#internet e fake news
adriano-ferreira · 16 days
Fake News, Desinformação e Liberdade de Expressão Digital
As Fake News são notícias falsas que enganam e manipulam a opinião pública. Elas são caracterizadas pela intenção deliberada de disseminar informações que são comprovadamente falsas, mas que são apresentadas com a aparência de notícias jornalísticas legítimas. Eugênio Bucci, professor titular da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da USP, define fake news como “a falsificação da forma notícia”,…
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qrevo · 1 month
Mds vc só tem 20 anos eu achava q vc era da minha idade
eu. eu tmb achava que vc era da minha idade KSGHKDFSDMFB
hmmm alguma coisa etc etc ''a gente sempre acaba projetando as nossas características no outro'' etc etc --Nietsche
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Chi può, mi spieghi una cosa, o almeno avanzi un'ipotesi. È da soli due mesi che mi sono avvicinata a Leopardi; il mio titolo di studio è la licenza media inferiore.
Tempo fa, parlando con lui davanti ai fornelli (accadeva che si facesse vivo mentre ero vicino al fuoco: forse da esso traeva energia di tipo "caldo", simile alla mia, per comunicare con me, visto che la sua energia è di tipo freddo), gli chiesi chi fosse la "signora" destinataria di quella frase sulla gobba che sarebbe l'astuccio delle sue ali, presente, se non sbaglio, anche nel film di Mario Martone e citata con grande commozione da alcune sue fans su Instagram. Mi rispose subito che forse aveva dimenticato alcune cose della sua vita, ma che era certo di non aver mai scritto né detto quella frase, tuttavia ero libera d'immaginare che avesse voluto dirla a una bella signora vestita di un abito nero a collo alto che aveva incontrato qualche volta per strada e di cui non sapeva il nome. Mi disse tutto ciò molto rapidamente e nel suo solito modo di comunicare attraverso immagini e stati d'animo. Lo ringraziai e non ci pensai più per qualche tempo.
Oggi ho saputo che, effettivamente, la frase non è sua. Io non credo alla comunicazione con gli spiriti, perciò mi spiego questo episodio, ed altri simili, con l'apparente sesto senso che ci fa orientare nella selva del falso e del vero (in realtà, i meccanismi inconsci di immagazzinamento e catalogazione delle informazioni e il pensiero che, in automatico, le armonizza secondo i requisiti logici funzionali al consolidamento e all'ulteriore sviluppo del sistema di conoscenze già acquisite). Siete d'accordo?
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theoutcastrogue · 1 month
the internet is rotting, as Jonathan Zittrain noted in an important (but paywalled) 2021 Atlantic article. A huge percentage of the links on the internet are broken, and there is no single authoritative, accessible universal repository that keeps track of everything. It is frighteningly easy for crucial information to slip away. ...
The practice of making changes to an article without noting that you’ve made them is called “stealth editing,” and even the New York Times does it. ... The existence of stealth editing means that it’s difficult to trust that the version of an article you click on at any given moment is the article as it was originally published. ...
I also, to my alarm, realized just how dependent we are on private publications themselves to give us access to records of their own work. Often, they keep it payawalled behind locked gates and charge you admission if you want to have a look. There are lots of sources in the Chomsky book to which you have to subscribe if you want to verify, such as this 1999 story in the Los Angeles Times about NATO’s bombing of a bus in Yugoslavia. This is a story of national importance, far too overlooked at the time, but if you don’t subscribe to the LA Times, you need research library access or a workaround if you want to read it.
Thank God for the Internet Archive, whose Wayback Machine preserves as much of the internet as they can and is invaluable for researchers trying to figure out what was once housed at now-dead links. But the Internet Archive has its limits. Social media posts, YouTube videos, paywalled Substack posts, PDFs—all can be very difficult to track down after they disappear. If a politician tweets something embarrassing, for instance, and then deletes it, it might be preserved in a screenshot. But we know screenshots are easy to fake. So where do you turn to prove satisfactorily that something was in fact said? ...
it’s very easy to lose pieces of information that seem permanent. E-books, for instance, can be changed by their publisher without the changes even being noted. You might read a book on your Amazon Kindle one day and open it up the next day to look for a quote only to find that the quote has disappeared without a trace. The Guardian, for twenty years, hosted a copy of Osama bin Laden’s “letter to the American people,” an important historical document. After the letter went viral on TikTok, the Guardian removed it from the site entirely. The New Republic did the same after an article of theirs about Pete Buttigieg caused controversy. The documents in question can still be found, but only by digging through the Internet Archive. If that ever goes down, researchers will find that trying to piece together the online past is like trying to learn about a lost civilization from excavated fragments. ...
I think that in an age where people (rightly) don’t trust the information they’re getting to be true, it needs to be as easy as possible to do research. Instead, while we have better technology than ever for sifting through information, it’s still the case that the truth is paywalled and the lies are free. If you want to “do your own research” to check on the veracity of claims, you will run headlong into a maze of broken links, paywalls, and pop-ups. How can anyone hope to find the truth when it’s so elusive, trapped behind so many toll gates? 
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allwaswell16 · 4 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics with a pairing of a famous musician with a not famous character as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis/Harry -
🌟 Your Mess Is Mine by amory
(E, 176k, musician Harry) Louis is the father to the most brilliant little boy in the world who is all Louis really needs, or at least that's what he tells himself. Harry is a gorgeous boybander fresh off a two year break and a massive scandal that's left him a little broken and more than ready to move on.
🌟  California Sold by @isthatyoularry
(M, 123k, musician Harry) A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends.
🌟  Heading For Limbo by @kingsofeverything
(E, 100k, musician Louis) The pieces of their twice broken hearts are scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
🌟  Emperor’s New Clothes by sunsetmog / @magicalrocketships
(E, 92k, musician Harry) Harry’s a pop star and Louis isn’t, and there’s a non-disclosure agreement where there used to be a relationship.
🌟  Cameras Flashing by @juliusschmidt
(E, 81k, musician Louis) As the album’s release date approaches, will Tomlinson and Styles be able to pull off the most risky PR scheme of the millennium and beat Zayn in sales or will the heat of their feelings for each other compromise everything?
🌟 My Sweetest Downfall by kiwikero / @icanhazzalou
(E, 42k, musician Harry) Louis is a retired guardian angel. After the death of his last charge, he became jaded. Humans die—what use is prolonging the inevitable?
🌟 Something Great by @infinitelymint
(E, 31k, musician Harry) Louis is a student and Harry is the mega-famous singer that happens to post a photo with Louis in the background. Together they kind of break the internet.
🌟 Bitter Ends Turn Sweet by @allwaswell16
(E, 30k, musician Louis) It had been four years since Harry first heard the song his ex wrote about him and far longer since they broke up. He forgave Louis long ago, and now his life was focused on his career, his family, and especially his son, Max.
🌟  led by your beating heart by @missandrogyny
(E, 29k, musician Harry) AU where Harry's in One Direction, Louis isn't, and they reconnect over a game of 'Call or Delete'
🌟 A Hungry Heart by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom
(E, 27k, musician Louis) the one where the Bake Off tent has never been so hot, and it’s got nothing to do with what’s in the ovens.
🌟 When It's Late At Night by Rearviewdreamer / @all-these-larrythings
(M, 25k, musician Harry) Louis has zero interest in an ex-boybander turned solo artist when his appearance on the show gets announced, but that's exactly who he gets stuck with when Harry Styles shows up at the Late Late show to promote the release of his debut album. For an entire fucking week.
🌟 It's the Climb by @lululawrence
(NR, 25k, musician Louis) The Hannah Montana AU where Louis is a world famous punk rock singer with a stage name of William and Jay drags him back to Tennessee for the summer. 
🌟 i'll be your new favourite tune by lsforever / @kingonafiftymetreroad
(E, 22k, musician Louis)  Louis is the Pop Punk King of our dreams, and Harry is the cute associate at the rescue who helps him adopt a cat.
🌟 With These Arms Folded by @taggiecb
(NR, 21k, musician Louis) He has his lake house, and his cat, and his small town existence. That is until he receives a curious email one sunny summer morning, and his life almost immediately gets turned upside down buy a force that's bigger than any storm he's seen outside his window.
🌟 Then We Talk Slow by @letsjustsee
(E, 20k, musician Louis) A famous/non-famous AU in which Louis banters back and forth with his new record company on Twitter, only to find out that Harry is the man behind the tweets.
🌟 In Shining Armour of Trackie and Trainers by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(T, 9k, musician Louis) Online dating isn't exactly working for Harry. In fact, it couldn't really be going much worse. But then the door of the bar opens, and the pack of friends walking in parts and - that’s Louis Tomlinson. Louis fucking Tomlinson.
🌟 More Than a Mic Drop by @haztobegood
(E, 7k, musician Louis) Harry levels him a serious look and suddenly the room feels too hot. “You could have broken the mic and we don’t have a lot of spares.”
🌟 Porn To Be Wild by @fallinglikethis
(E, 5k, musician Harry) As Louis Tomlinson writes his One Direction fanfiction in a quiet, isolated corner of the local library, the last thing he expects is for the subject of his story to interrupt him in the middle of a sex scene. But that’s exactly what happens.
🌟 (your smile is) on every face by @justanothershadeofblue
(T, 5k, musician Louis) Harry streams the whole thing, too overwhelmed to sing along, clutching his phone above his head as Louis whips the fans into a frenzy, playing both sides of the stage before staking a claim to the middle.
🌟 We’ll Paint the Town by @kotabear-24
(G, 4k, musician Louis) In which Louis can't flirt, Lottie does all the work, Harry just wants to get her in a damn dress, and Niall is an aggressive affirmer. It ends well for everyone.
- Rare Pairs -
🌟 Future Starts Slow by abovetheserpentine
(E, 50k, Liam/Harry) the year is 2018; Liam is turning 25, and Harry is a rockstar. They share a history.
🌟 Hearts Catch Fire by ziamandbeyond
(T, 23k, Zayn/Liam) Liam works at a theme park where he meets the world famous Zayn Malik while he's on holiday there and the two start talking daily on twitter.
🌟 bet on it by @nouies
(E, 3k, Louis/OMC) a fic inspired by Louis at the barricade during AFHF.
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seat-safety-switch · 9 months
The Mafia of Incompetence is out to get me, and not even for the first time this week. There’s all kinds of reasons these non-aligned dimbulb thugs wish me harm, but chief among them is my insistence that I must always receive my RockAuto magnets.
Perhaps you are unfamiliar. You see, RockAuto is a modern e-commerce corporation. It exists as sort of amorphous blob. Old-school parts warehouses, retail operations, and liquidators go out of business all the time. RockAuto scoops up those car parts and sells them over the internet. One of the things they include with every order is at least one small, rectangular refrigerator magnet, of another freak's car.
Time was, you could count on four things in life: gravity, death, taxes, and RockAuto magnets showing up with your order. Now, fewer than that many things are true. Border patrol has been getting increasingly sticky-fingered around my part of the world, and I'll often have a RockAuto package show up with different tape on it, missing all of its packing material and – critically – the magnet.
I've complained to my local political representative, using virtually the same words as I'm speaking to you now. They ignored me, because they have real problems to solve (what caviar to pair with which wine, how to give a larger tax break than 100% to oil companies.) I had to take matters into my own hands. Contrary to popular belief, a background check for the federal government is really easy to fake. Soon, I was the government's newest parcel snoop.
That's where I met my then-coworker, now-friend, Shaky Tim. You see, he was the one stealing the magnets. I caught him red handed my first day. When all the other border guards went to lunch, he stayed behind and hacked open a bunch of the RockAuto packages. His desk at work was laden with the things, a cascading pile many inches thick of gleaming hot-rods, warm-rods, and even cold-rods.
Ethically, I was in a bit of a pickle. Reporting him to my "superiors" would stop the flow of my magnets into his pockets, but it would result in no other benefit to myself. Ignoring him was out of the question: my refrigerator still had at least a few square inches of empty space on its fascia. When in doubt, make like King Solomon: we decided to split the booty. I wouldn't report him, and he'd punch my time card for me and come by with a shopping bag full of magnets every weekend.
We've been doing this for a few years now, and everything was going great. My boss had been giving me glowing performance reviews, based entirely on my ability to not embarrassingly fuck up at work. And my pension was fattening nicely. Unfortunately, Shaky Tim was the weak point in the whole apparatus. He had a crisis of conscience, and quit the government altogether rather than admit his horrible crime. Doing so backed up the entire works: all the remaining border guards were not nearly as motivated to process RockAuto packages quickly. I didn't get my new Mikuni carb floats for, like, a whole week.
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mxlfoydraco · 1 year
hi! i hope its okay to ask but, i was wondering if you have read any fics where theres also draco's son? i really like their relationship and i would love to read something with him and drarry as a ''main'' topic!
I absolutely adore Scorpius and dad Draco, I'll do this so happily! I'm adding onto these lists: Drarry + Scorpius & Draco and Scorpius are mutually protective
Close Behind by @oflights (134k)
To rescue Draco from the Underworld, Harry has to look forward. Unfortunately, Draco has to look back.
Burn the Witch by @lettersbyelise (95k)
When Harry Potter is sent in to investigate Draco Malfoy’s successful potions company, posing as Draco’s bodyguard, he doesn’t know the case will launch a series of events that will change his life — and Draco’s.
A story about choices, scars, Chopin piano pieces, and finding all kinds of love in the most unexpected places.
Fire Meet Gasoline by @lettersbyelise (62k)
When Draco’s anger management issues land him in St Mungo’s, he thinks his Quidditch career is over. But Harry, A&E Healer and notorious workaholic, is faced with a similar predicament. To save their jobs, the two of them decide to fake a relationship. All they have to do is convince their friends and employers… and not fall in love in the process. Simple, right?
Shibboleths by @lol-zeitgeistic (109k)
Muggle Immersion co-Professor Harry Potter spends his days hanging with his son, reading to his “dog,” teaching magical kids about the internet with his cousin Dudley, and irritating Snape’s portrait. He’s understandably annoyed when his cosy life is interrupted by the Headmistress hiring on Draco Malfoy to be Hogwarts’ new Ancient Magical Cultures and Spellcasting professor. But then the explosion happens, and it turns out they’ll all need Malfoy’s knowledge if they want the magical world to survive. The one with the scary things and Professor Dudley.
Harry Potter: DILF Hunter by @vukovich (11k)
Auror Potter doesn't know what a DILF is, but if Malfoy's one, then Harry's gonna be the Ministry's best DILF Hunter ever!
Or, five times Harry heard Draco was a DILF, and one time he found it to be pleasantly true.
Freedom to be by @quicksilvermaid (169k)
Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived. 12 years after the war, he's become the Boy Who Lived For Everyone Else. He has the perfect wife. The perfect house. The perfect job. The perfect friends. Only nothing feels perfect. Until one day he stumbles across a club called Release and begins a journey of self-discovery that takes him to a very different place.
Take the Moon by @tackytigerfic (15k)
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one. Living with Draco (biscuit-lover, no work/life balance, good hair) and his son Scorpius (also biscuit-lover, colour-codes his bricks, proud bearer of plastic swan-shaped garden ornament) gives Harry the routine and companionship he’s always craved. There’s also the matter of the really great sex (because what’s a marriage of convenience without a little fun, after all?) It's just a shame they’d always planned to break up after a year… This isn't the story of the marriage. This is the story of two hurt and damaged men who learned how hard they could work for the sake of love.
Play Dates by @bixgirl1 (7k)
Harry never thought seeing Malfoy as a dad would affect him this way.
All I Want For Christmas (Is For You To Stop Talking) by @femmequixotic and @noeeon (162k)
The Niffler's Garden is the most prestigious wizarding nursery school in England and has been for the last century or more. Harry Potter's boys are both enrolled as pupils at the Garden. When he volunteers to assist with the Yule pageant, he has no idea that he'll be working closely with another parent, Draco Malfoy. Although they haven't seen each other much since their own school days, Harry faults Malfoy for not being a hands-on dad to little Scorpius. Will the intense weeks of preparation fan the fires of enmity or something else entirely?
Predictable Little Curses by brightowl (14k)
Two single fathers. One rather inconvenient bonding spell.
Harry Potter's biggest fan by @gnarf (9k)
Ever since Scorpius heard about Harry Potter for the first time from one of his friends, one could say that he was his biggest fan. So naturally, it would be the thing he needs to talk about while visiting his grandparents for Sunday dinner. Draco's father could not hold back the comments on why he had to go through this again, and Scorpius understood just enough to know that his father actually knew Harry Potter in person. That's when the pestering started. Not much later and Draco found himself face to face with Potter, all thanks to his son.
In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning by @sassy-cissa (16k)
Fourteen years ago Harry and Draco had one night together. It takes a stunt from Scorpius to bring them back together.
Harry Potter and the Great Cat Caper by @kbrick (78k)
Harry’s lonely in the aftermath of his divorce. Except for the weekends that he has the kids, Harry’s cooking gourmet meals for one in his big, empty farmhouse, with only his seven cats for company. Until, that is, Harry finds Al and Lily playing with Scorpius Malfoy in the front yard, and learns that Draco Malfoy is his closest wizarding neighbor. Oh, and also, Harry’s favorite cat is stolen (multiple times!) by someone who had the audacity to put a sparkly pink collar on her, with a nametag that reads “Plumeria Seraphin Snugglybug”. These things (Malfoy and the cat-snatching) may or may not be related. Featuring: a cat-loving Harry who loves to cook, has playdates with Pansy Parkinson, and tends to rap when he’s wasted, and good-dad Draco Malfoy who’s still a prat, albeit an irritatingly attractive and charming one. Also featuring: a slew of adorable children, a stolen cat named Stormy, copious amounts of sexual tension, divorce betting pools, amoral yet charismatic Slytherins, peeping-tom Harry, foot massages given while under the influence, Harry’s first time with a bloke, and did I mention cats?
Our Time by @m0srael (39k)
Draco Malfoy is an expert in Ancient Runes at Oxford University’s College of Advanced Magical Studies. When he isn’t at the head of a lecture hall, he spends his time alone in cavernous libraries with only crumbling scrolls and runic dictionaries for company. One day, a group of Ministry officials interrupts his research with the aim of recruiting him to lead an elite team of investigators in a top-secret race against time to decrypt a set of recently uncovered ancient runes that threaten the very fabric of time. Draco feels certain he can save the world, if only he didn’t keep getting distracted by his co-lead, one Chief Cursebreaker Harry Potter. If only that distraction didn’t evolve into something so much more.
the long ways by @oknowkiss (10k)
Five times Harry thought he was seeing Draco for the last time, and one time he didn’t.
OR: what it’s like to fall in love, slowly and without realizing it, over the course of 20 years.
Destination: Wedding by @mars-bar81 (31k)
Harry keeps accidentally getting married by not knowing the customs of cultures he visits and Draco is his long-suffering divorce attorney. Is Harry doing it on purpose? Are the people he’s marrying doing it on purpose? Is everyone involved just an idiot? Read on and find out!
All Missing Things (Can Be Found) by daisymondays (100k)
After a drunken hook up ends badly, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy have no intention of ever speaking again -- but when they're assigned to solve a case of young child disappearances, they have to put their past behind them.
A Down and Out Christmas by @maraudersaffair (20k)
It’s Christmas and Draco and Scorpius have nowhere to go. Enter very sexy and very single Harry Potter.
The Opposite of Amnesia by @burning-up-ao3 (39k)
Draco's home has layers of old, dark magic that he can't remove. He has to hire the best person to keep him and Scorpius safe. Even if that person is Harry Potter.
When Hippogriffs and Pygmy Puffs Collide by oldenuf2b (32k)
Harry Potter bakes cakes, brilliantly. Draco Malfoy inks tattoos, brilliantly. Owls deliver post, including messages from clients, with an occasional lack of brilliance.
Trust In Me by unadulteratedstorycollector (7k)
Harry is met with blinding pain and Draco Malfoy. And Draco Malfoy's beautiful son. And suddenly a family is something that seems very within Harry's reach.
Misunderstandings are as easy as A-B-C by @veelawings (3k)
A slow blink and Potter seemed to catch himself, clearing his throat and nodding, his smile friendly and bright when directed at Scorpius and Draco. “Hey Mal—” “Mr Potter,” Draco spoke up rudely, but necessary. “This is my son, Scorpius Black. He’ll be one of your students this year.” Potter looked completely wrongfooted for a few seconds before his mind appeared to latch onto the most likely conclusion. His expression cleared up as Scorpius took a step forward and offered a tiny hand. “Hello, Mr Potter. It’s nice to meet you,” Scorpius said, enunciation steady and practiced.
Potter-Malfoy Negotiations by dracogotgame (1k)
It's Al's first day at preschool and Harry is a bundle of nerves. But he's certainly not alone.
Head in the Game by Samyiswriting (16k)
Harry and Malfoy shagged. But it’s fine, Harry doesn’t have feelings for him or anything. Yet he isn’t too thrilled when Malfoy gets hired as a Sports Therapist for Harry’s team – Puddlemere United. Of course, he gives massages. And of course, Harry has to bear witness to Malfoy making player after player groan in pleasure.
Have A Little Faith by @erin-riwen (16k)
When a sick child brings Harry and Draco back together, it’s up to Harry to figure out how to convince Draco that dating him really is a good idea.
Rebel, Rebel by @makeitp1nk (28k)
Thirty-six year old Harry Potter is the coolest bloke in muggle Camden Town. That’s right — he’s left the wizarding world behind and has been living his best life ever since. But will one chance encounter with a certain blond from his past change everything? Yeah, probably.
destination, destiny and definition by panicparade (17k)
It all starts with a blind date and a very confused Harry Potter..
Thanking You In Advance by @ladderofyears (13k)
When Draco Malfoy fled from Harry Potter's life it was without even a goodbye. He was left lonely and bereft. Now, almost nine years later it is Christmastime and Draco has returned to London, complete with a Scorpius-shaped surprise that Harry truly wasn't expecting. Can the two wizards get over the hurt of the past and seize the happy future that they both deserve?
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gaslampsglow · 1 month
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Well, while I'm here.
I've gone back to shooting on film recently (as has, I'm aware, half the internet) for all the reasons you might expect; the joy of a physical object, the impetus to put more care into setting up my 36 shots per roll rather than just firing away, the fact that I get to decide how my image looks by controlling light rather than letting an app flatten it with fake HDR. My tool of choice has been a Minox GT-E, a teeny tiny camera, one of the smallest 35mm cameras ever made. It was a gift from a friend, who bought it new in Switzerland and used it on four continents across the 80s and 90s. He put it on a shelf after switching to digital and felt it needed a good home, so now it's my constant companion.
Anyway I just love this shot. @plenilune is lurking in the shadows, there. We were catching the bus back from a local bar and I ran across the street to snap this with the bus barreling closer, and I thought it wasn't going to turn out. Instead, it's an image I just keep going back to, which is part of the draw of the medium, really.
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Sean bienvenidos, japonsitasarqueologícos a una nueva entrega en la que hablaremos de un Trending Topic, ya que el país del sol naciente está de moda pues le vamos a sacar beneficios y no es el único tema que están sabiendo explotar, para sacarle el mayor partido. - Lo que vengo a referirme, es que las modas son puro negocio, de lo más nocivo que nos podemos llevar a la cara, antes de que Japón estuviera de moda ya había muchos fakes, pero ahora se han duplicado e incluso triplicado. No hay que creerse todo lo que leamos por internet, siempre hay que cuestionarse las cosas, en este caso vamos a sentarnos, en dos monumentos uno localizado en Inglaterra y otro en japón. - El primero, se trata de stonehenge: Construido en el cuarto mileno 3100 antes de nuestra era, que cada vez se actualizan sus funciones la última más reciente es que no puede ser usado como un calendario solar. El segundo, se trata de Isedōtai site, localizado en la prefectura de Akita, en la región de Tōhoku en el noroeste de Japón, construido en el quinto milenio 4000 a.c en el jomon final. Se usó como calendario solar y posiblemente para los solsticios de verano e invierno. - El tema de esta publicación no es hablar de ninguno de los dos en profundidad, sino criticar a los lucidos, que sitúan stonehenge y Isedōtai site en la misma recta cronológica lo cual es una falacia por que hay por lo menos 1100 a 1500 años de diferencia aproximadamente entre ambas construcciones. - Ese es el problema del occidentalismo y eurocentrismo sobre todo la manía de colocarlo todo en una recta cronológica las fechas son algo aproximadas al igual que las rectas temporales. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana.
Welcome, japonsitasarchaeologists, to a new edition in which we will talk about a Trending Topic, since the country of the rising sun is in fashion, we are going to make the most of it and it is not the only topic that they are knowing how to exploit, to make the most of it. - What I am referring to is that fashions are pure business, the most harmful thing we can take to our faces. Before Japan was in fashion there were already many fakes, but now they have doubled and even tripled. We should not believe everything we read on the internet, we should always question things, in this case we are going to sit on two monuments, one located in England and the other in Japan. - The first one is stonehenge: Built in the fourth millennium 3100 B.C., its functions are updated every time, the latest one is that it cannot be used as a solar calendar. The second is the Isedōtai site, located in Akita prefecture, in the Tōhoku region of northwestern Japan, built in the fifth millennium 4000 BC in the final jomon. It was used as a solar calendar and possibly for the summer and winter solstices. - The subject of this publication is not to discuss either in depth, but to criticise the lucid, who place stonehenge and Isedōtai site in the same chronological line which is a fallacy because there is at least 1100 to 1500 years difference approximately between the two constructions. - That is the problem of westernism and eurocentrism, especially the mania of placing everything on a chronological line, the dates are somewhat approximate, as are the time lines. - I hope you liked it and see you in future publications. Have a nice week.
私が言いたいのは、ファッションは純粋なビジネスであり、最も有害なものであるということだ。 日本が流行する前からすでに多くの偽物があったが、今では倍増し、3倍にもなっている。インターネット上の情報を鵜呑みにするのではなく、常に物事を疑ってみる必要がある。
ひとつはストーンヘンジで、紀元前3100年の第四千年紀に建てられた。 もうひとつは、東北地方の秋田県にある伊勢堂岱遺跡で、紀元前4000年、縄文末期の第5千年紀に作られた。
お気に召していただけたなら幸いである。 それではまた。
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slenbee · 4 months
Common scams and you
Hello everyone!
I'm finally writing out the idea that has been floating around in my head for a while now, and I'm honestly surprised there's no videos on youtube (that I've found) that talk about the most common scams that are out there on the internet that you may encounter.
So! Let's start.
#1. Virus pop up scams.
These types of scams are based around inciting panic and fear in those that encounter them. They are generally encountered by mistyping a url in the search bar that then leads you to a web page containing a flashy visual alert (and sometimes audio alert) stating something like the following:
Your system is at risk! # Viruses found! Warning!
Your system has been compromised!
Viruses / Trojans found!
The majority of which then provide a phone number that scam victims would call to get the issue 'resolved.' Those who fall for this scam contact the call center seeking help, and those there- the scammers, lull their victims into a false sense of security that they'll solve the issue. They then have their victims download remote access software such as AnyDesk and UltraViewer.
These programs allow a user who connects complete and TOTAL CONTROL of your computer. They can view your screen, track what you type or click, not to mention they can lock it, and they can change the password, holding it at ransom. They can do pretty much ANYTHING as long as the software is installed. It runs in the background and they can monitor everything you do.
They will tell you that to get rid of the virus/'hack', you must pay a certain amount (usually between $300-$1k or more) for them to clean your computer and 'add an antivirus'.
They will tell you that you need to go to walmart/wallgreens to get gift cards. Or they will ask you to provide banking details so that they can steal your banking/login information to transfer money via zelle or other methods while under the control of the remote access application.
If you or anyone you know has made it to the installation part of this scam, make sure to disconnect the internet immediately and uninstall the program that they installed upon the computer.
This scam can ALSO happen to people on mobile. There are websites and apps configured to show that you've got a virus, and much like above, it will tell you that you need to call a phone number or download an app to get it resolved.
Clicking off the page / notification gets rid of it. There was never any virus to worry about. So don't worry too much if you see something like this while browsing the internet. Just try and be safe!
#2. E-Mail scams.
The most notorious of all of e-mail scams that I've encountered over the years are as follows:
Your <brand> anti-virus has expired. Click here to re-new!
You have been charged <huge amount> for <brand> anti-virus. If this is a mistake please call <phone number> to get this resolved.
You have received a PayPal invoice from <scammer name/brand> for <huge amount> please call <phone number>.
Much like the virus pop up scam, these scams follow a similar path when it comes to the end result. You call them, they have you install a remote access application, they tell you to pay x amount of money so they can install their 'anti-virus', and/or they do a fake 'scan' in the console, and likely install a real virus that harvests your information.
All in all, best to avoid it/delete the e-mail. No proper anti-virus is going to send you an e-mail telling you to call them. Nor are they going to charge you $300 for a 'renewal.'
As for the paypal invoice, just ignore it and check your actual paypal. If there's no invoice, there never was one in the first place. Flag it as trash and delete it.
#3 Phone scams.
These can be scary, especially if you've got a son, daughter, or relative who might live out of town.
Mom/Dad I lost my phone can you send me money for a new one?
Hey I'm with your kid and they're hurt/arrested/etc can you send me some money to pay the ambulance/bail/etc.
Your kid said I'd bring you these things and you'd pay me.
This is <name> from <fake business/tech support> on behalf of apple/microsoft to let you know your warranty has expired.
Sadly this means that your phone number has likely been leaked online somewhere, and scammers are now attempting to use it to get money from you. Best advice is to hang up and block the number immediately before calling your child/family member to make sure they're okay.
#4. Text Scams.
These are generally pretty easy to notice, and pretty easy to avoid, if you know what to look out for.
Any random number that texts you with something akin to the following, is a scam:
Fedex has your package click this link to update your information.
UPS has failed to deliver your package. click this link to-
Hi <name that's not yours> are we set for our <event> next <day>?
<name not yours> I'm looking forward to <activity> next <day>. Are you going to be busy?
While links to scammy websites are easy to avoid, the last two might not be so easy to some people. Replying to them in any form puts you on a list of 'active numbers' for them to target. They will text you repeatedly with different prompts which all lead down the same line.
You say 'wrong number', they say 'this isn't <name>?' you say 'no' they say 'i'm so sorry i thought this was <name>' you say 'no problem' they say 'oh you're so kind want to be friends?' which then leads into 'i'm <fake name> from China/Singapore/<country> but I live in california/new york. I'm a fashion designer/investor/owner of a small company' and they send a fake picture of them which is likely stolen from somewhere online. They also ask for you to send them YOUR pictures. Don't do this.
End goal is for you to download WatsApp/Telegram to send them money and/or invest in fake crypto.
There are also text scams similar to those mentioned above where it's someone pretending to be a sugar mommy/daddy and they try to get you to spend time and hook up with them. They ask you to pay a 'fee' so they know you're 'legit' or something which, of course, is just a way to get you to send them money.
#5. Facebook Scams.
These are rather new, but once you know the signs, you'll know how to avoid them.
When buying/selling something on facebook, if someone says they can't pick it up but <brother/sister/cousin> can and they ask if you take cashapp, zelle, etc, it's a scam.
If you or someone you know who is older/elderly is contacted by someone who's in the military/ex-military/ex-cia/ex-fbi etc and they flood your DM's with affection and kindness and lots of love and attention in an effort to get you in a relationship with them, this is known as a romance scam.
They will ask for money to 'get a new phone' or 'to send pictures because my camera is broken.' or to 'buy a plane ticket to come see you'. It's a scam, a big scam, and a lot of elderly people have been scammed out of a lot of money because of it. They will call you and talk to you and say they love you and all that kissy kissy mwah junk just to build trust so they can try and get money.
It's not real. As sad as that is to say, all these people are after is money.
If you know anyone who might be in any of these situations, PLEASE try and talk some sense into them. Especially if they've sent large amounts of money to someone over the internet. Google is your best friend, and there is information out there for people who want to find it.
All in all, just make sure you're careful in who you trust.
#6. Discord/Steam Scams.
These can be less obvious to those who aren't tech savvy, but once you know the signs they're hard to miss.
Anyone who randomly DM's you about beta-testing their 'new game' is trying to get you to click a link that leads to a website containing an application that contains a virus. This will harvest your information and give the hacker access to everything on your computer.
Anyone who randomly DM's you saying that they found 'compromising photos/information of you online' most likely will try to get you to click a virus link that will infect your computer.
Anyone who randomly DM's you saying they 'reported you to the discord/steam admins' for something inappropriate/illegal will try to get you to contact their 'friend' who is a 'discord/steam admin' to get it resolved.
This will either involve them sending you a virus link or trying to get you to send them money/gift cards to get the issue 'resolved.' They will also sometimes send you to a legit looking steam page which is fake and will harvest your steam login data.
Again, these are easy to notice once you know the signs. Just note that sometimes your friends might send you messages like these or ask for money, which in that case their account was likely compromised/hacked. Make sure to report them so that discord/steam can help get the account back in the right hands.
I know I've likely forgotten some other types of scams but for now these are the most common that people should keep an eye out and look for.
Protect yourself and protect others!
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adriano-ferreira · 17 days
Liberdade de Expressão Digital
A liberdade de expressão digital é um direito fundamental que permite que os indivíduos se expressem livremente, compartilhem ideias e opiniões sem censura ou repressão no ambiente digital. Ela é essencial em uma sociedade conectada, onde as redes sociais e os meios digitais desempenham um papel crucial na comunicação. A liberdade de expressão digital refere-se à capacidade das pessoas de…
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livelydiver · 2 years
OMFD fic recs
Hi all!  It's another fic rec posts! 
A non-exhaustive selection of favorites -- this fandom is so fucking talented it blows me away. Thank you to everyone out there writing/drawing/creating such an incredible wealth of gorgeous material, I want to shout about it all the time and if I have loved your work and failed to tell you, I hope you'll forgive me.
I've broken the following down by theme/category - all gentlebeard-centric, mostly E-rated long fics because that's how it is. 
Hell or High Water
There's one fic in this category and it's Hell or High Water (@mottlemoth, 250K+, WIP, E). I know you're already reading it but if you've somehow just emerged from a year-long coma and this is your first contact with the internet  since your miraculous recovery, then please let me introduce you to Hell or High Water. This fic is a world unto itself - unreal l how many lines from this beast I think about on a regular basis.  
⬥In Favor with Their Stars by @mxmollusca -- 27K+ (WIP), M
Spectacular sci-fi where Ed is an engineer on a spaceship and STE/DE is the ship's AI. Poignant and tender and laden with moments that will take your breath away.
⬥Done Deal by Skrifores -- 38K+ (WIP), E
Ed is a glassblower and Stede is an unhappily married "straight" man who starts coming to the hot shop to watch him work; their relationship in this one is so organic and perfectly written. Already can't wait for the re-read.
⬥Once Upon a Summer in San Francisco by samwise -- 150K+ (WIP), E
Like HOHW, you're probably already reading this one, but if not then you should be! Every word of hype is deserved; this fic is so joyful and healing and tender, with a perfectly-in-character ensemble crew and the sweetest friends-to-lovers slow burn I've ever read.
⬥different this time by @tedwelton -- 65K, E
Adorably awkward single-dad Stede hires heartwarmingly perfect nanny Ed to help with the kids, and it's as funny and sweet and satisfying as a great rom-com.
⬥i'll be your treasure by offsammich -- 48K, M
Metal dectorists AU! An unusual take on "Ed is the master of a world Stede has always dreamed of exploring," which is fuckin' metal detecting, that's right. Very fun and heartwarming.
⬥turn on the light by @smallestchurch -- 43.8K, E
New-bookstore-owner Stede and the hot guy who runs the bar next door. Digs into some of the thorniness of Stede's marriage/sexuality crisis, which leads to mounting UST and a searingly hot, planets-colliding payoff.
Canon Universe
⬥Haunt You Down by fluorescentgrey -- 13K, E
This fic breaks my heart but I just can't stop coming back to it - Ed goes to a molly house to try to get Stede out of his system. Guess who is also there, trying to process things? Achingly hot and angsty, with some excellent OCs to boot.
⬥Stealing Romance by Skrifores -- 13K, E
Delightfully funny and sweet fake-boyfriends trope and jealous misunderstandings when Stede's ex shows up and Ed helps Stede avoid him.
⬥Cabin Pressure by entanglednow -- 6K, E
Flaming hot "consequences of 'platonic' friends sleeping in the same bed" one-shot.
⬥Wayfaring by @justkeeptrekkin -- 35K, E 
Another deserved fandom classic, Ed and Stede marooned together on an island, a gorgeous slow unfolding of the beautiful life they build together.
⬥If You Were Mine to Keep by Pamplemousse (@mysterybees) -- 75K+ (WIP), E
Incredibly sweet, romantic forced marriage story where Ed is made to marry an aristocrat and Stede agrees to be the one to marry him. Instant chemistry and a powerful friendship that slowly blossoms into more. Pure loveliness.
Fun Sex
My all-time favorite genre: zany sexual chemistry and adventures in sex positivity. "Erotic friendship," maybe? Whatever you call it, it's the best. Started compiling recs for this section and realized I had multiple fics for every author, so I'm going to recommend authors instead!
❖afterism (@onlylostphysics) -- creator of the exquisite, paradigm-shifting "kissing is what lovers do" series, an S1 canon-parallel in which Ed and Stede become friends with benefits from day one. Pure perfection, every installment is hot and beautiful as a standalone or in series but I particularly love elegant and restrained (Ed orchestrates his own ravishment under the guise of teaching Stede how to handle a hostage), and all dressed up (fingering and playful orgasm denial and Ed being head over heels in love, just mind-meltingly hot and romantic).
❖alsaurus (@ofmd-alsaurus) -- another who can do no wrong in my book. Every fic is so sweet and sexy and uniquely hilarious; I'm particularly partial to Good Habits (Stede has an unusual way of getting off, Ed likes to watch) and There's No Accounting for Taste (Ed tries to set a sexy trap and things go off the rails). 
❖Jimsnose (alivamae) -- snappy and hot and always deliciously unpredictable, I love everything they've written but especially The Theater of Fear (Stede helps Ed cope with the guilt of nearly killing him through the healing magic of roleplay)(seriously though this fic is so delightful I just got pulled into another re-read) and Golden Teachers (Ed introduces Stede to magic mushrooms)(I am a sucker for low-stakes recreational drug use in fics and this one is exquisite, now with searingly-hot sequel Penis Envy).
❖heartroots (@bonesofyourheart) -- another master of the hot/funny/sweet/endearing/hot again genre blending, especially Aphrodisiac (Stede struggles with finishing too quickly and tries a magic potion to help him last longer) and If You're Too Shy, Then Let Me (Stede gets an "accidental" front-row seat to Ed's alone time).
House Specials
Finally, a few of my own fics I'm especially proud of - check them out if you like!
⬥Touching Your Goodness -- E, 14K
Ed and Stede are back together but not yet Back Together when two strangers come into the mix and make them both jealous - mutual pining and comedic misunderstandings with bonus POTC (Sparrow/Norrington) crossover.
⬥Skeleton Season -- 8K, E
Smut and fluff after Stede gets cursed by some famously haunted treasure. Just in time for the Halloween season!
⬥The Healing Kind -- 22K, E
Post-S1 reunion where Ed is depressed and self-destructive, and Izzy teams up with Lucius and Mary to get him back together with Stede: angst to hurt/comfort to fluff to smut.
⬥Such as They May Be -- 6K, E
A lighthearted "Stede catches up with the Revenge" fix-it where Ed can't help loving Stede's newfound confidence.
Happy reading!
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maximeloi · 5 months
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LUCAS LYNGGAARD TONNESEN? não! é apenas LARS MAGNUS EILERT, elu é filhe de EROS do chalé 23 e tem 23 ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que elu está no NÍVEL II por estar no acampamento há 7 ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, LARS é bastante GENTIL mas também dizem que elu é INSEGURO. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
gênero: genderfluid. pronomes: variam, geralmente são neutros; caso mude, lars avisa. signo: aquário. sexualidade: homossexual. chalé 23.
links úteis: headcanons ♬ conexões ♬ pov ♬ tasks
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maldição de ares: há pouco mais de dois anos, enquanto estava em uma missão, um ataque de monstros ocorreu e a vida de outro semideus foi ceifada. ares não gostou de ver seu filho indo para o reino de hades tão jovem e não hesitou em colocar sobre a cabeça de lars uma maldição. sempre que estivesse em uma missão ou em perigo, elu sentiria medo. um medo incontrolável que lhe tornaria inútil em batalha, fazendo-lhe virar um peso quando seus amigos mais precisassem. por causa disso lars começou a evitar missões, gastando seu tempo livre na enfermaria quando tem chance. 
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os olhos azuis tinham uma tremenda facilidade de encantar as pessoas em sua volta. o pequeno lars, o doce filho de mira eilert, pai desconhecido mas mesmo assim regado de amor materno. mira criou a criança sozinha sem apoio da família que, ao descobrir sua gravidez, a expulsaram de casa cumprindo uma imagem muito conservadora. migrar para os estados unidos não foi fácil, sem muito dinheiro, a mulher acabava trabalhando em tantos empregos que a criança via mais os coleguinhas da creche do que a mulher que lhe trouxe ao mundo.
tão batalhadora, apesar de prover apenas o básico, não deixava que nada faltasse à mesa do filho. a situação de ambos começou a melhorar quando em uma peça da escola, o menino acabou ganhando um destaque por sua voz. vídeos viralizaram na internet e a criança começou a ganhar espaço em programas de tvs. seu talento era encantador; por afirmar que conseguia ver cores e formas por cada nota emitida, cada som que ouvia, sua música era sempre agradável aos ouvidos das pessoas e sua mãe começava a explorar demais isso. lars vivia com o semblante cansado com mais frequência do que não, a criança carismática aos poucos dava espaço a um adolescente rebelde que faltava compromissos e se atrasava para ensaios ou gravações. a relação com a mãe azedava e tudo piorou quando sofreu o primeiro ataque.
aos 16 anos, enquanto saía de uma entrevista brigando com a mãe, a dupla foi atacada por uma criatura selvagem. o cão era enorme, escapar dele foi difícil. sozinhos, mira e lars não teriam conseguido. duas pessoas que estavam na plateia da entrevista, rostos que se tornaram familiares nas últimas semanas perseguindo sua agenda, se mostraram eficazes em acabar com a raça da criatura. ali naquele beco escuro coberto de um sangue viscoso e preto, lars descobriu a verdade sobre seu pai. levado para o acampamento meio-sangue , teve apenas um ano ali antes que precisasse voltar para a mãe. o melhor ano de sua vida, diria. fez descobertas não só sobre si, como também aprendeu maravilhas sobre uma realidade que lhe foi escondida.
apesar dos pesares, manteve contato com os colegas, sempre se reunindo com os seus meio-irmãos, com alguns amigos que fez durante aquele período em que pôde ser apenas um adolescente, não uma pessoa famosa. assim que sua mãe melhorou, lars retornou ao acampamento, não conseguia ficar longe do local que enxergava como casa. numa missão há pouco mais de dois anos, um ataque ocorreu e lars em desespero tentou priorizar u namorade; o problema é que mesmo se tentasse, não conseguiria alcançar o outro semideus, então seus esforços focaram apenas quem amava. teve sucesso com essa, mas apenas os dois voltaram para o acampamento. A perda lhe devastou pois foi a primeira missão que deu errado ao ponto de voltarem desfalcados. 
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ARMA: Iliakós: Um Arco e Flecha que ganhou ao ser reclamade por eros. suas flechas são tão frias e quando atingem o alvo, elas o fazem congelar, transformando-os em estátuas de gelo. o amor, afinal, pode ser frio. uma curiosidade é que as flechas sempre atingem o coração das vítimas, começando dali o congelamento. elas aparecem magicamente quando Lars estica o arco. 
PODER: Cura através de chá: de início seu poder parece bem inútil, mas seus chás são realmente milagrosos. Lars não sabe bem como funciona, mas o chá sempre foi algo que adorou, se sentia bem tomando e as pessoas que tomavam também sempre melhoravam. Foi no Acampamento que descobriu que isso se dava por conta de seu poder, de alguma forma, todas as vezes que faz um chá, ajuda em alguma coisa. Geralmente tem um sentimento dentro de si que lhe guia para o sabor específico para cada doença. 
HABILIDADES: Sentidos Aguçados (audição) e agilidade sobre-humana. 
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
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One Direction fics that made me cry as requested in this ask. If these fics make you cry, don't say I didn't warn you and direct all crying to the comments for these amazing writers. lol. You can find my other fic recs here. Happy (??) reading!
Light, Spark and Fire by green_feelings / @greenfeelings
(E, 239k, a/b/o) If he sustains that lifestyle by getting paid to help alphas through their rut every now and then, that’s nothing to be hung up on. Until he’s hired by an alpha that turns everything upside down.
And Then a Bit by @infinitelymint
(E, 158k, canon) Harry and Louis fake a relationship for publicity. Eventually it becomes a lot less fake and a lot more real
Wear It Like A Crown by @zarah5
(E, 141k, royal au) As part of a team of fixers hired to handle a gay scandal in Buckingham Palace, Louis expects Prince Harry to be a lot of things—most notably a royally spoilt brat. 
Love Is A Rebellious Bird by @100percentsassy, gloria_andrews / @gloriaandrews
(E, 134k, symphony au)  Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who "has made Mozart cool again" according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best. 
Saving Symphony Hall by @helloamhere
(E, 124k, a/b/o) “That’s the attitude,” said Louis, “I’ll tell you tomorrow. Tonight, I need to do some research. Zayn, give me your number. I’m gonna save our symphony.”
I'll Fly Away by @juliusschmidt
(E, 122k, small town) Harry and Louis grew up together in Lake County, Harry with his mom and stepdad in a tiny cottage on Edward’s Lake and Louis in his family’s farmhouse a few minutes down the road. But after high school, Louis stuck around and Harry did not
Nobody shines the way you do by wildestdreams / @butyouneverdo
(E, 115k, fake relationship) Louis pretends to be Harry’s boyfriend to help him win back his douchebag ex-boyfriend, but things don’t go according to plan.
 Emperor’s New Clothes by sunsetmog / @magicalrocketships
(E, 92k, exes) Harry’s a pop star and Louis isn’t, and there’s a non-disclosure agreement where there used to be a relationship.
 Nothing But You On My Mind by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense​
(E, 83k, royal au) Louis Tomlinson is a PR manager hired to improve the image of royal bad-boy Prince Harry Styles. 
Feels Like Coming Home by phdmama / @phd-mama
(E, 60k, exes) The last thing Harry Styles expects when he's hanging out at the Someday Cafe in Somerville one rainy October day is for his ex, Louis Tomlinson to walk through the door, but that's exactly what happens.
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) by  thedeathchamber / @louehvolution
(E, 55k, secrets) Harry thinks he has good reasons for avoiding relationships. Meeting Louis puts those reasons to the test.
The Second Hand Unwinds by @kingsofeverything
(E, 51k, time travel) When things go wrong and he's sent further back in time than planned, he has no other option than to show up on his ex-boyfriend's doorstep.
 where the lights are beautiful by twoshipsdrifting / @polkadotlou
(E, 48k, a/b/o) the accidental bonding a/b/o fic.
take my hand (and my heart and soul) by bananasandboots / @anylessreal
(E, 45k, amnesia au) the one where Harry hasn't spoken to his best friend in sixteen months and can't remember why.
The End Should Be A Good One by bananasandboots / @anylessreal
(E, 43k, exes)  the one where Harry loses the love of his life on New Years Eve and finds him again, six months later, ready to open some poorly-stitched wounds.
You Might Want to Marry My Husband by Rearviewdreamer / @all-these-larrythings
(NR, 24k, moving on) When Harry’s husband dies, he asks one thing of him; to find love and happiness again without him.
 With These Arms Folded by @taggiecb
(NR, 21k, famous/not famous) Harry Styles is living a peaceful existence in California as a very successful song writer. That is until he receives a curious email one sunny summer morning, and his life almost immediately gets turned upside down by a force that's bigger than any storm he's seen outside his window.
I Had Rather Hear My Dog Bark At A Crow by sunsetmog / @magicalrocketships
(E, 122k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) Nick and Louis don't like each other, not even a little bit, not even at all.
leave my life outside (or let me in) by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(M, 52k, Zayn/Liam) Zayn is a 111 year old demon who is trying to decide his future. Liam is a 17 year old human struggling with his own life
 Somebody Hurt You (I Know A Place) by @writcraft
(E, 20k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) An unexpected encounter brings Nick and Louis together but before they can tell anyone about their relationship an attack on Louis tears them both apart. 
Miss Missing You by harriet_vane
(M, 16k, Liam/Louis) Louis wakes up after an accident with a year of memories gone and something not quite right about his relationship with Liam.
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centrally-unplanned · 19 days
🔥 wacky japanese things
is it even a hot take anymore to say "wacky Japan things aren't real"? I think we all know that right? But just to re-iterate, Japan was a combination of foreign to the West but still a peer rich country and accessible to said West in the boom years of pop news and the early internet in the 90's/2000's, so people mined it for "crazy Japan!" headline stories like oh people are marrying their stuffed waifu dolls or w/e. There was also this element of "10 years ahead", where Japan entered the digital revolution earlier than others and so started on those trends early. But it was all selection bias, the west is chock full of people doing exactly the same weird shit - we even have our own trope for it, Florida Man! The west has NEETS and shut-ins and fake husband services and all that crap. Japan isn't wacky, individuals are.
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girlblogging9 · 25 days
Lixo de religião,lixo de sociedade,lixo de país!
Nem sei como começar esse texto com tamanha indignação da qual estou sentindo em relação a um vídeo que vi na internet onde um pastor,ou melhor,filho da puta disse em um culto para o rebanho doutrinado e alienado que quando uma criança é abusada a culpa é da criança,isso mesmo que vocês estão lendo e a pior parte em tudo isso é que esse pensamento e opinião é extremamente comum não apenas nesses meios religiosos cheios de doentes e parasitas que cometem atrocidades em nome de um Deus e defendem abusos e abusadores,mas na sociedade em geral e principalmente no meio judiciário e funcionários públicos em maioria, principalmente da área da saúde,resumindo é tudo farinha do mesmo saco então jamais caia na lábia deles em crer que realmente eles estão do lado da vítima porque não estão na verdade eles estão manipulando a situação contra você para beneficiar o abusador.
A mídia não mostra e a sociedade se faz de cega,até porquê vivemos em um país onde a maioria odeia ler e estudar e tem preguiça de pesquisar a fundo,acreditam em fake news do Whatsapp e TikTok e são escravas de costumes arcaicos e religiosos,mas nosso país lidera rankings em abusos,violência contra crianças e mulheres e não é de hoje e provavelmente irá continuar assim pois quem realmente estuda e vive no meio dos "grandões" sabem que a justiça no Brasil é apenas uma grande ilusão e é extremamente elitista e DEFENDE homens que abusam tranquilamente pois o sistema de leis é baseado em leis e regimes sexistas assim como a sociedade no geral,vocês acham normal em pleno século XXl ainda existir a cultura do estupro? Está longe de ser,digamos que esse país é perfeito para bandidos burgueses,quanto mais dinheiro vocês tem,influência e conhecidos do meio da burguesia e afins mais impune você estará a lei não se aplica a pessoas favorecidas na sociedade,o branco, hétero,cristão de classe média por exemplo.
Se você defende a lei da alienação parental e a pseudociência da constelação familiar você não é bem vindo aqui,quem estudou a fundo essas questões e buscou às raízes desses temas sabe que ambas favorecem algozes e se você defende isso provavelmente você abusa e defende abusadores,tenho certeza que você é sexista,é graças a esses quesitos citados que milhares de crianças e mulheres são diariamente massacrados em tribunais,abusados,tem suas saúdes mentais destruídas,sofrem diversos tipos de violências e crianças diariamente são perpetuadas a um ciclo de abuso e violência e perdem inclusive a vida,então pessoas desse nível jamais farão parte do meu convívio,pra mim você é um doente e provavelmente gosta de abusar de crianças ou mulheres,aliás,a maioria das mulheres que defendem esses regimes citados são extremamente machistas e conservadoras e fazem parte do cristianismo (novidade,um câncer) é a famosa baba ovo de homem canalha e puxa saco de rola,faz de tudo pra ter a admiração e atenção de um homem mas elas são seletivas se for pobre elas não querem tem que ter dinheiro,elas não gostam de pobre fodido,elas precisam de algo em troca então entre elas e uma garota de programa não tem diferença,digo o mesmo em relação a advogados que defendem essa laia de porcos,garotas de programa com um diploma com o selo do MEC que acham que são grande coisa ou tem moral para alguma coisa,está no mesmo nível do chiqueiro mas a soberba fala mais alto,reparem que há um padrão nelas é sempre em maioria uma loira oxigenada,classe média,cristã hipócrita e eleitora de Bolsonaro,o pacote da desgraça.
Estamos no século XXl mas ainda vivemos noa tempos medievais,o Brasil é uma colônia arcaica e atrasada em diversos aspectos e a parte horripilante em tudo isso é que dificilmente este cenário "diabólico" irá mudar,foi assim no passado e continua até hoje poucas coisas mudaram,antigamente antes de obter conhecimento nessas áreas e vivências eu acreditava que o país era liderado por homens sexistas mas depois pude perceber que grande maioria das mulheres são do mesmo nível,mas pelo que percebi analisando em vivendo em determinados meios que muitos não tem acesso é que elas possuem um fetiche por homens assim e provavelmente elas tem "hibristofilia" mas no português claro é porquê não vale às fezes que defecam pelo cu arrombado delas,porquê realmente observando eu pude perceber que elas não gostam de homens com pouco dinheiro tem que ter bastante "bufunfa" aí elas puxam o saco deles e lambem às bolas deles,é mais ou menos assim:
É estuprador,abusador,pedófilo pobre e negro ou pardo? NÃO QUERO,NÃO GOSTO,QUEIMA ELE SOCIEDADE, APEDREJA ELE SOCIEDADE 😘💋
É estuprador,abusador,pedófilo rico,classe média,branco,com diploma,cargo ou uma posição social privilegiada ou tem algo que vou receber em troca abrindo a minha buceta arrombada e fedida pra ele? ACOLHAM ELE,TRATEM ELE BEM,QUE LINDO ESTOU APAIXONADA VOU ME CASAR COM ELE,JESUS LIBERTOU ELE,VAMOS APLAUDIR ELE,ELE É UMA VÍTIMA TADINHO 😘💋
Eu resumi a realidade acima no português claro sem formalidade,eu não tenho o mínimo de interesse em usar formalidade nos meu textos porquê meu intuito é que qualquer um entenda tudo o que eu escrevo da forma mais clara possível. Pois bem,não parece mas o que você mais vê são mulheres compactuando com algozes principalmente se há dinheiro envolvido se eles cuspirem no chão elas lambem,literalmente neste nível principalmente se ele encontrou uma trouxa pra ter um relacionamento com ele e servir de cobaia pra limpar a imagem dele perante a sociedade,em alguns grupos de estudo que participei de psicologia aprendemos que é super comum homens desse tipo ter uma lista imensa de relacionamentos,dificilmente eles ficam sozinhos pois eles precisam manter os eixos das aparências o tempo inteiro e automaticamente a sociedade burra em que vivemos entende que se ele está com alguma idiota lambe bolas,depósito de porra azeda ele é uma ótima pessoa, infelizmente a sociedade brasileira não é muito inteligente mesmo aqueles que possuem um diploma não raciocinam tão bem assim,eu vi pessoas com doutorado sentadas bebendo com estupradores e sim são exatamente esses que vão a igreja aos domingos.
Então vivemos em um país onde literalmente ser um homem canalha é algo completamente normal e bem aceito,basta observar a mídia e a cultura que ela prega,uma cultura de corrupção,estupro,traição,mau-caratismo e ladeira abaixo,tanto que tudo o que acontece é culpa da vítima,culpa da mulher o foco sempre está na figura feminina e ela tem que atravessar o inferno para conseguir o mínimo e seus direitos que são retidos e violados diariamente pelo judiciário e a sociedade no geral,o judiciário odeia mulheres e a maioria das mulheres que trabalham nesse meio são sexistas,conservadoras,moralistas e massacram vítimas de abusos e no final da tarde chama seu agressor para tomar um chá e falar mal de você,ouvidos tudo de pior e mais um pouco e não podemos revidar a altura porquê pobre não tem direito a nada e elas não hesitariam em colocar você na cadeia,é tudo ao contrário abusador corre livre vítima fica presa.
ALGO IMPORTANTE QUE SEMPRE RESSALTO,PESQUISEM SOBRE O CASO "LUCAS TERRA" e você verá que o que cito aqui ainda é o mínimo,aliás,não apenas pesquisem mas estudem a fundo e você vai perceber a desgraça que é o país em que vivemos.
Coisas que ouvimos de um sociedade doente e machista quando erguemos a nossa voz e vamos a luta e em busca dos nossos direitos:
Não superou o ex,louca,briguenta,mentirosa, manipuladora,quer chamar a atenção,etc.
Por que? Porque vivemos em uma cultura com raízes religiosas de SUBMISSÃO e tudo o que foge disso é condenado pelos dedos podres que vivem escondido atrás de uma bíblia e um falso moralismo,então automaticamente você será associada a esteriótipos desse tipo,pois na visão da sociedade e a classe judiciária você deve manter o silêncio e ser saco de pancadas alheio e jamais reagir,perdoar segundo os preceitos cristãos e depois tomar café da tarde com pessoas dos níveis mais baixos possíveis que são protegidas e aplaudidas por um bando de doente e uma religião que acolhe porcos que no off abusam de crianças,menores de idade,mulheres e fazem coisas que assustam até o Diabo que eles tanto falam mal.
Dizem que o Diabos é ruim é porquê vocês não viram o que esse crentes são capazes debaixo dos panos,eu vi coisas e vivi entre eles que se eu contar até o capeta fica com medo,raça de alienados,se você é mulher e diz que é cristã e deseja ser minha amiga ou fazer parte do meu convívio você terá que me provar que é diferente da maioria deles,caso contrário mantenha distância. É super comum entre eles abusar e aceitar abusos em nome de Deus e sim a culpa será da vítima e se você reagir contra seu abusador de forma mais agressiva pois de fato eles merecem tudo o que existe de pior na face da terra você será condenada pelo rebanho e pela sociedade em geral,o judiciário então nem se fala eles seguem os parâmetros cristãos então se você não estiver alinhada dentro dos costumes moralistas e conservadores no português claro você vai se fuder,eles defendem na cara dura algozes e diz que você deve ser boazinha com eles e viver com eles como se nada tivesse acontecido,você sabia que isso é abuso? Mas eles podem abusar,sabe porque? Porquê tem dinheiro e poder e qualquer coisa que você faça contra é jaula e apedrejamento.
Sabe eu queria ver essa juízas e juízes que defendem essas escórias se fossem abusados se eles agiriam da mesma forma que tratam uma vítima,eu tenho certeza que no mínimo ele mandariam matar o abusador por debaixo dos panos e não daria em nada porquê eles tem moral pra isso ou ao menos algo útil seria feito,mas se você é um mero mortal como eu e principalmente pobre vão cagar encima de você ouse bater de frente com eles você vai ficar "ficha suja" porquê é assim que funciona às coisas nesse lixo,onde um bando de parasita da mente doente acredita estar sã e acordado,mas estão dormindo e hipnotizados,são sujos e não se enxergam e ainda querem pregar para um e para outro e postar versículos,vocês não tem vergonha na cara? Antes de pregar ao mundo preguem a si mesmo serpentes hipócritas,vocês não seguem o que pregam, deturpam a palavra do Deus de vocês e envergonham o Deus de vocês,vocês estão longe de Deus e não há nada dentro de vocês além de podridão,fariseus.
Eu tinha livros de direitos,muitos deles caríssimos eu estudava essas bostas noite e dia vivi no meio dessas pessoas e da burguesia eu sei do que eu estou falando,vivi no meio dos religiosos também,eu peguei tanto nojo dessas pessoas do qual eu passo longe,atravesso a rua quando vejo e meus livros fiz questão de jogar fora e alguns botei fogo,eu jamais teria estômago pra trabalhar no meio de funcionários públicos e o meio judiciário,eu trabalhei com funcionários públicos no passado eu sei muito bem como eles são,o que eles fazem,a imagem que eles passam e no off não são nada do que dizem ser,não estou falando da classe de funcionários mais simples e sim do alto escalão,esses são os problemas e quando você perceber a merda que é tudo isso em que vivemos é graças a todas essas escalas citadas aqui,essas pessoas não tem alma,não tem Deus,não tem coração, não tem humildade,são cegas para si próprio e egoístas,nada é o que parece ser,eu prefiro varrer rua a que trabalhar no meio dessas escórias que diariamente massacram pessoas inocentes,derramam sangue inocente,cometem diversos tipos de injustiças e atrocidades e depois dizem "DEUS,PÁTRIA E FAMÍLIA!
Infelizmente,esse é o cenário e para tudo isso mudar apenas um milagre e milagres existem? Se eu ver um talvez eu passa acreditar nisso,mas nada nesse país e sociedade funciona é uma vergonha,é um lixo,uma desgraça,se você adoece mentalmente não se preocupe não é sua culpa,a culpa é desse sistema podre e dessas pessoas mais podres ainda que o compõem,não há sanidade que permaneça por muito tempo e se você surtar não se culpe suportar esse inferno e continuar sã é quase impossível!
Querem pregar raça de víboras? Preguem a vocês,vocês estão precisando se converter não aquele que vocês apontam o dedo,até uma prostituta está mais próximo de Deus do que vocês,raça podre.
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