs out every ten minutes", he cheekily smiled.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
Congrats on your 1K!!!🎉🎉🎉
I discovered you blog recently and I am HOOKED, your writing is so tasty and fluid that I just keep going ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
I Hope you dont get too tired with requests, take breaks and drink water!!!
Ok for the actual ask, may I have a dialogue 19 with Eyedress, and if it were suggestive it would be perfect
Preferably Ruggie💞 you can choose the other 2 (If you even want to)
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ruggie bucchi x gn!reader [tags] — suggestive, tiny bit of hurt but not really [wc} - 1, 025 prompt 19 “I try to find a reason to pull us apart"” song: Kiss Me Like It’s the First Time (Eyedress, “Let's Skip to the Wedding”) note - Ruggie canonically calls you a puppy. take that with what you will. francesca (1k event)
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“Kiss me like it's the last time/ You'll fall in love / I always want your love”
Ruggie knows that compared to everyone else on campus, he was the bottom of the barrel. He wasn’t a prince, an heir to a fortune, or even from a well-off family. Sure, his Grandma was a wonderful lady, maybe a bit strict growing up, but besides her and their home, Ruggie didn’t have much to offer. Maybe if you weren’t in such a bad spot, if you had a good family here, if you hadn’t been plucked from your world with nothing but the clothes on your back, he’d be happy to call you his own. 
But he can’t. How can he when you have people willing to drop thousands of thaumarks on you like it’s nothing. Literally! He was listening to Kalim run his mouth as he talked about renovating Ramshackle to your preference. 
“Oh! And we can get you quartz countertops! What kind of colors do you like, I can have it made to your favorite aesthetic! Ooh, what if we replaced all the appliances to match it? The kitchen back home has a gas stove built into the countertop, we can replace—”
“Uh, I’d need gas for that though, right?” You laughed, splayed across Ruggie as you two lay in your bed. Kalim was on video call with you, having gone back home for the weekend for some sort of event. You’d been complaining about one of your kitchen cabinets breaking and letting your few plates tumble out. Thank the Seven that they were plastic dishes. 
Kalim being, well, Kalim, immediately went into a tangent about adding in a gas line to your dorm and adding this and that. Everyone was acutely aware that Kalim, as generous and kind as he was, was especially sweet on you. There were even some rumors that he had a crush on you, something that made Ruggie feel ill. 
You just laughed off Kalim as he continued to whine about fixing up the dorm. You ended the call as you cheerfully told Kailm goodnight. 
“Do whatever you want Kalim, I won’t complain about free renovations! Good night, say bye Rugs.”
“Hmm? Oh, bye Kalim.” Ruggie gave Kalim a small smile and wave, who returned it with a beaming grin. 
After a few more words between you and Kalim, you finally ended the video call, tossing your phone to the night stand, and moving to straddle Ruggie’s hips. 
“What’s wrong?”
Ruggie blinked up at you in confusion. “What?”
“What’s wrong? Your ears are flat, they only go flat when you’re upset.” Ruggie whimpered as you leaned down to flutter kisses down his throat, shuddering as you pressed your teeth against his Adam's apple. 
“You wanna tell me what’s wrong? You jealous?” 
“Mmh, no I’m just—aaaAAAaaaAhH!” Ruggie yelped as you dug your teeth into the nape of his neck, suckling until you were satisfied with the bruising red mark forming on his skin. 
“Geez, give a guy a warning, won’t ya?” Ruggie let out a breathless chuckle, his chest rumbling as he purred from each kiss you pressed up your neck as you hovered over his lips. “You’re nothing but trouble, Puppy.”
“And yet, you love this trouble, don’t you?” The sound of your kissing, mixed with gasps and sighs from both of you echoed in the room.
“Now tell me,” Ruggie tried following your lips as you pulled away, but you kept him pinned to the bed. By now, you’d managed to throw his shirt across the room and traced your nails down Ruggie’s chest. “Why are you upset? Was it Kalim’s call? You know, he just likes to say hi sometimes.”
Ruggie pinned his ears flatter against his head, huffing as he looked to the side, though be traced his hands up and down your arms. 
“Nothin’, it’s just that Kalim sure likes to spoil ya. You know?”
You hummed, waiting for him to keep going. 
“I’m just saying, he’s really sweet on you. Maybe you should consider taking advantage and marrying the guy!” Ruggie laughed, though it sounded forced. 
He stopped as you clicked your tongue, leaning back down to bite at his cheek. 
“Hey! You know your teeth aren’t really sharp enough for that.” Ruggie chuckled as you stopped and pouted, looking up at him as you batted your eyelashes. 
“Hmph, it’s like you just wanna get rid of me.”
“That’s not what I meant—”
“That’s what it sounds like!” You argued, huffing into his neck as you pushed yourself against his chest and neck, like you were trying to mold yourself to him. “You always do this. If I didn’t want to be with you, I would’ve left already…”
Ruggie sighed, rubbing the skin between your shirt and bottoms with his thumbs. “I know, I know. I just think that you oughta take advantage. Kalim’s not the only one, and you’re all by yourself here! Get yourself a rich boyfriend, and you’re set for life!”
You suddenly grabbed the back of his head, pulling at his hair to make Ruggie expose his neck again. He whimpered at the rough touch, though his tail was wagging rapidly against the sheets. 
“And why would I do that?” His hand slid under your shirt and up your spine. He gently scratched your back as you shuddered into his touch. “When I have such a lovely boyfriend?”
Lips molded against each other, teeth clashed, and hips rolled as Ruggie, once again, failed to push you away. Instead, as he slipped your shirt off and moved to give you your own love bites and hickeys, Ruggie moved to bring your bodies closer together. Ruggie let himself lose himself in you once again, and would continue to do so. Again and again, until he found another half-hearted excuse. 
But for now? 
You pulled away again, breathless and flushed. “I just want to spoil my hardworking hyena, won’t you let your Puppy do that?” The down right heady tone in your voice, in that low, soft whine, made him hot in all the right places. Ruggie nodded, giving you the okay to wreck him. 
For now, he’ll indulge, shamelessly, in you. As long as you’ll continue to have him. 
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comments and reblogs appreciated 🩷
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squipdop · 2 months
Howd they bring up the junior scouts idea to max??? Was he like Whatever sure or super tsundere or surprisingly emotional that they wanted him back after he aged out?? Did anyone else come back or do special day-long visits like how schools bring in visitors? What does max think of the new kids? They all look so cool i love Max's hair!!!!
Okay so. I call it the '6 years later' AU but technically i have Stuff Planned for all the time that passed between now and then too, so this'll be a bit longer, sorry!!
Max joining the counselor team was actually kind of a natural/gradual development?? Basically, since I can't make CC content that isn't found family Max has a shit home life, and, even if he hates to admit it at first, the three months of summer camp become his bright spot each year. David and Gwen catch on to that, but there isn't much they can do to help outside of camp - until one day Max (age 13/14ish) shows up on Gwen's doorstep because he ran away from home, 'since his parents won't care either way'. While he does return home after hiding out at Gwen's place for a weekend, this kind of kicks off a pattern of Max running away sporadically, to Gwen's, later David's, or his friends places. I could go into more detail here but. this is already long. oop.
ANYWAYS. So with Max spending basically all the time he can away from home and the summers at camp, once he ages out there's. A Bit of panic starting in him once summer gets closer again, because his Safe Place seems inaccessible, and two of his OTHER options, especially for longer stays away from home, would also be unavailable. Gwen and David notice this (it manifests in Max staying over More but Angrier) and try to find a solution. Gwen proposes the Jr Counselor idea. They introduce the idea to Max by kinda implying that workload around camp is a lot, and it'd really hurt to miss one of their most experienced campers, but... maybe, if he worked there too (well, interned. basically unpaid. but! no camp tuition!) he could help them? so they basically give Max a way to say yes without admitting that he's the one who needs camp the most. He does insult the whole thing ofc, and says like he's just doing it because he knows camp would burn down without him there ("actually, most of the fires we had were started by you...?" "shut it, david") but secretly he's really really happy. He might even thank them later that evening. Quietly. Before complaining about it preemptively. <3
WAH THATS ALREADY SUCH A WALL OF TEXT ok ill hurry up w the rest:
While most of the other campers had some rotations over the years, I don't have conk rete plans for most of them - Nikki and Neil are still Max' gang, and returned for multiple summers, if not all. This year though, Neil is busy with college prep, and Nikki is spending the summer at home because of family crisis. They still video call a lot, they're still The Gang. I have sketched designs for them, but I'm not quite happy yet.
Max at first doesn't take his role seriously, because he's basically just Back For Another Summer, but pretty quickly realises Gwen and David DO have expectations, and DO give him responsibilities. He takes a while to come around on his new relationship to the younger kids, and especially one of the youngest kids takes a liking to him, a very anxious young girl, which annoys him at first, but... well. It's a whole ~character arc~ for Max waiting to happen tbh.
OK THANK YOU IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR IM SORRY ITS SO LONG. i wasnt lying when i said i have So Many Thoughts about this. ANYWAYS as thank u for getting this far heres a doodle of Max putting up his hair. :3c
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straightupsickfics · 4 months
“You’ve been shivering since we got home - are you feeling okay?” is just pure 🥺🥺🥺 i'd love to see this for ed/stede or aziraphale/crowley, if it sparks any ideas. ty 💜
maybe some domestic ineffable wives in their little cottage for this one bc ... 🥹
“You’ve been shivering since we got home, are you sure you’re feeling alright, angel?” Crowley asks when another set of shivers curls Aziraphale into herself. 
They’d gone out for breakfast this morning, pancakes, with coffee so sweet it made Crowley’s teeth ache, and bowls of fruit Aziraphale had called gorgeous. It had been a glorious morning, all told, until they got stuck in the rain on their walk home. Crowley had dried off and warmed up as soon as they got back to the cottage, but Aziraphale had spent the better part of the afternoon pulling her cardigan tight and close around her, and adding blankets to her lap while she attempted to read on the couch. 
The shivering probably had more to do with the sniffles she’d been pressing into her handkerchief since last night than the rain, though. Not to mention the restless sleep she’d gotten, tossing and turning and waking up every few hours for water and to curl herself back into Crowley’s arms. 
Not that you’d ever find Crowley complaining about that, but she knows what her wife looks like when she’s sick by now. 
Aziraphale tugs at the sleeve of her sweater, tugging the sleeves down so they cover her hands. “Mm? Just chilly, I think…” She trails off and lets her eyes meet Crowley’s. 
Crowley lifts a single, perfectly manicured eyebrow. 
“A little tired,” Aziraphale admits. She’s pale, the usual pink tinge to her cheeks missing entirely. 
Crowley abandons the crochet project she’s been holding without really working on and crosses the cozy living room to join Aziraphale on the couch. She’s ignoring the book in her lap, yet another sign she’s feeling properly ill, whether or not she realizes it just yet. Crowley crowds in close, all but sitting in Aziraphale’s lap. 
“Hello,” Crowley says, nuzzling a warm kiss against Aziraphale’s neck. 
“Hi,” Aziraphale says, smiling. 
“Angel, you’re freezing,” Crowley tells her. She takes Aziraphale’s hands in her own, pushing the soft sleeves up, and rubs some warmth into them. The angel all but melts at the soft touch. 
“Not anymore,” Azirphale argues. 
“That’s just because I’m warm,” Crowley informs her. “Hot, even,” she adds, wiggling her eyebrows until the angel laughs. 
Before either of them can say anything else, Aziraphale tenses against her and Crowley can feel as much as hear the way her breath catches before her nose wrinkles up adorably and she muffles the sudden rush of sneezes against her elbow. 
“Oh dea-hihh! EIISHh’hoo! h’dtTISHh! Hh’iessshiiew!”
“Think you’re getting sick, sweetheart,” Crowley murmurs, pressing a kiss to the soft, damp tip of Aziraphale’s nose once she recovers. 
“Just a few sneezes,” Aziraphale protests, but there’s no real argument in her voice. Instead, she lets her head rest against Crowly’s shoulder, sniffling quietly while Crowley strokes her hair. 
She’d come around soon enough, Crowley knows, requesting her favorite sick day soup but not wanting Crowley to leave her side, same as always.
“This wasn’t one of your elaborate plans, was it? Sudden rainstorm to give us a reason to stay in bed all weekend?” Aziraphale teases without lifting her head. 
“Think we’re a bit past needing a reason for that, don’t you?” Crowley asks, tapping at the angel’s chin until she looks up and leans into the kiss she knows is waiting for her.
“Just a bit,” Aziraphale agrees, sniffling another few times and rubbing at her eyes, which have gone red-rimmed and tired over the course of the afternoon. 
“Wouldn’t say no to getting in bed,” Crowley offers. “Can I tempt you into an afternoon nap? Then I can do soup... That lemon tea you like...”
“You’re fussing,” Aziraphale points out. “You don’t need to fuss.” 
She doesn’t seem to realize she’s already in the process of getting up, shifting the blankets off of her and onto the couch. 
“Hmm, maybe, but you like it,” Crowley reminds her. She stands and offers Aziraphale a hand. 
“I like it,” she agrees, taking her hand.
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wannab-urs · 4 months
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Pedro Pascal Character Fanfiction Recs | Vol 33
AO3 | Kofi | Main Masterlist | The Spreadsheet Masterlist
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Welcome to the Spreadsheet Digest, my weekly(ish) fic rec list. This is two weeks worth of reading, but still fairly short. Animal Crossing had me in a chokehold lol.
All info provided by the author unless it was blank, in which case I filled it in.
Fic Recs Below!
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The only time we have
Din/Poe one shot by @nerdieforpedro
Summary: Is taking care of physical needs all Din and Poe doing? All they're capable of? Only the darkness and walls know.
Tags: anal sex, cum worship, body worship, rough sex, semi-public sex, cockwarming
do i really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?
Frankie/Santi series by moonknightly (AO3)
Summary: "Neither of you want the night to end. That’s the only reason it takes you ten minutes to put your clothes back on and the only reason he offers to share his tequila after he’s gotten you out of them."
Tags: Cheating, Infidelity, Post-Break Up, Angst, Smut, Cuckolding, sloppy blowjobs, Dom/sub, Threesome - F/M/M, Spanking, Pain Kink, Choking, You're mostly fucking Santi here
Down the Rabbit-Hole
Jack series by @absurdthirst and @wardenparker
Summary: When Jack accidentally shoots a civilian on a mission he takes on not only the guilt of the man’s death, but inherits his soulmate as well. To you, it’s a dream job with more perks than you can imagine - but for Jack it’s a nightmarish complication. Even more so when he starts to develop feelings.
Tags: mentions of deceased spouse, a lot of food and alcohol consumption, family recipes, age gap, cursing, Canon typical violence, Death, gun use, angst, Jack has a temper and Tequila has a dumb first name, Making Out, a bit of groping, heavy flirting, sexy shower time, a whole truck load of anger, Fisticuffs, a bunch of angry people being upset with each other, Kidnapping, Torture, burning victim with cigarettes, Broken Bones, a whole lot of gun pointing and talk about murder, medicine by injection, oral sex (f and m receiving), Outdoor Sex, Public Sex, Unprotected Sex, Vaginal Sex, Cream Pie, Cum Play, Anxiety, Accidental Hurt, panic attack (symptoms based on my own personal experiences), intrusive/racing thoughts, physical symptoms of anxiety, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Guilt, Possible Unwanted Pregnancy, Lies, Nausea/Illness, Talk of Abortion, canon typical injuries, Family Planning, Mentions of Sex Toys, Lingerie, Spanking, rough sex, Flirty and somewhat explicit banter, Pregnancy, Discussion of symptoms, Mood Swings, cemetery/deceased loved ones, speaking to deceased loved ones
Are You Alright, Honey?
Javi G one shot by @javigutierrez
Summary: You’re going on a long weekend with your gorgeous new boyfriend, and after a day of unresolved sexual tension out on a roadtrip you’re ready to jump him the second you get home. Unless he finds a movie at the gas station he had been looking for for years and he wants to watch it with you. Will you be able to mask your desire for him, to enjoy a movie that means so much to him? *(Spoiler alert no you won’t)*
Tags: fluffffff, freshly established relationship, pining like *whoa,* very explicit smut, f!oral, f!fingering, *tons* of nipple play, non-penetrative sex (sumata ig?), unprotected penetrative sex, multiple orgasms, allusions to squirting, pleasure dom!Javi vibes, tw alcohol, tw food mention, Javi is a *major* dumb of ass but he makes up for it, reader has female genitalia, some boobs, and long enough hair to tuck it behind their ear but no other descriptions (let me know if you find anything else!), no age references
Come here often?
Javi P one shot by @dancingtotuyo
Summary: fucking men in bathrooms of dirty bars isn’t your usual cup of tea, but sometimes you make exceptions.
Tags: strangers, alcohol consumption, sex (p in v), unprotected sex (wrap it up), mirror sex, dirty bathroom, rough sex, mentions of bruising, hair pulling (reader has hair long enough to pull), degradation, 1 slap on the ass, Javi is a menace, Javi touches reader in flirtatious ways without consent, hints of exhibitionism, use of “good girl”, dirty talk, aftercare, soft! Javi at the end. Let me know if I missed anything.
Just Dumb Enough to Try
Javi P series by @whatsnewalycat
Summary: In 1993, you met Javier Peña in San Antonio. You made an emotional and physical connection with him. Now it’s 1998 and you’re starting a new chapter of life in Laredo with your fiancé. And who else walks back into the picture, but the man who left you high and dry five years ago.
Tags: alcohol use, Binge Drinking, Swearing, Recreational Drug Use, Cigarettes, Voyeurism, Smut, Bisexual main character, Touch-Starved, Female Masturbation, Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex, Dirty Talk, Teasing, Flirting, Mutual Pining, Cheating, Infidelity, Sexual Tension, Attempt at Humor, Soft Javier Peña, Movie Nerd Shit, use of daddy in a sexual context, Vulnerable Javier Peña, Angst and Feels, Family Issues, Mostly Post Season 3, Existential Crisis, Banter, Mental Health Issues, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, friends to lovers to friends to lovers, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Fluff and Humor, Oral Sex, Slow Burn, No beta idk I just got here, Fluff and Smut, Not Canon Compliant, Impact Play, Pain Kink, Domestic Violence, Praise Kink, Unplanned Pregnancy, Breeding Kink, Blood and Violence, Mild Gore, Kidnapping
Online Friends
Joel series by @walkintotheriveranddisappear
Summary: hot single dilfs in your area want to chat, and you're more than willing to comply (aka: anonymous sex chatting with joel) -- and then all the stuff that comes after
Tags: dom!joel and sub!reader, heavy dirty talk, degrading language, joel is a little mean but like in a sexy way, use of 'daddy' like twice, talk of p in v penetration, mutual masturbation, fingering, pillow humping, sex toys, sending nudes, p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampie, fingering, exhibitionism, public play, a bit of bondage, semi-public, some face slapping (in a consensual, sexual context)
Put it in, coach
Joel one shot by @magpiepills
Summary: you are an 18 year old high school senior on the cheerleading team, and Joel is the beloved and successful football coach. He helps you with some stretching after practice.
Tags: SMUT!! This is just porn. The girthiest age gap (18 & 56), consensual but extremely unethical sexual relationship, pervert Joel, power imbalance, dubcon (due to said power imbalance) but I assure you reader is of legal age and enthusiastically consents! Unprotected piv, oral (m receiving) fingering, dirty talk, innocent reader, spanking, minor pussy slapping, blackmail, creampie, twist ending, possibly dark Joel. Could be more, I don’t remember. No use of y/n, no physical description of reader, This is a good example of things that are GOOD in FICTION and BAD in REALITY.
Joel one shot by @prolix-yuy
Summary: You've been greedy for Joel for too long.
Tags: descriptions of wound care and blood, allusions to dubcon due to drinking and drug use, no actual smut
One Night
Marcus P one shot by @secretelephanttattoo
Summary: You get one night with Marcus Pike.
Tags: Implied/referenced smut but nothing is explicitly described. Smoking and alcohol. Angst because they only have one night together. Marcus is a flirty menace. House party nostalgia. Heavy petting in a stairwell
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I'd also just like to call out some fics I've been reading for a long time that finished up recently and that I loved: Psychomanteum - Dieter Series by @whatsnewalycat and Whistle in the Dark - Joel series by @gasolinerainbowpuddles.
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My most recent fics ( I have not been writing much lol)
Ravage - Ezra x f!Reader - saltburn AU, vampire scene
Only Good Girls - Dave x f!reader - D/s, punishment, mirror sex
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Happy Reading!
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lovelyleclercs · 1 year
Chapter Seven- Guilty Tears
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Arthur Leclerc x Sofia Sine
->goodbye's have never been so hard for Arthur and Sofia, but this goodbye in particular held so much more behind it.
warnings: mentions of cancer, fighting cancer alone, mentions of death, I think that's it but please let me know if there is anything else, I don't know how cancer treatments actually go, I only ever heard of bits and pieces so if anything is wrong, I am sorry, I'm writing a fictional story regardless.
word count: 1500
a/n: I sobbed writing this one, sorry bestie boos
Seven days post treatment and Sofia was finally feeling somewhat normal again. 
This past treatment had taken a toll on her, knocking her off of her feet for five days straight- only waking up to go to the bathroom or to try to get some food and water in her system. 
Despite only sleeping most days, Arthur had never left her side once. Every time Sofia woke up, Arthur was in her bed, at her desk doing work, or even sitting on the floor reading a book. 
Sofia had told him countless times that he didn’t have to stay- that there were far more interesting things he could be doing than being cooped up in an apartment with her all week long while she slept her treatment pains away- but Arthur insisted on staying. 
When Sofia had finally been able to keep her eyes open for longer than an hour at a time, the two of them would watch a movie, talk about the upcoming F2 season, and eat food as long as Sofia could stomach it. 
Sofia had appreciated Arthur’s company, it made the idea of treatments and recovery just a little bit more bearable, though she knew it wouldn’t last for long. 
In a weeks time, the F2 season would be underway and Arthur would be home less and less, meaning that she would have to attend her treatments alone, recover from them alone, and fight off this horrible illness alone. 
The thing she hated the most about it though was the fact that she would be unable to attend any of the races this year- at least not for the first half of the season. 
Due to the intensity and side effects of her treatment, Dr. M had put Sofia on a strict no traveling ban. 
Thankfully though, F2 did race in Monaco and she would be able to see parts of the track from her bedroom window, but that wasn’t the same as attending a grand prix weekend with him. 
When Arthur came into Sofia’s room late that Wednesday night, she knew it was him coming to say goodbye. Arthur would be gone for three weeks, having no time to fly back home and visit in between race weekends. 
Sofia looked up from her book and saw Arthur standing in the doorway of her room, his face holding an expression of sadness and sorrow- almost as though he felt guilty for having to leave her. 
Arthur smiled sadly, walking over to her bed before sitting on the edge of it and picking up her hand gently. “I’ve gotta go… my flight leaves in an hour”
Sofia put her book down and nodded a little, her eyes meeting his for a moment. “Ok, have fun, I’ll be watching every session, you know that” 
Arthur nodded and looked down at their hands as he felt himself getting emotional. “I’m sorry I won’t be here for your next treatment… I really tried to get some time off to fly here for the day but it’s just not possible…”
Sofia squeezed his hand a little and nodded. “It’s ok, Art. I understand. You’ve got a busy season this year, I can’t expect you to be here with me 24/7 nor can I expect you to be able to come with me to every appointment”
Arthur sighed and shook his head “This isn’t fair, Sof. You should be coming with me. You should be with me for my first F2 race” 
Sofia teared up a little, the realities of how much this disease was truly taking from her finally hitting her. Arthur would never have a first F2 race again. She would be missing out on the start of what could potentially land him a seat in Formula 1- and she hated it. 
“I know, Arthur. I know…” she whispered, her voice beginning to crack as a few tears managed to slip down her face. 
Arthur pulled Sofia into a tight hug, not knowing what else to say or do. He hated the fact that he couldn’t even sit with her for very long-he was on a strict time schedule and this goodbye was already taking way longer than he had time for. “I’ve gotta go, but please know that I love you and that I'm here for you, even if I'm thousands of miles away, ok?”
Sofia nodded and pulled from the hug “I know, Arthur. I love you too”
Arthur sighed and let go of Sofia’s hand, pushing himself off of the bed as he made his way towards the door.
Sofia stared down at her fidgeting hands, already missing the hold Arthur’s hand had on them just seconds prior. Tears were falling down her face, a few drops landing on her hands in front of her. Silent cries, ones that she was hoping Arthur wouldn’t notice. She hadn’t expected this goodbye to be so hard- goodbyes were something her and Arthur were used to- but this one held so much more behind it. 
It meant she would be alone for the next three weeks- Nobody to hold her while she suffers through her treatment, nobody to wake her up just to try to get her to eat or drink, nobody to keep her company when she felt alone or sad
It meant missing out on seeing Arthur start his F2 career, something he had longed for and dreamed of ever since signing his F3 contract two years ago. 
But the one thing that weighed on her the most was the possibility that maybe this was the last time she’d ever see Arthur.
What if something happened when he was gone and she didn’t make it? The last memory she had of him would be that sad, guilt ridden face as he apologized for doing what he loved. 
Arthur turned around as he was about to walk out of her bedroom. He didn’t fail to notice the few tears dripping off of her face and onto her hands, nor did he fail to notice the way her breathing had increased despite her being able to keep her cries silent. His heart broke at the sight before him, knowing that he was partially to blame for the tears falling. 
Without saying another word, Arthur walked out of the room, knowing that even though it was the last thing he wanted to do right now, he didn’t really have a choice. 
He got out to the car, climbing into the back seat as Charles and Charlotte occupied both front seats. “Someone really should have stayed with her, you know” he mumbled, sort of as a stab at Charlotte for choosing to attend a race instead of sitting with her sister, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that he was doing the same thing. 
He could’ve chosen to stay home with her. He could have chosen to take a year off of racing and hoped that Rene would give him his shot at F2 next year, but no.
He chose to leave her. 
He chose to let her fight this fight alone. 
He chose to fly thousands of miles away to pursue his dreams. 
“Sorry, that was rude of me to say, I'm sorry..” he whispered, his voice shaking as tears began to form in his eyes. 
“It’s ok…” Charlotte said as she noticed the pain in his voice. “She doesn’t want me anywhere near her.. She only trusts you right now… I hope you understand why i’ve chosen to attend the first grand prix”
Arthur nodded and looked out the window. Charlotte was right. Sofia had pushed everyone away except for him. She only trusted him. She could only be vulnerable with him. She didn’t want to be around anyone but him. “Do you think I made a mistake by leaving her? Should I have stayed?”
Charlotte shook her head. “You know she would be disappointed if you had chosen to stop racing to be by her side. That’s what she was afraid of in the beginning and the main reason why she waited so long to tell you. She wants you to do what you love, Arthur.”
“Yeah but I can always do it next year..”
Charlotte nodded a little. “I say we see how this first race goes and if she really can’t handle being alone, then you can reevaluate the situation, ok?”
Arthur nodded “yeah, ok” he said before staring out the window. 
Was this truly the right decision? 
Would Sofia be ok without him?
Would he be able to perform well with so much on his mind?
Maybe he should’ve stayed. 
Maybe he should have Charles stop the car so he could run back to her apartment and hold her in his arms again. 
Maybe she would be ok without him.
Maybe she can handle this on her own.
Maybe she wants nothing more than to fall asleep in his arms.
Maybe she’s scared of fighting this alone.
Maybe tragedy will strike and leave them both wishing they would have done something different…
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tetsunabouquet · 2 years
Basic Instinct (Akashi X F!Reader)
A/N: My Akashi drabble! I think. I never do word count so I never know if it’s actually too long or not... Warning: mentions of parentification, toxic parents, mentions of neglect and mental illness. I’m using some of my own experiences growing up with a mentally unstable mother, so the reader is female coded due to it.  Don’t worry, my Takao headcanon will be out soon! Masterpost Seijuro Akashi had not expected to be feel so exhausted after losing for the first time. His pleasure in basketball had returned to him, as well as his original personality, but it seemed like everything else was collapsing. His father was understandably pissed for having lost the Winter Cup and had doubled the extra tutoring he was given. Aside for the usual likes of eating, taking a shower, going to bed, he did nothing for himself. He didn’t even had time to sit down to read a book in the weekends anymore. But amidst the crumbling of his world, there seemed to be one person that noticed just how hard he was struggling to breathe. You. His other personality had dismissed you as nothing but an annoyance and as someone wasting their future, as you clearly were an intelligent student considering you never failed a class despite skipping often. Vivacious, playful and bright, everyone tended to dismiss your behavior. It was like you had everyone wrapped around your little finger. But after you had started annoyingly keeping an eye on him, he did some of his own. As in digging. It hadn’t been difficult to find your mother’s diagnosis. It had been easy to find a neighbor willing to admit that they spotted you bringing home your mom, who always seemed very drunk whenever the two of you had a family gathering, that your mother often seemed to behave like she was your younger sister instead of your mother and that they’d often heard the two of you fighting.  Even easier to watch you every day, and to notice the little things like the occasional reluctant tremble of your lip whenever school was over, like you did not wish to go home. His other self had grown uncomfortable under your gaze, like you could see into his soul. Something he certainly hadn’t given you the permission for. His original self, on the other hand, whilst still a tiny bit terrified, was mostly relieved at your knowing (e/c) eyes always looking out for him.
Two souls who didn’t had much of a childhood. Two souls forced to grow up early. Two souls carrying a burden they shouldn’t bear. Two souls who handled it with surprising grace and maturity. Two souls who had found each other. Akashi decided to approach you after school, one time when training was cancelled because of the flu going on and half of the team and their coach being sick. He wanted to open up to you, get to know the girl who smiled like the sun in spite of her heavy heart.  Seeing you during lunch break had basically convinced him to do it.  You had been talking to the girl in the seat next to him.  “But, don’t forget Mari-Chan, if Yamazaki does turn out to be cheating, I’ll sell my soul to the devil to have him killed and burn in hell for all eternity.” You swore, with a deadpan look that made your friend giggle. You flashed her a cheeky grin, because there was one thing you very much liked doing; making your friends smile. Brightening their moods.  That was why you were a friend he’d like to have. Your consistent lively, almost cheery attitude that held so much caring intent behind it, was infectious. He surprisingly found himself in need of it.  You were just about to put in your headphones, a heavy sigh leaving your lips until you noticed his approaching figure. “Akashi-san,” you greeted politely, and he smiled at you. “I noticed you didn’t ate that much at lunch today. How about I take you to Maji burger?” He asked, knowing the Maji Burger in Kyoto was on your way home. You eyed him suspiciously, and he admitted, it might have been a bit too much for a first conversation, but he didn’t like the idea your mother wasn’t ensuring you ate enough. “Fine, but you better not pull something on me.”  You noticed Akashi seemed a bit nervous at Maji Burger, so you asked him what was up. “If I am to be honest, I should be home by now and following my extra classes.” He admitted, and exhaled deeply as he decided to be honest with you. After all, he knew more about your homelife then you did with his. If he was going to be your friend, he should play open cards, he reasoned.  Instantly, your casual demeanor changed, becoming serious at the drop of a hat. “Akashi, you’re at the top of our class. You’re student council president, captain and pretty much the most competent person in our entire school despite you being a First Year. You don’t need extra classes,” your voice was kind but stern, “What you need, is to relax. To let yourself have fun, even if it means slacking. Otherwise you will never have a great life.”  “Do you seriously think being a slacker will bring you a great life?” Akashi asked, a brow raised at the notorious slacker. “Not slacking per se,” you retorted. “It’s about giving yourself some air and perhaps a laugh or two when you need it. Aristotle says a great life has known both great sadness and great joy. It’s about knowing both and the balance within it, kinda similar to Taoism in that aspect. It’s my life’s philosophy, and I’d rather listen to people who have been praised for millenia throughout history then to your father who most will have forgotten about in two hundred years, no offense.” You responded, and Akashi couldn’t stop one of the corners of his mouth from curling up at your remark. Nobody had ever put his father’s parenting down like that, whilst providing a rather solid argument. Akashi could feel cupid’s arrow passing through his heart as he replied, “None taken. Perhaps you could teach me a thing or two about having a great life.” Your cheeks flushed, but your eyes were glittering with excitement. “I’d be honoured.” Akashi was feeling bold, and as if he could breathe, as he smiled.  Defying his father felt good. Really good.
Together, the two souls will find great joy. 
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penny-anna · 1 year
Just thought I’d let you know that your onslaught of Back to the Future content inspired me to rewatch the movies this weekend, which was such a delight :)
Do you have any fic recs, by any chance?
ah glad to hear it!
*rubs hands together*ohoho let's see what i got here
Like Water Flowing Underground by Kleenexwoman
Marty struggles to fit in with his new reality, but is any other world a better fit?
i read this one back in 2015 and come back to it every so often. just beautifully done.
Becoming Marty by butchcassidy
Scenes and glimpses from Marty's childhood and how he came to be Marty.
obligatory trans marty rec!!
Time is a Wave and a Particle by Kleenexwoman
Another one of those "Marty has trouble dealing with living in an alternate universe" fics.
heavy content warning for mental illness & specifically psychosis on this one!!
beautifully written, absolutely gutwrenching, this one is gonna haunt me ):
Alternates by Wildgoosery
Marty's life isn't at all like how he left it.
i eat up post-canon 'marty deals w being in a new timeline' fics like candy nom nom nom
wish someone would tell me who to be (ready to try anything) by Adanska
(“Fashion cycle,” Doc had explained, looking more ‘50s than anything else. “The Eighties just came back around in a big way for kids your age, you shouldn’t stick out too much—people will just think you’re hipsters.” “What, like the pants?” “No, a nostalgia-obsessed movement—ah, nevermind.”)
lesbian marty & jennifer visiting Actual 2015 its great give this one a read!!
we can't live in the present forever by ideal_girl (trainwreckdress)
Marty wonders if Doc has the same problem; histories overlapping, memories colliding in the space of a single, shared moment. He hopes not.
a 'marty deals with having 2 contradictory sets of memories' story
Inevitable by nbfutureboy
It's a bizarre twist of fate. When they’d found out they’d been expecting twin boys, Jennifer had suggested, sensible and sweet, that they pick out two new names. No comparisons to the kids of the first 2015 - they could be their own people, without having to compete with a future memory. 
very sweet fic about trans marlene mcfly!!
The Man in the Box by makesureyouwashyourhands
People said the strangest things about the McFlys. They said that Marty McFly went to bed one night and woke up a different person. Or, the two Martys: how they differ, and how they're the same.
*throws another post-canon new timeline fic at you*
The Human Body Is Incredibly Faulty by ThePhenomenalStingray
Written for the ask, "For that headcannon prompt, Doc is a complete mother hen mess when Marty’s hurt".
cute!! <3<3<3<3
First Impressions by Kristen Sheley
To say that he had been surprised when the kid had showed up that evening at his doorstep was an understatement. He hadn’t ever imagined anything so fantastic, and his was a mind that had visualized a lot of unrealistic and fantastic things! But a seventeen-year-old time traveler from the future was never one of them. Equally surprising to him was that this kid was apparently a friend of his. What a sixty-five-year-old was doing hanging out with someone so young, Emmett could only wonder. Maybe Marty was a student of his, from the University.
an oldie but a goodie!! absolutely banging bit of missing scene work from the first film w doc & marty adjusting to each other in 1955
The Longest Odds by leaper182
Marty McFly just had two more years to go before he could start thinking about the future.
But then the odds shifted, and the only future he has to think about now is whether he'll make it home alive.
wip not updated since 2016. not a whole lot of this one as it looks like it didn't really get off the ground but the central concept (tribute marty + former victor mentor doc brown) is just gutwrenching and im going to be rotating it in my brain forever!! ETA: totally failed to clock the ship tag on this one oops!! its tagged doc/marty but i don't remember anything shippy happening in the chapters posted. read at your own risk ig.
that's all for now!! i got more stuff in my to-read so stay tuned hopefully!!!
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birdieart · 2 years
some sarah rogers thoughts
(tw: eugenics, ableism)
mcu sarah would have given birth alone, likely very young (in her late teens), newly widowed, and in a foreign country. if she had a hospital birth, she would have only had the midwives, since joseph was gone by then
steve was probably very sickly early on (colic, cradle cap, eczema, fever, etc) and that would have worried her, especially if he was a small baby (very likely)
when it became clear steve was chronically ill (probably around 6-7, if the asthma, heart problems, vision and hearing issues, possible allergies, scoliosis, and anemia showed by then), sarah would have probably been taken aside and told she should give steve up to a sanitorium (a common practice with disabled children), where he would eventually be quietly euthanised, as was common in those hellholes
obviously, she didn't do that, and instead decided to work TWO JOBS during the DEPRESSION to make sure they had a roof over their heads, food on the table, and medicine and doctors visits for steve, not to mention things like books, schooling, art materials, etc she would have saved up to buy for him to make him happy, and later herself, since steve remembers his art making her smile, which is why he kept at it when he was a kid
she probably worried about him being bullied, and didn't realise her own stubbornness and fighting spirit had been passed onto him until she came to pick a 9 year old steve up from school after he got into a fist fight with a much older boy and steve told her he got into a fight because the boy was being mean to a girl and no one else was telling him to back off
(she couldn't decide if she was proud or exasperated. a bit of both. she bought steve a soda on the way home after deciding she was mostly proud of her baby being so brave)
when steve dragged bucky into the rogers apartment by the sleeve for the first time, sarah was convinced bucky was an angel sent to watch over her boy. he was so sweet, polite, and such a sensitive, kind child, with an adorable smile and a head of dark curls.
bucky ended up being less of an angel, but still someone who loved steve enough to try to protect him, even if he cried when he got hit and wasn't quite the fighter steve was. but they were good for each other. the barnes and rogers families ended up being very close, sarah and winnifred trading the boys off for sleepovers every other weekend
sarah, watching steve reach his teenage years, scrappy and hot headed, opinionated, and stubborn as all hell, realising that his life is always going to be hard because people will always look at him like he's not enough despite how fiercely he burns with his love for his family and his need to protect people like him when no one else will
steve was 14 when he got surgery for his scoliosis, and sarah waited in the hospital hallway for hours, not knowing if this new form of treatment would work or if it would kill steve in the end. refusing to leave his bedside when he came out of surgery and reading his old favourite books to him, telling bucky to stay quiet when he visited and steve was asleep.
she missed joseph, a lot. they'd come to america together, so young and unsure, but she knew he's be proud of his little scrapper - steve looked a lot like him, had the same angular features and crooked nose. as steve got older, she realised just how much he looked like joe, and sometimes it made her tear up because in some angles, it was like looking at a ghost. but when he smiled, it was all him, a little crooked, but still handsome and a little devilish.
at 17, once all the hormones had calmed down, steve stopped taking the bait for every fight and sarah had to patch up less bloodied knuckles, less cut lips, less sprained joints. but that fight was still there, simmering under the surface. steve was quiet, but had a few friends - bucky and arnie, both good kids, both of them boys she could trust with him.
(sometimes, she saw how bucky looked at steve when he didn't realise anyone was looking - the utter love and devotion in those big, sad eyes made sarahs heart clench, knowing it wouldn't be easy if it was what she suspected it was. but bucky loved steve and she was grateful for that, because that meant someone else in this world was just as affected by steve in their life as she was, even if in a different way)
when sarah got sick, she knew she wouldn't shake it. she had lived long enough to see steve graduate from high school and get into auburndale art school, following bucky who went a year earlier for their music program, and she was proud of her boy, and regretted nothing except that she wouldn't be there for the other things she imagined for him - starting a career, enjoying his adult life with his friends, maybe getting married and having a family of his own, if he wanted that (part of her thought he didn't - he wasn't the most social, and he kept to his own people, the people he chose. he was sort of like a cat in that regard, even as a teenager)
sarah rogers died, maybe not knowing the specifics of what steve would become, but knowing in her bones that he was going to great things.
she would be so, so proud of him if she saw what he became - a soldier like his father, a fighter like her, and something altogether his own, against all odds
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69-toojay · 8 months
Back when I binged glee in covid I used to bother my then friend, now ex about all my glee opinions and stuff and we somehow made this running joke that sebastian was a brown boy because why else would someone have so little chill about a school extracurricular right?
It started as a joke, and it's little more than crack even now but the thought of a biracial seb (sebu as we called him) is still funny and it endeared him to me. Through him we'd go on to make fantastical stories about the universe in which he was half brown. I don't know if I need to mention I'm brown too but yeah
The lore went as follows Sebastian's father Arshad Smythe was a second generation south asian immigrant who studied law in France where he met Mrs. Smythe.
we made him the most run of the mill brown dad imaginable and we loved him so much because of it , he was obviously just based on our fathers and uncles and brothers. The people we loved, who loved us in return, the people whose dad jokes and overbearing old timer antics we rolled our eyes at.
Mr and Mrs Smythe alternated living between France and Ohio, where Mr. Smythes childhood home was. It was a dilapidated suburban duplex complete with ugly beige carpeting. But Mr. Smythe just couldn't bear to part with it so he never sold the house or moved out. He would buy his son the best cars and enroll him in the best schools. He'd spend on everything else but he just couldn't change anything about the house his mother had lived in.
Sebastian and his mother understood. She had been important to them too. Samantha Smythe remembered all the times she sat on the floor of this house so the older woman could rub coconut oil into her hair. Sebastian remembered the spicy pickles she cooked in her kitchen, how good they tasted. So they understood.
Burt Hummel was an old friend of Mr. Smythes. He'd babysit Sebastian every once in a while, Santana too. So Kurt, Sebastian and Santana were all friends that got upto fun shenanigans in this world.
Sebastian had a cat called Maribelle, who scratched and bit everyone except for their trio and Mr. Smythe, she was also a mafia boss and an interdimensional/ divine immortal being who had a life of crime on the weekends. He had found her as a stray and begged his dad to let him keep keep her. He did albeit begrudgingly as all dads do, and then quickly became best friends with her as all dads do. I drew cartoons of Kurt and Sebastian as preteens chilling on beach chairs with sunglasses on, in the front yard of Sebastian's grandma's house. Mr Smythe , a portly gentleman with a half bald head with borders of dark hair lining the sides, wearing thick framed glasses would yell at them about their homework to which they'd reply "It's Sunbathe Saturday, Dad!"
Mr Smythe would then grumble and pick up Maribelle who had been in the process of burying a man, unbeknownst to him.
We had so many really specific just brown people things jokes about Sebastian, like him putting 'manja', a type of liquid glass used in competitive kite racing in South Asia in the rock salt slushie. Just him in general being really excited about sharp drinks after his brown cousin back in his home country show him the ropes.
Him being the kind of typical annoying uncultured highschool boy, ' kamla', who hung around coffee shops all day.
Him challenging his father to a game of cards at age eleven by making Mr. Smythe promise if he won he would have to love him unconditionally. Just as he pulled out the last ace he yelled out 'I'm gay but you love unconditionally no take backs!" And ran up the stairs yelling "no take backs!" As santana and kurt blocked mr smythes entrance to the stairway by popping ill timed party poppers.
If Seb ever got into any scuffles with them during play time he'd fire off a flurry of mixed French and Bengali curse causing Kurtana to exchange confused glances like, did you get any of that ?
His early s3 backstory was literally Mr Smythe being a little bit of a tiger parent. But then when he breaks down because of the Dave thing his dad makes amends saying "I want you to be the best at everything seb, and that includes being a person."
The scandals fix it in this universe was Maribelle scratching Blaines eyes out when she overhears about it from kurt and seb discussing it.
I figured later that Mr Smythe must have taken his wife's name because it's hardly a brown name even in Christian circles, to which my ex had replied you only realised now?
There's really no words in English to properly translate the jokes and their cultural significance to us. Parts of brown seb universe bled into my shitposts and fics but I could never part with him fully. Because the world wasn't ready for or interested in him. Since then I've graduated college, I've lost access to the Instagram account we used to text about this world in, and I've lost my ex and I've lost that time in my life, Brown Seb only exists in my memory now. So now maybe it's time to give him to the world so he exists outside of it too. Idk if there are Desi gleeks out there who get the jokes, but til then this post is just for me to remember
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jupiter-pls · 1 year
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(look, im sorry idk if read more is still a thing/on the app but i can't see it im hoping tumblr does that auto read more thing if not IM SORRY! i just need things written out for my brain sometimes)
ya girl had a cheeky weekend in amsterdam to have just one good night...and afternoon 🖤🧡🖤 it's been the. best. and i spent it with some wonderful people who im missing so, so much 💖 (there's a group photo of my pals when i had gone on to m&g round 2 with them holding up my art that makes me SOB! 😭 goodest of eggs!) and ill remember it all for a long, long time. got to give dan the new piece after telling/showing him the piece from back at the start of tour needed a companion piece & the reasoning behind it. he was so SO sweet and said how he loves my style, especially with the circles always being used (😭😭😭) and then pointed out the photo backdrop with the eclipse on 🥺 yes 🥺 love a weird wonky dan heart too 🥰 i was a bit annoyed with myself cause i felt/heard myself fully tripping over my words and ugh but! it was really really lovely...
m&g no.2 however! 💖💖💖💖 (look, i panic brought a resale ticket cause i was so nervous about the matinée getting canceled in the wake of the promoters bullshit on this tour and knew i would be beyond heartbroken if it had happened) god, that felt so so special and im going to remember it forever 😭 i got so many laughs out of him and SO MANY HUGS idk what was going on there i guess being able to actually get my words out was the cause? (just lots of thankful words for the tour, meaning i could meet my wonderful friends, the show being something so special & important and that he BELONGS on a stage that is is home!) id been talking myself in & out of taking minnie ears for a photo for WEEKS, would i be ~brave enough to ask for a photo in them? no i couldn't it's too scary! but i found the perf wad aesthetic ones for him and dlp is my favourite place in the world, this was actually important to me! (see me fully not being alright when he got that fleece thing from anaheim disneyland...if u got to meet him in that ur on my list 😭) after a moment from him of "um...what are those?!" and telling him look, it's important! we got a bunch of photos with him declaring "ok these are cute, oh my god we're so cute!" yes! ears are silly & over the top but they are fun! and cute! and make u feel like a kid! told him he probs has no use for them but he can keep them if he'd like (the orange ones...not my prince charming carousel ones!) and he was all 🥺 that's such a sweet gift thank you 🥺 (also this is all backwards, we did the ears photos before everything else). i mentioned while i was so excited for the show again, it was bittersweet as it was my last one and i love that he responded with his whole damn chest that i better make sure i make it to the next tour then...that boy is never going to stop doing shows and i love that for him SO SO MUCH LIVE UR FUCKING DREAM! 😭😭😭
i had a whole lot of feelings during that last show, "embrace the void/one good night" really getting to me after getting that most recent sketch done & all the feelings that went into that and my decision to do it...it's all so much.
ALSO! getting to meet & spend time with some really, really special people ive gotten to know in this fandom and them being what made the weekend so incredibly special 💜 saying goodbye to those folks was hard but they all give the nicest hugs. i really hope i can see them all again in the not too distant future, thank you for making this trip all it was 🥰
tl;dr dan is the best boy in the world and deserves ALL the good things in the universe & i have some incredible people im lucky enough to call my friends 🪐
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phynoma · 7 months
As a countdown to Halloween, I'm sharing the original statements I wrote for the Consuming AU! (<<click for ao3 link) The statements function as horror shorts that work on their own
Statement 3: Teeth
CW: body horror, teeth, gore, illness, description of food/eating, hunger, blood, vomiting
[Tape clicks on. Quiet of the statement room]
Statement of Naadia Hamza, regarding a diner in her neighbourhood. Original statement taken 15th of March, 2011. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, the Archivist.
Statement begins.
I've always been a bit of a night owl.
Ever since I was a teenager and I would sneak out at one or two in the morning and just…wander the streets. Got in trouble for it a couple of times, too. I didn't ever do anything, I wasn't a hooligan. I just liked to be outside at night. The streets are quiet then in a way they never really get during the day. Not silent, not completely. But when you're by yourself, and there isn't the constant noise of lights and cars and dogs and people, you can notice the quieter sounds.
Even in college, when I was old enough that most of my friends were spending their nights partying or studying or actually sleeping, I kept finding new places to walk. I got stopped by police a couple of times– something about a hijabi woman walking around at night freaked them out a bit, I think. Never got accused of soliciting, though, so that's something. But it did get me to start thinking about some proper excuses about why I was up and about at three am, and so that's when I started going to diners.
I know I just said I like night-walking for the peace of it, but that's not completely true. I like people. I do. I think people are interesting. I just…can't handle them all at once? Not when the lights are on.
But at night, in small spaces…it's sort of the best of all worlds. There's something calming about the lights in a diner when it's between one and five in the morning, and the commuters aren't in yet. Like a little buzzing island of neon and fluorescent safety amongst the dark. It makes it feel like…a waypoint in the night. You step inside, and it's like stepping into a little oasis of human nostalgia– not quite real, not the way it is in the daytime, and at the same time so much more real. Like it's the only thing that exists, a bubble against the emptiness of the dark and cold: and there you are, hiding away from the dark with a few other intrepid night wanderers like you.
I had one diner that was my favourite. I had a sort of cycle that I'd go through– Phillips on Mondays and Wednesdays, Highland on Tuesdays and Thursdays– the days of my night classes, when I was there anyway– home on Friday nights for jumu'ah, and the weekends for events and meeting up with friends. When I didn't have a path to follow, I'd make my way down to Pam's Diner.
I don't know if Pam's Diner was ever owned by anyone named Pam. Probably not. I mostly just knew the night waitresses: Maude, who could have been a prematurely aged twenty-five or a well-aged fifty, and Mabel, an older woman who wore too much liquid foundation and lip liner that never seemed to keep her bright red lipstick from trickling up the wrinkles around her mouth.
We got to know each other, in a way. Nothing personal. Nothing like friendship. But we were familiar, anyway. I was a recognizable face in that bit of transient night. Mabel went out of her way to let the others know what I could eat and what I couldn’t, in that way that happens in the midwest–where it could be real kindness, or it could be passive aggression, and the only way to know for sure is to wait until the micro-aggression becomes too obvious to be anything else.
Maybe you’re wondering why I would keep going to a place where I might have been unwelcome. The truth was, most places felt like that. And the food was good. I mean, they didn’t use bacon grease for their hash browns, and their pies were delicious.
I’d started a new schedule for j-term–that’s January term–and so I only had one class: an intensive that lasted from three in the afternoon until nine at night, with a dinner break. Lecture, then labs, then discussion. It was way too long for a class, to be honest, and by the end of it I just had to get out and walk. January in Minnesota is brutal, you know, but it didn’t matter. I kept to my smaller route, which meant I ended up more and more at Pam’s Diner.
Looking back, I don’t know when it was that things started to change. There was never any indication of new ownership, or anything like that. But despite coming in more often, I stopped seeing some of the usuals around. I thought maybe it was just my timing, or the cold keeping people in their own homes. I felt a little sad, to be honest–like I was making a stop at DS9 and the usual crew wasn't there. I tried to ask Mabel about it, but it’s not like I knew anyone’s names, and describing one hairy, old trucker in his cups describes a lot of them.
Another thing I noticed was that the waitresses were smiling a lot less. Again, that could have just been the cold, or the familiarity. Maybe they didn’t make as much of an effort when they saw me all the time? But they were always pleasant to me, asking how I was and how my family was, asking what I’d learned in class that day. Maude kept her lips close together, even when she spoke. Every once in a while, I’d see her standing in the little waystation between the kitchen and the tables, holding a hand to her cheek like she was fighting off a toothache in the back of her jaw. Mabel’s lipstick seemed brighter than before, and the red that bloomed around her mouth looked almost like broken veins.
I still didn’t think much of it until January 16th. I know the date because I’d spent extra time in the lab that day, trying to fix a group project, and I’d marked the date and time a half dozen times in my lab notebook before finally setting out into the night. My labmates, Dex and Karen, invited me out for drinks, which I declined. Besides the fact that I don’t drink, I needed alone time. I needed to walk.
I was going to skip the Diner, considering how late it was, but something about that homey, yellow glow pulled me right back in. I thought maybe I’d get a coffee and a piece of pie, nothing more. Something to excuse my sitting there in the booth. There was only one other patron, a crusty old geezer with wispy grey hair and a thick, peeling, leather jacket that had seen too many winters. He was bent over the chrome bar in the usual position of late night patrons, seeming to hug his plate of biscuits and gravy. There was gravy in his moustache and an off-white, ceramic cup of coffee in easy reach.
I sipped at my own cup and made tracks through the whip cream on top of my apple pie with my fork like it was a miniature zen garden, going over the experiments we’d run that day and the places we’d gone wrong. Biochem was a killer of pre-med students, and I wanted a good grade, to hell or high water with my labmates. I was still thinking about it when a couple walked in–high, from their self-conscious giggling and overloud voices–and Mabel swept off to take care of them.
I wasn’t really paying attention to the old man at the bar or his conversation, but when he raised his voice it was hard not to notice. Mabel was dealing with the newcomers, so Maude was the one who came out to see what the ruckus was. He kept asking her questions, “what does she think she’s playing at?” and “a long-time patron deserves better,” and “doesn’t want to make a fuss that would cost her her job, but this was unacceptable.” I felt a bit defensive–whatever it was that had pissed the man off, I resented him taking it out on Maude. It wasn’t as if she made the food.
She spoke quietly, her cheeks drawn, her lips over her teeth. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but the man wasn’t having any of it.
“I don’t want a fucking refund!” he said, loudly enough to distract even the high couple from their menus. He held up something–tiny, glinting yellowish-white–and looked around the diner as if triumphantly presenting evidence to a jury. “Y’all watch your food! I’ve found a tooth in mine! An honest-to-god, human tooth! What’s next? Rat bones? A live cockroach? You makin’ this gravy from human meat?”
It was so ridiculous that I just gaped at him in amazement. Now, from the looks of this guy, he didn’t have a whole lot of teeth to begin with. I wouldn’t be surprised if he cracked the rotten thing right from his own mouth. Maude covered her mouth with both hands, looking stricken, and then rushed to the back. She looked about to cry, or be sick, and I didn’t blame her. Who says something like that?
Mabel clicked her tongue and apologised to the man, comped his meal. He calmed down eventually and left. The stoner couple spent the rest of their stay snickering to themselves about it. It’s not uncommon to see strange things in the late night diners. It’s part of the bargain of having a place to go–you share it with whoever else might be out there.
I asked Mabel about Maude when she came by to check on me, and she assured me that Maude was shaken but fine. “Thanks for askin’, sweetie,” she said, and patted my hand. “You’re a good one. Pie’s on me, tonight.”
I finished my pie and my coffee and went to use the bathroom before I left. I caught sight of Maude through the swinging silver doors to the back, with their porthole windows. She was crying, her mascara running down her cheeks. I only saw her for a moment, but her mouth was open as she wept, and I could have sworn all her teeth were rotted black.
I shouldn’t have gone back after that night. I didn’t, for a while. Didn’t go on night walks at all, and then when I did, I went to other diners. But something about Pam’s always drew me back. I think I told myself it was curiosity, and concern for the waitresses that I considered friends, in a strange way. Companions of the dark. Maybe it was just that their food was that good. I started craving it–mashed potatoes and gravy, cobb salads, cornbread, pie. Things I could get anywhere, but nothing was quite as good. For whatever reason, I made my way back to Pam’s Diner two more times.
The second to last visit, Maude was already gone. I ordered, and when Mabel had a spare minute between serving the truckers that had stopped in, I asked her about Maude. Mabel looked tired, more tired than she had before. Her foundation was caked on like paste, and she’d completely given up on lipline,r if she’d ever used it at all. The red ran up the wrinkles around her mouth like a spiderweb.
“Maude was let go, unfortunately,” she told me. “A couple of weeks back, now.”
“Not because of that man–that customer who yelled at her, right?” I asked, indignant.
Mabel assured me it was not because of that incident, although from her tone I got the idea that it might have been a factor– or a symptom of something worse going on in her life, it was hard to tell. I thought about her face through the warped plastic porthole, the dark wreckage of her mouth, and I shuddered to myself.
I’d thought I’d just stick with coffee, but instead I found myself ordering a whole meal, with dessert. Things were a little slower without Maude there, but I didn’t go to the diner for quick service. I sat and watched the other customers, wondering if there’d be another dramatic showdown that night. As the minutes crept on, I started to get properly hungry–that stomach-churning stage where you start to feel sick and light-headed. I hadn’t seen Mabel come out of the kitchen for a while.
I got up and used the bathroom for something to do, and for the excuse to pass by the kitchen doors and take a peek. I didn’t see anyone on the way in, but on the way back glanced around to make sure no one was watching me–they weren’t–and then I poked my head inside. It took me a moment to realise what I was seeing.
The kitchen was active, as I’d have expected–burners on, oven blazing, deep-fry running, dishwashing machine clattering. But only half the lights were on, and there was no one there. No one, that was, but Mabel–her scarlet lips pursed in concentration as she dashed back and forth between plates of food, preparing it all herself. For a wild moment, I thought about offering to help her. Then I thought better of it, and, a little uneasy for a reason I couldn’t explain, so I simply went back to my seat and waited for the meal Mabel had prepared.
I thought, after the weirdness of the kitchen scene and the way Mabel’s focused, frantic movements had unsettled me, that I would have lost my appetite. Instead, I ate every bite.
The last time I went to Pam’s Diner, I’d been dreaming of apple pie for a week straight. I wasn’t able to do my night walks due to midterms. Then, the stress of pulling all-nighters and studying day in and day out caught up to me, and I was in bed with stomach flu for a week. I have a few friends who always get sick around midterms, but I never had. I figured it was finally time for it to happen to me, nothing more. I could barely keep down any food at all, and my stomach felt like it was full of dull knives, sharpening themselves against each other. I dreamt about food.
So when I finally recovered enough to eat, I decided to reward myself with Pam’s. I figured I’d take it easy, since I was still recovering–but I could barely wait to sink my teeth into solid food again.
When I arrived at Pam’s it was around midnight– a little early for me, but that’s how eager I was. Mabel was the only one working. She was thinner than I’d ever seen her, but she smiled at me with her lipstick-stained mouth and set me up in my usual booth. There was no one else in the diner but me.
I ordered coffee and pie, my usual “light” fare. I didn’t know how well pie would sit with me, but the thought of that luscious, cinnamon-and-vanilla delight was too much to avoid. My stomach churned and growled, embarrassingly loud. I couldn’t remember ever being so hungry before in my life.
When Mabel brought out the pie, I barely restrained myself before digging in. As soon as she turned her back, I shovelled in a mouthful of that piping hot pie so quickly that I burned the roof of my mouth. But it was worth it. It was perfect, everything I’d been dreaming of in my feverish week of illness. It was safety in the night. It was familiar faces in a crowd of strangers. It was the warm, yellow glow of a liminal waypoint in the endless void of dark.
I was halfway through the pie when I bit down on something hard. It jarred me badly, the ache going all through my jaw and neck. I managed to swallow most of my bite and spit out the hardness. I tried to tell myself that it was just a bit of burnt ingredients, something normal, even when I already knew what I’d see.
It was a tooth. Small, maybe an incisor. Human. The roots were missing, but it was still undeniably a person’s tooth.
I felt sick. I stared at the thing, trying to tell myself that I was imagining things, that I had somehow created this awful scenario in my own mind. I stared at the thing in the palm of my hand, unmoving, not wanting to disturb the reality of the place. I didn’t even hear Mabel’s short heels clacking up to my table until she was right beside me.
“Oh, dear,” she said. “Oh, dear.”
Like it was an unfortunate accident. Like it was a bit of burnt toast, and not a human tooth in the middle of my apple pie. Were there more? Should I excavate them out? I shuddered.
“So sorry about that,” Mabel said, and her voice seemed strange and muddled. For some reason, I didn’t want to look up at her face. “I’ll get that taken care of for you. Do you want a new piece?”
“No, that’s alright,” I said. I should have been screaming, probably, but that would have been rude. “I’m good.”
“I’ll take that, for you,” Mabel said, and plucked the tooth from my hand. I realised what it was about her voice that was so strange; it sounded wet, somehow. I shook with the effort not to look up at her, to see the mess I knew would be her mouth. “Sorry again, dearie. I’ll be right back with a top-up for that coffee.”
As soon as she walked away, I grabbed my coffee to wash the memory of the pie from my mouth. I was so frantic I knocked the ceramic against my teeth and cut my lip, combining the astringency of the dark brew with the metallic tang of my own blood. It was only after that it hit me that the teeth could be in anything. I poured the rest of the cup over my plate, but there was nothing but a small ribbon of blood.
The dull grinding in my gut that had plagued me for the last week woke again with a vengeance. I curled over myself and wondered if I was dying, if I would die there in a booth in Pam’s Diner, in the middle of the night. I wondered if anyone would ever find me, or if I would disappear with the morning like a ghost. It felt like anything could be possible.
I forced myself to sit up and call a rideshare. I didn’t want to walk home, in the dark and the silence. I staggered to the bathroom, hoping that, if nothing else, I could lock myself in for the eight to fifteen minutes it would take for my taxi to get there.
I locked the door and went to the sink to splash water on my face and see how badly I’d hurt my lip, and that’s when I saw it. As I lifted my lip to check the damage, there was a dark spot in my smile. A tooth, missing. An incisor. I touched the spot, unable to believe what I was seeing. It was simply…gone. Had I chipped off my own tooth, somehow? I couldn’t understand. It was just…gone.
Then the pain in my stomach overtook me again, and I doubled over on the floor. It felt like something was tearing loose from inside of my organs, like the knives were breaking free at last. It was the pain of the last week but worse, worse than it had ever been, and I couldn’t even crawl to the toilet before I vomited.
Blood spilled from my mouth and over the fake linoleum. I spat out a half dozen small, hard, perfectly intact teeth. When I felt inside my mouth with my tongue, all of my teeth were present, save for the one. I felt the ripping again and another half dozen teeth clattered to the floor: molars, eyeteeth, an array. I screamed, then. I screamed and couldn’t stop screaming, even as I felt my throat close up with rows of sharp and gnashing bone.
It’s funny, how people expect you to forget things like trauma. I remember everything that happened after that: Mabel knocking on the door, pleading with her wet, empty mouth for me to let her in; the sirens; the paramedics forcing down the door; the empty, spotless kitchen we passed through on the way out, with its dimly flickering fluorescent lights and the mason jars lined up beneath the industrial sink, full of teeth. I remember wondering if Maude’s were there, and Mabel’s. I wondered if anyone would pick up mine from the blood on the bathroom floor, wash them and put them in a jar of their own.
I remember the ambulance, and thinking that my parents would kill me for the expense, and that I still didn’t know if I would pass my midterms. And then, finally, someone gave me some kind of gas and I passed out.
It’s been three days, and the tests are inconclusive so far. I gave my statement to the police, but there’s not much they can do with phantom teeth. I guess that’s why they’ve called you in. I don’t know if you know what’s happening to me, or why.
The hospital is taking care of me alright, but I miss going on my walks, and the food is terrible. I’d do just about anything for a piece of apple pie.
Statement ends.
This was the first statement I tried to record myself, just to get a feel for the flow of it. It'd need a lot of editing to actually work on a podcast! But I'm pleased nonetheless
The Consuming AU can be found here
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
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mywheelieweirdlife · 1 year
Shout out to everyone else who has stupid digestive issues and every life change you do or don't make for it.
For me, 98% of changes I make feel worth it, but I know for others it's not.
But every time I spend a few days not at home on my very specific eating habits and schedules; I feel it and I hate it.
Normally people don't treat peanut butter and dates as a main part of their diet to the point where a jar of peanut butter going up in price is worthy of crying over bc it fucks the whole budget and you do in fact budget to buy both pitted dates and dried apricots in bulk.
Normal people don't treat yoghurt as a holy grail because your digestive system is so messed up that daily probiotics are also a life saver.
And peanut butter, Up&Go's and protein supplements worthy of the highest of fitness bros? Yeah; that's because I can't eat red meat regularly or meat regularly because my body refuses to tolerate it.
Do I take supplements like a vegan should because I have to eat vegetarian and eggs are expensive so I use cheese and milk as primary sources of calories? Yes yes I sometimes do when I can afford supplements; or more accurately I buy foods and juice with supplements... sometimes specifically made for elderly people who struggle with pills and food intake because I'm poor and that's the easiest way to do it. (And generally, they do taste good)
Do I live off coffee, dates, apricots, fibre supplements and slippery elm and lemon&honey tea because my body likes to refuse to digest food and I don't want to pay for or take laxative pills and the drinks are gross and expensive? Yes, unfortunately.
Do I also have to physically massage my entire digestive tract three times a day to physically move it because my muscles don't work? Unfortunately.
Does all of this lowkey scare me because I do want to get pregnant one day and I have no clue how that'll impact it? Yes, very much yes. Will be eating so much gentle high fiber food in the third trimester if I ever get pregnant knowing that's coming (not just because pregnancy... specifically for postpartum. If you know, you know).
Like do I feel incredibly sick and have for the last two days because of the changes while I was gone? Yes, it was awful.
Do I know have to fix my entire body because of it over the next two weeks? Yep, unfortunately. While having very little money to my name.
Did it once again highlight how much energy, effort and time my body steals from me? Yes, I spent a full hour and a bit on the toilet because of my stomach being a dick yesterday before therapy while my mother was out on a walk. And a good 30 tonight low key crying in pain which is fun.
I will also acknowledge that there's two sides of this:
I can spend the hours of planning and preparing and working with my body, acknowledging that it will never function normally but fuck I can try my best to live pain free.
I can do what I did while I stayed with others this weekend and pretend that I am fine and that food is not a problem... and pay for that in pain and constipation and bloating and all the other fun issues that come with my conditions.
And I personally choose change my lifestyle because I live with enough issues; but I have friends who choose 'normalcy' all the time not just for convenience on mother's day weekends.
But it's hard and it sucks and I can't get laid when I'm off my routine because it's too fucking painful. I have blood pressure spikes and drops when I'm off my routine. Hell; I never feel more dysphoric than when I'm off my routine because suddenly the pain reminds me of everything and I'm so tired my mental health drops like an avalanche on Mt Everest; fast, hard, all consuming and deadly.
And this is one part of my chronic illness management.
This is only 1 change.
It's not the nerve pain management, it's not the mental health management, it's not the connective tissue issues, the dislocations... anything else that impacts my life.
It's just the impacts my stomach and intestines have on my dietary requirements and the extra symptoms they add and exacerbate when I don't maintain a specific schedule for management that took years to learn and control and occasionally fluctuates.
Like I will never live a normal life and it's hard af but it's still mine and I want to live it.
But there's more than just me and we all deserve the recognition and acknowledgment for how much it takes and what fucking badasses we are for surviving such bullshit.
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bottomburt · 6 months
vent/long train of thought post
ive been so fucking stressed over this past week. ive had an assignment that ive had to put off until now because of literally everything else thats been happening. ive been dealing with several health concerns that have ended up being nothing serious but it still ends up freaking me out or stressing me out more. ive had a cough that hasnt let up for weeks now and im fucking tired of coughing to the point my chest hurts. then when i get it checked out its always "everything looks fine, your lungs are fine" when it doesnt feel like everything is fine. its not like im coughing up blood but it feels like im on the verge of it constantly. the random chest pains that end up just going away but always freak me out because im thinking its a sign of something worse. im so fucking tired. im so tired of being so stressed out. it feels like this time will pass and ill feel better eventually but it doesnt stop me feeling so exhausted from having to deal with all of this shit. i need to go to bed, it felt good to finally write out how im feeling rather than just push it down and say im fine. its kinda therapeutic in a way. i should do it more often tbh. i just never find an opportunity to sit down (both literally and metaphorically) and write out my feelings. just in general i guess. its been nice to be with my family for a bit. living on my own kinda gets to me after a bit. maybe ill try coming back home every now and then, even if its just for a weekend or something. i think im realizing more as i try to be more independent how much i really depend on closeness with other people. its not really enough to just be in a class with other people or to stream and have other people watch. i need connection. i need people who have similar interests to me or who i can really feel like i can talk to. the other students are people sure, but it always feels like theyre just in the same room as me. they arent people i actively talk to, they arent really people i consider friends. acquaintances more than anything. it makes it harder to connect with other students in a way that feels fulfilling. most times theyre just another student listening to the same professor and writing/reading the same things. there isnt much more than that. it makes me more happy that i have people like inky and trumbloola. theyre both people i feel like i really have a true connection with. im really really happy i have that. anyway vent/long train of thought post over goodnight
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sgtbuckyybarnes · 2 years
So 2022 is really kicking my ass...the Saturday we went to Comic Con I got the text to say my Grandma, my mum’s mum, had passed away. 
She was 90, had been ill for 3 years and had been in hospital all of that week but it still hit me. My mum threatened me with my own demise though if I even thought about coming home so I went and had the best time with @tylrposey​ and our friend Ebony. 
I just wanted to write everything that happened here so I can look back on it and remember how much fun we had and how nice people were! 
So just going to write about how it was meeting Lesley Ann Brandt, Linden Ashby, Tyler Hoechlin and Tyler Posey and watching the Teen Wolf Panel!
So the first person I met was Lesley Ann Brandt, Maze from Lucifer and Nika from my oc that time! She’s my fave from Lucifer so was the obvious choice for me, but I kinda wish I had also met Aimee Garcia because I’ve seen her pics and stories from meeting her and she seemed so sweet! If only I were rich ey! 
Anyway. Lesley was super sweet! I went to her first photo session of the weekend and, with us being diamond pass, was one of the first to have my picture with her. I always make sure I say hi and be super polite because I have seen a few people treat them a bit rudely? Like, I’m paying for this so you’ll do what I want kind of thing. 
She gave me this super sweet smile, asked me how I was (and told me she was great when I asked her) then I wasn’t sure how to stand so she said ‘Shall we do a back to back?’ so we did and I think it came out really cute! What I didn’t realise was she then went to wearing her mask with other people so it may have been a safety kind of thing but I still think it came out really nice!
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We then went and met Linden Ashby, we all had pics with him so we went together. Ebony went first, then Becca and then me...he is defo a silver fox! What a handsome dude! 
And so so nice! Obviously you only get a couple of seconds in the booth with them but he welcomed me with a smile, asked me if I have a preferred side (as Becca had requested which one she stood on!!) then told me I was very welcome after the picture was taken and I said thank you. 
He was so nice that we went to his table and got our pictures signed, he sat and spoke to us for ages about how he looked too tan on the pics, how he was enjoying being in the UK etc. He was so easy to talk to! 
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We left the Saturday quite early, after shopping around the stalls (I love buying art from cons!). It was so hot in the venue with not many places to sit, a long line at the bar and they had taken our drinks off us before we came in. 
The next day was the Tylers day!! 
Posey was so cute, I did get a bit nervous meeting him because it’s Scott McCall!! But he was all smiles and energy and just made you feel SO welcome. I’ll talk more about him when we get to the auto bit so here’s my pic; 
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Then we met Hoechlin, he was looking SO cozy in a white jumper and, just like everyone else, was full of smiles and was so welcoming. Even though you only got a few seconds they all really made it feel like an ‘experience’ instead of rushing you through like a few at Liverpool Comic Con did. 
After we had the pic taken, me and Becca were in the same one, the girls at the printing stations told me our pic hadn’t printed properly and just handed me a pic of just me?? So I was so confused and they sent me over to some other people to ask them if I could have it reprinted. 
So I was just wandering around with this picture of me like ‘help me what do I need to do’ until this woman came and took it off me and was like ‘wait there’. 
So I was just like okay?? and I turned to Becca and Ebony and was like ‘what is going on, help me Derek!’ only to turn back around to see actual Derek Hale grinning at me, holding the picture of me up against his face going ‘Are you coming in for another pic or am I posing like this??’ So I grabbed Becca and we went back into the booth for another pic and he was so nice!! He went ‘Second times a charm! But if you need a third, you’ll be very welcome!’ 
Luckily (sadly?) the printing worked this time but it did mean I got to spend more time with Hoechlin! 
(he gave me the picture of me back, my mum has it now hahaha)
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After meeting Tyler H we went over and got our Posey autos and let me tell you that boy is an ANGEL. Throughout the weekend we could see his queue and people talking to him and you could just tell that he was being the Sweetest, making sure to give everyone the most time he could. His girlfriend was there as well and she was just as sweet! A few people asked her for selfies etc or spoke to her and she gave them more than enough time without taking away from Tyler. 
We ended up being first in the queue because of the passes we had and omg I was literally shaking. I tried to hide it because Becca was so nervous and I had to be the strong one but I am KNOWN for embarrassing myself in front of famous people so there was a risk. 
Always, he signed my picture and I introduced Becca as the Scott to my Stiles which he LOVED and he guessed how to spell Becca’s name in one go which he was super happy about. I told him I’d paid for selfies too so he leaned over the table and we took a few pics and I asked him if I could have a hug because all I wanted that weekend was a posey hug :((( and he went “No!” and I was thinking shit I've done it again but he carried on and went “over the table is SHIT I'm coming round there!!” and he came round and gave me a massive hug then asked for my phone again...but it had died!!! So Becca had to give me hers, he took a pic of me and him then was trying to get Becca and Ebony in. I was going “higher!! higher!!!!” because Becca kept trying to hide hahaha
Then I forgot to get my pic he’d signed so he had to chase after me calling my name to give it me back 
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Ebony also met Dylan Sprayberry who was so nice and had gummy bears stuck to his forehead (?) and had to be moved away from Posey on the Sunday hahaha, I can only imagine the havoc they were causing even with Hoechlin in between them!
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We also accidentally stalked Chandler Riggs because his table was in the coolest place in the whole venue and had a breeze going right through it. We ended up getting his auto for Ebony’s uncle tho I’m not sure it wasn’t out of sheer awkwardness. He was very nice but, as someone with a zombie phobia, I hadn’t seem him in TWD haha! 
The Teen Wolf panel (which happened in-between meeting the two Tylers) was amazing. They talked about all sorts from their fave take out (Hoechlin doesn’t do take out while Linden talked about one from Hawaii for a g e s), weird fan encounters (Posey said there was no weird, he will accept anything then offered to cut his hair for people in the front row. Sprayberry said someone accidentally put their finger in his armpit when they were posing for the picture the previous day...but that was more weird for them than him), Sprayberry talking about how he had called Linden to help him with an out of control party one time and he showed up in his Beacon Hills sheriff outfit and how Posey wished he had Scott’s dirt bike but it was auctioned off before he could take it or even bid on it! Bless him seeing as Dylan got the jeep!! 
Someone brought up Stiles and Kira not being in the movie which they expertly dodged, saying that there was still plenty of other characters coming back, staying very diplomatic which I don’t blame them for!! Someone asked Hoechlin about Sterek...in 2022. He said he supported anything the fans wanted to ship, shipping wasn’t for him but if that’s what people wanna do it’s what they wanna do then Linden talked about how he didn’t understand what shipping meant for so long hahaha
Also they talked about how the movie is set 15 years after the last ep (Posey pointing out that made Scott older than him, when all throughout the show he’d been younger than him) and they don’t have a release date for it yet, they’re definitely excited for us to see what they’ve made though!! 
It was just so hot in there and there wasn’t much seating (it was by far the best con I’d been too apart from the lack of seating at the panels and the heat) so I can’t remember much of the panel and Becca had to go for fresh air (so I was worried!). 
When we went over to where she was sat Zachary Quinto was randomly chilling outside of the door we were by. I swear every time I went passed his desk he wasn’t there! 
But yeah, that was our weekend! I’ve spent the week helping my mum with funeral stuff (Becca managed another weekend away with Westlife idk how!) so it was nice to relive! 
If you’ve read this far, thank you and I hope you enjoyed hearing about it!
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