#incorrect markiplier
*during a game of Among Us*
Davey: Race, you said you were following Jack last time and this time, right? So where did you go?
Race: I went to do the thing with Jack.
Albert and Davey: *laugh*
Davey: Jack’s dead-
Crutchie: Jack’s dead now.
Albert: Jack’s dead-
Race: Yes? AND?
Albert: …Did you kill him?
Race: No! NO!
Race: Maybe…
Race: …he might have deserved it…
Albert and Davey: 👀
Race: …but I’m gonna go with no :)
Davey: I don’t-
Albert: …I don’t know if he’s a genius or a moron
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Cap'n Y/N: This is a mistake
En!Mark, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day!
Cap'n Y/N: But not today.
En!Mark, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess!
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ask-will-and-dark · 2 years
Y/N *playing mini golf with the egos and losing, badly.*
Y/N: I never said I was good at the game. I just said I liked it.
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camifandomfan · 4 months
*The fam is over at Tim’s apartment*
Jason: Ohhhh, we each get our own oven?
Tim: …No…
Tim, laughing: How many ovens do you think I have???
Jason, motioning to their kitchen: Three, I thought!
Dick: I see a-
Tim, motioning to one device: This is a microwave.
Jason: Oh, well I-
Tim: Hey wait wait, actually- hang on- *fiddles with the buttons on the microwave*
Tim, amazed: Its got a bake setting!
Dick: Ohoho, you learn something new every day!
Steph: Do we- Do we roshambo for who gets to pick first?
Tim: Now I’ve just discovered I have more ovens than I thought, we don’t have to roshambo nothin!
Tim: I am a man who owns four ovens…
Tim, louder and way too happy: I am a man who owns FOUR OVENS…
Tim: I didn’t know I was so rich with ovens…
Jason, pointing to another appliance: Also the toaster oven!
Steph: Ohhh, toasty boy! Four- five ovens!
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insanenicky · 10 months
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Moving my memes from tw*tter to tumblr <3
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marksandrec · 9 months
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Marks and Rec: Misc #2586
(Dialogue from Santa Clarita Diet.)
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juanarc-thethird · 7 months
What if...
Team RWBY and friends are in Salem Castle. After so many turns in the castle they were caught in a trap she had made. They are locked in a very wide lower floor and in front of them is a huge door.
Salem: Wahahaha! They fell into my trap. Behind this door is my most diabolical creation, it will tear you to pieces.
*BAM! BAM!* a loud noise is heard on the other side of the door.
The only way out is to climb and break the barriers that are blocking their path or face what is on the other side.
Ruby: Shit, we have to get out of here! Nora, Blake and Weiss, try to break those barriers. The rest of us help keep whatever it is at a distance so we can escape.
Everyone agrees and starts working, except for one person.
Jaune: *Stand there looking at the door*
Ruby: Jaune?! What are you doing? Move! We need to get out of her.
Jaune: What if I didn't?
Ruby: Huh?
Jaune: What if I didn't run?
Weiss: *Concern* Jaune are you ok?
Jaune: What if I'm not a coward?
Ruby: No one is calling you a coward. We need to get out of here!
Jaune: What if I'm not gonna run away. What if I'm going to stand right here. What if I'm going to make my stand! Huh! What if I wanna go toe to toe with whatever is gonna come through that door.
Ruby: Weiss do something!
Weiss: What do you want me to do?!
Jaune: *Serious* What if I want them to get me. What if I want them to kill me. What if I want them to Try!
Weiss: HO...
Ruby: ..LY..
Salem: SHIT!!! Did you girls feel that tickling in your womb?
Weiss/Ruby: Uh-hu.
Salem: Fuck this, change of plans. Give me that man and I won't kill anyone anymore!
Jaune: What?
Weiss/Ruby: NOW WAY!!!
Salem: I will share him with you two.
Jaune: What?!
Weiss/Ruby: DEAL!!
The two grab Jaune and drag him to a door that Salem appears using magic so they can leave.
Jaune: Wait! What happened to my great feat?! It was my battle to the death!!! I'm a warrior, damn it!!!
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cod-dump · 11 months
Soap: You don’t make love with your eyes or your body… You make love with your heart and soul!
Gaz: *puts a sticker on his chest with an ‘L’ on it*
Gaz: You have a large soul
Soap: Thank you-
Roach: *puts a sticker with a ‘M’ on his crotch*
Roach: And you have a medium dick
*Soap stares at Roach as he laughs along with Gaz. Then Ghost laughs from the other room*
Soap: BABE-
Gaz & Roach: *losing their shit*
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smiledog15578 · 5 months
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Marks old 1920’s headshots (gun target practice unrelated)
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deadboyquotes · 3 days
Charles, turning a light on and off really fast: This is Morse code for ‘AHHHH!’
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foxtamer113 · 3 months
Dark: I don’t think we can mansplain, manipulate, or malewife our way out of it this time.
Wilford, cracks his knuckles: Manslaughter it is.
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En!Mark: When Captain was born, the gods said, "They're too perfect for this world."
Mack: Please. When they were born, the devil said, "Oh, competition."
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Yancy: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Wilford: They do.
Bim: …Why did you say that with such certainty?
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spacy-snail · 10 months
Vanessa: if you actually want to survive this job, you’re going to need this *pulls out unlabeled VHS tape*
Mike: *confusedly and hesitantly takes the tape*
Mike: *at home, puts the tape into a player* *the camera zooms in on the static of the tv* *he presses play on the remote*
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urdadsceilingfan · 2 months
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Love my silly robot boys
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Get pranked
For context :after the first photo Google punched Bing in the gut a little too hard and in the middle of fixing him, he took a revenge selfie
You see the joke is that it looks like Google is not helping him- *gets kicked out the therapy group*
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marksandrec · 5 months
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Marks and Rec: Misc #2635
(Dialogue from BG3.)
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