#investing stocks
bitchesgetriches · 3 months
Want to learn how to invest?
Our beloved comrade, Dumpster Doggy aka Amanda Holden, is teaching an investing workshop starting THIS SUNDAY, FEB 4. Dumpster Doggy designed this workshop as your first step toward financial freedom, and it is perfect for beginners and those who just want to understand the reasoning and mechanics behind investing.
This workshop is for you if you:
Have debt — yes, you should consider investing even if you have debt now
Don't know where to start 
Want to be certain that your educational foundation is absolutely solid 
Understand that investing is the key to building wealth, and know that a paycheck alone is not wealth
Don't want to work forever
Want your money to start working for you
Know that you just need to get started—no matter how small the dollar amount! 
Know that education must be your foundation and that investing without knowledge is dangerous 
Have a workplace retirement account
Don't have a workplace retirement account
The course costs $15. We wouldn't recommend something paid like this if we didn't believe in it, so this endorsement does NOT come lightly. Amanda is one of our ride-or-dies, and she left Wall Street so she could teach investing through a feminist lens.
But if $15 is too rich for your blood, we are offering Amanda's course FOR FREE to our Patreon donors. Sign up at the $5 level or higher and it's yours ($15-$5=$10 SAVINGS HOLY CANNOLI). We'll have the information for Patreon donors up tomorrow.
Lastly, if you can't make it live, you'll still get a recording of the workshop. So don't worry if you're not available this Sunday. Ok here are those links again:
Investing for Freedom Workshop with Dumpster Doggy
Bitches Get Riches Patreon for free access to workshop
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captainwebgenesis · 6 months
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Only a Legitimate Expert Captain WebGenesis, an Expert in Crypto Assets Recovery, has the unique hacking abilities and expertise required to recover lost Bitcoin. While there are numerous recovery websites available, it is critical to exercise caution because the vast majority of them are run by scammers who attempt to appear authentic. As a result, it's advisable to look for a reputable Expert Captain WebGenesis who can assist you in recovering your funds. -
Texas, United States.
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schizofujoshi · 1 year
price of girl smell $GSML rises 230.8% after massive supply drops due to they put me in the bath. bank of the country changes advisory from PLAY OUTSIDE IN DIRT to DO NOT SHOWER
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lejel-labs-global · 4 months
Membongkar Teknologi Blockchain: Tulang Punggung Cryptocurrency
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Blockchain, sebuah inovasi revolusioner yang menjadi tulang punggung di balik dunia cryptocurrency, telah mengubah cara kita memandang sistem keuangan dan teknologi. Seiring dengan kemunculan Bitcoin pada tahun 2009 oleh seseorang atau sekelompok orang yang menggunakan nama samaran Satoshi Nakamoto, blockchain menjadi fondasi bagi berbagai mata uang digital dan aplikasi terdesentralisasi.
Apa Itu Blockchain?
Pada dasarnya, blockchain adalah ledger terdesentralisasi yang mencatat transaksi secara transparan dan aman. Ini adalah rangkaian blok yang saling terhubung, di mana setiap blok berisi serangkaian transaksi dan memiliki hash khusus yang merujuk pada blok sebelumnya. Dengan demikian, setiap informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam blockchain menjadi sulit diubah atau dimanipulasi.
Keamanan yang Diberikan oleh Blockchain
Salah satu fitur utama blockchain adalah keamanannya. Karena setiap blok terkait dengan blok sebelumnya melalui hash, mengubah satu blok akan membutuhkan perubahan pada seluruh rantai blok setelahnya. Ini membuat serangan terhadap integritas data menjadi sangat sulit dan melibatkan upaya yang sangat besar.
Blockchain juga menggunakan mekanisme konsensus untuk mengonfirmasi transaksi. Bitcoin, misalnya, menggunakan Proof of Work (PoW), di mana para penambang memecahkan masalah matematika yang rumit untuk menambahkan blok baru ke blockchain. Sistem ini memerlukan daya komputasi yang signifikan untuk melindungi jaringan dari serangan.
Desentralisasi dan Transparansi
Keunikan lain dari blockchain adalah desentralisasi. Tidak ada otoritas tunggal yang mengontrol atau memiliki kepemilikan penuh atas jaringan. Setiap node dalam jaringan memiliki salinan lengkap dari blockchain, dan setiap transaksi disahkan oleh konsensus kolektif. Hal ini menghilangkan kebutuhan akan pihak ketiga, seperti bank atau lembaga keuangan, dan mengurangi risiko manipulasi atau korupsi.
Transparansi juga menjadi kunci dalam blockchain. Semua transaksi dicatat secara terbuka dan dapat diakses oleh siapa saja. Ini memberikan tingkat kepercayaan yang tinggi di antara pengguna, karena setiap orang dapat memverifikasi transaksi dengan mudah.
Penerapan Luas di Luar Cryptocurrency
Meskipun blockchain pertama kali dikenal melalui cryptocurrency, teknologi ini telah menemukan penerapan luas di berbagai industri. Misalnya, banyak perusahaan menggunakan blockchain untuk melacak rantai pasokan secara real-time, memastikan keaslian produk, dan meningkatkan efisiensi operasional.
Selain itu, konsep tokenisasi, yang memungkinkan aset fisik direpresentasikan dalam bentuk token digital di blockchain, telah membuka pintu untuk inovasi di bidang properti, seni, dan keuangan tradisional.
Blockchain telah membuktikan dirinya sebagai tulang punggung cryptocurrency dan lebih dari sekadar inovasi teknologi. Ini membawa paradigma baru dalam keamanan, desentralisasi, dan transparansi. Meskipun masih dalam tahap pengembangan, potensi penggunaan blockchain di luar cryptocurrency terus berkembang, memberikan dampak signifikan pada cara kita berinteraksi dengan dunia digital dan fisik. Sebagai teknologi yang terus berkembang, blockchain menjanjikan perubahan lebih lanjut di masa depan, melampaui batas-batas yang kita kenal saat ini.
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shannnnanigans · 3 months
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eelhound · 1 year
"Let’s have a look now at stock tips.
There are many ways to be successful at stocks. For instance, you can be lucky, or you can cheat. Those are the two ways.
Lucky is difficult. Not impossible, but it does require some spells. You have to wear a small bag around your neck stuffed with thistle and rosemary, and burn the one thing in your life most precious to you. And even then, half the time you just end up with your sourdough turning out perfect, or getting Wordle in two, which if you think about it is actually much more impressive than getting it in one, you will say to everyone you know even though they extremely do not care. What I’m saying is it’s hard to aim luck.
So your best bet is to cheat. Fortunately, there are a TON of ways to cheat. For instance, you can do some corporate espionage, find out information before it hits the open market, and then invest accordingly. Or you can manipulate the markets, causing untold suffering and wiping out the entire economy for the sake of buying your third house. If history tells us anything, and I hope it doesn’t, you won’t ever get punished.
But the absolute best way to cheat, and doctors hate this one weird trick, is to join congress. Because there is no law against actively investing while in congress despite the fact that you will be constantly told secret information that will radically affect the markets. And you can just make a ton of money on that info without any consequences because who is going to pass a law against that? You? Don’t make me laugh. Please don’t make me laugh. It hurts so terribly when I laugh. Ow. Ouch. Oh man. I miss laughing. I miss it so much.
This has been stock tips."
- Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor, from Welcome to Night Vale, ep. 220.
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omnitheist27 · 2 months
The 40 - A good investment
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@the-ravenclaw-werewolf and @purplemochi20055
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin
I'm back again with another daily drabble of The 40. (Encouraging the completion of the final chapter of Main Character Syndrome (With Exceptions))
After going through some investments I made in Robinhood.com while trying to find a job, I decided to apply my woefully illiterate financial knowledge to the characters of The 40 by having an OC give them a challenge involving a loan of a ¥100 check.
The challenge? Use the ¥100 check and raise up to ¥100,000 in the stock trade by the end of the month.
Edward and Haruhi are woefully unknown to the Japanese stock trade, they are hitting up the books in the library regarding business and economics, and learning at a fast pace while simultaneously interested in the financial subjects. While Senku and Kobayashi started investing the ¥100 check into stocks.
To raise ¥100,000 in such a short time, the four members of The 40 traded like crazy. Many days went by as they loaded themselves with free caffeine to keep their eyes glued to the rise and fall of the stock trade, adding a certain level of stress.
To help ease things, Senku and Kobayashi both wrote their own computer programs using the library's computers that can track trends, analyze data, and automatically invest in something that would profit.
By the end of the month, the four of them managed to earn themselves good fortune that not only paying back the ¥100,000 and having a good amount of paper currency for themselves, but also gaining some great financial experience and literacy.
Speaking of money, I think it's a good time for me to start doing the "tipping" feature of Tumblr to earn some side income for my artwork.
Just click on the "tip" icon below for more of my drawings!
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sillyrebelcreator · 8 months
So recently I've found myself gaining an interest in the stock market. Anyone have any suggestions on investing for beginners or recommendations of youtubers who delve into this?
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kemetic-dreams · 3 months
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Call vs. Put Options
This guide will give you a complete rundown of call options and put options.
A call option is the right to buy a stock at a specific price by an expiration date, and a put option is the right to sell a stock at a specific price by an expiration date.
That's the short summary of these options contracts. Now, let's take a closer look at how call and put options work, as well as the risks involved with options trading.
How does a call option work?
A call option is a contract tied to a stock. You pay a fee, called a premium, for the contract. That gives you the right to buy the stock at a set price, known as the strike price, at any point until the contract's expiration date.
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You're not obligated to execute the option. If the price of the stock increases enough, then you can execute it or sell the contract itself for a profit. If it doesn't, then you can let the contract expire and only lose the premium you paid.
The breakeven point on a call option is the sum of the strike price and the premium. When you have a call option, you can calculate your profit or loss at any point by subtracting the current price from the breakeven point.
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As an example, let's say that you're bullish on Apple (AAPL -0.54%) and it's trading at $150 per share. You buy a call option with a strike price of $170 and an expiration date six months from now. The call option costs you a premium of $15 per share. Since options contracts cover 100 shares, the total cost would be $1,500.
The breakeven point would be $185 since that's the sum of the $170 strike price and the $15 premium. If Apple reaches a price of $195, your profit would be $10 per share, which is $1,000 total. If it only goes to $175, you'd have a loss of $10 per share. Your maximum potential loss would be the $1,500 you paid for the premium.
How does a put option work?
A put option is a contract tied to a stock. You pay a premium for the contract, giving you the right to sell the stock at the strike price. You're able to execute the contract at any point until its expiration date.
If the price of the stock decreases enough, then you can sell your put option for a profit. You're not obligated to execute the contract, so if the price of the asset doesn't drop enough, you can let the contract expire.
The breakeven point on a put option is the difference between the strike price and the premium. When you have a put option, you can calculate your profit or loss at any point by subtracting the breakeven point from the current price, or by using the calculator at the bottom of this page.
To give you an example, imagine Netflix (NFLX -0.51%) trades at $500 per share. You think it's overvalued, so you buy a put option with a strike price of $450 and an expiration date three months away. The premium costs $10 per share, which is a total price of $1,000 for the contract.
The breakeven point would be $440, the difference between the $450 strike price and the $10 premium. If Netflix plummets to $400, then you're up $40 per share ($4,000 total) on your put option. If it doesn't drop below $450 at all, then you'd only be able to let the option expire and eat the cost of the premium.
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Risks of call vs. put options
The risk of buying both call and put options is that they expire worthless because the stock doesn't reach the breakeven point. In that case, you lose the amount you paid for the premium.
It's also possible to sell call and put options, which means another party would pay you a premium for an options contract. Selling calls and puts is much riskier than buying them because it carries greater potential losses. If the stock price passes the breakeven point and the buyer executes the option, then you're responsible for fulfilling the contract. 
The benefit of buying options is that you know from the beginning the maximum amount you can lose. This makes options safer than other types of leveraged instruments such as futures contracts.
However, options can be riskier than simply buying and selling stocks because there's a greater possibility of coming away with nothing. When investing in stocks, you only need to predict whether the stock goes up or down. For options trading, you need to predict three things correctly:
The direction the stock will move.
The amount the stock will move.
The time period of the stock movement.
If you're wrong about any of those, then the options contract will be worthless. While there's the potential for greater returns with options, they're also harder to trade successfully.
Despite the challenge of successfully trading call and put options, they provide an opportunity to amplify your returns. That can make them a valuable addition to a balanced portfolio. For investors interested in options, there are also more advanced strategies that go beyond buying calls and puts.
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01deeplyjessica · 7 months
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A screenshot from a video 📊🍉 !!!
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One of the best and easiest way to train your intuition is to try to predict the market. Will it go up, down or f*cking sideways?
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bernardlepson · 20 days
US stock trading sharing
As long as you have any investment questions, you can ask me and I can help you solve any investment problems. My confidence comes from the recognition of my abilities
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zachniko · 2 months
Get $150 for signing up, if you want stocks, futures or crypto
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niveshquest24 · 3 months
What is an IPO?
An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is a financial process through which a private company transitions into a public company by offering its shares to the general public for the first time. This involves the issuance of new shares to investors, allowing the company to raise capital directly from the public. The IPO enables the company to access public markets and diversify its sources of funding. Additionally, it provides existing private shareholders the opportunity to sell their shares to the public, allowing them to realize the value of their investments and potentially trade their shares on stock exchanges. Overall, an IPO is a significant milestone for a company, facilitating increased visibility, liquidity, and financial resources.
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lejel-labs-global · 5 months
Cryptocurrency di Dunia Nyata: Perkembangan Adopsi dan Tantangan yang Dihadapi
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Cryptocurrency, sebuah revolusi keuangan digital yang diawali dengan peluncuran Bitcoin pada tahun 2009, telah menjadi subjek pembicaraan yang hangat dan kontroversial di seluruh dunia. Sejak saat itu, ribuan mata uang kripto lainnya muncul, menciptakan ekosistem yang terus berkembang dengan cepat. Artikel ini akan mengeksplorasi perkembangan adopsi cryptocurrency di dunia nyata, serta tantangan yang harus diatasi dalam menghadapi penerimaan yang lebih luas.
I. Adopsi Cryptocurrency: Realitas Saat Ini
Seiring berjalannya waktu, adopsi cryptocurrency telah melampaui batas-batas eksperimen dan spekulasi. Banyak perusahaan besar mulai menerima pembayaran dalam bentuk mata uang kripto, memberikan legitimasi kepada teknologi blockchain di mata masyarakat. Selain itu, beberapa negara bahkan mengambil langkah-langkah proaktif untuk mengatur dan meresmikan penggunaan cryptocurrency dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.
1. Perusahaan dan Toko yang Menerima Cryptocurrency
Perusahaan besar seperti Tesla, Microsoft, dan Shopify telah memperkenalkan opsi pembayaran menggunakan cryptocurrency. Ini menciptakan landasan bagi penerimaan lebih lanjut dan memotivasi pengguna untuk mengadopsi mata uang kripto sebagai bentuk pembayaran yang sah.
2. Negara-negara Pro-Cryptocurrency
Beberapa negara, seperti El Salvador, telah menjadikan Bitcoin sebagai mata uang resmi, membuka jalan bagi penggunaan mata uang kripto dalam berbagai transaksi sehari-hari. Pilihan ini menciptakan pro dan kontra, menggambarkan polarisasi opini terkait keberlanjutan dan keamanan mata uang digital.
II. Tantangan dalam Adopsi Cryptocurrency
Meskipun ada progres yang signifikan, tantangan-tantangan tertentu masih menghalangi adopsi cryptocurrency secara luas.
1. Volatilitas Harga
Salah satu tantangan utama yang dihadapi pengguna dan pedagang adalah volatilitas harga mata uang kripto. Harga yang fluktuatif dapat membuat pengguna enggan menggunakan cryptocurrency dalam transaksi sehari-hari karena ketidakpastian nilai transaksi.
2. Regulasi dan Keamanan
Tingkat regulasi yang berbeda-beda di berbagai negara menciptakan ketidakpastian hukum terkait penggunaan cryptocurrency. Selain itu, isu keamanan terus menjadi keprihatinan, dengan seringnya insiden peretasan dan kehilangan dana pengguna.
3. Penerimaan Masyarakat
Beberapa orang masih ragu untuk mengadopsi cryptocurrency karena kurangnya pemahaman yang memadai tentang teknologi ini. Pendidikan publik yang kurang dapat menjadi kendala utama dalam mendorong adopsi cryptocurrency.
III. Masa Depan Adopsi Cryptocurrency
Meskipun tantangan tersebut ada, perkembangan dalam ruang cryptocurrency terus berlanjut. Potensi untuk mengubah cara kita berinteraksi dengan keuangan dan teknologi semakin besar. Dengan upaya yang berkelanjutan untuk mengatasi volatilitas harga, meningkatkan regulasi, dan meningkatkan kesadaran publik, masa depan adopsi cryptocurrency tampak cerah.
1. Inovasi Teknologi
Pertumbuhan terus-menerus dalam teknologi blockchain, yang mendasari mata uang kripto, dapat membuka pintu bagi solusi yang lebih aman dan efisien. Inovasi ini akan membantu mengatasi beberapa tantangan utama yang dihadapi oleh mata uang kripto saat ini.
2. Peningkatan Pendidikan Publik
Peningkatan pendidikan publik tentang cara kerja cryptocurrency dan manfaatnya dapat membantu mengatasi ketidakpastian dan ketidakpercayaan yang masih ada di masyarakat. Inisiatif ini dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintah, lembaga pendidikan, dan industri.
3. Regulasi yang Bijak
Langkah-langkah yang bijak dalam merancang regulasi yang sesuai dapat memberikan landasan hukum yang kokoh bagi adopsi cryptocurrency. Dengan regulasi yang baik, konsumen dan perusahaan dapat merasa lebih nyaman menggunakan mata uang kripto dalam transaksi mereka.
Cryptocurrency telah bergerak melewati fase eksperimen dan menjadi bagian integral dari sistem keuangan global. Meskipun ada tantangan yang perlu diatasi, adopsi cryptocurrency di dunia nyata terus berkembang. Dengan inovasi teknologi, pendidikan publik yang lebih baik, dan regulasi yang bijak, mata uang kripto memiliki potensi untuk mengubah cara kita berinteraksi dengan keuangan dan teknologi dalam waktu yang akan datang.
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Being a responsible student and looking @ the stock market during class
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