#interactions: hutch
itwoodbeprefect · 1 year
i don't have a point here except ???, but i realized today that starsky & hutch episode the psychic a) was written by micheal mann of (among many other things) classic crime thriller heat fame, and b) contains a baffling amount of (references to) crossdressing. it's one of the two episodes that opens with starsky and hutch chasing a guy in a dress (which gives us the "well i don't know, you('d) look rather nice in basic black and pearls" starsky-to-hutch line), later on they interrupt a robbery being committed by ANOTHER guy in a dress (and grey wig, posing as an old lady - presumably with the intent to disguise his identity rather than express some part of it, but who knows), and THEN they meet a hot lady mechanic who among many fast lines says to starsky "i'm really a basketball player in drag. whatever turns you on, honey" (interestingly timely, considering starsky's earlier comment about hutch). and finally, not entirely related but also not unrelated, there's these people at a laundromat hutch hits up on his mad phone chase at the end of the episode:
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so yeah. ???.
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fatguarddog · 10 months
Having to manually copy over every account I've blocked on my old main to this blog one by one just seems like a design flaw at this point
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redgoldblue · 10 months
hi hi!! for the wip ask game: rainbow (h50) and glitter (s&h).
(i don't know if you want fandoms to go along with these, but i'll give them to you anyway just in case. feel free to ignore that part!)
horrifyingly, I don't have rainbow in any current H50 wip - obviously it was in If You're Gonna Do It, Do It Right a few times but the closest I have in a current wip is in state of disrepair:
Steve shrugs. “They’re different. I notice different. For instance,” he says, and runs a finger along the cuff of Danny’s shirt. “You’re wet.” “Excellent detection skills, McGarrett. It’s raining.”
However! I actually have both those words in one sentence in a S&H wip (the Huggy&Pete one):
He assumed James had some ability to cover up the everything about him that screamed glitter and rainbows and ‘homosexual’ at the top of its lungs, since he’d only come into the Pits with a black eye and an open cut over his cheekbone once in the three years he’d been a regular, but Huggy had never seen it ever so much as vaguely dimmed. He’d left with the cut clean and bandaged, anyway. 
send me a word and i'll tell you the sentence it appears in in my wips!
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rawstfish · 1 year
I think Mino and Hutch would be besties
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hearties-circus · 2 years
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daisygirlwrites · 1 year
First Look (Preview) König x fem! Reader (callsign Crash)
Happy Valentine's Day! I had a post planned today but family stuff came out and now I'm currently out on a date. I couldn't get it done today ;-; but here's a snippet of it!
gif credit: @bloodlst
edit: 2-20-23 (Full Version Here!)
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Konig developed a six sense of knowing he was being looked at. It started during his last year of grade school and stuck with him since. And right now, he can feel a set of eyes on him, but he couldn’t figure out who. Leaning against the back wall of the meeting room, he takes a scan of his surroundings. Horangi, Hutch and Roze are sitting in front of him, looking at files while Aksel stands with Task Force 141’s captain, both hunching over a laptop. To his left side, towards the front of the room, there are two men in a conversation. One had a mohawk and talked in a heavy scottish accent while the other was sporting a baseball cap, listening on. Then there was Ghost. The one person he’d actively avoid making eye contact with. Hearing the stories and meeting the man himself were very different experiences.
The Austrian was sure it was him. However, he failed to notice the short figure next to the lieutenant, though to be fair, you are five foot four. And with the all black outfit that you had, save for the red tinted ballistic goggles, it was like you were Ghost’s shadow.
On the other hand though, you noticed him immediately, the man having to duck under the door. Even when he was trying to blend into his surroundings, his tall frame made him stand out. You didn’t mean to stare for so long but every time you tear your gaze from him, like a magnet, it’d come right back. It was frustrating, feeling like a high schooler again but you kept looking at him.
Ghost glanced down at you, noticing your eyes fixating on something. Or someone, he thinks to himself as he follows your eye line, which is on the tallest person in the room. His gaze shifts back to you and then to Konig, repeating a couple more times just to make sure that you were clearly checking him out. Slightly leaning down, enough for you to hear him whisper, “You should take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
Snapping out of your trance, you glared up to your lieutenant. Even with the skull balaclava covering his features, there was no doubt he was sporting a shit eating grin. Without a second of hesitation, you jam your elbow, hitting the area below his ribs. This, of course, has little effect on the man and honestly, made him amused instead of annoyed.
This interaction didn’t go unnoticed by Konig, now realizing that there was another person in the room. With how close you were standing together and the almost matching outfit with Ghost, it dawned on Konig that you were the Sargent that he hasn’t been introduced to. He’s heard about you as well, people saying that you were another legend in the making by being mentored by Ghost himself. However, he didn’t anticipate how small you were compared to the others. He also thought you’re very brave. Or insane, Konig hasn’t made up his mind yet. To elbow a superior took a lot of guts.
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Request:Heye hey, i just dropped once i saw your works nd i had an idea 🤣 can we have Y/n in a bar drinking with all the Cod Men, he got drunk and went wild so he danced and he went up the stage to the pole nd showed hia
z frisky moves for all of the Cod Men to see and react to. 🤣 (Idk y but i just want them all to see how fun and wild y/n gets with tht liquid courage on him 🤣🤣 ) Have a great day and thank you.
[A/n:I find this hilarious honestly, sounds like something I'd do. Thank you for requesting]
Summary: You got alittle too drunk causing you to join thr strippers on the pole
Type:Scenario: 141 + Los Vaqueros + other characters X M!Reader, abit of Alejandro X Rodolfo
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It started off normal, everyone decided to go to the bar. Like usual. Price had gotten Ghost and Gaz to ask around, Soap was one of the first people asked, then you, then König and so on. Zimo and Horangi came, saying their coming for König's "emotional support" just in case. And Horangi usually says that when he is invited somewhere were König was going also. Kleo had denied going to the bar, she was busy with Roze. But Luna was happy to go, along with Gus and Hutch, It'd be nice for those two to catch up. Of course Alejandro and Rodolfo joined and everyone else kinda stayed back doing there own things. You where in a car with Alejandro, Rodolfo, Luna, and Hutch. Luna was in the middle. Between you and Hutch, Rodolfo driving, and Alejandro in the passenger seat.
"So, you guys exited?"
Luna asked, abit nervous, but that was reasonable she was kinda squished between two large men, some say it's a dream.
"Yeah, it's gonna be nice catching up with Gus(I know they have no cannon interaction but for the sake of the story their friends)"
Hutch said, quite pleased he gets to actually talk with Gus again, and not talking about work.
"Ah, I've heard about Gus, and yeah, I guess I'm also exited. Rudy?"
Alejandro looked over at Rodolfo, who smiled at him, he smiled wide. He always looked happy when he looked at Alejandro
"Of course Ale, your gonna be there"
Alejandro looked abit surprised, before quickly looking away, probably embarrassed with the way Rodolfo looked at him, he looked so happy and if you looked close enough you could see hearts in his eyes. Chuckling softly you looked at Luna.
"Actually I'm abit nervous"
You scratched your head nervously, it didn't itch but it was a habit. Luna tilted her head slightly, confused.
"How come?"
You blushed, thinking about all the times you've gotten drunk.
"Ah, I've been told I'm quite...ha let's just same... party animal"
She laughed at your response. Gently patting your knee she nodded her head. You guys where the first ones there, finding a booth for everyone one to sit at, you kinda doubted it would hold all of you. The bartender had came up and asked you guys about drinks, Rodolfo asked for a non alcoholic drink, due to him being the one driving. You ordered some food for the the table, you've been starving all day. When everyone else got there, they all surprisingly fit, just barely. König, Zimo, and Horangi all sat next to each other, since they also came here together. Gus had swapped places with Soap so he could sit next next Hutch, and Soap next to Ghost. Price sat next to gaz, Alejandro and Rodolfo sat next to Hutch and Gus, them two between price and Hutch. With you and Luna between Gaz and König. You weren't paying attention, all your attention was focused on the mozzarella sticks infront of you, along with cheese ragoons, it was a weird combination but you didn't care. Everyone was talking in one big conversation. Laughing about things, talking about recent mission, Soap and Gaz telling everyone how badass they were in their mission together. Eventually it turned to drunk blabbering, besides Rodolfo, Price, and König. You and Soap where face down facing eachother yelling nonsense to one another, making the other laugh.
"YoOu shoould gO dannccee, hehe~"
Soap said, voice abit wonky due to his facing being flat on the table.
"Onnly if you CoomE wiith Mee~"
Your voice was also kinda disoriented due to being face down on the table.Soap sat up nodding his head. Standing up he pushed through the people on his side of the table, you did the same thing. When you can Soap got out of the booth you looked at eachother with wide smiling, before running off. Finding the stage and and Soap stumbled abit but besides that you too walked quite well.
"HeY! MISS!"
You yelled out to one of the dancers. Sliding over she leanding down making sure to get her chest in full display.
"How can I help you boys?"
She asked with a seductive low voice, kinda like a siren.
"Can we dance with You"
Soap asked. Hoping in his drunk mind she'll say yes.
"Of course"
She helped you to up, and Price was horrified. Having watched you two of course to make sure you were safe, and definitely didn't expect you guys to get on the stage. Soap was about to mindless dance but you grabbed his arm and explained something to him.
"Well boys~, the floor is yours"
One of the dancers said, you nodded with some new found drunk confidence. Telling Soap a "fun" dance, you two started. Most of your guys booth were watching, most of them where yelling compliments at you and Soap, Price and König where horrified while Rodolfo found this hilarious he decided to record it just for fun. You and Soap ended up doing a last dance, that involed some, touchy! Moments I should say. Causing the ones at the table who where sober enough to comprehend it shocked. After a moment the dance ended with a kiss, making everyone who wad watching clap. You drunkenly giggled and pulled Soap off the stage, him now being hazy from that kiss. Price almost said fuck it and got the heaviest drink there was.
[A/n:I don't know how to write a drunk person, so if that's not how a drunk person talks that's why. I hope you enjoyed]
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legendofmorons · 1 year
How to fall in love twice (Time, Malon) -part one
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Pairing: Time x Malon x reader (Poly)
rating: G
Summary: You have fallen for time, and you're crushing really heavy on his wife. What the hell have you gotten yourself into?
warnings: None
Other: None
You wake up on the farm- cucoos crowing the sunrise. Usually you'd sleep a little longer- but you also promised Malon that you'd help with breakfast and some laundry.
So- mourning you sleep- you push out of your bedroll, eyeing the others all curled up on the hay and blankets. You smile softly, brushing your hair out with your fingers and getting all the hay out before pulling on your clothes minus any armor you might have.
Once you're dressed you head towards the house, seeing Malon and Time both up already and gathering eggs.
"Hey, sorry I'm late." You say, biting back a yawn.
Malon smiles when she looks up from the cucoo hutch egg collecting area, "You're not late! I wasn't expecting anyone up until later."
"I'm surprised Twi's asleep still." You say with a soft laugh, knowing the boy is definitely use to farm hours.
"We worked him hard." Malon says with a laugh, "He'll be up soon. I had to chase him back to bed anyways."
Time just smiles softly as he watches Malon and you interact. You don't notice this but he does.
"Well, how can I help?" You ask, deciding against bantering for who knows how long.
"Here, if you want to take the eggs in the basket there-" She points to a basket full of eggs. "-And start breakfast that'd be helpful."
"I'll do that. Anything specific?"
"Something filling but otherwise no." She says with a smile, "Thank you for helping."
"Anytime." You say, walking to the basket of eggs and picking it up.
You haven't done much cooking for the group- Wild does most of itm and since he likes to and is good you're happy to let him.
You walk into the house, going into the kitchen, and setting the basket down on the counter.
You wash your hands before gathering bowls and ingredients. You decide that pancakes and eggs should be plenty good.
You move your hair out of your way before you start measuring put the ingredients for pancakes and putting them in a large bowl.
As you work and do the calculations for a group this big you start humming a song gently.
Something you have always enjoyed.
You start mixing together the pancakes, words beginning to flow from you as you sing and mix.
You don't hear the door open or shut- but you startle when you hear Time's voice behind you.
"What are you making?" He asks.
"Oh!- you turn, bowl in your arms as you continue mixing, " I'm making pancakes."
He smiles softly, lips curving up at the corners. His gaze is even as he looks you over.
"That sounds lovely. Thank you."
"As long as I don't burn them it should be." You laugh, hoping to any deity listening that your cheeks aren't blushing.
Time just nods, "I'm sure it'll be good. Do you need any help?"
"No. I'm okay, thank you though."
"Of course. Malon will be in ti help in a bit. Call if you need anything. Okay?"
You turn back towards the counter and set the bowl down before grabbing a pan from the rack beside the stove.
You don't hear Time leave bit you assume he's just quieter without the armor.
You grab a label from the utensil holder, and turn the stove to medium heat.
You start humming again- a song from your modern hyrule you like. It makes you feel warm and content.
You hear the pancake cooking, and once it's time you flip it.
As you continue making pancakes, you hear Malon come in. Her steps even and quick as she makes her way towards you.
"That smells like heaven." She says to you, moving to the sink to wash her hands.
"You're too kind."
"I am not. Seriously it smells great. Cook like that often and you'll have everyone in love."
"Ha! No, the boys are great and all but I doubt any of them see me that way. Hylia knows I don't feel that way for them."
You lie. You lie your ass off. You totally want one of the boys to fall for you. But considering the man you are falling for is married you really hope he doesn’t actually.
You don't want to be a home wrecker.
And besides, Time wouldn't ever leave Malon.
So you need to get the ever loving hell over it.
Malon just laughs, unaware of your feelings towards her husband. "I'm sure you'll find someone if you want to."
You laugh, and oh- your heart should not be speeding up at Malon being so kind. You are not falling for both people in a married couple.
She may be pretty and wonderful but you are not going to start the crushing to falling process. No.
Someone save you.
Because you know you're losing when the smile she flashes you makes your heart warm.
"Maybe. We'll see. I have very high standards you know."
You don't. Apparently your standards are kind people that are married to each other. Perfect.
"Oh, and what are those?" Malon asks, moving to grab a clean cutting board to help keep the cooked pancakes off the counter.
You really should stop talking.
"Oh you know, not being awful to me. Respecting boundaries. According to past partners that's hard." You say, glad to not be with your exes who sucked at those things.
"Oh, I'm sorry. That really sucks, (Y/n). I don't think they're that hard though, for what it's worth."
"Tell that to others."
You shake your head, flipping another pancake.
"I will. Don't worry."
"Thanks, Malon." You say, trying not to blush or choke over her name.
"Anytime. Do you need anymore batter?"
"I think I'm okay, this batch should make fifty or so, and they I'll make another smaller batch in case others wants some."
"You're prepared then." She laughs.
"Oh, absolutely. "
The door opens again to a few of the chain, talking amongst each other quietly.
You allow yourself to fall back into cooking, moving the pancakes to and from the pan easily.
The worst part is the time it takes.
Once you finally finish the pancakes and eggs you and Malon take the food to the table letting everyone get their own and spread about the room.
You grab your own serving, sitting down near Twilight who looks happy enough. He nods to you since his mouth is full.
"You made this?" Wild asks, sounding impressed.
"Yeah, it's not much- Malon made the eggs."
"The pancakes are phenomenal. "Wild says, and it almost sounds like he's trying out a new word.
You laugh, warm and happy, "Of coffee. "
"This is really good," Time says from his spot beside Malon.
"Thank you." You say with a smile, "But keep that up and you'll give me a big head."
"So?" Time counters.
You blush, unsure how to respond but by the goddess you will. You may be hopeless over the man but he can't know that.
"Do you really need me to be cocky mid battle?" You counter- not even sure why you said it.
"It'd do you good." Time says firmly, something soft in his words.
Twilight elbows you as you choke on your food, "You okay?"
"Fine. "
"Are you sure?" Malon asks, sounding so kind it makes your heart twist.
"I'm sure. Just went down the wrong pipe." You insist.
"Wonder why." Twilight says with a knowing look.
You just shoot him a nasty glare.
"Maybe (Y/n)'s in loooove." Wind says with a fat grin.
Wild also gives a shit eating smile, "Maybe they're trying to woo someone."
"Like you?" You say with a laugh, knowing Wild won't actually be upset.
He gives a snort, "You wound me."
"I think it's someone more like the old man." Wind says smugly, "Or maybe Miss Malon?"
"Maybe you should mind your own business."
"Is that true, (Y/n)? Are you in love?" Time asks, looking curious.
"With sleep."
Why the fuck do you ever say anything. You just keep making things awkward. Obviously you should just stop talking.
"Aren't we all?" Time says with a shake of his head.
"Nice deflection. "Twilight whispers to you.
You just elbow him right in the ribs, that'll show him.
"Lay off them," Malon says, "If they want to talk about it they'll share."
"Mal's right." Time says, leaning against his wife.
Well you're fucked. The man you've fallen for is just so cute with the woman you're starting to crush on really heavy.
How the fuck did you fall for two people married to each other?
"Thank you." You say pointedly, trying not to scream at the bullshit that is your feelings.
"But you don't have to deflect either." He adds. "It's pretty obvious you love someone."
"I take it back. You're the worst of them all."
Time laughs, and that really does not help you at all. Your traitorous feelings make you happy that you made him laugh.
"Are you surprised?" Malon asks, "Pretty sure all Links are gremlins."
"That's why Epona is my favorite. "
"Ouch." Four says.
"Way to make us feel bad." Wild says with a grin.
"Is it too late to leave you all here?"
"Yes." Twilight says, "Because you loooove us."
"I don’t know why."
"Ouchie my feelings." Wind says evenly.
You stand up, plate in hand, "I'm going to eat with Epona. She doesn’t try to make me kick her."
"Stay," Malon says, "Please. We'll stop the topic completely. "
You should leave. While you have your pride.
But you're weak, and she asked so nice. You can't say no.
But you do walk over to Sky instead and sit back down beside him.
"You love us!" Wild and wind both chorus in a sing-song voice.
You just groan.
"Be nice boys." Time says from his spot at the table, eyes scanning the group.
"But Tiiime! I want to win the bet!" Wind says petulantly.
Wild swats his arm, "Sh!"
"Bet?" Time asks.
"Yeah, bet. How long it takes (Y/n) to confess!"
"I'd like to be on never. Twenty rupees." You say with a smile.
Because no way in hell are you confessesing to either of your current "love interests". Let alone both.
"Don't bet on that!" Malon chides.
"I bet the other party will confess for what it's worth." Twilight says.
"I change bet bet to a hundred, and that no one will." You say with a blush burning your cheeks.
"No betting." Time says, "But you should also trust fate, (Y/n). You're quite the catch and anyone one be lucky to have you."
"Oh my god cab we please stop talking about my nonexistent love life?!" You manages in a strangled shriek.
Malon just laughs, "Okay. Okay. But Time is right."
"See?" Twilight asks you pointedly.
"I have never wanted to pitch myself of a cliff so much." You say blankly, not actually meaning it but still embarrassed.
"Please don't. We'd miss you."
Time says gently.
Goddesses be damned this man is going to kill you.
"I'd definitely miss you." Malon adds.
And so will his wife.
You have to stress the wife part, you will not be a homewrecker.
"I wouldn't. " Legend adds helpfully.
You finish your food with two bitter before standing to do your dishes, "I'm going to start my chores!"
Laughter follows you as you escape to the kitchen before going to the barn to start attending the cows.
Fuck your life.
Surely it'll get better.
At least with the cows lack of bets and opinions on your crushes you can die in peace.
Time spends the clean up of breakfast with Malon, absolutely enthralled to be back with his wife. But also glad to get the space and energy to actually discuss the topic of half his letters. You.
"You were right- they're precious." Malon says as she washes dishes.
"They are. And they don't even know how obvious they are."
"Mh- neither did you."
"Hey now, be nice." He chides her.
"Okay okay, I'll be nice. But really Link, you didn't have to wait to ask them out. I already gave you my permission."
"They wouldn't accept without at least your approval. They're worried. And besides- I knew they'd like you. I wanted to give you the chance to fall too!"
"How sweet."
"It is."
"Link, the chances of them even being willing to date both of us is much lower."
"It really isn't. They already have a crush on you."
"Sure, fairy boy."
"Oh please, it's been years!"
"You came out of the forest."
"Okay okay. But really, how do you want to go about this?"
"I was-... I was hoping you would know."
"Hey! I said yes didn't I?"
"I still don't know why!"
Malon laughs at that, drying of one of the last dishes.
After a moment, she turns to him, looking up at him with a determined fire in her eyes. "Tell you what, give me a few hours, and I'll come up with something.
"As long as we don't scare them off."
"I don't scare people off!" She defends.
"You are a force of nature, my love. You can be a little intense."
"So? You are too."
"Hm- I suppose you're right."
Time leans over and kisses her forhead gently. Well assured that no matter how things turn out with you he will always have his wife's love and support.
And hopefully- for both of them, really- they can give things with you an honest shot.
Though Time is certainly in deeper than Malon at the moment you live up to his letters, and she's a lot closer to falling than she's admitted.
"Hurry up, Link. We still have chores to do."
"I know. I'll fix up the barn after lunch."
"Good. Thank you."
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thegatorsgoose · 1 year
Minecraft and brotherly bonding
So. I was watching hermitcraft and I had a realization about mourning dove Danny.
Minecraft would be perfect for him.
Now Iv played Minecraft every once in a while when I was younger, but I mostly get my knowledge out of watching people. This is irrelevant.
But one thing I did notice when playing it for myself, especially cus younger me had more trouble with this, was how people interacted with each other. Since the game is much simpler than irl, the “social cues” , or just how people portray how they feel by moving there character, it was much much easier for me to interact with people and know how to react back.
I propose that Minecraft would be a great way to slowly start integrating him back into society. Instead of risking going out at first, they “teach” him about interacting with people, and all the complicated bullshit that comes with it, by letting him play Minecraft online. There’s little to no risk, they can control the environment, and Danny can talk to strangers without them seeing him.
Of course we already know that Danny is working on writing, one of his biggest motivators being to text, and that applies here to. It actually gives him the choice to either type out in chat/with signs, or just with “body language” and both are equally accepted.
Of course, this comes with other benefits. It’s still a game after all, so they have fun as well. Him and Damian have a survival world together where they build stuff together (I imagine that Danny and dami like to just sit together in silence while Damien’s painting/drawing and Danny’s doing needle work:)), it ends up becoming a huge collab  project with an entire city in it.
They all occasionally play server games, and they all have one world together, it’s very chaotic but Danny and Dick especially love it. Tim is a red stone GOD, and is teaching Danny, who is surprisingly good at it (you can’t convince me Danny isn’t a genius like the rest of the Fentons). Jason sets up traps to annoy his siblings. Cass just… collects materials. Mines for hours and keeps every. Single. Thing. The rest are terrified of what she will do with them. Steph has made an “empire” out of a village she ransacked, modded it to make all the villagers special and gave them their own names and everything. Duke keeps doing dumb shit just cus he can, like make a turtle farm in the nether or keep a warden as a pet. Babs is off doing her own thing, no one understands her builds but rest assured, it’ll aalll come together eventually. Danny likes to build cozy spaces, or just spaces that have a really good atmosphere in general. Lil builds that are just sprinkled around the map like how there’s always that random hutch in the middle of the woods in horror storys. They are all for random animals he grew attached to, like this one random cow or that squid he saw while walking to Tim’s base. This isn’t enough for a whole batch so here’s a lil muffin instead.
Mourning Dove is an au of Wayne’s Haunted Mansion by @tathartiel set around 4 years in the future. I recommend you read it if you haven’t, it’s adorable and heartbreaking.
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lionheartsgray · 2 months
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So much has happened back-to-back these past few weeks that I forgot to post some very important news on my bunblr: there's a new bunny in the house! Meet the 9 lbs, 11 oz high-energy Jammy! ❤️
I've been looking to adopt a boyfriend for/to bond to Toto. I hadn't heard a response back on my application with a local rescue when I saw a post in my town's FB information page of someone rehoming a male rabbit because he kept fighting with the person's other rabbit.
The truth of it all ended up being that Jammy's owner was some kid who even admitted that she knew nothing about rabbits; neither rabbit was fixed, which was why they were fighting, and she was feeding both a seed/muesli mix (not good for rabbits) and kept the one in tiny hutch, and the other (Jammy) in a tiny, wire bottom cage, outside in a yard with multiple dogs, cats, and chickens.
Day 1 of bringing this beauty home and we established that Jammy is a GIRL and that she is incredibly sweet! This baby spent 2 years in cramped conditions, with poor "food", nothing to do, and had very little interaction. We set her up in a large xpen with lots of fresh hay and water, her own potty pan, toys, and blankets and she couldn't stop the kisses and binkies! She is absolutely precious and playful and wants attention 24/7, so much so that she whines and stomps at you if she's not being paid attention to, or if you-heaven forbid-stop petting her for a millisecond.
Of course, our goal is to get her spayed ASAP to prevent uterine cancer, and cut down on her naughty hormonal behaviors that have come with being a goofy handful. Unfortunately, the first appointment we can get with our exotic vet isn't until August of this year. But other than that, she appears to be healthy and free of mites, infections, or sickness! She will still be bonded to Toto in the future and I think she has the perfect playful personality that will match with the Bean(tm)'s. It will be a hilarious juxtaposition to have one giant black bunny bonded to one tiny black bunny! 🤣
And so 3 becomes 4...Welcome home, Jammy, March 25, 2024.
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itwoodbeprefect · 1 year
the tag scene of season 1 episode 17 "silence" has starsky and hutch quibble over which of the two kittens is named for which of them, and then hutch picks one up and puts it on his lap going this is me, this one's hutch, and then he slowly pulls a face and hands it off to starsky saying "i don't even think this is my cat, uh. that's starsky" and starsky takes this little handful of cat and it becomes extra clear what just happened, which boils down to. it's entirely correct to say that canonically, while hutch was wearing them, starsky has peed hutch's pants.
pictured below are a criminal and a man with a wet hand:
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dejabluebabygirl · 1 year
I See You - Prologue
Miles Quaritch x Fem! Na'vi OC
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Summary: Vira Te Wou Auhew’ite, an albino Na'vi and future Tsahìk of the Tayrangi Clan, The Ikran Riders of the Eastern Sea, keeps needing to save the demon Miles Quaritch at Ewyas command. When she's given a sign to try to teach him The People's way, both she and Miles struggle with their growing feelings for each other.
Authors note: So, this is the first thing I've written in a long time and the first time I have ever posted online so please be kind, I'm not the best with syntax or formatting my writing sadly. BUT I went and saw Avvatar the Way of Water and I'm obsessed with Na'vi/Recom Quaritch. I had a dream about a pink Na'vi (then started researching it and found this old post as the guide for her hair and eye colors: https://forum.learnnavi.org/general-avatar-discussion/navi-with-albinism/ ). After that, I MANICALLY hammered out 5 chapters to this fic. It's messy and imperfect but I hope it will be enjoyed. Slow burn/Enemies to lovers I think is the vibe this is going for as I try to reel in and edit this. Quaritch still had his loyalty to the RDA and humans so I think it would take time, and patience for a real romance to bloom. There WILL be smut but it'll take some time before we get there.
Also, this will HEAVILY parallel Jakes journey in the first movies but not be a retelling. If that's not your cup of tea, sorry.
Rating: T
Warnings: None really, canon typical violence
Words: 1803
The first time Colonel Miles Quaritch saw her was when he claimed his banshee. He’d managed to get on the back of the beast and connect his queue but they’d gone over the side of the cliff where the bastards lived and were falling, fast. Was this second chance at life over before it had even really started? 
Then in an instant, she was there. 
A large yellow and pink blur was flying beside him. It was Na’vi female on her own golden Banshee. Miles was falling so quickly he barely had the time to take in that she was the strangest Na’vi he had ever seen. She was pink.
Expertly beside him, she dove on her own beast just as quickly as he and his mount fell, her peculiar blonde hair streaming behind her as she shouted in near-perfect English. 
“Think fly not fall, use the bond!”
“Fly?” When the words escaped the colonel's mouth the creature shot up, back up through the clouds of the floating hallelujah mountains to the Banshee Rookery, back to his team and Spider. 
His success spurred the rest of his team to go on and claim their own Banshee partners but the colonel's thoughts drifted back to the strange-colored Na’vi. Why had she helped in? Had he imagined her? Hallucinated in the face of impending doom? He didn't mention the interaction to anyone.
Once the squad was whole, they rode on their mounts. Spider rode in front of the colonel as they moved in formation through the mountains, the kid seemed to be enjoying it. Quaritch kept his eyes open for the pink Na’vi but no sign of her. He figured, whoever she’d been, whyever she’d saved him, he’d never see her again. 
Until he did.
Miles saw the pink Navi almost immediately once his team had rounded up the sea na’vi village for questioning. She tried to stay toward the back of the group but she stuck out like a sore thumb. She was pink after all, how she’d survived amongst the Blues was a wonder, he’d seen firsthand in the jungle how useful the blue colorings were to helping him and his team blend in. 
He filed away in the back of his brain that she dressed a little nicer than the common natives, her grab was mostly green and beads dangled from her biceps. The most telling sign that she was important was a big ol’ beaded collar around her neck. Savage royalty perhaps? 
Either way, it didn’t help him understand why she’d gone out of her way to help him before but he intended to find out. 
But once he gave the order to burn the hutches, the opportunity to question her was missed. The pink Na’vi took the opportunity of the confusion and anguish of the tribals to bolt to the yellow banshee and fly back toward the mainland. 
The Recom Na’vi watched her soar right over him, her big orange eyes filled with tears unabashedly made eye contact with him. She didn’t screech or scream like the other locals on the beach did, throwing themselves to the ground with grief. No, she looked at him with those big doe eyes like he was supposed to be better than this. It pissed him off that  she had the gall to be disappointed in him for being the soldier he was. 
Miles didn’t enjoy that little twist in his gut, one because a damn native made him feel it and two because he felt it at all. His human counterpart would never be so weak. The pang of guilt was amplified when he looked to Spider, who was grieving just as much as the Blues at the loss of their home. 
“Should we go after that one Colonel?” Zdinarsk asked, gesturing with her gun and popping her pink bubble gum nonchalantly as the flames raged.
Briefly, the colonel considered having her shot out of the sky or pursuing her on his own banshee.
But he did owe the little na’vi a debt and he was feeling charitable today, already not killing the villages Tsahìk for Spider's sake. He really did care what the kid thought, even though he told himself time and time again he wasn’t actually his son, they weren't even the same species anymore. 
“Naw, the fact she’s flying means she’s no use to us. We must have interrupted her vacation.” 
When he got back on the boat he asked the science puke who loved the Tulkun why a Na’vi would be pink, he went into a long-winded explanation that ended with him saying it was like being an albino. It was rare but it happened.
Quaritch had a feeling he’d see her again, he wasn’t a man who liked to believe in coninsicdenece.
When he saw her again, his life debt to her was doubled. 
After being rescued from near drowning by Spider after his fight with Sully, Miles flew on the back of his Banshee for as long as he could back to the mainland. He was trying to make it to the RDA to get patched up but the banshee could feel he was hurt and ultimately it slowed them down. 
They’d made it into the heart of an unknown part of the jungle, Quaritch was weak and took up against a tree, holding his abdomen, his banshee close to keep an eye on him. It was strange to him still that the beast was so loyal to him but it served him well so far. 
As he lay there against the tree, his breathing was labored. He was hurt but he wasn't sure how severe.  
Clutching his abdomen he could help but think of how he was breaking his own original “Pandora Rules” by being out after dark. But tonight he noticed how the forest was filled with bioluminescent life and for once he thought maybe Pandra was the slightest bit beautiful and not brutal. 
The colonel was struggling to keep his yellow eyes open and his breath steady but he saw the slightest of moments among the trees, the dancing of dozens of little bioluminescent dots. 
“I see you” he managed to grunt out, knowing it had to be a Na’vi, here to end him once and for all. 
But the figure approached with caution, not contempt in the low light he was able to make out this was no typical Na’vi. It was the little pink one again. 
“No, you don't see,” She said in English and she knelt down next to him.
Her small 4 digited hands reached for his abdomen, where most of his pain was. 
The colonel's much larger blue hands snatched her pink ones up before she could touch him. She looked annoyed, puffing out her cheeks but Quartich wasn’t about to just start trusting the natives, not after all he’d don’t to them. 
“Help. Let me help.” She urged, attempting to move her hands towards his waist while his hands were still holding them. They didn’t move an inch in his vice-like grip. 
He didn't move a muscle as his yellow eyes stared into her orange ones, looking for some indication of her intention. The color reminded him of the good, warm fire on the first cold day of winter. They were warm and inviting. He continued raking his eyes down her to form to assess how much of a threat she could be. The female was light pink, a blush color with even slightly darker pink striations down her body in place of the normal blue ones the Na’vi had. She squirmed a little but he was too strong for her to really put up any kind of decent fight. 
She had long white-blonde hair with one thick braid down the center of her head that he assumed held her queue, it was surrounded by several smaller ones around it which eventually flowed from braid to curl.  She still wore all the pomp and frills of being an important native, tons of beads on her clothing, and she wore one of the collar necklaces that indicated some kind of status.
Quaritch also took note of a little garter on her thigh that held he could see held a knife made of bone and a small satchel she was carrying. 
She did not seem to appreciate how long he was taking to study her, letting out an exasperated sound and rolling her big orange doe eyes. 
“Fine. Die.” She shrugged and turned her head away like a waspish brat. 
His wounds must have been getting to him because he briefly imagined that if he wasn’t still holding her in place that she would have stood up to stomp her foot. 
“Settle down, sweetheart. Just looking at who I’m dealing with, nothing personal.” Quaritch retorted as he released her.
Miles made quick work to remove his combat vest on his own but winced as he tried to pull his shirt over his head. The little white Na’vi leaned in to help him and he didn’t protest. Once the pair of them managed to wrangle it off of him, the natives' face was too close for his comfort. 
She seemed to notice this too and moved her face back after a beat to start assessing his abdomen and torso, she ran her little hands over his one of ribs and it earned her a full fang-faced hiss from him.  It was surely broken after his scrape with Sully. 
She got up without saying anything and retrieved from big leaves and began applying some foul-smelling paste from her bag to his abdomen that reminded him of cough drops.
Her pink legs were tucked under her delicately as she worked, now wrapping him up with the big leaves as makeshift bandages. 
“Why are you helping me anyways, Princess?” The sharp edge of distrust in his voice. 
“Not Princess,” was all she said, ignoring his question as she finished his bandages and now retrieved a needle and thread. 
Quaritch was not a man who would be ignored. 
Even in his current state, he was bigger, faster, and stronger than her. He grabbed the long white blonde braid that held her queue when she looked down to thread the needle.
She screeched and tears sprang to the corners of her eyes. The little pink Na’vi didn't even try to fight him, she was obviously not a warrior. 
“I asked you nicely, so now I’ll ask you again,” his hold tightened “why did you save me? Why are you helping me now?” 
She frantically said something in Navi but he quickly cut her off.
“No, no, in English.” 
He lacked the patience right now to decipher the alien language. 
“Ewya wishes for you to live,” she spat. 
Quaritch released her and let out a bitter laugh that stung his broken rib.
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fatguarddog · 1 year
Welcome 🐾🔞
Follows from @follow-fatguarddog (inactive old main but I gotta keep it to keep this blog)
Hey, I'm Hutch, 28/UK/M, icon by @droolfang
This is my side blog to explore a different side of my kinks, mainly weight gain and slightly more aggressive pet play I'm trans, only use he/him pronouns, but am very comfortable with words like tits and boycunt, but prefer tdick, tcock, etc. on this blog. I've had top surgery but enjoy fantasising about growing tits/moobs I like people of all genders, but do lean t4t ❤️
I love hearing other people's fantasies/ideas so ask is always open! I also currently allow asks with media if you want to send me belly pics, just let me know if you're looking for a bit of praise, teasing or degradation and I'll be happy to oblige ❤️
DMs are open, but please only message if you're 21+ I offer custom audio commissions, find out more HERE I have a Ko-fi HERE and tipping is also on if you ever wanna throw a dog a bone or treat me into something in particular 🦴
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My Kinks
Like my main blog, I'll be tagging my posts in case you want to search for or block something in particular - original stuff will still be 'hutch posts,' but here you can also find 'hutch photos' for pics of me and 'hutch audios' for little fat fantasy recordings Also quick disclaimer that whilst this is a weight gain-centric blog, I'm not in a position to actually gain weight nor am I a feedee looking for a feeder, I just like fantasising about a world where I could be a lazy fat dog. Please don't send me asks about tips for gaining weight because I'm afraid I can't help you, I have always been roughly this fat and have no experience with consistent gaining
🐾 Fuck yes: queer feedism, weight gain (magical, slow, rapid, forced, etc.), ass/belly/breast expansion, general belly kink, monsterfucking, bondage, praise kink, intox kink (alcohol and weed), biting, pet play (think of me as a rough but loyal dog or a maybe pig boy)
🐾 Yes Please: breeding, cnc, some degradation, corruption kink, primal urges, hucow/lactation, inflation (favs are pumpkin, berry, milk and cum)
🚫 Hard Nos: detransition kink, slob stuff, death feedism, gore, piss/scat, ddlg type stuff, incest, birth, feet
Taken anon emojis/sign offs: 🪞, 🐮💓, 🫐🐈, 🐶❤️, 🐑🤍, storm anon, 😻, 🎃, 💋, 🐳, 🕹️, ghost anon, 🎃☕, 🎃🦣, 🥛, 🥓🐻, 🐉, 🍩🐶, 🍒🦝, 🐷 🤓, 💜, 🧊🐺, 🎤, 🐺, 💣💥, 🐊, ⚡️, 🐇, 🔵, 🐗, 🎀, seal anon, doughnon, 🍰, 🦌, 🍔🐱, 🥨, dogboy Emojis/sign offs help me know who I'm talking to if you've sent asks before, so feel free to add them! If you want to interact with me, please don't call me a puppy! Just dog/big dog/fat dog is fine, but puppy doesn't do it for me in referring to myself
Under 18s or no age in your bios, you’re not welcome here
Same if you’re over 45
Misgendering and thinspo blogs, no thanks
Literally anyone who makes me uncomfortable at my discretion
Feedism jars filled out under the cut if you wanna know more
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cyber-corp · 11 months
Part 2: Dave
Oh shit. The coolest guy alive. A briefing of what he does in Act 2;
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This here is Dave Strider, and he doesn't have any time for funny names.
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After briefly contemplating bleating like a goat ironically and pestering John about the sick ass juice he found, he makes some sick beats on his sampler (which is another really cool way that HS uses its medium).
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He allocates his katana to his Strife Specibus, nearly takes a SWIG of the juice (but doesn't because of monster piss, curse you Egbert) and then captchalogues the sword, spilling the juice on his copies of the SBURB Beta in the process.
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He decides to hang them out to dry, before they get stolen by a RAMBUNCTIOUS BIRD.
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After accidentally throwing his word out the window and ridding his copy of the beta in the process, Dave decides to venture into his brother's room to get his copy instead. He chills with Lil Cal for a bit.
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He guesses the password to his brother's computer, and goes on Plush Rump, his brother's successful and ironic website.
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Cal has mysteriously appeared behind him, Dave gives a nervous fist bump, and he moves towards the "kitchen". By this point it's very clear to the viewer that someone is moving Cal around to screw with Dave. He captchalogues a variety of things during this time, including box of fireworks, shurikens, some nunchucks, a "wheeled ride", a battery pack, a jumble of unbelievably shitty swords, some red spherical salutes, and a whirling blade pitcher. Jesus.
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However, Dave notices a note from his brother on the hatch to the crawlspace, a very obvious reference to a certain horror franchise. He makes a fort on the turntables, pulls the cord, and gets absolutely smothered in puppet ass.
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Luckily, he bursts out of the pile like "The One" and reads a note from his brother, telling him to go to the roof and to bring Cal along. So he does just that, but really coolly and sickly.
(this goes fucking hard)
We don't really get much of Dave in Act 3, but the glimpses we do get are of him getting absolutely knackered by his bro.
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"bro just kicked my ass" indeed. In the aftermath, Dave mourns the tragic loss of Cal, shoves the beta into his sylladex, and tells Rose he's going to install it, which he will.
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We get a brief lil' flashback on Dave's famous shades, the ones worn by Ben Stiller in the 2004 retro-mania remake of Starsky and Hutch. They were gifted to him by John, as a way of getting out of his bro's shadow and being his own cool guy.
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In present day, Dave gets a troll message on Pesterchum, from a guy who definitely types like a total tool (but I feel they'll definitely come back later).
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And then, with the help of Rose, Dave successfully installs the beta. Shit is now taking place.
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The last point in Act 3 we see (presumably) Dave install SBURB and help Rose in her own sticky situation, before he gets swarmed by more birds. How ironic.
Homestuck is becoming increasingly difficult to read because you can never pick a favourite character. But Dave is definitely up there. His overall chill vibes are admirable. His fight scenes, although his ass gets whooped every time, are insane. I really hope we get more of him in future.
On the topic of Rose (and John I guess)
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She helps him out, John gets a prophecy and a sick new hammer, her house nearly burns down, she has a weird mutant cat thing named Vodka Mutini, her old cat becomes a Kernelsprite and gets saved by it, and then possibly blows up in the house's meteor explosion. I don't know. Maybe.
John does more RPG stuff, gets some new drip, and at the end of 1149 jumps through a portal, where Act 3 ends.
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I feel like John and Rose are the best duo so far. Any time they interact, either through SBURB or Pesterchum they bounce off each other's conversations like nothing. It's very fun!
I'll talk about these three later.
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linwelinwrites · 22 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I found this on my dashboard and even though no one tagged me I want to join in!
Disclaimer: I write a lot of adult content, and though there is a warning on AO3 if you click the link and it's appropriately tagged and warned, I'll say it again: every fic linked with an (Explicit) tag beside it, is intended only for adults. Do not read or interact if you're a minor.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
22 as of today! A lot of those are drabbles and ficlets, but I do have a few longer pieces. I have so many more I'm working on though!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
106.505 words 😄
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My main fandom is Harry Potter. I write a little bit for Twilight too and I've just started working on some Haikyuu! fics because of a recent fixation with the series 😅 I can't get enough of it!
I also have plans to write for My Hero Academia (I've posted a few drabbles, but nothing substantial), which I believe will start occupying more real estate on my brain as soon as I watch season 7 😬
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
The Deal, The Honeymoon & Beyond (Explicit) Twilight, canon compliant, basically fixing some fade-to-black scenes. Every day I'm surprised my oldest fic still hangs in at n°1, but there it is!
Pure fucking ambrosia (Explicit) Twilight, no pregnancy AU, a complete fever dream and slightly cursed—I blame the r/Fanfiction Discord and Jadzia specifically for this sinnery. I'm glad this one found its crowd.
Acquiescence to Inevitability (Explicit) Harry Potter, a Dramione one-shot inspired by another fic. No War AU, Hogwarts Seventh Year, very little plot but a lot of fun.
A Grave Mistake (Teen) Haikyuu, a cute KageHina one-shot about Halloween. Pure domestic fluff, Shoyo being adorable and Tobio being weak af for him
Memories, Not Dreams (Teen) Harry Potter, a short & sweet Harmony ficlet. Canon Divergent at Deathly Hallows. You guessed it, it's during their time in the tent 😅
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Every single one of them, as soon as I can! Comments are the highlight of my day, I call them the fuel for the writing furnace. They mean someone took time out of their day to let me know what they thought of my fic. That means the world to me 💜
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, that's an easy one. Just for tonight (Explicit) has two endings (a choose-your-own-adventure sort of fic), but one of those is the angstiest shit I've ever written. I love it!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's got to be Man of Honour (Teen). Though it's a prequel to a bigger project I'm working on, as a standalone it's got the fluffiest, most HEA ending I've written.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Fortunately no, not even with the spiciest/weirdest fics I've posted, which I'm very thankful for. I'm a strong defender of "don't like, don't read," which I apply for my own reading. The little 'x' button is the only dislike button I need, and I'm glad whoever read and disliked my stuff (which I'm sure has happened) didn't bother to let me know.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I mostly like fluffy smut, though I have a thing for characters who are desperate, particularly if they view the moment as their only or last opportunity to experience intimacy with that person. I love writing service tops + overstimulation, which is a really nice combo; and D/s dynamics, because of the trust they imply and the fireworks they can bring to the fun.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't yet, but there's a plot bunny in my bunny hutch waiting for me that would be a crazy one indeed 👀 I don't have the details fine tuned yet, but I do know it would involve Knives Out and Spy x Family, for one. That sounds crazy to me 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, and I don't think so. I don't have that kind of traffic 😂
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
I got a request recently for a translation to Vietnamese, but I don't know if it's been done yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Nope! I don't know how that would work, but I'm curious. It could be fun!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 
It's so hard to pick just one, holy shit. But I suppose it's the one that lives rent free in my head every fucking day, the one that got me writing a 50k outline and five spreadsheets and ten metric tonnes of research and is sitting at 45k words when I'm only 15 out of 150 scenes in (yes, 150, I will die writing this fic). I don't like the "official" ship name, so I just call them Symphony: Draco / Hermione / Harry.
I couldn't choose between Dramione, Harmony and Drarry, and I thought all of them worked perfectly together, but I believe that as a triad they are perfect.
I think they balance each other out perfectly, and I can't wait to write a Brandon Sanderson sized longfic about them 😂
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have some scenes I want to add to The Deal, The Honeymoon & Beyond (Explicit), other scenes that faded to black and I want to fill in, a few requests and other ideas, but it's the last thing on my list of priorities at the moment. I don't know if I'll never get to them, but it won't be soon for sure. I'm a lot more focused on other fandoms for now.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I'm good at finding the perspective of the POV character and placing myself in their shoes, and I believe that results in a decently strong character voice. I'm very intentional in my word choice and my speech and thought patterns, so that every character sounds different and as true to themselves as possible. At least, that's what I think; I'd love to have someone else's opinion on this.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
I'm afraid my grammar structures aren't as varied as I'd like them to be, and though I put a lot of effort into it, I'm still somewhat concerned about writing in English, since it isn't my native language. I'm always second-guessing myself, wondering if what I'm writing means what I think it does, or if I'm mistakenly implying something else. That's the kind of thing I'd love to have a beta for.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I mean, every fic is in "another language" for me 😂 But if this means adding dialogue in another language to an English fic, then I think it should be translated inline with html/css (workskin) formatting. There's nothing more annoying than having to scroll down or open another tab to see wtf something means, unless it's clearly implied or translated inside the fic itself.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
I found out Midnight Sun existed during the pandemic, proceeded to fall down the rabbit hole and had a Twilight renaissance with an adult perspective. That's when the fade-to-black scenes annoyed me; as a teen, they didn't stand out to me, because I was a child. But now, with new (and filthy) eyes, I wanted more.
I looked up fanfiction online for the first time at the ripe old age of 24, read a brain-melting amount of it, and was still unsatisfied. Everything I read was just a little bit off what I wanted, so I thought I had to rectify the situation. And that's the story, folks!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
Of the ones I've posted, Man of Honour 💜 I think it's the one that anyone can read, it's fluffy and cute and (I hope) funny, and stars a great platonic friendship, some star-crossed romance in the background, and fake dating shenanigans, and I love it so, so much 💜 I put a lot of sweat and tears into the workskins and pinterest boards, so it's also quite pretty, if I do say so myself. I think it's my best work, I had a blast writing it, and I've gotten really positive feedback on it. I'm really happy with it.
I tag @gamingwithsydney! and anyone who sees this and wants to participate. Please ignore if you’ve already done this or don’t want to do it, that’s completely fine. 😊
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museywrites · 8 months
Xiantober 2023 - Day 7: Biker!Xian
Word Count: 957 Pairing: Wangxian Tags: Biker Wei Ying, Bunny keeper Lan Zhan
The rev of his bike gave Wei Ying the greatest feeling in the world. It stood for so much. For an escape, for speed, for freedom. There was nothing he loved more than hitting the long winding roads leading out of the city in the middle of the night, enjoying the way the wind whipped around him. 
A way to just get away from his life, from his problems. 
Tonight was one such night. Riding through the dark, barely lit streets that he knew like the back of his hand. It was liberating. It was home. 
He had gotten in trouble at work again, and he just wanted to get away. So, as soon as he had the chance, he hopped on his bike and drove out of the city. Was he going a little too fast? 
Was he prepared for someone to be counting in the middle of the street in the middle of nowhere? 
So when his headlight reflected off of the pure white and pale blue of someone’s clothes in the middle of the street, Wei Ying had to slam on the breaks, his bike swerving off of the road and into the bushes. With the impact, Wei Ying flew over the handlebars and straight into a thick, dense pile of underbrush. 
The man from the road stood quickly, holding something small in his hands ands he hurried over. “Are you okay?!” 
“Am I okay?! What the hell were you doing in the middle of the road, in the middle of the night?!” Wei Ying sat up, completely covered in twigs and leaves. He had lucked out, that was for sure. He could have ended up with broken bones or worse. Thankfully he just had a sore shoulder. 
“I am so sorry. My rabbit got out of his hutch and I was chasing him. I had just managed to grab him when you showed up.” The man explained, carefully lifting the small white bundle of fluff in his arms.
Wei Ying wanted to scold him, but he couldn’t really blame him. He himself would have done the same if he had a pet. So instead, he just sighed and pulled his helmet off, letting his messy hair fall into place as he finally looked up at the man. 
Gorgeous dark hair, shimmering golden eyes, perfect, jade skin. He was stunning. 
“Are you certain you’re alright?” He asked once more when Wei Ying didn’t answer, holding his rabbit a little closer. 
He sighed before nodding and rubbing the back of his head. “Yeah… I’m fine…” He forced himself up and shifted over to grab his bike, making sure the vehicle was okay and undamaged. “It was partially my fault anyways, I shouldn’t have been speeding.” His shoulders sagged in relief when he saw his motorcycle was unharmed. 
“Still, please allow me to make it up to you. My home is not far from here, you can come for a cup of tea? I’m sure that accident rattled your nerves, and you can make sure you have no injuries.” 
Wei Ying was about to decline, but something told him he should agree, so he did. 
The man, Lan Zhan, as Wei Ying learned his name to be, led him back to his home not far from the road. It was a cozy little thing surrounded by woods with a large fenced-in area that was for a few fuzz balls. 
Lan Zhan explained that he had moved out here after inheriting the home from his late mother, and the large yard that came with it was perfect for raising rabbits, which he was quite fond of. Wei Ying had never been overly fond of the little fuzz balls, but after seeing the way Lan Zhan interacted with them, he decided they were quite cute. 
Or maybe it was Lan Zhan, but he wasn’t going to admit that yet. 
He was served tea and Lan Zhan insisted he removed his jacket so he could check for any injuries, and Wei Ying couldn’t deny that those strong, careful fingers gliding over his arms and back felt nice. 
Though the lingering touches were gone far too soon as Lan Zhan deemed him clear of any physical, external injuries. 
The pair sat for several hours, talking about everything and anything as the time ticked by without either noticing. They lost themselves in each other’s company, learning about one another as if that was the only thing that mattered. 
Wei Ying had been reluctant to leave that night, but he promised to visit soon. 
And he did.
Every weekend he would drive his motorcycle to that cozy house in the middle of nowhere and sit with Lan Zhan for hours. 
Every weekend turned to every other day, and every other day turned into Wei Ying staying there more often than not. 
When Lan Zhan was comfortable enough, Wei Ying took him for a drive on his bike and he loved the way Lan Zhan took to the feeling of the wind in his hair, though he very quietly reminded Wei Ying to be careful. 
Eventually, Wei Ying’s riding became minimal. He no longer needed an escape from the hellish life of the city as he moved in with Lan Zhan, spending most days curled up against Lan Zhan’s broad chest or working as a free-lance coder from the cozy comfort of their middle-of-nowhere home. 
They still took rides occasionally, but they were much less stress-relief and more for the joy of the moment. 
Wei Ying knew he would be forever grateful for that late night ride through those winding roads where he nearly crashed into the most gorgeous man in the world. 
They still laugh about it to this day. 
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