joecamberwell · 2 months
Why am I making The Secret of Madame Legerdemain?
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Here's the story behind the story. For the last three years I've been playing and streaming D&D online with some truly awesome and talented people.
A slot came up for me to run a session and I pitched them this idea: come up characters who are so desperate for an impossible favour that they will risk almost certain death to retrieve a mysterious box.
Here are us goofs playing it:
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My players knocked it out of the park with their backstories and motivations. Intrigue, honour, tragedy, double crossing, a cursed ancestor, and a searing love story.
I've always loved interactive fiction (the Sorcery series is a personal favourite) and the success of Baldur's Gate 3 got me thinking "huh, interactive fiction and D&D". And "if my made my own D&D game, what would the origin characters be?" So of course this story popped right back into my head, and I had to tell it.
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So that's the journey I'm on: making an interactive novel that's really a love letter to some incredible characters made by my friends and to the worldbuilding we did together.
The idea is that the finished game will have three or four wildly different endings for each character - including the ones that actually happened, and some fascinating ones that didn't!
Want to see what I've done so far? You can play the public preview here:
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stonerzelda · 9 months
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rpgchoices · 2 months
I'm thinking of trying Sorcery! Is there anything I should know going in?
I think the only thing to remember is that:
You can rewind. Basically if you click on the central arrow you can go back as far as you need (even the start of the game), I am saying this because it took me ages to find out
There are no saves, so when you finish 1, it should automatically start 2 (because they are in the same file), but when you finish 2 you will need to save the code at the end and type it in at the start of 3 (same for 4)
There is romance!
There are multiple things and paths, so feel free to explore!!
Also game 2 sometimes was pretty frustrating for me, so if you feel lost there are some good guides out there
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isolatedphenomenon · 2 years
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[ID: Three screenshots from an Ink game replicating the style of Disco Elysium, including backgrounds, tasks, red/white checks, and skill portraits. Detailed text description under cut, but the point of the images is their styling.]
So I went into some sort of hyperdrive this weekend and churned out an Ink webport template that resembles Disco Elysium, intended for use in fan-made games for people who don’t like coding? Anyway, you can play it here or copy the template to make your own!
(And of course shout out to the other DE fan game frameworks made or in the works! I just love using Ink as a language, so I wanted one of my own)
[Detailed ID: First image reads:
You: “More like the template for one.”
Some Dumb Game: That’s because writing takes more brainpower than coding, weirdly enough.
You: “What about formatting?”
Some Dumb Game: “What about it?”
You: “Other kinds of texts?”
Some Dumb Game: Oh, hell yeah.
New Task: Figure out what else you can do.
Thought gained: Make My Own Game
You: “Okay...”
Logic [Easy: Success]: It’s really not that hard.
1. “Ah, art! I’m an art person.”
2. “Ugh, put it back. I like my IF text based.”
Image two reads:
Some Dumb Game - How about now?
Composure [Trivial: Success]: Nice. You managed to withstand a skill check for once.
Image three reads:
Some Dumb Game: This is going to take some concentration, let’s clear out your head for a moment.
1. [Composure - Challenging 20] “I’ve got this, I totally won’t lock this skill check.”
2. “Let me take a breath first.”]
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wearefreemice · 1 year
We Are Free Mice is a narrative video game of tarot-playing about Redwall-ish mice and antiquity
follow us here or at www.wearefreemice.com
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kinglyqueenly · 3 months
Judging the dead isn't easy work.
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But that is your job. Which souls go to Heaven, and which go to Hell?
As a demon yourself, you do have a vested interest in sending some people to Hell - your boss has given you a quota - not that he ever tells you what that is. But don't you feel a little bad for some of these people? 
The Grave Shift is a point and click narrative game about judging souls. Initially made for the Threshold prompt for #gameaweek2024, but updated with post jam content. Made by @nxcturnalknight (x), Robinicus, Madfizz, and zephyreds.
Play now on itch.io!
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josijosi · 7 months
Where is the secret Inkle fandom on this site? 80 Days is probably one of my favorite games of all time and I've never felt more alone. lmao
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geekcavepodcast · 6 months
A Highland Song Nintendo Indie World Showcase Announcement Trailer
Inkle's A Highland Song is a narrative platformer that allows you to explore the Scottish Highlands. The adaptive narrative builds itself around the players choices with hundreds of paths to choose from. The game also features music from leading Scottish folk bands.
A Highland Song releases for Nintendo Switch on December 5, 2023.
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tiny-design · 2 years
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The profession of the player character as an archeologist and professional linguist in Heaven’s Vault is multi-faceted and deeply present in the larger game’s narrative. This comes through in a variety of ways, with the player needing to translate various hieroglyphs and establish their point on a century spanning timeline, but that’s not the only focus of the story. Instead, the player must also navigate complex relationships in their own, more recent timeline as they attempt to uncover the secrets around the culture they’re uncovering on the whole.
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Shoelaces are done! On to a pattern:
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This is 17 strands of cotton. I found a TON of this carpet warp at Goodwill, i think I've got 8 or 9 different colors!
I think I'll make this part of my viking ensemble. It's not quite as wide as I'd want the kaftan trim to be, but should work nicely for the undergown!
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joecamberwell · 2 months
Want a finished game to play? I wanted to shout out two awesome games by @ink-splotch that helped inspire me to make my own.
Stay is a beautiful fantasy game with a clever solution to the problem that you can't play all the paths in a single playthrough of an IF game. It's so neat, and I immediately wished I'd thought of it!
More a Haunting than a History is a spooky modern fantasy game about going home to your weird little town. Kind of made me think of "what if the cast of Buffy went back to Sunnydale, CA after four years of being away at college?"
Both games have some lovely romanceable NPCs as well. Check 'em out - they're incredibly worth your time!
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bit-b · 6 months
This Wednesday at 7pm (CT), I'm checking out 'A Highland Song'! A new rhythm platforming game by Inkle, the creators behind 'Heaven's Vault' and '80 days'!
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The game's about a girl named Moira McKinnon, a girl who decides to run away after getting a letter from her uncle Hamish urging her to come to the coast. On her journey across the Scottish Highlands, she'll find all sorts of musical secrets and surprises.
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'A Highland Song' is NOW AVAILABLE on Steam and Nintendo Switch!
▶️A Highland Song (Steam) ▶️A Highland Song (Switch)
BIG thanks to Inkle for providing me with a Steam key for the game. REALLY excited to try it out!
See you then!
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rpgchoices · 4 months
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The thing about Inkle is that within like a week of a new release they're probably going to make a change to gameplay/add an amazing QOL feature or something that addresses the most common complaints all the players/reviewers have
This is why even though I bought it straight away I haven't played A Highland Song yet
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fuckyeaharthuriana · 1 year
I know you played Bastard of Camelot, even though it was a while ago, can we hear about your Mordred? 👀
Also, have you played any other games like this? I know Guenevere is a similar game that’s also v popular
I played Guinevere ages ago and I really really enjoyed it. I generally like those text choice games! I tried some of the other arthurian videogames (the King Arthur war game similar to Age of Empire, the Sword Legacy Omen and Pendragon). I really enjoyed Pendragon (by Inkle), it is a short and surprisingly rich game where you can control different characters to stop Mordred! IT IS HARD THO, I don't think I ever won.
Sword Legacy Omen seemed interesting, but I actually returned it (on steam). I was not in the mood because it seemed quite generic, and I dislike games with perma-death.
In general I am very very picky with games, and I usually play only rpg, so it is hard to find a good arthurian one.
BUT YEAH I LOVED BASTARD OF CAMELOT!!! My Mordred was a little shit, but idealistic. So he wanted to make his mom happy, but also was angry... and yet hopeful, towards Arthur. He liked Galahad also, and was kind of antagonistic towards him for a while.
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wearefreemice · 1 year
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We Are Free Mice is a narrative tarot-playing video game of mice and antiquity
now live on tumblr! follow us here or at www.wearefreemice.com
tarot art by Caleb of @eeriecrests; art direction by @gothfrog
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