#imperial agent companions
tiredassmage · 1 year
woe! snowball fight be upon ye!
Specifically, Tyr & the Imperial Agent crew (and then some because I didn’t stop)! Because I joked about it, idk, a few days ago, and I’ve put too much thought into it to let it fade into the abyss of my mind not to be touched on again.
It may or may not start ‘accidentally’ between Kaliyo and Tyr. With Kaliyo shoving a handful of snow down his jacket because he needs to “chill” and “unwind a little.” This is a declaration of war.
Raina takes to Tyr’s surgical-precision handling of the matter like a fish to water. Seriously, she enjoyed the cloak and dagger game of Corellia way, way too much. She does tease that, Sir, maybe you’re taking this a Bit Much? And there’s lots of giggling about it. But she’s deceptively ruthless.
Vector is caught in the cross-fire of Kaliyo and Tyr trying to nail each other in the face at least twice. He tries so, so hard to stay out of their way and Tyr will be apologizing profusely for days about this. Kaliyo will undoubtedly weaponize this against Tyr.
Lokin acts like he’s not going to get involved. He’s nailing Tyr in the back of the head when he’s not looking and then playing innocent. Temple is still scared of him, but their collaborations prove wildly efficient.
Any preface of ‘you may slip and fall in snow activities’ is just for ‘legality’ esque reasons. He is the ship doctor, after all. If they end up complaining about bruises to him later from slipping and tripping and nailing each other too hard, he will have zero sympathy.
He will ask if their opponent looked worse.
There is at least one (1) snow fort construction involved in the war. It’s where Tyr tries to hide Vector to keep him out of all of this.
Vector is not nearly as innocent as Tyr tries to keep him. If only because the entire crew is in on it at this point. (And Tyr is smiling. Genuinely. This is literally worth anything.)
Tyr is taking sniper positions. You may take the Imperial Intelligence from the Cipher, but you can’t take the Cipher out of Tyr.
So literally help them all they get their hands on a snow cannon because Kaliyo will Not Be Stopped.
Tyr. will. stuff. snow. down. Theron’s. jacket. He is not safe. He’s especially not safe if Kaliyo is around. There may be a brief moment of collaboration if only to see Theron’s face. (It’s worth it.)
Tyr does not fuck with Lana. He values his life. She chases him anyway. The Jenga Incident is Not Forgotten.
Woe be upon the entire Alliance if Koth and Tora and crew get involved.
This all certainly ends with a mildly frosty Tyr and Theron passed out on the couch together under a heap of blankets because Happy Holidays, have a SOFT for once in their lives!!!
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Minor swtor imperial agent spoiler alert
Doctor Lokin after his safehouse blew up:
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chaoticstrata · 6 months
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Aketho: ....................... >.>; Theron: -looking anywhere but at the Imperial officer.- Aketho: Nope, no Republic types around here, Sir.
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(to all characters) what would make you genuinely angry and annoy you?
Oro’a: Betrayal and insubordination. I've killed for less. I suppose Khem could stop calling me "Little Sith".
Zaedesh: Vette's sassiness annoys me yet I find it endearing. I even took a few lessons from her to irritate Baras.
Leyka: Kaliyo's penchant for chaos is...unpleasant, to say the least.
Dedalera: Some of Gault's "get rich quick" schemes get on my nerves. Especially if I'm dragged into the consequences.
Nivirhy: Doc's flirting with other women is irritating but emotion leads to the dark side. I've been talking to him about it.
Sorla: Qyzen tends to miss when using the refresher on the ship. Luckily C2-N2 keeps the ship clean.
Teeubo: Honestly? I love Corso, but his chivalry act makes my eyes roll. And I'm the biggest flirt in the galaxy!
Zenahi: Jorgan, Vik, and Yunn all need to start learning how to put the seat down!
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lanami-legacy · 1 year
The contrast between story and gameplay when it comes to Killiks is so funny to me. Like, I get that side missions don't count towards the main story, but there's something so morbidly funny about my IA being allied with Vector and the Killiks, then right after that going on a quest to poison a bunch of Killik nests.
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skiitter · 1 year
It turns out I still don’t like MMORPGs but Star Wars: The Old Republic is an exception to that rule. I’ve been playing non stop for three full days.
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eorzeashan · 1 year
Kaliyo's Recruitment in KOTFE, or how it should've gone
Agent: Kaliyo!
Kaliyo: Agent?!
Agent: Kaliyo!!
Kaliyo: Agent?!!!
Agent: KALIYO.
Kaliyo: oh kriff me up a bantha's backside-
15 min later
Agent: where's my ship, Kaliyo
Kaliyo, flailing in a headlock: I don't kriffin' care- AUGHGJFK choking noises LET GO-
Theron: I think I made a mistake inviting them.
Lana: yes, you do tend to do that lately.
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vespertine-legacy · 1 year
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Good pep talk, Tulia
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vexwerewolf · 8 months
I always figured the Imperials were the good guys.
Nnnnnngh… no. Imperials are the better of two bad options, and it's really muddied because Bethesda lost its good writers years before Skyrim came out. I can feel a hyperfixation coming on, so a quick TL;DR: the Empire is an Empire so it's still bad, the Stormcloaks are just racist saboteurs led by a Manchurian agent and Tiber Septim is a gigantic piece of shit who ruined everything.
Okay, so the Empire functionally lost its equivalent of the Mandate of Heaven when Martin Septim died heirless at the end of Oblivion. His sacrifice forged a new compact to end the Daedric incursions, but by that point Imperial infrastructure throughout Tamriel had been so badly damaged that it could no longer maintain order. By the time the Mede dynasty got its feet under it, several provinces had either risen in revolt against the Empire or and were busy violently settling bitter generational rivalries with each other.
Most notably, this included the Thalmor, who are openly and proudly an Altmer supremacist movement. Their primary goal is to end the dominion of Men on Tamriel and institute a second Merethic Era dominated by them. This is the most obvious reason for why they want to ban Talos worship - the idea that a Man could become Divine is grossly incompatible with their worldview. (I must note that there's also a much-discussed fan theory stating that they intend to unmake creation in its current form and destroying Talos worship is part of that, but it's partially based on sources whose canonicity is in doubt, so I'm not going to discuss it further at this time.) The Thalmor are pretty much explicitly Elf Nazis, right down to invading foreign countries and rounding up their religious minorities.
It should be considered, however, that Tiber Septim was an UNBELIEVABLY MASSIVE PIECE OF SHIT. There's credible evidence that during his mortal life he assassinated the Cyrodillian monarch to whom he had sworn fealty and then seized his throne. He had a dalliance with Berenziah that ended up getting her pregnant, then forcibly abducted her and had the child aborted without her consent. After gaining Numidium from a treaty with the Tribunal of Morrowind, he discovered that they hadn't given them its power source (Lorkhan's Heart - understandable, since it was the source of their false divinity), and so he created a new one, the Mantella, by tearing the souls out of Ysmir and Zurin Arctus, two of his most loyal companions. He used Numidium to brutally conquer the rest of Tamriel and then turned it on all the noble families in Cyrodil who hadn't supported him. His empire - as all empires are - was built entirely on murder, pillage and rape. And - as all emperors do - he rewrote his own history because nobody dared openly oppose it. If the Aedra truly did award him a seat amongst them after this (and the fact that his bloody armor counts as "the blood of a divine" in Oblivion suggests that they did), it's questionable whether any of them are worthy of worship.
Nonetheless, worship of Talos was of extreme cultural importance to the Nords, because he was considered by history to have been a Nord, and indeed born in Atmora, the mythic first homeland of the Nords (although, again, it's likely he was just fucking lying - heterodox historical accounts suggest he was born in High Rock and never saw Atmora in his life). The White-Gold Concordat was formulated specifically to provoke division between the remaining provinces of the Empire - the Thalmor correctly predicted that the Nords would never tolerate being stripped of their right to worship Talos, and would rise in revolt against an Empire that mandated it.
The specific cause of the Stormcloak Rebellion is also… dubious. During the war with the Thalmor, the Imperial Legion had all but pulled out of Skyrim. This allowed an uprising by the Reachmen, an ethnic minority within southwestern Skyrim who, notably, had been brutally disenfranchised and stripped of their land by… Tiber Septim! Thanks, Talos, you continue to be a gigantic piece of shit! Anyway, they seized control of Markarth and held it for two years, during which by most accounts they ruled it as an independent kingdom that was making overtures towards being recognised by the Empire. After the signing of the White-Gold Concordat, Ulfric Stormcloak raised an army to retake it, and was promised by the Jarl of the Reach (and, allegedly, the Empire itself) that worship of Talos would be freely allowed in Markarth. Ulfric Stormcloak then proceeded to lay siege to the city and butcher it, ethnically cleansing the city of every last Reachman down to the women and children, slaughtering any Nord who had collaborated with them and allegedly even killing those citizens of Markarth who hadn't answered his call to arms.
Inevitably, the Thalmor found out about the Talos worship anyway and the Jarl was forced to sell out Ulfric and his men. This is generally considered to be the betrayal that sparked the civil war, but at this point we must examine who Ulfric is.
Ulfric was trained in the Thu'um from an early age by the Greybeards, but abandoned his tutelage to fight in the Great War. We know little of his performance other than that he was captured by the Thalmor, tortured extensively, and falsely made to believe that the information he had given under torture was instrumental in the fall of the Imperial City. His father, the Jarl of Windhelm, died while he was in prison, and he was forced to deliver a eulogy via a letter that he had smuggled out of the prison. He claims he escaped from captivity, while Thalmor records claim that they let him go intentionally; neither source is particularly reliable.
From a sociopolitical standpoint, Ulfric is a staunch Nordic traditionalist who openly states that he doesn't believe Skyrim has had a "true" High King for centuries, considering recent monarchs to simply be puppets installed by the Empire. He also seems to be deeply racist: in contrast to his father, he banned Argonians from entering Windhelm proper, confining them to the Assemblage on the docks, and he's allowed racist sentiments towards the Dunmer residents of the Grey Quarter to worsen. Even citizens of Windhelm who support the rebellion comment that isn't doing very much governing, since the civil war eats up most of his attention.
One point I will give to Ulfric is that establishing Skyrim as an independent kingdom that can actively resist the Thalmor isn't actually as far-fetched as it seems. After the White-Gold Concordat ceded half of Hammerfell to the Thalmor, Hammefell said "how about fuck you," broke from the Empire entirely, and smacked the Thalmor down so hard they had to sign the Second Treaty of Stros M'Kai and retreat from Hammerfell entirely. This rendered the nation a haven for those opposed to the Thalmor, and they're in such a strong position that the Alik'r can actively hunt Thalmor collaborators like Saadia in other nations. Hammerfell is in a better position than Skyrim, and it did it without any Imperial aid.
(A hilarious fact about the Hammerfell situation is that the Thalmor tried the exact same thing there - inciting a civil war between the Crowns and the Forebears, two factions that have hated one another for generations. Unfortunately, they fucked it up so badly that it actually managed to end the rivalry and unite both of them against the Thalmor.)
But this is where Bethesda's inability to actually capitalize on the good parts of their writing really gets to me.
The Empire in Skyrim… sucks. Like, from your perspective as a player, the first experience you have of the Empire is "okay, so you were at the border alongside this guy and we're executing him today so I guess you get to die too." The only decent Imperial you meet is Hadvar, who makes a lukewarm plea for your life but doesn't press the issue.
All of the Imperial Jarls except for Balgruuf and Idgrod Ravencrone are dogshit. Elisif is a naive, incompetent teenager. Siddgeir is an arrogant, incompetent ponce. Igmund is a spineless Thalmor toady reigning over stolen land, having broken a promise he made to Ulfric and thus being partially responsible for the civil war. The replacement Jarls you get if you side with the Empire and conquer territories the Stormcloaks hold at the start of the game fall into two categories: "who?" and "oh fuck not you." If I say the names Brina Merilis or Kraldar, I bet you won't even remember who I'm talking about. Brunwulf Free-Winter, the replacement for Ulfric Stormcloak, has ONE personality feature and it's "I'm slightly less racist than Ulfric." But when you capture Riften for the Empire, the new Jarl is MAVEN FUCKING BLACK-BRIAR, THE SECOND-WORST PERSON IN SKYRIM.
But the Stormcloaks suck worse. Laila-Law Giver is a puppet for the Black-Briar crime family. Skald the Elder is a grumpy, hidebound old man. Korir might as well not be ruling anything at all. If you side with them, you have to sell out Balgruuf when the matter of Whiterun comes up - a man who has never been anything but helpful, supportive, trusting and forthright with you. Oh, and let's not forget that if you take the Reach for the Stormcloaks, the new Jarl is THONGVOR SILVER-BLOOD, LITERAL SLAVEOWNER AND WORST PERSON IN SKYRIM.
(There is an absolutely cursed timeline wherein during the "territory trade" at the peace talks you can hold during the main quest if you haven't finished the civil war quest yet where Maven gets the Rift and Thongor gets the Reach, meaning you have just installed the two most powerful crime families in the country into positions of executive power.)
This isn't just a case of "of course both sides aren't perfect and have issues." This is just "both sides fucking suck." A better game would allow you to make some headway in resolving the massive issues that face Skyrim, but I've already written like nine billion words here so maybe I should go into that at a different time.
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himbeereule · 8 months
Орлёнок (Eaglet)
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Орлёнок (Eaglet) is an interactive story set in a country similar to 1910s-1920s Russia. You're a member of the overthrown Imperial Family, shaping the future of the Empire by virtue of arms.
It aims to be equal parts role-playing, dress-up and strategy game, with an emphasis on romance.
Although there will be no explicit nsfw scenes, it does include graphic descriptions of the horrors of war as well as personal tragedies, so please refer to the content warnings at the end of this post.
(as the project is still a wip, this overview is somewhat incomplete and will be gradually updated in tandem with the progress of writing)
DEMO: here (v0.0.2, 21.05.2024)
Forum post: here
Number Spelling Function (IF writer resource): here
Secondary project: @a-dying-wish-if
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The Empire of Nevetskiya - old, proud, and utterly dilapidated. While the Industrial Revolution has enabled other Monarchies - after a few quickly suppressed workers' uprisings - to become modern colonialist superpowers, exerting their influence all over the world, Nevetskiya is still overwhelmingly agrarian, and barely holding onto its outlying territories acquired in golden times long past.
Your Father Emperor, while ruling with an iron fist and unquestionable authority over the common people, is completely dependent on the shaky loyalty of the High Nobility, who frustrate any attempt to modernize the economy or administration, out of fear upstart merchants might, in time, replace the old Aristocracy.
When a sloppily executed coup d'etat eventually leaves your family dead and you a refugee, it becomes time you grab the reins of your destiny and amass an army to liberate and rebuild the country in the way you envision.
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(this is meant to be a concise overview - a more exiting and detailed description of features can be found in the offical Interest Check Thread post)
extensive character customization
extensive army customization - both in a strategy and in a dress-up game sense
focus on story over stats - success is determined on the battlefield, not by your character's personality
five distinct regions with a wide cast of characters
complex personality system - for example, how your character actually feels and what they show to the world are separate things
several ways to rule - will you become a traditional Monarch, a Military Dictator, a democratically elected Head-of-State, or maybe proclaim yourself a Living Saint?
choose how much modernization is needed - will you allow women to bear arms, at the cost of offending the traditionalist nobles? Introduce tanks at the cost of foreign powers gaining influence?
how far will you go for victory? A political police, mass executions and the use of special types of weaponry might give you an edge, but is your vision really worth it?
a total of ten romanceable characters
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(this naturally might contain slight spoilers)
The ROs
★ Yakov Tymofiyevich Sokolovskiy / Liliya Tymofiyevna Sokolovskaya ★
The Intelligence Director (gender-selectable)
One of your four original companions. As a member of the High Nobility, you've met them before - maybe you've even been childhood friends?
But even if you know them, it's hard to tell what they're truly like, as they seem to switch personalities effortlessly depending on the situation.
Their work is a mystery to seemingly everyone, but they always get results: as long as you let them act freely, no enemy agent has any chance to harm you or your cause.
Age: mid-20s
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★ Semyon Ivanovich Orlov / Selena Ivanovna Orlova ★
The Cavalry Officer (gender-selectable)
One of your four original companions. A war hero and renowned expert when it comes to horses, the only reason they were not yet promoted to a lofty position in the War Ministry is their pragmatic approach to new developments, which hasn't mixed well with the typically very traditionalist views of the old Imperial officer corps.
Possessing a subdued but strong charisma and deeply respected by their soldiers as a wise parent figure, they are a solid pillar of support to you, and will reliably get things done - though some people might consider the cost for that too high sometimes.
Age: early 30s
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★ Mikhail Pavlovich Voronin / Marina Pavlovna Voronina ★
The Young Visionary (gender-selectable)
One of your four original companions. They shot up through the ranks by impressing the War Ministry with bold new ideas for utilizing modern technologies and are hailed as a genius by many - though the older officers dismiss them as a dreamer at best and incompetent fool at worst.
With you, they hope to have found someone who'll appreciate their visions for the future - plus, their relative eccentrism has left them in dire need of a friend.
Their technical expertise might just prove to be the key to your success - if you can secure the foreign support needed to get the modern equipment needed to utilize it.
Age: early 20s
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★ Leon Isayev / Leah Isayeva ★
The Noble Academic (gender-selectable)
One of your four original companions. Born to wealthy nobles, they graduated the Imperial Officer Academy with perfect grades, and feel honour-bound to your family.
They were the one to gather your initial force of loyalists and act as your primary advisor. But their loyalty is to the Imperial system, with you just a symbolic representative - can you convince them that you and your vision deserve their loyalty beyond that?
Age: late 20s
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★ 'Little' Semyon/Selena Shvets ★
The Hero (gender-selectable)
A young cavalry officer and leader of your Southern Forces. A protegé of the "other" Semyon/Selena, they lack their cynical pragmatism, but make up for it with a firm belief in the triumph of a better world.
Some may call their optimism naive, and their personality has been mockingly compared to a Golden Retriever, but they have proven time and time again that underestimating them on the battlefield results in a crushing defeat.
Age: early 20s
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★ Nikola ★
The Rebel (nb)
Leading an anti-authoritarian peasant uprising in the West, Nikola is more likely to be your enemy than your ally - but they don't seem to care enough about politics to refrain from flirting with you, so... there might be a basis of mutual understanding there?
Their personality is pretty sweet, at least - if you ignore the fact they'll cheerfully gun down prisoners if they feel like it.
Age: mid-20s
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★ Rakhmil/Rakhilya Feldman ★
The Logistician (gender-selectable)
A member of the Western Rebel Army and best friend of Nikola's adoptive sibling, they've poured their soul (and countless nights without any sleep) into somehow maintaining the rebels' supply network in the face of their rapidly swelling numbers.
Unhappy with Nikola's carefree attitude, they might end up aligning with you instead in order to save their cause.
Age: late 20s
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★ Arseniy Matveyevich Lebedev / Amaliya Matveyevna Lebedeva ★
The Enemy (gender-selectable)
Grand Duke Lebedev, the main leader of the Aristocrat faction, stood by and watched when your family was executed. Arseniy/Amaliya is their younger sibling, and serves as military commander of his personal forces that aid several warlords in their efforts to establish their own petty kingdoms.
But they're already uncomfortable with their brother's methods, and if you can convince them that you're not actually "an incompetent little puppet who's trying to ruin the country out of arrogant delusions", they might become a very valuable ally.
Age: mid-20s
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★ Lyudmila Demyanovna Naumova ★ (f)
A minor noble who reluctantly turned into a Warlord in order to protect her territory and her people. All she wants is peace - but she'll not hesitate to fight if she believes it necessary.
Unfortunately, you can't just ignore her - all must choose a side in this war - but you have options how to deal with her. Will you subdue her by force? Or fall back on the age-old option of political marriage to secure an alliance?
Age: late 20s
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★ Jan/Jana Novotný ★ (gender-selectable, under certain circumstances)
A member of your Personal Guard who has distinguished themself and eventually rises to become its commander. Others might betray or doubt you, but Novotný only cares about one thing - your continued, unharmed existence.
And they will go to any lengths to guarantee it.
Age: mid-20s
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...will be added as they become relevant in the demo.
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arvadthecursed · 7 months
the imperial agent companions are so funny bc you've got:
1. 30 yr old woman going through her Teenage Dirtbag phase
2. man who is also part bug
3. Amoral scientist grandpa
4. Perfectly nice lady but I forget she exists
5. Skynet
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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I cannot word how much I love this. This is when these two first started to get along, when this landed so well, lmao. It’s a hilariously short jump from Tyr genuinely wanting to shoot him and threatening to flush him out the airlock for messing with him to just absolutely messing around and, also, I think... we’ve probably all realized that Tyr’s secret Achilles’ heel is a mentor figure and while he doesn’t always like Lokin’s advice (or Lokin in general, for that matter), he does end up keeping most of it in mind.
But, tldr, once he’s on the ship, Tyr realizes maybe he isn’t completely atrocious company and they can leave Taris mostly behind them. Tyr still never apologizes for punching him and Lokin never tries to get him to.
Kaliyo and him are always knife catting each other, but him and Lokin’s is more they are both sipping tea and reading the news casually discussing different ways to poison a target and you can’t tell how serious they’re being about experimenting on each other. Similar, yet distinct flavors, lmao.
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Tharan Cedrax would go CRAZY for Scorpio send tweet
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transbookoftheday · 8 months
🏳️‍⚧️🏴‍☠️ Trans Books To Read If You Love "Our Flag Means Death" 🏴‍☠️🏳️‍⚧️
Can't get enough of Our Flag Means Death? Read some trans pirate books!
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On Mar León de la Rosa's sixteenth birthday, el Diablo comes calling. Mar is a transmasculine nonbinary teen pirate hiding a magical ability to manipulate fire and ice. But their magic isn't enough to reverse a wicked bargain made by their father, and now el Diablo has come to collect his payment: the soul of Mar's father and the entire crew of their ship. When Mar is miraculously rescued by the sole remaining pirate crew in the Caribbean, el Diablo returns to give them a choice: give up their soul to save their father by the harvest moon, or never see him again. The task is impossible - Mar refuses to make a bargain, and there's no way their magic is a match for el Diablo. Then Mar finds the most unlikely allies: Bas, an infuriatingly arrogant and handsome pirate - and the captain's son; and Dami, a gender-fluid demonio whose motives are never quite clear. For the first time in their life, Mar may have the courage to use their magic. It could be their only redemption - or it could mean certain death.
(The audiobook for "The Wicked Bargain" is narrated by Vico Ortiz!)
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In a world divided by colonialism and threaded with magic, a desperate orphan turned pirate and a rebellious imperial lady find a connection on the high seas. Aboard the pirate ship Dove, Flora the girl takes on the identity of Florian the man to earn the respect and protection of the crew. For Flora, former starving urchin, the brutal life of a pirate is about survival: don’t trust, don’t stick out, and don’t feel. But on this voyage, Flora is drawn to the Lady Evelyn Hasegawa, who is headed to an arranged marriage she dreads. Flora doesn’t expect to be taken under Evelyn’s wing, and Evelyn doesn’t expect to find such a deep bond with the pirate Florian. Neither expects to fall in love. Soon the unlikely pair set in motion a wild escape that will free a captured mermaid (coveted for her blood) and involve the mysterious Pirate Supreme, an opportunistic witch, double agents, and the all-encompassing Sea herself. Deftly entwining swashbuckling action and quiet magic, Maggie Tokuda-Hall’s inventive debut novel conjures a diverse cast of characters seeking mastery over their fates while searching for answers to big questions about identity, power, and love.
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The Lost Boys say that Peter Pan went back to England because of Wendy Darling, but Wendy is just an old life he left behind. Neverland is his real home. So when Peter returns to it after ten years in the real world, he's surprised to find a Neverland that no longer seems to need him. The only person who truly missed Peter is Captain James Hook, who is delighted to have his old rival back. But when a new war ignites between the Lost Boys and Hook's pirates, the ensuing bloodshed becomes all too real - and Peter's rivalry with Hook starts to blur into something far more complicated, sensual, and deadly.
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In the Christian Republic, homosexual people are given two choices—a camp to "fix" them, or exile to the distant islands populated by lesbians and gay men. Sixteen-year-old Jason chooses exile and expects a hardscrabble life but instead finds a thriving, supportive community. While exploring his identity as a transgender boy he also discovers adventure: kraken attacks, naval battles, a flying island built by asexual people, and a daring escape involving glow-in-the-dark paint. He also has a desperate crush on Sky, a spirited buccaneer girl, but fear keeps him from expressing his feelings. When Jason and his companions discover the Republicans are planning a war of extermination, they rally the people of the Rainbow Islands to fight back. Shy, bookish Jason will have to find his inner courage or everything and everyone he loves will be lost forever.
Book titles:
The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa
The Mermaid, the Witch, and the Sea by Maggie Tokuda-Hall
Peter Darling by Austin Chant
Rainbow Islands by Devin Harnois
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theoperativeif · 1 year
The Operative: Fires of Revolution [18+] (Updated 1/7/2024)
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You are an Operative, one of hundreds of modified beings that saved the Empire of a United Earth in its war against the Commonwealth. The war you were created for is over, billions dead in a duel between raging Empires that ended in a stalemate on a barren planet that left both sides ravaged.
But now ghosts from your past threaten to plunge the galaxy into another war and threaten all you have fought for.
Battle against those you once called family, discover hidden truths behind the Operative Project and protect those you love as you are drawn back to an all too familiar barren planet...
Content Warnings
[This game contains, violence, depiction of war and innocent casualties, strong language, drug references, major/minor character death (including possible ro death), optional explicit sexual content(fade to black only atm), references to abuse and other mature themes. Please use discretion and this list will be updated as content is added.]
Play as a man, woman, or non-binary.
Become a legendary super soldier, are you the ideal soldier? The perfect protector? An expert assassin? A walking war machine? Or maybe you are the monster that haunts your enemies nightmares.
Help shape the future of an Empire recovering from war, or just go where your superiors tell you.
Shape your character’s personality and have their choices influence the galaxy.
Fall in love with one of six romance options. Including an Imperial Marine, a fellow super soldier, an Imperial Agent and a mysterious chemical weapons expert.
Unearth the mystery of a failed revolt and a quarantined planet.
Will you build the Empire up? Or ensure it tears itself apart?
Notable Characters
Ari “The Old Flame” [M/F]
A loyal companion since you were both made Operatives, Ari is either your closest friend or your old flame of youth. They served in some of the darkest moments of the Empire, having thousands of kills under their belt. Recent events forced you both into conflict and then separation, now leaving memories and dreams as your only respite together. But something behind the scenes may force two people intertwined by destiny back together…
(Appearance)  6'8 A pale white complexion with wide diamond blue eyes and mid length snow white hair. Broad-shouldered with a toned musculature Ari's life as a soldier along with their enhancements make them an intimidating foe.
Liana Swarovski “The Soldier” [F]
One of two marines personally assigned to you by the Admiral. Despite spending the past several years in combat she forces herself to maintain as cheerful a disposition as possibly. Having been saved by an Operative in a past mission gone wrong she remains open and friendly to her newest assignment…
(Appearance)  5'7 with bright hazel eyes and a bright smile. Warm beige complexion and bright blonde hair done in a ponytail when on the job. Slightly stouter build then one would expect.
Jacob Miller "The Tactician” [M]
One of two marines personally assigned to you by the Admiral. Not much to note about the ordinary man, except that for someone with only two combat missions under their belt he spent the remainder of the war in service of Admirals and Generals. Recent events have reportedly chipped away at his once Casanova and pleasure loving disposition, but behind his kind eyes lies something much colder very few see…
(Appearance)  6'1 with soulful green eyes and a small smile, longer dark brown hair that he often slicks back. Average body build.
Designate Six “The Loyalist” [NB]
A deadly combatant even to Operatives, Designate Six commands the Chemical Core under your command, a group of specialist who utilize chemical and biological warfare tactics to render enemy forces inert. Hidden behind robes and masks Six is first and foremost an explorer of the deadly and arcane, but second a person of undying loyalty to their Operative…
(Appearance)  5'5 Two large expressive eyes resembling two pools of purple, tan skin intermixed with scars and patches of discoloration are hints of the price they have paid for their service to the empire.
Agent Roads “The Investigator” [M/F]
Agent Roads is an agent for the Imperial Heartbreaker Division, a branch of the Emperors secret police, specializing in tactics best left out of the spotlight. Their history with Operative 002 is an interesting one born of violence and strife, but now, all this time later perhaps its one of fascination. Especially when Road’s own dark past surfaces with one thing on their mind. Revenge. 
Their reputation is one rivaling the most bloodthirsty Operatives, but will someone looking closer find something worthwhile behind those cruel eyes?
(Appearance)  5'9 with predatory silver eyes and deep olive skin, bobbed thick raven black hair, thin build with a removed tattoo on their chest just below their collarbone.
Polina Cartigan “The Princess” [F]
Princess Polina is the second in line of the Emperors children, despite her calm and thoughtful demeanor do not be mistaken, beneath lies a powerful drive to improve the Empire. Seeking a peace with the ACC so as to rebuild shattered supply lines and defenses she is opposed by the majority of the UEG leadership. But a steadily rising wave of idealistic young military and political minds now stokes the flames as she prepares to take her first true steps onto the galactic stage.
(Appearance) 5′8 dark complexion with burning amber eyes and a thin graceful build.
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namizu · 6 months
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‘ that’s the problem with you jedi, i don’t even give a first warning.
considering how often i draw her, kinda weird ive never properly introduced her, so this is cipher six aka vi aka ascendency SpecOps (unit 73, all of which is made up by me) sniper turned imperial intelligence cipher turned public enemy but who can stay mad at that face ???
the gist is this:
her name in the ascendancy was yaevri’alla’vael / rialla, her job was basically to manage collateral damage from a distance, ie; kill her own team if they got caught or found something they weren’t supposed to. which, she did when a mission went sideways on hoth.
her superiors saw this as further proof of her loyalty to the ascendancy and a willingness to do whatever was necessary, and the next thing she knew she was posing as an agent in imperial intelligence called cipher six.
in the empire her loyalty to the ascendancy started to waver, but she wasn’t leaning towards the empire either. so, seeing her chance to escape during the fall of intelligence and cipher nines shenanigans, she wiped herself from everything and vanished with a whole lot of information she yoinked.
now she’s just everyones problem, she does show up in SoR + KoTFE/KoTET as a companion tho, because i said so.
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