#im sorry but not really
cryptiddeer · 1 year
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northern-polaris · 4 months
The Giggle At a Funeral
so... just want to reiterate I love my bbg Tamlin. Precious lil guy who should have been a happy bard and deserves the happiest ending possible. Just keep that in mind pls. Enjoy!!!
It looked like it was a quiet passing. 
Not a single peep had rang out amongst the now dark forests, like all sparks of life were smothered to cold ashes. The only noise was the rustling of dead leaves and snapping of weak branches against the harsh wind. 
It looked like it had been a soundless death; an even lonelier funeral.
Rhysand was the one who had originally found the corpse. The body was already in the stage of rotting when the High Lord happened upon the remains. Rhysand seemed to have been there with the intent to antagonize and gloat. One could only rationally assume he was met with an unwanted response from his target. 
Eventually, the news had followed Rhysand back to the Court of Dreams, where Lucien was first informed of it. He had originally been there to offer updates on the politics of the Continent and any changes from the last briefing. All for show, of course, Azriel already knew all there was to know. It just took place so the Inner Circle would test to see if Lucien lied. 
Lucien had been occupying a lone leather chair close to the corner, delicately nursing a small glass of fae wine. Time spent in the Mortal Lands made it so consuming fae cuisine was now unreasonably difficult. It was hard to withstand flavors now when one was accustomed to the taste of ash. 
The Inner Circle was lazily scattered on the other pieces of furniture occupying the room. Mor was languidly draped over a velvet couch, chatting idly with Cassian who was giving her a tender foot rub. Azriel was standing over them, pointedly staring at the floor with crossed arms but dutifully nodding along when appropriate. 
Nesta was off training with the Valkyries. Lucien rarely saw her nowadays, and it felt purposeful, at least on Rhysand’s end. Keeping the outliers separated. 
The ancient horror was, thankfully, away with her Summer Court prince. Small mercies. 
Elain was nowhere to be found. Lucien had stopped letting that wound sting for a while now.
Finally, Feyre was settled in the other couch, her son in her arms. The baby kept trying to squirm out of his blanket, and Feyre was trying her best to keep him snuggled, but Nyx’s small wings kept getting squashed or poked out awkwardly. The boy had started making agitated squeaks, and Lucien could tell a meltdown seemed imminent. Nobody had looked to be worrying about that on the other side of the room. Feyre had briefly glanced upwards at one point towards the Inner Circle, and had tried to get their attention, but her calls were drowned out by their combined voices. 
Lucien had thought about getting up to help several times, but he was rooted to his seat. He had helped her so many times before on much grander scales. The trials, Spring Court, Autumn Court, The armies, and what did he ever receive as gratitude? Nothing at best and torture at worst. 
What would happen to him this time if the Inner Circle deemed him too close for their liking to the Heir of the Night Court? Too close to the High Lord’s Lady? It seemed utterly irrational, but it’s been proven to be completely within the realm of possibility for this Court. 
It made him all the more apprehensive to put his head on the chopping block again for her, even if it was no fault of Nyx.
So he had only watched on, and it made him feel despicable. It was a lonely and wretched feeling. 
Though he had been invited to Velaris, he was certainly not welcome. 
Suddenly, Rhysand had stumbled through the doorway and roared thunderously, shaking the mansion like a quake. Nyx let out a startled screech that quickly devolved to inconsolable wailing. Feyre tried to comfort him, but there was little she could do by herself. The Inner Circle quickly flocked to their High Lord with questions and worry. 
Some started to celebrate the news once Rhysand’s crazed rambles gave enough context. Their applause and cheers seemed to muffle out the baby’s crying and Feyre’s calls for help with her son. Rhysand seemed to be the only one enraged like a mad animal.
Lucien had been struck paralyzed for an eternity before he had found himself winnowing to the ruins that was once the Spring Court, Running to a tomb that was once his home, and standing over the body that was once alive.
Among the bones of animals, He was laying on His side, eyes closed with softened features, like He was merely taking a much needed rest. Thin arms hugged His body, locked in place even after His heart quieted. The tunic, empty baldric, and trousers looked more like they blanketed His emaciated corpse instead of being worn. 
It uncannily looked everything and nothing like who He was before. 
His face was never that peaceful or open. 
It looked unbelievable. Fake. A cruel joke that made him want to hold his breath for the moment when the ruse ceased. But that moment would never come.
Lucien couldn’t understand Rhysand’s rage. Didn’t Rhysand want this? Rhysand was furious at His continued existence and now he has the gall to foam at the mouth at His death?
Rhysand was always a spoilt creature, never satisfied with anything. 
It was all so insane that it made Lucien laugh. He couldn’t hold it back. He kept laughing and laughing until he was sobbing, slowly falling to his knees and his hands clutching weakly onto the cold, rotting hand of the other.  
Tamlin was gone.
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eggoyolkk · 6 months
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happy birthday garrett
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sickfires · 1 year
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happy 413 - (clean ver under the cut)
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wolffoxnation2 · 8 months
The day Leo finds out that he can control as well as make fire is a sad one, because that meant:
He could have saved his mother
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chaddywaddy3 · 10 months
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julianobungus · 1 year
You know me, I'll flit between 'Belos is a compelling villain and geniunly fun and interesting character' and 'Belos is super sexy and babygirl and I'll woobify him to the ends of the earth' AND 'Okay but what if Belos turned blue and started rounding out rapidly and-'
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diankn · 2 years
Lizzie died on a Thursday. It was raining. Early afternoon. Terrible Aberdeenshire weather.
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theohnocorral · 2 years
Am I allowed to drag my friend on Tumblr dot com?
Yea I am
@ultraneeks this is you right?
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This is so funny.
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james-p-sullivan · 4 months
the older i get and the closer i am to reaching 30, the more the people around me try to deny me my age. it’s a constant ‘oh you’re just turning 29 again teehee 🤭’ or ‘dont tell your SO that, he’ll leave you for a younger model 😉’ and i just???? hate it?????????
i spent my entire teenaged years fighting for my life. i crawled through the deepest pits of my depression to cling to the promise of a life beyond that pain. i was so convinced that i was going to die young, that i would never see the grace of my age starting with a 2, let alone 3.
so im going to turn 30, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do to stop me from loving it.
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ot3 · 8 months
i dont like the idea that kids these days are doing their fandom rps with ai chatbots. that's how you're supposed to make lifelong friends as a weird really online teen.
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callisteios · 9 months
Hi, feel free to take my new uquiz to discover what kind of vampire you are!
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wolffoxnation2 · 9 months
Definitelyyy not for a depressing oneshot but....
How much do you all love Clovis from the hypnos cabin?
And how much would yall hate me if i killed him? And implied that he died brutally?
Basically, I'm just, trying to figure out who I can and can't kill off in the giant war.
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spencer-is-dead · 29 days
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I love YouTube shorts because if you wade through all the slop you'll find art
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