#im kinda meh about it but eh
wilimia · 1 year
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Assigning DnD classes to the Links
Time is a hexblade warlock!
Thank you @next-hero-in-line for helping!
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Full thing!
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meme-loving-stuck · 11 months
i remember being brought up christian like, almost concerned that i never felt a connection to any of the shit they were talkin about,
and when i was younger i was like "oh no! am i bad for not feeling connected to god?? is it bad i feel like my dead mom doesnt talk to me or watch over me?? am i horrible for pretending?????"
but turns out i just had Autism Powers that made me immune to it and i was able to completely sever myself from the idea of being Christian at the ripe old age of like 13. and it was such a HUGE comfort to see that there were all these other beliefs and spiritual sort of things that other people chose to believe in and didnt necessarily treat their beliefs as COLD HARD UNDENIABLE FACT the way christians treat the existence of god & heaven & hell
like now that i am older i know i was in fact traumatized by the culturally catholic beliefs my family held & forced on us all, but i am really immensely grateful that my child self looked at all the other aspects of christianity that would horrify most other children into behaving/conforming, and basically just went, "okay, source?"
and that was the end of that
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cantsaythetword · 1 year
I'm lee for my friends but not in a fun 'aaaah nooo help I lee' way more in a 'tword me so I know you definitely love me' way
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i dont have the brain power to talk about it rn bcs headache but. im just after finishing the penacony big bad fight and its... kinda a let down? i wasnt really enjoying the story beforehand anyway but. hm. i didnt feel the "punch" you know?
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apencilandpen · 9 months
half of me wants to make sticker freebies for my kingdom concert, and I even have some decent ideas, but the other half doesn't wanna rush through and make things I'm not proud of
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Danny’s parents want to kill him and he’s like “f in the chat y’all dinner boutta be so awkward tonight smh”
Ok so I know everyone loves the angsty headcannons where Danny is terrified of his parents cuz they wanna kill him but we’ve had that hot take since 2005 I’m here for a source material revival, the much more entertaining “Danny’s parents want to kill him and he actively doesn’t give a fuck”
Like mom holding a literal ghost gun to his head: eh kinda unphased he even has time to quip, his parents say they wanna tear em to pieces: meh see u guys at dinner, LIKE OUR GUY IS SO UNPHASED HE THINKS THIS SHIT IS FUNNY! (s1 ep. 14 public enemy)
And he’s unphased despite knowing his parents tech works and knowing that his mother is actually a good shot. So like I love angst Danny and y’all should keep up the good work but where is my s1 Danny ‘COULDN’T give less of a fuck about his parents’ Fenton representation?
Cuz think of this, for your DPXDC AU consideration, Danny would fit in so well with the bat gang if only because they could try to stab, shoot, capture, brainwash, and stalk him and he’d be like “oh cool villain of the week shit? Nice, what’re we having for lunch.” He. Wouldn’t. Flinch.
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
You hit the nail on the head! I‘ll ask for more professional assessment: honest opinion on Crystal?
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Following on from my ramblings about Sally Park. Oops! Edited to add in Zoe too.
Well written female characters in Lookism? Uhh...
When the bar is at an all time low, it's really not hard to step over it.
At this point, I've been pavloved to think that any female character that expresses a personality trait other than 'simp' is pretty good. Simp is fun when it's part of a list of characteristics (Zack, Ryuhei). Not so much when it's the only thing.
Long live PTJ, the greatest feminist. Anyway.
Female characters I like
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Mary Kim
Love her. Empress of 2 seconds. Queen of my heart.
Surprisingly kept a platonic relationship with Vin Jin, showing quite a healthy mixed gender friendship. Sassy and smart. Loyal. Good taste in men (Jace). Is shown having a life and interests outside of a man.
On my hands and knees praying that PTJ doesn't ruin her. Kinda glad she hasn't appeared in a while so she is kept away from his incessant need to turn everyone into a love interest.
Lua Im
Once we got over the odd Johan panels, which I heard the Korean audience didn't like and I'm quite happy about, she's fine. And it's not that I care that much about Johan staying a single dog-dad, I just needed a coherent reasoning/build up why they would be interested in one another.
Lua has potential.
Sourcing intel, even impressing the likes of Gun? A little Muay Thai knowledge? Jake and Jerry scared of her? Lol. Ok. Good. Let's build on this.
Just please don't white knight her.
Crystal Choi (meh)
And Ms. Choi, because anon specifically asked. I really don't mind her? I know she's meant to be anti-Lookism but still judges people based on their looks eh. That's fine. Pretty realistic actually. Whatever.
She can be a bit bitchy for no reason. So can I. Handwaving all that.
What I do take issue with though, is her so called title of Business Genius. Please show me the chapter where she actually does something to earn that title besides the one where other people ooh-ed and aah-ed over her in the meeting with DG.
Wow she's sooooo gorgeous. Ok good for her. If that's the route they're taking her character then at least OWN. THAT. SHIT. Use her beauty and looks to sign deals and get what she wants. GOOD. DO IT.
Zoe Park (also meh... Wait)
Sorry anon, I think 'really well written' is a bit of a reach... She does have some decent character development, starting as quite a flighty, shallow girl and then showing that she has a heart of gold, liking both Daniels and. Huh.
Wait. You're right. She is pretty well written. She's selfless and kind and loyal to her friends, putting up with Logan's bullshit. There's enough of a character arc for her from the Zoe we're introduced to at first.
And I do like that she's good at maths too.
Wasted potential
Minseong Kang (Jake's momma)
Appreciate this is the older generation and from a much more conservative culture. Saying that, I am so over the slighted and bitter housewife rotting at home while her big powerful husband cheats on her.
And then some sort of marriage redemption cos they pop out a kid. Whatever. (Sorry Jake bb, I love you).
If you were going to do that, give me the most toxic red flag shit where they are constantly at each other's THROATS. Show me how they are equals. Can't live with or without one another. That's the good kinda shit.
Leonn Lee
I just. What the fuck was this.
A girl in Burn Knuckles? A group that reeks of testerone and (positive) masculinity? Show us why she joined! Show us why she stays. SURPRISE. Main character trait?? Having a crush on Vasco.
She could have been SO interesting. And she obviously trains, why not get her to fight?
Hate for irrational reasons
Joy Hong
Listen, she's not really in enough or significant enough for me to really feel one way or another about her. BUT. The reason I HATE her is because I was trying to write a headcanon involving everyone and then I got to Joy and I was STUMPED.
Sub in a plank of wood, and it would have the same depth of personality.
Truly. Who is she apart from Jay's sister and a Daniel simp? At least everyone else has something.
I don't really think about them. Sera Shin has potential I guess.
And of course a special mention to Daniel's momma. She's not exactly a unique character, but who doesn't love her?
Lastly. Why can't we see women fight? Like the men's fights are realistic LOL. Ultra instinct? Smashing through walls? So why are women fighting men outside the realms of this.
And yes yes. Men are SoOoOoOo strong. But can they take a kick to the balls?
Are you saying Gun Park has been training his dick and balls and would be able to eat a hit there? He wouldn't go down like a heap of shit??
In Summary
Mary by and large is pretty well written. Lua has improved.
I don't care much about anyone else.
And I wanna see Gun, Goo, Sammy, Vin etc. get kicked in the balls in a fight.
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megsssshie · 1 year
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Ms. Perfect
FEATURING: fratboy!gojo satoru
CONTENT: nsfw,me,fingering,unprotected sex,name calling, rough sex, kinda non!con at first, mean mean gojo, my personal opinion on frat boys
A/N: this was kinda at little too personal when it came to frat boys! 3 days left thooo and i never thought id degrade myself like this what i do for myself-
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I was invited by my dumb college friends to some stupid frat party for Halloween. I hate parties, I hate people. I would much rather be in my apartment reading, or watching some cheesy horror movie where all the characters die in absurd ways.
But here I was, standing in front of my full body mirror dressed in a way too revealing dark angel costume I managed to string together at the very last minute.
Apparently, the party was some grand event where stupid teenage girls went as an excuse to “let off steam” or ‘live a little’, which roughly translated to ‘i want an excuse to be a slut ,get drunk, and hook up with a random horny frat boy and catch god knows what from him!’ all enthusiastically. That could never be me. Out of all the people in the world, the ones I hate the most were frat boys. the list could go on and on about the reasons I hate them so much. but the most important was the biggest reason of them all.
they’re all idiots.
if hating frat boys was first on the shit list, idiots were the second.
I facetimed my best friend Emma, to check in on me when she would pick me up. she was the one who managed to convince me that going to this lame party would get me out of my shell, if there was a shell to be broken that is. to me, I didn’t have a ‘shell’, I was just introverted.
she picked up. “hey shorty— oooo you look so sexy, i bet all them sexy bitches are gonna foam at the mouth looking at you!” she geeked. I fought a smile. she’s always managed toget me in a better mood. “ugh, you bitch. you’re the one who wanted me to go to this dumb ass party. you know i hate the weirdos that host them.” I replied half joking.
she knew that I was slightly serious about what I was telling her, but she also knew deep down in her heart that I would have a good time. “oh come on Ash, you have to live sometime in your life. what would you even been doing right now? reading some stupid ass book while you could be getting laid?” I scoffed at her comment. “hey! books ARE better than boys. you know i hate the guys in the frat, i'm not going to have a good time.” I rolled my eyes. “when are you getting here”
“im basically outside your house, come outside dummy”
“ i’ll be out in a minute”
I hung up. ran to get my charger, headphones and everything else a girl needs to go for a night out.
I arrived at the party with my best friend Emma and she practically had a flock of 27 billion men approach her within the first 3 hours. she dragged me to the dance floor for a couple of songs we both enjoyed every once in a while. Though I would never admit it but I was enjoying myself. “aren’t you glad you came tiny?” she asked excitedly. I put my phone down and crossed my arms. “eh not really it’s kinda meh for me, but the guys sure seem to love you” I smiled. I was definitely happy for her, it just kind of stung to not have anyone look at me the same way they did her. I wasnt’t ugly that’s for sure, but my bestfriend happened to be the definition sexy asf . So that unfortunately made me look less attractive by comparison to other people. but I just had to suck it up, right?
“you’re not the only one shorty, someone’s been eyeing you up all night.” she smirked. “WHAT?!” I yelped, probably a little too loud for anyone’s liking. I felt the stares of at least a dozen people on you, but its not like the reaction was disingenuous. I never had been attractive to guys. so the surprise of the comment was indeed genuine. I would have never thought in a million years that a man would look at me next to your best friend.
in a hushed tone loud enough for only her to hear I asked “who?” she giggled.
“the cutie in the ghost face mask”
I turned in the direction she was nodding in. I saw a very attractive man in the mask. she wasn’t lying when she said he was cute. but it was kind of an under-exaggeration. he was hot. like extremely hot. not like I could see his face with that damn mask on but just by his demeanor he was hot. but that doesn’t excuse the fact that he looked like a man whore in that black tank top and grey sweatpants.
“fuck me”.
I shook my head violently. me and a man? never. I also hate men. that was probably the second reason I hate frats. but I definitely couldn’t deny he was for sure attractive. the way the tightness of the black cloth around his chest was almost just as sinful as the budding warmth in between my legs.
I was probably staring for a second too long because I heard “cutie approaching right fucking now.”
“oh shit”. I mumbled trying to calm myself before he gets to me.
why the fuck am I so nervous? I should be even giving this man the time of day, and yet here I was nervously sweating at the thought of him. I don’t get to finish my thoughtshoughts before you hear a “hey”
his voice. his fucking voice. oh my god. you could of turned to mush at the sound of it. I would just love to hear how he sound when he’s inside of-
“sorry, did my beauty stun you darling?”
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at him. ‘ugh, great’ you thought. ‘another man ruined by opening his mouth’. third thing on the shit list was. cocky men.
“um, no. hi” I managed to get out, though it was barely audible. “i can’t even see how you look, how do i know your not lying to me about your ‘beauty’” I teased, a lot more confidently than before. I could see my best friend practically jaw dropped at the interaction from the corner of my eye.
what she and him didn’t know is that I am absolutely shitting my pants right about now.
he leaned in closer and gripped my chin. holy fuck was I trembling? ‘yeah, he’s hot’ . I was sort of scared and excited all at the same time. and I was sure he knew it too. he tipped my head around, almost like he was studying me. I couldn’t be more thrilled and disgusted at the same time. why was I letting this complete stranger touch me, let alone a frat boy. who even was I right now?
he essentially engulfed you with his shadow, standing so tall it was unfathomable. “you don’t have to see my face to know im gorgeous, angel. just know that i am and take it as fact”
“im gonna get a drink, you two have fun” your best friend chimed. I glared at her and then giving that ‘don’t leave me here, help me bitch’ look. “have fun~” she repeated walking away from the two of us. I was tempted to yell after her to not to leave me with this total stranger. ‘that fucking bitch left me with this asshole’, I internally grumbled. he seemed to notice my change in body language. “hey, don’t worry darling, i’ll take great care of you while that little friend of yours is gone.” he purred in my ear.
I replied sarcastically. “yeah because all of you frat boys are just incredible at taking care of girls.” he paused for a moment. “wow! honey, you think that low of me? i’m hurt” he stated dramatically, one hand on his chest, and the other snakes around my waist gripped tighty.
“well, my my angel, i’ll show you just how good i can treat you. maybe then it’ll shut that mouth of yours”
I grew nervous. what was he going to do to me? the thought of everything that simple sentence had me spiraling in arousal. I knew I shouldn’t have even been considering the possibility of what he would be doing. I knew damn well what he wants out of me. and frankly I didn’t care. I squeezed my thighs attempting to relieve the rapid thumping in between my legs.
“you don’t have to squirm darling, let me help you” he forces his knee up against the wall in between my legs . I whimper trying to keep all attention off of me at this very moment. the last thing I needed to do was be caught with someone like him. I attempted to push him off of me but he was too heavy for me. he left a trail of kisses from my jawline all the way to my collarbone. biting harder with each kiss. I wriggled around trying to push him off of me, scared to get caught.
“nuh uh, no resisting my love. you know just as well as i do that you want this” he purred. he was right I did want this. I wanted to be taken advantage of in front of all these people. the thought of it making the wet spot in my panties grow bigger and bigger. “shut the fuck up.” I muttered. he slightly backed away for a second.
“really now? is this what we’re doing now honey?” he sighed. “i bet your fucking hideous under that mask. maybe this is the only way you can even have a girl even slightly attracted to you-“ before I could even finish the sentence I jolted toward and felt his big hand gripped around my wrist. “hey! what the fuck are you doing asshole?! get the fuck off of me!” I yelped.
“i tried to be nice to you darling, but you just couldn’t be good for me huh”
I continued to hit and curse at him until I reached a bed room. he practically flung me to the full sized mattress on the other side of the room, before locking the door and marching towards me. that small mix of excitement and fear suddenly rushes back into me. I decide to be bitchy, not like that hasn’t worked for me before.
“what the actual fuck was that for you dickhead? that fucking hurt” I whined.
he suddenly gripped my jaw, your panties are sopping. “i tried to be nice with you doll, but you just had to ruin it with your bratty mouth. if you want to act like a bitch, i’ll treat you like one”
something about that threat scared me, but at this point I absolutely destroyed any type of common sense I may have had before entering the party was surely abandoned. so before I know it a statement I'd learn to soon to regret slips out of your mouth.
“so do it then, mother fucker”
without any sort of hesitation he pushes me hard, deeper into the bed and forcefully chokes me. I can’t even breathe and yet I hear yourself moaning. something about being treated like an object was doing it for me.
“you like being treated like a filthy whore,baby? yeah?” I nodded frantically, almost begging for him to continue.
his knees were on either side of me, keeping you from resisting. its not like I was going to anyway.
he removed his hand from my throat, and made his down into that black little mini skirt that went with my costume. he felt around a little bit until he found your clit and slowly rubbing it in circles. “ah fuck” I whimpered. “yeah? you like that baby? tell me how much you love it” he spoke, in an extremely demanding tone. “i love it when you touch me,baby” I said trying my best to hold back the noises trying to escape my mouth.
“tell me everything you want me to do to you and i’ll do it to you if you’re good” he said picking up the pace with his fingers, earning a low gasp from me.
“i want you to slap me. i want you to spit on me and call me a whore, daddy. make me your bitch” I said pleadingly. at this point, I didn’t give a damn how pathetic I sounded. he was too good at making me feel good. I may or may not regret it in the morning, but that’s a problem for future me.
“that’s my good girl, don’t your worry your pretty little head. i’m gonna make you feel real good tonight babe” he removed his finger from my clit and I whined at the lack of stimulation. but it was replaced with a sense of fullness. he inserted two of his lengthy fingers inside of me. lubed up with my slick and juices. he used the pad of his thumb to continue circling my clit.
I gasped loudly this time not holding back any of the noises I made. My eyes rolled back from the pleasure of him. he curled his fingers inside my pussy, carefully and slowly as if he was looking for something.
“OH MY GOD” I threw your head back, gripping the sheets. my tits bounced in response to me back arching and me squriming. “yeah? looks like i found your g-spot, take it bitch, take my fucking fingers inside of you”
he finally took off the mask and put it on the top of his head. I hate to admit it but he was right. he was gorgeous. he had those aquamarine blue eyes. god, it would look even more gorgeous looking up at me.
I couldn’t really pay attention to his features for too long before he took both of my legs over his shoulders, his hands having a heavy, almost painful grip on both of my thighs and started eating me out like it was his first meal in decades. his tounge was like magic. he was lapping my cunt up so good he had me staring. I was a moaning mess. I kept loudly rambling about how good it felt, my quivering legs clasped together with his head it the middle of my thighs.
“you’re being so good for me baby, you taste so good” the praise only made my moans grow louder. he moved his hand onto one of my tits squeezing my nipple and simultaneously sucking on my clit, having me practically screaming.
“baby, fuck, i’m gonna cum. please can i cum”
“cum for me darling”
soon I was seeing white and sobbing thank you’s
but that didn't stop eating me.despite my cry’s of pleasure and overstimulation. I was babbling about god knows what before he finally stopped.
I feel relieved but the relief is broken quickly by his words.
“we’re not done yet darling, i have so many more things i need to do to you.”
he hikes my skirt up and pulls your thong down to my ankles. then pulls my shirt down just enough for both my breasts to be exposed, he removes his shirt and sweats to expose his long hard cock. it was definitely big, scary big. I didn’t even know how it was possible for it to fit inside of me but I was dumb and painfully horny so it’s not like that was important right now.
“open your mouth” he demanded. I was confused but I didn’t question it. I obliged and I feel his saliva reach my mouth. you swallowed and opened your mouth again to show for it.
“good fucking girl” and with that he rammed his dick inside my sensitive pussy. I screamed “YES” with my eyes rolling back and pulling his body closer to mine, my nails clawing on his back. he bit my neck while he bottomed out and rhythmically thrusted in and out of me , his hand making its way around my neck. I hear his quiet moans in your ear, that was almost enough to make me climax right then and there.
he pulled out of me and flipped me on my stomach and grabbed my hair, pulling me towards him, forcing an large arch in my back. the wet slapping sounds continued to get more and more frequent. “who’s pussy is this?” he growled. “yours!” I exclaimed “say my name bitch” he moaned. “it’s yours daddy” I screamed. “that’s a good little slut. taking daddy’s dick like this? you like that yeah?”
“yes!” I sobbed, coming close to my orgasm. “please pound my pussy like the whore i am, pleasepleasepleasePLEASE” I rambled. he moaned, slapping my ass. he flipped me back into missionary, I whined at the loss of contact.
“i want to see your face when you cum” he said, putting the mask back on. he slammed himself into me, and thrusting much quicker than before. he spit on my face and his fingers made it back to my clit.
“oh my god, im gonna cum”
he didn’t go any faster or any slower, he just kept ramming his hard cock inside my dripping pussy. “cum for me angel, cum for me.”
my legs were shaking as the overwhelming sense of pleasure washed over my entire body, my babbles and tight cunt added onto his high. he didn’t stop thrusting, making me overstimulated and screaming. my brain turning into mush.
“fuck i’m gonna cum too baby” he moaned.
like he said, he did indeed cum. his semen spilling inside of me, me spamming from the feeling of his warm cum inside of me. I knew after this, there’s no way in hell I wasn’t pregnant after this.
he pulled his cock out of me, his cum dripping out of my pussy. he seemed mesmerized by the sight. I took my finger and scooped up some of the cum and put them inside my mouth.
he rushed around the room looking for a towel and cleaned me up.
“i hope whoever’s room this is, isn’t going to be too upset about this” he chuckled.
“this isn’t even your room???”I half laughed.
“nope,but on another note, i think i might of gotten you pregnant which is kind of hot” he said nervously
I laughed and said something even more embarrassing
“and this is probably way too late to ask, but what’s your name again?”
"Gojo Satoru, Gojo."
"Well Satoru Gojo, I had fun." I say winking.
© ashieluvsmegs — do not steal, plagiarize or repost any of my works. translations + modifications are not permitted.
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justjacob19 · 6 months
Stuff I Watched This Past Week Or So
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FLCL: This show rules, love the characters, plot was interesting and didn't explain much but also, you never needed to explain every last detail when its arguably more fun to speculate on that stuff. 9/10
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Karas: The Prophecy- Watch for the action, npt the plot. Characters are meh and the plot goes no where, hints of one but I couldn't really find any overall themes or really interesting things it did. Expected more gore tbh. I heard this was released as two movies in the states and the other one has a better plot, but just watch the fights online, there is barely any story to be told here lol. 5.5/10
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Anyone But You: "The Straights Are At It Again: The Movie" . Had some funny bits I guess but really stunk overall, kinda hated it by the end despite thinking the set up had a fun concept behind it. 4/10
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Kamen Rider W: One of the best tokusatsu's I have seen, one of the best shows I have seen period. Its themes of memory, vengeance, death and loss are covered perfectly. It has amazing music, fight scenes, characters, it has everything. If you like tokusatsu, detective shows, crime shows, whatever it is, GIVE IT A WATCH! 10/10
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The Iron Claw:  A powerful tragedy that was depressing as fuck to watch at points but so interesting to see. A bit goofy acting at points and WOW those wigs, plus it isn't that historically accurate, but I dont think it entirely brings the film down, especially with wrestling being more or less a backdrop to, you know, the tragedy at hand and how shitty Fritz Von Erich is. 7.5/10
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Godzilla Minus One- GOSEEITGOSEEITGOSEEIT AAAAAA. Seriously, its amazing and best if you go in blind, take my word for it please. 10/10
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Futurama (Current Season/Episode S4EP4): Love this show! Where was it when I was in high school! Why did I watch south Park over this??
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Ultraman Tiga (Current Episode 39):watching this as I type it, every episode is pretty fun, either being really visually and aesthetically cool or giving us what, to me at least, is interesting to see for a Ultra show (mainly talking about episodes 37 and 38 here, 37 is really trippy and beautiful, while 38's plot is "hey lets create mass panic for research purposes and also just lie to the people we have to protect, because we are the good guys!" and thankfully its not presented as a good thing lol)
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Gundam Seed- Watched the first two episodes and, eh, its ok so far. but im interested to see where it goes. its my first time watching a gundum show so hopefully its good
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Kamen Rider Faiz- Creepy fantasy sci fi with fun tech modeled after the peak of society, the early 2000s.
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pactheland-at-100 · 4 months
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“oh, so very lovely!”
yeah so i found a cutelooking base on pinterest and immediately thought why not fill it with my fav charas (all from pacthesis’ games ofc)
from left to right: lewis, jack, saige, daichi, mr. toko, evelyn, xolga, arlo, sakka
a lil bit more about the stuff below
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the base i used (found it on pinterest)
ok so im kinda crappy at art but i still wanted to draw n stuff so i decided to try and finish this drawing of my faves by valentine’s day. i decided to draw them in like alternative/valentine’s themed outfits (though im not that great at character design) and i actually kinda like how it turned out
arlo is so cute <3
and yes he and evelyn have matching shirts with the difference being evelyn has a jacket over hers
saige’s design was kinda based off sakura miku (wish you could see more of the outfit though)
you couldn’t see much of mr. toko’s outfit so i added a hat to jazz things up
i ended up rlly liking xolga’s outfit one of the most, he reminds me of a candy box
i forgot whether sakka had elf ears or not so i just gave him them like his son
lewis’ was meh. kinda looks plain/boring/eh i guess but he’d have the same pattern as his dad’s sweater, you just can’t see it-
the pattern on jack’s hoodie is supposed to be a flower pattern but idk it looks kinda weird
daichi you also can’t see much of his outfit so i added a little heart bracelet for him
overall i think this was cute nd fun and glad i actually got to finish it by the deadline on valentines day so. neat
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narwhalandchill · 4 days
also i completely forgor to watch the hsr stream i hear theres like 37 xianzhou characters coming up? hard to feel that invested in anyone yet without visuals (jiaoqiu is p cute n yunli is w/e to me) but we will see . Please no further xianzhou female character design incidents hoyo
also dunno if its just me coming in completely ootl to watch the trailer just now or if that one was just? incredibly mid lmao it wasnt rly that high intensity or tension to me and rly failed to catch my attention but i could just be low on energy or just uninterested given my uhhhhhh not that favorable opinion on fireflys writing lmao so her being involved at the v beginning that should be the Hook for the trailer kinda had my brain glazing over instead
its actually So unfortunate for me that like. the 2 limited break dps they are doing back to back are just so ehhhhhh to me 😭 like i was xueyi and RM enjoyer Before hatblazer and content catering to the archetype so it feels so tragic that im just not drawn to either one. also ofc firefly RM gets the great 4* (gallagher mostly but also misha copies could be cool) . i mean im gonna go for jade still but i do think ill throw a ten pull or two at firefly (cant do RM bc shes already e1 and e2 is not that good) and like if she spooks early ill take it like personal opinion on her character aside its not like shes not about to be incredibly strong anyway . but i just really want to try to get gallagher e2 for break teams if i can help it and jades 4* lineup Really isnt impressive (e6 on all of em) anyway
i think overall ive just been feeling sorta meh w hsr lately ?? still playing obvi and all esp w how convenient of a morning commute game it is now that im working but none of the new units im mega invested on . jade is cooler kit wise (even Slight blade synergy will Always sell me on an unit id otherwise be more undecided on 💀 jingliu n sparkle moment) but her design outside of the hat and most of the top half of her outfit is still just tragically eh . love the snake and the concept of the whip cane but some of the animations are also just uhhh. bit over the top and im not rly the target audience for this kinda fanservice anyway lmao
but ya still curious to see how it all ends w penacony, i might just be too exhausted to get that hyped myself rn jsjsksksksksk
(also on the ehhh mood w hsr its also that ive kinda just been in more of a genshin appreciator kick recently especially with the waves that shall not be wuthered game . nothing to reignite my love for genshins polish and care more than its tragically rushed "competition" crashing and burning through its launch as u watch . that and natlan teaser and theatre mode and all . ya know. so maybe its just a thing w hsr and genshin investment balancing each other out)
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
You asked me my fave ASOIAF ships so it’s only right that I ask u what yours are 🫶🫶
oh honey you got a big storm comin 😈 
JAIME/BRIENNE: god it's just so. like its truly insane. they are beauty and the beast but there's LAYERS like ok first look. oh she's a girl and he's a boy so she's beauty and he's the beast. but jaime is so sexyhot and brienne is ugly so he's the beauty and she's the beast. oh but she's brienne the beauty and he's a lannister lion. oh but she's the only kind and good and pure soul in the world and her eyes are so, so beautiful and jaime is so horrible and destroyed inside and out and he's so cruel but he doesn't want to be but he does. AND he dreams of fighting alongside her nude like ok RRRING RRING um hi freud i gotta crazy guy for you to psychoanalyse yeah he's got daddy AND mommy AND sibling issues and he’s a little gay with it.
THEON/ROBB: look ok. coming out as a robb neutral. THATS KIND OF A LIE look i love robb he's just a boy he's forced into the meat grinder he's hamlet he's doomed i love that that's so fun. but i'm not one of those people who's like WE NEED A ROBB POV or like mad he died. i'm a theongirl first and foremost and the way i love throbb is through the lens of theon my traumatised horrible catboy.
RHAENYRA/ALICENT: god what can be said that hasn’t. vicious lesbian divorce. psychosexual incestuous passive aggressive actually aggressive love hate inner child growing old always on their mind everything is about the other constrained by patriarchy doing patriarchy but in a way that benefits you. and she’s her stepmother.
JONSATIN: yeah yeah its a bit of a yaoi ship i know i know. mostly i like it cos it gives satin something to do LMAO i really like him so i have to give him personality and wants and a backstory and jon is a great puppet for that. on jon’s side honestly satin is like the nicest choice for him everyone else has so much baggage...
LORENLY: its like canon i like it. i like the doom and tragedy i like how renly is a fun guy and loras is such a cunt.
DAENSA: i think they would be a nice couple :) i think they would be good for each other. nice fluffy ship, very sweet. lemontreecakes forever!!
SANSAERY: its like what if regina george and cady heron were lesbians. i love manipulative bitch margaery whos like shit she’s genuinely nice and pure and cute goddamnit. and sansa who has to slowly realise she’s being used but that even though their relationship is kinda fucked up it IS complex. also really funny that she was comphet for marge’s gay brother.
GENDRYA: she’s 9 so im like meh on it but its very sweet. the living-vicariously-through-your-children marriage robert wanted with sansa and joffrey. well actually its the genderfreak lyanna clone and anarchist robert clone. 
STAVOS and MELYSE: idk melisandre and selyse’s ship name. i could be serious about it but it’s just funny to me. you can still fuck even when youre at the rotting decrepit old age of 34 and you once cut off your domestic partner’s fingers
JonValJon: i dont like ValJon because it so often negates val’s character and her wants and desires also jon is 15 and val is like clearly an adult woman but the name is really funny i like les mis eh heh heh
Theonsa: i like show theonsa i think its sweet. book theonsa i dont like because shes a lesbian.
Brienne/Sansa and Brienne/Margaery: show only. its cute and brienne x margaery is kinda hot ngl. also Brienne/Cersei that’s also hot. sorry im gay.
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draconixiaa · 5 months
tired but i'll do a bit of this (will be a bit rambly:D)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
24,, wow not bad
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
165.5k wow thats a lot,, most of it comes from one tho; everything else are shortfics
3. What fandoms do you write for?
DSMP and ive just started a bit of genshin at the behest of my Tartaglia-obsessed irl and he's kinda cool but like for 95% of my other fics its all cdream ahahahhh(dies)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
"Consequences" tops the charts obviously bc its my one and only longfic and it was written during the peak of dsmp and man id link it bc i love my storyline (cdream obviously gets messed up in prison but then gets a healing arc) there but at the same time i feel like the writing had too many grammar mistakes and could be better so nahh
"North Star to Freedom" is one im actually really proud of, like obviously the writing could be better bc ive improved, but i just like it and id deffo rewrite it too if i had time or steal it into an original fic (premise is that cdream escapes prison with the rebibe book and oh lord my lingo anyways (spoilers) he dies and he gives techno book)
"Persevere" is third, wow that's a long time ago, its alright, i like it in general, but it feels almost cheesy. idk. i like it, but i dont like it. its not mixed feelings, but eh. anyways, something about cdream getting captured by the egg which is about to take over the world but he sacrifices himself to cleanse it. the most acute thing i rember about it is that its a 3parter
"Coup de Grace" ok wth i didnt expect this to be on there it was a small little cdream suffering in prison and cphil comes over, sees him in pain, and cough relieves him of it, and i dont like the writing in a specific part of it, but i like it in some other parts, so eh
"turn the claret tides" whoops i forgot what this one was about ok i glanced through the doc its ctechno getting cdream out of prison wow that title was really vague but he gets the letter and things went on.. it was inspired by another fic and happened during the hype of the prison arc which is kinda cool
(man im looking at the amount of fics i want to rewrite but it aint happening sadge)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Sometimes, most of the times nowadays, if it particularly made my day or it has something deep and insightful or literally makes any observation on my fic. sometimes im just too tired to answer,, maybe laziness is a part of it too, but i stare and its like,, i cant generate a response . but nowadays, i do it most of the times bc i appreciate my commenters :D
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
my recent fics mostly have happy endings, but all my pre-like, mid 2023 fics were all sad sad sad. they all ended in cdream dying, one way or the other. so idk which ones the saddest now its been too long,, the one i personally think is the saddest is one that i like, was listening to sad music to, the song being 'sociopath,' an orchestral piece (or was it piano?)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
once on consequences bc that was max cdream apologists vs inniters era
9. Do you write smut?
nop never ever ever
10. Do you write crossovers?
dream + tartaglia is one i wrote in fudging october that i am still trying to find time to continue
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
prob not, if there is, then i wouldnt know of it
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope, if there was, i also dont know of it
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
wow thats crazy that i havent, but idk, teamwork and coordination just go meh when i only share my interests with online people
14. What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
idk i dont do ships but my fav friendship is dream + techno or dream + punz
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
all my chapter continuations except the tartaglia + dream one i Need to finish that. but also the palace of stone idea will Never Ever get written
16. What’s your writing strengths?
descriptions idk they go lengthy but ive practiced with them a lot so ive gotten kinda good
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
dialogue, pacing, idk literally everything, i can prob improve on anything and every aspect of my writing rn, and i just need to practice more
19. First fandom you wrote for?
DSMP lmao
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
consequences i love the storyline + ending of that one even if the writing couldve been better
uhh tagging? idk if theres anyone that doesnt overlap wiht people whove been tagged b4 les see: @milktearosethorn , @victoriacoffee , ,, oh theres only two ok well, have fun if u decide to do this!
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fandom-fae · 1 year
okayy so i just finished watching that new disney peter pan remake (“peter pan and wendy”) (also spoiler warning btw-) and honestly. i liked it actually- like the pacing was a bit weird/kinda too fast imo and i’m not a fan of the ending (but to be fair that’s just bc i generally don’t like the ending where the lost boys leave neverland but peter doesn’t so that one isn’t the films fault), but other than that i think it was really good and fairly well made tbh. i would’ve liked some more musical numbers- like the two pirate sea shanties are okay and i don’t wanna complain but damn there’s so much music potential for a story like this tbh. like you could’ve had a song where peter pan actually sings or wendy (im ignoring the lullaby bc i want a song actually about her yk?) or maybe even a duet with them!!!!! i had hope for new music but well meh.
anyway!!! i loved almost all the visuals in the movie and the instrumental background music was really good too! i liked that it was very obviously inspired by the background music of the original tbh!! and i liked the casting tbh, i actually think all the actors did pretty good jobs !!
and the special effects were really good imo! like- not to compare this to the 2003 peter pan movie, but in that older one i always kinda cringed when characters flew around bc i just idk didn’t like how fake it looked- like obviously that’s bc of technical or budget (or both) limitations but still idk- but this time i actually rly liked the way they did the flying for the most part, especially in the scene where they flew to neverland. i also think the set design was really good!!
AND!!!!! i like how literally every aspect (except for the ending lmao) that i disliked in the animated movie was changed- like tinkerbell isn’t blinded by jealousy anymore, the native characters (or well in this case character, since tiger lilly was kinda the only plot relevant one) aren’t such flat caricatures anymore and hook didn’t act so unbelievably ridiculous yk? also i generally just like how well tinkerbell and wendy and tiger lilly got along tbh, because in the older film as we all know they were written in a almost misogynistic way tbh with the way they were reduced to jealousy so much yk? except for wendy kinda but eh. this modern version is SO MUCH BETTER at that, like i don’t think there was any scene where any of the three were really jealous at all unless i missed something lol.
like idk i just like it. it’s definitely different from the original story and from the older movie but not in a necessarily worse way. its similar enough to be familiar and nostalgic but different enough to have its own charme yk? like its no carbon copy and that’s a good thing because it doesn’t try to be and it doesn’t need to be. it humanised almost every character more (even though the pacing again was kinda not ideal lol but it was still enjoyable)!!
i just think it would’ve been good for the movie to have some more transitional scenes or to drag some moments out longer tbh. like there was no moment in my opinion that was really too long, which is good, but there were a few that i think should’ve been longer tbh. it felt not like the movie was rushed but like the viewer was rushed through the plot yk? like there weren’t really any moments to dwell on a situation or to let it sit, except for when wendy was swept onto that beach and when she walked the plank. those two moments were imo well timed. but like especially that scene in james’ peter’s room could’ve handled a few more moments, or the scene before peter left london again when he was talking to wendy yk?
anyway uwu the cinematography was rly well done too imo, and i definitely liked the fight scenes and that scene when they all arrive in neverland :3 and the set design was very good too !!! i also think i liked all the costumes except maybe wendy’s and hook’s jackets cuz like idk, they’re fine but i’m not vibing with them lol. anyway yeah sjdkdjkdjdk- peter pan’s and tinkerbell’s outfits were really good tho imo. and tinkerbell in general was rly good!! idk the actress’ name but she did a great job and whoever did the casting for this whole movie also did great !!!
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totaldramamovies · 8 months
Total Drama Movies- Episode 1- “Lights, Camera, Chaos!”
Chris: Hello and welcome to the largest Total Drama season ever! We have 28 brand new contestants that will stir up more drama that any cast has before! These contestants will get into teams, and by the end of the episode, whichever team has lost the challenge, will be up for elimination! The team will vote someone out every episode, and this process will repeat till everyone but one is left, and they will win ONE. MILLION. DOLLARS! This competition will take place in a crummy old movie studio north of Toronto, and all of the challenges will be themed with their own genre! Well, we should probably move on and meet these 28 contestants! This is.. TOTAL! DRAMA! MOVIES!
*Cuts to ferry sailing to the movie studio*
Eliza: *Sewing dress* Hey, do you know when we will arrive? I need about 15 more minutes to finish my broadway dress!
Maxim: *Looks up from book he’s reading* Uh… I don’t think you’re gonna need a broadway dress… It’s a film lot, not a theatre.
Eliza: Eh, whatever…
Bailey: Did you know I made the first ever dress?!! I also went to Mars and met aliens, and I hold world record for eating the most cellphones-
Eliza & Maxim: We don’t care!
*Pauline notices Wyatt with Nintendo Switch*
Pauline: Oh, you play video games too?
Wyatt: Yea😎😎😎😎 im kinda epic lolz😎😤😂💪💪 im soooo MLG 😂😂👌🔥
Pauline: Oh..!
*Camera pans to more contestants*
William: Hey! What’s happening?
*Awkward Silence*
Cece: I don’t want, nor care enough to talk to you.. Lemme just get this straight, if you haven’t been on atleast 10 Disney Cruises and ridden in a Lamborghini, I do NOT want to talk to you, kay? 
Ines: *Amused* Heh, classic rich girl.. 
Jamil: Yep. Hey, if we’re on same teams, you wanna become an alliance?
Ines:  Yeah sure! We’re both pretty strong! Were you in the military?
Jamil: Not yet, still in training, but I’m almost ready!
*Camera pans again*
Dwaeji: Ohayo..!! ^o^ Im so sugoiii! Nya >w<!!
Andres: No way 💀💀
Dwaeji: Konnichiwa!! Onionhaseyo 🥺🥺!! U support RCTA??
Andres: No.. get out of here!
Eddy: Erm.. ya.. according to my calculations, “Dwaeji” means pig in Korean.. It’s clear you didn’t do you’re research.. ☝️🤓
Rajiv: Hahah, you’re name is “pig”? Nice. *High fives Eddy*
Dwaeji: Ok fine Eddy-san and Rajiv-kun.. my real name is Emily.. but don’t tell anyone, you bakas.. 😔😔 UnU
Dennis: *sighs* This trip is taking forever..
Tamia: I know, right? It’s nice to have someone like you on the ride.
Dennis: Yeah, I guess you’re right. 2 pessimists are better than one.
Dominique: *Excitedly* Oh come on, it’s not that bad! *shouts* Hey everyone! How are you guys!
Francesca: *Happily* Good, I guess.
Boris: Meh, I’m bored.
Kenny: *Staring at Dominique*
Dominique: What?
Kenny: Hey.. you wanna maybe.. uh.. go out some time? 😏
Dominique: *Concerned* Uh… *awkward laugh* How are YOU guys!
Fredrick: Um.. I have to address YOU first. 🍷🗿 NOBODY talks up to the sigma. 🍷🍷🗿🗿🗿🗿 Where’s the buffet?
Dominique: um.. Why is everyone here so wierd..
Leopold: *Picking nose* I know, right?
*Camera moves on once again*
Francesca: Okay! I think I’m ready for this! I got this!
Fangxiu: Girl yes 🥰 Get ready to slay this competition away 😍
Francesca: Um, okay?
Charlotte: Don’t worry, darling, half these contestants look like they can’t count past 5. 
Taniyah: Girl, they don’t look that dumb..
Pietro: HEY! That’s not true! One! Two! Three! Four! uh.. Five! uh… um.. ah, crap..
Roman: Hah! Bro, you’re stupid, I could count to six!
Pierro: Oh yeah? Prove it.
Roman: You’re on bro!
Taniyah: *Looks at Charlotte* Alright, guess I was too nice.
Sigita: Hey, you guys ready to lose for me? 
*Everyone stops*
Dominique: Oh my god, you’re so pretty!! How do you get your hair that silky?!
Sigita: I don’t know, I might just be effortlessly beautiful.
Grace: Hey! I’m better though! Look at how preppy I am!
*Everyone ignores*
*The boat starts rocking a lot*
Boris: Hey, uh.. Is it just me or did this boat get faster?
*Cuts to captain’s headquarters, an intern is driving the ferry*
Intern: Heh, time to give them a small surprise!
*Ferry crashes into rocks, and the boat shakes*
Dominique: What was that?!
Fredrick: Crap, that was me. But I won’t say sorry since I’m sigma and saying sorry is such a beta move 🍷🗿
Eliza: *Sniffs* Oh god!
*Water enters the room the contestants are in*
Rajiv: Aww man!
*Everyone jumps off the ferry before its goes underwater*
Dennis: *Quietly* Oh no.. We’re soaked..
Roman: *Annoyed* Dude.. Really? Right Now!
*Up on dock where Chris is*
Jamil & Ines: We’re first!
Chris: Jamil! Ines! How’s it going?
Ines: This was lightwork!
Jamil! Yeah, swimming was basic training!
Chris: Haha, I wonder if you’ll call the CHALLENGES “lightwork”.
*Boris swims up next*
Chris: Next up is our strongman, Boris!
Boris: Hey, Chris. Is this the place.? Hoping it would be nicer..
Chris: Up next.. The track star, Leopold!
Leopold: Hey chris.
Chris: Model, Sigita!
Sigita: Hey!
Chris: Bad Boy, Andres!
Andres: Yo.
Chris: Pietro & Roman!
Pietro & Roman: Heyy!
Chris: Popular Girl, Cece!
Cece: Ugh..
Chris: Calm Stoic Sweetheart, Charlotte!
Charlotte: Hello.
Chris: Taniyah!
Taniyah: Wasgood, yall?
Chris: Gamer girl, Pauline!
Pauline: Hey Chris!
Chris: Epic Gamer, Wyatt!
Wyatt: Yooo!
Chris: Dominique, Dennis, Tamia, and Kenny!
Dominique: Hello World! :D
Dennis: *Sigh*
Tamia: Hey..
Kenny: I love yall!
Chris: Rajiv & Francesca!
Rajiv: Whats up, dudes!
Francesca: Hey everyone!!
Chris: William & Fangxiu!
William: Hey..?
Fangxiu: IM USING MY ROSE T- 😍
Chris: Maxim, Eliza, and Grace!
Maxim: Hey chris!
Eliza: Same as Maxim!
Grace: It’s so preppy in here!! >o<
Chris: Dwaeji..?
Dwaeji: Ohayo 🥺🥺
Chris: Bailey!
Bailey: I already have a million dollars!
Chris: and.. Eddy!
Eddy: Salutations!
Chris: And that makes… 27? We still have one more person..
*3 Hours Later*
Fredrick: *Slowly doggy paddles to the dock and gets up onto dock finally, breathing heavily* 
Chris: Dude.. you took 3 hours..? To swim 40 feet?
Fredrick: Uh.. I d-did that on p-purpose?? Heheh..?🍷🗿
Jamil: That was sad..
Chris: Anyway, it’s time for you’re first challenge!
Leopold: Don’t we need teams?
Chris: I was getting to that.. The first team WILL be to get into teams! Whichever team takes the longest to create will be up for elimination. Anyway, Get into 4 teams of 7!
Dennis: Tamia, you wanna join become teams?
Tamia: Yeah, Pauline, you wanna join too?
Pauline: Ok!
Ines: Jamil! Since we are creating our own teams, lets be a team!
Jamil: *Flexing Muscles* Yes! We’ll be the strongest team ever!
Dominique: *Looking at Eddy* Eddy, what’s wrong?
Eddy: Erm.. I think I have a bit of a crush on Sigita..
Dominique: Well, why not join teams with her? I can come along with you if you want!
Eddy: Um, ok! Hey Sigita, you wanna be teammates with me and Dominique?
Sigita: Alright, sure I guess..
Dominique: *to Eddy* You did it! Now that she’s on your team, you might have a chance!
Francesca: Hey, Charlotte, you wanna be teammates?
Charlotte: Yes, my darling! How about Taniyah?
Taniyah: Alright!
Fangxiu: CAN I CVME TOO 😍💅
Charlotte: Alright..
Maxim: Hey Eliza, you wanna become teammates?
Eliza: Sure!
Bailey: I’m classified the best teammate ever by 37 of the top 50 universities in the country so I’m joining you two!
Ines: Anyone else wanna join me and Jamil?
Grace: I’ll make this team 200% more preppy!
William: Uh.. I’ll join I guess?
Jamil: Ah, I think we just made the team worse. Eh, Wanna join up with Bailey, Eliza, and Maxim so we have a full team of 7? Eliza and Maxim seem smart, we might need some smarts to balance out Grace and William.
Ines: Keh, sure.
Chris: And the first of four teams are created!
Boris: Hey, Pietro & Roman, you 2 guys seem pretty strong, wanna join me?
Pietro: Sure Dude!!
Roman: Alright Nicee!!
Andres: Yo can I join?
Boris: Sure, you seem competitive! Let’s join Pauline, Dennis and Tamia so we have a full team.
Charlotte: Hmm.. the last ten people look rather horrible.
Taniyah: Now hold on, Leopold is a track runner so hes fast, and Cece is a snobby white girl but she finna be an even bigger pain if she’s on another team, so we can take in those two!
Leopold: Alright!
Cece: Fine, whatever.
Kenny: Hey, Rajiv dude, you wanna join Dominique?
Rajiv: Sure!!
Dominique: Alright, the last 3, Wyatt, Sigma, and Koreaboo. Let’s get Wyatt since he is good with strategy since he’s gamer and.. uh..
Wyatt: Lesgo!!
Leopold: We gotta get one last person for full team!
Taniyah: He’s Right, we gotta get one of the worst two..
Leopold: Uh.. Fredrick!
Cece: *extremely mad* UGH.. WHY?!
Leopold: At least he isn’t as bad as koreaboo Dwaeji!!
Cece: You know what, he just might be..
Chris: Alright! That means Dwaeji will join the losing team! Here are the four teams…
Ines & Jamil’s Team: Bailey, Eliza, Grace, Ines, Jamil, Maxim and William.
Boris’s Team: Andres, Boris, Dennis, Pauline, Pietro, Roman and Tamia.
Charlotte’s Team: Cece, Charlotte, Fangxiu, Francesca, Fredrick, Leopold and Taniyah.
Eddy’s Team: Dominique, Dwaeji, Eddy, Kenny, Rajiv, Sigita, and Wyatt.
Chris: Now, what will these four teams be named?
Andres: the Dead Bodies!!
Grace: Preppy Squad!!! >o<
Fangxiu: the Haunted Poosay-😍😍
Chris: THAT IS ENOUGH! I’ll give you team names!
Andres, Boris, Dennis, Pauline, Pietro, Roman and Tamia, you will be the Mighty Wizards!
*Cheering and Yelling from Team*
Bailey, Eliza, Grace, Ines, Jamil, Maxim and William, you will be the Ferocious Monsters!
*Cheering and Yelling from Team*
Cece, Charlotte, Fangxiu, Francesca, Fredrick, Leopold and Taniyah, you will be the Fearless Warriors!
*Cheering and Yelling from Team*
and since Dominique, Dwaeji, Eddy, Kenny, Rajiv, Sigita, and Wyatt are losing, they’ll be uh.. 4th Thing!!
*Annoyance and confusion*
Chris: Alright, I’ll see you tonight at the arena of losers! In the mean time, I’ll tell you where you guys will sleep!
*The group walks over to 4 run-down campers*
Andres: Eugh.. is this where we are sleeping?!
Grace: Soooo not preppy.. >:(
Chris: Hahah, yep. Don’t worry, the guys and girls get their own rooms, however the campers weren’t originally meant to be split into 2 rooms, so It will be REALLY cramped! 
Eddy: Erm.. actually if they were split in half but still stay the same size-
Chris: I DON’T CARE. Anyway, Get some rest before the elimination ceremony tonight, 4th Thing!
Sigita: God, I can’t believe we’re named that..
(It’s night time now, elimination ceremony takes place up on stage, the 7 are sitting in chairs next to chris, while the 3 other teams watch from the audience. The seven up for elimination are:
Dominique, the Social Butterfly,
Dwaeji, the Asiaboo,
Eddy, the Nerdy Band Kid,
Kenny, the Trashy Simp,
Rajiv, the Chill Guy,
Sigita, the Model, and
Wyatt, the Epic Gamer)
Chris: 4th Thing, you’re off to a bad start! Half the team is joke characters!
Wyatt: OH COME ON!
Dwaeji: So not sugoi.. 🥺
Chris: Okay, the votes from you seven have been submitted! If you’re safe, I’ll call your name and give you will get a famous “Golden Chris Award”! The first one safe is..
*Sigita grabs her award*
*Dominique sighs of relief*
Rajiv: Nicee.!
*Eddy does that stupid take the L dance from fortnite to impress Sigita*
Kenny: Aww yeah!!
Chris: the last two without an award. Wyatt and Dwaeji. Wh-
Wyatt: Wait.. we are both safe? Awesomesauce 🤑🤑
Chris: What are you talking about?
Dwaeji: You said both of our names.
Chris: PRETEND I DIDN’T SAY THAT! The one going home tonight is…
*Wyatt sweats mountain dew*
*Dwaeji sweats Jungkook’s tears*
Chris: Dwaeji. Wyatt, you’re here for another night. Seeya Dwaeji! Or should I say, Emily..
Dwaeji: WAIT.. you KNOW?! NOOOO.. nya.. 😖😖 Heh.. I guess I deserve it..:)
Dominique: Sorry Dwaeji, you’re just so.. uh.. enthusiastic.!!
Dwaeji: Whatever! I don’t need you! I don’t need a million dollars! I have my Bakugo body pillow 🥺🥺..
Chris: Well, you might be wondering how you’ll get home, I have..
*A giant robot with a giant hand slides up on a track*
Chris: We have a giant mechanical Will Smith that will slap you home! Have fun!
Dwaeji: Wait.. what?
*The robot starts charging towards Dwaeji, the arm stretching back before rocketing forward*
Eddy: Oh god.. This looks a bit hardcore, doesn’t it?
Chris: Nah.. I don’t think so..
*The hand slaps Dwaeji and she goes flying*
Dwaeji: AHHHHH!!
Chris: Haha, good riddance. Welp, there’s 27 left! Who will leave next? I guess we’ll see next time on.. TOTAL! DRAMA! MOVIES!
Hey everyone! This was the first part to my Total Drama fanseason. It’s definitely interesting.? I’m thinking that if this project get enough support, I’ll let the viewers vote in comments instead of the contestants. If you want that to happen, you could follow, comment, or even just like! I’m not asking for much either, just a few supporting and consistent commenters, I’ll start viewer voting! Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow for the next episode!
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agathaloseshermind · 2 years
Season 7 transformations
I’ve been procrastinating both cause I’m a lazy person but also I hate these ones so I am not excited lmao
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I’m horrified I hate it. This transformation is why I became nicer to Neo Enchantix.
I don’t quite get the activation but considering I watched bits of the episode where they earn it, Faragonda somehow has artifacts that let them travel through time which they do to save the digmoles and earn Butterflix after blasting the beast who trapped them down.
Ignoring the part where if Faragonda had access to these magic stones in the first place why didn’t she use them way before during times like when Domino fell, the curse of Sirenix was created, Darkar kidnapped Bloom and Valtor started destroying everything to name a few things this stone could’ve been used for. I googled why they needed this transformation and it says 
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H O W??????
Bloomix is the power of the DRAGON FLAME, is a spark of the power that CREATED THE UNIVERSE and was so powerful that it couldn’t be taken from Bloom in Season 6. You’re telling me this random former fairy poacher IS IMMUNE?????? It’s reason to exist is honestly awful given they already had a nature fairy who can do all that nature stuff. Oh and the fairy of fucking animals if Flora didn’t cut it. I’m not someone who cares much about Roxy always found her meh but she was flat out robbed this season. 
Design wise the girls do look good, the pink on Bloom looks solid though I do wish she wasn’t in pink given Stella and Musa are in pink and look better but is this really the best they could come up with for a nature themed transformation that also relates to butterflies? Like I’m just saying butterfly wings are very unique and each girl could’ve been based off different butterflies depending on who they are. Like Bloom as the leader can keep the monarch butterfly but the other girls should get unique butterflies. I’m not sure what butterflies to assign each girl but like there’s tons of butterflies the designers could’ve used also the wing design is strange to me given how butterfly wings actually are and how much cooler they look, like just google butterflix redesign and you’ll see the girls in actual butterfly wings and different clothes which make them look much better. The redesign of this transformation I like most if this Bloom one here and then the rest of the girls could’ve followed its base idea too or do the redesign here with wings I similarly like too. Yes it looks similar to Harmonix but I mean i
Ultimately my dislike of the design is not only cause its uniform because as I said in previous posts I don’t mind uniformity if I enjoy the design already but Butterflix just doesn’t do ENOUGH with how much it has to work it and like with Cosmix, you kind of just have to guess the girls’ elements based on colors because they don’t have anything to set them apart with their element.
Transformation sequence wise.... I don’t think I need to tell anyone why it’s bad but I guess I have to for this post but the sequence of the girls transforming is zooming into their face - they get the dress - they turn around - boom wings. It’s so bland and again there’s no individualization for each girl just butterflies. The meme dance is horrible, dancing in Winx Club has always been awkward due to how their bodies are drawn and its just exasperated here. Also it just kills the excitement of the new mood because why are they suddenly dancing. They just defeated a beast and saved a species which earned them a shiny new transformation and rather than excited I’m left with a wtf did I just watch feeling. Also the song is meh, its not a banger and not horrible but eh Im just not getting into it.
Rating wise its 3/10, I heard that it cant hurt anything from nature which sounds good but also makes the girls pretty helpless in a lot of cases. The only reason it gets 3/10 is cause the designs are kinda cute and I can’t bring myself to be too harsh on it though its definitely my least favorite of all the transformations.
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Onto Tynix now
The way they earn makes sense enough, makes sense given how vast magic is that magical creatures can grant transformations so check mark on that though it immediately loses some of that check when its use is for the girls to shrink down and enter the mini worlds. Like seriously guys Enchantix already did that, like that it lets them bond with their fairy animal more though (unless I’m misunderstanding mini worlds and they’re not literally shrinking down to go into a place, they’re teleporting into the mini worlds using Tynix in which case, okay transformation to enter special locations makes sense). Makes perfect sense given they were the ones to give them the transformation to begin with.
The designs are um a bit much? The gems are nice though I hate Techna’s dress and Musa’s hair doesn’t really fit her outfit. Maybe its just cause of the picture but the hair looks off with all the gems, colors and her skirt. Also I don’t like blonde Flora. Bloom, Stella and Aisha look good though. Particularly Aisha, she slays
Transformation wise the idea is pretty cool though I don’t get where the fashion model idea came from given this transformation is from fairy animals. You’d think the fairy animals was involved in some way with the transformation but nope I guess its just the girls posing for the camera. I’m not into songs like the one for Tynix but it is good for its genre
Don’t have much thoughts on this transformation tbh its just meh to me. Rating 6/10
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