#im allowing you all to choose so i wont be brain dead
mecharlie-fox · 1 year
Memoirs of a Summoner: Part 2
Holy hecc it's already 2023 and I just now made part 2 due to unexpectedly breaking my writer's block (for the wrong fic) and I think I've decided on what I'm gonna do for the love interest.
Ship intention: Alfonse X Reader / Summoner X Reader / Zacharias (Bruno) x Reader
Note: The Summoner and the Reader ARE TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE. The Summoner has no distinct gender or sexuality and can be you or your OC, and the same is for the reader. This will be posted in AO3 for a more organized approach in the future. Happy reading!
You didn't know why you even agreed to Anna's proposal. AT ALL.
A Stewardship is basically a position that meant you will do every single small detail for the Commander and the Summoner from having their breakfast scheduled to every single night report delivered to them before bed or right after they wake up the following morning.
You didn't want to sign up for it but your worry, sense of duty, perhaps a little but of pity, got the best of you by the end of it all.
By hierarchy, you automatically outrank everyone you knew except for the Commander and the Summoner. You will be with them all the time, learn every secret, be part of every council, every decision making — you found yourself from a unknown soldier to a sudden "councilor" for both the Commander and the Summoner.
In short, you are third-in-command after the Summoner who is second.
By Order rules, no title of nobility or royalty would be effective on Order grounds and jurisdiction. It goes the same for foreign heroes who were summoned or volunteered, or your local nobles and royals who feel like they wanted to be a hero. Their position outside of the Order meant nothing and should be nothing, because everyone has to work for their spot in the order.
Things were changing around you the moment you said yes.
Your quarters were suddenly placed in the fourth floor where the commanding officers sleep. You were suddenly in important meetings, training sessions, access to armor, potions, and weapons that you've never seen before. Big name heroes such as Marth or Ike were finally noticing you! And it felt weird! All too weird!
You were invisible since the day the Summoner came along and all of a sudden you were a big name with a big fancy title. "The Steward."
It wasn't as fancy as Commander or Summoner, but you didn't care anyway. It felt as if the castle you were living for the past years was suddenly foreign to you.
But the biggest, weirdest thing you've encountered was Prince Alfonse and his sister Princess Sharena.
You did not know how to act amongst the royalty. AT. ALL.
Yeah, sure the heroes came from royalty or nobility from other worlds. But that was different. They were foreigners who wanted to help, heroes who were humbled and eager to fight with you until the end. But Prince Alfonse and the Princess? The Heir and the Spare?
This was a whole different territory for you.
You internally prayed for the Summoner to waltz in the war room and save you. But you were stuck with those two, AND ONLY those two. Where was the Commander? Heck, where are the Heroes who were given captaincy positions? You were certain, VERY CERTAIN that there was a scheduled meeting today. You had to be right, you were the one who confirmed it with Anna and the Summoner. It wasn't helping that Princess Sharena kept on smiling your way and Prince Alfonse awkwardly standing by the window looking at Lord Askr knows what.
Mind you. This was your first day on the job as Steward.
"So... What's your name?" ...
You wanted to run away the moment the Princess asked you your name. "M-my name is (y/n)..."
The Princess simply smiled at you. "Ohhhhh~ that's a pretty name! No need to be all nervous around me though," said the princess as she had a more welcome aura compared to her brother... Who was simply sneaking occasionally glances at the two of you. "You can just call me Sharena! Is it okay if I call you (y/n)?"
The Princess' eyes were practically shining.
"Uhm..." Before you could even answer, the Summoner gave their morning greetings to the three of you. Holding a tray of tea with bread.
Now you've become nervous as to why the Summoner just did your job. You were in their bedroom this morning to wake them up, why didn't they say anything?
You've noticed Prince Alfonse finally turned his direction towards you all with a welcoming smile. To you, the Prince wasn't all that friendly. Polite, sure, but he had more walls around him than Midgard's Shield.
You immediately stood up and rushes towards the summoner in a panic. "Summoner please—"
But they just stopped you right there. You could see their lips curve into a smile under that hood of theirs. "You're mistaken, (y/n) this isn't for sharing. This is for you."
What? "I beg your pardon?" You were utterly confused all of a sudden.
"Anna said you didn't eat breakfast." The Summoner casually said as they put down the tray by the table since no map has been presented yet. "We don't want a hungry Steward working so hard you know."
"I ... uhmmm thank you Ma'am— Sir, I— I mean Summoner!"
Sharena wanted to laugh so bad but she was holding it in. The Summoner just waved it off. "Summoner would be just fine, you can also call me Kiran once you're more comfortable." The Summoner was happy when you nodded. They've noticed you've become flustered, perhaps out of embarrassment due to being in the presence of royalty. Or maybe it was because of them. They didn't know really.
Heroes were easier to talk to because they didn't put them on a pedestal, but it was different for Askrans who volunteered. The Summoner was their legend, their hero, it made a lot of sense that people would be on guard around them not because they were a public threat but rather... some sort of impossible idol on display. Like if you touch them, they would crack.
"Alfonse, introduce yourself." Your level of shock could not comprehend on how casual the Summoner just called the Crown Prince of Askr.
Your eyes met and you just froze there. Waiting for Askr to answer your prayer of this not going bad. Alfonse on the other hand had a different thought process.
Like you, he didn't know how to interact with you. Between him and Sharena, he was the introverted one. He acknowledged that he was distant when Kiran first came to them from another world, but after a few missions and discussions — Kiran wasn't as complicated as he thought they were. But you were a different story.
You are a citizen of his Kingdom. He is your Crown Prince, your future King. He was afraid on what he common folk would think about him. Alfonse was aware that people say he wasn't behaving like a prince should be. But he was hoping you thought differently, that you would give him a chance to at least prove himself that this is where he belongs for the time being before he becomes King.
He stretched out his hand towards you, although he smiled, you didn't know if he was even happy you're going to lessen the workload for the order. "I am Alfonse, Prince of Askr."
"They know that dummy!" Sharena couldn't help but tease from behind.
"Ack! A-apologies! I'm so used to introducing myself in such a manner — Wh—why are you laughing?!" This was the first time you saw Prince Alfonse so flustered and the Summoner practically on the floor laughing histerically as the prince failed to introduce himself to you.
Sharena was still trying to hold it in as well from where she sat.
You didn't need to be a genius to know why he introduced himself like that. You didn't even need his explanation. Considering how many heroes the Summoner would do each day, it was only natural for the prince to introduce himself in such a way — he would be a broken record at this point.
"Nice to meet you, Your Highness." You introduced yourself with a bow. "My name is (y/n), I look forward to working with you."
"L-likewise, (y/n)" The prince sounded so apologetic that you're starting to believe that the Summoner may tease him about this until the moment they both die. "S-stop laughing!"
Maybe the Summoner is a prankster? No, impossible. You refuse to believe it. The Summoner is THE Legendary Great Hero there is no way they would be so childish.
"Don't mind him, (y/n), Alfonse has always been a stick in the mud." Summoner Kiran simply patted you on the head like a child. Odd thing is that... You didn't dislike it. Their hand felt warm.
It didn't take long for the new Captains to come and arrive. None of them were the captains that you knew, and it breaks your heart. Most of them were Heroes that were summoned, very few were nobility who just joined — probably because they want to curry favor with the crown prince or his sister. It didn't sit right with you... It didn't feel right, it felt like a sin even — seeing these people standing where they stood.
"Now," the Summoner cleared their throat before facing the siblings. "I've already notified the captains about (y/n) so I'm giving you to a quick briefing. They're our Steward, anything that goes in and out of this castle, they should know. All the plans, all the names, all the resources, all the correspondence — everything. They are to receive the same amount of respect as the Commander and I as a veteran of this Order. Failure to comply with this will have consequences and you're not children for me to even say that..."
The summoner's voice sounded different for you. It had a different aura compared to earlier when they were still goofing around with the Prince and Princess. Their aura was respectable, commendable — there was something about them that just draws people in. And you were awed by it.
The Summoner explained that look like them, you were allowed to participate on missions but it's not a mandatory thing for you to do. As third-in-command, you have every authority to override the Captain's orders and decisions. You were allowed to discipline them, have access to secret files, every dark secret, every mission — you were allowed to go wherever in the castle, nor extractions whatsoever.
You were given actual authority, the same level of authority as the Commander. You were even allowed in the restricted section in the library. Not even the Summoner has access to that part of the castle!
Anna had asked for a second chance. But this wasn't the second chance you were hoping for.
It didn't felt like you earned your position at all.
You can name so many people who deserves to be third-in-command instead of you.
But they were all gone.
And you were alone.
Anna wasn't even present in the whole briefing as you finally swallowed your nervousness and brought out a parchment filled with agendas for the day, and reported it to the whole war council. It felt like every briefing you did with your old unit but at the same time, it felt so strange — not familiar. Surely these heroes are to be trusted, they're heroes after all but you couldn't help but have your own reservations.
Heroes didn't automatically mean trust.
And you trust none of them.
You only trust Anna because you worked with her before she became commander. She was one of you before any of this. But she wasn't around. She was in the capital with other Contains, trying to ease the situation with the King. She's doing her job. She's working hard.
And you should too.
"Okay!" The Summoner clapped their hands together as to catch the attention of the whole room. "You all have your missions, go and brief your team. The Steward and I will remind here to discuss our next course of action."
It was like a switch. One moment the Summoner was a professional tactics master, whenever you can call it and the next, they are a complete child. You can tell by how they smiles at you. It was a smile your own brother would give whenever he had something stupid in mind and you need to keep him out of trouble (your mother finds out anyway and you both get in trouble.) Somehow, you went from finding the summoner hateful, to them being weird, to you now just feeling scares that you're on a babysitting job with a grown adult who has the ability to control worlds.
"You, Steward, are the luckiest person in this Order. Do you want to know why?" ... you were scared to find out what's next to that sentence.
"No, Summoner." By that answer, you could have sworn you could have a pin drop all the way from Embla's capital.
"I'm telling you anyway!" They responded gleefully as they took out a map from one of the shelves. "Anna tells me that you've been doing covert assignments since you got here. Is that right?"
"Yes," you said. "I was under Captain Zacharias."
"Good. I need someone like you for tonight's assignment." Opening the map, the Summoner took out a few wooden pieces and placed them on the map as if they were trying to divise a plan on how to get to their location. "We'll be meeting an agent right around here," they pointed at the secluded forest just in the middle of Embla and Askr territory. "I figured you'd be enough as my companion."
"What?" The summoner looked up towards you but it wasn't enough for you to even see their face. "You're trained in combat, right?"
"And you're trained in first aid?"
"And you know covert operation protocol, right?"
"Then you're perfect for the job!" There they go again with such a happy tone. No wonder the princess was so fond of them.
"I'm the only person qualified for the job, Summoner."
"Exactly!" Both of you weren't stupid to just realize that none of the Heroes were trained or brief in protocols such as this. Covert operations are often dangerous and kept on the dark, originally there are three separate teams of them and one of them was burnt and the other two were disbanded.
But if you were the only one that's left... Who was the Summoner's agent in Embla territory?
"You don't have to come if you don't want to you know," the Summoner's voice became... Soft for some reason. It felt unexpected.
"But isn't this assignment important?"
"It is." The Summoner nodded. But they didn't want to force you into anything you don't like. "But if you feel like you're not ready, I can reassign you to Alfonse and Sharena for today."
It was the guriella warfare task that you said earlier.
This choice will affect the story
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thingstotellthem · 2 years
this is very long. sorry.
i don't even know where to start, honestly. i hate you so so much. i'm sorry i fucked up. i want you to die. i hope you live a happy and peaceful life. i know i did bad things to you, which i didn't realise at the time. and i'm genuinly sorry for that. i just really wish you'd get that you were constantly hurting me, too. you were so emotionally abusive. i wrote poems about it. about you. countless poems. it's hard to put into words, but poems allow me to become incoherent and metaphorical, and that helps. so. here's some of them. (a title, if a poem has one, is in italics.)
theres so many things i wanna say to you
but at the same time
do you actually deserve knowing?
i hope you love yourself as much as i hate you
i hate you i hate you i hateyou ihateyoui hateyouihateyouiateuaeu
every time i feel bad, my brain screams.
and it haunts me. its been haunting me all the time. i was shaking and crying and i thought id get a text telling me youre dead the next day.
sometimes i wish you were dead so i know that you wont die.
am i a victim? are you? was this all real? did you even hurt me? is this reality or am i gaslighting myself? are you to blame?
am i truly a victim? are my feelings valid? are they real? are they the one to blame? are my memories real? is anything at all real? am i real? is reality real? what is real? what is valid? what is justified and what is not? are my feelings? are theirs?
sometimes i wonder why you never comforted me when i had to comfort you all the time. were you too hurt to be a therapist for two people? i was, and i still comforted you.
Sometimes I wonder;
And what is, that you thought of me?
What is, that you think now?
yk, sometimes.. sometimes i want to forgive. i want to hug you, hold you close to me, tell you it’s okay. that i forgive you. sometimes i want tender moments between us, i want to kiss you softly and forget all the bad we did to eachother. sometimes i really want to. but in the end, all the pain you brought me holds me back, and all i can do is hate you.
You asked me why I didn’t like mashed potatoes, and I threw up the sand you forced me eat. You asked me why I never initiated to hang out, and I cut my head open, spilling all the maggots eating away at my brain back into your hands. You asked me why I always was sad, and I slashed my wrists, staring at the blood sweeping out, and you asked me why I was dying when there were flowers in my bones.
I keep thinking about what we were.
Why can’t I write it into poetry?
Why are you wasting the space in my brain?
Why did you never understand me in the way I understood you?
Do you ever think about me?
Do you ever think about me?
Do you ever think about what you’ve done?
mirror, mirror, on the wall
how broken you must’ve been
to hurt me with the same words
they’ve hurt you
dirty love
our love was waiting until somebody made a move
it was silence and anxiety
it was guilt, so much guilt and embarassment
it was only loving because we couldn’t love ourselves, because we couldn’t love anyone else in the world
it was bottling up feelings and never talking
it was hurt, oh, so hurt and pained
it was holding hands even though we both hated physical contact, but it was all we had
it was sitting beside eachother, wanting to cuddle and still never doing so
it was quiet lunch at yours and loud dinner at mine
it was waiting until somebody made a move
it was until i did
until i broke up our dirty love
because i realised i couldn’t love someone who i don’t love
not even if i pretend
not even if i want to
and that’s what made our love so dirty
it wasn’t ours
it was yours
I’m sorry.
It was all my fault.
I stopped believing in the stars
After you told me you did
Because I couldn’t be you—
Then they fell down and killed us.
Please don’t ever forgive me.
Don’t forget me.
Forget what you felt,
But not what I did.
Please take it all with you
And make sure nobody ever hurts you again.
Love fades into hate so quickly
Do you hurt when you think of me?
Do you regret?
Do you hate me?
Do you cry?
Do you feel miserable?
Do you want to die?
Because that’s how I feel about you,
And when I think of what I’ve done,
I desperately hope it’s the same for you.
that's not even all of them yet, just my favorites, the ones i might actually publish one day. i could fill a thousand books with a thousand pages each, all for you, and it still wouldn't be enough. i can't even properly write down my feelings. i hate you, but i still care about you, and i'm convinced that only one of us should walk this earth at the same time. i hope it can be me. still, deep down in my heart, the affection i once had for you hopes it's you. i don't know myself anymore. it's destroying me. you're destroying me. i hope to fucking god that you just die already. i think. i'm not sure. you're still making me question reality. i hate that we share the same friends, and if i told them about your abuse, i'd have to tell them about the toxic things i did, and they'd have to choose between us and live with that knowledge for the rest of their lives. so you've rendered me unable to do anything. i want to fucking scream. whenever i think of you, i get so angry. so angry with myself, with you, with us, with what we were, and weren't, and wanted to be. i know most of your abuse wasn't intentional, but it still left me traumatized. i haven't forgiven you, and i never will. and i'm so mad at myself, at you, because i really fucking wish you could live with that knowledge forever but my trauma is still so bad that i feel the need to throw up from the guilt of making you kill yourself when only thinking about telling you anything of what i feel.
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enderspawn · 3 years
♫ techno?
Anti-Hero – Sekai No Owari
Glory and Gore – Lorde
more details down below the read more
okay listen I know a lot of techno cosplayers use the chorus of anti-hero but IT’S THE VERSES THAT MAKE IT A TECHNO SONG!!! So im gonna focus mainly on that
“You know I don't give a damn about what's "right" Or pleasing everyone around me Cause I know this world that brought us life Wasn't made to keep everyone happy”
Techno doesn’t care about what other ppl see as right, he cares about what he does as right. He KNOWS he’s not a hero, he’s fine being the villain bc in his eyes he’s doing the right thing in the end. Not everyone’s gonna be happy w what he does but fuck them, bc theres no ending where EVERYONE is happy.
“The rules and laws that countries come up with In front of me, they're all shit Cause there are people that I've gotta protect And if you get in my way, you're dead”
Okay ppl literally made up rules, laws, AND a country all in front of him and he think’s its shit like. Yep that’s the line! Also…. He would absolutely kill anyone and everyone for those he cares abt and protects. “for you the world, phil” and all that. Part of why I think he went thru w obliterating l’manberg was, as well as being a government and unfairly trying to execute him, they punished phil for his involvement w techno. Fuck that.
“You see I'm tired of trying to justify Every decision that I make If it's to save the people that I stand by You better believe what I say”
He genuinely believes government corrupts. By destroying it, he thinks that he is helping in the end but its hard to JUSTIFY, esp to the ppl he’s killing. He’s doing what he thinks he has to in order to save those he loves (which isn’t limited to phil tbh. Even when allied w tommy he wanted to destroy lmanberg to save HIM too.)
“ "Stay in the lines, don't make a scene" Heroes try to tell us what's right But when push comes to shove, you'll know what I mean I'm ready to start a fight”
He WILL break the law and you CAN NOT stop him fjdklsjfkl
“I'm gonna be the anti-hero Feared and hated by everybody I'm gonna be the anti-hero So I can save you when the time comes”
Again I said it before but it fits, he doesn’t think himself a hero sure but HE DOES WHAT HE DOES BC HE THINKS ITS RIGHT. HE ISNT AN ANARCHIST BC OF SPITE (even if his destruction might be lol) HE IS BC HE BELIEVES IT’S THE BEST POSSIBILITY.
“Righteousness is a thing that I hate Cause it doesn't do any good for anyone And everyone thinks everything is OK If they just obey”
In short: ur not any better for following the government’s laws bc it wont magically fix things! You’re not better for obeying! Anarchy baby!!
“I don't want to think about what they see When they look up and see evil me You see, love isn't what I need As long as I can set you free”
Okay not to be in mourning of the tommy techno dynamic but. He doesn’t care if everyone he loves hates him as long as they’re safe and free from tyranny. He doesn’t CARE (at least he says) if tommy hates him if its for his own good. Techno is very much a ends justify the means kind of guy, why not apply it to his own relationships w others.
Glory and Gore could fit w a lot of characters (particularly I see it as a dream and techno song) bc its about fighting finding fame from it
“But in all chaos, there is calculation”
My man thrives in chaos and rebellion, but he puts weeks of effort into it!! He carefully calculates his battles in order to cause his chaos!!
“You've been drinking like the world was gonna end (It didn't) Took a shiner from the fist of your best friend (Go figure)”
Okay so this isn’t rlly abt him, and more general pogtopia (Wilbur w the first line, the world ending being destroying lmanberg) but the second line is abt tommy and techno’s fight in the pit prove me wrong JFKDLJF
“Glory and gore go hand in hand That's why we're making headlines You could try and take us But victory's contagious”
Techno was brought into the pogtopia conflict BECAUSE he’s famous for being a great warrior. He literally makes headlines with his gore. Also, has he ever LOST a single battle/war he’s been in? even when taken prisoner and EXECUTED he managed to escape victorious and alive. His victory IS damn contagious, technoblade never dies baby, we win theseeee
“Delicate in every way but one (The swordplay) God knows we like archaic kinds of fun (The old ways) Chance is the only game I play with, baby We let our battles choose us”
Techno is brutal in his combat and swordplay and, if we consider stuff like mcm and mcc canon, often does so for fun. Despite that tho he still doesn’t really START wars. He was recruited into pogtopia. He went into retirement after new lmanberg was made and only came out after HE was attacked. His battles CHOOSE HIM.
“Tired little laughs, gold-lie promises We'll always win at this, I don't ever think about death It's all right if you do, it's fine”
Hrhrhrnngng tommy techno time. They both made promises to each other to help the other and both ended up going back on their word. Also, you can interpret “I don’t ever think about death, it’s alright if you do” to be about how tommy’s at one life while techno’s at 3, OR abt tommy’s suicidal ideation during exile and aaaaaaAHHHHH
“We gladiate, but I guess we're really fighting ourselves Roughin' up our minds so we're ready when the killtime comes Wide awake in bed, words in my brain "Secretly you love this, do you even wanna go free?" Let me in the ring, I'll show you what that big word means”
HHHOUGH BABY THIS IS THE MONEY LINE!! Techno ENJOYS fighting in the end, and with the voices of chat they demand blood from him. He says he wants to change, to retire and be peaceful, but in the end “secrety you love this, do you even wanna go free?”!!!! hes in conflict with HIMSELF over his war activities and fighting urges. War sucks in the end and you lose people, but its what he’s built his identity over. He IS the blood god, the blade. What is he ALLOWED to be beyond violence? IDK IM JUST HAVING TECHNO THOUGHTS NOW BUT LIKE!!! YO!!! Even you could read into it that when he thinks that his first impact is to “let him in the ring”, violence is the only universal language for him to the point he doesn’t KNOW anything else.
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
Camping ||| NCT 127 & WayV x Reader
Genre: Fluff, adventure, interactive choose-your-own-story Overall Warning(s): References to alcohol use but nothing severe/dangerous, some foul language Word Count: 1014 Ambience: here
AN: not all options are available yet because this is quite a big thing, but I need to get links available otherwise admin is going to become a nightmare
The night grew cold as if by the flip of a switch, the temperature drop encompassing the valley and drawing in a mild storm not far behind. As soon as everyone had retreated to their tents after feeling the first flecks of rain, the wind rose, buffering the canvas sheets and biting at a loosened tether. Its high-tone crackle was just loud enough to prick at the ears, even through the noise that continued after.
After a couple of drinks prior, as well as several rowdy choruses of old 80s songs and tussles in the fresh grass, even as the rain picked up the many inhabitants continued to shout and call to one another. Some were cackling tipsily from far behind you, a couple were bickering somewhere off round the front, and before long came the inevitable loud whack from one of the furthest tents, with a cacophony of stifled laughter and whines to follow.
You meanwhile inhaled deeply, shutting out the noise and leaving it distant amongst the wind. It was a skill you had taken a while to learn, but had proven to be invaluable with just how much noise your friends were capable of making. Leaving the ruckus, you became mesmerised by the faint dapples of rain rippling across the dark skin of the tent, specks of shadows that made their staggered way out of the hazy spotlight, to merge with the void out of reach of the moon’s light.
The silvery glow from the celestial sister high above had been all that allowed you to see, dimly shimmering through the canvas and casting silhouettes upon your two friends, who despite the chaos outside, were snoring contently. But as the storm ushered in, bringing the brisk chill that only the damp air of a squall in the dimming summer could bring, the chalk dust face disappeared into the thick of the night, leaving little glow to the valley at all. And that in turn left the only source of light being the occasional random torch arcs roaming like strobe lights from the tent next-door—otherwise, everything was pretty much painted of ink.
You couldn’t make out what your temporary neighbours were squabbling about over the wind, but it sounded like much more of a party than it did where you were.  When you had chosen your tent-mates you had expected to have stayed up all night, because surely, if they weren’t here, they would have been at frat parties dancing the dusk through to a waltz with dawn—but in a strange twist of fate here they were, after several drinks, crowned as the first to fall asleep.
Johnny, as soon as he pulled his blankets over him, was out like a light. He had led the charge earlier in the day, and had shown no signs of stopping, gleefully chasing the others around only to throw them over his shoulder when he inevitably caught them; his long strides had proved to be quite the unfair advantage, not that anyone could stop him from playing even if they wanted to. None of that Johnny could be seen in his sleeping features now. With his strong arms scrunched at his chest while his plush lips squished into an unrequited kiss at his pillow, you hadn’t hesitated to take a photo of his precious face for blackmail later. On the furthest mattress from you was Jaehyun, who had insisted on staying up a little longer. He’d gotten a lot more talkative the more he drank, though it meant it wasn’t long before he gave in too, his cheeks rosy from all of his indulgences despite your previous advice and gleaming eyes languidly blinking. He’d passed out diagonally on top of his sleeping bag, one foot shot out at an angle that couldn’t be comfortable no matter how much you considered it, the other—now you thought of it, you had no clue where. It was as if the night had consumed it.
You meanwhile were perched bolt upright, staring into the dark aimlessly, completely unable to sleep. Perhaps it really was the noise that kept you from rest—you may have been used to their seemingly never-ending energy but the incessant clacking of the tent clip would be enough to drive even the most robust insane. Maybe it was the unfamiliar surroundings and the way the shadows pooled in the corners of the tent, too dark to even let the light of a flame escape. Whatever it was, you found yourself unable to catch a wink of the sleep that the other two had succumbed to. You rationalised that they had stolen all the sleep available. 
The small chuckle that had escaped you quickly died down however, as truly, you couldn’t believe your luck. When you’d planned the trip you’d figured that the sun would rise before you slept, but this was what you’d received instead. How had you ended up with the most boring tent? 
Hearing another bout of raucous laughter from somewhere in the distance, and watching Johnny scrunch his nose in response to the increased volume of Jaehyun’s sudden snore, you decided it was time to take action. 
Laying your options out before yourself, your eyes firstly settled on Johnny. You could wake him up, you supposed, to get some conversation at the very least. Alternatively, since he was such a nice person—and since you now began to consider how that wouldn’t be an option, because waking Johnny up had never proved to be any less than a nightmare—maybe you could try to at least hunker down with him. It would no doubt be comfortable, he kicked out a lot of heat after all. Or, after catching Jaehyun mumble something intelligible from the other side of the tent once again, you could try and help him settle properly, especially since you could already hear the others eventually complaining about it when they finally decided to sleep.
That being said, you could also very much ignore both rational options and instead brave the poor weather outside to explore what the other tents had to offer. 
What do you choose?
Try and get Johnny’s attention
Go check on Jaehyun
Venture out into the wilderness
AN:  this is just a miniseries i thought i would start off with on a whim, bc ive always wanted to try something like this, and also i feel like my blog is dead bc of my creative fluctuations lately 
(tw: mental health, madd) i wont bore people with the details of my mental health disorder, but its being a pain in quarantine for a variety of reasons, and it means my creative output is severely out of whack
basically, the proper long things (such as pirate ateez series, Love endings and such) that i promised are coming! but please bear with me, my brain isnt in the right state to write them yet and i want them to be worthwhile, so this is what im trialling until it is  
there is also no Dream bc it would make just too many options for me to cope with so im really sorry :(  if people like this sort of thing then i will do another which does include them in a different scenario 
sorry, thank you, and i hope you enjoy playing along :)
(edited: July 15 2020)
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sunandmoonkeeper · 4 years
Sweet Tooth
for @top-crowley-central for your protective dom crowley needs
Aziraphale pouted as he sat in their nest made out of clothes, blankets, and pillows. His heat for the first time since coming to earth was due any day now and Crowley was driving him insane. His dom had him under house arrest and though the first few days were fun, Aziraphale now really wanted to be able to wonder!!
“Sir please!!!! Can i please just take a walk outside!!!” pleaded aziraphale as crowley played on his phone next to him. 
“No dove too dangerous….your heat is due any day now and i'm not risking any alphas smelling you in heat” crowley tried to soothe sending calming pheromones to his omega. Azira had been restless lately and was starting to act out. His sub knew the punishments but Crowley was being lenient this time because he understood why. 
“But i can walk with you!!!” aziraphale pleaded. 
Crowley sighed and gently kissed Aziraphales head “the answer remains the same as it always has for the past week dove...no” 
“....your chicken aren't you? Scared of a couple of alphas” Aziraphale spat out only to have his collar yanked on and pulled to face Crowley who was hissing.
“Now dove i have been lenient with your outbursts this past week but don't forget for a moment who is in charge, or would like a reminder in the form of a firm spanking?” crowley hissed 
Aziraphale looked defiant at first before submitting and mumbling no
“No...what?” crowley ordered
“No sir” grumbled aziraphale 
Crowley let go of his collar and laid back again rubbing aziraphales back and playing more games on his phone. Suddenly Aziraphale had a brilliant plan to get crowley to release him and smiled at his dom.
“Sir…...could you please grab me another book?” pouted aziraphale.
Crowley smiled though and nodded and got up and had his back to aziraphale. Aziraphale grinned and snapped his fingers causing crowley to go down like a lead weight and caught him and put him in the nest.
“Its only for an hour or so darling….be back in a tic!” aziraphale said before wiggling a bit and bolting out the door to his favorite bakery. 
Aziraphale grinned as he walked into the bakery. It smelled divine!! Aziraphale grinned as he looked through the case and chatted with the lovely young women about her upcoming baby. He choose out an Oreo cheesecake and a strawberry cheesecake. The women started packing it up when the door to the bakery opened again. Azira was just about to turn around when he felt the cold barrel of a gun against his head. 
He heard the owner gasp out and back away from the counter. Then the man behind him spoke “give me all the money in the register or I will blow his brains out all over the counter” he ordered. The women nodded weakly and went to the register. 
Azira was quiet for a moment before speaking “my good sir, we do not have to point guns to each other….let us talk civaly about this matter” said azira gently 
The barrel dug deep into the skin on his scalp now causeing a slight wince “shut the fuck up fag! Or I will shoot you once I have the money” he shouted. 
“Oh my….if it's money you're after i can give you plenty…..but leave the poor girl alone” azira said only to be grabbed by the shoulder and turned around with the gun pointing right between his eyes now. “Where is your fucking money then fag!” yelled the man
Aziraphale took a deep breath “just give me a moment to find it and-” he was cut off as he heard a click from the gun and the trigger was pulled. There was a loud bang but….no bullet. The robber looked confused but then a very angry alphas scent flooded the store. 
“How dare you…….HOW FUCKING DARE YOU POINT A GUN AT MY MATE!!!” screamed crowley scales all over his body. Crowley grabbed the man's hand and snapped it backwards, the man hollowing in agony. Crowley then uses his claws to dig into the man's back, tearing all the muscles in it to shreds. Finally Crowley uses his devil's tail to strangle the man to death and drops his dead on the floor before looking up.
The woman at the register has fainted and aziraphale is right behind her fanning her face. Crowley snaps his fingers getting rid of the body and blood. And then storms over to aziraphale grabbing him by the arm and lifting him over his shoulder.
“Crowley put me down!!! That poor woman will be traumatized when she wakes up!!!” aziraphale complained. Crowley snapped his fingers without word wiping her memory before storming to the Bentley and shoving aziraphale inside. 
Aziraphale went dead silent from the scent his Dom was edmitting as Crowley floored it back to the bookshop without another word. Finally they arrived at the bookshop and crowley carried azira inside and set him down in the nest pacing before speaking. His voice ice cold and controlled.
“Aziraphale…..what did i say about leaving the nest right now?” crowley demanded to know. “......................not...to?” Aziraphale whispered back. Crowley hissed so aziraphale quickly added “sir” 
“Thats right….i did. Funny, i dont think a bakery is your nest Aziraphale…..in face i would argue its a solid mile from where your nest is!” hissed crowley as his scales shimmered in the light of their bedroom. “..........i just wanted a bit of fresh air sir!!! I didn't feel like I was going into heat any time soon!!!” azira argued
“ANGEL THAT IS NOT THE POINT!!! You could have been in danger and then there was the robbery!!! Do you feel it was perfectly fine to trick me with a spell and leave just to have a cake!!” hissed crowley
Aziraphale pouted at his dom. “I feel it was justified sir” Aziraphale said, fluttering his eyelashes in hopes of calming crowley down. His dom had a look equivlent to murder though. “Your overdue for your heat any day now and you had the brillant idea to sneak off to the bakery without me….where there was a fucking robery….AND THEN TRY TO STOP THE ROBBER!?” yelled crowley.
Azira paled a bit as when Crowley put his actions in that light it seemed really bad. “I..i...i was just trying to protect the human crowley darling! And that poor human was very confused. He didn't know what he was doing wrong!!” aziraphale tried to argue but shrunk back at the glowing gold eyes. Crowley paced the floor of the bookshop quietly snarling and hissing at the floor. “....he had a gun angel!!! He was pointing it at your bloody skull and pulled the bloody trigger!!” hissed crowley. 
Azira had nothing to say and looked at the floor ashamed and red faced. Crowley sighed as his rage left him and he looked at the shamed and guilty sub. 
Walking over he hugged azira tight to his chest. “.....i just…..ive already lost you once in that damned fire….i will be blessed if i lose you again so simply to something i can easily prevent…..angel….those alphas wont care your bonded or anything…..and i refuse to let you be hurt like that. Thats why it scared me to wake up and find you gone...do you understand?” crowley asked softly
Aziraphale nodded quietly, hugging Crowley back. Finally crowley let Aziraphale go and paced the room. “That doesn't mean your off scott free...i need to think of a punishment that will stick in your head!” he said pacing 
Finally Crowley faced him and walked over and yanked aziras face up to look at him. Azira went reder at the grin that now covered his doms face. Crowley smiled and hissed in aziras ear “I know just how to punish you my precious dove….when your heat comes….im going to tie you up and have my way with you...but you will not be allowed to touch me” he smiled. 
Aziras face went shocked as he whispered “you wouldn't….” but Crowley only grinned bigger. Of course Crowley himself knew he wouldn't do that for the full heat…..just two days of it to really make it clear to azira that when he says don't leave the nest….it means….DON'T LEAVE THE NEST!
“.....you made your bed angel….now lets lay in it” snickered crowley as he lead his sub to their nest. 
He was right though, Azira did not disobey His Dom after that heat….for at least 6 months. Back to the drawing board crowley.
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tenisonline · 2 years
entry three - 4/10/2022
after many days of a wifi outage, i return to my little blog. there is a cynic inside my head that says, “not like anyone reads this blog, anyway,” but i choose to ignore them. i will allow myself to feel welcome in this echo chamber that i’ve built for myself. it becomes more comforting every time i use it.
i think i have touched on this lightly before, but i am autistic. i am self diagnosed, and unashamedly so. it took a lot of research and talking to come to the conclusion that i am autistic, and to apply autism to my personal experiences and intersections, and i may talk about it more in depth another time. but, lightly speaking, my brain has more words than my mouth can ever say. it is almost magical, actually, it IS magical, the way that i can type nonstop into a box and when im done, when my back is aching from being hunched over and my fingers are still twitching off pure muscle memory, and my brain has been thoroughly soothed by the sound of a good keyboard-- i’ve done it. i’ve created something messy, incomprehensible to others, but very cohesive to me. something real. i feel heard by my echo chamber. so welcome back, ten. 
today i will talk about two things and it may or may not be long. In 29 days, give or take, i am moving back to my hometown. other important counting-- in 235 days is december, the month i meet my boyfriend. in 227 days is my 21st birthday. 
when i left hinesville, i was a college freshman facing a global pandemic head on, and even with all of the issues that came with living alone i promised i would never go back there. moving from hinesville to columbus was hell. i experienced a lot of firsts all on my own. first flat tire, first dead car battery, first flare up rash that called for a solo trip to the ER. i was raped here, twice, once being... very recently. just some weeks ago. i cried enough tears to fill up the river that surrounds the music school i spent so much time and energy in. i started to think, and i still think, that columbus is a bad omen. im not meant to live here and im being pushed out. its the only explanation for so much hardship. 
i lived in columbus as a child. we moved, to my rememberance, from columbus to hinesville, and then as an adult i moved back. hinesville is my hometown though it is not my first town, because it is the town and i grew and developed in. i can show you every corner, like no where else. its the closest thing to a home area i know. i thought that maybe it would be comforting to go back, but i could still feel the heaviness and hardship i left behind. even then, i was starting a new life as an adult in school and i thought i could do it. a year later im a music school drop out, poor and struggling and ready to leave. life comes at you fast.
so yes, i am running away. i give up. i surrender to columbus georgia and all its weird energy. i am going back to my moms house where i wont have rent and where i’ll always have food and supplies. it’s only right. i need to fix my credit and reset my life and get back into college, i cant do that if im struggling to survive. i am running from people who hurt me, from people that i hurt, i am running. running is not bad. running is exercise. and when i get to where im going i’ll stop running. 
i have been watching a lot of grey’s anatomy. im on season 9, the episode where Christina leaves seattle. She tells Meredith that too much has happened to them. friends dying, a shooting, a plane crash, she feels like its cursed. it took more from her than it gave. Meredith replies that personally, it took just as much from her as it gave. Christina was drained by Seattle, but Seattle was Meredith’s balance. I am drained by columbus. That’s why i am going home.
I struggle with the prospect of going back to my moms house. Me and my mom often bump heads. We dont see things the same way. And also, it’s horrifying to think that I may see someone i once knew well, someone i havent talked to in forever because i just didnt want to. hinesville was where i met my two closest friends, both of which i no longer speak to anymore. outgrew my hinesville friends, my hinesville boyfriend, i am a city person now. i have a new lover who i’ll marry in a fancy dress one day. and i have a new perspective. and im happy. but i know that growth is lonely. when i go home theres no one to call and say “im back” to. 
my mom says return is not failure, it is just a reset, recalibration. im starting to understand what she means. i have to shed my teenaged perspective of hometown in order to be happy. i have to be an adult, starting a new chapter in an old place transformed-- a place that has boomed with new people and new things since i last went-- vs a teenager scraping her way out of a dead end place. i’ll turn 21 there. i’ll go to the bar. i’ll go to a club, ill meet new people, ill live life as an adult there and not a kid. it’s a different life and it’ll be a happier life. mom says i dont have to work for the first two months. she says i can rest. nothing makes me happier. hopefully i can get a job at the health food store. i always really wanted to work there. or maybe something similar, idk. 
i am just looking forward to it all. in december, my boyfriend is coming to visit. we originally planned for summer but it didnt work out that way. i was hurt but december is better. gives us more time to plan something solid. i am so excited to see him and love him up close. and i will. everything will go smoothly and im excited for that, for something in my life to be easy and smooth. he is easy to love. he is good to love, too. 
i am excited to cook in the kitchen. and have money in the bank. and see lamar, and hold him. im excited to see my cat and my family. im excited to pay my debt to my school and transfer to another school. im excited to start living a life free of so much of this pain that comes with living in this apartment. im excited. im happy. i am lucky. i am blessed. and i am hopeful.
i dont think i really want to talk about the other thing today, im a bit tired of being at the computer. maybe another time. to everyone out there-- take care.
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lokbobpop · 3 years
1 : the irreversible cessation of all vital functions especially as indicated by permanent stoppage of the heart, respiration, and brain activity : the end of life — see brain death. 2 : the cause or occasion of loss of life drinking was the death of him.
From late 12c. as "death personified, a skeleton as the figure of mortality." As "a plague, a great mortality," late 14c. (in reference to the first outbreak of bubonic plague; compare Black Death). Death's-head, a symbol of mortality, is from 1590s.
Death d earth d eath de ath
Writing the word death
Of cause a slight movement of the word no i dont want anything to do with this word i dont want to ever have to say it or hear or see it ever agin the death ive is enough thank you which has stopped me embracing life its stopped me living because fear of it happened all the time and that you’ll never be free of but im also pretty use there is no need to fear as there is no such thing as death so why get upset because I haven’t seen it with my own eyes I haven’t experienced it of my knowledge i dont know it and so are here all fearing what we dont know it the letting go of the dont know to live theres so much to get in this life hey.
Reading the word death
The Black Death a plague that hit Europe and so many people died from rats it seems I learnt about it at school and there was just pictures of dead bodies everywhere and how it was very contagious but now we have covid and people are in the same fear when of death and very few have died compared to what has happened in the past.
Death a strange thing now know how you die and somethings are far worse than expected like falling from a great high you feel the impact you feel all your bones break after the death research i see another fear has arise of pain of the death and fearing that will happen like the guy choking to death i heard the other day how horrid it was how the pain and i think i dont want to experience this sort of pain no way why would anybody have to even the poor body who experience far worse than myself its not far on them either.
Saying death out loud
Death buy hanging like being sentenced to death and the judge says death by hanging i cant imagine all the deaths ive had how horrific they have must been and i go straight to blame anu for all my deaths why did he allow this to happen but i also know full well i cant blame him but myself and how unfair that is ive spent billions of years trapped here it seems so unfair to me what might of happened other wise could we have come to a better conclusion that this thsi can never happen again for sure.
Death row in prisons how many people have died innocent i always wonder as the movies also depicts the innocent man being sentenced to death why is there death anyway i do realize we have to keep some people Locked up but they have wasted this life behind bars whats sort of life would that be behind bars all your life from a young kid but we cant tell who wont do it again who will kill again so we fear but I don’t think we should kill i think they should have the chance to wee there wrongs and choose death by themselves if needed.
Death by hanging or electric chair gelatins what sort of death other people have experienced and i millions of times over and over.
Does this definition support me no fear mostly of death of how my death will be blame towards anu for such deaths to happen to people and myself how unfair i see this and i wont be coming back here as a person for a very long time if ever again.
Death De earth
The death of the body when it all stops
Death of the mind construct death of the old me.
I will live this with the death of the old me bit by bit the old me is dying off layer by layer and im starting to live im getting there i feel light brighter and more alert within me so i can felt others see this about them to think some people have always functioned at this level. Death to the old to bring in the new
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littlebabycrybtch · 3 years
ok ik bitches are still going to complain but i gotta rant to keep my shit together;;; ngl after being stuck co-raising two babies now i really feel genuinely Disgusted by unnecessary parent critique. like it actually makes me feel so viscerally upset and depressed when i remember nobody gets this or cares to and probably just wants to call out what im doing wrong, instead of lend me a hand to do it better. man im not treading lightly here the ‘no excuses’ mentality is literally Inhumane to parents and dehumanizes them as these superhumans, they arent, they are people trying to take care of themselves Plus One. there Are ‘excuses’ for not being perfect. just bc every child deserves perfect doesnt mean it can be given and that fucking SUCKS but that is one of the only times im comfortable saying; ‘thats just life’. you cant magically make life better for kids the way you think, you’re not a protector, you’re their Rock to teach them How to DEAL with what life brings, that means you’re allowed to struggle with it too. childcare is like this cosmic design to work you physically and mentally to the brink, fucking forget the normalization of how many people you think you’ve seen raise kids and done fine, it is harder than you can even fathom. they probably did not do fine behind closed doors. the parents with the best behaved and most obedient kids probably did harmful things to make them that way that will eventually come back to them, the parents with the happiest most well adjusted kids probably had the money to provide the extra care for that. there are ‘excuses’. idc if it fucking annoys you or w/e, i dont like being the bitch that says stuff nobody wants to hear, but you truly deeply cannot 100% understand unless you are raising kids, i dont say that to hurt your feewings or exclude you, i used to think that way, i say it bc when you see me passed out on the couch while my nephew gets into something dangerous, its because i got one hour of sleep that night while he kicked me in our bed for 4 hours. he cant help not knowing how that affects both of us, but i cant help being affected by it just cuz im supposed to be ~the big strong adult~, bc i am not a fucking xman. i CANT pretend it all away. while im sitting there napping im also waiting for my mental health meds to start working. im also dizzy from not eating. it sucks that he gets into shit sometimes. hes still gonna get into shit sometimes, and i can do my best, but if i sit here worrying that karens are gonna get pissed abt that and work myself even harder im gonna straight up explode. who does that help. who does me falling apart help. come babysit my kid for free if you wanna help me bitch!
parents are doing twice the work of a normal person while also teaching one of these people theyre caring for, how to BE a person. i used to be SO pro judging parents and im literally nauseated by the judgments now. “i cant believe this parent looked away and their kid got hurt, i cant beleive they just leave them there with a tablet or a snack or a toy while they nap, i cant believe they let them do that, i cant believe--” btich you literally have no idea how lucky you are that they are not both already dead. you are so lucky tehy are both alive and the parent isnt hospitalized for mental health or even physical exhaustion, or addicted to a stimulant (which includes caffeine), or using smth to relax like weed or alcohol (hello wine mom culture), or the kid isnt traumatized from watching their parent have repeatd breakdowns. that is literally better than most situations already. no matter how impossibly perfect the family could be in your mind, kids fuckin get hurt and they make mistakes and the PARENTS make mistakes bc theyre PEOPLE and yall this blows my mind that ppl dont realize this but,,,,, Little kids??? THEY DO NOT LISTEN TO THEIR PARENTS bc they essentially CANT..... for like YEARS there is a period they WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOU at ALL while they have the full autonomy and smarts and strength to cause horrible consequential problems, they are capable of learning how to circumnavigate your ‘babyproofing’ in new ways every single day, but they have ZEROOOOO MORALS OR CAUSE AND EFFECT SKILLS to understand RIGHT FROM WRONG, NO MATTER HOW OFTEN YOU TELL THEM!!!!! IT WONT CHANGE, ITS LITERALLY A PHYSICAL BRAIN THING THAT THEY CANT LEARN WHAT ‘NO’ MEANS FOR A WHILE YET!!! THIS CAN LAST FROM AGE 1 TO 4, SOMETIMES LONGER! THATS GENUINELY INSANITY INDUCING FOR THE ADULT WHOS KEEPING THEM IN LINE HUNDREDS OF TIMES A DAY, KNOWING ITS AMOUNTING TO ALMOST NOTHING UNTIL YEARS LATER!!!! IT DOESNT HELP WHEN PPL JUDGE YOU AND DONT BELEIVE YOU AND THINK YOU JUST ARENT ~TRYING HARD ENOUGH~! holy FUCK dude, idc if you wanna judge, im losing it bc i am being forced to keep my cool while a child whos pinching me and genuinely HURTING and BRUISING me laughs in my face bc he truly DOES NOT KNOW this, and there is NO WAY for me to convey it to make him stop at the moment!!!! thats maddening!!!
listen to me, neither of you dying or experiencing lasting damage is literally the goal every day, not just ‘raising them’, but that you both survive to the end of it. im appalled by how different the lifestyle is and the way ppl just... dont know that/REJECT that information so they get to judge. ofc tiny vulnerable innocent kids deserve the best, parents cannot always provide that if they want to Survive, bc they also deserve , basic understanding and humanity. you call out abuse all you want, theres a difference between the 'lesser of two evils’ choices, or even the genuinely Bad choices you can Accidentally make when at your wits end (which you should immediately correct anyways), and ever causing intentional physical or mental harm to the child, but the secodn yall start nitpicking or blatantly being ignorant to a struggle just so you get your blame validation in i literally cannot AFFORD to give you the time of day, im busy running on minutes of sleep, so if you think i have enough free time to entertain ur whining that my kids got a messy face and has been on his tablet in a highchair for an hour or w/e, idc, im using that time to shower for the first time in 2 weeks bc nobody else is gonna be there for me to let me do that shit :) so frankly put your money where your mouth is and help struggling parents whenever you can. i cant make shit better out of thin air.
“oh, but i dont have the money to help you.” YOU THINK IM AFFORDING CHILDCARE?? YOU CAN COME OVER AND HELP DIRECTLY WHILE I DO CHORES. “oh, but i dont wanna babysit for my friends, i dont like kids.” OH REALLY?????? OH YOU DONT LIKE KIDS??? BC THEYRE DIFFICULT MAYBE ??? SO MAYBE YOU SHOULDNT JUDGE WHEN ITS HARD THEN????? LIKE YOU RLY THINK JUST ‘LIKING THEM’ SUDDENLY MAKES IT EASY FOR ME?? YOU THINK ME FINDING MY NEPHEW CUTE AND LOVING HIM AND HIS LAUGHTER GIVES ME FUCKING SUPERMAN POWERS TO DEAL WITH THIS???????? “but You chose to have kids” rt in my case i literally didnt and would be homeless if not offering to help care for them but HEY COOL CONCEPT PRO CHOICE KINDA FUCKIN INCLUDES WHEN PEOPLE ‘CHOOSE’ TO HAVE KIDS EVEN WHEN THEY STRUGGLE AFTER, TOO LATE TO FUCKIN COMPLAIN NOW, JUST HELP A BITCH OUT. LIke... bro BRO b R O im losing it stop giving parents the inspiration porn treatment while disrespecting the actual struggles they go thru any time the child actually suffers bc they are unable to shield them from their struggle. can i be real, life literally will not go without struggle. you cannot raise them to have a life better than what the world is, you can do your best but you really cant MAKE it fair. once again this is not a ‘raise the perfect child’ contest you are just . trying to raise them at all. its messy. every single day you will have successes and failures, and you’ll be running on empty, and you’ll be doing that just to make it through to do it again tomorrow, while it slowly (AGONIZINGLY SLOWLY) gets easier each day. im tired of pretending lmao i dont wanna hear you bitches judge parents anymore, i dont wanna hear the stupid ass ‘im allowed to’ shit anymore dude!!!!! for gods sake i can agree with you when some shits just plain wrong but ill never apologize for standing up for myself or other struggling parents even if it makes you uncomfy, i can care about Both the child and the parent at the same time, ig i wont ask you why you seemingly cant. 😶 ESPECIALLY when things like classism and ableism tie in so often with these situations. not to mention racism like im white but hoooo if i hear one more story about a black parents ‘negligence’ in efforts of just trying to help their family, like leaving their kids somewhere during a job interview or w/e, vs the white parents that LET THEIR 10 YR OLDS WANDER AROUND MALLS BY THEMSELVES... im gonna scream. im gonna fuckin scream. its so unfair. fuck off, stop the spiteful ignorance, change this shitty hateful culture.
tldr; you Can care about kids while respecting parents, even when they arent perfect. you can advocate for children while also advocating for parents, and in fact, you should fucking try.
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booknerd405 · 7 years
all the soft asks! all of them! i love you so much!!
ily Kate!!!!!!!
honey: what’s your favorite memory you made this year?
tbh there were a lot so imma just name a few of them: 1) that night that you, Libby, Em, and I were at Libby’s house and we were all on one bed and just kept tickling each other 2)playing at carnegie hall & that one moment when i hit the gong correctly for the first fucking time and Mr. S looked so happy it was gr8 and 3) tonight i got pho with my boys and then we went to like 4 different parks and just fucked around and ate too much junk and trespassed on a lot of public property just to chill and it was everything 
sunshine: 3 things you do to relax
1.)  take extra long scalding hot showers with depressing/mellow music (this is gonna kill me not to be able to do properly in dorms fuck)
2.)  take my dog for a walk or walk with my dad at night
3.) let myself go brain dead for a few hours and just watch youtube videos and crochet till my fingers hurt
rain: put your music on shuffle and give a 5 song playlist
Nocturne No. 5 in F sharp major Op. 15 No.2 by Chopin, played by Rubinstein (because i’m a ho for chopin)
That Green Gentleman by Panic! at the Disco 
Mr. Watson by Cruel Youth
Bad Liar by Selena Gomez
Super Rich Kids by Frank Ocean 
lace: what’s your favorite piece of clothing?
right now it’s probably my 2 gentlemen of verona shirt but i’m changing my answer literally every 2 minutes in my head so idk (i’m hoping that if i ever actually crochet the cape i bought a punch of supplies for, that it’ll be my fav lol)
flowers: what’s your favorite outdoor activity?
does sitting and staring at the scenery count as an activity? if not, then going to parks with idiot boys 
roses: what’s your favorite perfume or cologne?
my favorite perfumes are Mariah Carey’s Luscious Pink and Flowerbomb by Victor and  Rolf but my favorite scent on earth is the cologne Play by Givenchy i literally spray that on my stuffed animals so that I can smell it as i sleep
sunsets: give 3 movie recommendations
1) The Intouchables (except ur literally not allowed to watch it the 1st time w/out me i need to watch this french movie w you even if we have to do it over skype)
2) Rush Hour (maybe even Rush Hour 2, but the 1st one is the best)
3) the original 3 Indiana Jones movies (i know that’s more than 1 movie, i dont care)
blankets: what’s your night routine?
brush my teeth, put on my prescription acne medication, try and fail to convince my dog to sleep with me instead of my parents, give up, write a sentence in my 10 year journal and tell myself that i’ll clean my pen out tomorrow, tell myself that i’lll start packing for university tomorrow (i wont), read some fanfic (usually Kurtbastian or Tododeku with a bit of Victuuri sprinkled in), then go to sleep
thunder: what’s your favorite instrument?
i feel a bit obligated to say piano cuz ive been playing it for over 10 years for a reason, but aside from that, i’d say my fav instrument to play is a 3 way tie between gong, suspended cymbals, and timpani, and my fav instrument to listen to other than piano is the cello
ink: favorite thing you’ve written?
lmao i haven’t written anything i’ve liked in a long time (i haven’t written anything in a long time cuz im afraid to lbr) but id say maybe the poem i wrote in middle school that was kinda experimental called Alone, and all the random scenes i wrote for the book i was writing all through middle school called Afflictions (i made the mistake of reading through them an now i wanna start writing it again fuck)
heartbeat: who’s your best friend?
it would actually be impossible for me to choose between Kate and Frederick so i will combine the names to make it 1 best friend: Katerick Frate Karick Frederate 
sunrise: kisses or hugs?
hugs :D
fairy lights: who was the last person you talked to?
my older brother, about pumpkin spice beer
sugar: what’s your favorite snack?
bananas!! (especially if they’re covered in nutella ;P)
wind: what’s your favorite season?
im a basic bitch who loves autumn
trees: favorite thing about your hometown?
there’s a lot of things but probably the best thing about it growing up was that our public schools are so big and the environment is very inclusive so cliques were never rly much of a thing? like there were definitely different groups of ppl but they intermingled so much that it didn’t rly matter? nothing was weird about the captain of the football team being friends with a marching band kid
smiles: who do you go to for comfort?
my dad
skyline: the sun, the moon, or the stars?
the stars!!
lavender: what color do you find most comforting?
almost any shade of brown will usually do the trick but beige and tan are especially nice (basically look at my aesthetic side blog @mercurialaesthetic and that’s ur answer lol)
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lunarmoonacnh · 7 years
i was tagged by the amazing @unhugme
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag!
THE LAST… 1. Drink: diet coke
2. Phone call: my mum
3. Text message: my best friend telling him goodnight 
4. Song you listened to: Michael Jackson - Pretty Young Thing bc it was on the radio 
5. Time you cried: like last night or the night before coz it was 2am and life
HAVE YOU EVER… 6. Dated someone twice: ive barely even dated someone once lmao
7. Been cheated on: yup...
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: no i dont think so
9. Lost someone special: yes, my great grandpa
10. Been depressed: yes, im currently seeing a therapist 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yes! every time i drink unless its wine, for some reason wine doesnt make me sick. i think its because i once totally over did it on spirits and cider so not they just taste like the time i almost died and my body cant take it
12. grey
13. mint green
14. blush pink
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. Made new friends: yes, i started college so i made new irl friends because of that and i have also mad new internet friends through this blog 
16. Fallen out of love: kinda, depends how you look at it. i didnt know i had fallen out of love until the relationship had ended and i didnt feel as sad as i thought i would
17. Laughed until you cried: always, when i’m with my friends all i do is cry laugh 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes, it happens a lot, sometimes negative and sometimes positive 
19. Met someone who changed you: yes, for good and bad. 
20. Found out who your true friends are: yes, once i left school i knew who my real friends are because they are the ones who kept in touch and the ones who didnt do other things that they knew would hurt me
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yess
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most, i dont know them all personally but i know of them all, no strangers for me
23. Do you have any pets: not at my house but we are getting our little puppy Sully in 14 days. i do have a cat and a dog at my dads house but i very rarely go visit 
24. Do you want to change your name: no, i used to want to when i was a kid because i used to get bullied because i had a ‘boys’ name (Billie) but now i like it because its unique  
25. What did you do for your last birthday: met my friends that i met on the internet that are now irl friends for a meal and to go shopping. we went for pizza and bowling and then shopping before they had to leave again:(
26. What time did you wake up: usually between 8am and 9am without an alarm 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i think i was actually sleeping for once if not i was watching youtube videos
28. Name something you cannot wait for: to get my puppy and to meet up with and have a party with my internet/irl friends again in summer
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: like 15 minuets ago befroe i came upstairs to do this
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i could control my anxiety and depression or even not have it at all. i also wish my dad would pay me more attention and want to see me more because i miss him and its almost like he forgets i was his first kind before he mt his new wife
31. What are you listening to right now: the 1975
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i mean i have a cousin name Thomas? but never someone just called Tom without it being shortened 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: life? no but like the fact that im not allowing myself to do the things i want to do out of pure fear
34. Most visited website: Tumblr of course... it is never off my browser 
35. Elementary: ive honestly never wanted to go back to a time in my life more than i want to go back to elementary/primary school 
36. High School: no thanks to that. i wish i could have been one of the people that called it the best years of their lives not 5 years of asshole bullying me 
37. College/university: im commenting on this as England college (16-18 year olds) and ive just dropped out of one part (sixth from) where i was taking 3 subjects Media studies and Film studies which i loved and will miss and Psychology wich i did love but wont miss because i couldnt do it and it made my anxiety sky rocket. in september i start a makeup course and i am so excieted to be a qualified makeup artist this time next year
38. Hair colour: mousy brown
39. Long or short hair: long, like almost to my butt long (yes its natural)
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes, but i could never pursue it bc he is my friend and i wouldnt want to ruin that. ive made that mistake with my ex.
41. What do you like about yourself: my eyes. they are grey and kinda ombre like they hae a really dark ring on the outside and they get lighter closer to my pupil
42. Piercings: yes, my first and second lobes on both ears, my helix and forward helix on my left ear. half way up my ear and my rook on my right ear and then my nose 
43. Blood type: i have no idea, do people actually know this?
44. Nickname: Bil and B although i dont like B (pronounced like Bee) but its what my cousins have called my since i was really small so it doesnt bother me that much with them 
45. Relationship status: extremely single
46. Zodiac sign: Aquarius 
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favourite TV show: pretty little liars, it has just finished and now i am re watching it to find clues about A that i missed 
49. Tattoos: no, but i have a couple planned 
50. Right or left hand: right
FIRST… 51. Surgery: teeth removed they are the only ops ive ever had and will ever have to have touch wood
52. Piercing: ears
54. Sport: i danced as a majorette does that count?
55. Vacation: i honestly have no idea, i think i went to Devon though (its a place in the UK) all i know is my first holiday was during 9/11 
56. Pair of trainers: probably like Nike Airs or something Adidas i have no idea 
57. Eating: i actually know this bc my older cousin fed me a wham bar (a british, i think, chewy candy thing) when i was 3 week old, so i could have died the ifrst time i hate lmao
58. Drinking: i was 14, i know i shouldnt have been drinking because my mum made me promise her i wouldnt, but i remember being so drunk (idk if it was real or faked tbh) on alcopop thats right 4% alcohol and i probs had like 3 
59. I’m about to: go get my cousins baby off his Nan so she can get his older brother from nursery
60. Listening to: idk if this is like asking the same as earlier? coz if so t]still the 1975
61. Waiting for: my friend to reply to me an tell me when he is taking me for coffee 
62. Want: my dog
63. Get married: probs idk
64. Career: i dont have one rn but hopefully a makeup artist
YOUR TYPE… 65. Hugs or kisses: rn hugs i need to hug someone while i fall to sleep so bad its been so long 
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller bc im also tall so i need someone taller than me (i dont need but i like a partner to be tall)
68. Older or younger: older, people y age are immature so any younger and i may as well spend my time with a 10 year old
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: i dont mind tbh
71. Sensitive or loud: both? not too loud though ya girl has sensitive ears 
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship, im demisexual (it took me 17 years to figure that out) so hook ups aren’t my thing
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: it depends because i tend to be the cause of arguments and things because im honest but im not out there to cause trouble i just dont like to lie
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: no
75. Drank hard liquor?: yes, dont do it, its bad kids
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: yes, i lose my glasses all the goddamn time
77. Turned someone down: yes, i always feel bad but you cant force feelings
78. Sex on first date: nope
79. Broken someone’s heart: not that i know of, i doubt it though
80. Had your heart broken: yes, again not fun
81. Been arrested: nooo
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: not always
85. Miracles: yes, the baby i spoke about earlier? yeah hes my miracle, he was born with a new strain of meningitis, he has had 3 lots of brain surgery (at a week old) and the doctors said it was a very low chance he would survive. he did 3 times. his heart also stopped 3 times, again he is here. he also had multiple surgeries on his joints, we got told he wouldnt walk but here he is at 16 months running around like a crazy person and loving life with his older brother  
86. Love at first sight: i mean no, how can you fall in love with someone based off their face (no matter how many cute people you see on the street that you think you love, you probably dont)
87. Santa Claus: hes real in my house
88. Kiss on the first date: ive never been on a proper date so
89. Angels: yeah, i really love t believe in thse things because its cute
OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: im not saying their name coz idk if thats a good idea tbh
91. Eye colour: greyyy
92. Favourite movie: Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland i just love his aesthetic and the story of Alice so put them together and you have a winner
ok i dont have 25 people to tag but i do tag @theflowerkingdom @kinkylildanny @creepyphantasia @imjustacanforallthephantrash and @dead-nightingale 
if you are reading this and you want to do it, go for it and just say i tagged you!
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tumblunni · 7 years
okay.. well.. I may as well actually talk about this
I got the intial news like almost a month ago now, but its only now that I have more details and I’m actually going to the first meeting tomorrow. Also i was just so nervous I didnt know how to talk about it until now. So umm.. yeah! The long version under the cut, but in summary: I may be going somewhere soon, and for potentially 4-6 months. I may or may not have much access to the internet. But this is hopefully gonna help my mental health, I hope. And I have this money in my savings now I wanna keep it as a ‘reward’ of sorts after I finish this, and I’m really hoping to be able to take a holiday to america and visit at least one of my friends, depending on how many states I’m able to cross on this budget. And hopefully I might actually be more prepared for such a big journey, and if its my reward then I’ll be able to not give up!! No matter what!! So yeah more under the cut, umm:
I may be going to an intensive therapy location. Its a communal housing area with therapy support workers and a course that I have to go through. i’ve been repeatedly reassured that it isn’t as bad as some terrifying places I’ve heard of on the internet, its a confirmed NHS-funded health facility and its supposed to be more of a communal house than like.. a prison with electroshock ‘therapy’. I dont really have any info on it yet though, but thats what I’m doing tomorrow- im finally actually having a meeting with them and getting to see the house before I move there, and ask questions and stuff. And my support worker says that if I say no I don’t have to go. But I really want to go if it really is what it says it is! OF COURSE I want to go to a therapy activity camp course that can hopefully help me conquer my anxiety faster! its just that well.. because i have ANXIETY, i cant help but frantically research on the internet and come to the worst conclusions and assume thats what’s gonna happen, and its all a scary scam... Anyway, at the moment all I know is that I won’t be locked up in there with no freedoms, and there will be other patients too and hopefully I can make friends maybe, but also im terrified I’ll make a bad impression and i’ll be the worst person there while everyone else progresses and I don’t.. gah...
But even if this place is wonderful and amazing and has zero scary asylum stuff, its still quite likely that I won’t have internet while I’m there, so i wont be able to keep in touch with you all. I can access limited internet on my phone but the browser cant even handle running youtube so im not gonna be as active. Also I cant afford a huge amount of mobile data and all. But I just hope I can indeed keep phone internet enough to be able to message my friends if I’m having a bad day and stuff. i dunno if any of you would even remember me if I vanished for half a year, lol... But like.. if you do still wanna be friends after not seeing me for ages, I really do wanna try and visit america and meet some of you guys! (and if I could afford it, I’d wanna visit other countries too, I’m just picking america first cos I speak the language and I know the most friends who live there) Oh and umm.. if I’m gonna be gone for a long time I probably will need stuff to help me keep calm and keep going and stuff. I save all the fanarts I get from my best friends, they really fill me with love! But I’d love if also maybe when I leave I might ask you guys if you could leave me a message maybe. like, if I can find some way i can get all the messages without reading them. And then if I’m ever having a big panic attack, i can read them then and hopefully it’ll help me feel better! (tho lol if i opened that up to anybody then that weird recurring anon hater might troll me, so I’d like to just reserve it to close friends maybe) Oh, or maybe I could ask you guys to leave me drawing requests or writing requests or memes and stuff that I can work on while I’m gone? I suck at knowing what to draw, after all. And I also suck at being super slow to finish drawing, so this way it all works out!
But umm yeah basically, I’ll know more tomorrow when i go to meet them and have a tour. And I;m really anxious but also kinda excited, I hope it really helps me! But I’m still anxious and.. aaa... I just had to vent a bit to try and stay calm so I make a good first impression. i bought some new clothes to wear and I’m making sure my hair dye is even, cos I didnt have enough time to un-dye it back to a presentable colour :P
Oh and umm... its VERY UNLIKELY, so please dont worry! I don’t want to spread my worry to my friends! But umm.. just in case of the worst case scenario. I was told this would just be a first meeting, its not an intervention, I wont be taken there immediately. And I will be allowed to choose if I go, and all. BUT UMM If I don’t message anyone by this time tomorrow, I guess I didnt come back. I REALLY think I’m just being paranoid and I’m not gonna be locked up in some terrible illegal false therapy place! BUT IF I AM THEN YEAH JUST IN CASE If I am not dead, I will post tomorrow! Even if I’m too stressed and anxious to talk about what happened, I’ll make a short post just to tell you all I’m okay. if I don’t, then things went wrong. BUT THEY WONT! BUT I’M STILL ANXIOUS ABOUT IT! God I’m such an idiot...
also, of course, like usual, I’m still WAY MORE ANXIOUS about being a social failure than I am about dying or being electroshocked in an asylum XD I’m so terrified I’m gonna mess up and make them hate me aaaa I hope it goes well and I get accepted! And I hope the place isnt scary and the course looks like its actually gonna help me, and stuff. I’m way more scared of it being a social gauntlet than the electroshocks ITS NOT GONNA BE THE ELECTROSHOCKS, STUPID BUNNI but aaaa I’d rather have those than have to meet so many strangers, fuckkkk I’ve vented it out so i feel less scared I ate a big fruit smoothie full of powerful energy so I will be strong enough, and I will make another smaller one tomorrow morninG! Or.. umm.. I might be too scared to sleep and just keep going on this one, lol! and I’ve been stewing on it for a month now so a lot of the stress is out and I wrote down a big long list of questions I wanna ask, and I’m gonna have a notebook to write down anything they say and I’m gonna try on my new clothes tonight and get prepared but AAAA I dont have any formal clothes, and I dont know if i should even try and look formal or if i should look like how im gonna look when I’m there the whole time and i dont know if i should try and look as much like a girl as I can for the next six months, or if I should be honest about being trans, or if thats gonna hurt my chances of being accepted or anything... I dont know if my support worker told them when she was filling out the forms... and I keep washing my face trying to make the acne go away aaaaa why am i cursed with eternity acne, why am i the pimply faced teen even into adulthood why am i such a terrible brain broken adult who needs intensive therapy to begin with how on earth can i make myself look presentable when they already know i’m so trash gahHHHHHHHH
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gifts For The Regular Mom, The Cool Mom & Everyone In Between
What greater holiday is there than a day that celebrates the strong, beautiful women who raised us? Go ahead, try to think of one, Ill wait. 4th of July you say? Okay. Anyway, Mothers Day really does serve as a reminder that we should be really really nice to all the moms in our lives because we too may be mothers some day and we dont want a bitchy daughter who doesnt appreciate us.  So its good karma to get them a gift, right?  A betchs mom is the most important lady in her life. Shes given us endless words of wisdom on fuckboys, shes reluctantly allowed us to borrow steal her clothes, and she always picked us up from school when we were feeling sick.  Shes molded us into the betch we are today, and for that we are forever grateful.  To show her how much you love her, were giving you a list of all our favorite brands/gift ideas that are perfect for every type of mom in your life. Welcome to the Betches Mother’s Day Gift Guide 2017.
Hats off to this mom, she still answers to her sugar cravings and DGAF. Elevate her candy standards with Sugarfinas Sweetest Mom Candy Bento Box and watch it disappear within 20 minutes of her opening it. If shes into the juicing craze like any betchy mom, feel free to gift her a bottle of Pressed Juicery x Sugarfinas green juice gummy bears. Its the perfect candy she can eat while convincing herself that shes healthy AF. These are the chicest and yummiest candies ever, and Im sure this mom wont mind if you steal a few for yourselfmaybe
This mom is amazing because she has the patience to listen to us talk shit about irrelevant shit for hours and somehow make us feel 10 times better in the end. Philosophy is a fave brand of ours, not just because of their amazing products, but also because of their values. Its the wellness brand version of the mom who always sends you inspirational articles and makes sure you never leave the house without food in your stomach. To reward this woman for putting up with your crazy ass, give her the Moments of Grace boxthe perfect set of shower, fragrance, and moisturizing products.
This mom might have come off as a little strict and slightly neurotic due to her strict house rules you lived under as a young betch, but you now understand it was all worth it for the image of a perfect home. Shes classy, shes elegant, and shes not afraid to tell you to fuck off when you deserve it. Giving her a Venus Et Fleur box is not just giving her clich flowers for Mothers Day, its giving her a centerpiece for her precious home. These are the most beautiful flowers and they last for an entire year. There are several colors to choose from so you can def find one to match the living room couch. PS, theyre having a pop-up shop at Saks specifically for Mothers Day, so go with your siblings and get her the most Instagrammable flowers ever.
This mom spends half her life watching the Food Network and the other half begging her husband to agree to redoing the kitchen. As such, she takes great pride in all her kitchen essentials, and each time you come home theres a new blender or toaster. Although you have barely any space for a wooden spoon in your apartments kitchen and deem it acceptable to microwave water for your tea, this mom would rather be caught dead than without at least 25 different spatula options. Cuisinart is the perfect place to find the best and newest kitchen products that this mom will die over, like the QuicKettle and the PrepExpress. If you get her any of their products, I foresee massive amounts of free food in your future.
This mom is always invited to hang with you and your friends whenever shes in town. As a betch who can single-handedly create a party out of thin air, her Mothers Day gift needs to suit her hostess needs. Kim Crawford Wine is the perfect bottle to whip out on any given occasion, and with summer around the corner, it is officially ros season. Their website has tons of amazing recipes, including fros, sothis mom will def exploit a bottle of Kim Crawford ros for all its worth. If she also happens to be an Insta whore, were sorry in advance.
This mom has passed on her good genes of having no filter and always has the entire family in tears at Thanksgiving dinner (like, the good kind). We were always afraid of what kind of backhanded bitchy comment she might make at our frenemies when we were younger, but we loved her anyway and secretly enjoyed it. If shes begging you not to get her anything this year, at least get her the perfect card from Shop Betches.
This mom has had perfect skin her entire life and is now in overdrive doing everything she can to keep it that way.  Washing her face isnt just something she does a couple times a day, its now an insane obsession. To make sure this mom is getting the most out of her incessant face cleansing, get her the Soniclear brush from Michael Todd Beauty. The antimicrobial brush stays cleaner and fresher for longer, and cleans deep into your pores.  Lets be real, youre probs going to get one for yourself as well. Also, since shes probs big into blending, you should get her the Sonicblend brush to apply her makeup flawlessly.
This mom has a panic attack whenever there’s too many people in the kitchen (which for the most part means if there’s anyone in there besides her). She’s a firm believer in “a place for everything and everything in its place”, which as a betch you can only relate to on the level of your apartment’s bar cart.  Joseph Joseph has the perfect modern organizational kitchen shit that will perfectly encourage this mom’s obsessive compulsive habits, but at least the kitchen will look sleek AF so who cares. We love their Nesting Bowl Sets and their super chic Worktop Savers.
This mom can’t get enough of her Facebook feed and loves to send you videos of dogs at all hours of the night. She probably thinks she’s squinting at all her screens because she’s old, but really it’s because no ones eyes should not be staring at this shit all day. Felix Gray glasses are v trendy-looking and protect your eyes from the blue light emitted from all our electronics’ screens, so mom won’t have to fight through the headaches to continue scrolling through Insta anymore. Our offices fan favorites are the Turing and Nash frames.
This mom has been a juice drinking yoga freak since before you were born, and she’s always looking for new ways to show the world that she’s healthier and has more of her shit together than anyone else. Daily Harvest delivers fresh soups, smoothies, chia parfaits and overnight oats to your door on your schedule. This way, mom can get her fav smoothies delivered at 3pm just in time for her to consume before her 5pm spin class. If you didn’t think eating healthy could be convenient, neither did we, but here we are.
This mom may seem like a hoarder, but in reality she’s just a collector of random shit that will impress people. Totally different. Also, we are not ones to talk about hoarding as evidenced by our closets. Anyway, Tovolo is the perfect place to shop for this mom because while it’s super fun for us to look through all the fun kitchen gadgets they have, it will be that much more fun for her because she’ll know exactly what to do with whatever you get her. “OMG, skull ice molds?! This will be perfect for Debbie’s divorce party!”  We love their Clear Ice System and Stainless Steel Cocktail Shaker.
As a young mom, this one relied on her children to remind her of her dentist appointments or whenever she accidentally left the stove on. Though shes the most scatter-brained person you know, shes so lovable youve never (really) faulted her for it. Plus, her lack of having her shit together taught you how to be a proactive, multitasking betch. To make this moms life a little easier as her brain is only getting worse with age (sorry but its true), get her Tile for Mothers Day so you never have to get another phone call about her missing keys again. All she has to do is attach the little Tile to whatever it is she loses every day and connect it to her phone through Bluetooth and voil, when she needs to find either thing she can make em ring (I did not do that on purpose but I apologize).
This mom might sound very familiar because she is all of us. She would much rather spend an hour at book club talking shit than hitting the gym, but the thought of showing up to Southampton for the summer in her current state is freaking her out. Do her a favor and buy her HUM Nutritions Skinny Bird, a natural weight loss supplement. If youre feeling really generous, they also have a Turn Back Time supplement that helps with skin cell protection. Time to pop some pills!
This mom has been MIA because she is now with child and a real human and also struggling to get more than 4 hours of sleep at night. Brighten up her day by getting her little Betch In Training a baby onesie from Shop Betches.
This mom has always been your business betch inspiration, as youve admired her for balancing her work and home life so well. Despite being super important at her company, she somehow found the time to proofread all your high school papers and prepped you for every job interview youve ever had.  Soap & Glory is the perfect cheeky and empowering cosmetic brand that this mom absolutely NEEDS in her life. Since shes always running from mandatory family breakfast to business meeting, get her some of our favorites like their Rushower Dry Shampoo and their Hand Food hydrating hand cream.
This mom is a woman of few words, but always knows what to say. You can find her in the yoga studio in the morning and hosting a charity dinner party by night. Shes the one who taught you that doing things for others is like, important. Not one for flashy things but a lover of the arts, this mom would love a piece from Adam Marc Jewelry. Our favorite pieces are the Kim Star Choker and the Rafaeli 14k Gold Bar Necklace. Use code BETCHES20 for 20% offyour mom will never have to know you didn’t pay full price.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2qVMVNL
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2r4hrCi via Viral News HQ
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gifts For The Regular Mom, The Cool Mom & Everyone In Between
What greater holiday is there than a day that celebrates the strong, beautiful women who raised us? Go ahead, try to think of one, Ill wait. 4th of July you say? Okay. Anyway, Mothers Day really does serve as a reminder that we should be really really nice to all the moms in our lives because we too may be mothers some day and we dont want a bitchy daughter who doesnt appreciate us.  So its good karma to get them a gift, right?  A betchs mom is the most important lady in her life. Shes given us endless words of wisdom on fuckboys, shes reluctantly allowed us to borrow steal her clothes, and she always picked us up from school when we were feeling sick.  Shes molded us into the betch we are today, and for that we are forever grateful.  To show her how much you love her, were giving you a list of all our favorite brands/gift ideas that are perfect for every type of mom in your life. Welcome to the Betches Mother’s Day Gift Guide 2017.
Hats off to this mom, she still answers to her sugar cravings and DGAF. Elevate her candy standards with Sugarfinas Sweetest Mom Candy Bento Box and watch it disappear within 20 minutes of her opening it. If shes into the juicing craze like any betchy mom, feel free to gift her a bottle of Pressed Juicery x Sugarfinas green juice gummy bears. Its the perfect candy she can eat while convincing herself that shes healthy AF. These are the chicest and yummiest candies ever, and Im sure this mom wont mind if you steal a few for yourselfmaybe
This mom is amazing because she has the patience to listen to us talk shit about irrelevant shit for hours and somehow make us feel 10 times better in the end. Philosophy is a fave brand of ours, not just because of their amazing products, but also because of their values. Its the wellness brand version of the mom who always sends you inspirational articles and makes sure you never leave the house without food in your stomach. To reward this woman for putting up with your crazy ass, give her the Moments of Grace boxthe perfect set of shower, fragrance, and moisturizing products.
This mom might have come off as a little strict and slightly neurotic due to her strict house rules you lived under as a young betch, but you now understand it was all worth it for the image of a perfect home. Shes classy, shes elegant, and shes not afraid to tell you to fuck off when you deserve it. Giving her a Venus Et Fleur box is not just giving her clich flowers for Mothers Day, its giving her a centerpiece for her precious home. These are the most beautiful flowers and they last for an entire year. There are several colors to choose from so you can def find one to match the living room couch. PS, theyre having a pop-up shop at Saks specifically for Mothers Day, so go with your siblings and get her the most Instagrammable flowers ever.
This mom spends half her life watching the Food Network and the other half begging her husband to agree to redoing the kitchen. As such, she takes great pride in all her kitchen essentials, and each time you come home theres a new blender or toaster. Although you have barely any space for a wooden spoon in your apartments kitchen and deem it acceptable to microwave water for your tea, this mom would rather be caught dead than without at least 25 different spatula options. Cuisinart is the perfect place to find the best and newest kitchen products that this mom will die over, like the QuicKettle and the PrepExpress. If you get her any of their products, I foresee massive amounts of free food in your future.
This mom is always invited to hang with you and your friends whenever shes in town. As a betch who can single-handedly create a party out of thin air, her Mothers Day gift needs to suit her hostess needs. Kim Crawford Wine is the perfect bottle to whip out on any given occasion, and with summer around the corner, it is officially ros season. Their website has tons of amazing recipes, including fros, sothis mom will def exploit a bottle of Kim Crawford ros for all its worth. If she also happens to be an Insta whore, were sorry in advance.
This mom has passed on her good genes of having no filter and always has the entire family in tears at Thanksgiving dinner (like, the good kind). We were always afraid of what kind of backhanded bitchy comment she might make at our frenemies when we were younger, but we loved her anyway and secretly enjoyed it. If shes begging you not to get her anything this year, at least get her the perfect card from Shop Betches.
This mom has had perfect skin her entire life and is now in overdrive doing everything she can to keep it that way.  Washing her face isnt just something she does a couple times a day, its now an insane obsession. To make sure this mom is getting the most out of her incessant face cleansing, get her the Soniclear brush from Michael Todd Beauty. The antimicrobial brush stays cleaner and fresher for longer, and cleans deep into your pores.  Lets be real, youre probs going to get one for yourself as well. Also, since shes probs big into blending, you should get her the Sonicblend brush to apply her makeup flawlessly.
This mom has a panic attack whenever there’s too many people in the kitchen (which for the most part means if there’s anyone in there besides her). She’s a firm believer in “a place for everything and everything in its place”, which as a betch you can only relate to on the level of your apartment’s bar cart.  Joseph Joseph has the perfect modern organizational kitchen shit that will perfectly encourage this mom’s obsessive compulsive habits, but at least the kitchen will look sleek AF so who cares. We love their Nesting Bowl Sets and their super chic Worktop Savers.
This mom can’t get enough of her Facebook feed and loves to send you videos of dogs at all hours of the night. She probably thinks she’s squinting at all her screens because she’s old, but really it’s because no ones eyes should not be staring at this shit all day. Felix Gray glasses are v trendy-looking and protect your eyes from the blue light emitted from all our electronics’ screens, so mom won’t have to fight through the headaches to continue scrolling through Insta anymore. Our offices fan favorites are the Turing and Nash frames.
This mom has been a juice drinking yoga freak since before you were born, and she’s always looking for new ways to show the world that she’s healthier and has more of her shit together than anyone else. Daily Harvest delivers fresh soups, smoothies, chia parfaits and overnight oats to your door on your schedule. This way, mom can get her fav smoothies delivered at 3pm just in time for her to consume before her 5pm spin class. If you didn’t think eating healthy could be convenient, neither did we, but here we are.
This mom may seem like a hoarder, but in reality she’s just a collector of random shit that will impress people. Totally different. Also, we are not ones to talk about hoarding as evidenced by our closets. Anyway, Tovolo is the perfect place to shop for this mom because while it’s super fun for us to look through all the fun kitchen gadgets they have, it will be that much more fun for her because she’ll know exactly what to do with whatever you get her. “OMG, skull ice molds?! This will be perfect for Debbie’s divorce party!”  We love their Clear Ice System and Stainless Steel Cocktail Shaker.
As a young mom, this one relied on her children to remind her of her dentist appointments or whenever she accidentally left the stove on. Though shes the most scatter-brained person you know, shes so lovable youve never (really) faulted her for it. Plus, her lack of having her shit together taught you how to be a proactive, multitasking betch. To make this moms life a little easier as her brain is only getting worse with age (sorry but its true), get her Tile for Mothers Day so you never have to get another phone call about her missing keys again. All she has to do is attach the little Tile to whatever it is she loses every day and connect it to her phone through Bluetooth and voil, when she needs to find either thing she can make em ring (I did not do that on purpose but I apologize).
This mom might sound very familiar because she is all of us. She would much rather spend an hour at book club talking shit than hitting the gym, but the thought of showing up to Southampton for the summer in her current state is freaking her out. Do her a favor and buy her HUM Nutritions Skinny Bird, a natural weight loss supplement. If youre feeling really generous, they also have a Turn Back Time supplement that helps with skin cell protection. Time to pop some pills!
This mom has been MIA because she is now with child and a real human and also struggling to get more than 4 hours of sleep at night. Brighten up her day by getting her little Betch In Training a baby onesie from Shop Betches.
This mom has always been your business betch inspiration, as youve admired her for balancing her work and home life so well. Despite being super important at her company, she somehow found the time to proofread all your high school papers and prepped you for every job interview youve ever had.  Soap & Glory is the perfect cheeky and empowering cosmetic brand that this mom absolutely NEEDS in her life. Since shes always running from mandatory family breakfast to business meeting, get her some of our favorites like their Rushower Dry Shampoo and their Hand Food hydrating hand cream.
This mom is a woman of few words, but always knows what to say. You can find her in the yoga studio in the morning and hosting a charity dinner party by night. Shes the one who taught you that doing things for others is like, important. Not one for flashy things but a lover of the arts, this mom would love a piece from Adam Marc Jewelry. Our favorite pieces are the Kim Star Choker and the Rafaeli 14k Gold Bar Necklace. Use code BETCHES20 for 20% offyour mom will never have to know you didn’t pay full price.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2qVMVNL
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2r4hrCi via Viral News HQ
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